Hi-Technext Infosoft & E-services Pvt. Ltd- Web Design and Development Company in Kolkata

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Transcript of Hi-Technext Infosoft & E-services Pvt. Ltd- Web Design and Development Company in Kolkata

  • 8/10/2019 Hi-Technext Infosoft & E-services Pvt. Ltd- Web Design and Development Company in Kolkata


    Welcome toHi-Technext Infosoft &

    E-services Pvt. LtdHi-Technext Infosoft & E-services Pvt. Ltd is a WebDevelopment, obile !pps Development and Web

    Desi"n #ompan$ in %olata provides 'ith all indsof 'eb sol(tions and app development services.We provide )nline Di"ital aretin" services.

  • 8/10/2019 Hi-Technext Infosoft & E-services Pvt. Ltd- Web Design and Development Company in Kolkata


    Our Services

    Web Desi"n and DevelopmentWeb Hostin"

    obile !pps Development

    )nline Di"ital aretin" *ervice + *E)

  • 8/10/2019 Hi-Technext Infosoft & E-services Pvt. Ltd- Web Design and Development Company in Kolkata


    Web Desin !nd


    Hi-Technext Infosoft & E-services Pvt. Ltd is one of theleaders in 'ebsite desi"nin" companies sit(ated inWest en"al. We are mostl$ seen as an inventive

    'ebsite development in India and for other servicess(ch as, 'eb desi"n and development, open so(rcedevelopment, #* development, android appsdevelopment, e-commerce site development, soft'aredevelopment, "raphic desi"n, social apps desi"n.

  • 8/10/2019 Hi-Technext Infosoft & E-services Pvt. Ltd- Web Design and Development Company in Kolkata


    Web Hostin

    The bacbone of a 'ebsite is called domain 'hichprovides a de/nite amo(nt of space for thatpartic(lar 'ebsite over the internet service. To have$o(r 'ebsite, one needs to pa$ a small amo(nt to

    have a domain (nder their name. The examples ofdomain names are .com, .co, .in, etc. are those 'hichare classi/ed accordin" to their speci/cations. Theprices of the domains are also accordin" to theirclassi/cation and the domains need to be rene'ed

    from time to time.

  • 8/10/2019 Hi-Technext Infosoft & E-services Pvt. Ltd- Web Design and Development Company in Kolkata


    #obile $""s Develo"ment

    obile apps soft'are (p"raded for (sin" on latest devicespo'ered b$ 0oo"le1s !ndriod platform. !t present time!ndroid apps is a ver$ comprehensive soft'are stac of mobiledevices, especiall$ (sin" in to(ch screen feat(red smartphoneind(stries. It incl(des a hi"hl$ sensitive operative s$stem,middle'are and certain e$ application. The rich so(rce ofsoft'are application b(nch is 'idel$ (tili2ed in di3erent obileTechnolo"$ b$ 'a$ of its innovation mod(le of The !ndroid!pps Development and !ndriod *oft'are Development %it.

  • 8/10/2019 Hi-Technext Infosoft & E-services Pvt. Ltd- Web Design and Development Company in Kolkata


    Online Diit!l #!r%etin

    Service SEO '

    *earch En"ine aretin" is commonl$ no'n as *E.It is a form of the process of internet maretin" 'hichinvolves the brandin" and promotion of di3erent

    'ebsites b$ increasin" the visibilit$ of thecorrespondin" 'ebpa"es in the search en"ine + Lie0oo"le res(lts pa"es. This is "enerall$ done b$advertisin" and optimi2ation proced(res.

  • 8/10/2019 Hi-Technext Infosoft & E-services Pvt. Ltd- Web Design and Development Company in Kolkata


    Soci!l #edi! O"timi(!tion

    *ocial media optimi2ation is also no'n as *). It is the (se of an(mber of social media 'ebsites for "eneration of the a'arenessof an$ prod(ct, event or a brand. There man$ t$pes of socialedias involved in the internet. *ome social net'orin" site s(chas 4aceboo, )r(t, T'itter, 0oo"le Pl(s, etc. and some moreblo""in" and video 'ebsites. In a 'a$, search en"ine optimi2ationor *E) is 5(ite similar to the *). The$ both are intended for"eneratin" and processin" the tra6c for a 'ebsite as 'ell as for

    maretin" and a'areness prod(ction.

  • 8/10/2019 Hi-Technext Infosoft & E-services Pvt. Ltd- Web Design and Development Company in Kolkata


    E)P Solution

    E7P sol(tion is inte"rated soft'are of b(siness process.*ometimes (tili2in" some common databases handled b$database mana"ement s$stem or database mana"ement

    soft'are. E7P s$stem "ives a comprehensive sol(tion foroverall b(siness activities8 it tracs the b(siness reso(rcess(ch as, inventor$, sales and maretin", pa$roll, costestimation, prod(ct plannin", and p(rchase orders and so on.It helps a b(siness to f(nction properl$ and mana"e the

    connections to o(tside staeholders.

  • 8/10/2019 Hi-Technext Infosoft & E-services Pvt. Ltd- Web Design and Development Company in Kolkata


    E- *ommerce WebsiteDevelo"ment

    )(r e-commerce 'eb desi"nin" and development is one of the leadin"services, o3erin" b(siness in India 'ith a hi"hl$ silled professional 'ebbase pict(res, online b(siness, and o(tstandin" shoppin" cart sol(tion. Weare 'ell-e5(ipped 'ebsite desi"nin", 'ebsite development and soft'areDevelopment #ompan$ possessed co(ple of $ears of experience in the IT/eld. )(r hi"hl$ silled, trained and talented professionals are prepared toassist $o(r b(siness in /ndin" a c(stom sol(tion for overall e-commerce'ebsite needs. We are hard'orin" eno("h to b(ild and develop c(stomsol(tion 'hich is best for $o(r speci/c b(siness. )(r e-commerce 'ebsitesare "enerall$ made to accomplish and "ives o(tcome 'hich lead to as(ccessf(l e-commerce 'ebsite that 'ill s(rel$ meet $o(r ret(rn oninvestment.

  • 8/10/2019 Hi-Technext Infosoft & E-services Pvt. Ltd- Web Design and Development Company in Kolkata


    *ont!ct +sHe!d O,ce9

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