Herald (1888-Prese… ·  ·...

" HERALD 1"'1' I ·1 ; I" : ! I i WAYNE I , FAMILY CIRCLES .fJER WHILE contemplating: huge snow barnct's and possible food and fuel shortages, It is not easy to appreciate benefits fl"om thiS wInter's unusual wcathcl In additIOn to latcl" soaked and mellowed fields, we huve pl"es- m't' gmncd by \. lSitR With dlffcl"- C'nt groups, nenr ,tnd fal, ex- tendmg (1cquamtance and mak- Ing 11C\\I fllcnds, so !lkewlse famtly tll:'s are Cl1nched as members are forced to stay home. Swmgll1g hom the cx- ttcmc of gomg too much to the extreme of gOlllg too llttle may reasonably be followed by the golden meall-a bappy minglll1g of lInmedldtc and outSIde asso- cwtions With hardships Im- posed by blocked roads and sub- THE "IGH SCHOOL tN , °1 COUPL[S ' COUNTY DIGGING FIHlliH YEAR WED FIfTY Y[ARS OUT AFHR SNOW Year Book Committee finds I I Haai Of Wayne. I S. C. Breaalers And August Many Men_Are W.orking To Interesting Material buptml lugh mass 81 Kais To Be Honered On obstruQted and often frustrated Clear Highways And Other On Earl>t Classes. MlfY'f Catholic chUtch In Wayne, Anniversaries. effort. Gathering decreased J Roads Nearby. MI s Regtoa Shannon, news IS made more difficult by PlcpalatlOns fOl ,I gal<l occqJ;lon da of Mr and Dan The cclebration planned Sun_ lack of usual convemences. Ad- Wayne county is again digging dIe bemg made by the Wayne lugh Sh nnpn of ncar Can all, became day by the Valley AId of vertlsmg lacks the customary out of snowbanks which were piled school msb andl pupils hon- th bllde of MI'. Henry Baase, tohfCMgO,l,dacnndwMcd,,-. Incentive when people arc gen- up 10 sub-zero weather by winds Otlllg the seml-6entenl1la\ com- el estlson of Ml and Mis i\ugust "Jh ,., ., ., erally uhable to come to town. that blew snow into cuts that were I mencemcnt, clute sct for May 22 1 Hc'la:sc of neal Wdyne, Tuesday August I Kai and Mr. and Mrs. S. DlstrJbutlOn of newspapers IS already deep from previous falls 1936 CommJttee for the school at l{) o'clock. Rev Wm C. Bresslcr could not be held be- the final problem In the week's Dnfting was especially bad last annual to be published in the Kearns lead the m31nage hnes cause of snow-drifted roads <lnd work. Town subscribers have Thursday night and again Monday :-plmg IS compllsed of the foUQw- us1ng smgle-rmg ceremony' cold weather. The Bressler 8nOl- been served promptly and regu- Roads and trall1 rails are bemg I mg M.lrlan JJean Dienst, chalr- The date was also the thirtyfoul th versary was February 11 and the larly, but rural hnes have been cleared as fast as possIble. The man; Carroll I1'etersen, Rachel weddlljlg anniversary of the bride's Kal anmversill'y was February so blocked that carriers have problem now IS to fllld a place to Hansen, Ruth' P1tzer and Ila Gil- Several i friends called on the often been only partially suc- put more snow as the banks arc dersleeve. , trhe bridal party cntel'ed the couples·i1sunda y luncheon guests III eessful nothwithstandmg most ImawnYayfnCectcdoeuenPtylnc'athtee,.plO"lWlarcutsr·oad The committee' has ulready suc- chtreh to the strams of Lohen- the home were Albert Kat, determmed attempls. Supplc- I: f th': A II early history rf the SChool. The Mama, was sung by MISs Mary Jl ., the distribution of mail, as they ., , a ., present btlildl g Was ,erected in Perdue. Members of wcather permit, an open house Will have cooperated 10 the distnbu- [I day mornll1g and work'ls eontll1U_ 1908 but the of the school the glds' chorus sang dunng the be hcldllat the Kal home Sunday, tlon of needed supplJes. Often 1I1g Several crews of shovelers arc the graduated 111 and conSIsted of the bndegroom by hIS broth,.. At the Wm. Korth home, nov.,' and grocenes, either walkmg IHlghways Nos 35 and 15 <Ire being Minl1lc Gamble, Eva Meyers and cr,1 Sylvester Haase. the Henry Korth place, 10 Leslte or uSll1g horse power. As a mat- opened as fast as pOSSible. The plow MlI1l1le ThiS event 111 the '\rhe bnde's gown of white satm p"uCCUCrylTIClt6', wlSaSY6n, eocccouu,.nretYd' tOhnc mFeabr_-1 tel' of fact, by one means or Lln- 1 111 Frank Erxleben's dlstnct W<.Ie; early iJfe of ('ounty IS timed was made 9n prmcess hnes, ankle other, most people have been worl"mg ncar Wakefield Monday closely With t e cQmlng of the rail- length, WIth long sleeves and high nage of MISS Anna Korth and Au: I recelvmg their newspapel s and Iand Tuesd<JY. road m 1882, the burntng of the neckhnc. She wore a veil With a gust Kai. Rev. V. Sofl performed other mail With ::;ul-pnsmgly Snow plow::; went ovc! the 1"<111- courthouse III 1884, and the long tlum and carned a corsage the marnage ceremony III the pres- lJttle delay. road Imcs In thIs section Tuesday bhzzmd of 18 8. of and white sweetpeas, tlCd enee of relatives. Miss Augusta and Iegular tram ser'.!lce was rc- The year b ok to be pubhshed With tulle m the same colol·s. Her Longe, now Mrs. Detlcf Kal, .and sumed ttldt day Trdllls from the 1n commemorltln,g the seml-cen- bridestnclld wore a street Irock of Albert. Longe, now of ':"lakefteld, OLD AG'[ PENSION east ale ran on the Payments Will Be Made On tcnlllul of thel will contam ashes of roses With white accessot- attendants. Mr. Kal took hIs lines Fnday at Mond<lY The east- 1935 Contracts u complete directory of the 886 Ies, He!" corsage was pmk <lI1d bude to the farm 16 ml1es south- bound trclill last after- According to Word. graduates by lasses, their present whlte sweetpeas. The men wore cast of Wayne, the place WhlCh has noon wa, :it,dled Cdst of Wakefield . . locatIOns and occupatIOns. There dark SUlts. t be,en th:lr home smce- BLANKS ARE rlt'ED tlut lllght The Crofton cranch Agents, lOrnnllttel's <wei mflcc'l die now 18 te chel-s m the Wayne As the bndal left Ow fhe Kals had 18 dllldl en und J7 r tl dill W('llt tlJ the stalled tram ;]n(1 help al e to procecd \"'Ith l'omph- school, nine I the glades and nIne church MISS Kathleen McFarland are stl11livmg. Twelve arc marned the back to anee m the 1935 corn-hog 1m the hIgh sc ooll. Of the 177 stu- played Mendelssohn's weddlflg and have famllles. Of the five not program, ClccOldmg to telegram dents 111 the hlefh schoo!, 55 arc march. man-ted, three are at home, Wayne County Board Makes fiu:,·l rndd CalJ"l(ISoutof Wayne received 1<lst Thursday 110m W I-I fLom IUlal dIS nets. These present Wedding breakfast was served 1n Iowa and one IS employed nCar Recommendations For Jhl\(' unly been ubi" to make short Bl'olww. elll ector of extenSI(!Ll, <It day rural pll lIs ,add to the tales Ior Mr and Mrs. Haase and thell' the home place. The children are dJ..,t.tllces the P<.Ist week but'most Lmcol.l f I om til,,; It IS tl'1.\>.C of endunng fa i1tude III the county. attendants at the Wilham Sharer LOUIS HelOcman,. MIS Robert. Additional Help. ,lil m'111. I caches pdtrons th,1t the 1935 f'l"ogl"dm 'N.ll he DUllng the bl zzald of 1936, Mel- horne 111 Wayne Immediately fo1- Smith, Mrs. Dick Elchler, Mrs Wayne l'uunty l'l)mmISSIOllCI" 11tokc hllns In walklllg to town Harvey Frey, Mrs. HamId Chns- Relief Chdll man Mrs 1\ C : ldll1g III bobsleds to get the mall tensen, Mrs. Hulda Kal, Herman, Tl d T J r Lllld take It to theu· neighbors. W John, Will, Fred, Herbert, Arthur, an Icasulel',';.J Thielman was able to reach AI_ Albert Elmer Robert Max and Steele,.recommended 30 mOll' dP- 1 ton a un IOUtC Two unill Mond,lY Otto' , " plicatlOl1!-; fOl uld a g ; asslst8ncc In IWhcn rouds dnfted shut That d<-l)' Both Mr. and Mrs. Kat arc m Wayne COUllty un fuesday The hIs car tIpped 0\ ('I onto its side good health the former bemg 77 board last week approved 26 re- m a snowbanJ{ about five miles years old the latter 66. The qucsLs The all of whom south of Wayne No damage re- Kais that on their wedding must be at least years of suited day 50 years ago the weather was from that agewLJP. John The tclepllulle contmues to he [l goud and, the roads in much better 92, ... ho IS ask- favonte means of communtcatlOn shape than now. wg fOI partial I., the during the stolm penod. C. L , ,eldest to apply date In :v ayne Pickett reports 4,700 local calls \ling to road conditwns l1EfJiher Though the S. C. Bresslels wCI.e county. The mtnlmum aSSistance Wednesday last week and 4,650 on the parents of the bnde or brtde- unable to celebrate theIr anl1lVel is $5 and the maximum $30 a Friday, thiS being more than gro m were able to attend 1 the the Leslie people and other month. The board determInes the f!ing ceretndny the fllends aJ{;o extend to tl1Qm, as w@ll amount to be I ecommended by The pensIOn blanks arc sent to 1 m the Wayne office Ij " r> Lmcoln for fmal by Wm Perdue and S G PIerce, the state board When th1s IS elone tclephone lmemen, were forced to r '- payments should be made from the walk part of the way to Concord ----...- on the farm which has been theIr date applicatIOns nrc filed Feder- and back to their car last week De lamatory Judging Will home smce Mr Bressler Will be 78 al and state funds ale llsed In the Tuesday when their car was stalled take Place Friday- May and Mrs. Bressler was 76 payments 111 snow. The men droye five miles last Sunday DaVid Koch came flOm WlI1slde north of Wayne where they aban- [ To GIve Debate. The Bresslcls have seven cllll- b tram Tuesday to attend the doned their car, walking the re- j ed ImatO)y contest WLllIJe held dlen, MIS Call Leonard Hnkd l:eetmg With Frank Erxleben, MISS maming seven and one half miles .It he < WByne Trall1lng school at C' Bertha Berres, Mrs Thompson and to Concord, to repair the circwt 3 'clock Friday afternoon thiS Bressler of near Wayne, and MiSS Mr. Steele wcrk Charles Wilson and Kather- Berthd, MISS Cora and MiSS Mary S to their car and drove the Temain- at hom_c ,___ City Caucus et 109 distance mto Wayne. M tt -I} T,;' b 28 Murray Powers had both feet Rites Held For .I' or .I' e ruary frozen while shoveling snow on the CIS n<.l and Larhylla Whitmore, highway Fnday. feet were hu orous. Judges Will be MISS l:former Resident Nominations To Be Made badly frosted, the right more seri- Flo "Cnce Drake. MISS Lenore Ram- In Expired Terms Of ously than the left. Murray has sey and Mrs. R. R. Smith of the John L, Payne Passes Away E" ht Offi . 1 been under a doctor's care col ege English department. Ig cia s. era I days and may a OSpl a I a program before the train- February 10 At LUllk, Date of the cIty caucus JI1 Wayne for treatment. mg school assembly yesterday Wyoming, Home. has been set for February 28, Many people have suffered from wt'::'e of :t lwst b!lCpostpone Lea""e. Go d." AnvextempodranthcouSs on Paync, formerly of Wayne, at the flcers, school board members and Epworth League district meet- "T e T. . A. an e upreme city councilmen. d Co rt DeciSIOn," was gIVen by John 0& City officers whose terms expire Ky .A humorous reading, "Tommy thlS sprmg are Mayor M. L. Ring- was cr, City Clerk W. S. Bressler and shortagc_. _ he debate class Will give' a 12 Mrs. Payne passed away July City Treasurer A. T. Cavanaugh. Legion Plans Meeting. pr' dice debate before the 111gh 2 1935 The two members of the school Irvm Sears post of the American sc 01 assembly March 11. The 'The· Payne family moved to board :vhos e terms expire are B Legion has a regular business ses- cia s was orgamzed as an ext.ra- Wayne from Pender in about 1896 W. Wnght and L W. Vath. sian scheduled for Wednesday eve- cu Icular subject and IS in charge and Mr. Payne· had a dray line here Terms .of the following councll- next week. of ayle McGee; college student. for a,number of yeaJ·s. He later was men expire' First ward, Herman ------- st dents enrolled are working on in the grain.. and feed busmess In MBdner; Second ward, C:. Condition Unchanged. ar umentation in additiqn to the building ,¥here the Fortner and Third ward, C. E. Davld Noakes who has been III lar work. When first no Feed store IS now located, and at Wnght. for some time, remains about the cre it was offered but since in\er- We time left Wayne had been ------- _ est has developed it has beell ffiflnaging the Omaha C.Old Storage Groups Are Named cid d to g.i;ve credit to members of plant. The .Payne famIly went to th cla". Those enrolled are: Jean Wyo., in the spnng of , For Country Club Hu terner, John' Kyl, LeRoy ..f\n- 1916 and located on a ranch near M D H Larson Country club de on, Quentm Whitmore and that place. Eleven years agp they . cl rr named com- Ch rles Wpson, . n: oycd .to Lusk where as House, Mrs. L. rairings For Tournament.: SinCe, MI;"' payne engagI,ng 111 B McClure; general, Mrs. L. F. airings II far the high schjool the feed and Jmplement busll1ess p'. M Robert Ku kman Mrs Deceased had been. m III health etry, Jis Walter and ,t .,dUpi' T.iflt 1st. Society oct1931 Is I 15;000 Reader;

Transcript of Herald (1888-Prese… ·  ·...

Page 1: Herald (1888-Prese… ·  · 2014-02-02HERALD "• 1"'1' I ·1; • I" WAYNE: ! I i I , FAMILY CIRCLES ARfE~~:~f:~~.fJER

"•HERALD1"'1' I ·1; • I"

: ! I i



ARfE~~:~f:~~ .fJER

WHILE contemplating: hugesnow barnct's and possible

food and fuel shortages, It is noteasy to appreciate benefits fl"omthiS wInter's unusual wcathclIn additIOn to latcl" soaked andmellowed fields, we huve pl"es-

~~I~i1;n~~~~~sfcn~~s::~~a~~~:~~m't' gmncd by \. lSitR With dlffcl"­C'nt groups, nenr ,tnd fal, ex­tendmg (1cquamtance and mak­Ing 11C\\I fllcnds, so !lkewlsefamtly tll:'s are Cl1nched asmembers are forced to stayhome. Swmgll1g hom the cx­ttcmc of gomg too much to theextreme of gOlllg too llttle mayreasonably be followed by thegolden meall-a bappy minglll1gof lInmedldtc and outSIde asso­cwtions With hardships Im­posed by blocked roads and sub-

THE"IGH SCHOOL tN , °1 x~eS~~~~~ry'8Il[SLI[COUPL[S NE:l~¢PJ:~l~~~Is ' COUNTY DIGGING

FIHlliH YEAR .M!~~~~n~~h~~~~ne!~de WED FIfTY Y[ARS P~:cL~~I;~n~e;~~;;;:; OUT AFHR SNOWYear Book Committee finds I I Haai Of Wayne. I S. C. Breaalers And August ~lt~n~the~e~lt~~~ ~a~~tiV~~;r~~ Many Men_Are W.orking To

Interesting Material ~t buptml lugh mass .~l 81 Kais To Be Honered On obstruQted and often frustrated Clear Highways And OtherOn Earl>t Classes. MlfY'f Catholic chUtch In Wayne, Anniversaries. effort. Gathering decreased J Roads Nearby.

MI s Regtoa Shannon, yo~ngest news IS made more difficult byPlcpalatlOns fOl ,I gal<l occqJ;lon da gh~cr of Mr and Mt~ Dan The cclebration planned Sun_ lack of usual convemences. Ad- Wayne county is again digging

dIe bemg made by the Wayne lugh Sh nnpn of ncar Can all, became day by the Plea~ant Valley AId of vertlsmg lacks the customary out of snowbanks which were piledschool msb uctOl~ andl pupils hon- th bllde of MI'. Henry Baase, LdC"nSgli~ni~,hvoe~~a"r,~cf,tohfCMgO,l,dacnndwMcd,,-. Incentive when people arc gen- up 10 sub-zero weather by windsOtlllg the seml-6entenl1la\ com- el estlson of Ml and Mis i\ugust "Jh ,., ., ., erally uhable to come to town. that blew snow into cuts that were


mencemcnt, clute sct for May 221 Hc'la:sc of neal Wdyne, Tuesday August IKai and Mr. and Mrs. S. DlstrJbutlOn of newspapers IS already deep from previous falls1936 CommJttee for the school mqTm~g at l{) o'clock. Rev Wm C. Bresslcr could not be held be- the final problem In the week's Dnfting was especially bad lastannual to be published in the Kearns lead the m31nage hnes cause of snow-drifted roads <lnd work. Town subscribers have Thursday night and again Monday:-plmg IS compllsed of the foUQw- us1ng ~he smgle-rmg ceremony' cold weather. The Bressler 8nOl- been served promptly and regu- Roads and trall1 rails are bemg


mg M.lrlan JJean Dienst, chalr- The date was also the thirtyfoul th versary was February 11 and the larly, but rural hnes have been cleared as fast as possIble. Theman; Carroll I1'etersen, Rachel weddlljlg anniversary of the bride's Kal anmversill'y was February ~ so blocked that carriers have problem now IS to fllld a place toHansen, Ruth' P1tzer and Ila Gil- pa~-chts. Several i friends called on the often been only partially suc- put more snow as the banks arcdersleeve. , trhe bridal party cntel'ed the couples·i1sunday luncheon guests III eessful nothwithstandmg most ImawnYayfnCectcdoeuenPtylnc'athtee,.plO"lWlarcutsr·oad

The committee' has ulready suc- chtreh to the strams of Lohen- the Ka~ home were Albert Kat, determmed attempls. Supplc-

~~~~~~tyI: f b/J~;l~~ti~n 1~~1t th': ~'~~'sH~I:dndJ~~s~~~~" ;~~~;dA~~ ~UO,e,ld~~Me~r~~H' e~r"b:c~r,~\1 BK~a~C,k.~I~f~~' 'Oaa:rd~ta~nurd~ ~e~~~~;rh~a~~~erhae~~or~'lPe~ar~ II ~t:a~r:tcOda~C~lelOa~rh,gn~gn~~10r~~dc." ta~g~aC,rnCOT~u'~e~,'~-early history rf the SChool. The Mama, was sung by MISs Mary Jl ., the distribution of mail, as they ., , a ., .~present btlildl g Was ,erected in E~ther Perdue. Members of wcather permit, an open house Will have cooperated 10 the distnbu- [I day mornll1g and work'ls eontll1U_1908 but the Ilst~ry of the school the glds' chorus sang dunng the be hcldllat the Kal home Sunday, tlon of needed supplJes. Often 1I1g Several crews of shovelers arc

r~~s c~~~~/oJ~: ~I~~f c~~:~in~~; ~e~ss~l~~I~ ~:~: ~Ua~II~ctte~~:~nob:, :;t~~~~~~ ;~d ~~~O:e2w~~c;m~n the ~~~g~~%~~~v~o~:dt~d;~;e~~,71~ ~=~l o~~ r~~~ :~~sd~p;n~~ :;~~~~~:-graduated 111 ~8861 and conSIsted of an~ the bndegroom by hIS broth,.. At the Wm. Korth home, nov.,' and grocenes, either walkmg IHlghways Nos 35 and 15 <Ire beingMinl1lc Gamble, Eva Meyers and cr,1 Sylvester Haase. the Henry Korth place, 10 Leslte or uSll1g horse power. As a mat- opened as fast as pOSSible. The plowMlI1l1le Smlth~ ThiS event 111 the '\rhe bnde's gown of white satm p"uCCUCrylTIClt6', wlSaSY6n,eocccouu,.nretYd' tOhnc mFeabr_-1 tel' of fact, by one means or Lln- 1

111Frank Erxleben's dlstnct W<.Ie;

early iJfe of ~he' ('ounty IS timed was made 9n prmcess hnes, ankle other, most people have been worl"mg ncar Wakefield Mondayclosely With t e cQmlng of the rail- length, WIth long sleeves and high nage of MISS Anna Korth and Au: I recelvmg their newspapel s and Iand Tuesd<JY.road m 1882, the burntng of the neckhnc. She wore a veil With a gust Kai. Rev. V. Sofl performed other mail With ::;ul-pnsmgly Snow plow::; went ovc! the 1"<111-courthouse III Ju~:t 1884, and the long tlum and carned a corsage the marnage ceremony III the pres- lJttle delay. road Imcs In thIs section Tuesdaybhzzmd of 18 8. of Ptn~ and white sweetpeas, tlCd enee of relatives. Miss Augusta and Iegular tram ser'.!lce was rc-

The year b ok to be pubhshed With tulle m the same colol·s. Her Longe, now Mrs. Detlcf Kal, .and sumed ttldt day Trdllls from the

1n commemorltln,g the seml-cen- bridestnclld wore a street Irock of Albert. Longe, now of ':"lakefteld, OLD AG'[ PENSION east ale l~o tt~llns ran on thePayments Will Be Made On tcnlllul of thel sel~ool will contam ashes of roses With white accessot- w~re attendants. Mr. Kal took hIs lines Fnday at Mond<lY The east-

1935 Corn~AogContracts u complete directory of the 886 Ies, He!" corsage was pmk <lI1d bude to the farm 16 ml1es south- bound trclill last Thu~sday after-According to Word. graduates by lasses, their present whlte sweetpeas. The men wore cast of Wayne, the place WhlCh has noon wa, :it,dled Cdst of Wakefield

. . locatIOns and occupatIOns. There dark SUlts. t be,en th:lr home smce- BLANKS ARE rlt'ED tlut lllght The Crofton cranchAgents, lOrnnllttel's <wei mflcc'l die now 18 te chel-s m the Wayne As the bndal P~l'ty left Ow fhe Kals had 18 dllldl en und J7 r tl dill W('llt tlJ the stalled tram ;]n(1

help al e to procecd \"'Ith l'omph- school, nine I the glades and nIne church MISS Kathleen McFarland are stl11livmg. Twelve arc marned the [J~gers back toanee bl~mks m the 1935 corn-hog 1m the hIgh sc ooll. Of the 177 stu- played Mendelssohn's weddlflg and have famllles. Of the five notprogram, ClccOldmg to telegram dents 111 the hlefh schoo!, 55 arc march. man-ted, three are at home, Wayne County Board Makes fiu:,·l rndd CalJ"l(ISoutof Waynereceived 1<lst Thursday 110m W I-I fLom IUlal dIS nets. These present Wedding breakfast was served 1n Iowa and one IS employed nCar Recommendations For Jhl\(' unly been ubi" to make shortBl'olww. elll ector of extenSI(!Ll, <It day rural pll lIs ,add to the tales Ior Mr and Mrs. Haase and thell' the home place. The children are dJ..,t.tllces the P<.Ist week but'mostLmcol.l f Iom til,,; It IS tl'1.\>.C ~,loT)d of endunng fa i1tude III the county. attendants at the Wilham Sharer ~rs. LOUIS HelOcman,. MIS Robert. Additional Help. ,lil m'111. I caches pdtrons Farttler~th,1t the 1935 f'l"ogl"dm 'N.ll he DUllng the bl zzald of 1936, Mel- horne 111 Wayne Immediately fo1- Smith, Mrs. Dick Elchler, Mrs Wayne l'uunty l'l)mmISSIOllCI" 11tokc hllns In walklllg to town ~

Harvey Frey, Mrs. HamId Chns- Relief Chdll man Mrs 1\ C : ldll1g III bobsleds to get the malltensen, Mrs. Hulda Kal, Herman, Tl d T J r Lllld take It to theu· neighbors. WJohn, Will, Fred, Herbert, Arthur, 1ompso~1. an Icasulel',';.J Thielman was able to reach AI_Albert Elmer Robert Max and Steele,.recommended 30 mOll' dP- 1ton a un IOUtC Two unill Mond,lYOtto' , " plicatlOl1!-; fOl uld ag; asslst8ncc In IWhcn rouds dnfted shut That d<-l)'

Both Mr. and Mrs. Kat arc m Wayne COUllty un fuesday The hIs car tIpped 0\ ('I onto its sidegood health the former bemg 77 board last week approved 26 re- m a snowbanJ{ about five milesyears old a~d the latter 66. The qucsLs The appllca~t.s, all of whom south of Wayne No damage re­Kais rec~ll that on their wedding must be at least ~d years of a~e. suitedday 50 years ago the weather was r<l~ge from that agewLJP. John ~<l ~-I The tclepllulle contmues to he [l

goud and, the roads in much better ~Cl, 92, ~r WJnsld~, ...ho IS onl~. ask- favonte means of communtcatlOnshape than now. wg fOI partial assls~ance, I., the during the stolm penod. C. L

, ,eldest to apply y~ date In :vayne Pickett reports 4,700 local calls\ling to road conditwns l1EfJiher Though the S. C. Bresslels wCI.e county. The mtnlmum aSSistance Wednesday last week and 4,650 on

the parents of the bnde or brtde- unable to celebrate theIr anl1lVel ~ is $5 and the maximum $30 a Friday, thiS being more thangro m were able to attend 1 the S~ry, the Leslie people and other month. The board determInes the

f!ing ceretndny the fllends aJ{;o extend to tl1Qm, as w@ll amount to be I ecommended by

The pensIOn blanks arc sent to 1 m the Wayne office Ij " r>Lmcoln for fmal con~ldelatlOn by Wm Perdue and S G PIerce,the state board When th1s IS elone tclephone lmemen, were forced to


'- payments should be made from the walk part of the way to Concord----...- on the farm which has been theIr date applicatIOns nrc filed Feder- and back to their car last week

De lamatory Judging Will home smce Mr Bressler Will be 78 al and state funds ale llsed In the Tuesday when their car was stalledtake Place Friday- J~ May and Mrs. Bressler was 76 payments 111 snow. The men droye five miles

• last Sunday DaVid Koch came flOm WlI1slde north of Wayne where they aban-[ To GIve Debate. The Bresslcls have seven cllll- b tram Tuesday to attend the doned their car, walking the re-

jed ImatO)y contest WLllIJe held dlen, MIS Call Leonard Hnkd fM~. l:eetmg With Frank Erxleben, MISS maming seven and one half miles.It he < WByne Trall1lng school at ~~~I~r:~~~ls~nueO~ltn:'~o~~eC' Bertha Berres, Mrs Thompson and to Concord, to repair the circwt

3 'clock Friday afternoon thiS Bressler of near Wayne, and MiSS Mr. Steele ~~~";~:~n:~~~e:-~rt ~~~~e~~~~wcrk Charles Wilson and Kather- Berthd, MISS Cora and MiSS Mary S to their car and drove the Temain-

~~~ s~~:~:h~eK~1 ~~~ or~~~~c:~ at hom_c ,___ City Caucus et 109 distance mto Wayne.M tt -I} T,;' b 28 Murray Powers had both feet

~cu :C1:y~r~;lt~~po~;~~oor~s,' Ge~'a~~ Rites Held For .I' or .I' e ruary frozen while shoveling snow on theCIS n<.l and Larhylla Whitmore, highway Fnday. Botr~i feet werehu orous. Judges Will be MISS l:former Resident Nominations To Be Made badly frosted, the right more seri-Flo "Cnce Drake. MISS Lenore Ram- In Expired Terms Of ously than the left. Murray hassey and Mrs. R. R. Smith of the John L, Payne Passes Away E" ht Offi . 1 been under a doctor's care ~or s~rlcol ege English department. Ig cia s. era I days and may ent~r a OSpl a

I a program before the train- February 10 At LUllk, Date of the cIty caucus JI1 Wayne for school assembly yesterday Wyoming, Home. has been set for February 28, Many people have suffered from

:::.~ 'm~~ ~,~;~~~,n~'T~i:w~~os~e,h~; W~l~"~fwt'::'e '~~~'~dof h;~~n t1~: ;-;;~~ r~:~~~:;~~ste;";'~:tC>;;:~~ lwst b!lCpostpone Lea""e.

Go d." AnvextempodranthcouSs tal~ on Paync, formerly of Wayne, at the flcers, school board members and Epworth League district meet-"T e T. . A. an e upreme city councilmen. dCo rt DeciSIOn," was gIVen by John t~~~, 0&hy~~ s~~,. H~~~~ay~~ss:~ City officers whose terms expire ~~~nP~o~~;~n:; ~~~~:~ie~f' f~:~Ky . A humorous reading, "Tommy thlS sprmg are Mayor M. L. Ring-

~~~ ~n~y~~i;:I~h~lS~~~~ar~," was ~::~ ~:~:u~~rdl~t~~s~~n;;~~~:~; cr, City Clerk W. S. Bressler and shortagc_. _he debate class Will give' a 12 Mrs. Payne passed away July City Treasurer A. T. Cavanaugh. Legion Plans Meeting.

pr' dice debate before the 111gh 2 1935 The two members of the school Irvm Sears post of the Americansc 01 assembly March 11. The 'The· Payne family moved to board :vhose terms expire are B Legion has a regular business ses­cia s was orgamzed as an ext.ra- Wayne from Pender in about 1896 W. Wnght and L W. Vath. sian scheduled for Wednesday eve-cu Icular subject and IS in charge and Mr. Payne·had a dray line here Terms .of the following councll- ni~g next week.of ayle McGee; college student. for a,number of yeaJ·s. He later was men expire' First ward, Herman -------st dents enrolled are working on in the grain.. and feed busmess In MBdner; Second ward, Dr.~. C:. Condition umentation in additiqn to re~ti- the building ,¥here the Fortner Jo~nson and Third ward, C. E. Davld Noakes who has been IIIlar work. When first or~anizedl no Feed store IS now located, and at Wnght. for some time, remains about thecre it was offered but since in\er- We time h~ left Wayne had been ------- :~_e. _est has developed it has beell ~e- ffiflnaging the Omaha C.Old Storage Groups Are Namedcid d to g.i;ve credit to members of plant. The .Payne famIly went toth cla". Those enrolled are: Jean Do~~las, Wyo., in the spnng of , For Country ClubHu terner, John' Kyl, LeRoy ..f\n- 1916 and located on a ranch near M D H Larson Country clubde on, Quentm Whitmore and that place. Eleven years agp they . cl rr 'h~ir~an ha~ named com-Ch rles Wpson, . n:oycd .to Lusk where theY.h~d r~~ ~it:ee~ as follO~S: House, Mrs. L.

rairings For Tournament.: sld~d SinCe, MI;"' payne engagI,ng 111 B McClure; general, Mrs. L. F.airings II far the high schjool the feed and Jmplement busll1ess p'. M Robert Ku kman Mrs

Deceased had been. m III health etry, Jis Walter Plle~s and

,t .,dUpi' T.iflt1st. Society oct1931 Is

I 15;000 Reader;

Page 2: Herald (1888-Prese… ·  · 2014-02-02HERALD "• 1"'1' I ·1; • I" WAYNE: ! I i I , FAMILY CIRCLES ARfE~~:~f:~~.fJER

And Also


FeaturingAnn Southern - Lloyd Nolan



Gay Theatre

Featuring1\l1n Harding- _ lIC'rbert Marshall - Mal'gan't J.illdsl'V

An Outstanding Sert'cn Drama!

"'", L by Cole p~,I~,

O"e,'ed byLeWIS Mde~lone

Ido LuplnoGrace Bradley

Thursday, Friday, Saturday, February 20, 21, 22

II, .. II I I I .



Ibs. 23c

....... 15e

9\1, oz.CAN


.4Ihs. 25c2lbs. 25c






2 Lb.Box.

BaJ,her I

Qul~k or Reg.OatsItt FilL 2 la_OZ.\i-orn aKeSM1/1ar'., PKGS.

Soup F:~~~:.~::':.~.

Tomatoes H:::ked .

Sibs. 23cPound 3-lc

Grape Fruit T;:~~ze 4 for ISc

A' I Winesaps orpp es Ark. Black, .

Cabbage T~~~ Crop.



IOt:; 50e

.2 ~'k~~, 129c

We' ather lnt;rferes Plan To Attend--- ---:r~u~st~dY-Qf ~~y m;rket;~------------- ---~--;~e- Wll~~~anwh~; the estate IC~~Y-~th~ ~~r~os~s ~f this Aqt-~e~v or i.lUd~ cxc~t b\mal e a thorough report I has grown to $140,000, leavmg "(b) In cal rymg Qut the plll- retary of AgllCUltUI ('

With B sketball D h t T T 1(' eighth grade had swccmI re- CONr'..RESS more than $100000 after paymg all poses of sectIon 7 dUllng the ~el'l "Sec 12 (,1) ThiS Act Sh.lll .Ipe a e ourney pOl on tile questlOn, "How Can ',I legacIes and costs The court ruled pOf:lry period, m dddlt10n t') the ply to th", Umted SLlks, 1'1I( IIWayne high found the weather a An Anplane talk to n Glound A.Seenb aNebrum the other day that not mOle th,m other conff'rred llpr'''-',the RICO, and the TPllllolllS (,f I\I,s

Ann~al Ladi a' Dinner And i:::~ :~u~;lnc~~s~~11e ~~~tin;~~ Programs Planned For Week St,l~on)" Lyle Seymour (i':x:plalped Y $10,000 should be paid for d vlult under thiS Act, tlL :;,cc- 1(,1 dnd H,\\\dll'. In H,Ogh School-Other the Ollnngofanengmednd Wll- or monument for thl' remains of Il'talY hdVP powel tD n:11'(l' ----~----,Prosram re set For game, and pomponE[ the Norfolk C l I "" .

, Afte Lent. game until Febru~rYI 24, News Of Week. :~~~.Il~h~::I:~~e~t;I~~s ::~I~le~: The house has finished. debate ~~ssmS~eu~:~:~~\I~e~oi~l~~nlt~,~~I~ i~I~'~~~~~'~ O~l ~~t:~~I~~sth~~~~t~;{~~ OllP e .1;) ~"l urru'(/, This week if all loes WE'll and on 'the treasury and post offlce Itt At Pilner Slil I

.Wayne Kiwa iallS, at regular weather permits, W yne basket- The Wayne hig'h school debate glvem befOre the fIfth gl<:jde when <1ppropriation bill: calling for $989,- mg on ceme ery. onl' (JI InOlt' 01, tile followl'H~' ~~ j If a!lnoonday lunche n at Hote~ Strat- ball devotees will g t to watch a team wHl attend an Invitation de- pede-cted. 623,829, There is an increase in the their nCl(,~IW' 01 sOil Improving MIS, EII('l1 Sthlllllll'l (II 1'11'1t()q.,~ondny, enj yed a play, "Who rival of mnny ye~l's starttling, bate tournament at Mormngslde PUpils in the eighth grade who amount neeeted fbI' the post office Strange as It may sC'f'm the or (II nSlon pI ('\'l'ntmp; {'raps, (2) and ErVin SIrurlth(Jf1 flf \\ I I I I'

'Sa.Y.S Can't?" pr sented by the eye namely Wakefield, qo battle WIth college Sioux City Friday and recollved 100 per cent 10 spellmg of over a mIllion ~ollas and that IS pamters who pmnt murals and ItlH'lr or crop I,lnd, (3) were mHllled Sunr!.,y ,il I 11' il~club of school under the 11Igh school bo,Ys Thursday Saturd~y thiS week' If trHm s(>r- tlw rast week were' Evelyn Beck- necessary becau4e of additIOnal frescoes in the C',-lpitol bUlldlllg gel Ichangps In \l~P "~ 1IH'11' land, OJ' 81. Petel's LUtlH'1 <ill tlnllill IU;:;:,tdirection of M[ Leone Westover, night, February 20, at the auditon- Vlce JS satisfactory.' Coach Ray- m~s'IJrl'ne Hnberer, Bllly Hawkins, t' t d t I I only the same :IS llrdll1tlry, (4) fl perC{'lI:,I~l' oj tllI'll tlOlrmnl M, A. JC'ns<.'n til, l' 1'-Chp,rqcters .weI;e ,taken as follows: urn. Wayne needs thiS one badly as mond Bowe;'s had plnnned to take We:'lley Jacobsen, F,lunell, Mau ~~ ~~l~€'spas~:d ~~~0~U~11 r;~~r~ li'Jousc paintcl S, till' l1ous(' 1 Pi nductlon II! llny olle or' more many. MISS H,l\hm.lll I ' I \ I (1Mrs. Wright,,:W C\ Baker; Mr. it is u conference game, and should his team to H'lstings for tlwtollrn- D::l1c Me'yel Beverly Strahnn and vote. Members of the House were prunters mu"t bl' eXpPII('IHed tummndltlC'S d<-'slgnnt- the weddlng m<.JTch ,1'; lhl 1,lld Ii

Wrigqt", James. ,':Ki:ngston:' Edith determine pretty la~gely the out- ament the l;st of the weck but MdlJol'\e Tt{ompson: informf'd that they will have an.. painters. _ Ithfl~)Y 11w 01 \\~l~;m~iu:<:~ party cntclcd t~t' ,.lJlllltll :\11-

,Wright, Betty. awkins; Robert come of the conferehce this year. plans were clwngf'd bf'c(luse or Strventh grndt'rs enjoyed a va1- other bill, the Army nppropnation ' ptoductlon of ~llCh cammod- SchneIder, dclught( I Iii IV], ,lidWright Keune Petersen' lsa- rand condltlons. , entl1w p,U ty FrIday ,lfternoon, Wl1- bdl, OV('r whiC'h there will be can.. Michael MC~lrr mBkc~ d'l~lY \'I<;-[lt)(", 1eqllil ('d tOI dqmpstic con_ Mrs. Fntz ,:V.UCI,lll'l. :~(il(' ~I (' I'beije, lriend of dithl \M~jorie Undergoes Operatlon. Mr. BowC'rs Will tnkl' both ;Tn m;:l Je;ln Hogljf'~ood und Mildred siderable controversy due to the I~S, to thiS office' Mike com( s from .Hlmptl()f1. 111 clelel mining" the Itaffeta Gnd C<\ll I(d lel,lLI l'IIf''' Ij( IBoo}:q and Tom ',.friend 6f Rob- H. B. Craven underwent nn op- experienced and Tnexpf'rlenceu Io'I';mZell were ~Hl the commIttee for fnet that the urmy wants mor¢ GI eelcy nnd used to h'nch school Idmount (.I <lny ]J,l~ me'nt or grant ISIster, MiSS NOl.! \\ 'J( III, I '.\,

~rt: Franklin Si onin,) ," .1,1 e,ration last Friday at a Sioux City team to Sioux City thiS weC'k, Try- the arrangement of games. Re- mon('y this year than they got last there many yenr~ a,go. Ile too says, lwsed \lIJOn (1), (2) (ll (3) thE' mUld,of hO,l1(~r ~nd \\ (Ill ~ ( 11", 1,11-Prpf. Clifford air, accompanied hospitaL tie is doing nicely. Mr. outs were m'lde the fll'st of the fll'shnwnis weI e sel'ved In the year, A group in the House whic~ he IS gOing to Ncbl.lskd n('xt sum-I s tIll 1 Id feta ,lnd C,111 l( rl \\ hltl l dIll j "'11

bY,~.lE, Britt • led ~lub,singing..and Mrs, Craven went to the city week fOJ me~1bcls oj jj'lf> !n('X- seventh gl"ography, pupils' ale mak- IS fighting against unneceSS<lry ex- mel' to swnp y::lI'ns ltl tlw lmrlH'r ;l~l~)\~' ;~:(~ c 1,1 tel H' (Il~:: ~~~Snc~~~ MISS Erna Julkl' .I11ri 1\1, I, "ROQert ~ ob Id, who arrived ThlU'sday and Mrs, Craven re- penf'nced t(';lm. II1g d study 01 th(' Panama ednaJ, pendlturl:'S fOl' tre a;rmy during shop at Greeley, tlTc' f:llllllng pr;lC- StJudthoff \\('IV bll(lcsnl,II'! III I

from Calif nin or a visit with the malOed 'lIntll Sunday when Miss The deb<.ltp tpnm 'INns fortuTwtl' PaLil Hnrnngton g;l\,f' n spcCI<.lII'C- peace time IS malt'lng J1eady a cam- N -----l-~ the' Y('<lr wllh formel' \\t'dIJrlg i"llo,,", d]]([ II" :':'1_p, ...(\.., The bald, was a guest of Cathryn Craven went over for the m lJemg <:Ible to Idurn honw IdSt port 'l'uesd'IY. IXIIsn to cut some ofl the unnec- ew Farm Bi 1 \\ hl( h ',11<.11 Jl,~Ylm'nt IS 11'; ~t'e~( lI~~II'YI~" ,1,,11'" II ,'1,his father J. J Steele, a new day. Mrs, CraveI'). planned to re- week Tuesday flom V('rml1H1tl PupJ!s lb tlw st'\'('nlh gtnde who essary approprmtlpns flor our peace B f C e( I" lU 11)

member, was p esent. F: L. Blair, turn to the city Ul'e mlddll' of thIS whel e a tounwment W.1S held l"t.'eelv('d 100 PCI cent 1n spt'lhng Itime nrmy KnowlllW that, the e ore ongress A \\ edd1l1g r] III r1(,1 , "", "I, "IIpresident, intro uced the men. week. IWord received Monday by Co.ll'h the Jl<1St ~('k wpre' Leah .Jean Iarmy lobby IS ;llr~:ldy I busy ;:lmong (By ('ongressmnn Knrl Std:m) ;It ~Ol11~t ()fd~IIl(' /t ld( ~ !;"I~/,h

Rev, Fay C, ills read corres- Bowers from the Wodhlngton. Ca,Hl\VO, Anl1dbell .Jensen and members. I till 111 1111(l II 1)1(( by till' producer r~, IU. lO . son () 1"1:;',1p'ondence, and r. J. C. Johnson, Horney Recordings Mmn, d('oat(' c~U~h st,-~ted th,llt Lenotllll' )ott,1S Sixth graders who ,---------- Mnny kttel s .11(' rt'dchlng: tilt I (lr of (rOSlon pre- ~:~~' ~I\~Vn~~1111J~3t~'~~;~lf{,1,lr'd III Ichalrman, calle a meetmg of the G' H' h tAd teams frum SlOUX Falls, S, D., Ll- \'('t'('IVt'c! ~O() p0r CPl1t 111 sp('lhng Who p~lld tnfO pr0f:esslng tax? ThIrd Conglesslon<ll nfflc(', dsk-I ()I ImplO\em('nt crops \ _budget' commit ee to plan the :flVe 19 es n IVerne dnd Worthlllgton, MInn.,}cit 1'01' the J nst week were: .Jean And who IS g01l1g to ('.jientu<Tily get I11g fat' dC't,llls obout tl1(' !lCW lor of • y

. budget for the oming ye·ar. , Lowest For Year IVennillOn early Tuesd;lY mormng Hen y, Cd 01 Je,m Nlcholals<:'ll, Paul the PI'OCt'SSlng tax'? I These ale cultul <.II blll which IS to tul((' om 110 1 t ' by the Marzlynn Glellll J8B th th · t f ddt II tl t d d \"cd j t I hi' d' place of the old AAA While no I ;" c,', t ,',', ",'" I(:cause e ea er In el' ere an spen a Hl ay an 'v' - Pe'klsen' nd Betty Zepltl1. ques Ions w lie m'e )cmg ISCUS- .... ',111'11 Iltlllz1l1lOn T R teo" I

·with travel and prevented speak- Recol'diog thermometer ownedll nesday Tn l'eaC~1g SIOUX Falls. The TI1<' lUI lOr hlgb school 'I.S oegm- scd eV('ly d'-IY III WashIngton by deflllltp bill h,lS b('ol1 cll'Cldcri Llp- i01 Iliid ',IS 111(' fmds h,IS 0 epresen 1"( lOOel~ from reachl g Wayne, the an- by J. S. Horney' shows the follow-j Mmne;;ota 4;....mns ab:lIlrlorH'd tlll'lr l1mg WOl { on tlw annunll World Cungt'C'siime\l who I"l'present farm on, tlw bill lepOl ttd by t1H S( 11_ I «nel( d to flit thl I the purposE's of 1\1.11 llynn Glf'nn \~ ,I 1 11"'" 11 I"

, nual ladies' nig t dinner and pro- ing Io":,,,est and hlghest tempera- 'cars elt SwUX~, lis and \/I,l'nt tile Her,lId ;; elhng conte:;t. E111nma- stlltpS. Th('l'e IS toduy m the hands ~\~ ~<~~ed S317~~: ~s nuw ilL l!l( I thiS A( t ballot by sturJt.llts 01 llw \\gm,m planned f r Monday evenmg tures since January 1, With mmus I l"('st of the wCfY by tn.llll bon eOl1tt'rts wcrl' held Flld;IY anti of the Pi ocessors of our country, ,d~ mcm )el s f Congl Css, , .. (d) 1'1H' term '.lgJicultural traIning, school 10 III 11'0wus postponed ntil after Lent' marks jn~lcating below z('ro tem-I A group fl'Ofp the Wayne St:ltf' Monday, 'OUI' will be t,lken fI'om ,\bout $200,000,000 to Iwhlch many ThIS, bill to mnk~ furth:r pro~'ls-I' commoc!li\' ,IS llsf'd In thiS Act hIgh school H~ til.. Iii II

perntures Teachers ColLege undel dln,('tl(,n of cd('b cl.lsS for pt'dctlt'<' and th(' best Congeiismcn s,ly these processors JOIl fO! the conscn :It.lOn dnd pI np- mf'dllS uny SlI( h commodIty and Owen Good (Itl;>('nsl1lp 1"III( I

To ~tate Convention. ' Maximum Minimum MlssVenwE(e_f,son,plan dPdtl"lollC' two of e';~ch duss WIll compete ut an' not entItled 'rhe money wns cr utillzntlon of agrJcu1tur~d !i-ll1dl.lllY IC'C"Hllldl 0] mdlk(,t l'1asslfl('d- sponsored by tlw Ndtlon,ll S'lil,jC~r1 Wnght left 'tuesday by January I 2(j J8 program to be given III the WflYI1C tlJ(' ('ount,Y ('on1est to 1)(' held :It tlw coUected flom tht' producers and rC'sourc('s by tempOl ary Fedel'lll tlon l !J", OJ" thel ('of oj til(' Dought('1 ~ of tl1(' HI" ,,11111"11

tram lor Lincol to attend the an- January 2 28 16 hIgh school ,If'sembly thiS Fnd<lY c0\11 t !Jouse. consumers of f~11 m pl'Oducc and nld to fnrmers ,1l1el by pI ~vldll1g fOl ' ({') 'I JIl' slniI pre_I ---.----n~al meeting f th~, Nebraska January 3 31 22 MISS Elef5t~n Will tdke Pdl t ()Jl tlH' lIave Valp.utille Party. thel e are muny membcl s who are a permanent u1 F~der;l1 I s('flbt, s\lch I uiL's 1eguldtlons I At Jami{"son's ('Jjnic,L~~bermen.'s assoclatJOn. Mr. January 4 26 -2 pl'ogIam, (,.<lyle McGe(', college Tlw Yalle sldo In the fIfth grade fll'm III statements, that thc only <lId to 8t.ltes for pUlposes. 1.1s Ilt' devn,', lWI'l'S",,11 y 1{J ldl!')' (Jut TonSils IPl1lO\l'rl Id"t TIIIIl tI,'.'Wnght IS dlrec~r for the aSSOC\8- January 5 Iii B stude::t, WIll ~eltver <1:1, Ol'~)tlOn spolll11g mntest lost ,mel as <:1 pen- ~l~ndlon" of t~le pI:ocessors as ,f<ir I ThIS proposed leg~t<;la1to?, as 1('-lthl'C' .Act at the Dr L W ,Lnnl,("'l'll (11111,110n III northea t Nebraska. Meet- January 6 !j 6 Muslt:<1l numbels Will bl gl\Cl), 'llty g'IVC\thl' \dlentlne purty for ,IS thesc t,lxCS ,IIC conCC'lned .lIe portpd to the ScnBte, IS \CIY SItl1- "Spl 10 Nn[wlth,t:1ndmj( WCI'C' Donn:1 M.lf' :dHl I'.\I'i'.11 :-)(!f'

ings opened W dnesday at Hotel 'January 7 lU -15 Thlrtyolle students wprt' absent ~he W'lsh ngton SIde Friday nftel'- serVlCf' for tho govel nrnent ,lS u dar to the bill being discussed IJ)' pI 0\ ISlllll'; of thiS Act, 0nS('n :mrl eh:lt l('s Bon;. )Lmcoln and co tinue through Fn- January 8 .26 6 In the high st:hool Mondny mOtt1- noon WI lls Lt's~man found thl' col\C'etlon agency the HO(IS(' Agncu!tUlal Commlt-, til(' IS dlltllOflzrd ,Ind dl-day. January 9 34 2 Ing. Most of these \V(,I''-' rur,ll stu- most hell ts 111 one of the gamf's Ldtel's <ire belllg recelvf'd I\¥ tC'c, and undoubtedly \VIll bo ll'-] I('ckrl tn ]JIO\ldf' fOI thl' ex('eu- lOCAl S

January 10 42 12 dents who,hnd go?ellul1'le,Jor the ;:lnd 1'e('el 'cd a PI1Zf' Bobby Chnn mem,bers, to th~ effec~ th<l~ th~s(' ported to the,House' for a~('IHl-ltl{)n 1,\' Ag I1CUlt:1I.1I AdJustment I .... ~Deed T?" Property, January 11 28 15 week-end ,mel """ell' unubllC to get Meyer fo nd the lUcl~y heart and who ,lctunlly p:::lld the tdXCS .lS pi 0_ ments No om, of kl1ll\\ SIAdm~lll"tr.ltJ()n oj such powers I Mr. nnd Mrs Emil I udel S

. ;Property deed recorded m January 12 32 20 Iback to town bec::Iuse of bloe!-pc\ <llso recc1vcd a Pl'lzc. In a game duc.els "nd consumers are C'~tltled h,ow tillS bIll w111 rend It IS ('onf('rlNl upon him undf>r thIS Act Su~y ,lftelnoon III the'Wayne county febru~ry 15 by the January 13 .. 27 3 roads There were 40 absences In whele dildren were blmdfolded to tPCC'l\,O these tnxes Severdl1et- fmally enacted mto la\\', but It .I:> he def'ms l)(' appropnately ~y home nCdl \\'ll1s1dt'Department of Bankmg, State of Tanuary )4 24 171 the nssembly l<lst week. A number q I t tel's nl'(' also comllig m from pro- rC'ndii toddy us foilows ('Xt'll'ISl ct Admll1lstrstlOll Mr and Mrs Hl'rmal1 lundbergo~ebraska, rece ver ?~d hqUld'at- January 15 'w -3 of the rural students came m Sat- ~;1~1C~rc~I(:'~~~1~:'~~~: ~~da ,T(~,~~~~ ('ess~rs (lOd th~'ir ~Ittitude i~ a lot "Se'c, 7. DepktlfJll of the soil ;md ~llld fOI pLlrpost's the Pl'a\'ls~ plan t<~ go to ·W.d,t'fl('lcl Flld.1\' itt'mg agent ~f . e Citizens State January 16 11 -2 urday after the begmntng of till' J('nl1lk Wf'1 (' most accurate (bITt rent Some of them WSl1t :0 the Improper usc of the' SOIl I('- Ions of 1,]\\ dppllc,lble to the ap- attend thC' fum'l,ll of tile f(1l ml'lban~ of WInSI e, confers to the January 17 16 2 snow and ,I few lCmdlrlPn tn town keop the money Etpecl311y IS th<lt sources of the natJOn lmpedt' tlH' pomtmC'nt and compfOns;ltJon of slstcr-ll1-].I\V, Mrs Alfrod 1,IIlj(LvVmside State ank for $2,250, .J.ot January 18 {} -10 over the week-end For t!H'll' booklets on the west true among the pac!c('l's who as <.l orderly flow of ngncultural oom- ]Jclsons ('mploYNl by tlw Ag1'lcul- berg, who dIed Tue<:d;lv25, block 2, ori inal Winside. January 19 1 -IS Parents nr(' ulged to ll1;lke central group of states the fifth gloup (lpnrently are det('rmmed to modI tIes 111 the cbunnels of trade, tU1,1! <\dJll<:tJnC'nt Aclmllllstr;ltlon MISS Fred,l Sund \\'h~ 1f'lClw" ,

Janual'y 20 13 -22 spel'Jal effm t to get ehddn'n lo grndf'1 s drew plchl! es of the Nc- keep thiS money which does not endanger the assur~mc(' of an ade_ "h,dl dPP]Y Tilden, cnme Tllt'sday ('\'('llIIW t,Carroll M odist Church, January 21 ao -6 school on bme T,lI'dlllf'SS upst'ts lJl:'lska st.lte cdPltnl !Jullomg nt 1Jelor:.~ tn them s~mC' members of quate supply of such commodibes 'S('c II N01Wllhstnndmg any Ispend the lest or tl1(' \\'('I'k III II"(Re\-. J. I-l. Fowler, Pastor) January 22 -12 -18 the child for the dDY nnd makes Lmcoln. Congress have written t? packers at <1 f .. il' price to produc('IS ,md Jllo\'lslon of l,l\\', the dctJOn Hcrmnn Sund home Th, 'I Lid,"

, ,Sunday, !February 23: January 23' I -20 hIm less efflcleJilt Mueh uf the suc- Thomas ,Johnson wns th0 only aslung l~ t!H'y nre :)rrangmg to re- consumers, end,mger thp leestalJ- ;lny (lllluT or C'mployce In de-j schools [Ire closed thiS \\e('1- un ,Il-

Services at 11 a. m'J with the ser- January 24 8 -8 cess of the student now ~md m l<1ter pupil III the fJfth grade to receive fund thiS money to the producers hshment nnd mamtenance of farm tCl mining U1(' dmount or or 10 count of COdl ShOl tage Ml~S SIlII'!mon Jhere, "Who is on the Lord's January 25 -2 -24 hfe depends on habltii of punctu- 100 pC'1 fent 11l spellmg fot the who p<lld these taxes ~ut they ap- purcbasmg power, nnd otherwlsc In::llung (Iny pdyment under sec-[ started for Wnynf' SundD)' C\ rnlll,SIde?' and at 4 p, m, on "Obedi- January 26 .-4 -20 ahty. pa~t v.eel1, parently are not gettmg all1y re- adversely atlect the national WC]- lion !J <;ll,ill not bc subject to re- but h3d to remaIn Tn NOlrolkency," ..We hope to have serVICes .January 27 4 -22 Juanita Bomer ;md Laura Boss!e 'FIfth gr;adprs <II'(' COI\C'ctlllg md- ply to the'lr questIon, It IS gencr- fare, and, thelf'f01e, It IS herebY' - -------If conditions get better by thIS January 28 18 -11 retumed to school Monday a1tpr I terl~l on methods 01 communiC'a- felt among agllculture uuthor- declared to be the poliCY ofcorning Saturday, January 29 12 -17 being absent becuuse of mumps I tlon Thc chl1dren made up a lIst Ibes and even among some of the Act to secure, and the pur_

. IJanuary 30 2 -10 Basketbnll ga.rn('s scheduled Jor of qUf'stlOllS they would llkl' an- p.:cl~ers t~at ,In the case of the. hO,~ poses of thiS Act shall also mclude:May '1'~t Seed Corn. January 31 11 -16 thIs week und In:>t hnve been ('an- sucd Hl connectIOn With the study p~ocessll1g Llxes the hog f.llmn (~) preselvatlOn and 1mprovement

Coun~ Age t Walter Moller h.aSIFebruary 1 G -10 celled .becau~e of road Conr.htlons <lnd these' C!<lsslfled accordIng ))dld tlw 11111, of SOli fertility, (b) plomoti~n of~en assigned YA ~elp to aSSIst ;February 2 18 -12 Wakefield wIll,be here lor .1 game to then' r 11dtlOn to mdlO, telegraph, th: e~onomlc use of land, (c) dl-WIth s.~ co testmg. Farmers February 3 ... 4 0 thiS Thursday If roads are opened telephonq, m~1l1, etc, each chlid There IS n strong sentlmen~ mIn~tlOn of explOltntlon an~ un-wishing tests ade are asked to February 4 . 4 -19 High school art class completed choosmg Itwo of tile questlOns. for ugninst the ree-lpr6cul trnde lagree- profItable use of natIOnal soli re-br/?g samples from 100 ears to February 5 6 -25 a number of stnkmg pen und ink specwl r~ports. ments. Many members are now sources, (d) prOVISIon for and il,-------~=~~==~~=--~---I,••Mr. Moller, February 6 ." .....-5 -17 drawings'of bUlldmgs and objects St~dY Good Manners, fce1mg the need to proteott the mamtenance of a contlllu~us and TWO BIG FEATURES

mil Mo e To ilouse. February 7 .14 -16 The cl~ss IS. now wm.'kmg,on p~st- Third grade begnn a good man- ~~~~. ~,~re:e\:;tt~~l~ 7~7JeI~r~; ~~~~~i::P~)~~ ~~lt:gl;~Ll~~le~l ~~~=Mr. ilnd Mr , Elmer Bergt will February 8 -14 -20 ers a,dverlJsJfl~ the hlg~ school <In- \l('I'S project Monday thiS week and go'mg to be 'a tariff which PJi"Otects estlc and fa; elgn coposumcr re_

move soon to t e Fred Kem~ resi:- ;e~ruary 190 ....-~ -i~ nual ~~u~; ~~~~~~da.~~ISB:~~~lg. children <lie Wrttl?g par(lgr~~s manufactured goods the ~armer qUlrements at fall' pilces to buth

dence which th C. E. NichoIaise~s F:b~~:~~ 11 . ... 9 =18 Eighth g;ade is studying ~tocks :nnh~~st~;\:~: ~~(r:tvesChO~; shejuld be protecte~, 'I'hey feel now producers un,d consumers thereof,vacated ~ast eek. Mr, Kemp IS F b 12 ....-8 .12 and bonds. Each child has been 1 he' drama- thnt the farmer shoJld be ~ubsl- (e) re-estab1Jshment and mamten-l'edecoratmg t house for them. e ruary. 11 -12 iven an ima mm sum of money T~e chTidren WI I av 0, he dized They also feel t~at Ilf ~he ance of farm purchasmg po,", er;

February 13 g . g Y ttzatlOn of good manMrs. T government can subsidlze ships and the furtherance of such polleyrade Tests. February 14 ~·4 ... 24 to mvest and at t~e en<} of the grade enjoyed a story Mqmday on and rnllroads' and other mdustry and purposes by dIrect Federal ac_

, . . examination~ Wi~l February 15 ·6 -16 semester reports v.:Ji~ be ~ade on a charactenzatJon of the slu:cess of the farmer who raises things yve eat t10n dunng the tempol dry penod.l:je,glven m ayne county,.l!April February 16 ...-2 -25 how much ~he OrIginal iium l~ns the mIlk bottle over the frymg pan, ought to have the same protection, prior to January I 1938 and~;.t?r seventh and eighth graders February 17 . .. .-6 -16[ made fo~ hun through wise I.n- coffet' ,md tea pots; 111 relation .to Some of them are suggesting a thereafter by asslst3h~e to nl;d e()-

il~t~_~,a!l!s!ch!OO~1!o!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!F~e~b~ru~a!r!y~I!8~~~~'~5!!!!!!_~1!6~v!e~s~tm~e~n~ts~.~T~h~e~w~O~rl~{~n~ec~e~ss~'t~n~te~',althe stOl'y the children drew })lC- dompstlc allotment plan tN'hlCh operatIOn with the States in Stoltetures of 1IH' dIspute between the w111 gIve produ'Oers of S rplus acbon colculfltf'd to cfTectunte suchobjects. crops an equivalent for the Ital If'£'. purposes. i

For Wnshmgton's blrthdflY the A bl1l to thIS effect'has aleady been "Sec, 8. Funds nvnlbble nfter Ithird graders plan to mH~{C paln- llltroduccd Tn the House. Instead Dccember 31, 1937, to carry out iotiC srllelds. , of uHemptmg to make the trllilfI on the purposes of sectIOn 7 ~hHll be

study Life of Washlngton, surplus crops actually eff~ctlve, expended m st<ltc onlySecond grad" IS mterested m the thiS new bill 1S based on the lden through gnmts to stntc for

study (If George Wnshm:gton l1l1d that pnces nl'(, enhanced by the such purposes pursuant to Federala dramutTzatlOl1 WInch the l~upJls tm Iff on pi utecled commodities, laws to be enacted for P<lV-Lire working out to be given th1S The pl;lll l:j tint the producer be ments in connf'ctlon farmingSaturdny ,lt th0 cIty hbral'y on the gIven n tarl,f1f on the part consumed operations carner! out PI lor tomaking of the fIrst flng domestically whH.:h is eqll1valent to .January 1, 1938, and achTIlnTstratl\:e

Children III tbe second grade h,ld the cost. In other words thc 'tnnIT expenses Jl1 connection therewitha :,olentll1e box whIch was ope-ned IS used to correct the dls,ldvantagc "Sec, 9, (<I) In carrylng out UwFllcl<:lY ;:Jfternoon, created by It. A 'Knnsas congress- lpurposes of section 7 during the

First gmd('rs had n lltU(I vn]en- man named Clifford Hope lS ask- temporary penod, 'the Secretnl ytme party FrIday afternoon also. 1I1g members of the House to sup- shall exercise sueh of the pqwersColleen Rogge brought candy pOl t such fl bill. conferred upon him under thl1'; Acthearts for euch of hp!' sC'hoolmates (except the pOWf'I' to enter II1tOund Donnld Smolslu hnd cookies, Inquiries come in flS to the contrnets bindmg upon produc('1 S

shaped ]llce hearts; for e~ch one amount of the adjusted compensa- or to ncqUlre Inncts or nghtl3 or \Thc yo~ngst?I'S 111 th~ fl~st gJ<ld: t10n pnyments to be mude to Ne- ll1tercsts tl1erell1) as he fmds most I

took :10 Im<lgll1ary tnp 1I1to ,tl1 braska ex_service men. There are condUCive to the eSklb1Jshment ot Iland of the Negro last. Week dnd 40,233 certificate holders 111 Ne- the purposes speCIfied In such ~ec-Iwere mterested III mnkmg a com- braska, and the total amount of ItlOll . The Secretary IS authonzl'.1 'I

panson of the homes anp custon:s these certlflcates is $28,802,190.95. to conduct 'surveys, illvestigdtJOrl::,of the black man and of the Eslu- The Third Distllct certlflcates are and research relatmg to the c~}I~dl-

mo, The children were interested as foHows: Antelope, $240,589..14;. tions and factors affectIng UlIu'l Matinee 3 Sunday, Adm, 25c-IOc Evenings 35c iHin learning that the Negrp uses the Boone, $233,184.64; Boyd, $133,- methods of accomplJshll1~ most ef- ~~elephant for travel while the EsIH- 4~7,92; Burt, $206,666.97; Cedar, feetively such pollcy and purpt>$E's l;rno uses ,the dog. , . $259,908.00' Colfa,x, $180,908.75; Notwithstandmg any provision of I Coming HMUSlC GOES 'ROUND," Feb. 27-2D ~.~

Kindergarten pupIls maIled th?lr Dixon, $18~,313•.70; Dodge, $399,- existing law, the Secretary IS :Illlh- i Coming uCElLlNG ZERO," March 1-2-3 11valentines in their play postofflce 869.41;, $133,5lf9.33: FIolt.. onzed to make pubhc such inlol'-l I,F~'iday and each C~~~~l?k~~°s~~~ $261,205-40; Knox, $30,2,358.42; matlon <:IS he deems n~ces:wr.'l to _ _ _ ~__ t

~~~u~~~cab;:; h~rts for ~he ~ther, ~~~~~~n, $~~~~~~k~2; ~:~~:'O~i~87:E •••••••••••••••••••••1IIuu.Ill ·:. 1children nnd Stnnley Pcter,en Pierce, $175,807.76; Platte, $385,- .,." , • '1prought all-day suckers.' 125,79; Stanton, $123,554.0Q; Thur- I:I

' . I ston, $165,529.77; Wayne, $l67,- ~' ' •COllsln D~es In Iowa. 175.26; Wheeler, $36,944.37. OU' S~:DlD,11JG :

Judge J M, Cherry hud word . • (, - " . ,.this week of the death 101 a COU- A questio'n comes. to tne fon.. _ I tsin Captain E\.Igene 'Ch~rrYj 67, gressionaloffices asking if th Ar-' I I • Io( 'Iowa City. Funeral services linglon National cemelery IS open COAL$ AT PRICES GUARANTEED TO KEEP AS MUCH : J,were conducted,Sunday , to Ihe public for hurial. The Inns- . WARMTH IN YOUR HE~RT. AS 11". YOUR HOME. : ..

f' wer is "no." Arlington cemet~ry is - I •

" he oppositiqn com ires the set aside (or Ihe burial o( sOl~iers PINNA""''LE LUMP SAHARA PINNA""'LE NUT :¥to st features of Fas i~m and who served in the military f rees ~ J I "". •

c6 munism," sq.ys Mr. tclces. In of the United States. This was .' I I $9 50 . $1':" "I, 50 -.:other words, there is alcampaign brought to the attention o.f those $1 ~I.50 . ,0.: ''CcomI ing'.-Detroit': News, ~~~e:reS~:~,i~~:::;t~~u~p:~~ :.

Pierce Relative Dies, cer treasury department !erk' I Just Received Coal In Carload Lots =,

~1 rs. Roy Johnston, 30) of PJerce, died in 1919, Having no near ela~ ca,d,1 In Your Or~ers ~hile We Ha,ve a <?oocl, Suopply! •

'die Tuesday morning ~'t 7 from tives, she made a wilt that al the :.

do ble pneumonia. She leaves ber 'money she had, about $30,00" be Phone .' 'I'CARHART LUMBI=R CO.' WNaeYbnre.,,;husbanq and three small children. used for the removal of her [parM 147 L "',_JV\~s Zula JOhnSI?n '1'~o a\ten~s el]I!'. bodj~s from Congressibnal, _, • ':college here, is I a, cemetery to I J\rlingt~n cell}t1ter~,\' Wi .. :

Mrs, Floyd Kingston is ila cousin, nnd for her qwn burial, wIth: fhem _

i1:'T~~~~~~~~~~in~i~~ ~~=~~~ ~~e~~atn~~~~t·hs;:C;e~~I~~s:~ntr~:; =pierce. Mrs. Johnston! wa.s l the public for burial I:\S Miss !5Pincer =fqrmer Miss Mabel wa.r. of \\1'aterM thought it would be sometim~, the _byry . Mr. Johnston i~ the Pierce tru.sfce ot her estate has never ••:

,,~~,~~~Y ~Sf~~~lt~ral a~rnt. I' be~n :lllJ,lC,\ ~o~carr~ ,ou~. t~,e trm~

Page 3: Herald (1888-Prese… ·  · 2014-02-02HERALD "• 1"'1' I ·1; • I" WAYNE: ! I i I , FAMILY CIRCLES ARfE~~:~f:~~.fJER

,Oil Burner

--CAll 33~--


Cold weather tests yourheating plant to the limit!Are your fuel bills ex­

cessive? Is the heat from your funrace dry and irritable? Isyour heat insufficient? 'Is your home sooty and dirty? You -:ancorrect all these things quickly. We will check you heatmg­plant FREE-make aUf necessary suggestions as to how youcan get rid of these conditions, CALL RIGHT AWAY!





Pork and Beans

2 \LaTge




, '

..L'ONE 333 Phone 333r:rt "I, , FREE DELIVERY SERVICE


the roads a visit and were unable to get back flc£, of til(' I eglstrar Gayle Mc-

meatllele Interferes ~;eh~~~YT:~~~:;il~h~~~:c~~ss- L~mbda Delta Lambdu mectmg ~;::l~:l~:~df~l~ f~~Sl~~:;tc~r i~~~, Mrs. Henry E. Anderson of ~ChedUledtfOl ~onday evcn1l1g has two members were named to fill

,With Activity Here Concord, is spending Iseveral days cen pas pon: .1~d;fl~ltcIY. his position untIl the cl\d of thatIn the Andrew Johnson home. Mrs C I tIme Three nf'W membtrs. Bell}

lrtellsc culd weathel and snuw- Anderson .came. from Concord last lar o~~~:~~a mC~~I~n~O~~s ;~~'C~~=;Towns. D~3~1 ~~OI pc and ,1<lckblopked roads have Il1terfcrcd with week to VISIt frlends and relatlves rnlnlstnJtlOn buddl .. ' next Mond v IMOlgctrl, \\Cle tdl,en Intu the clubactIVity :',CI(' the 'past week. Be- and was una~le to get back home g a, fl~(lm the sophomOle d<ISS. Plan:>, IJlIug was call1'd off bl'~<lUSl' uf the day I afteUlOon at Salem' Luther- I During her lung illness s e had cauise 1 Ul 011 students arc unable to because of no .train service. evenmg. ~ ~ * , IweI C mclde for a hal d luck, no date

S wcathcl. an church With Re\·. ArthUI' L been tenderly cared for b her Teath to\\'n the CIty school was Henry Bartlmg who went to Hume Eco!lomlcs club wlll hdve.l p.ll t) to be 1~c1d March 13. The dubI , • , _ I Petebon and the Hypse scrvl-ee 111 faIthful husband. cIo'cd Tuesday and Wednesday Sholes last w.eek. Tuesday to ~t- chili supper 111 the home ('conomlC:> I Will ~ponsol ~m Clll-s~hool poll Clnd, . I LeguHl <HId Auxl1l~H·'y ,1omt mect- charge. Committal followed In Mrs. Lundbergl jomed Salem Ithl week. Many l'urCiI schools are tend funeral scr~lces for hIs blO= luboratory at the college next Mon_!.I11nual hobo sCh~~1 d<tncc. The kist, Be;n Chase was ill several mg planned for last \vcelt Wcdnc::;- WakieflCld cemeter)'. Lutheran church II year af~r eom-I dl,sfllssed WakefIeld has plenty of ther, Wm. Barthng, held the fol 'dayevcnlllg I WIll be held ~<l~ C~l }8.

the past week, day. wa:; cancelled TIll' groups Mts. Johnson, whose malden mg to Wakefield' flll"d had been a coal, the supplIes being parcelled lOWing day at Randolph, got asMuriel Hanson. Wa.vne meet ;~alll III March. ndl11e was MISS Annette Carolma !tuthful member I~ince. Sh4 often outllll quantities small enough so far, as Wayne enroute home the Alphd PSI Omcgu will h<l\e In-I ]nlelnatllJl11al RelatIons dull heldstUdent. was hOI11{, over - CarI~on, W(loS" born at Bogsby, expressed regret Itllat she qad not that ull can be supplied Three cars next day and was snowbuund IUatlOn of new memuels at the Ian ln1tJa~lOn party M~nday eve-

. I Edstern StOll eichool lIf lnstl uc- swcren. September 9, 1863. and been able to atteJdi servICeS 1Il I'e- of fuel llrl Ived MondaY SerVIces there until Saturday. meetmg to be held next Monday Inmg at Pl1c hall reert'atlOn parlorsbon planned for next MOllday nf- \vas thus 72 years, 5 months and cent years were held Sunday in only one III the admmlstratlOn bUildIng The evenmg wus pl.anned for .a

'I ot 1$ with tile H B \'¥UlS ternoon ~llld ('\ ening when Mrs 3 d<l 'S of age She came to AmerJ- Mrs Lundberg h~<I\'es her hus- chUrch, thc Salem Luther<ln. In Southeast Wakefield ;,. .. ~ .. Isoeml time With JnitIahon playmglJ 100115- closeq thcH.' !.;.uelk Money of Crofton, dlStllC't CC11~]892 and \vas marncd In June band and two brothers, G~st il"nd order that fuel mIght be saved. (By Miss Ruth Hanson) Faculty club meetmg planned for the leadmg role Fifty attended the

:1 ISS Vl\'i<\!l Nelson who h.1S b n super\'ls(lr and grand officer In of t lat year at Wakefield to G John Peterson of Onon, Ill, H.lll.~e Is Destroyed Mrs. Donald Kmney was a Fn- Tuesd~y'evenmg was cancelled fur. ;:;trh:~i~;;l~~:~~~~;~t~~rg';o~~1 g~ e With mUlnps fOI 1\\ (I Wl' k:,; Nebrusk':o\' \\j~IS to (·omc. h.l::; bc,t'n Alfr'd .Johnson The family had ~ fil '.:J day night guest III the Chas. Kin- the month of FebrurLlY. The club of Plamvlew, Delmar Davidson of'p' n.s. t\) ll'hll n to (lllkg(' <1t IV, ne postponed mddllliteJ:',. I lTlildt' thCll hume,.tlCill WakeflCld COUNTY PION'fR B F 0 A 0 h n"y, J,'., home, wlllll'lve combined meetl/lg Mal chI · J Y lloe t Nlg t . 10 ' i Laul'c', and Ruth Wagne,' of Nc-'l.:I.h·\\c(.'\-, ,I :.;ll1e Il ' Mrs. John Hanson IS spendmg a' ~ • , _ 11gh, had charge of refreshment,;'1 LS Emd H.lllsol\ dlHI~ftlghlll Soda.!. M~:.; Jollnsul1 I:; SUI \'Ived by hCI I few days this week In the C A .Jernne Moat of Sioux City and

·ill,. <l1"'C spending: thIS \ eck lieU! I , . -:'" IhUSUdlld and three children as :01- PASSES' INIOWA 1"1t

(. oj unknown ongln destroyed Kmney home. ~u), sC(Ju~s of troop 174 put UIl . .1 DOllS Nelson of WHyne had chargen' with the illl mel". PdtTllt,- 'illl'U t:lltertaUl 1'lremt·lI. l(l\\s ElliS. who 1" at borne, Elm. : the house 1Il which Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Vernon Andcl son was a fust <lid pI Ogl am and dcmunstra-I of entcl wmmcnt and Elizabethanel 1\115. ,John CUl'k~·. • I Men .. Bndgc dllh t'nkl tcl1llPri l no\\.· MI'S Jewell Kllhon of neal I : Halpld MesserschmIdt live at Monday ovcrl'nght guest m the tlon fOJ mem/:>ers a! the Y M C Deliy ;.md Laur<J Nuernber.ger of

Faith NUlel nberger whl!: fJn~men \\'edn('sd,l) levcrUllg nt IWakdl;ld, and Ethel, now MIS ----+- ~;~~~bc~.l:·a~~)nII~~~r~:~~.svu;~~:~= Walter Otte home. A. 1.1St evemng at h 30 m the <Id- Wlsnel, WCl'C on the initiatIOn com-~I~ treighton, I,'; visitmg the! bl'ldge and lunch D L l hambers of Thurston. One IMM' MG' :R't Mr and Mrs. C L Bard <lnd mmlstratlon ~u~ld:n~. mlttee

ucl·n!..H:rgcl':; her Ie thIs w('d~ ! . ~- Id.lUghtcI. MIS:; Edith Jobnson, dlCd TS' B anon C lure. 1 es day: l'vcmng, the family fixed the family visited In the E1dOJ Rmg ~ _

chuul I;.; dusl.'d bcc;'lllse of r lVnll Mrs, Shellinl:'ton. III Calif01 nJd SIX years ago, and a 0 e. H«;ld In Wakefleld fire berOl e ll'tlnng In the night home Sunday afternoon Members of the W A l\ 1'11- I('I Old P V 0 0t1 i \\'om( n'l' blldge club \\. <Is i'J Ill~d 'SOIl dlc-d In IIlfnnc:". M,s Johnson WIthIn F~'W Days. they \\e1 e awakened by sntoke Joyed d sJelghlng part) last Thurs-I II ren ay lSlHan lt~t AJlcl~r"un \\ hu ,I Wl'drwsdd) C\TTlltlg tillS wech. \\ Ith liS SUt \ I\ed by tv.. () blathers. Frank Mr. Me.sSl'l'schmldt gal' hiS vnfe Mr. and Mrs VlctOl Sundell d::JY afternoon between 4 and 5 ::In I To Antone Lerner

' M E (' S' 'l"t fin, I d Ed" '" COl'1 on uf Hal·tIngtun Ml s. Manan lVICGUlIl'. BJ' I'CS1- iJnd Jus brother out of the l,ouse wM:,"'"t',nSuHnodlamYb~~nnheo"mgeU,estsJIl the The g" up hod "uppeeloget',,, ofto collegf;.' <:It Wuynt' each' ,,".J.! S . . ,1l' Ill b un 01 gIl'S un '>< "S , '" L.g • a .." ,-'I' ... -I Second gt'aders of the coHene

Id , h d b th S d dent of Wakefield cmd VICI 1t'·' fO! ,throu"h <I wmdow, The flI'C was N 'h I b h 'd th k t d t th f te b'HS marooned t11Cl'l' Wcdnp,z;- dn une call dn one ro el 10 we en. " . .J I '" 0 sc 00 IS emg e IS wee erwar a ; ;a;,.e" I'm. I trammg school (jnd MISS Ida Flsh-

ast wuek and has IemUlIlcd 1 --. 1 All mcmbels uf the Imm9diate 6;, years, dIed Fnday. Fcbru~ry 14. well stalted when dlSC~l\lcred so m dlstncts I 12 13 59 and 42 0r \vent tt) the Antone Lerner1]Hs wC;!ek : DilUll'" for Men. ILundy \\'(:1(' hele fOl the ,~.-tvibes at the home?"f her daughter' Mrs r nothing cuuld bo s~l\·ed. The house School was d;sml~sed'Jn these dls- Y W. C A Interpretl\'l'Rehglol1 homl' Valentlm~day, Fl'Iday. to

- and !'vir,;. Frank Cw!sun and I Dl D. P QlIlmb} 1l1\'ltE'd .I gl Cilip MJ ~lJ1d M1 S Fr:mk cat'is'(~:_Jmd AnUle Conklm. at Creston. Iowd·1 belonr:::l'd to John voss Itncts last week also beeause of group met Wednesday evenmg at! surpns(' Mr Lern('r who has beenltCI'. Mll1nie, <lnd EclWlI1 C dl'l- )I

of men ~u lllS home f(ll SUndd}: duughtL:1 .md Edwltl Carl on of when' she hCld gone a few weeks [ MIl dnd Mrs Mes'sCI schmidt U1'e extreme cold and blocked roads Pile hall to dISCUSS "Problems of 1111 fOl two months The childrenr me frum Hartmgton Sunday c\el1lng dmner Ml s t;!ullnby

I l-Lu·1tngtoll, were ,11so here> ago to spend part of the wlIlter An staYlrg With MI and Mrs Jack ThiS eommUl1ltv expresses sm- Our Own RehglOus LIves' The I ha\ e mIssed Mr Lernel, who IS so- by tl'am for the funt'ral of 1seI \'ed t1hc dml1el' and the own cn- Mr" Johnson \~'as n wom~n who unusual comCldcnc,e IS the fact thnt Butlel Mr Mes$cI schmIdt IS a cere sympathv to~ the G Alfred guls tned to sol\c a number of the I happ) and kind-hearted. so they'I: ~ Alfled'Johnson loyed Cl SOCial l1J1l1e aftel'w<lIU \\dS hlghl) esteemed by he),' Ifam- hel husband. McGullr, also broHjel ot Charles Messerschmidt .Johnson fam;ly 111 the death of problems pre:e~t:d", I \~ent to \lSlt him and to prescnt

! 'lila <lnd FOiest sundafl I ~ ll} and hCl m,11l;' fllcnds dled on February 14, Whl¢h. fell of \\<1,\111'. IMrs Johnson. The Johnson fam- Ihlm With d daffodIl plant Mr.I ry Eleanor Rlllg Hal1~ B,l d "'lth Ruth Colt.ns on Fltday. m 1930, hert" In Wake- --_ IllY ha\e reSided 111 thIS lacaht) fm About 60 couples attended the !Lerner the thoughtful-'ion .lames ...':hckosn <Ire <;td\llg P E () mll TUIe ..dd\ \\Itl\ MIl'O- 0 AG NO fIeld. Long Cold "'eriod the ast42years v<llentmed"lllccatthccollegcgym- ness of FIsher •.lnd the littkI. at he E E H\ PSl' home thl<; \\elfk Coli illS ll1sttdd of ALFD[ H LU As soon as weuthel' pel~lts the Ivldlnt,11l1mg an outstandmg lec- M~ and Mrs H E B01g le- naslUm Satul ddY evel11ng The Ifolks \ ('I \ much and explesses ap-1 M lIe tltlendlllg 11Igh scJlOol e\ClUng Holl ldll \\015 nL body w1l1 be brought: to Wakefleld Old Ilil se\elcly cold \\eathel the cel\ed a telegram from Olo\Jile dance was sponsored by (he W A precwtlOn to ..J,lH'm

' A Sm 1et1l11l<:(1 SatlucI<ll flo 11 WIth political nl:\.\.5 ThL' pI t' Ident s for ftmerul services and bunal No thel ml1mt tel' hos 1 eglstcred 19 days Wash, tellmg of the birth of a son A MU,slc Well' furmshed b:" Leon ...... "ex, 'ld \\ hel e he \\l nt tll dttn d leUu \\<1<> 1Cold 1 he ho~t~~~ S('1 \'ed 0,1 ES SATURDAY ltme has .vet been arranged and the 111 February and lil In January be- to Ml' and Mrs. Lester Roberts IAlforq and- hIS tullege orchestrn ' C l '" to

funCId] or hIS SI~t('l l\h Ell I] Conldms had not yet left Creston IIOW Zl'l u. a total of 38 dill s su fal' Febru~ry 15~ MI'S, Roberts was I ! . ~ "- " ," : unce ."1 ee lngs~ u!ntlgl~en He \\a~ de13:i('(\ c1 flo \ For Jam«(> Van\alen to come to Wakchqld yesterday thIS }e.ll formerly MISS Ellen Borg. .Actt\·JtJes offe] cd th1S llJ' Planned In W.ayneIdS on ~ccount of the snuw MIS CcllToli Van\'akn t'ntel ~ M!'s McGUire. \\'hpsl1' malden -- Mr and Mrs W<llter OUe were \\, A A work Include elassl'O>! Tlw ml'('tln~ of \\'nynp countyj . Alfl'l,d Juhnson and f<lml ~ LUlled ('ll::ht !llllv lull, .. SdlUldd\ Services Are Conducted ron n~m~ was MISS Manon Felree. was CH URCH ESI dmner guests Sunday 111 the C. A'I lTl tap d<ll1cmg, tumbllllg; skatlllg : cxtCT"'IOtl (ILl) \\ hleh WdS to be

it' e to tht' \Vh1 Hugelm.1ll IlO C l1ftelTioon- fOI the {'Ightll bllthcicl\ Tuesday At Salem For ~an~ed to JohH ~cGulle August II1Q!1 Kll1ney home Mr. ;md Mrs. Fred hdung. CUdSt111g dnd Pll1~~p(>ng A held ;.,t tll(" Oll'tM~e Wednesda}.~~~r own SHtLll'Cld} to 1'\'ffidll1 Cl f8 \ of her d,Hlghtcl JdnllC' The U11 th- I 1R I 1. at Dakot<l 1ty The couple Han lson \\el'e there ll1 UK after- pll1g-pong tourndml'nt \\. 111 U(' held : \~ .I" :'IIhl' Leona DaVISi~' s. Hoads \\cre lJlutlwd 10 lhell d<lv \\ dS d \' ('('I'; hC'f"ll' hut til( , Elderly Man. located on the homestead Ml Me- Inoon Roy Hanson was a Sunday Ilf there dll' cnough slgnC':'S lot thl lJj \\ l~ undulc to come fOl

'he Hnd Hlf'T 1.1Iml.\ \\ as Jll hm n chlltlll'l1 cuuld not cf'lt'brdtc ttl"t ' CU~18e6~1U~nt~:~:~l ~;~ge ~r(?c~~t~'~ I[ Methodist Church. ovel'nlght guest 1n the Kmne) e\ ent , , ~ -c : till:' ."\ mel tillt; pldnned Tuesday

. I\lts .John:;on'~ luner,ll' 1d,<lY !ll'CLlU~e of 1he slOlm M:", i1\\0 Alfred Hag- CUBe retJred ~1'0~1 fal~l~g and (Robert Wylie. pastOl) home d h S t Curn'nt E\('nt glOUp of tilt' Y '.It j'1l' IOUlt house fOJ county ~~i'~~~~~~)I~~~:I~~O~U~~~'ll~~~~~~~~il~~ ~: ~;~,n~'l~II]~ir;l'l~e;~~I~ldpi~ll~l~~l(~,~n1l'~ftt'1 ',I ~u,,'tlCul,dd'cc,',~i ;1.\t !.,'n",nhgU,nF'Ceb",'u'W",,·.~.l\elf51,eld mo\ ed to WakefIeld I ! ~~t~ld~~;Jn~e~~~~'l~~sl~t <1

11~ m ur;~~0I~r~;~111~;~~:e Clt} \\' C A met Wedrwsd<l\' 1'\ enlllg I, ~~"~l:\Clt~(,~ III k Ui gcltllLdtlUIl was' 0

Lv ..nth home folks while scho I ~-, , ~ '- .J 1\11'::;. McGUlr~ IS sur\ ~\'ed by fn'C 1.1 ~ , cl , \\ here he ha~ undergone tIeat- at Plie hall fO! dlsellsslon of tonICs __ __~__!Closed bec6ut>l' of th(l WE'<:ltnett .. I the Old\ amE'd age of 85 y('clI'S. 6 sons. Charles. Frank, \\i 1150n, Nmlh: ments for one of his knees for the of the day A progr,l!n f)ICpdl cd b.' 'G· 0 0·' l D a

II 31so c<-lme 1m the fUI1l'I'(I1 of Observe Anmversanes. 'llwnth" ,md :!j d<l'r~ FunerZll rite,; and Edward. a11 of nedl Pcndel.: St. Paul's Lutheran Church. 't onth John 'Bcckenhal,lcr and thc nl:"\ 1eadel MiS" Ruth W.~ller. I Ilve Ilgllla rant,. grandfathel Alfl'ed Haglund Auoul ~S friends \vcnt to th~ L I \\ 01 e helel al S'.'l1em Lutheran und one daughtllr. Mrs Conklm of I E~l~(;I~h \~er~\e~e~~e]s6 ~a~Ol ) :~s. ~arrJ~ Bard who had been was enJuyed Rcfll"shml'nt~ ,\ cn , At i'\lorfolk StatiollL/' iss' OP,l! B~l'ckenhau('~' who C NUt'lnbelger hume Sun,del\ C\l- I (hUllh Tut'sd<l' ,lfternoon \\'lth Clestan I staYing at the Rmg home dunng sened. I "A Wllliel ~ E\Clllng.· <In ong-

I; \e.ches at BlhomfLeid. came thiS I1lng fCll a tOOPl'Idtl\'{' dmOtI ccJe-


Rl\ Althul L' Pete I"on dnd the TIlE' McGuues t'x!Jl'rll'TH't'd the


Sunday school at 11 <I m Mr Rmg's absence, returned to .... ~ . \ loa] (h.lm.1 \\llltcn ,lnd d1rect('d b)d h f I f AI bldtlng MI NUllnUclg.l'I" blltll- H\pSCStnltl III chargc BUllal v.. .IS trials and pleasUlc:; of plOlle('l their homes the fIrst of the v..eek I PCIsonultty gluUp of thl: IT ~, :Robert Blonw will be jprcsentccl,'t ek ~a~;~;d. t ;hl~Ul~~JO~fld~ g:~ Sa~:V~I~I~ \.\.ct~gd:~sd~nII;(,l~Clalt~- IlIl \\ Hkcflelrl (l.:mdlCl,) Bbzzmds. grdsshoppcr L1Jd;" I ~~c~o~'sALU~~7.::. ~~:;~~ The malll high WilY south of C A met la~t c\ ellm.!:: l!l till' '1 I Slllldcl\ Febl ual" 23 at 4 30 over

$ 001 .IS closed beCilllSe of the Ai (;1' S th P k ,.John Alfred Hdglund \\ dS burn prall'le fll e;; Welf' mct WIth I Engll:.;h $('1 \ Ices .It 11 30 11 WakcflCld was o~ned for a dlS- rooms fur an open dISCUSSIOn At II adlO station W,J A.C'. Norfolk Mr,I 'iv ather a~d lVIiss Opal \\'Illl'emam tel' lIln,cr, a, e <II' -el' 11m Scnneslunda, S\veden. July 18 her~Jc, endUr<ll1~·1'. But. the)' found I SUndd) school at 10.45 cI m. tallce of three mIles yesterday. the meellllg last .week Wednes.da} I BromL' of Norfolk. and Bill Buff-I eral da)s IgJ am W<lS (nJo\cd Mrs H B • 1850 HI' C,lmf' to the Umted States a tl ue ,Imong e<111.\ I Nonc of the cross roads have been evening 19 gu Is ,Ittendcd the (0\ -llllgton of Meado\\. Grove, both

,1 Actehne S<.n who teat:hes .It gave a 1eddmg Mr W<lrc spoke °lm 1872 ono WdS !employed for u settlers of the PI';:lIl'lCS dnd eIl]O) l'cI I Chl'.istia.n Church. opencd suffiCIently to permit tra\'- cred dIsh dmnel' party <It MISS TIuth : .students <1t Wayne college, '""Ill

D wson. camf;' home Tuesaay to conglatulate M! Nuel nbCl gIl numbel of ;,\Cdl ~ lle,lr New Wll1d- yt~:~,~ flIcnd:;hl{J;, th/ough many I, (Ill'\' G 13 Dunllll1g. iP<lstrn ) d. A number of farmerds from ~htl:; Pearson s hon:e ~ . ipresent the broadcastI --'\" It the C A Sars while the D.l\V-1 Rev W B\rd Ra,) spol,{' ,-ll1d VI SOt ]11 There he mal I Icd MISS I Sunday schaul at 10 a' m, locahty attempted to nve mOl 'rI SO "School IS clost'd because of the G VI Henton told D StOI Y MI cJnd ehallotte Peterson m 1877 .lnd ---+--~ • Lo( .11 gospel team w 11 be 1I1 Wakefleld WIth team and wagon Newman club met \\ lth Its nl'",' Will AUend Meetings.

I w thel MISS S,d came to Ernel,.. Mrs R, L FI cdstl om salJg The til(' fLlmJl} llved on a f<ll m neal FOrllJer Re~HdeJ1t chmgc 01 Sel'Vlces ;.It J I J m. Tuesday but were forced to turn officers last week Wednesday eve- MISS Arhe Stltherland, collegeI ' ,Monday and \'as obhged tu 1('-\ Playel Nt \\ Windsor v. helc then :>even ., __ back Shovelers and snow plow nmg New commIttees were ap- IcommerCial ,mstructor, plans to at- £

In mete unt11 Tuesday ~ . dHldren wpl'e born Fourteen years DIes at Eluersonl Swedish Mission Church. were busy un the 11lghw;.l)'s yester- pomted for ,the Iemall1del' of the i tcnd meeltngs In the department of, -- . SERVICf MONDAY 11dter, Jl1 1891. they CHine to Ne-I {H.ev C A. TurnqUIst, Pastm) day. year The club members enjoyed IcommnrCJal teachers at the Amerl- ',_

OOE C ()l'lsk<.l Bnd spttled on a farm SIX , ~. SUlldil Sunda school <.inil :>el- popcorn fa! refreshments and spent C(ln ASSOCIatIon of Teachers Col- ',f~,':SilJVl LUB~ I ml1es southwest of Walteflclrl Th<') Mrs. D?r81 Brudlgam .To Be VICCS <lS ~~;uaJ. y r Notice of Primary Election. the remamder of the time dancmg lIeges bcmg hcld <It St .LOUIS, Mo.~ ;~'~i~}u IN lOCAl CHUR CH llved ,Otl thiS pldl'l' untll the SpJ lng I BUrled,,1 At Wa~eh~ld LHdl(~s' AId did nul tnl'et because Nahee IS hereby given that on . ~ ,. .. ,. Febl'UMY 21 to 27. MISS Suther..,,:/,,>: ,

& l' P 4ft I uf J940 \\hen the,> movecl JIltu I Inl Few, Days. (If the weather', -' Tuesday, the fourteenth day of Crcatlve LeIMIl'e group of the ldlld w11I go toda). ,< W,lkcfleld I - Mary Martha socIl'ty w<ts Aplil, 1936, at the usual voting IY. W. C. A cancelled their mect- ,

Mr Hagl~lnd W,IS lJdptlZl'd and MI:-i. DOl'l, Bru~:hg<lll1. w1l0 WilS HII pOlled ,until February 27. At that places in each precmet of Wayne Ipg for last evcnlllg because of the I Home From Hospdal.confll med m tht' Lutllel'illJ faith 1 last June, ~led TuesdDY morn mg. Itime MiS J. A. ISeagren and Mrs, County, Nebraska, a Pnmary Elec- lyceum coursc number, the Ted BNn"dme, small daughter of Mr.

Ritfs Held Here For Mrs. G. III Sweden He Jomed Salem church IFebI um'Y 111, at her home 111 Emer- Otto Frcdnckson cntcrtam at the hon Will be held for the purpose Shawn dancers. The group plans and Mr.s. Ernest Koch, was brought~lfJ·ed Johnson Who (If WakefIeld 111 1906 and Iwd been son. Mrs. Brudigam llved <lIone. fOlmel's home, of expl'essmg a preference, if dC-fa 'c:hnncr party at the R R Srruth to Wflyne Saturday from a Norfolk

Dies Wednesday. .1 f,lIthful memllel Hc was u man When the O. J DeMel'S famIly, who __ Sired, by caeh political party, for: horne Wcdnc::;day l'\enlllg ncxl hospital where she had undergoneof ll1k~l'1t~· llnd was Ulllft}' He !lad arc her 1lC'lghuOl'f; fdl1ed to sele nny I Salem Lutheran l:hurclt. PreSident and Vice President of week, ,an operatIOn. Mrs Koch andexceptlolwlly good he.l1th <lnd IilCtJ\'lty about hel home the pre- (Re\ A L. Peterson, Pastor) the Umted States. - * T * Idaughter arc stDymg at .the .F. W.will ked down town e'leh d<lY to VIOUS Satul dilY, they went to th{' I Sunday. Sunday school at 10 a The election of one CommlUee- Katz club met last Thursday <If-l Vahlkamp h.ome. Bernadme IS get-\'/Slt hiS fnellds He hMJ fa lied the home and found Mrs Brudlgam IIn . sC'rvlces at II a. m: and 7.30 maD and one Committeewoman as ternoon and signed the conshtutlOn tmg along nicely. _past SIX mOlnths <lnd JIl hIS last Jil- unconscIOus on tJ;le basement floor Members of the National Commlt- , __ ~ ' ••••npss he expressed uelld th<1t Ile She eVlde~~IY suf1cred a strol~~ p ,~l' Mal.tlla sOCiCty meets next tel's of the several P'V'ties. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••• :would n~lt g~t wcll t,' while gomg, down the stairs and Tuesdd}, Febmary 25, III the E One United States Senator. .' •

Mr Hagl nd IS SUI \ IVld by hiS fell As she r,ad been lymg on the E Hyps{' home. The election by each of thc po- ==----- By Getting a :v.'lfc and two SOliS. Elmel and flom severa~ hOUIS. pneumonw de- The MlslilOnmv society mecls lltical parties of delegates and al- " ••••Walter, ;Ind tl11'(,(, d<lughtels. Mrs vc1orH'd andl she dll,'d Tuesday Tl d lV Feb" ry '27 The pro- ternHtes to the several N<ltlOnal N:Ezr<1 Bopck,enhalH'!' MISS EsUwl I Funel a! sdrvices were to be held gl~ll:~lS «(:{;mmlt~~:l 'lllcIudes :Mrs, ConventIOns as prOVIded by statute. orge :and MISS Cnnl Haglund. all of "It Emerson tvIonda,y thiS v. cek and Martin Holmbel g and Mrs. NeLs For the nommation by caeh po- •Wal,efleld and \ IClmty One the bunal will takd' place at Wake- B,Iurklllnd On the refreshment htJeal party of candidates for the :daughter Ellen. <lnd one son. flCld dS sooll as rejads are opened Icommlttee ale MIS Walter GroSc followmg named offIces: •Frank, pleceded him ln death Mrs. BruJdIgaml was born In and MIS. Grover Carr. j One Congr¢ssman for the Thlrd :There are fJve grandsuns. Robert Germany. She anq her husband. I __ Congressional Dlstnct. WHIRLATORBoeckenhauer, Allen. Stanley, Cole Claus Brud~gam, came to thIS I J>rcsbyterian Church. ' One Governor.and NormLin Haglund, and three countr~ m<lflY ye~rs ago and 10- (Rc\. W Byrd Ray, pastOl) i One Lieutenant Governor.gr1mddaught~rs,Dorothy and Opal e<lted fIrst oq a f<:ltch SIX mdes south I Whdt-Su-Ever ~o(,lety meets tl'l.s One Secretary of State.Boeckenhauer and Margal~t Hag- of Wokeflel~. Late!r they moved to IThursday afternoon with IV1 s. One AudItor of Publtc Accountslund, MI'. H4glund also lC1 \les one a farm near Emerson and some Floyd Clou h. Mrs, C. H, Madp n One Commissioner of PublIc Lands

, Sister, Mrs 6tto Fredneks n yems aftel'\~'ard located III Emer- aSSist" her.g

and BUlldmgs.

IPLAN ~OR RITES sa~r. Bmdlgam died 11 years ago. 1I1~~~~~~;~a~a~a;tues~~:~m;~:~ 6~~ Sl~:~r~;;a~~~~~aLI , Mrs. Brudlgam leaves one daugh- 'Mrs .f O. Peterson, One Railwq.y Commissioner.

tel', Mrs. Henry Jaeger of EmeI- Plcdsc mquire the last of the One Clj)unty Com'Pissioner for


son, five grandsons and five grand- week .1bout Sunday serVIces. If the Second Commissioner District.

ON HIS ~R 0 daughle". She ha~ no heathe" or weath", " fa.vorable the regular AI,d for lhe eleclion by each ofSISteIS.· I Isen'lceS will be ebnducted. Meet-j the poht~caI partles of Delegates to

, DeceaseC). was ~n aunt of Mrs. Imgs I;.\st Sunday were not held as the Count)' ..convention by pre-! - • Henry Baker ~:;f.Wyne. • thqc 'church wished to conserve fuel ci,:ets, which County ConventIOn

Mrs, Alfrep Lun ber DIes :f011 a possible- shortage. WIll be held lat the Court House atAt Horoff In W ke ield School Is losed , . Wayne on April 30, 1936, Norge Furna.ces _ Norge Heating and Air Conditioning

. AfterlLong lIn So P f hO W, k Northwest 'Wakeli6ld lio~l';f ~:: ~::~b~~il~~a:h~o;:':;i:: WAY~E i"'EBRASKA

Followll1g f' long ~enol of 111 art f II IS ee r By Mrs. Wallac~ Ring) " latw'e for t~'e sixteen.fh dlf;tri~t. •••••••••J1 II••~.1health, Mrs.'! Alfre~ L ndben!! -+ Paul :Dahlgren .wa!? at the EmIl AlSo the Non-pollhcal nomma- ,•••••••••••p~ssed away il).t her hq e i l Wake- One Of St~t~ Basketball Miller borne Sunday aftel noon lion of Judge of the Supreme Court. PI h d Ch Ifl1ld early T~esday morni 19, hav- Events Wtlll Be Held Kenneth and Kermit Turner from the Tthrd DIStrIct =I ymou~ an rys erinpreached tHe age of 64 y 'aI's and Here Next Week. wel e SundflY dtnner guests of Ar- AlsO the Non-J;>0litlcal nomtna- • Il~ days.:Funeral rites will be con- ----L. nold I laD~en tIon of fOUl candidates from the =dueted Fridayl afterno 'n a 2:30 at Wakefle~d schooi was closed fOI VIctor .Jqrgehsofl spent last week NintA Judlelal DISfrIct for Judges ': SALES d SERVICES<,Jlem Lutherpn chur h i Wake_ Tuesday and Wednjesday thiS week Wednesday evenmg a1the Henry of the Dlstnet Court. anfield with Re ,Arthur L, eterson because cold weatj1er an~ drIfted IBartlmg hqme. Also the Non-political nomina- = II •~nd the Hyps serVIC

lIn charge wads have made lit dIffIcult for MIS:; D~ml;i and ISS Irenel bon of two candidates for County _ J •••• • ••••

Interment wl1 follow n akeffeld rural students to Iattend. Fo~ty Schultz spent Sunday' fternoljln at Judge. I : r Any new 1936 Plymouthqemetery. I were absent from high sch 01 the Art Mfyer home I WhICh primary wlll be open at • I ~an be bo~ght for $25

Mrs. Lundb rg, wh se mmden Monday School mar reopen tod y, MISS Clover, MISS Ve1ta CInd MISS eight o'clock In th~ morning and =II a month with l$uaIname was MI s Chrj tin LOUIse dependm~on the wea thel:. The EUOlce B~sby spent Ilast week will continue op~n until eight. I dow 'entPeterson, was born n prdnas, school has plenty oflfuel supply Wednesda~ afternoon! wLth the o'clock in the e"ening of the same II n paym •pster~ot1and,1 weden, Fe ruary 4, DIxon.. OUJ1ty hi~h school balS-IBarwng SISters. day. -)-e-11372. At the ge of 15 y ars she ketball t urname~ whlch was Mrs Haps LubbeI tedt, MISS In testimony J whereof, I have =1lcaIIl(:'l to this untry and located scheduled 0 be hel~ 111 Wakefield AlIce LarsQn and MISS umce Vol- hereunt9 set rn~ h~nd arid seal th~s •at Wakefield, eb, "Where she was last Thurs ay, Frid\ay and Satur- berdmg spent S\.mday fternoonlat 12th dijY of Fe!Jljqary, A, D. ]936, ;:tnarned 1n 1~3 to Alfie Lund- day, was ~lled off ~ecause of the the Carl Ftansen hQme.1 I , (County, Clerk'~ i~al). \' !'berg, The f~ Iy liv~d on1a ~ann weather. I I . Vorace lfacker 'YhO 'forks nqrth Bertha Bqq~s. County Clerk. inear ,Wakef){~l .untJ~. 19 9 W~l(m, One of the N,~~rl,aska clas,s C. of Wakefield

lspent Sa\turpay and, Wayne CfJ'u I Nebraska. l I,

11hey Tetired.l and mbv d Into basketball tournam7nts t~ 'schedul- Sunday w1~h his, parents. VQr~ce I, •

IWakefield; the1r home ~ln e." . ed to be 'htd al Wa~efield Thurs- \va1ked bolo ways because of tlle 1I,. Since' the' death o~ th ir I only' day, Frida, and sa~lurdaY, Febru.. bloc]ted rohds. ' oUday. I I.

I daughter, Miss Ina, 12 y ars ago, ary 27, 28 nct 29. earns tb cnte,r Sunday ,eyening visi~or~ at th.c Wayne post.o ice will obser~~ =', ~r5. Lundberg. had bee !~mp"g are 13elde~. Wynot. Carroll, ¥c- Henry Ba~tling home were: Em)l Was next Satu - =' I, Located at, In health. She Vfas able to e about Leaj1, Da ota Ci , dbncard, Carlson, D~lbert Oak. Eldred B'u~- da will'n t/. I ~lhe~'1l Garaher home untillfour ye~n; ago but Thurston, oly Trinilty of ~rting.: ~ctQr and TheJ;'on Culton be =I, •• • ••••'since then she'h;ad been ab ut very- ton and WaterbUry, I· I'" ,B bbie. ' • I • , ••••

;===::===:::====~i~little.For the ~ast two'y ars ;;he Wakefield deba*er6, Dal Lund Cl aand Clarence, Bartling ,. '1 WAYNE, . ,: l1ad b~n practiically' an 'invalid. and ~()rman'Mine~,were, .~he ~edr~~ Lessma!" hOD.Je· . ,~~~b~ ~~ ,'_' ." ~: ,:' "\"lJ"1 ,~~IJI~~."'"~.h,...,.~..~~II;~~II!"f.!.\~. ·~,tv~~~~,~~~!~m~~~':M~1

rM~m~ ~I~W till&~l;~;:,~~~\~nm~ ;~ii~, ';J:i(Wl';{ !r;'*j&,'~f~~; ':'I~,:;i rik1~j£ T~:t~1,rhF;~J :~:\~\;, JJ;; I,'\~I,{~~~" 'it';::i~\:It:, .,'~ !t:l:~'·,}:j;·i~~~i5171~,:~·;';rc~~~:jr"li~f~!i~H:~;+;~~t\IOI~~ f]~': o/~;J~tt~r·:~~,~~~~~T\~ .li~ ::1' ;J'!~\4ttJ )~~~lr~ ,;~tM~'.It,~J4,~~·,I~l~h~ff~~t:,::~~p~t,t~.;;,·'i; I¥H~i~~Ji.1ll ~. ' ":",

Page 4: Herald (1888-Prese… ·  · 2014-02-02HERALD "• 1"'1' I ·1; • I" WAYNE: ! I i I , FAMILY CIRCLES ARfE~~:~f:~~.fJER

WAYNE MARKETS.Febl'ua.ry 19. 1936.

Ba.ptist Chur('h.~(Re'v. M. C Powt>rs, Pdsbl\') ,

SundBY school .It 10,1 l1l

Mornmg worship :It 11B Y. P U :It 630 p. ll1

Salem Church.•(R('\,. A Hoferci. p.I<,ll1l)

No services

Grace Lutheran Chureh.(Rev H Hopmann, P,lc;tOl )

Sunday school ,It 10'[1. mServlces at 11 a m.Young peoplp's SOCIl'l)

Thul Sd,lY C'venlflg .It 7 I;)

Theophilus Church.(Rev. A Hoferer, pastOl)

Sunday school at 9 30 (l mEnglish scrvlces ,ID 10 30 d 111

Ladles' AId Will mC'f't thb "ternoon at the church b<1Sl'ml'lllWIth Mrs A Hofercl' as ho!>tt'ss

Episcopal ('hur<,h.(Rev L W. Glamly, P,IS!ol \

Qumqu,lgeslmd Sund,ly S('I \ I'"

at 213 W 7th street, 11 d m

Our Rede("mer's Ev. Luth. Church.(Rev. H. A Teckh<.ll1s, Pd!>tOl )

Febrl1;lI y 23.Sunday school. 10 Cl m.Germun SPl'\ Ice. 11 a. mFebruary 22, c,ltechetlcdl

struchon at 1 p. m.Come and worship WIth us

First Presbyt.erian Church.(Rev WIlbur F. DIerking. Pw,tOl }Prof. Chfford B<.nr, MUSIC 011 t'( tnl.

Church sc1 001 at 10 d. mMormng w Slllp, II.A speCial tr 0 w111 Sing, "Thuo.;

Then The mv," by Blich Th\ 11'

will also be an <lnthem.College Chnstl:.m Endea\'or n ~Il

p. m,High school Chnstwn Endcu\or,

6.30 p. m I~l

St. Paul's Lutheran Church.(Rev. W. C HeldeO!'elch, Pa"till) \

~UO~~~~gs~~r~;ll~t :to1~ ~n m. :~l

I 1.1th;fr~:~ ~:;;~~~, ~~d:;a:~e~n ':~[_ ~;]iglous instructIOn will be held ... t j2 ~emh~;:u~~:Y~eather Will JJ1. ~prove so that more of our membt'r~ '~iand fnends can attend the SCI \'IC{'~


Prices subjectSweet creamSour creamEggsHensSpnngsRoostersCornBarleyOats,

---~'been a rcsld0nt here MI GrantWelS reSidIng 1n ldaho at Ow tlmpof hiS qeath The fLlneral W,15 heldin Randolph Wednesday 'Ifternoon.

The "Slo-HI" ct1rnt~dl gIven bythe Sholes school was lwld Thllr:-;­day afternoon of I<lst wE'ek. DliP tothreatcnmg weather there WdS nota large crOwd. but \\e ,1pprf'Cldh'dthe patronage of those who dId .1\­tend.

Mlss Gladys TIl'tgen cnkl t.lltll'dthc WEB. club at Ill'r lwowWednesday ('\,cn1lJg The hostpssserved a deltClOlls luncheon at tlwdose of the pvenmg. Prlz('s wet'(·awarded to MISS Mar]o!"lp H;lus­mann <ll1d MISS LOrr,lllle Gl OJf MISS

Manone Hdusm,lnn will enh'll,lInthe members In t,-,,-o wC'eks


World Events

Is Reelected HeadOf Wisner School

Pensions For Dixon..State board has recommended

$1,516 In old age pensIOns for Dlx~

on county to date.

Supt. T. I Fnest was thiS weekreelected head of the WIsnerschool 101' hiS mnth year. Mrs.Fllest IS the form0r MiSS FaithPhl1leo of Wayne.

Wayne Draws ByeIn Class A Me,et

Wayne high school drew a byeIn the class A basketball tourna­ment to be held at Norfolk March5, 6 and 7. In second roundWayne meets winner of the Fuller­ton- Wisner game.

Hearing Is DelayedIn District Court

Snow blocked roads forced inde­finite postponement of two SUltS m­tended to abolish the dual receiv­ership system for failed state banksm Nebraska. Weather conditIOnsmade It impOSSible for witnesses orfor District Judge CIll1ton Chelseto come to Wayne for the hearIngTuesday.

1The suits were brought by BenN. Saunders, head of the st<1t('bankmg dcpnrtment, who sl?eks toreplac(' E H LUlkm·t, JUdlcwI rc­ceivel-. u.s receIver for the endedHosklOS .stale bank of Hoskins nndthe Merchants stnte bank of WlIl­side.

Builders!of H~pp Chick BrooderHQuses and, () her Portable "£

J3uil;d ngs.

Church of Christ.4th & Logan St.

Sunday, February 23, 193(j'10 a. m. Sunday school hour.

Adult class, studYing Philipp;• .:.Young people's class: Splri~lgifts, 1 Corinthians, 13th ehclptC"r.

11 a. m. Communion service fol·lowed by gospel team servlcP' AI· iv;n G;ese m eharge. \1

6.30 p. m. ChristIan Endeavorservice. TrulOing for Chl'1Stl,lOservice.

7:30 p. m. service. Topic: The 'J

~~~afh:a:a;;~~el~~~yt~~~r~d\'c~; ;~!the few. Found in Matthew, chnp- 1.11

te;t7:~li pay you to come and find IIIout how the human race is follow- '~in~ out the program of lift> on ,~~earth as written by the gospell',Christ's teachings. By BrotherDunning.

Christ1a.n Science Services. 1"Mind" is the subject of the .'

lessonRsermon in all Christian SCI- ~,ji,ence cJ;mrches for Sunday, Febru'"ary 23.

The Golden Text is from Pro­verbs 9:10: "The fear of the Lord ;1t~let~o~f~~n:f ~eW~So~~n:~ ~~1~ ~~derstanding."

A, ·passage from the Bible in thelekMfl.Jjjebnon is from Isiah 40:~9:

. Read the Herald Want Column. "Hast thjj~ ·not known? hast 6ti:uno~lheard,that the everlastiqg (}lI1dthe 1Lord, the Creator of ttle endof ~he ear~, tainteth not, neithe

(By Irene M"cFadd~.) is weary? there is no searching 0W.1rd James of Clearwater, Neb., his","nderstanding." ;

is visit;ng in the John James,home, A correlative passage from thMrs. A. G. Carlson was cOllfined Christian Science ~extbOClI~, "Scl

to her bed a few days the past ence and Health with Key to"lhDistrict Dealer for Simplex B~ooder week, At the present time she i, Scriptures" by Mary Baker'll.:td

, I I I improvipg. \ reads: 'IMind is GQ~J. • • Ther

Stoves and thei repair parts. I .: The Sholes conso idated sclioal ean be but one Mind, ~ecause ther.I • :was dismissed Tuesday due to im- is but' one God; and;" if 1Jlortti

I .: passible roads, but resumed work claimed no other MiPd and aWayne, Nebr." ! ag~~r:e"e:s~:~~:nb~~~ of bte ~~~.Weo:~rh:~~:~~~~:~r

,.i~,~~.~\~~,~~~,~~~~~......~ ~e~th of. DavId ~rartt w~o 1'la~ l~ng it that one is infinite:' (png~ 4~..' ,I,:,: """,,,L,.. 'I,,' .,,' ~" ,," ,"", "~I"~ "I

'''''..,,~''',''':''''''. I' '''''''''~''''-=''!===C=' 'l'i="'T"I''';''".",,=...............--------.,---.. ••

I FLATTENEU O~I-~IPonYExpress'Ilhe we$ther of 'the past ftw • Now In Service

weeks ha$ flattened out plansand defeat~d expeqtallons In ~e In Holt County~a~: ~~~~le;~~~:~~'a~:e~~t~~ I MIS Art ;Auker, formerly ofne~s engagements have bJen Wayne county a?d now resldmg oncancelled Townspeople \d a ranah near 0 Nelli, writes Hel­fa~mers h~ve accepted th, ~s- aid readers as followsCOJn¢ertmg experIence as phi 0- Do you wonder what your nelgh­Sopl~lcally as poss1ble M r.. bormg countIes are domg? Holtch~nts have seen trade shot ~or mstance, while w,: are wonder­dolwn to nethetmost lew·Is- mg. w.ha; ::-'e are gom~ tb do, aslevels consistent only with tlIr - ~h1ttler s Snowbc und has noth­gept demand. People dlrl1n't mg. o.n us, only the sn~w thatcQ~e to the trade center jllS~ to WhIttier draped over hIS f:nccshop aroL\nd. They came' only po.sts b~en blown, by a. thlrty­when for

1ed to do so, ane{ U\ey mile Wind, mto. huge drifts mto the

su;pphed nly actual needt one m~st mconventegt places. ThiS ISp€/rson of en buying for s(l~eral ?emg wntten. February 6 with nofamIhes . .JFl,llt the store overhead ldea ~f when 1t can be mailed. Forh$s kept :up "'and naturall th a whIle our mml was received by Charges Dismissedmerchant' h~s view:d the ~tJb~ ~he "Pony EX,~r.ess" only it was Against Wayne Manborn tenatity of the Arctic I _ saddle horses Instead of pOniesments wI~h growing uneasm¢:s. The sttar cnrtrhierhf~ohmO'Neill com- Aurora Republican, Feb. 14' For Frozen Fruit.The mel'chant has one sourcd of mg au on e Ig .way was met, County Attorney Gibson filed a Mrs Geo. Kilblsch receIvedc~mfOl.t-rLhe fact that goods pot on horseback, by Dick Robertson, dlsmlssnl of the ch<lrges against from MISS M;lry Ellen Bro\vn ofsqld are on hiS shelves uncI that son of former Senator John A. Leshe Rubeck, Wayne narcotic ad- Lmcoln, the followmg regardmga powerfU~IY stimulated dem4nd .R?bertson Harry Lansworth met dlCt, in county COUl t Thursday Ilozen fruit·\MIn hkel follow the palr~ful Dick at the, Joy. schoolhouse and ~~~n:;:;~f~~l~ %t:~~~~t~oJ~~c~~~ The freczmg of canned frUitsslump. T e jarmer IS hke~lse ~~~~:~ttut:n~~;allt t~ ~It:~t sc~~~ tIle store on hIm had felllcd. doC's not render them unwhole-pgogu"naVta~,tnesdoa~sshneawIOOol,~SdO,gustlha"nS Donald. who took, It to his home. Arrestr '1t Wayne S d R some and does not detract fromI:rI beck wa l:eturned tc; ~u::;; ~- the appeal'ance. With some can-way to lIves ock that must be Tilen lt was, Art 50 turn to take G Sh [f r d T a y ned frUIts of creamy consistency

Life ,vollld he motlOtonom; and dis- f~d and protected as far as pos- horse back ttde and thUs. we got en 1n rcws on uesday. He freE'zmg may cause a curdling oragreeahle if there wer~ no rh;ks: and no ~~ble agaiost the blowing sl10w our maH. Now reversmg thiS. a lct- Was chatged WIth entering the separation of the water 'of theuncertainties. People J!nllRt have hazards ~nd bitlllg cold. As he recpUs tel- would st.:'lY all mght at ('ach ~~rqu('t~e estnbllshment on August food The normal nppearance otand uphill pulls and los ~ as ,veil ag gains Id-wmter dust storms ot ]:1re- stoppmg place; [Ind .It would take 1, ;m .10 a seland count WIth such product IS usu<llly lestorcd byto be given lleedect,l' ze ?l1d courage. It ious years and crop short<Jjges nearly ~ week to get It reaUy start- stenlmg clgarette-s, sox and he<1tmg\vould not be well r-Ol' " to have every- hat disaPPointed his efforts, ed on Its destmatton. S~, you cnn candy burs vnlued $35 Canned products can be thawed

thing going his way wi no setbacks and 1C may be soothed by <lntiel- ~~r'n;h~o~'n~:tl~erve~:;:el;;oh~e:ld South Ameflcnn reprcscnbtivps out In a warm place Do thIS gra-110 di~mppointmellts:. lying problems ntmg plenty of mOIsture :nnd R'lnchers are indeed thankful met In Buenos Ait'es to pl<m a dually In a low, dry temperature.and making" as well a. avoiding mistakes Iberal reWards for hiS wOlk, thIS snow dld not come last ye,u systemCltlC camp;;lIgn ngull1st ('om- ~;~[e~~b~~t~~~l~e~Od~;;ee~r~fd~hc~from day to day put R .2tm into endeavor -I' I when there was no feed for stock. mUOlst actlvlty. should not suffer aay detenoratlon.and pniIvcn the race fo' gonlR. TEST ISo fur the men have been able each If the seal IS broken the frozen

New Dealers sho~Jdi permit the conRti- -+ (C -~t-~df~---g- ;) ~~;;I~opT:~t~u~r"~~,~e~~dtl~a~a~~~M~n~::{:":~!~~:~~:~~d~;;tf~~ ~~~~u,C~o;o~lr~e~eCt~a~m:eo,u~~tutiol1 to s:tand :pHI j)a:::lR law::: accordingly ~ ;n ~nuo, I ro: ~a e

lon L the stock Is'in far better condItion Coast store manelgers' convention freeZlOg and thawmg process

until voter~ have heen ~iven a chance to [I.l..llte , t ere,'~s10U . ell )erCl!! co- than a year ago. This section of HId t t makes the product spOIl more ea.s-Ol-'era~lOn w~ h chClflty OIgahlw- the county IS heavily wooded along e p anne 0 Ie urn today. ily thCln otherwise. .....

e:xpl'e~1:' themselves.. Policies followed by tJrms In keepi ,g unfortunntcs from the Eagle, Black Bird and Redthe N~w Deal in conflict with the consti- suffE'nng cold llnd hunger. BIrd clf'cks, also ravines which College Graduatestlition have never lWCll {'ndomed by the ufford shelter and water for cattle. Eligible In Corp.~1people. On th~ ('ontl'ar~T the socialist plat- Motor Aid to Farm. These woods lisa supply the ,~

form which wh.s substittrf~d for the demo- The Nebrask:.\ Farmer's hltC IS- ranchers with ~n 'almost inqx- ApplIcatIOns of phYSically Qualt-It' 1 tf . Jj I •. f slllc stressed gn'lwth and lmpOl t haustlble amount of fuel so the tied college graduates for a four-I '-------------

cra J(' p a orm, re('elVC~ Hit a frnctlOn 0 a~;c(> of the aut~mobilc 10 faI'~ coal shortage causes no fear here. COUI'S(' of flight traimrng in the Another earthquClke was felt aihp {'Jpctorate's sUpporL, opler<Ibons, and ~n bnnglllg ~wn And ranchers livmg twenty or S. na\'al and marIne Corps air HelcnCl, Mont.

. I.. ahd country close together. We more mdes from town realize the serVlce nrc bcmg recelvcd at the Elihu Root, fll'St ilmong Amen-, IsolatlOll hy ~torm apd cold IS: given as Id<1ln that In 1910 there WCIC 20 _ advisabillty of a grocery supply. mlval reserve ClvlatJon base, Falr- c(lns in mtel'llCltlOnull'elatlOns, wus

rea:;oIl for dp~pondeJlc.vlleadingto the sui- OPO automobiles H\ the st~te, an'd We COUld, If necessary, get along fax aIrport, Kansus CIty, Kansas, 91 last week.cide of a Nebraflka wom1ll1 this week. With l*st year there wete 347,311. The until spring but the house prob- 1t was announced yesterday by the The neutrahty bill passed byrladiof' and telephones a ld numerOUR mod- 1930 census report$ 141,144 pas- lem is, what to do with our crenm commanding offtcer, Lleut. Frank eon~ress was sent to the Whitee1rn conveniences, i~?la iOIl fa!ls far short serjlger CillS und 26,046 J?otor trucks we have for market Right now E'T~~ld~o~;s~: ~~~~'mmg moode House thIS week The meaSUre cx­of the nerve-wl'enchmg' expenence suffer- dn Nebraska farms. HlghwdY con- we have two cre')m e<Jns two ja~" " tends from January 29, 1936, toeel by the country's p oncefS who often slb'ucbon followed general Uf;e of full and are p~ttlJlg 1t'into th; available by recent legislatIOn of- MClY 1, 1937, the temporary ban onspent weeks without a$sociation or com- J.utomoblies. In eighteen yeatS Ne- churn. But what Will we do when fers to successful eandiutes the arms shipmcnts to beBigerents orrhunicatioll \vith the (}lIt~ide world. ?l'aska hus bUIlt a totnl of B,14~ the churn Is full? most remuneratIve opportumty for to neutl'c:l1s fOI' trans-shipment to

jmproved roelds "To the fm mer,' On Jan, 26 the neighbors decid- ~:~~n~~~~Cl~~:s~~:~\~~t\~l:~;ra:ic:e:~ ~~~:l~~df~~~~jr;:'w~:;t:~~~~~s on

Striking editOl'ial e plGyes of William j.~~~ ~~t~~'Ob~l:o~~I~ ~~c~en~~e\~~ ~~ ~~I~o ~~~t~~~h;:;~4~~nC~l~U~~~ Men who take the course wlil rc- "Tyrants, rogues and hlghway-llandolph Hearst't; Wi", onsin News, pub- been a great economic benefit. came stn1l1d , sh10veled out, re- eelve not only a substantl<I~ month- men" IS the way Senator James A.lished at Mil waukee, k:lisplayed banneni rrhey extended malll stl eet to the stalled nnd rcshoveled and finally ly salClry dunng the four-year pcn- Reed MIssouri democrat assailedqeclaring: "\Ve are not rugged individual- lfa~mer. over WhlCh he has mnr- our lead car dropped Into a hole od, but also a cash bonus of $1,500 the New Deal when he '.woke toi~ts." Perhaps they are "]'ugged collecUv- 'ke~ed hIS products With speed and and no amount of shoveling could upon the completIOn of the tramlng farmers m ChIcago last week "All

jisti',n ruggedneHR being shown in nerve to leconomy, ehmmating at the same gberot UigthOtuta'nod a etaeeahm eha",d tpoullbede ~:~grI~r:,~ ~~~tc~eb~~~~oaUr~'reK~~~ I~iC~~lv~~:~aec~~rc~; t~Op~~s~~~~e~~:{ uH work when the mer ury hangs low and itirrje the isolation 01 rur<11 life." I d d th .

through. We were gOlng I acrrs c u ~ 1.n e terrItory fro~ which del', make and enforce Just laws, timan wantg are ttem ndollsly increased, ,I World Prayer Day range and when there is srow:tn ~~f;~~~tI~~;~o~;.I\;~Ull~~~:I~~~r:~ I :~a~e~l:oteet liberty," Senator Reed

H?w comn:unisb cad they woul.d Program Planned i~:s;r~~~e~.t~sd;~:er:e~~n ~l~~s ~ quests for applIcation blanks The supreme court, m a decis-eneflt Americans by making over thiS imagine I hear the question "Dld should b~ sent to the Commandmg ion Monday, held that the TVA

~~)Untr.y in:o <~ rommllllist state .lIke RUA- erT~~en~l~~~a~~o~~~:ido~~~~~~ not the ladles sitting in ~he cars ~~~cc~r, ;u~~:;x R~~~~~~t, A~~~~~~ ~~~~f~~~~~:~ ~~ ~~is~~ d~~w~~Sla, WIth ~lls~la a.s an xample, IS beyond, February 28, in the Baptist church. ::~ng~/~~l~~;'~~~~::~~yg, a;~ d~~~ City, Kansas. Muscle Shoals 1n Alabama, TheOur cap~clty t? unders~ nd. Perhaps €!ach 1 "Pl!'ace" wlll be the tOpiC, Officers Applicants must be college 0

commUJlu"t a~ltator th nk~ he ,vould be-i of the Wayne assocIatIOn are: Mrs. 'then you ask "Why not let the ul1lversity gl'aduates, cItizens o~ ~~~~~r~~~:~ ~hn~e~~I~?a~l~aI~W~~~St 1 t d ' th men do the shopping a~d thecome a .. a III 0 cns ave an l)OS~ e' W.'S. Bressler, preSident; Mrs. A. ladies stay home?" Because we had the Umted States. and between del' the war and naVigatIOn cdn-

countr.v. ; A. Welch, viee preSident; al;1d Mrs. stayed at home so long we did the ages of 20 and 27 years. They trol power of the federnl govern­I Gereon Allvm, secrew.ry-treasur- not realize haw bad thc roa s were must be unmarned and agree to ment and that power might be gen-

. Exchan~ing Roles. . I ;~~'v~:~a~;te~~alth~n d;~:y~ee~~~ and besides after stayin in, a ~~~~~~nurss~.untl] the completIon of ~~:t~~~~om the water power of

LInc~]n Journal. Ju t as t~? pres~dent has not been received so tlwt ~ooU;~to~~~~: so long it !becomes The tr<lming eou\'se is- started In Lmcoln day addresses Febru-forgot hlm~elf and gav a polItical Rpeech the plans l;Ire not ready to be ,m- WIth one month's mstruction at ary 12 several prominent Amen-instead of a report 0 the state of the nounced. J We have been very fqrtunate FaIrfax atrpOl·t Then the cadet 1S cans spoke. "The New Deal has~ation, when addressing congress and a: with our telephone, man~ wral sent to the U S naval all' station, been a veritable fountain of fear,"tadio network audienco, former President Will Move Shop. Imes have been crippled by the Pcnsacola r Flondd, where he is stated Herbert Hoover. "FarmersHoover gave a report on the state of the O. S. Roberts will move hIS storm but we are still able Ito visit glVl!n the ,complete course in flight believe in a living constttutlOn,"naticn rather than, or in adldition to, a plumbll1g shop the first of the over the phone and also are in con- tminmg required of all naval avi- according to Secretary Wallace.

neetion with O'Neill. Since Ithe last atars. Upon the completIOn of the "We are at a crl'ls" sa,d Senatorpolitical address in Portland, Wednesda~ mOJ; to the Davis bUilding, the H 'evenl·ng. Mr. Hoover fl'"ds the state of th we$t tIart of the former post office. storm even our "Saddle orse Mall course at Pensacol<1, naval person- Vandenberg of MIchigan. "We must

Service" ns one witty rancher puts nel are ordered to one of the mr- choose between faith In oUirselvesunion confused. This confusion surrounds 1t, has been abandoned and though craft squadrons of the fleet for the and the system of pnvate enter-

~very seriouR activity of the governmen~ FARM TOWNS. we do not get our daily paper the followmg three years, and prise, and complete dependencend the campaign. Only in the field of ~n contrast WIth $Inclalr radIO keeps us well mtormeQ1 of the corps personnel <Ire ordered to <ur~ upon government," urged SenatorOlitiCR is the administration sure of itA Lliwis' Mam Street IS an artlcle doings of the outside world so you craft squadrons of the fleet ma- Dickinson of Iowa. "Popular gov-

course. by Earnest Elmo Calkins m a sec we arc very lucky niter all nne foree. Whlle attach~~ to the ernmeI1t is menaced by the Newcutrrent magazine, stressing the Tuesday, Feb. 11. The "Saddle squudrons, the CCldet partiCIpates 10 Deal" stated Senator Steiwcr of

Mr. Hoover, in hiR report on the actud,l advantages of the small town HorseMaii Service" is going again the mClnet.JVers of the .:t1leet and Oreg~n. "The conditIOn m Wash-state of the union, finds widespread cort- with the wholesome g,enuine- and this will be started to you to- ti1kes <In active 'part n1 the an- ington is pretty close to chaos," ac­

ne~s of surrounding farm eom- day. I wonder when you Will get nual war games. cordlOg to Senator Hastmgs ofmunities. The lure of ihe city it. Yesterday Glen Ridgeway, Al- The pay offered to the cadet dur- Delaware. "The people of thefot the country boy is no strong- bert McDonald, Charles Felvor, ing the first year of training at United States have been the VIC-

fCar ,tthhaenct,htye mIUa"nci,wofhtah, erhe,.oseudntor~ Vernie Johnson <:lnd Jim DonlIn Pensacola IS approxlmCltely $105.00 tims of an unasked and unexpect­

1; went to Midway. our country store, per month. He is given a $10,000 ed experiment," added Col. Franka farm, early sought a metro- seven miles for supplies, leaving lIfe insurance polley, furnIshed Knox of IllinOIS. who last weel{pot·tan center for what he be- home at p:30 a. m. and ;lJ.rrived With umform eqUIpment and pro- filed as presidential eandldate.he ed were greater op!portunl- at the store about 9 o'clock. Not vided with quarters. After thetie and greater content. The wishing a night trip on such roads Icompletion of the course at Pen- Wayne Hospital pomts out that, the -call they stayed all night and returned sacola and whife on active duty Olaf Eldhardt returned to hisof the country is irre!S~stible to this forenoon, so you can imagine ,With the fleet, the cndet receives home at Carroll February 15 afterth\,C!ty fellow who has known road conditions. Bu. we only. wish ,"pproximately $15000 per month.,I· recovering from a major <ilperatlOn.ft. I hat is the r~ason tnc;.se who that everyone, during this stormy The quota of students assigned Mrs. J>~red Ahlvers of Wayne, re-eaih. afford to go backl to rural season could have the health, hNlt" Ito the KansCls City district is forty- turned home F"ebruary 16 after re­

, e~ironments delight ,in doing and f~od that the 1-Iolt cOl\nty Ithree. These students wi11 be sent• 1':'" ceiving medical with sharpened apqr~ciation rancher has. through training in groups of six Mrs. Alfred Brader and infantof its freedom from J:rtakebe- • • . . ,,"very thll:t1 days, commencing ·t 1 F blie e. As a rule tHe cit., dweller Herald adv&tisers. ~et results. I ~ay 15. ~~g~6~r left the hospl a e ru-d s not know his nearest II ~.-':':"'~.:;:,;~~~~~;;;:::±~:;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;.;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Mrs. Elhardt Pospisltil nnd in-nefhbor ond cares 1 nothmg .

. . fant, LaVerne Frances, left the

,aabn U~n~yi'::;p~~ei~c r~4~~!~agC~;~ Theoba'i Lumber hOspital yesterday,ft Larry Copple of Rosalie, surgicalne's to grab a livmg'I Re exists patient, is improving nicely. LarryinE'cramped quarters' l and se1- is a student at the Wayne ,gets enough ahead to take l Mrs. John Ulrich, pne4~onia

a rip into the cotuitry. The C patient, is improving.coantry fellow knows every- . om a'ny' Mrs. Kate Fox, who 1S receivingbotlyt-usually by hls ~irstname,' treatment for a broken hip, is im...-hna he finds satisfaction m proving.he piing the other f~llow. As E. Telander of Wakefield, medi-m. ntioned by the auth.or, people cal patient, is improving.01 df,sir!lblO lind ~" If·ties live both irllthc coun­'I' nd J <:~ty, ,b*t tHe country

1la k the pretense 'at the city,

: tuJ;; ~~~ze;:v:anree S~~e a~~d so. Speaking of the townso the rqiddle west, he lauthors ys: "These towns are the pro~

Je Hon of a. recent ~ioneer im­p lse, and mant 01! them areIe 5 than one ~~nd~ed I yearsir m Virgin pl'a~rie:'j' Hp ob~

Not able to attack A . Smith's late radiobroadcast 011 the grau d of truth, admin­iMration spokesmen nSf: iI his motives. Aslon~ as he tells the trut which people have

':..:..............:-.r--:-:b=r=-'--,-----Ifl. right to know, why ry to attac.h more

:-,..;--+--+-,..,-±--:=---,----I ~ri}7~tf~~'t~ ~~t \~~t~·~o J~~~~el?ahl~<;~stl~:r~rowly selfish or broad I ' selfish,-the lat­ter comprehending thel future welf-are ofthe country,-people should be little con­del'ned. cC'ntering chief interest on por­trayal of the trend of adminidrationevent.".

Page 5: Herald (1888-Prese… ·  · 2014-02-02HERALD "• 1"'1' I ·1; • I" WAYNE: ! I i I , FAMILY CIRCLES ARfE~~:~f:~~.fJER



2 No.2CaJ18


Crisp, Tasty

Clover Farm

Maraschino '9~-Cherries 2:~",


Pkg. 17C

Clover Farm Pancake ' I

Flour 3P~~~d, 18cCIQTer Farm Golden

S,rup . 5-PU~~,21c

F~~i~a Dre3i~p:~:~ 25e"

Cor~'Meal 5-~::.'nc

l~w-ed. Mrs: J. S. Horney ~nd~::ChM;r~a3f~?:l~~k e~~ertr~~Horney home. IMrs. J. n, Kdithwill have the ~esson on "Ra~io,

~ts Use and ~~u:e~" I'

A. A. U. W. Branch Mee~••About 20 nttElmded meetin of

Wayne branch ,of A. A. D, W.Thursday evening at home I ofMrs. Clara HeYlmun. ASd~inghostesses were Mrs. T. s . .a ok,Miss Loui~ Wfndt, Miss' uthPearson, Miss ,Dorothy Wisdaand Mrs. H. D. IGriffin. Mrs. H,E. Ley made a bicture Illus~rat­ing the story 1f Lancelot IandGuinevere from "Idylls o( I t/1eKing" while Mns. L, F. ~erry

~~~':n.e~~e;~~a:[~~o~~n~%f~i~~$5 to Wayne gifl scouts. IMiss

'EnId Conklyn, chairman of thefellowship fund, 'announced[ thatcontnbutlOns shtluld bf' made sothe sum could be sent 10 soon.Word from Miss Stella TlJasterurged that members gIve maga­zmes for whIch they no longerhave use, to her for dlstnbutlOnnmong rural schools. Tho ,com­nuttee served, catliying ou~ Val­entine motif The branch meetsMarch 12 \Vlth Mrs R. R. ~mith.

On the commlttee,are Mrs. :perry,Mrs. C, F. Dlemlt, Mrs. G. W.Costens3n and MISS MpdredPIper The leglslntive clHlI~'mlln,

Mrs. W. F. Dlclking, hfiS ~h,ll'~e

of the prOgl'n~m; ~ " 1

Oak Troop of Scouts.Ouk troop of gIrl scouts met

Wednesday afternuon at the col­lege. Plans wcre dIscussed forgn'l scout month which IS March,Plans for the mother-daughterbdnqw.rt Will also be made. Theguls Will <llso, work on tcsts.

~ ~ .'

pep sond and new dances.Frances Ahern received hertenderfoot, ba*d~e~ "

For Robert Wright.In honor of Robert Wright's

10th birthday Sunday, Mrs. Clar­ence Wright entertamd 18 boysand girls. The children enjoyedthe picture at the Gay 10 the af.ternoon. Lunch was sel'ved byMrs. Wright afterwards.

" * '" ,E. O. F. In Meeting.

E. 0 F. club met Wednesdaywith Mrs. Tom Liveringhouseand MI':;. Allan Bradford at theformer's home. Mrs Walter Hen·l~el had the lessGn on the flag.A social time closed the meetingand til(' hostesses served.

With Mrs. Chris Nielsen.Here and There club mPi Wed­

nesnav 1:1St week WIth Mrs. ChriSNIelsen Mrs. Agnes Sorensen o(SIOUX CIty, and Mrs. C C. Peter­s{'n WCI (' guests The women dId

tor MI s Nielsen whoat close, MrsI~en Mey­

{'I ('nkl tnins n~,\1/hdJjJ('snHY.~ , 'I ~)

Mrs. Price, Hoste~Aprlln dub mC' ers ann

guests, Mrs Ddn Sh I ry und Mrs.Robel t Johnson, w-e!'e entel'­tamed last ThLllsn.ny <It the homeof Ml:;. Warren Pl'lce The tImeWdS SIWllt SOCIally and the host­('ss SCI \'L'rl MI s Tf'xley Slmmcr­nwn C'ntcl Lllns in two \\l('cks.

,,, 1 r

Rebekahs Have Party.RcbC'kdh lodge met Fl'ld<:IY

e\cl1ll1g .lt the h,lll. FollOWingthe busmess meetmg'Amembers<mct thell f<lmlltes had a Valen-tine Gnrnes <md cardsweI (' The amollr wasclos<'fi WIth a papel' sack lunch.The or~LllllzatlOn WIll ml'd agnlOFebru:u'Y 28

Cam~o Club Party.Cameo club members and their

husbands had no host dinnerparty Wednesd~y evening lastweek with Dr, and Mrs. W. A.Emery. Dr. and 'Mrs. J. T. Gilles­pie were guestS. Following din­ner, bridge was diversion. Dr.and MrS. L. W. Jamieson re­ceived hlgh score prize and Rob­ert KirJ,.:man, traveling prize,Dessert' and coffee were servedat midnight. An afternoon bridgewith Mrs. Kirkman. is planned

St. Mary's Guild.MIS N. H Brugger, Mrs. John

Surb('r :md MIS J. N ElOungcntcrt,llllcd 81. Mary's GUildWcdnesday la:;t wcek at theBnlgger home, Mrs. Texley Slm­mCl'mnn was a guest. Plans weremade for Shrovc Tuesday s,up­per Lunchpon wns f;C'rved. trhf'glltld wIll not hold meC'illlgs un­til after Lent.

World Wide Guild.World WIde Guild of the Bap­

tist €hurch met Wednesday eve­nmg las~ week With MISS Flor­ence Drake After the regularlesson, a social tIme and showerhonorIng Mrs, Fred Blumer,formerly Miss Mildred Hill, were

.enjoyed. Gifts were hidden aboutthe home and with each was averSfl directing the bride to an­other gift. Games closed the eve­ning and Miss b.rake and MissIrene Dnws served rcfresh­menls.

Coterie Club Meets.Cote]"lr' club met Monday WIth

Mrs L. A. Fansl(e. Mrs. A. R.Duvls won high score pnze andMrs. C. A. Orr, the cut prize.Next MonddY the members andthf'll husb,mds Ilave 6.30 dinnE'r

III the A. T. CavdnaughOn the comml ttee are Mrs

CdvnnClugh, Mrs, L. W. Ellis andMrs. W C Shulthcls.

With Mrs, W. A. Emery.Mrs W. A. Emery entertained

two tables at desscrt bridge Sat­urday even mg. Guests were Mrs.Clarence Wlight, Mrs. B. L.StHl k, Mrs. ,J E. Brittain, Mrs.J. H. MllJer, Mrs. E. O. Stratton,Mrs. J. M. Strahan, Mrs. GusMilneI' and Mrs. L. W, Jamieson.PI~lzes HI contratt went to Mrs.StJ ahan and Mrs. Stratton

U-Rid-Um Club Party.Members of the U-Bld-Um

club and their husbands metThursday evening In the B. L.Stark home for a no host Valen­tIne dInner party, Mrs. Stark andMrs J E\ Bnttalll being mc'hnrge Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Em­ery were guests. Bridge followeddmner and prIzes went to Mr.and Mrs. Geo. Berres, JL, and Mr.<lnd Mrs. Carl Nuss.


daYI evening in the church par-

~~l'doE~: ;~~i~~~n~~~:~lework

Aid of Ou~ Redeemer's Luth­el"a9 church postponed ItS din-

~~~ !~n~tiir~~rsame~~~~~~ T~:~~:l~plan~ will be c<Irned out Ifweather permits.

AI!trusa club which wm; toh<IVC met Monday evening with

~~~~d~~~~C~~~~~fgth:~:<~~~\~.MrsJ Cnnning wIiI havc the club

M~J:h~g of Mothers' Studyclub, planned :501" l<lst Thursday,;e~"~ ~~~tertalns today WIth Mrs. CarlNuss and Mrs. C C. SUI tz nsslst­ir1g. Mrs. L. W. Jamlcson has thelesson.

Yo),mg People's clnss held, nomcetfng lost Fndtly As soon asweat er IS favorable the classwill esume Fnday cvening ses­sions WIth Miss .Challotte ZIeg­ler al1d With Mrs. L. W Kl'at<l­VII l~ader.

Mfflhodist Aid mccts next

ThU~daY with M" W M. Haw-ldns. The program IS 1I1 chou gcof M s. V. A. Senter. On the com­mItt are Mrs J. M. Stl'ahan,Mrs, G. B S.mbcI g, MI s L. F.Perl' , Mrs. E. S. BlaH, M r!>. GW. osterisan and MIS G. WCros land.

Co ntry club plans a dlOnC'r at6.30 hIS evemng at Hotel Stl'::It-

;~~' ~l~, ~~eW~o;;I:~t&e a~:;~ :~:R. W. Casper, Mrs. Nettle Calland Mr and Mrs W R EJlls Onaccount oJ a basketb,111 tOUl'l1,l­ment at the college the March 5social will not be held. The nextnfter thiS ('vclllng's dillner I~

March 19 when Prof :lnd Ml s. 1"G Delle will sen c as Chdll men

Have Sleigh Ride.Women's Athletic associatlOn

of the college, with MIss EsthcIDewitz, enjoyed a sleIgh Iidplast Thursday afternoon.

Harmony Club Meeta.Harmony Club met Wcdnes...

~~: ~~~~e:~:~r~:~ ~~~~e~s~~:~~itime.

P. E. p. In Meeting.P. E. O. chapter met Tuesday

evening with Mrs. R. W. Ley fora regt,llar busilless meetmg. TheIhostesls served. iBobsiM Pa;t~ ~;iJay. grade of the trainingschool' hnd a bobsled party FI1­day eyeljIing. Luneh wa's servedat the Charles Meyer home southof Wayn~.

With Mrs. Carl Nuss.

u_~~J~U;:r~lU~u~ed~1:~~;;;i~I~~ternoon nt bridge, serVing <:lftvr­w<trd.

Scout Troop Meets.Boy scouts qf troop 175 held a

meeting at the city school Tues­day ev~ning. James Kingston hudcharge! Of the work planned forthe eVjening.

Girl R~&erves Meet.GirllReserves met Tuesday at

the sclioolhouse for regular bUSI­ness I'sfsslon. Work was begun

. on tjte crochetmg projects plnn­ned fo~' the organizatIOn.

Bible €Iass ;';e:t:,Bibl~ class met Tucsday after·

noon ..yith Mrs, L. W. Krutavl1.

~~~ ~re~e~::~~::~n.~~: ~~~:Charlo;te Ziegler and she willhave the lesson,

With JJirs. ~~l~~r.Mrs.~r~. J, Felber entertained

the U. ID. club Monday after­noon. ¥rs, R. W, Ley gave asketch Of her recent trip south.The ho~tess served. The club willmeet next week with Mrs. 3. W,Jones.

>l' ~ ~, '"

Mrs. Rhckwell, Hostess.T Mrs. S. T. Rockwell· enter-

tained J~stimere club last Thurs­day. Pr zes in cards went to Mrs.Ralph heltQn and Mrs. J. E.Wheatl y. Mrs. Rockwflll served.Mrs. helton entertains next

Thursd y. *" ,to *'Lily Oft alley Scouts.

Lily; f Valley girl scouts metat the igh sehool Wednesdayafternoon for a regular m,eeting.Mrs. J. R. Keith taught the girls

.....__",!"",,.m~,,--~,,'._ _ M """~R e C I"pes :~~~ ~;Off~n~:~I~p~~~s~:~~~~~.~~~ i_~a~~~s~~~~d:alt. ~~ad~,:~e:~~I~ ~~el;:d~e~~~,~~ ,

) water very ,lOWlY until the mix- Sprmkle prunes with soda, then thaft In the grade five clubs were ~ture Is SUff{iently moi~tened to pour boili~g water over them and formed as follows: Needlecraft

Oatmeal Cookies. ~~~~i~~:~t~~rl~~~ga~ l~~ltWf~~~r:dS ~~tgsta~d tlll COlddd· Cream shorten- cluh, with M<lry Lucille MJi-

(Mrs. E. W. Huse) board until 1-8 inch thick. FJ't . an sugar, a egg, then prune net. (halrman. Mildred Hattlg

Imlxtu~e. Add flour, salt and nuts. anti VirginIa Steele. members;

2 cups of brown sugar loosely 01) a pie plate, trim edges Bake I~ slow oven untJI done. This the Stamp club WIth MHl"vln


3-4 cup of lard and pineh of salt and prick Wjh a lork. aake in a bread IS neh enough to serve 10 SmIth, ch:liml<ln. Cldus Shar.'or lard and· butter hot oven for ifteen mint/tes if the place of cake. er. Jumor NOdkes, Billy Ander-

1 cup raisins crust is to b used as a pie shell. Quick Rolls. son, Frances Ahf'1 n dnd JacQuelme

~ ~~~~ flour l:~l :~~~~op~r~:eel~ilio~paikee.hPe;lel 1 yeast cake, 1-2 cup sweet mill' Helleb('rg as members, WoodcraftL' scalded and cooled, 1-2 cup luko club, Kenneth Echtenkamp, thalr-

~ ~:~sp~~~n:~~la in tablespoon of only. C~errY Pie. I warm wnter, I teaspoon sugar, 1 man, Hnrold Olson, JImmie Goldfirscant teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons and Robert NlChols, members, EI-

hot water 0 1 quart sour pitted cherHes lard, 3 17'2 cups !lour. Dissolve cycle club, Rlch.u·d Gifford, chall'.1 teaspoon cinnamon. A little 1-3 to 3-4 cup sugar yeast 10 ,",,'arm liqUid, add sugar man, Robert Parke and Rex John.

Imore flour is needed to roll out. 1-4 cup flomr and half of flour and lard, beat son, members; Ll\!estock clubI Southern Sweet Potato Balls. Pr~pare pastry. Mix above. in- well, salt a!1d rest of flour. Roll out Willis Noakes, chaIrman, Warre~

(Serves"6) gredlen~s tg~ether a?d put IOto ~nd cut With biscuit cutter. Place Noa~es, Fmley Helleberg, Keith2 cups hot sweet potato (riced) lower ctust. Cover WIth top crust 10 greased baking pan sllght dis- Green and BIlly Orr as me b '3 tablespoons butter which should! be pierced. with a tances apart. Let nse 2 hours and Grade clubs meet each M


1-4 teaspoon salt forlc Bake 10 hot oven for 10 min~ bake 10 hot oven ten minutes morning from 850 to 9.15. AOtth~~6 marshmallows utes, .reduce temperature nnd bake Virginia. Spoon Bread. hme each group organizes the rc ...1 tablespoon cold water 20 mmutes more. 1 cup corn meal sults of the week':; study frn' a re-I egg Strawberry Pie. 1 cup buttermilk port to thc cotlle ~chool and plano1 1-2 cups bread crumbs (dry) 1 baked pie shell 1 egg thc work for the commg \\cck. TheShortcnmg B macaroons, crushed 1 cup cold water complete prog""m IS caqed theBlend sweet potato, butter, and 1 quart s~rawbernes mashed 1-4 teaspoon soda "Hobby Clubs" by the chIldren.

salt, and allow mixture to cool. and hulled 1-4 teaspoon salt Dunng thf' yctlr each <;hiJd must'Divide into 6 portions. Pat out, 1 cup sugar. I teaspoon bakmg powder belong to 1\\0 clubs. In the Coulseplace a marshmallow In center of I:.ine bottom of baked pie shell 1 Cup boil1Og water of se\cr8.1 yeal's the club wOlkeach, and shape mixture to form With macaroorls. Stand fl'csh, while MIX cornmeal and buttermilk to tends to mnk€ the chlld m;:my-sldcdballs. , ,berries all over the bottom of the which the soda has been added. in hIS Interests

I Add cold water to egg and beat. shell and around the sides Crush Add egg, then pour the cold water MISS Stclla Tl<lstcr, fHth grade:1 Dip sweet potato.balls m egg mlx- one cup of berries, add one cup into it. Next add the salt, sugar and supen'lsor. IS ill With mumps thiS1ture and then roll In crumbs. of sugar and cook untIl of thIck jam baking powder, Last add the bOll- wcek.

Deep fry in hot fat (375 degrees) c.onslstet'!cy. AlIo.w to cool and pour Ing water Put teaspoon of short- To Give Operetta.: until nicely browned. over. shcll an~ wh?le ening mto small baking pan and M<lreh 20 h;JS been set fol' the

nice Spoon Bread. berries. ChIll and serve With whlp- heat. Whe? melted pour in mixture productrnn of "The MagiC Plpel,"(Serves 6) ped cream. . . ?nd bake III hot oven until the top un opel ctt<l by pupils of the h am-

I cup boiling water b As a vanatlOn of th~ above recI- IS dark brown. Serve WIth butteLI ing school. The pI oductJOn IS underHave Valentine Party. 1 3 tablespoons white corn meal ~ masll. all the berries and mix the direction of Plof H. II Hans-

About 40 young fulks enjOyed 1 tablespoon bread flour WIth s1eetened whipped cream . ~l Smith is someWhat of a ma-I com, !>up(') \ Isor uf mUSIC The chll-a V<llenb1lc party Satulda,y evc- 1 teaspoon salt Hnd pia em the baked 'pIe shell. glclan at that. H: ran two bIts' Idr("n of the pl'lm31 y and mtermcdl-11ll1g at Hotel Stnltton, thd host- 1 tablespoon sugar ,Other Berry Pies. . worth of oratory mto a $10 cover ::Jte gl<ldes \\111 take part.L'sses lJelOg Bettl:{ Helen EllIS, 1 cup rice (cookcd) 3 cups ~lueberrles,huckleberries, charge -Blrmmgham News. The IS the f<Jml1iar onc ofJc,m Mmcs, M::lrjone Hodk und 1 tclblespoon butter bluc~be~lles, raspberrlcs or goose- the "PIC'd of HamLin" butRlrbal'a FelbC'I'. Mr. ancl Mrs 2 egg yolks (beaten) berries The Umted States Supreme IthIs IS 'l\ell :l ha I '. d-L. W. Ellis, MI. (lnd Mr~ Pdul 1 cup milk 2-3 cup sugar Court has a marble buildmg Heart, 109 The g chara~fe~: ~~veMUHO'S, MI' and Mrs T S. Hook 2 egg whites (stlffly beaten) 1 1·2 tablespoons flour too, accordmg Ito the New Deal- b "'*' Pand MI' :md MrS. H ,I. Felber Pour bOllmg water gradualty I 11-2 te~spoon salt Norfolk (Va.) Ledger-Dilipatch Ibeen ' S{'n NJlj~'1 vt~nley Helle-ch<lperoned the young folks <:It (Jv~r corn meal In top part of ia tablqspoon butter. . me;~,' ~;~rl~J~~ ~'I r, :ene~e~l~u~~~=dancm,!{, and Iefr¢shments of ice "double boJlel, and blend thorough-II Prepate pastry as dlrec.ted. Lmc Re~lldents of the PhIilppmes have tenkump, Rlchdld GIfford' CI'lel'cre I d' t 'tt V I ly MIX GOUl' salt and sugar and ower crust. MIX frutt With flour, received their complete freedom. If Ed D G t h' 'J 'ent~n':'~~tl~s:~nre ~;~~:dllby ~~~ add. Cook u~til thick. Stir l~ rice sugar ahd salt. Covet- With top the idea works, 1t may even be ~et\~~n R~I::on'K~~'~I~aen'Bnl"~:~~women. Guests lOvlted were •.md butter. Add beaten egg yolks crtst or lattice stnps. Bake In hot tried In thIS country.-Judge. ISt1ah,JO, H:,~S, EdwlI1' SpragueDonna Loy Roesc, Knthryn and milk, and mIx well. Fold m ov n for ten mmutes, rcduce tem- Petel. VlOet!PI"r ThIelman, Mutter'Young, Detty Betty Stl';l- stIffly beaten egg whites. Place In perature and ~ake for twenty m1O- Musso~ml has learned from hIS IConstance Owen. Yacoi:;J~ Stephe~}wn Betty I~obertu a well greased casserole and bake utes more. 't . EthIOpian expenence thnt mto IBnggs, FIICCi:l. Lormne ~ohnson;Bak'er, Mildred RlOgel, Murve- lI1 <1 moderate oven (350 degrees) HawaII n Cream Pte. ea~h life. some ram must fall-I Fldo, JunIOr Noukes, ~wn Rat;lane George, DOl'otlly LICdtke, fOI 40 to 45 minutes. For the cr st use 1 1-2,dozen Flmt (Mich.) Journal. IWdrren Noakcs. " " - ,Bctty Hd\\ luns, Bonnell ,Jones, Fig Filling. graham crac rs, rolled fme. 1-3 eh d j.

Elva Mae Jones, Man;:m Vuth, 1-2 pound dned fIgs (cut fine) cup of soft gutter, 1 tablespoon Regimentation In Holland. Ib 11 ren of Ole' fll'stdgi~de Wi!l1 cup wuter powdercd sugar Blend these ingre- Omaha Journal-Stockman. We e the rdts. the secon , ~:ade the '

~"{~;t:i~~~~;,~~~~~:.t;~~l~ i-~~~a:~;~~ vanilla extract~~~ni'tat~l~;~'~~~~a~~ '~~~~id~af:~ 1~,~~~g;~~';;dl~IO';;:~~~~:an~b~~: ~nadm::71l;o~~~d:;,n:'llt~:d;h~0~~~~~1-4 teaspoon almond extract filling. Pat th~ rest into a 9-mch der their new socialJstlC I ufe but dren: <lI1d the Sixth, seventh, and

son,' Harold Jordan, ijeverly Place figs m water and cook un- pie pan and bake for 10 minutes. occa$lOnalIy a former Hollander eIghth glOldt's Will be the parE."ntsg~I~~~~f~e~~~l~l~e Gl'~l~~~~, F~~~ ttl tender Add sugar and cook For the filling Whip one cup of livmg here VISits the old cou.ntry and townsfolk The trainIng schoolWayne McMaster, James King- slowly, st;rnng occasion<ll~y, until heavy cream stiff, then add two and the pictures w.e get of the ~~;j~~~~~.~;l ~~~,,~~tt~~ t~ ~;~:~a~,R.stan, Haloid Johnson, Kenncth mIxture IS smooth and thick. Re- cups of crushed pineapple well planned agnculture In The Nether- --;:::.::.::.::.::.::.~::.;;;;::.~

move from fIre. add flavorings, and drained and 1·2 teaspoon grated lands are not cxactly alluring. Ir~~~~~"l~~' w~~·;e~Al.~:'~~~lj;,' ,J~l~~ {'ool. Sple<ld between layers of lemon rind and two tablespoons of Arie VanZee, reSiding ncar Mon­HalTlOgton, Leslie and eh,ll ks white cake. cracker crumbs. MIX well and fill tezuma, la , has Just returned fromDIenst, Bllly DC,1O B:llrd, Old-Fashioned Vegetable Soup. In the baked crust. a VJSlt to hIS old home over InVan Bladford Buster Ell]:; (SC'l'ves 4 to 5) Raspberry Cream Tarts. Holland and declares that If agn-

'I 2 Ibs. soup bone (1-2 meat, 1~2 1 cup mIlk cultural conditions there, underPatriotic Party. I bone) 3 tablespoons sugar SOCIalistic plannmg, are a sample

1 tablespoon shortemng 2 1-2 tablespoons flour of what American farmers may ex-BUSInoos and ProfeisslOn<l1 2 quarts water PlOch of salt pect under prospective plans, 1t IS

Womcn's club had a pntl'lotlc 2 teaspoons salt 1 egg . high time we found out what JS~arZt~.~~~a~o::~~~ssat~~;i;n 1-4 teaspoon whole peppercorns 1-2 teaspoon vamlln m store for us. I

Seymour opened the meetmg 1 bay lea!. :~:;~e~~;t;~:~;~ves "The cnsis m Holland is similar IWith a wallz. A quartet, ,JunIor ~ ~~~~~sO~~~~ry (large) WhIpped cream or meringue to that, Jl1 ~menca only the regl-

r~~~~~o~~ison~a:~lorv~Ite~;~~ 2 sprays 'parsley d~c:~d the mi~~ in a d~Ubl~t bO~le~ :~nn~:~o~~: f~;~~:dmaorr:p~~;1 cup carrOts (cut fine~ a e suga~, our an sa W IC. for the' Gnnnell Register. 'My

ham, sang "Mountain USIC." 1-2 cup white turmps (cut fine) hav.e be~n mIxed together, and sttr homecommg was not what I ex-MISS Leone Westover pr1sented 2 cups potatoes (cut fine') un111 t~lc~ened. Cook for 15 m1O- pfcted it to be. When I left Holland

~'~h~y~a~~~~~,~~,e~~~-;~~~~a~: 1-2 ~up tomatoes (with Juice) ~;~~~~t~~~n:n~c~~~:~a:~~~~~u~~~ In 1904, thmgs were prosperous,1 d "At tl D jrb I 1 cup fresh green peas Ion er. Cool and add the vanilla. tn,e people were happy. Now they

~n~~~' an Insh l;leee.o~~br;~~~ Remove part of from IPla~e a generous spoonful of pre- are depressed as the go~ernmentsang "Star Spangled Banner." ,cracked so~p bone, cut I~to cubes serves in eaeh tart shell and eOver ~as. ~ontr?l of everythlllg andAt a business meetmg: Miss and saute 10 the shortemng, Place with the custard Top with mer SdcJaltsm IS rampant. FiftysevenGenevieve Kll1gston apgointed ,sauteed. meat, soup bone, ~eASo~- in 'pe or whipped'cream. - poJ.ittcal orga~izatIons. 10­

the fo]Jowmg committees tor the !lOgs, omon, cel-ery, and .parsley 10 M;tmgUe for Pies aoh.d Puddings. ch.ldmg SOCIal Republtcans, Reds,play, "Accent On Youth," star- a large kettle. Cover tightly and 3 egg IWhite~ Mussolini men, Hitlerism, SocwJ-nng Ethel Barrymore Colt: Tick- simmer g~ntly for 3 1-2 . ~ours. 6,tables oons granulated sugar ism and every kind of ism you canets, MISS Dons Judson, Miss Sa- ~oo~~a;t~~~~~sa~a~~~~l :eu;~f:~~~ I..;emoI1j fuice or vanilla extract th:~k of, dommate the country.Villa Yocum, MISS Celia 1Rich- off. Return stock to kettle and add Bieat egg whites until stiff, The gover~men~ controls allards, MISS Lenore Ramsey, Mrs. .. t d dd' ua] be<l!t in sugar add flavormg. crops, determ10es Just what theAnn Walters, MISS Evelyn Felbcr ~:r;::~~~~~a~Jr:dle~r~ i:~eces~ar~~ Spr ad thickly on' top of pie or fatmer shall plant and how much,·md Miss Evelyn Mellor' {ldver p. PPt I h pud ing. Bake in moderate oven and then ~orces the farmer to buy~Ising, Mrs. Dorothy H~se Ny: Simmer npproxlma e y one our for abou~ 15 minutes. a petmit to harvest the crop. 'Ifbel g" MISS Max-mc Jonesf MISS longer, or until vegetables are Hot Breads a farmer should dig his potatoesDorothy Steele, Mrs. iGrace tender. S:ovc~e~~:o~ies) TIlait are Easy to Make. wltho.ut first buying a.n expensive

:~I:"l;1dL~~:.nM~~lse~~~~ctl~~~~ (Edith Huse Hopkins) an lthr~~~~_~~:i~~~~Sb;i~:~rtsgO~~~ ~:~~:y~ev:~~~~1:~~I.veAajf~;~~~flOance, MISS Maude Curley, MISS ~ ~~2 ~~ftscI~~;a~_2 lard' nnd 1-2 avafable there, .still remains a must get a pe~mit if he wishes ~oLeone Bahde and Miss Evelyn b P par icularly invItmg "home made" bu#her any kmd of stock on hISLarson; ushers, Miss Ruth! 'Ross, u;ter tast and thrill to hot breads served own farm.MiSS Evelyn Mellor, MIss 'Doro- 1 eggs hopped walnuts fro your own kitchen. Many "'Ten years of that kind of gov-thy Ross, Miss Jeanne Jones, 1 cup c h pped raisins wo en ate afraid to try their hand ernment has resulted in impOSSibleMiss Savilla Yocum, Mrs. Ann" 6 tCU~ecp~ons milk or brandy at ~reads and biscuits when they conditions and they were startedWalters, Mrs. Florence ~elle- '2 a s fl wilt approach a diffieult calke or out ih Holland much the same asberg and Miss Minam Huse. Miss I 1 ~~~sspoo~ursoda dissolved 10 a meat ~eclpe with perfect arHo!'"b. '~hey have ~;,en started right hereCelia Richards was appointed in little wuter. Drop on pan and bake If J,ou l~ try some of these rectpes In America.charge o[ Business Women's in moderate oven. ~ yo 11 .fm~ that,. after all, bread Over in Europe the people haveweek, starting March B, in pluce Brownies. and. bISCUit makmg can be a long been accustomed to strict gov-of Miss Dons Judson. Th~ rest (Mrs. E, W. Huse) si~ple art. ernment supervision of tneir ac-of the evening was spent 10 1 cup sugar . Whole Wheat Muffins'l tiviW~s but this supervision andplaymg Chinese rummy at five 2.3 cup flour (~jfted) 1 egg :~. control has been increased in se~tables. The prize went to MISS 1-4 cup,butter 1 e~p nulk verity since the war and HollandHedWig Bokelmann. The host- 1 cup chopped nu~s (not fl,ourea) 1 ti!bles):loon butter is not the only country where theesses, MISS Ka~hleen McF~rlane, 1-4 cup milk ~ 1 to 1% cups whole wheat flour farmers are protesting against theMIsS Madelaine Kauffman, Miss 2 squares Baker's chocolate 1-4 ~easpoon , heaY~ hand of bureaucracy. ThisDorothy Wisda, Miss Helen Nuss 1 1. vanilla . 1 t~aspoo~ b~kmg powder. Holl nd-American farmer evident-and Miss Genevieve Kingston, 1 tsp\ baking powder If sour mIlk I.S us~d add ~-2 tea- ly t Inks it is time we began toserved carrying out patriotic 2 eggs (beat whites and yolks spoon soda .. MIX ~~l .~ry IngI,'e~i- rea¥~ what may be m store for

~o~~r~'h;h~~~~n~il~I~~e:O~~r~~ seg~~~~IY~~tter and ~ugar. Melt .:~~s :~~d,~.lf~ad~ll~~~qdb~~s~~;:~~~; agr~C~l_tu_r_e_i_n_t_hl_·S_C_ou_n_t_ry_.the city aUditoflum and enter~ chocolat~ o~er ho~ water. Add milk. be IDat:s~~;m. Tt~ining School~~~ ~~~U;::::it~~ 'i:~:~~'s;~~~ and other mgredlents. 1 tablespoon hutter 'iUary. Miss Jo,epb;ne Silvers' d 1 cuP sugar I' 0 Have Contestwm talk on "Book, You Should Some B'erry Pie leas 1 ~gg (ConUnued from page one)Read." Mrs. E, S. Blair will give, 1-2 cup nuts"Your Library." The committee There is someting so old 1ash- 1 1-4 cup or a little more iflour .:Run~le as class sponsor. Eighteenin·charge of the meeting will be ianed and appetizing about a 'berry ,1-2' teaspoon salt . mempers of the class were present.

I MFS. A. D. Lewis, chairman, Miss ,pie-it fits In so well With the 11~vel teaspoon soda , ~he Il'oom was decorated with: ~va Glimsdal, Miss Helen Kel- s'eason that the wise home keeper 1 c!~p dates, ' epa! paper and the valentine


logg, Miss Pearl Sewell, 1Miss 'VUl find hE!!" popularity steadilr 1 ¢~p boiling water. '. oti~~: Gam~s were diversion forMary Ki~e, Mrs, MJnnie S~rick- increasing If she serves this de- Dissolve level teabpoon soda In t e syening and refreshments oflaud and Miss Esther Tho~pson. lyctable dessert often. cUJ? 191 boiling wafer. P~U,:"_ over i e ~~eam and cup cakes were

I Naturally ~ pi~ is only as good cup ~f diced dates. The, creamedLOCALS * itS crust-$o if you are not al- b1:l1~t and sugar ~re then added.

. i" read~ proficient in tqe gentle art of A~id some ot the il1our, th~n theMrs. 0 .. W: Hahn left ~unaay to p~stry makin~ su,ppose you try the eggs beaten, the sal~ ~!ld the bal­

ttend ~:hstrIct convenbon :meet- f911Qwing rji!Clpe fQf greater sucJ:' aq,~ of the flpur WIlth 9uts. Bake-hgS' of ~he American ,Leg\on i\'ilx- cfssr' \ , in oder,at~ oven i ,. -

Ilary. lVIrs. Hahn was in Geneva Maoter p""trY Recipe. : Prun NUl Bread.p~day, :aumb,~14t on Tuesday 12 ,C\lPS:~f!\j!a 09\W, '.,.' , ~ 'ng "nd Omaha ~e.sterda:Y. 11 Il~3 teaspoon'ba~ng powder 3

~ . " 'I ' ~ I ' club'!luey Long's followers in Lpuisi-\~' Is to

na are not very liberal wQen itI ~I tmtive. m~s to sharing the Yotcs.-:'To... I t9aether, ' in Ith cQildren.

1 do Blade. 1la g With", ri Ol tl\\b work in th1~.:;~.i\I;Xt~th~i\I!~i~llillll1I.lltI.IIiIl.I!I~&!~leltj5Ii~I~Jiltii~!1ii1~~1;!1rr~i:i!i!lt~;~li!~i;I~~J~r~rF,lii~jJ,I~iljlji:ii;[ij~!IIHilii:~~,~;\:ji,li"ri\~i.;,i:,!i:~~11Ji;';:':'\.~'1~;;ti{;;,;~!:,<~,)~i3;~',;,~tjj "'\~W&~!l. ,2"kf" '11' I,;' :", ri: f~~i~~rr~J a:~~ II ~I :,I:~: .," ~r~\r ,I j. J )1:: 4'[(\' If;1 \¢ );!~ o,~ ,', r;~I ~~ \,' ':~~\;~ {, i '

, ,



I~, 'I

Page 6: Herald (1888-Prese… ·  · 2014-02-02HERALD "• 1"'1' I ·1; • I" WAYNE: ! I i I , FAMILY CIRCLES ARfE~~:~f:~~.fJER




e 'TOWN OF~Y coos il.1K ,'::6 GA10.·.· 00 OV6R TO ,THe;

110 THAT.!; BACK: OF ,HE'=~';, H';USE'. ANI.:> SEe IF ~ef;CQNS AN'/TUI).Id ABOUT tir···

, I

'].! >..

Eulnlie Brugger wcre 6 o'clock din- Ed, Wittenberg, Mrs. Herman Mnr- 21, 1857, and departed this life at

~~::n:~~~s~O~~ol~~~as~h;~~~Say~eROY~~is,M:I~d %~s'. 'ii~~:n~rspu~s~ne~ ~~~c~oe~rt~;<~:b~~a7rly~2~r~~nr~1~~Mrs. Mmnie Brueckner is spend- lunch was served In the late after~ days,

ing a few dflYs ill the Ernest Kol- noon by the hostess. Mr. Khng came to the UlltlcdJath home, Stdtes with hIs pnl ellts whcn IH'

I Pneumonia Patient, J?une.·al Service ~;;~:e:,1 {;~I'~;~lsOI~~:}l~uti/~'~n:~t 1~,1,~~

la~~~~~~Sof ~~~lg~~leie~;s l;~ll~~~~ I~ I-Ield Sunday ~~'~~~'5~~" h~.l~~~~~I~~:lfl~;~:::~IJI:l11::;flngenberg, was tdkcn ~utldenly ~-- whIch he Wd~ b.Jjltizcd Willie ',1111

1 I With pn?umom<l <It hel' home I Carl Kling Pa!ses Away At IIlI Swedell

~;~~~~<;~;t~~~'f(~~Sw~~:~~\I~~ \~!:I~ I HomcL:te~;:t~y Of m,~~lll~l~~\od~·l(~,~c.~(:ll~I'~(J~~~II~I~(~ill~ .k

lecelve medical :lttentlOll Mlc, I _ dClson, To thiS unlOll \\Cle i)()Jll .eLungcnbclg: IS With her l'UIICl,tl :-.CI\ICCS WClt' (onduct- five children, thn'e sons and two

('d from the home ~unday after- d<lUghtcrs, Hcrmall and, Theoc!oleQullLing Bee, noon for Call Kling who dlcd Kling of HoslwlS, !f!»mer KIJn~ of

Mrs Geo Dre\'sen entel tamcd February 12 Rcv, F. C Ebinger of Rundolpfi,.Mrs~M,lble Hahsen ,Ind.fjcvcral ladies at a qulltmg bee at the Evangc!Je81 church offiCiated Mrs .... Anna Maas of HoskInsher home Tuesday afternoon. Bunal was m the Hosluns ceme- Pallbearers were Georgc v.Guests were: Mrs, LOUIse Brum-l tery, Dlcvsen, SImon Strate, Wm. Vus:::.,mond, Mrs, Gus Schmidt, Mrs. Her- Call Emil Kling was born ut Andl'Cw Johnson, Ernest Puls undman Buss, Mrs. Ernest Piell, Mrs, Norrpopping, Sweden, on ,January Charles Ohlund.

Pictured above are the men fromGamble Store~ General Office inMinneapolis ;VVho addressed theI Ith annual ,sales meeting of theorganization at the Fort DesMoines Hotel in Des Moines, onFebruary 12th and 14th. Thdy arc:

Front row: Left to right:· Frank


reblow, Supervisor of the Agendy lager of the Display Department,tore Department, Max Meiby, Ed McGbvern. Traffic ,Manager,ecreiary, Bert Gamble and Walt Meline, Manager of the Ser­kogmo, founders of the Company, vice Department, Lyle Johnson,Hin Mills, Merchandise Manag- Supervisor of Tire and Radio Sales

c and C. T. Gibson, Personnel i:>i-I and Carl Raugast, Director of Ap-r etor. pliance Sales.

Back'row: Lloyd Jem;~Old, M~n- ~~~d:S-'h-'-'-m-"I-1~-"I-h-ea~~ad-s n, dlUd Monduy I<lst week. BUl'lul [FUneral scrvjccs WCIC 'rhun,duy in his wolfskin knapsack. TI"

vyus at Dixon. with burial at Talmage. Ml'. NlCd- CAUGHT IN THE WILD chunl.s of frozen caribou meat be-(By Mrs. Grace Buskil'lc) ~Schools at Ncllgh, where How,ud Iermcycr had been III "all. winter. ~~djdletl~en ~~~~~'S ~~~~~~~;~ag:ee\e

Mr and Ml's. Emil Tarnow <LOd cEachen is supenntendent, have fcceased had visited here several Iv ROI.II:IlT AMES BENNET hls dlspleaS€d attention,LeRoy were lIt Ray Worth's Sun- ~een closed several days because of Imes. • ~

day ~pcl shortage. ------- W~U Service CopyrIght by Robert Amu aennd an;Y~~ t~:~'\een~;~~~ ~l,~ t~o c;;~~John CluUSCIl arrived home from ',Mrs, Ann Shumway of Harting-I North,vest Wayllc j k f tl d F t d

California in time to enJOY the Ne- ~t~~t:~r~:~~~a~~ ~af~~;'dW~~tl:i~~ (By Staff .CorreSpondent.) SYNOPSIS plied, "Here'g yonr wolt packba;;. q~l~te('(lno:~g:~~ :;I\t :~.~ po~~ S ll"

braska snowstorms. !JeglOn AuxilIary. Gilmore Sahs spent the week- AIJ Alan Garlh, prospector, h ~ore- ~~:dpl~~:r~~~?::lla~e:~a~~uUPatfr~l: Gnrth hefted the wolfskln sack,Mrs, Henry Korth reports a new ~ Funeral rites wcrc at Stanton I"nd wllh Allan P"rdu", I I f hi in g claIm ·'.:\Iy guess Is forty· five. FIguring

d t th W It B h '-'''' '" ft~\~: ~?are~Oerl;,r a ~1~n61~ands at glacier." r roughly, that makes fortr·one troy~~:e ~~bl~UanyClO.J~Ier ur oop I st Thursday for Erncst Sassc, 62 I C. J, Johnson visited the Wilbur the aIn'l'3Y!J emergency statlon, In Lilith Ramlll crept Into the Icanto p0unds, or four, ninety-two troy, 4 'Mrs. Jennie Wagner, 73, dlCd ISpahrs Saturday aftcrnoon. It aro Burton Ramill, m\llionalre for the last time. She came out ounces, Call It five hundred e\en_

Mr. and Mr's.- ,)Hansen and S d I I ""k mining magnate: hIs daughter, Ll1- ""'11 the pouches of salt and ten.un ay as w........,. I Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bennctt spent il d Platlnum is around sixty dollars anthe English ehUdrep were at Ches- Earl Alexander, 42, negro, who Sunday afternoon m the Ray Per- ~;~I;in~nden~:~~~~. HB~~jbe~ln~ ~l~ma~O Kelther had been opened elnce ounce troy. 'l'he values of the nUnytel' Hansen's Sund~. had been In Jail at Pender on due home, be only an iginorant prollpeclor, the Garth put them in her care. will average at least thirty. That

Dale Warth w¥ m the L J cattle th~ft charge escaped by pry men orter to mal,e aD air triP to Her worn boots lay at the foot gives us a totnl or say, fifteen tholl-Bressler and Emi~ ~arnow h~me~ mg open the door.' . - Wind Monday dnft<:d snow bad- Garth's claim, although they refer lo ot the leaoto, Garth added them to sanu dollars. 1'o.'0t so ball for a fewseveral days the I58st week. Vernette Rood, 1'l, Newman ly and some .of. the plIes are now :~sn~~~l~I~~w~~l~i:~~~'~~-I~I~~lr~:m~rl~hIs pack, "We mig;ht sew on r.!lW- days' pannIng,"

MISS Helen Witte, teacher in tbls Grove s<'nlOl', was taken In Cl bob- as high as bUlldmgs, product or the jan age, plaInly hide soles," he said. "All set. How Huxby's face showed that thi:<lvlcimty, VISited last week in the sled to St. Edward to undergo an Mr, and Mrs W, E. Back and ~1:l~:~ghh~~rt~?lIn~~:~nc~O~heG~~~h~about 3-'ou, mates? Ready to hit the was 0(' news to him. For all hi~L. J, Bressler and Chester Hansen operation for perltomt!s 'Irma June visited Sunday after- fJoon reaches th& claim lIite. Huxby Jra~17" cool self control, his fiogersclutclJed

homes School \Vas not held on ac- Carl SLiilors of Walthill, Thu~- noon at Will Schroeder's. ~;sdts,n~~~~I;ea~:;lhma~/!ngcl=~~er~~ th;:leh;ll'~:~o~~ef~ \:e ;~~~S;;t~:l~'~ ~I;eh~ ~~ldouOtr ~~ ... G:~~~~:inca~:I:;:

eO~~~~a~~: ~~a~~tended to re1a- 1~~t ~~~:\~~~:"~~~t~~I~/~~1:a~7: es~~~~ ~a~~~r~~I~rS~ne~t~~~~:~~~= ~~~~I; ;:~~~~tcSt~r~u:h~~':;eco~~~f:; cart>. It was full ot fly dope-spruce "WI-tlves of Mrs. ,John McGUire, early was named to ftll hiS term end 111 the John Grier fiome, to take a chance in Investing a small pitch mixed with caribou tallow. She .. Though Garth smiled at the engl-reSident of thiS vicinity, ·.vho died Mrs. Robert ~ecold, formelly MISS Lottia Bush and nephew, amount. Sen!llllg treachery, Garth put the .fJnsk Into her foxsl,ln bng, necr's betra~al or cupidity, he tookIn Creston, Iowa, Ht home of her MISS PhylilS Blennel' of Randolph, AIl,on Peldue, walked ,'nlOrWdyne ~~~~~~~y r:;~~~~~eIlH~:'I~;rta~~omLlltl~~ along With the pouches ot tea and oole or It as ao addltl1:.nal wal;lling.

h C kl h "Of taunt Garth wllh hIs "gulllblllty," salt.. . Garth's sIdeward :;lance caught

1~~:laie~~j;;"~~~~':,;I,~~,el~~ Te ;';;~"f~~~~~I~'~::1 ~a~~hL~~~~M:' sa~~:;'~:':d( c~:e ~:~: by~~::; ~,": l~h~~~,;O::" ~~~;:.~~ ;l~~~ t~~: Of,M~"~;,m~;~::~:~~:,~p~:;~; ~~,:,~~S~~e;~IO~~e'oh::~' ~:':'n"';,~'MISS Margaret Baker and pupils Merle Cherry of Laurel, won In club, to have been held Fnday at I gar~ll~~Ot~i~~O~~ ;hh'7 ~f:!II~~ ~o:~t~ his pac~. As he fitted the bat had p~e millIonaire In better

enjoyed a Valentine party Fnday welterweight dIVISIOn of the Gold- the John Bush home was post- 5ets the monoplane adrift and a.cross hiS forehead and stood u,' health thall he probably had enjo;yetlat school. No school has been en Gloves boxlI1g e\cnt iU Omaha d ' the current carries It over the tallll. rifle In banl!, he ~tanced over hIS for many 3-'ears. \Also, his mind wasmlssed III the dlstnct because of and goes 10 ChIcago Iolter thiS pone. He points out that he Is their only shoulder at the gIrl.. blg;::cr and bettcr poised than that,--m-- driftE'd rotlds but the school IS dls- month, MiSS Malle Huffman who has hope In gUldlllg" them out of the She turned and met, }1I!'l ;;Inllce. of his prospective H~

A 18 b I Ih Elh dl P 'I I h wilderness. Garth be&los oreparing H II I d I th IdI missed thiS w¢ek because MISS Mrs Esthl'l Hdl1Sen of 1'1('1 te, 1('- con u c .ar OSPIS 11 orne, for the long journey. He Insists er ps cur e nell' 0 scoro, could smile with Garth over Huxby'sBaker IS III at her home m Wayne cCI\Td specldl mentIOn In the Ne- spent Sund8Y III the Geo. Huffman that the ottier~ help. Ralnlll alld ful iSmile. "What are ~·ou waiting: obsession-smile and put aside nil

Mrs. James Mack, formel' 1'('51- braskd HlstOilcal m8gazmc for hCl'l home, ~l~~ dhaaur~~il~~llm:~~a~el~a~~~~l:dt:I~~ for? ~ren't we eve~ to l;et out of thought of the placer uotillo n 1'0_

,I dent of this VICll1itYi who IS spend- 'work In orguniling th(' Pl('l\' MISS Ilene Sahs who teaches some trek to the outpost Oil the th~e ~~:~~~dV~I~e;Y~~tllOut allY re. sltionto take it from itsdisco\'ercr.,.....'-'<--""'-' mg the hinter WIt 1 a COUSin at county hlstoncal glOUp, nOl theast of Carroll, stayed over ~~~~:ne~~i:'t~::t~dfis:~a~h~ell:~~Yb~:~ ply but with a glow or exultance I.ihth saw the situation f~om n

1 FOR SA~ Altona Kirklin. nd, fl!",l1 re:ently ~nd SllS- I When d dodO!' could not Icuch the week-end III the home ot Mrs, savIng for emergencies. He makes unuer his outward show of indllT~r- still diffcrent angle. 811e open~d the

'L ''''-~-~---l+---''-- tamed d bloken ,lIm MIS Nenll the home lH.'C,]l1St I)f.l stOltn MIS IJ P Horn no objection. SImply pointing out eoce. Lilith Hnmlll thought she was w0lfsI,;In sack to peer inside. At

FOR' SALE--I0 CXb~ good tOll" (By Staff 'Correspondent)1 IMack IS With hel thel e while Nedl I Mel ccde~ Wllltt nUl "l I The Northwest' Cal d club puJty, that he Is accustomed to a. f!trlct about to escape from the ""ild. sight of tilt! nodules, Bh~ d~oppetl, ~orses, Chas, Mey." J' , .h13t! Lnl,an GI e"nwol,\ ,va',' ,°11 0''''- Mnck IS In the soutNh [°Il the bem -I Ofrl(ldtCt! dt 1 dUl\ I tJ1l im til of I pl,lllllCd last I<"llday at W111 KICp" ~~e,"yt d,h':;"' ,",~e.',ha~:,he~oarr:~~r.lient~ He had promlsed to guide them tll,e,\\~AP"hwlttl' "fi',O,Ok o,'hdlSgu'sd" dol--'+""----'--'--~ Ulghtguc,stJa;tW~dncsd:~;'ofR~th fIt of hIS h;dlth ca Mack hdS jd S()11U Ml Hid Ml" Sllll Il(1 leiS hus been postponed mdlC- ~;~g rc~dv (or'the trip continues all to the Mackenzie. The propa- or ooy een ousan .FOR SALE- Four bred gIltS, Greenwald qUit :1.11 mlng In Nevv :rClI k stnt( so I '11HlI stl1n ~tdtc I) 1111.. plld I 1 I fJllltcly because of the \.,e<lthel Huxby refU5e.!! to help, and works on bllitJes were now In favor of even lars," she baotereli her Bnm-e.

RennIck breedmg E M. Laugh- MIS Fl ank Shepherd of Norfolk I as ~o go south to Implove I pll (lilt 111\ Hit uri i 1st \\ t (k till" I ~1~~ ~~I~~I~fv~~~I~~r~a~t~~e~o~~:dsel~ her father makin~ it. 'I'he girl "Y(lll'\'tl dll;; dirt nil thls\time for alin. f20t2 spent last week III the E W Lehm- [ Geo Busku k \/\las ,1 S,Hul ddJ I,lmollnllng j" sJ Hq~ 411 I 1IIIlli I an Ice cavc, LilIth becomes helpful. woulli go back to what she culled tnHe lik~ that, ~nd ,~U.ltgl~d It all !.he-- ---- dmnel gucst 111 the Hel bu t Albu SI III g,lI1k 1)1 Ho<, !lll 01 1111 ()SKINS clvillzatlOn-to luxury and !>elf,ln. WlIY tip ere. 00 te rue ,yoll ~eFOR SME--A few used 6-volt kuhl home home He \\as walklllg home 1101l1IpCl\(llt dl\j(!(JII! I III :jIli I II dulg-encC', to jazz and nig:htclulJs~ so dumb.that N.1l p:an to ~ack Ii

RadiOS at b rgalO prices Evan McCawl<iY of. Fowlcl, IWlsnel MI Buslurk wdlked to I(l8U au CHAPTER VI-Continued the vupid pursuit of sensaUon, for the \\ceks Alan savs ",e jJ neet

, .cy larS:~~. HaChm:i~~i ~~lOs;s~~;ne~~~t ~ed:s~~~k~I~~t Wlsnel ~esd'lY;asti we~k toFgo b) I S II ,Ill Dill! I Igl Illd J 1I (d IS M~~li~~ JO()i;l\l~ndd~~~l;(~~~~~~[ "Y['u'll hJl\'e~~\~nortl days for beri~;[1 ajnPatr~isorl~~r\~\~:;do~Jn~:; to";~~t~laCkm~ tl:!a~~:~Cll:l:~" tb~...:,.."..;:;;:;e:.....---+------,--- and husb'and a while ' bam to ~aha 0 1e s ,~te 'alm- Blyngd~uH \\dlk(<! 10 1-~ rmiL" A I I t f 11 It/' G.lrth told hIm. "Only don't desolate kiuburctlc Rockitls. Sbe meat thut's in it, I'm 8tart1ll~ of!'

FOR'SAL~Purebre Spotted Po- CIS Ulllon conventIOn lIe VVdS t1n- thlOlJgh I,lsl 'Wl e.-k Oi stlOlW lo gt t tol~n I~~\\~II~I(ll~~; I~:I~oC~ g:1~~;y ;"O"'lo'"I"\VlCl,l~I,',""n'OUO,I~OY",o"rOPl'ea~ldo,"'yDO'"O"dl ~madCl,ee'dl\{~I,'~eor,:'o',I," o~e~tm"ok"chef,bo"md 'p'olu'hod,',o"m;"',~"""l', :~k'de, 'w"nGo

bm"eOdw,en'~landlChma bred 1ltS Best of S h W ,lblelolcdveOm,dl<iuntJilateFII flom til( lltlllV Dlllkldg( 1,t1111101 leeelved by lit I ",,:.:., '-' a " .. I. '" '-'" "" u. --'

quah~y and breedI at l'eason- out east ay'le IddY as the tl,llllS W( 1C Illld UJl h, IWISII! I III ,ltll Ill! the It Oil huol ,~ -' I Le lollD:; my GU \leI" ctlnt, alon~ with ~lUn'g first frlen"'d, the camp tire. scarce 00 th(! other .!ltde of the ~assr '.'able" 'P,rlces, See W. J. or Henry (By Staff Correspondenl) the wedther. , Ic!,l:-,:,il'" 1 ..' the 40 for ;yoursclf ~nd Mr_ Itamll1. Slw hntl come f!lce 10 face with the :~hen I, weott Otlt the (lther Illllt',

Kieper. f20t2. , . --1---- Till' llll!.lc.l.' (lI1 tlK' Fll'd U1WI1('1' MIS H G Hohlkc h,lS lJl'cn on Ir )UU hide the loot 10 your pock- Primitive-and had livtld it. lite weight cff Dill' metal In m{'flt

....L.~_.....:..l- ~_~ Mary Ellen, Betty, Bonme Lee :I'dlm t1l'ar l"lulel, occupied by the the SIck list the pa:;t week. C,""u','cY,Oo"O'Il'"I"""P dlOo,"oOnl1mkeoc~'e'c.bOp'o'Onl'o',t FortunntC'l,v,,'- sl,e had, nlread'" m'h"OY"sl,',cndwod'"'llhIOI~,OILeeltl'H"OuX'II,'yecfl'h'o"o:o,' and Jimmie Nissen were Sunday I E.I II Call Chllds fcHntly was destloYl'd Fr<.wk Nelson spent the week- "l>, ~ J""

' , " .1 FOR RE T afternoon guests in the Arthur , XCI/l311ges by file hls't week' Tuesday. Ml'. end with relatIve::; ut Nortolk. quugnJilc. '1'hink of the all,around bleeu ~I~d. Now she '~tas ~t. UndJer whlt'h he prefers to pack:''IFoit RENT-House rooms and Odegaard home, I I . : IChIlds W;IS employed by H, n. Merle Chase of Nul'folk, spent calamity thnt would mean, You lose tie s C,lr or lUosqu 0 ope, tIe 'j'he cog!UtlCl' comprtjlmistld b.'I'

h, modern, ex~e t for heat- :;vIr. and Mrs. Peter ~~tlscn <.lod Mrs, deo Timson (lO of Bloom- Bestiae. the week-end 10 the Wm. Voss Jour life. :\Ili. Hamill woult110se his ll~tlS ~~:~~\ SWl~~~tl~a~ro(~S~l~r~ace. sho,lng; one or the tw'bnty I)(lutlda1168 or 441. ayne f20t2 Elwin, Mr. and Mrs: M't ur Ode- fIeld dlEtd last wee}" " George Kohl, a7, of Omalw, was home, :Man Fr1~ay, Miss Lilith her fi~IlCC, inf?~enli ornthe scarlet of ro~~~, ~~~~ chunl.:s of caribou meat In the ijack,

, .-~-' --,-- 'sHaOay'ed aw~d,edaFu,gl'dhat~yrSguOe""tsT,hnomlhees Joim lluss, 95, Civi1 war veter... 1 bound over to dISt~,"[ct ~~urt at Wcst Elmcr KlllIg of Randolph spent .lind I~l d lose IlJY 60 per cent. Hl1S WtlC(l cherry rell with lJelillhy on tOll or the metal. -

WANTE ... '" . . t Cit'" d l'~1 j IPOll1t on ehdJ'ge 0 ISSUing a no- .. 1 d' l··t I· th' C E Mr. Illlmill inlerposed: "It's no natul'al color. She had ~umed Garth backed up to his bouMer·Henry Brudigam home for Mrs, .m ~. 1'0 on, 'fie as c~ c. , fund chcck for $1,238 when he ::;eveHI ays ,I::; wee \ me, , jokc, Vivian, I've seeD a. ~tro~g \\ eight. Her Lod,v now looked IC<lD pcrc!le~ pack, slipped tlltl tump BileBrudigam's birthday. Fue dk:!st~oYeid the. g: ocelY ::;tock b Ii 21 1 ' d qr cattle 'from the KiJng home. ,s\~immer sunk by the golr.. III hiS rbtiler than emaciated, over IllS forcbtlau, and started Ufl

of E. G. Price fit Lei last week. : Ile~om a later sell- Ed. Brume\s was an overmght money belt A ba"" can Le thrown the great clcft as If his. 200 pounli

N rth t W ' Frank! Pomdoy, 64, who died in Wisner sa e~ t TJY, C't guest at the Wm, Brueckner home ofJ1 th~ shoUlller's~ Another thing, As Gartll o\'.crtook the giri's fa, pack weIghed no more than' Hux'o ea8 aYJle Sioux City, w~\S to be burlCd in tn~~.~ea~~\i~l'~l~ 1Ji'~~.~xsc~~ier of lust Thursday. . Garth is to receive his three-fiftlls therj he eyed ~Im Wlt~ ~ by's 65 pounds or meat and metal.

(B S '-ff C J, t) Allen r--- Mr and Mrs Clyde WI140n and ot whatever you han pallned out. 0., ess gednUlDel

'da b" alChlOD.d

°hr He balted only when the othery I.<i orrespon~en , Fr~d lKaup !has been reelected Laurel, who wqe caught m the son ~cre guest~ in the Harry Beh- every pOUll ga ne y e au'" - II d

Mrs, Dan Hcithold visited in the head or I the cl.lming county poor blIzzard 30 mlle~, from homc, had mcr hom" Frl'day "v"nl'ng '1'bat Is undbe,"lbood'''1 "H b tel', the father had been rid of th;ee =:~thwerZ::U~o;'~;h:u"'htoca~~~~n!O;I TI d f ttl 110 miles and walk the ... ...... ','It was 5 argo, 0, ux 1 reo or more. 'oad o'o'Y a tb' ,','d t'be W',ght' 0'Paul L,essman lome lUrs ay a - fal'm, ~ 0 ra ve I" ,'each 1,0m" 10 Mrs, Irene Basler was il last Hpd r. '

ternoon Th Il, I I I I 'd ,last two mIles '- P • Garth h!mselt 8\Vtln~ briskly Garth's had Boon egoo to stralllsapphire ' e t p 1 al' C s l'e:,;1 enee m .' R btL Wednesday overnight guest of lItl w~nt to gOl'ge on the leg of nhtlad. So far, DothlDg bad been and P~ff as hard as Mr Hamill

II ·269-W. Fr~nklin rIegel s~en\b M~ndll~ Homer as deStroyed by !il'c Sun- hc~ ~h~ll ,~W~l s~~~~b'raOteer the~~ Mrs. Mary Ray i.It Norfolk. cariboll that Vaeth I1.AU roasted said to Huxby about the cacheeava In places the pitcb (If th'e glaCle~, :f20tl evenmg as wee {In e rncs day last week. a~ Ie lal .' . d' Royal Aaberg of Omaha, came over the flt'e on a hVlsl-thonl; of In tlle ice tunnel of the glac:ler became too sleep '0' ord,'oalY

:'"I,:Jlliilj.i••iiii.i, Echtenkamp home. Miss Thelma Prahl and Erhardt bIrthday of Vdlentine ay, ., M vl'd Wi I ould eat noMr, and Mrs, Alvin Lcs'-man and Mogek of Pierce were marned A eoroner's ju,ry last week de- Friday to be WIth hIS mother, rs. ra\ H e. len Ie c . stream, He knew only that' the carl· climbing. Garth had to draw blsFred Ruser and Adela[dc were T d 1 t k eided that ArthUr Burdick, 79, Henry Aaberg, who has been Ill. wore, be hasteoed back .to the bou carcasses bad been put on Ice. belt-ax aDd chop foot holds 'I'beThursday callers in the Andrew u~s aj'l~ a~.wee 'f E ' _ wealthy farmcl- ncar Albion, was M:s: Henry. Deck wh? has been placer troug:h to resume hiS pan- 'I'he oDe thing or which Gnrth last of these steep rlses was 'far up

"Johnson home. , ee"yeerdmlrhne 10IcseO!0$10 moenrshoOng'" I~,'I murdered February 6 by ','some recClvmg medIcal attc,ntlOn at Nor- nlng, felt most certain regarding the cn- towards the head of tlIe pass.p... th folk was able to lcturn home ~cfore s~ndown, Garth set sev- glneer was tbat be would never 'The remaInln'"' distance to the~ren Carlson and E!fncl' King SiOUX qity a Iweek ago. , ufjlmown person or persons ,;'1 an . d era~ rawl~lde snare~eal'b attached give over trylng to get the platinum summit was not "so steep, and there

came to the Albin Carlf;on home Coun~y Judge Oscar Peterson of u?determmed mstrument Bur- ThUls ay, . to!a ,paIr or dow bent saplingB. placer untll e\'ery possible scheme were no daoi!erous, Ga,(bfrom Parnell Mo Frid$y of last P I I d D' t dl~{ was 'found dead m bed With a Shirley Ann Langenbel g spent h d i f 8. l ~·"eek. Sunday' the'y' ~nhed 10 go AOmneC,a'.'.fna'L'ee""oenC ceomm'Xa~ndeC,o,un y d, p gaS,h,over one eye. Mrs, B,ur-j several days last week w,lth h,er lI'ot bait, e use l'nw p eces 0 cr· had been balked. Mr. Rnmlll might made the climb at a swInging paCe.n '1 ~. lIou. :flesh. The be ts of the val- quit. He already possessed a for- He was halfway down before IH~to Sioux City to con et religious Josep Ku hn of Crofton, has dl k tes,tlfled that he was a~l nght grandparents, Mr. and MIS, WII- Ic~ had nevel.' beeo trapped, When tUDe, met Huxhy plodding agaio.... upwardsservices there. I, filed f~ the nicamerall~glslature in the mght when he complamed of lIard Fletcher. at sunrise, he went the rounds or But Huxby was still a relatively with Mr, RamllL The engineer/1 1 from G dar nd Knox counties. be ng cold and. she went to hiS Mrs. Ernest ~angen?erg, who lti~ snares, he conecte~ a lynx, poor man, and be bad now made looked at him with cold-eyed ,ran.Notice of Settlement, ofl AccotUlt. Nebr ska will receive no more ro m to cover him up, has been a medICal patIent at the two red foxes, a wolvenne, and a: ctlrtain that the placer was worth cor, . 1I In the County Court of Wayne direct I' eliefl allotments, Director t hospital at Norfolk, was able to re- wolf, at least a million dollars. BehInd .Mr. Ramill panted a wistful que!-ounty, Nebraska, , Willia s anhouneed in Washing- outhwesl Waylle turn home Saturday, Garth did not reset the Sllares, hIs polisbed front, he was no less tlOn: "\Vb-wben~do we-eat?"The State of Nebraska, Wayne t 't Mrs, John Bruse and daughter, He had more skins than he need- unscrupulous thao his millIonaire "At the top. Take your tJ'me.'~

County, SS. ! o~, M, Bau an of West Point, has (By Staff Correspondent.) Wilma,. spent Thursday with Mrs. e/,l. FrOID tbe wolf-hIde he lfi.ade a partner, nnd be was absolutely LIlitb bad chosen to wait for'1'0 all persons interes~d in the been name a member of the Ne- rnold Reeg spent Sunday aftel- Elmer Ohlund at Norfollt at the knapsack for H.LfXby, The fox skiDS coldblooded. GaJ:th down where he bad left them

estate ot Phillip SUlliv~':l1deceased,: braska. Fe el'ation of Retailers no n of last week in .the Walter Wm. Westphalen home~. ffjrnlshe(.l smaller bags for Mr, Awong the cards that the future all. His pack lay on the ilDO\V be.You are hereby notlfl¢d that on board.: J UI ich home. Mrs, Louis Krause r~turned Rnmlll nnd Ulltb, was to deal in the game, the ic~ low the boulder upon whIch he bali

the I~th day of Febru~ry, 1936, Miss Ma~ie' Reher and Harland MI', and Mrs. Wm. V~hlkampaqd home' Sat4rd~y after spendjng the 'd~:-Ut ~:~: ~~~~nl1~:~n~~~~~'e~~~~h;e~~~ ~:~'J :If\~~";' :~~ l~'t t~eef~I~~e:U~~~e~lenderfill'L. B, McClure an~ LaiII1:bert. W, Hingst of merson, wer~ married cq:i.l~ren spent Tuesdrly afternoon past ~~~k :Wlt~ Mrs. :;vtary Aaron, h I

'Roe, trustees of SaId e~tate, flIed last week and will live Inorthwest o~ last week in the F. W, Vahl- who IS III In SIOUX-City, Dnd il quantity or catgut with the play! should shift back to t e va· "I tried to find out It you wereth . t d Td f d· M' E th B h d g spent cqrlbou skins. ley, a cache full of meat would lying about the weigl1t. I CoUldn't

elr accoun an pctl I n or IS- of Emers n ~{amp home. ISS s E1:r ore er m Huxby eyed ttlC bunule irooical- most benefit the pla;rer who knew even JUt ODe end. But you see bowtrlbUt10~ of the availabl~ funds in D. E.gE i~g, official w¢ather ob- the we.ek-encl nome folks. She Iyl ".Mr. Harulll told me about yout ab0J.t it. the top or the stone slopes.' TlIftheir h nds. ?earing ",:"i~l be had server t Hartington repbrted 61.5 Grandfa.ther Dies. , has been' S~aYl11g,. at ~he Gus 'I'b u pal'ka tal,k, 1 take It, you r.- lHlI made tlle last dJmb to beastly thing sHd ofr." ,on said account and petitIon at the inches f snow at that p~ace since Ben ~iMeYer ~ecelve1i word Ilast Schroeder ho~e Qurmg bad weath- c~~ t: go back and lh'e amon~ the Gar h without effort. But Hm:by "~hat's all rIgbt, MIss Rnmili.:'County Court Rdom in4ayne, Ne.. Januar eek t at his grandfather, H¢nry ·er. I I • ~~~llIIOS." pIl} ded llil almost as wInded o.!! gas~ enough to IIp-tlnd It ng!lin.l,'braskaj on the 6th day of March, John ieder eyer, llearly ·90, died a,t Mr. and Mrs, Ruben Weiher, 1\'1r. :'1 might do worse," G,ul'th re. Mrj Hamill He lowered frOID his (TO BE c;ONT1NUEDJ'~~I3~e~:o~~ ~~~~:t~ in ·s~~ur:;.~ and !VI s almag f Neb'l Monday nbon: and Mrs, Walter Ohtund and.Miss

'tel' may appear at said', time and,place to show cause, if any there'be, why said account shduld not beapproved and the pra:*er of the \petitioners be not granutd.

Dated this 17th day ofl February,1936, ' I

" (Senl) J, M, qHERRY.'~ " F20t3 Co~nty Jud$e.

:'·~·I"'·~··"···· .~•.....•................ I·······..• ' N t" F '~.i p~;rODlze y~ h m~~~e,lng :!~~~~!~ localed '• In northeast Ne r~lJ;a able to give YOU prompt, e urteousI g.~YI"" on your ea~ anima,s ill the fulure as In the p sl. We ,• are In no w~y c nnecied wllh any olher companies anling= d"'d animal•• J( o~ have olte hog or more eall - als


~= Ueca:::. all pho e caUs. Better tankage for less-de lvered.= r We bu hides at Jiichest II1arkel. p~ices.

':' WA E B.NDEBING C:OOJ' I i'Nebr:WO n bturtth~ °isir and l\fa.nli;pr:p on 29F20l

• •••• ~.g!W."UM~(~'" ""J"

Page 7: Herald (1888-Prese… ·  · 2014-02-02HERALD "• 1"'1' I ·1; • I" WAYNE: ! I i I , FAMILY CIRCLES ARfE~~:~f:~~.fJER

, iI

Farm women know dol­lar value. That's whyhundreds of thousandsof them have bought a'the famous Maytag •.Aluminum Washer ..the \v::u.;her best suitedfor fann service. Yout we it to yourself toknow what the Maytagcan do before buyinga·ny washer, The Model31' is the kind of a wash-er that only Maytag canpuild, It' has the over­size. square, lifetimealuminum tub, It has theg'yrator principle ofwas h j I1 g, originatedane! perfected by May­tag: It hais the improveqRoller Water Remover •that spares buttons, eV­enly dries garments andleavef; no hard~to-iron

wrinkles. It has manyather fer'tutes of con­venience and servicethat arel exclusive to'Maytag. This is the 'fin­est wash~'r. Maytag evefbuilt. To ay, it cost~ nomore th' n an ordinarywasher. I "

. C~ll?" For ~ree ,'.,Demfost rttaon.



Nearl y 100 P erce"t •Coverage of the

county field.


PermanentsI ,

$2.50 TO $5.50kver~ Bea\1~Y Aid, '


I I . II ' 'I

THE·IWA~ H~RALDAudited List,Into ·3,000 Homes

, 15,000 Readers

Projects Near- Wayne Arc·Included In Group 0

, February List.

wifll'~~e~l~~1\~~~sb~~~ru~:,;i ~co~~ ~!!!!~!I'_~!FJ':\~-_~_ _ "_~_ ==. ";----.:-w~~,-~'!B-P.. ~A:~-THURSDAY'-!EB~t:~~~(), 193. .~~~__ ~~_N~~EIt~~6RTYSI)(

:;~$~ts:g5~~~~:;~ei:,:~~,,~~,~:.:::~ Reports On Books Numbel' 'Baby Beeves Et el Barryhtore. C"o t T,0 Appear Here deep bow which s nt his audien'" Program Resumes Revenue ColleJ:tol'ncar Canol! and Wakefield. ~ M kiN R d into gales of merriment. The pro- T HIT

The proiects in this \'ie nily, At Club. Meetiug a es ew ·ecor gram was ended with snother tap In Dixon County 0 e p axpayel'smileage and class of work a c as ~ Lincoln, Nep.~L. 1. Frisbie or dance by Marilynn Stratton, Mnr- Gustav F. Beschorner ot Nor-.follows: I Lincoln, st<lte !l-H club leader, said cella Brugger at the piano. folk, deputy collector of internal

On Ncbraska highway No. 92, Wayne Woman's Club Will a ncw lecord in the llumbct, of Following the program the Agent Greth M. Dunn Ha.s revenue, was to be at the old citybet\\lcen Wal,efield and Pc~dcl', Vote on Amendment Alt 4-H baby OC{lVC!; on feed in Nc- fourth grade filed back to thelt· Compliance Work Under hall in Wayne Wedne:sday andWayne, 4.6 miles, gradlllg I tlnn March'ion. ' ol"Hska may be set in 193fi. own room for distribution of val- Way Again ·There. Thursday this week to help tax-culverts. Exceptiorwlly favorable finatl- entines. As the group passed payers in making out their in-

On state iJighw:'ly bel\....ccn ~ill- About:iQ attended rcgu!<11 mcct- Ciill returns fl'om the 1935 beeve:5 through the door, one gentlemanly Word has been received to re- come tax returns which are nowside ,lI1d Belden, \Vaync, 3.0 I Hes, illg of Wayne Woman's club m thl' and nnpro\ ed feeel COn(lltlOll!; over little fellow, Charles Jackson, stood sume.1 work on compliance papers due and which must be filed not,grading,' gr;.l\'c.l, culvert::; i.lnd two club rooms at the city auditorium. last ycm may combine to sc't a back and said, "Ladies first, for 1935 corn-hog contracts, states later than March 16. He plans to.. Iplease." A t G D'bridges. , L, Mrs. E. S. Blair, city librunan, gav(' record, he 5ald, gen reth M. Dunn of Dixon serve Ixon county at Ponca Feb-

It The third grade pupit';, left t W k b 24 d C dSl~:,:~.t <:~~ll~'ll~:~~,h~~i;, {j~C~~~'i~~:), ~~In i~:~I~C;~:~~ ':~~I~~I~~s:.~~.~c~~v~ll~~~; 'I_HeC~I~~el~~~e~s ':~H~(\('~~~e't!l;I(~r tl(;~ alone, rested with heads 0$ desks, ~~~~/i4, ~I~ fin~~~i~:~~a~~::;~= ~~~Zngt~na;ebru~r~r 25c:~~tl6. atgnlding ailt! euhrcl'ls. / r good books," stated MI s. Hl.lir, fceding perIOd for dlllm,lis showll a few moments while Mis$ Reeve ance work. All committeemen will ThIS service is free to all tax-'I played softly on the pian4>. The b n' d f IPu7I~~ S~I<:lt~ 1~~:~~~S'~I,b~~~:~~:~g, ~~~ ;~~II~a~oI 1~~~~/i~l~il~~'~l1m~;~~~'r\V~~~\~ ~l(~~:I~~~:~'S~~~~~<lil~\:~ll~:~I~ ~l~~ moment of rest was brief I as the c~m:u~:~ies~haS~g~;~z n~~Y:ignf~~ h:Y~;l:d ~~07~e t;~l~~~~~nsCl~~~~milc~, gr<ldmg, gravpl and :cul- she goes on a trig she must leave Inxeci, which ::.hould add mterest In youngsters were eagerly Ilooking compliance papcr!;, according to 10f IndiViduals, regardless ot whe-\'~I'tS. some :.It home but has difficulty in the shows, club offIcials !.H.dl{'vC forward to the opening of ~he val- Ml". Dunn of Ponca. ther they would owe any tax or not

On gtatc highway! betwcel} IWa- picking which ones to leave." Mrs IThe high CIliallty of bOUI shows, entine box and the passm~ out of State Pasture Contest. nnd rC'gardless of any dependentstCI~bury <lnd U. S. highway Nd. 20,· Blair gavc mmiature reviews (if 14 hOWCVCI, Will be lTlal11tulncd <.IS ~1;1~ ~~~~~tTJ~~l~~:~. ~~~o~nLe~ap~~ Nebraska's 1936 pasture un- they may have.Dixon,· 12 miles. grading, gravel


outstanding books. She mentiOllcd sifllllg comnilttccs WIll "cull" In- pass out the valentIncs ~ipped provement contcst, 10 which $1,5flO 1. SIngle, WIdowed and dlV{)J"ccd.m.d culH,:rts. biogY<lplues, fiction, tr<lvel and IT}- I fenor .llllmais gracefully to the strains of Jivelier 10 prIzes go 10 WInners, was an- persons, \~hOse net income for tlw

On V. S. highway No. 20~ be- tcrnational books. She also g<l\"C Walter To!ln;-l1l, ,lllllllni husband- I music while dlstributmg. 'l'l1e room nounced here today by 1\gricultur- year was 1,000 or more, or who"etween Roya~ and Plai~view. nte- each a lIst of about 200 )wot'thwh~lc ryman ;.1t the Ull1\'crsity of Neb- was fliled WIth a murmur of 'Ohs' al Agent Dunn. All Dixon county 'grosS income was $5,000 or mOle;

~:~. 6.3 miles, gradmg and CUI-I ~~:~o~'OOl~:I~~~:~o~na;n~e ~I:~t:~ ~ts~:I~:'~ (J&~~\~;l~~I~l ~:;~~~~ :~~o~= and 'Ahs' and softly wh~spercd fal::~~ ~I~esi~~:~b~~ ~~::ri:Ic~p~:ey' ~~ltS ~~~i~:Pr~~~~~~r~arriedperson~'thank YOll,';\', 2 M

On Nebraska highway No.8. be-I the 'Wayne library. Mrs. T. T. mended todaiY that club membel"s ' to better pasture and gruzing land ' marncd couple, llvmg togdll-The growing pIles of valEl'ntines h b dtween Norfolk and Wisner, Stan- Jones, accompanied,by MISS H¢len select high Quality cal

Jwhich management, the 1936 contest IS er, w ose com inC net Illcome 101'

~on the children's desks took one .I. the y'e $2500ton and Cuming, 9.1 miles. grad- Jones, sang "Sy the Water~ of Will bc 12 t 18 ont 0' age at spon~lOIred by the Nebraska college ar was., or more, or

• ing and. four bridg,es. IMinnetonka" ·an.d "SprIngtlltlC." the tunc of s owin t rt them back III memory to the days when of agriculture, the agrIcultural col- whose combIned gross Incomc WdCj

~ On Nebraska highway No. 11, M~·s. E. W..Huse' conducted a 10- on feed seven to elev n months ~:sP:e~l:~:~O~ya ~~-:; ~~~~~~o~~ lege extension servicc, the Omaha $5,000 or more.

between Butte and Atk,'n"on, Boyd, !minute pnrhamcntp.ry dnlL before m Older to prod ce beeves Chamber of Commerce, Nebri;i!;ka All partnerships <lnd <Ill t'orp(Jj,I~o h v<llentines she receIved. IThere t· l [I' t t

1.9 miles, .<trading, gravel and cul- At the business session it W<lS Ito meet thc s ow requrements. Crop Growers' assoclabon and the IOns mus I e lllcome ax re urns,were the same brilliantly e¢llored Nebraska LIvestock Breeders' as- regardless of Income. profits (Ir

\ 'crt". Ivoted to name a committee to I --- , h t f t h b b' dlOn

" Neb",',oka I,,'gl,"'oy No, 59, fram"e constituti,on,nl am,cn,dment,',1 Two F,.oln County ear s, a c eru s, 19-eye pup- .'iociation. losses ...,.... h I Id d f hd pies and of coursc, the inevHable Dixon county [cumcr:; hd\l' untIl The r<lte (Jf LIX IS the same d"

~~~;~~~~7C~:~~~0;r:d~~g,'~~~~~:::O~~it%~Uto f~I~~lc~reo~fal"cnt~I~; Enter Golden Gloves pierced heart. Little girls' cheeks April 1 to flie their In thl' f.or lClst on Income:; up If,

, culverts ;;Hld one bridge. the new ro~ms, canng and looltlng W,lyne Borden, Wayne college ;ere flush~d.t~a bnl~an\~lnk atd

statewldc contest. The c(Jn- $44,000 1935 rovenue law prl)-o N b I I' h N 84 after them m general One proJ.Dos- ;;tudent who entered the l1:?-pound mO:;t.wef~en~e:~~~~ ;~ssc~~c~~; test IS not diVided rnto three dIVI- vldes higher Idte:> fOl net Income::;

f" bel\~een e ~::'t~~gt~; :~~ ~~nca: al \~iU provide for elc~tion of the dlVl::,lOn of the" Golden Gloves cookie hearts to the children ahd as slon~ as last year but rathcr all abo\"(' ~tt amount.CE!, 3.3 miles, grading, gravel chairman-of thlS committe: by,the bouts 1ll SlOUX Clty last week.' won the reporter watched, she saw one I~:~~~;'~l~~lJc~:I~~~e~nOl~'~~/~~:~~ N S" G" l

fj, and culverts. club .at regular electlOn time ~nd hiS fIrst fight WIth Leo Smith of comedy of last year's New York one of his plays and through H little fellow look longmgly alt hlS IS of their pusture progr<JJll <Inri anlC enlOr U" s, On state highway bet\veen Stan- appomtment of. other mem.bers~ Mapleton, Iowa, Wednesday eve- I season written by Samuel Rafael- series /!:If misunderstandings" the cooky, then tuck It in an cnvc1lope, liar J). A. R. Contestlon and Nebraska highwaY Np. 8, T~e proposal WIll provld,e fOI ap mng. ~orden. was una,ble to box son, to be presented ~rid~y eve'" playwright and his youthful.flance probably to ~ake home to mother dclal1ed plans submitted, a repOl t i \" school studenL<;

. I d pomt.mcnt of the house committee Thursday mght becau~..g of a ning at Wayne city auditOrium un- ate septlrated and she marnes the or to baby Slster. ~e~~S~ll:~ ~~~~:llO;:s~~l~ noltl~~I~gc'c,',- I C;\' "GCI Gamble, PeaeeStanton, 4.3 miles, grndll1g an by the president. The two amend- , "CharlIe horse" and Smlth took hlS der sponsorshIp of Wayne Busi- ylbung o;;ator. However life turns Be'fore dismissal each child was ., a~at"lan Jean DIenstculverts. ment.:> will be voted on ~t next Iplace In second bout. Low~Il ness and Professional Women's o1)<t to be 'not all that she had anti- allowed to read a verse from one pasture programs. Ci('Illur llasOi as representa-

~ meettng. On the commIttee, to Sweeney of Sheldon, Iowa, won tn club mcludes one of tho most cap- CltPated wtth the "accent on youth" of his v<llentines. Some of the se- Entry blanks wJiI SOO/l 111 the Ruth Bryan Owen, Funeral SeJ'vice frame the amendments Mrs. S. -!"'-. this dwislOn. able' casts on tour in recent years,. a d a yect!' later when she is di- lections were humorous; a number ~~n:~ll;~o~:a.AgricLlltural ,cltlz.enshIP contest, ~ Na-

N ld At Wis~eJ· Lutgen numed Mrs. J. G. W. LeWIS, Donald Katz of WinSide, youth- Not only docs the cust boast of v rced from her actor husband were bits of sentiment, shyly read 'I ll01l3l Society of the D. A. IVThu,.e. ·i Mrs. A. MeEachen and Mrs. R. B. ful boxer who entered the tourney Ethel Barrymore Colt, helress to nf e comes to l'caltze the abiding af- by youngsters with downcast eyes. Ne T,he,~rec Pla~(.cr. Sta~c. ,. l!r1l"ll !;(Jclcty will seiect one from:,

FUlleral services were cond~cted Judson. Mrs. G. W. Cr~ssland rc- even though III with influenza, the traditions of America's fore- fcetion she has fOI' the playwright Valentine's day! How much It brdska ~n,rme!~ ftOI~ ~I.I SlC-


thc three girls tu represent the'Monday last week at Christ uth- ported that the ~Iub wII~ pay $15 made a good record in the 126- most theatl'ienl fnmily, but it ir't- ilnd hel' former employcr. means to children! 'rhe good saint tIO~3 of the stale no,w havl appll- school ".nd thl' D. A. R. church 10 Wisner for H my a mo?th. to the city for ltght, heat Ipound dlvJs!on. In the first bout eludes such well known favorites MISS Colt, who is 25 yC<IlS old, resp<}nslble for the day will always catIo? for 681,200 Clarkc~McN<Il"Y I The frnd!sc!cction of the wmnl'rFrahm, sr., w,ho, died February ,5 and )amtor serv~~es for ~he Clu~ he won from PhI1lJp Bernard of as Douglas Rowland, Alice Keat- b an extremely attractive Amel'i- rema~n one of the best loved in the se~jlll1gs. and. tl'a~splanb . for '1111 tile stdte WIll be ehosl;'n CIt theafter II weeks Illness, ugedj77 r?oms. The clubs new ~tano!a~- Jefferson, S. D. Katz fought WII- ing Cheney, John Maroney, Bar- ('an girL She looks Jilw her fam- hearts of ciyllized'nations because w'PO'OJndglol~,.I,anl\.lgJn",gcUJnllcw,,'aJnldbf\rCgaCk,,"tdl;,rl[1'1:.'I',',',','drrYMl(U",C'r:' II~t,' Ihu~'ldund"l20G,r~r,nh(cl,ycars, 3 months and 10 days. Irt~ed last week and -snecIaI mj.lslc bul' Bielke of SlOUX I"alls, S. D" baru Benedict and Mel vin WJl- ow; mother and likc her lives and of the happiness the date of his" '". u

Mr. 1frahm leaves four sons and Will be arranged by Mrs. R. W. III second bout and lost to the lat- Iiams. loves the theatre. She 13ttended birth bring to childhood. Dixon. county h,~s been. l.nformt~ I' can lest Will be undCI' superVISIontwo daughters, George of W yne, Casper and Mrs. J. R. Hleith, chmr- fer. Bielke WeH; champlOn in the "Accent all Youth" is a comedy finishing ~chool abroad. Afterwa;rd by State ExtenslOn Forester Eall of the state If'genl Mrs Frank W

·William, John~"and Henry of ig·,· men, for its dedication at thc next 126-pound diVISion. concerned with ,I' middle aged she started out in plays with her S dUM h" If G. Maxwell, at the Nebraska col- iBa'kel'. . ' .ncr, Mrs. Cl}arles Baird and rs.[meeting. Mrs. LU.lgen repo~ted Glen Wadell of Dakota City, was playwright who is told by his mother in "Scarlet Sister Mary" pee P!UC lner lege of agriculture. A total of 498'-1

· A'ionw Soden of Wayne. T ICl'e that she had rccelv:d numcnous Wilmer III the heavyweight class. young seerct<.ll y that she loves him. and "The Love Due!." Since then I To Make PaY1fWltt ~oo ha~ been .re~uested on, ~he Badlu statIOn at Norfolk, Wiol>

· <Ire 13 grandchildl'cn, Mrs. F hm expressions of appreclatlOn forlthe Wesley Wi1ltamson of South Sioux although he doesn't sec how It is she has appeared ill metropolitan Llllcoln,' Feb, l3-Nebraska's sam,c d~te on~ Je~I a~o, mdlcatmg Iused Friday In locating Dale Hanksdied in 1920. cookies whieh the clup sent l to City, Walter Bl'ey of Pender, Franl\: possible for a young und attractive und on tour. AAA machinery went back into ~he m~leasedmtelest l1l tree plant- of WCl.usa, formerly of Wayne. Dale

The; Charles Bail'd, Alonzo od- shut-ins and elderly pe.ople 11ast Thompson, Jr., Freddie JYIcrriclc a girl a~ she to be 10 love with a Wayne Busll1cSS & Professional operdtion today to speed checks to~ mg. Dlxon county h~s ordered only and IllS companion were going fromen and George Frahm famili of week, The club also recplved Jote and Wilbur DeCora of Winnebago, 50-year-old dramatIst. In order to ,Women's club is sponsoring the talling approximately $l~,OOO,OPO 500 o.f these seedlmg trees. Ap- Axtell to Wausa when they wereWayne, who went to Wisner for of thanks from girl scoU!\n1ts for av- and D~n Mitlj:heU and' Keupetl"!. prqvq..hcr love, he ~hro.,'!'Vs,!lcr,ttY: ,1. Qd\lct~on in Wayne. to 12Jl.,OOo- Nebraska f-armerrt··· .,. 'p~cation blanks din- be ha~ Q-y 1:£1- caught in a blizzard'Thursday eve-the (up.el'ul" \VCl'C umong a -gFUP ors shown them. The we en v. ted St')\'ing'el>~6r'Macy,m'e bther north- . w': H. Brokaw, state AAA ad~ quest from the county agricultural nJng and were obliged to walk toor 20 I)Cople marooned At the 1'1 to send R of condolenc to cast Nebraskans' entered in the MAJOR BOWES AM~TEUR ministralor, received instruetiolilS agent, Ponca. PIerce.Romberg hOI:le north of Wisn r a Mrs. U. S.. Conn. ~everal l~e\1/ buut:;. Nom' won chcnTIpionships. , from Washington today to begin Meat Dealers' ShqrL Course,week ago.' members JOIned the dub. I .' immediately finsl work to pay In an effort to stimulate meat

l)eB~~l-R~~it~ll; ~ MI~~~'~~~Tc~:~~~" ~~~~~ A~)~~~ri(~I1I~.~ 11'llll~S Are ReleaSsed H'OUR IS HELD IBY GRADES ~~~~:r~i~h~h~u:~~er~~~~;:' be~~~~ ~~~~~~~ti°s~a~~sN~~ral~~r~~~~~~~ston MI'S. H. H Hahn and Mrs. J. [?or ()ounties of tate, __~~,__. ~~_~__" the AAA was invalidated by the of retailing the product, th: third

ThlU'sday Even tty G. Davidson. Mrs. Ralph Shelton The !state Clssistance committee -- Iteacher he announced that he United States supreme court. annual short course for :etaII meatDebut recital of Miss Alice Me- and Mrs, R. H. Loder were gu('~l~ released $63,275 jn stctte funds to Program 15. l~promPtu For would ~ead the two grades in a B:rokaw immediatelY noti~ied all dealers of Nebrask~, will b: h~Jd

Gregor, mezzo-sopnmo, and avid of Mrs, IckIer. 2;3 Neb~'aska counties for p<lyment Valentine 5 Day In ('horus, "Jony Coppersmith." Nebraska counties to prepare fi- at the college of agnculture In Lm-Sanders, baritone, was held last Ned meeting is postponcd ()1H' of the ~irst ~ld age p:~sion~ under Lower Grades. "'Now here we have a blonde nal certificates of compliance for coln, February 24-25. . 'Thursday evenillg at thli! CO~lcgc week because of the World Day of the new socwl secunttcH program. IWIth blue eyes," the Major spoli:e about 1,000 wheat contract signers ~gnculturaI Agent Dunn was<ludHonutTl. The recital was ran- Prayer. The dat: wi:l be March 6, UfflCidl III the 2;1 eounties for ARRANGE MANY STUNTS 1eassuringly to Carla Wright. and for 90,000 corn-Hog contract notified of the pl'ilns for the eventlled by lhc cr~lle.c!c Orpheo club and Mrs. Lutgen Will give thumbnail whIch Jin'dor Il"l Tolen J'ccom- , "Now 'Carla what can you do?" 'g .,' _ this week by Prdf. W. J. Loeffel,

1 d A 9-year-old M<l]or Bowes pl'e- Co,'I":" cho"ce' of H n"mbel' turned SI nel..,. ~. prominent meats authority at the, H goud crowd attended. Tht! y ung reviews of the 17 Pu itzcr rama mende fund:.; have' estimated they " " Th t t AAA admu istrator

~ . I d t sided ave!" the "am~ltcur pro~ram" out to be imitatIOns of farm ani- . e s ae, college of agriculture who is ar-~~l~t~a':j\~·.('~~~sd~~\~nO~:;'~;dl~~= ~:s:~~~ ~:I?T~~I~f~v~:i~~:I~y~~;, ?~:.II~~~~(;o~~I:~~n6,~~JI~<~:~~m~I:;l~I~~ hononng St. VCilcntrnc>g.,day to th(' mals' between giggles and bursts saId all of .Nebraskas34,0 ~heat ranging the short course. All Dixon

G ml mp't'1 i t Atldns last year's play The Pl"O- StClte funds would mcan a pension thiId and fourth gt,ldes Of the' IoC la~lghtel flam het <ludlcnce the contract sIgners would r cel.~~ ~1 county retaIl meat dealers arc be-! ;l'~~I~~st ~~~o ~<l~~~e <::~c~ian~ ls~;~ gram ":"ill close With a ~alking I"C- of $10 <J month which would be Wdyne cIty ~choul FllddY UftCI- 1 ::;nwll el fOI mel lmltated a don- least one more e~eclc ~s WI a ing urged to attend.

tdents of Prof. A. G. Carlson. I hearsal of the prize winning Gcn- increased to $20 a mouth when fed- noon "What IS yOUl t1dOlC,t

dS]H'd I key, <I ~()Ostel, d plg, a cow and a the corn-hog conhact ~lgners. Cooperating agencies 111 the short. eral Federation play, "Child of Clal funds arrIve. Tolen lecom- MaIm Bowes ll1 d glu,f[ VOICC I dog m \ClY creditable manner 'About $11,00<1,000 wlll be paId coUrse are the UniverSlty of Ne-I

Complete I)rojccls I the Frontier." This will be glven mended $1)83 fO! Wayne (County tl' p['"'tton tH,llleockl'l <.lnswelcd On the next numbel the tables onl N~brask~ corn-hog contracts, braska, the National LI.vestoclc

, IbM Lt M DSW'glt f lr.O II dd$21"0 le liS amaeUIon l('lmptomp-w('returnedontheIV1ajorwhowashe,sald,':"hlleap~roxlmately$3,-and,MeatBoa.rd,Fed~r.atton of. MAVTAG'bc~nll~~~~~'e~~dWi~AJ:~I~~~l~al ~~i: ~an ~s~d ~~~~'F. I~~ ~ilcine:. ;~ J~~ C:dm c~u:~~(:I~IJ~~;~~Ol '122 ~n tNu bPlOgllam,' ,md 1 live III Waym, hooted for asking the same ques- 000,000 WIll be paid on wheat con-' Ne~r~ska Retal1ers, NatIOnal As- : ,

I th ·tt Ml R R Lar C t d $140:0 f 67 e las ca, tlon more than once. This bothered tracts. soclabon of Retail Meat Dealers •winter, amon~ them a sewer cx- e commt ee arc :s, .. ' '. .r- u~'llng coun y, an ,;) 01 "Well, what can you do'!" tl,e offl'CI'a[ for a moment and arokaw said final certificates of and the Institute of American Meat =

'I I tensl~n .at ""':m~i~e ~osti~g $260: ~oncaM~~. J;n~·~~.~~~~'A~I~:~..1 . 1I1llercecou~__~ 'I'm going to play my Ukclel~ Adele Ladet wa::; announced for a eotnplianee will be rushed to Packers. All phases of retailing = Aluml'num WasherOthers 111 tillS VtClmty mcluded. . p y • Iand smg I'll play 'The Shoemakel b "L ng Long Ago" Washmgton so benefit checks can meats will be discussed during the •South Sioux City, water main, ,.' Farmers Unlon Has and 'Polly- Wally Doodle" plcmo num et, a , s~.rt flowlIlg to Nebraska farmers two days. •$151;, Stanton, excavation of ehan~ Federal Judge In Washmgton dc- Omah Meeting PlestOI1 S selcctIons \\-OIC lLlgClly Nancy Mmes and Patty Thomp- ~~ bI"

, I "1 ncl, $891; Ponca, repairin~ librp.ry, cided ~hat World war .veterans, aj"~ a, _ applauded by the ilu<henc(' untJi son did team taP.da~ce wh.lch was ~ soon as POSSi e. A chImney fire at the Bernardj' j:: $855; Emerson, water mams, $1117; to be given preference III WPA. J?bs At <l meeting held at Oma,h<l FYI the MaJol S "All IIght

j<Ill rlght, a credit to the city m whIch they ISome payments may be made VonSeggern home resulted in only

: Jr Dak,ota county, farm ,to rna ket to be' created by the four bIllIOn d<IY t~e~ ~ebraska Unron leut it short. Marcella Bl ugger fo1- told the Major ~hey had had theIr immediately, he said, since some of little, damage at Wisner.~. ro~d, $2,225. ' dollar relief fund." o.l'ganlz' tlOn vo.ted to reJom the na- lowed as second performer with a trcl1n1ng. The fmale of the da~ce ~1~e~~~~;ic~~~;r~:r;i~a1W~~~i~~~ ~~~ _

! JI••••••••••••- -. t.lOn orgalllzatlOll. for 1>9~6. T~e pwno waltz. After BpplClLlse' for wa" a rriumph, both da,ncer~ ~m-••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Iesolutl/;m ~et With .the app~oval Marcellu died down, <I ,young lady islllog at exactly the pi 0PCl ,time tdn when the court inv<llidated the•• J := of the natIOnal preSIdent, E. H. m a red frock Wl:iS cal1ed . WIth a formal salute ()f hand to AAA.

. :: s, W, Flaxoap-I ure •• Everson of S1. Charles, S. D., and "And whele do you cl\lm~ flom'I" brow. The youngsters tapped to the A teleglam flam Chester C:: lmseed OIl soap - does :: national board of dnectOls chalr- asks the MaJol 'tune of "School Days' DaVIS, ac;lmmlstratOl of the defunct•• not, chap the hand~. :: man, Joseph PlummeI, of Aklon, "Why, I come flom Cheyenne, Pdtty Love gave a shOit valen- AAA, and C W Warbwton, na-:: SatIsfactory, for every •• 0 . Nebraskcl-I mean Wy~mll1g. My tItle vel se and Calolmn McClure, tIonal extension dlrectOi 'v to Bro-•• house cleanIng Job, ::1 H ~ Keeney uf Omaha was name IS Marilynn Sltat~on and I d who <llmost lost hcr tutn by beIng I<,;aw today said In part:= '. •• len<lmed preSIdent for the year, like to tap dance for yod" <I tllf1e late at,the mike' announced "Act of congress appropllatmg•• Dex Lmoleum Varn4 == George Larson of Supenor, and M 1 bi f ~ 1 t t1«lt she had Just arrived from funds f(lr payment of obligations:: ish-Wipe~ clean wlth- '=; J D Reynolds of NJObrara, were fect a:ll;ennt~ ~~~ t~n:e \;::e:~~ 'W<lyne, Fort Vugmla," and would and comrrutments to producers who•• out scrubbmg •• reelected directors The dIrectors 1\1 lIke to playa pIano fiCllo ThIS was had performed pnor to Jan 6:: . := WIll name a secretary and VIce i~~:I:~aodeb~~::;~~r,Ha~~\ p~~ael~Se~ followed by a group of youngster~, under ~nvahdat~d adJustment pro~:= ' ~~- •• preSIdent was thunderous. ? J'lc~uclItlC WIghtman as snokes- grams has been approved We areaa St kISt k' =5 ~ay Pcrd~ue of Wayne, attended Bonme Jo FItch an Patty m,m ~ authonzed by 1he secretmy (of=: 0 0 0 eJ S • the meetmg Thompson sang, "On the Good "1 m gomg La say a -rhyme and agncultu~e) to Instruct you to plO-=: 1 t =~ . Ship, Lollypop," undet tho super- thlqe others ale gomg to' "pelp," eeed m determinmg Just obhga.-•• ,t Still p enty of time 0 == lllgh School Students VISIOn of the fIrst M~Jor owes, she annQunced, and pegan her bons, details of procedure to be

I :: Pwul'ltlinkeaecpOalySotuorkerh~~~.. May Ente,. Contest who turned out to be p;.p.tty homp- selection With "Up at Ytayne high followed not completed but wor~ One of our permanent~•• ,.. :~ I son The second MaJo1was abby at ~ some girls attd boys, whq play gener<!lly shoultl 13~ under suc=:: warm and for les5 mon- _ All Wayne cdunty hIgh school BIrdsell who qUlete the nOIsy on I drums With a great, bIg regulattons as Were in effect Jan ghnes you all these.•• I • We build the:m to \ it ey. We will give you 30-1 = students are rClIglble to enter the crowd with an emphatl ,"AI right. nOl,jie-.'! The mtroduetion was 6. The secretal'f has authol1ze:d the== :l"your kitchen. Call us' or or 60 days free trial • ~saYf c~ntes~twhlC~ ~ay~e chap- All right" and called t e nex PCI-I greeted with a roll from snare and us~ of exIstmg county control as- Make an appointment

" ::,!,IIf\.J1. estimate o~ anytHi g and you to be the judge. I :_ R:V~lutl~~~S ~~~:uctmeg, T~~r~~~~ former, Stanley Dlens, a b Ight- bass dru~s. Jacquelme went on to sOClahOl;ls and comII4tt~~s whe~e today.: ....! 'you need. == dent plac10g fIrst recllnves $2.50 10 eyed roguIsh looltmg you gsterI explam 10 Jhy~e the work of the ne~es~!ary to COlllplete e coun r" '1-:,1 ' _'__ ai cash and the essay wfll be prmted who between ~huckle QnnD nced rhythm band In the third and wotk, I=.! :; ,. = In the Wayne Herald !Second Prize that he had a plece to s' y. Sta ley's fOllith grades, Manlynn StIlatton==" Sherwin. Wtf Coal For Heat ;: essay receives $J In qash. "Shonld selectiOn was greetedlwtlh s out, ad<img a staccato note wIth cn,mes: Basketball Game

li~'. "-='1 I, ' : f • the United state~n!ease Its Na- o( lam~htev, Nanty Mmes and Preston iI;Ian Ii 1 n t ned:r, " •• ' ,I Iiams Paints We are getting short 0 =. bonal Defense? y" IS the sub- uWell, well," saId he M JOl, cock asslsteq, The selection vnls ere 8 r '08 po

IT,r~'~~'''a=, " I coal but hav:e plenty •• ject chosen, Essa s[ s' ~uld not ex- "here we have? little boy f ho closed With Yankee Doodle, played Kean)..ey ba,l{etball team starterII ~. coming. VI e h a v e =; ceed 600 words nd should reach looks like ha mIght be about or on pIano, drums Bnd ChImes. I last 'J'hl1J:sd{ly to drive to waY~i!.~'~ , t I .; one of the eomII1-ittee Mrs Doro"" 8 years old, How old ar~ you, s '?" Charles .:Jackson was ealled by for a !rf1~ Ft\iday evening -witI;:~rl'. enough coal on hand 0 =1 thy .~use NYbe~g of Mis~ Coral "I'm 8 Y~~jrs ol~,"" answ ed the Major but me~ ignominy whe~ Wayne c~l1~~e. ';tVventyfhi.e st -jit:-,r- ·fill orders 'for a ·few!. Stoddard, Wayne, by' April 17, Billy Hahn, and I d lijt~ tu lay h.e' was given the gong for forget dents a c0frl~,n1ed the team. T~~f:" r'tnore'daYs. Oall 78.,1 I =: 'I 'I ' the piano,"· , i tmg what he had planned to play :J{eatne playElit$,andstudentsw~r~~ft~,. ~~' , ..' . I. ,LC1Ui~ 'Ensley lilt Pit er, may los~ ," Delmar Davis w~s ~ll(ld as Ith~ on the pi~o~ (Charles planned it maroon~d ici, tij~:snow and 'staYe~:' :":' 1 j •• several toes because he froze his hext pel'fOrm~l', Yo ryl{ man, thus s~ tHe gon~ would be u~ed.) in ColurpbU& ~nw Saturday morn:~y;!,,:, ••',I'll. ht bel =; feet .0 badly. , ,I a.ked the Major, "wl1 re are "au Ltlis GIIder.leeve plaYed an? .,an~ log wMn ·th~ .;r.turl)-ed,to Keat-, '~, •• I '1 r"'Ig" ~" 'rum' .el 'r" ' '1

0'I"· ", ',: . ·from?" . I ·f 'add Janet :MillS, accompanIed by ney. Th~ two' elilms will meet later== =-1 The West Poi~t cl council ac- rI\\,7"ayn~." t!, .' I Miss t." if a date ca~' b(! nrranged. Coach. -I. ~epted.pidO~$3291.1 or.neworn~-' uAndwhat',? nyou~9?" I Dona) o~~~d that he w..n. . ,

I I ,~ ~l ~ IP J , '-: ' , == .m~ntal ~tretlt 11' is, raffic r.11gh~. < Delinar look d abo~t ~? a be- ~a8- . dY Q~~ w!is 21 t~amWayne :Nebr. I:' water' s Wer and rest wildered way, nd SaId; I. e~_I yea~s old.. Kin ~, git 8. job, MaJor, !!. gaJIles

, ' , ! • • ar. theSe to be don't know hOt td say' 'what. 'm I don't get the gong'}" He '~ded ~lSIIf w<===== ' .,_. ,_",_ . gol~g to dO." r6~pled' by" the plan,O ,and,vochl nlim~er :~1l11 1\ lirive, ., , ' ,.' '. ,.!I!i!!!!!!!!I!II!!!!!!I!!i!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!

i\lRf"iJji:'~:l'~ii ::}2V~':'~j~~ijAl!ttih· i;', ':,'~ t ;l),il,~l(~J!i: '.;~ ~~lj\,'.\':'~1,~!~1:'if;~\t'>,~:·ti .': ~,1~\J;;1 ',\:' •",:;"'il~l~~~~i{.I!i~(\~\W;1i'~~!~~ ';~;1lA~;:l~:~~l~ "','':;1\~1~11tl'~~~ I~!,'; ~:'01~1~ :,:l;:f~';I,~,~;Jjil'il<\4,~t~~5:N:J:\'P ,I\,lt~!~t1t~HI',l ~;

Page 8: Herald (1888-Prese… ·  · 2014-02-02HERALD "• 1"'1' I ·1; • I" WAYNE: ! I i I , FAMILY CIRCLES ARfE~~:~f:~~.fJER

JACQUESCleaners - TailorsDyers and Hatters

Wayne Nebr.

Then Dress Up!

.---I• I


llVIade- to-measure, ~~its that kl\ er·qu~

I PHONE 463For Fr('e Call and DeIiVf"rJ


At 12:30 p. m .





If you wont to buy or rieHlivc stock of ,my kind try theWay~e markd first,


When Temperatyr~s

Go Down

Fue/·Bi//s Go Up!

'FOR WEEKS all communities in this middle westurea have been subjected to the most severe and unrelentingcold accolnfianied with blizzards and snoy.r that has completelyisolated mcmy communities and disrupted all forms of trans~

portation. All heating systems have been taxed and tested 10

the limitJ The unusually cold weather which has prevailed willproduce greatly increased fuel bil~. Consumption of all kindsof heating fuels is far above normal. and gas is no exception..

Higher gas bills must naturally b~ expected.

'" January temperatures this year were generallynearly an ~er cent colder than nor!!1al: it was 38 per cenl colder'than last ,year and 50 PER cENt COLDER THAN JANUARY.1934. From present indications FEBRUARY will be no exception..

The two ~onths establishi¥g AN ALL TIME RECORD.

Those who have Automatic GAS HEAT in their homes haveenjoye~ th~ fullest benefits of added fuel costs. They have beenspaz:e~' lue. storage. and the dust and grime that g~es with it.They pay fGr their fuel AfTER they use it. not before. They havehad no worries about luel supply ••• the supply of gas has _been ~~~.quate.Most of all-their homes have b~en cOmf6_rtableand warm even in the most extreme temperatures. with! no fuelto.shdveL nQ ashes to haul. no temper-trying hCD'dship that g'oeswith ,old-fashioned healing. EVERYONE WII.L PAY MUCHLAR<;lER FIlEt BILLS THIS WINTER but those who HEA~WITHIGASWII.L GET TIm EXTRA BENEf"ITS THAT MAKE A LARGERElCI1NDlTQRE FOR COl\1FORT WORTH WHJLE,

Automatic CAS HEAT CivesCreate~ Value for Increased Fuel Use


Peo<ples Natural ~a,s_ Co.I ;' I: "

II "I I ,

, I!


$ .lio ,L,o $ .611

Special ra~s on stktion-to_station'cal1s Daware in effectnot only after 7 o'clock every night but aLso all day Sun- I

duy. The"e, tates apply on station-to·station ~a11S for,which the day rate is 40 cents or more. ", :\

Alio. th~rle';it9~ate s~ed,,1 rates on pe~~)Q.tq.~OIl '1:11"

OlU~ evecy nifht a~.!er 7.()·c1ock afd.all~ySunday. Tbelcrat~$ apply. jr',ge",el;'aJ. on," pe"§oP#,ro,.p,,el'son calls forwhich me dar rate lis 5? Cents or mRf~; ,

TYPICAL' THREE_MINUTE RATISstlt!ioll.tQI~Stafion Illes Person·to"Pereoa 1111I~:¥~ I ~~~d W;k N~~~:;d






AT SPECIAL RATES 'Every Night and All Day SundayTom'atoes

, Irashed Bread

.BIG 'S ~A-K SAL~- '~ . .

puring this sale our ft,\vortte steak may be had'f,'t only 23c p ... p undo ~ound, Sirloin, Porte.houseand Short Cuts c t as desired.

Be.f_to Bo I, p,und 15e'

~~re Groutd Beef, poun' • 16c

Beef Roa~ ,pound· 170 & 150~~ril~ afttett Pears

• luscious O.ego\, Pears in a good syrup.g nice. f • sauce. ExcelIent for P"". salad.

week_end .ice is 17c for the No. 2 %I

- -- - ------------r- --- - ---

LONDON PAP RS reIgn IS not the King but the Kmg X)j? ~..x."tiP~ tel'S, Esther and Irene, and Mr and Hotel Strntton Saturday to spend school was d~smissed beciause ofIn ParlIament Parltament l~Ph~S ~~~~' Mrs. Peter Jorgensen and Nadme part of the winter. hI l d n' h600 odd members elected i free and Gordon were Thursday after- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright were \ ~i~~ uI~Ta ~~~h who teaches at

I _ elections at ~the people's wII , and v4HfiNf mAT PEtl (iOW'ItOME? noon guests In the John Lutt home in Sioux City Thursday, the latter Allen, ha$ spent the past two wef']{s-- I IThe name IS not r yal abroad " liable tp be ejected If they s auld 'i:....... ~... - to consult a physician, in the DJ"'. S. A. Lutgen home. Miss

Editions Received By Mr#. A deSCllption of the day of Kmg In the course of their parham ntar)! ~"" On Western Trip. \Vhite or pink gold frames, in- Smith's school had vacation Iw-e C' A t Geolge's funcldl follows "An _ career ):)nss such bills fOl the Roy- MISS Emma Grone left !SundClY of elUding lens. $8. Geo. J. Hess. M. cause of drifted rO<.lds.apsey

• I~e ccoun S body who drove/llong PlCcadll~Y 31 assent as would not comlmcnd last week With the ArthUl Sanford D.. Wayne. Neb. m9tf. Miss Doris Mnd:-;I?n who tc:wli-Of King s Death. ;(bout 4 o'clock esterday aftel- themselves to the popular Judg- -'ThC' (ITSC day a man IS a guest. the famIly of SlOUX City, ~ for Los Miss Mamie McCorkindale went es at Inman, spent the past Wf'('],

_~ nQon, thut IS to SI Y. m the dlrec- ment In o~er words, the Kmg "and IJ buroen, the thlTd a pen." Angeles, Calif, and other western to Wakefield Saturday evening to in Wayne. Schools ;It Inman \J,'{') (.

tlOn of Plccadlly ClI eus must reIgns, but t people govern. ThiS FEBRUARY pomts They Will go from Call- spend Sunday with relatives. closed because of bloCl{(.'d l"U:If!.'i

and ashes to ashes'" have bElen Impres cd WIth the big lS the bnslc p mClple of our canstl- ~.J 19-Edlson l!I granted.l patent forma to New York City by bout Charles Riese has word from MISS Madsen staypd WIth hel" "1'-A porbon of an edItOrial flam led sun that app ared Just above tLitlOnsafJPl~l, ble m ~OnSld~rI~g the ~ 00 the phonol:"raph. 1878. through MeXICO and the gUlf They his br01h{,1' in C~lnadn thot snow is ter, Mrs. A. C. Thompson.

~he ~vtemng News leads ,"In Ills Hyde Park cornel~It heralded, we p~~~r Kla ~~ to 7In t ,ef

ands Will spend a couple of days 111 84 inrlll's deep on the level there. Mrs. Jennie Schrumpf WilS IWl"f'um~ 1 Yj It. took a long time tb hoped, fltle weath r today In ac- 0 fl, e ma ~Iflg a ,laws, •J~n, ao-:-M.lry Garden. creal open Havana They plan to be III New from Winside between trnm~ las1

conv.mce Kmg George t~at h,e cordanee w,'th he prov'erb. 1 the app,olllt~nt and con.trol of IIincer, born. 1677. Yorl( by March 2, Mrs. Agnes Sorensen of Sioux.b C' 1 ThursdGlY. She <Ind her slstel', Mi.""

merIted <lr possessed his eople's thought!of it in th4 early hOUI'S this the CiVIl an~l efe~se ServIceS and lty, came Tuesday, ast week to Gertrude B<Jyes, planned to tol~ve. But by the mercy of God, he morr{ing when \.r he:'H:d the. rain the cGmduct O'f polley, . '. FOIl as a ......;;,.. 21-Firet through rrllin from To New Residence. spend :;('\'('1';11 ctilYS WIth Mrs. Chris Lincoln the last of the tildId lmO\~, before the end. He was my window." person, the Monarch has In the lqst ~ eut r.eal;llClsChICilKo,18SZ. The C. E. Nieholaisen family NJelscn. spend remainder uf the win1c1 wi1hgranted one ri~e and plenteous I The f1JIlowing descri tion of the 200. ~ears bOe{I shorn of almo~t l/lll . moved Saturday to their new l'esi- Byron ~usb'y of Wakefield, Miss Nallnctta ScJlrll'mpl.sum~er of h~ppmess, A lifetime of passing' of the fun('rDi roccssion po!J.h~al power, He. l~as ~ractlcDlly A_. I 22--~:e~n~t~'Jes~:~s.f'~o:~:: denee at northwest cornel' of drove here lDst Thursdny Dnd was I iiiiiiitiiiiitiiliiiiiiiZiiiiiiiiiitiiitiii i.!serv,lce Was not, after. nIl. without JS ,viVid' 111 it,S power tt create a no 111Itl,~tlve n.l' deCISIOn 1Il n:attel's ~ Texas-Iall! Bressler park. I Llbllgcd to home by tr;lin be-II

.. . its,t:~ward. He was a King, nor ever me-nbl ~ma t' of "How SOrl'b' of publlC POl~CY' He C!l.n dIssolve c,luse of snow.k~~\'~~~tl~1~~~01:l';:e~~e,na~~ ~~~ I~st th~ common tOUCh,' 'So he ga\'C' Lond~n SU\~ the Last Journe~l~~ Pa,rliamf'llt.o lyon advice. of lille ~23-~:~d:~r:~~~'lnllrU~i~Cllci To Enter Tourney. Miss Dorothy Robf'rts W<1S home Wanl to Pep Up?

, ,l). P hiS body to the commonwealth and IKing Gforg ," "Th h 'd Prime MlnlSt r. .. The Kmg '1HS SUte,.1839., Robert Adams, Don Hicks, Llew- frmn Winneb;Jgo for two we('kssor~ • I - received for his own memOl-Y slowly "Jln~(')st :en~lu:,SbfasseA lcmg since giv n up his own her.(' li- L 24-French llart con~tructlon ellyn Whitmore and 'Clalr Van when school W~IS dis-missed be-

The opeO-1Dg pa' graph of the praise' that will never die and Wlt!l '1"tO br' 10 u ld I II d Yb1 tap revenues Ifor an annual fl~('d work gn the P~:am. Vleck, Wayne college students, C,IUSC of stormy weather<l.l.'companying st req,'ds a 101- it the grandest o[ all s~pulehr€'s I,ll' ? are Il co Slower ew, :-;urn voten hy Parliament. -" Canlll, 1861. have nrolled for the ec nd

lo\~s: "Lo~don b e f~'ew~l for.- not that in which his mortal bon~;I::~l~l ~J~~~U~~~ell~h~)~~I~~r:h:~P~~I: ''In. prJctice:. though the .Jud,gcs nual ;. M. C. A. ta~I~O ten~~~ lu~~~~ ~~II~~;'I~1h;;~~<;~ta~~;~:~lnS~~=.. (~vcr to King G .' ge, t~.Fif to- are laid, but a home in the mil"1ds: crowd. g was cold and gr;v in tlw <He HIS MUj('siy's J~dges, th: King ~~~e~ns':i~~t;:~;~~:"~,e1'&:8~J~ tournament scheduled at Norfolk I lr'ain Dfter

day. He Was borne through ,the of men- whet'e his glory remnins I .,. . ,. , has no In(',lll, of Il1terventlOll in for February 20 and 21. a in Wm. Bcck-str"ee~s for the last time ron h' way fresh.' iUs boas is buried in pen("(' l~rocess,1Un s first mmutes, und the the course of lIstice, Once Parlia- that shops over' n wide DreD ex-

. to,,~l.iS't.orq.~ at 8t; G~orl,~e's c ap~., but his name liveth for evermOl~{,." I :l~l~gCI:l;cd~di711aek(lO'vm,~m;ste':(cJ n1('11t hels pass~d a bill the Crown hallsted their stocks yesterday bc- T P t t D I~ mdsor-borne thro~l~h. S eels , .. ,. I' '. ,y" "".p. " , .,' c:mllot -rC'fusc ltS llssent. . , It c('r- fore closin time." . . 0 1'0 ec . u,c {So I Miss D;lrh'n(' gompl' \vho t{'Dchescl'Owded by a vast sIlent ulti- An excerpt fro~ a~ :llt.lcfe Wl'lt~, s,l~~e Of st. ,lamps, .'ltl.Pd, gl~W t;linly lliis not happened since 17U7. Weather~ot'ecast f I' the' f _ Wild bfe r~storatlOIl1sts hDvf' or- district S lwar Alton;], Wi.1S heretudC'... Big Ben sounded Lo. dan's ten by ~, J, ~. !IIBs, f?II~lel'ly Ilj I \uy hqslle(:. In thl.: \\-md thT' t<l1l It ll<lS come to this til at the King. ," fJ.I ollow gnnized to Old the country's Wl1dl at MunLJ Bomer's hl:.t weck when];;:ncll' to King _George. I The me.. the EnglIsh Life Guards, IS head-, purple dnlpmg.'l on the m8st" J1'\S '1 l"l'sidu'll! lo~('r 'IS'l" re'lt mg ~ay rends .. A very deep d('- ducks. A vast system of "duqk -- -------- - ------- ---- ---chanh;m of the clock was al ered, ed "King i.n Khaki:" Th~ accide~lts tercel ;J~d danced ... The st'rall1s \~I:)t:'I" 8,1 rpjH// has ')~t it g0l11 PI"~SSlO':-, ~entel·ed. :,~st 0(" the .Hc- pdrts" has been established 44<11,HI lust before the proC'€,sSiO be- of mO,C"',l,lty d,ecr,eed that Kmg of tlw ~ unernl 1\1<11"('11 beat LIp the 't I'" .glt, I 't . I ;':, " . ~ lundes IS ,almost stdtJonary whlle ;\ states. These hnppy hlOding1';1'0 the great bell began ifolli g... i George t_~1: Fifth,. who might ha\·(' 111 of ."ound. 1(:) \~:Il~~~:~u L(",' () (nCOlll ag(, ,lJ){ s~a~ler syste~ nor,theas: of the set aside nnd developC'd by1t tolled 70 times-one stro e forl led shlps,lllto actIOn m the North r<lllk tlH' PI"O- 1 tJ j" I.! t d 1" . AzotE'S Will dtepen dod tlavel east and private 50un,es, formdldl· year of King Georg~'s Ii e. As Sea, .was to wear the Army's cesSIOn fl'?l1l l1l(,I~ a~~ ~~;~~I~ {jth~l~ CO~~~l~~~.: an~ thCl~ nO,I':.h~'~t. ,Showers ar:d along the migrCltory began tolling the cctf:fin was khaJu, \vhen the guns at last,roarcd Mal"lbol'uugh WIde J1l London at tl19 tllne of tl1C' dt"l!h Ibnght 1Jlt.~I\.dls ·wlil oceu~ m link offers the web-footedu ..n'nc out of WestminsteT '£ n. n in full ehorus. Populal'1y halled on .1J'ound tllf' corner oj of the Kll1g IS illcllldl~d Normnll'11 . dlstnc~; brut t~lelFe wl~l be ~~~OjuUt~~t~~dti~t~~~f~~e~~~~i~~t. sc~-. , "ed 'th th Ro al t d his accession as the 'Smlor King' the StllC('t. .. Th9 Band of the . " . . I ralIl In 1(' sou 1, t WI contInue~~'dc.o;~bear';\heC~ow: th, ~rb- he WLlS to be ncknowled~e~ head H.ousehold Cavalr~j turned mto ~t~IS a~b~,ssa~or/r~;~~e U;.lt~,~ mild. Sun rises. 7:48 a. m. Sets 4:39 sonal cross-country migrations. 'Ithe Sceptre and the insig~ia f th~. of the greatest Army B1'Italll Iw.'~ Piccadilly, Thl" throbbing of the th~ ~sve~in~n~ea~s'says. "~e 1~1~ I~ p. m, Moon rises 9:9 a. m. Sets, For best advertising results, liseOrder .~f the Ga~ter. And ~side ever produced:" . Juncral mm:ch faded on tile breezc: intense worker in 'ever'ything' ~e ~~:48:'dr;'S~~~n~'3 ~~~e~t i~~d~-these Jewelled symbols df' Jesty Another artIcle on the edlto1"l<l1 .. ,. then, III the hush, cam,e thc Id H' I h bb d' ~, Y g , n the Wayne Herald.lillS a solitary wreath. ~t i the page on Edward of England:' booming of tile gUllS... The Guards n~~Sjli's'rcal~i~; i~ d~'f'('rf'(~St~~~'f~~:,. 4:16 a: m. and 4:55 p. m. -----~----~

: Q~een's wreath,' ;-. As tl~e coffin "There ~{js an Edw,ard of Englantl. ".ltlmg the road WI,:re matlonlC's~, Iite ends." " SC'tlS, rather Jough, ijEoCA[l,,y ~ s:'lbk fl"()m sight at Windoor King just over 1 000 years ago and there! bowed sk'ltues or men, The Regl- .

Edward sprinkled it wit;~ earth is an 'Edwa'j'd of EnglHnd now. And! ment of the Line passed. For The Nf'wS carnes ;m ;' on .---------~--':', il'om the royal burial pJa e at there could not bel an Edward, as! Black WHtch, a. llttl(' npple r;ln Ith0 " , ,.' .. of :-)hl,l- \ Southeast Way I .

F ogmore. The Archbiih p of king, anywhere else. As the nao:oc i throu.!th t~1f" crowd, . , Tht" M,,~rines ~e~ p lE:, ~m{.IICcll1 ,. !iln~ I .J " ne Dr. W. A. Emery, dentist. 112, E. c1'nterbury utter.ed, 'Earth:t, eartJ;1 of a sovereign. it is England·s own. i, came, whlte helmeted, magndl,cent dctrC's.s .. A mU.l dCl, USLS, tq('1 (By ~taff Correspondent) 3rd St. Phone 45W. ,024tf.¥ ' I men, Dnd the NnvY-; thp;r slow Amenei.lll gdngstu ~[ W. S. Conant w~s III Poncin

,j 'I I'march seeming more' abrupt than "bumped off" :md "tllken 101' ;\ I M' T P tt t Thursday on business. ,It'~''!;,''''''' . '".. t?at Of the Army, For tlw first !ridC."' Anoth~r nrticle t~.lls of ~ln w('el~S~tt~~~~or;:s~~tte;~;~h~~~ ~e,lvin Cording was here from'Ii>' tIme there WdS a pause in the jJro- e~pe~~('d ~IS~t. 0: AmetlC~n stu- in Wnync. Wmslde last Thursday.., ceS5ion 'lOd then f,ll' awuy sound dents .1t Dilll) Lane TheL\lte Roy- G !L Eyes tested-glasses fitted. Dr. WAYNE SALESIIH!!

- Ied'tlle lonely, l~elancholy' ~all ()~ a~ next summer. The studen~s ,an' ('r ;~~~~rT~l~~':~~l~a;f~etne:Onnr:~~h T. T. J~nes., n15tf.. 1181 the bagplpes. Remote, tlriftJng on I JIom the scl~ool of speech of NO! th-IL Ii B '. ' Luella ~eyer spent Saturday af- I "OMPAlIy I

-- = [I the wind it seemed 'It fm!¢)llike '11 western, unllverSl,ty, ChJc~g(J" (J~(" E ~lI~h T Iternoon With Wauneta and Darlene I 'ttl n , RC.YOUR FRIEN <angle pi~c, ~layjng ;t:-; lament fo'r ,"TI.1C. London DDi~Y. Mail ,p~b- dny r:fte;~~on o~p~<~s~ ~~:~ ~7t~~ Bomer. . I w. D. XOAKES, Manager

Ia chieftain 111 ::iOOle quid. :-;lC'cp- 1lsl1('s .I map of thl .Joute tdk~n M Ed F' Dr. L. F. Perry, dentist, phone Phone 304.W Wayne, Neb.sided mountam glen. by the fun"1ru! plocesslOn for KIng ~', hI . B ~ E'v.crt. T 88w. n7tf. ,

, " George ill cbnncdion with the dcs- <l e ludlgam spe~t uesday li~M~C~,.~M~a~CY~B~t~it~ta~i~n~m~o~ve~d~to~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~'I A~d behmd the Sbndar? walk,-I cription of the weather the crowds afternoon of last week In the Ar- ~------~-cd WJth s10;"" sad steps, Kmg Ed- and the vrocession, A' news nolle thur Odegaard home.

I ward the EI~h~h., of Gn:oat Britam states: "When cinemas througn- Mr. Dnd Mrs. Joh~ Lut~ spent

Innd the DOmml,?ns Beyond the ~f'a. out Britainj open thclI' doors to- last WednesdLlY evenmg In theHe wore the umfol'm of an AdmIral night audj~nees will be profound- Raymond Baker home.of the Fleet. ~lS face was pale and ly m~ved by the dignity of the District 69 of which Miss Flor­sternly set, hiS eyes star~d rigidly news reels rec0rding tllc flmeral cnce Schellenberg is tJ.1e teacher,befOI~~. ,him. Under the wmtry sun of King G¢orge. had no school l.ast week. .the KIn~ loo~ed for ~n mstant very On the sporting pDge o( the Dnilv' Helen Mnne Laughhp spentyoung, lIttle more than the boy he Mall is the following comment: TucsdGlY Dfternoon of last ,wC'ek inhad bee.n 26 yem:s ~gO, ~hen he "The great campGlign against the the Knspar Korn hom:.Wall(e;I III pr~c~s8IQr,t, ~~ hls ~~an~.. \ 'golt stymi

twhich has been c~n- lVII'S. Eli Laughlin and Helen

fat~ers tunera~. His ~rotherl:l; llJ. tne ducted wit "SuFh vigor th["Qugh~ Marie spent last Wednesday after~um~orm ,of theIr serVices,. marched out the U itbd States has e':'Jdpd. noon in the Kaspar Korn hUp. Yeomen of the Guard, The result is tljiat the stymie' ~e- M,rs. Curtis Foote called on Mrs.t~:~r ~~lberdS ~ose"claspedl' on mains to 10ve :its victims to p~s- Albert 'Brader at the Wayne hos­el ;1' t~1 e. 't hen rank upon sionate- declaratfons on the futil~ty. piful TuesdflY a{tern~on of last

~~~S~d i~ ~:r ~a~~~~fo~h~o~(~: of golf as garre." Ii i week.George 'Slowly from Marlbor- ,"Hundr.eds ot London ~ouBe- !VII'S. Loren Andrews returned toOUg~tthe- heads 'of the black wlve.s wer~ t.-mable last evelll~~ to Meadow Gro~:. Tu~sday of lasthorses n ing as the d obtmn sup~)lles of bread SUffJc~lent week after Vlsltmg 10 the Elmer(:ame the Queen's stat: c:~~~e: for today '{Jhen most bakeries will Noakes home.gilt crowned, with scm' let-clad close. So gr~at has been the demand Mrs. Carl Thomsen and daugh-coachmen and footmen. Within, ...-=-- ~I ....---.,

very clear to the crowd's sad hom­age, the Queen snt, beside QueenMaud of Norway, the Princess Roy­al and the Duchess of York."

In the four days of homage tothe King 809,192 pilgrims passedthe catafalque at Westminster hall.Says the Evening News; "The cli­max to the expression of the na­tion's sorrow and affection camelast night. .Just before mid­night King Edwnrd and histhree brothers, in full-dress ser­vice uniform entered the han andmounted the guard over theirfather's bier. They stood at the fou;corners of the catafalque withQeads bowed over their swords,WJ:lile men and women pa'ssed insilence and sorow. For a half-hourthey kept guard and then, theirvigil ended, slowly and sorrow­fully, left the hall."

A special writer for the EveningNews described the intE"rment ofthe King as "Ghosts of the PastAround King's George's Tomb:""The dim January light came, inthrough the robes of tlie saints in,·t~e high, shiined glass window.';,,apd sent faint shafts of rose and,saffron apd green light on the stonet~acery. The mourners, waited forthe bQdy of their dead King. How~trange it s~emed a~1 we Bat in~nXious ailence to remember that~'onarchs were buried. in St.George's cha,pel long before Co­lumbus dreamed that the worldwas round..Every stone should'

I Ihave: been worn deep wLith history,~ut the vast Gothic arc~e's seemedliresh anti young. . . FrQm~ outsid~

I~me the growing murmur of the

1~~i~'::S;~ili:::r~'l::~:~a~l~ar:::.[almost a thousand years' ago...'And we ·knew _that. George theGood was being brought to thehouse of his fathers."

to .the fir.\ Indy 01., ",~,.j ,~*s ,~ri, ~,;,~ H

ho, i~;.

!G'e'orge the Second; PhilipPa: wifeof. Edward the Third, and mother

howns cnlled-Ma&~ii~Br;QndMal1",ot

Page 9: Herald (1888-Prese… ·  · 2014-02-02HERALD "• 1"'1' I ·1; • I" WAYNE: ! I i I , FAMILY CIRCLES ARfE~~:~f:~~.fJER



f$Exa.mination, ,Training'

~ Glasses I'rc~cl'ihed

-Orfi('oAt--WAYNE NEBR.

114 E••t Third



\lil!J illc·rpal'c·d horsepower, incrc~!lcd ,torrl"C, grcatcJ:; cconomy in gaslllld oil ,




Icon fTR'l'IIEH I;o.;FOIt:\IAT[()~ "iEE


41 %,~ 01' 10 )IE"';\'k TERM



No Stock Deductions. No Examination Fee, WhyNot Refinance Your Prcsent Loan at ~,br-New LowRate?

'1'I~1 LI\KH PRODlJCTES, lllr.I IkOi MOJJlCS, lowd, dl2tr

~ The Ir~/('k wilh L,ll1~ W('",(',~~ f'ullillf!..fUHl'er III the ('nlm~ 10\\ -price rang~

._ P _ 1111' ,'iuff'sl truck that JHOlwy ('all buy ••• <ln~JIhe I\lOSlf'('O/lomicaltrul'k for all-round lllll) - thal S

the new lYJ6 Chcvrolel!

1'1l(-'~c new Chevrole:ts are till' r/1l{v trllC·ks in tlwirprice ranrrlf with all the follO\~io'g f('atur('s: Nf~fI1

?elieCl('d l~ydl'mHic Brakf's •. for ~ljmla.lCh('d RloPpi~lg­power; Nf'Ii! High-Compresswn r/ a,11'C-llI-I1ead Ji.rlf!,~1U"

giving a~d opcra(jn,g c('~;m()".1Y "Hit·~llt equal in tht low ...cost field~" Full-f<1oalwg J{oor

j' 'A":'l'/e qf the moSt rugged and urable dC'sign; a!hl, Full·Tn'mnied De Luxe C"b for ri.n·r comfort. withclcar-vioion jnatr~l)lent ,panel Co~ safe control.See these new 1966 Chevrolet trJck8 at your earlicstI~onvenicflce. Subject them to any anfl flvcry (:om­'pclitivc test ofpricc. of fcalurcsla'nll of p{'rformancepo the road wid.; your :own lo~ut To 'do I~118 w~lI.he~o convince )'our~elf that.. they rCl'he lflorld s ",r/ll/c~'

1dgIJ-powered t~ucks and thc~cforc the wprJd 8

greatest values!::· , , ! ,CllEVl\OLET MOTOR COMPA ,)ETROIT. ~llCIl.


IIIWl1Y~ Cfluull:r.f1c1 Cur IJuick. u1l8wcrviug~·"~ltlllsht.1ine"IIloI's


lII.1.ake Chevr~lei the ;wodd's greatest truck value


E' II' n·-'-I~~'-----I;h~ban~ safe was ~~~~~n to-;ec1s 1936~-- --- ------~-jcctNo. PMS- 16 in acc~rdance--;'~tion~~speeia~-~-:i~ionsl~idd:;rshall jjiIe, wj;l~ ~~';-'~~--(l'J~)~;111-~-J~il~;~~'\:I~;~-)N-'-- ---=-, ar: y .:lYS 11 and the intruders secured $70: ..1 Witness my hand and the seal of with the rovisi!ons of the speci. to the spct'lfic1.ltJon:- shall provide ~ certified chcck.mCldc IHlya41c to 1\. (~. Sldt(." W C l1 From Ponca·.Journal for Feq~ said County Court, this 31st day of fications nd the special provis_ a total (If not less than 3,225 mall t\le Department of BO;:lrls 'lnp ll'- ,T. 131 IlIS(IW!aylle Oll I ) ruar~ 1~, 1880; New rai~roud t,iqs January, 1936. i~ns to the pro- h?ul's uf employment til per:>ons rlgatlon and in ;lll amount nOlly'!'is l3ertha BpI rl'S. Cllunly

, • -- arc distributed along the hne'whlch (8('al) J, M, CHERRY, Vide a tot 1 of pot less than 296 dIrectly ('mplo.Ycd on the contract t1bl1 the total amount, ctctenTnned \VpYJ1P County.

~ Ent'ly Days from the WIIYIlC Will be bUilt fl'om Covington to F6t3 I County Judge. man hour~Of ~ployni.ent to per.. secured by the designatnl I<:mploy_ from t1).c ~ollowing list, fOli any 1__

" erald for February' 19 192: Ponca... A Des Moines busine~s sons direct y em~loyed on the can.. ment Agcmy or certiJled [oJ' as- group ~[ Items or collectHjltl of C .... n5 t •pt' In'" \James Reid held a s~le of Po- Ill;m states that he will establish a Notice Tf. Creditors. tract sccu ed frqm the designated signmcllt to IIll' work by suth groups bf Items for whiLh tJ1c btd , U I a I 0,~and' China 'hOgs which brou ht a plow fa.ctory at Ponca in cas.eyl,'C The Stato of 'Nebraska, Wayne Emplo?,me t Agjency or certified agcnt.v.. . is sUb~itt('d.. .li~B~~~~I;r~"'i~(~~'ll~~,ll;~:~'I~';';I'~"i;,"hlJ,;~=I op of $310 paid by Simon ] css~ cual mille proves of sufficlelil County ss for asslgm ent td the work by such The ;Iltt'nllolt or hlddl'IS IS dl- Gradmg Items, eIght hupdH.:d k" "kin, J;~t fj""'I( ~cll~r wilh AlJr.r,;_

, nan. an'd m~ average of $150'1 . worth. The weather is colel, In il~c Malter of the Estate of agency, , . reeted,to Ow f),Jll'd<l1 Pnl\.'lsi~ms (800) dullars. I t1~ 1:-' J;~;;t~~r~~~tl. ..~~".o.otlf111 Yet lilli-

~ Wayne hQspital reports:, Mls.•1. warm, ple~sa~t, fal}', dlsagr~eabl~, Charles Miller, Deccased. .The con raetOlr 1Il the executIOn covering Oiublcttmg (II' ;lssl~nlng, Cuhel't Item,;, twO) llllllr!i('d flfly Ifi1~I~@tJI3rz,~ ,Gaertner rccci\'ed medIcal rare. balmy, sprmghke, The almosphenlc Creditors of said estate al'e hCl"Q- of the wor1 undh the contract fDr till' conti ud <lnd to the u:;c oj 110_ (250) dOll,l!"S, II

ciUe Hunt of Wlllside entered change'S ar~ so fast and numerous by notified, that I will sit at the thc culver ,ite"1ls on Proje.ct ,No. ll1esltc Mtitcl'i,I!:;. The right I::' resel wd to WdlVCfor medical care, Joe Munsi~ger, that we wLll be compelled t? go CDunty Court Room in Wayne, in WP~~~416 10 a9cord~~ce ~lth the .T!1l' minimum w,-Ig(' Pillrl. to ;.Ill tilltedmicalltit's and leJl'ct llny 01'

Jr" was a pneumonia patient. Nellie out of the weather report,busmess said County, on the 28th day Df pl'OVISlOnS, f the: sp~~lflcalions and sl~,\lIcd labol' ('JnplOYl'd OIl till:; COI1- nIl buts, 1 ~;';;'__';"_..."';;';';'_';"__•

Steele of Wayne was an M-my or ha~c mol'c help....Frelght ovdr Februar,Y, 1936 und on the 29th the . ~pe~I' I Pl:ovlslOns, to the tl 'H'~ .,hidl 1)(' lilly (;J!J) cellts twr DEPARTM1';NT ()1<" fH )1\1 ),4,; AN I)patient. Steven Nichols was an X- the railroad to th~s pomt amounted day of May, 1936 at 10 o'clock A specl!lca,hops sN111 prOVide a to- hU,tll.ray patient, Flot'encc Baird 'Nas a t() 30,000 pounds Il1 one week. M. each day to rcceive ilnd ex-. tal of n.ot less tllan 385 man. haul's flw l)1ltllllllllll p,lld 10 ,ill Dr E II ]) l 11medical patient. Marcc'il,} 'l'1~~mp- amine all claims against said of employmcnt ~o persons dlrcctly lB~crl\ll'dl<l1t' l'lllpJoycd Oil ••• () 1'0)0son received medieil Lelli'. [Tillie Fifty Falnilies On cstntc, with l.l view to their adjust- employed on t.h~ contract secmlld thiS cOllb'ld. :-;!J,1I1 be !llily (--10) EYESIGHT'SolJermos~r entered for tlf~:J.Hrp.llt. ment, imd ;allow~nce. The time from the desi~ti,ated Emp~oyment "Ce~,ls WI' hour, , SPECIALI"'T')>ick C,rpentel" Pete Lars"lll, L. Relief In Wayne limited fo~' th~ presentation of Agency or certlqed for assignment I b.(' mllllmum W;lW' P:i1r! to <111 u'~, ':Banta i.lI1d G. A. Wnde!werc F,lOlllzty At P"ese,zt claims against said ~state is three to the work ~y ,sU~h .agency:. . uns],ll]ed I'lblll ('Ill p lil\'('(,l on 11lls Wayne Nebr_dismissed. ~ Il~ months from the 28th day of Feb- The attentIOn1of ~Idders ~s. dl- contrdct slJ,Jll lJp tim ty (oj() ('cnts ~lIl1iillllll·llIlIIlIIlIlIlIlIlIlIllIlIIlIlIlIlIlIllIlIlIlIlIlIlIllllllIlIIlllIlIllIlIlIIllIlIlIE

" Christ Th'hmpson died F l'ual'y Wayne county at the prcscI~l ruary, 1936, and the time limited rectc~ to the ~peCIaI Pro~lsl~ns PC!' hOln . Drs. Lewis & [jewis ~_ • TH l~ W A YN I~ ('Ll~ANEllS. ~~j'8~ 1920 j:at the age of :70, is ,wife timo has about 50 familie~ on rd- for payment of debts is one year' covering. sublett~ng 01" assigning . ~,llC, ,-dten1 111:1 .1 ii, 1)1(1.11"1 s ,IS .<:1.1.0;(: CHIROPH.ACT011Si ' _and ight children su~" vc hef, according to Mrs:;.. ThompsOJ~, fron ,,'d 2411 i· f J . the conliact an~ to the use of Do- dlllCiCtt:d to the Lld ( th, SlCltl (Est<Jblished 1!111) I§- _ ;\IOlHmS EqIJII':\II'::\T _ ::A~emorlal SCl'ViC"Aill bC held county '-.lid dil'eeto(. Fewer ind~~ 193~. S,l1 1 (ay 0 anumy, mcstic M~t~rials, . DiJ'~ct()r of Ikemp]oYI1ll'I:t, Llll- NeUJotalomct('r S(lvlce Efficient ~ I'l'Ouwt _EeHlwmiea) Scrvit'c ::at .the opeJ'a house ebrunry 26 vidtials are Dn direct reHef 1I1 t~c Witness my h,lIld and the scal of . ,!he mmlmurrt wage paId to a.l~ C~~Il, .Neb~·'l:;l~a WIll, .(,xl'rcl~e ~C~l- 112 East 4th 8t Wayne, Ncb II §= Il)lOnc ,11 Clal'{'!WC, """'C'-lig ht . Wa.YUl'. Nebr. $=.'~hen cel'lineates fro the FJ'ench county nm...• than last year at th1s said CDunty Court, thIS 12th day s,lulled ,lab~r ?tnP~.oyed r: on tlll~ e,1 d1 SUpCI VISlun 0,' (I the, p~ ('~)ar,~~ Phone 19 _~

. ,Pgovci-nment will be presented to .timl" because of the WPA. Aid will of February, 1936. contract shall ~e fifty (;)0) cents ~(::lIj.()f. employment ?lsls l~l thIs ~ _ II~IIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII)III1IIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII)llltlllllllll~~1!' nearest 'relatives of American boys notl be gn'en to any family where (SEAL) .T. M, CHERRY per hour.,. i , ," '-lnd to the LH.;t tlldt the Marlin L. Rill!!er

\; 11 died in service in that coun- there ,11'12 mCIl able to take jobs in F13t3 Count Jud' c.. The m~nlmulrl wage p<.l1d to all t:untldl'tOl' '-Inri sllbc()lltJddOJs Will lJ It;y°during the World war. Ccrtl- ~VPA projects. y_ g iO~:r~edl~tc la~?I' emplo~erl on ~1~ (~lOUJl(1 by tl~(' n ('ff~c- Iteal lP,st:lto Farm Loans Ificates .received to datc are for: Relief requil'enH:'J?ts have n<.h~ Nutice To Contl'actors. thiS conti act shall be fOity (40) " 1.)', ' , ,IOI,~.Y ]llD~ Writes every lund of lll::;Ul'"ance ex:-i

',Mrs. Alice McManigal, mother of been heavy thiS wmter' althou,g'1 :ic,iled bIds will be received at cents per. ~our,! . , " 'I~~,lg:lted, OJ(, S"C>I,t,t..II~ of till ~CXk~f:ndSX~:~~M~1tl(,~~o~nsu~~I

:':,;!~~. %:;~:~~;~~:;E~l~:~~ ~;;J:~~a~;; ~~~etf~i1~~i~£~~: li~~~~n:;:d ~:~~~~i,o~:~:fne7taI~ d0!~~:~:11~CcF:,!~:~(~':~~:~~i: f~l;','~? ,wd tI:~~~,~,::;~y 0'7;:'; ancLe- C G'ld l ! llt{"\{'U:I~:'~I;~~?'~I~~;1{~13;~~~~~::;:~;;I~~~rf:;,t~'II:"I~ ~ollly',Fred Benshoof father of Cliffor'i been ave I age, even tnI'(lugh cold- ~ ti per hOUI., . , Cung~(ss, dPpIU\(d '/Ulle IJ34 •• I ers eeve I: J3enshoOfj Mrs.' Ted Nydahl, sister est weather, Februaly 27. 193"~'l 10:00 ,The attentIon of bIdders IS also I (48 Stat. fJ481, cntIUl'd.. Ad t-All kinu8 of Insurancc- i \\',\\'~fr., Tekpholill 292\V NEBItASKi\.: f"T S' 'Ran Go 'ge' 500' The relief office has recei\'ed 50 o'clock A, M" and' t( time directed to the fact that the State to el,fedU,lte the purpOOie 01 (;Crt<lln I -Agent for the- I:==:'====::==::=======::==~~"~rsO;et~~a~~~~~ mot~er ~f ~'Wil~ upplirotions for old age pensions pUblicly opened and 'ead for Director of ~1E;~ploymel:t, Lin- sttllutvs (;OnCCrl1111g rdtrs uf pay Travelers of Hartford lUultiplo I~

s '. H LC LYO~S fnther of Ivan in the county, Of these 25 were GRADING, SAND GRAV SUR- coin, Nebra~l~<l, WIll exerCIse gen- fot' l<lbor, by It unldvdul to, 1 Lines ' J"13tf 1

, !.years" J' I' B .. ',tt father of approved by the board and sent FACING, CULVERT~, TWQ er~l supervlslOifl ovel' ~he prepa~- prevent an,Y ntH' receIVing I __ I I' ons, 01n ,¥le, d f th - to L- IT- ld BRIDGES'and incidenta\ work on atlOn of employment lIsts fOl" thiS thc comr)('ns~Jlloll (ontt',wt('d for II Walter Barrett: EL:. W. Ree , <1 er m . l~C~ n. ~ recel\·e 0 ag~ the WINSIDE-BELDEN U. S. work, and to th~ fact that the con- thl'lcum!ci', dlHl !Ol" (lUll'!" pUi-: of Roy Reed:~, C. B,lstwn, father ~~~~o~~d ~:,P~~~~l,O~u~~lli~:I\~cr~~ WORKS PROGRAM HIGHWAY tractol' and subcontractors wiiI be poses' ,L, !

10fAntonBastJan. ,.'. PROJECTS NOS. WPSO-416 cll1Q1. bound by thc regulations elTcc- PldllS ,Illd S]l{TIlltdl1tlns lor tile 1 I1 Births ';"It Wayne: Mr, and Mrs. slded.lIl Nebr~ska f~r lIve out (If WPMS-4I6, FEDERAL AID tive January 1,5 1935 jointly pro- work lll.l\' b(' Sl'en ,lilt! IIl[Olmatlon~, Z, T<:Iylor, a daughlcr, Febru- the nme years llnme~latE'ly preccd- ROAD. mulgated by th~ Sec~~t<lI'Y of the St'CUI cr1 ,11 till' Illll('(' I)! tilt, County I1,ary 10, 1920: Mr, and Mrs, :i\Iillan lIlg da~e of applieatlOn; m~lst not The ploposed wurk consists of Treasury and the Secretary of the Cklk ;It VV.I\IH'. :\'dJI<.lsk,l, ;It tllt'i'IChambCI'S' a daugi?tel' Februal~' .15, be a.n I_nm~lte ~f ,any state. ,lnst:~u- cOflstructtng 5.0 mlles of GRAVEL- Intenor pursuant to the provisions oilin' of the' DI,tlll t o[ I I


'1920; Mr, ~nd Mrs. Jol~n.Dllnkl~l~, ~lI~)~ ~l~:~O~t~~~'V:sS~:~:~Cec;I\~~~:ED ROAD. , . II of Public Act No, 324, 731'd Con_ tJ1(' of and 11,.. CARHART LUMBER CO. I' son Febru¥y 13, 19~O, and .1\11. 'I g tl . t hI" c The approxllnate quuntihes arc; gress, approved June 13, 1934 (48 rigatll)ll NOifolk, Nt'1)rilskd, 01'1 Pho 147

nd Mrs, Geo. Giese, a son Feb- Cia or 0 1er~lse a pu IC expens; 79,710 (j::u, Yds. ExcavatIOn. 'Stat. 948) entitled "An Act to at the oflice of tlw Dl'partmcnt of ne __ I' a~ 17, 1920. ~~ave ~o ~tll~re~l o~ ot~t'. rela- 2,857 CIlI. Yds, Sand Gravel Sur..l. effectuate 'the pUI'pose of certam Ronds ,mel IITig;ltlOll :1t LifH.:oln, ---. -------

~ Wayne students at t!1(' Unlver- IV(''; ega y 13 P or ,ell' Sup- face Course Matenal. C statutes concerning rates of pay NebIClsk.l. ' Sl.'e

'" ~t)~ of .~eb~~kaJOl;e~\~~b,~ne ~~~tri~~~~n~:,~ls~~~~~'oC;ll1~~~~~ar~~ 43 Cu Yds. ·Class "A" Concrete for labor, by making it un~a:-Vful to Th(" SU(Tl'fiSflil lJldd('j" \\ III 1)(' I Ic U WI 1 IS. . . C I en, f . 11 .. f If' f Ifor Box Culverts and Headwalls. prevent anyone from recelVmg the rcquil'ed 10 JUllliSh bond III '-Ill C. H. CHILVERS IIformcr college art teacher, and J. 01 1C pLUpOSC 0 qua I yll1g q.r 5.583 Lb:>. Reinforcing Steel for compensatIOn ¢ontracted for there- t, _1 t IUO' I' I _I Seeret&ry-Tl'casurer

I ~. w,. Lewis, me~bel' ,of Ithe c~,n- ~~d ~ng;~~:I~~a~~e~e~~nn~10haf~~~r~ Box Culverts and Headwalls. ,under and for ,other purposes," ~r~~lt~n CqUd (J «() )IS ClJn I

' ~stltuhonal cOlwenhon, a~ spechll .' $ 1 28 Lm. Ft. 18" Remforeed Con-' Plans and speCifications for the '" " . . Pierce, Ncb., for Covern.~ guests and speakers, JesslC WatSDn pleeedll1g twelve .mont~s. {olete Pipe. work may be $een and information As .dl1 l\ ldlllll oj tdltl\ 111 moot F'arm joans. My'terrl. Wl Wag. chosen preSident; Clarence !he Wayne relief office has r~- 12 Lin. F~24"einforced Con- secured at the office of the Count' submlttlllg ,I fU~' tI:l~ tory cover weOit 12 miles of aync,

I ! Sabin, vi~e president, K:nneth CClved qUIte a ~umbe_r of COllJ-- crete Pipe, Clerk at Wayhe, Nebraska. at th~IW~I k (J~ l~Jr ,Ill.\' thel ('uf <l,~ I WEl-yne County. 012tf '~•••IIII••IIlIlIll.llIImIlmB!illIlliII.IlIII~~~ Loomis, secretary; and LTeorge mod.lbes fot' dlspensmg ~lm~ng 62 Llll. Ft. 24" urrugated Mctnl office of the District Engineer of PlO\'ldl~__~~_.1 .

, Landson, trec.surer. faml1lCs 111 the county. Sewmg Plpe the Departmeht of RDads and Ir­: I·

Mrs. Charles Culler of Lincoln, centers ~f. the state h.aving more 2S·Lin. Ft. 48" COl'rugDted Metall rigation at Nbrfolk. Nebrasb, 01'1

: formerly of Way he, \.s ll1jul'ed garments dnd ~omforters on hand Pipe. I at the office df the Department of Iwhen a car s'truck h{'J'. than could be dlspe~sed wltb, hove 80 Lin. Ft lfl" Culv-ert Pipc. ROods and Ioigation ,It Llllcolll,

A daughter was bOl n FellI lid] Y :;hared excess With other nl'- 356 L' Ft 24" CuI ·t p'pe N b" 'j

15, 1920, to Mr. and Mr.'i. Wtn. ]Ie[ centers in t!lC state, The GO Lil~~·Ft. :H)" CUlv~~~ Pi~e. . ;'1~~ss:;~ccsS,[Ul Imldcl will be I c-Ruhlow o[ Hoskins. vl/ayne office I ece.I\'ed a number 52 Lin, Ft. 42" Culvert Pipe. I(juired to furnl.<;h blind In ,HI I

:Otto Test und MI.~S H,lll!lCIh of a~tlcle:>.o,[.~'e<l.r~?g<l1:p.a,lel and 64'Lm, Ft. 48" Culvert Pipe, ,~moullt equal to too", o[ hiS {'Oll_Longe were llUHTled Eebru,u'y Ill, I~ comfOltus whIch h<l\.e be(Jn 20 Lin. Ft. 12" Culvert Pipe fur tract.1920. . ~~ven out 10. county relIef fan1- DrI\,cways. As HIl eVidence o[ good f,llth III

Faye Snowd(.'ll uf CtI'lToll, wedt llJes: The sewing centers wer~ ,e$- 240 Lin. Ft. Hr l Culvert Pipe sllbmittlng <!l plOpos,l1 fur this; tl( the 'l,'cxas oil fields ,on bU~ille~s. tabllshe,d under FERA Sllpe1'V1SIO~l, for 9I'iv~ways. Iwork 01' for ,1ny portiol! thereof as

W. L, Hurlbert o[ Carroll, JS Ul A qU~lltll.v uf food expected In 64 Lin', Ft. 24" Culvelt Pipe 101' provided in the bidding blank, thcPulm Bcach, !"l'l. Wa:Ylw lrom other centers has not l)nvewClY,'-;, bidder shall' file, with hIS Jlro-

Mr. Clnc! Mrs Akx l,atlrk an' dlrlVed, ?LlC to storms of the past 20 Lin. Fl. ;](i" Cldvl'lt PIpe fur posnl, '-1 cedified check made pay-moving ~(, C<lrroll' thiS ~pnl\g :~~,el~ .\~h~;~1~1U\"[: dtl(:ru~~~I~'~~II\~'<l.}: UI iv~wa.Ys. ablc to the Depal tment of Romlsfrom thclr fartn, " v ce, oute d, dll Bndge ,11 StHtlOH ;if)' and Itng<.ltion and in eltl amoutlt

Cjlrrull cx-scr\,j('{' mell who arc 2,~92 pounds of 10 lases 1-40' and 2-20' Spalls, Dell.; Steel /lot less than the total amount, de-guing to Wyuming to take e1ailns of beef stew ,Ind cases of Girder BrIdge termined frum the following lIst,arc Keeley Allensworth, Elmcl' butter. Thel car? 30 I~U~tJlcls o~ but- Bridge at StatIOt) Hi?: for any group of items or collcc_.lones, Foy {;eorgc, Rodney Gur_


tel' to ~be case, I' ood IS appurtlOned 5-20' Spans, Connelt' Slab I lion of groups of Items for whichwoOd, .John Lamie ,llld Elwin accordll1g to the llumbel' of pcople Bridge. , tl' bid i' ubmittectEvans. in ~ .family and thc eligibihty foJ' The contr<lctor in the exccu(ion l~l'adm~s Items, s~vell hundred

Mrs. ElWell d Lewis o[ (',11 Ioil. rellcf. ,. o[ the work unde!' the contract for (700) dollars.died F('brll:JJ'y 1,,), 1U20 The V'I,lYllt' st<JtJOtll,wS ll"lJ qUite 1]w gradlllg items on Project Nu. Sand Gravel Slllf<lCIltg Ilenl'<;,

Howe-I[ P. ,TOIlC;; of (",uroll, dl{'l! a Iwmb!'l (If calls lor ('luthl~lg WPS{)-4lfi III accurdance With the two hundrer! fifly (250) dnllaJ's,<.It Randolph February \:J, 1920. \~'lllCh It I1;1S been unable 1u fill: ])1 ovislOlls of the speciflcdtions and Culvert lteIlls, twu IlullelJ ('d

Elmer Grccn bought tlw C,:lstccl 'lhel~' Sl~Cl1lS to. be no. cxce:;s,_ol thc .speCial provisions to tile speci- (200) dollars. ,\& Pattcrsun lestaUlant at WmSlde. Cl()thlll~ Jl1 outlYlllg statiOns fications shall pruvlde a jotal 01'1 Bridge limns, seven hundred

\Vm. Glaser of St<lntun, has rcnt- Mrs. Thompson ancl helpet Ity to not less than 11,700 man hours of (700) the Wrn. Fleel' b~l1dillg J.n Wifl- make e.ach ~)f the. towns III Wayne employment to persons direetly The right is reservcd to waive

:::;1dc for ;:~ll automobJie repair .sbop. :ounty at led:>~ onc.e a week, S~orms employed on the contract secured all technic<llitics and ICjCct any or'E. B. MIchael has had a pIcture dnd blocked J oads of the past few from the designated Employment

'. b'd

' a.hOW in the buildll1g. weeks have prevented a numbcr Agcncy OJ" certified [OJ' assignmcnt dll IS"" '~ ~ Fred Weible will bUIld <I ne\\' of trips they had planned. to the work by such agency. DEPAnTMEN I 01' ROADS AND

',~heatre huilding in Winside. . The contractol' in the execution! i\. I~R~~I~eTIOS~~tc En ineer': Mrs, Walter Doran o[ \Vlldlde, G. 0, P. Senators and Rcpl'e- of the work undc!' the ('ontlact for . B' .y, D' . It . '::?ied February 3, 1920, She was 30 sentativcs voted for the bonus JUst the gl'avel surfacit;tg items on Pro_ ~erth:~~ll~~:eS IS~~~~t'n~:~~.~:·,years old. like the profligate spendthrifts and .led No. WPSO-416 m accordanccl , .J ' y,'.: Mrs. 1i. II'. Christenscn of ncn!' debt-contractors on the other SIde. with the provisions of the speci- Wayne County. 1'13t3';Winside, died Fcbru8Q' 11, 1920, Every Congressman knows that his [jeations and the special provisions Notice To Contractors.l'al the age of 67 yeals. first duty in these critical days, is to the specifications shall provide"'h, Mrs. ,Malinda Whecler, 7f died tl) COniU1U? to be one.-Howard a total of not less than 2,847 ma~ Sealed 'bids: will be received at

, -tittl'the J'lome of her daughte ,Mrs. Brubaker III The New Yorker. hours of employment to persons ~;ad~~~~ ~~l'i~:~iO~e'r~r;~e~\a~~i ~I, .'::Hl'lMl09r2COOw, at Winside ebru- Notice To Crcdi.;.-;:-;:---- ~i~ectlY c~ployed cont~'act House at Li$coln, Nebraska, on

r ury, . The State o[ Nebl'ask' W' nc secured from the deSignated Em~ ,, I" ~,;Wayne dty eieetion is et for , a, ay ployment Agency or certified foq February 27, 1936, until 10 o'clock

f:' :~A'P'th 6. Terms of W, H. ilder- County, S5. • i1ssignment to the work by sucH A. M" and at that time publicly'~ sleeve, L, C. GilderSleevet'd C, A In t2~~~tter of t~e Esta~ of agency. opened and read for Grading, Cul-

~ '~~:,;ms~ox ~xPire on the c uncil, ~~Sdlto~'s'~;::~n~~tat~c::=eh~re_ The contractor in the exeeutio~ ~~~D~~d in~~~~a;I;C;k~ t~c~·'ii:~·. ~;I~~nte~:n~~e~7Y ~'I:C~t by notified, that I ~ill sit at t~e ~~r t~~e ~~[~er~ni~~~sth~nC~~;\:~t Works Pr~gn~m Highway Pr~jcct' C. E. Carhart, c~'imcil- C~unty Court Room III Wayne, 111 No. WP80~416 in accordance with No, WPSS-396!Federal Aid Road.

Roe, c1e'rk, and H. S. said County, on the 21st duy of the provisions bf the specifications IThe propos~d work consists of,treasurer, hold a er, Febi'uary, 1936 and on the 22nd and the special provisions to the constructing 4.6 miles of Graded

daughter was born to I Rev, day, of May, 1936 at.1O o'clock flpecifications shall provide a to- Earth Road. , . ,Mrs, C. G., Bloomquist of A.!JI. each day .to recelv~ and e~- tal of not less than 2,447 man The approximate quanlJlJes are:efield, February 15, 1920. amu'1e ~Il cl~lms agal,nst ,said hours of employment to persons 87,500 Cu. Yds. Excavation. "

',;f· Andrew Okeson will live in the estate, With a VieW to then' adJl.!st- directly employed on the contract 135 Cu. Yds.' Class "A" Concrete{Bert Ellis house at Wakefield \vhile 1!'e~t, and allowance. Th~ tllue secured' from th~ designated Em- for Box Culverts and Headwalls.,t~ erecting a' new residence. l]~ltcd fOl: the . presentat.lOn of ployment Agency or certified for 15,108 Lbs. Reinforcing Steel fOr(,1 Arthur Galbrath bought the chums agumst said estate IS, three assignmcnt to the work by such Box Culverts llnd Headwalls.~ Harold Ebersole l'es'idence in months from the 21st ~ay O! :r:eb- ngency. 15 Lin. Ft. 18"'Corrugnted Metal

~Wakefield, ruary, 1936, and the t~me lImited The contractor in the exccution Pipe. 1

" Wm, Kay bought the Ben Chase f~r pay~ent of debts IS one year of the vJork uncler ., the contract .14 Lin. Ft; 21" Corru~ated Metal" ',lind' G~~. Childs residences in 'f.lO~ said 31st day of Janu~ry, for the bridge items on Project No, Pipe. ,'" '", "Wakefi~ld. Mr, Childs will move 1936r. , . ' WPSO..416 in aecord~nce with the .17 Lm~ Ft. 48, Corrugated Metal

"ie)!' ~use- h~ bought from Mrs. :W~tness tny hund a~d the seal of provisions pf the specifications Pipe.. I", I said County Court, thl$ 31st day of and the special provisions to the H)6 LIn,.Ft. ~4" Culvert Pipe.

• I f W k,e- . ld ' d Janl.1~u~y, 1936. 'specifications shall provide a to- 92 Lin. Ft. 3m" Culvert Pipe.a " f~!: ,an, (Sea~) J. M. C~ERRY, tal of not less ~han 7.567 man hours' 48 Lin. Ft. 36" CUlvert Pipe,n 0 r·l...."""a, were lf6~ County Judge. of emplqYrnerlt to ~ersons direct_ 56 Lin, Ft. 48~' Culvert Pipe.

ry ,1.8,1920. 1 ". .' ly employed on the contract se': 120 ,Lin. Ft. 111,~11 'Culvert Pipe,~arl 4ndel son a.nd Ruth- ,Notice To Credlto~. eured frwn the designated Em- for ~rtveways. I' , . .

, . ,I~rod, of WakefIeld, were 'J;'~e State of Nebraska, Wayne ployment A,gency or certified for ~4:Lin, Ft. 36;' Culvert Pipe 'fol'marne Jiebruary 18, 1920. County, ss. ~ssignment to the work by such D~lv~ways. ,I , ,.

, ", !'"colll Wayne Herald for Pebru- !n the Matter of the Estate of agency, ' ( 2.~ M. ft. e. M. Treated Timber.tIlry 18 I ~904: John T. Bressler and Elizabeth Rayburn, Deceased. . The contractor in the 'execution Th·e contracto~' in the execution

...... "amiJy'lplan to return from a trip Creditors of said estate are here- of the work. under' the contract of the work und'\!:r the contract for, to the Jast. , , Miss Blanche Hunter by notified, that I will sit at the fot the grading items on Project the grading items in accordance

is' clerkihg at Ahern's! for Miss County Court Room in Waype, in No. WPMS-416 in accordance.with with the provisi~ms of the speci_: Beba I"f~ngle who has Ibeen ill. . . said County, 'on the 21st day of rhe proviS,iops of the: specifications fications and the $pecial provisions

_Mr~ and Mrs. ~. H, McElroy of February, 1936: and ,on the 22nd and . yisions ·to the to the speeificati~S shan prov~de::', ViJitonI~owa, v ~ted their daugh- ,day of May" ,1936 at 10 o'clock I ' a to- a tot~1 oJ; not less than lO,~20 man 'It-- i"I'l1ll .:'P., C "J,I1ainh,,:., Tenth' .(1:. M..~ach dW:ttl'~ecelVe and'ex· , liours hours' o( ernploy nt to jlerSOnSN.~llt. al!Ie: Ii" 'd :~Lp(irtY at:"pe'O.·i C osS- atrtiHEr' all, claltlfs il againsif/ "Ba~d irect-' 'directly 'employed on the,lqontraet

- J ~'s arid elcventh at J mcs cstate, with a view to theIr adjusl- ,y employed on 'the eontrael seeUl'. secured from the ,deSign'~d Emo

!' ~ Bush'sJ l ,A. N, NIChols was ment, and allowa.nce. The, tmlte ed _from., the pesigl)~t~d Employ- p1oY~,e~t.Agency \_~r, c~~~ fled .fo~·, ~~by~a'9laUl n'at limited' 101" th~"" pr..entlltion,'''~, line"~ -!Qiencyl' or:&!rtjtl~lOol''''a!''.~~itlPWrlf to'lhe 'W9rl<' 'I' : _,uen

1'5;' ;":;Clflz~ sl~f' '~Mm~("a~airl~t '~~fd' e~fate Urthr 'e '~ignm~nt" to the"f>work . by syc11 agency.' .1 '.a pitched b ttle months from the 21st day of ;Fe - agency, The contractor l~ the e;xecutIonbbers who- 'ilre ruary, 1936, and the time liini d The contractor in the execution' of: the work und~ the Icontrac.t

for, 'Payment .of depts is one ye r of the work under tAe contract fQr fqr the ~ulvert ite ~n ~;';otUmc:e.

.~~:~:~m:~"~11~~"1~~~~·~~~:~~~~~~'~ ~~*~;••lllllllllilililllil~~~ildll••1 " ,~, I • .~, :;:i:~'::~il<~i'~~~?1~!;~::~~*i':

Page 10: Herald (1888-Prese… ·  · 2014-02-02HERALD "• 1"'1' I ·1; • I" WAYNE: ! I i I , FAMILY CIRCLES ARfE~~:~f:~~.fJER


•Live Stock

Farm Sales

Real Estate

Two Milch Cows Coming Fresh InThe Spring.

THREE HORSESComm¢nci~g llit 1 o'clock, the following property


Black hor,", \.0 )'oal'" old, weight 1,300; hlack mare, 10 year" old,1,200; black hor"e, 10 yeal'R old, weight 1,200,

w. H.


Phone 24F21

cowsWogon complete, bob:..led w~'th new box, hay rake, six-foot mower, hay rack,

. ten~fooL disc, four-s~ction flexible harrow, harrow cart, John Deere two-roweultivator, ,[ohn Defre corn planter with 180 rods of wire, Stover grinder,\Vaterloo gaR enginc, Janesville fourteen-inch gang plow, walkingplow, tank heater, Dodge s~ek raek, silage box, John Deere single-row eulti­vatol', two rolls of eribbing, ,oil ehieken wire, two s~t~ of h.arness, leather, cord fl,VJlet, fa-rm tools and numerous other artIcles. ,

. HOU fHOLD GOODSComplete line of gQod furnIture includ lng the following: 'White enameledkitchen range, basel burner,' ~conom~ Kh:g No~ 2 cream separator, r9ckingchair, Round Oak dining tahle, fortyelght mches, may be '1x~ended .to eightfeet' nine leather-bottom cljatrs to match tljble; oak buffet, three-pIece stuff­ed parlor set, walnut· davenport table, walnut smo.kin !\, st,!nd, '3-piece walnutbedroom set, kitchen table, ~nameled top; two w~lte ehalrs, Easy Runningwashing machin~ g~od flve.l,g~lIon chu rn, gallon Ice Cl'eam ~reezer, gas lalPP,oil lamps and lantern, set of asbestor !Iatirons, twelvecgallor(stone jar, ten­gallon stone.jar andVsixRgal~ n s~one Jar, If1Vewga~lon cream. i ~an, -eongoleumrug,cooking utensils and dl hes, Neutrowound slx-t~beradI~,.a,nd ,many otper

'. thin ~. .'~'\"'" ,) ~ I I r 1. 'I :,' 11.'~1"'-' ~,_~

U8.I,l~1 t.erms. pr.opertll must be 'sett.led for being re-Ilmov'd. .... . I " .. , .'. i ,"

jl fllANK ~ONAGEt, Qwner.i' w. H, ~f:,EL~.Auctioneer, i STATE~:'TIO!'l~L BA~~.~l~rk,

day, the three men walked to Con­cord"

Miss Clarice Erwin and MissVera Hogle, teachers at MyrtleCreek school, four miles east ofConcord, walked to the John Erwinhome two l\i1.iles south of ConcQrd,Friday evening. The girls had ahard time getting over the snowdrifts'.

J<lmes T. S<lunders, 52, of Db:­on, died' Sunday aftemoop at hishome after a we~k's Illness lNithpneumonia. M<lsonic funel'<ll ser­vice.'! will be held in Concord,probnbly this Thursday, and com­mittal will be in the cemeteryl!lerl'.

James T. Saunders was born inNebraska Januq.qv 7, 1884. Heowned and opefated a gr;)in ele­vator nt Dixon for several years.Mr. Saunders is survived by hiswife, Mrs. Cora Ruth Saunden;, I

and by three children. He alsoleaves three sisters and one broth­er.

Mrs. Saunders had just returneda few days before her husband'sillness from SioUx,.. City where shehad been with her year-old daugh­ter who was III six weeks in a hos­pital. The little girl Is better.

It was neceSSaI·y to go by teamfrom Dixon to Laurel Sunday fornn undertaker.

highways in excellent eond Uan facturing processes and discussing Gamble officials and manufactur~both going and returning. the features of their products. erst r~resentativcsaround the t('r-

The officials discussed "0 jec- During 1935 Gamble stores es- riiary to the five sectioned nlcct-tivcs for 1936." This tOPIC inel ded ta~liSheti approximately 250 au- iogs. At certain points it will be !le­all merchandising, advertising, dis- th riZCC.I a. gency stores. This brings cessary to hOO.k ~':l a SP~'Cl<:tl P!:g.ine J',~lay and stor:c plans for t,he ~om- til . total of agency stores to 1,110, and ,run the tram ,IS (l

lng year. The Des Moines me tlng all mdl\'ldually owned and oper- SPCCIOI. It w111 take tv,.o ah(] ont"W8S one of five simi1<.l.l· mee logs Iatqd. In addition to the a~ency haM weeks t~ eompletp Owbeing held in the middIC\f'CSt. stdres . which were established, schedule of m(,c~tngs, du.nng whIchThese will bring together )\,cr Gi.~mblc stores opened 11 of the!r time the.m~,n will prtletlc:llly "live1265 Gamble men rcpreS('1 ting lawn units the y.e<.ll". ThIS on a tr':l1n.each store in the organizatton. , expi.lTIsJOn program gives the (

G oJ g t '1 grand tot;)l .11•••.•••••••••••••••••!l,.Jolncluded, in these mcetmgs il am ~ or '-.\lllZLl Ion.' 1'- 'ddl ;r-merch'll1dise show presented it of 1,34.) rl'tntl outlds Il1 ,J ml e- •number of the largest W0.stern st8te~. . . . R E ·

J ers supplying Gamble Tw.o spf'['l<ll <llr-COndllloned oy :Mrs. ennie Wagner Will The l"c]Jl"l'SentiJtJ\TS (If tl)('se slcl'plllg" cars ,-l11d .a complete ,bag- • •

Be Buried in Concord panH'1i h<lV(' rooms ,It 1jH' g<lge c,lr full or ~ll,ll1uf<lcturers ex- :

Mrs, J::n~:W::g:::~ 73, and ~;~:~n~J~~;c ~~:~'~~\'tc~~~::~, :':~:~~:~~:~'~::~:::~: ..:; 5eadyday rcsident of Concord, died ---~~. ,5:: Vogl & i:.i


: Johnson ·February 9 in ~ Sidux City hOSPlt~l.ll WANTRD _ I ..

Funeral. servl.ces were held In R('liable Men SIOUX City ~aturday and the B}' National Organization

body ~aB brought to .Allen to wait Must be' now ('mp!oyt'd. h,-/ve I,:. Z-Ichl !I,:.untJll.oads o.Ikned thiS ~eek when Joresight, fall' CdUCCltlUll, mc- _committal \jllll be mnde m Concord chanic,ll II1C11n;11IOns, ;md i be I. .1.

cemetery. willing to trDin in spare time or 1= =1= AuclOloneerC'venings to qlJ[tll1'y <IS INSTAL_ • • •

D· M D- LATION and SERVICE ('xpc~ds I! General • =IXOI1 an le~ on all IYPl'S of El('ctrJc Rl'fl'ig_ I;: : I.

eratOl's and Air ConditIOning I~ A. ::AtHo~eSunflay l'quipmenLI"(Jrinl('l"\l('wwl'ik, I::. uclloneers ::••••:

~i[~;~~g ,Ige and presl'nt Ol't'uftl-

Masonic 'Fune~al Rites Willi Utilities Engineering Institult(' 1.!If you are planning a • _Be Conducted In. 404 S. Wells St., Chi{'ago, m. I. !farm Hale or any other • _

Concord. 1'------------'i5 ikind of Ralc, ~;ee U:->. We : i..-----------------""':'" • will be at the \Vayne __

: is a I e pavilion every::: 'Monday when we will : I:- he pleased tn talk over ••: your IlPpdH and arrange : =• for your ~al('.'i. - •

1= =1:i: Our successful expen- : i:• ,ence in handling sales is .1.: offered as our best rec- : :: ommendation. - • :: ~

: CALL OR WRITE : : :: EITHER : 5 :

Wayne, Nebr. Ii. Carl Vogt i.lli. ::e ye~::I~::er~:~:e::. i.• A t Pender r I . I

Leave your dateR at the I: :: arm sa es a speela ty. e.'"State National Bank qr 15 OR. 515 For dales see Ihe Wayne:

FIrst NatIOnal B,mk nr i: Adolph ZIehl :i: Herald or call 11·24 5WIth the Wayne Herald. 15 ' 51 5 Concord, Nebr. :

N7tf [. At Wlsner ..' •c:.: I. ._ .-=::::::~--------~ ••••••••••••••••m....... ...~~~~~

Southwest Wakefield E I R----:-d(By Mrs, Lawrence Ring) ar y eSI ent

Evelyn Victor' visited Mrs, He,'- Of Concord Diesbert Green Sunqay afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs; Chnlincey Aglervisited at Cnrl Sundell's Sundnyafternoon."


Funeral Rites AreSunday At Hoskins

Winside train service was im­proved the last ,part of the week,but no tl'uin \>,;as <.lble tu getthrough Monday.

, I =11111111111111I111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111'IlIIIIIIII!IIIIIII'I'lllll,111111111llllllllllllfo:

So~1. II O. E. S. Meeting.

~.:::~~~:;:lU....~;'1 O. E.'S.. planned a rqgulm meet-II i 1 ,II :'!', ]1 ing M,ondny cvening *t the lodge

f\f~':, ¥r~. J:ier n Podo I hall. I

~~re ltfNor~qlk rrld8Y

f., ~rr:r' ~avenport w~ in Wayne Club Meets Toda.y.

'b,I~t.,-w~lt 'W~~sday. . Mrs. B. M. McIntyre will be':, :~o~m' 'McI~tyre we In Wayne' hostess this Thursday to members G<lebler and Neely,' morl.iclnn<;. Th~c;~~~~ r~s~:~~rid~~ t~~t ~~~~

la..~~.:i;k ~~~~~S~sp~nt Sunday ~fSI~h.1~~~I~~:~~'s ellll~ ~lt '-I cO\'terd ~~1~;r~ct(~fH.~~~ii~\SS~~\~i~;~ f~)r l~:~~ dosed again Mbpday.mght WIth I nonal . ~~da.hl. _ Emil Kling which were held SUli- Mrs. Wesley f!l:ubeck W[JS aolHan~ Thqmse,n ISltE1d 1Il the. W. 1\1. E. Aid Meeting. day c\ftl'rnoon nt 2 o'cIock .it '.he luncheon guest of Mrs. Lnwrence

13., ~ei·ner ihome undny e\'emng. Mrs. Burt Lewis and Mrs. W. l~, Kling home. Mr. Kling passed Rilng Wednesd<lY <lfternoon.~;'F. qa~bler: came ;from. North Scribner were hosteSSes Tuesd·l',. awny last \\'l'ck Wednesdny. Bolli,ll Faye <lnd Vi.rginia Sandahl have

Plat~e, ,Satur y to sp€'nd Sunday nfternoon t6 membdrs .of 111~' was in the Hoskins cemetery. een in town since Wednesday.wl~'his ·fQ ly. ~ Ladies' Am at the Methodist church Deceased was born in Swc,lcn hey ~lre stilymg with the Wm. A.

, ',~rs;'_~ha es Robe~t~ came- ~rom parlors. After regular' work ,md J:H1UClry 22, 1857 and was ageQI 'Il) Meyers.N~rfol~ Su, day. to 1JISlt her SIster. social timL', l'efl'e~hrncnl::; years, 21 (b.v::; ,It the time of h,; Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Lupduhl

" }'41~ Bess Hew. served. dl'ath. He IS slll'\"i\'cvd by his WJf~, and Glen went bob-sledding und~', ',. i~· ..and ~r~. Harry .Nelson. and Mrs. Ann,-l Sophia Kling, three sons spent ~unday in the Mel,jin Lur-:;~faV'ilY were ~l~ner.guests Sundt.Jy Entertains Sunday. ;md two daughtel's, Mrs. Hans Han- son home. ', in.L~Qe, Carl Jensen home, Mr. 'and Mrs. Gene Boyd cntl'r- :>cn and 1\1rs. Chris Ma'ls. I Lawrence und Wallace Ring re-

~i~.Adalio.e Prince, ~i~s Eth~l tained Sunday' evening' at ('~ll'ds ~~ : turned from Omaha Thursdaya."d,Ml$S Dorothea Le?"ls were m ,md a sociCll 'time. Guests were ML Remains Vel'Y III. morning having gone there with:wa.y;p,.e ..SatUrday.evenmg. . nnd Mrs. Ed. Granqui~t, Mr. Mrs, J. P. Douthit. remains \'C'r)' cattle for Wednasd<lY's market.

\ MISS :F'reda WeIble who attends Mrs. Thorvuld Jacob~C'lI1 and Ml'. ill ,It 1H'1 humc IH'I"('~ Bud Killion walked out frnmth.e,~.ayn.ecollege .spent the week- and Mrs. Alec Gqblet'. 'The hostess ~ town Saturday und visited untilen~ m the Ed. Weible..lD.ome. served, tit 'the clos,(' n£ 1Iw plP,I:i- Has ck!>J~e)On NeCk.. Sunday afternoon in the home of

'., Mr~. G~ney Behshoof went to ant evening. Willi'lOl Priiw,e-Is suff{'ring ffom his sister, Mrs. Hollie Longe.:'. ~Wayne: Saturd~Y tu sper:d n f~w a painful (,<1rbu~clc on his nC'ck. D. T. Buckley of Carroll with~YS WIth ~rs. H. D. Ad_~lson. Coterie Club Meeting. a loud of· cattle fbI' Sioux City wus- Mf· and Mrs. W. '~i: ~erner, Mrs. Gurney BenshoQf \\'flS h031- Mr. Siman's ~tothCl' Improved. stalled a~ Jack Soderberg's Tl~urs-,~e)l ~nd Betty. VISI ed I? th,; ess last ThursdClY to tncmbers of H. E. SlIl1,-1J),_.hl'lved home thc day <.Jnd IS still unllbk to procetrd utJe~s !h?r horne Friday evenm$.. the Cbterie club. Tho following first of till' Wl'l'k rl'om 'Stcw;ll'ls- this writing.

Mr· ~nd Mrs. Jer:s Thor, FranCIS were guests: Mrs. W. R. ScribllC'l. vilk, lnd .. wJll'rl' Iw lwd gOIlt' the The C. L. Bards visited in theand~~~c were Fnd~e af~ernoon l'yfrs. J. G. Neely, MI!s. Ed. Bahe, ThuI'sdilY ht'!'ol"(' tll Vi;;lt hI;; moth- Eldor Ring home Sunday. Mr. Ring1Ne~ m the W. B. rnel home. Miss Bess Rew Mrs {1 A MltteJ- ('r who \\"1.,, Ill. Word re- returned Snturday from u month's~i~ He~en Pfeiffer and Miss stadt and Mrs.'H. D'. \4.·ddi·son, tht' ceivcd by Mr;;. st,Jtes tlwt stay in the hOSPltCil j.Jnd is gettll1g

1!tu~h .. Schll1dl~r were Sunda;y last named of Waync.'IGuest prize Ml'. SlllliJ!1·.'-' moOn'r i~ much im- around on crutches.gU~~,1nthe Clint Trou~man home. \vent to Mrs. Bahe :H1d: h1gh mem- pnlw'd. Harley Bard ~llld J<tmes Ericson. ~r· and. Mr:s . Elmer R~dford, bership prize to Mrs. L: F. Gaebler. have joined others previously mon-

'. WJlb.J:1~, ~nd Dale spent Sunday The luncheon tables were <l1T,lnged tioned as house guests this week in

evenmg m the Fred Bra~er .home. in the valentine motif With rC'd IEH UR<H ESI the E. E. HY]Jse home. All re-1! .' LeaI?' .s~ent ~~p~st week carnations as centcrpic'ces. Mrs. " mained over the week-end.

'hni Nd·orfolh~ VlSIMting aCht e Ro~e of Cora Brodd is hostess in two w{'(');;s. . Miss Alma Lauteub,lUgh was at

:;., S' aug er, ·rs. a. 0 e:ts. .: the Edgar L<lrson home for the

i.:\:) I' ,)'dr ~~d MrsdsCla~ ne: Witte St. Paul Has Quilting. Immanuel Reformed Church. second successive week-end be-j~;l~k~ba~ ymovfe M unAYp~.r:ms Membcls of the St T\llll Luth- (R('\'. Ch:1S. Riedesel, Pastor) CaUse of drifted roads between~i1rri'mMis~ ~~ln~ JO:~ f ~a;:;: etan ChUi cll Aid Iud qulltmg Tucs- No sl'l'vices were held the past here. and her .~ome ~t Winsi,df'.

visited Sunday WIth h r grand- day, WedncsdclY, Thm SddY ,md Ft 1- Suncluy bUd use o[ blocked 10dds M.I. [tid. Ml s. ROIlJe.L.".nge, Dud" r ts M d M PDt day of last week Ml s Aifl cd Kop- SundLlY. Ff'bl'Ual')' 2;3. Sunday Killion, Ray Agler, Jf., Mr. und~t.en I r. an rs... au - 1m was hostess Tuesday and MI s school elt 10 30 A:'Irs. Ed. Sandahl, Mnrwn ilnd Mor-

M Fr d Ulrich wb had bee Otto Stender, M1S Rufus M,lnn, Prcaching sCl'vice :1t 11.:W. rIS v.:ere 1\1 the W. C. Rmg home·n r~th e n rMrs Hemy Von Seggern and M1SS _ __~ for Sundl<lY dmner and supper.I d

Wl~netumbol1la, IS eC~V~l~~g Velda Wltt{' welc gues~s The host- Rulph Ring was there over Satur- TrailiBringsSupplies

~n IS a e a e up a nr 0 e ess sel ved On Wednesday Ml S J I WOlh IclilY nigh:t and fm- the day abo.r:' d ~ B B h f d C Sehmode was hostess and MISS I ur The f<jmily ::md relatives of the To Concord SundayBev:~tnweressu~~a ei~ o~'cl~~k Fleda Dangberg served fOl hel (By Staff CorrespondC'nt.) blP Alftf'd Haglund have tl:e . p • Lied y t th ~ d T Mrs Wilham Sydow W<lS hostess symp,lthy of the l'Dmmunlty m Concord had a tram throughh~nn:r gues Sine I~ lampe Thu.rsday to members and t?C f01-, Willilnl U!r'c!i:e spf'nt Sunn<lY af- thell bC1lc,1vement Dcce<lsed dur_


Sund,lY <lftel noon at 3 Clftel bemg

N ~i;S ~e~~a Horn~y}nd ~~s ~;:.ngJ~~sest~i~~~' ~I~: P~:~e~~tI~l~~~on In th(' .1Il'.nl".v 0chnwder ~:sh:~c~:~~g I :1~ld~~)~~r~l;lt~Jl~~ m:I(:ls(~ ~::~hl~l;e I;:I,~l~e~~~~~h~I~~:lg~~~~Sd.;:~~ co~ege~~~~ee~ 1.J;~~r; Sat~ ,FI:er. ~1'S. F~·ed Tramp_e enter-I Ed.' <imd Lloyd Dunkl<lu were school ,md hiS gcm') (Jus m<lil, nlso u cal load of coal Theurda • 't~llned Fnday. ~he fol~oWIng were Sunday dinner gu{'sts In tlw Hurry dnd ndlul( \\111 Iw gtC',llly town w<!s out of sug,u, blead .1I1d. M~S Margaret' Gabler Monte g~ests: Mrs. Dlmmel,' JYIrs. Jess Kay home. 'I yeast A snow plow cleaJed the

Davenport and Junior Br~ne were IWltte, Mrs. Otto Schtlelder" Mrs. Mrs. Dnve Hmnel' nnd Miss frma I WdY Sunduy noon ~here·from the Wayne college .to Rufus Man?, Mrs, HUbert Fleer Von Seggern we'l"e Saturday aftel'- I ~~ ,spend' 'the week-end with home and Mrs. NI~k. Hanse~1i..The wom- noon guests in the H~y Day hOllle. CONCORD I Teleph~nl'J M~tmg. I 'folks ..··, ~n s~en1. the time qUl1~lBg for tlH' Mrs. Hale lS st~lymg- at the Stockholders mcetm.g of the r1 ALE~'

l\{ f '. I . fJurch at the parsonage. George OUe honw while Mrs. OUl' (By Miriam Huse.)",/ Itelephone company whIch \V[lS to I . "J, rs.. Her~an ~ eer spent a ~ is recovering from nn operation in be Monday, has been postponed. ,-

~~u;;;= ~fa~rY~r~:t~~~ ~f~~:. ~;~( Bank Pays Ul~t ,1 Wayne C. SWanson spent Sunday inl the 1 S h I R~~ HT I . . D"'d d Til d MI'. and D~lve Hamer <}nd Frank Carlson home I C 00 csumes ere. \_A

routm?n and mfant are getting lVl en Illrs .ay sons and lVIlss 11'ma VonSeggern Verna K;acmer: sp~nt Thur~day Conco~d school o,?ened Monday 1 , ----._,Ialong mcely" called in the August Kruse homf" tl H; St 11' h Elftcr bemg closed for a werk Mrs. Clint Tl'outm<ln, Winside's defunct Merchunt's Suturday afternoon'.' In Mi11~nide~~~ Haaze~n~al'~s~~'s~('nt I account of the storm.

MISS VI.rgl~1U and Jan:es Troutman State Bank paid out a 5 per cent Mrs . .John Dunklau,is staying Thursd8rin the Herman Kai hqme.1 ~~ ,and MISS .Ruth Schmdler were dividend last Thursday. The bst Wlt~1 the Frpd Beckman childn~n Lillie wallson WClS n guesl in Goes To. Hospital.

fterflOon gues~ at the payment brought the tot<ll to date whde Mr. Clnd Mrs. Beckman are the Henr Rastede home last Wed- Albert Lehm~n who was on ~he I \

an htJme. up to 65 percent. 8.t Jame!:! McIntosh's. nesd<.lYI' 'ca~t boun~ tra& Sunday evel1lr:-g As I have decided to quit farming, I will sell at public audion at my place on

~ l:~s~f~~:a~~e~~~~Donald Ka(z Is so~r·D<~~fd,M~~dD~~sHi~::r~~~ sp:~' ;::da~rr~ ~:lt~~b~:~et~~ ~~~{~fi~l~lOu;und~;w~~~s~~.lle~~ Seventh street, eight blocks east of Main street, Wayne, on-the ,Commercia;l hotel to Seggern were Sunday afternoon man home. Leh~an was to. enter St. Joseph S d f b

'eMrs, William Hoffman house in Defeated In Bout gU~sts in the Irve Reed home, Ge,lhie ond Lillie Swanson spent hasp, to! fa>' med,cal care, " aturay, e.·29the .~ast part of town. Edward und Lloyd Dunkl.,u took Friday morning jn the Hermy

Mrs. Tho;rvald Jacobsen, Mrs. Donald Katz who WllS in Sioux Mrs. Fred Beckman part way to Blohm home. News In Primary Room.Ed.:Granqurs~ and Mrs. :W. H. A. City last Wednesday ~nd Thurs- James McIntosh's SundClY. Mr. Mrs. Colleen King of Whiting, Washington's birthd,'I,Y will be

1'_ :V(i~tlel~',palled in the J.iP. Dout- day participating in the Golden Beckma.n who had been at Mc- la. came Sunday to visit a few observed Friday aftc:rnoon withi.'I:~ h~..t.:."~Oh1... '.~~.' .. eve~ihg to. see £t;loves tournament, wor his mateh Intosh'~ since Thursday, ~.e1. MI:s. d<J;s in Ie George King home. stories, poems and posters in pri-! : ~rs!":tlO~thlt:y{ho IS qUltb ill. W d d i ~d d Bcckmun.1 They had to tl,lVel 1\1 Bernic and Lester Forsberg mary room of Concord schooLI'; ,e. A. Jones ,who had spent, ~e=tel~ri;yS:~~f~~a~1 T~~~sd=; bobsleds. ' were Su day afternoon guests in in-

" :;t::k;; t~~o~~~i,gwth~ ~lJve~~~~g~l~s~~ald was ilfl the light- Sunshine Club. th~~~{j ~~~~r;~~ ~~~rto ~est Genevieve Johnson brought

is jl~..: Iplanne?- to go th~ first of Sunshine club which was ~to have Point an Lyons last Thursday. Mr. 1·~~~~~. ~~' ~~~ ~i~~~I\~~~~~~I:y7 inthe week to her. home at :ael?cn. Called To Grand' met tod<lY with Mn;. Roy J ierson, Doesehe returne.d Tuesday.

H ry Do th t h has been postponed. No ti e has W ld E d V~

ca:~ rece !~l/ ;:;b~' 7sland By Death been set fqr the meeting.' Kra:me~1 'wer:w~und~~ evei1~~~ Concordia Lutheran Church.

~(Rev. C. T. Carlson, pastor)a.rents, r.· a~d , - I guests inl the Henry Blohm home. Q' . S d F b

Douthit, for .til;ne are Mr. and Mrs. Earl ~outhit who Mrs. McIntosh III. C. M. ¢lark <lnd Donna, and Miss umquageSlma un ny, e ru-th'7 Thorvnld Jacobs'en dame from Hastings I st week to Mrs. James McIntosh has been Ruby Sc})ulcr were Sunday dinner my 23:

. I : tie with the former's other, Mrs. ill since Friday. Her dau~hters, guests in the Albert Nelson home. Open portals, "In the cross of: Miss: Ethel Lewis, teacher in dis- J. P. Douthit, who is ill,lwere called Mrs. John Beckmnn. and Mr.s. Fred Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Day and Christ I glory, tow'ring or the

'I.r.,.'ct. ~~.,.'a. nd Miss Lozein., Bail..'.d, to Grand 'Island sa.turkiay by the Bc~kman, are St3Yll1g. thet and Evelyn j'nd Bobbie were Sunday wrecks of time," by John Bowing.•.. 1tea;~~r ,J~the ~m. Kar~ school, sudden death of Mrs. !Earl Dout- carm~ for h~l'. Mrs. Mclnto h was evening guests in (h~ Will Wall ~~~~a;t~~~o~~s:~n;~.:~~~iebe-

ill,: l,art7- ~J1r~din'g thl.S week With th~iJ: hit's brother. A telegr~m received .!::ttel .~~t of the weel home. ' fore property," Luke 8:26 to 37.'·.I.Parenfs., 'There IS no school this heJ;¢ late Saturday night stated .~~- Hazel, Minnie find 'Opal Carlson Morning worship at 11.!'I~~tJ~ either diS.trict ~ecause lof that 'the Earl Douthits I1ad reaChed. Directs PastUla Con est I and Iren Erwin sI;lent Tuesday' aJ- Pastor C. E. Haterius, traveler,I ,the' eather ahd road co~ditionsJ theilr destination. They jwent by car . . . . ternoon f l<lst week in the Henry writer' and lecturer, will be here<> M.tss Lucille Brune c~me from from Winside to Gr<lnd·lsland, Anderson home. Thursday evening, February 27, at

Win.n~~;;J.go la~t Thursday to spend J Fred Matthies spent last Wed-a few, days i~ the William Brune B d Roads Dela'u nesday ttvening itt the Rudolph :~r~.eo:U'~L~~~ ~~ ~lj~~~:st.~~~~~~home..'No .school was held Cit Win- N',ew OperatA,,.r.,'H'ere Swanson Ihome. Mr. Matthies Was will be a rare treat. If}'le can't take

,nebFigq·.all wee.k because of c<Jld 'IJI also the~lFriday., I a trip to sweden, t1J-e Land.,of Vik-,v.reathcI'i but MISS Brune was un- I - I I Melvi ;and Wl:l-llace Magnuson . d d!able~to get to 'Wms~d~ uribl ThuIS- Mts Evelyn Horn IWlll come and Mr. nd Mrs. Herbert Echten- ing will come to us 1n wor un, , I J I picture. The public ·is invit~.,daY''' fro Waterbury to talt~ charge of kamp W re Sundr:Jy dinner guests

Ruby, Dale and Cecil Harper the mSlde telephone ¢xehange as I in the A vid Peterson home. tr~~.d:o·ast~:aic~~~~lt:t c~~~have' 'light housekeepmg rooms at soo~ as weather perVuts. MISS Mjss T ckla Golt;lberg spent Sun- northwest have 'b€'en contrary forthe 'Mn. A. Pfisterer horne. The Hor planned to begin work the da;y even 'ng in th~ Lee Ellis hOthe. a long time and have made tiv'eryyoung:f91ks live ~n Brenna precInct fIfte nth of the month tut was de- I Miss Go dberg a~ 0 spent 'activity difficult but ,prisoners ofand. had been gOmg bacl{! and forth layetl because of bloc wd hlgh- day nfte, ndon WI h Mrs. Adeline hope have a hope that spring isuntIl cold weather set 111. They will way~. MISs Horn and h r aunt Will Nels~r:-:' , • comill~,' Spring may not be.' jw;t

ca~~II~u ::~s~~teCra;oc;na:oB;:~~o~ around th~? corn~r but. is on the

, the Rey; ~C.~!T:""Car1son home for wal~nday mor ing worship was~ a ~ew a :ys..."qchool was closed on held in the par~onage last Sunday.

I a.~Mt~n(~ ~;~~i~O~~~\eaches at Confirmation may ~e nt' the\ par­A;~le~ris"nt H6fu~'~t the ~ohn ,'Et- sonage Saturdarto9.30 a. rd.~.\V;n 'hom . Her' .<hoo] has been Orvlolle Tuskl'nd Isclosed t 0 weels:s and there i~ noschoollh re this week, The bts,,, H()ine From Meetingca~~~~~ ~~;~be~:il~~~na

to;~:t:~ Orville T~ldndt manager of the

~innc,r g est in ~e Ed. F!?rB~e~g lo~al :9Am:b1e store, r~turn¢ Sat:-

~~.eRt~ e~~o~s;~e:~~i::/b~~ ~~~~:~Q~eD~t~ol:~bu':~er:a~~" ,e, E~it~l ! Foro\>b€'rg r.~d ,io~. '~t the'Mr.,and rS. <::ad Gunnarson rid '. hotel on,Fehru-Villa, "" 1 . t which time rep-

,John aylorand Charles Ne sdn resentIltlves from' ench Gamhleaccompa ied Floyd Reynolds I to stbre and agency i~ this dlstr,ict

~t\?~T~l ;s~~~~q~'~h~C~a~~ 'J~ ,~:ln:~~t~tr~i''G~~:~~~~d ~;~R:~:,~~e\v:~i~·~:;~P\?~:r:tat~~re ' ~~~aW~f7:td:e,1,s~~·

Page 11: Herald (1888-Prese… ·  · 2014-02-02HERALD "• 1"'1' I ·1; • I" WAYNE: ! I i I , FAMILY CIRCLES ARfE~~:~f:~~.fJER


Hell In the Muskeg.

G As~~~~S~~\~e:'~~~c~~~n~~:~ I~~~:self. !\eal'!J), the millIOnaire deni­er In mines and his fastidioutildaughter scraped the raw sldes otthe sis caribou skins lind rubbedthem wltb the wooIng mixture ottat, ll\'er and brains, Om til hIllttold them they could either tlln Hieskins, or walt for him to uO It. l1n.til the tannIng had Lcen finished.the trIp out "QuIll not begIn.

lIr. llfimi!l was so keen to stnrtbaek for ('i\ Illzation thnt he weillat the dlsngreellble tusl;; with en·ergy and rletermlnutlon. l..iJltll notoIlly workell CIS \ ig-rjrotl$l)' as !J('tlather, she showell a real Intere!ltIn the tannIn;:.

Boxby toolc no part In this prell­aratton of the sldns. Wheo he camedown to the ('limp from the 'Plrtl­Inurn plneer, the 81gilt or hisfluneee's doing stich SflUUW \\"01'11;struck him speechless. He stnre'lIn blank amllzement. Whell 1\,t Irutlie found his \'olee. he Slurted lbthreaten Gfil'th: ,

"You've gone a bit too fnr. JOUroughneck. Stand up, or I'll li.1l:k)'OU up. I am goIng to-" ~

, The girl ol'Oke In, with cool scorn:"Tune off, old oear, You're set onstatfc. It's not Inlerferen('e we wnnt.Dud and I nl'e giving this perforfu..unce under our own dir~t1oa rOilsee, It's a hurgnln. Alnn lJ'gT@es tdstart our trip- out just as soon a.these skins nre all talln~d.'·

The miulng eD~'ueer .()l·ew bnck."So soon as thnt My de-ar girl. Ithe's going to I'ush us oft', [ dob'tsee bow I can spare aOF t1Ple hen"In compo I haven't )'el samplell nil .!

the areu of the pIncer." ,ITn liE: CONT1NVEOJ




PAGEmE '\ease ftow threatemng the Amerl- sClously Or unconSCiOusly, the stu­can pUblic, according to Miss Janet dent, talker, or bndge player ISTobltt, English gIrl gUider, who 1S settmg up barrIers to the soundstemporanly actmg as mUSIC dlrect- com1Og over the air."or for ~he girl scouts, New York. The art of listenmg is one on

"Never," saId MISS Tobltt, "has which MiSS Tobitt IS now concer­any country been offered such a tratmg 10 her work With the gIrlrich and Vital mUSical fare as thiS scouts.IS throua-h the radlO But you can- MISS ToblU summed up her ad­not gorge on musIc any more than vice to radIO llsteners under threeyou can on food wtthout gettmg he£lds. DOn't abuse the wealth themdlgestlOn, In thIS Case the mdl- radiO offers you. Turn on the f'SdlOgestlon IS aural." only when you can iJsten. DOn't

Thc averagc hOU6ehoid 111 turn on Jazz ImmedlDtely after uAmenca, In M~ss Tobltt':; cxpen- symphony concert.cnce, do£'\S not know how to listen. Girl scoutmg prOVIdes a varIetyThe Jumpr members turn on the of actIVIties for 384,000 girls fromradIO, wlillie they do their home 7 to 18 years of age, The member­work, It 51'llgs unheeded, whtle the ship lncrebsed 10 percent In 1935

Ite building. Chma, mCldentally, parents' l\mdge game IS gomg on, and 569 percent in the past fiveIS made of clay, WhICh comes from and the fact that a symphony con- year3- Scoutmg mcorpora1es men­feldspar, which may be seen in cert is in progress rarely prevents tal, phYSical and character.devel-any and all gr3mte, anyone from talkmg, If he chooses opment actlvllles,

"The sense of hearmg blunted,"Aural indigestion is a new dis- MISS Tobltt 8ald, "because, COI1- Read the Herald Want COlurri'n.

Baptist Church.Sunday school at 10 a. r'nLadleS' Aid meets next Wednes­

day with Mrs. James Eddie. Themectmg with Mrs, E, L. Pearsonat the Claude Balley home lastweek was postponed,

Congrega.tional Church.Sunday school Sunday If wcath­

er permits,Lddles' Aid dId not meet last

Thursday because of the weather.

Have Valentine Party.Pupils of district 65 and MI~s

Edna Phillips enjoyed a ValentinE'party Friday, havmg games, ex­change of Valentmes and treat.

Sn0"Y and sub·zero weather ha~econtinued_ th~ pa~t wcek, causingvery little activ1t)1 10 thiS Vicinity,Though supplies have been low Qtseveral times, new ones have ar­rived in time to prevent any wl­fering.

la~i~~~~~s:ee:: I~~i~gt~~e~~~d t~~Winside was In gqod condition Ull­til Thursday mght when Wind

February meeting of CarrollWoman's club has been cancelled.Mts. Ed. Trautwein entertall~s

March 12. Mrs. Geo. Gaslull ~s

leader and Mrs. W. E. Jones has,charge. ...of music--hNE\braska birds~nd nests will be deSCribed for rollcall, and "Neb!'askn, My St81(o" ISthe study tOPiC,


Inclement WeatherI Cau'ses Hardships

III Snow and Cold HandicaJActivity in Vicinity i

During Week. I

\Their trucks were dug out of tJ~ ¢lllCted It shut ngam. The plow [Chapter of Daughters of Americanbanks by Saturday. and crews of men opened the hlgh~ Revolution. The subject is ~$s fo!~

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mil s ivay agam by S<ltmday and Sun- lows: "Sl1ould the Umted ,statesmoved t,heir household goods fro 1 ~ay mght S :l-mch snow dnfted it IIncrease Its National De~ense?rooms in the Elgin Tucker fes - qlosed agmll ThIs rop.d IS being Why?" Essays shduld not ~xceeddence to the H. L. Harm('l' far Itept open .IS It iurm.;;hes Carroll 600 word" ~l11d ale to be fimsl)ed bywhere they are staymg for a tlln~, ~1e best outlet tlllough the dufts Apr~t 17, Fu&.t pdze IS $250 and

Peter Hansen who is III at h~s \ 'blch Ul e 10 feet deep 1Il many second ~s $1 in cas1' :home here, remams Dbout tl~e dces, The !Jall1tall1er worked Coach Neal Gru ,1;1 has ol'g~nizedsame. Mrs. Hansen, who carne s utb Monday, grade boys into b sketball squadshome from the Wnyne hospital ;:It- ~ Carroll wus lthout coal supply to play games prelimmary to theten1.'C'Cl"yn, operation, is Improvi1g ne day but en h home had some. regulat· ones in Which the I high

aturda) I1lght s tn1ln brought a school teams take ~rt TJ:;lese(grudeJohn Jones who underwent ;:In r1C\" cal'1o<1d and ~]1l' coal was par- teams are the fol OWing: Comets,

operation for appendlctIs m Wayn!:', 4elled out Suncl<,lY ml

500-pound Orvld Owens, BlI y Love, AlvaIS up and around agam. Maldwyn Mots, Many dl 0\ C 111 wIth sleds to Bonta, Stanley tanton, WJlhs St. Paul Luthe;rlan Church.JOl}es has becn there domg John's smull ~uPJJI\es of eOd] to the Frcdlwksen and Mbrvm Davl:s,"Go- (Rev, C. E. F,edrl'k"en. Paotor) ~ look rllls\' Ilt the cnrlbOll at the hosp\tal while the Allothel, C,ll of conI W.IS Getters, MarIOn Glas~, FJverett ., '" "l'ou !:lee lht'y lire blllr, oot tur.btter IS l'ccupelahng, Maldw,Vn 11('10 Mond;l:r DaVIS, Gerald Bonta, RobettFrdn- Sunday :;c11001 ut 10 <l, m. CAUGHT IN THE WILD !lul eH'IY lUll! Is IwlJulV. NOUlluj,;pl~nned to'return UH.' fm;t pi thIs Fuod SUpp]IC:; Idl1 l(Jl\\l the 1<1\>t CIS and Vernon Garwood, Globe ,Enghsh sen'lces at 11 a. m. ~~I~~,a:~ee~\i;:~~~:~o~~~li~Ot~~~IU;lllt~week. ~f tht' \\l('k \\lWll Carroll hnd no TI'OHers, Floyd MulrtJn, Alton Jen- po~t(~~I~~~ A~~leOfw~~~nw~~~1 ;~~ Iy ROBERT AMES BENNET lic \\Olll, That Is \\hy~I trIlled SIS:

'r",IMrs~ Rarold Bonta. " _MaTy ~'lhams, Oll\"c GllffIth h alH sel \ I"(~ F'IIHdY flour and kms, LeRoy DUffY,IHm Ian Gl1hrke, I d ,jiY bably meet next Wednesday With WSUServlce Copyright by Robert Arnu Bennet nu", ns!e,1 of one. 'Oil lliHe Dever

MI~S Ar <>ne Roe ~pent the w,eek1 and Velm WJ1liams, high se ho01 \\ Cl ( tlH most n('~'rlcd items, Theodore Jones (It Melv!U Har- I!;;=:;;:;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~wintered In the r.;orth."pd in Wayne With her grand-I :students, wdlked !Uto CUI roll 110m :;uppllt" .1111\ nl S,ltUI delY l'meleI, dnd TIgCIS, lek Jone~, Eu- Ml s Martm Paulsen hostess. " :\11', Hamill tt'1Jsetl fiS If proddellother Mrs, Emma Roe. I their bomes, a distance of fl~e I1 lgh t gene Littleton, Lmn ROberts~Dale .. SYNOPSIS tel'fcl'f'd \\tlll lluxhy's all·l!u,\· pAn '\\'!Iltl:'red? Yuu ('fiil t lIleun to In-lVIiss Viola Thom<ls opened school miles, Sunday afternoon to bc' 'I'll(' S.ltlll d.l)I 11 dill ('arne Dbout Funk and Clal Swanso, A Wayne School Men nlng Ollt of the plntJnllm alluy, He leI )OU ~X!Wd to sluy on Ilere. W~

district ,36 Mortd<ly-,after bein~1 there for their studIes thlf; wee,;;: 8 dnd \\l'llt UlIollgh hele on the ttophy will be pIC cntcd wm cr of G T St L . M P''l~I~,~.:'1I,~)nl~;~relhr'o)P\OlS~P~~,tT~1~;;!lCI~\7~ )lad Ilot e\en nsl.ed to lonk at tht' II,ne )our IJroulisc to tuke us our,"osed because o-f the storm. Mary is st.:,ymg 10 the E J. D;:J\'IS lctuln dl)Out 3 d, In, SunddY, the selU~S o[ g,llnC$, I 0 0 • OUtS, O. ,n ti, .. !,'u l\"orlh, a plane 1,"HI>; at take or 1))'et'I~'uS mNnl. VOotl "as Galth anl;l\cred 'Ir lwmlll: "Yo \I

·\V. R. Scribner has not come home, Olive in the MIS. Ann No (hU1Ch SE'I;V]C('S w('rc

1Cld In Cano!l busketb'lll plnyers Ilh,lve The SIxth annual convention of 'he <l11",I}lI <llnelgllncy lltatlou, In ,I llIrfel'ent owtter. Insleall of slloot hale my (lloIllJ~~-IIJ(Jre'lI the flit).

am \"v'inside to the local bank fori Hughes home ilnd Velin,~ MIlS Cal loll Sund;\y so to_..51l e nil thcJJ new SllltS. I I the Department of Superintend- t 01 e ll'lrlnt1 !{<lnlIJI, ITlIJllQt1all e Inor; another moose, he call1'l.I tlrOl1 .\ 1\ luter, II la 1:"I,IJlIO \\oulcl be'0 weeks, due to the weather. James EddIe. I poc:slblp ('0,11 /J~ I enef' IS bemg held thiS week at 5t "1,),,,1'; III l,.{",lt" his dau,;ht"r, 1.,1 Huxhv 10 jOHJ In II ('<1111>0\1 hunt. a .... ont!errul eXpelll.'n('e fur 1\1l~il

'.loy Tucker \vas iotccd to h~ave HlIl:t1 JOute'S nol lopernte Lions Club Tuesday. LOUIS, Mo, Dr, J. T Anderson, It/I'~II;;H~II~~~~:~ 1:;~il~~:ln;d~~ll1a~~ A bnntl or tht· big RIlJm:\ls Iwd Hnmlll. Howeu'r, she \\'Ul, uf

. ruck ncar Jnmes Stnn(on1s :l'(~gulaJ1y tl1(' lJ~lst w{'l'IL~arl of LIons club meets n('xt Tu('~day pr(!sldent of the Wayne Stnte ~~",~'II\~t-~1l1~7111~)~~\ne\ ~)~O~I~ct~:I'Ptl~~ ~~,J;~e(iO\~~~~J~ :~: ~~ln~:~~. t%~~I~~ ~;~~I~{'~c~~~~~~,rI~OIl:~JI~lt~J;:f~~\~~rJ:~,~night. The machine was lout('S \\dS mud(' cach ~aY and dt the Stl'ph('ns C:lf0 fol' lC/.llJlnr TCdchels Collr:gc, and Prof. 0 R. ,,)rlll>l ('Ialm alth"u1';~1 th .. y refer to CPlJnted 1.:i, He "IHted until tit£'

ut Fddny. m<lIlV f,llm~ls to own fOl ~CSSIOIl Bowen, socIal sCience and eco- 1~"Il:':,',"i~I'~\~~t~\~~~)~nL-I~I~~)'~;m~~~llllml came within j,j )lIrlls. Up IlP~:II~'kn'l:red: 'And rlll nr you!",. G, W, Yaryan is impl'oving thell own ,ll1d !1 Jghbot,s r' nomIC" msb uctor, left yesterday to " ".t'll I of 111'\ J lY.Z : age, plainly Well let urh'e, shooling rapidly) el "'I'll I,c ~1I1 e 'j Ii II 'lIw\e ull el>Jt:':'

I,iter hl;"r illness, The Ross Y~lr- m,lll, DauR"htcr Is Born. ;:lttend sessIOns relative to college ]'''IVI< Ilf'r fflillemllt f"r (;arth \lIth ('llleflli aim, One lifter fin j l' J I IrI,l ans spenl Sunday at G. W. Yar- Social Forecast. Tl'mpf:l,11llJ(,s hung bC'low ZC)O, A d::lUghtcr \V<lS bOln F'lld.lY to WUlk Dr Chas F. DIenst, super- :':~;n"'r-;.I'~('I~;I~I:'h:~~'~~\~ln~~I~.heH~}:~'); otlw!." dropped, ench with fl li\Jllel )ll~Ull~~l'~I~'lt'I~~'ll~l:J~\p(~~):J ~'IIj ~I~()~l::

I' ~,f 3n's and were dinner guests. I, O. O. F. mre'o (1,,0 n"nn,n" SUndd'l lH'II1'~ till' 36th tidY \\I]th Mr, dnd Mrs, Egert Lage of neal I Jntelldpnt of the Wayne high Lnd Il )nllll, Rrter 111,l\"nl';' 'ie\ernl t!J10ug-h the lif"ad. The stup1(J hf'!I!';ls )our father aml )Udl' lIunet! 11lwth.-r

I", I ( Miss Hunnah Mills came from 1..... .", h :>Ub-i't'lO 11'('I~)ds }~,lch OdY Uw Cdrloll, Ht the Hpnry Lng!' hnme school, nnd Dean H H. Huhn, sup- ';Rlth his claIm 1$ stllrel! In the ulre('tion nr the shnl'p dalJce to lillk me out ur my pincer..~~raYne Saturday evening by tram t!Wlmoml'tl'1 leglste\t>d flom 10 m town The 001('1 ('hilcl In I Uw clll1tendent of the Wayne tl,llntng but to "Cn<:O'llRge' repurtfl, Hut they cuuld 8ee noth, 111m" ~ ~u ttl ul I t

~:, i, 0 vl~1t in the Wm. Mills home over ~rs, Lev~,Roberts entol tn'~2 tlw to 20 below ll~ (.11 h mornmg Ldge f<lml]} IS .l boy I school, Will go to 5t Louis tomor- 1\~;:~I~I\~ ;: ~ll~~~iJ Ing. The sIxth \'l'ut do" n hpfnrc ~1:e:\1 Jckt.. llzle, \\I;I(~:' \\,~II:'en~;; '11J~~I unday. Sbe returned TuesdflY. LegIOn Auxllwry Feonldl Y ~ j. M,l11\ hOn;tfiS Iq){JltC'd fl ozen wa- row to <Jttend the hJgh school meet- lrNlf'hery, Carth the',"llJUe sun l\ OI'S wheeled nnd clot old pusr, \\p pUI t ('''llJjJun~ rOll lIll,1rl I Miss DoIis Jones and Miss Doro- - 1£1 dUI'lng the cold .<:pell Card of 'thanks, mgs '1'·1' n. Ilo.rt flDm 11lP tel'ed otT In pnnlc·strl('],en tUg-ht, HuxlJy "til Ihell lie [lee to go ns

!y Bartels were In Randolph be- Mrs Charles MIlls cntel t.lll1s til£' .md \\ Cl (' 1h,lwcd out as fa:;t We Wish to exPress our smqeJ'c 'R:",')', ~~~~,;~\;pr\, 111~1 u~l\~Y .. ~l~\~lbJ;:~~t.~ W~~~Ie 1~1\1~:Jnyg a~~~'I~~:lllt~~~~Jr c~~~),: far ns JOu ('an"

• weeQ trains Wednesday last week' Delta Dek bndge club :flldd\ \\ Jlh .IS pos"ILJlc /' appreClatlOn to frjends fOl t.ljtell Mrs. LucJl1da Cline of Wisner, "n I hlpl~ "hnn~(,!l when they • liut In tllfJ[ euse- Xo, )OU Cl1n t

I I 0 \iSlt II) the DI S 5 Gibson MIS Wayne EV~<; I,SC(hO,O! \\'(" l110t hcld ''"tl c<)rrOll\ m,"tnhY 'dlctsllof If,mdlhess at tdhcb

t~ll,mhc WIll be 104 ye,tr:'i old thIS month. ':'~Il""~I!~I;'I,1 t'ltl~~~"dl/;,la;n(' rf~;~; ~~!'~~~.lnI~n~;~W,tlt~~: ~~;I(I:~e~/\~~~ ~u[Jtkes~:~ s;u~~~~"'1;, t~ kl?l~: r~~~'~:'l ome. I h II Nu-Deal meeting l,lst 'T'hUI sdj\ d as WP(' { )pcause n H' snov.' ° (' ea 1 () {\U son an r - !VIIs. Chne IS not sure of the dute II ,t \l f' Tf i ~Ing- part 1 ~~

~ Mls'~FI"nk Pnr (el W 0 IS I , was postponed MISs Mvl( t Ho\l!'- dnd (olr! The schOol hdS plenty of PI', Elmel Frednc son, E::;pecl'lly but l,no\\'s that sh(' was foUl YC<lrs " ,~,,".' ,~~' ~~:/I,,,r~':"I;I'I~~; >;I~~ftfa~Ji~ ~:I:,n~il~~II~:I~~~ o~~'J~,;; \~"~'~~~t f:t~o~~ !1J~~IPt\~C~~'I:'g;~ll~,~d ~:~i:\I~;Jt.I ,us somewhat Imploved fust of kamp pl.lns to ('nt('1 t lin thl~ (, !l;l\ lng leC('I\€d d C,1l' m do we th ..nk thm:e who opened tue old th,ll1 hel blother who dIed four I nl"t~ '-"" 11m! \If> I~ theIr onl~ gUf\lI, Ainu! \"n'll1l1, )011 ClIn g-o "\\'lwt t! )OU tal,1! lIJe lor? YOllr

ne week. Mrs Dave Sylvanus and Thlllsday JdnuLll)', but It IS dIffIcult to heat snow-blocked loa s Ml. ;lnd 1\115 y(',lrs ;lgO at age of 96 'n'" In J.;u"lIngo lll"111 Ollt or the liuck to )our nlJlllllg, Dad and I brnud or golll JJg.,:el'! uod, )liJ\1.'91- e CliffOld Par!ters me \\Ilth hel tilt' b\lIldlllg 'i\'lth d hIgh north IChns Frednckson llnd f.lmily. ~,'~d\IW nUIJ;JI:J1~~~~'llsJJ]~r~~l~~i~~: I\lll help 111.'1'1'," tit!! nubbIn of It all. It'B tbe ~t,t.'fnuCh of the time,.l Royal Neighbor nnd lLl\'PI1\I!<' wlIld M'll1y·stlldents flOrh rUl',d -- I Northwest Wayne I'll II'" 11'lp H,'Ill"! [1lnl Her father called out 11 panting- son why men lIke )OU amI

".' Perry, Jmvis and Rooert Eddie dlstllctswrlCU!1ablctoleDchtovvnl Moving tOicarron. J< J.~ 11'\ll-'hl" ,n,,~l be hulene,1 (II SlIC'''"p3t!on lor llUXllY to I\alt ant! lose out. Ynu \\ul'shlp Ihe gnlut!l1,vere stuck in snow dnfts south- :::~I,ne~:u~~~~P~~~Jt;;~~~;~~o.;:I~~~ to dH('nd $('\eldl w.llked some .Tohn M. Peters n moved go~ne (By Staff Correspondent) 1"" hll'l'I,lp~ ,Jllf' 1'1 1'" tl',lr tOI)' ea7~y du\\n u ](l!UI"(f lIlent. ('alf. \et I\hat \alue Is thel'e to

: east I of Carroll Thursday mght. I tl N ct t mdes to get In thl~ week Many 1or hJS househoid goods IDSt Fh- H,orvey Haas raIled ,n the F"ank .. ~,:', '1((1~~7;{ GI~I t;t~n~~ltt\~r~~~;l~tnj ~~: "~o need," Garth said "Don't riches other thau II hat )ou goet from

I't'§=========~rlt~ewea WI, 0 ::lte was Sf', JUI"I school.:: h,nc h,ld sessIOns Id<JY from hiS farn to the 5ml~h- " _lol",n thf' tell. and h .. has been 8tOp, Huxby. [\(O,"t uf this venls(l[] them? Clln you think of 11 []Jore en.

onlv pUlt (J1 the tlmp. IHovclson le!;lden('~ In CUrIoll. 'I1he Spdhr honw Wednesdny last week fnr He make~ Is going on l('t', Xune \\111 Le a1- jo~'ahle g'fltne thnn pln"lng l!t'll\V.:v~I~t~~~stP~~~O~€'~'tl~r.s°f J, l~t famdy plans to 1J;lJSh movmg and Cl,ll enc(' Bennett spent last Wed- IIOIl (Jut l(j\\ l'd to spoiL" poker, \\ Ill, our Ihl'S III lhe ju('kf\ot.

Fowler and Mrs Dowe Love en- Road Is Opened ~~ 1;~'t~I~~1 t~~ ~~L~~IO~:I~S(~~~iJ~~;)~ ~:~:~eeventng JI1 the Wm, Hard- ~:~,:I 'It"n~;;;'~l',.,. '''~~~: '~~l~~I;l:~ 1H\~h~o~I~:~nl'n(>~'n~J~o~O\~I~g~I~'ea:~~~~~D;:~:~lllJe dl'allu;: LIS the enl't!8 at

i~~~~~'Sn~~)~:edneSdny .It thc For I"'uneral Party hold IllS sille lclst TblllSdd)'. Ec~:~~:~~~~~~~:sI~fl~~~~ ~~;~~ ;I~~1 :";:~:I~(r~"trl I'~:~d ,\~~~I~I~I~~ ~~~'~li.~hl~l,s;l~~:/al~ll~~~ \\:;~: h~~ !1;~~V~';at~lll,t~\elth c:t~::~'~{'nl~~~~~~

The snow plow and about 80 To Train Bu Ie CorpS. Ja~u~~oerk'Stnllght spent Mond<)y '_"_"_"_"_"'_11"'_'_'_'"_'''_' ~~~S~:ZIl;~I~~t UuLrO~~~s t:~:'elt~l::: t~O~~; ~n,f,l\o:s ~1:rUI:o~~~~~~~,~~th~~n~~:~~men opened the road from Carro~l W~~I~~tn~.Jl~~~ b ~~ c\~~~~~ShC~~ cvcmng of last week in the Wm, CHAPTeR V_ContInued \.lade to ti,e platinlllIl [Janning. nothln~. It's ~'uur pla(,l:'f Ihl\r~ II)to Bt'ihany cemetery Wednesday of u drum ~md bu Ie corp" which Halder home. -14- \then GlIl·th lillished the tlaylng the pur. What stal,es 11o )'OU COQ·last week for the Elmer Freprick- will be orgamzed n that dty un- Mr, and MrE. Earl Bennett were :-:"Il'I',11 ~aJ(],~ fl"lrJ the {!ntrnnce or the cal'lLou, he started to dresa siller we have In to bnlance II?"

~~ ~~;~~l~(;~b~~~ :~e~~s~~:f-:;;~ del' sponsorship 0 the Amerlcan ~:yA~~~I~Bh:~:,week in the :Il(lll~':I:ll~II;~II~:~~~e::~:~\:~Jl~~:;7~~.I::~;; ~s~~n~~l~t,1)°alltle~jleGr~~t\lfn;Ot~ioarst::; te=;e~~t ..y:~~~dl{l:~: Ifltt:lI\~F~:' I:I~five mtles dUlmg the day to keep ~gl~~ ~~~'I:r[~Jl~~ ~a~l ~~I~ O~,~7; lla and Dorothy Harder spent ;~)r/I~IPU 1~11:~'\~db~l~rOneti;Jll:~~e,~P~~CI~II~~~:C~I~~ :u:~~~U~oL~~~~,tO~;ot~1:rb~~~ ~~s:, \\~I~n~'~~t1~\~: ~~.~~,r ~'~len:~OI~:the load °l)en H.Jle5 were held 111 I ld f ' II b Jast Wednesday afternoon in the ~l,;!l Ollt III the Slln he 0llened tUI'e hnd cl'llcjeed the polished shell down WilY eume suoner than I e~.Ct~':~~la~~t:tf1~1~~ (;~t;;~~c%1~e~~I~~ ~~~g ~~ntl~C ~~l-~~~V ee men WI ,e- Lawrence Bennett home. l!1l"' ;;1,111 !Jnu sho\\ed a j11l'(e of 0lr artlfkl.ullty In ltllle!J the pRIIJ Reelel!. Your [,Hher Is IIlreony~)h \c ( d t f I Betty Atkins returned to high (1'''/<'11 \lll'.It, pered hell'ess hud Lee" en('ase,l fairly good shape, W..·]] start.10~ 1~~~n~~;~Q~u;:n~(~l.';\O.I-:'II;d~):~~::~~ Conducl~nera.I.1 school Monday after bemg absent '1111\\ Ji 11"lt for cnll! storage~" The girl's fe\, dll.~8 In the Willl b,ld !lIp ont liS SOOll as those CD

of Plamvlew bewg tile only one Re\\ C, E, FI(fdncksen wlas m ~~~s~hree weeks onJraccount of ill- lie "nld. "1,iI!el] a .flJllD;t lIlOtlOlnm ll\\llkened prlmltlve Instillcts groUIlU skin. ha\"e Iwen l.t..lnned,"from '\ dlshnee Randolph Tuesday last we~k to lllwl']l lin Ill.V 1\ ny out 1.1St month. dpe[) Into the nature Of \\ omno dur"

, • -~ - I conduct funerul scrVlCes fo* W~, A~~ti~' s~~~l;ra~~dc~;dr:~dc~:~ :~~I'III;~II~\I ~ ~~l~~ t~;~l~tl.l~::~e.LO~~: ln~o,t~~o~e:,:~~:tj~::tG::th:l:n~'~I;~:Former Resident IBnrtlmg who die¢! at Sholes Henry Thursday afternoon at Frank "'h.rll'. of SI)ol\ln~, 11nd not e\en l\ ment passel!, lIe hall mnnag-ed to• Bartlmg of Wulkefleld, and Mrs ~- ..

Of Carroll Passes Bose ,md son and daughter (ilf ~P~~~'~nd Mrs. Freeman Lubber- "'~~~,,~w;~n;l~I~ltu:~~11In~~:\~;~~, She ~1~I\el~~:I;i71\'~~o~,t ~~: ~:~~~a\~h7~ ~:l;D<)dd S Giant, 76, former rl?SI- ~~~e~ ~~:t;~~~t~~:vw~~e~~I:~~:~ stedt and family were ~ursdaY ..nw 110 l'p,lson to ('onsil!er the can! slender !lund and st::\er~d the IH'C],

dent of Cdrroll, Sholes, Randolph t d W d .-1 b t afternoon guests m the August M the SlIghtest Int('l'{'!;t There W!lS, bone ('f the caribou "Ith a lingleand Wdkefll~ld, dIed February 10 rc urne e~ y ram. I.;.onge home. ho\\e\er, the menL :::;he suggested blow.'It N'llnp'l Id'!ho where he went 'M F ill n Lubberstedt and tlUlt Ir It \\'~s not srOlled, It would Her fother waB the one wh,ofrom· RU~:lolpil I~ 1934. The body Takes stocf to Market. L rs, d ~e a M cia wfte nmke 11 change fmm tha moose stured. He sat watching the girlswas sent to R,lI1dolph fm funeral Rees RlChardslshipped a car of n~~Sna;ues:~a~e::eeko~t~e-rw~~ IUE-llt Tills pro\ed true, quick, enger wielding or the hand-

M d cattle and hogs ~o SIOUX City last b d b fiX, his mouth slack. almost agape,sc~:~e~r~n~nw~~'bolnJukuary 29, week. He took, tlhc stock to Cur- H%~~:~~~;s.Oscar Ramsey, Mr. R~JI~IJll~l ~\el~~lfo~~~t :~J ;~~J'em:_n: n~ G'artb could only surmise how lIhe1860, at KIrksville, Mo. He mdr- loll Thursd£lY Inlwagons and was and 1VJ;rs, Kenneth Ramsey and need to Slll'pOI't. milch less b~ek had al\\ays been coddled nnd pam·

1 led Ml~S Lottie MOOll' ut Lyons, obliged to leave them m the local daughter, Janet, and Frank Maben pat 1, him He hU~ ~eallY'l~e<,.!;~~r:~ ~~~~~'hO~~rSI:~~bl~;r ~1~~~hO~;I, s~:Nco, JI1 1883, The famIly came to pavl1JOn untIL S~turday when the were last Wednesday evenmg J(et u start llinthtru n n,g:. en~on I for had betll ",rnpped abOut '\lth silkenC?lcl'Idge m ]898, then to Wakc- stock was loaded anq sent to SIOux guests In the Walfred Carlson this "liS n e IllOle r I a'ted U[JC'D by attentiveflCld and later to C;:llroll. They CIty, the snow pl~)w ~akmg the car home. pushing the mlillonalre the harder S~~\~:~ts,Wp~tted aDd s[JoUed.moved to Sho\('s In 1908, bUYing <IS fell' flS Emersor to hitch onto <) In Ihe "eek that followed, he aI- The millionaire had been born on

Rla.n,nddo'llp'·I'''''·' M19"31 Ga'o"ctnlwo.~:cwnl,tl,ta~ tr<)Jl1, I GIRL SCOUT NOTES. tel"ll11ted more ('llmbs with trips a farm. He coult'l re('all seeIng Ills

, ".~ -------l-- Green on land and blue on sea around Into the muskeg swamps. mother help butcher sheep and hogs,son, Arthw', until two years ago Son Born ISaturday. IS now the offiCIal wear of the girl lie led his swentlng, swearing But she was a farmer's wife. Lil-He had oper:.lted a threshmg m 1- A son was bor~ Sll1urday Feb scout, but why should a girl scout ehnt'ge o\er nlggerhelld gt'ass, where !til would DC't have known bow tochme for many ycars, k '1 uray 15, to Mr, ~nd Mrs. Cilffor~ or any other gIrl wear an ofticial the tIeav:r bodIed city []JflO had ,to prepare a spring chicken for the

MI. Grant's wile'dled In 1914 and A_ Johnson who', llVie about fIVe dress? "If you could have a dress Jllmp nimbly from one bIg tUSSOck pan, And now she was cutting upa son dIed ll1 1918 He le<tves five mil~s northwcst pf Carroll. The that, on sight, insured you friends to another or tal;;e a tumble. caribou.

cbildren, Ea1'l of Mentor, Mmn, Johrtsons have ttw~ daughters, 10 33 cquntries, would you own one lrl'~l~~~~l~l~:~~tn~~:~ =~~~gn~:d~h:~~ dl~~~~~Dt.r~~rt~DB~~~a:~~:~~g~o\~~I~~WaItl'\' of Los Angeles, Clinton of HolliS and B,lI ba a jo. Neighbors or not'I" asks Mrs. Robert Swaine ~.

8JOUX City, Arthur of Randolph, came to Call all I a bobsled 8at- of New York, new chaIrman or the ~~~~Irf'dClilT~lh l~~ ~~l:e g~~~h.hU~~~~~ ~:rc~:~~h:: h~t;:1iso~tDl~~etofi~~~=~..'t'dL,M'W','(·'ncJ3ne.sS".eDB. r Idenbaugh of urday to take Dr; :A.. Texley to the girl scouts. "As I see It the girl l)Utlwls t,r sllloitell moose ment he eager helper. PtCked a load (Iof meat,.. ,,~~ ,Johnson home arid the trip was scout umform IS a passport to hru] hrnllght liP on his puck-board. and carried It 0 the Ice CA\'e.

i -- made With considq.>Iable dlfflCUlty. friendship. It means that in every He then let! on lip tile glacIer, halr~ Down in t e gulch bottom heSchool III Carroll JlV(o'h"nJsOohnnsoOofnWi~"aynsq.naOnfdtMhersC.hJaOrhlne: one or the 33 countries she is way from Its toot to the top of the chose a potbdJe stone that would

c! claImed as a sister by thousl;lnds puss, Thnt gave the three climbers hold perhaps three quarts. In the• Resumes Monday son IS the formclr MiSS Wilma of girls." The uniform IS stylish some reol lce \Vorl.. Coming bllCk, bowl he colled,a wick of tWisted dry': - Gamble, a daughtE1r of Mrs Emma and comfortable, costs little and is Garth ~nosl,ed three bruce (>f 1001 caribou m{'8s, piled 10 carIbou fat,

~School resumed In Carroll Mon- Gamble of Wayne! easily laundered. hens from spruce limbs with u stick, nod lighted the wick. When the=day after a we~k's recess due to ----------+----~ 'rile hal[ dozen grouse made a fat melted, UH~ wick burned with a

_ stormy weather. Neal Grubb s~ent . SOCI 1:iY Ndture study ~n a business block '",leusunt thunge. But eveD with a strong steady flame. Caribou ribs!:i several days last week at Tildem. of New York Cjty? You may Say I)ail of salmon berries for dessert furnished a grating OD which to

I_ No basketball games were played ~ ]t is impossible. But a group of 'they proved n SC~Dt meal for the broil steaks. Ihe fat meat was de·=last week. Carroll meets Dixon Presbyteri~~T Church. girl scouts found 27 plants, 20.ani~ tour meat:eaters. ITlle last leg of llciously tende, lts .ftavor t!etweenII and Nodal!;;: thIS wee]{:: if weather (Rev, R L, WJ11wms, Pastor) mal and 23 minerals in one short mOose hod already !)eon baked ODd -venison nnd b~t.KEEP. 1= permits, If weather pdl mits, Sunday trip about II block. ~itteen girls,' eaten, (be tongues I broUed~ and the When even Mr. Ramill could eDt

'ATT'RA TIVE ! gi~~ ~~ghe~~~~O~;~u~=~:; a::n~~~t I~~~o~~/::;~~~ a~~l~ b~"a;rea~~~~~ ::~~Iar~~ :i~hn\:~C~ln~n~ ~~ii ~e:t~~ ~I~ff~~~~~::~ea~'b::~~;a~:~ ::m:~:~~ ~~~*~ceca::;~~ t~:O:toh~:• I I Il1st IQug. So fnr, Garth hn,t not In- l"etul'D, be bad )Ii'. Ramlll ond LIlIth,I: whi~~ being ~~~nsored_~Wayne afterward; s,enlOr a,~n:"d~j,::u~m:,,'o':.r..':C::.,.=E:.:/,~O~f~('::.h~e.:p:,:la::n:"ts,::,~o::nl~Y.-:.:le::v::e''-c.,.. __~ ....=-c- --'- --=:-'_-:;:;;::::;;::.;:~;;~;:;;::;:;;:;;;;;_-

'You too ca~be attrac-I'" BOBBY TI.:I "T'r'HER T Oftive wit~ pr ocr ,eal'e of : I Cll"J. '" - WO Upsyour haIr a d skm. ':: • \F AUNT, IDA HAS GOTTA ,MIC~T B

, PERM NENTS ,= ,WAtT 'TILt.. , CiET BACK "ROM" ,"'..s TWO UPS FROM ;HB WOMAtjTh tat d f. OOW>lTOWf! W1T!i F,ve POUNOS OF, »EXT DO R ...... SHES A,-WAYS, ' a are gu ran ee or 1= ,SUGAR ~~e's l-IABLE TO PU~ C.Ff; f'.lUNfolIN' UT AN 0 ~Ol-L.e~l~'$2 00 $6 01 • MA\<II\\' THAT BAlCH Or RAIStto! f:>."T ME WHEN WHeN \ CuT

• TO .:' TILL TOMORROW... ACROsS "eR YARD 00'1<1'1'0 THeI I. , 'hie

• 5HAN\P005 ~~:~'6 "SO~T>lB~~':E, • FINfER WAVES NOW-;.=••::Ji'!;2'io,• MANICURES


Page 12: Herald (1888-Prese… ·  · 2014-02-02HERALD "• 1"'1' I ·1; • I" WAYNE: ! I i I , FAMILY CIRCLES ARfE~~:~f:~~.fJER










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(;ommis."iiollPI" Visl. Chdms:Cummis,sionCI UJ:-,t, N'I, :.!._- HclllWlSl'1l

l!J:l:.ifill' .• ;w 7:;








lIel'Clld <IdvcrtLsel"s Get result."Board. -~- -------t-----··-, j'

Wclynl.', Ncbrasl":l, .F'ebruilry 11, 1!J3fi.

Uo,lnl met as PCI' ndJoUI'l1I11l'111. F'1'l's<'nl: Frank Erxll'bcIJ, COtll­misl:iioncr and Chairm~n, David Kucl1. Commissioner, <Inu BedhaBetTos, ClerIc Absent: Henry Rethwisch, Cornmissionel'.

Comes now J. M. ChelTY, and reports thelt on December :31, \0:14,

~~~O~;C~~lo~~I~~o~f f~::a~~~ ~:~~b(~~d~;1(.~ll~;~1~-~~~~l~I,SS/~,~;,r.::~~h~~~~~1;:\4chusolts Bonding & Insurance Co. ~IS surety, ·WZlS duly ap~)roved undfiled by him, and

that by Chapter 22 of the J9;~:J Sc::;:-;j(J/l hlWCi p,lge 1(J(j till' ilmUlilltuf !wid bund was reduced fixing it ,It $1,000,00, ilnd thilt 1'"rtln[{:El;xlcbcn has filed with him i.l rider to cltt<:lcll to said bond i'Jl)d <I

~~~t~~~~, ~~~~i~~h~h~~bO~I~~iOtt~ ~fl~~i~J~ ;r~J~Jnt.Y Board, dHtcr Jillluary

that such rider attached to said Bond is hereby ilplJl'OVCU by llllll.It is hereby ordered th;.lt t;.lX of $27.78 on one 1035 Ponti,H.: SNbn

'MtJ·. No, 6-5504 Reg, No. 27-2fl3S be strickt'li from the Molor Vchiclr''Tax List and trunsferrl'd and entered on the Personal tilX li:;l ,I.,>

merchandise in Wayne.The following claims i.ln~ Oll lllulll1Tl ;I\nllted u;lcl allowed <.Jnd W;lI­

rants ordered drawn on the respective [unds as herem shown. WiJ,rr<lllbto be available und ready fOJ" delivery on Saturday, FeLJruilry 122, 19;W,

General 'ound:Name Wh<Jt for

George Bros., supplies for elk, Dist. CourtAugustine Company. supplies for Co. Tn.',]s.University PUblishing Co., for Co. SuptK-B Printing Co., election LJI,JJ1ksOmaha Printing Co., supplies Co. ClerkLucile Ames, salary as resettlement Clerk, Febrto Febr. 8, incl, ,

Royald R, Morgan, Febr. expenses & ,1'-1n, phone culbfor Nat. Re-emp1oyment Service officerCarroll News, printing

Soldiers' Relief Fund:Soldiers' Relief Commission, soldiers relief fund

General Road Fund:Commissione[" Dist. No. I-Erxleben

Mille\'- Hasselbclich So_, labor & expense on <.luto patrolby sel'viccman '.Van Super Servic\C Systems, Di\Csc! fuelFrank Erxleben, overseeing snow plov,,:ing

Commissioner Di:-t. No.3-KochIntcrstate- Mach, & Supply...., sno\v plowF, H, Medelman, chains

Automobile or Motor Vehicle Fund:Road Dmgging Dist. No.3-Koch

Adolf Perske, dragging roadsRobert Graef, dragging madsInterstate Mach. & Supply Coo, pil):"!1?ent on lease forpatrol . -""""""""_ "., '33B.OfJ

Laid Ove.r Cla_inu;: -I'The following claims are on file wlth the county clerk but hin e

not been passed on or allowed at this timeGeneral Claims:

No. AmouJll Nu.lfj;,;UIv.


] ~):J.l


Thqrc al'e fourteen Democrats in der if there <Jl"en't n few flaws inArka~sas City aspiring to the, Post- the more Hbundant life.-ArkuJl$utlmastership and the chances are Tn:lVclcr.that after the appointment is madc, -~----

thirteen of them will at least, won-

l' ;" County

'.:~r• TitUBSDAY. FElIRUARY 20. 1936,


aged bl'ed sows.

mencing atil o'clock, the folrowing pl'Ope,.ty:


I i H025Twenlyeight thrifty fall Pi& three

. ....-. I .

I will sell at public auction on the Pete,' Coouwe place,,. on East Fourth st,.ee' in Wayne, on

lTIlurs,day, Feb. 27