Herald (1888-Present)/1911-1920...Ihe...

." 1- •- Y9L. fl. NO;. 50------'---

Transcript of Herald (1888-Present)/1911-1920...Ihe...

Page 1: Herald (1888-Present)/1911-1920...Ihe 'itslted hIS Sister, MTS. \\T. E.lmg from Rushville ... l.nd-th-e-departmentwas eta

."1- • - ~5

Y9L. fl. NO;. 50------'---

Page 2: Herald (1888-Present)/1911-1920...Ihe 'itslted hIS Sister, MTS. \\T. E.lmg from Rushville ... l.nd-th-e-departmentwas eta


_pre~:~=~~~;ci~:~:~~::~:r=~' ~iT;;~~I~~ia~I:~;d~;f{~;~;;:~~~:O~::=-vin~ _}:'Q..IL.Y(Q!I.'t have to -do it again fO~went to Lincoln Monday to attend

--- ~._'-- years· and years.. Sold by at" .art _ . d

"Bug-Death.. is a sale, effective insecnciae rouse-- Hardware - __:suJttidl~af ta. - --------. .on currant:-r-;spberry, blackberry bushes;-strawberry - ! lnG\V;;n~o~:et~::n ~1,:~:6~~n::; ~~:u:~n~th~~~f~!t;~lm:11J VISItplants, etc. For sale only at Ion hIS way to SIOUX City. In Wayne S E. Auker anwed Fnda~ mam-

Ihe 'itslted hIS Sister, MTS. \\T. E.lmg from Rushville, Neb, where be~ - ,\\'mternnger. ~ -==- ~pent se....ei.ill dap- \nth_hls_~

I Homer \\~:<ton, \\ 3)ne barber. "Who IS In feeble health. Mr ,""uker• \\ ent to SiouxCltv- Moo,diVtOenter says an abundance-of ram hM fall!.n

; a hOSpll~Jor an~~pera'l.ll!Il. Ile_ex..:_,_~~~~ west~~__~a~ ~f the-statc;- _~

!p«;ts to_ be a~Je to return_-lti a ~eek l Mr. anq M~\It1~~~~~ £~~~l_4 •. ,.;:.~;:';:;::"l

)-~l oed......W ----W:l}'-n.e....:.Satury:. ~.

Page 3: Herald (1888-Present)/1911-1920...Ihe 'itslted hIS Sister, MTS. \\T. E.lmg from Rushville ... l.nd-th-e-departmentwas eta


SATURDAY IS DEMONSTRA-'nON OAYAT RRAMAN'S·"u c..,..n, -I. \"7 'where they will make their future announced, Superintendent---ii- R. "It-i~-n-ot ~n--o~gan~tlOn to -make

--.r-enHo-~~'" ior-a.-!ew.. ~11~sJna Hughes~ MIss Ahce,S.~!!1 _ _ ' __ ',_ '.' _ _ _---=------__-=-._.=..~. ~_cc.~. __ =-=-~~-'--_---'--~hi----''--'--I--!lays'stay. . - ~liss Itva Graves and M~ss Fe,Tn _~- Miss Mary Shannon left Tuesday On~a.n.--llnd-- the- a-cc-ompam~,- -- - -- --. -- - -- - -1 - - -- - - - - . - -.'. ---;;..."_._. "Ilg---Wr----Sffia.- Cit -, fer a fe Be~sle Crcckett. and Prof. J. J. Co]!:'-I -=-HlGK--SCBO.OI.---:-~:::-S_HIE.EERS~~SSO~JATION.. DEA_TH OF _WE~PE.L._BAKER. "Kearns, and tnterment was_mad~. In - -. ...:.- -_.~_<Iays' visit. - _. ;:~: ~:e~~tt:rt~;na~:~~~ MOnd~Y to BANQUET A SUCCESS: The Xortheast Xebraska Shi?r;~' -:We~de,-:-i!-:-B;k~r--~~'~r~Th~Viyne'cemeterj.--.----~--- -~-~-',:

MiS$----A~ice ~fau leit Tuesday ~. - __ I association held another meelmg' In Lmcoln, Ill., August 28, lBi8 and '-{lsses ~nna and Kate Baker of_ mornin,g for_ Papillion for a visit ~l?' w. C:ossland I~ft Fnda)' The annual banquet given ~y the! the _city h~J1 ;n Wa)'ne SatllrJal~died at the home of his parents in Omah'l, Nick B'l~er of Lrncb, and '~~J

~,~it~~-:~at~~~. .. _, - .~ _- _~ _~~~t~~;~~~~~C;~:~re~:~~ l~-i~; c~ass---~fr--~}~~;~~;t~±air~~~~~~~:~~I~~~~j;i:;j~~~v.;_ri~_h~~a~~]9l~~s:-~~v:gy:~~~ ~~~~~~t~~~~~;~;-~1~_'.~_ };11S5 }'i:nna Da'ils and Xfissjenn.le c.harltLcS and correctlonsneld. t~,:re last F~ve~ ,and the functionIben:. The as.sociation met. W.'ith. Jill ne.".IY. a year, fu niOi.;:-eo."w.ith-I ..h.~m. -Nl."....•nd. '.In...; ."'.'dC..h.---Of _~IOU.x-~-.

Carpenter of Randolph, were 10 May 12. She e~t?ected to be JOlOed is regard~d one ~f -the most per- heany response, every shippu pteS~ his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter CIty: w-ho were cou-sms,-~~nded'Uff"':ayne, Tuesday ,_ . bv her son Wilham_of St. Jose~h, -fectlY----------aweinte-d-----a-tI~nj~e+--en.t-~pping--Up-..a.nJi..s:ignif.lg-tb~r-{)JIjJ.illr-"tQ..lQ...w~L.'!rl!~-he·was.~'guhe-S~~lc~s-=------'!'~e n:a~t :ne~~ of the~c~

._ Tl)'...l: .!:'.!!.~': :a~9- _~·~?_~'i·~11 alway~_ ~fo".~~_? "a~~~ a_t~_~~.__ ~ __ - _events of the kiRd in the history o! and pa~~_1[ his membership .fe~. 1yo~g"and the family carne twenty· la~11) sympathIze Wlt6 t6em-----m -~use puritan flour, Furcliner;Wendfe MISS -Rutlt_'Prye an-d- M1ss~ne_ the institution,------"he banquet took ~ritentmgon tneassocl:nlon,~n------a-go---t-&-Wayne-c(lunty~!h~!Ls~d--,!ere~~~~!!!.·__~ . _...-)

~-Co.,distributors. M13!la!! 2~11~_~_QL~1Qle_rstown, Pa., who had place in the music room- of the member sa)'s: 1),1r. Baker was married February _ _. ,:";'_- - Mis5 Ema Voget of :S-orfolk, was been visitin~ at tlie-Da\'!d--C-unl1in~ ~clioot;_:l.nd-th-e-department was eta _.....:.·It-lonks aL.tb,o_u.,gh JJ1i~_ass_oda-J 1l~ __1.~7, t~ Miss D,ora U,lric~ who _ Important Omiuioaa. - --~

- an Oyer Sunda)' guest of her mother, ham m \Va~ne for a few days bo'rately and appropriately decor- t.lOn was de~ttn~d to_----be a ve.ry ~_survl\'le~ hIm, BeSIdes hlS WIfe he Omaha Bee: Comptroner of-the ---~_~~~~--ayti~I f Fridav,-mornin~lor St. Paul. ., for the stranD' or""mzau~n and tbat ltsllea.ves hiS aged parents, three smalllro. ~ittedfr~m"m.'_"_:~~

_u~ .C'. C Fwm thm 'hey w>l1 go tn North "ca.'on. A c.noPyof ."on ond.a'm, malong hn" 'h"e_canno'l,h,'d"n. LoRoy. Edna ond Y"rl'l~a::::,"~~:ko,:'~:.r::;at important·'~.:

l.elander of Norfolk, Were in, - -,: ~, --~Vayne-on--bttsittess----'t-tt~diy;,--- - . ...T~e5tantonPicket~akesthe_fol- Gr----- -~-:-~~--~----~ GL-ASS-REOORD. -=AT-J - -~-~~~=----=--= ---~ Mrs. C. O. ~isber .left Tues~a?" ~.w~~ ~a~~~les~:~~o~e:Of:_~~fi - aUU8LI.On GIF'l' BOOKS. PENN:A~TSli---1 _ -tailored? ~!ousers_ c=a-=~~~_'-_o\;;:'=-=-:lf~ernOOn~or~10UXClt}"'for_~vlslt"p.~~mee.ting at that place - .I""'~~~. AND MANY GIFTS FOR 00.kstore wee..kIYOrmon.thIY?.D.OUth.etoca-:~ ... ,.:...:..~tH:·r-slster. -Mrs:-\~S;-Dlckc-r-' recently~ ------.'~ngnt 0 tne ---uu.---&.3-- --- ------GRADUATION.--- ---- -~-- -- ----- - krn-a_tch-the-marble_~.!'!-!h!, m."--~-i~

_.._son, Wayne Normal lectured (In' th~. .. - Infornuuon on :.Mrs.lI~a~ G!ocke-of :E:lgin. subjeit _of "Cooperation.:'_H_l;is.__a white----Was__SI1S~==tl:te faiL--tQ meet the -approval and-s-i:rp- -and- five Mot-ben-and tbre-&-.sister: th{".tt._PQ~n~siU5se.!!.tial t.o ~_~- _-,.;',_

frIends In \\ ayne between tronDs clever speaker and told mao}" inter- chandelier. Bouquets of wltite port oi-e-¥Ct¥-------Sbippl:r. T&c__ men --Fu 1- - - . h Id - t St "Qe~tall:dl.!I.K_ofthe _6nanc....tal S!tuauon , - .":-,~uesday. She was on her way to esting stories t6 illustrate his talk. hacs m d the window ledges at- who are back' of the move ~~d- who neTa se~~es were- e --a -.•- a-illltbe; pFeventioti--of-unw1iotes~

=~Nf~ligh." _ . He has_a m;lgtt.NK: pers?nalitY,_and- t~cti"e.a_ Th,e tables were arranged are pushing it, ~~e not the kind of :MaQ':s C~thohc chureh MQnday cont,:",st!l in the internal econom1_Qf"~~·~:;;_

~._.Mn-..Ered-Black and httl:.daugh- .h~.~.".le~Jl0Jl;-.Of.h~~_.aUdlence in-a hOIlC!W.. sq.uare...and. the center men -WIi.O b.alk a.t Obstade.s•.momlUg, COl'!dUC."d...b.Y. Rev.- Father .bankmg... ..... ... .~.~-'_>: teL!~urned-TU£Sda}'_e,·..enmg from mlrJng_th~ - was made beautiful"-witb-a-profusiotl -T-h"'cy:;:,,~c-~>uc~~~~;'::·~~';::::::::::::::::================::;

. Omaha, wbere they visited relatives thuiastically rec-eived," of PQtted plants. The tables wer~ gres'si\'e fellows who ha\"e no such . •for a week, Dr. C. A. McMaster wbo will" be decorated with foliage, and lighte~ word iii their vocabulaQ' as 'fail,' ,

Mrs, F. L. Neeley returned Tues- associated with Dr. J. -G:-C-reeDI~ With caniDess6ften-edc-by greennano and- are--not- going- tQ.--pla.<:e it. th_e~ -Of~nterest to -----<:lay evening from Sioux City where the oractice of dentistry, in \Va)'ne white -shades. , a~~i They realize that i~ ~r~~ - _, - '.~~-I--~

-- - . -.;.=::- ~.e:c, 1~;w~ee:\;.i~;,mN.Teh~~ ex~~~:~ :e;~_~~i~r~~:~n ~rs~ ~:de::r;:';:~i~d~~ot~~e~~ ~e~~es~ -H-----O--·--U·S·E-W IV·-ES: t' - -:--{;accompamed' ---by-~-ll1s-wife.--The D. S. McVicker, was served m four S~l')" to organIZe and pull togeth~r,.-- - - -~ ----- - :- - - I~=::";

S~ A V- I N G 5 I'Pawn~Chiefhasthist(l;say_o-fthe courses._Iheaasscolors,;greenand and they prDP.ose to get_~he Shl.p.I"'lP , ,family: "Dr. anaMi's. (;.1\..Me. white, ,,'ere .cacM.·ed_ out in the re- pers of the Third congresslOna.1 diS·-SERMONE+-Tb- ~aster..-who--haJt.e!'.matk..1hcir_-h_~·~iutients.. _At the_..t.l:rn..cll!.ill!t!__of ,trict orgaD.ize.d for their mutual

1in Pawn~e City fo~ :~.:eral y~rs, the ba~quet. wbic~ was ~horoughly ~ie~etfi~oab;.he\'lDg they are on the

.We have been able to arran{l'e for.~ aemonstrationsOn-:..----~

--.-,.;~ . .ni:;I!t~

Page 4: Herald (1888-Present)/1911-1920...Ihe 'itslted hIS Sister, MTS. \\T. E.lmg from Rushville ... l.nd-th-e-departmentwas eta

Bologna and Liver Sausage (B0m.; made). thr~ rings .25c

"T~~r~~--.f!esh,- ~~~-=~ ~.---- -. ~.~='-~"=::J;:::::::

......................... _ ... _.25c

~ ~~ "~~---~

Suggestions:-,~~. Pendants,. Brooches, Scarl Pins, Bracelets,- Cuff _

~ _'BlittOftt, .Rinp,---Watchcs,-Freiic)J. Ivory -Toilet Articlei,-So\l~_-'-'-- -~Eoc; -, . -- - _ ...__ c


Page 5: Herald (1888-Present)/1911-1920...Ihe 'itslted hIS Sister, MTS. \\T. E.lmg from Rushville ... l.nd-th-e-departmentwas eta

~ --NO···W·,IS THE TIM..t: TO:- ~ ,ey l:?DC u e ex', senaS:-"Be-neatli tnemoonor£seems, - .... BUY A GOOD In~_ kicked the bucket; too. -to heat the voices of his"'long.dead "W.he!Lm)·-':lJ~ughtc:r._~a.<!_.who~_~A.NI'-MADKOAKTANNED _._ _ -- __ ,frie~ds. The gbosd}' shadows .i~g cough she COtlg~ed so-hard at.

_ ....LEA~. __~= 1_.~-=-_·,!:,._.N~_O._~QU~I):-_-__.~. f]oa...,.-.-and-.-play l_ike.--=.ilvC'!f ill.' on~_time that !~e_had .M.mOrrbagc._ __ _ _Let. tribulation's waters roll, and an _ enchanted tand. il:td _worldly - FWas--terrib1yaia

tI A RN ES· ~ drench 'me -a; I don't deserveI -f -tiUn~ s~m tar away,-atid mystic ll,bout h"er-coQdi' _.' --:;: _ . ;;J "lam the c-aptian of my sonl. I am the '~ngs- seem close at band And so ,':'.edain's Cougn &medy so highly­f'-:"r------------j z~---ot-mT~~ r lovukmoontit BIght, when c'iery 1"ecommended, I got ber a bottle and_ boastmg's out of place don't gr ~'llas faIry nngs, or ye gr ~~lk .

and the PIaee.ia me with a Jeer""Or scoff I've m_t-t wearv of the fIght tnat c:vef) gansh she had fimshed tW~ ho.ttJ~ of fiii~- the Obi Reliable mIsfortune face w--face, and pulled mornang bnngs. re~edy she -was e?ttrely well,

_ - _ ltS-.bloomlOg v;hlskers of[ hLI wntes Mrs. S. F Gnmes. Crooks..-~ -JOttN S. LI:WIS,-JR: j'have sounded all the deeps of PO\- Y E' M£Vlcker "ho IS suff~ring ville. OhIO. Obtasnable everywherl!. Yo~rs for' Business,~_._ - ert:r and-i1f ana---WOe anhh ~ S';Inday :n-.. - .

oc Warne. Nehruka sm"'ile I w~.!:-lor keeps stIli pasb&d temoon fur ltxceIlllOr Sprtllgs, Mo_ .outside whitt pamt, a"bSolutel,T - 'R.ay .Hurst_, Wa..yn.·e.! N."ebraska._.-:::~ -:; &tabliBhed 1884 my features to and fro Oli, I have: for a few months' stay. he-ping to pure. only $1.50 pet pllolf' at Car-,..:;=-, walked the wintry streets aU night benefit llisb~ hart's M13tladlL. ...._ ... ~~

in~~ c._._~____ - c ~'I .-.

Page 6: Herald (1888-Present)/1911-1920...Ihe 'itslted hIS Sister, MTS. \\T. E.lmg from Rushville ... l.nd-th-e-departmentwas eta


Wayne, Nebraska

TuesdO;y, May 18,1915.

Last-Number on Entertainment' Course

General AdmissiQn5Q_Cents

Page 7: Herald (1888-Present)/1911-1920...Ihe 'itslted hIS Sister, MTS. \\T. E.lmg from Rushville ... l.nd-th-e-departmentwas eta


Here are- your s-ugar and flour insingle sack lots just u you- need - ­them at almost car·lot prien. Tbeaeprices- hold- goOd' until next week'.paper comes out, when we will~name prices just as low, Get thehabit of cominl or phonin&; toAhem's. for all your lfOCerlea.Everything you eat is on we here­frt'Sh, full weight and good quality-at rock· bottom-pt1ceI.


wBu¥~Y()urCoalorcSUit::afa'U'---~Reduction in _PriCe- During

Our Clearing Sale



----------alltl nea!l;'--k;t~-~h~-P1J~e to go l~wm,~ all oppo~Iitty--ro aay--anaSU:n~nre·""'tr.--tlf+-.~m,~,to satisfy a huniI}' ~petite at mini- learn how t.J prope'ly seo'c t:ltse. Miss "!attie Jones went to Waynemum ~OSL --, ~~13I1ad delicacies . "~1311atl ~Ionda)' and took a lesson op her

Free balloon at fhl.' -Ne'Xa-H- ~tore Chica:go Mpsic ~ews; Mr. Walker violin. -Miss Jones is making fine_.:.__~.:ne);t_~Sat.ur.d:u:.- __ --.:.L-.halloon with ~ang---the_--~l?!--5oto-superbly. -his progress .and is very ~uch enthused

: every 5-cent glass of Liggett's pure voice never- rose more easily:and in her work.~~~rnnge ade. ---~_--_ :>H3tlad cl~arly .and ~iS_q~ti(Jtl was so-pu J.1Ts. Stevenson and Mrs. \V.-R.,::-~---x Phone Rundell ior kerosene and ~1!d nis_-ge.!?~!al-Jnterp~~.!io!!~~ R_oot w~~allers'at th~ ItW)on~s

gasoline in tank lots., ;- and 12 cents good as to leave nothing to be de- home-Saturilay-rr-was tlJoiiglifffi,at-.-•...-.....- . .' sired. At. State.Normal chapel, May ~lrs" Jones w?s slighfly imprOVing.1.---. --- 18. M13tlad at that time. .

-; ADJ"USTMENT . out twenty· members of tbe The Rey, and Mrs. Franzen-wae''.'.' . Jlocal 0.dd. Feli.ows'· lodge- autoC'd Sholes callC'roS, Frida)' forenoon, mak-j

-'-.-'. ----f)P-F-RA-MES _~~';~;~~~r~::~~i:;~~ :;·~:~7~e~:n~sal:,O ~~~: ;eC'~7c~~j--:- -:-.-.---.. __ ·_c. ~ ·order·-Tle-ld----m-~dman-hallatwill be-hcld May·2J, ·1~~.~= - - .. i that - place.-- In. -the~-afurnoon_ and .\,".e learn that Mrs..

It'I'ening degrees were conferred daughters had a runaway Monday-'

'~. --.:_ . I~;~:. C~;~;i:i~~i;~: :Pbe:~~-:t~:.:: ~~:;~:O;at~:~:y~;:s·r~~~~:.;\ l~~~.' IT IS HIGHLY IMPORTANT!el~o)"ed, . one-Qi the-girls.had.--a.--.g'.lSh-euL"


Page 8: Herald (1888-Present)/1911-1920...Ihe 'itslted hIS Sister, MTS. \\T. E.lmg from Rushville ... l.nd-th-e-departmentwas eta
Page 9: Herald (1888-Present)/1911-1920...Ihe 'itslted hIS Sister, MTS. \\T. E.lmg from Rushville ... l.nd-th-e-departmentwas eta



Freab air is good for them and for yC?u, too, but let :111',/-- "el( you the wire screen- ·to strain the flie,dl'OOl -0'

heIh air you bring'-into your' home. AIr wulffii'instoc.k.

-----Al.L THESE ·AND ·MORE--'I'O· B& HAD-----.U'-------f-:--



;.~.~~~i~~~~T~;~:~~f~I~~hN~:~:~o~~~r~lO::-:~90~v:'# ~iceast of Wayne thIS season. . 0 0 • .o_,,'-i,:

, .. - ~ TERPIS: $15 to insure Iivinll colt to stan~dsqck.If'mIlI'!li&JlOld,_tradlidJU\,(c:~t,. ·1~.fs county, foal bill will become due at


once: Care will be taken to avoid a~~Dt;3Y-hutwill not be responsoible shoull! any occur. '0 --""cc:\;~


-~~'-~~YNEHE~LD, THURSDAY, MAY 13, 191_~.

_<._,~~'i:: ~n: Fr~igbt _.-.:-~ 8 a: Dl.. _ ~n !~e ..m~~~~0?u!"_ c~d.f. :will _be". ~No. 57, Freight arrives _ 4:45.a. m .growing. If you have a gOOd-pastUR.

~.Branch_ArriRS_frottl_JliQm!·' alialfa_ or dover ~al,'com fodder~.;:N6. S9,J!a$..' '7'45~w a_'!~~"~m_~5om0~~~!J,'!"~>!!.1_~

'·'C:No. 5Z. ~ass:':'':'''' __~:IO p..m..and will bring a 'long pr~ce: as.a.., :No. 56. Freight ._.:..-.,..-~_3 a:-Ul- stocker or feeder. "Ueanwbde it Will

..:.:..'~ B'rallth_.~l''''-.Bloomfidd. .,h<rr.~_c9ntribJ.lted_to_the.JertiJjty of;__.·>:No. 51, Pass _0_._._ 10:15 a. m )'our fqnn. It w~1 thus hne hdped

-~~~!No. 52 Pus -.--'--=- 6~55 p. ~ -~:~~PG:~;t~~::~~:,t~~.~:~:~. ;;;i;,~ . " -, really fa'nning yet.- --We-are simply,'~',.c,{ J; H. Foster &.·on h ~ ,ius~g.,up the stored fertility.--of--:the

face urick ,for founda.." es, and win reach.-a· point sOOR.~

-any-~ --needjng----sue '-orlatE'r-wfr~I~Iy',

~~~J~n:tBbc~:~ ·thei~ ::~~-:ar:~.~nd v~_li.ttle !~r ini

IliI..C_~-~"':a.k eXCtlse, to blind our (',yes' to the~~ UDIEI"D...E ...tIIEi ....,. future. For the war will .bi" m:er'-·~·..~iDlD~V~.~:"~";En he.iore ~ny o.f'lillr caI~'es droplieo

-- -' thiS spr,!!lg WIll go onto the-marketas fee~ers OT do seriice as dairy

~-uRN ~S-H E9 ~Qf)M pio~::-f~~~~~(f;;-I'~n;-~:m:":__ ~nl, sllItalJlt, for hght hOllseke.ep- in the corn belt had a good, strong

....:.-- mg. Mrs; L A_' Fa-nske; MIltl doseof 'Just tii~1.t kind at sentimentfor th'e neiC{wo~three-ye:ars :l:t

~--Deafness. Canaot---Be ·Cured _ lea-st. adQs.e....slf_~!l":l_~ 'ktepthem from killirig or seIling 'iOrslaughter calvl;s of any of the.peefor dual purpose breeds or. of t~e

hrger ~typ-e!>-of special dairy cattle. -For the world is going' to be shortU II • -an neans -s11(I"·,orrtlr---~?--~leather· for beets. shoes and harness,and of a hundr~~aM--·--ofie. otherthings (9.r_whicll we are. dependenton-,'em-re:----·----- -lle:-e:--~

~~;~:~~H~f~~;~__;:~:.~=~-;~:~::::S%~.lF:~~,.:~:!};~thiny dollars._ E\'ery hog 1 fed on

WHEN IN OMAHA "181T THI! ,corn has lost me- t~n c('-nls a bushel

~~~~ t:: ~:e :;;n~ll~~~1 ~:;tri~:~rst~~~ -...,....... '.' ..~..

Page 10: Herald (1888-Present)/1911-1920...Ihe 'itslted hIS Sister, MTS. \\T. E.lmg from Rushville ... l.nd-th-e-departmentwas eta
Page 11: Herald (1888-Present)/1911-1920...Ihe 'itslted hIS Sister, MTS. \\T. E.lmg from Rushville ... l.nd-th-e-departmentwas eta
Page 12: Herald (1888-Present)/1911-1920...Ihe 'itslted hIS Sister, MTS. \\T. E.lmg from Rushville ... l.nd-th-e-departmentwas eta

. i~J!::\y~i~_~~,D, TllU~,SP~,Y. MAY 131.1~iS, --~~~--~;;;

--·-'r.\-,n.n.'II.-.~~~pot~~F~· ••·~~UN~

~{~~~~:da): :te::h we~~s aY'NJ:d' Caroti~e 'Dy~rt rnade'a fishing trip'~lhe cLass. :The foiiowing-noffke.rsj O~~~'P~~: -W-H-.--T;;:~~~f-\Yakefie1d, ---(C-;~~~~~'~o~··-·-·-

Miss" 1\'exa-- Dii -iijl,:~d'Til:Win- --_._-side-Sunday evening to he,the gof 1Ln;. D. ]. Ca:vanaugb.

-',-_-,-",M",t<c..-' , ~\\':ci~and-J.ittk-;..... ::::daughter _I~.ene 'were "passengers' to

", 3. ~ -=~,c ,- hit~~ •S~-"-""of Mr. and Mrs~1-{en .~,< .~eefl. qllite ill the ,past ,,\\,ee~:

:;c,~,""__ , .:-Mr. and Mr-s'- Eric Stamm -a~d;c":."---.:....~augbler Miss 'Ij;;ni~:vIsited,with,~~, -ielati\"cs in the ,:-ou'ntI)· SUDday.

['~~~i~;;~~~~~~t.i~~~~r:;::~;·~.~:>" {:hris---&ls.on.--St.-.----s-ince...Mciu'f-f-',-::~- ':-'MiSs-'l;r:ma-=e~o Carroll~,:, -~Wednesday to viSit 'her sister, Miss- .:~:':, ':-,":' Mls-; )ia-ria,ret Pryor' and· .little

~- _~~~~~~;i~~~Jl-;;~g~~~:~;~*1r=~~_'1_. },lisses Paula ),Iittelstadt, -A'libie

;. Lound, Esther Tillson and Stella~"-~' Kieffrr were Norfolk visitors Tues-

- __ ~i:lay~ . -~ -*t--~~~

.Mrs. M. TiUspn accolUpanied ber