HH - Second Draft

8/19/2019 HH - Second Draft http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/hh-second-draft 1/40  (to be named) Our Boy, Helmuth (it could be called something that is said in the trial, something that is said in one of Helmuth’s last letters) The Story of Helmut(h) Hubener. music & lyrics: Kira Stone book: Kira Stone GOAL: first draft done by MARCH 30th

Transcript of HH - Second Draft

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  (to be named)

Our Boy, Helmuth

(it could be called something that is said in the trial,

something that is said in one of Helmuth’s last letters)

The Story of Helmut(h) Hubener.

music & lyrics: Kira Stone

book: Kira Stone

GOAL: first draft done by MARCH 30th

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German antagonists speak in German/ Jews don’t speak at

all- How Helmuth felt at some points that he was a traitor

to his country, church, family and himself

- “What kind of a man fights for something that he knows

is wrong?” Helmuth to Gerhard in THE BOY WHO DARED… a

very interesting idea to play up. I mean, how many people

today fight for something that they don’t believe really

is right? Helmuth’s martyrdom was an example of what

happened to you if you did fight for what you believed,

while Gerhard was an example of biting your tongue and

doing what you are asked to do even if it doesn’t strike

true in your heart.


but make them subtle so only lds people will get it and

see the symbolism and etc.

- “Why are the Nazis so afraid of words?” in regards to

books, pamphlets, flyers, radio, etc. Words are thoughts

verbalized that once heard or read plant seeds thatsprout new thoughts that must be said. I mean they

filtered everything that could plant these seeds of

rebellion, but there will always be someone who seeks out

the truth and they will find it and make it manifest to

the world. Joseph Smith for example- Satan was trying to

confuse and to sway the minds of men to things that

weren’t all the truth… maybe bits and pieces but nothing

complete. But Joseph sought the truth and against all

odds at a very young age (like HH) found the truth

through words spoken and written. And Satan wanted this

truth to be heard so badly he is still trying to make

sure people don’t hear it. So the question could also be

phrased “Why is Satan so afraid of words?”

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-When Brother Worbs was telling HH to pray for everyone

who may persecute and hate us, and that we can’t repay

evil with evil… “God loves us all. He does not love us

more than He loves our enemies.” I mean, that is a

concept that like, I still don’t always get. But it is SOimportant to remember that, and to have that be a message

in our show I think could be cool…

-I just want to think what if Helmuth had survived? What

else could this incredible genius have done? If we was

left alive, what good could he have given our world? How

many people would have been at his wedding? Which temple

would he have gotten sealed at? How many children would

he have had? Would he still be alive today if he had not

been executed? Who knows.

- Sunshine motif-”You are My Sunshine” as a recurring

theme, or sunshine in general during this dark time.

Other Sunshine songs/hymns could be sung throughout… any

hymns included just have to be GORGEOUS

- how does Mutti feel about Brother Worbs planting anti-


- make their language more age-appropriate, not as much

exposition, cut out some dialogue, add songs, when doesthe element of risk come in, how much of the exposition

do we need

- should we double cast gerhard and hans as rudi and

karl…? yes or no? INCITING INCIDENT…. move the big

discovery of Helmuth and Herr to scene one or scene two

- how much do you want the hindsight of WW2, have Brother

Worbs know about this, and Gerhard have a clue, and Hans

just be cynical, Helmuth is available to have his mind

being molded, and Mutti is sort of in the dark (ABOUT


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*ages are at the start of the play

Helmuth: (8-17) youngest child, short in stature,spiritual giant, brown hair, attractive, takes care of

appearance, curious, rebellious, revolutionary, extremely

intelligent, passionate and caring, proclaimer of truth,

instigator, creator, LEADER (a balance of justice and


Gerhard: (three years older) than Helmuth, lighter hair,

torn between personal belief and duty, an example to

Helmuth, strong testimony, not afraid of standing up to

authority, feels pressure to be loyal to his God and his

church and also his country

Hans: four years older than Helmuth, mischievous, pot-

stirrer, inflammatory, ultimately he loves his family and

he acts out because of fear of the government, faithful

member of the church, deeply affected by his father

running away from the family

Emma (Mutti): (32 years old) mother of Helmuth, Gerhard,

Hans, deeply scarred from a dishonest and immoral past

(think Fantine but more so), married to Hugo, weak, loves

her children, doesn’t stand up for what is right, becomes

inactive in the church, doesn’t have a backbone, her

resolve has been cut down over the years, she is now


Hugo: (40 years old) the show’s personification of

Hitler, marries Mutti, pro-Nazi, prideful, violent,

arrogant, egotistical, power-hungry, volatile,

totalitarian, dishonest, takes pride in appearance, two-

faced, a coward

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Rudi: (same age as Helmuth) one of Helmuth’s two best

friends, spitfire, very intelligent, clever, quick,

precocious, doesn’t know his father either, has a tougher

family life, faithful member of the church, stands fortruth and righteousness (think all justice)

Karl: (same age as Helmuth) one of Helmuth’s two best

friends, loyal, caring, honest, hard working, comes from

a loving family that is strong in the gospel, faithful

member of the church, walks in the Savior’s footsteps

(think all mercy)

Brother Worbs: (35 - 40 years old) Young Men’s leader in

Helmuth’s ward, kind, courageous, personable, brave,

fiery, a revolutionist, almost on the brink of being

dangerous he is so revolutionary, acts as a true father

figure for the boys

Ensemble: teachers (Herr Vinke), church members, nazis,

hitler figure, etc.

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like a hero

you are my sunshinemoonbeam

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(the life of Helmuth Hubener)





scene ONE: next morning, enter Brother Worbs - tells

Helmuth and Mutti and everyone about the Reichstag

burning - culprit was a young man (foreshadowing) -

coincidences (Helmuth discusses with adults, gets treated

like an adult, gets tried as an adult), burning books

scene TWO: on way to school, Helmuth sees Herr Seligmann

attacked for washing windows

scene 3 - school scene, fulfilling his last duty, Hugo

next scene - meet hugo and helmuth and hugo bond/gerhard

and hugo don’t get along, , that same night hugo goes out

and destroys jewish man’s store, etc. and harms jewish


scene three: detective time with “You Are My Sunshine”!(p.84) With Rudi, Helmuth, Karl, that same night hugo

goes out and destroys jewish man’s store, etc. and harms

jewish man/family - helmuth is a witness and sees out his

window/sneaks out

they figure out that hugo burned the jewish man’s store,

Mutti tries to convince Helmuth and brothers that

everything is fine, they resist, resistance between

gerhard and helmuth and hugo builds, Helmuth stays up at

night reading his hidden and illegal books!, stash of


scene SIX: Helmuth tries writing essay for grad. ,

receives essay back with high marks, joins Hitler Youth

scene SEVEN: church scene (branch president a nazi, the

sign being torn down, church hymns), with Karl and Rudi

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and Helmuth and Brother Worbs (prayer in church, p. 89)

is taken away, possibly allude to Hugo’s destruction



scene EIGHT: Gerhard gets drafted, Helmuth gets restless,

starts to misunderstand Gerhard, Gerhard leaves (says

goodbye at train station) - last time Helmuth sees

Gerhard and tells Helmuth about the radio against Hugo

scene NINE: he steals a BBC radio, listens for hours that

night without sleeping, nobody knows

scene TEN: (why are nazis so afraid of words), tells Rudi

and Karl about radio, (brings in people one by one),

starts the pamphlets with Rudi and Karl

scene ELEVEN: the real distribution effort starts,

spreads them to other countries, stays up all nights, no

names pact, close calls, find Brother Worbs after his

concentration camp, triggers him to do more and be bigger

scene TWELVE: Confronts a friend about translatingpamphlets so they can go to all of Europe, he reports

Helmuth after deceiving him, Helmuth gets caught at home

and arrested, searching apartment, taken to Gestapo, see

his friends getting arrested too (it is him and Rudi and


scene THIRTEEN: the waiting period, questioning and

trial, People’s Court/Blood Tribunal

scene FOURTEEN: goodbyes with Rudi and Karl (explain rudi

and karl’s fate and how different theirs was and their

trials and sentences, etc. from Helmuth’s)

scene FIFTEEN: his sentencing and in his jail cell, death

row (writing his letters)

scene SIXTEEN: Gerhard gets his letter (rain and


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SETTING: The next morning at the kitchen table

AT RISE: Mutti is preparing a modest breakfast as the

boys awaken and stumble into the kitchen


So, anyway, yesterday right when they announced Adolf

Hitler as the new chancellor of the Third Reich, some

boys your age, Gerhard, jumped up so high and saluted

with their right arm like the Nazis always do. They

yelled, “Heil Hitler”! and started cheering and running

about, and no one stopped them.


You’ll be seeing more of that, I’m sure. Especially at



Everyone wants to be a patriot for Germany again.

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Mutti, what’s for breakfast?

MuttiWe have some porridge this morning.


Well, it’s been nice knowing you, Gerhard.


Likewise, Hans, likewise. (in a whisper) How burnt do you

think it is this time?


I think the porridge turned out almost perfect this time.

And, we have brown sugar.


Where did you find it?


How much did that cost?

(Helmuth walks in, dragging a blanket behind him)


Hitler says he is giving all Germans more sugar rations

now that he is chancellor. I don’t know how he does it,

but I’m not complaining.

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We get to eat sugar!


Hitler the hero!

(Hans and Helmuth stand on their chairs, jump for joy,

fist bump, high five, etc. while Gerhard stays seated at

the table with a furrowed brow)


We should say a prayer to bless the food first.


I’ll say it!

Dear Heavenly Father,

We are so very lucky to be gathered around the breakfast

table and eat together as a family this morning. We are

thankful for Mutti and her cooking (giggles ensue from

Hans and Gerhard) and we are thankful for brown sugar,

especially. Please teach us kindness and patience today,

and help us with our schoolwork. We love thee and thy

Son, and we say these things, in the name of Jesus

Christ, Amen.

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(there is a knock at the door)


I’ll get it!

(Hans answers the door; it is a member of the church in

their ward, Brother Worbs)


Brother Worbs! My, it has been quite a long time, how are

you and your family?

Brother Worbs

We are doing just fine, Emma, just fine. It is nice to

see you.


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Boys, make room at the table for Brother Worbs.


How are you, Brother Worbs?


How is the family?


Good morning, Brother Worbs. Why are you here this


Brother Worbs

I came to check in- the Bishop asked me to see how you

were doing.

(Mutti gives the boys their porridge and leaves the brown

sugar in the middle of the table for them to fight over)


Boys, start eating .



Listen, Brother Worbs. I know I haven’t been to church in

a while, but I have just been trying to make ends meet. I

am working two jobs, and I am starting to court again for

the first time since Helmuth’s father…

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Brother Worbs

Emma, you have no explanations you need to give. I am

just here to help, if I may. And to make sure you and theboys are safe. You heard about the Reichstag last night,

I presume?


What? I…

Brother Worbs

They are saying it’s arson by the communist party. It

was, in fact, a young, Dutch boy. Just arrived in Germany

and immediately disliked the regime. So, he did something

about it. More people should be doing these things…


Brother Worbs, please keep your voice down. The boys are

unaware of the Reich’s controversial policies and the

changes that are being made within Germany.

Brother Worbs

The worst of it is, the boy convicted of the crime has

already been tried. His sentence is death, Emma.


(he overhears)

Who is going to die?

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Oh, nobody! I think you misheard Brother Worbs.

Brother Worbs

(to Emma)

Emma, these are things they should know about.


It’s already 7:34.


I am going to be late to the factory! I have to go change

my clothes. Thank you for coming Brother Worbs. The boys

will see you this Sunday.

(she exits to change)


But what were you talking about, Brother Worbs? A fire..?

Brother Worbs

As a matter of fact, boys, there is something I can share

with you. For your safety, of course. Now that Hitler is

in power, he is decreeing that all books that are

communist, foreign, or have anything that is anti-Nazi or

goes against his beliefs must be burned. Soon, if you are

found with books in your possession that he would

disapprove of, you could go to prison.

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That can’t be true!

GerhardHow could they enforce such a thing?

Brother Worbs

Oh, the Nazi party grows out of fear, Gerhard. And fear

can be a very powerful motive for most people. And so it

grows very quickly.

SONG - At First: (or Who Knows? or I Don’t Understand, In

the Dark)


So that just means we can be a bit sneaky, right? Hide

all our good books?


Helmuth, that’s dishonest.


Oh, Gerhard, quit being a know-it-all.

Brother Worbs

Boys, I am not here to tell you what to do. That is not

my job. I do think, however, that the three of you are

growing up. You boys should learn these things for

yourselves. “Seek and ye shall…”

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Brother WorbsExactly. And what do you find…?


I suppose we find the truth.

Brother Worbs

Yes, that is exactly right.


Please look for that truth, boys.

(he winks at them)

I’ll see you this Sunday, yes?


Yes! Yes, of course!

Brother Worbs

Take care until then.


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Hurry up and finish your breakfast, we have to leave for

school now.


You’re not the boss around here, Gerhard. I’m the oldest,

I should be in charge of you!


Well, maybe if you started behaving like the oldest-


Hey. Hey! Would you two stop? Good brothers don’t just

turn on each other-


You’re right, Helmuth.


Apologize. Both of you.


I’m… sorry... Hans.


Oh, Gerhard I am so incredibly sorrowful, is there any

way you can find a place in your heart to forgive me?


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Oh, come on…


Agh! We’re leaving!

(Helmuth takes Gerhard and Hans by their hands on either

side of him and drags them behind him out the door.

Helmuth then remembers something, and runs back to his

room. He takes his books from his shelf and puts them

underneath his mattress to hide them. Then he runs out

the house and down the street, catching up to his



SETTING: The streets of Hamburg, Germany

AT RISE: The boys are walking to school in their

uniforms and with their satchels


Shall we play a game?


Like what?


Men don’t just play games.

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Oh, Gerhard, put a sock in it.


We are boys, Gerhard, not men!

(They all start to laugh as they pass a neighbor’s

store. The neighbor is outside washing his windows, and a

few members of the Gestapo show up)


Hey, isn’t that Herr Seligmann?


Yes, he and his family go to the synagogue downtown.


They are Jewish?


Yes, Helmuth.


Huh. I thought I saw him washing his windows yesterday,



He was.

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Why does he wash his windows every morning?


Because their are some members of the Nazi party that

have been given orders to paint the stores in red that

are those belonging to Jewish families.


Why does that matter?


It’s like a warning.


A warning for what..?


Goodness, Helmuth, will you stop asking these questions?

Figure it out for yourself.


Helmuth, Gerhard… look.

(the boys turn and see Herr Seligmann coming down from

his ladder to talk to the Gestapo)


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What are they saying, what are they saying?


Sh! How should I know?

(The Gestapo start to push Herr Seligmann, and he

resists; a fight begins)


We have to go to school now. We are going to be late.

(GERHARD takes Helmuth and Hans by their hands and starts

to run)


What was that all about, Gerhard?


You’ll see. I imagine it is only going to get worse.

(Helmuth glances behind him, stops in his tracks and runs

back to Herr Seligmann, as his body lays on the cold

cobblestone, beaten and torn. He is stunned, and then

EXITS the stage as he runs off to school)


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AT RISE: Helmuth’s teacher is preparing to start his

lecture for the day as students excitedly mingle around

the room while finding their seats

SETTING: Helmuth’s classroom

Herr Vinke

Class, find your seats.

(students walk swiftly to their seats)

Today, the young men have the opportunity to join the

ranks of the prestigious Hitler Youth. Most of you have

already given us your information and paperwork, but

there are a few that have not been so efficient. Rudi




Yes, Herr Vinke.

Herr Vinke

Where is your paperwork?


My father is still working on it, sir. I can bring it to

class with the money tomorrow.

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  Herr Vinke

Make sure you do so. Karl-Heinz Schnibbe?

KarlYes, sir! Herr Vinke!

Herr Vinke

You said your paperwork would be in two days ago. It is

still not here.


Yes, I understand that sir, I just-

Herr Vinke

Bring it tomorrow.


Yes, sir.

Herr Vinke

Helmuth Guddat? Your name isn’t even on file or

registered as interested in the Hitler Youth program.


Yes, sir.

Herr Vinke

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Why is that? We need the detailed assessment of your

family’s history and verification that you are fully



Well, sir, my mother has been awfully busy lately and my

father hasn’t sent us money in years, and my brothers had

to join already, so I was going to wait until we could

afford it.

Herr Vinke

What is the cost of your patriotism, young man? How much

do you value your country and the protection given by the



I would have to say that-

Herr Vinke

It is priceless. Invaluable. Go tell your mother that,

and bring the finished paperwork and funds tomorrow.

(Helmuth sits, stunned)

Herr Vinke

(Herr Vinke reveals the subject of his lecture, a

painting of a German soldier holding the German flag high

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as he sinks into the ocean and dies - “Fulfilling His

Last Duty”)

“Fulfilling His Last Duty”. See how the dying soldiergrasps the German flag tightly, holding it high, until

the moment he sinks into the ocean. That is what a loyal

and dedicated man would do for his country. (SONG here)

See how-


Herr Vinke?

Herr Vinke

What? Who interrupted me?


Sir, wouldn’t it be more wise for the soldier to save

himself by holding onto the wood in the painting and

dropping the flag-

Herr Vinke

Drop the flag? You are Helmuth, correct?


Yes, sir.

Herr Vinke

Well, Helmuth, with that insidious question, you have

earned the entire class two extra hours of homework. You

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must write a four page essay titled: “Adolf Hitler: The

Savior of Germany”.

(class growns, throws paper balls at Helmuth, whispers,teases, etc.)


(to Rudi and Karl)

Sorry, boys.


Eh, that’s okay.


We can work on it all together tonight.

Herr Vinke

And with that, you are dismissed.


AT RISE: The three Hubener boys are arriving home from

school, as EMMA and HUGO are moving HUGO’s many

belongings into the house

SETTING: Helmuth’s apartment


Whoa. Mutti, what’s going on?

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Boys, I have someone I want you to meet. This is Hugo

Hubener. We have been courting for the past few monthsand are engaged to be married. We have been moving him in

all day. Grab a box, please.


(to Gerhard and Hans)

Is she serious?


Mutti doesn’t joke very much.


How is this the first we are hearing of this?


She doesn’t have to ask our permission for these kinds of



Yes, but why do we never get warnings? Why do we never

know these things until after they happen?



I don’t know. But I hate it.

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(Hans grabs a box and begins to help Mutti, Gerhard

sits on a box, and Helmuth stands there, making eye

contact with Hugo)


What are your names?


I’m Gerhard.


That’s Hans. I’m Helmuth.


Those names go nicely with Hubener, don’t you think?

Lucky boys.



Yes, sir.


Helmuth, don’t you have more homework tonight than usual?



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(to Helmuth)

My boy, I pride myself on my record of academic

perfection. I would be more than willing to help you withwhatever assignment you might have.



I have a four page essay. It’s supposed to be about the



Writing about the Fuhrer? And at such a young age! They

are teaching you the right things in school.


The right things?




That assignment makes a mockery of God.


Young man, I beg your pardon-


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Idolizing Hitler. That’s exactly what it does.


Boy, God has given us Adolf Hitler as a Savior to theFatherland! Don’t you dare begin to contradict. (SONG



Helmuth, I’m going to bed. If you need me, you know where

I am. Hugo, it’s been a pleasure.

(Gerhard EXITS)


So, do you need any help, Helmuth? As a Rottenfuhrer-


A what?


Within the Nazi Party, I am a section leader. Part of the

SS. And if there is one thing I pride myself on, it is my

dedication to the Fatherland and my knowledge of the

Fuhrer. My boy, I-


I’m not your boy.

(beat, then Helmuth EXITS, leaving Hugo confused and


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AT RISE: A Saturday Morning; Rudi, Karl, and Helmuth are

sitting at Helmuth’s kitchen table, planning the day

SETTING: Helmuth’s kitchen


Alright, boys. What’s the adventure of the day? I’ve been



Well, we should probably stop pranking the “Hitler

Youth”, as we are now a part of the “Hitler Youth”.


Plus, we could get beaten up again.


I have a plan. The other day, I saw Herr Seligmann, and

for some reason he was being disciplined by Nazi

soldiers. There needs to be more justice in Germany,


(Helmuth takes out three badges and three cards, engraved

with their names, “Agent #1, #2, and #3, and RKH

Detective Agency)

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What?! You made these? Are these real?

KarlThey look real!


We are detectives now. With all the new secrets Germany

is keeping, aren’t you curious to explore it all?



Helmuth, who are they?


This is Rudi, and this is Karl. They are my best friends.

And now we are detectives!



Maybe you can start investigating the newest Communist

takeover plot.

(Hugo slaps today’s newspaper down on the table)



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A soldier of Germany fell last night in Paris. From the

shot of a Jew. A seventeen year old Jew.

(Gerhard ENTERS)


And how many Jews do you know, Hugo?


More than I would like to. But soon, there will be less

and less of them thanks to the Fuhrer. Look at all the

chaos they are causing!

(He waves the newspaper around in the air)


They aren’t the chaos. Just because they aren’t Aryan

doesn’t mean they need to leave the country.


They aren’t leaving the country, don’t worry.



(to Gerhard)

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We’re going to go outside and enjoy the sunshine. It’s

been a while.

GerhardLucky. I have three essays to write on the Fatherland due

on Monday.


You can join us when you finish!

(Rudi, Karl, and Helmuth run out the door)


AT RISE: Helmuth is leading Rudi and Karl in singing “You

Are My Sunshine”, quite loudly and joyfully, as they

begin their adventure as detectives)

SETTING: The streets of Hamburg, Germany

Helmuth, Rudi, & Karl

(with Helmuth shouting out dynamics, directing them,

giggling, and they all take solos, making fun of each


You are my sunshine

My only sunshine

You make me happy

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When skies are gray

You’ll never know, dear

How much I love you

Please don’t take my sunshine away

Brother Worbs

I believe that was near perfect, boys.

Helmuth, Rudi, & Karl

Brother Worbs! Hello! How are you?

Brother Worbs

I’m doing just fine.


There’s talk of a riot in Hamburg tonight. Beginning

later tonight. Just more “putting the Jews in their

place”. (said mockingly)


And where’s that?

Brother Worbs


I think you should all run home to your families.

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Wait! Can we show you our song, first? We’ve been working

on it and we want to sing it in church!


I think it sounds pretty good.

Brother Worbs

Alright. I would love to listen.

(Brother Worbs sits down on the sidewalk)

You are my sunshine

My only sunshine

You make me happy

When skies are gray

You’ll never know, dear

How much I love you

Please don’t take my sunshine away

(with the harmony:)

You are my ever-loving baby

You’re the only one

You make me feel so very happy

When skies are gray, and by the way

You’ll never know how much I love you

How much I need you every day

Please don’t take my sunshine away

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(they all explode into laughter)

Hitler Youth #1What do you think you’re doing?


It’s not past curfew. We are out to explore a bit.

Hitler Youth #2

You were singing.


There’s no law against singing.

Hitler Youth #2

Yes, but you should be singing German songs. Not American

ones. We have the authority to detain you and fine you.


Says who?


Hitler Youth #1

Don’t do it anymore.

(the Hitler Youth EXIT)

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We really should try to be more careful.

RudiBy being cowards?


No, that’s not what I meant! I just meant-


I think I’m going to go home for the rest of the day.

I’ll see you both tomorrow at church.


(Helmuth starts walking home as the sun is setting; Rudi

and Karl walk the opposite direction offstage. As Helmuth

walks to his front door, Hugo is stepping outside,

looking around cautiously. He is in all black and is

somewhat disguised.)


Hugo. Where are you going? It’s almost time for supper.


My boy, don’t you give it another thought. I’ll be back.

(As Hugo leaves and Helmuth steps inside, he turns around

and sees Hugo strap on his swastika armband and pull out

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a gun from his pocket. When he is about to turn the

corner down the street, he fires a shot into the air and

begins to run)