HI 21/Saratoga Springs NY Saratogia… · B*w yeast, it is well to wash out the jug in order to...

F*5=S~- ":..::. •_.::... , -,%% .^itst PHHBH '••:ra:;? ,f *^'^"*#jP s t -^~ T J : 3fe' jfeJH-^H INC *• ase**, s**J J^ ^(fWl*** WT hr o Be*. •tf*vr who of the itou aisawhad I t ft I.) w i l l i •re freshened to, water The ©^V Illi -«fx k.ji SOAJJ rpodoou w •Mil tkeMifW diet MrWWSibY'i AaV NH This e«liMM jiMJHMtoB^ltM •Wot** by T t a M R l B E e f t i r - mnraBM wilt MpeuraAe boAios in soinUdu fYfjsV ID » l«Ae»#e| 1M I , bekarnd. The proeeas U oalled i and the anpwaAw for effecting ia, a diaiyter. It it of service in ekeajMaaoi ft rcBca r>.J 19 M B'«8. FARMERS. 4 * * , \M€MW€0. OliBtOakl •"TV f HI tcyt * *A* * IWIMMINOa, '—— IWRNAMIR* «HH»#T LltO.—WsjrrosUo ... tmrm »HATK OF Ut« tloLodlMea T«n»*«»» '.' V t* '.JV. «»•».* 0*1 In Ik* trade HH E tar •ww.xi.agp # ^ ^ « ! « , l » f l»t(.1, **• *> ' •**. eky >•£*>' J"* 1 l*< CHEN will IV*4 U ffl •i iai»«i i* eiastiee »»ease* BURSTS; ! * > * : rTWWaw*i •**i',' A*P tfciJN rfl" .«! in 1 Am iStVti .Uvl s.«s l> J •the* ,4f|#W=.~r- ,«* 4 A ,J%*- T ^ " M IllUt JV ,0:. lit * » i % jf"*Tt "jrr-rr.j'- ,«'( LINEN A**D CffnWKl QHEETINfifi, Pillow ci KJ taia T»w»K N«pklBe,TaWe~! '.•"K HM1 i their I ready made < systica, ta tl sjtWett :il . JIVIT wwe •••V Or NEW YORK, ISCORPORATMU ltU. CAPITAL,.. (rAtt ur). , | U M M . A VEEX. LARGE Stoofc. aad «a low XA. •• <-tu he k>unil iu Troy ur AlbaMr >{a»'*^«^r i U.!.^"V AMDRKW J. »»UTH,8«. W. P. PALMRR.PrW ra a p^ ^ l|Kt% BNAift^UIR 'j A French oootributor, A. Valliet, HadiaoB Co., 111., sends the following recipe to die American AgijmltoflEf, wMohwe traasUte; "Cook a hurttW of bona in a half galldn of water, until it ia rednoed to aba* half, paaa the liquid throned a sieve aau^ tyir^ i|,whUe hot upon eosngh flour to make a thick por- "dgfi.^Bt When nearly cool, add a pint BWlft* or other yeast, and set the P'j£| <*•$% & f** , »Tr C A.S. DK MtYSTKR. Pre. UHKKMPbAHauM.Viae Put JAMJU* H.HKJtNJCV,8o«. . . o/bre veaael in a warm pi Tbia yeaat will be &££. (f*n it. awout 12 hofja. It ahould be put into a well cloaod jag and kept in the cellar In uaitg it, a pint ahould be kept with whieh to atakav* new f^RttitT when seeded. Ta mSflrV b r e a d ? « k V M r t j t of tbia yeaat to 10 lbs of Hour, and witlfr water and aah m .kc a stiff dough w*idh' " W W M A l t ' i i * . anoul«i be well kneaded oa a moulding *«r»u»««a»H»«^Aorii. iaea. OIL CI ATBHAN.Pm. CAPlTAtW-. (PAID OP) DJ|«WBTT, tea. MM. WA;^.,.., V LAWMJR riHfcTLlJmANdSJ (OH OP NEW YORK, t APITA1 ,. (PA«i»v»)..tW«.«MU ISAAC K ST JOHN,S«w KDW ARD ANTHON.Pren RELIEf HRE INSUiUKCB €0.. N«>. 8 W A M , | t H JlJEWf IOUH. CASH CAPITAL $ SOU OOO.j [j^P'AJI LrfM*eapruaipUya(]}iMUul For lnmir»nc* •Kltlaai l ^ w h y Kfr^vn DIOBJ klpd>-ol property,»|>- »IJ to.iN eiliaer^tf, who :• dWy »un„.nz.-u iur«- oelT* proptMwil* »uj iuMi* I'oMN^m. All the above aouipsnya have largu nurplua—unl are UIHUIIK Die board. Let it remain Hi or 12 hoars (in a warm place in winter) or uutil jti« well raiaod. Tfeew tek«- pieces of the dough of the size of nn egg. and, roll into kdaooita and place thom in a pin so close that they wifl touch on>j another , let t«hem remain to taUe anotrter hour and then place t h e f c V &* V eQ - ^ tIie8e oonditiona ace uhoaxwi with good flour, yoo, will have light and spongy bread, sud Mm sour even when it has raised little too much. If the flour is not good, still good bread may be made by using milk instead of water, la making B*w yeast, it is well to wash out the jug in order to avoid sourness, ff- pre- ferred, the bread may be made into larger lojWes." LIOHT BISCUIT.—Contributed U. the American AgrlcuLuriu by "J|. S.," York Co.. Me Boil and then peel li potatoes, mash line, ado l-'2 cup of flour,. mix well, then pour on 3 cups boiling water, keep it as warm as Dew milk or •howl M degrees. torisJS hoars it will keep good severed days. This prepara- tion we will call No. I. No 2 is made by putting 1 cup of buttermilk or sour milk, 1-2 teeepooefu! eaob of sugar, aud •alt, and 1-ii cup of No. 1 into a bowl aud letting it Maud DJIC ^ui^ht, or 12 hours before it is uSfofiT.' \}Q the »«ne evetiiDg that No. 2 i-. tit-ui<i prepare No. 8 thus kHxt into a quart bowj rt tuble- spuuDtuls nrw nulk, ;i pu,xe of butter as large as a wnluiu, •> utbUspoonfnlx of flour, and taU^sp.^nfuls of No. 1 - Let tVtrt slan.J where it will bo hardly iukewarm until the next morning. When the biscuit aro to be made, stir No**. 2 acl '{ together, add ftanr enongh l<. make a very stiff batter, then < ir in om. uven O IL CLOTHS from on* t o ' * * yds fjMa, raaiKh) JOHN WAIT 4 SOrV.Boni- bci lei <dM Cuunuy FArtttt iiANfimca. GEVERAL TH0U8ANOT0XK. t J juai receivoa anJ lor aale cheap, *' T ADIES* & GEitS'Tilrreir Coflirs S~J IH eiulk'HH Viirifi v, elHn Clofe* anil llen'trval all l^uitla, •ealSrthfa^eirY i aj H . Mar iiofe" ami \> IN61 Saratoga! Saratoga (U! V I l'«C T H K N K U S U B S T I T U T E K«(l< .AVI 1 Vf com* Af; / Fire Insurance Airency. UOCKWELL FUTNAIU, Affenldl iVo. 110 Broadway, Sn<atoe,n Springs, HOMK INSLRANCK CoMPANV— NKW VwfiJa. Cupllal audSorplua .SV,UU7,0ttv JtTNA INSURANCE CO—GP IlARTi'OftiX COrW. Capital $1^00*00. WHITE & MOORE'S ORIGINAL WALT COFFEE, TtiAwtriy OlaJWUisje BitinwrsMv- lMrr«) Mi Hie ITnlt««1 Sttttwet, PHUCNIX I'VSl'RANCt; COr-H AJtTPi>RI>Jj CONN Capital . *VU(MM> / MT. . Ial-«*i>« i *af»"«--*»i #*» £ii;«»! ..•Ml !/, l soMsjiaW>ia» > < a f^UHEi; AUIOtDS. WALJflJTS. ^J?kaB$, WCKIdtS. QXTSQNa TOltEt AND LAlWlUKjflOjA; - KW<*F0IW'8^Wt!ft rSallval for' [Or-All I. Ikei t box, ere !t^A S lilt I I*! > on w*W- -w? *s^- . **-- •• wj OF LIFE. r*9 »fl!H 1» Y :• '1MJ IHE MORNING LIGHT ! P1UN€E OF BABB- B&FiSlNO BlTWQCTTjB.jnsAVjflBRSP V* - EKflsHmtj^ll CHOICE STAKDABJ) KEl I'irre MUl lr« tn>m cxl'-r A l«rfr and' l CROCKERY, ciiEtii^ noil^M » 0LA8S..WAWR, LAMPS, (.HIMNEYSr T r tUfirt. aw OefflpaWag I jtio* AWilr I • tn ttian Priwet • • l o w • • itriLotaJ urines, Jsiiunr ia a n'^aWallr ' •a* *J*IV r*;* ROCKWELL PUTNAM Sarato^k Sp/i.'^a, Ja^ >', 1*H 1>I2.& ftusUOsTB Ifflrarance Agency, Thcnuoaenbar laacant lor tne f o l l o w i n g c o o p u i e i WRSTERN MASS., (Pitiefli-IJ, Max ) I Caplial tlMHOeO. Surplaa t/«i,4'.'4. SPRIAJUriKLD (MASS.) IT. A U . CO. f '«:''u.i $MO,OOO. 8nrpiuB %&:.H>.I MASSASOIT CO,, (Spjlnelisld, MM* J AwU SJSMS*. %* ... i HARTKR OAK, (Ha»t*,rd. ( onn.a Capital tUBSaSLj Ftn.TON CO. (New York Cliy.) Capj-aJ »AW,O00.f lioME INSLRANCK, (New HaTcu,C C nn> Capital Sa00,0S0. i ITY KIKE. (!(«w Haven, Conn.) p ap,i« $-200,0011. Surplne. . ..$J;«/«!v LOKILLAMO (Sr-.T ^ .r'.. I ;•,•.•> Capital |-')00,«n>. A«»ui l-'OBC NAI.SC Ml A I - 1 . CiaWSQCKaWl ,-IK THK Kl«ITKJB)^rrSa , rKW AMIS CAWAnASl. WTiite A&iBKoore^ f !rOS.;«, N,I|W, tV.lt JDillilBUSIee A 125e|127e , J2# J Jktltl HBDSwfl HL, tt la SJM moat powerful heater, the moat aoooomt * " Mat eAalL »t conven font coil Soit- moat free from gaa IDS MOT* In the market eat.thewreet durable, the moat tfHy qtaa*s*d, Vbe-a - - tfio most oonvenloet coal a**»-» <•• In the marl ia a down draf ioea. thereby | Mi be produc atom. It baa a down draft, and tlbatoea. tliereby prftdiM _ _ tbaa. can be produced In any other base barnlng a tall double bsM divided wllhataea. thereliy BrednolajaAiolSuadlalaar.aaHaK 'her 1 The eotiatruction of the stove Is •neb. _ aap beapntrolled and dlaJV)baled/wftb the (rreaVsl, ' •ooatractlon of the stove Is ineh that the hear . aapibeajmtroHed and dJa/WbSied/w)th the (rreaUat esa%aAd the largeaj, smosjnt dr boat, poaefule/ob> dWftAaav UM, MmedOMmat o i e e e l . f ; . . ' I l t a f i M l n / (wnOfW/faw d r ^ / ^ l t l K a per/aM(«<r . ' sesjMVi trTrongb wbtoh the «a» eeeapea et «u UBM* * all etronmatencea, knS »o feas' ean tml •** aader emitted Into tbe room 1% sale by HnnatocA keepi oa hand ibe eareArateW ItuWULCOaf. IICAD^IAAfllAwHS •. CEOC^a^l CKUfA, O - 31* wm. a * t » fflV jm.Xt.BI. A large sad oofitttlete twsortmout, for Sale at less than Albany prices, by jr. &mmmrM?n lffA.M»OAJ>«Ajr.a.-;i K : -^;r. -, families.aod those oontompUtingfioosev keeping are invited call and examineVv Saraiofa Surlnga, laanai) IM4. itreetilt <>f iiam>li>l.isaiei «w»« " "-^ tefooro, Irre- I and «ora-oataMteiDa. line bee beea)4eak*Ayby the i of the let, esatrij tbeiu pro- be treelasiaieOkel >i -ooverlee rill on re | Win ny. . ouree Hyeterloj In leinalea. "'aiDlMiall ol (he Ueaft. oaeTo tbree bottfea reatorew the JSjjaa> , tvfajKr of yoath. - t Ai»W *•*•» reaioree the appetite. •Three eWtt)e.c,r &v tb A r o.,eeo» ottaejmjr, A few deiea enrea the low-aplirlted. •a betile nwu.rna mental power. faWJeiM brl n« the roeelotbe oheek. Mne resume to manly rlg-or and •ner vated jreath, the oW-Uaked »IP—J|^ ^ J 1 **>«, ^'T^ F *At !WJ •mi an County i elainw SJ luwnel ..» rr—hed i# *ouckera tkerojalji lioua* < ^jaTei.'-Vt aai'.'si U; ' |fe< - - adayA)* *'*"*'"• AT*"" '^P'* 7 \^j N )BjliK?jr^itm«a»»_ la^ssrettaa JMatof bSMaSeka, ime leOtviweaw i Imraedlaie aa4 i Kllstror 1 ere th triri'tkeleat WaUaaAt victiai i neiieni rtltat bjr the nee of tela beaUawfw st.&Ad reeelpt of moaey, to any forWatrded . ._ , , *«!a?iueUeaatbyirMHrr«%or 1 fA«W«%rr *"* £.;£>** "*•"• »» M^rwtn Jfc C o . . We.es USOJtTY Street, Wew York. CHESVOkEr CURE! alalaaai lata of ee WlllH exeeii^ Aamk. la aald Urwii er V^arrMr«Sa ur Meet *B» I A»y er h s e , lSta, t>eted Dee. tat, ISM. Tr% SARAR VANDKJJIIUtaaU.RMat V IMPORTANT ="•% m aataja tMi "•at o f f ARC tRlStrjaHU.! .,$rno,eoo. sKCCRITY'. f\>w \y>ik CHy.l c.piiiii.. . aeaajMio. SHi>lJK>N CI.ARh. Arrnt ConiiPclM'ttt MiUual [,ifc InsurdJirc or UARTPtiwit Aetjilrrsj Capital ovf r $6',wOO,4N»0. V >;. f| f / .•*• tBJTKJLWA*' S OJT, a ; w hoU'tmif Vfct«'«"t». SARATOGA SPRINGS Hrns) !• ysnr Order*. T»:*rriitioiviAL*. ne ctnei'tio orm and bake 'in minutes, i TiriTrira1^/BA^v J !^21a,T l ^ u,N '! aa; - +• i> s.WDLAM.sinr -i» .. . I " l * lalF-C llwUHArwCK t <>MPANV htvt iiMrl loo- «i » a. ect Bour, ever, if ,t ;>< 0 ot | ass.i.sow nouIawR! ( ••»*•*> »•» wi ,, n,,,, „„„„ .,„„ ln , M , vWn) hi- <WJBBW in my m m lirmae, and reeimimenil yliiifKly. I ilnnk )oii(ln ro lie a j\»dB», h»v. I lie Lll« , TU* b''*m in ilic irnrf-^ry Imairtea* flfl*«n yeara. Klna;,N. V. nil it Itoe moat JWaVVairy. spoon fill I of fine salrratus mixed in dry _ , «our. When woll mforpr rated knead T»K t.'ONNECTfn'T MITITAL has l w l into smooth doujrl., but not too stiff roll c t ^ y ^ M w!r, u *"""" '' ,,e """""^ ' " T,ry ' newt, cut nto form and buk «e biscuit wi if made by swec _ of the very first j.|ualjtv le* B k l t i ^ V a*Q o"iTNa«t a^ sf-r. ! __ j _V^ 1 . >_ l\iNlvr\tKBOUr\tR * T '"" mo " I , °l" ,l » r "nl*tlliiie lor the Kaat Indln -T ~ T b.-rry. PKittHt'lyhiH Su.iutut/ '/'ran*rript. TV) PREVENT "CnarrRD HANDS." — T h e I •_» • _ " •Jr-__«»»«_a«,-a.^_ are_._««»^ I ' Vu <» eoBoejIrea very eieeUeetaaUereeUo*, and I writer was formerly mugpgablso with * , U e A-MHranCC COHl J I , ».».>.„ to Ji^a;,X« T osT»5wB^t^.w--. It la hating a as to constantly feel uncomfortable— Jotterly, 1 have been entirely bow from ; i large aaanrtmeotof f ARUJR andCOOKatovea, and all kind, of HART5wVHatia»W,OrtPPlWi ."ItW, SHKET IRON ftDd WOODKV WARK. »e., * e ., eom- prlsltiK the lurgeet aneortment tbia aide of Tr oy. 47 Ottental. An *mrnt from a Ohureh, Glen Ctrt, LI 11 I aliouhl par- li..4thurlJtone leatere in ihta atora more mbalrajble than an- other, ft la iNVItlDS; \aaSjBB^naaa«a»rV^ It Is wall ui own to the Medical Fr^s>s|oa tiii ii. U TRRRV, llariford. Conn "EW T«MC«. CAPITAL 100,000DOLLAM. I I J . 'nl-n h r*i"r>"" -,'t.le tr. tit 'bl- i o) oanv. at a« low raUta am any f<> ii.»Wwin)l late elty car alaiwHase LaCLAltD. Asjesu. this source of trouble, and, exoef* when I poLHMKS from S>100 to $10 000 ohligad to handle frozen subataoaes, I i 1 no more think of wearing gloves or mit. tens on my baada, than I <J7» m evrsjtfQg my face This good result I aUrikjuto | r KWJAHLL, *-r*er« * - - « «.- wh<illy to a hint give* s»'my ^J**W I mKTunHtmr** tortL. AgnutiuTi.si a few yeara ago, whioo I •---•• ^r woutd rrko to irrvrr rv']tated for thr' ^l%^w^aHaaaa*l* benefit of others. It was in effect as , loTa*^aw|saBsMD»>l> follows The cuticle or scarf rkin is designed as a handprotoeiifo ^overkig, and when sound, it serves this purpose admirably. Pure water does Wot effect the cuticle , but add a little soap or other akkali to the water, and it at «tej>atmeeV the cuticle and will in a short time dissolve it off. I no* ovojtd thOrUse of seem as much as possible, Tjsing a bTush to removejaoet kinds of soiling. When soap is 4 p > t * t e l y Y*er»ir«W to femeve grwhaw m ATTRACTIONS leral aale in I hie city, and la feat roaring Into gwe&rel oae._ Troy Daily Vtiu%. . Weadvlae ail liitiwekoenen m try H—Alhanp Al- tai 4 Argut. The eoflke eella bwyooal on r espeetationa, an d frlvea tli" l>r«t of •ataaaaiiiiow. HAL1.ADAY at ROGERS, Cincinnati,phlo. 1' ataajy Mowk> who have need the article prefer II to •beeaai 1 * Ur%.»—Platmmrgh Htpvlilittm. Voor coffee la unrveraaaly HkedVjT ray ewatoaaera, I lt«v% never 1»eaSj| »ne ooraalala. T>. J. MCCARTHY, Philadelphia. Aa a eaaaSllate for eortee It la aaperior to aaythlng auv i«ag AJttmms ArVeMIMf J»mmml f trnwit grvae aw gutag aajilaaVJlaJB aw t h a t fQI WllkT-b I * M pay I as forte Oaata. , PiuaarUtea • . Meaat, WSWark, W. A It I* alKint the beat anhalltate to be hmA.—The JVatr Yurkrr. The enaVe »lvea eiceAfceataMlaS>eflea. . \ (JJ AT oily" or gf^hoi matters, I keep it on the hands as little tsaamfJattw>y>r, •uet gj.se. off the last vestige thoroughly, leaving none to corrode and creek the outer skin Generally. I dip the bauds ia water in which a few drops of Tiuasjer beve been poured ."iTJIs nculnuTaes the " sJlmli of the soap. ^ Wwe does 4m same on washing day/fjkejm teimnaie mmrt he put into soap sejoTs. 7, Tarmerlj ap- e e d viaaajtar to UstOtwAI ateeS OwOwlfjg, t now as* a little nltowg Cniasmi walsi, or ooamoa whisAo,/^hls%4i5We* tire alkali, aad keepf •otfad^daswbeft the lather. JTAUWBR jr^ji - a*i»A-H*»*.^R« [S. B. BOSUwELL'S, Auothcr I^arge Invoiee of DRY GOODS JUST OPBNEP- Beautiful Ftylrs of DRESSJOODl- Perfeet Gsms in * S# WMMMMw ThefAayjato^koMiflwer . | HlJcVa TH.flSrVJrT; New fUOw. CowS It raskea a decidedly aatpabU aeamtfaa for real JamaoiVa. JJSja. flaaUa'i Heew OeeeMa. Fviry«ewyta«arlg*Mw1thyaisvak^ «^*ek ttaaoavof taegi ' * "*- J '**" ~" r'lahlatere, laat 81P8RI0R Heatef! The volume of heai hi ; Mt-rmty large for the [INT pf OMt A UjaajOpfc.vir.OTjsr, ThJaWderi. . «hleB)rfrt)i food wa eat i at if the food ii OS* gavper l iraated, or Iffrm any o»«»r trt tr the neoeamry qaanttty of Iron la oai takes laU ' e otreajatloa, or btcomt reduc*4,4tm vrOeO 'a>itei. -^B*M. The Dad blood will irritate the heart, will g ap the lanej, will atapefy the braiaywtH atejlll ' t ' l i t e r , sSalWlU laSaTmeiaaaae^oausmtslaajaaai HI all aaartserwM aratem, eaet avere DM e/jtt| mfftr . hamtr argnw. It It only ataoe the discovery of •">•• ralaahle com- HaatloB AEOWB aa J/BBtrtaiat -1 aUE.tbat the great power of this VITAL1ZK. AQEWT over dtoeasa haa-beep tjroaaht to ttsOtv m mm sim" it a FBOTECtED Aelsieu OfOA l H rrbxiO^M IBOK, a ' JtVar MHm4mrmM^3 ltet '*^t9f* tUH STRIKES ATnTjAJaaODTXir J IS] the tewa el Hairmem, in aajjf eoaau^^aaaajaat.tawt they are reenired to preeea* ije aaeje. Vad8«Jaigea«s> . voaekere tbereef, to l i e anaaral|naaL eaeaaier at'The law will and laaOanaTofiaaatl*wsiiKaA-kae OOHO faf aeaea la aaid tews let day el Jane, 18SS. A j \f ^SL. KXBIClJVaB. N OTIOE ^<»w*3 r o«*Hfiro»4 vsawj*aaaaaer aa>>aa- aajajiB, ejajpi_- xw am to aa order et tkw. SaBrTeaBHe af SaaaasajB ooaoty, aotlee ia haaaHtSfreW eft clalma aaaiaat the aetata o f J of trSaTtowWftraMahfca < dn.#Y tf^^% pjaWA f*~+ late < that they are i l o T t e y T a t h M v ^ n f asraaete fmssski ef aaatta* on or before r ""*"" " *" — ~ v- N OnCRTO'0 ia herOy a*rOi,i eona having B6TTI, ithel •f^W^aSfq, ^mbutST'lRafcaf duSR]r« . - path of a 0 ^ This •edUiaetaaeitnple & jSwT. ity iCMDB. TrembUag. aVeAeSalneaa, Inrptloaa on the f a o v n t e cowsmaaDee, tneanlty, Oonaamp- tIon, anil an*un> dlsefai eomplaliiU eaased bjr de- froaa the path of nature. rle vegetable eatraat, , aa It baa been need tion, at partingf rop^T undone en whtel all can rely, aa It'baa _ ta <mrpraaajeafor rasay years; and with thoaaanda treatetf H ha»not failed in a single Instance. lie ,_ hirvdjeen anfflclent to sain victory nbbpA eaae. who hare trifled with aawwirawMr ofDjeSJeal OWJSaoaa Bat It Is PURMAN HlNTaVli'NIcl'OKM And f^ngdiSJaeMlfrdra thcOAflJt. l-erela the pleas- ant eOmftlej from anything like a bJlghtng heat Striking fne^aeu—aa evil too eoWSaee tn faattp The Albany Evenln% Jomtfat aayar >Tk* Or*ea*l | carried off the flrat pslaa et I In tlaWSjih. t Its Prrpetunl jBatrtMr t Will keep Sre meny d«jri> wlthoat atteartlm yW^ r*rfnciple or Uftfifeiitent, :BSk JSTfii •&&&*£, I And iirnnrtnateaHWltt tawaieaSaOaa weSpAwi/ »a> only n aaaer) 10see theaa 10 be oonvlneed that they are thebest. For aale at; s dlvT'i'i ^ - WLmM .... . . ,„ • i : ••- ...SagT 1 ! r44MaWes|pm u t:« TeajrafaOtOeeJeetaaanlnaaf | _.. I l> •'•*!. "I'i ,1 ' ' -•!' I I ii I ^SaT^HgennT' sS^BSjg^pajamS^^^^SafgA-. fOsjJtt |g^aaMS^BSkOaajne •esam^^ eQaVSBreadl«Srea4«aT \ M./a!^ti»aa'iaa» A alMtf*eMHl •BeaaOTMeaWPw 0€ PAPlRa, a rerySwH lawnaeaf »»V 00OO8 o#e*i kxaeate. efafJgeW MsTat aaaaBaWaV gsatJei (I^Ba^^SjS^PwtvaaTaf* WAff fJaO^SflMsW- asaawl II 111 daai najSS ae*t, lav Mie Rl al> V. » mmoH r.*T ow aafaaOlffaahW-aatl OTjarWWeW#e>aVf fl % Mxtra. Alas fn aaaertaaM* i % mtti^m i, ;., SSfSlaga Serlage.naa.ee> The eaawrtauaaais aerelelei JLaaen A. HaailaWay A Mewlet 4l*e4.ee ky aaatost 9 Mm. Renert A. lleauaWayJ^S all aereema aaaTaWli SWPt rnRR Rentage Seringa. Vffe 7. iSjU New York ^ tiflrl^ Ji^rwd :j LMve tLAAflf amdf « a y V , ^ sr^JSMff VOJfaii; ?^ffl DAH.T r (Kssept Swndaee.) AS t&AJDUM: nMWP. M. ebJttf JR.. HA. AiBAOT, f#Ui jta. M. ranat Waftf! J»». JrA, nth ' ' • ^ » f - i . | S > ^ Tval--, «^' r Trahjaffwh majali tataQd SRaaa, , x »W the baassr aaeesna. o SaaaaV ef^Wa» afO<to> s » - f eevw.ir.eev to rwa Oie Trafn. if the alKedl Oeaapejrk eaat tioew eV-Ws* I and HarieeTRailroad Compeny.ad alOav'- wetnwylve-aaj^^t^pa, , , ,., ', r t t - - ^ law huaaiaaanity wtaailaa iha ,• ' .DT8FRP8IA, UVWOWrua!, DM»r\ CHROMIC OIABSBUDaeV'BOam MERWaVO I. ArrnXTnoSO, OtsAaeW data. FBVI , aHUea^B), * ., 3aX VIGOR. Kibirtts faWAJxcoMPLaJanrsj, A BAD lutTtrornasTwcDoo, /.- ^aaSSSBt^ w ' Alaska* m<i ,Uv ItAtwRv lJ p^V^^ we warhld asy, DsnPAia arorTine KM wan reetor toot il* wrlb» to the Propria- the saaae reetore yon to health and " doctors have failed! a areolar lrom aajr -JBJB OP _ vigor, and after al 1 aaeek dootoi J E r * Kor (fl MHeaBlars, get lOrng Stor* ta in* oonatry, or a *—*Tflfo will auaUafree to any one deal ring IreaUaatnpSJkpaiet form. 1 PrtejBiStf«^boule. or three botUMforfl No, tjfTikS^^ ,-l>r/wV. J».'',WsHr^wln dfc.Oo^ -., - 'BBnaaBaaVB^anC i^?i_ ' GUI get* tttttt lJAf»niAAi4, y ^ ^ J> jfreataantf-^.-.v.- , .... ,,; •>0#ld»A Iffttt u», fWAI vw^aArte dt»y«,, m .WURaaja .at hU-artHaass.II Oaaal i ofJllbM. oa or kefcrw^e JJ* KetJPa iMetsagMaA atftgaagsfaaaaV eBaanBaBBnaaanal OBaaW afeaf er,;„j„ N OTICE TO CRJWDIT0B8.-.J ant to aa oreev of the Trnnails of S Qeanty, notice la herebjr givea la aj r n ^ w M a f o . ^ ^ ^ are required to nraaeat the aaMSTwl vooehera tbereafTio^hs erjdenigaed, i hpnae, In aald. towa, oa or Moral. -VjOTICKIO J. V ant to an order of 'th eouetg. aotlee la hereby givea clalma against the eeteu " ' town of Clifton Park, in - 1 - re required te p \ „ venehers drereof, to V.'ettJ clalma against the estate of John Peek town of Clifton rW in miTram* ~ tbey are reqnlred; passant the I late. proper yeoebers VI fowdje nfieesth thai ime&i ^^^^^:m\'J7^^ • :i > i n i w WRKS4.' •»• P f O V f f d H laajfgfl i> .«>•• *. * \ av« « j If <HU« DfJECTIOIf! SnmTSr f»m fJw>wrfJiailM>.A^tteatf < MvdRm « • % Qrwrn- WKS ^ae&reW. WaBBjajgnjaaa, I J '' "uSW'a* ajna i ,-^«ft -, jakjaaj anw J t rV.,- iur > |4*>W ronl I «3-i lbf« rKtwff VaJBBaaBVanaahJaaaaai Ml awfltS, 'n^iai. rfe ssUet a swr edWbs the I ilk II lih.Tv sfiiTal*^ rVOO*ff Lawtt Jsawsia. A tv*« «3R itS: u; Una lae^vwTesam saaapoonfalle WT»' faHl St, ray eheepqaaak far. .OiwW/' § atakt i m aa V i a '|tar*ffFtr*f f^V« iiURt aad' S»» *».-*"«» > * •v *-"»• ^vi; aWjl,, as»3 ^^WfSs' IK. at •VA-. -> w* *»^a-, -a. U.S.Revens ._j)i., ' . -• j.**- 'T( ' p •' " r»r4 Mr, i &** gOPREl ^"Ta. .at JCr^Tlr' .fcjufV- 11 i .asjt'i^ , r ifJiaAi i A •> et, v" j f . I * PraatM •VOWfat hJrwt ' •Jews sttnasat aMM tiatrtjsjwi f»ti * iitho«Hv»vrw u X aarManeeui the nlUasne i aevtvlelaHy.that tbey ere «nW| OAR AMD STKAN WI «Iin^lllUawBetB>a. * leObesf SaWe eeahovt not lee ,l aadnlleei work arerwated. ,. ^ ^ ^ sSpri nga. 0*.jfim.. Km apv^rs \ do •HK iMeprteaa, Itmtf. ' 01 l''*J rxuKami 'BTl .Wew^i'oft^s' l«e-vAA,t«4. wF aAeujaawgaaVya /V ail r^jrici'*^ > // r*%o ..%. 4. ,v* -wen«rj^»Ha *«»• *ai01 Ja O »xi*idjla._ 1 ,"8»^« at via i.3*. » v t , » i ' . . *>S*4 • £ sr/aj -hjajijl f •teftjle^ei 7" -S-w*. CO At.?, »"l*/»i.it^: •"*-!»•>• JfalfJ -*" 1 - ±+lJf ii rJ&y^-^, a -v. ~^ r ' -> ^ J'-^^pfr^T ^*^E;R»C >~>weWl attn, *>-:-*'•-»-^ J V •' L « ! J? '•latei&fi-r-.*^^ Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Transcript of HI 21/Saratoga Springs NY Saratogia… · B*w yeast, it is well to wash out the jug in order to...

Page 1: HI 21/Saratoga Springs NY Saratogia… · B*w yeast, it is well to wash out the jug in order to avoid sourness, ff- pre ferred, the bread may be made into larger lojWes." LIOHT BISCUIT.—Contributed


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tkeMifW diet MrWWSibY' i A a V N H This e«liMM j iMJHMtoB^ltM •Wot** by T t a M R l B E e f t i r -

mnraBM wilt MpeuraAe boAios in soinUdu fYfjsV

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, bekarnd. The proeeas U oalled i and the anpwaAw for effecting

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L I N E N A**D C f f n W K l

QHEETINfifi, Pillow ci KJ taia T»w»K N«pklBe,TaWe~!


H M 1

i their I ready made < systica, ta tl

sjtWett : i l

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C A P I T A L , . . (rAtt ur). , | U M M .

A VEEX. LARGE Stoofc. aad «a low XA. •• <-tu he k>unil iu Troy ur AlbaMr

> { a » ' * ^ « ^ r i U . ! .^"V


ra a p^ ^ l|Kt% BNAift^UIR 'j

A French oootributor, A. Valliet, HadiaoB Co., 111., sends the following recipe to die American AgijmltoflEf, wMohwe traasUte; "Cook a hurttW of bona in a half galldn of water, until it ia rednoed to a b a * half, paaa the liquid throned a sieve aau^ tyir^ i|,whUe hot upon eosngh flour to make a thick por-"dgfi .^Bt When nearly cool, add a pint

BWlft* or other yeast, and set the

P'j£| <*•$% & f**,»Tr C A . S . DK MtYSTKR. Pre.

UHKKMPbAHauM.Viae Put JAMJU* H.HKJtNJCV,8o«. . .

o/bre veaael in a warm pi Tbia yeaat will be &££. (f*n it. awout 12 hofja. It ahould be put into a well cloaod jag and kept in the cellar In uaitg it, a pint ahould be kept with whieh to atakav* new f^RttitT when seeded. Ta mSflrV bread?«kVMrtjt of tbia yeaat to 10 lbs of Hour, and witlfr water and aah m . k c a stiff dough w*idh' " W W M A l t ' i i * . anoul«i be well kneaded oa a moulding *«r»u»««a»H»«^Aorii. iaea.




D J|«WBTT, tea. MM. W A ; ^ . , . . , V


t A P I T A 1 , . (PA«i»v»). . tW«.«MU ISAAC K ST JOHN,S«w KDW ARD ANTHON.Pren

RELIEf H R E INSUiUKCB €0. . N«>. 8 W A M , | t H JlJEWf I O U H .


[j^P'AJI LrfM*eapruaipUya(]}iMUul For lnmir»nc* •Kltlaai l ^ w h y Kfr^vn DIOBJ klpd>-ol property,»|>-»IJ to.iN eiliaer^tf, who :• dWy »un„.nz.-u iur«-oelT* proptMwil* » u j iuMi* I'oMN^m. All the above aouipsnya have largu nurplua—unl are UIHUIIK Die

board. Let it remain Hi or 12 hoars (in a warm place in winter) or uutil j t i« well raiaod. Tfeew tek«- pieces of the dough of the size of nn egg. and, roll into kdaooita and place thom in a pin so close that they wifl touch on>j another , let t«hem remain to taUe anotrter hour and then place t h e f c V &* V e Q - ^ t I i e 8 e

oonditiona ace u h o a x w i with good flour, yoo, will have light and spongy bread, sud Mm sour even when it has raised • little too much. If the flour is not good, still good bread may be made by using milk instead of water, l a making B*w yeast, it is well to wash out the jug in order to avoid sourness, ff- pre­ferred, the bread may be made into larger lojWes."

LIOHT BISCUIT.—Contributed U. the American AgrlcuLuriu by "J|. S.," York Co.. Me Boil and then peel li potatoes, mash line, ado l-'2 cup of flour,. mix well, then pour on 3 cups boiling water, keep it as warm as Dew milk or •howl M degrees. torisJS hoars it will keep good severed days. This prepara­tion we will call No. I. No 2 is made by putting 1 cup of buttermilk or sour milk, 1-2 teeepooefu! eaob of sugar, aud •alt, and 1-ii cup of No. 1 into a bowl aud letting it Maud DJIC ^ui^ht, or 12 hours before it is uSfofiT.' \}Q the »«ne evetiiDg that No. 2 i-. tit-ui<i prepare No. 8 thus kHxt into a quart bowj rt tuble-spuuDtuls nrw nulk, ;i pu,xe of butter as large as a wnluiu, •> utbUspoonfnlx of flour, and '£ taU^sp.^nfuls of No. 1 -Let tVtrt slan.J where it will bo hardly iukewarm until the next morning. When the biscuit aro to be made, stir No**. 2 a c l '{ together, add ftanr enongh l<. make a very stiff batter, then < ir in om. uven

OIL CLOTHS from on* t o ' * * yds fjMa, raaiKh) JOHN WAIT 4 SOrV.Boni- bci

lei <dM Cuunuy

FArtttt iiANfimca. GEVERAL TH0U8ANOT0XK. t J juai receivoa anJ lor aale cheap, *'

T ADIES* & GEitS'Ti lrreir Coflirs S~J IH eiulk'HH Viirifi v, elHn Clofe* anil l l e n ' t r v a l

all l^uitla, •ealSrthfa^eirY i a j H . Mar

i iofe" ami

\> IN61

Saratoga! Saratoga (U!

V I l ' « C T H K N K U



.AVI 1 Vf com* Af; /

Fire Insurance Airency. U O C K W E L L F U T N A I U , A f f e n l d l

iVo. 110 Broadway, Sn<atoe,n Springs,

HOMK INSLRANCK CoMPANV— NKW VwfiJa. Cupllal audSorplua .SV,UU7,0ttv

JtTNA INSURANCE CO—GP IlARTi'OftiX COrW. Capital $1^00*00.


ORIGINAL WALT COFFEE, TtiAwtriy OlaJWUisje BitinwrsMv-

lMrr«) Mi Hie ITnlt««1 Sttttwet,

PHUCNIX I 'VSl 'RANCt; COr-H AJtTPi>RI>Jj C O N N Capital . *VU(MM> /


. I a l - « * i > « i *af»"«--*»i #*»

£i i ;«»!





TOltEt AND LAlWlUKjflOjA; - K W < * F 0 I W ' 8 ^ W t ! f t

rSallval for'

[Or-All I .

• Ikei

t box, ere ! t ^ A

S l i l t i» I


> o n w * W - - w ? * s ^ - . **-- ••

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OF L I F E .


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BlTWQCTTjB.jnsAVjflBRSP V* - EKflsHmtj^ll


STAKDABJ) KEl I'irre MUl lr« tn>m cxl'-r

A l«rfr and' l


ciiEtii^ n o i l ^ M » 0LA8S..WAWR,



aw OefflpaWag I j t i o * A W i l r I

• tn t t ian

P r i w e t • • l o w • •

i t r iLotaJ urines, Jsiiunr

ia a n'^aWallr '

•a * *J*IV r*;*

ROCKWELL P U T N A M Sarato^k Sp/i . '^a, Ja^ >', 1*H 1>I2.&

ftusUOsTB Ifflrarance Agency, T h c n u o a e n b a r l a a c a n t lor t n e f o l l o w i n g c o o p u i e i

W R S T E R N MASS. , (Pitiefli-IJ, M a x ) I Capl ia l tlMHOeO. Surplaa t/«i,4'.'4.

SPRIAJUriKLD ( M A S S . ) IT. A U . CO. f'«:''u.i $MO,OOO. 8nrpiuB %&:.H>.I

MASSASOIT CO,, (Spj lne l i s ld , MM* J A w U SJSMS*.

%** ... i HARTKR OAK, (Ha»t* ,rd . ( o n n . a

Capi ta l tUBSaSLj

F t n . T O N CO. ( N e w York C l i y . ) Capj-aJ »AW,O00.f

l i o M E I N S L R A N C K , ( N e w H a T c u , C C n n > Capital Sa00,0S0.

i ITY KIKE. ( ! ( « w Haven , C o n n . ) p a p , i « $-200,0011. Surplne. . . . $J ;« /« !v

LOKILLAMO (Sr-.T ^ .r'.. I ;•,•.•> Capita l |-')00,«n>. A«»ui

l-'OBC NAI.SC M l A I-1. CiaWSQCKaWl

,-IK T H K Kl«ITKJB)^rrSa , rKW

AMIS C A W A n A S l .

WTii te A&iBKoore^ f

!rOS.;«, N,I|W, tV.lt JDillilBUSIee A

125e|127e ,J2#JJktltl HBDSwfl HL,

tt la SJM moat powerful heater, the moat aoooomt * " Mat eAalL

»t conven font coil Soit-moat free from gaa IDS MOT* In the market

eat.thewreet durable, the moat tfHy qtaa*s*d, Vbe-a • - - tfio most oonvenloet coal a**»-»

<•• In the marl ia a down draf ioea. thereby | Mi be produc


• It baa a down draft, and tlbatoea. tliereby prftdiM _ _

tbaa. can be produced In any other base barnlng

a tall double bsM divided wllhataea. thereliy BrednolajaAiolSuadlalaar.aaHaK

'her 1 The eotiatruction of the stove Is •neb. _

aap beapntrolled and dlaJV)baled/wftb the (rreaVsl, ' •ooatractlon of the stove Is ineh that the hear .

aapibeajmtroHed and dJa/WbSied/w)th the (rreaUat esa%aAd the largeaj, smosjnt dr boat, poaefule/ob>

dWftAaav UM, MmedOMmat oieeel. f ; . . • • ' I l t a f i M l n / (wnOfW/faw dr^/^ltlKa per/aM(«<r . ' sesjMVi trTrongb wbtoh the «a» eeeapea et «u UBM* *

all etronmatencea, knS »o feas' ean tml • * * aader emitted Into tbe room

1% sale by

H n n a t o c A keepi oa hand ibe eareArateW ItuWULCOaf.

I I C A D ^ I A A f l l A w H S •.

CEOC^a^l CKUf A, O - 31* wm. a* t » f f lV j m . X t . B I .

A large sad oofitttlete twsortmout, for Sale at less than Albany prices, by

jr. &mmmrM?n lffA.M»OAJ>«Ajr.a.-;i K:-^;r. -,

families.aod those oontompUtingfioosev keeping are invited t« call and examineVv

Sara iofa Surlnga, l a a n a i ) I M 4 .

i t ree t i l t <>f iiam>li>l.isaiei «w»« " " - ^ tefooro, Irre-

I and «ora-oataMteiDa. line bee beea)4eak*Ayby the

i of the let, esatrij tbeiu pro­be treelasiaieOkel >i -ooverlee

rill on re | Win ny. . ouree Hyeterloj In leinalea.

"'aiDlMiall ol (he Ueaft.

oaeTo tbree bottfea reatorew the JSjjaa> , tvfajKr of yoath. - t

Ai»W *•*•» reaioree the appetite. •Three eWtt)e.c,r&vtbAw»ro.,eeo» ottaejmjr,

A few deiea enrea the low-aplirlted. •a betile nwu.rna mental power. faWJeiM brl n« the roeelotbe oheek.

Mne resume to manly rlg-or and

•ner vated jreath, the oW-Uaked

» I P — J | ^ ^ J 1 **>«, ' T^ F

* A t

! W J • m i an

County i • elainw SJ l u w n e l . . » rr—hed i# *ouckera tkerojalji lioua* <

^ j a T e i . ' - V t a a i ' . ' s i U;

' |fe< - - adayA)*

*'*"*'"• AT*"" ' ^ P ' * 7 \ ^ j

N ) B j l i K ? j r ^ i t m « a » » _


JMato f bSMaSeka, ime leOtviweaw i Imraedlaie aa4 i Kllstror 1

ere th triri'tkeleat WaUaaAt

victiai i

neiieni rtltat bjr the nee of tela

beaUawfw st.&Ad reeelpt of moaey, to any forWatrded . ._ , ,

*«!a?iueUeaatbyirMHrr«%or1fA«W«%rr *"* £.;£>** "*•"• » » M^rwtn Jfc C o . .

We.es USOJtTY Street, Wew York.


alalaaai lata of ee WlllH exeeii^

Aamk. la aald Urwii er V^arrMr«Sa ur Meet *B» I A»y er h s e , lSta, t>eted Dee. tat, ISM.




= " • %

m aataja tMi "•at o f f ARC tRlStrjaHU.!

.,$rno,eoo. sKCCRITY'. f \ > w \y>ik C H y . l

c .p i i i i i . . . aeaajMio. SHi>lJK>N C I . A R h . Arrnt

ConiiPclM'ttt MiUual [,ifc InsurdJirc

o r U A R T P t i w i t

Aetjilrrsj Capital ovf r $6',wOO,4N»0.

V >;. f | f / .•*• tBJTKJLWA*' S OJT, a

; w hoU'tmif Vfct«'«"t».

S A R A T O G A S P R I N G S Hrns) !• ysnr Order*.


ne ctnei'tio orm and bake 'in minutes, i T i r i T r i r a 1 ^ / B A ^ v J ! ^ 2 1 a , T l ^ u , N ' ! a a ; - +• i> s.WDLAM.sinr - i» . . . I " l * lalF-C l lwUHArwCK t <>MPANV htvt iiMrl loo- « i » a.

ect Bour, ever, if ,t ;>< 0ot | a s s . i . s o w n o u I a w R ! ( ••»*•*> » • » „ wi,, n,,,, „ „„„„ .,„„ l n , M , v W n ) „

hi- <WJBBW in my mm lirmae, and reeimimenil yliiifKly. I ilnnk )oii( ln ro lie a j\»dB», h»v.

I lie Lll« , TU* b''*m in ilic irnrf- ry Imairtea* flfl*«n yeara. Klna;,N. V.

nil it Itoe moat JWaVVairy.

spoon fill I of fine salrratus mixed in dry _ , «our. When woll mforpr rated knead T » K t . 'ONNECTfn'T MITITAL has • l w l

into smooth doujrl., but not too stiff roll c t ^ y ^ M w!r,u*"""" '' , ,e """""^ ' " T , r y ' newt, cut nto form and buk « e biscuit wi if made by swec _ of the very first j.|ualjtv le* B k l t i ^ V a * Q o"iTNa«t a^ sf-r. !

__—j _ V ^ 1 . >_ l \ i N l v r \ t K B O U r \ t R * T'"" m o " I,°l",l»r "nl*tlliiie lor the Kaat Indln -T ~ T b . - r ry .— PKittHt'lyhiH Su.iutut/ '/'ran*rript.

TV) PREVENT " C n a r r R D HANDS." — T h e I •_» •_" •Jr-__«»»«_a«, -a .^_ a r e _ . _ « « » ^ I ' V u<» eoBoejIrea very eieeUeetaaUereeUo*, and I writer was formerly m u g p g a b l s o with * , U e A - M H r a n C C C O H l J I , ».».>.„ to J i ^ a ; , X « T o s T » 5 w B ^ t ^ . w - - .

It la hating a as to constantly feel uncomfortable— Jotterly, 1 have been entirely bow from

; i large aaanrtmeotof f ARUJR andCOOKatovea, and all kind, of HART5wVHatia»W,OrtPPlWi ."ItW, SHKET IRON ftDd WOODKV WARK. »e . , * e ., eom-prlsltiK the lurgeet aneortment tbia aide of Tr oy. 47

Ottental. An *mrnt from a

Ohureh, Glen Ctrt, LI

11 I aliouhl par-li..4thurlJtone leatere in ihta atora more mbalrajble than an­other, ft la •



It Is wall ui own to the Medical Fr^s>s|oa tiii

ii. U TRRRV, llariford. Conn

" E W T«MC«.


I I J . ' n l - n h r*i"r>"" -,'t.le

t r . t i t

'bl- i o) • oanv. at a« low raUta am any f<> i i . » W w i n ) l late elty car alaiwHase

LaCLAltD. Asjesu.

this source of trouble, and, exoef* when I p o L H M K S from S>100 to $10 000 ohligad to handle frozen subataoaes, I i 1 no more think of wearing gloves or mit. tens on my baada, than I <J7» m evrsjtfQg my face This good result I aUrikjuto | r KWJAHLL, *-r*er« * - - « «.-wh<illy to a hint g ive* s»'my ^ J * * W I mKTunHtmr** tortL. AgnutiuTi.si a few yeara ago, whioo I • - - - • • ^r — woutd rrko to irrvrr rv']tated for thr' ^ l%^w^aHaaaa*l* benefit of others. It was in effect as , loTa*^aw|saBsMD»>l> follows The cuticle or scarf rkin is designed as a handprotoeiifo ^overkig, and when sound, it serves this purpose admirably. Pure water does Wot effect the cuticle , but add a little soap or other akkali to the water, and it at «tej>atmeeV the cuticle and will in a short time dissolve it off. I n o * ovojtd thOrUse of seem as much as possible, Tjsing a bTush to removejaoet kinds of soiling. When soap is 4p>t*tely Y*er»ir«W to femeve

grwhaw m


leral aale in I hie city, and la feat roaring Into gwe&rel oae ._ Troy Daily Vtiu%. .

Weadvlae ail liitiwekoenen m try H—Alhanp Al­tai 4 Argut.

The eoflke eella bwyooal on r espeetationa, an d frlvea tli" l>r«t of •ataaaaiiiiow.

HAL1.ADAY at ROGERS, Cincinnati,phlo. 1' ataajy Mowk> who have need the article prefer II to •beeaai1*Ur%.»—Platmmrgh Htpvlilittm.

Voor coffee la unrveraaaly HkedVjT ray ewatoaaera, I lt«v% never 1»eaSj| »ne ooraalala.

T>. J. MCCARTHY, Philadelphia. Aa a eaaaSllate for eortee It la aaperior to aaythlng

a u v |« i«ag AJttmms ArVeMIMf J»mmml f trnwit grvae aw gutag aajilaaVJlaJB aw tha t fQI WllkT-b

I * M pay I as for te Oaata. , PiuaarUtea • . Meaat, WSWark, W. A

It I* alKint the beat anhalltate to be hmA.—The JVatr Yurkrr.

The enaVe »lvea eiceAfceataMlaS>eflea. . \ (JJ


oily" or gf^hoi matters, I keep it on the hands as little tsaamfJattw>y>r, •uet gj.se. off the last vestige thoroughly, leaving none to corrode and creek the outer skin Generally. I dip the bauds ia water in which a few drops of Tiuasjer beve been poured ."iTJIs nculnuTaes the " sJlmli of the soap. ^ Wwe does 4m same on washing day/fjkejm teimnaie mmrt he put into soap sejoTs. 7 , Tarmerlj ap-

eed viaaajtar to UstOtwAI ateeS OwOwlfjg, t now as* a little nltowg Cniasmi walsi,

or ooamoa w h i s A o , / ^ h l s % 4 i 5 W e * tire alkali, aad keepf •otfad^daswbeft the lather. JTAUWBR

jr^ji - a * i » A - H * » * . ^ R «

[S. B. BOSUwELL'S, Auothcr I^arge Invoiee of


Beautiful Ftylrs of

DRESSJOODl-Perfeet Gsms in

* S#WMMMMw ThefAayjato^koMiflwer . |

HlJcVa TH.flSrVJrT; New fUOw. CowS I t raskea a decidedly aatpabU a e a m t f a a for real

J a m a o i V a . JJSja. flaaUa'i Heew OeeeMa. F v i r y « e w y t a « a r l g * M w 1 t h y a i s v a k ^ « ^ * e k

t t a a o a v o f t a e g i ' * "*- J '**" ~ " r ' l a h l a t e r e , laat


Heatef! The volume of heai hi

; Mt-rmty large for the

[INT pf OMt

A UjaajOpfc.vir.OTjsr, ThJaWderi. . «hleB)rfrt)i food wa eat i at if the food ii OS* gavper l iraated, or Iffrm any o»«»r trt • tr the neoeamry

qaanttty of Iron la oai takes laU ' e otreajatloa, or btcomt reduc*4,4tm vrOeO 'a>itei. -^B*M. The Dad blood will irritate the heart, will g ap the lanej, will atapefy the braiaywtH atejlll ' t ' l i t e r , sSalWlU laSaTmeiaaaae^oausmtslaajaaai HI all aaartserwM aratem, eaet avere DM e/jtt| mfftr . hamtr argnw.

It It only ataoe the discovery of •">•• ralaahle com-HaatloB AEOWB aa J/BBtrtaiat -1 aUE.tbat the great power of this VITAL1ZK. AQEWT over dtoeasa haa-beep tjroaaht to ttsOtv m mm sim" it a FBOTECtED Aelsieu OfOA l H rrbxiO^M IBOK, a

' JtVar MHm4mrmM^3ltet'*^t9f* tUH STRIKES ATnTjAJaaODTXir J IS]

the t e w a el H a i r m e m , in aajjf eoaau^^aaaajaat.tawt they are reenired to preeea* i j e aaeje. Vad8«Jaigea«s> . voaekere tbereef, to l i e anaaral|naaL eaeaaier at'The law w i l l and l aaOanaTof iaaa t l *ws i iKaA-kae OOHO f a f aeaea la aaid tews let day e l Jane, 18SS.

A j \f ^SL. KXBIClJVaB. NOTIOE^<»w*3ro«*Hfiro»4 vsawj*aaaaaer aa>>aa- aajajiB, ejajpi_- x w a m to aa order et tkw. SaBrTeaBHe af SaaaasajB

ooaoty, aotlee ia haaaHtSfreW e f t clalma aaaiaat the aetata o f J

of trSaTtowWftraMahfca < dn.#Y t f ^ ^ % pjaWA f*~+

late < that they are i loTteyTathMv^nf asraaete fmssski ef aaatta* on or before r ""*"" " *" — ~


ia herOy a*rOi,i eona having


i t h e l

• f ^ W ^ a S f q , ^ m b u t S T ' l R a f c a f

duSR]r« . - path of a

0 ^ This •edUiaetaaeitnple

&jSwT. ity iCMDB. TrembUag. aVeAeSalneaa, Inrptloaa

on the faovnte cowsmaaDee, tneanlty, Oonaamp-tIon, anil an*un> dlsefai eomplaliiU eaased bjr de-

froaa the path of nature. rle vegetable eatraat, , aa It baa been need

t i o n , a t partingf

rop^T undone en whtel all can rely, aa It'baa _ ta <mrpraaajeafor rasay years; and with thoaaanda treatetf H ha»not failed in a single Instance. lie

, _ hirvdjeen anfflclent to sain victory nbbpA eaae. who hare trifled with

aawwirawMr ofDjeSJeal OWJSaoaa

Bat It Is P U R M A N H l N T a V l i ' N I c l ' O K M And f^ngdiSJaeMlfrdra thcOAflJt. l-erela the pleas­ant eOmftlej from anything like a bJlghtng heat Striking fne^aeu—aa evil too eoWSaee tn faattp

The Albany Evenln% Jo mtfat aayar >Tk* Or*ea*l | carried off the flrat pslaa et I In tlaWSjih. t Its

Prrpetunl jBatrtMr t Will keep Sre meny d«jri> wlthoat atteartlm

yW^ r*rfnciple or Uftfifeiitent,

:BSk JSTfii •&&&*£, I

And iirnnrtnateaHWltt tawaieaSaOaa weSpAwi/ » a > only n aaaer) 10see theaa 10 be oonvlneed that they are thebest. For aale at;

s dlvT'i ' i ^ - WLmM . . . . . . ,„ • i : ••- ...SagT1!



t : «

TeajrafaOtOeeJeetaaanlnaaf | _ . .

I — l > • ' • * ! . " I ' i ,1 ' ' - • ! ' I I ii

I ^SaT^HgennT' sS^BSjg^pajamS^^^^SafgA-. • f O s j J t t |g^aaMS^BSkOaajne •esam^^

e Q a V S B r e a d l « S r e a 4 « a T \ M . / a ! ^ t i » a a ' i a a »

A a l M t f * e M H l • B e a a O T M e a W P w 0 €

PAPlRa, a rerySwH lawnaeaf »»V 00OO8 o#e*i kxaeate.

efafJgeW MsTat aaaaBaWaV gsatJei (I^Ba^^SjS^PwtvaaTaf* W A f f fJaO^SflMsW-

asaawl II 111 daai najSS ae*t , lav Mie R l al> V. »

mmoH r.*T ow

aafaaOlffaahW-aatl OTjarWWeW#e>aVf f l %

Mxtra. Alas f n aaaertaaM* i


i, ;.,

SSfSlaga Ser lage.naa.ee> The eaawrtauaaais aerelelei

JLaaen A. HaailaWay A Mewlet 4l*e4.ee ky aaatost 9 Mm.

Renert A. l l eauaWayJ^S al l aereema aaaTaWli SWPt

rnRR Rentage Seringa. Vffe 7. iSjU

New York ^ tiflrl^ Ji^rwd :j

LMve tLAAflf amdf «ayV, ^

sr^JSMff V O J f a i i ;


DAH.T r (Kssept Swndaee.) AS t&AJDUM:

n M W P . M . ebJttf JR.. HA.

A i B A O T , f#Ui jta. M . ranat Waftf! J»». JrA,

nth ' ' • ^ » f - i . | S > ^ Tval--, « ^ ' r Trahjaffwh majali tataQd SRaaa, ,x

»W the baassr aaeesna. o SaaaaV ef Wa» afO<to> s»-f eevw.ir.eev to rwa Oie Trafn. if the a lKed l Oeaapejrk eaat tioew eV-Ws*

I and HarieeTRailroad Compeny.ad alOav'-w e t n w y l v e - a a j ^ ^ t ^ p a , , , , . , ' , r t t

- - ^ l a w huaaiaaanity wtaailaa iha ,• '


ArrnXTnoSO, OtsAaeW data. FBVI , aHUea^B),

* ., 3aX VIGOR. Kibirt ts


A BAD lutTtrornasTwcDoo,

/.- ^aaSSSBt^w' Alaska* m<i




we warhld asy, DsnPAia arorTine KM wan reetor

toot i l *

wrlb» to the Propria-the saaae

reetore yon to health and " doctors have failed!

a areolar lrom aajr

-JBJB OP _ vigor, and after al 1 aaeek dootoi J E r * Kor ( f l MHeaBlars, get

lOrng Stor* ta in* oonatry, or a *—*Tflfo will auaUafree to any one deal ring

IreaUaatnpSJkpaiet form. 1 PrtejBiStf«^boule. or three botUMforfl

No, t j f T i k S ^ ^ , - l > r / w V . J».'',WsHr^wln dfc.Oo^ -.,

- 'BBnaaBaaVB^anC i ^ ? i _

' GUI get* tttttt lJAf»niAAi4, y ^ ^ J> jfreataantf-^.-.v.- , . . . . , , ;

• > 0 # l d » A Iffttt


fWAI vw^aArte dt»y«,,


.WURaaja .at hU-artHaass.II Oaaal i

ofJl lbM. oa or kefcrw^e J J * KetJPa iMetsagMaA atftgaagsfaaaaV eBaanBaBBnaaanal OBaaW afeaf


NOTICE TO CRJWDIT0B8.-.J ant to aa oreev of the Trnnails of S

Qeanty, notice la herebjr givea la aj

r n ^ w M a f o . ^ ^ ^ are required to nraaeat the aaMSTwl vooehera tbereafTio^hs erjdenigaed, i hpnae, In aald. towa, oa or M o r a l .

-VjOTICKIO J. V ant to an order of 'th eouetg. aotlee la hereby givea clalma against the eeteu " ' town of Clifton Park, in -1- re required te p \ „

venehers drereof, to

V.'ettJ clalma against the estate of John Peek town of Clifton r W in miTram* ~ tbey are reqnlred; f« passant the I


proper yeoebers VI

fowdje nfieesth

t h a i

ime&i ^^^^^:m\'J7^^ • :i

> i n i

w WRKS4.'

•»• PfOVffdH laajfgfl • i>


*. * \ av« « j If

<HU« DfJECTIOIf! SnmTSr f»m fJw>wrfJiailM>.A^tteatf < MvdRm « • % Qrwrn-WKS

^ a e & r e W . • W a B B j a j g n j a a a , I

J'' "uSW'a* ajna i ,-^«ft - , jakjaaj anw

J t rV. , -

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rKtwff VaJBBaaBVanaahJaaaaai

Ml awfltS,

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rfe ssUet a swr edWbs the I ilk II l i h . T v

s f i i T a l * ^ r V O O * f f

Lawtt Jsawsia. A tv*«


itS: u; Una lae^vwTesam saaapoonfalle

WT»' f a H l

St, ray

eheepqaaak far.

.OiwW/' § atakt i m aa V i a

' | tar* f fFtr* f f ^ V «

iiURt aad'


*».-*"«» > • * •v *-"»• ^vi;

aWj l , ,


^ ^ W f S s ' IK.


•VA-. -> w* *» a-, -a.

U.S.Revens . _ j ) i . , ' . -• j . * * - 'T( ' p • ' "


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gOPREl ^"Ta. .at

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i A •> et, v" j f . I *

PraatM •VOWfat

hJrwt '

•Jews sttnasat aMM tiatrtjsjwi

f » t i * iitho«Hv»vrw u X aarManeeui the nlUasne i

aevtvlelaHy.that tbey ere «nW|

OAR AMD STKAN WI « I i n ^ l l l U a w B e t B > a . *

leObesf SaWe eeahovt not lee ,l a a d n l l e e i work arerwated. ,.

^ ^ ^ sSpri nga. 0*.jfim..


apv^rs \ d o

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