Herald Feb 2015

The Herald Kevin, Linsey, Ben, Josh & Charys Potter Jan/Feb 2015 “We can do all this through Christ who gives us strength” HAPPY NEW YEAR. We hope and pray that 2014 finished in a manner that was encouraging for you and that 2015 is a year filled with shalom. We certainly need that peace as this summer most of the Potter family will be transitioning back to the UK. Long-term our (Kevin & Linsey’s) heart and focus is for supporting & engaging with communities and individuals in a manner that supports the weak and vulnerable. Our desire is to have a hand in a community that illustrates the kingdom of God and that facilitates people and communities as they strive for and achieve the whole potential that God has for them. In our ventures, we have seen a great deal of pain, angst and heartache occurring in all types of countries & communities whether “rich or poor”, “civilized or not”. Our desire is to work with others & live out the restoration focus described in Ezekiel 37:1-14 & to see communities filled with God’s Spirit and living as whole as possible. We believe it's attainable as amongst the pain, angst and heartache we have also seen the reality of the Kingdom bringing life, joy, shalom, love and restoration. Currently we (Kevin & Linsey) are looking for temporary accommodation either in Wales or the South of England. If you get to hear of any rental accommodation available, please let us know. We expect to spend several months in deputation, closing this phase of life, settling into the UK and liaising with various people about what happens next. SUMMER TRANSITIONS


A Potter family update & highlighting the current and future adventures.

Transcript of Herald Feb 2015

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The Herald Kevin, Linsey, Ben, Josh & Charys Potter

Jan/Feb 2015 “We can do all this through Christ who gives us strength”


HAPPY NEW YEAR. We hope and pray that 2014 finished in a manner that was encouraging for you and that 2015 is a year filled with shalom. We certainly need that peace as this summer most of the Potter family will be transitioning back to the UK. Long-term our (Kevin & Linsey’s) heart and focus is for supporting & engaging with communities and individuals in a manner that supports the weak and vulnerable. Our desire is to have a hand in a community that illustrates the kingdom of God and that facilitates people and communities as they strive for and achieve the whole potential that God has for them. In our ventures, we have seen a great deal of pain, angst and heartache occurring in all types of countries & communities whether “rich or poor”, “civilized or not”. Our desire is to work with others & live out the restoration focus described in Ezekiel 37:1-14 & to see communities filled with God’s Spirit and living as whole as possible. We believe it's attainable as amongst the pain, angst and heartache we have also seen the reality of the Kingdom bringing life, joy, shalom, love and restoration. Currently we (Kevin & Linsey) are looking for temporary accommodation either in Wales or the South of England. If you get to hear of any rental accommodation available, please let us know. We expect to spend several months in deputation, closing this phase of life, settling into the UK and liaising with various people about what happens next.








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Since the end of the summer, Oasis USA has journeyed through a challenging season and recently we had to lay off staff. However, we have also been part of some great community events and encouraging partnerships in Los Angeles. At the end of 2014 friends of Oasis organized a community Graffiti and Street art exhibition highlighting the issue of human trafficking and bringing awareness in North LA. We also became part of the C. A. R. E. 18LA initiative. C. A. R. E. 18LA is an 18-month initial project that connects together many organizations such as government, law enforcement, private and non-profit groups, to address human trafficking of minors in Los Angeles. It has a victim-centered approach and a focus on safe housing and wrap-around services. Please pray the desire to support young women would overcome the politics that can sometimes hinder these initiatives. To this end we would also ask you to pray for Christine, who is a survivor of HT and who we and others are helping develop as a key advocate for women and children caught in family domestic trafficking situations. You can read more at http://www.gofundme.com/cesa-christine 2015 will continue to bring a diverse load of challenges and opportunities for Oasis USA. A key challenge over the next few months is to lay the foundation so that Oasis can transition into greater integrated community engagement (HUBs) and develop social business programs that could fund the work within the USA. Oasis currently has two embryonic HUBs, one in the eastern part of the Midwest of America and another on the West coast of America. We would also appreciate your prayers for Kevin & Oasis USA, as one specific challenge is that Kevin has to transition out of Oasis USA by the summer and a new structure and leadership needs to be in place.

LINSEY - is pushing on with her studies getting great interaction and feedback. She is also meeting with some very creative and interesting people. In her own words “I am now well into the doctoral part of my program and actually enjoying it although finding it challenging. (“I’m beginning to realize what a nerd I am!”) This is an interesting season though, as we prepare to leave, with very mixed emotions. We had a wonderful time at Christmas with Mum, Angela and Kyra (Linsey’s sister and niece), but seeing them all leave made me realize how much this was the beginning of the end of an era. This time next year things are


Two pictures from the Skin & Bones art event


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going to look drastically different: new country, new home and new jobs, and no children at home. It’s going to be very hard saying goodbye to the family in the US, not to mention leaving Ben behind. Eleven years in one country is a long time for us. Out of the past 21 years, we have only spent 4 in the UK.” CHARYS - is intensely focused on her schoolwork, university applications and on organizing her GAP year. The studies are hard but ongoing, and she does see a light at the end of the tunnel although there is quite a hurdle of exams to get over before she emerges into the light. Over the next couple of weeks, she has several SKYPE interviews with various Universities in the UK and has already been provisionally accepted for one in the Southwest of England. She would appreciate your prayers for wisdom and favor as she liaises with others in developing a GAP year that would help her grow in her character and personhood. JOSH - had a good end to 2014 and was able to spend the Christmas holidays with us in Alhambra that we saw as a real blessing. Now he is back in the UK and in his words “Well Britain is cold. Oh so cold. Though I like London I must say that the weather in California is far more appealing. There isn’t a whole lot going on in my life at the moment; just University (which, in all fairness, is kinda a whole lot in and of itself). I’m studying journalism, for those who are unaware. Interestingly enough, it is far less writing than you would think. More reading... and reading... and then a little bit more reading. A lot of theory stuff (which I actually enjoy) like the whole objectivity shenanigans and ‘What is Journalism?’ Also things like, ‘Can journalism still exist in the age of the Simulacra?’ (For those curious, Jean Baudrillard wrote an essay about it. If you are curious, don’t be. It isn’t the easiest read). I’ve also been working at a whisky shop the last few months, which has been fantastic. There is nothing quite like staring at a bottle of whisky thinking ‘that’s as much as my student loans for three years’. But alas, all good things might come to an end (not sure yet). Due to the fact that I can only work part time, my services may not be needed there for too much longer and I may need to start looking for another job. So please keep that in your thoughts and prayers. Money is always in issue in a city like this with everything being so expensive. But other than that I am well. Just waiting for old Ms.Sunshine to brace us with her presence again.”

BEN – “Currently I'm balancing my studies, (which will end up strengthening my music business insights), Circlesight, and a deepening relationship with Mackenzie. Earlier this year, Circlesight, was played on the radio in Ohio and also played as a backing track in a club on a TV show called the “Young & the Restless. We're in the process of recording a few more singles to release and I've also been helping a Grammy nominated producer by playing drums for him, which has really been a blessing and stretched me as a musician, too. When it comes to college, it turns out I actually have a brain when I decide to use it! I've

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We would appreciate your prayers for our wider family. Especially for parents & various family members who are battling

health issues at the moment. Also for family who will be moving this year

especially Rosemary, Linsey’s mum, who has recently sold her house and will be

moving after 28+ years.

Lots of Love Kevin, Linsey, Ben, Josh & Charys.

[email protected]; [email protected]; www.potterabout.com


been doing much better than I thought I was going to do, and I'm halfway through my second semester. The finances for each semester are still coming in slowly, so I would appreciate your prayers on that. Mackenzie and I have been going out for over a year now and that's going fantastically. Mackenzie will be finishing her Psychology degree in the middle of 2016. All in all, I'm swell!”

As a family we would appreciate your prayers for resources for Ben to complete his studies, deepening connections for Circlesight and wisdom and favor in his long-term visa pursuits

If you would like to help Ben reach his goal go to http://www.gofundme.com/benpotter

To support Christine and help her reach the goal of assisting women and young girls caught in domestic trafficking go to http://www.gofundme.com/cesa-christine

If you would like to support our upcoming transition or have information on any possible rental accommodation available in the UK contact us at [email protected]

We would appreciate

PRAYER • For the wider community that we (Kevin, Linsey & Charys) will be

leaving in the summer. We have been wonderfully supported & encouraged, made many good friends and met some wonderful people. We have also seen God move in amazing ways in amongst the wealth and poverty within the USA.

• For healing and strength for Rick and his family, very good

friends (Rick & Bev) of ours in Australia who are journeying through being impacted by cancer.

• For Kevin as he & the board manages the significant challenges

within Oasis USA over these next several months. There is a lot of stress and he feels the pressure to develop a platform to help bring about a sustainable future that supports the vulnerable in local communities.

• To empower and strengthen Charys as she organizes her GAP

year and decides on the right University placement • So that over the next several months Christ would give us the

strength to start and manage well the process of transition.