Here We Go Again: Madness Wears a Mohawk

Here We Go Again! An OWBC! Chapter One: Madness Wears A Mohawk



Transcript of Here We Go Again: Madness Wears a Mohawk

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Here We Go Again! An OWBC!

Chapter One:Madness Wears A Mohawk

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Hi! I'm Sam! You may remember me from challenges such as the Superfrog ISBI or the Wrongway Legacy.

If not, well, stick around, and maybe you might enjoy my latest project – this OWBC!! See, I may already have the shiny flamingo medal, but...well. I'm back on the OWBC boat. Who knows why?

This time, I'm going for more wackiness. I really struggled picking ep bonuses this time – but eventually settled on Pets, Seasons and Bon Voyage. As for mini-challenges, I'm playing Boolprop Clubhouse, One Bad Apple, Family Scrapbook, Cowforbrain's Ghost Hunt, MOAR aliens and maybe Quad Pod if I can be bothered. I'm also taking the super mini-challenge of Monster Mash.

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“Woo! That's what I like to see! A founder with a manor house!”

Tempest, you might want to look behind you, that's where your house is.

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“Alright! This is such a nice neighbourhood that I bet my house is even nicer than that one!”

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“Is that little stone hut my house?”


“Didn't think so. Dammit, everyone said I shouldn't drop out of uni to become a founder.”

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“I have no roof. I cannot bear this. What if it rains? I don't want my mohawk to get damaged.”

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Well, while she's not pulling a face of some kind, meet Tempest Blue, my OWBC founder.

Her face is made up of maxis templates, except her nose – which I edited from a maxis nose. And don't ask me what maxis faces are in there, because I haven't got a clue.

She's also a natural red head, a popularity sim, and generally awesome. She's a Cancer with a personality of 5/5/5/5/5.

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Because I am awesome with the budget that comes with a 4x4 starter lot, I managed to build Tempest a beautiful and blue house.

Yes, it looks like every other challenge house I've ever built, what of it?

And I've decided, seeing as the family's last name is Blue, that the outside of the house will always be painted in shades of blue.

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Obligatory peek at the house's layout and furnishings. In order to keep the house an attractive blue colour, certain items of furnishing had to be sacrificed.

However, we did work three flamingos and a gnome into the budget.

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Naturally, the desert out front is decorated with the three compulsory pink plastic birds and a gnome.

Our gnome is green, because we like to shake things up a little. Actually, it's because there wasn't a blue one.

I promptly nicknamed him Tubby and moved on. Not sure why that's his name, but it is.

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So, Tempest, what do you think?

“I can work with this.”

Good to know. :)

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Tempest then wandered inside and set about making herself some breakfast, which is when she realised her one true hobby was cuisine.

As I predicted – my legacy founder had the same personality and he liked cooking.

My game then crashed and I lost Tempest's house, because like the fool I am, I had forgotten to save it. And yes, that is the only point of this slide.

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So this is the new home! I couldn't be bothered to rebuild the old house for Tempest. See? We're saving the environment this time! The wind turbines are the reason Tempest can't have a real bed. :D

“I am unenthusiastic about this.”

Unfortunately, your opinion on this new 'house' doesn't count.

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“When everyone told me not to drop out of uni, I had to be the student who insisted it was best for them. Why didn't I listen?!”

What has this taught me? Don't drop out of uni to start a strange and unusual challenge you've never heard of.

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“I don't want to get a job.”

Tempest, despite her unhappiness and protests, took a job in the Criminal career track. Mostly because I want her to look awesome in her uniform when she gets to the top of the career.

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And to show she was upset over having to take a job, Tempest kicked one of the flamingos into the dirt.

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“You represent everything I hate about this new life!”

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“Oh no! My poor flamingo! How did you fall down? Who did this to you?”

She would have done this all morning, but luckily, a welcome wagon appeared!

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But of course, before she can introduce herself, Tempest has to get distracted my a wolf wandering around her desert.

“No! Bad dog! You don't sniff me!”

The dog looks genuinely worried that he has upset Tempest.

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“I'm not happy and I want everyone to know about it!”

Believe me, I'm sure they can tell. Also, Tempest glitched up her eyes! It seems to be one of my game's favourite past times.

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Anyway, the Welcomers.

We get Jihoon Hsu, here, with all of his blonde and Goopy genetics. I've never played him before, but I'm kind of wondering if he's a natural blonde or not.

And we get Ethan, in the back. I love Ethan, he is awesome on so many levels.

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And my simself shows up as well. Doesn't she look happy to be there?

Now is probably a good time to mention that I'm looking to add simselves in this 'hood for the Boolprop Clubhouse mini challenge, so if you feel like throwing a download link my way, it would be much appreciated. :)

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After being greeted, Jihoon immediately heads over to Tubby.

I hate you, Jihoon Hsu, and I hope you die in a way that will score a tombstone for my ghosthunt mini challenge.

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But then the oddest thing happened. Ethan came over and did one of the gestures with Jihoon, and Tubby never got stolen.

I'm so happy!

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After that, I had Tempest see if there was any spouse material in her welcome wagon. Tempest has randomised as bisexual, so who knows who she will pick.

Jihoon was secretly hoping it would be him, it seems.

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Pretty soon, Ethan starts to glow. Hmm. I wonder how many bolts they have.

I mean, I've played Ethan before, in my ISBI. Or rather, I didn't play Ethan – he ran around on free will pulling awesome faces.

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So Tempest decides to spend her afternoon hanging out with her guest. Jihoon decided it would be good to sit in the road and talk to the others.

And Sam was contemplating the flamingos.

“Hmm. Do I like flamingos?”

I must do, considering I'm on the OWBC boat again.

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Then Joe Carr wandered by and decided to join in with the fun.

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Joe Carr's idea of fun is stealing gnomes, apparently.

I immediately dislike him.

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Tempest's friends stood by her whilst Joe stole the gnome. Either the community really like gnomes or really hates thieves. I think it's both.

Ethan seems very unhappy with Joe, “You do not just wander over and steal a young lady's gnome!”

“Wow, Ethan cares about this more than I do. And I'm the founder!”

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Convinced he is awesome yet?

And yes, this slide doesn't really have much purpose other than the fact Ethan looks awesome when he glows.

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“Thank you for sticking up for me and my gnome.”

“It was no trouble.”

“I'm serious. OWBC founders really appreciate their gnomes, trust me.”

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Meanwhile, Sam was having some serious problems with Joe Carr.

“So I said-”

“Don't even talk to me! You can't steal gnomes in my corner of the multi-verse and expect me to like you!”

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“Lalala, ignoring Joe...”

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Elsewhere on the lot, things weren't going quite as well as I'd hoped.

“We only have one bolt!”


I'm going to see if I can find Tempest someone with at least two bolts first. If there is no one...then we shall phone Ethan.

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So I take Tempest out to my favourite lot bin community lot, Café Petite!

Seriously, a lot of my founders meet their partners here. In my last OWBC, my founder married the bartender here.

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“I don't like anyone outside of the café.”

How about trying inside?

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“Hi, I'm Komei, Komei Tellerman.”

“...Tempest Blue.”

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“He is so hot!”

Komei seemed oblivious to Tempest heartfarting him.

“Oh Andrea, hello! No, I think I would notice if there was girl being attracted to me behind me.”

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“You're so hot!”

“Now, now, I don't accept compliments off strangers.”

Komei's expression is definitely a mixture of 'I'm flattered, but also creeped out'.

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Luckily, even with the rejection, Tempest got to know Komei well enough so she could invite him over to her house.

“You live in a wonderful mansion, Tempest!”

“Komei, that's the house across the street. I live in the desert dust we're standing on.”

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ACR helped the couple move things along a little. I know the hack is probably an unfair advantage but...I don't feel like taking it out.

I think these two are sweet together, anyway.

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“Tempest...we only have one bolt. The creator will never allow this.”

“It's not her decision to make.”

Truly, it isn't. I didn't tell them to flirt or anything on Tempest's home lot, and it seems the couple have decided they want to be together. Even if they only share one bolt.

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Tempest! After I let you keep your one bolt lover and everything.

Komei looks deeply confused by what he is hearing.

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Komei and Tempest then decided to ignore neighbours and people wandering by so that they could make out.

Young love, no?

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These two and their antics though did give me a chance to check out how my new lighting mod looks.

I love it. And yes, this is just an excuse to include this slide. (How many times have I said that this chapter?)

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Soon enough, Komei moved in, bring $11,000 with him. That will make a nice house in the next update.

And this actually happened two days after the previous slide. There is one more day left in the season, which will be for the wedding and the seasonal party.

Komei is a fortune sim with a personality of 6/5/8/3/3, making him a Scorpio.

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This also makes him mean enough to steal back gnomes.

Yay, the return of Tubby!

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“And now we begin gnome watching. No one will steal Tubby and get away with it...”

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Here are the fish I was supposed to buy at the beginning of the chapter. Basically, part of the Pets bonus is to keep these same fish alive until the end of the challenge.

As for breeding a set of dogs/cats, I shall start that in the next chapter. Why? Because I'm lazy.

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And that is where I shall leave you, this time! A quick question, seeing as Tempest isn't male and can't have alien babies, should I give up the MOAR aliens mini challenge?

Join me next time for babies, puppies and parties!

Thanks for reading! :)