Henry Moray

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free energy

Transcript of Henry Moray

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Thomas Henry MORAY

Radiant Energy Receiver

The Sea of Energy  [ Excerpts ]

Excerpts of technical factoids from:

The Sea of Energy

[ Fromthe originalThe Sea of Energyin Which the Earth Floats-- 1978Edition: CosrayResearchInstitute, Salt Lake City,

UT ]


Thomas Henry Moray

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Table of Contents



Chapter1 ~ Early years

Chapter2 ~ RadiantEnergyin Earnest

Chapter3 ~ Frienemies

Chapter4 ~ MorayProductsCompany

Chapter5 ~ Patents

Chapter6 ~ GovernmentSupport

Chapter7 ~ A New Eraof Energy

Chapter8 ~ Reactionsby Means of ElectronExcitation

Chapter9 ~ Dissociationof Matter

Chapter10 ~ Energy by Resonance

Chapter11 ~ Conclusion









Introduction[ 4th Edition]

RADIANTENERGY--- The termMorayhas usedto describethat sourceof energycomingfromthe cosmosto earthand

radiatingfrom the earthback fromwhence it came. This is the energythe Moraydevicecapturesand couldbe describedas those

particlesof energypervadingall space. In the evolutionof energyand the evolutionof matter these particlesof matterand

energy(one and the same) manifestundercertain conditionsas pure energyand underothersas pure matter. RadiantEnergy

fromthe cosmos, like radiant particlesof matter, beingcomposedof an infinitesimalquantitywhose behaviorsare describedby

mathematicalequationssimilar to those used for describingelectricalwaves, keepingin mind to differentiatebetween

wavelengthand frequency. RadiantEnergyis particlesof energy, just as light is wavelengthsandparticlesare comparableto the

electronand magneton: a ringof negativeelectricitytravelingin a vortexwith the speedof light, streams of energyquanta, each

quantumhavingenergyand momentumwherethe electronrevolvesaroundthe protonat a distanceequal to the electronradius.

To summarize: RadiantEnergyas herein used is that energyexistingin the luminiferousmediumof the universe, kineticand

exercisedin wavetransmissionand renderedsensibleby conversionof its energyinto a detectablefrequency. In the finalanalysis, RadiantEnergyis a meansof usingthe energyreleasedby the fissionablereactionstakingplace in the stellar crucibles

of the universe.

Chapter 1

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The Early Years

[p. 20] "I startedmy experimentswith the takingof electricityfromthe ground, as I termedit, duringthe summerof 1909. By

fall of 1910I had sufficientpowerto operatea small electricaldevice, and I madea demonstrationof my idea to two friends...

This demonstrationin the earlystages consistedof operatinga miniaturearc light... It soon became evidentthat the energywas

not static and that the static of the universewouldbe of no assistanceto me in obtainingthe powerI was seeking...

Duringthe ChristmasHolidaysof 1911, I began to fullyrealizethat the energyI was workingwith was not of a static nature, but

of anoscillatingnature. FurtherI realizedthat the energywas not comingout of the earth, but insteadwas comingto the earth

fromsome outsidesource. These electricaloscillationsin the formof waves werenot simpleoscillations, but weresurgings---

like the waves of the sea --- comingto the earthcontinually, more in the daytimethan at night, but alwayscomingin vibrationsfromthe reservoirof colossalenergyout therein space. By this time I was able to obtainenoughpower to light the old 16-

candlepowercarbon lamp for about one half capacity, and I did not seem to makeany further improvementuntil the springof 


[p. 21] In 1912he was called to go on a missionfor the Churchof JesusChrist of Latter-DaySaints, and undera visitor's visa

was allowedto enterSwedenduringthe Exhibitionof 1912 in Stockholm...

In his notebook, datedNovember1, 1913, Henryincludeda memo that he had obtainedmaterialfrom a railroadcar at Abisco,

Swedenthe previoussummer, and materialfromthe side of a hill. He made electrictests of these materials, takingthemhome to

try eachas a detectorfor his energymachine. Tests indicatedthat this soft, white stone-like substancemightmakea good

"valve-like detector"*.

[ * This"valve-like detector" is what led Henry to do researchin semi-conductivematerials, and fromthis soft whitestonehe

developedhis first Morayvalveand the Morayvalve thatwas usedin some of the earlyRadiantEnergydevices]

[p. 22] "Silver wireused on stonemakesa rectifier."

Chapter 2

Radiant Energy In Earnest

[p. 31] HenryMoraydemonstratedthat energywas availableby its actionson a resistiveload, such as a flat-iron or a space

heater, and by lightinglights. A resistiveload is directlyproportionalto the amountof energydeliveredto it. In heatinga heater

or lightinga light, the numberof watts producedcan be calculatedas equalto the numberof wattsconsumed. This energyis fed

into a load to giveeither heat/light, or power. A motor can be operatedbut mustbe designedfor high frequency. The Radiant

Energydeviceoperation is shownin Figure54, in whichhe usedan antennaand a groundconnectedto his solid state REdevice...

He was able to show that noneof the energycame fromwithin his device. Internallythe devicewas electricallydead whenit had

notbeenconnectedand tuned to the antenna. When his devicewas set up, he could connectit to an antennaand ground, and by

primingit first and then tuningit as he primedit, the devicewoulddrawelectrical energy. This high frequencyelectricalenergy

producedup to 250,000 voltsand it lighteda brighterlight than witnesseshad ever beforeseen. Heavyloadscould be connected

to the devicewithoutdimmingthe lights that werealreadyconnectedto it. This deviceworkedmanymiles fromany known

sourceof electricalenergy. Suchas transmissionlinesor radio. The deviceproducedup to 50,000 wattsof powerand worked

for longperiodsof time....

He assumedat first that this energywas electromagneticin origin; however, he neverclaimedthat it was electromagneticin

nature. He assumedat first that this energycame fromthe earth. But later he believedit was fromthe universe. Finallyhe began

to believethat it was presentthroughoutall space, intermolecularspaceas well as terrestrialandcelestialspace. He did not

necessarilyunderstandhow his detectorsoperated, only that if he very carefullybuilt the deviceaccordingto his calculations, it

worked. He was able to demonstratethe existenceof an energythat today, though it has not been identifiedor proven, has been

theorizedby manyresearchers...

[p. 32] As earlyas 1904, NicolaTesla, experimentingwith ACcurrentsof high potentialand high frequency, said: "Ere many

generationspass, our machinerywill be drivenby a powerobtainableat any point in the universe... Throughoutspace thereis

energy. Is this energystatic or kinetic? If static, our hopesare in vain; if kinetic --- and this we know it is for certain--- then it is

a merequestion of time whenmen will succeedin attachingtheirmachineryto the very wheelworkof nature."

[ p. 35] The followingis [excerptedfrom] a bookletprintedabout 1932, entitled"Brief Historyof MorayRadiant Device":

The largestinstrumentbeing about 6 incheshigh and circularin shapeand about 8 inches in diameter... We wentout on the roof 

of the chickencoopcarryingthe deviceon a smalldraftingboard, erectedan antennauponthe roof of the coop, the antenna

being about 100 feet from the house. We pulledthe mainline switchesin the housebefore goingoutupon the roof. Mr Judd hadme move the draftingboardfromplace to placeand I alsohad him examinethe inside of the coop for hiddenequipment. I then

put the machine togetherin his presenceand the devicewas then started. Mr Judd timedme to see how long it would take to

bringin the light. I was able to light-watt typeCGElampto full capacityand also to heat to the sizzlingpoint an old style

Hotpointelectricflat ironwhichconsumed655 watts. Mr Judd askedme to takeoff the antenna. The light wentout. It was

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connectedagainand the light reappeared. We drovea new groundat a spot selectedby Mr Judd, made a connectionover to a

newgroundand the light burneddim butcame brighterand brighteras the new groundwas drivendeeperand deeper.....

[p. 36] Wheneverthe groundor antenna is left disconnectedtoo long the devicebecomeselectricallydead and mustbe retunedin

order to obtainthe energy.....

[ p. 37] Dr Eyringfoundno fault with the demonstrationand the worstthat he could sayabout it was that it mightbe induction,

but that if I wouldtake the deviceout in the mountainsawayfromall powerlines, a distanceof 3 or 4 miles, and it would then

operatehe would then acknowledgethat it could notbe inductionand thathis theorywaswrongand mine right...

At last theydecided to go up EmigrationCanyon, as thereare no powerlines in that canyon... All threegentlemenwerevery

well satisfiedand pleasedwithwhatthey saw...

[p. 40] "The antennawire was putup without any aid or instructionswhateverfromMr Moray, except thathe suggestedthat the

wire be stretchedtighterto preventso much sagat the center. This was done and the wire then appearedto clearthe ground by

about 7 or 8 feet at its lowestpoint.

The groundpipe was of 1/2-inch waterpipe consistingof two sections. The lowersectionwas pointedat the end to make its

drivinginto the creekbed easy. It wasabout 6 feet long and after being drivendown about 5 feet the secondsection, which was

about 4 feet long, was screwedon witha wrenchand the pipe furtherdriven down until it strucka hard object... I judgeabout 7

feet of pipe was in the ground.

The antennawire was insulatedfromthe poles with two glass insulatorsabout 6 incheslongand havingholesin both ends. A

piece of wire about 2 feet long connectedeach insulatorwith the pole. The lead-in wire was fastenedto the antennawire at a

point about10 or 15 feet fromthe east pole. I helpedMr Moraysolder the connection[s]... I steppedthe distancebetweenthetwo antennapoles and estimatedit to be 87 feet...

Mr Moray's equipment, aside fromthe antennaand groundwires, consistedof a brownbox about the size of a butterbox,

anotherunpaintedbox slightlysmaller, a fiber boardbox about6" x 4" x 4", whichMr Morayreferredto as containingthe

tubes. Anda metal baseboardabout14" x 4" x 1" containingwhatappearedto be a magnetat one end, a switchnear the middle

and a receptaclefor an electriclight globeat the other end. Therewerealsoseveralposts for connectingwires on the


When all of the wiresconnectionsweremadeand everythingwas in readinessMr Moraybegan tuning in... Before tuning in he

placed the key on the post: he saidit would be in contactwith while the light burns butno light appeared. The tuning in

consistedof strokingthe end of a magnetacross two metalprojectionsprotrudingfromwhat I referredto above as being a

magnet. Aftertuning in for slightlymore than 10 minutes the key was put on the operatingpost and the light appeared

immediately... Mr Morayput the key on the operatingposttwo or threetimes beforeduringthe tuningin operationbut no lightappeared... We allowedthe light to burn for 15 minutes..... The brilliancyof the light, a 100-watt globe... was about75% as

brightas a 100-watt globe connectedto an ordinaryhousesocket in my opinion. It was an even light, without fluctuationsof any


While the light was burningMr Moraydisconnectedthe antennalead-in wire fromthe apparatusand the light wentout. He

connectedit againand the light appeared. He alsodisconnectedthe groundwireand the light wentout. He then connectedit and

the light appearedagain."

[p. 42] [In anotherdemonstration], I [T. Moray] openedthe deviceand let themsee everythingexceptone smallpart that I was

ableto place my handoverand hide in my fist. Thispart I cut off and put in my vest pocket. Everythingelse I let themexamine

to their hearts' content. "If that part is able to makesuch poweritself it's some deviceand worth selling. Sucha batterywouldbe

worthwhile", were some of the remarkspassed...

[p. 48] On severaloccasionsDr Moraywould disconnectthe antennawiremomentarily, but not long enoughto lose the light. Indisconnectingand connectingthe antennawirea flashof electricitycould always be seen at the connectingpoint...

[p. 49] Salt LakeCity, Utah, October10, 1928~ To WhomIt MayConcern:

Belowis a report of my observationof the Moraycosmic energydevice.

The aerialusedis about200 feet long and is about80 feet above the ground: the wire is a coppercable approximatelya fourth

inch in diameter, and well insulated. The ground is the water pipe in the basementof Dr Moray's home.

The devicewas assembledin a trunk throughthe sidesof whichwere holesfor the connectionsto groundand to the antennaand

for observation; the saidholeswereabout one-half inch in diameter. Thereweretwo boxesabout 10 by 20 by 4 inches, one on

top of the other; both wereclosed and the coversfastenedwithscrews. On the upperbox was lyingan insulatingpanelabout an

inch thickby 15 incheslong and 3 incheswide; it is of slate or hard rubberor some materialof similar appearance. On this were

two bindingposts thatwereconnectibleby meansof a smallswitch; alsomountedon this panel is a bodyabout2-1/2-inchessquare, wrappedin friction tape, fromwhich protrudetwo polesabout1/4-inch in diameter, apparentlyof sift iron. A double

receptaclefor lightglobeswas connectedin the circuit. In one of which was a 20-watt globe, and in the other a 100 watt


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Dr Moraythen tooka magnet, whichwas a verybroad, shortlimbed U, and began to strokeone pole of it on the poles in the

tapedbody: Mr Jensenplaced his fingerson the bindingposts severaltimes, and at last receiveda rathervigorousshock; Mr

Moraythen threwthe switchand the globeslighted...

As a furtherproof that the conversionof the energywas due to the mechanismin the box, Dr Morayhit the table on whichthe

trunkwas standing, a moderateblowwitha hammerwhereuponthe light flickeredand wentoff, due to the detectorbeing

shakenout of adjustment.

The boxesin which the mechanismhad been hosedduringthe test wereopened and the contentsexamined; therewere

condensers, the detector, a transformer, and two tubes in thembut nothing else. Nothingthat in the least resembleda battery.

It is to be noted that after a total runof 158 hours the devicesupplied635 watts; inasmuchas a horsepoweris but 746 watts this

equals0.878 of a horsepoweror slightlymore than 7/8 horsepower. This aloneis sufficientto disposeof any suggestionof a


[p. 54] To AllWhom It May Concern(June 25, 1929): It is now more than 2 years since I firstbecame acquaintedwithDr T. H.

Morayand the work he is carryingon, and in tat time he has demonstratedinventiveabilityof an exceptionalorder.

Perhapsthe mostwonderfulof his inventionsis a devicewherebyhe is able to drawelectricpower froman antenna. Thisenergy

is not derivedby induction frompower lines, as has been suggestedby some, nor is it derivedfromradio stations, as has been

demonstratedby takingthe apparatusmore than 26 miles fromthe nearestpower line and over a hundredmilesfromthe nearest

radio stationand showingthat it operatesjust as well as anywhereelse. Thisdevicewas subjectedto an endurancetest in which

it was operatedcontinuouslyfor a week, and at the endof that time a 100-watt lampwas lightedsimultaneouslywith the

heatingof a 575 watt standardHotpointflat iron, makinga total of 675 watts; it is very evidentthat no batteriescould sustain

sucha drain as this.

He hasalsoinventeda verysensitivesound detectorwherebyit is possibleto hear conversationscarriedon in an ordinarytome

of voiceat a distanceof severalblocks.

He has alsoworkedout numerousradio hookups whicheliminatemanyof the partsnow considerednecessaryfor good

reception, yet thereis no diminutionin qualityor volume; in fact, there is a notableeliminationof interferencefromstatic when

someof theseare used.

He has deviseda means by whichhe is able to measurewith somedegreeof accuracythe energyevolvedduringmental activity;

that is, hegetsdefinite, variabledeflectionsof the needleof a sensitivegalvanometerwhichappearedto be relatedto the vigor

of mental activity.

Thereare a greatmanyother equallyremarkablethings that he has done, such as reducingold rubberfromtruck tires to the state

of a viscousfluid whichis readilyvulcanizablewithout the additionof smokesheet as is necessarywithother processes; alsoa

high frequencytherapeuticdevice, and numerousother deviceswhich showgreatingenuity.

Signed, MurrayO. Hayes, PhD.

[p.55] You askedsomequestionsat that time that I could not answeron accountof my lackof knowledge, both of scienceand

the detail constructionof the machineof Dr Moray's that we weretalkingabout. Therewas one thing in particularthat you

askedaboutand that I knowI didnotmake clearin my answer, and thatwas in regardto the setup of the six 100-watt lamps.

You askedif theywere set up in multipleor series, andthis questionwas especiallybroughtup as we werereferringto the very

smallwire, whicha N. 50, whichI statedwas used in connectionwith the operationof said lamps. Since my return to Salt Lake,

I have gone over this matterand findthat the 6 lamps are set up in paralleland the small wire is usedas the currententers the

tube priorto and connectingwith the step-down transformer, this takingthe terrifichigh voltageto the transformer. In other

words, I am tryingto say to you that this is a terrific high voltage, and we are using the word "terrific" becauseit has been

demonstratedthat this is an exceedinglyhigh voltagebecauseit will [jump] throughan arc flashat least 6 inchesand in excess.

Anotherthing that you askedme aboutwas the measuringof the voltageor amperage, and I knowI didnot answerto your

satisfaction. However, I mustnow state that "the frequencyis so high that I haveno instrumentin mylaboratorythat is able to

measurethe amperageor the voltageat this frequency"

Dr MurrayHayeshas examinedmostcarefullyand knows the constructionof Dr Moray's machine, knowsthe theoryin detail,

has practicallypreparedthe papersfor patent applications...

Chapter 3


[p. 65] Dr Milton Marshallwas attemptingto identifythe material that he called his "SwedishStone". When he describedthe

action of his germaniummixture to the two physicists[Carl Eyringand HarveyFletcher], theyknew that the entirecomposition

of the SwedishStonehad no been properlyidentified...

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[p. 66] Dr Moray... describedthe radio detectorhe had developed... He comparedit to whatwas commonlyknown as the crystal

of a crystalset. However, his detectorwas superiorsince it could drive a loudspeakerwithout the use of a battery...

He used the mosteasilydemonstrateddevice, the germaniumdiode, that workedon the same principleas the radiumto illustrate

how hethoughtthe RadiantEnergyDetectorworked... Henryoriginallybuilt the radio simplyfor that purpose--- to showhow

he was able to pick up signalswith a solid-statedevicesufficientlystrongthat theywoulddrive a loudspeaker, whichwas

somethingunheardof in that day... Hiscircuitdid not have batteries, as it was very similar to the old crystal-set circuitry. Figure

17, sub-figure3, shows how the originalgermaniumvalve was used and how it workedin the radio circuit.

The earliestdrawingsand descriptionsof the MorayValve are foundin a sworncertificatedatedNovember14, 1927, wherehe

describesa germaniumcompoundusing the words "pure germanium" (Figure14). [Re-purified5 times]

In 1937, in order to protect his interestin the germaniumvalve, he wrotean affidavit and had this affidavitwitnessed(Figure15)

. Thisaffidavit refersto certaindrawingsand descriptionsfoundin patent application550611... I have madecopiesof the patent

applicationthat appliedto the descriptionfound(Figure8 & 9, patent application550611, enclosed) (Figure16).

The RadiantEnergyDetector, even todaywith the advancedstate of the art of semi-conductors, is consideredby our research

organizationto beproprietaryand still of greatvalue. Partsof the certificate(Figure15) have been removedto protect these

interests. It mustbe noted that the detectordescribedin Figure15 is alsosuperiorto most germaniumsemi-conductorsknown

todaybecauseof some of the dopingmaterialused. That this bipolardeviceis trulya transistorwas verifiedby examinationof 

the completenotes by WarrenSimmonds, PhD, of Salt LakeCity.

[p. 106] The readermust realizethat I use the word "tubes" loosely. Basicallymy father's "tubes" weresolid-statedevices.

[p. 111] The devicewas housedin a woodenbox somethinglike 12" by 18", withan antennaand a ground goinginto it. Wiresleadingoutof the box led to a bankof some forty100-watt light globesand to anelectriciron. Myuncle toucheda switchat the

top of the box witha handelectrostaticplate and the globesall lightedbrilliantly. We all noted that the bulbsburnedcold except

eachhad a hot spot about the size of a dime on the top slightlyoff center. I alsorecallthat I could turnthe lights on and off by

approachingand retreatingto and fromthe device, eitherwithmy wholebody or myhand. If my memoryis clear, the machine

had to be tunedwitha dial to be placedin this condition. [ChesterM. Todd, March19, 1971]

[p. 114] DavidGardnerAffidavit: The gentlemanwho had invitedme to the demonstrationmentioneda contrivancethat Dr

Morayhad alsoinventedwith whichhe could pick up soundswithout thembeingbroadcastfroma radio sendingstation. He said

thathe had hearda demonstrationof this device. I askedif I mighthear it also; he called Dr Morayover and askedif I might see

a demonstrationof the "soundpickupdevice", and I was grantedthe privilege.

Therewas an old radio box of conventionaldesignwith two headphonespluggedinto the box. Dr Moraytunedthe deviceby

turningthe knob in front. He handedme one set of headphonesandone set to my nephewMr Clark Gardner; he then arrangedfor threepeopleto walkout of the houseinto the streetand carryon a conversationto whichwe weretuned... I was sure I was

listeningto these threemen. I rememberdistinctly it was rainingat the time and I could hear the patterof the rain on the

pavementas theywalked. I rememberthemsayingtheyhad betterhurryback into the houselest theyget wet.

In the courseof their return, I wonderedif I mighthear other peopletalking, and despitethe adviceof Dr Moraynot to fool

aroundwith the tuningdevice, I moved the knobslowlyand heardvery distinctlythe soundsof a railroadstation: the whistleof 

a train, and a porteror the stationmasterat his stationsaying, "All aboard". The neareststationto the receivingset wouldhave

been a minimumof 5 miles...

I know that the peopleon the streethad no transmittingdeviceor anyother instrumentwith them. Theywould not believeme

whenI told themwhatI had heard, buttheysaid I was repeatingtheir conversation.

[p. 122 ] Later, afterhe had examinedthe transformerof the device, he statedthat with the amountof amperagehe had seen

takenfromthe devicewas positiveproof that the currentdevelopedby or in the machinewas different than in any in use today.Becausethe transformerwouldhave burnedup withnormalcurrent, yet the transformershowedno signsof even ever having

been warm. He was informedby Dr Hayesthat the transformerhadbeen in use underthe same typeof strainfor manytests in

the past...

It was Dr Knudsen's fault that the detectorburnedout becauseof the excessiveinductivekickbackhe subjectedthe deviceto by

throwingthe mainswitchin and out so fast and often that this continualbreakingof the circuitbuilt up an inductivekickback,

whichwould "blow" any electricalcircuit...

[p. 126] Letterfrom E. G. Jensen (March21, 1938) ~

Number1 condenser(Figure52) consistedof two smallsheetsof about 30 gaugealuminumseparatedby but makingcontact

witha piece of one-quarterinch thickplate glass. Theplate glasswas largerthan the aluminumsheetsand overlappedthem.

Number2 condenser... had the capacityof 0.025 mfd. It was a commercialcondenser... manufacturedby IgredCondenser&Mfg. Co.

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Withthe 60 watt MazdaLampand the two condensersattachedto the antennaand the antennaand groundattachedto the box

containingyour Radiant Energyequipmentin the mannershown in the sketch, the 100-watt Mazda Lampon the secondaryor

outputside was lighted. Unscrewingthe 60-watt Mazda lampfromits socketcaused the 100-watt amp to go out, but it

immediatelylightedwhenthe 60-watt lampwas screwedin its socket. The 60-watt lampdid not light underany conditionor

hookup. Shortingthe antennaand groundby placinga wire acrossthem, caused the 100-watt lampto go out. Similarshorting

with the handsalsocausedthe 100-watt lampto go out. No electricitycouldbe felt whenshortingwith the hands. If either the

groundor the antennawiresweredisconnectedfromthe box, the 100-watt lampwould go out. Neitherof the condensersor the

60-watt lamp on the primaryside of the box werenecessarybutweresimplyput on to show that the high frequencypowerwill

 jump or pass throughthe condensers...

Chapter 5


[p. 161] Theoriginalpatent applicationwas firstfiled in 1931. Thisapplicationwas rejectedon a number of bases. First (Figure

17), "Becauseno meanswas providedfor causingthe cathodeto emit an appreciablenumberof electrons, the currentproduced

in the cathodeby the antennawill not heat the cathodeto a temperatureat whichan appreciablenumberof electronsper second

are emitted" (In other words, accordingto ThomasE. Robinson, Commissionerof Patents, a solid state device, a transistor,

cannotpossiblework). Second, because"No natural sourceof electricwave energyis known to the Examinerand proofof the

existenceof such a sourceis required". In other words, it was not enoughfor Morayto demonstratethe effectof the energy

source; he alsohad to identifyit, whichhe could notdo...

[p. 186] In 1942, shortlyafter WorldWar II began for the United States, Henrymorayattemptedto rebuilda RadiantEnergy

Device, using the remainingbit of whatwas known as the "SwedishStone". This material, whichwas the heartof his originalRE detector, he had neverbeen able to duplicate, and the shortage of this material limited the amountof power he coulddraw.

Consequently, in the large unit, he developeda seconddetectorthat forcedhim into extensiveresearchinvolvingnuclear

materialsand radioactivereactions. He becamedeeplyinvolvedin the study of syntheticradioactivityas describedby Gustave

LeBonin his book, The Evolutionof Matter 

[p. 188] Theyearsslippedby and fromtime to time Henryand I woulddiscusshis notes and go over the drawings. He spent

mostof his time [ca. 1950] workingon whathe called the "counter-balance" to eliminate the need for an antenna...

[p. 190] In fact, we have recentlybeen informedthat noneof the originalpatent applicationsthatHenrymadeare any longer

availableat the US PatentOffice. Althoughtheir file jacketsare there, the contentsand applicationsthemselvesare gone...

Chapter 7

The Sea of Energy in Which the Earth Floats*

[* Nature of World & of Man, ChicagoInst. of Technology]


Dr T. Henry Moray. S. Sc.

[Thiswas the originalChapter1 in a book called Beyond the Light Rays, whichis out-of -printand no longeravailable. The last

known copywas stolen fromDr moray's laboratory...]

A New EraIn Energy: Power fromthe Cosmosandthe Earth.

Dr Nikola Teslasaidover 60 years ago: "Ere manygenerationspass, ourmachinerywill be drivenby a power obtainableat any

point if the univers...… throughoutspace thereis energy. Is this energystatic or kinetic? If static our hopesare in vain; if kinetic

--- and this we know it is, for certain--- then it is a merequestionof time whenmen will succeedin attachingtheir machinery

to the very wheelworkof nature."**

[** Nikola Tesla: Experimentswith AlternatingCurrentsof High Potential& High Frequency, 1904]

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Nikola Teslawas not referringto atomic or nuclearenergy, but to the energywhichis continuallybombardingthe earthfrom

outer space.

Enoughenergyis comingto the earthto lightover 1.5 million (1,693,600) 100-watt lamps for everyhumanbeingon the earth

today. No fuel of any kindneed be takenas a dead load as this energycan be "picked-up" directly by oceanliners, railroads,

airplanes, automobiles, or any formof transportation. Heat, light and powercan be madeavailablefor use in all kindsof 

buildingsand for all kindsof machinery. An examplewouldbe to pumpwater onto the desert lands, the powersourcebeing

only a fractionof the weight of anysteamplantor anykind of enginein use todayand all this at a fractionof the currentcost.

A wilddream? No! It's a provenpracticalreality, as hundredsof peopleknow who havewitnessedthe MorayRadiant Energy

invention--- poweredfrom the cosmos. This is cosmicenergy. ***

[***Dr Moraywas not referringto Cosmic Rays. Onemustread furtherand contemplatehis hypothesisregardingenergyfrom

within the atom.]

The total energyinvolvedin "cosmic" radiationsis very large. The mechanismof its generationinvolvesa basic relationship

with the total structureand action of the universe. Todayit is believedthat cosmic radiationconsistsprimarilyof protonsand

someheaviernuclei. At timesthis cosmicenergypacksa wallop of around100 quadrillionvolts. Comingcontinuouslywith

slight variationsin time, the radiationshave a uniformlydirectional isotropy.

The earthis, therefore, surroundedin an atmosphereof radiationwith cosmic rayscomingcontinuallyto the earthfromall

directions, althoughtheremaybe a slight deflectionof the weaker raysby the earth's magneticfield. There is everyindication

that our sun is not the sourceof any appreciableamountof this radiation. The origin, therefore, is fromthe universeas a whole.

The total energyof cosmicradiationis more than the entire luminousoutputof all the stars and nebulaeof the universe

combined. Unlimitedpower is being delivered to everyone's doorstep.

The MorayRadiantEnergydiscovery, using radiationsfrom the cosmosas its powersource, gives the greatestamountof energy

perpoundof equipmentof any systemknown to man. Electricalpower throughan electricmotor or an electricjet far exceeds

any form of energyin any enginein the deliveryof power. Thereis no deadcenter of lostmotion in an electricmotor nor loss of 

push in an electricjet. Also, the startingtorque is much higherin the electricallypoweredenginethan in the combustionengine.

Harnessingcosmicenergyis the most practicalmethodyet discoveredby man. Furthermore, it is possibleto utilizethis vast

sourceof energyfromthe universewithout a primemover at any point on the earth--- on the ground, in the air, on the water,

underthe water, or evenunderground. If one considersthat an electricalgeneratoris not in the true sensea generator--- as

electricityis not madeby the generator--- but is merelyan electricalpump, the MorayRadiantEnergydevicemaythen be

referredto as a cosmic ray pump: that is, a high speedelectronoscillatorservingas a detectorof cosmic radiationswhichcauses

a pumpingaction or surgingwithin its circuitry.

To accountfor the propagationof heat and light --- two of the formsof RadiantEnergy--- man haspostulatedthe existenceof a

mediumfillingall space. But, the transferenceof the energyof radiant heatand light is not the only evidencein favor of the

existenceof such a medium. Electric, magnetic, and electromagneticphenomenaand gravitationitself point in the same


Attractionsandrepulsiontakeplace betweenelectrifiedbodies, magnets, and circuitsconveyingelectriccurrents. Largemasses

maybe set in motionin thismanner, acquiringkinetic energy. If an electriccurrentis startedin any circuit, corresponding

inducedcurrentsspringup in all very closelyneighboringconductors. To originatea currentin any conductorrequiresthe

expenditureof energy. How, then, is the energypropagatedfrom the circuit to the conductors? If we believein the continuityof 

the propagationof energy--- that is, is we believethat whenit disappearsat one place and reappearsat anotherit musthave

passedthroughthe interveningspace and, therefore, have existedtheresomehowin the meantime--- we are forced to postulatea

vehiclefor its conveyanceformplace to place.

When a particleis electrified, whatone mustfirst observeis that a certainamountof energyhas been spent; work has been done.The result is an electrifiedstate of the particle. The processof electrifyinga conductoris, therefore, the storingof energyin some

wayin or aroundthe conductorin some medium. The work is spentin altering the state of the medium, and whenthe particleis

discharged, the medium returns to its originalstate, and the storeof energyis disengaged. Similarly, a supplyof energyis

requiredto maintainan electriccurrent, and the phenomenonarising fromthe currentare manifestationsof the presenceof this

energyin the mediumaroundthe circuit. It used to be that an electrifiedparticleor body was supposedto have somethingcalled

"electricity" residingupon it whichcaused electricalphenomena. An electriccurrentwas regardedas a flowof electricity

travelingalong a wire(for example), and the energywhichappearedat any part of a circuit (if consideredat all) was supposed

to have been conveyedalong the wireby the current. But, the existenceof inductionand electromagneticinteractionsbetween

bodiessituatedat a distancefromeach other leads one to look uponthe mediumaroundthe conductorsas playinga very

importantpart in the developmentof these electrical phenomena. In fact, it is the storehouseof the energy.

It is upon this basisthat Maxwellfoundedhis theoryof electricityand magnetism, and determinedthe distributionof the energy

in the variouspartsof an electricfield in termsof electricand magneticforces*. The mediumaroundan electrifiedbody ischargedwith energyand not of an imaginaryelectricfluid distributedover the electrifiedbody or conductor. When we speakof 

the chargeof an electrifiedconductorwe are referringto the chargeof energyin the mediumaroundit, and whenwe talk of the

electricflow or currentin the circuitwe are referringto the onlyflow we know of, namely, the flow of energythroughthe

electricfield within the wire.

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[* AtomicPhysics, PhysicsStaff Universityof Pittsburgh, 2nd Edition, Ch. VIII, John Wiley & Sons]

The work in producingthe electrificationof a conductoris spent on the mediumand storedthere, probablyas energyof motion.

To denotethis we shall say that the mediumaroundthe conductoris polarized, this word being employedto denotethat its state

or some of its propertieshave been alteredin some mannerand to a certainextent dependingon the intensityof the charge. If 

the chargeis negative the polarizationis in the opposite sense, the two beingrelated, perhaps, like right-handedand left-handed

twistsor rotations.

Nowconsider the case of a body chargedalternately, positivelyandnegativelyin rapid succession. The positivechargemeansa

positivepolarizationof the medium, whichbeginsat the conductorand travelsout throughspace. When the bodyis discharged

the mediumis once more set free and resumesits formercondition. Thenegative chargenow inducesa modificationof themediumor polarizationin the opposite sense. The resultof alternatecharges of opposite sign is that the mediumat any point

becomespolarizedalternatelyin opposite directions, whilewavesof opposite polarizationsare propagatedthroughspace, each

carryingenergyderived from the sourceor agentsupplyingthe electrification. Here, then, we have a periodicdisturbanceof 

someking occurringat each point, accompaniedby wavesof energytravelingoutwardsfromthe conductor.

The phenomenonof interferenceleads to the conclusionthat light is the result of periodicdisturbancesor vibrationsof the

medium, but as to the natureof these vibrations, as to the exact natureof the periodicchangesor whatit is that changesthem,

we possessno knowledge. We knowthat alternatingelectricchargesare accompaniedby correspondingchangesof state or

vibrationsof the medium, and if the chargeis variedperiodicallyand withsufficientrapidity, we have a vibrationat each point

analogousto, perhapsidenticalwith, that whichoccursin the propagationof light --- a combinationof wave and particle

properties. This then is the electromagnetictheoryof the luminous vibration.

In the older elastic-solid theory, the light vibrationsweresupposedto be actualoscillationsof the elementsor moleculesof the

mediumabout theirpositionsof rest, such as takes place whenwavesof transversedisturbanceare propagatedthroughan elasticsolid. Such limitationis unwarrantedto someextent, but one cannotaffordto entirelydisregardthe particletheoryof light either.

A combinationof the theorieshas merit. We know that the change, disturbance, vibration, polarization, or whateverwe wish to

term it, is periodicand transverseto the directionof propagation. The electromagnetictheoryteachesus nothing furtheras to its

nature, but ratherassertsthat whateverthe chargemaybe, it is the same in kind as that whichoccursin the mediumwhen the

chargeof an electrifiedbody is alteredor reversed. It reduceslightand heatwavesto the same categoryas wavesof electrical

polarization. The only qualityof the later requiredto constitutethe former is sufficientrapidityof alteration. These speculations

weregiven the strongestconfirmationbyexperimentsof Prof. Hertzmanyyears ago.

When a resilientsubstanceis subjectedto strain and then set free, oneof two thingsmay happen. The substancemayslowly

recoverfromthe strainand graduallyattain its naturalstate, or the elasticrecoil maycarryit pastits positionof equilibriumand

causeit to execute a seriesof oscillations. Somethingof the same sort mayalso occurwhenan electrifiedcapacitoris discharged.

In ordinarylanguage, there maybe a continuousflow of electricityin one directionuntil the dischargeis completed, or an

oscillatingdischargemayoccur. That is, the first flow maybe succeededby a backrush, as if the firstdischargehadoverrunitself and somethinglike recoilhad set in. The capacitorthus becomesmore or less chargedagain in the opposite sense, and a second

dischargeoccurs, accompaniedby a secondbackrush, the oscillationgoingon until all the energyis either completelyradiatedor

used up in heatingthe conductorsor performingother work.

When capacitorsare filled withenergycapturedby the MorayRadiantEnergydeviceand then dischargedthrougha circuitof 

properimpedance, reactanceand inductance, therebysynchronizingthe oscillationof the devicewith those of the universe*,

electricalinertia is set up. In the reversalof the current, the capacitorsare charged, dischargedandrechargedslowlyuntil the

energystored in themis radiatedin kinetic energythroughthe device, and this energycan bekept alive indefinitelyby

establishingresonancewith the oscillationsof the universe.

[ * Veryoften Dr Morayinterchangedthe word universewithmatter. ]

Consideringoscillationsfroma mechanical, electricaland mathematicalpoint of view, we find that electricalresistanceis thesame as mechanicalfrictionand currentis comparableto mechanicalvelocity. Inertiaand inductancemaythen be considered

analogousterms. In mechanicsthe greaterthe inertiaof a body, the longer it will stay in motion. In the Radiant Energydevice's

resistance-inductance-capacity(REC or RLC) circuit, the greater the electrical inductance, the longer the currentcontinuesto

flow once it is establishedby synchronizationwithcosmic surges.

Expressedmathematically, the equationsare the same for electricalor mechanicalphenomena. That is, R< squareroot 4L / C,

whereR is the resistancein ohms, L is the inductancein henries, and C is the capacitancein farads. When this is true, an

oscillatorydischargewill occurand a very powerfulinductanceinertiawill assertitself. For low values of R, the frequencyof the

oscillationscan be shownby f = 1/2 pi squareroot CL. The rapidityof the oscillations' frequenciesare governedby the

capacitanceand inductance.

In the vibrationalforcesof the universe, we find the key to the sourceof all energy. How we can utilizethis energyfor modern

industrywithoutbeinglimited to mechanicalprimemoversis the question. And, the answermay in an energygenerator, balanced

so as to oscillatein synchronizationwith the oscillationsof the universe.

Dr RossGunn, a civilianscientistfor the USNavy, statedyears ago that the earthis a hugegenerator, generatingover 200

millionamperesof electriccurrentcontinuously. For example, the aurora borealisis consideredto be a very largedefinite

electricalphenomenonproducedby the passageof electricchargesthroughthe rarifiedgasesof the higher atmosphere. The

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earthhas since been shown, by Dr Gunnand others, to havea negative chargeamountingto 400,00 coulombs. Yet, six feet

above the groundthe air is chargedwith more than 200volts--- positivewith respectto the ground.

It is known that air conductselectricityaway fromchargedobjects. Thisbeing true, how does the earth, a chargedobject and

exposedas it is to the surroundingatmosphere, maintainits charge? If the air conductselectricity, the earth's chargemustbe

constantlypassinginto the atmosphere. Andit has been calculatedthat the earthhas a continuousdischargeinto the atmosphere

of 1800amperes. At this rate, the earthwouldlose 90% of its chargeinto the air in one hour, yet the earth's chargedoes not

diminish. Wheredoes the earth's sourceof energycome from?

The conversionof matter to energyin the stars is accepted, and, reasoningfromwhat occursin radioactivedisintegrationduring

whichenergywaveare radiated, one mayconcludethat energywavesof veryhigh frequencyare sentout fromthe stars (one of whichis our sun). Now, of course, the conversionof energyinto mattermustequallybe accepted.

It has been foundthat ionization, which couldbe the mediumfor the flow of energy, increaseswithaltitudes insteadof 

decreasing. Since the sourceof energyis the universe, the generationof energyby rotaryaction and by all primemoversis an

effectand not a cause. Oscillatoryenergyaction, be it in a Leydenjar or anotherman-madecapacitor, or in whatwe maycall

naturalcapacitors, behavesthe same. Theoscillationswill continue until theyhave reachtheir cycleof heightand then there

will be a backrushreturningto wherethe oscillationsoriginated. Everyoscillation, whetherlarge or small, is completedduring

the same interval of time. These oscillationsall provethe same great fact, that theyare governedby the same cycle of time,

completedduringthe same intervalof time. Wavesof energyhave a regularbeat note, comingand goingas the wavesof the sea,

but in a very definitemathematicalorder--- comingto the earthfromeverydirectionwith a definite rhythm.

Energyhas a definiteelasticor resilientrigidityand density, whichis subjectto displacementandstrain. When strain is removed,

the mediumwill springback to its old positionand beyond, surgingback and forth, andwill continueto oscillateuntil the

originalpressureis used up. If the internalimpedanceis too great, therewill be no oscillations, but it will merelyslide back in adead beat to its unrestrainedstate.

Bycuttingdown resistanceto a minimumand synchronizingthe resilientionicactionsof the Moraydevicewith the wave actions

of the universe, periodsof oscillationcan bemadeto come quickerand quickeruntil inertiaassertsitself, thus lengtheningout

the time of final recovery. This is doneby carryingthe recoil beyondthe naturaloscillationsand prolongingthe vibrationsby

capturingthe in oscillatoryaction. When the recoverybecomesdistinctlyoscillatory, a harmonicpatternis initiatedand the

oscillationscontinue, resonancetherebybeing establishedwith the universe.

In the universewe see the same laws beingobeyedas in our laboratories. As one tracesdown to the almost infinitesimal

constituentsof the atom, one findsthat matterdoes not exist at all as the realisticsubstancewhichwe have supposedit to be.

Thereat the veryfoundation, it consistsof nothing more than energycharges emittedat variouswavelengthsor frequencies. It is

becomingmore and more certain that the apparentcomplexityof natureis due to our lackof knowledge. And, as the picture

unfolds, it promisesa marveloussimplicity.

Oneof the mostmarvelousrelationshipsthat has ever been revealedin the entire scienceof physicsis that betweenlight and

electricityand the existenceof electronicsin atoms of matter. Knowingwhatwe do at the presenttime with regardto the

structureof atoms, this relationshipis not quiteso surprising. However, consideringthe total absenceof this knowledgeabout a

half centuryago, the discoverythat light, and radiationin general, are vibratoryphenomenawas revolutionary.

Speakingof radiation, Radianthere meansproceedingfroma center in straightlines in everydirection. Energyis internaland

inherent. "Energyis definedas a conditionof matter in virtueof whichany definiteportionmayaffect changesin anyother

definiteportion". This was written in 1892, and discoveriessince confirmit. Energythen is a state of matter, or rather, the result

of a particularstate or conditionin whichmatter maybe whenany observedphaseof energyappears.

In additionto possessingkinetic energy, the atom is capable of absorbingenergyinternally. This internalenergyis associated

with the configurationof the particlesof whichthe atom is composed. Underordinaryconditionsan atomis in whatis known as

a state of equilibriumin whichthere is neithera givingoff nor absorbingof energy. But, the internalenergyof the atom can be

altered. When the internalenergyof the atomexceedsthat of its normalstate it is said to be excited. Excitationsmaybe caused

in severalways, e.g., the collision of an atomwith rapidlymovingpositiveor negativeparticlesor the breakingof lines of force

in an electromagneticgenerator. Kineticenergyis releasedwhenexcitationcausesa particleto giveup someor all of its kinetic

energyto the atomduringcollisions. This is taking place in the universeall the time.

The electricmotor and generatorwould neverhave been discoveredif a dielectric(insulation) had not been discovered. If one

discoversa dielectricvalve for the energyof the universe, one has the answerto harnessingthe energyof the universe! A

limitingcase of excitationis ionization, whereinenergyis absorbedby the atomsufficientlyto allowa looselybound electronto

leavethe atom, againstthe electrostaticforceswhich tend to hold it within the atom. Anatomwhich has givenup one or more

electronsis said to be ionized. It is possiblethat ionization, i.e., excitation, may takeplace in successivestepsthroughabsorption

of quantaenergy. The returnof an ionizedatomto a state of lowerenergyis associatedwithelectromagneticradiation. Also,

fromthe processof ionization, electrical energymaybecomeassociatedwith the vibrationalforcesof the universecominginto

the earthas cosmicradiation. The higher the frequency, the greater the ionizationor excitation, a formof energywhich is kineticin nature. Thereare tremendousenergiescomingto the earthfromouter space. These energiesare onlydifferentmanifestations

of the energieswe see in operationall aroundus. In mostcaseswe are not even awareof their existence. "Theypenetrate

everythingincludingour own bodies. Everyone of us is aliveby virtueof these energies. Everypart and particleof the universe

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is alivewith them. The generatorsthat now furnishour electricpowerdo not createor originateany poweror electricity; they

merelydirect, pump, the existingenergyor electricity."*

[* Advancesof Science, Watson Davis, 1934]

As in musical notesof highand low "C", the vibrationalrates (frequencies) are different, but all "C" notesare essentiallythe

same (harmonicallyrelated). This is the foundationupon which much of my investigationof vibratoryphenomenais based.

It hasbeen agreedthat all formsof matterare vibratingat a particularrate of frequency. And, so it is with the variousformsof 

energy---heatand light, magnetismand electricity. Theseare but formsof vibratorymotionconnectedwithand beinggenerated

from the same source, the universe. Mattervibrates at a particularrate, accordingto its character, and maybe transmittedinto

other substanceby loweringor raisingits rate of frequency. If the frequencyis raised high enough, the moleculeswill separate

and the atoms becomefree. Raisingthe frequencystill higher, the atoms resolvethemselvesinto theiroriginalcomponents.

Matterthen becomesa formof energy. Frequenciesmaybe developedwhichwill balancethe force of gravityto a point of 

neutralization. One can then go beyondthe force of gravitation. Understandingthe principlesof vibrationis truly understanding


In gammarays, we find potentialswhichare equivalentto as muchas 1,000,000 volts, yet theirwavelengthsare not the shortest

known. In octavesstill higherlie rays whichare known as cosmicrays. Whocan drawa definite lineand sayhow much higher

other octavesexist than those knowsas the cosmicrays? Our startingpoint fromthe discoveryof these differentwaveswas

electricalconductivityof the air, and it hasbeen foundthat this conductivityis just as strongby night as by day. Radiations

emittedby the sun can scarcelybe the sole causeof this energy. All space is saturatedwith vibration, energies, whichare no

doubtelectrical in character. The relationof matte to energyandenergyto matter then becomesthe potentialof the universe---

one continuousseriesof oscillations.

Atomsmaintainan equilibriumby oscillations, rotations, attractionsandrepulsions, but this does not interferewith a

transformationof equilibrium, which, when the transformationsof equilibriumare rapid enough, become energy, i.e., matter is

turninginto energyand energyinto matter.

Therecan be no generationof electricalcurrentand no kinetic energyif thereis no disturbanceof equilibrium, i.e., changeof 

potentialor changeof energylevels. When one thinksof the oxygenand nitrogenmoleculesof the air all aboutus movingwith

the speedof bulletsand striking us and everythingelse at this speed, one can formsome ideaof the agitationtakingplace here

and in the universe.

The oscillationsfromouter space are emittingelectromagneticwavesof manywavelengthsandfrequencies. The Moraydeviceis

so constructedthat the frequencyis verymuch loweron the secondaryside than on the primaryside, and almostcomplete

resonanceis established. I am convincedthat the energiesfromthe universeare active radiationsproducedby the evolutionof 

matterinto energyand energyinto matter.*

[* At this point Dr Morayobservedthe discoveriesof the earlyagents to beparallelingsomeof his own ideas. Then he wenton

to quote severalpast releasesof the day (1960)]

Dr Anderson's cloudchamberat CaliforniaInstituteof Technologyin whichthe positronwas discoveredhas furnishedmuch

informationaboutcosmic ray energies. He foundthat somepositronsare born of cosmic rayssmashinginto matter. The cosmic

ray energiesdeducedfromthe tracks left in the Andersoncloudchamberrange from100 voltsto 3 billion volts. TheLemaitre-

Vallartstheorytogetherwith Dr Johnson's asymmetrymeasurements, givedefinitevaluesfor the energyof half of the cosmic

radiation, and showsit continuouslydistributedbetween5 billion and 50 billion volts.

The figureof 100 billion voltsis a result of Dr W. Kolhorster's measurementof penetratingradiationin the depthsof the

Strassfurtsalt mines. He foundthat the minimumenergyof these rayshad a penetrationwhichwas greaterthan ever before

demonstrated. Dr AxelCorlinof Sweden's Lund Observatoryfoundradiationthat still had energyafterpassingthrough

somewhatgreaterdepthsand, therefore, the voltagefigurescan be madeeven higher. Energiesof 100 billion voltsor more areindicatedby the greatbursts set off by cosmic ray collisions, called the stosse, whichhave been observedparticularlyin

Germany. The MorayRE deviceshave workedequallywell in deepmines, underwater or highin the mountainsand in an


It is about100 yearssince sciencebegan to considerlight, heat, magnetism, galvanism, and electricityas naturalforces. In the

earlypart of the 19th centuryschoolbooks termedthese things"imponderablesubstances". The corpuscletheoryof light was

taught, the sun was supposedto providean endlesssupplyof those corpuscles. After the corpuscletheoryfaded, scientiststurned

to the wave theory, but even that was basedon a crude conceptof movementof the ultimateprinciplesor atoms, of matter. The

electrontheoryhas supercededthe earlierones now, and while the electrontheoryexplainsthe observedandtheoretical"facts"

better than the previousconceptsdid, could it be that, as the greaterlight of knowledgeleads us on, the electrontheoryin turn

will fall shortof providing"absolute" knowledge? The EinsteinTheorymaystandin need of revisionor amendment; or, in time,

it mayjoin the theoriesof corpusclesand waveson the back shelf.

Chapter 8

Reactions By Means Of Electron Excitation

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[p. 209] A specificcase in which the electricfield performsthe double functionof molecularexcitationand the creationof 

intermolecularand atomic ions is beinggivenby the system used by the inventor.

It is a systemutilizingthe principlesof the wire coronawitha concentriccylinderat differentpressures. The system is modified

in conformityto the conceptthat chemicalreactionsmust takeplace whenthe oppositelychargedmolecularions froman

appropriateactivatedcatalyst are acceleratedagainstone anotherin the wirecorona. It consistsof a cylindermadeof a suitable

catalyst fromwhich positive ionsare emitted. The reactants(gases) streamingthroughthe chamberparallelto the lengthof the

wireattainthe polarityof the negative molecularionsby the high electricfield close to the wire. As these negative molecular

ionsare acceleratedat the rightanglesto the wire in the directionof the electricfield toward the positivelychargedcatalyst

cylinder, theyare met by an avalancheof onrushingatomic ions fromthe catalyst. Acertain amountof reactiontakes place in

that instant, 10-8 seconds. However, some of the negativemolecularionsoutside the meanfree path of the positiveatomic ionsare free to rush headlongtowardthe positivecylindricalfield wheretheyare neutralized, and instantlygivena positivechargeby

the avalancheof outrushingpositiveions. These positivemolecularionsare acceleratedback into the fieldand collide against

the negativemolecularionscomingfromthe directionof the negativeelectrodecorona. This melee continuesuntil the reaction

has cometo a point wherethe individualparticipantsare eitherall goneor the mixture is outsideof the electricfield: backrush


The Morayapparatuscombinedwith other equipment, consistsof a combinationof speciallyconstructedtubes whichwe will

refer to as valves, "pressuretransmitters", interceptorsand oscillators. The valvesare not rectifiersin the sensethat theyoperate

as radio valvesin changingACor HF to DC. Theyhave an actual valve action in stoppingthe "flow" of energywhichmaybe

thought of as oscillatoryactionsimilar to the wavesof the sea, without rectification, from returningto the outer circuit, much as

a retainingwall could stop the waves of the seafromreturning. The other modalitiesand "tubes" of the deviceare equally

uniquein theirperformance. Althoughno new laws of energyare being advancedor claimedas havingbeendiscovered, the

applicationin the methodof utilizationof the energythroughoutspace is unique in that "generation" is accomplishedbyoscillatoryutilizationratherthan by the conventionalprimemover. Thesedetectortubeshave a synchronizedpull with the

speciallydevelopedoscillatorsof high faradiccapacityand provide a meansthroughwhichoscillatingenergymaypass to

speciallyconstructedvalve oscillatorswhose relationto the first stage valveis such as to permitoscillationsto comein frombut

not return to the outer circuitwith an automaticvariablerelation to the oscillationsfromthe universe, and capableof settingup

within their circuitsinitialoscillationswhichcoincidewith the oscillationsof the universe.

Specialprovisionis providedto stopRE tubesfrombecomingblockedin their dissipationof the chargescreated by the

oscillationsthat continuallyaccumulatebasedon the oscillatorycapacitybackrusheffectcommonto capacitorsan hereinapplied

in vacuumtubes. Thisaction of these deviceshas the effectof enlargingand prolongingthe time of chargeand dischargeof the

capacitorsand the capacityenergyin the circuitto an appreciableintervalin perfectharmonywith the naturalenergywave

throughthe interceptor's valvesand oscillatorsin the circuitwhich set up in the circuitelectricalpulsationscorrespondingto the

energywaves capturedby the interceptorandagainkept fromreturningto the secondouter circuitby "multi-walled" valves. The

final tubesact as energypressuretransmitterswith a meansto prevent"shunting" condensationby a specialformof "getter".

This stops condensationaccumulatingat the base of the tubes whichwould block their ionicaction.

Onemust"split" the energydischargebandinto lines of variation(call this whatyou will), linesof energyor linesof light

beyondthe "light rays". The oscillations, therefore, do not becomesimpleoscillationsbut throughthe action of the universeset

up an energyflow whichmightbe referredto as the assertionof inertia. When inertiasets in, the action will continuebecauseof 

the oscillationsof the cosmos, otherwiseone wouldhave a completedissipationof energyand no oscillations. The oscillation

will vibrateduringthe same period of time regardlessof the potential, but the rate of vibrationof the devicedependson the

"capacity" of its modalities, i.e., condensers, etc...

[p. 212] Put togetherin pure energyresonancecertainenergyrespondingapparatuswhichsynchronizewith the resonanceof 

certainvibrationsin the universe, and whatdo you have? Useableenergyfromthe universe. This energymaycome to the planets

as oscillationssimilar to the oscillationsand tides of the sea. TheRE tubesreceivedthis energyin surgeswhichmaylast only a

few microsecondsby the pressureand currentin those surgesare so strongthat sufficientenergyis deliveredto the equipmentin

resonanceto be useablein multiplesof flashesand in a magnitudewhichcompeteswith the light of day. Rememberresonanceand pressurecan doa lot to amplifyenergy. Alsorememberthat the vibrationsgoingout fromthe sourcesin the universemust

alsoreturn to their sources. Nothingis lost. Thereis onlya loweringof potentiallike water over the wheel.

The REtubes presentno newlaws of physics. Theysimplyexpandthe applicationof known laws therebyobtainingresultsnotat

firstdeemedpossible. This is the historyof science. RE tubespossessgreaterabilityto obtain"saturation" and thuschargethe

accompanyingcapacitorsor condensersat a more steadyrate. When a certainvoltageis reached, ionizationoccursin the gases

of the dischargedtube ad causesthe condensersof the valvecircuitto dischargeinto other condensersof the valve circuitto

dischargeinto other condensersof the oscillatorsand the other modalitiesof the circuit.

When ionizationin the precedingtubes is no longerpossiblebecauseof the reducedvoltage, the processstarts all over again. The

firstvalvepassesvibrationsof energyinto anoscillatorycircuit; ionizationsets in, a dischargeoccurs, and energypassesthrough

anothervalveinto other oscillators. The processis repeatedfromthe firststage on to the secondstage, on to the thirdand so on,

muchlike a bucketbrigade. That is whyI askedyears ago, "Cannota steadyflowof water be obtainedfrom the wavesof the seaor energyfrom the vibrationsof the cosmos?"...

When a vibrationof any kind strikesa boundarybetweentwo media of differentvibratoryimpedancesat anangleof less than

90 degrees, a transformationof the vibratoryratemaybe changedinto anothervibratoryrate. TheRE devicethereforewill

continue to captureenergyby resonance, or call it whatyou will, as long as the "keep alive" vibrationof the cosmoscontinuesto

oscillatethe variousstagesof the valvesand oscillatorsin the circuit. Simple, is it not? Just a case of the trappingof energy

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whichis everywherepresentin the primarycircuitand causingit to oscillatethroughthe secondarycircuitsthrougha blocked

circuitof no return.

Our experimentshave provedthat thereis an energywhichexistsin the universewhich, by properdevelopmentof equipment,

can be madeavailablefor commercialuse...

Chapter 10

Capture of Energy by Resonance

[p. 241] Suchan energytransformeror converterhas been built. It has been operated, at full load continuouslywithno

expenditureof fuelsof any type, withouta mechanicalprimemover, kept aliveby the oscillationsof the energiesfromthe

cosmos; an energyconverter, or transformer, which would be capable of convertingthe highfrequency, highlevel energyof the

cosmic radiationinto currentof usable frequencyand voltage.

Basicallythe theoryof operation is as follows: Oscillationsare startedin the firststage or circuitof the deviceby excitingit with

an externalenergysource. The circuitis "tuned" until the oscillationsare sustainedby harmoniccouplingto the cosmicwave

frequencies. The reinforcingaction of the harmoniccouplingincreasesthe amplitudeof the oscillationsuntil the peak pulses

"spill" over into the next stage througha specialdetectoror valvewhichprevents the return or feedbackof energyfrom

succeedingcircuits. These "pulses" drive this stage, whichoscillatesat a lowerfrequencyand is againreinforcedby harmonic

couplingwith the ever presentcosmicwaves. The secondstage drivesa third stage, and additionalstagesare coupleduntil a

suitable powerlevel at a useablefrequencyand voltageis obtainedby meansof special transformers(See schematicdrawingof 

RE device).

[ The handwritingat the top of the drawingstates: "More than one Morayvalve maybe used. Theymaybe used as rectifiersor

oscillators. The stoneof this valveor stones are made of purifiedgermaniummixedwithvarioussubstancesas explained

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elsewhere. Caremustbe used in alloyinggermaniumwith other substancesas too muchother matteradded increases

conductivityand germaniumlooses its propertiesas ...

"Haveused "Moraylead"... as keepingvalve at slightlyraised temperature..."

The other notes concernconventionalelectronics(amplifiers, &c). The secondpage of these notes includesthe followingdetails:

"The MorayValveand circuit(shownin the drawingfigures1, 2, and 3) were theredecribedin more detail. The valve was a

metalenvelope135 to whichbismuthwas attachedat 136 by fusing... [Molybdenum?] sulfidebeingseparatedfromcase 135 at

point 132. Portionsof Germaniumwereused at point 130 [?] between136, 137 and 138". Theseelementsand compoundsare

discernablein the otherwisenearly illegible handwriting: Germanium, Iron Sulfide (FeS), MolybdenumSulfide (MoS), Bismuth,

and Uranium.

The referenceto "Moraylead" is connectedwith Moray's  US Patent# 2,460,707 ("ElectrotherapeuticApparatus"), which


"The inventionhas been describedin the foregoingwithsolereferenceto its use for therapeuticpurposes. It shouldbe noted,

however, that inorganicmattermayalso be treatedto advantagepursuantto the methodand with the apparatusof the invention.

It has been foundthat metals, for examplelead, havechangedphysicalpropertiesafter treatmentin accordancewith the

above..." ]

[ The text that accompaniesthis drawingstates: "The Moraygermaniummixturegivescertainunique resultsin functioningas a

valveand as a booster(amplifier). Madein formof roundedstonesor pellets compressedunderhigh pressureadnfused.

Combinationcontainsbismuth, iron sulfide,puregermaniummetal, [...], triboluminescent[...] fastenedto envelopewith pure tin

in place of solder(Bismuth pellet fusedto side). Germaniummostly[...] float betweenother pelletsbut makingfirm but

needlepoint-like contact. hvae used silver too, which has someof the propertiesof germanium. Germaniumworksbestwhen

impuritiesare introduced..." ]

Oncethe machineis in operationand deliveringpower, it doesnot requireany continuanceof the excitationforcesnecessarytostart it. The oscillationsare sustainedas long as it remainsproperlytunedand the externalcircuit is completedthrougha suitable


The special tubeswhichappearto be the key to the successof this deviceare ioniccold cathode tubes whichrequireno external

power sources..

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[p. 244] The followingguidelinesdelineatewhatone mustdo to duplicateDr Moray's Radiant EnergyDevice:

(1) When the primaryside of the deviceis disconnected, a spark equivalentto 225,000 voltsmust be drawnbetweenthe two


(2) Bydisconnectingthe antennaand re-connectingimmediately, the lights muststay on. If the lightsare allowedto die,

however, re-connectingthe antennawill not reestablishthe connectionand the unit becomescompletelyelectricallydead.

(3) The energyproducedmust be high frequency.

(4) Thedevicemustbe operableat a distanceof more than 50miles from power lines or radiostations.

(5) The light of a 100 watt lamp must be whiterand brighterthan the ordinary100 watt lamp without burningoutafter 157

hours of operation.

(6) Whena heavyload is connectedto the devicewhile in operation, after alreadydrainingas muchas 4 kilowatts, the present

load mustnot decreasenor the lightsflicker.

(7) A duplicateshunt test, like that madeby Lovesy, withnumber50 wiremustbe successful.

(8) Smallnumber30 wire shouldbe usedfor all circuits.

(9) At least 10,000wattsand up to 50,000wattsof powermust be producedin a box not weighingmore than 60 pounds.

(10) As the groundwire is drivendeeper, the amountof power mustincrease.

(11) Noneof the componentsof the devicemust heat.

(12) No movingpartsmaybe included.

(13) Thedevicemustbe absolutelysilent.

(14) Bytuningthe circuitby the use of variablecapacitors, the lightsmustcome on.

(15) A resistiveload of 600wattsmust be broughtto full heat in less than 2-1/2 minutes.

(16) After158 hours of operation, the unit must still be runningand no partsof the devicebe heated.

(17) The test performedby Dr Knudsonmustbe duplicated.

(18) Smellof zone shouldbe presentduringthe operation.

(19) No heatedcathodesor biaspowersupplymustappear.

(20) Allof the above mustbe presentat the same time.

The fact remainsthat HenryMoraydemonstratedunderthe above conditionson numerousoccasions, up to 50,000 wattsof 

power. The devicealwayssat on a tablewhere it was easilyexaminedby anyonecominginto the room, so that it couldbe seen

that the only wiresenteringthe devicewerethe antennaand the ground...

Early ModelRER:

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Moray's Semiconductor:

(Photo Credit: Bruce Perrault/Nuenergy.com)

One of Moray's High Power CapacitorDischargeTubes:

(Photo Credit: Bruce Perrault: Nuenergy.com)

One of Moray's manydemonstrations:

Excerptsfrom Moray's Patent ApplicationDrawings (from Bruce Perreault) --

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