hhoobbbbIIeess aanndd IInntteerreessttss PPIICCTTuurree ... · Author: mem Created Date: 11/8/2013...

h h o o b b b b I I e e s s a a n n d d I I n n t t e e r r e e s s t t s s P P I I C C T T u u r r e e d d i i c c t t i i o o n n a a r r y y doing ballet singing songs riding a horse camping fishing watching TV playing pc games flying a kite skipping rope ice skating reading books scuba-diving playing paintball riding a bike playing cards playing tennis playing the guitar taking photos playing checkers walking doing puzzles climbing swimming playing hopscotch hiking Copyright © 2013. englishwsheets.com . All rights reserved.

Transcript of hhoobbbbIIeess aanndd IInntteerreessttss PPIICCTTuurree ... · Author: mem Created Date: 11/8/2013...

Page 1: hhoobbbbIIeess aanndd IInntteerreessttss PPIICCTTuurree ... · Author: mem Created Date: 11/8/2013 6:56:36 PM

hhoobbbbIIeess aanndd IInntteerreessttss PPIICCTTuurree ddiiccttiioonnaarryy

doing ballet singing songs riding a horse camping fishing

watching TV playing pc games flying a kite skipping rope ice skating

reading books scuba-diving playing paintball riding a bike playing cards

playing tennis playing the guitar taking photos playing checkers walking

doing puzzles climbing swimming playing hopscotch hiking

Copyright © 2013. englishwsheets.com. All rights reserved.

Page 2: hhoobbbbIIeess aanndd IInntteerreessttss PPIICCTTuurree ... · Author: mem Created Date: 11/8/2013 6:56:36 PM

hhoobbbbIIeess aanndd IInntteerreessttss PPIICCTTuurree ddiiccttiioonnaarryy

doing ballet singing songs riding a horse camping fishing

watching TV playing pc games flying a kite skipping rope ice skating

reading books scuba-diving playing paintball riding a bike playing cards

playing tennis playing the guitar taking photos playing checkers walking

doing puzzles climbing swimming playing hopscotch hiking

Copyright © 2013. englishwsheets.com. All rights reserved.