Henry Kendall High School · 2019-10-15 · Henry Kendall High School ‘Developing confident,...

Henry Kendall High School ‘Developing confident, responsible citizens who strive for excellence’ Find us at: Faunce Street, Gosford 2250 T (02) 4325 2110 F (02) 4323 2685 E [email protected] Issue 5 – Term 2 June 2011 CELEBRATION ASSEMBLY 16 JUNE 2011 Layton Manuel – 2010 HSC Top Performer Abbey Willcox – NSW Gymnastics Gold Level 7 Overall Deen-Ali Khoshnoud-Rad – Kokoda Youth Leadership Challenge & State SRC Council Representative Alyssa Kale – NSW Womens Cricket Association U/18 squad & NSW CHS Cricket Simon Clark – musical performer at Celebration Assembly Presentation of School Captain jumpers

Transcript of Henry Kendall High School · 2019-10-15 · Henry Kendall High School ‘Developing confident,...

Henry Kendall High School

‘Developing confident, responsible citizens who strive for excellence’

Find us at: Faunce Street, Gosford 2250 T (02) 4325 2110 F (02) 4323 2685 E [email protected]

Issue 5 – Term 2 June 2011


Layton Manuel – 2010 HSC Top Performer

Abbey Willcox – NSW Gymnastics Gold Level 7 Overall

Deen-Ali Khoshnoud-Rad – Kokoda Youth Leadership Challenge &

State SRC Council Representative Alyssa Kale – NSW Womens Cricket Association U/18 squad & NSW CHS


Simon Clark – musical performer at Celebration Assembly

Presentation of School Captain jumpers


From the Principal As Semester 1 draws to a close we are able to reflect proudly on the achievement of our students in their learning both in the classroom and in a variety of extra curricula activities. On Thursday 16 June we acknowledged student high achievement in a range of fields, academic, sporting, cultural and student leadership. The talent and dedication of these young people is a credit not only to the school but also to their parents and our community. Present at the ceremony were Mr Lee Oliver, Principal - Point Clare Primary School and Ms Liz Hutton- Assistant Principal - Gosford Public School, who were able to reflect on the growth of their graduates. We also welcomed Mr Jim Tinker, Gosford RSL Sub Branch President and Mrs Noelene McManus, Student Welfare Officer from Gosford District Office, both whom were able to present Deen-Ali Khoushnoud-Rad with certificates recognising outstanding student leadership. A highlight of the morning was the acknowledgement of seventeen students from our 2010 HSC cohort who achieved Band 6 (90-100 mark range) results. Layton Manual was recognised for his placement in the Premier’s All Rounder’s List, achieving Band 6 in six out of seven courses. It was pleasing to hear of their progress since their departure, many engaged in further studies, both at TAFE and at university. All worthy role models for our students. Congratulations to the following Award Recipients:

Certificate of Academic Excellence Erin Mangan “Mind & Morality” HSC Unit University of

Sydney Certificate of Achievement

Hayden Robertson 2011 Defence Technical Scholarship Deen-Ali Khoshnoud-Rad

Kokoda Youth Leadership Challenge

State SRC Council Representative Kali Herring NSW Premier’s ANZ Memorial Scholarship Naomi Baxter NSW Premier’s ANZ Memorial Scholarship Phil Booth University of Newcastle Vice-Chancellor’s

Award Leah-Marie Pratt Max Potential Leadership Scholarship Brittany Tait NSW CHS Water Polo

Australian U/17 Water Polo Training Squad

Lucy Metcalfe Australian U/17 Matilda Football Squad Alyssa Kale NSW Womens Cricket Ass U/18 Squad

NSW CHS Cricket Laura Ghali NSW CHS Swimming Gold-100m

freestyle, Silver-200m freestyle, 100m backstroke, breaststroke

Trinity Carson NSW CHS Tennis Doubles Bronze Tennis Australia Nationals

Abbey Willcox NSW Gymnastics Gold Level 7 Overall Ethan Bullock International Friendship Games-Ice

Hockey Gabriella Mileto Featured Artist Starstruck 2011

I would like to take this opportunity to thank parents for their support for the change of date of our Term 3 Staff Development Day. It was a highly successful day, with staff having the opportunity to work with Mr Michael King, who took us through the processes of reviewing the school’s vision and laying some solid foundations for future planning. As part of that process staff will work with student and parent groups over the next term to develop a vision and a set of values that reflect that of our school community. As a result of the variation of that day parents and students are reminded that lessons begin for students Monday 18 July – Day 1, Term 3. The end of Semester 1 also marks the end of the first reporting period of the year. We have already had the opportunity to talk with the parents of Years 11 and 12 and as a result a number of positive steps have been put in place to continue an open and strong dialogue around supporting students in their learning. I encourage parents of Years 7-10 to take the opportunity to make an appointment to meet their children’s teachers and discuss their progress in the Term 3 evenings. At various stages in a student’s school life there are important transition points. Currently our Year 10 students are considering their subject selections for Stage 6 and next term Year 8 will consider their elective patterns for Stage 5. Students should read the course outlines carefully, speak to teachers and choose courses they are interested in as engagement is an important factor in achieving improved learning outcomes. Year 10 students in particular have an extra consideration, that of a career path. Ensuring they have chosen courses that provide prior learning for their chosen tertiary studies. Your support is most appreciated.

Partnerships Project

A number of Middle School and Mathematics teachers have been working with teachers from our partner schools to develop common teaching and learning strategies in order to improve numeracy for our Stage 3 and 4 cohorts. The group is aiming to have a common program that will begin in Term 4 Year 6 and be completed in Term 1 Year 7. It will provide a valuable continuum of learning, giving students a sense of direction and set clear learning expectations. The professional discussions between teachers and an understanding of the learning at each stage have been a strong feature of the project. Further development of the program in Term 3 will occur prior to implementation in Term 4. I hope you enjoy reading the following pages as much as I did. I look forward to fresh faces and beaming smiles at the beginning of Term 3. Ms Jan Gillespie – Relieving Principal


Coming Events for Term 3

Week 1

18/7/11 School commences for staff & students

20/7/11 Yr7 Girls 2nd HPV Vaccinations Yr7 Chickenpox Vaccinations

21/7/11 Yr10 – 11 Interview Program

Week 2

25/7/11 Yr10 – 11 Course Selection Sheets due

25/7-29/7/11 Yr11 Hospitality/Primary Industries Workplacements

26/7/11 School Social

27/7/11 Yr 8,9 & 10 Parent Teacher Night

Week 4

8/8-19/8/11 HSC Trial Examinations

9/8/11 Yr8 into Yr9/10 Student/Parent Information Night

Week 5

15/8/11 Yr8 into Yr9 Course Selection Sheets due

15/8/11 HSC Soc & Culture PIP, Design, Industrial Tech projects must be handed in

19/8/11 HSC English Ext 2 major works due

Deputy Principal (Administration)

School Reports

Reports on individual progress over Semester One will be distributed prior to the end of Term Two. Parent Teacher Afternoon & Evening

for the junior school will be held on Wednesday 27 July 2011. Please ask your son or daughter for the information sheet that will be given to all students soon so that appointments can be made.

Uniform Shop

Grey long pants for boys should now be available.


Please make every attempt to purchase uniform items from the School Uniform Shop. Any profits go towards the P & C to fund additional resources for our students. Jackets and sloppy-joes bought elsewhere often are not close to the school uniform endorsed by parents.

Lighter green and blue coloured jackets, especially with large logos on the front, are not acceptable.


If you can assist with canteen duty on any day, even if not on a regular basis, it would be greatly appreciated by the school, and especially by the small number of dedicated volunteers who run an excellent canteen under staff shortages on most days.


Please ensure that your son or daughter attends school each day, and is on time for the start of the day. There is a very close link between attendance and academic performance.

Max Potential

Below is an example of one of our talented and motivated Year 11 students, Leah-Marie Pratt, who is participating in this year’s Max Potential leadership program, run each year on the Central Coast. Finding more about myself through Max Potential by Leah-Marie Pratt I have had the honour of being able to join in with the Gosford RSL Max Potential program. It is a great program that gives youth an opportunity to learn leadership skills that can help you later in life. They have a great system that involves not only having a coach to help you through the program, but giving us the skills and capabilities on how to deal with pressure and organisation. I love being in this program and I feel like I have learnt so much about myself and about how if I apply myself what I can achieve. I would recommend this program to anyone wanting to pursue leadership or wanting to see what they can truly achieve.

Danielle (left) and Leah-Marie (right) just after meeting for the first time Mr Robert Cox – Deputy Principal (Years 7, 9 & 11)

Deputy Principal (Curriculum) Wow this term has flown by and so many wonderful things are happening at HKHS. Primarily the time for decision making falls on all three of my year groups. Year 10 attended the ‘Expanding Your Horizon’ Evening on Monday 20 June and has been able to see the offerings of each of our KLA’s. They have had some time to prepare their portfolio, resumes and ideas for 2012 subject selection. Can I encourage you to spend time discussing with your children their choices over the holidays. Maybe do some career detective work and look at university, TAFE and trade options. Many tertiary education providers have open days and fantastic websites to help make informed decisions. This could also add to your evidence of research in your resume folder. Subject selections need to be entered on the school MOODLE site by 25 July. Year 8 will soon be receiving a letter about an Information Evening for their Stage 5 elective choices. This date is Tuesday


9 August 2011. This will be a fantastic opportunity to meet you all and discuss some exciting elective choices for next year. Year 12 have recently received their HSC examination date booklets and are working hard as they head to the Trial HSC examinations. Many other students are also working on their major projects in Courses such as Industrial Technology, Creative Arts and Society & Culture. Many teachers have organised study days in the holidays and time in workshops, and I encourage all students to take up this valuable opportunity. Attendance rates in Year 8 and 10 are also on the slide as many fall victim to illness and “it’s too cold today to get up on time”. I was fortunate to be invited to a forum by local business recently and the many speakers mentioned that when looking to employ students for trades, apprentices or employment attendance, uniform and then teacher comment are there first indicators of reliability, punctuality and attitude to work. Can I encourage you to support your children’s attendance and submit letters for illness on the first day of return. New technology tools for your child Over the next few weeks students will see their student portal change with a new look, enhanced features and a new URL. Four new student portals have been developed to support the different needs of students: Kindergarten to Year 2, Years 3-6, Years 7-12 and TAFE. On 14 June 2011 Year 9 students will receive their new student portal. Year 9 will be followed by Year 10, Years 7 and 8, then TAFE. Years 11 and 12, Kindergarten to Year 2 and finally Years 3 to 6 will follow early in term 3. From 14 June 2011 all school students will access their student portal, from home and at school, from a new URL: http://student.det.nsw.edu.au, whether or not they have access to the new student portal. Students will be able to search, access and organise information for school tasks via their student portal on computers used at home or at school, at any time. The new student portal will have timetable and calendar portlets for students to add their own details. Students will also be able make their portal look the way they want by changing the colour scheme and rearranging, opening or closing portlets. Education Tax Refund A reminder that you can claim the Education Tax Refund (ETR) in your tax return for eligible school expenses. The Federal government initiative provides up to 50 per cent back on a range of children’s education expenses, such as computers, educational software, textbooks and stationery. For the 2010–11 tax year refunds may be as much as $397 for every child at primary school, and up to $794 for every child at secondary school. For more information, and to claim online, go to: www.educationtaxrefund.gov.au/ Ms Rebecca Bartlett – Relieving Deputy Principal (Years 8, 10 & 12)

English This term has been very busy in English. As part of their study of The Fiftieth Gate for the Module ‘History and Memory’, Mrs Jones organised for Year 12 Advanced students to attend a lecture from author Mark Baker and visit the Sydney Jewish Museum, where they were privileged to hear firsthand the experiences of Holocaust survivor Eddie. Advanced English

also saw a performance of Hamlet at Marrickville, thanks again to the tireless Mrs Jones. By the time you read this, Year 12 Standard English classes will have seen a performance of The Shoe-Horn Sonata, a play they are studying as the set text for the Module ‘Distinctively Visual,’ at the Riverside Theatre in Parramatta. Live performances are invaluable in bringing a drama studied in class to life. Bell Shakespeare Company visited the school recently and performed Macbeth Intensive, a one hour condensed version of Shakespeare’s Macbeth for Year 10 English and Drama. Students in my English class raved about the performance and the actors’ ability to portray the emotions of the characters and engage the audience. I would like to thank Ms Bartlett and Ms Masters for their organisation of this event. Mrs Taylor, our teacher librarian, organised for Richard Harland, an internationally successful author, to visit the school on Friday 17 June. The author of popular ‘steampunk’ novels, Harland addressed students from Year 7-10 English classes and conducted a small group writing workshop. Our debating students have won three of their last four debates in the Premier’s Debating Challenge, losing the first to Terrigal High but going on to defeat Kariong Mountain High and Gosford High (twice!). The Stage Four team is made up of girls from Years 7 and 8, and the Stage 5 team is a mix of boys and girls from Year 10. Their success is a credit to the students and to Ms Hawdon, our debating coach. S4 students have been busy all term producing a film as part of their COGS unit. In English, the students have been writing a screenplay, producing storyboards and working on a flyer, as well as filming. Location scouting around the school has exposed the class to areas they have never visited before. They were particularly impressed by the Special Education garden which, through judicious use of camera angles, was transformed into many different settings, including the court of the French Queen. We are all looking forward to the premiere of the films, which will be judged by two S4 teachers not involved in the COGs unit this term. ‘And the Oscar goes to …’ Mrs Pamela Hogan - Head Teacher English


Our three debating teams at Henry Kendall High have been working very hard at lunch time coaching sessions to achieve great success in the Premier’s Debating Challenge. Teams have won three out of the four debates against Terrigal, Kariong Mountains and Gosford High Schools. The Stage 5 team lost to Terrigal in round one and won against Kariong Mountains in round two. The Stage 4 teams have won both round one and two against Gosford High. Students have been enthusiastically embracing skills learnt at coaching sessions and from adjudicators and other teams. Our teams will be competing against Erina High in round three and are looking forward to the opportunity. The photos below are our teams at coaching sessions.

Debate Success at Henry Kendall.

Parents and teachers can be very proud of these amazing students. The students involved are: Sam Burrell, Mitchell Busby , Brittany Mitchell and Anna-purna Srivastava in Stage 5. Students in the Stage 4 teams are: Ashleigh Arkell, Alicia Davies, Brianna Kelly, Chantelle Masters, Courtney Muir, Nebelie Mutukura, Dannielle Pilgrim, Lauren Riley and Ella Whelan.


Ms Lorraine Hawdon – Debating Coordinator Stage 5 Debate Team. Left to right Anna-Purna Srivastava, Sam Burrell, Brittany Mitchell and Mitchell Busby. Stage 4 Debate Team. Left to right: Ashleigh Arkell, Brianna Kelly, Courtney Muir, Chantelle Masters, Lauren Riley. Stage 4 Debating Team. Left to Right: Nebelie Mutukura, Dannielle Pilgrim, Ella Whelan, Alicia Davies.

Middle School

As teachers put the final touches to Semester 1 reports, it is important that we acknowledge student achievement in our subject areas. Congratulations to the following junior students for their excellent results in Middle School Strands in Semester 1:

Khloe Campbell, Annalise Hegyessy, Ashley Cooper, Marco Monteiro, Keshia Tester, Kathryn Molloy, Elyse Tully, Daniel Hobby, Jarrod Gibbs and Molly Davis

Global Awareness (GA)

SeoKyoung Inn, Max Negal, Laura Johnstone, Kathryn Molloy, Annalise Hegyessy, Sharmila Schumacher, Desmond Conway, Sienna Inglis, James Taylor, Corey Simmonds

Human Relationships (HR)

Kathryn Molloy, Marco Monteiro, Briahna Elliott, Sharmila Schumacher, Stephanie Colbran, Jacob Miles, Daniel Hobby, Sienna Inglis, Tankia Porter-Pope, Rochelle Duffy

Information and Communication (IC)

Kathryn Molloy, Annalise Hegyessy, Sharmila Schumacher, Marco Monteiro, Laura Johnstone, SeoKyoung Inn, Shernae Beveridge, Stephanie Colbran, Max Negal, Ashley Cooper

Literacy, Technology, Numeracy (LTN)

Annalise Hegyessy, Janine Kentwell, Marco Monteiro, Stephanie Colbran, Shernae Beveridge, Callan Vassilopoulos, Brett Allen, Isabelle Crothers, Lauren McGuinness, and Sam White. SeoKyoung Inn

School Based Initiative (SB)

LOTE Congratulations to the following students for their efforts in LOTE this semester;

Louis Gray, Evan Koltsis, Nicolas Macherel, Breanna Barsing, Gemma Gordon, Ashleigh Arkell, Sheng Zeng,

Year 8 French

Kiyan Hijjawi, Courtney Meyer, Mitchell Robinson

Ruby Denson, Tanika Sorridimi and Bianca Russom Year 9 French and Japanese

Arina Ganeko, Ellen Myers and Sam Burrell. Year 10 Japanese

It was great to see many of these students recognised at year meetings during our Recognition Week (Week 8). Middle School and LOTE teachers have been impressed by the strong academic focus demonstrated by students this semester. Mr Mark Macdonald - Head Teacher, Teaching and Learning

Year 7 Report It has been pleasing to see more Year 7 students being kind to one another and establishing concrete friendships. There is now a calmer, more settled atmosphere in Middle School which will make school more satisfying for all. I have recently had the pleasure of reading through the Semester One reports for all of Year 7 and am delighted to say that there are many students who are excelling in their studies and many more who are trying their hardest. Keep up the good work.


Congratulations to Zac Burrell who is the first Year 7 student to achieve a School Award in 2011. This means that Zac has already received three Principal’s Awards. He has been working very well to achieve this honour. Also, congratulations to the following students who have achieved Principal’s Awards: Liam Wafer Molly Mitchell Ethan Russell Dannielle Pilgrim Brooke Welsby Emelia Gibson It is wonderful to see so many students receiving Year Awards. Recipients are: Lachlan Van Aken Isabelle Crothers Annalise Hegyessy Ella Whelan Stephanie Colbran Keshia Tester Abby Hutchins Bryttanie Hill-Pearn Jaime Creighton Sharmila Schumacher Lauren McGuinness Marco Monteiro Ryan Forrester Molly Dodd Kathryn Molloy Mitchell Wilson Ben Bradley Well done, everyone. Gae Hobson – Year 7 Adviser

Computing Studies 2011 INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIONS AND ASSESSMENTS FOR SCHOOLS - COMPUTER SKILLS Eight students from the school competed in this year’s competition which was held on 24 May. Two students from each of Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 sat for the test lasting 40 - 45 minutes. Results should be known by the end of Term 2 and they will be published in the next available newsletter. The school supports the entry in external competitions as part of our commitment for fostering gifted and talented students. WHAT IS HAPPENING IN COMPUTING CLASSES? The Year 12 Software Design and Development have recently completed major projects. These projects have been of a high standard and they have enabled students to exhibit many skills, including time management skills - a talent that is valued very highly by prospective employers in the computing industry. The software used to complete these projects included Visual Basic and Flash and projects produced included such diverse items as educational software games, restaurant menus and paint programs. The background documentations play an essential role in the students’ study of the theoretical components of the course for their HSC exam. The Year 12 Information Processes and Technology will be completing their major projects shortly. The focus of this project is the production of an information system in the form of a website. It is expected that a high standard will be reached by the students who have been engrossed in this project since November 2010. The Year 11 Information Processes and Technology classes are involved in completing group projects. This class is producing either a series of web pages or an MS PowerPoint Display on the topic “Aspects of Life at Henry Kendall High

School”. The Year 11 Software Design and Development class has been working with software such as Python, Visual Basic and Microsoft Access software to produce some high quality projects. Year 10 Information and Software Technology students are involved in designing, creating and evaluating a website using Dreamweaver software. Their websites may be entered in the Department of Education and Training’s Annual Schools Web Design Awards competition. Year 9 Information and Software Technology students have completed an assignment where they produced a website individually or in groups on an approved topic. The website requires the learning and use of HTML code. Some high quality work has been evident in Mr Carter’s class. The class is now doing a unit of work involving Robotics using our Lego NXT kits. Some amazing robots have been programmed with some students downloading applications of their mobile phones to manoeuvre their robots. Lots of fun and learning happening as can be seen from the photographs. TAS COMPONENT OF THE SCHOOL’S MOODLE The TAS Faculty are making significant use of the school’s Moodle. Parents are encouraged to visit the site – the easiest way to find it is to type ‘Henry Kendall High School Moodle’ into your favoured search engine, login as a ‘Guest’ and click on the TAS icon and visit the course(s) that your child undertakes. There you will see a number of resources and assignments that are available to students at school and at home. There is also the option for students to upload their assignments. 2011 NEW SOUTH WALES GAME TRAINING ROADSHOW This event was held on Wednesday 1 June in the school’s Multi-Purpose Centre. 24 students from our school attended as well as students from our partner primary schools. Students discovered how to create a huge 3D world with hills, sky, ocean and trees which blow in the wind and then import objects such as cars to turn this world into a driving game. Students were then given the opportunity to download this powerful software to use on their home computers. All attendees reported how much they enjoyed the experience.


“SCHOOL SHORTS” VIDEO MAKING WORKSHOPS –NEWCASTLE UNIVERSITY Emily Fisher from Year 10 has been successful in her application for this workshop to be held from June 20 – 22. Congratulations Emily and we look forward to seeing your report of your time at this course in our next newsletter. Mr C Myers – Head Teacher Computing Studies

Creative & Performing Arts Creative and Performing Arts has had a very busy few months. I have been busy directing ‘Starstruck’ the musical and dance extravaganza in Newcastle on 16-18 June, with the help of Mr Clift and our very own Gabriella Mileto, who was a feature vocal artist. Congratulations Gabriella. On 18 May the Music elective students performed at Lizotte’s Restaurant as the entertainment for the evening. The evening sold out and an excellent evening was had by all. The performers experienced a professional setting and rose to the occasion with outstanding performances. Congratulations to all music students, and Mr Clift who helped me organise the event. Each year the Gosford Regional Gallery asks Year 10 Visual Arts students across the Central Coast to become involved in a sculpture exhibition at the waterfront behind the Japanese Gardens. ‘Sculptures by the Bay’ is inspired by the Bondi Sculptures by the Sea event which we visited, and a sculptor from the Sydney exhibition came to work with our students to help them finalise 5 different sculptures. These were displayed for 3 weeks on the waterfront during May with sculptures from 6 other Central Coast High Schools. The theme was ‘Humanity Assembled’ and it was an inspiring exhibition. Thank you to Ms Skerritt who led this team of budding artists. Congratulations to Kimberley Allen, Dean Bass, David Brooks, Bonnie Bryce, Joshua Cowie, Emily Fisher, Shantelle Holland, Ella Moulder, Natalie Sternbeck, Jessica Thomas, Elissa Younger and Annie Dai. Earlier this year our Year 10 Photography classes displayed an assessment task on ‘Appropriations and Trick Photography’. Ms Gillespie saw the exhibition and brought Dr Cullen, our Regional Director from District Office to have a look. He asked if we could arrange for some of the photographs to be exhibited in the foyer of the District Offices to brighten it up. These students were those who had top quality photographs which were exhibition quality and were framed for the display. Congratulations Year 10 Photography and Mrs Richards for organising the display. Students with exhibited works were Hannah Alcock, Brittany Lofquist, Caitlyn Southan, Craig Sharp, Zoe Oxford, Andrew Cooney, Hannah Maiden, Courtney Saxby, Daniel McGuiness, Elissa Younger, Kate Robinson, Alistair Stepien, Ashlea Page, Natasha Pal and Zac Tagilala. Yr 10 Photography's latest assessment task was to create an advertisement that promoted a positive view of self for teenagers. Some of their excellent work follows:

by Alistair Stepien

by Rebecca Davis by Samantha Farrant Mr Dan Wilson – Head Teacher Creative & Performing Arts

HSIE – History As another busy term draws to a close we would like to congratulate all our students for their on-going commitment to their studies. We have again seen some wonderful results across all subject and year tasks in HSIE. Year 12 has been particularly busy completing a wide variety of tasks in Week 8 and we would like to extend our thanks to all families for their support during these demanding weeks. Year 11 has just completed their mid course examinations and all students again need to be congratulated for their efforts. In particular we would like to acknowledge the efforts of Erin Mangan who received 100% in Modern History, Julia Lee and Deen-Ali Khoshnoud-Rad who received outstanding results in both Legal Studies and Business Studies. A reminder to all Year 10 students to be talking to your History and Geography teachers about all your options for studying HSIE subjects next year. In our junior school we will be having our annual Year 8 Medieval Day in Week 10. Students will be involved in a variety of activities; including our annual Trebuchet event. They will also be creating dream catchers as part of our American Indian unit and students will also visit the Aboriginal resource room to complement their aboriginal studies. The morning will finish with a medieval feast. All students will be expected to attend the day in costume, so all students are busy thinking about their medieval outfits. We are looking forward to the day Mrs Natalie Wearne – Head Teacher HSIE

Special Education Special Education has been action packed since our last report and it is hard to keep up with the fantastic achievements from our wonderful students. In Week 3 ten students enjoyed the facilities and hospitality of St Ignatius College, Riverview when they attended their annual


Multi Sport day. The students were able to experience Tennis, Rugby League, Bocce, Cricket, Softball and Basketball with assistance from elite athletes in these fields. Can’t wait until next year’s invite. The Senior High Support students were accompanied on a 3 day independence experience at Corlette near Nelson Bay. This gave the students an opportunity to experience independence in a purpose built Villa that has been designed for the physically disabled. Our great thanks are extended to the staff who attended and made this possible and the “Wheeling and Able Association” for allowing us to use this facility. We also have ongoing support from this association through the use of their mini buses three days a week. It was great to see students from Special Education competing at the school Athletics Carnival. Special Education had 17 students compete in many events on the day. It should be noted that the St Ignatius Multi Sport day was also held on the same day. The students who competed will now be able to compete at Homebush in the next few weeks. A group of our Year 7 boys performed a great demonstration of their recent skills gained through their Tai Chi activities. Staff and students were thrilled at the skills they had gained in such a short time. Tennis has now replaced Tai Chi for the remainder of Term 2 junior sport. Many thanks to our employers who have generously taken on 18 of our students in Work Experience. These employers allow our students to work in their premises under their guidance one day per week. These employers include Orix, The Egg Shed, Trackside Restaurant, Adams Smash Repairs, The Top Book Shop, LifeLine Gosford, Subway Lisarow and Mount Penang Gardens, Central Coast Motor Group, Kariong Foodworks, Central Coast Disability Network, Terama Industries and Gosford Hobbies. Mr Peter Yates – Head Teacher Special Education Unit


It has been a successful term for the Student Representative Council (SRC) of Henry Kendall High School. At the start of term monies raised for Brassall State Primary School Special Education Unit (affected by flooding in Queensland) had totalled $1,508 to help with the rebuilding of the school. This was followed by members paying their respects at the Anzac ceremony in Gosford on the 25 April, even in the rain!! The SRC has started working in close connection with the Special Education Unit at Henry Kendall High School to help encourage students with special needs to develop leadership and communication skills through fundraising activities. Due to this connection, it was possible to hold a joint fundraiser between the SRC and Special Education Unit to raise funds for Camp Breakaway, a respite camp for families with disabled children. Students had to wear a symbol to school and $224 dollars was collected. The SRC is looking to move forward with the times and so has started to communicate with each other in an Edmodo blogging site to share concerns which will hopefully be opened to other school children, for them to communicate effectively with the SRC in future months. The SRC is now working on the next school social and is with a theme of “Lads and Lasses” which will occur on Tuesday 26 July 2011 (Term 3, Week 2)

In exciting individual news, Deen-Ali Khoshnoud-Rad has been selected not only by Henry Kendall to be a Central Coast Regional SRC member, but has been voted to represent the Central Coast at the NSW State SRC! Well done Deen. His sister Tahmyna is also becoming a high flyer attending Regional meetings. There are several future projects that the SRC is looking forward to with time and planning; Future Projects • Possible Car boot sale to raise funds for the SRC • Possible lunchtime sports programmes which can be run

by the SRC. • Five members are attending the Regional Drug and

Alcohol Youth Forum to feed back info to others in school. • ‘Relay for Life’ fundraiser at Mingara • SRC getting connected to Narara Valley High School

Moodle to converse with other SRC students at other schools

Mr Paul McNally – SRC Coordinator



TIME: 7.00PM – 10.00PM



Parents are invited to an evening featuring Maggie Hamilton, author of ‘What’s happened to our girls’

and ‘What’s happened to our boys’.

Maggie will speak about teenagers and the

‘Celebrity Image’. Venue: Gosford High School staff common

room Date: Wednesday 17 August 2011 Time: 7.30pm RSVP – 4325 2110 Friday 5 August 2011




THANK YOU "The Salvation Army would like to thank all the students of Henry Kendall High School for their assistance with the Red Shield Appeal. Without your support it would not have been possible to run the collection so successfully. The funds collected will be of great benefit to those in need on the Central Coast. We would like to thank not only those that collected but also those that volunteered to help. Our apologies if you put your name down and were not contacted, we simply ran out of time to call everyone. We look forward to the support of Henry Kendall students again next year."



A leading provider of Dementia & Frail Aged Support Services since 1986

Volunteers Needed We have positions available for volunteers for

people who can spare a little time, have a sense of humour and would like to give a little back to their community. We offer a range of services to our clients and volunteers provide

much needed assistance in: Social Support – shopping and friendly

visiting (own transport required) Centre Based Care – assisting with activities

Community Visitors Scheme – providing a social visit in a Aged Care Facility

If you would like to know more please contact Kerry Garth 4324 4244

Time and days are always flexible




Henry Kendall High School 2011 SCHOOL CALENDAR – TERM 3




18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd • School Term

commences • P&C Meeting in Library


• Yr 7 Girls 2nd HPV Vaccinations

• Yr 7 Chickenpox Vaccinations

• BW Zone Athletics back up

• No Executive Meeting • Yr 10-11 Interview


• NSWCHS Cross Country Eastern Creek



25th 26th 27th 28th 29th • Sec Sydney North

Athletics Homebush • Yr 10 into Yr 11 Courses

Selection Sheets due • Yr 11 Hospitality/Primary

Industries Workplacements

• School Social • Year 8, 9 & 10 Parent Teacher Night

• Executive Meeting • Communications Meeting

Recess 1


3 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

• Staff Meeting • ICAS English • Executive Meeting • HSC Languages Oral

exams cmmence



8th 9th 10th 11th 12th • HSC Drama & Dance


• HSC Trials

• Yr 8 into Yr 9/10 Student/ Parent Course Information Evening

• Executive Meeting • Communications Meeting

Recess 1

• Sec Sydney North Meeting

1.30-3.30pm Gosford



15th 16th 17th 18th 19th • Yr 8 into Yr 9 Course

Selection Sheets due • HSC S&C PIP, Design,

Industrial Tech projects must be handed in

• HSC Trials

• ICAS Mathematics • P&C Meeting in Library


• HSC & Preliminary Folders Check

• Executive Meeting • Communications Meeting

Recess 1

• NSWCHS Meeting • HSC English Ext 2 major

works due



22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th • Staff Meeting

• HSC Drama projects due

• HSC S&C Pip due to be submitted to BOS

• English Extension 2 Major

works to be submitted to BOS

• Executive Meeting • Communications Meeting

Recess 1



29th 30th 31st 1st 2nd • HSC D&T major works

due • HSC Visual Arts Body of

Works due

• Executive Meeting • Communications Meeting

Recess 1



5th 6th 7th 8th 9th • HSC Music submitted

Works • HSC Music

Performances commence

• HSC Drama projects to be submitted to BOS

• Blood bus

• NSWCHS Athletics – Homebush

• Executive Meeting • Communications Meeting

Recess 1



12th 13th 14th 15th 16th • PAN • Staff Meeting • HSC Music Performances

to be submitted to BOS

• PAN (triangle) • Executive Meeting • Communications Meeting

Recess 1



19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd • P&C Meeting in Library

7.30pm • Year 12 Celebration

Breakfast • Executive Meeting • Communications Meeting

Recess 1 • Yr 12 Graduation



You are welcome to join us in prayer for the school, teachers, students and other needs. Our group meets for 1 hour of prayer at 9:25am. The next meeting will be held on 9 August 2011. Please contact Jenny Chigwidden on 4325 4147 or 0425 374 903 to verify the exact meeting place. We would love you to join us.

International Students at Henry Kendall High School Have you considered becoming a Homestay Host and earning between $200 to $290 per week? Henry Kendall is looking to increase its numbers of international students. These fee paying students are not to be confused with our exchange students. The international students are long term temporary residents who complete all of their high school education within Australia, and they need a permanent resident in which to live during that time. They attend Henry Kendall as full time students. Basic requirements for Homestay include one spare room with bed and desk, access to kitchen and laundry facilities, 2 meals a day provided on weekdays and 3 meals a day on weekends. For further information:

• Australian Homestay network – 1300 697 829

• Visit the website: www.homestaynetwork.org

• Phone Mr Fisher (ESL teacher HKHS) on 4325 2110 Mondays and Fridays