Herbs of Peru

Medicinal an d magical pl an ts in the no rt he rn Per uvi an An des V. DE FED  Dipal·timen to di Chimica delle Sos/arm Naturali , Ullivmitil degli Studi "FederU:o 11", Ha D. Montesal lO 49, 80 131 Na po li , It al y SUMMARY. The u>e s 0 / med icillal and mag ica l Plallts by the ShamallS o/ northem Per u ar e re por ted . Me dic ina l  plalllS are widely used i l lthe tre at men t o/ lIu mer ous hUlll al l di s"" "ses all d are o/ teu the s ole av ail able remedi es. Man has alw ay s soug ht an d fo un d re med ie s fo r hi s il ln esses in natur e, usua lly in th e ve geta bl e ki ng do m. Ev er y pe op le ha s ac cu mu la te d de ep kn ow- le dg e of nat ur al dr ug s, ho w to rec og ni ze, ga ther an d pr ep ar e th em . In mo der n western civ iliz ati on sy nth eti c dru gs pre vai l ove r those of ex tra c- ti ve or ig in bu t in the de ve lo pi ng co un tr ie s med ic in al pl an ts an d/ or ex tr ac t th er eof ar e th e ma in , of ten on ly , so ur ce of medicines. This is mo st evid en t in com mu nit ies tha t are geogr aph ica lly or cultu ral ly iso lat ed, wh ere "of fIc ial " me - di ci ne is ha rd to c om e by a nd of te n out of re ac h al to ge th er , pa rt ly because of eco nom ic fac tor s, which limit th e pre sen ce of med ica l fac ili tie s and per son nel wi th aca de mic u- ai ni ng on th e terr it or y. In thes e areas th e treatmen t of d is ea- ses rests esse nt ia ll y, of ten on ly , on na tu ra l dr ug s. most of whi ch co me fr om 'Fig . I - The st ud y ar ea: Hua nca hamha Pro vin ce , Piura Depa nmelll.

Transcript of Herbs of Peru

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