Hemingway Libary


Transcript of Hemingway Libary

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HEMINGWAY'S LIBRARY A Composite Record James D. Brasch Joseph Sigman ". . . he could invent from knowledge" Hemingway on Tolstoy

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1981 James D. Brasch and Joseph Sigman 2000 Electronic Edition John F. Kennedy Library Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Brasch, James Daniel, 1929- Hemingway's library. (Garland reference library of the humanities v. 229) Includes index. 1. Hemingway, Ernest, 1899-1961-Library. 2. Heming- way, Ernest, 1899-1961-Books and reading. 1. Sigman, Joseph, 1934- . 11. Title. 111. Series. Z989.H47B72 027'. 1'09729123 80-8488 ISBN 0-8240-9499-9 AACR2

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Acknowledgements Our deep gratitude to Professor James Brasch and Professor Joseph Sigman for generously giving us the right to publish their work electronically. Special thanks to the following volunteers who helped create this electronic edition: Jolee Bohannon Albert J. DeFazio III Laura Dunn Wayne Fraser James Hepburn Toni D. Knott Kevin Lahey Steve Paul Alexandra Pokorny David Raabe Randy Stokes Jennifer Wheeler

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For Daniella and Delores

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CONTENTS List of Illustrations Preface Introduction I Hemingway as a Reader

A. Early environment B. Reading habits C. Literary pronouncements

II The Critical Context III The History of the Library

A. Paris B. Key West C. The move to Cuba D. Key West after Hemingway's departure E. The Library at Finca Vigía

IV Sources V Methods and Procedures Notes Illustrations Using the Composite Record Composite Record of Hemingway's Library Index

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ILLUSTRATIONS I . Inscriptions in gift books. Top: Stories and Speeches of Abraham Lincoln (item 3902). Bottom: The Song of Hiawatha by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (item 3959). 2. Hemingway's high school debating text (item 4035). 3. A signed copy of O. Henry's Rolling Stones (item 5273). 4. Bookshelf in Key West in 1938. 5. Hemingway during the early years at the Finca Vigía. 6. The "Library" in the Finca Vigía in 1970. 7. The writing-bookcase in Hemingway's bedroom at the Finca Vigía. 8. Hemingway on safari in 1955. 9. Hemingway in the "Library" in the Finca Vigía. 10. Sigman making a tape-recorded survey of the books at the Finca Vigía in 1977. 11. Sigman examining Hemingway's copy of Baudelaire's Les Fleurs du Mal (item 424) in the Tower in 1977. 12. Fishing notes on Hemingway's copy of Thomas Mann's The Magic Mountain

(item 4213). 13. A Scribner's invoice. 14. A page from kwfv. 15. A page from KW. Note: Illustrations have not been scanned

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PREFACE Hemingway's writing has usually been seen as essentially a journalistic account of how it was. In the last few years, however, considerable interest has developed in the literary sources of his work. In spite of this interest, little concrete information has been available about the books Hemingway owned. The information that has appeared is to be found primarily in accounts by visitors to Hemingway's home in Cuba.(1) In the present volume the authors have attempted to provide a comprehensive survey of available information about Hemingway's library and a cornplete, indexed bibliography.

By "Hemingway's library" we mean all the books that Hemingway is known to have owned. We have not attempted to identify the other books that Hemingway may have read or known about, but only those books which can be proved to have been in his possession. Therefore, the books he borrowed from Shakespeare and Company have not been included; these books were not owned by him.(2) Neither have we included books mentioned in Hemingway's published works or in his letters unless there is independent information that he actually owned copies of these works. Our focus has been solely on his private library.

The library as it appears in our bibliography is an ideal entity in the sense that it was never physically collected in any one place at any one time. A great many books were acquired by Hemingway during the years in Paris and during the 1930's in Key West, After Hemingway moved to Cuba at the end of 1939 some of these books were transported to his new home, the Finca Vigía in San Francisco de Paula, a small town about 20 kilometers southeast of Havana. Others remained in Key West. Although many of the volumes originally housed in Key West have now been lost or stolen, a large collection still exists in Cuba, and other books are widely scattered across the United States. Only a few of these volumes are readily accessible to students of Hemingway's work.

In the process of collecting information for this study, the authors have personally catalogued some of the collections. For the most part, however, the information has been drawn from various lists compiled by others. These are discussed in detail in Section IV of the introduction. We have attempted to contact everyone who might have relevant information about Hemingway=s library and have tape-recorded many hours of interviews. Inevitabley, there are shortcomings in our bibliography as there must be in any attempt to reconstruct the past. The titles of some lost or stolen books may never be recovered. In other cases the precise edition of a book that was in Hemingway's possession cannot be determined from the information available at present.

Among the many officials, colleagues and friends who tolerated our persistence or gave graciously of their time and support, it is a privilege to record the assistance of the following.

Mary Welsh Hemingway was an inspiration from the inception of this project. In fact, her comments set the wheels in motion. She submitted to hours and hours of interviews and telephone conversations, provided contacts, supplied letters of introduction, corresponded with us and generally supported and promoted our project

We are indebted to Dr. Castro for allowing us to work in Cuba and to Lisandro Otero and Gladys Fernandez of the Cuban Ministry of Culture for their hospitality. Sra. Marta Arhona, Director of Museums and Monuments in the Ministry of Culture, and the staff at Finca Vigía, especially Luis Fuentes, the Director, not only provided us with access to the library at Finca Vigía, a rare privilege, but also supplied transportation and permitted extensive interviews. Carlos Hernandez and Jose Linares were knowledgeable guides and translators and did much to make our stay in Cuba interesting and profitable. Nelly Brito of the Department of Inventories was especially helpful with the Cuban inventory of the Finca Vigía.

Negotiations with the Cuban government were facilitated by their Excellencies, James Hyndeman, the former Canadian Ambasador to Cuba, and his successor, Gary Harman. The staff of the Canadian Embassy in Havana worked many hours on our behalf. We especially thank Dennis Goyette. The cooperation of the Department of External Affairs, particularly of Hughes Rousseau, George Cowley and Brian Long, was extremely helpful.

In addition to Mary Hemingway, other members of the Hemingway family were kind and cooperative. Hemingway's sons, John and Patrick, his brother, Leicester, and his sister Madelaine all responded to our inquiries, showed interest in our work and were helpful and informative on a variety of matters.

We owe a very special debt of gratitude to Betty and Toby Bruce. Their kindness, patience and hospitality were, to say the least, above and beyond the call of duty. Tilly Arnold, Lorine Thompson and Miriam Williams, three gracious ladies, also gave generously of their time. One marvelous fringe benefit of our work was the opportunity to meet so many of Hemingway=s friends.

We also wish to thank the following for their assistance and encouragement: Jackson J. Benson, Matthew J. Bruccoli, Laurel Dean, Rodney G. Dennis, Bernice Dickson, Ernest Griffin, W.B. Lewis, Forrest MacMullen,

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Frances Reed, Michael S. Reynolds, Joan St. C. Crane and Max Tecza. Hans-Joachim Kann allowed us to use his microfilm of the Cuban inventory of the library at Finca Vigía.

Without his generosity our task would have been much more difficult. J. David Smye and 3M Canada Ltd. provided technical assistance and the loan of a 3M Model 500

reader/printer for the transcription of the microfilm of the Cuban inventory. Jo August, Curator of the Hemingway Collection at the John F. Kennedy Library, provided much advice and information. Her efficiency in facilitating research at the library has become well known to Hemingway scholars, and we only add our appreciation to theirs. We have also benefited greatly from the kindness and professional expertise of the staffs of the Manuscript Division at the Princeton University Library and the Rare Books Room at the Library of Congress.

We are indebted to Barbara Ballinger of the Oak Park Libary for providing us with a copy of a letter from Hemingway. We are also indebted to Dr. Cecil Annep and his literary agent, Erich Linder, for providing copies of Hemingway=s letters toBernard Berenson from the archives of Berenson=s villa, "I Tatti," in Florence. Dr. Robert Beare of the University of Maryland Library facilitated our examination of Hemingway=s letters to Arthur Mizener.

Working with the staff of the Mills Memorial Library, McMaster Univerity, Hamilton, Ontario, was a rewarding experience. We particularly want to thank Liv Arafat, Graham Hill, C. Mazur, N. Passi and William Ready.

As for our colleagues at McMaster, we record not only our thanks for their assistance but also our consciousness that it is a privilege to work in a community enriched by their presence: Sharon Adams, Alwyn Berland, Thomas Cain, Gerry Chappel, Fernando De Toro, Alan C. Frosst, Earl Hampel, Blair Hemstock, Linda Hutcheon, M. Kleffer, Alvin Lee and Ronald Vince. Audrey Alexander helped in so many ways that any specific mention would do injustice to her continual assistance. It is a distinct pleasure to record our debt to the good humor, constant support, expert advice and administrative ability of Richard Morton, Chairman of the Department ofEnglish, McMaster University.

The Canada Council, the Arts Research Board of McMaster and the Department of English supplied travel and research funds. The McMaster Summer Studentship Programme provided us with the services of Jillian Burrows and Tina Robinson. They spent a long, hard summer typing our bibliography, and we very much appreciate their skill and dedication.

Our wives, Delores Brasch and Daniella Sigman, have lived with this project for many long months. We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to them and also to acknowledge their many, many hours of typing, checking, proofreading and interviewing as well as their general contribution to the substance and the spirit of this volume. Katherine and Jennifer Brasch have always been interested and helpful--especially in that now distant "snip and paste" period. NOTES 1. One of the first portraits of Hemingway surrounded by his library was recorded by Fraser Drew in "April 8, 1955 with Hemingway : Unedited Notes on a Visit to Finca Vigía," Fitzgerald/Hemingway Annual, 1970, edited by Matthew J. Bruccoli and C.E. Frazer Clark, Jr. (Washington D.C.: Microcard Editions, 1970), pp. 108-16. Comments on the library may also be found in: Time 64, no. 24 (Dec. 13, 1954): 70-76; Kenneth Tynan, "A Visit to Havana,@ Holiday 27 (Feb. 1960): 50-58; Robert Manning, "Hemingway in Cuba," The Atlantic Monthly 116 (Aug.1965): 101-08; and Alberto Moravia, "The Ghost of Hemingway," Atlas 11 (1966): 337-40. Until our own examination of the library in 1977 the only other detailed informationl available came from Laurel Dean, a member of the Canadian diplomatic community, who visited Finca Vigía frequently during 1970 and recorded her observations in The Toronto Globe and Mail: As if Hemingway Might Stride in at Any Moment, Pour Himself a Gin and Tonic and . . ,. The Globe Magazine (Sept.4, 1971): 7-12. We are indebted to Ms. Dean for supplying us with her notes, some unpublished records, photographs and interviews and generally assisting us with information from the period between the publication of the Cuban Catologo (1966) and our visit in 1977. 2. On Shakespeare and Company see: Richard Layman, "Hemingway=s Library Cards at Shakespeare and Company," F/H Annual, 1975, pp. 191-207, and Noel Fitch, "Ernest Hemingway % Shakespeare and Company," F/H Annual, 1977, pp, 157-81.

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I. Hemingway as a Reader A. Early Environment Hemingway's reading habits and his general orientation toward literature were originally shaped by a family environment that placed a high value on culture and reading. His sister Madelaine has spoken specifically of this: "Our parents tried to give us each an appreciation of the arts. Dad read aloud to us from Dickens and magazines such as St. Nicholas and Youth's Companion. We all looked forward to such evenings as a family group sitting around the fireplace."(1) Since Madelaine was five years younger than her brother, we must turn to Marcelline, who differed in age from Hemingway by only one year, for a more detailed picture. Her account shows that Hemingway's later collection of his own private library and his lifelong custom of subscribing to numerous periodicals were continuations of his family's practice. When the Hemingways built their house at the corner of Kenilworth Avenue and Iowa Street in Oak Park, it included a library:

My father, of course, had an office in the new house, and the library doubled as his waiting room. To entertain his patients while they waited, Dr. Hemingway arranged his collection of stuffed owls, squirrels, chipmunks and a small raccoon on top of the built-in oak bookcases that lined two sides of the library. Volumes of natural history filled with colored plates of birds, animals and flowers were ranged beside the current novels and sets of the classics in the bookcases, but the works of Jack London were conspicuously absent. My parents disapproved of the violence and coarseness of his writing. They liked John Halifax, Gentleman, much better.

The family library provided the basic supply of books for the children:

Ernest and I did a lot of reading. Sets of the classics, Scott, Dickens, Tbackeray, Stevenson and Shakespeare filled many of the shelves in our family library. I don't think we skipped any of them. Only the fact that I was out of school with mumps one spring and had run out of all other reading matter provided time for me to read all the tragedies of Shakespeare as well as rereading the comedies. Ernie's attack of mumps followed mine, and I know the same volumes were available to him. We both devoured Stevenson, especially one of his lesser known volumes, The Suicide Club, as well as Treasure Island. Thackeray wasn't as easy reading as Kipling or Stevenson or Dickens, but the green cloth volume of Vanity Fair we read from cover to cover. We both read Horatio Alger books in third and fourth grade, and Ernest took them seriously.

In addition to the books in the library, a variety of periodical arrived regularly:

The Youth's Companion, St. Nicholas Magazine, the National Geographic, the Outlook, the Ladies Home Journal, Harper's World's Work, the Atlantic Monthly and Good Housekeeping we grabbed the minute they arrived: we even paged through Dad's Medical Association magazine.(2)

Leicester Hemingway has provided some details that complement Marcelline's account. Since he was sixteen years younger than his brother, he based his report on conversations with family and friends:

St. Nicholas and Harper's magazines were early favorites. The family had made a practice of saving and having them bound as volumes to be kept at Windemere. In them, Ernest read Richard Harding Davis and Stephen Crane. He particularly enjoyed reading Kipling, Mark Twain, and R.L. Stevenson. When the Book of Knowledge was first published, Father bought a set for Ernest and Marcelline. Those blue volumes did not have full color illustrations. The more startling drawings were colored orange and green. But the books contained a mass of information on many subjects.(3)

While the family's values and the supply of books and periodicals in the family home were undoubtedly crucial to Hemingway's early development, the Oak Park Library was also important According to Marcelline, she and her

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brother used the library at a very early period:

We learned to read by the "sounding out" method, and we learned quickly. Our rented house stood right next to the public library, called Scoville Institute, and by Christmastime we were both able to read books in the children's room of the library. When school was over, we would sit at the low tables in our small chairs devouring the simple stories available to us until the librarian sent us home at suppertime. Usually we took 4 books home to read at night before we went to bed.(4)

In later years the library continued to play an important role in Hemingway's life. Leicester Hemingway has given this account of the period after the family moved to their permanent residence at the corner of Kenilworth and Iowa:

The new house was only five pleasant, elm-shaded blocks from the Scoville Institute, as the Oak Park Public Library was called .... Visits to the library were frequent and valuable.Ernest loved adventure fiction and, next to that, science.(5)

Late in his life, Hemingway acknowledged his debt to the Oak Park Library in a letter written on the occasion of its anniversary in 1953. In this letter he wrote warmly of how much he owed the library and of what it had meant to him.(6)

The Hemingway family's summer vacations at Windemere on Walloon Lake were also occasions for reading. The family transported many books to the summer home, having received extended borrowing privileges from the Oak Park Library. (7) This was the beginning of Hemingway's later habit of always carrying books with him when he travelled. Madelaine writes: "Before leaving Oak Park, we would each take on vacation some books from the Oak Park Library. And each of us who brought books was responsible for them and took that responsibility seriously. Ernie took the most books.(8) Marcelline also describes these vacations:

We used to get a lot of reading done in the summer. There was one summer when Ernest couldn't get enough of Horatio Alger, and St. Nicholas used to be forwarded to us. We loved the Ralph Henry Barbour stories in it. And I can still remember the time in 1913 when Harold Sampson was visiting Ernest and we had started to read Dracula aloud in front of the fireplace ....

Marcelline's description of the summers Hemingway spent in a tent while the cottage was being enlarged gives some further indication of the amount of reading he did on these vacations:

Ernest liked to read at night, just as I did, but he had to drape a mosquito netting over his cot, because his lantern attracted the flying creatures that edged in around the tent flaps. We often used candles to augment our kerosene lamps, but they were not allowed in the tent. (9)

Leicester's account of Hemingway's summer labors at Longfield Farm, which his father had purchased across the lake, also helps to fill in the picture:

Ernest loved to "make hay" because it gave him a chance to develop his muscles and to compete with the other pitchfork wielders. But the other tasks were painfully monotonous. Early in his farming career, he was caught several times sprawled in the shade of a big tree, lost in the fiction of far places and great adventures. "After that, all I was allowed to take to the other side were copies of Father's Journal of the American medical Association," he recalled.(10)

Striking confirmation of the Hemingway family's literary orientation is found in a private collection of

Hemingway materials that includes twelve inscribed volumes given to Hemingway by members of his family between his sixth and eighteenth birthdays (see Part IV, Section 5: PC, below). Some were Christmas gifts. Lasalle Corbell Pickett's The Bugles of Gettysburg, for example, is inscribed to "Ernest with Christmas Greetings from Grandfather and Aunt Grace and Grandmother" and is dated 1914. A. Henry Savage Landor's An Explorer's Adventures in Tibet is inscribed to Hemingway "with love from Mother" and is dated Christmas, 1917. Other volumes were birthday presents. Paul Selby's Stories and Speeches of Abraham Lincoln was presented to Hemingway by his father on July 21, 1910, and Mary Mapes Dodge's Hans Brinker; or, The Silver

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Skates is inscribed to Hemingway "from his mother on his birthday" and is dated 1908 at Windemere, Walloon Lake. Other books seem to have been given as gifts without reference to any special occasion. Longfellow's Hiawatha, for example, is inscribed "From Mother" and dated August 1, 1905. Similarly, Richard Markham's Colonial Days is simply inscribed "Uncle Leicester." At some point these volumes were sent to Hemingway in Key West, perhaps in 1936 when, after the suicide of his father, Hemingway's mother moved to a smaller house. In all, these books with their inscriptions give some further indication of the literary values and tastes of the Hemingway family and provide some concrete information about books that Hemingway owned before he left for Italy in 1918.(11) B. Reading Habits

"I'm always reading books--as many as there are. I ration myself on them so that I'll always be in supply."(12) The words are Hemingway's, but friends and relatives have also testified to the extent of his reading. "He was always reading. When he wasn't working, he was reading.(l3) "He read all the time.@(14)"I think Ernest read just about everything. He was a terrific reader."(15) "He read everything.... He would have a whole group of books going at one time, eight or ten.... He would put one down and pick up another."(16) "... Ernest read everything."(17)

Hemingway's sister Marcelline gives this account of the period immediately following Hemingway's return from Europein 1919:

... he read for hours at a time in bed. He read everything around the house--all the books, all the magazines, even the A.M.A. Journals from Dad's office downstairs. Ernie also took out great numbers of books from the public library.(18)

A similar description of Hemingway's avid consumption of printed material was conveyed by his first wife, Hadley, to her biographer:

He was a voracious reader, and though Hadley tried she could never keep up with the rate at which he devoured books, magazines, newspapers--everything in print. He was able to read anytime, any place. Sometimes when he had his arms around her and she would snuggle down against his shoulder, she would suddenly sense something, turn her head and find that he was reading a folded-up newspaper held behind her back.(19)

In 1953 Hemingway wrote to Bernard Berenson that he usually read three or four books at once and that over the course of a year he probably averaged about a book and a half a day.(20)

In addition to books, Hemingway read an extraordinary number of newspapers and periodicals. He told Berenson that he read The New York Times and the Herald Tribune every day as well as the Cuban daily Diario de la Marina. He also said that he read Time and Newsweek and the illustrated Italian papers. However, this letter greatly understates the number of periodicals that Hemingway regularly purchased. An invoice from the Scribner Book Store in 1936 lists copies.of the following periodicals sent to Hemingway: Vogue, Story, Harper's, Reader's Digest, Town and Country, Harper's Bazaar, Atlantic, The Sportsman, The New Yorker and Scribner's Magazine. In 1949 an invoice lists copies of these periodicals: Atlantic, Harper's, Cosmopolitan, New Republic, Nation, Field and Stream, Yachting, Motor Boating, Outdoor Life, Ring, The New Yorker, Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, Town and Country, Life, Horizon Magazine and John O'London. A more vivid picture is Mary Hemingway's account of Hemingway's recovery from hepatitis in 1955:

More to give me freedom from his clutter and to use my desk than because his own bed was more comfortable, he moved to his own room after our quiet Thanksgiving, taking with him half a dozen mounds of newspapers, magazines and books. Checking one day I noted that he had several Cuban newspapers in Spanish, The Times and the Herald Tribune from New York and the two Miami papers in one pile. That was his morning reading. His hump of magazines included Time and Newsweek and Collier's and The Saturday Evening Post, also The Saturday Review, U.S. News and World Report and a couple of weeklies each from London, Paris and Italy. A half dozen books were scattered over the counterpane.(21)

Hemingway mentioned in the Paris Review interview that he had to "ration" books so that they would

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always be "in supply." When he ran short, he was forced to read whatever was at hand, even his father's A.M.A. journals. In 1948 Hemingway wrote to General C.T. Lanham from Italy, bitterly complaining about a dock strike that had cut off his supply of magazines, newspapers and American books. As a result, he wrote Lanham, he was forced to read all sorts of inferior material, a situation which led him to observe gloomily that most people were awful writers.(22) In 1952 Hemingway condemned William Faulkner's Sanctuary because he was unable to re-read it on board the Pilar even when all other reading material had run out. (23) Such books that could not be read even when nothing else was available were a significant critical category for Hemingway:

I had never been able to read a novel by Ouida, not even at some skiing place in Switzerland where reading matter had run out when the wet south wind had come and there were only the left-behind Tauchnitz editions of before the war.... you can't read Dostoyevsky over and over. I had Crime and Punishment on a trip when we ran out of books down at Schruns, and I couldn't read it again when we had nothing to read. I read the Austrian papers and studied German until we found some Trollope in Tauchnitz.(24)

Sun Valley presented the same danger. In a 1941 letter to Toby Bruce, Hemingway worried if reading material would be as scarce there as it sometimes was.(25) As might be expected, therefore, Hemingway never travelled without a supply of books. In a 1925 letter to Sylvia Beach from the Hotel Taube in Austria he reported that he had read all the books from her library and would mail them back if she wanted him to.(26) A book, like Paris, was a moveable feast. The relation between hunting and reading in Green Hills of Africa is well-known:

P.O.M. got the books out of one of the musettes and she and Pop read while I followed down the ravine down to the little stream that came out of the mountain side, and found a fresh lion track and many rhino tunnels in the tall grass that came higher than your head. Itwas very hot climbing back up the sandy ravine and I was glad to lean my back against the tree trunk and read Tolstoi=s Sevastopol.(27)

Later, when Toby Bruce began to chauffeur Hemingway, the custom continued: AWe=d move books everyplace he=d go. If we were headed cross-country, he=d have a duffle-bag, later on one of those old Abercrombie and Fitch duffle bags, that=d be loaded with books.@(28) Mary Hemingway has described the same habit: AWe always traveled with a book bag. A bag just for books. A sizable bag.(29) When she and Hemingway departed for his second African safari, they Ahad one big canvas bag bulging with books@ in their luggage. (30) Furthermore, as he traveled, Hemingway always acquired more books. Betty and Toby Bruce recall one of the trips on which Toby drove Hemingway from Key West to Idaho. At every stop, Hemingway bought fresh newspapers, magazines, and paperbacks until on their arrival the car was filled to capacity. (31) Shorter trips were no exception: AEvery time we=d go say to the airport, why here he=d be browsing through the pocket book libraries.@(32) Mary Hemingway recalls that books were acquired in a similar way on trips to Europe: AEvery time we went to Spain he was forever picking up books and bringing them back.@ French paperbound novels such as those of Georges Simenon were Athe kind of thing we used to pick up in Paris and take with us to Spain or Africa.@(33) In addition, arrangements were sometimes made to have books mailed to Hemingway on his travels.(34)

When he was at home Hemingway generally wrote in the morning and read in the afternoon and evening. According to Lorine Thompson, AHe read an awful lot in bed at night.@ She recalls dining occasionally with the Hemingways in their bedroom in the house on Whitehead Street in Key West: AWhenever you=d go up there...the bed, all around the bed was covered with papers and books.@(35) Toby Bruce, who lived at the Finca Vigía during Hemingway=s first years in Cuba, remembers that Ahe=d go to bed and read between dinner and going to sleep... Many the time I=d be sitting there listening to the phonograph or whatever and I=d look in and here he=d be dead asleep with his glasses on.@(36) Mary Hemingway describes a normal quiet day at the Finca when no guests were present in this way. Hemingway would, of course, write in the morning.

After lunch as a rule we had a siesta, especially in the hot weather in the summer, and then wake up and read in the sitting room unless we had guests. I used to lie on the sofa and read, and he had his chair. And then, of course, we also took books to bed...We always took books to bed...He used to love to be read aloud to. I used to do that in bed and also in the sitting room.(37)

In her autobiography Mrs. Hemingway describes reading to Hemingway during his recovery from hepatitis in the mid 1950's: "I bought a reading lamp to put behind the chair at the foot of his bed and many evenings read aloud all

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sorts of people, from Shakespeare (the sonnets) to T.E. Lawrence to Jim Corbett to Anne Morrow Lindbergh to The Oxford Book of English Verse."(38) As he got older, Hemingway was sometimes plagued by sleeplessness and read much of the night. Letters to Charles Scribner in 1949, 1950 and 1951 mention waking up at night and nightmares.(39) In 1952 he wrote to Edmund Wilson that he had read Shores of Light until three o'clock in the morning. He went on to say that although these midnight hours had often haunted Fitzgerald, they seemed to him the best hours of the night for reading once one had accepted insomnia and no longer worried about one's sins. He added that he had about three good nights' reading left on Wilson's book.(40) Reading, for Hemingway, was important in many ways. The first of these was as a response to a deep need to see his own work in relation to the larger realm of letters, both present and past. He needed to know what his contemporaries were doing. "I like to see what they are writing," he tells Gertrude Stein in A Moveable Feast. (41) But he also needed to see his work in relation to the landmarks of the past. In other words, he needed to cultivate what T.S. Eliot called the "historical sense": "to write not merely with his own generation in his bones, but with a feeling that the whole of the literature of Europe from Homer and within it the whole of the literature of his own country [had] a simultaneous existence and [composed] a simultaneous order. (42) It is this need which may lie behind the many barbed comments on contemporary writers that are scattered through Hemingway's letters.

It is also behind the comments on American literature in Green Hills of Africa, which begin with a condemnation of "all our early classics who did not know that a new classic does not bear any resemblance to the classics that have preceded it" and move to the assertion that "the good writers are Henry James, Stephen Crane and Mark Twain."(43) The need for a context may also be behind the braggadocio of his later assertions that he was in the process of putting Melville, Cervantes, Turgenev, etc. down for the count. As he once admitted to Charles Scribner he knew that he was bragging, but he needed confidence.(44)

On a different level, reading played an important role in Hemingway's almost ritualistic organization of his life around the act of writing. He explained his problem in the Paris Review interview:

You write until you come to a place where you still have your juice and know what will happen next and you stop and try to live through until the next day when you hit it again. You have started at six in the morning, say, and may go on until noon or be through before that. When you stop you are empty, and at the same time never empty but filling, as when you have made love to some one you love. Nothing can hurt you, nothing can happen, nothing means anything until the next day when you do it again. It is the wait until the next day that is hard to get through.(45)

At the time Hemingway said this he was working on A Moveable Feast. A closely related passage in that work explicitly links reading and the wait for the next day:

When I was writing, it was necessary for me to read after I had written. If you kept thinking about it, you would lose the thing that you were writing before you could go on with it the next day. It was necessary to get exercise, to be tired in the body, and it was very good to make love with whom you loved. That was better than anything. But afterwards, when you were empty, it was necessary to read in order not to think or worry about your work until you could do it again....(46)

Gertrude Stein recommended to Hemingway that he read Marie Belloc Lowndes on such occasions:

I had never heard of her, and Miss Stein loaned me The Lodger that marvelous story of Jack the Ripper and another book about murder at a place outside Paris tnat could only be Enghien les Bains. They were both splendid after-work books, the people credible and the action and the terror never false. They were perfect for reading after you had worked and I read all the Mrs. Belloc Lowndes that there was. But there was only so much and none so good as the first two and I never found anything as good for that empty time of day or night until the first fine Simenon books came out. (47)

In a letter to Charles Scribner, while he was working on Across the River and into the Trees, Hemingway described a variant on this custom. He informed Scribner that he was going to take his boat, Pilar, down the Cuban coast to Varadero. It would be an easy trip and he would read a great deal to take his mind off the book until he got back.(48) On yet another level, Hemingway's reading was the activity of a mind profoundly curious about the world and eager for factual information of every sort. Lorine Thompson recalls the Hemingway she knew in Key West in

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the 1930's:

He wanted to know everything. Didn't make any difference what it was. He wanted to know how the fisherman cut the bait and everything. He was greatly interested in everything that went on.... He was terrifically curious about everything. Gregory once said that if someone committed the perfect murder, Papa would have a fit until he found out how he did it.(49)

Mary Hemingway says much the same thing: "Ernest's interests were wide-spread, encyclopedic.... He was indefatigable in his search for information of every sort."(50) It is in this context that the following description by Lloyd Arnold should be seen: "He'd gone to sleep on my Idaho Encyclopedia and had been absorbing it since first light. 'A hell of a lot of state, this Idaho, that I didn't know about."' (51) It is not surprising, therefore, that the composite record reveals that Hemingway owned vast numbers of nonfiction books on many subjects. In a letter to Bernard Berenson in answer to his friend's queries, Hemingway wrote that he liked best true books about campaigns and voyages. Undoubtedly, the Homeric allusion was not lost on Berenson. Hemingway went on to write that he liked novels and continued to read new ones, hopefully, but found most of them worthless. In addition, he added, he liked to read technical books, biographies and memoirs. (52) This is a good, brief description of the basic contents of Hemingway's library. However, as he did in the case of the description of his periodical reading, Hemingway understated to Berenson the range of topics covered by the nonfiction works in his library, which includes matters as diverse as criminal investigation, taxidermy and Italian Renaissance painting. In 1945, writing to Malcolm Cowley about his self-education, Hemingway summed up his continuing effort to learn about the world. He told Cowley that he continued to study and to read. Every year he studied something new in order to keep learning. Learning, he went on, was fun, and he didn't see why he couldn't keep it up all his life. (53) It was this passion for information that Hemingway admired in Tolstoy. It was not experience that excited Hemingway, but knowledge. He wanted to know. His novels had to be supported by knowledge. C. Literary Pronouncements

Hemingway's letters contain many comments on his reading and on literature in general, but most of these are naturally topical and very limited in their scope. Occasionally, however, Hemingway made larger pronouncements on literature in an attempt to articulate his sense of literary context and to acknowledge the writers who he felt had most influenced him. Typically, these pronouncements took the form of lists of books or authors. Sometimes they were explicitly presented as guides for young writers. More often they were simply lists of what he considered the high points of literature or of works that he felt had been particularly important to him. These lists provide some general insight into the books that Hemingway considered the core of his library, and a brief discussion of them will add an important dimension to the topic under consideration.(54)

Hemingway's most famous pronouncement on literature occurs in Green Hills of Africa, where, as he later told George Plimpton, "I was sounding off about American literature with a humorless Austrian character.... I wrote an accurate account of the conversation. Not to make deathless pronouncements. A fair per cent of the pronouncements are good enough.(55) What Hemingway tells the humorless Austrian is this: "The good writers are Henry James, Stephen Crane and Mark Twain. That's not the order they're good in. There is no order for good writers."(56) Hemingway's relation to James will be discussed in Part II. In the case of Crane, two stories are singled out: "The Open Boat" and "The Blue Hotel." However, it is Clemens who receives the greatest praise: "All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn.... All American writing comes from that. There was nothing before. There has been nothing as good since."(57) Even when allowing for hyperbole and the dramatic context the statement does not conflict with other pronouncements he made about the same time.

Hemingway finished Green Hills of Africa in the fall of 1934. In 1935 he published two articles in Esquire that contain lists of books that place his comments on American literature in a larger context. The first list appeared in "Remembering Shooting-Flying: A Key West Letter" and is cast in hyperbolic manner similar to that of the pronouncement in Green Hills of Africa:

... I would rather read again for the first time Anna Karenina, Far Away and Long Ago, Buddenbrooks, Wuthering Heights, Madame Bovary, War and Peace, A Sportsman's Sketches, The Brothers Karamazov,

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Hail and Farewell, Huckleberry Finn, Winesburg, Ohio, La Reine Margot, La Maison Tellier, Le Rouge et le Noir, La Chartreuse de Parme, Dubliners, Yeats' Autobiographies and a few others than have an assured income of a million dollars a year. (58)

The article is ostensibly about hunting reminiscences, but Hemingway seems unable to focus on his topic, apparently because Asome of the best shooting@ he can remember is in Tolstoy. As he reminisces he finds difficulty in distinguishing between the pleasure he has received from hunting, shooting and reading. The three activities blend into one experience.

The second list followed only eight months later and is significant both for what it repeats from and for what it adds to the former list. It is cast in the form of advice to a young writer. It is necessary to have read these works, Hemingway advised the young man, so that one will know what (not whom) one "has to beat":

... War and Peace and Anna Karenina by Tolstoi, Midshipman Easy, Frank Mildmay and Peter Simple by Captain Marryat, Madame Bovary and L'Education Sentimentale by Flaubert, Buddenbrooks by Thomas Mann, Joyce's Dubliners, Portrait of the Artist and Ulysses, Tom Jones and Joseph Andrews by Fielding, Le Rouge et Le Noir and La Chartreuse de Parme by Stendhal, The Brothers Karamazoff and any two other Dostoevskis, Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, AThe Open Boat@ and AThe Blue Hotel@ by Stephen Crane, Hail and Farewell by George Moore, Yeats' Autobiographies, all the good de Maupassant, all the good Kipling, all of Turgenieff, Far Away and Long Ago by W.H. Hudson, Henry James' short stories, especially AMadame de Mauves@ and AThe Turn of the Screw@, The Portrait of a Lady, The American.... (59)

At this point his interrogator complains that the list is coming too fast. Hemingway stops listing but remarks that "about three times that many" should be added to the list. There is some additional banter with the apprentice-writer about observing people closely and especially their manner of speech and their relative physical positions in an argument, but the expected celebration of experience is noticeably absent. In order to be a good writer, Hemingway tells the young man to read.

Perhaps Hemingway's most significant pronouncment on literature was recorded by George Plimpton in the Paris Review interview published in 1958. Having noticed the volumes that were on Hemingway's writing stand/bookcase "opposite his knee,"(60) Plimpton was prompted to ask Hemingway to list his literary forebears--those he had learned most from. The reply sums up much of Hemingway's reading and expands the artistic context to include painting and music:

Mark Twain, Flaubert, Stendbal, Bach, Turgenev, Tolstoi, Dostoevski, Chekov, Andrew Marvell, John Donne, Maupassant the good Kipling, Thoreau, Captain Marryat, Shakespeare, Mozart, Quevedo, Dante, Virgil, Tintoretto, Hieronymus Bosch, Breughel, Patinier, Goya, Giotto, Cezanne, Van Gogh, Gauguin, San Juan de la Cruz, Góngora--it would take a day to remember everyone.

Hemingway goes on to say that he doesn't want to sound presumptuous, and he doesn't want to claim an erudition that he really does not have. "This isn't an old dull question," he continues. "It is a very good but solemn question and requires an examination of conscience. I put in painters, or started to, because I learn as much from painters about how to write as from writers." (61) Significantly, his library contains many volumes of reproductions, works on individual artists, catalogues of exhibitions and many books on art by writers as diverse as Giorgi Vasari, Susanne Langer, Andre' Malraux and Bernard Berenson.

The relationship between painting and literature was also a significant part of the interview recorded by Lillian Ross for The New Yorker. During the interview Hemingway told her about "making landscapes" like Paul Cezanne. Years later when she republished this interview in a hard-cover volume, she added the list of writers Hemingway had sent to her as advice for a young writer. Hemingway, Ross insisted, was a great authority on other writers and their writing: "He knew when a writer was worthless or a fraud, no matter how great the writer's reputation or his sales or his advances from movie companies.... Writing and literature he took seriously." She recorded his list:

"Boule de Suif" and "La Maison Tellier"--de Maupassant "The Red and the Black"--Stendhal "Les Fleurs du Mal"--Baudelaire

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"Madame Bovary"--Flaubert "Remembrance of Things Past"--Proust ABuddenbrooks"--Mann "Taras Bulba"--Gogol "The Brothers Karamazov"--Dostoevski "Anna Karenina" and "War and Peace"--Tolstoy "Huckleberry Finn"--Twain "Moby Dick"--Melville "The Scarlet Letter"--Hawthorne "The Red Badge of Courage"--Crane

Although this list contains many of the works that were basic to Hemingway's literary pronouncements, it is notable for its inclusion of Moby Dick and The Scarlet Letter, which are not mentioned elsewhere.

Hemingway's most reflective and discursive comments on literature are found in his posthumously published A Movable Feast (1964). This collection of somewhat nostalgic and at times cruel reminiscences of the Twenties in Paris presents this period of his life in the way in which Hemingway himself wanted it to be remembered. The writers that he chooses to emphasize are the Russians. His first borrowings from the lending library at Sylvia Beach's Shakespeare and Company are carefully detailed:

I started with Turgenev and took the two volumes of A Sportsman's Sketches and an early book by D.H. Lawrence, I think it was Sons and Lovers, and Sylvia told me to take more books if I wanted. I chose the Constance Garnett edition of War and Peace, and The Gambler and Other Stories by Dostoyevsky.(63)

Later, the Russian writers are commented on at length and the shortcomings of two authors writing in English are emphasized:

From the day I had found Sylvia Beach's library I had read all of Turgenev, what had been published in English of Gogol, the Constance Garnett translations of Tolstoi and the English translations of Chekov. In Toronto, before we had ever come to Paris, I had been told Katherine Mansfield was a good short-story writer, even a great short-story writer, but trying to read her after Chekov was like hearing the carefully artificial tales of a young old-maid compared to those of an articulate and knowing physician who was a good and simple writer. Mansfield was like near-beer. It was better to drink water. But Chekov was not water except for the clarity. There were some stories that seemed to be only journalism. But there were wonderful ones too. In Dostoyevsky there were things believable and not to be believed, but some so true they changed you as you read them; frailty and madness, wickedness and saintliness and the insanity of gambling were there to know as you knew the landscape and the roads in Turgenev and the movement of troops, the terrain and the officers and the men and the fighting in Tolstoi. Tolstoi made the writing of Stephen Crane seem like the brilliant imagining of a sick boy....(64)

Finally, it is the Russians who are central to the idylls in the mountains of Austria:

... there were always the books, so that you lived in the new world you had found, the snow and the forests and the glaciers and their winter problems and your high shelter in the Hotel Taube in the village in the day time, and at night you could live in the other wonderful world the Russian writers were giving you. At first there were the Russians; then there were all the others. But for a long time there were the Russians.(65)

When, back in Paris, Hemingway mentions Dostoyevsky to Ezra Pound, Pound admits that he has Anever read the Rooshians@, Hemingway's confidence in his tutor is shaken: "It was a straight answer ... but I felt very bad ....(66)

Two more lists appear in reminiscences by members of Hemingway's family. Both lists are intended for prospective writers. Shortly after Hemingway's death, his brother Leicester, published a volume of reminiscences in which he described the time when he was considering a writing career. He asked his brother for advice. Hemingway replied by insisting that Leicester would have to prepare himself by reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Kipling, Crane, Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Joyce, Henry James (the short stories), Guy de Maupassant, Flaubert

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(especially Madame Bovary), Stendhal and Thomas Mann (Buddenbrooks).(67) Understandably, Hemingway advised his brother, journalism would provide a good training ground, but first the reading was necessary to shape Leicester's power of observation. Hemingway's son Gregory describes a similar episode in his book on his father. Gregory asked Hemingway for reading suggestions at a time when he was contemplating becoming a writer. In response Hemingway named some of his favorites: Guy de Maupassant, Chekhov, War and Peace, Madame Bovary, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Although his lists did not usually include contemporary writers other than Joyce and Mann, Gregory reports that Hemingway also suggested he read The Great Gatsby, Norman Mailer's The Naked and the Dead, From Here to Eternity by James Jones and The Young Lions by Irwin Shaw. According to Gregory, Hemingway went on to suggest that if Mailer could maintain his momentum, he might take his place beside Dostoyevsky.(68) Again, it would seem, Russian literature provided the point of reference.

These pronouncements, although delivered over a long period of time, show a remarkable degree of consistency. Certain works were clearly Hemingway's touchstones. These, together with Cézanne's paintings, seem to have embodied Hemingway's perception of his relationship to the past. Central to this perception were Huckleberry Finn, War and Peace, Buddenbrooks, The Brothers Karamazov, Madame Bovary and Le Rouge et le Noir. In general, the pronouncements make it possible, in the area of literature at least, to go beneath the surface of Hemingway's library and to understand some of the significance of individual volumes. II. The Critical Context Carlos Baker's biography, Ernest Hemingway: A Life Story (1969), signaled the high water mark of the biographical examination of Hemingway's life. Crowning as it capably does the probing works of Edmund Wilson,(69) Malcolm Cowley,(7O) Lillian Ross,(71) Philip Young,(72) Charles Fenton,(73) Harold Loeb,(74) Morley Callaghan,(75) and A.E. Hotchner(76)--to name only some of the most important and obvious biographical commentators--Baker's monumental assemblage of facts constituted an achievement that it seemed impossible to surpass. In the same year that Baker published his work, Richard B. Hovey's Hemingway: The Inward Terrain(77) subjected Hemingway's works to examination in the light of psychoanalytic insights that strained the boundaries of biographical criticism to their limits. Together these two works appeared to have exhausted the explorations of the inner and the outer man.

In the same year, however, Jackson J. Benson's first major study signalled a critical shift away from biography toward Hemingway's craft. Hemingway: The Writer's Art of Self-Defense(78) was by no means an isolated work, but it serves as a useful landmark. That the momentum for such a change in emphasis had been growing for some years was demonstrated by Linda Welshimer Wagner's anthology of critical articles, Ernest Hemingway: Five Decades of Criticism.(79) Since nine of the fourteen articles in this collection focused on technical matters, it was possible to recognize that the shift of focus away from biography had been gradual, but inevitable. Essentially, these articles revealed a movement away from what Hemingway wrote to how he wrote. As our previous section shows, Hemingway advised seekers after the key to his style and success to read what he had read. If readers wanted to know how he wrote, they would have to study his models. Accordingly, Wagner's collection underlined the necessity of studying Hemingway as the descendant of Henry James as well as of Mark Twain. Hemingway's use of Ezra Pound and Gertrude Stein, the corrida and the esthetics of sport, style and linguistic experiments, Dante and Zen dominated the overall discussion and showed that Hemingway's relation to the world of literature had been to an alarming degree ignored.

Jackson Benson's Hemingway: The Writer's Art of Self-Defense was the first major study to emphasize Hemingway's library and his relation to earlier writers.(80) Beginning with Hemingway's origins and early development in and around Oak Park, Benson outlined the writer's early rejection of the romantic and sentimental posture which characterized the family experience and his early years in high school. Although Benson made some use of biography, he went on to debunk the customary fallacious labels ("narrowness," "simplemindedness") and the myths that had grown up in much Hemingway criticism because earlier critics failed to recognize Hemingway as "an intelligent, knowledgeable, and clever craftsman." Grounded as the early critics were in nineteenth-century authors and criticism, they failed to discover the often ironic detachment (after the rather crude Torrents of Spring) with which Hemingway dramatized his characters. Although Benson did not belabor the comparison between Hemingway and James, his own critical categories and language betrayed the Jamesian approach. He noted that earlier critics had usually neglected Hemingway's use of dramatization to portray ideas and attitudes which he did not necessarily hold himself. Reading Hemingway in the manner of Henry James, therefore, was fundamental to the shift

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of critical emphasis. What Benson established more thoroughly than those who wrote before him was Hemingway's ability to confront "the bankruptcy of our language and the growing superficiality of our literature" with Jamesian concern and technique and his ability to dramatize that loss with linguistic courage and accuracy.

Benson's early work was complemented by The Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway: Critical Essays,(81) which he edited and to which he contributed a perceptive analysis of Hemingway's short stories. In this essay, he not only summarized the technical impact of the other essays but outlined Hemingway's sophisticated craftsmanship in language that is again dependent upon Henry James. Together with Wagner's introduction to Five Decades, Benson's analyses suggested a hypothetical volume entitled "The Method of Ernest Hemingway." Chapters for this prospective critical work are still being generated, but a number of studies focusing on the new technical literary analysis published during the 1970's clearly documented a distinct movement in this direction.

One of the most significant contributions to this hypothetical volume was Sheldon Norman Grebstein's Hemingway's Craft. Grebstein's work with original manuscripts in the John F. Kennedy Library produced one of the firmest links in the chain between James and Hemingway. In an appendix to his study, he described a typed page quoting Henry James which he found between the manuscript pages of A Farewell to Arms. In addition to some working notes for the novel, the typed passage read:

on the debasement of words by war: AOne finds it in the midst of all this as hard to apply one's words as to endure one's thoughts. The war has used up words; they have weakened, they have deteriorated like motor car tires . ....... and we are now confronted with a deprecation of all our terms, or, otherwise speaking, with a loss of expression through increase of limpness, that may well make us wonder what ghosts will be left to walk.@(82)

Grebstein is reluctant to comment on a possible direct influence, but at the very least a confluence is unmistakeable. As a result Hemingway=s key passage in A Farewell to Arms appears to stem from a literary forebearer as much as from his own experience.

Thoroughly grounded in a concept of Hemingway as a descendant of Henry James, therefore, Grebstein analysed the novels and short stories with the method of the Hamesian critics. He discussed structure, narrative perspective, narrative voice, dialogue, style, and the general manner of a work in a way that blended a close reading of text with a substantial recognition of the problems faced by an artist attempting to confront form and the American experience in a new era. Grebstein=s study was another landmark in the new assessment of Hemingway. He demonstrated that Hemingway=s work will endure through his art, not his ideas or his ability to communicate experience. As Hemingway=s pronouncements indicated over and over, an understanding of his work would emerge from studying how others before him wrote, not from the probing of his own life.

Perhaps the most significant study of Hemingway=s craft to date is Michael S. Reynolds= Hemingway=s First War: The Making of AA Farewell to Arms.@(83) Reynolds= work took its point of departure from Malcolm Cowley=s generally ignored statement that Hemingway had not been at Caporetto. Reynolds also drew attention to Hemingway=s statement about the relationship of fact to fiction and his assertion that he needed to use someone else=s experiences of the war front. Reynolds then demonstrated how Hemingway recreated the experience of the retreat from maps, books, first-hand descriptions by others and Red Cross reports. He went on to show how this material was adapted by Hemingway in order to focus on the effect of the war experience on language. His conclusion was that Hemingway used his sources to produce a lament for the worn-out language of the past, dramatizing the impossibility of conventional abstreact solutions in the face of the only reality: AThat was what you did. You died.@ Reynolds= exploration of Hemingway=s literary sources was a particularly significant aspect of his work. So far as we can discover, his was the first critical acknowledgment that Hemingway was a voracious reader. Reynolds demonstrated that the parallels between Lieutenant Henry and Fabrizio in Stendhal=s The Charterhouse of Parma reveal as much about Hemingway=s novel as do the biographical facts of Hemingway=s own experience during the First World War. In Reynolds= book we are a long way from the earlier view of Hemingway=s fiction as a therapy for psychological adjustment. In assessing his own method, Reynolds comments:

Now that the first half of the twentieth century is no longer the "modern age," but an historical period of its own, it is time for critics to relearn the use of old tools. The vein of psychoanalytic exegesis has been over-worked. The misleading thesis that Hemingway is always his own protagonist has littered the critical landscape with so much debris that it will take another generation of critics to restore the ecology. Letters, manuscripts, source reading, social milieu, and literary biography must all be brought to bear on the

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published text. Hemingway's reading is as important to his art as that of Coleridge; his textual revisions are as significant as those of Keats. With Hemingway it is time to question constructively all of the explications we have inherited. We must begin the difficult and frequently tedious search for the hard data that will support, modify, or disprove our inheritance.(84)

Reynolds' work, therefore, not only provided a new reading of A Farewell to Arms and an understanding of how it emerged as a work of art from the artist's knowledge, but it also contributed to the understanding of any work of art. Two particular areas of Hemingway criticism related to a study of his library must be added to this general context. The world of art in the broadest sense has generally not been the context of Hemingway criticism. A beginning, however, was made by Emily Stipes Watts in her provocative Ernest Hemingway and the Arts.(85) Her analysis of Hemingway's works in the context of art revealed an artist devoted to a new way of seeing in the manner of Goya, Cézanne and Picasso. After placing Hemingway in Paris in the midst of a group of artists devoted to "a single art," she examined passages in which Hemingway constructed a scene in the same way as Cézanne constructed a painting, using form and color as representations of an order beyond Impressionism.(86) She analyzed the ordered visual dimensions of Hemingway's lyric imagism, a paradox perhaps, but one which we may now have to accept in such a way that serious doubts must be expressed about those who locate Hemingway among the existentialists. Watts' subsequent discussions of Goya, El Greco and Picasso, to name only the most obvious influences or parallels, revealed a dimension of Hemingway usually reserved for Henry James and his circle.(87) More recently Meyly Chin Hagemann has added detailed information on Hemingway's contacts with forty-three Cézanne paintings, shown his relation to Cézanne's technique and analyzed short stories in terms that demonstrated Hemingway's appreciation of Cézanne's concept of space and form.(88) Hemingway's library, as might be expected, abounded in books on many subjects of art.(89)

A second study which focuses attention on a relatively neglected but crucial aspect of American studies is Linda Welshimer Wagner's Hemingway and Faulkner: Inventors/Masters.(90) Although there have been many individual studies of their work, few critics have braved the terrain where the concerns and methods of these two writers overlap. Wagner's often perceptive study of Hemingway and Faulkner made an important contribution to this vital topic. Faulkner's library has been catalogued,(91) and this catalogue indicates that one of the most significant differences that separated the two men may lie in the use of their sources and their libraries.(92) As Wagner discussed their similar beginnings in poetry and traced their development through apprenticeship, maturity and decline, she recognized some significant parallels, which will no doubt serve as a stimulus to studies of their combined contribution to American literature. Both writers, she observed, discovered that "the craft of writing became the means to understand their confusing worlds." In Faulkner studies, craft has long been the focus of criticism. With the emergence of a concern for craft in Hemingway criticism the canons of the two writers may be subjected to some searching cross studies. Fundamental to future study will be their methods and techniques. It was a problem that interested Hemingway all of his life and that critics, especially those whose work surrounds and supports the work of Benson, Grebstein and Reynolds, are now continuing to explore. Hemingway, of course, had recognized and understood the problem before anyone. That was why his recommendations for reading and his literary pronouncements always included Tolstoy. Even if he didn't appreciate Tolstoy's theories about history, he admired the Russian's ability to translate fact into fiction. As he wrote Charles Poore: "Dr. Tolstoi was at Sevastopol. But not at Borodino .... But he could invent from knowledge."(93) III. The History of the Library A. Paris

Little is known of Hemingway's book acquisitions in the years between his return from World War I in 1919 and his arrival in Paris in 1921. Only one book definitely acquired in this period has survived, a copy of 0. Henry's Rolling Stones inscribed "Lieut. Ernest Hemingway" and dated 1919 (see item 5273). After he arrived in Paris, however, it is clear that Hemingway soon began to accumulate books. In 1945 he wrote to Malcolm Cowley that he started his education in Paris at the same time that he was learning to write.(94) At first money was short:

In those days there was no money to buy books. I borrowed books from the rental library of Shakespeare and Company, which was the library and bookstore of Sylvia Beach at 12 rue de l'Odeon. On a cold

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windswept street, this was a warm cheerful place with a stove in winter, tables and shelves of books, new books in the window, and the photographs on the wall of famous writers both dead and living.(95)

Hemingway always retained very fond memories of Shakespeare and Company. He wrote Malcolm Cowley that his education was based on books from Sylvia Beach's until he learned French and later Spanish.(96) In 1951 he wrote to Carlos Baker about all the wonderful books from Sylvia Beach's and added that it was the place he loved best. It was from there, he continued that he read Tolstoy, Turgenev, Gogol, Chekhov, and Dostoyevsky.(97) In turn, Sylvia Beach wrote of Hemingway:

A customer we liked, one who gave us no trouble, was that young man you saw almost every morning over there in a corner at Shakespeare and Company, reading the magazines or Captain Marryat or some other book. This was Ernest Hemingway, who turned up in Paris, as I remember, later in 1921. My "best customer," he called himself, a title that no one disputed with him. Great was our esteem for a customer who was not only a regular visitor, but spent money on books, a trait very pleasing to the proprietor of a small book business.(98)

Like the Oak Park Library, Shakespeare and Company allowed Hemingway to take books along on vacation

trips. "We're going to have all the books in the world to read and when we go on trips we can take them," the young Hemingway enthusiastically reports to his wife, Hadley, in A Moveable Feast.(99) That he in fact take Sylvia Beach's books with him on trips is confirmed by the note he wrote to her from the Hotel Taube in Austria in 1925, telling her that they had read all of her books and would mail them to Paris if she wished.(100) Many years later, Hemingway reminisced to Carlos Baker about how such fun it had been to go to the Austrian Voralberg where there were only villagers and no Paris café characters and to spend the winter reading Stendhal, Flaubert and de Maupassant.(101) Sylvia Beach's bookstore was not, however, Hemingway's only source of books in Paris. Soon after his arrival in Paris, he learned where to find inexpensive second-hand copies of American books:

In the bookstalls along the quais you could sometimes find American books that had just been published for sale very cheap. The Tour D'Argent restaurant had a few rooms above the restaurant that they rented in those days, giving the people who lived there a discount in the restaurant, and if the people who lived there left any books behind there was a bookstall not far along the quai where the valet de chambre sold them and you could buy them from the proprietress for a very few francs. She had no confidence in books written in English, paid almost nothing for them, and sold them for a small quick profit .... After that bookstall near the Tour D'Argent there were no others that sold American and English books until the quai des Grands Augustins. There were several from there on to beyond the quai Voltaire that sold books they bought from employees of the left bank hotels and especially the Hotel Voltaire which had a wealthier clientele than most .... sometimes, if the day was bright, I would buy a liter of wine and a piece of bread and some sausage and sit in the sun and read one of the books I had bought and watch the fishing.(102)

By the time that Hemingway's marriage to Hadley broke up in 1926, and he transported her possessions to her new apartment in a hand-cart, it is certain that he had acquired a small library. B. Key West

In the spring of 1928 Hemingway and his second wife, Pauline arrived in Key West, Florida. Whether or not Hemingway brought books with him from Paris on this trip is not known. It is clear, however, that Hemingway retained books he had purchased in Europe in the 1920's. In the Finca Vigía today, there is an insect- and humidity-damaged copy of Don Pio's Ki ki ri ki! (item 5156) that is inscribed "Ernest Hemingway, Madrid 1923." When this and similar volumes were brought from Paris is unknown, but when Pauline shipped her Spanish furniture from Paris to Key West in 1931, books were included in the shipment. Lorine Thompson, a close friend of the Hemingways in Key West, recalls that she and Pauline's sister, Jinny Pfeiffer, unpacked the shipment in the big house on Whitehead Street, which the Hemingways had just purchased: "The furniture and things arrive from Paris and Jinny and I put up the bed and the furniture, but we didn't open the books; we left that for Ernest to do.... He brought quite a lot of books with him. There were quite a number of cartons of books and things that came."(103)

During his years in Key West Hemingway was a regular customer at Valladares' Bookstore, which had been

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opened by Leonte Valladares in 1927. "There was only one other one," Valladares recalls, "but be was advanced in age--Mr. Crane. He had it right there on Greene Street .... I was the only one that was starting that business .... Mr. Crane was getting out of it. I was on Fleming Street."(104) Valladares still remembers when Hemingway first came to the store wearing "cut-off shorts and rope for a belt." At that time the bookstore was little more than a newstand, and it was Hemingway who suggested that Valladares carry hard-cover books, saying, "I'll fix it up for you." Valladares acknowledges that "he opened up the book business for me." Soon he was carrying hard-cover books from six major publishers, including Scribners. Hemingway probably bought some books from Valladares, and he was certainly dependent on the bookstore for his supply of newspapers and also, probably, for some of his magazines. Valladares had acquired the franchise to sell the Cuban newspapers in Key West: "We had a large colony of [Cuban] cigar-makers, and in the factory they set a reader, and they contributed a quarter or a half-dollar a week. He'd read to them while they were doing their work." Later, Valladares secured the franchises for the chief New York newspapers: "Ernest would buy a Cuban newspaper once in a while to read Spanish, and he had a subscription with me for The New York Times and the New York Tribune. He took two papers a day from me." In Key West Hemingway continued his old habit of borrowing books from circulating libraries. Here again Valladares' Bookstore was important: "I had a circulating library. You came in and you had a book. You brought it back, and I charged you five cents a day. Three days: fifteen cents." According to Valladares, Hemingway was one of the users of the library: "He used books from here. Read them and take them back." The other circulating library in Key West was the Women's Club Library, which was located on Duval Street. Betty Bruce, an, expert on the history of Key West, thinks that Hemingway very probably used this library on occasion, although no further information is available on the subject.(105)

Once settled in Key West, Hemingway, now more financially secure than he had been in the early days in Paris, began rapidly acquiring books. While Valladares' Bookstore did provide some opportunity for Hemingway to buy books in Key West, the majority of Hemingway's purchases were made by mail from the Scribner Book Store in New York City. It is not clear at what time precisely Hemingway initiated this arrangement. As early as 1926, Maxwell Perkins was sending Hemingway complimentary copies of Scribner publications. A letter in 1926 mentions Trelawney's Adventures of a Younger Son, one in 1928 mentions Morley Callaghan's Strange Fugitive, and one in 1929 F.S. Smythe's The Re-discovery of America.(106) The earliest invoice from the Scribner Book Store in the Kennedy Library is dated 1933, but it does not record Hemingway's first purchases since it carries over an unpaid balance from a previous invoice. Probably, Hemingway began ordering books from the Scribner Book Store shortly after he settled in Key West. For the rest of his life, the Book Store would continue to fill his orders by mail. In addition to the mail orders, Hemingway inevitably went to the Book Store when he visited New York. Mary Hemingway has described his practice in later years: "When we used to come up here, at the occasional times when we came to New York, Ernest would spend an hour or two at Scribners and then they would ship great cartons of books down to Cuba."(107) By the time that Toby Bruce arrived in Key West in 1935, Hemingway had already collected a considerable number of books. As Toby says, "They had books scattered in every direction." It was to remedy this state of affairs that Toby built the very large, floor-to-ceiling bookcase that still stands in the second-floor hall at the top of the stairs in the Big House on Whitehead Street. In addition, there was a bookcase in the living room and several more bookcases in the room on the second floor of the Pool House where Hemingway withdrew in order to write.(108) By the end of the 1930's Hemingway had collected a large library in Key West. There followed a series of events that broke up this collection and rendered the task of compiling an accurate record of Hemingway's library far more difficult than it might otherwise have been. C. The Move to Cuba

By the end of 1939, Hemingway's marriage to Pauline had broken up. On December 26th he drove onto the car ferry that ran between Key West and Havana. From this point on, his official residence would be the Finca Vigía, an estate outside of Havana that Hemingway had been renting since May of that year. This disruption of Hemingway's domestic arrangements in Key West is the source of most of the major problems involved in the reconstruction of his library. Some books were moved to Hemingway's new residence in Cuba; others were stored at Sloppy Joe's, the Key West bar owned by Hemingway's friend Joe Russell; still others remained in the Big House and the Pool House on Whitehead Street. Our principal source of information about the movement of books at this time is Toby Bruce. Toby was for many years Hemingway's friend, chauffeur and all-around handyman. He was particularly close to Hemingway during the last years in Key West and the first years in Cuba. At the time of the

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break up with Pauline, Hemingway was somewhat alienated from Lorine and Charles Thompson, who had been his closest friends in Key West, but who now sympathized with Pauline. As a result, he came to depend heavily on Toby.

At some time after Hemingway left Key West in the final days of 1939, Toby went to Whitehead Street and moved Hemingway's possessions out of the house to Sloppy Joe's Bar. Hemingway had instructed him to "get everything Pauline did not want."(109) The material that was moved included trunks, suitcases, animal heads and "books galore." In order to hold the books, Toby built wooden crates. "Pauline was there at the time, and she was directing what to take .... Anything that Pauline wanted to get out of the house I packed up." At that time Pauline and Toby were not on very good terms: "I decided I'd work with Ernest rather than with her." Toby packed the crates in the "back-yard" of the house and then moved everything to the upper floor of a building in the back of Sloppy Joe's Bar.(110) "Most everything was boxed or wrapped. And I covered the whole--when it was first put up--I covered it with cellophane which was a brand new piece of merchandise that you never heard of, and I threw in all this powder to keep the wood-worms out, to keep termites out." Somewhere along the line, a rough inventory was made, and at various times in the following years individual items were moved to Cuba at Hemingway's request.(111) At another time, Toby and Hemingway loaded some crates of books aboard the Pilar and took them across to Cuba. It is not clear exactly how many crates were moved on this trip: "I really don't remember. On the one trip we took on the Pilar, I think we had eight crates of books."(112) The crossing was a rough one:

We had a hell of a storm. We got into one of those real nasties .... We left here about 7 o'clock in the afternoon.... his boat, it only travelled at full bore about nine miles an hour, so a ten hour trip would have been ordinary.... Well, it was 5:30 the next afternoon before we saw Morro Castle.... This was what we called the triple bell-ringer. Fortunately, the wind was coming right from the direction we wanted to be going, out of the south southwest. We'd hit a wave and it would ring the bell, get on top of the wave and tilt and ring the bell, hit the bottom of the wave and ring the bell. So it's a triple bell-ringer.... We were just out there flying backward for hours. We weren't making any headway; we were just keeping the bow into the waves. I had to go below and tie the crates down to keep them from banging.... these crates were jumping that high off the deck and slamming down. We had one hell of a time getting them through customs because he had a bunch of guns in some of these crates. We had to call the mayor of Havana to get them sprung loose. I'd just declared them as all books ... and they found the guns .... They didn't like the idea of bringing in guns, but the mayor of Havana came to our rescue.(113)

At the time of this trip, Hemingway had already rented the Finca Vigía, and the books were taken directly out to the house. There were no bookshelves in the Finca when Hemingway moved in. The books that had been brought over on the Pilar were placed in the big front room with the crates in which they had been packed acting as bookcases: "We used them as bookshelves. You take the top off them and set them up, and we lined the living room with these boxes I'd made. And they were the bookshelves .... They were cheap lumber, and they weren't very nice because I just banged them together right quickly. Hadn't expected them to become bookshelves, but they did.(114)

The second major movement of books to Cuba occurred in 1941 while Hemingway and Martha Gellhorn were in China where Martha was reporting on the Sino-Japanese War. In February, during a stop in Hawaii, Hemingway wrote to Toby Bruce, who was acting as caretaker at the Finca, and instructed him to make a trip to Key West, move all the books he could to Cuba, build shelves and put out the books.(115) At the end of April, in Hong Kong after visiting China, Hemingway wrote again. Evidently he had received a progress report from Toby on work done at the Finca since he told Toby that the pool furniture and the bookcases sounded very good.(116) By June, Martha Gellhorn and Hemingway were back in Cuba, and Martha wrote Toby in Key West that Hemingway was delighted with the books and the manner in which they had been set out.(117) In July Hemingway himself wrote to Toby to tell him that the books and bookcases were fine.(118) This shipment completed the major movements of books to Cuba. It is exceedingly fortunate that Toby Bruce, with his usual careful and devoted attention to Hemingway's interests, took the trouble to make a record of the books that he shipped to Cuba at this time. This list provides a key picture of Hemingway's reading in the 1930's (see Part IV, Section 7: kwfv). D. Key West after Hemingway's Departure

After Hemingway moved to Cuba in 1939, the Big House on Whitehead Street in Key West continued to be

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the residence of Pauline Hemiiigway and their two sons, Patrick and Gregory. During the 1940's many new books joined those already on the bookshelves of the house. The contents of the bookcases took on, therefore, a miscellaneous character. There were books that had belonged to Hemingway, books purchased by Pauline for herself, gift books for the boys, schoolbooks and, later, books purchased by the boys themselves. When the boys left for college, Pauline decided that the Big House was too large for her, and she had an apartment constructed on the ground floor of the Pool House, which had earlier been used only for storage. The studio on the upper floor, where Hemingway had worked, served as a bedroom. She also had an apartment constructed over the garage so that Patrick and Gregory would have somewhere to stay when they visited Key West. When this was accomplished, she moved into the Pool House and rented the Big House. When Pauline moved she took with her most of the books from the Big House and placed them in large bookcases on the ground floor of the smaller building. The Big House was rented furnished, however, and some books were left to fill the bookcases in the front room. These books were eventually recorded, probably by a realtor as part of the inventory of the furnishings (See Part IV, Section 1: KWH).(119) In October 1951, on a visit to California, Pauline Hemingway died suddenly. As a result of the various legal settlements, Hemingway and his two sons, Patrick and Gregory, became the joint owners of the Whitehead Street property. They decided that the buildings on the property should be rented separately. In October 1952, about a year after Pauline's death, Hemingway wrote to Toby Bruce that the Pool House was unrentable until possessions belonging to the boys were stored and repairs made. Hemingway added that he had asked Patrick's wife, Henrietta ("Henny"), to make an inventory of those things that still belonged to him at Key West. She, however, had not done as he had requested.(120) Presumably, it was some time after this letter that Mary Hemingway arranged to have Ann Geise make a record of the books. Mrs. Geise and her husband were at that time renting the Garage Apartment. At Mrs. Hemingway's direction she made an alphabetical list of the books in the two small buildings on the property (see Part IV, Section 2: KW). In conjunction with the earlier list of the books left in the Big House (KWH), Mrs. Geise's record gives a complete picture of the books in Key West at this time. Early in 1953, Hemingway wrote to Patrick describing the situation in Key West. The apartment over the garage, he explained, was rented as one unit and the lower floor of the Pool House with the pool was rented as another unit. The tenants in the Pool House were to leave on April 15th.(121) Two months later, in June of 1953, the Hemingways, on their way to Africa, stopped at Key West to check on the property. Mary writes:

Although the children had removed their favorite things among Pauline's possessions and all of the table silver, her sitting room looked intact with its small antique furniture, the floor tiles with pink roses which years before I had helped her find in Cuba, a few good oil paintings and prints, sculpture and lamps that were both pretty and functional. But except for sleeping we lived on the spacious secluded terrace which stretched from the doorstep to the rim of the pool. Pauline had left two or three thousand books on the shelves which had lined the staircase of the main house facing Whitehead Street. We had one big canvas bag bulging with books among our luggage. Only inertia restrained me from filling another one.(122)

Two years later, in 1955, A.E. Hotchner visited the Hemingways, now back from the African safari and living temporarily in Key West:

The address I had been given was that of the pool house, but when I knocked on the screen door, no one responded. I carried my bag in and called out but no one was around. It was a two-story house, the downstairs consisting of a kitchen, through which I had entered, a small bedroom with a single bed, and a large, high-ceilinged living room that had been furnished with imagination and taste. Crammed bookshelves ran from floor to ceiling. The floor was a beautifully designed tile, and the front of the room opened onto a charming terrace, beyond which was the pool, surrounded by verdant, extravagantly colored tropical plants and trees.(123)

At some point after Hotchner's visit, the Pool House was rented again. There were rumors of a break-in. The books in the Pool House vanished. At present their location is unknown. The books in the Big House, however, remained. Today the Whitehead Street property is a privately owned museum, and some of these books may still be viewed in the front room. In the fall of 1961, Mary Hemingway returned to Key West and removed from Sloppy Joe's Bar what remained of the possessions Hemingway had stored there some twenty-one years earlier:

Betty Bruce and I worked six or seven hours a day for a month, sifting papers, coming upon the skeletons of

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mice, rats and many cockroaches which apparently died from starvation, their flesh having been nibbled away by ants. We also found scores of family letters, perhaps worth saving we agreed, original drafts of Ernest's early short stories, and an early draft of A Farewell to Arms, together with his hand-corrected galley proofs of the glossary of Death in the Afternoon. At the end of it, I shipped a half-dozen numbered boxes of papers to New York, and put in my purse lists of their respective contents.(124)

Some books were included among these papers, and these eventually found their way with the manuscript material into the Kennedy Library (see Part IV, Section 4: KL). A great many of the books that Hemingway owned in Key West survive either in Finca Vigía or some other collection or were recorded on one of the various lists. Is it possible, however, that a considerable number of books disappeared without a trace? A partial answer to this question may be provided by a remarkable photograph in the Patrick Hemingway Grant at the Princeton University Library. This photograph is a close-up of a bookcase in Key West. The date when it was taken is readily ascertainable. No identifiable volume in the photograph was published later than 1938. In addition, a box of cartridges and several loose cartridges are clearly visible on one shelf. The time, therefore, is 1938 or 1939--shortly before Hemingway's departure for Cuba. Twenty-five books are identifiable in the photograph. Twenty-three of these are recorded elsewhere in our sources. Two are not elsewhere recorded (see items 2699, 3802). In other words, we have some other source of information for 92% of the identifiable volumes. The sample provided by this single photograph is, of course, too small to be statistically significant, but it does suggest that while some books have undoubtedly been lost, we do have a record of a surprisingly high percentage of Hemingway's Key West books. E. The Library at Finca Vigía

By the summer of 1941 the original bookshelves in the Finca Vigía, made from Toby Bruce's crates, had been replaced by finished bookcases. These bookcases were primarily in the large front room. Later, Toby added more shelves in Hemingway's bedroom and study. "Well, there was books piled up and the cases just had to be built .... As the library increased, why more cases were built.(125) And as the years passed, the library did increase. More and more books and periodicals were crowded into the Finca. This was particularly the case since Hemingway, as Mary has observed, "never threw away anything. Once in a while I could get him to throw away the wrappers in which magazines arrived, otherwise absolutely nothing, not a scratch pad, not a laundry list, nothing.(126) Eventually, in 1949, Mary Hemingway directed the final series of renovations that produced the interior that one finds in the house today:

Seeing the Finca with a fresh eye after eight months away from it, I found challenges to a summer-long program of repairs and rehabilitations. The ancient red tiles of the terrace were crumbling and calling for replacements. We needed more bookshelves and I perceived that the White Room, a sweetly proportioned, high-ceilinged area between the living room and the back terrace, was space wasted as a guest bedroom since it had no bath of its own and only an eight-foot-wide arch instead of a door for privacy. The hinged screen we used in the doorway failed to block out sitting room noises. The former Cat Room, now cleaned, repainted and refurnished would provide sufficient guest sleeping space when the Little House was occupied. We could make a wonderful library in the White Room. I persuaded Ernest, and drew plans for bookshelves, an enormous writing table, a sofa equally spacious, tables, clam-shell sconces for its wall lights, and clam-shell drawer pulls of cast bronze for the chests of drawers which would support our bookshelves rising all the way to the five- or six-meter ceiling.(127)

The result of this long process was, as anyone who has visited the Finca realizes, a house dominated by books. There are bookcases in every room, except the kitchen and dining room, and in the two out-buildings--the Little House (Casita) and the Tower. Through the years, Hemingway acquired books from a variety of sources. He continued to order books from the Scribner Book Store and to purchase books on his travels. He also frequented La Moderna, a bookstore in downtown Havana, and patronized various mail order book dealers. Catalogues from the English bookseller Frank Hammond advertising "Interesting and Rare Books" survive on the shelves of the Finca while a catalogue from the Sporting Book Service in New Jersey, listing nineteenth-century.and early twentieth-century hunting and fishing books, some checked for order by Hemingway, is in the Kennedy Library. The Finca came to contain, therefore, not only a large number of contemporary volumes ranging from paperback

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westerns to expensive art books, but also an impressive collection of older works, especially on the corrida and on Africa and hunting in general. Hemingway's passion for acquiring books extended to some surprisingly rare and esoteric works (see items 2304, 2835, 5514, for example). He also had two volumes specifically on the subject of book-collecting (items 4795, 6376). In addition to the books that Hemingway acquired deliberately, writers from all over the world sent autographed copies of their works, and guests sometimes left books in appreciation for Mary's hospitality. The hundreds of books that came to line the shelves were in many languages, the great majority, of course, in those Hemingway could read: English, French, Spanish and Italian.(128) But there was also a smattering of other languages, some of which were exotic, especially in the case of complimentary copies of his own works in translation sent to him by publishers in distant lands. The library was subjected to various dangers over the years. For example, friends often borrowed books. In a letter to Bernard Berenson in 1955, Hemingway wrote that he envied Berenson's library because his own, in contrast, had been pilfered and looted. In Cuba, he explained, he had friends who lived on sugar plantations and had nothing to read. So they took fifteen books out to the plantation and brought back perhaps five, the others having been loaned to other planters.(129) Fortunately, the picture that Hemingway paints in this letter is an exaggeration. Mary Hemingway has significantly qualified it:

People were forever borrowing books from us. I used to keep lists of the titles, the authors, and to whom they were lent, and then got onto them. I'm thinking now of Cuban friends of ours who read English. And then I used to--after six months or a year or something--l'd call them up and say, "Hey, bring back our books."(130)

In general, Mary Hemingway does not believe that many books were borrowed and not returned while she was at the Finca. She does, however, recall that there were instances when guests stole books: "Ernest was a student of the Civil War, one reason being that one of his grandfathers had fought in it, and I remember how furious he was when he discovered somebody had pinched ... one of a set of four books on the war."(131) Similarly, in regard to the possibility that books were stolen from the Finca after she left Cuba in 1961, she has remarked, "They pinched books when we were there, so I assume they pinched them when we weren't there."(132) Nevertheless, when she visited Cuba in the summer of 1977, she reported that the library at Finca Vigía appeared to be "intact."(133)

There is, however, no doubt that some books vanished without any record of their existence being preserved. Some insight into this problem can be gained through a comparison of the list of books shipped to Cuba that Toby Bruce made in 1941 (kwfv), with the inventory made by the Cuban government in 1966 (FV). If one excludes books by Hemingway, periodicals and uncertain items, kwfv contains 783 positively identified volumes. Of these, 623 are on the Cuban inventory. In other words, 150 items, or 20.43% of the total, were lost or stolen between 1941 and 1966. However, it appears that losses of this sort were largely confined to the years before 1945. Photographs of the interior of the Finca, now in the Kennedy Library, indicate that after this date only a few books escaped being recorded in one fashion or another. One of these photographs shows Mary Hemingway's bedroom (KL EB3994P). There are no identifiable volumes in the photograph with publication dates later than 1948. In this photograph, sixteen books can be identified and all sixteen were recorded from other sources. A second photograph shows Hemingway standing before a bookcase as he receives the Nobel Prize from the Swedish Ambassador (KL EH3987P). The time, therefore, is late 1954. In this photograph, sixty-six volumes are identifiable, and sixty-four of these were recorded from our other sources. A final photograph shows Hemingway before a bookcase with an unidentified naval officer (KL EH2751P). In this photograph, thirty-one volumes are identifiable and all thirty-one of them were already recorded. All the evidence suggests, therefore, that Mary Hemingway's impression that the library is intact is correct.

In the summer of 1961 Mary Hemingway returned to Cuba in order to make preparations for turning the Finca over to the Cuban government, which was in the process of nationalizing all American holdings on the island. She spent about a month cleaning out the Finca. In her autobiography, she describes the clean-up:

In twenty-two years of accumulating correspondence and printed materials, Ernest, who never discarded anything but magazine wrappers and three-year-old newspapers, had managed to stuff to its brim almost every drawer of the Finca. The two big desks on the ground floor of the Little House were crammed with papers and grocery lists and charts of the Gulf Stream, many of them concerning his months of German submarine-chasing off Cuba's north coast. Twelve big drawers beneath the bookcases in the library were stuffed with ancient, mostly unanswered correspondence and thousands of photographs. His bedroom and study held piles and drawerfuls of papers. So did our storeroom, intended chiefly for luggage, in the tower

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and his four-viewed workroom and retreat on the towers's top floor.(134) In addition to putting the Finca in order, she gathered together unpublished materials and personal possessions. When she left, she took with her manuscripts, letters, other papers that she felt were worth preserving, a number of valuable paintings and some books. The books that she removed were collected hurriedly: "This was totally hap-hazard on my part. I took books that I was quite sure were out of print and dealt mostly with Africa .... I did this in five minutes."(135) In addition to the fine old volumes of Africana (items 164, 331, 2945 and 4789, for example) she also took a number of books about Cuba, which she had purchased shortly after her arrival on the island sixteen years earlier in order to familiarize herself with her new home (for example, items 1327, 3765, 5481). All of these volumes are now in Mary Hemingway's private library (see Part IV, Section 6: MH). After Mary left Cuba, the government took possession of the Finca Vigía and turned it into a Hemingway Museum. After some preparatory work, it was opened to the public in 1962.(136) IV. The Sources Hemingway's library, as we have assembled it, is a composite record of book collections in six locations:

(1) The Big House at 907 Whitehead Street, Key West, Florida. (2) The Pool House and Garage Apartment at 907 Whitehead Street, Key West, Florida. (3) The Finca Vigía, San Francisco de Paula, Cuba. (4) The Hemingway Collection at the John F. Kennedy Library, Boston, Massachusetts. (5) A private collection of Hemingway materials. (6) Mary Hemingway's personal library.

Additional publication information and about 225 titles were added from several other sources. The most important of these are:

(7) The list made by Toby Bruce in 1941 of books shipped to Cuba. (8) The invoices from the Scribner Book Store listing purchases by Hemingway.

1. KWH: Big House at 907 Whitehead Street, Key West, Florida

This list of precisely 200 numbered entries typed on eight pages was given to us by Mary Hemingway. Handwritten across the top of the first page are the words, "Books in Big House, Key West." The compiler and date are unknown, although it seems probably that it is the work of a realtor inventorying furnishings in the Big House when it was being prepared for rental. The list is very well typed, contains only minor errors, and causes few serious problems of interpretation.(137) It provides, however, no publication information, giving only the title and author of a work. We have provided publication details only when these are available from another source such as the Scribner invoices (see, for example, items 696, 1256, 6932). KWH contains some books published after Hemingway left Key West: for example, Martha Gellhorn's Liana (1941) and John Hersey's Into the Valley (1943). We have excluded from our record all books on this list published after 1939, the year Hemingway left Key West, although there was undoubtedly some movement of books between Key West and Cuba as the children and their parents travelled back and forth. KWH also contains a good many children's books. A few of these, such as Willard F. Baker's Western Stories for Boys, Laura A. Large's Little Stories of Well-known Americans and Howard R. Garis' Buddy on Mystery Mountain, could not have belonged to Hemingway when he was a child. They too have been excluded from our record. In those cases, however, where a children's book was published early enough to have belonged to Hemingway it has been included (see item 3293). 2. KW: The Pool House and Garage Apartment, 907 Whitehead Street, Key West, 1955.

This thirty-four-page list of 1,298 alphabetically arranged entries is now in the Kennedy Library. The first page bears the inscription, "List of Books in the Pool House and Garage Apartment, December 1955." The words

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"Key West" are written beneath in large letters. The second page is a note: Dear Mary:

The actual listing of the books was finished in December. It is just the alphabetizing and typing

that has been done since then. Ann

ESTIMATED, 3,000 This note was written by Ann Geise, who made the list for Mary Hemingway.(138) Like KWH, this list gives no publication details. We have provided such information only if it was available from another source, such as the Scribner invoices. Once more the list includes not only books belonging to Hemingway, but also children's books, schoolbooks and books purchased after Hemingway left Key West. As in the case of KWH, children's books and schoolbooks have been excluded from our record unless (in the case of the children=s books) the original publication date was early enough to make it possible that Hemingway owned the book as a child (see item 63). Similarly, all books on this list published after 1939 have been excluded, although there may again have been some movement of books back and forth in the family visits.(139) In the case of books published before 1939, we have not attempted to make any distinction between books that were Pauline's and those that were Hemingway's. Lorine Thompson, who knew Pauline well, has expressed doubt that any such distinction is possible.(140)

KW is well typed and presents few problems of interpretation. One entry, however, simply reads "Shelley." Another entry records, "Keats--The Poetical Works of." In comparison, the Shelley entry does not provide sufficient information for us to determine either the character or the date of the work in question. Therefore, the Keats entry is included; the Shelley entry is not. A more significant problem is presented by a series of entries evidently recording books containing reproductions of the work of various painters. In these cases, Ann Geise provided only the name of the painter. Her complete entries are: "Cezanne," "Derian," "Gris, Juan (2 diff. pubs.)," "Goya," "Modigliani," "Picasso," "Quintanilla, Luis," "Renoir," "Rousseau, Henri (2 books)," "Van Gogh, Vincent (2 copies)." In addition, there is a work entitled "Masterpieces of the National Gallery," but it has not been possible to determine whether the institution referred to is in Washington or London. Most other problems on KW occur in the final miscellaneous section in which Ann Geise grouped items that appeared to lack an author's name. Some of these entries created difficulties. For example, Colette's Envers du music-hall appears without the author's name. Another entry, "Abyssinia and Italy," is too brief to permit certain identification.(141) 3. FV: Catalogo de la biblioteca del museo Hemingway, 1966

This unalphabetized "shelf list" was prepared by staff members of the Biblioteca National Jose Marti, Havana, Cuba, in 1966. It records the contents of the bookshelves, desks and tables in the three buildings which constitute Finca Viglia: the Main House, the Little House (La Casita) and the Tower. The list consists of 1,076 pages with about eight entries per page. It provided almost 6,000 items for our record.(142) The entries are divided into nine volumes, one for each room in the house plus one volume for the Tower and one volume for the Little House:

Tomo Room I Sala II Biblioteca--1 III Biblioteca--2 IV Cuarto visita V Cuarto estudio VI Dormitorio Hemingway VII Dormitorio Sra Hemingway VIII La Casita IX La Torre

The bibliographers from the Biblioteca Nacional included publication information and those dedications that they were able to decipher. Since the tables and bookcases often contained such materials as periodicals, pamphlets and brochures these were also included in the list. We are indebted to Sra Marta Arhona for making the original of this list available to us during our examination of the library at Finca Vigía

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in January 1977. At that time, we were able to ascertain that the books in 1977 were essentially as they had been in 1966.

For our composite record, we used a microfilm of the Cuban inventory that Dr. Hans-Joachim Kann had earlier obtained from the Biblioteca Nacional.(143) Because this microfilm was made from a carbon copy of the original inventory and because of apparent voltage fluctuations during the filming, this microfilm is barely legible.(144) In addition, it is an imperfect copy of the original: eight pages are copied twice, six pages are missing and three pages are blank. Fortunately, three of the missing pages and all of the blank pages listed periodicals. Only three pages of books are missing. One of these pages is from the Library, one from Hemingway's Study and one from the Tower.(145) Efforts to acquire copies of the missing pages have not been successful, but some of the books recorded on these pages have been restored from other sources (see, for example, items 6557 and 6655).

Although the inventory is basically accurate and dependable, its size and the fact that it contains books in many languages resulted in numerous small errors and confusions. In the case of authors' names, these range from simple misspellings to the surprising assertion that a volume entitled "Shooting" had been authored by "Moor (and others).@ The work is, in fact, Eric Parker's Shooting by Moor, Field, and Shore. Occasionally, titles are inaccurately transcribed. Thomas Mann's Buddenbrooks appears as "Budden rooks books" while Delbert Clark's Again the Goose Step: The Lost Fruits of Victory is rendered as "Again the goose fruits of victory." Although dates are naturally subject to typographical error, for the most part they are accurate.

The many paperback books published in the United States constitute an area in which particular difficulties occur because frequently the date of publication is not ascertainable from the volume itself. In such cases the Cuban librarians naturally fell into error. For example, the date given on FV for the Dell edition of Mary Webb's Gone to Earth is 1928. If a copy of the Dell edition is examined, it is found that no date of publication for that edition is given, only the dates of the original copyrights: "MCMXVII, MCMXXVIII." The Cuban librarians used the second date, but the Dell edition was published in 1950. These errors are corrected in our record.

Since the Finca Vigía was Hemingway's principal residence from 1939 to 1960, we have considered its library a family library and have presented it in its entirety, including in our composite record children's books (for example, items 3056 and 5812) and schoolbooks (for example, items 4540, 6176 and 6211), as well as books that would seem to have belonged essentially to Mary Hemingway (for example, items 6495, 7126 and 7284). However, four categories of material have for the most part been omitted from the record:

a. 278 books written by Hemingway himself. Works edited or introduced by Hemingway have been included. For these items, see the index. b. Almost 2,000 periodicals which the inventory describes as scattered throughout the Main House and the other buildings.(146) These, it should be remembered, are only the survivors of Mary Hemingway's "tremendous clean-up" in 1961: "René and the gardeners ... wheel-barrowed load after load of five-and-ten-year old copies of Ruedo, the Spanish bullfight magazine, of the London Economist and other British weeklies, of French and a dozen United States publications to a bonfire below the tennis court.. .."(147) During our visit in 1977 periodicals containing feature articles on Hemingway had been selected from among the survivors and were on display in the Library and the Front Room. C. 166 pieces of trivia. Many of these entries describe pamphlets or brochures that lack publication information and are not books in the normal sense. They were included by the Cuban librarians because it was their task to produce a complete inventory. A few examples may best define this category: "The New Waring Blender ... Serves Everyone," "Cuba Tourist Commission," "Your Steuben Glass and How to Care for It," "The Art of Gift Wrapping," the American Automobile Association Western Emergency Service Directory for 1958, Abercrombie and Fitch catalogues, Union Pacific Railroad Time Tables, "Plan-guide de Paris" and catalogues of long-playing records. d. Nine incoherent or unverifiable entries. The Cuban entries in this category are:

The Fifties. Minnesota, 1958. Rhinos Eros. (s.l.) 1960. Erico Glassi. (s.l., s.a.). Strids. (s.l., s.a.). Picasso party. (s.l.) 1960.

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Asambles humana. Venesuela (s.a.). Subversive activities control board. U.S.A., 1955. Truth in religion. (India, s.a.). O.P. Gobierno Revolucionario. Habana, Harcourt, Brace /s.a./

That the Cuban inventory usually provides complete and reliable information was made clear by a comparison of it with the Scribner invoices and with the tapes that the authors made in the Finca Vigía in 1977. We have, therefore, included in our composite record all entries except those listed above, although in some cases it was not possible to verify them. We have identified these unverified entries by an asterisk (*) and have reproduced in our item the information provided by the Cuban inventory. 4. KL: The Hemingway Collection at the John F. Kennedy Library, Boston, Massachusetts

The abbreviation KL designates the collection of Hemingway materials in the Kennedy Library in Boston. There are sixty-two volumes in this collection. They range from a World War I soldier's manual (see item 6920) and a Shakespeare and Company unbound press copy of James Joyce's Ulysses to A. Lafront=s Toreros d=aujourd=hui (1959) and the page proofs of John Brown's Hemingway (1961). This collection was gathered by Mary Hemingway from various locations. Some appear to have been brought from Cuba in 1961, but most were part of the materials stored at Sloppy Joe's Bar in Key West. According to A.E. Hotchner, Hemingway believed that the materials at Sloppy Joe's had deteriorated as had some first editions and manuscripts stored in a closet in the Pool House: "Ernest opened the covers of a book, all the pages of which, he discovered, had been totally consumed by literary beetles. 'Well,' he said, 'I've got a lot of other stuff stored in the back of Sloppy Joe's--must be in the same shape.=@(148) However, it proved that those possessions were in far better condition, probably because of the precautions taken by Toby Bruce: "I'd just go down every six or eight months and throw some chlorodine around so the wood-worms wouldn't chew them up."(149)

The collection at the Kennedy Library was catalogued by James D. Brasch with the assistance of Jo August, Curator of the Hemingway Collection. 5. PC: Private Collection

The letters "PC" designate a collection of books and periodicals in private hands. The authors were allowed to catalogue the collection with the stipulation that its location not be disclosed. The collection consists of eighty-nine books and a considerable number of periodicals. There is no doubt that all of these items were owned by Hemingway. By far the most significant elements among the periodicals are a large number of issues of the Spanish bullfight periodical La Lidia and a large collection of The Youth's Companion, both dating from the last years of the nineteenth century. The books in this collection are varied: for example, a 1916 edition of Ezra Pound's Gaudier-Brzeska, Ramon Jose Sender's Counter-attack in Spain (1937), a set of inscribed gift books which date from Hemingway's youth (see note 11), O. Henry's Rolling Stones signed "Lieut. Ernest Hemingway" and dated 1919, and a copy of Leverett S. Lyons' Elements of Debating inscribed "Ernest Hemingway, 202, Miss Dixon, English teacher," which has a drawing by Hemingway of a tree and a snake on the title page.

This collection was catalogued by Daniella and Joseph Sigman. 6. MH: Mary Hemingway's Personal Library

217 of Hemingway's books remain in the possession of Mrs. Hemingway. For the most part these are books that were in the house in Ketchum, Idaho, at the time of Hemingway's death. The remainder were removed from Cuba by Mrs. Hemingway in 1961. This collection was catalogued by James D. Brasch and Joseph Sigman with the assistance of Daniella Sigman and Tillie Arnold.

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7. kwfv: List of books shipped from Key West to the Finca Vigía in 1941.

This list, which is made up of 876 entries representing over 1,100 books and periodicals, is now in the Kennedy Library. It consists of twenty-seven typewritten pages plus a coveringsheet on which appear the words, "List of Books shipped from Key West to Havana" in the handwriting of Toby Bruce. All the pages have "Havana" written on them, and some are marked "OK." Evidently, the shipment was checked when it arrived. Each page is labelled with a crate number; crate number 6 required two pages. The enumeration proceeds unbroken to crate 24. The next page is devoted to crate 44. Toby Bruce maintains that the crates at Sloppy Joe's were numbered, and this list may reflect that numbering. Perhaps the missing twenty crates were those remaining at Sloppy Joe's plus those moved separately to Cuba on the Pilar. The typist has divided each page into two columns. The left-hand column gives the title of a book or periodical, while the right-hand column gives the name of an author or, in the case of a few periodicals, a date. As in the case of KWH and KW, no publication information is given. Most of the list is typed completely in capital letters, but on four pages normal capitalization is used.

The list gives some indications of the circumstances of its compilation and of the personality of Toby Bruce, who compiled it. Apparently, the list was hurriedly made. There are many typographical errors. Apostrophes and most other marks of punctuation are left out. Many abbreviations are used. Often only the last name of an author is given. Near the end, it seems evident that Toby Bruce was increasingly pressed for time since a number of collective entries appear: "73 VOLS. ASSORTED FRENCH PAPER BOUND BOOKS," "12 COPIES INT. LIT.," "27 COPIES ON SPAIN AND BULL FIGHTING," "10 NOVELS IN FRENCH." Occasionally,Toby engaged in private jokes to relieve the tedium of typing. In crate 15 it is suggested that the author of "BOOK OF SAINTS" is "MAYBE JESUS???" In crate 7 the title "DON"T CALL ME STUPID" elicits the response, "O.K. I WON'T."

Although the great majority of the entries are clear, this list contains many more problems of interpretation than either KWH or KW. Not only was the list hurriedly prepared, but Toby Bruce was unfamiliar with bibliographic conventions and had no knowledge of some of the language involved. "ROMAN" is said to be the author of "VOYAGE AU BOUT DE LA NUIT." "KUNST" is said to be the author of a book on "JUAN GRIS," and "Gli Alberghi" is identified as the author of "In Italy in 1936." George Teasdale-Buckell, the author of "THE COMPLETE SHOT," is denominated only as "BUCHELL." The author of "HISTORY OF CHAS XII" is given as "TOD HUNTER," but the work is, in fact, Voltaire's History of Charles XII translated by Winifred Tod Hunter. The entry "2 Trilogia Taurina" is a good example of the more severe difficulties that the list sometimes presents. The "2" could refer either to two volumes or to the second volume of a work whose title indicates that it was published in three volumes. The Spanish writer, Pascual Millan, published a work with this title in 1905. The Cuban inventory of the Finca lists, among other works by Millan, volumes one and three of his Trilogia Taurina. Clearly, these were the volumes moved by Toby Bruce in 1941. Although most of the problems posed by this list have been satisfactorily solved, nineteen items have resisted identification.(150)

This list is especially significant because of the vivid picture it gives of the books Hemingway owned in Key West, and because it establishes a date before which Hemingway acquired particular volumes. It demonstrates Hemingway's early interest in the work of his contemporaries. There are many works by T.S. Eliot, James Joyce and Ezra Pound as well as works by Louis Aragon, Henri Barbusse, Jean Cocteau, John Dos Passos, William Faulkner, Andre Gide, Aldous Huxley, Ludwig Lewisohn, Marcel Proust, Gertrude Stein, Allan Tate, Ernest Walsh, Edmund Wilson, Virginia Woolf, W.B. Yeats and others. In addition, there is an impressive collection of works by nineteenth-century writers: Charles Baudelaire, Joseph Conrad, Gustave Flaubert, J.K. Huysmans, Henrik Ibsen, Henry James, Rudyard Kipling, Richard Le Gallienne, Guy de Maupassant, George Moore, Algernon Swinburne, R.L. Stevenson, Leo Tolstoy and Owen Wister. 8. s [date]: Invoices from the Scribner Book Store, 597 Fifth Avenue, New York City.

Thirty-three invoices survive from the period May 1933 to January 1961. They are now in the Hemingway Collection at the J.F. Kennedy Library. Mary Hemingway has indicated that books were ordered continuously from Scribner's; it appears, therefore, that a great many invoices have not survived.(151) The Scribner Book Store retains invoices for only ten years. The invoices are bills from the Book Store listing Hemingway's purchases of books and periodicals and giving the amount of each purchase and the total owed to the Book Store. Not only do the invoices add sixty-eight titles to the composite record of Hemingway's library, they also identify the approximate date on which he acquired many books. s36 indicates that the volume appeared on an invoice from Scribner's in 1936. In

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addition, the recorded purchase price frequently makes it possible to identify the precise edition. 9. b [date]: Invoices from Brentano's, 37, Avenue de l'Opera, Paris

In the Kennedy Library there are four invoices from Brentano=s Book Store in Paris. Two of these do not add to our information about Hemingway's library. One records a periodical subscription in December 1927 when Hemingway and his second wife, Pauline, were living on the Rue Ferou, while the other merely indicates a payment received in December 1931 after Hemingway had stopped in Paris in September after a summer spent following the bullfights in Spain. However, the remaining two invoices itemize book purchases. The first lists two books purchased in the Fall of 1933 when Hemingway stopped briefly in Paris on his way to Africa. The second lists eleven books purchased in October 1938 when Hemingway spen about a month in Paris before travelling on to Barcelona for a final survey of the Spanish Civil War. As might be expected, his purchases at that time included a number of books on Spain and on modern warfare in general.

The Brentano's invoices added five items to the library and provided information about the dates on which Hemingway acquired six other volumes. Because the invoices list only titles, identification of the volumes was sometimes a problem. The price of the volumes is given in French francs, so it is not possible, as it was with the Scribner invoices, to use the price to determine the particular edition that Hemingway purchased. Therefore, two entries, "Escape" on the 1933 invoice and "Game Birds" on the 1938 invoice, are not included in our record because precise identification is not possible. It is also clear that Hemingway purchased books from Brentano's for which we have no invoices. The invoice dated December 1931 indicates that books costing 819 francs were purchased when Hemingway was in Paris in September, but no invoice itemizing these purchases has survived.

For the books on the Brentano's invoices, see the following:items 327, 478, 760a, 3364a, 3881, 5648, 6021, 6252a, 6373a, 6398, 6557a. 10. b/s tape: Tapes made at the Finca Vigía by James D. Brasch and Joseph Sigman in January 1977

The primary purpose of these tapes was to verify that the collection recorded in the Cuban inventory of 1966 was still intact. They also supplement the inventory in various ways and supply some of the books listed on the pages missing from the microfilm used in our composite record (see, for example, item 6655). 11. ph photo: A photograph in the Patrick Hemingway Grant at Princeton University Library

This is a close-up of a bookcase in Key West taken in 1938 or 1939. It is one of a series of apparently random shots of the house and garden. This photograph added two items to the composite record (items 2699, 3802) as well as providing publication details for other entries. 12. kl photo: Photographs in the Hemingway Collection at the John F. Kennedy Library

This photograph collection was examined for evidence of books not recorded elsewhere. Two items were added to the record from photo no. EH 3987P (items 4517, 5967a). One item was added from no. EH 8432P(b) (item 4896) and another from no. EH 3568P (item 6100). 13. Miscellaneous entries

A number of individual volumes that once belonged to Hemingway are scattered across the United States. An old schoolbook is in the University of Virginia Library (item 4754). Another volume is in the possession of Tillie Arnold in Idaho (item 2089). A third volume is owned by Max Tecza in Utah (item 2354a) and a fourth by Forrest Macmullen in Las Vegas (item 6263). In addition, a volume that Hemingway gave to his son Patrick was destroyed in a fire in San Francisco (item 4217).

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V. Methods and Procedures

Cards were prepared for each item in the sources described in Section IV. The items were alphabetized, numbered and verified or corrected by reference to standard bibliographies. After the deletions described below, this process produced 7,363 items for our composite record, representing about 7,700 books.

The following guidelines were used: 1. All works written by Hemingway (including translations) were excluded. Volumes edited or

introduced by him were retained (see Index: Hemingway). 2. Periodicals@were excluded except for La Lidia and a few other items that seemed exceptional (for

example, items 6227, 6606). 3. Trivial items were excluded (see Part IV, Section 3: c). 4. Most volumes published after 1960 were excluded. 5. Items that resisted identification were recorded (see notes 137 and 150 and Part IV, Section 3: d). 6. Items that could not be verified by reference to standard bibliographies, but which appeared to be

legitimate entries, were included and identified by an asterisk (*). We welcome relevant details about such items.

7. As the history of the library (Part 111) makes clear, the composite record must be considered a family library. We have made only the most obvious deletions.

The possibility that some books were moved between Key West and the Finca Vigía on the various visits made by members of the family has governed our procedure in cases where a title appears on both KW and FV. (152) These titles are annotated AKW FV.@ This should not be taken as an assertion that the copy in the Finca Vigía is the same one referred to on KW. Nevertheless it is possible that the KW volume was moved to Cuba (FV) after the KW inventory was made. Since KW does not provide publication information, there is no way to be certain about this. Our annotation in these cases indicates that the title is on both lists, and there is some possibility that both refer to the same volume.

The form of the entries was governed by A Manual of Style for Authors, Editors, and Copywritiers (Twelfth Edition, Revised) published by the University of Chicago Press, 1969. The National Union Catalogue: Pre-1956 Imprints and the 1958 supplement provided the standard authority for the content, spelling, authors= names and alphabetization of the entries. One exception to this alphabetization was made for the many French guide books in Hemingway=s library. It seemed advisable to group these in one place. A practice similar to that used in Biblio was adopted and these works were alphabetized under AGuides.@

The standard bibliographic works used for the verification of the entries were: "Biblio": Catalogue des ouvrages parus en langue française dans le monde entier,

1934-1960. New York: Kraus Reprint, 1962. Bibliografia general espanola e hispano-americana, 1923-1942.Nendeln, Liechtenstein: Kraus Reprint, 1967. Bibliothèque de la Compagnie de Jésus. Nouvelle edition par Carlos Sommervogel. Vols. 1-11. Paris: A.

Picard, 1890-1932. Vol. 12. Louvain: Editions de la Bibliotheque S.J., 1960. Books in Print: An Author-Title-Series Index to the "Publishers' Trade List Annual.@ New York: Bowker, 1948-. Catalog of the Latin American Collection, University of Texas Library. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1969. Catalogo cumulativo, 1886-1957 del bollettino delle pubblicazioni italiane (Firenze).

Nendeln, Liechtenstein: Kraus-Thomson Organization, 1968. Catalogo general de la libreria espanola e hispanoamericana, 1901-1930. Nendeln, Liechtenstein:

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Kraus Reprint, 1967. Catalogo general della libreria italiana. Compilato dal Attilio Pagliaini. Vaduz: Kraus

Reprint, 1964. Catalogue général de la librairie française. Continuation de l'ouvrage d'Otto Lorenz et de D. Jordell. Paris: Libraire Ancienne Honoré Champion, 1924-34. Catalogue général des livres imprimés de la Bibliothèque Nationale. Paris: Imprimerie National, 1897+. Catalogue Valdras: Livres publiés en France en 1929-1935. Nendeln, Liechtenstein: Kraus Reprint, 1971. Cumulative Book Index: A World List of Books in the English Language. Wilson: New York, 1928-1962. Cumulative Paperback Index, 1939-1959. By R. Reginald and M.R. Burgess. Detroit: Gale Research, 1973. Deutsches Bücherverzeichnis. New York and London: Johnson Reprint, 1962. Dictionary Catalog of the Edward E. Ayer Collection of Americana and American Indians in the Newberry Library. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1961. General Catalogue of Printed Books (British Museum). Photolithographic edition to 1955. London: The

Trustees of the British Museum, 1965. General Catalogue of Printed Books (British Museum). Ten-year Supplement, 1956-1965. Kayser, Christian Gottlob. Bücher-Lexikon, 1750-1832. New York and London: Johnson Reprint, 1961 Manual del librero hispano-americano. Barcelona: Librería Anticuaria de A. Palau, 1948. National Union Catalog: Pre-1956 Imprints. London: Mansell, 1968. National Union Catalog: 1958-1962. New York: Rowman and Littlefield, 1963. Tables décennales: Catalogue général des ouvrages parus en langue française entre le 1er janvier 1956 et le

1er Janvier 1966. Auteurs et Titres. Paris: Cercle de la Librairie, n.d.

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NOTES Some notes use the following abbreviations: JDB for James D. Brasch and D & JS for Daniella and Joseph Sigman. "Tape" indicates a taped interview. In the case of Hemingway's letters, we have, when a letter is available to the public, noted its location.

1. Madelaine Hemingway Miller, Ernie: Hemingway's Sister "Sunny" Remembers (New York: Crown, 1975), p. 94.

2. Marcelline Hemingway Sanford, At the Hemingways: A Family Portrait (Boston: Atlantic-Little, Brown, 1962), pp. 107 and 133-34.

3. Leicester Hemingway, My Brother, Ernest Hemingway (Cleveland: World, 1962), p. 30.

4. At the Hemingways, p. 109.

5. My Brother, Ernest Hemingway, p. 30.

6. EH to Mr. Wezeman. June 10, 1953. We are indebted to Barbara Ballinger, Head Librarian of the Oak Park Library, for providing us with a copy of this letter.

7. Madelaine Hemingway Miller to JDB. Telephone conversation, May 4, 1979.

8. Ernie, p. 19.

9. At the Hemingways, pp. 84 and 99-100.

10. My Brother, Ernest Hemingway, p. 34.

11. For the complete list of gift books in the collection, see the following items: 1144, 1691, 1795, 2664, 2900, 3057, 3701, 3850, 3902, 3959, 5206, 6349, 6527. The collection also includes nine other schoolbooks and children's books: items 77, 2510, 2511, 4035, 4256, 4732, 6587, 6930, 7251. Another gift book is in the Kennedy Library; see item 4526.

12. "The Art of Fiction XXI," an interview of Ernest Hemingway by George Plimpton, The Paris Review 18 (Spring 1958): 60-89. More conveniently available in Linda Welshimer Wagner, Ernest Hemingway: Five Decades of Criticism (n.p.: Michigan State Univ. Press, 1974), p. 30.

13. Toby Bruce to D & JS. Tape, Sept. 11, 1978.

14. Mary Hemingway to D & JS. Tape, Dec. 11, 1978.

15. Lorine Thompson to D & JS. Tape, Sept. 17, 1978.

16. Tillie Arnold to JS. Telephone conversation, Sept. 29, 1978.

17. Morley Callaghan, That Summer in Paris: Memories of Tangled Friendships with Hemingway, Fitzgerald, and Some Others (New York: Coward-McCann, 1963), p. 103. The full passage is: "To this day someone will say 'Hemingway didn't seem to have much of an education.' By this, I suppose, the academic critic means Ernest hadn't taken his own formal academic drill. But as the philosophers themselves are aware, the artist kind of knowing, call it intuition if you will, could yield a different kind of knowledge beyond rational speculation. Anyway, Ernest read everything."

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18. At the Hemingways, p. 179.

19. Alice Hunt Sokoloff, Hadley: The First Mrs. Hemingway (New York: Dodd, Mead, 1973), p.


20. EH to Bernard Berenson. May 27, 1953. Hemingway's letters to Berenson are in the archives at Berenson's villa, "i Tatti," via di Vencigliata 26, Florence, Italy. Berenson's letters to Hemingway are in the Hemingway Collection of the John F. Kennedy Library, Boston, Mass.

21. Mary Hemingway, How It Was (New York: Knopf, 1976), p. 428.

22. EH to C.T. Lanham. Nov. 25, 1948. Princeton University Library, Princeton, N.J.

23. EH to Harvey Breit. June 29, 1952. The Houghton Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.

24. Ernest Hemingway, A Moveable Feast (New York: Scribner, 1964), pp. 86 and 137-38.

25. EH to Toby Bruce. Sept. 12, 1941.

26. EH to Sylvia Beach. [1925.] Princeton.

27. Ernest Hemingway, Green Hills of Africa (New York: Scribner, 1935), pp. 69-70.

28. Toby Bruce to D & JS. Tape, Sept. 11, 1978.

29. Mary Hemingway to JDB & JS. Tape, Jan. 22, 1977. 30. How It Was, p. 322.

31. Betty and Toby Bruce to D & JS in conversation. Dec. 30, 1977.

32. Toby Bruce to D & JS. Tape, Sept. 11, 1978.

33. Mary Hemingway to JDB & JS. Tape, Jan. 22, 1977.

34. See EH to Charles Scribner. Sept. 6, 1948. Princeton.

35. Lorine Thompson to D & JS. Tape, Sept. 17, 1978.

36. Toby Bruce to D & JS. Tape, Sept. 11, 1978.

37. Mary Hemingway to D & JS. Tape, Dec. 11, 1978.

38. How It Was, p. 428.

39. EH to Charles Scribner. Oct. 26, 1949, Aug. 9, 1950, and July 8, 1951. In addition see Jan. 8,

1952. Princeton. See also EH to Harvey Breit. Feb. 24, 1952. Harvard.

40. EH to Edmund Wilson. Nov. 8, 1952. Hemingway Collection, John F. Kennedy Library, Boston, Mass.

41. A Moveable Feast, p. 26.

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` 42. T.S. Eliot, "Tradition and the Individual Talent," The Sacred Wood (London: Faber, 1972), p. 49. Although Hemingway's public comments on Eliot were scathing, the number of works by Eliot in his library is striking.

43. Green Hills of Africa, pp. 21-22.

44. EH to Charles Scribner. Sept. 1, 1949. Princeton.

45. Wagner, Five Decades, pp. 24-25.

46. A Moveable Feast, pp. 25-26.

47. A Moveable Feast, p. 27.

48. EH to Charles Scribner. Sept. 8, 1949. Princeton.

49. Lorine Thompson to D & JS. Tape, Sept. 17, 1978.

50. Mary Hemingway to D & JS. Tape, Dec. 11, 1978. 51. Lloyd Arnold, Hemingway High on the Wild (New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1977), p. 7.

52. EH to Bernard Berenson. May 27, 1953. "i Tatti."

53. EH to Malcolm Cowley. Oct. 17, 1945. Kennedy Library. Morley Callaghan recognized this side

of Hemingway's personality: "He spoke so casually, but with such tremendous authority, that I suddenly couldn't doubt him. Without knowing it, I was in the presence of that authority he evidently had to have to hold his life together. He had to believe he knew, as I found out later, or he was lost. Whether it was in the field of boxing, or soldiering, or bullfighting, or painting, he had to believe he was the one who knew." That Summer in Paris, pp. 29-30.

54. We have benefited from John Blair Hemstock's "Hemingway's Awareness of Other Writers," unpublished M.A. thesis, McMaster University, 1979. See also Leicester Hemingway, "Ernest Hemingway's Boyhood Reading," Mark Twain Journal 12 (Winter 1964): 4-5.

55. Wagner, Five Decades, p. 34.

56. Green Hills of Africa, p. 22.

57. Green Hills of Africa, p. 22.

58. Esquire 3 (Feb. 1935): 21.

59. "Monologue to the Maestro: A High Seas Letter," Esquire 4 (Oct. 1935): 174A-174B. These two articles with many of Hemingway's other journalistic pieces are conveniently available in By-Line: Ernest Hemingway, edited by William White (New York: Scribner, 1967).

60. See Wagner, Five Decades, p. 23. Plimpton records: "Virginia Woolf's The Common Reader, Ben Ames Williams' House Divided, The Partisan Reader, Charles A. Beard's The Republic, Tarlé's Napoleon's Invasion of Russia, How Young You Look by one Peggy Wood, Alden Brook's Shakespeare [sic] and the Dyer's Hand, Baldwin's African Hunting, T.S. Eliot's Collected Poems, and two books on General Custer's fall at the battle of the Little Big Horn."

61. Plimpton in Five Decades, p. 29. The "good" Kipling may have been defined in a letter to a young author who had asked a similar question of Hemingway in 1953. Hemingway advised the young writer to read

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Kipling's "The End of the Passage," "The Strange Ride of Marby Jukes" and "The Mark of the Beast." The letter also recommended: de Maupassant's "Boule de Suif" and "Le Maison Tellier," Stephen Crane's "The Open Boat" and "The Blue Hotel," Ambrose Bierce's "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge,@ Flaubert's "Un Coeur Simple" and Madame Bovary, Thomas Mann's "Disorder and Early Sorrow" and Buddenbrooks. The advice concluded with, "Skip all late Mann." "Letter to a Young Writer," Mark Twain Journal 11, no. 4 (Summer 1962): 10. For reproductions of pages of The Magic Mountain used as a fishing log, see our preliminary report on Finca Vigía (see note 136) and plate 12 below.

62. Lillian Ross, Portrait of Hemingway (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1961), pp. 17-18. The original profile appeared in The New Yorker 26 (May 13, 1950).

63. A Moveable Feast, p. 36. In a telephone conversation with the authors on May 1-6, 1979, Patrick Hemingway emphasized the importance of Turgenev to his father. He also commented on his father's affection for Longfellow's translation of Dante's Divine Comedy. Some of Patrick Hemingway's remembrances including comments on literature, can be found in "My Papa, Papa," Playboy 15 (Dec. 1968): 197-200 and 263-68.

64. A Moveable Feast, p. 133. For Hemingway's criticism of Tolstoy's theory of history, see "Old Newsman Writes: A Letter from Cuba," Esquire 4 (Dec. 1934); also in By-Line: Ernest Hemingway, p. 184. For more on Tolstoy, see Men at War (New York: Crown, 1942), p. xvii, and EH to Charles Poore, Jan. 23, 1953, in Hemingway at Auction, 1930-1973, edited by Matthew J. Bruccoli and C.E. Frazer Clark, Jr. (Detroit: Gale Research Co., 1973), p. 167.

65. A Moveable Feast, p. 134.

66. A Moveable Feast, p. 134. Hemingway's friendship with Ezra Pound has long been a subject for biographical reflection, but more recently emphasis has been placed on Pound's influence as a teacher determined to alert his student to the necessity of linguistic purity. See Harold M. Hurwitz, "Hemingway's Tutor, Ezra Pound" and Richard Hasbany, "The Shock of Vision: An Imagist Reading of In Our Time." Both articles are in Wagner, Five Decades.

67. My Brother, Ernest Hemingway, p. 156.

68. Gregory Hemingway, Papa: A Personal Memoir (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1976), pp. 102-4. Another rare suggestion of contemporary writers was recorded by Valerie Danby-Smith, who was Hemingway's secretary and who later married Gregory Hemingway. She asked for some reading suggestions and Hemingway obliged: J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye; Nelson Algren's The Man with the Golden Arm; John O'Hara's From the Terrace; Ezra Pound's Cantos; and Lawrence Durrell's Bitter Lemons. "Reminiscences of Hemingway," Saturday Review 47 (May 9, 1964): 31. 69. See especially "Hemingway: Bourbon Gauge of Morale," in The Wound and the Bow (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1941), pp. 214-42; The Shores of Light: A Literary Chronicle of the 20's and 30's (New York: Farrar, Straus & Young, 1952), pp. 115-24, 339-44, 616-29. Hemingway recorded an objection to Wilson's biographical approach in two letters to Arthur Mizener, May 12, 1950; Aug. 29, 1950 (letter probably written June 2, 1950). McKeldin Library, University of Maryland, College Park, Md. We are indebted to Dr. Robert L. Beare for his generous assistance while examining the Hemingway letters at McKeldin Library.

70. "A Portrait of Mr. Papa," Life 25 (Jan. 10, 1949): 86-101.

71. "How Do You Like It Now, Gentlemen?" The New Yorker 26 (May 13, 1950). This "profile" was revised and enlarged in Portrait of Hemingway (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1961).

72. Ernest Hemingway (New York: Rinehart, 1952). Enlarged and republished as Ernest Hemingway: A Reconsideration (New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1966). See also Ernest Hemingway: Nick Adams Stories, ed. Philip Young (New York: Scribner, 1972). For an objection to Young's excessive dependence on biography see

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Bernard F. Rodgers, Jr., "The Nick Adams Stories: Fiction or Fact," F/H Annual, 1974, pp. 155-62. Hemingway's own angry response to Young's book is well known, but see especially EH to Charles Poore, Feb. 23-28, 1953, in Hemingway at Auction, p. 168.

73. The Apprenticeship of Ernest Hemingway: The Early Years (New York: Farrar, Straus & Young, 1954). Hemingway violently objected to Fenton's work. See, for example, Frager Drew, F/H Annual, 1970, p. 112.

74. The Way It Was (New York: Criterion, 1959).

75. That Summer in Paris.

76. Papa Hemingway (New York: Random House, 1966).

77. Seattle: Univ. of Washington Press, 1969.

78. Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1969.

79. Univ. of Michigan Press, 1974. This collection, with its useful introduction and index, is an indispensable resource for the study of Hemingway as a literary craftsman.

80. P. 188. Some important articles on Hemingway's literary sources had preceded Benson's book. See, for example: Richard P. Adams, "Sunrise Out of the Wasteland," Tulane Studies in English 9 (1959): 119-31 (in Five Decades); Alfred G. Engstrom, "Dante, Flaubert and 'The Snows of Kilimanjaro,"' Modern Langage Notes 65 (March 1950): 203-5; Donna Gerstenberger, "The Wasteland in A Farewell to Arms," Modern Language Notes 76 (Dec. 1961): 24-25; Peter Lisca, "The Structure of Hemingway's Across the River and into the Trees," Modern Fiction Studies 12 (Summer 1966): 232-50 (in Five Decades); and Robert Stephens, "Hemingway's Riddle of Kilimanjaro: Idea and Image," American Literature 32 (March 1960): 84-87.

81. Durham, N.C.: Duke Univ. Press, 1975. 82. Carbondale, Ill.: Southern Illinois Univ. Press, 1973. The passage was taken from an interview

which James reluctantly granted Preston Lockwood and which was printed in The New York Times (March 21, 1915), pp. 3-4.

83. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1976. Some of Reynolds' insights are given a more thorough explication in W.B. Lewis's as yet unpublished paper, "Hemingway in Italy: Making It Up." Professor Lewis provides a detailed discussion of Hemingway's use of C.M. Trevelyan's Scenes from Italy's War (1919). This volume no longer survives in Hemingway's library. We are indebted to Professor Lewis for providing us with a copy of his paper. See also George Dekker and Joseph Harris, "Supernaturalism and the Vernacular Style in A Farewell to Arms," PMLA 94 (March 1979): 311-18, which examines Hemingway's use of European literature and The Oxford Book of English Verse (Clarendon, 1900). On the matter of Stendhal, see also Alberto Moravia (note 1 to the Preface, above) and Men at War (New York: Crown, 1942), p. xx.

84. P. 283. For an extended analysis of Reynolds= work in the context of recent criticism see: James D. Brasch, "The Watershed in Hemingway Criticism," The Canadian Review of American Studies 9 (Spring 1978): 112-18.

85. Urbana, Ill.: Univ. of Illinois Press, 1971.

86. As early as September 1924 Hemingway wrote to Edmund O=Brien that he focused on what was absolutely solid in his early stories. He wrote O=Brien that he wanted to provide hard clear images so that after his stories had been read the country, not the language, would remain. EH to EO, Sept. 12, 1924. The authors are indebted to Dr. Robert L. Beare of the McKeldin Library, University of Maryland, for permission to examine this letter.

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87. See also Hans-Joachim Kann, "Ernest Hemingway and the Arts--A Necessary Addendum," F/H Annual, 1974, pp. 145-54.

88. "Hemingway's Secret: Visual to Verbal Art," Journal of Modern Literature 7 (Feb. 1979): 87-112.

89. See Index: Art, France, Individual artists, New York City, etc.

90. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1975.

91. Joseph Blotner, William Faulkner's Library: A Catalogue (Charlottesville, Va.: Univ. Press of Virginia, 1964).

92. See Benson, The Writer's Art, p. 188. Also see Jean Stein, "William Faulkner: An Interview," The Paris Review 4 (Spring 1956): 28-52.

93. EH to CP. Jan. 23, 1953. In Hemingway at Auction, p. 167.

94. EH to Malcolm Cowley. Oct. 17, 1945. Kennedy Library.

95. A Moveable Feast, p. 35.

96. EH to Malcolm Cowley. Oct. 17, 1945. Kennedy Library.

97. EH to Carlos Baker. Nov. 22, 1951. Kennedy Library.

98. Sylvia Beach, Shakespeare and Company (New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1959), p. 77.

99. A Moveable Feast, p. 38.

100. EH to Sylvia Beach. [1925.] Princeton.

101. EH to Carlos Baker. Nov. 22, 1951. Kennedy Library.

102. A Moveable Feast, pp. 41-44.

103. Lorine Thompson to D & JS. Tape, Sept. 12, 1978.

104. Leonte Valladares to D & JS. Tape, Sept. 16, 1978. The other quotations in this paragraph are from the same interview. In 1929 Valladares' Bookstore moved to Duval Street and in 1953 to its present location at 1200 Duval St.

105. In the Kennedy Library there is a photograph of Hemingway (EH 3963P) holding a book with the legend "Circulating Library" clearly visible on the jacket.

106. Maxwell Perkins to EH. June 30, 1926; Aug. 14, 1928; Feb. 19, 1929. Kennedy Library.

107. Mary Hemingway to D & JS. Tape, Dec. 11, 1978.

108. Toby Bruce to D & JS. Tape, Sept. 11, 1978. Further information: Miriam Williams (Hemingway's cook in Key West for many years) to D & JS. Tape, Sept. 15, 1978.

109. Toby Bruce to D & JS. Tape, Feb. 17, 1979. All of the quotations in this paragraph are from this interview.

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110. Later this building was sold and Hemingway's possessions were moved to a room on the first floor of the bar itself. According to James McLendon, after Hemingway and Martha Gellhorn were married by a justice of the peace in Cheyenne, Wyoming, Hemingway "sheepishly presented himself at his house with Sloppy Joe Russell, Joe's Negro bartender, Skinner, and a pickup truck, and hauled most of his belongings off to the back room of Russell's bar.... " See Papa: Hemingway in Key West (Miami: Seemann 1972), p. 206. Toby Bruce has explicitly rejected the account: "I did that. I hauled all the stuff." For confirmation of Toby Bruce's account, see EH to Waldo Peirce. July 14, 1941. Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

111. One particularly difficult item was the water-buffalo head which is now on the wall in Hemingway's study at Finca Vigía. The head was too large to check as luggage on the airplane, and Toby Bruce was obliged to buy a ticket for it and ride with it in the seat beside him.

112. Toby Bruce to D & JS. Tape, Feb. 19, 1979.

113. Toby Bruce to D & JS. Tape, Sept. 11 and 12, 1978, and Feb. 17, 1979.

114. Toby Bruce to D & JS. Tape, Sept. 17, 1979.

115. EH to Toby Bruce. Feb. 16, 1941.

116. EH to Toby Bruce. April 29, 1941.

117. Martha Gellhorn to Toby Bruce. June 1941.

118. EH to Toby Bruce. July 9, 1941.

119. The information in this paragraph is derived from the following taped interviews. Toby Bruce to D & JS. Sept. 14, 1978; Lorine Thompson to D & JS. Sept. 12, 1978; Bernice Dickson to D & JS. Sept. 13, 1978; Zulena Reckley to D & JS. Sept. 15, 1978. Patrick Hemingway has agreed that there is a strong possibility that KWH was made as a realtor's inventory. Telephone conversation with JDB & JS. May 16, 1979. See also EH to Patrick Hemingway. Nov. 26, 1952. Princeton.

120. EH to Toby Bruce. Oct. 15, 1952.

121. EH to Patrick Hemingway. April 10, 1953. Princeton.

122. How It Was, p. 322.

123. A.E. Hotchner, Papa Hemingway (New York: Random House, 1966), p. 156.

124. How It Was, p. 512. Also see McLendon, Papa: Hemingway in Key West, p. 211. McLendon's assertion that Hemingway's effects "had gone untouched and virtually unnoticed in the barroom as the property changed hands three times" is inaccurate on one count and questionable on another. Actually, Hemingway's possessions were moved from a building behind Sloppy Joe's to a room behind the bar itself. Also, stories circulate in Key West that various people went through the boxes in search of items that could be sold for a quick profit.

125. Toby Bruce to D & JS. Tape, Feb. 17, 1979.

126. Mary Hemingway to JDB and JS. Tape, Jan. 22, 1977.

127. How It Was, p. 240.

128. Hemingway read Spanish with ease. Mary Hemingway to JDB & JS. Tape, Jan. 22, 1977. Also see Edwardo Zayas-Bazán, "His Cuban Friends Remember," F/H Annual, 1975, pp. 154-155. He read French rather well. See Robert Asselineau, "Hemingway in Paris," F/H Annual, 1973, pp. 11-32. Asselineau rates

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Hemingway as a "gifted amateur." See also Sylvia Beach, Shakespeare and Company, p. 88. He read Italian with difficulty. EH to Bernard Berenson, Dec. 31, 1950. "i Tatti." He read German not at all. Mary Hemingway to JDB & JS. Tape, Jan. 22, 1977. Also see Hans-Joachim Kann, "Ernest Hemingway and German Culture," Neusprachliche Mitteilungen 28, no. 1 (1975): 16-20.

129. EH to Bernard Berenson. Oct. 4, 1955. "i Tatti."

130. Mary Hemingway to D & JS. Tape, Dec. 11, 1978.

131. Mary Hemingway to JDB & JS. Tape, Jan. 22, 1977. Hemingway wrote to Harvey Breit that the last time the people from the American embassy were at the Finca, the first volume of any set of four that Hemingway had worked hard to find and had annotated was missing. EH to Harvey Breit. Nov. 10, 1952. Harvard.

132. Mary Hemingway to JDB & JS. Tape, Jan. 22, 1977.

133. Mary Hemingway to JDB. July 25, 1977. Also, Mary Hemingway to JDB. Telephone conversation, Sept. 16, 1977.

134. How It Was, p. 506. Also see Mary Hemingway to Waldo Peirce. Aug. 7, 1961. Library of Congress.

135. Mary Hemingway to JDB & JS. Tape, Jan. 22, 1977.

136. For a description of the Finca Vigía today and a report on our examination of the library, see James D. Brasch and Joseph Sigman, "The Library at Finca Vigía: A Preliminary Report, 1977," F/H Annual, 1978, pp. 184-203.

137. Only two items have resisted identification: "Mosbach" by "Sin Fubrer" and ASon Vinder Blaser@ by AR. Wernlund@

138. Mary Hemingway to JDB. March 29, 1978.

139. Mary Hemingway has agreed that some movement of books took place. Mary Hemingway to D & JS. Tape, Dec. 11, 1979. Gerald Brenan's Spanish Labyrinth is an example of a book about which some question exists. In a letter to Edmund Wilson, Hemingway said that Brenan's book was the best work ever written on the political situation in Spain (EH to Edmund Wilson. Nov. 8, 1952. Kennedy Library). Also, Mary Hemingway recalls that she read the book while travelling in Spain (Mary Hemingway to JDB & JS. Tape, Jan. 22, 1977). However, Brenan's volume is not at the Finca Vigía, although two other works by him are. A copy does appear on KW.

140. Lorine Thompson to D & J,S. Tape, Sept. 12, 1978: "I don't think they had any this is yours and this is mine."

141. The entry "Abyssinia and Italy" could refer either to a volume by Emily Burns published in London in 1935 or a volume from the Information Department of the Royal Institute of International Affairs published by Oxford University Press in New York in 1935.

142. In our record, multi-volumed works and collected editions are considered one item. On Dec. 13, 1954, Time reported that the Finca held 4,859 volumes (p. 71).

143. See Hans-Joachim Kann, "Ernest Hemingway and the Arts--A Necessary Addendum," p. 153n.

144. We are indebted to Prof. Matthew J. Bruccoli for providing us with a Xerox of his copy of the inventory and to Mary Hemingway for giving us her copy. We also examined a copy in the Kennedy Library. These

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three copies were made from Dr. Kann's microfilm. A legible and usable copy of the microfilm was finally obtained only through the use of a 3M Model 500 reader/printer.

145. The following pages are missing: Tomo III, Estante No. 7, p. 19, and Estante No. 9, p. 28. Tomo V, Estante 2, p. 1. Tomo IX, Mesa Blanca, p. 12, and Paquete De Revistas Numeros 1-2-3-4, pp. 8 and 10.

The following pages are blank: Tomo IX, Paquete De Revistas Numeros 5-6-7, pp. 16, 18 and 22.

146. In the Main House, the inventory includes The American Mercury, The Virginia Quarterly, Les

Temps Modernes, Reader's Digest, Sexology, La Revue de Paris, The Kenyon Review, People's China, Cosmopolitan, Partisan Review and others. In the Little House, where bundles of magazines were stored, those listed include Newsweek, Harper=s, The Fishing Gazette, U.S. News & World Report, True, Saturday Review, Argosy, The Spectator, The New Yorker, Sports Afield, Sports Illustrated, Time, The Atlantic and Transition.

147. Mary Hemingway to JDB & JS. Tape, Jan. 22, 1977, and How It Was, p. 506. As Mrs. Hemingway explained to us, "It was just a matter ... of leaving it a little bit neater and knowing who wanted to read a ten-year-old copy of The Economist." Mary Hemingway to JDB & JS. Tape, Jan. 22, 1977.

148. Papa Hemingway, p. 16

149. Toby Bruce to D & JS. Tape, Sept. 11, 1978.

150. The following items have resisted satisfactory identification:

"Pout Diviner" by "Tully" "IMMIGRANTS" by "CHAS. BONE" "FLA. SALT WATER FISHERMANS GUIDE" "2 Vol. La Habana 1546" ABiscayne Bay, 1887-1937" "LES GOLFS DE FRANCE@ ADON QUIJOTE DE HOLLYWOOD 1936" ACOMMERCE@ "FRENCH GOVERNMENT" "GERMAN SHORT STORIES" "2 VOL. RECORDS (BRANISH)" "LA COSCENZE DI ZENO" by "ROMANZO" "Numancia" by "Raphael Alberti" "LIBRO DE GALLITO" by "Querrita" "Fiestas de totos" "PROGRAMA D.C. DE EST." "2 VOL. LEDGERS DE TOROS" "TORERIAS 1925" "SANGRE Y ARENA" [The context suggests the periodical on the corrida.]

151. Mary Hemingway to D & JS. Tape, Dec. 11, 1978.

152. Mary Hemingway has agreed that books may have been moved: "There may have been, but I don't

remember specific incidents." Mary Hemingway to D & JS. Tape, Dec. 11, 1978.

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USING THE COMPOSITE RECORD When the composite record is consulted for an author, both the alphabetical list and the index must be checked. The index includes both subject matter and the authors of introductions, forewords, etc. Each item in the record has been annotated to indicate the source or sources in which it appears. In the case of items that appear in more than one source, the annotations provide a capsule history of the item. For example: Forester, C.S. The General. Boston: Little, Brown, 1936. s36 kwfv FV Hemingway purchased this volume from the Scribner Book Store in 1936, the year that it appeared on a Scribner invoice. In 1941, Toby Bruce shipped the volume to Cuba and recorded it on the shipping list (kwfv). In 1966, the volume was still at the Finca Vigía, and was included in the Cuban inventory (FV). The following example illustrates a variation: Hutchison, Horatio Gordon, ed. Big Game Shooting. 2 vols. London: Newnes, 1905. kwfv MH Since this item is on the 1941 shipping list (kwfv), it was acquired by Hemingway at some time before he left Key West in 1939. After being moved to Cuba by Toby Bruce, it remained in the Finca Vigía until 1961. At that time it was one of the volumes of Africana that Mary Hemingway removed from Cuba. It is now in her personal library. The following symbols have been used to identify locations and other sources of information: Locations 1. KWH Big House, Key West 2. KW Pool House and Garage Apartment, Key West 3. FV Finca Vigía, San Francisco de Paula, Cuba 4. KL John F. Kennedy Library, Boston, Mass. 5. PC Private Collection 6. MH Mary Hemingway's personal library Other Sources of information 7. kwfv Key West/Finca Vigía shipping list 8. s [date] Scribner invoices 9. b [date] Brentano invoices 10. b/s tape Brasch/Sigman tape 11. ph photo Photograph in Patrick Hemingway Grant, Princeton 12. kl photo Photographs in the Kennedy Library 13. Miscellaneous items individually identified Note: Items not verified in a standard bibliography are identified by an asterisk

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A. & B., pseud. See Moriano Vivó, Manuel. l. *A.E.T. Sinistro and Celebration: 19 Poems. 1956. FV

Aaron, Sam, joint author. See Beard, James Andrews. 2. Abarquero Durango, R. Tauromaquia y taurogogía: Algunos concertos básicos para la revisión de la fiesta nacional. Madrid: Torroba, 1959. FV 3. Abbott, E.C., and Helen Huntington Smith. We Pointed Them North: Recollections of a Cowpuncher. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1939. FV 4. -----, and Helen Huntington Smith. We Pointed Them North: Recollections of a Cowpuncher. Norman: University of Oklahoma, 1954. FV 5. Abend, Hallett Edward. Japan Unmasked. New York: Washburn, 1941. FV 6. *Acebal, Edmundo González. El paso natural: origen, evolución, critica. Madrid: "Los de José y Juan," n.d. FV 7. Acheson, Dean. Sketches from Life of Men I Have Known. New York: Harper, 1959. MH 8. Acuña, Julián. El mosaico y otras plagas de la fruta bomba. Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba: Estación Experimental Agronómica, 1946. FV 9. Adam, George Jefferys. Treason & Tragedy: An Account of French War Trials. KWH 10. ----- and Pearl. A Book about Paris. KW 11. Adamic, Louis. Dynamite: The Story of Class Violence in America. KW 12. Adams, Charlotte. The SAS World-wide Restaurant Cookbook. New York: Random House, 1960. FV 13. Adams, Cleve Franklin. The Crooking Finger: A Rex McBride Murder Mystery. New York: Dell, 1944. FV 14. Adams, Franklin Pierce, comp. Innocent Merriment: An Anthology of Light Verse. Garden City, N.Y.: Garden City Publishing, 1945. FV

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15. Adams, Henry. Henry Adams and His Friends: A Collection of His Unpublished Letters. Compiled, with a biographical introduction, by Harold Dean Carter. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1947. FV 16. -----. Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres. Introduction by Ralph Adams Cram. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1933. FV 17. Adams, James Donald. The New Treasure Chest: An Anthology of Reflective Prose. New York: Dutton, 1953. FV 18. -----. The Shape of Books to Come. New York: Viking, 1945. FV 19. -----, ed. Triumph over Odds: An Anthology of Man's Unconquerable Spirit. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1957. FV 20. Adams, James Truslow. The Epic of America. Boston: Little, Brown, 1931. kwfv FV 21. -----. The March of Democracy. KW 22. -----, ed. Album of American History. 2 [of 5] vols. New York: Scribner, 1944. FV 23. -----, ed. Atlas of American History. New York: Scribner, 1943. FV 24. Adams, Nicholson Barney, and J.C. Lyons. Brief French Review Grammar and Composition. New York: Holt, 1936. FV 25. Adams, Ramon Frederick. Western Words: A Dictionary of the Range, Cow Camp and Trail. Norman: University of Oklahoma, 1944. FV 26. Adams, Richard P. "Sunrise out of the Waste Land." Reprinted from Tulane Studies in English. New Orleans: Tulane, 1951), FV 27. Adams, Samuel Hopkins. A. Woollcott: His Life and His World. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1945. FV 28. -----. Incredible Era: The Life and Times of Warren Gamaliel Harding. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1939. FV 29. Addams, Charles. Drawn and Quartered. Foreword by Boris Karloff. New York: Random House, 1942. FV

Adhémar, Jean. See Goya y Lucientes, Francisco José de. 30. Adler, Polly. A House Is Not a Home. New York: Rinehart, 1953. FV 31. *Adler Planetarium and Astronomical Museum. The Calendar. Chicago, n.d. FV 32. *-----. Stars of Summer. Chicago, n.d. FV 33. *-----. Stars of Winter. Chicago, n.d. FV 34. *-----. The Story of the Planets. Chicago, n.d. FV 35. *-----. Another copy. FV

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36. Aflalo, Frederick George, ed. Sport in Europe. London: Sands, 1901. kwfv MH 37. Agar, Herbert, and others. The City of Man: A Declaration on World Democracy. New York: Viking, 1940. FV 38. Agee, James. Permit Me Voyage, Foreword by Archibald MacLeish. New Haven: Yale, 1934. kwfv FV 39. -----, and Walker Evans. Let Us Now Praise Famous Men: Three Tenant Families. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1941. FV 40. -----, and Walker Evans. Let Us Now Praise Famous Men: Three Tenant Families. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1960. FV 41. *Agerskov, Michael, ed. Wander towards the Light: A Message to Mankind from the Supersensual World. Copenhagen: Folmer Hansen, 1950. FV 42. Agostini, Victor. Hombres y cuentos. Havana: Lex, 1955. FV 43. *La agresión itallana. Documentos ocupados en las unidades italianas on la acción de Guadalajara. Valencia, 1937. FV 44. Aguirre y Lecube, José Antonio de. De Guernica a Nueva York pasando por Berlin. Buenos Aires: Vasca Ekin, 1943. FV 45. Ahmad, Chulam, hazrat mirza. The Teachings of Islam: An Exposition of the Beauties of Islam Drawn Entirely from the Holy Quran in a Very Lucid Form; The Real Key to Eternal Happiness. 10th enl. ed. Secunderabad-Dn: Anjuman-e-Tarraggi Islam, n.d. MH 46. Aiken, Conrad Potter. Bring! Bring! And Other Stories. KWH 47. -----. Conversation; or, Pilgrims' Progress. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1940. FV 48. Aikman, Duncan. The All-American Front. New York: Doubleday, Doran, 1940. FV 49. Akeley, Carl Ethan. In Brightest Africa. kwfv 50. Akeley, Mary L. Carl Akeley's Africa: The Account of the Akeley-Eastman-Pomeroy African Hall Expedition of the American Museum of Natural History. Foreword by Henry Fairfield Osborn. New York: Blue Ribbon Books, 1932. FV 51. Alayza Paz Soldan, Luis. La capa roja: Novela peruana de los tiempos del general Salaverry. Lima: Santa Maria, 1953. FV 52. -----. Las misteriosas islas del Perú. Lima: Lumen, 1951. FV 53. Albalat, Antoine. Gustave Flaubert et ses amis. KW 54. Albatross Almanac for 1933. Hamburg: The Albatross, 1933. PC 55. *The Albatross Book of American Short Stories. Hamburg: The Albatross, 1935. kwfv FV 56. Albee, George Sumner. By the Sea, by the Sea: A Novel. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1960. FV 57. Gli Alberghi in Italia. 1936. kwfv FV

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58. Alberni, Arturo. The Eternal Duality: A Study in Logic and Morals. New York: Philosophical Library, 1947. FV

Albion, Robert G., joint author. See Pope, Jennie Barnes. 59. Albrand, Martha. Without Orders. Boston: Little, Brown, 1943. FV 60. *Album Cubane. Avance revolucionario. 1960. FV 61. Alcázar, Federico M. Sánchez Mejiás: El torero y el hombre. Prólogo de C. Corrochano. Madrid: Pueyo, 1922. kwfv FV 62. Alcoholics Anonymous. Sedatives and the Alcoholic. New York: Alcoholic Foundation, 1952. FV 63. Alcott, Louisa May. Jo's Boys. KW 64. -----. Under the Lilacs. Boston: Roberts, 1893. FV

Aldanov, Mark Aleksandrovich, pseud. See Landau, Mark Alexsandrovich. 65. Aldington, Richard. All Men Are Enemies: A Romance. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1933. FV 66. -----. The Duke, Being an Account of the Life and Achievements of Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington. New York: Viking, 1943. FV 67. -----. Lawrence of Arabia: A Biographical Enquiry. Chicago: Regnery, 1955. FV 68. -----. The Love of Myrrhine and Konallis, and Other Prose Poems. Chicago: Covici, 1926. FV 69. -----, ed. The Viking Book of Poetry of the English-speaking World. New York: Viking, 1941. FV 70. Aldrich, Mildred. A Hilltop on the Marne. KW 71. Aldridge, James. The Sea Eagle. Boston: Little, Brown, 1944. FV

Aldridge, John W., joint editor. See Discovery #1. 72. Alegria, Ciro. Broad and Alien is the World. Translated from the Spanish by Harriet de Onis. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1941. FV

Alexander, Charles W., joint author. See Keeshan, Anne. 73. Alexander, James Waddell. Frank Harper; or, The Country-boy in Town. Philadelphia: American Sunday-school Union, n.d. FV 74. Alexander, Sidney. The Celluloid Asylum. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1951. FV 75. Alexander, Wilfrid Backhouse. Birds of the Ocean: A Handbook for Voyagers Containing Descriptions of All the Sea-Birds of the World, with Notes on Their Habits and Guides to Their Identification. New York: Putnam, 1928. FV 76. -----. Birds of the Ocean: A Handbook for Voyagers Containing Descriptions of All the Sea-Birds of the World, with Notes on Their Habits and Guides to Their Identification. New York: Putnam, 1954. FV

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77. Alger, Horatio. Rufus and Rose, or, The Fortunes of Rough and Ready. Philadelphia: Porter & Coates, n.d. PC 78. Algren, Nelson. Chicago: City on the Make. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1951. FV 79. -----. The Man with the Golden Arm. A Novel. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1949. FV 80. -----. The Neon Wilderness. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1947. FV 81. -----. The Neon Wilderness. New York: Hill & Wang, 1960. FV 82. -----. Never Come Morning. Introduction by Richard Wright. New York: Harper, 1942. FV 83. -----. A Walk on the Wild Side. New York: Farrar, Straus & Cudahy, 1956. FV 84. Allan, Ted. This Time a Better Earth: A Novel. New York: Morrow, 1939. kwfv FV 85. -----. Another copy. FV 86. -----, and Sydney Gordon. The Scalpel, the Sword: The Story of Dr. Norman Bethune. Boston: Little, Brown, 1952. FV 87. Allen, Ethan. Major League Baseball: Technique and Tactics. New York: Macmillan, 1940. FV 88. Allen, Frederick Lewis. The Big Change: America Transforms Itself, 1900-1950. New York: Harper, 1952. FV 89. -----. The Great Pierpont Morgan. New York: Harper, 1949. FV 90. Allen, Henry [Clay Fisher]. The Blue Mustang. New York: Pocket Books, 1957. FV 91. ----- [Clay Fisher]. The Tall Men. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1954. FV 92. ----- [Will Henry]. Pillars of the Sky. New York: Bantam, 1956. FV 93. Allen, Herbert Warner. The Wines of France. London: Unwin, 1924. kwfv FV 94. Allen, Hervey. Anthony Adverse in America. New York: Dell, 1949. FV 95. -----. Anthony Adverse in Italy. New York: Dell, 1953. FV 96. Allen, Jerry. The Adventures of Mark Twain. Boston: Little, Brown, 1954. FV 97. Allen, Robert Sharon, and William V. Shannon. The Truman Merry-go-round. New York: Vanguard, 1950. FV 98. Allen, Robert Sharon, ed. Our Fair City. New York: Vanguard, 1950. FV 99. Allen, Walter Ernest. The English Novel: A Short Critical History. New York: Dutton, 1955. FV 100. -----, ed. Writers on Writing. New York: Dutton, 1959. FV

Allen, Warner, joint author. See Hardie, Martin.

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101. Allerton, Mary. The Shadow and the Web. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1940. FV 102. Alley, Rewi. Two Years of Indusco. Hong Kong: Chinese Industrial Cooperatives, Hong Kong Promotion Committee, 1940. FV 103. Allingham, Margery. Coroner=s Pidgin. Harmondsworth, Middx.: Penguin, 1952. FV 104. -----. Flowers for the Judge. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1936. s36 105. -----. Mystery Mile. Harmondsworth, Middx.: Penguin, 1952. FV 106. The Allianza Nazionale: Documents of the Second Italian Risorgimento. Paris: Vendôme, 1931. KL 107. Allott, Miriam, ed. Novelists on the Novel. New York: Columbia, 1959. s60 108. Allyn, Rubert Royce. Water Wagon: Through Florida Waterways by Scow and Outboard Motor. New York: Farrar, Straus & Young, 1952. FV 109. Almanaque agrícola nacional. Havana, 1941. FV 110. Almedingen, Martha Edith. Frossia. New York: Harcourt, Brace [1944?]. FV 111. Alpert, Hollis. The Summer Lovers. New York: Knopf, 1958. FV 112. Alsop, Stewart, and Thomas Braden. Sub Rosa: The O. S. S. and American Espionage. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1946. FV 113. Altsheler, Joseph Alexander. The Great Sioux Trail: A Story of Mountain and Plain. New York: Appleton, 1923. FV 114. Alvarez, Basilio. España en crisol: Carta-prólogo del ministro de España F. Jimenez de Asua. Buenos Aires: Claridad, 1937. FV 115. Alvarez, Marcelino [Marcelo]. Las competencias: Bomba-Gallo-Machaco-Pastor. Madrid: Prudencio Pérez de Velasco, 1911. FV 116. Alvarez del Vayo, Julio. Freedom=s Battle. Translated from the Spanish by Eileen E. Brooke. New York: Knopf, 1940. FV 117. Alvarez Pedroso, Armando. Cristóbâl Colón: Biografía del descubridor. Prólogo de Clarence H. Haring. Havana: Cultural, 1944. FV 118. Amador de Los Rios, José. Historia social, política y religiosa de los judíos de España y Portugal. Buenos Aires: Bajel, 1943. FV 119. Amber, John T., ed. Gun Digest. Chicago: Gun Digest, 1958. FV 120. Amberg, George. Art in Modern Ballet. London: Routledge, 1947. FV 121. Ambler, Eric. Cause for Alarm. Harmondsworth, Middx.: Penguin, 1945. FV 122. -----. Intrigue. New York: Knopf, 1943. FV

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122. -----. Judgement on Deltchev. New York: Knopf, 1951. FV 124. -----. The Schirmer Inheritance. New York: Knopf, 1953. FV 125. Ambrière, Francis. Les grandes vacances, 1939-1945. KW 126. Ameline, Léon. Ce qu'il faut connaître de la police et de ses mystères. Paris: Boivin, 1926. kwfv FV 127. America & Alfred Stieglitz: A Collective Portrait. Edited by Waldo Frank, Lewis Mumford, Dorothy Norman, Paul Rosenfeld and Harold Rugg. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1934. kwfv FV 128. American Automobile Association. Northeastern Tour Book. Washington, 1939. FV 129. -----. Tour Book: Northeastern States. Washington, 1947. FV 130. -----. Tour Book: Western States. Washington, 1947. FV 131. -----. Western Tour Book, Including Hawaiian Islands and Western Canada. Washington, 1947. FV 132. -----. Western Tour Book, Including Hawaiian Islands and Western Canada. Washington, 1958. FV 133. -----. International Travel Dept. Motoring Abroad, 1948. FV 134. The American Caravan: A Yearbook of American Literature. Edited by Van Wyck Brooks, Alfred Kreymborg, Lewis Mumford, and Paul Rosenfeld. New York: Macaulay, 1927. kwfv FV 135. American Kennel Club. Toy Dogs: The Breeds and Standards As Recognized by the American Kennel Club. Introduction by Charles T. Inglee. New York: Watt, 1935. FV 136. *American Museum of Natural History. New York City. Birds of Paradise. By Ernst Mayo. New York: American Museum of Natural History, 1945. FV 137. -----. General Guide to the American Museum of Natural History. New York: Man and Nature Publications, American Museum of Natural History, 1956. FV 138. -----. Another copy. FV 139. -----. On the Biology of the Atlantic Marlins: Makaira Ampla and Makaira Albida. New York, 1958. FV 140. The American Racing Manual, 1946. FV 141. The American Racing Manual, 1949. FV 142. The American Racing Manual, 1951. FV

Ames, Louise Bates, joint author. See Gesell, Arnold Lucius. 143. Amory, Cleveland. The Last Resorts. New York: Harper, 1952. FV 144. -----. The Proper Bostonians. New York: Dutton, 1947. FV 145. -----. Who Killed Society? New York: Harper, 1960. s6l MH 146. Andersch, Alfred. Flight to Afar. Translated from the German by Michael Bullock. New York:

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Coward-McCann, 1958. FV 147. Andersen, Hans Christian. Andersen's Fairy Tales. Translated from the Danish by Jean Bersholt. New York: Heritage [1942?]. 148. -----. Contes d'Andersen. Choisis et notivellement traduits du danois par Paul Leyssac. Paris: Stock, 1930. PC 149. -----. Fiabe. Tradocte da Alda Manghi e Marcella Rinaldi. Pref. di Knud Ferlov. Turin: Einaudi, 1954. FV 150. -----. Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales. KWH 151. -----. Longer Tales. Translated from the Danish by Jean Hersholt. New York: Heritage, 1948. FV 152. -----. Shorter Tales. Translated from the Danish by Jean Hersholt. New York: Heritage, 1948. FV 153. -----. The Wild Swans and Other Stories. KW 154. Andersen, Uell Stanley. The Smoldering Sea. New York: Wynn, 1953. FV 155. Anderson, Jack, and Ronald W. May. McCarthy: The Man, the Senator, the "Ism". Boston: Beacon, 1952. FV 156. Anderson, Margaret C. The Fiery Fountains. New York: Hermitage, 1951. FV 157. -----. My Thirty Years' War: An Autobiography. New York: Covici, Friede, 1930. MH 158. Anderson, Sherwood. Beyond Desire. New York: Li.veright, 1932. FV 159. -----. Nearer the Grass Roots, and An Account of a Journey-Elizabethton. San Francisco: Westgate, 1929. kwfv FV 160. -----. Puzzled America. KW 161. -----. Sherwood Anderson's Memoirs. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1942. FV 162. -----. Winesburg, Ohio: A Group of Tales of Ohio Small Town Life. Introduction by Ernest Boyd. New York: Boni & Liveright, 1919. kwfv FV 163. Anderson, Thomas. Your Own Beloved Sons. New York: Bantam, 1957. FV 164. Andersson, Karl Johan. Lake Ngami; or, Explorations and Discoveries, during Four Years' Wanderings in the Wilds of South Western Africa. London: Hurst & Blackett, 1856. kwfv FV 165. Andres, Stefan Paul. We Are Utopia: A Novel. Translated by Cyrus Brooks. London: Gollancz, 1954. FV 166. Andrews, Bert. Washington Witch Hunt. New York: Random House, 1948. FV 167. Andrews, Laurie W. Deadly Patrol. New York: McKay, 1956. FV 168. Andrews, Roy Chapman. Meet Your Ancestors: A Biography of Primitive Man. New York: Viking, 1945. FV

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169. Andrews, Wayne. Battle for Chicago. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1946. FV 170. Andrieu, Pierre. A 1'écoute devant Verdun: Recit du captaine Henri Morin. Avant-propos du général de Cointet. Introd. de Louis Gillet. Paris: Denoël, 1938. FV

Angelico, Fra. See Fiesole, Giovanni da.

171. Angier, R.H. Firearm Blueing and Browning. Onslow County, N.C.: Small-arms Technical Publishing Co., 1936. FV 172. Angle, Glenn Dale. Airplane Engine Encyclopedia: An Alphabetically Arranged Compilation of All Available Data on the world's Airplane Engines. Dayton, Ohio: Otterbein Press, 1921. FV 173. Angle, Paul McClelland. Resort to Violence: A Chapter on American Lawlessness. London: Bodley Head, 1954. FV 174. *Anillo, José. Historias de cada dia. Spain, 1957. FV 175. *Les années vingt. Les écrivains américains à Paris et leurs amis, 1920-1930. Exposition du 11 Mars au 25 Avril 1959. Paris, 1959. FV 176. -----. Another copy. FV 177. Annesley, Charles [pseud.]. The Standard-operaglass. KW 178. Antheil, George. Bad Boy of Music. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1945. FV 179. Anthony, Harold Elmer. The Capture and Preservation of Small Mammals for Study. The American Museum of Natural History Science Guide, no. 61. New York, 1950. FV 180. -----. Field Book of North American Mammals: Descriptions of Every Mammal Known North of the Rio Grande, Together with Brief Accounts of Habits, Geographical Ranges, etc. New York: Putnam, 1928. KWH FV 181. -----. Another copy. FV 182. Anthony, Katherine Susan. Catherine the Great. KW 183. -----. Marie Antoinette. New York: Blue Ribbon Books, 1936. FV 184. Anthropological Society of Washington. New Interpretations of Aboriginal American Culture History. Washington: Smithsonian Institute, 1955. FV 185. Antologia Einaudi, 1948. Turin: Fratelli Pozzo, 1948. FV 186. Antongini, Tommaso. D'Annunzio. Boston: Little, Brown, 1938. s38 KW 187. Anuario bibliográfico colombiano, 1951-1956. Bogota: Departamento de Bibliografía, Instituto Caro y Cuervo, 1958. FV 188. Apollinaire, Guillaume. La femme assise. Paris: Gallimard, 1920. FV 189. Appel, Harry Calman. The Wedding of the Seven Dwarf Ladies; Maid of Honor, Naomi Appel. Elmer, N.J., 1952. FV

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190. Apperley, Charles James [Nimrod]. The Life of John Mytton, Esq. of Halston, Shropshire with His Hunting, Racing, Shooting, Driving and Extravagant Exploits. kwfv 191. Appleby, John. Barbary Hoard. New York: Coward-McCann, 1952. FV 192. Appler, Augustus C. The Younger Brothers: Their Life and Character. Foreword by Burton Rascoe. New York: Fell, 1955. FV 193. -----. Another copy. FV

A'Rabbitt, pseud. See Rabbitt, James A. 194. Arabian Nights. The Arabian Nights' Entertainment; or, The Book of a Thousand Nights and a Night: A Selection of the Most Famous and Representative of These Tales from the Plain and Literal Translations by Richard F. Burton. Chosen and arranged by Bennett A. Cerf. Introductory essay by Ben Ray Redman. New York: Modern Library, 1932. KW FV 195. Aragon, Louis. Aurélien. Translated by Eithne Wilkins. 2 vols. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1947. FV 196. -----. Les beaux quartiers: Roman. KW 197. -----. Hourra l'oural: Poèmes. Paris: Denoël et Steele, 1934. kwfv FV 198. -----. Residential Quarter. Translated by Haakon M. Chevalier. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1938. KWH 199. Arango y Mestre, Oscar. Preparación y aplicación de insecticidas. Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba: Secretaría de Agricultura, 1938. FV 200. Araquistain, Luis. La guerra desde Londres: Las armas y las letras. Mexico City: Continental, 1942. FV

Araquistain, Ramon, joint author. See Succar, Oscar Antonio de. 201. Archer, William. The Life, Trial and Death of Francisco Ferrer. KW 202. Arciniegas, Germán. Los comuneros. Bogota: ABC, 1938. FV 203. Arco, César del. Lidia sin cuernos; cómo, por qué y quienes "afeitan" a los toros bravos. Seville: Católica Española, 1953. FV 204. Ardant du Picq, Charles Jean Jacques Joseph. Battle Studies: Ancient and Modern Battle. Translated from the French by Colonel John N. Greely and Major Robert C. Cotton. Harrisburg, Pa.: Military Service Publishing Co., 1947. FV 205. Arden, Leon. The Savage Place. New York: Dell, 1958. FV 206. Ardrey, Robert. The Brotherhood of Fear. New York: Random House, 1952. FV 207. Arellano, Antonio Perea, Marqués de. Cuentos de marea baja y otras prosas. Prólogo por Julio F. Guillén. Cadiz, 1951. FV 208. Arfelli, Dante. The Fifth Generation. Translated from the Italian by Adrienne Foulke. New York: Scribner, 1953. FV

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209. Arguilla, Manuel Estabillo. How My Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife, and Other Stories. Introduction by A.V.H. Hartendorp. Manila: Philippine Book Guide, 1940. FV 210. Ariosto, Lodovico. Orlando Furioso. A cura di Elio Vittorini. 3 vols. Turin: Einaudi, 1950. FV 211. Ariztimuño, José de. La democracia en Euzkadi: Ensayo histórico juridico. Buenos Aires: Editorial vasca Ekin, 1942. FV 212. Arkwright, William. Il pointer e i suoi predecessori. A cura di Valfredo Baldi. Florence: Olimpia, 1948. FV 213. Arlen, Michael. Babes in the Wood. KWH 214. Armiñán, Luis de. Vida y novela de un matador de toros, el Papa Negro. Portada y dibujos de Antonio Casero. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva, 1953. FV 215. Armitage, Flora. The Desert and the Stars: A Biography of Lawrence of Arabia. New York: Holt, 1955. FV Armstrong, Anthony, joint author. See Raff. 216. Armstrong, Charlotte. The Black-eyed Stranger. New York: Pocket Books, 1952. FV 217. Armstrong, Louis. Satchmo: My Life in New Orleans. New York: New American Library, 1955. FV 218. *Armstrong, M., and others. Short Stories. Paris: Chêne, 1943. FV 219. Armstrong, Margaret Neilson. Trelawny: A Man's Life. New York: Macmillan, 1940. FV 220. Armstrong, Richard. Sailor's Luck. London: Dent, 1959. FV 221. Arnheim, Rudolf, and others. Poets at Work: Essays Based on the Modern Poetry Collection at the Lockwood Memorial Library, University of Buffalo. Introduction by Charles D. Abbott. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1948. FV 222. Arno, Peter. Peter Arno's Man in the Shower. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1944. FV 223. Arnold, Augusta Foote. The Sea-beach at Ebb-tide: A Guide to the Study of the Seaweeds and the Lower Animal Life Found Between Tidemarks. New York: Century, 1901. FV 224. Arnold, Elliott. Blood Brother. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1947. FV 225. Aronson, Joseph. The Book of Furniture and Decoration: Period and Modern. New York: Crown, 1941. FV Arquero, Ruiz, pseud. See Youmans, Charles Leroy. 226. Arráiz, Antonio. Todos iban desorientados. Buenos Aires: Losada, 1951. FV Arredondo, Alberto, joint author. See Torra, Antonio d'. 227. Arsenev, Vladimir Klavdievich. Dersu the Trapper. fv tape.

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228. Art News Annual. Vol. 19: Van Gogh Special Number. New York, 1950. FV 229. Art News Annual. Vol. 20. New York, 1951. FV 230. Art News Annual. Portfolio, Including Art News Annual. 2 vols. New York: Art Foundation, 1959. s6O FV 231. *Arte popular vasco. San Sebastian: Gurea, n.d. FV 232. Arthur, Chester A., Jr. Twelve Poems. Los Angeles: [Young & McCallister?], 1927. KL 233. Arts Yearbook: The Turn of the Century. Edited by Hilton Kramer. New York: Art Digest, 1957. FV 234. Arusha Homemakers Cookery Book. Arusha, Tanganyika: Henrietta Hemingway, n.d. MH 235. Asbury, Herbert. The Gangs of New York: An Informal History of the Underworld. New York: Knopf, 1928. KWH FV 236. Asch, Shalom. Moskau: Roman. KW 237. -----. The Mother. KW 238. -----. The Nazarene. KW 239. Ascoli, Max, ed. The Reporter Reader. New York: Doubleday, 1956. FV 240. Ashley, Maurice. Cromwell's Generals. New York: St. Martins, 1957. FV 241. Ashton, Ethel O. Swahili Grammar, Including Intonation. London: Longmans, 1951. FV 242. Ashton, Helen. The Lost Captain. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1948. FV Ashworth, Mary Wells, joint author. See Carroll, John Alexander. 243. Askins, Charles. Modern Shotguns and Loads, Together with Treatise on the Art of Wing-shooting. Marshallton, Del.: Small-arms Technical Publishing Co., 1929. kwfv FV 244. -----. Wing and Trap Shooting. New York: Macmillan, 1948. FV 245. Asquith, Cynthia, ed. A Book of Modern Ghosts. New York: Scribner, 1953. FV 246. Assembly of Captive European Nations. Organization, Resolutions, Reports. Second Sessions, September 1955 - November 1956. Publication no. 16. New York, 1957. FV 247. Atget, Eugène. Atget: Photographe de Paris. Préf. par Pierre MacOrlan. New York: Weyhe, 1930. FV 248. Atherton, Gertrude. Black Oxen. KW 249. Atholl, Katharine Marjory (Ramsay) Stewart-Murray, Duchess of. Searchlight on Spain. KW 250. Atkins, John Alfred. The Art of Ernest Hemingway: His Work and Personality. London: Nevill, 1952. FV 251. Atkinson, Herbert. Cock-fighting and Game Fowl from the Notebooks of Herbert Atkinson of Ewelme; Together with the Life and Letters of John Harris, the Cornish Cocker. Edited and with an introductory memoir by

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Game Cock. Bath: Bayntun, 1938. FV 252. Atlee, Benge. Black Feather. New York: Scribner, 1939. FV 253. Attwood, William. The Man Who Could Grow Hair; or, Inside Andorra. New York: Knopf, 1949. FV 254. -----. Still the Most Exciting Country. New York: Knopf, 1955. FV 255. Atwell, Lester. Private. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1958. FV 256. Atwood, Wallace Walter. The Rocky Mountains. New York: Vanguard, 1945. FV 257. Aubert de la Rüe, Edgar, François Bourlière and Jean Paul Harroy. The Tropics. New York: Knopf, 1957. MH 258. Aubier, Dominique. Guerre à la tristesse. Paris: Delpire, 1955. FV 259. Aubrey, John. Brief Lives. Edited by Oliver Lawson Dick. Ann Arbor: Michigan, 1957. FV 260. Aubrey-Fletcher, Henry Lancelot [Henry Wade]. The Litmore Snatch. New York: Macmillan, 1957. FV 261. Aubry, Octave. The Private Life of Napoleon. Translated from the French by Elisabeth Abbott. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1947. FV 262. Auden, W.H. Another Time: Poems. New York: Random House, 1940. FV 263. -----. The Collected Poetry of W.H. Auden. New York: Random House, 1945. FV 264. -----. Look, Stranger! London: Faber, 1936. kwfv FV 265. -----. Poems. [1930?] kwfv 266. -----, and Christopher Isherwood. The Ascent of F6: A Tragedy in Two Acts. London: Faber, 1937. PC 267. -----, and Christopher Isherwood. The Dog Beneath the Skin; or, Where is Francis?: A Play in Three Acts. London: Faber, 1935. PC 268. -----, and Christopher Isherwood. Journey to a War. New York: Random House, 1939. KW FV 269. -----, ed. The Oxford Book of Light Verse. Oxford: Clarendon, 1938. FV 270. -----, and Norman Holmes Pearson, eds. Poets of the English Language. 5 vols. New York: Viking, 1950. FV 271. Audubon, John James. The Birds of America. Foreword and descriptive captions by William Vogt. New York: Macmillan, 1946. KW FV 272. Aulnoy, Marie Catherine Jumelle de Barneville, comtesse d'. Travels into Spain. KW 273. Austen, Jane. Northanger Abbey & Persuasion. Introduction by R. Brimley Johnson. London: Dent, 1924. FV 274. -----. Pride and Prejudice. London: Dent, 1922. kwfv FV

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275. -----. Pride and Prejudice. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, n.d. kwfv FV 276. Austin, A.B., comp. An Angler's Anthology. kwfv 277. Austin, Alex. The Greatest Lover in the World. New York: Rinehart, 1956. FV 278. -----. Women without Men. New York: Lion Library, 1957. FV 279. -----, ed. Wives and Lovers. New York: Lion Library, 1956. FV 280. Austin, Alexander Berry. We Landed at Dawn: The Story of the Dieppe Raid. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1943. FV 281. Austin, C.F., and E.W. Halstead. Tomato Culture. Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba: Estación Central Agronómica, 1905. FV 282. -----, and E.W. Halstead. Vegetable Growing in Cuba. Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba: Estación Central Agronómica, 1908. FV 283. Australian National Publicity Association. Australia: Official Handbook. Australian National Publicity Association, 1944. FV 284. *The Authors' League of America, The Literary Council of. Tentative Plan of Organization. FV Auxois, Jean Le Guern, pseud. See Thomas, Edith. 285. Avarna, Giuseppe. Nevermore: A la mémoire de Paul Gauguin. Messina: Ferrara, 1949. FV 286. Averill, Gerald. Ridge Runner: The Story of a Maine Woodsman. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1948. FV Avner, pseud. See Gruszow, Avner. 287. Avrigemma, Salvatore. Il Museo di Spina in Ferrara. Bologna, 1936. FV 288. Ayala López, Manuel. La Cathedrale de Burgos. Tr. et adaptation française par Georges Tilles. Burgos: Aldecoa, 1951. FV 289. Ayling, Keith. Combat Aviation. Harrisburg, Pa.: Military Service Publishing Company, 1943. FV 290. *Aymar, Gordon Christian. Bird Flight. KW 291. *-----. Another copy. KW 292. Aymé, Marcel. La jument verte. KW 293. Azaña, Manuel. Memorias íntimas de Azaña. Con anotaciones de Joaquín Arrarás. Madrid: Ediciones españolas, 1939. FV 294. -----. La velada en Benicarló: Diálogo sobre la guerra de España. Buenos Aires: Editorial Losada, 1939. FV 295. Azpilikoeta, ----- de, ed. The Basque Problem, As Seen by Cardinal Goma and President Aquirre. New York: Basque Archives, 1939. FV

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B.B., pseud. See Watkins-Pitchford, Denys James. 296. Babcock, Havilah. My Health Is Better in November: Thirty-five Stories of Hunting and Fishing in the South. New York: Greenberg, 1952. FV 297. Babel, Isaak Èmmanuilovich. Collected Stories. Edited and translated by Walter Morison. Introduction by Lionel Trilling. New York: Criterion, 1955. FV 298. -----. Red Cavalry. Translated from the Russian by Nadia Helstein. London: Knopf, 1929. kwfv FV El Bachiller Garrocha, pseud. See Sáenz de Heredia y Suárez Argudin, Angel. 299. Back, Howard. The Waters of Yellowstone with Rod and Fly. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1938. FV Bacon, Aline L., joint author. See Hopkins, John Collier Fredrick. 300. Baedeker, Karl, firm, publishers, Leipzig. Autriche-Hongrie y compris Cettigne, Belgrade et Bucarest: Manuel du voyagour. Leipzig: Baedeker, 1911. kwfv FV 301. -----. Italy from the Alps to Naples: Handbook for Travellers. Leipzig: Baedeker, 1909. kwfv FV 302. -----. Spain and Portugal: Handbook for Travellers. Leipzig: Baedeker, 1913. KW FV 303. Baerlein, Henry Philip Bernard. Belmonte, the Matador. New York: Smith & Haas, 1934. kwfv FV 304. -----. Dreamy Rivers. kwfv 305. Bagüés, Ventura [Don Ventura). Al hilo de las tablas: Episodios taurinos. Madrid: Saso, 1948. FV 306. -----. Efemérides taurinas. KW 307. -----. Efemérides taurinas. Hoy hace años. Segunda serie de julio a diciembre. Barcelona: Lux, 1928. kwfv FV -----. joint author. See Orts Ramos, Tomás. 308. Bahr, Jerome. The Linen Suit and Other Stories. Baltimore: Trempealeau, 1957. FV 309. -----. The Platinum Tower. New York: Scribner, 1939. FV 310. -----. Wooden Fox, Twilight for the Dead, Tonight There Is Rain, NRA Day, Hello, Lover! [Typescripts.] KL 311. Bailey, Henry Christopher. The Apprehensive Dog: A Reggie Fortune Novel. New York: Doubleday, Doran, 1942. FV 312. -----. The Bishop's Crime. New York: Doubleday, Doran, 1941. FV 313. -----. The Queen of Spades: A Joshua Clunk Mystery. New York: Doubleday, Doran, 1944. FV 314. -----. The Twittering Bird Mystery. New York: Sun Dial, 1938. FV 315. Bailey, Liberty Hyde. Hortus. KW

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316. Bainbridge, John. Garbo. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1955. FV 317. Bakeless, John Edwin. Daniel Boone. New York: Morrow, 1939. FV 318. Baker, Carlos Heard. A Friend in Power. New York: Scribner, 1958. FV 319. -----. Another copy. MH 320. -----. Hemingway and His Critics: An International Anthology. New York: Hill & Wang, 1961. MH 321. -----. Hemingway: Scrittore e artista. A cura di Guglielmo Ambrosoli. Parma: Guanda, 1954. FV 322. -----. Hemingway: The Writer as Artist. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton, 1952. FV 323. Baker, Charles Henry. The Esquire Culinary Companion. New York: Crown, 1959. s6O FV 324. -----. The Gentleman's Companion. New York: Derrydale, 1939. FV 325. -----. The Gentleman's Companion. New York: Crown, 1946. FV 326. Baker, Clyde. Modern Gunsmithing: A Manual of Firearms Design, Construction and Remodeling, for Amateurs and Professionals. 2nd ed. Marines, Onslow County, N.C.: Small-arms Technical Publ., 1933. FV 327. Baker, Dorothy (Dodds). Young Man with a Horn. b38 KW 328. Baker, Edward Mayer. Short Stories in the Name of Truth. Boston: Christopher, 1958. FV 329. *Baker, George [Father Divine]. He Is God: Father Divine's Message to the World. Pennsylvania, 1956. FV 330. Baker, Ray Stannard. American Chronicle; The Autobiography of Ray Stannard Baker. New York: Scribner, 1945. FV Baker, Robert H., joint author. See Zim, Herbert Spencer. 331. Baker, Samuel White. The Albert N'Yanza, Great Basin of the Nile and Explorations of the Nile Sources. 2 vols. London: Macmillan, 1867. kwfv MH 332. -----. The Albert N'Yanza, Great Basin of the Nile and Explorations of the Nile Sources. 1-vol. ed. London: Macmillan, 1874. MH 333. -----. Ismailïa: A Narrative of the Expedition to Central Africa for the Suppression of the Slave Trade. Organized by Ismail, Khedive of Egypt. New York: Harper, 1875. FV 334. -----. The Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia and the Sword Hunters of the Hamran Arabs. kwfv 335. -----. The Rifle and the Hound in Ceylon. London: Longmans, 1890. FV 336. -----. Wild Beasts and Their Ways: Reminiscences of Europe, Asia, Africa and America. London: Macmillan, 1891. MH 337. Baker, Sherman. Hidden Fire. Boston: Little, Brown, 1955. FV 338. Bakewell, Charles Montague. The Story of the American Red Cross in Italy. New York: Macmillan, 1920.

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kwfv FV 339. Balch, Glenn. Hide-rack Kidnapped. New York: Crowell, 1939. FV 340. Balck, William. Tactics. Translated by Walter Krueger. 4th ed. Fort Leavenworth, Kans.: U.S. Cavalry Association, 1911. FV 341. Baldwin, Hanson Weightman. The Price of Power. Published for the Council on Foreign Relations. New York: Harper, 1948. FV 342. -----. Sea Fights and Shipwrecks: True Tales of the Seven Seas. [Garden City, N.Y.: Hanover, 1955?] FV 343. -----. What the Citizen Should Know about the Navy. New York: Norton, 1941. FV 344. Baldwin, William Charles. African Hunting and Adventure from Natal to the Zambesi, including Lake Ngami, the Kalahari Desert, & etc., from 1851 to 1860. London: Bentley, 1863. kwfv FV 345. Ball, Doris Bell [Josephine Bell]. The Port of London Murders. London, 1955. FV 346. Ballard, James. But a Little Moment. New York: Dutton, 1950. FV 347. Ballou, Maturin Murray. History of Cuba; or, Notes of a Traveller in the Tropics, Being a Political, Historical, and Statistical Account of the Island, from Its First Discovery to the Present Time. Boston: Phillips, Sampson, 1854. FV 348. Balsan, Consuelo (Vanderbilt). The Glitter and the Gold. ondon: Heinemann, 1953. FV 349. Balzac, Honoré de. Oberst Chabert. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1950. FV 350. -----. Oeuvres complètes. 28 [of 52?] vols. Paris: C. Lévy [1891-92?]. Vol. 1: La maison de chat-qui-pelote. La bal de Sceaux. La bourse. La vendetta. FV Vol. 2: La fausse maîtress. Le paix du ménage. Etude de femme. Autre étude de femme, la Grande Bretèche. Une double famille. FV Vol. 4: La femme de trente ans. La femme abandonée. KW Vol. 6: Modeste Mignon. FV Vol. 7: Béatrix. FV Vol. 8: Le colonel Chabert. Honorine. FV Vol. 10: Un début dans la vie. Madame Firmani. Le message. Le messe de l'athée. FV Vol. 12: Ursule Mirouet. FV Vol. 13: Eugénie Grandet. FV Vol. 15: Les célibataires: Un ménage de garçon [La Rabouilleuse]. FV Vol. 16: L'illustre Caudissart. La muse du département. FV Vol. 18: Le lys dans la vallée. KW Vol. 19: Illusions perdues, I. Les delix poètes. Un grand homme de province à Paris. FV Vol. 20: Illusions perdues, II. Un grand homme de province à Paris (suite). Vol. 22: Splendeurs et misères des courtisanes. I. Comment aiment les filles. FV Vol. 26: La maison Nucingen. Les secrets de la princess de Cadignan Sarrazine. Facino Cane. Un homme d'affaires. Les comédiens sans le savoir. KW Vol. 27: Les employés. Un prince de la Bohème. Gaudissart II. Pierre Grassou. FV Vol. 29: Les parents pauvres: Le cousin Pons. FV Vol. 30: Les petits bourgeouis (part I). FV Vol. 34: Le désputé d'Arcis (part I). FV Vol. 41: La recherche de l'absolu. FV Vol. 42: Séraphita. Jesus-Christ en Flandre. Melmoth reconcilié. L'élixir de longue vie. FV Vol. 43: Louis Lambert. Les proscrits. Adieu. Le réquisitionnaire. El verdugo. FV Vol. 44: Le chef-d'oeuvre inconnu. Les Marana. Un drame au bord de la mer. L'auberge rouge. Maître Cornélius. FV Vol. 45: L'enfant maudit. Gambara. Massimilla Doni. FV Vol. 46: Sur Catherine de Médicis. I. Le martyr calviniste. II. La confidence des Ruggieri. III. Les deux rêves. KW FV Vol. 47: Physiologie du mariage. FV Vol. 48: Petites misères de la vie conjugate. FV 351. -----. The Works of Honoré de Balzac. Introductions by George Saintsbury. 36 vols. Philadelphia: Avil, 1901. FV 352. Bancroft, Griffing. Lower California: A Cruise; The Flight of the Least Petrel. New York: Putnam, 1932. kwfv FV

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353. Bandini, Gian Andrea. Il libro del mare: Prose e poesio marinaresche. Milan: Trevesini [1954?]. FV 354. Bandini, Ralph. Men, Fish and Tackle: The Story of J.A. Coxe As Told to Ralph Bandini. Bronson, Mich.: Pub. priv. by Bronson Reel Co., 1936. kwfv FV 355. Bankhead, Tallulah. Tallulah: My Autobiography. New York: Harper, 1952. FV 356. Barbellion, Pierre. Lancer léger et poissons de sport. Paris: Malaine, 1941. FV 357. Barbey d'Aurevilly, Jules Amédée. L'ensorcelée. KW 358. Barbour, Thomas. Naturalist at Large. Boston: Little, Brown, 1945. FV 359. -----. A Naturalist in Cuba. Boston: Little, Brown, 1945. MH 360. -----. That Vanishing Eden: A Naturalist's Florida. Boston: Little, Brown, 1945. FV 361. Barbusse, Henri. We Others: Stories of Fate, Love and Pity. Translated from the French by Fitzwater Wray. London: Dent, 1918. kwfv FV 362. Barcelona: Guía práctica de la ciudad. Barcelona: Librería Catalonia, n.d. FV 363. Bardèch, Maurice, and Robert Brasillach. The History of Motion Pictures. Translated and edited by Iris Barry. KWH 364. Bardel, Pierre. Boxe 1944. Avec la collab. de Gérald de Niort, Georges Pagnoud, Marcel Perrin. Paris: L'auteur, 1944. FV 365. -----. Cyclisme 1944. Avec la collab. de Marcel Perrin et autres. Paris: L'auteur, 1944. FV 366. Barea, Arturo. The Broken Root. Translated from the Spanish by Ilsa Barea. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1951. FV 367. -----. Another copy. FV 368. -----. The Forge. Translated from the Spanish with an introduction by Sir Peter Chalmers Mitchell. London: Faber, 1941. FV 369. -----. The Forging of a Rebel. Translated from the Spanish by Ilsa Barea. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1946. FV 370. Bargellini, Piero. Caffè Michelangiolo. Florence: Vallecchi, 1944. FV 371. Baring, Maurice. Half a Minute's Silence and Other Stories. KW 372. -----. R.F.C., H.Q., 1914-1918. London: Bell, 1920. FV 373. *Barisoni, Eugenio. Cacciatore de fussagno. Florence: Olimpia, 1944. FV 374. Barker, A. Innocents: Variations on a Theme. New York: Scribner, 1948. FV 375. Barlow, James. The Patriots. London: Hamilton, 1960. FV 376. Barmine, Alexander. One Who Survived. The Life Story of a Russian under the Soviets. Introduction by

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Max Eastman. New York: Putnam, 1945. FV 377. Barnard, Harry. Independent Man: The Life of Senator James Couzens. New York: Scribner, 1958. FV 378. Barnard, Keppel Harcourt. A Beginner's Guide to South African Shells. Cape Town: Miller, 1951. FV 379. -----. A Pictorial Guide to South African Fishes, Marine and Freshwater. Cape Town: Miller, 1947. FV 380. Barnes, Albert Coombs. The Art in Painting. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1937. FV 381. Barnes, Djuna. Ryder. KW 382. Barnes, Eric Wollencott. The Lady of Fashion: The Life and the Theatre of Anna Cora Mowatt. New York: Scribner, 1954. FV 383. -----. The Man Who Lived Twice: The Biography of Edward Sheldon. Introduction by Anne Morrow Lindbergh. New York: Scribner, 1956. FV 384. Barnes, Margaret Ayer. Westward Passage. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1931. FV Barney, Natalie Clifford. See Clifford Barney, N. 385. Barnsley, Alan Gabriel [Gabriel Fielding]. In the Time of the Greenbloom. New York: Morrow, 1957. FV 386. -----. Another copy. FV 387. Baroja y Nessi, Pio [Pio Baroja]. La busca (La lucha por la vida). KW 388. -----. La decadence de la cortesia, y otros ensayos. Prólogo de Miguel Pérez Ferrero; epilogo de J. Raimundo Bartrés. Barcelona: Raid, 1956. FV 389. -----. Locuros de Carnaval. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 1937. KL 390. -----. The Lord of Labraz. Translated from the Spanish by Aubrey F.G. Bell. New York: Knopf, 1926. KWH FV 391. -----. Memorias. Madrid: Minotauro, 1955. FV 392. -----. El país vasco. Barcelona: Destino, 1953. FV 393. -----. Red Dawn. Translated from the Spanish by Isaac Goldberg. New York: Knopf, 1924. KWH FV 394. Baron, Stanley Wade. All My Enemies. New York: Ballantine, 1952. FV 395. Barr, Alfred Hamilton. Picasso: Fifty Years of His Art. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1946. FV 396. Barr, James. Quatrefoil: A Modern Novel. New York: Greenberg, 1950. FV 397. Barrere, Albert Marie Victor. A Dictionary of English & French Military Terms. 1 [of 2] vol. London: Hachette, 1918. FV 398. Barrett, William E. The Left Hand of God. New York: Pocket Books, 1953. FV 399. Barretto de Souza, Joseph Michael Thomas. Elementary Equitation: Principles of Horseback-riding. New

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York: Dutton, 1922. kwfv FV 400. La Barricade. Paris. FV 401. Barriobero y Herrán, Eduardo. El libro de la fiesta nacional: Preceptiva, cronistas, censores. Madrid: Mundo Latino, 1931. FV 402. Barrows, Harlan Harland, Edith Putnam Parker and Margaret Terrell Parker. Geography: Europe and Asia. New York: Silver, Burdett, 1933. FV 403. Barrows, Nathaniel A. Blow All Ballast!: The Story of the Squalus. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1940. FV 404. Barry, Philip. War in Heaven. KW 405. Barrymore, Diana, and Gerold Frank. Too Much, Too Soon. New York: New American Library, 1958. FV 406. Bartholoni, Jean. Le roman de Petrarque et de Laure (1327-1348). KW 407. Bartlett, John. Familiar Quotations: A Collection of Passages, Phrases, and Proverbs Traced to Their Sources in Ancient and Modern Literature. Christopher Morley, editor. Louella D. Everett, associate editor. Boston: Little, Brown, 1940. FV 408. Bartlett, Vernon. Intermission in Europe: The Life of a Journalist and Broadcaster. New York: Oxford, 1938. FV 409. Barton, Donald Richmond. Once in Aleppo. New York: Scribner, 1955. FV 410. Barzun, Jacques. The House of Intellect. New York: Harper, 1959. s6O FV 411. -----. Another copy. FV 412. Basaldúa, Pedro de. En España sale el sol. Buenos Aires: Orden Cristiano, 1946. FV 413. Bascom, William R. and Paul Gebauer. Handbook of West African Art. Assembled and edited by Robert E. Ritzenthaler. Milwaukee: Bruce, 1953. FV 414. Baseball Guide and Record Book. St. Louis: Spink, 1944. FV 415. Basso, Hamilton. The View from Pompey's Head. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1954. s54 FV 416. *La Bataille du Jutland, racontée par les combattants. Paris [Payot], 1927. kwfv FV 417. Bates, Henry Walter. The Naturalist on the River Amazons: A Record of Adventures, Habits of Animals, Sketches of Brazilian and Indian Life, and Aspects of Nature under the Equator, during Eleven Years of Travel. London: Murray, 1864. kwfv FV 418. Bates, Herbert Ernest. Fair Stood the Wind for France. Boston: Little, Brown, 1944. FV 419. Bates, Marston. The Natural History of Mosquitoes. New York: Macmillan, 1949. FV 420. -----. The Nature of Natural History. New York: Scribner, 1954. FV 421. Bates, Ralph. The Olive Field. KW

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422. Bates, William Horatio. The Cure of Imperfect Sight without Glasses. KW 423. Batten Pooll, A.H. Some Globe-trottings with a Rod. Eton: Spottiswoode, 1937. FV 424. Baudelaire, Charles. Les fleurs du mal. Précedées d'une notice par Théophile Gautier. Paris: C. Lévy, 1894. FV 425. -----. Les fleurs du mal. Illustrées par Auguste Rodin avec une préface de Camille Mauclair. Paris: The Limited Editions Club, 1940. MH 426. -----. Les fleurs du mal. Stockholm: Jan Förlag, 1944. FV 427. *-----. Les fleurs du mal et complément. kwfv 428. -----. Intimate Journals. Translated by Christopher Isherwood. [Introduction by T.S. Eliot?] KW 429. -----. Morceaux choisis: Poëmes et proses. Introduction et notes par Y.G. Le Dantec. Paris: Gallimard, 1939. kwfv FV 430. Bauër, Gérard. Dessins de maîtres (XVe-XVIIIe siècles) de L'Albertina de Vienne. Paris: Plon, 1948. FV 431. Baum, James Edwin. Savage Abyssinia. New York: Sears, 1927. MH 432. Bavier, Robert Newton. Sailing to Win. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1947. FV 433. Baxter, James Phinney. Scientists against Time. Boston: Little, Brown, 1946. FV 434. Baxter, Walter. Look Down in Mercy. New York: Putnam, 1952. FV 435. Bayard, Emile. [L'art de reconnoitre les styles:] Les meubles [rustique régionaux de la France. Paris: Garnier, 1925?]. kwfv 436. Bayer, Herbert, Walter Gropius and Ise Gropius, eds. Bauhaus, 1919-1928. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1938. KW 437. Bayer, Leo G. and Eleanor [Oliver Weld Bayer]. Paper Chase. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1943. FV 438. Baynes, Dorothy Julia (Dormer Creston]. In Search of Two Characters: Some Intimate Aspects of Napoleon and His Son. New York: Scribner, 1946. FV 439. Bazalgette, Léon. George Grosz: L'homme et l'oeuvre. Paris: Les Ecrivains Reunis, n.d. KL 440. Beach, Edward Latimer. Submarine! New York: Holt, 1952. FV 441. -----. Submarine! London, 1953. FV 442. Beach, Joseph Warren. American Fiction, 1920-1940. New York: Macmillan, 1941. FV Beach, Priscilla, joint author. See Hickey, John Hosford. 443. Beach, Sylvia. Ulysses in Paris. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1956. FV 444. Beagle, Peter S. A Fine and Private Place. New York: Viking, 1960. s6O MH

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445. Beals, Carleton. The Crime of Cuba. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1933. MH 446. Bean, Charles Edwin Woodrow. On the Wool Track. New York: Scribner, 1947. FV 447. Beard, Charles Austin. The Republic: Conversations on Fundamentals. New York: Viking, 1944. FV 448. -----, and Mary R. America in Midpassage. New York: Macmillan, 1939. KW FV 449. Beard, James Andrews, and Sam Aaron. How to Eat Better for Less Money. New York: Permabooks, 1956. FV 450. Béarn, Pierre. Misères: Nouvelles. Paris: Arc-en-ciel, 1947. FV 451. -----. Les oiseaux sont ivres. Paris: Pavois, 1946. FV 452. Beasley, Norman. Frank Knox, American: A Short Biography. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1936. FV 453. Beaton, Cecil Walter Hardy. Time Exposure. Commentary and captions by Peter Quennell. New York: Scribner, 1941. FV 454. Beatson, Finlay Cochrane. Wellington: The Bidassoa and Nivelle. London: Arnold, 1931. FV 455. Beattie, Edward William. Diary of a Kriegie. New York: Crowell, 1946. FV 456. Beaulac, Willard Leon. Career Ambassador. New York: Macmillan, 1951. FV 457. Beaumont, Francis, and John Fletcher. Rule a Wife and Have a Wife: A Comedy in Five Acts. London, n.d. kwfv FV 458. Beauvoir, Simone de. The Mandarins: A Novel. Translated by Leonard M. Friedman. Cleveland: World, 1956. FV 459. Bebie, Jules. Manual of Explosives, Military Pyrotechnics, and Chemical Warfare Agents. New York: Macmillan, 1943. FV 460. Becerra y Alvarez, José. El consultor taurino. Seville: Santigosa y Rodríguez, 1916. kwfv FV Beck, Phineas, pseud. See Chamberlain, Samuel. 461. Becker, Carl Lotus. How New Will the Better World Be? A Discussion of Post-war Reconstruction. New York: Knopf, 1944. FV 462. Becker, Ivan Lawrence. The Vapor Trail: Poetic Tributes to Slain World War II Heroes of Air Group 21 and the Carrier Press. New York: Exposition, 1959. FV 463. Becker, Stephen D. The Season of the Stranger. New York: Harper, 1951. FV 464. Beckett, Samuel. The Unnamable. Translated from the French by the Author. New York: Grove, 1958. s58 FV 465. The Bedside Tales: A Gay Collection. Introduction by Peter Arno. New York: Penn, 1945. FV

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466. Bee, Clair Francis. The Basketball Library. 4 vols. New York: Barnes, 1942-46. FV 467. Beebe, Lucius Morris. Snoot if You Must. New York: Appleton-Century, 1943. FV 468. Beebe, William, ed. The Book of Naturalists: An Anthology of the Best Natural History. New York: Knopf, 1945. FV 469. Beeding, Francis [pseud.]. The Five Flamboys. KWH 470. -----. The Seven Sleepers. KWH 471. -----. The Three Fishers. KWH 472. Beer, Thomas. The Fair Rewards. kwfv 473. -----. Stephen Crane: A Study in American Letters. Introduction by Joseph Conrad. London: Heinemann, 1924. kwfv FV 474. Beerbohm, Max. And Even Now. kwfv 475. -----. Mainly on the Air. New York: Knopf, 1947. FV 476. -----. Zuleika Dobson. Introduction by Francis Hackett. New York: Boni & Liveright, 1911. kwfv FV 477. Behrman, Samuel Nathaniel. Duveen. New York: Random House, 1952. FV 478. Beith, John Bay [Ian Hay]. The King's Service: An Informal History of the British Infantry Soldier. London: Methuen, 1938. b38 KW 479. -----. The Willing Horse. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1921. kwfv FV 480. *Belayev, Vladimir. The Old Fortress: A Trilogy. Moscow: Foreign Language Publishing House, n.d. FV 481. Belda, Joaquin. La Revolución del 69: Novela comunista. Madrid: Renacimiento, 1931. kwfv FV 482. Belden, Jack. China Shakes the World. New York: Harper, 1949. FV 483. Bell, Aubrey Fitz Gerald. Spanish Galicia. kwfv Bell, C.R.V., joint author. See Huntingford, George Wynn Brereton. 484. Bell, Douglas Herbert. Wellington's Officiers. London: Collins, 1938. FV 485. Bell, Ed. The Lonely People and Their Strange Ways. Selections compiled and edited by Robert Lasseter. Murfreesboro, Tenn., 1957. FV 486. Bell, Frederick Jackson. Condition Red: Destroyer Action in the South Pacific. New York: Longmans, Green, 1943. FV 487. Bell, Gertrude Lowthian. The Letters of Gertrude Bell. Selected and edited by Lady Bell. 2 vols. New York: Boni & Liveright, 1927. kwfv FV 488. Bell, Hugh MacLachlan. Bahamas: Isles of June. Foreword by His Excellency, the Governor of the Bahamas, Sir Bede Clifford. New York: McBride, 1934. s34

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Bell, Josephine, pseud. See Ball, Doris Bell. 489. Bell, Walter Dalrymple Maitland. The Wanderings of an Elephant Hunter. London: Spearman, 1958. MH 490. Bellamann, Henry. Kings Row. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1940. FV 491. Belloc, Hilaire. Towns of Destiny. New York: McBride, 1931. kwfv FV 492. Belloch, Puig, José María. Prohibido vivir. Teruel: Lucha, 1957. FV 493. Bellonci, Maria. The Life and Times of Lucrezia Borgia. Translated by Bernard and Barbara Wall. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1953. FV 494. Bellotti, Felice. Fabulous Congo. Translated from the Italian by Mervyn Savill. London: Dakers, 1954. FV 495. Bellow, Saul. Dangling Man. New York: Vanguard, 1944. FV 496. *Bellows, George Wesley. Memorial Exhibition. kwfv 497. Bellsolá, Joaquin [Relance]. El toro de lidia. Prólogo de José de la Lome [Don Modesto]. Madrid: Marso, 1912. FV Bellveser, Antonio, joint author. See Lloret, Jesús. 498. Belmas, Jacques Vital. Journaux des sièges faits ou soutenus par les Français dans la péninsule de 1807 à 1814: Rédigés, d'après les ordres du gouvernement, sur les documents existant aux archives de la guerre et au dépôt des fortifications. 3 [of 4] vols. Paris: Chez Firmin Didot Frères, 1836-37. FV 499. Belmonte y García, Juan. Juan Belmonte, Killer of Bulls: The Autobiography of a Matador As Told to Manuel Chaves Nogales. Translated from the Spanish and with a note on bull-fighting by Leslie Charteris. New York [Bantam?], 1953. FV 500. Belzacq, Guy. Les guides ont leurs étoiles. Avignon: Aubanel, 1957. FV 501. Bemelmans, Ludwig. Are You Hungry, Are You Cold? Cleveland: World, 1960. s6l MH 502. -----. The Best of Times: An Account of Europe Revisited. London: Cresset, 1948. FV 503. -----. The Blue Danube. New York: Viking, 1945. FV 504. -----. Hotel Bemelmans. New York: Viking, 1946. FV 505. -----. Hotel Splendide. New York: Viking, 1941. FV 506. -----. How to Travel Incognito. Boston: Little, Brown, 1952. FV 507. -----. I Love You, I Love You, I Love You. New York: Viking, 1942. FV 508. -----. My War with the United States. New York: Viking, 1937. FV 509. -----. My War with the United States. New York: Modern Library, 1941. FV

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510. -----. Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep. New York: Viking, 1943. FV 511. -----. The Woman of My Life. New York: Viking, 1957. FV 512. -----. The World of Bemelmans: An Omnibus. New York: Viking, 1955. FV 513. Benavides, Manuel D. El último pirata del Mediterráneo: Reportaje. Barcelona: Cosmos, 1934. FV 514. Benchley, Nathaniel. Robert Benchley: A Biography. Foreword by Robert E. Sherwood. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1955. FV 515. Benchley, Robert. Benchley -- or Else! New York: Harper, 1947. MH 516. -----. Chips off the Old Benchley. Introduction by Frank Sullivan. New York: Harper, 1949. FV 517. -----. My Ten Years in a Quandary, and How They Grew. KW 518. -----. The Treasurer's Report, and Other Aspects of Community Singing. New York: Harper, 1930. kwfv FV 519. -----. Another copy. FV 520. Benda, Julien. La trahison des clercs. KW 521. Bendiner, Robert. The Riddle of the State Department. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1942. FV 522. Benedict, Ruth. Patterns of Culture. New York: New American Library, 1952. FV 523. Benes, Vojta, and R.A. Ginsburg. Ten Million Prisoners: Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia. Chicago: Czech-American National Alliance, 1940. FV 524. Benét, Stephen Vincent. Selected Works. 2 vols. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1942. FV 525. Benet y Castellón, Eduardo. Cuando se va la vida: Poemas. Cienfuegos, Cuba: Excélsior, 1949. FV 526. Bengtsson, Frans Gunnar. The Long Ships: A Saga of the Viking Age. Translated from the Swedish by Michael Meyer. [New York: Knopf, 1954?] KW 527. Benham, William Gurney. Putnam's Dictionary of Thoughts: A Collection of Quotations from British and American Authors, with Many Thousands of Proverbs, Familiar Phrases and Sayings, from All Sources, Including Hebrew, Arabic, Greek, Latin, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Other Languages. With full verbal and classified index. New York: Putnam, 1930. kwfv FV 528. Benjamin, René. Clemenceau dans la retraite. Paris: Plon, 1930. FV 529. Bennett, Arnold. Journal, 1929. KW 530. -----. The Journal of Arnold Bennett. Vol. 3: 1921-1928. New York: Viking, 1933. s33 KW Bennett, Dorothy A., joint author. See Bernhard, Hubert J. 531. Bennett, Joan. Virginia Woolf: Her Art as a Novelist. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1945. FV 532. Bennett, Russell H. The Compleat Rancher. New York: Rinehart, 1946. FV

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Benney, Mark, pseud. See Degras, Henry Ernest. 533. Benoit, Fernand. Les baux. Paris: Laurens, 1935. FV 534. Benott, Pierre. L'Atlantide: Roman. Paris: Michel, 1920. kwfv FV 535. Benson, Edward Frederick. Final Edition. New York: Appleton-Century, 1940. FV 536. Benson, Stella. The Poor Man. London: Macmillan, 1922. KWH 537. Bent, Newell. Jungle Giants. Norwood, Mass.: Printed for friends of the author by the Plimpton Press, 1936. s36 kwfv 538. Bentley, Edmund Clerihew. Trent's Last Case. New York: Grosset & Dunlop, 1930. FV 539. Bentley, John. The Faster They Go: A Novel of Motor Racing. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1957. FV 540. Benuzzi, Felice. No Picnic on Mount Kenya. London: Kimber, 1952. FV 541. Benzaquin, Paul. Holocaust! New York: Holt, 1959. s6O FV 542. Béraud, Henri. Ce que j'ai vu à Rome. KW 543. Berenson, Bernard. Aesthetics and History in the Visual Arts. New York: Pantheon, 1948. FV 544. -----. The Italian Painters of the Renaissance. London: Oxford, 1948. FV 545. -----. Italian Pictures of the Renaissance: A List of the Principal Artists and Their Works, with an Index of Places. Oxford: Clarendon, 1932. FV 546. -----. Rumor and Reflection. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1952. FV 547. -----. Seeing and Knowing. New York: Macmillan, 1954. s54 548. -----. Sketch for a Self-portrait. New York: Pantheon, 1949. s49 549. Beresford, Marcus [Marc Brandel]. The Rod and the Staff: A Novel. New York: Harper, 1947. FV 550. Beresford, Seton Robert de la Poer. Beresford's Monte-Carlo; Historical, Anecdotal, Analytical, Informative. Nice: J. Beresford, n.d. kwfv 551. Berg, Bengt Magnus Kristoffer. Eyes in the Night. Translated by Lynette Jarbo. Berlin: Reimer, 1952. FV 552. Bergamin, José. El arte de birlibirloque (entendimiento del toreo). Madrid: Plutarco, 1930. KL 553. Bergman, Ray. Just Fishing. KW 554. -----. Trout. New York: Knopf, 1947. FV 555. Bérillon, Edgar. La science de l'hypnotisme. [Vol. 2: L'hypnotisme therapeutique?] Paris: Jouve, 1946. FV

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Berkeley, Antony, pseud. See Cox, Anthony Berkeley. 556. Berlin, Isaiah. The Hedgehog and the Fox: An Essay on Tolstoy's View of History. New York: New American Library, 1957. FV 557. Berlitz, Maximilian Delphinus. Método-Berlitz para la enseñanza de idiomas modernos. New York: Berlitz, n.d. FV 558. Bernard, Theos. Penthouse of the Gods: A Pilgrimage into the Heart of Tibet and the Sacred City of Lhasa. New York: Scribner, 1939. FV 559. Bernard, Tristan. Autour du ring: Tableau de la boxe. Paris: Gallimard, 1925. PC

Bernard, William, pseud. See Williams, Bernard. 560. Bernari, Carlo. Tre operai: Romanzo. Milan: Mondadori, 1951. FV 561. Bernhard, Hubert J., Dorothy A. Bennett and Hugh S. Rice. New Handbook of the Heavens. New York: New American Library, 1952. FV 562. -----, Dorothy A. Bennett and Hugh S. Rice. New Handbook of the Heavens. New York: New American Library, 1954. FV 563. Bernheim, Molly. A Sky of My Own. New York: Rinehart, 1959. s60 FV 564. Bernstein, Leonard. The Joy of Music. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1959. s60 FV 565. Bernstein, Victor Heine. Final Judgment: The Story of Nuremberg. Introduction by Max Lerner. New York: Boni & Gaer, 1947. FV 566. Berrien, Edith [Edith Heal]. The Shadow Boxers. New York: Scribner, 1956. FV 567. Bertarelli, Luigi Vittorio. Italie du Nord. Paris: Hachette [1929?]. FV 568. -----. Veneto. Guida d'Italia del Touring Club Italiano. Milan, 1932. FV

569. Bertaut, Jules. Napoléon 1er

aux Tuileries. Paris: Hachette, 1949. FV 570. Berto, Giuseppe. The Sky Is Red. Translated from the Italian by Angus Davidson. New York: New Directions, 1948. FV 571. Bertram, Kate and Richard. Caribbean Cruise. New York: Norton, 1948. FV 572. Bertrand, Henri Gratien. Napoleon at St. Helena: The Journals of General Bertrand from January to May of 1821. Deciphered and annotated by Paul Fleuriot de Langle. Translated from the French by Frances Hume. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1952. FV 573. Bessand-Massenet, Pierre, ed. Air et manères de Paris, au fin d'un siècle. KW 574. Bessie, Alvah. The Heart of Spain: Anthology of Fiction, Non-fiction, and Poetry. New York: Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, 1952. FV 575. -----. Men in Battle: A Story of Americans in Spain. New York: Scribner, 1939. PC

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576. Besson, George. La peinture française au XXme

siècle. Paris: Braun, 1949. FV 577. Best Short Stories from the Paris Review. New York: Dutton, 1959. FV 578. Another copy. FV 579. Betanzos Palacios, Odón. Luisillo. New York: Colección Mensaje 1957. FV 580. -----. Poesía de las eras cuadradas. New York: Colección Mensaje, 1958. FV 581. Betten, Henry Lewis. Upland Game Shooting. Philadelphia: Penn, 1940. FV 582. Better Homes and Gardens. Garden Book: A Year-round Guide to Practical Home Gardening. Des Moines: Meredith, 1951. FV 583. Bettiza, Enzo. La campagna elettorale: Romanzo. Milan: Bianchi-Giovini, 1953. FV 584. Beucken, Jean de. Vincent van Gogh: Een portret. Brussels: Hermes, 1946. FV 585. Beucler, André. The Last of the Bohemians: Twenty Years with Léon-Paul Fargue. Translated by Geoffrey Sainsbury. Introduction by Archibald MacLeish. New York: Sloane, 1954. FV 586. Beyle, Marie Henri [Stendhal]. The Abbess of Castro and Other Tales. Translated from the French by C.K. Scott Moncrieff. New York: Boni & Liveright, 1926. kwfv FV 587. -----. The Charterhouse of Parma. Translated from the French by C.K. Scott Moncrieff. 2 vols. New York: Boni & Liveright, 1925. FV 588. -----. De l'amour. KW 589. -----. The Private Diaries of Stendhal. Edited and translated by Robert Sage. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1954. FV 590. -----. The Red and the Black. Translated by C.K. Scott Moncrieff. New York: Modern Library, 1929. FV 591. Bezzerides, Albert Isaac. They Drive by Night. [Originally published under the title Long Haul.] New York: Dell [1950]. FV 592. Biaggini, Adriana (Ivoncich). Ho guardato il cielo e la terra. Milan: Mondadori, 1953. FV 593. -----. Another copy. FV 594. Bialoguski, Michael. The Case of Colonel Petrov: How I Weaned a High MVD Official from Communism. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1955. FV 595. Biancolini, Leonida. Lezioni di lingua spagnuola: Corso teorico-pratico ad uso delle scuole medie e superiori. Rome: Signorelli, 1948. FV

Biancolli, Louis, joint author. See Garden, Mary. 596. Bible. The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments. New York: Pott, n.d. kwfv FV

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597. Bible. The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Chicago: World Home Bible League, n.d. FV 598. Bible. The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. New York: Douay Bible House, 1940. FV 599. Bickel, Karl August. The Mangrove Coast: The Story of the West Coast of Florida. New York: Coward-McCann, 1942. FV 600. *Bielmann, M. Der Aufbruch der Jugend Zum Expressionismus: Deutsche Geistesgeschichte [seit] 1895 in schönen Büchern. Nuremberg, n.d. FV 601. Bierce, Ambrose. The Collected Writings. Introduction by Clifton Fadiman. New York: Citadel, 1946. FV 602. -----. Tales of Soldiers & Civilians. Edited with an introduction by Joseph Henry Jackson. New York: Heritage, 1943. FV 603. *Big Game Hunting. Idaho, 1946. FV 604. Bigelow, Francis Hill. Historic Silver of the Colonies and Its Makers. New York: Macmillan, 1941. FV 605. Biggers, Earl Derr. Charlie Chan's Caravan: The Chinese Parrot, The Black Camel, Charlie Chan Carries On. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1929. FV 606. Bigland, Eileen. Into China. New York: Macmillan, 1940. FV 607. Bigliazzi, Francesco. How to Visit Florence and Its Neighborhood: An Artistic Illustrated Guide. Milan: Capello, 1949. FV 608. Biguet, Fernand. La pêche à la ligne d'aujourd'hui. Paris: Bornemann, 1929. FV 609. -----. Pour apprendre à pêcher les petits poissons: Ablette, chabot, goujon, vairon, vandoise. Paris: Bornemann, 1935. FV 610. Billington, Ray Allen. Westward Expansion: A History of the American Frontier. New York: Macmillan, 1949. FV 611. Billy, André. Vie de Balzac. 2 vols. Paris: Flammarion, 1944. FV 612. Binder, James K. One Step Forward: The Correct Comedy of Not Being God. Athens, Greece: Privately Printed, 1951. FV 613. Binns, Archie. Mighty Mountain. New York: Scribner, 1940. FV 614. Birabeau, André. Revelation. Translated by Una, Lady Troubridge. New York: Viking, 1930. kwfv FV 615. Birch, D. Percival Lea. Sea Fishing. s35 616. Birds in Natural Colors: A Monthly Serial [bound edition]. Chicago: Mumford, 1899. PC 617. Birdwood, Christopher Bromhead. A Continent Decides: Introducing Two New Members in the Great and Diverse Family of the Commonwealth, and Some of the Problems Which They Offer for Our Understanding and Solution. London: Hale, 1953. FV

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618. Birkby, Carel. It's a Long Way to Addis. London: Muller, 1942. FV 619. -----. Native Life in South Africa. Pretoria: South African Tourist Corp., 1954. FV 620. Birney, Hoffman. The Dice of God. New York: Holt, 1956. FV 621. BirÇ, Lajos, and Arthur Wimperis. The Private Life of Henry VIII. Story and dialogue from the film. KW 622. Bisch, Louis Edward. Be Glad You're Neurotic. New York: Whittlesey House, 1936. FV 623. Bishop, Elizabeth. North & South. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1946. FV 624. Bishop, Herman, and Bergen Evans. Your Car is Made to Last. New York: Putnam, 1942. FV 625. Bishop, Jim. The Day Lincoln Was Shot. New York: Harper, 1955. FV 626. -----. Another copy. FV 627. -----. The Mark Hellinger Story: A Biography of Broadway and Hollywood. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1952. FV 628. Bishop, John Peale. Act of Darkness. KW 629. -----. The Collected Essays. Edited with an introduction by Edmund Wilson. New York: Scribner, 1948. KW 6 30. -----. The Collected Poems of John Peale Bishop. Edited with a preface and a personal memoir by Allen Tate. New York: Scribner, 1948. FV 631. -----. Another copy. FV 632. -----. Many Thousands Gone. New York: Scribner, 1931. kwfv FV

Bishop, Louis Bennet, joint author. See Sanford, Leonard Cutler. 633. Bissell, Richard Pike. Say Darling. Boston: Little, Brown, 1957. FV 634. -----. A Stretch on the River. Boston: Little, Brown, 1950. FV 635. Bisset, James Gordon Partridge, and P.R. Stephensen. Tramps and Ladies: My Early Years in Steamers. New York: Criterion, 1959. s60 FV 636. Black, Ruby Aurora. Eleanor Roosevelt: A Biography. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1940. FV 637. Blackford, Susan Leigh, comp. Letters from Lee's Army; or, Memoirs of Life in and out of the Army of Virginia during the War between the States. New York: Scribner, 1947. FV 638. Blackford, William Willis. War Years with Jeb Stuart. New York: Scribner, 1945. FV 639. Blackmore, Richard Doddridge. Lorna Doone: A Romance of Exmoor. KW 640. Black's Gardening Dictionary. Edited by E.T. Ellis. KW

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641. Blaikie, William Garden. The Personal Life of David Livingstone, Chiefly from His Unpublished Journals and Correspondence in the Possession of His Family. Philadelphia: Potter, 1881. MH 642. Blake, Forrester. Johnny Christmas: A Novel. New York: 1948. FV 643. -----. Riding the Mustang Trail. New York: Scribner, 1935. kwfv FV 644. -----. Wilderness Passage. New York: Bantam, 1958. FV 645. Blake, William. The World Is Mine: The Extravagant Story of a Modern Monte Cristo. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1938. KL

Blake, William, joint author. See Donne, John. 646. Blanch, Lesley. The Wilder Shores of Love. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1954. s54 FV 647. -----. The Wilder Shores of Love. London: Murray, 1955. FV 648. Blanchet, Désiré. L'histoire de France à l'école: Leçons, récits, lectures, revisions. Cours élémentaire. Paris: Belin Frères, 1912. FV 649. Blankfort, Michael. The Big Yankee: The Life of Carlson of the Raiders. Boston: Little, Brown, 1947. FV 650. -----. The Brave and the Blind. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1940. FV 651. -----. A Time to Live. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1943. FV 652. Blanchard, Paul. American Freedom and Catholic Power. Boston: Beacon, 1949. FV 653. Blasco, Ibáñez, Vicente. A los pies de Venus (los Borgia): Novela. KW 654. -----. Arroz y Tartana: Novela. KW 655. -----. La barraca: Novela. Valencia: Promenteo, 1898. PC 656. -----. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Translated by Charlotte Brewster Jordan. New York: Dutton, 1941. FV 657. -----. Novelas de la Costa Azul. KW 658. -----. Vistas sudamericanas. Edited by Carolina Marcial Dorado. Boston: Ginn, 1920. FV 659. Blasingame, Ike. Dakota Cowboy: My Life in the Old Days. New York: Putnam, 1958. s58

Bliss, Reginald, editor. See Wells, H.G. 660. Bleu, F. Antes y después de la guerra: Medio siglo de toreo. Madrid: Clásica Española, 1914. kwfv FV 661. Blixen, Karen [Isak Dinesen]. Last Tales. New York: Random House, 1957. FV 662. -----. Out of Africa. New York: Random House, 1938. s38 MH

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663. -----. Out of Africa. Introduction by Bernardine Kielty. New York: Modern Library, 1952. MH 664. -----. Seven Gothic Tales. KW 665. -----. Shadows on the Grass. New York: Random House, 1960. s6 MH 666. -----. Winter's Tales. New York: Random House, 1942. FV 667. Blixen-Finecke, Bror von. African Hunter. Translated by F.H. Lyon. New York: Knopf, 1938. s38 kwfv 668. Blochman, Lawrence G. Wives to Burn. New York: Dell, 1946. FV 669. Bloch-Michel, Jean. The Flight into Egypt. New York: Scribner, 1955. FV 670. Blond, Georges. The Great Story of Whales. Translated from the French by James Cleugh. Garden City, N.Y.: Hanover, 1955. FV 671. Bloom, Murray Teigh. Money of Their Own: The Great Counterfeiters. New York: Scribner, 1957. FV 672. Bloomfield, Paul and Millicent, eds. The Traveler's Companion: A Travel Anthology. KW 673. The Blue Guide to Cuba. Season of 1937. Havana: Febure, 1937. FV 674. Another copy. FV 675. The Blue Guide to Cuba. Season of 1940. Havana: Febure, 1940. FV 676. The Blue Guide to Cuba. Season of 1948. Havana: Febure, 1948. FV 677. The Blue Guide to Cuba. Season of 1958. Havana: Febure, 1958. FV 678. *Blum, A. Coleman, and F. Lismore. El verbo irregular en inglés. Havana: Cuba Científica, 1958. FV 679. Blumenstock, David Irving. The Ocean of Air. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers, 1959. s60 FV 680. Blunden, Edmund Charles. Undertones of War. KW 681. Blunden, Godfrey. A Room on the Route. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1947. FV 682. Blunt, David Enderby. Elephant. London: East Africa, 1933. kwfv MH 683. Boada, Fernando. Síntesis de su obra artística. Prólogo, M. Isidro Méndez; epílogo, Angel N. Pou. Havana: Seoane, Fernández, 1959. FV 684. -----. Another copy. FV 685. Boats Today: Your Book of 101 Small Boat Designs. New York: Gilbert, 1955. FV

Bobé, E., joint author. See Valle, C.G. del. 686. Boca, Angelo del. L'anno del giubileo. Turin: Einaudi, 1948. FV 687. Boccaccio, Giovanni. Il Decameron. Turin: Einaudi, 1949. KW FV

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688. -----. The Most Pleasant and Delectable Questions of Love. New York: Illustrated Editions, 1931. FV 689. Bodenheim, Maxwell. Sixty Seconds. New York: Liveright, 1929. kwfv FV 690. Bodkin, Thomas. The Approach to Painting. London: Collins, 1945. FV 691. Bodmer, Frederick. The Loom of Language. New York: Norton, 1944. FV 692. Boekholt, Albert. Mains habiles: Travaux manuel de plein air. Rouen: Wolf, 1943. FV 693. -----. Ouvrages en cuir. Paris, 1943. FV 694. -----. Tours de mains: Travaux manuels pour les jeunes. Rouen: Wolf, 1943. FV 695. Boethius. The Consolation of Philosophy. KW 696. Boileau, Ethel. Clansmen. New York: Dutton, 1936. s36 KWH 697. Boisset, L. de. Les mouches du pêcheur de truites. Paris: Champs-Elysées, 1939. FV 698. -----. L'ombre, poisson de sport. Paris: Champs-Elysées, 1941. FV 699. -----. La truite, poisson de grand sport. Paris: Champs-Elysées, 1942. FV 700. -----, and Richard Vibert. La pêche fluviale en France: Son état, son avenir. Paris: Champs-Elysées, 1944. FV

Bolderwood, Rolf, pseud. See Browne, Thomas Alexander. 701. Boles, Paul Darcy. The Streak. New York [Bantam?], 1954. FV 702. Boleslavski, Richard. Way of the Lancer. KW 703. Bollain, Luis. El decálogo de la buena fiesta. Prólogo: Turno en contra del "tío Caniyitas"; epílogo: Juan Belmonte habla de toreo. Madrid: Beltrán, 1953. FV 704. -----. Los genios, de cerca: Belmonte, visto por un belmontista. Madrid: Foto Palau, 1957. FV

Bolton, Isabel, pseud. See Miller, Mary Britton. 705. Bombard, Alain. The Bombard Story. Translated by Brian Connell. London: Deutsch, 1953. FV 706. Bonazzi, A., and A. Herrera. Observaciones sobre el rocío en la zona tropical. Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba: Estación Central Agronómica, 1947. FV 707. Boner, Charles. Chamois Hunting in the Mountains of Bavaria and in the Tyrol. London: Chapman & Hall, 1860. kwfv MH 707a. Bonesteel, Mary Greene. The Young Colour Guard, or, Tommy Collins at Santiago. KWH 708. Bonnard, Pierre. Seize peintures, 1939-1943. Introduction de André Lhote. Paris: Chêne, 1944. FV 709. Bonner, Paul Hyde. Amanda. New York: Scribner, 1957. FV

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710. -----. Excelsior! New York: Scribner, 1955. FV 711. -----. The Glorious Mornings: Stories of Shooting and Fishing. New York: Scribner, 1954. FV 712. -----. Hôtel Talleyrand: A Novel. New York: Scribner, 1953. FV 713. -----. SPQR: A Romance. New York: Scribner, 1952. FV 714. Bonsal, Stephen. The Fight for Santiago: The Story of the Soldier in the Cuba Campaign, from Tampa to the Surrender. New York: Doubleday & McClure, 1899. FV 715. -----. Unfinished Business. Introduction by Hugh Gibson. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1944. FV 716. Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church According to the Use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. New York: Harper, 1935. FV 717. The Book of Fishes: Game Fishes, Food Fishes, Shellfish and Curious Citizens of American Ocean Shores, Lakes and Rivers. Washington, D.C.: The National Geographical Society, 1924. FV 718. -----. Another copy. FV 719. The Book of Saints: A Dictionary of Servants of God Canonized by the Catholic Church. Extracted from the Roman & Other Martyrologies. Compiled by the Benedictine Monks of St. Augustine's Abbey, Ramsgate. London: Black, 1921. kwfv FV 720. The Book of the XV Brigade. Madrid: Commisseriat of War, XV Brigade, 1938. FV 721. Booth, Charles Gordon. The General Died at Dawn. New York: Pocket Books, 1951. FV 722. Borenius, Tancred. Italian Painting up to Leonardo and Raphael. London: Avalon, 1946. FV 723. -----. Later Italian Painting, from Titian to Tiepolo. London: Avalon, 1946. FV

Borge, Gonzalo, joint author. See Carralero, José. 724. Borgese, Giuseppe Antonio. Goliath: The March of Fascism. New York: Viking, 1937. FV 725. Borghese, Valerio, Jr. Decima flottiglia mas dalle origini all'armistizio. Milan: Garzanti, 1954. FV 726. Borrow, George Henry. The Bible in Spain. London: Murray, 1923. kwfv FV 727. -----. The Bible in Spain. London: Collins, n.d. KW FV 728. -----. Another copy? KW 729. -----. Lavengro: The Scholar, the Gypsy, the Priest. kwfv KW 730. -----. Romano Lavo-lil: Word-book of the Romany; or, English Certain Phases of Life and Letters among The North Americans. of Certain Gypsyries or Places Inhabited by Them, and Various Things Relating to Gypsy Life in England. KWH

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731. Borsetta, Francesco. Per curarsi con le erbe: Insegna l'uso di 150 piante medicinali nella cura di 200 malattie. Turin, 1954. FV 732. Borsook, Henry. Vitamins: What They Are and How They Can Benefit You. New York: Viking, 1941. FV 733. Bosis, Lauro de. Icaro. With a translation from the Italian by Ruth Draper and a preface by Gilbert Murray. London: Oxford, Milford, 1933. kwfv FV 734. Bosquet, Alain, ed. Les vingt meilleures nouvelles françaises. Paris: Seghers, 1956. FV 735. Boston, Charles K. The Silver Jackass. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1941. FV 736. Boswell, James. Boswell on the Grand Tour: Italy, Corsica, and France, 1765-1766. Edited by Frank Brady and Frederick A. Pottle. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1955. FV 737. -----. The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Notes by Arnold Glover of the Inner Temple. Introduction by Austin Dobson. 2 vols. London: Dent, 1925. kwfv FV 738. -----. London Journal, 1762-1763. Now first published from the original manuscript. Prepared for the press, with introduction and notes by Frederick A. Pottle. Preface by Christopher Morley. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1950. FV 739. Bosworth, Allan R. Border Roundup. New York: Bantam Books, 1947. FV 740. Botein, Bernard. The Prosecutor. New York: Pocket Books, 1957. FV 741. Bottume, Carl Huntington. Sailor's Choice. Boston: Little, Brown, 1951. FV 742. Boucard, Robert. Les dessous de l'espionnage anglais. KW 743. Bouchardon, Pierre. Le crime de Vouziers. KW 744. Bouleston, Xavier Marcel. Having Crossed the Channel. kwfv 745. Boulle, Pierre. The Bridge over the River Kwai. Translated by Xan Fielding. New York: Vanguard, 1954. FV 746. Bourjaily, Vance. Confessions of a Spent Youth. New York: Dial, 1960. s60 MH 747. -----. The End of My Life. New York: Scribner, 1947. MH 748. -----. The Hound of Earth. New York: Scribner, 1955. FV 749. -----, ed. Discovery No. 2. New York: Pocket Books, 1953. FV 750. -----, ed. Discovery No. 3. New York: Pocket Books, 1954. FV 751. -----, ed. Discovery No. 5. New York: Pocket Books, 1955. FV

-----, joint editor. See Discovery #1. 752. Bourke, John Gregory. An Apache Campaign in the Sierra Madre: An Account of the Expedition in Pursuit of the Hostile Chiricahua Apaches in the Spring of 1883. Introduction by J. Frank Dobie. New York: Scribner, 1958. s58 FV

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753. -----. Another copy. MH

Bourlière, François, joint author. See Aubert de la Rüe, Edgar. 754. Bourman, Anatole, in collaboration with Dorothy Lyman. The Tragedy of Nijinsky. New York: Whittlesey House, McGraw-Hill, 1936. s36 KW 755. Bowditch, Nathaniel. American Practical Navigator. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1943. FV 756. Bowen, Catherine (Drinker). The Lion and the Throne: The Life and Times of Sir Edward Coke, 1552-1634. Boston: Little, Brown, 1957. FV 757. -----. Yankee from Olympus: Justice Holmes and His Family. Boston: Little, Brown, 1944. FV 758. Bowen, Elizabeth. Look at All Those Roses: Short Stories. New York: Knopf, 1941. FV 759. -----. Selected Stories. Dublin: Fridberg, 1946. FV 760. -----. The Shelbourne Hotel. New York: Knopf, 1951. FV 760a. Bowen, Marjorie, ed. Great Tales of Horror; Being a Collection of Strange Stories of Amazement, Horror and Wonder Selected with an Introduction by Marjorie Bowen. London: Lane, 1933. b33

Bower, B.M., pseud. See Sinclair, Bertha. 761. Bowers, Claude Gernade. My Mission to Spain: Watching the Rehearsal for World War II. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1954. FV 762. -----. The Tragic Era: The Revolution after Lincoln. Cambridge, Mass.: Houghton Mifflin, 1929. kwfv FV 763. -----. Another copy? KW 764. Bowles, Paul Frederic. Let It Come Down. New York: Random House, 1952. FV 765. -----. The Sheltering Sky. New York: New Directions, 1949. FV 766. -----. The Spider's House. New York: Random House, 1955. FV 767. -----. Yallah. New York: McDowell, Obolensky, 1957. FV 768. Bowman, Peter. Beach Red: A Novel. New York: Random House, 1945. FV 769. La Boxe anglaise & française, par les champions du ring. Avec la collaboration de J. Mortane. Préface de J. Joseph-Renaud. Paris: Lafitte, 1911. kwfv FV 770. Boxing. Newark, N.J.: The Library, 1928. FV 771. Boxing News Record. New York: The Boxing News, 1952. FV 772. Boyd, Ernest Augustus. Portraits: Real and Imaginary, Being Memories and Impressions of Friends and Contemporaries with Appreciations of Diverse Singularities and Characteristics of Certain Phases of Life and

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Letters among the North Americans. KW 773. Boyd, James. Drums. New York: Scribner, 1928. s34 773a. -----. Long Hunt. New York: Scribner, 1930. kwfv FV 774. -----. Marching On. New York: Scribner, 1927. s34 775. -----, ed. The Free Company Presents: A Collection of Plays about the Meaning of America. Introduction by James Boyd. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1941. FV 776. Boyd, Thomas Alexander. Mad Anthony Wayne. New York: Scribner, 1929. kwfv FV 777. Boyes, John. The Company of Adventurers. Foreword by the Rt. Hon. Lord Cranworth, M.C. London: East Africa, 1928. kwfv FV 778. Boyle, Kay. Gentlemen, I Address You Privately. KW 779. -----. Monday Night. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1938. FV 780. -----. Short Stories. Paris: Black Sun Press, 1929. kwfv FV 781. -----. Year before Last. KW 782. Boyton, Neil. Whoopee! The Story of a Catholic Summer Camp. KW

Bozell, L. Brent, joint author. See Buckley, William Frank. 783. Brackett, Charles. American Colony. KWH 784. Bradbury, Ray. The Golden Apples of the Sun. New York: Bantam, 1954. FV 785. -----. The Martian Chronicles. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1950. FV 786. Braddon, Russell. The White Mouse. New York: Norton, 1957. FV

Braden, Thomas, joint author. See Alsop, Stewart. 787. Bradley, Hugh. Havana: Cinderella's City. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1941. FV 788. Bradna, Fred. The Big Top: My Forty Years with the Greatest Show on Earth, As Told to Hartzell Spence. Including a circus hall of fame. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1952. FV 789. Bragadin, Marc' Antonio. Che ha fatto la Marina? (1940-1945). Milan: Garzanti, 1949. FV 790. Braidwood, Robert J. Prehistoric Men. Natural History Museum, Popular Series: Anthropology, no. 37. Chicago, 1957. FV 791. Branch, Houston, and Frank Waters. Diamond Head. New York: Farrar & Straus, 1948. FV 792. -----. Another copy. FV

Brand, Christianna, pseud. See Lewis, Mary Christianna.

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Brand, Max, pseud. See Faust, Frederick.

Brandel, Marc, pseud. See Beresford, Marcus. 793. Branham, V.C., and S. Kirtash. The Encyclopedia of Criminology. New York: Philosophical Library, 1949. FV 794. Branson, Henry C. Case of the Giant Killer. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1944. FV 795. Braque, Georges, and others. Testimony against Gertrude Stein. Supplement to Transition 1934-35 (no. 23). The Hague: Service Press, 1935. KL

Brasillach, Robert, joint author. See Bardèch, Maurice. 796. Brassey's Naval Annual, 1947. Edited by H.G. Thursfield. New York: Macmillan, 1947. FV 797. *Braun et Compagnie. Musée des Thermes et de Cluny. Paris: Braun, 1920. FV 798. Bravo, Nicolás. El destino humano y las Américas: Un reportaje de actualidad. Havana, 1954. FV 799. Breasted, James Henry. The Conquest of Civilization. KW 800. Brebner, Winston. The Second Circle. New York: Viking, 1951. FV 801. Breder, Charles Marcus. Field Book of Marine Fishes of the Atlantic Coast from Labrador to Texas; Being a Short Description of Their Characteristics and Habits with Keys for Their Identification. kwfv KW 802. Breit, Harvey. The Writer Observed. Cleveland: World, 1956. FV 803. Bremer, Mary Moore. New Orleans Recipes. New Orleans: General Printing, 1932. FV 804. Brenan, Gerald. The Literature of the Spanish People from Roman Times to the Present Day. New York: Meridian, 1957. FV 805. -----. South from Granada. London: Hamilton, 1957. FV 806. Brenes, Edin. El hombre de negro: An Elementary Spanish Reader. New York: Macmillan, 1949. FV 807. Brenes de Hilarov, Fresia. Sinfonía lírica. San José, Costa Rica: Repertorio Americano, 1949. FV 808. Brennan, Dan. The Naked Night. New York: Lion Books, 1957. FV 809. -----. Never So Young Again. New York: Rinehart, 1946. FV

Brennecke, H.J., joint author. See Krancke, Theodor. 810. Brenner, Anita. Your Mexican Holiday: A Modern Guide, 1941-1942. Revised edition with complete motor maps and directory. New York: Putnam, 1941. FV 811. Breton, André. Nadja. Paris: Gallimard, 1928. FV 812. Breuer, Bessie. The Actress. New York: Harper, 1957. FV 813. -----. The Daughter. [Bound galley.] kwfv

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814. Breyer, Victor. Annuaire du ring, 1933. KWH 815. Brickell, Herschel, ed. Cuentistas norteamericanos: Poe, Washington Irving, Hawthorne, Bret Harte, O. Henry, Mark Twain, Henry James, Sherwood Anderson, Steinbeck, Hemingway, Faulkner, etc. Buenos Aires: Jackson, 1946. FV 816. -----. Another copy. FV 817. -----, ed. Prize stories of 1947. The O. Henry awards. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1947. FV 818. Brickner, Richard Max. Is Germany Incurable? Introductions by Margaret Mead and Edward A. Strecker. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1943. FV

Bridge, Ann, pseud. See O'Malley, Mary Dolling. 819. Briggs, Clare A. Oh, Man! A Bully Collection of Those Inimitable Human Cartoons. KW 820. -----. Oh Skin-nay! The Days of Real Sport. KW 821. Briggs, Ellis O. Shots Heard Round the World: An Ambassador's Hunting Adventures on 4 Continents. New York: Viking, 1957. FV 822. Bright, Robert. The Spirit of the Chase. New York: Scribner, 1956. FV 823. Brillat-Savarin, Jean Anthelme. The Physiology of Taste: Meditations on Transcendental Gastronomy. A complete translation from the French by Charles Monselet. New York: Liveright, 1948. FV 824. Brinkley, William. Quicksand. New York: New American Library, 1956. FV 825. Brinnin, John Malcolm. Dylan Thomas in America: An Intimate Journal. Boston: Little, Brown, 1955. FV 826. -----. The Third Rose: Gertrude Stein and Her World. Boston: Little, Brown, 1959. s60 FV 827. Brock, Lilyan. Queer Patterns. KW 828. Brock, Ray. Ghost on Horseback: The Incredible Atatürk. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1954. s54 FV 829. -----. Another copy. FV 830. -----. Another copy. FV 831. Brockway, Wallace, and Herbert Weinstock. Men of Music: Their Lives, Times, and Achievements. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1939. FV 832. Brody, Alter, and others, eds. War and Peace in Finland: A Documented Survey. New York: Soviet Russia Today, 1940. FV 833. Brody, Iles. Gone with the Windsors. Philadelphia: Winston, 1956. FV 834. Brøgger, A.W., and Haakon Shetelig. The Viking Ships: Their Ancestory and Evolution. Oslo: Dreyers, 1951. FV

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835. Bromfield, Louis. Early Autumn: A Story of a Lady. kwfv 836. -----. The Rains Came: A Novel of Modern India. New York: Harper, 1937. KW FV 837. Bronson, Bertrand Harris, ed. The Traditional Tunes of the Child Ballads; with Their Texts According to the Extant Records of Great Britain and American. Vol. 1. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton, 1959. FV 838. *Bronsson, Jean-Jacques. Anatole France en Patonfles. KW 839. Brontë, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. London: Dent, 1924. kwfv KW 840. Brontë, Emily. Wuthering Heights. Introduction by Rose Macaulay. London: Cape, 1935. KW FV 841. Brooke, Rupert. The Collected Poems. Introduction by George Edward Woodbury. Biographical note by Margaret Lavington. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1933. FV 842. Brooks, Alden. Will Shakespere and the Dyer's Hand. New York: Scribner, 1943. FV 843. Brooks, John Nixon. The Big Wheel. New York: Harper, 1949. FV 844. Brooks, Van Wyck. The Confident Years: 1885-1915. New York: Dutton, 1952. FV 845. -----. Days of the Phoenix: The Nineteen-twenties I Remember. New York: Dutton, 1957. FV 846. -----. The Dreams of Arcadia: American Writers and Artists in Italy, 1760-1915. New York: Dutton, 1958. s58 FV 847. -----. The Flowering of New England: 1815-1865. New York: Dutton, 1937. s37 KW FV 848. -----. New England: Indian Summer, 1865-1915. New York: Dutton, 1940. FV 849. -----. Opinions of Oliver Allston. New York: Dutton, 1941. FV 850. -----. The Times of Melville and Whitman. New York: Dutton, 1954. FV 851. -----. The World of Washington Irving. New York: Dutton, 1944. FV 852. -----. The Writer in America. New York: Dutton, 1953. FV 853. Brooks, Win. The Shining Tides: A Novel. New York: Morrow, 1952. FV 854. Brosnan, Jim. The Long Season. New York: Harper, 1960. FV 855. Brossard, Chandler. Who Walk in Darkness. New York: New Directions, 1952. FV 856. Brown, Bruce. Arkansas Tales: The Old Lady Remembers When; Old Devlin and His Wife; On Relief. KW 857. Brown, Cecil. Suez to Singapore. New York: Random House, 1942. FV

Brown, Constantine, joint author. See Pearson, Drew. 858. Brown, Dee. Trail Driving Days. New York: Scribner, 1952. FV

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-----, joint author. See Schmitt, Martin Ferdinand.

859. Brown, Harry Peter M'Nab. The Poem of Bunker Hill. New York: Scribner, 1941. FV 860. -----. A Walk in the Sun. New York: New American Library [1957]. FV 861. Brown, Horatio Robert Forbes. Dalmatia. Painted by Walter Tyndale. Described by Horatio F. Brown. KW 862. Brown, Joe David. Combat Mission. [Original title: Kings Go Forth.] New York: Pocket Books, 1957. FV 863. -----. Kings Go Forth. New York: Pocket Books, 1958. FV 864. Brown, John. Page proofs of Hemingway. Paris: Gallimard, 1961. KL 865. -----. Panorama de la littérature contemporaine aux États-Unis. Paris: Gallimard, 1954. FV 866. Brown, John Hart. Handbook of Every-day French Grammar, Essential Vocabulary, and Intermediate and Advanced Exercises. New York: Macmillan, 1938. FV

Brown, Kimbrough S., joint compiler. See Nowarra, Heinz J. 867. Brown, Lloyd Arnold. The Story of Maps. Boston: Little, Brown, 1949. FV 868. Brown, Pete. Guns and Hunting. New York: Barnes, 1955. FV 869. Brown, Rollo Walter, ed. The Writer's Art by Those Who Have Practiced It. kwfv 870. Brown, Warren. The Chicago Cubs. New York: Putnam, 1946. FV 871. Brown, Wenzell. Angry Men, Laughing Men: The Caribbean Caldron. New York: Greenberg, 1947. FV 872. -----. Hong Kong Aftermath. New York: Smith & Durrell, 1943. FV 873. Brown, Zenith [Leslie Ford]. Murder Comes to Eden. New York: Scribner, 1955. FV 874. -----. Murder in the O.P.M. New York: Scribner, 1942. FV 875. -----. Old Lover's Ghost. kwfv 876. -----. Road to Folly. New York: Scribner, 1940. FV 877. -----. Washington Whispers Murder. New York: Scribner, 1953. FV 878. Browne, Douglas Gordon, and E.V. Tullett. The Scapel of Scotland Yard: The Life of Sir Bernard Spilsbury. Foreword by W. Bentley Purchase. New York: Dutton, 1952. FV 879. Browne, Thomas Alexander [Rolf Bolderwood]. Robbery under Arms: A Story of Life and Adventure in the Bush and in the Goldfields of Australia. 2 vols. KW 880. Browning, Robert. The Complete Poetic and Dramatic Works of Robert Browning. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1895. FV

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881. -----. Complete Works of Robert Browning. 6 vols. New York: Nelson, n.d. KW FV 882. -----. The Poems and Plays of Robert Browning. KW 883. -----. [KW records "Robert Browning (6 vols.)." Perhaps item 881.] 884. Brown's Nautical Almanac (Incorporating "Pearson's Nautical Almanac"). Daily Tide Tables. Glasgow: Brown, son & Ferguson, 1938. FV 885. Brown's Nautical Almanac (Incorporating "Pearson's Nautical Almanac"). Daily Tide Tables. Glasgow: Brown, son & Ferguson, 1949. FV 886. Brown's Nautical Almanac (Incorporating "Pearson's Nautical Almanac"). Daily Tide Tables. Glasgow: Brown, son & Ferguson, 1950. FV 887. Brown's Nautical Almanac (Incorporating "Pearson's Nautical Almanac"). Daily Tide Tables. Glasgow: Brown, son & Ferguson, 1954. FV 888. *Brubacher, E.A. Songs of the Saddle and Trails into Lonesome Land. Idaho, n.d. FV 889. Bruce, Ethel Sutton and Bert O. Tennis: Fundamentals and Timing. KW 890. Bruckberger, Raymond Léopold. Mary Magdalene. Translated by H.L. Binsse. New York: Pantheon, 1953. FV 891. -----. One Sky to Share: The French and American Journals of Raymond Léopold Bruckberger. Translated by Dorothy Carr Howell. New York: Kenedy, 1952. FV 892. *-----. La revolución económica de los Estados Unidos. U.S.A., n.d. FV 893. Brueghel, Pieter, the elder. Die Gemälde Peter Brueghels des Älteren. Mit einer Einleitung von Max Dvorák. Vienna: Schroll, 1941. FV 894. -----. Pierre Bruegel le Vieux (vers 1525-1569). Par Edouard Michel. Paris: Braun, 1949. FV 895. -----. Pieter Brueghel le Vieux. Par Gustav Glück. Traduit par Jean Petithuguenin. Paris: Hypérion, 1936. FV 896. Bruette, William Arthur. American Duck, Goose, and Brant Shooting. New York: Scribner, 1934. kwfv FV 897. *Bruner, Stephen Cole. Enfermedades de la brenejena. Havana: Fernández, n.d. FV 898. -----. La hibijagua: Consideraciónes sobre su aspecto económico per Julián Acuña y Fernando de Zayas. Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba: Estación Experimental Agronómica, 1946. FV 899. Brush, Katharine. This Is on Me. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1940. FV 900. Bryan, George Sands. The Great American Myth. New York: Carrick & Evans, 1940. FV 901. Byran, Joseph. Aircraft Carrier. New York: Ballantine, 1957. FV 902. Bryant, Arthur. The Age of Elegance, 1812-1822. Harmondsworth, Middx.: Penguin, 1958. FV

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903. -----. The Turn of the Tide: A History of the War Years Based on the Diaries of Field-Marshall Lord Alanbrooke, Chief of the Imperial General Staff. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1957. FV 904. Bryant, Doris. The Care and Handling of Cats: A Manual for Modern Cat Owners. New York: Washburn, 1944. FV 905. -----. Care, Feeding and Training of Cats in the Modern Manner: A Handbook for Cat Owners. Camden, N.J.: Haddon, 1936. FV

Bryher, pseud. See Macpherson, Annie Winifrid. 906. Buber, Martin. Good and Evil, Two Interpretations: I. Right and Wrong. Translated by Ronald Gregor Smith. II. Images of Good and Evil. Translated by Michael Bullock. New York: Scribner, 1953. FV 907. Bucciantini, Pier Luigi. Vita all'aperto: Novelle di caccia e di pesca. Turin: Società Editrice Internazionale, 1953. FV 908. Buchan, John. The Blanket of the Dark. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1932. FV 909. -----. Castle Gay. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1932. FV 910. -----. The Courts of the Morning. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1929. FV 911. -----. The Dancing Floor. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1927. FV 912. -----. The Free Fishers. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1934. FV 913. -----. The Gap in the Curtain. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1932. FV 914. -----. The Half-hearted. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1922. FV 915. -----. The House of the Four Winds. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1937. FV 916. -----. Huntingtower. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1922. FV 917. -----. The Island of Sheep. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1938. FV 918. -----. John Macnab. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1927. FV 919. -----. The Long Traverse. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1941. FV 920. -----. Mr. Standfast. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1919. FV 921. -----. The Path of the King. London: Hodder & Stoughton, n.d. FV 922. -----. The Power House. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1941. FV 923. -----. Prester John. London: Nelson, 1910. FV 924. -----. The Runagates Club. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1928. KWH FV 925. -----. The Thirty-nine Steps. Edinburgh: Blackwood, 1915. FV

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926. -----. The Three Hostages. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1924. FV 927. -----. The Three Hostages. New York: Bantam, 1946. FV 928. -----. Witch Wood. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1927. FV 929. Buchan, William James de l'Aigle. Kumari. New York: Morrow, 1955. FV 930. Buchanan, Lamont. The Story of Football in Text and Pictures. New York: Stephen-Paul, 1947. FV 931. Buchwald, Art. I Chose Caviar. London: Gollancz, 1958. FV 932. -----. Paris after Dark. Paris, n.d. FV 933. Buck, Pearl S. The First Wife and Other Stories. New York: Day, 1933. ph photo KW Buck, Walter J., joint author. See Chapman, Abel. 934. Buckland, William. Geology and Mineralogy Considered with Reference to Natural Theology: The Bridgewater Treatises on the Power, Wisdom and Goodness of God As Manifested in the Creation. Treatise VI. Philadelphia: Corey, Lea & Blanchard, 1837. PC 935. Buckley, Henry W. Life and Death of the Spanish Republic. London: Hamilton, 1940. FV 936. Buckley, Peter. Bullfight. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1958. FV 937. -----. Another copy. FV 938. -----. Luis of Spain. New York: Watts, 1955. FV 939. Buckley, William Frank, and L. Brent Bozell. McCarthy and His Enemies: The Record and Its Meaning. Prologue by William Schlamm. Chicago: Regnery, 1954. FV 940. Budge, Donald. On Tennis. KW 941. Bugnet, Charles. En écoutant le maréchal Foch. KW 942. Bulfinch, Thomas. Bulfinch's Mythology: The Age of Fable; The Age of Chivalry; Legends of Charlemagne. New York: Modern Library, n.d. FV 943. *Bullfight Manual for Spectators. Mexico, 1949. FV 944. Bulliet, Clarence Joseph. Art Masterpieces in a Century of Progress, Fine Arts Exhibition at the Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago: North-Mariano, 1933. FV 945. -----. The Significant Moderns and Their Pictures. New York: Covici, Friede, 1936. s36 946. Bulpin, Thomas Victor. South Africa's Animal Kingdom. Pretoria: South African Tourist Corp., 1954. FV 947. Bungei Shunjû Shinsha. [Tennô Helka.] Tokyo, 1949. FV 948. Bunkley, Joel William. Military and Naval Recognition Book: A Handbook on the Organization, Insignia of Rank of the World's Armed Forces, Etiquette and Customs of the American Services. New York: Van Nostrand, 1941. FV

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949. Buono, Oreste del. La parte difficile. Milan: Mondadori, 1947. FV 950. Burch, John P. Charles W. Quantrell: A True History of His Guerrilla Warfare on the Missouri and Kansas Border during the Civil War of 1861-1865 As Told by Captain Harrison Trow, One Who Followed Quantrell through His Whole Career. Vega, Tex., 1925. kwfv FV 951. Burckhardt, Jakob Christoph. The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy: An Essay. Introduction by Hajo Holborn. Translated by S.G.C. Middlemore. New York: Modern Library, 1954. FV 952. Burdick, Eugene. The Ninth Wave. New York [Dell, 1957?]. FV -----, joint author. See Lederer, William J. 953. Burdsall, Richard Lloyd, and Arthur B. Emmons. Men against the Clouds: The Conquest of Minya Konka. Contributions by Terris Moore and Jack Theodore Young. New York: Harper, 1935. FV 954. Burgess, Alan. Seven Men at Daybreak. New York: Dutton, 1960. s6l MH 955. Burgum, Edwin Berry. The Novel and the World's Dilemma. New York: Oxford, 1947. FV 956. Burke, Thomas. More Limehouse Nights. New York: Burt, 1921. FV 957. Burlace, J.B., ed. Rowland Ward's Sportman's Handbook to Collecting and Preserving Trophies and Specimens. London: Ward, 1923. FV 958. Burlingame, Roger. Of Making Many Books: A Hundred Years of Reading, Writing and Publishing. New York: Scribner, 1946. FV 959. -----. Another copy. FV 960. Burman, Ben Lucien. Big River to Cross: Mississippi Life Today. New York: Day, 1940. FV 961. -----. Everywhere I Roam. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1949. FV 962. Burn, Michael. Yes, Farewell. New York: Macmillan, 1947. FV 963. Burnand, Robert ["Robert-Robert"]. Paris Restaurants. KW 964. Burnand, Tony. Bec bleu, la grise, et quelques autres. Paris: Stock, 1942. FV 965. -----. Grosse bête et petit gibier. Paris: Gallimard, 1937. FV 966. -----, and Charles C. Ritz. A la mouche: Méthods et matériel modernes pour la pêche à la mouche, de la truite, de l'ombre, du poisson blanc. La théorie solunaire de J. A. Knight. Préfaces du J. de Neuflize et de Lord Glanusk. Paris: Champs-Elysées, 1939. FV 967. -----, and Charles C. Ritz. Vade Mecum du pêcheur à la mouche: Résumé de ce qu'il faut savoir sur le matériel et la technique modernes pour pecher, à la mouche, truites, ombres et poissons blancs. Paris: Au Bord de L'eau, 1941. FV 968. Burne, Alfred Higgins. The Crecy War: A Military History of the Hundred Years War from 1337 to the Peace of Bretigny, 1360. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1955. FV

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969. -----. Lee, Grant and Sherman: A Study in Leadership in the 1864-65 Campaign. Introduction by Douglas Southall Freeman. New York: Scribner, 1939. FV 970. Burnett, Ballie Southgate. The Brain Pickers. New York: Messner, 1957. FV Burnett, R. Will, joint author. See Lehr, Paul E. 971. Burnett, Robert. The Life of Paul Gauguin. KW 972. Burnett, Whit. The Literary Life and the Hell with It. KWH 973. -----, ed. This Is My Best: Over 150 Self-chosen and Complete Masterpieces, Together with Their Reasons for Their Selections. New York: Dial, 1942. FV 974. Burnett, William Riley. Good-bye to the Past: Scenes from the Life of William Meadows. New York: Harper, 1934. ph photo KW 975. -----. Tomorrow's Another Day. n.p., n.d. FV 976. -----. Underdog. New York: Bantam, 1958. FV 977. Burney, Christopher. The Dungeon Democracy. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1946. FV 978. Burnham, David. This Our Exile. New York: Scribner, 1931. kwfv FV 979. Burnham, Frederick Russell. Scouting on Two Continents. Edited and arranged by Mary Nixon Everett. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1928. s58 MH 980. Burnham, James. The Managerial Revolution: What Is Happening in the World. New York: Day, 1941. FV 981. Burns, Eugene. The Complete Book of Fresh and Salt Water Spinning. New York: Barnes, 1955. FV 982. Burns, Walter Noble. Tombstone: An Iliad of the Southwest. Garden City, N.Y.: Grosset & Dunlap, 1929. FV 983. -----. Tombstone: An Iliad of the Southwest. New York [New American Library, 1955?]. FV 984. Burrard, Gerald. The Modern Shotgun. Vol. 1: The Gun. New York: Scribner, 1931. kwfv FV 985. -----. The Modern Shotgun. 3 vols. London: Jenkins, 1951. FV 986. Burt, Katharine. Escape from Paradise. New York: Scribner, 1952. FV 987. Burt, Maxwell Struthers. Powder River: Let 'er Buck. With an essay, "Rivers and American Folk," by Constance Lindsay Skinner. New York: Farrar, 1938. FV 988. Burton, Charles Pierce. Bob's Hill Meets the Andes: Doings of the "Band" in South America As Told in the "Minutes of the Meetin'." New York: Holt, 1928. FV 989. Burton, Elizabeth. The Pageant of Elizabethan England. New York: Scribner, 1958. FV 990. Burton, Jean. Sir Richard Burton's Wife. New York: Knopf, 1941. FV

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991. Burton, Richard Francis. First Footsteps in East Africa. KW 992. Busch, Ernst, ed. Canciones de las brigadas internacionales por encargo de las brigadas internacionales. Barcelona, 1938. kwfv FV 993. Busch, Francis Xavier. Guilty or Not Guilty? An Account of the Trials of the Leo Frank Case, the D.C. Stephenson Case, the Samuel Insull Case, the Alger Hiss Case. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1952. FV 994. -----. Prisoners at the Bar: An Account of the Trials of the William Haywood Case, the Sacco-Vanzetti Case, the Loeb-Leopold Case, the Bruno Hauptmann Case. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1952. FV 995. Busch, Wilhelm. Wilhelm Busch-album: Humoristischer hausschatz mit 1500 bildern von Wilhelm Busch. Munich: Bassermann, 1924. FV 996. Bush-Brown, Louise and James. America's Garden Book. New York: Scribner, 1946. FV 997. ----- and James. America's Garden Book. New York: Scribner, 1958. FV 998. Buss, Kate. Studies in the Chinese Drama. Boston: Four Seas, 1922. PC 999. Bustos Cerecedo, Miguel J., Alvaro González Franco and Carlos Bustos Cerecedo. Cauce: Poemas selectivos. Jalapa, Mexico: "Momento," 1934. FV 1000. Butcher, Harry Cecil. My Three Years with Eisenhower: The Personal Diary of Captain Harry C. Butcher, USNR, Naval Aide to General Eisenhower, 1942 to 1945. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1946. FV l00l. -----. Another copy. FV Butcher, R.W., joint author. See Towner Coston, Harry Ernest. 1002. Butler, Ellis Parker. Dollarature; or, The Drug-store Book. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1930. kwfv FV 1003. Butler, Frank Hedges. Wine and the Wine Land of the World, with Some Account of Places Visited. New York: Brentano's, 1926. kwfv FV 1004. Butler, Samuel. Hudibras. KW 1005. -----. Another copy. KW 1006. -----. The Way of All Flesh. Introduction by William Lyon Phelps. New York: Dutton, 1916. kwfv FV Buttle, Myra, pseud. See Purcell, Victor William Saunders. 1007. Butts, Mary. Armed with Madness. KW 1008. Buxton, Earl. Fishing and Shooting. London: Murray, 1924. kwfv FV 1009. Buxton, Edward North. Two African Trips, with Notes & Suggestions on Big Game Preservations in Africa. London: Stanford, 1902. MH 1010. Buzzacott, Francis Henry. The Complete American and Canadian Sportman's Encyclopedia of Valuable Instruction. KW 1011. Byne, Arthur, and Mildred Stapley. Spanish Interiors and Furniture. KW

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1012. Bynner, Witter. Journey with Genius: Recollections and Reflections concerning the D.H. Lawrences. New York: Day, 1951. FV 1013. Byrne, Donn. Field of Honor. New York: Century, 1929. FV 1014. -----. O'Malley of Shanganagh. New York: Century, 1925. FV 1015. Byron, George Gordon, Lord. Byron, a Self-portrait: Letters and Diaries, 1798 to 1824, with Hitherto Unpublished Letters. Edited by Peter Quennell. New York: Scribner, 1950. FV 1016. -----. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. KW -----. The Complete Poetical Works. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1905. FV 1018. -----. Don Juan: A Satiric Epic of Modern Life. New York: Heritage, 1943. FV 1019. -----. His Very Self and Voice: Collected Conversations. Edited by Ernest J. Lovell, Jr. New York: Macmillan, 1954. s54 FV 1020. -----. The Letters of George Gordon, 6th Lord Byron. Selected by R.G. Howarth with an introduction by André Maurois. London: Dent, 1933. kwfv FV 1021. -----. The Life, Letters and Journals of Lord Byron. KW 1022. -----. Poetical Works. KW 1023. Cabell, James Branch. Jurgen: A Comedy of Justice. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1927. kwfv FV 1024. -----. Something about Eve: A Comedy of Fig-leaves. New York: McBride, 1927. FV 1025. -----. Special Delivery: A Packet of Replies. KW 1026. ----- and Alfred Jackson Hanna. The St. Johns: A Parade of Diversities. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1943. FV El Caballero Audaz, pseud. See Carretero, José María. 1027. Cadby, Will and Carine. Switzerland in Winter (discursive information for visitors). KW 1028. Cadorna, Raffaele. La riscossa dal 25 luglio alla liberazione. Milan: Rizzoli, 1948. FV 1029. Cadwallader, Sylvanus. Three Years with Grant As Recalled by War Correspondent Sylvanus Cadwallader. Edited with an introduction by Benjamin P. Thomas. New York: Knopf, 1955. FV 1030. -----. Another copy. FV 1031. Caidin, Martin. Air Force: A Pictorial History of American Airpower. New York: Rinehart, 1957. FV 1032. Cain, James Mallahan. The Butterfly. New York: Knopf, 1947. FV 1033. -----. Mildred Pierce. New York: Knopf, 1941. FV 1034. -----. The Moth. New York: Knopf, 1948. FV

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1035. -----. Sinful Woman. New York: Avon, 1957. FV 1036. Caine, Louis S. Game Fish of the South and How to Catch Them. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1935. kwfv 1037. Calder-Marshall, Arthur. At Sea. KW 1038. Caldwell, Erskine. American Earth. kwfv 1039. -----. Jackpot: The Short Stories of Erskine Caldwell. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1940. FV 1040. -----. Another copy. FV 1041. -----. Tobacco Road. New York: Scribner, 1932. kwfv FV Caldwell, R.B., joint author. See Pérez, Venancio. 1042. Caldwell, Taylor [pseud.]. The Earth Is the Lord's: A Tale of the Rise of Genghis Khan. New York: Bantam, 1951. FV 1043. Calitri, Charles J. Rickey: A Novel. New York: Scribner, 1952. FV 1044. -----. Another copy. FV 1045. Calkins, Earnest Elmo. "And Hearing Not": Annals of an Adman. New York: Scribner, 1946. FV 1046. Callaghan, Morley. The Many Colored Coat. New York: Coward-McCann, 1960. FV 1047. -----. A Native Argosy. KW 1048. Callahan, Parnell Joseph Terence. How to Make a Will Simplified: Explains and Illustrates the Law of Wills in All the States of the Union. New York: Occana, 1947. FV 1049. Callwell, Charles Edward. Field-Marshal Sir Henry Wilson. 2 vols. kwfv 1050. Calmer, Edgar. Beyond the Street. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1934. kwfv FV 1051. -----. When Night Descends. KWH 1052. Calmer, Ned. All the Summer Days. Boston: Little, Brown, 1961. MH 1053. -----. The Strange Land. New York: Scribner, 1950. FV 1054. Calvert, Michael. Prisoners of Hope. Introduction by Peter Fleming. London: Cape, 1952. FV 1055. Calvino, Italo. The Baron in the Trees. Translated by Archibald Colquhoun. New York: Random House, 1959. FV 1056. -----. Another copy. FV 1057. -----. Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno. Turin: Einaudi, 1948. FV 1058. Calvo Martínez, Ricardo. Resumen taurino de 1930. Madrid: Sindicato Exportador del libro Español,

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1931. FV 1059. Cameron, Roderick William. Equator Farm. New York: Roy [1956]. FV 1059a. Caminos de hierro del norte de España. ph photo KW Camisero, pseud. See Carmona, Angel. Camoëns, Luis de. See Camões, Luiz de. 1060. Camões, Luiz de. La Lusiade. KW 1061. -----. Obras completes. KW 1062. -----. Poesías castellanas. KW 1063. Camp, Raymond Russell, ed. The Fireside Book of Fishing: A Selection from the Great Literature of Angling. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1959. s60 FV 1064. -----, ed. The Hunter's Encyclopedia. New York: Stackpole & Heck, 1948. FV 1065. Campbell, Gordon. Mes navires mystérieux. Translated from the English by André Cogniet. KW 1066. Campbell, Roy. Portugal. London: Reinhardt, 1957. FV 1067. -----. Taurine Provence. London: Harmsworth, 1932. kwfv FV 1068. -----. Another copy. kwfv 1069. Campbell, William Edward March [William March]. The Bad Seed. New York: Dell, 1955. FV 1070. -----. The Looking Glass. New York: Bantam, 1953. FV 1071. -----. Trial Balance: The Collected Stories of William March. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1945. FV 1072. Campos, Jorge. Tiempo pasado. Santander: Cantalapiedra, 1956. FV 1073. Camus, Albert. Le malentendu: Pièce en trois actes. Caligula: Pièce en quatre actes. Paris: Gallimard, 1944. FV 1074. -----. Rede anlässlich der Entgegennahme des Nobelpreises am 10. Dezember 1957 in Stockholm. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1957. FV 1075. Canadian National Exhibition. Catalogue of Paintings and Sculpture by British, Swedish and Canadian Artists and International Graphic Art. Toronto, 1923. FV 1076. *Canciones de guerra de las brigadas internacionales. 2 vols. Madrid, 1937-38. kwfv FV[first vol. only] 1077. Candel, Francisco. (Echate un pulso, Hemingway! Barcelona: Pareja y Borrás, 1959. FV 1078. Canetti, Elias. The Tower of Babel. Translated from the German under the personal supervision of the author by C.V. Wedgwood. New York: Knopf, 1947. FV 1079. Canning, Victor. Burden of Proof. New York: Sloane [1956?]. FV

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1080. Cannon, James J. Nobody Asked Me. New York: Dial, 1951. FV 1081. -----. Who Struck John? New York: Dial, 1956. FV 1082. -----. Another copy. FV 1083. The Cantos of Ezra Pound: Some Testimonies by Ernest Hemingway, Ford Madox Ford, T.S. Eliot, Hugh Walpole, Archibald MacLeish, James Joyce and others. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1933. KL 1084. Cantwell, Robert. The Land of Plenty. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1934. kwfv FV 1085. Capa, Robert. Death in the Making: Photographs by Robert Capa and Gerda Taro, Captions by Robert Capa. Translated by Jay Allen, preface by Jay Allen, arrangement by André Kertesz. New York: Covici-Friede, 1938. FV 1086. -----. Slightly Out of Focus. New York: Holt, 1947. s60 FV 1087. Capajon: Fifty-four Short Stories Published 1921-1933. London: Cape, 1933. kwfv FV 1088. Capdevila Marca, José María. La cuerda. Buenos Aires: Maricel, 1956. FV 1089. Capote, Truman. Local Color. New York: Random House, 1950. FV 1090. -----. Other Voices, Other Rooms. New York: Random House, 1948. FV 1091. Cappi Bentivegna, Ferruccia. Valentina Visconti, Duchessa d'Orléans. Milan: Treves, 1937. FV 1092. Carbonell, Reyes. Poesías en aire y tierra. Madrid: Laurel, 1951. FV 1093. Carco, Francis. Bohème d'artiste. Paris: Michel, 1940. FV 1094. -----. De Montmartre au Quartier Latin. KW 1095. -----. Depravity. Translated from the French by Lowell Beir. New York: Berkeley, 1957. FV 1096. -----. Perversité: Roman. Paris: Ferenczi, 1925. kwfv FV 1097. -----. Printemps d'Espagne. Paris: Michel, 1929. FV 1098. -----. Another copy. FV 1099. -----. Ténèbres. KW 1100. Cardozo, Harold G. The March of a Nation: My Year of Spain's Civil War. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1937. kwfv FV 1101. Carell, Paul. The Foxes of the Desert. Translated from the German by Mervyn Savill. New York: Dutton, 1961. MH 1102. Carlin, Benjamin. Half-safe: Across the Atlantic by Jeep. London: Deutsch, 1955. FV 1103. Carlisle, Donald Thompson. The Ordeal of Oliver Airedale; or, To the Dogs and Back: A Satire with Teeth in It. New York: Scribner, 1941. FV

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1104. -----. Another copy. FV 1105. Carlson, Evans Fordyce. The Chinese Army: Its Organization and Military Efficiency. New York: International Secretariat, Institute of Pacific Relations, 1940. FV Carlson, John Roy, pseud. See Derounian, Arthur. 1106. Carlyle, Thomas. The French Revolution. 2 vols. KW 1107. -----. Heroes, Hero-worship and the Heroic in History. KW 1108. Carmer, Carl Lamson. Listen for a Lonesome Drum: A York State Chronicle. [New York: Farrar & Rinehart?] 1936. s36 1109. Carmichael, Hoagy. The Stardust Road. New York: Rinehart, 1946. FV 1110. Carmona, Angel [Camisero]. Consultor indicador taurino universal. Madrid: Autor, 1949. FV 1111. -----. Consultor indicador taurino universal para profesionales y aficionados en general. Madrid: Sindicato de Publicidad, 1924. FV 1112. -----. Consultor indicator taurino universal para profesionales y aficionados en general. Prólogo de Gregorio Corrochano. Madrid: Autor, 1932. FV 1113. -----. Lexicología taurina con similiquitruqui, o anda y que te mate "El Tato." Madrid: Autor, n.d. FV 1114. Carnegie, Dale. How to Win Friends and Influence People. New York: Pocket Books, 1948. FV 1115. Carnes, Cecil and Fred. You Must Go to Mexico: Down the Pan American Highway. Chicago: Ziff-Davis, 1947. FV 1116. Carpenter, Margaret. Experiment Perilous. Boston: Little, Brown, 1943. FV 1117. Carpentier, Alejo. The Kingdom of This World. Translated from the Spanish by Harriet de Onis. New York: Knopf, 1957. FV 1118. Carpentier, Georges. Mon Match avec la vie. Paris: Flammarion, 1954. FV 1119. Carr, Edward Hallett. Conditions of Peace. New York: Macmillan, 1942. FV 1120. Carr, John Dickson [Carter Dickson]. The Bowstring Murders. kwfv 1121. Carr, John Dickson. The Case of the Constant Suicides. New York: Harper, 1941. FV 1122. -----. The Crooked Hinge. KW 1123. -----. [Carter Dickson]. Red Window Murders. New York: Pocket Books, 1941. FV 1124. -----. [Carter Dickson]. Seeing Is Believing. New York: Morrow, 1941. FV 1125. Carr, Katie M. Spirit-world Teaching: Shirley Carson Jenney, Clairaudient Psychic. London: Stockwell, 1939. FV

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1126. *Carr, Peter. Messages. U.S.A., 1957. FV 1127. Carr, Philip. The English Are Like That. New York: Scribner, 1941. FV 1128. Carralero, José, and Gonzalo Borge. Toros célebres. Santona: Meléndez, 1930. FV 1129. Carrera Andrade, Jorge. Secret Country: Poems. Translated by Muna Lee. Introduction by John Peale Bishop. New York: Macmillan, 1946. FV 1130. Carreras y Candi, Francesco, ed. Folklore y costumbres de España. 3 vols. Barcelona: Martín, 1931-34. FV 1131. Carrère, Louis. Mouche noyée: Pêche sportive de la truite dans les rivières et les torrents. Préface de Tony Burnand. Toulouse: Boisseau, 1942. FV 1132. -----. Technique du lancer léger. Préface de S. Massé. Toulouse: Boisseau, 1942. FV 1133. Carretero, José María [El Caballero Audaz] and Juan Farragut. Granero, el ídolo: Vida, amores y muerte del gladiador. Madrid: G. Hernández y Galo Sáez, 1922. FV 1134. Carrier, Constance. The Middle Voice: Poems. Denver: Swallow, 1955. FV 1135. Carrier, Warren Pendleton. The Hunt. Norfolk, Conn.: New Directions, n.d. FV 1136. Carrieri, Raffaele. Souvenir caporal. Verona: Mondadori, 1946. FV 1137. Carrighar, Sally. One Day at Teton Marsh. New York: Knopf, 1947. FV 1138. -----. One Day at Teton Marsh. New York: Knopf, 1958. MH 1139. Carrington, Charles Edmund. The Life of Rudyard Kipling. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1955. FV 1140. -----. Another copy. FV 1141. Carroll, Gordon, ed. History in the Writing, by the Foreign Correspondents of Time, Life & Fortune. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1945. FV 1142. -----. Another copy. FV 1143. Carroll, John Alexander, and Mary Wells Ashworth. First in Peace. (Vol. 7, completing George Washington: A Biography by Douglas Southhall Freeman.) New York: Scribner, 1957. FV Carroll, Lewis, pseud. See Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge. 1144. Carruth, Hayden. Track's End, Being the Narratives of Judson Pitcher's Strange Winter Spent There As Told by Himself and Edited by Hayden Carruth. New York: Harper, 1911. PC 1145. Carse, Robert. The Beckoning Waters. New York: Scribner, 1953. FV 1146. -----. The Fabulous Buccaneer. New York: Dell, 1957. FV 1147. -----. Great Circle. New York: Scribner, 1956. FV Carson, Bart. Cuban Heel. London Panther, 1953. FV

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1149. Carson, Rachel Louise. The Sea around Us. New York: Oxford, 1951. FV 1150. -----. Under the Sea-wind: A Naturalist's Picture of Ocean Life. New York: Oxford, 1952. FV 1151. Carson, Robert. Love Affair. New York: Holt, 1958. s58 FV 1152. -----. The Magic Lantern. New York: Holt, 1952. FV 1153. Carstairs, Carroll. A Generation Missing. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1930. PC 1154. Carswell., Catherine. The Savage Pilgrimage: A Narrative of D.H. Lawrence. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1932. kwfv FV 1155. Carter, Ernestine, ed. Bloody but Unbowed: Pictures of Britain Under Fire. Preface by Edward R. Murrow. New York: Scribner, 1941. FV 1156. Carter, John, and Graham Pollard. An Enquiry into the Nature of Certain Nineteenth Century Pamphlets. London: Constable, 1934. kwfv FV 1157. Carter, Thomas Donald. Mammals of North America: A Guide to the North American Mammal Hall. New York: American Museum of Natural History, 1951. FV 1158. -----. Another copy. FV -----, joint author. See Mochi, Ugo. 1159. Carthy, J.D. Animal Navigation: How Animals Find Their Way About. New York: Scribner, 1956. FV 1160. *Cartwright, A.P. The Fairest Cape. Pretoria, n.d. FV Cartwright, Bertram William, joint author. See Shortt, Angus Henry. 1161. Caruso, Dorothy Park. Enrico Caruso: His Life and Death. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1945. FV 1162. Cary, Joyce. The African Witch. New York: Morrow, 1936. s37 1163. -----. The African Witch. London: Joseph, 1950. FV 1164. -----. Aissa Saved. New prefatory essay by the author. London: Joseph, 1952. FV 1165. -----. An American visitor. New prefatory essay by the author. London: Joseph, 1952. FV 1166. -----. Castle Corner. New prefatory essay by the author. London: Joseph, 1952. FV 1167. -----. A Fearful Joy: A Novel. New York: Harper, 1949. FV 1168. -----. Herself Surprised: A Novel. New York: Harper, 1941. FV 1169. -----. The Horse's Mouth: A Novel. New York: Harper, 1944. FV 1170. -----. Mister Johnson: A Novel. New York: Harper, n.d. FV 1171. -----. The Moonlight: A Novel. New York: Harper, 1946. FV

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1172. -----. Another copy. FV 1173. -----. Not Honour More: A Novel. New York: Harper, 1955. FV 1174. -----. To Be a Pilgrim: A Novel. New York: Harper, 1942. FV 1175. *Casciano, Rocca. Caccie e viaggi del conte Giovanni Macchetti dall'Africa al Camciatca. n.p., n.d. FV 1176. Casey, Lee Taylor, ed. Denver Murders. By William E. Barrett and others. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1946. FV 1177. Casey, Robert Joseph. Battle Below: The War of the Submarines. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1945. FV 1178. -----. Another copy. FV 1179. -----. Another copy. FV Cassius, pseud. See Foot, Michael. 1180. Casson, Lionel. The Ancient Mariners: Seafarers and Sea Fighters of the Mediterranean in Ancient Times. New York: Macmillan, 1959. s59 FV 1181. Casson, Stanley. Progress and Catastrophe: An Anatomy of Human Adventure. New York: Harper, 1937. s37 KW 1182. Castaréde, J. A Complete Treatise on the Conjugation of French Verbs. New York: Stechert, 1924. PC 1183. -----. A Complete Treatise on the Conjugation of French Verbs, Comprising the Auxiliary Verbs and Numerous Notes and Remarks Founded upon the Best Authorities. London: Hachette, 1938. FV 1184. Castelbarco, Emanuele di. Il viandante eterno: Versi. Milan: Bertieri e Vanzetti, 1921. FV 1185. Castellet, José María. La evolución espiritual de Ernest Hemingway. Madrid: Tauris, 1958. FV Casteyre, J.C. , joint author. See Lerda, Louis. 1186. Castilla, Gonzalo. El mundo de hoy. Madrid: Duke, 1956. FV 1187. Castillo Navarro, José Maria. Con la lengua fuera. Barcelona: Caralt, 1957. FV 1188. Castillo Puche, José Luis. Sin camino: Novela. Buenos Aires: Emecé, 1956. FV 1189. -----. El vengador: Novela. Barcelona: Planeta, 1956. FV 1190. Castro, Josue. The Geography of Hunger. Foreword by Lord Boyd-Orr. Boston: Little, Brown, 1952. FV 1191. Castro, Manuel. Oficio de vivir: Buenas y malandanzas de Gabriel. Montevideo: Banda Oriental, 1958. FV 1192. Casuso, Teresa [Teté Casuso]. Panorama de México. Prólogo de J. Rubén Romero. Havana: La Verónica, n.d. FV 1193. Caswell, John. Sporting Rifles and Rifle Shooting. New York: Appleton, 1920. kwfv FV

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1194. Catálogo sistemático [della] raccolta zoologica pula dolfin boldu di Venezia. Diviso per regioni: Regioni polari, Europa, Asía, Africa, América. Treviso: Turazza, 1935. FV Cate, James Lea, joint editor. See Craven, Wesley Frank. 1195. Cather, Willa. A Lost Lady. New York: Knopf, 1936. s37 1196. -----. Shadows on the Rock. KW 1197. Catholic Anthology, 1914-1915. kwfv 1198. Catton, Bruce. A Stillness at Appomattox. New York: Pocket Books, 1958. FV 1199. -----. The War Lords of Washington. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1948. FV 1200. Caulaincourt, Armand Augustin Louis, marquis de. With Napoleon in Russia: The Memoirs of General de Caulaincourt, Duke of Vicenza; from the Original Memoirs As Edited by Jean Hanoteau. Abridged, edited, and with an introduction by George Libaire. New York: Morrow, 1935. s36 1201. Caulfeild, Vivian. How to Ski and How Not To. London: Nisbet, 1924. kwfv FV Caumery, Leon, pseud. See Languereau, Maurice. 1202. Cavelier, Germán. La vida y todo lo demás. Bogota: Litografia Colombia, 1948. FV 1203. Cecchi, Emilio. Scrittori inglesi e americani. Milan: Mondadori, 1947. FV 1204. -----. Scrittori inglesi e americani. 2 vols. Milan: Mondadori, 1954. FV Cecil, pseud. See Tongue, Cornelius. 1205. Cecil, David. Melbourne. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1954. s54 FV 1206. -----. The Young Melbourne and the Story of His Marriage with Caroline Lamb. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1939. FV 1207. Cela, Camilo José. Las botas de siete leguas: Viaje a la Alcarria con los versos de su cancionero, cada uno en su debido lugar. Barcelona: Destino, 1954. FV 1208. -----. La colmena. Barcelona: Noguer, 1955. FV 1209. -----. Another copy. FV 1210. -----. La familia de Pascual Duarte. Barcelona: Destino, 1955. FV 1211. -----. El gallego y su cuadrilla y otros apuntes carpeto-vetónicos. Nueva ed. corr. y aumentada. Barcelona: Destino, 1955. FV 1212. -----. Historias de España: Los ciegos, los tontas. Madrid: Ari6n, 1957. FV 1213. -----. Historias de Venezuela: La catira. Barcelona: Noguer, 1955. FV 1214. -----. Judíos, moros y cristianos: Notas de un vagabundaje por Avila, Segovia y sus tierras. Barcelona: Destino, 1956. FV

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1215. -----. Mrs. Cadwell habla con su hijo. Barcelona: Destino, 1953. FV 1216. Celebrazione per il centenario della morte: Gaetano Donizetti, 1948. Bergamo, 1948. FV Céline, Louis Ferdinand, pseud. See Destouches, Louis Ferdinand. 1217. Cellini, Benvenuto. The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini. New York: Bantam, 1956. FV 1218. -----. The Memoirs of Benvenuto Cellini. KW 1219. Cendrars, Blaise. Moravagine: Roman. kwfv 1220. -----. Le plan de I'aiguille. Paris: Au Sans Pareil, 1927. FV Ceram, C.W., pseud. See Marek, Kurt W. 1221. Cervantes, Miguel de. Don Quixote of la Mancha. Translated with introduction and notes by John Ormsby. New York: Grosset & Dunlap [1936?]. KW FV 1222. -----. The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote de la Mancha. A new translation from the Spanish with a critical text based upon the first editions of 1605 and 1615 and with variant readings, variorum notes and an introduction by Samuel Putnam. 2 vols. New York: Viking, 1949. FV 1223. -----. Another copy? KW 1224. Céspedes, Alba de. Nessuno torna indietro: Romanzo. Milan: Mondadori, 1952. FV 1225. Chadourne, Marc. Chine. KW 1226. -----. Vasco. Paris: Plon, 1927. KW FV 1227. Chakhotin, Sergei. Rape of the Masses: The Psychology of Totalitarian Political Propaganda. Translated by E.W. Dickes. New York: Alliance, 1940. FV 1228. Chalmers, Patrick Reginald. The Angler's England. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1938. FV 1229. Chalmers, Thomas Wightman. Historic Researches: Chapters in the History of Physical and Chemical Discovery. New York: Scribner, 1952. FV 1230. *Chamales, Tom T. Never So Few. New York: Scribner, 1917. FV 1231. Chamberlain, Samuel. Bouquet de France: An Epicurean Tour of the French Provinces. Recipes translated from the French and adapted by Narcissa Chamberlain. New York: Gourmet, 1952. FV 1232. -----. [Phineas Beck]. C1émentine in the Kitchen. New York: Hastings, 1946. FV 1233. Chambers, Elwyn Whitman. You Can't Get Away by Running. New York: Sun Dial, 1940. FV 1234. Chambers, Wittaker. Witness. New York: Random House, 1952. FV 1235. Chambrun, Charles Adolphe de Pineton. Impressions of Lincoln and the Civil War: A Foreigner's Account. Translated from the French by Aldebert de Chambrun. New York: Random House, 1952. FV

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1236. Champigneulle, Bernard, et autres. Destinée de Paris. Paris: Chêne, 1943. FV 1237. Champion, Frederick Walter. The Jungle in Sunlight and Shadow. New York: Scribner, 1934. FV 1238. Champsaur, Félicien. Nora: La guenon devenue femme. KW 1239. Chan, Sou. The House of Chan Cookbook. New York: Doubleday, 1952. FV 1240. Chandler, Raymond. Finger Man and Other Stories. New York: Avon, 1946. FV 1241. -----. The High Window. New York: Knopf, 1942. FV 1242. -----. The Long Good-bye. London: Hamilton, 1953. FV 1243. -----. The Raymond Chandler Omnibus. London: Hamilton, 1953. FV 1244. -----. The Simple Art of Murder. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1950. FV 1245. Chang, Eileen. The Rice-sprout Song. New York: Scribner, 1955. FV 1246. Chang, Hsin-Lai. The Fabulous Concubine. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1956. FV 1247. Chanson, André. The Road. Translated by Van Wyck Brooks. Foreword by Ernest Boyd. KWH 1248. Chao, Pu-wei (Yang). How to Cook and Eat in Chinese. New York: Day, 1945. FV Chapin, Henry, joint author. See Smith, Frederick G.W. 1249. Chapin, James Paul. The Preparation of Birds for Study: Instructions for the Proper Preparation of Bird Skins and Skeletons for Study and Future Mounting. New York: American Museum of Natural History, 1957. FV 1250. Chaplin, Ralph. Wobbly: The Rough-and-tumble Story of an American Radical. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1948. FV 1251. Chapman, Abel. Savage Sudan; Its Wild Tribes, Big-game and Bird-life. London: Gurney & Jackson, 1921. MH 1252. -----, and Walter J. Buck. Wild Spain: Records of Sport with Rifle, Rod and Gun; Natural History and Exploration. London: Gurney & Jackson, 1893. FV 1253. Chapman, Edward Arnold. The Eddie Chapman Story. As told to Frank Owen. New York: Messner, 1954. s54 FV 1254. Chapman, Frank Michler. Handbook of Birds of Eastern North America. New York: Appleton, 1928. kwfv FV 1255. Chapman, Frederick Spencer. The Jungle Is Neutral. New York: Norton, 1949. FV 1256. Chapman, Guy. Beckford. New York: Scribner, 1937. s37 KWH 1257. Chapman, John Jay. Selected Writings. Edited with an introduction by Jacques Barzun. New York: Farrar, Straus & Cudahy, 1957. FV 1258. Chapman, Wilbert McLeod. Fishing in Troubled Waters. New York: Lippincott, 1949. s49 FV

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1259. Charbonneau, Robert. La France et nous: Journal d'une querelle. Réponses à Jean Cassou, René Garneau, Louis Aragon, Stanislas Fumet, André Billy, Jérôme et Jean Tharaud, François Mauriac et autres. Montreal: L'Arbre, 1947. FV 1260. Charlwood, D.E. No Moon Tonight. London: Angus & Robertson, 1956. FV 1261. Chase, Allan. Falange: The Axis Secret Army in the Americas. New York: Putnam, 1942. FV 1262. -----. Falange: The Axis Secret Army in the Americas. New York: Putnam, 1943. FV 1263. Chase, Ilka. I Love Miss Tilli Bean. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1946. FV 1264. -----. In Bed We Cry. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1943. FV 1265. *La chasse sous-marine. Paris, n.d. FV Chatrian, Alexandre, joint author. See Erckmann, Emile. 1266. Chatterton, Edward Keble. Les bateaux-pièges (Q-ships) contre les sous-marins allemands. Translated from the English by André Cogniet. KW 1267. Chaves Nogales, Manuel. Juan Belmonte, matador de toros: Su vida y sus hazañas. Madrid: Estampa, 1935. FV 1268. Cheever, John. The Wapshot Chronicle. New York: Harper, 1957. FV 1269. -----. The Way Some People Live: A Book of Stories. New York: Random House, 1943. FV 1270. Chekhov, Anton. The Cook's Wedding, and Other Stories. Translated from the Russian by Constance Garnett. London: Chatto & Windus, 1922. FV 1271. -----. The Duel, and Other Stories. Translated from the Russian by Constance Garnett. London: Chatto & Windus, 1922. FV 1272. -----. The Party, and Other Stories. Translated from the Russian by Constance Garnett. London: Chatto & Windus, 1925. FV 1273. -----. The Schoolmaster, and Other Stories. Translated from the Russian by Constance Garnett. London: Chatto & Windus, 1921. kwfv FV 1274. -----. The Wife, and Other Stories. Translated from the Russian by Constance Garnett. London: Chatto & Windus, 1921. kwfv FV 1275. Chenevard, W. Culture maraîchère et de primeurs du sud-est, du midi et de l'Afrique du nord. KW 1276. Cheney, Sheldon. The Story of Modern Art. New York: Viking, 1941. FV 1277. -----. Another copy. FV 1278. Chérel, Albert. French without Toil. Paris: Assimil, 1940. FV 1279. Cherry-Garrard, Apsley George Benet. The Worst Journey in the World: Antarctic, 1910-1913. KWH

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1280. Chesal, René. La course cycliste. Paris: Susse, 1944. FV 1281. -----. Cycliste 100%: Avis, conseils, principes, formules pour le meilleure utilisation sportive touristique ou utilitaire de la bicyclette, mouvements appropriés de culture physique. Paris: Susse, 1944. FV 1282. Cheshire, Gifford Paul [Chad Merriman]. Blood on the Sun. New York: Fawcett, 1952. FV 1283. Chessman, Caryl. Cell 2455, Death Row. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1954. FV 1284. Chesterton, G.K. The Ballad of the White Horse. KW 1285. -----. The Incredulity of Father Brown. KW 1286. Chiang Kai-shek. Soviet Russia in China: A Summing-up at Seventy. New York: Farrar, Straus & Cudahy, 1957. FV 1287. Chiang Mei-ling Sung (Mme. Chiang Kai-shek). China Shall Rise Again. Including ten official statements of China's present progress. New York: Harper, 1941. FV 1288. Chicago-American National Almanac and Year Book for 1937. Chicago: National Survey and Sales Corp., 1937. FV 1289. Childers, Erskine. The Riddle of the Sands: A Record of the Secret Service. Boston: Lauriat, 1935. KL 1290. Childs, Herbert. El Jimmy: Outlaw of Patagonia. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1936. s36 kwfv FV 1291. Childs, Marquis William. I Write from Washington. New York: Harper, 1942. FV 1292. -----. This Is Democracy: Collective Bargaining in Scandinavia. New Haven: Yale, 1938. FV 1293. -----. Another copy. FV 1294. Chitambar, Jashwant Rao. Mahatma Gandhi: His Life, Work and Influence. KW 1295. Christie, Agatha. The ABC Murders. kwfv 1296. -----. The Mysterious Affair at Styles. New York: Avon, 1951. FV 1297. Christina [pseud.]. Song Consum'mate. Paradise, Pa., 1950. FV 1298. Chronicles of the Crusades, Being Contemporary Narratives of the Crusade of Richard Coeur de Lion, by Richard of Devizes and Geoffrey de Vinsauf; and of the Crusade of St. Louis, by Lord John de Joinville. London: Bohn, 1848. kwfv FV 1299. Churchill, Winston. Coniston. New York: Macmillan, 1907. FV 1300. -----. The Crossing. New York: Macmillan, 1904. kwfv FV 1301. -----. The Crossing. London: Macmillan, 1910. FV 1302. -----. Richard Carvel. kwfv 1303. Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer. The Aftermath. New York: Scribner, 1929. kwfv FV

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1304. -----. La crisi mondiale. KW 1305. -----. The Gathering Storm. n.p., n.d. FV 1306. -----. Into Battle: Speeches. Compiled by Randolph S. Churchill. London: Cassell, 1941. FV 1307. -----. A Roving Commission: My Early Life. KW 1308. -----. Their Finest Hour. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1949. s49 1309. -----. The Unknown War: The Eastern Front. New York: Scribner, 1931. kwfv FV 1310. Chute, Marchette Gaylord. Shakespeare of London. New York: Dutton, 1955. FV 1311. El Cid Campeador. Poema del Cid. KW 1312. Ciria y Nasarre, Higinio. Los toros de Bonaparte. Madrid: Ducazcal, 1903. kwfv FV 1313. Cirici Pellicer, Alejandro. Miró y la imaginación. Barcelona: Omega, 1949. FV 1314. Claflin, Bert. Muskie Fishing. New York: Knopf, 1948. FV 1315. Claretie, Jules. Histoire de la révolution de 1870-71. Paris: n.d. KW FV 1316. El Clarin: Semanario taurino--defensor de la verdad. (Valencia), March 26, 1932. PC 1317. Clark, Barrett Harper, and Maxim Lieber, eds. Great Short Stories of the World: A Collection of Complete Short Stories Chosen from the Literatures of All Periods and Countries. London: Heinemann, 1927. FV 1318. Clark, Delbert. Again the Goose Step: The Lost Fruits of Victory. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1949. FV Clark, Helen B., joint author. See Pope, Jennie Barnes. 1319. Clark, James Anthony, and Michael T. Halbouty. Spindletop. New York: Random House, 1952. FV 1320. Clark, John Bigelow. Port of Call. New York: Privately printed by Blackstone Canfora Press, 1939. FV 1321. Clark, Leonard Francis. The Rivers Ran East. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1953. FV 1322. Clark, Marguerite. Medicine on the March: A Progress Report. New York: Published for Newsweek by Funk & Wagnalls, 1949. s49 FV 1323. Clark, Mark Wayne. Calculated Risk. New York: Harper, 1950. FV 1324. Clark, Sydney Aylmer. All the Best in England. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1948. FV 1325. -----. All the Best in France. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1947. FV 1326. -----. All the Best in the Caribbean, Including the Bahamas and Bermuda. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1959. s60 FV 1327. -----. Cuban Tapestry. New York: McBride, 1936. MH 1328. The West Coast of South America with Sydney A. Clark: How to Get the Most out of Your Trip to

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Colombia, Panama, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1941. FV 1329. Clark, Walter Van Tilburg. The City of Trembling Leaves. New York: Random House, 1945. FV 1330. -----. The Ox-bow incident. New York: Random House, 1940. FV 1331. -----. The Track of the Cat. New York: Random House, 1949. s49 FV 1332. Clarke, Arthur C. The Coast of Coral. New York: Harper, 1956. FV 1333. Clason, Jerry. Love Lyrics. KWH 1334. Clausewitz, Karl von. On War. Translated by J.J. Graham, with introduction and notes by F.N. Mande. 3 vols. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner, 1918. kwfv FV 1335. Clavo, Maximiliano. Charlas taurinas. Madrid: Fernández Fé, 1924. FV Claymore, Tod, pseud. See Clevely, Hugh. 1336. Cleary, Jon. The Sundowners. New York: Scribner, 1952. FV 1337. Cleaton, Irene and Allen. Books & Battles: American Literature, 1920-1930. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1937. s37 KWH 1338. Cleaveland, Agnes Morley. No Life for a Lady. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1941. s49 FV 1339. Clemenceau, Georges Eugène Benjamin. Le silence de M. Clemenceau. Paris: Michel, 1930. FV 1340. Clemens, Samuel Langhorne [Mark Twain]. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Tom Sawyer's Comrade. London: Chatto & Windus, 1923. FV 1341. -----. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. KW 1342. -----. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. KW 1343. -----. The Autobiography of Mark Twain, including Chapters Now Published for the First Time. Edited by Charles Neider. New York: Harper, 1959. FV 1344. -----. The Complete Works of Mark Twain. 24 vols. New York: Harper, 1922-23. s49 FV 1345. -----. Mark Twain in Eruption: Hitherto Unpublished Pages about Men and Events. Edited and with an introduction by Bernard De Voto. New York: Harper, 1940. FV 1346. Clemons, Walter. The Poison Tree, and Other Stories. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1959. FV 1347. Clendening, Logan. The Care and Feeding of Adults with Doubts about Children. New York: Knopf, 1931. kwfv FV 1348. Clevely, Hugh [Tod Claymore]. Flare Path. New York: Morrow, 1942. FV 1349. Clifford Barney, N. Aventures de 1'esprit. Paris: Emile-Paul, 1929. FV 1350. Clifford, Henry. Henry Clifford, V.C., His Letters and Sketches from the Crimea. Introduction by Sir Bernard Paget. London: Joseph, 1956. FV

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1351. Clift, Charmian, and George Johnston. High Valley. New York: Pocket Books, 1951. FV Clinton, Althea L., pseud. See Taylor, Alta Lucretia. 1352. Clinton, Daniel Joseph [Thomas Rourke]. Haven for the Gallant. New York: Knopf, 1936. kwfv FV 1353. -----. Stallion from the North. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1932. KWH 1354. Clipper Guide to Cuba. Havana: Clipper, 1947. FV 1355. Cloete, Stuart. The African Giant: The Story of a Journey. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1955. FV 1356. -----. Against These Three: A Biography of Paul Kruger, Cecil Rhodes, and Lobengula, Last King of the Matabele. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1945. FV 1357. -----. Congo Song. Derby, Conn.: Monarch Books, 1958. FV 1358. -----. The Mask. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1957. FV 1359. Clostermann, Pierre. The Big Show: Some Experiences of a French Fighter Pilot in the R.A.F. Translated by Oliver Berthoud, with a foreword by Sir John Slessor. New York [Random House?], 1951. FV 1360. Club des Auberges de France. Les reportages du Club des sans-club sur ses étapes. Paris, 1946. FV 136l. Clum, Woodworth. Apache Agent: The Story of John P. Clum. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1936. s36 KWH 1362. Coates, Henry Troth. A Short History of the American Trotting and Pacing Horse. KW 1363. Coates, John. Faithful in My Fashion: A Novel. New York: Macmillan, 1953. FV 1364. Coates, Robert Myron. The Farther Shore. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1955. FV 1365. -----. Wisteria Cottage. New York: Dell, 1948. FV 1366. -----. Yesterday's Burdens. New York: Macaulay, 1933. KWH Cobb, John, pseud. See Cooper, John Cobb. 1367. Cochet, Henri. Sports, été. Paris: Corrêa, 1941. FV 1368. Cockburn, Claud. A Discord of Trumpets: An Autobiography. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1956. FV 1369. Cocteau, Jean. Les enfants terribles. kwfv 1370. -----. The Journals of Jean Cocteau. Edited and translated with an introduction by Wallace Fowlie. New York: Criterion, 1956. FV 137l. -----. Le Potomak, 1913-1914, précédé d'un Prospectus, 1916 et suivi des Eugènes de la guerre, 1915. KW 1372. -----. Thomas l'imposteur. Paris: Gallimard, 1923. kwfv KL

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1373. -----. Thomas l'imposteur: Histoire. Paris: Nouvelle Revue Française, 1923. FV 1374. Codman, Charles R. Contact. Boston: Little, Brown, 1937. s37 1375. -----. Drive. Boston: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1955. FV Cody, Al, pseud. See Joscelyn, Archie. 1376. Coffin, George Sturgis. Fortune Poker: A World-wide Roundup of the Traditional American Game. Complete with new laws according to Hoyle. With a foreword by Ely Culbertson. Philadelphia: McKay, 1949. FV 1377. Coffin, Howard Macy. Malta Story, Based on the Diary and Experiences of Flying Officer Howard M. Coffin, RAF, by W.L. River. New York: Dutton, 1943. FV 1378. Coffin, Tristram. Missouri Compromise. Boston: Little, Brown, 1947. FV 1379. Cohen, Joseph. "Wouk's Morningstar and Hemingway's Sun." [Article from] South Atlantic Quarterly, LVIII (Spring 1959), 213-224. FV 1380. Cohn, Art. The Joker Is Wild: The Story of Joe E. Lewis. New York: Random House, 1955. FV 1381. Cohn, David Lewis. Love in America: An Informal Study of Manners and Morals in American Marriage. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1943. FV 1382. -----. Where I Was Born and Raised. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1948. FV 1383. Cohn, Louis Henry. A Bibliography of the Works of Ernest Hemingway. New York: Random House, 1931. kwfv FV 1384. -----. Another copy. FV 1385. Colbert, Edwin Harris. The Origin of Science. New York: American Museum of Natural History, 1953. FV Colby, Lester Byron, joint editor. See Wakefield, Paul I,. 1386. Colby, Robert. The Captain Must Die. Greenwich, Conn.: Gold Medal, 1959. FV 1387. Colcord, Joanna Carver. Sea Language Comes Ashore. New York: Cornell Maritime, 1945. FV 1388. Cole, George Douglas Howard. Practical Economics; or, Studies in Economic Planning. KW 1389. ----- and Margaret Isabel. The Brothers Sackville. New York: Macmillan, 1937. s37 KW 1390. Cole, Sonia Mary. The Prehistory of East Africa. Harmondsworth, Middx.: Penguin, 1954. FV 1391. Coleman, Harry J. Give Us a Little Smile, Baby. New York: Dutton, 1943. FV Coleman, Lonnie, pseud. See Coleman, William Lawrence. 1392. Coleman, William Lawrence [Lonnie Coleman]. Clara. New York: Dutton, 1952. FV 1393. -----. Ship's Company. Boston: Little, Brown, 1955. FV

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1394. Coles, Kaines Adlard. Sailing and Cruising. New York: Scribner, 1937. FV 1395. Coles, Manning [pseud.]. Drink to Yesterday. New York: Literary Guide of America, 1941. FV 1396. -----. A Toast to Tomorrow. New York: Literary Guild of America, 1941. FV 1397. Colette, Sidonie Gabrielle. Colette par elle-même. Présentation de Germaine Beaumont, textes choisis et assemblés par André Parinaud. Paris: Seuil, 1951. FV 1398. -----. L'envers de music-hall. ph photo KW 1399. -----. Quatre saisons. kwfv 1400. -----. 7 by Colette. New York: Farrar, Straus & Cudahy, 1955. FV 1401. Coletti, Luigi. Il Tintoretto. Bergamo: Instituto Italiano d'Arti Grafiche, 1944. FV Collans, Dev, pseud. See Winchell, Prentice. 1402. Collier, John. The Indians of the Americas. New York: Norton, 1947. FV 1403. -----. The Indians of the Americas: The Long Hope. New York: New American Library, 1947. FV 1404. Collier's (periodical). Collier's Collects Its Wits: The Cream of a Two-year Crop of Comic Drawings. Edited by Gurney Williams. New York: McBride, 1944. FV 1405. Collins, Frederick Lewis. The FBI in Peace and War. Introduction by J. Edgar Hoover. New York: Putnam, 1943. FV 1406. Collins, Henry Hill. Complete Field Guide to American Wildlife: East, Central, and North. New York: Harper, 1959. s60 FV 1407. Collins, Mary. Only the Good. New York: Scribner, 1942. FV 1408. Collins, Ted, ed. New York Murders. By Angelica Gibbs and others. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1944. FV 1409. Collins, Wilkie. Jezebel's Daughter. KW 1410. -----. The Moonstone. London: Cape, 1933. FV 1411. Collins' Pocket Interpreters: Italy. London: Collins, n.d. FV 1412. -----. Another copy. FV 1413. Collis, Maurice. Siamese White. London: Albatross, 1947. FV 1414. Collis, William Robert Fitz-Gerald. African Encounter: A Doctor in Nigeria. New York: Scribner, 1960. MH Collodi, Carlo, pseud. See Lorenzini, Carlo. 1415. Colombia. Un propósito nacional: Desarollo económico y bienstar social; plataforma económica del frente nacional. [Bogota: Impr. Nacional, 1960?] FV

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1416. Colombo, Cristoforo. Diario de navegación. Buenos Aires: Tor, 1940. FV 1417. Colony, Horatio. Free Forester: A Novel of Pioneer Kentucky. Boston: Little, Brown, 1935. kwfv FV 1418. Colter, Eli. The Outcast of Lazy S. Kingston: Handi Book, 1949. FV 1419. Colum, Mary. From These Roots: The Ideas That Have Made Modern Literature. New York: Columbia, 1944. FV Columbus, Christopher. See Colombo, Cristoforo. 1420. Colvill, Helen Hester. In the Footsteps of a Saint and other Sketches from Spain. London: Burns, Otis & Washburn, 1932. MH 1421. Commins, Saxe, and R.N. Linscott, eds. World's Great Thinkers. Vol. 1: Man and Spirit: The Speculative Philosophers. New York: Pocket Library [1954]. FV 1422. Communist Party. History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks); Short Course. Edited by a commission of the Central Committee of the C.P.S.U.(B.) New York: International, 1939. FV 1423. Compagnoni, Gaetano. Sciopero a villa rosa. Milan: La Lanterna, 1948. FV Conde de las Navas, pseud. See López-Valdemoro y de Quesada, Juan Gualberto. 1424 Condon, Eddie. We Called It Music: A Generation of Jazz. Narration by Thomas Sugrue. New York: Holt, 1947. FV 1425. Condon, Richard. The Oldest Confession. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1958. FV 1426. Confucius. The Wisdom of Confucius. KW 1427. Congreve, William. Complete Plays. Edited by Alexander Charles Ewald. New York: Hill & Wang, 1956. FV 1428. Connett, Eugene Virginius, ed. American Big Game Fishing. By Mrs. Oliver C. Grinnell, Francis H. Low, Herman P. Gray and others. New York: Derrydale, 1935. FV Connington, J.J., pseud. See Stewart, Alfred Walter. 1429. Connolly, Cyril. The Condemned Playground: Essays, 1927-1944. New York: Macmillan, 1946. FV 1430. -----. Enemies of Promise. London: Routledge, 1938. FV 1431. -----. Ideas and Places. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1953. FV 1432. -----. The Unquiet Grave: A Word Cycle by Palinurus. New York: Harper, 1945. FV 1433. -----. The Unquiet Grave: A Word Cycle by Palinurus. New York: Viking, 1957. FV 1434. -----. Another copy. b/s tape. 1435. -----. Another copy. b/s tape.

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1436. -----. Another copy. b/s tape. 1437. -----. Another copy. b/s tape. 1438. -----. Another copy. b/s tape. 1439. -----. Another copy. b/s tape. 1440. -----, ed. Horizon Stories. New York: Vanguard, 1946. FV Connor, Ralph, pseud. See Gordon, Charles William. 1441. Conrad, Barnaby. Gates of Fear. New York: Crowell, 1957. FV 1442. -----. The Innocent Villa: A Novel. New York: Random House, 1948. FV 1443. -----. Matador. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1952. FV 1444. -----. Another copy. FV 1445. -----. Another copy. FV 1446. Conrad, Jack Randolph. The Horn and the Sword: The History of the Bull as Symbol of Power and Fertility. New York: Dutton, 1957. FV 1447. -----. Another copy. FV 1448. Conrad, Jesse (George). Joseph Conrad and His Circle. KW 1449. Conrad, Joseph. The Complete Short Stories of Joseph Conrad. KW 1450. -----. Lord Jim. KW 1451. -----. A Personal Record: Some Reminiscences. KW 1452. -----. Typhoon. kwfv 1453. -----. Victory. New York: Modern Library, 1921. FV 1454. *Constans, M.L. Conjuration de Catilina. KW 1455. Constantin-Weyer, Maurice. La chasse au brochet. Paris: Champs-Elysées, 1941. FV 1456. -----. Un homme se penche sur son passé. KW 1457. *Contalupo, Roberto. Fu la Spagna. Milan: Mondadori, 1948. FV 1458. Conway, John Gregory. Television Flower Arrangement. New York: Houbigant, 1958. FV 1459. -----. Another copy. FV 1460. Cook, Beatrice Gray. Truth Is Stranger than Fishin'. New York: Morrow, 1955. KW 1461. Cook, Fannie. The Hill Grows Steeper. New York: Putnam, 1938. FV

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1462. Cook, James. Captain Cook's Voyages of Discovery. London: Dent, 1925. kwfv FV 1463. Cook, Melville Thurston, and William Titus Horne. Coffee Leaf Miner and Other Coffee Pests. Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba: Estación Central Agronómica, 1905. FV 1464. -----. and William Titus Horne. Insects and Diseases of Vegetables. Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba: Estación Central Agronómica, 1908. FV 1465. Cooke, Arthur O. Stories of Rome in Days of Old. London: Jack, 1914. FV 1466. Cooke, David Coxe. Fighting Indians of the West. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1954. s58 1467. -----, ed. The Aircraft Annual 1945. New York: McBride, 1944. FV 1468. Coolidge, Calvin. The Autobiography of Calvin Coolidge. New York: Cosmopolitan, 1929. FV 1469. Coolidge, Dane. Comanche Chaser. New York: Bantam, 1947. FV 1470. Cooper, Courtney Ryley. Here's to Crime. KW 1471. Cooper, Diana. The Light of Common Day. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1959. s60 FV 1472. -----. The Rainbow Comes and Goes. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1958. s58 1473. Cooper, Duff. David. New York: Harper, 1943. FV 1474. -----. Old Men Forget: The Autobiography of Duff Cooper (Viscount Norwich). New York: Dutton, 1954. s54 FV 1475. -----. Sergeant Shakespeare. London: Hart, Davis, 1949. FV 1476. Cooper, Eric, ed. Sea Fishing. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1934. kwfv FV 1477. -----. Another copy. FV 1478. Cooper, James Fenimore. The Last of the Mohicans. KW 1479. -----. The Two Admirals: A Tale of the Sea. New York: Lupton, n.d. PC 1480. Cooper, John Cobb [John Cobb]. The Gesture. New York, Harper, 1948. FV 1481. Cooper, John Cobb. The Right to Fly. New York: Holt, 1947. FV 1482. Cope, Harley Francis, and Walter Karig. Battle Submerged: Submarine Fighters of World War II. New York: Norton, 1951. FV 1483. Copeland, Charles Townsend, ed. The Copeland Reader: An Anthology of English Poetry and Prose. New York: Scribner, 1935. KW FV 1484. Copeland, Royal Samuel. The Home Medical Book. Philadelphia: Winston, 1943. FV 1485. Copley, Hugh. The Game Fishes of Africa. London: Witherby, 1952. FV 1486. -----. Small Mammals of Kenya. Nairobi: Highway Press, 1950. FV

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1487. -----. When Dragons Roamed East Africa: A Little Guide to Very Remote Chapter of the History of East Africa. Nairobi: Highway Press, 1948. FV 1488. -----. Wonders of the Kenya Seashore: A Short Guide to the Birds, Fishes, Shells, and Other Forms of Life Found on the Seashore. Nairobi: Highway Press, 1946. FV -----, joint author. See Hately, T.L. 1489. Coquiot, Gustave. Vincent Van Gogh. KW 1490. Corbett, James Edward. Man-eaters of India. New York: Oxford, 1957. FV 1491. -----. My India. New York: Oxford, 1952. FV 1492. -----. The Temple Tiger, and More Man-eaters of Kumaon. New York: Oxford, 1955. FV Le Corbusier, pseud. See Jeanneret-Gris, Charles Edouard. 1493. Corcoran, William. This Man Joe Murray. KW 1494. Cordeiro, Arsénio. Espadartes de Sesimbra. Lisbon: Diana, 1959. KW 1495. Cordell, William Howard, ed. American Points of View, 1933/34. KW 1496. Cordonié, Rafael. Madrid bajo el marxismo (estampas). Madrid: Sugrez, 1939. FV 1497. Corle, Edwin. Desert Country. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1941. FV 1498. -----. The Royal Highway (El Camino Real). Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1949. FV 1499. Cormack, Bartlett. The Racket: A Play. KW 1500. Corman, Mathieu. "Salud camorada!" Cinq mois sur les fronts d'Espagne. Paris: Tribord, 1937. kwfv FV Cornell Woolrich, pseud. See Hopley-Woolrich, Cornell George. 1501. Corrochano, Gregorio. )Qué es torear? Introducción a la tauromaquia de Joselito. Madrid: Imp. Góngora, 1953. FV 1502. Cortes Salido, Juan. Cualquier tiempo pasado no fué mejor. Con nuevas pruebas gráficas y literarias de la segunda parte de "El toreo por dentro." Malaga, 1957. FV 1503. Cortina, Rafael Diez de la. Cortina's French Method: Twenty Lessons. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1947. FV 1504. Corum, Bill. Off and Running. Edited by Arthur Mann. New York: Holt, 1959. s60 FV 1505. Cossío, José María de. Los toros: Tratado técnico e histórico. 3 vols. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 1945-1953. FV 1506. Cotlow, Lewis N. Zanzabuku (Dangerous Safari). New York: Rinehart, 1956. FV

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1507. Cottrell, Leonard. The mountains of Pharaoh. New York: Rinehart, 1956. FV 1508. Coughlan, Robert. The Wine of Genius: A Life of Maurice Utrillo. New York: Harper, 1951. FV 1509. Coulon, Marcel. Au coeur de Verlaine et de Rimbaud. KW 1510. -----. Verlaine: Poète saturnien. Avec les documents inédits. Paris: Grasset, 1929. FV 1511. Courthion, Pierre. Montmarte. Translated by Stuart Gilbert. Lausanne: Skira, 1956. FV 1512. -----. Paris in Our Time: From Impressionism to the Present Day. Translated by Stuart Gilbert. Lausanne: Skira, 1957. FV 1513. -----. Paris in the Past: From Fouquet to Daumier. Translated by James Emmons. Lausanne: Skira, 1957. FV 1514. Cousteau, Jacques-Yves, P. Tailles and F. Dumas. Par dix-huit mètres de fond: Histoire d'un film. Paris: Durel, 1946. FV 1515. -----, and Frédéric Dumas. The Silent world. New York: Pocket Books, 1954. FV 1516. Covarrubias, Miguel. The Eagle, the Jaguar, and the Serpent: Indian Art of the Americas. North America: Alaska, Canada, the United States. New York: Knopf, 1954. s54 FV 1517. -----. Another copy. FV 1518. -----. Island of Bali. KW 1519. Cowan, John Franklin. The Jo-boat Boys. New York: Crowell, 1891. kwfv FV 1520. Coward, Noel. Present Indicative. London: Evergreen, 1940. FV 1521. -----. To Step Aside: Seven Stories. Doubleday, Doran, 1939. KW FV 1522. Cowles, Virginia Spencer. The Phantom Major: The Story of David Stirling and the S.A.S. Regiment. London: Collins [1958?]. FV 1523. -----. The Phantom Major: The Story of David Stirling and the S.A.S. Regiment. New York: Harper, 1958. FV 1524. Cowley, Malcolm. Exile's Return: A Literary Odyssey of the 1920's. New York: Viking, 1951. FV 1525. -----. The Literary Situation. New York: Viking, 1954. FV 1526. -----, ed. After the Genteel Tradition: American Writers since 1910. New York: Norton, 1937. s37 KW 1527. -----, ed. Another copy. KW 1528. -----, ed. Hemingway. New York: Viking, 1944. FV 1529 Cox, Anthony Berkeley [Francis Iles]. Before the Fact. New York: Dell, 1958. FV 1530. -----. [Anthony Berkeley]. The Silk Stocking Murders: A Roger Sheringham Case. London: Continental, 1946. FV

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1531. Cox, William Drought, ed. Boxing in Art and Literature. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1935. kwfv MH 1532. Coxe, George Harmon. Top Assignment. New York: Knopf, 1955. FV 1533. Cozzens, James Gould. Ask Me Tomorrow. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1940. FV 1534. -----. By Love Possessed. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1957. FV 1535. -----. The Just and the Unjust. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1942. FV 1536. -----. S.S. San Pedro. New York: Berkley, 1931. FV 1537. Craig, John D. Danger Is My Business. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1938. KWH FV 1538. -----. Another copy. KWH 1539. Craige, John Houston. Black Bagdad. KW 1540. -----. What the Citizen Should Know about the Marines. New York: Norton, 1941. FV 1541. Craighead, John Johnson and Frank C. Hawks, Owls and Wildlife. Harrisburg, Pa.: Stackpole, 1956. MH 1542. Crane, Frances. The Golden Box. New York: Popular Library, 1942. FV 1543. Crane, Hart. The Bridge: A Poem. KW 1544. *Crane, O.W. By Order of the Muse: Twenty-two Poems. Pennsylvania, 1955. FV 1545. Crane, Stephen. Maggie, Together with George's Mother and The Blue Hotel. Introduction by Henry Hazlitt. New York: Knopf, 1931. kwfv FV 1546. -----. Pictures of War. London: Heinemann, 1898. kwfv FV 1547. -----. The Red Badge of Courage. Cleveland: World, 1951. FV 1548. -----. Stephen Crane: An omnibus. Edited, with introduction and notes by Robert Wooster Stallman. New York: Knopf, 1952. FV 1549. Craven, Thomas. Famous Artists and Their Models. New York: Pocket Books, 1949. FV 1550. -----. Men of Art. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1931. kwfv FV 1551. -----. Modern Art: The Men, the Movements, the Meaning. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1934. s34 kwfv FV 1552. Craven, Wesley Frank, and James Lea Cate, eds. The Army Air Forces in World War II. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1948. FV 1553. Crawford, John R. Samba: Three-deck Canasta. Introduction by Oswald Jacoby. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1953. FV 1554. Crawley, Josiah Thomas. Fertilizers. Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba: Estación Central Agronómica, 1908.

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FV 1555. -----. Irrigation. Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba: Estación Central Agronómica, 1909. FV 1556. Creasey, John [Jeremy York]. Seeds of Murder. New York: Scribner, 1958. FV 1557. -----. So Soon to Die. New York: Scribner, 1955. FV 1558. *Crecchi, Ivo. Nel cerchio della guerra, raccolta di scritti originali. La Poligrafica, 1925. FV 1559. Creekmore, Hubert, ed. A Little Treasury of World Poetry: Translations from the Great Poets of Other Languages, 2600 B.C. to 1950 A.D. New York: Scribner, 1952. FV Creston, Dormer, pseud. See Baynes, Dorothy Julia. 1560. Crevel, René. Renée Sintenis. Berlin: Klinkhardt & Biermann, 1930. FV 1561. Crichton, Kyle Samuel [Robert Forsythe]. Redder than the Rose. New York: Covici, Friede, 1935. kwfv FV 1562. Crichton, Kyle Samuel. Total Recoil. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1960. FV 1563. Crockett, David. The Autobiography of David Crockett. Introduction by Hamlin Garland. New York: Scribner, 1923. kwfv FV 1564. Crofts, Freeman Wills. The Ponson Case. KW Crompton, John, pseud. See Lamburn, John Battersby Crompton. 1565. Cronin, Archibald Joseph. Hatter's Castle. KW 1566. -----. The Keys of the Kingdom. Boston: Little, Brown, 1941. FV 1567. -----. Another copy. FV 1568. Crosby, Caresse. The Passionate Years. New York: Dial, 1953. s54 FV 1569. -----. Poems for Harry Crosby by C.C. kwfv 1570. Cross, Reuben R. Tying American Trout Lures: A Practical Guide to the Production of Dry Flies, Wet Flies, Nymphs and Bucktails for Pleasure and Profit. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1940. FV 1571. Cross, Tom Peete, Reed Smith, and Elmer C. Stauffer, eds. Achievement: Good Reading for High Schools. Boston: Ginn, 1930. FV 1572. -----, Reed Smith and Elmer C. Stauffer, comps. and eds. American Writers. Boston: Ginn, 1931. FV 1573. Crossen, Kendell Foster. The Tortured Path. New York: Perma Books, 1958. FV 1574. Crossman, Edward Cathcart. The Book of the Springfield: A Textbook Covering All the Various Military and Sporting Rifles Chambered for the Caliber .30 model 1906 Cartridge; Their Metallic and Telescopic Sights and the Ammunition Suited to Them. Marines, N.C.: Small-arms Technical Pub. Co., 1932. kwfv FV 1575. -----. Military and Sporting Rifle Shooting: A Complete and Practical Treatise Covering the Use of

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Modern Military, Target and Sporting Rifles. Marines, N.C.: Small-arms Technical Pub. Co., 1932. kwfv FV 1576. -----. Small-bore Rifle Shooting: A Practical Handbook Covering in Complete Detail the New Sport of Shooting with .22 Caliber Rifles--Equipment, Ranges, Marksmanship, Competitions and Clubs. Marshallton, Del.: Small-arms Technical Pub. Co., 1927. kwfv FV 1577. Crossman, Richard Howard Stafford, ed. The God that Failed: Six Studies in Communism. New York: Bantam, 1952. FV 1578. Crowther, Bosley. Lion's Share: The Story of an Entertainment Empire. New York: Dutton, 1957. FV 1579. Crozier, Emmet. Yankee Reporters, 1861-1865. New York: Oxford, 1956. FV 1580. Crozier, Frank Percy. A Brass Hat in No Man's Land. London: Cape. ph photo KWH 1581. Cruickshank, Allan D. Wings in the Wilderness. New York: Oxford, 1947. FV 1582. Cruse, Thomas. Apache Days and After. Edited, with an introduction, by Eugene Cunningham. Caldwell., Idaho: Caxton, 1941. FV 1583. Cruz, Francisco, B. Frijol terciopelo: Sus múltiplos aplicaciones en las explotaciones agrícolas. Havana: Ministerio de Agricultura, 1945. FV 1584. -----. Green Manures. Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba: Estación Central Agronómica, 1906. FV 1585. Cuba. Comisión central pro-monumento a Marti. En memoria de José Martí. Havana: Fernández, 1938. FV 1586. *Cuba. Ministerio de Defensa Nacional. El Dique: Boletín informativo del Centro de Cría Caballar. Havana, 1950. FV 1587. Cudlipp, Hugh. Publish and Be Damned: The Astonishing Story of the Daily Mirror. London: Dakers, 1953. FV 1588. *Cuentos y leyendas negras de Cuba. Havana: Mirador, n.d. FV 1589. Cueto, Juan. De mi ideario: Divagaciones de un militar demócrata alrededor de varios temas de actualidad. Clásica Española, n.d. PC 1590. Cummings, E.E. Eimi. New York: Covici, Friede, 1933. kwfv KW 1591. -----. The Enormous Room. With introduction by the author. New York: Modern Library, 1922. FV 1592. -----. Is 5. New York: Boni & Liveright, 1926. kwfv 1593. -----. 1 x 1. New York: Holt, 1944. FV 1594. Cundall, Joseph [Stephen Percy]. Robin Hood and His Merry Foresters. Westminster: Cundall, 1845. FV 1595. Cunningham, Andrew. Tumult in the Clouds. London: Davies [1953?]. FV 1596. Cunningham, Andrew Browne. A Sailor's Odyssey: The Autobiography of Admiral of the Fleet, Viscount Cunningham of Hyndhope. New York: Dutton, 1951. FV

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1597. Cunningham, Eugene. Triggernometry: A Gallery of Gunfighters, with Technical Notes on Leather Slapping as a Fine Art, Gathered from Many a Loose Holstered Expert over the Years. Foreword by Eugene Manlove Rhodes. New York: Press of the Pioneers, 1934. kwfv FV Curnonsky, pseud. See Sailland, Maurice Edmond. 1598. Curran, Dale. Piano in the Band. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1940. FV 1599. Curtis, Charles Pelham. A Commonplace Book. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1957. FV 1600. -----. Another copy. FV 1601. -----. Lions under the Throne: A Study of the Supreme Court of the U.S., Addressed Particularly to Those Laymen Who Know More Constitutional Law than They Think They Do, and to Those Lawyers Who Know Less. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1947. FV 1602. -----, and Ferris Greenslet, eds. The Practical Cogitator; or, The Thinker's Anthology. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1945. FV 1603. Curtis, Paul Allan. American Game Shooting. New York: Dutton, 1927. kwfv FV 1604. -----. Sporting Firearms of Today in Use. New York: Dutton, 1922. kwfv FV 1605. Curtiss, Glenn H., and Augustus Post. The Curtiss Aviation Book. With chapters by Captain Paul W. Beck, U.S.A., Lieutenant Theodore G. Ellyson, U.S.N., and Hugh Robinson. New York: Stokes, 1912. FV 1606. Cushman, Dan. Stay Away, Joe: A Novel. New York: Viking, 1953. FV 1607. Custer, Elizabeth B. Tenting on the Plains; or, General Custer in Kansas and Texas. New York: Webster, 1887. kwfv FV 1608. Cuthbert, Mabel Jaques. How to Know the Spring Flowers: Pictured-keys for Determining the More Common Spring-flowering Herbaceous Plants, with Suggestions and Aids for Their Study. Dubuque, Iowa: Brown, 1949. FV 1609. Cutting, Suydam. The Fire Ox and Other Years. New York: Scribner, 1940. FV 1610. Cuyás, Arturo. Appleton's New English-Spanish and Spanish-English Dictionary, Containing More than Six Thousand Modern Words and Twenty-five Thousand Acceptations, Idioms and Technical Terms Not Found in Any Other Similar Work, with a Pronouncing Key and the Fundamental Tenses of Irregular Verbs. Revised and enlarged by Antonio Llano. New York: Appleton-Century, 1942. FV 1611. Cuzacq, René. Le pays Basque. Paris: Alpina, 1953. FV 1612. D'Agostino, Guido. Olives on the Apple Tree: A Novel. New York: Doubleday, Doran, 1940. FV 1613. Dahl, Roald. Over to You: 10 Stories of Flyers and Flying. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock [1946?]. FV 1614. Dahlberg, Edward. From Flushing to Calvary. KW 1615. Daiches, David. A Study of Literature for Readers and Critics. Ithaca: Cornell, 1948. FV Daisne, Johan, pseud. See Thiery, Herman.

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1616. Dakers, James Silver. Simple Greenhouse Management. KW 1617. Dalin, Ebba, ed. The Zephyr Book of American Verse. Stockholm: Continental, 1945. FV 1618. Dall, Ian. Here Are Stone: An Account of a Journey to the Aran Islands. London: Harmsworth, 1931. kwfv FV 1619. Dallin, David J. The Big Three: The United States, Britain, Russia. New Haven: Yale, 1945. FV 1620. Daly, Edwin. Some Must Watch. New York: Scribner, 1956. FV 1621. Daly, Elizabeth. Deadly Nightshade. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1940. FV 1622. Daly, Marcus. Big Game Hunting and Adventure, 1877-1936. London: Macmillan, 1937. kwfv FV 1623. Damerini, Gino, ed. La gondola. Venice: Nuova Editoriale, 1956. FV 1624. Dana, Richard Henry, Jr. To Cuba and Back: A Vacation Voyage. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1859. FV 1625. -----. Two Years before the Mast. London: Dent, 1925. kwfv FV 1626. Dane, Richard Morris. Sport in Asia and Africa. London: Melrose, 1921. kwfv MH 1627. Daniels, Harold R. The Accused. New York: Dell, 1958. FV 1628. Dante Alighieri. The Divine Comedy. 3 vols. Translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1895. kwfv FV 1629. -----. The Divine Comedy. KW 1630. -----. Another copy. KW 1631. -----. The Inferno. Translated by John Ciardi. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers, 1954. FV 1632. Dantzig, Tobias. Henri Poincaré: Critic of Crisis; Reflections on His Universe of Discourse. New York: Scribner, 1954. FV 1633. Dard, Emile. Napoleon and Talleyrand. KW 1634. Dark, Eleanor. The Timeless Land. New York: Macmillan, 1941. FV 1635. Darlington, Jenny. My Antarctic Honeymoon: A Year at the Bottom of the World. As told to Jane McIlvaine. London: Muller, 1957. MH 1636. Darrah, Henry Zouch. Sport in the Highlands of Kashmir. London: Rowland Ward, 1898. kwfv FV 1637. Darribehaude, Jacques. Semelles de vent. Paris: Table Ronde, 1959. FV 1638. Darrow, Clarence. The Story of My Life. KW 1639. Darrow, Whitney. Stop, Miss! New York: Random House, 1957. FV 1640. Darwin, Bernard. John Gully and His Times. London: Cassell, 1935. kwfv FV

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1641. Darwin, Charles Robert. Charles Darwin and the Voyage of the Beagle: Unpublished Letters and Notebooks. Edited with an introduction by Nora Barlow. New York: Philosophical Library, 1946. FV 1642. -----. The Darwin Reader. Edited by Marston Bates and Philip S. Humphrey. New York: Scribner, 1956. FV 1643. Das, Bhagavan. The Essential Unity of All Religions. Wheaton, Ill.: Theosophical, 1939. FV 1644. Dash, Samuel, Richard F. Schwartz and Robert E. Knowlton. The Eavesdroppers. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers, 1959. s6O FV 1645. Daudet, Alphonse. Numa Roumestan. KW 1646. -----. Sappho. KW 1647. Daudet, Léon. La police politique, ses moyens et ses crimes. KW 1648. Dauphin-Meunier, Achille. La Banque de France. Paris: Gallimard, 1936. FV 1649. Davenport, Marcia. Mozart. New York: Scribner, 1956. FV 1650. -----. Mozart. KW 1651. -----. My Brother's Keeper. New York: Scribner, 1954. FV 1652. Davids, Arlette. Rock Plants. Preface by Henry de Montherlant. Translated by S.P. Skipwith. London: Hyperion, 1939. FV 1653. Davidson, Basil. The Lost Cities of Africa. Boston: Little, Brown, 1959. s6O FV 1654. Davidson, Jo. An Exhibition of Sculpture; Including Portraits of Leading Spanish Personalities, Completed during the Summer and Autumn of 1938 in Spain. Text by Ernest Hemingway and others. New York, n.d. FV 1655. Davidson, Louis B., and Eddie Doherty. Captain Marooner. New York: Crowell, 1952. FV 1656. Davies, Joseph Edward. Mission to Moscow. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1941. FV 1657. Davies, William Robertson. Leaven of Malice. New York: Scribner, 1955. FV 1658. -----. Leaven of Malice. Toronto: Clarke Irwin, 1955. FV 1659. -----. A Mixture of Frailties. New York: Scribner, 1958. s58 1660. Davis, Burke. To Appomattox: Nine April Days, 1865. New York: Rinehart, 1959. MH 1661. Davis, Clyde Brion. "The Great American Novel." New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1938. s38 KW

Davis, Delbert Dwight, joint author. See Schmidt, Karl Patterson.

Davis, Don, pseud. See Dresser, Davis. 1662. Davis, Dorothy Salisbury. Death of an Old Sinner. New York: Scribner, 1957. FV

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1663. -----. A Gentleman Called. New York: Scribner, 1958. FV 1664. -----. Men of No Property. New York: Scribner, 1956. FV 1665. Davis, Forrest, and Ernest K. Lindley. How War Came: An American White Paper from the Fall of France to Pearl Harbor. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1942. FV 1666. Davis, Francis. My Shadow in the Sun. Carrick & Evans, 1940. FV 1667. Davis, Franklin M. Spearhead. New York: Permabooks, 1958. FV 1668. Davis, Hassoldt. Captain Bill and His Jungle Magic. New York: Watts, 1958. FV 1669. -----. Feu d'Afrique. Paris: Fayard, 1945. FV 1670. -----. The Jungle and the Damned. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1952. FV 1671. -----. Another copy. FV 1672. -----. Land of the Eye: A Narrative of the Labors, Adventures, Alarums and Excursions of the Denis-Roosevelt Asiatic Expedition to Burma, China, India and the Lost Kingdom of Nepal. New York: Holt, 1940. FV 1673. -----. Sorcerer's Village. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1958. FV 1674. -----. World without a Roof: An Autobiography. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1957. FV 1675. Davis, Henry P., ed. The Modern Dog Encyclopedia. New York: Stackpole & Heck, 1949. FV 1676. Davis, Richard Harding. The Cuban and Porto Rican Campaigns. New York: Scribner, 1898. FV 1677. -----. Young Winston Churchill: Soldier of Fortune. New York: Scribner, 1941. FV 1678. Davis, Robert Hobart. "Ruby Roberts" Alias Bob Fitzsimmons. Introduction by W.O. McGeehan. KWH

Dawson, Peter, pseud. See Glidden, Jonathan H. 1679. Day, Clarence. Life with Father. New York: Pocket Books, 1945. FV 1680. Day-Lewis, Cecil. The Poetic Image. New York: Oxford, 1947. FV 1681. Dazai, Osamu [pseud.]. The Setting Sun. Translated by Donald Keene. Norfolk, Conn.: New Directions, 1956. FV 1682. Deakin, Irving. To the Ballet! An Introduction to the Liveliest of the Arts. New York: Dodge, 1935. FV 1683. Deal, Borden. Dunbar's Cove. New York: Scribner, 1957. FV 1684. Dean, Harry, and Sterling North. The Pedro Gorino: The Adventures of a Negro Sea-captain in Africa and on the Seven Seas in His Attempts to Found an Ethiopian Empire. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1929. MH 1685. Dean, Joseph. Hatred, Ridicule or Contempt: A Book of Libel Cases. New York: Macmillan, 1954. s54 FV

Dean, M. Ida, joint author. See George, Marian M.

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Dean, Phillip, pseud. See Gigantes, Gerassimos.

1686. *Dean, Roy B. Light Tackle Fishing for Sailfish in Acapulco Waters. n.p., n.d. FV 1687. Deane, John Russell. The Strange Alliance: The Story of our Efforts at Wartime Cooperation with Russia. New York: Viking, 1947. FV 1688. Debenham, Frank. The Way to Ilala: David Livingstone's Pilgrimage. London: Longmans, Green, 1955. FV 1689. *De Castro, Vincente. Guide pratique de Madrid. KW

Deckert, Kurt, joint author. See Günther, Klaus.

Deep-river Jim, pseud. See Ernst, Clayton Holt.

Deerstyne, Howard, joint author. See Kocher, Alfred Lawrence. 1690. Defoe, Daniel. The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders. New York: Modern Library, 1926. FV 1691. -----. The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. New York: Caldwell, n.d. PC 1692. -----. The Life, Adventures and Piracies of the Famous Captain Singleton. London: Dent, 1922. kwfv FV 1693. -----. The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York, Mariner. London: Etchells & MacDonald, 1924. FV 1694. -----. The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York, Mariner. New York: Heritage, 1930. FV 1695. -----. Memoirs of a Cavalier: A Military Journal of the Wars in Germany and the Wars in England. London: Dent, 1923. kwfv FV 1696. -----. Roxana. [London: Bell, 1881?]. kwfv [FV?] 1697. De Forest, John William. Miss Ravenel's Conversion from Secession to Loyalty. New York: Harper, 1939. FV 1698. -----. A Union Officer in the Reconstruction. Edited by James H. Croushore and David Morris Potter. New Haven: Yale, 1948. FV 1699. -----. A Volunteer's Adventures: A Union Captain's Record of the Civil War. Edited by James H. Croushore. New Haven: Yale, 1946. FV 1700. Degas, Hilaire Germain Edgar. Edgar Degas. Edited by John Rewald. Paris: Braun, 1937. FV 1701. De Gaulle, Charles. The Call to Honour, 1940-1942: War Memoirs. Translated by Jonathan Griffin. New York: Viking, 1955. FV 1702. -----. La France et son armée. Paris: Plon, 1938. FV 1703. De Gouy, Louis P. The Gold Cook Book. Introduction by Oscar of the Waldorf. New York: Greenberg,

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1947. FV 1704. -----. Gourmet's Cook Book of Fish and Game. New York: Gourmet, 1947. FV 1705. Degras, Henry Ernest [Mark Benney]. Angels in Undress. New York: Random House, 1937. s37 1706. De Guingand, F.W. African Assignment. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1953. FV 1707. -----. Operation Victory. New York: Scribner, 1947. FV 1708. De Haan, Martin Ralph. Jonah: Fact or Fiction. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1957. FV 1709. -----. The Romance of Redemption: The Love Story of Ruth and Boaz. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1958. MH 1710. Dehn, Adolf Arthur. Water Color Painting. New York: Studio Publications, 1945. FV 1711. De Jong, Dola. And the Field Is the World. Translated from the Dutch by A.V.A. van Duym. New York: Scribner, 1945. FV 1712. De Knight, Freda. A Date with a Dish: A Cook Book of American Negro Recipes. New York: Hermitage, 1948. FV 1713. Dekobra, Maurice. Aux cent mille sourires. Paris: Bandinière, 1931. FV 1714. -----. La gondole aux chimères: Roman cosmopolite. Paris: Bandinière, 1926. FV 1715. de Kruif, Paul. Hunger Fighters. KW 1716. -----. Life among the Doctors. In collaboration with Rhea de Kruif. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1949. FV 1717. -----. The Male Hormone. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1945. FV 1718. -----. A Man against Insanity. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1957. FV 1719. -----. Men against Death. KW

Delafield, E.M., pseud. See De La Pasture, Edmée Elizabeth Monica. 1720. De La Pasture, Edmée Elizabeth Monica [E.M. Delafield]. The Provincial Lady in America. KW 1721. *De la Peñe... Doña Juana I de Castilla. KW 1722. Delaporte, Yves. Les trois Notre-Dame de la cathédrale de Chartres: Etude suivie de la liste des images de la vierge appartenant à la cathédrale. Chartres: Houvet, 1955. FV 1723. De Leeuw, Hendrik. Flower of Joy. KWH 1724. De Lima, Sigrid. Carnival by the Sea. New York: Scribner, 1954. FV 1725. -----. The Swift Cloud. New York: Scribner, 1952. FV 1726. De Liso, Oscar. God's Thumb Down. New York: Scribner, 1949. FV

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1727. Dell, Robert Edward. My Second Country (France). kwfv 1728. Delpêche, René. Les dessous de Paris: Souvenirs vécus par l'ex-inspecteur principal de la brigade mondaine. Paris: Scorpion, 1955. FV 1729. -----. Parmi les fauves et les requins: La confession de M. Charles Hut, ancien forcat. Paris: Scorpion, 1955. FV

Denison, Edward, joint editor. See Gibb, Hamilton Alexander Rosskeen. 1730. Denison, John Hopkins. Emotional Currents in American History. KW 1731. Dennis, Nigel. Cards of Identity. New York: Vanguard, 1955. FV 1732. De Polnay, Peter. The Umbrella Thorn. New York: Creative Age, 1947. FV

Derby, Mark, pseud. See Wilcox, Harry. 1733. De Roo, Edward. The Fires of Youth. New York: Ace Books, 1955. FV 1734. Derounian, Arthur [John Roy Carlson]. Under Cover: My Four Years in the Nazi Underworld of America--The Amazing Revelation of How Axis Agents and Our Enemies Within Are Now Plotting to Destroy the United States. New York: Dutton, 1943. FV 1735. Des Cars, Guy. The Brute. Translated by Michael Luke. New York: Greenberg, 1952. FV 1736. Descartes, René. Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting the Reason and Seeking Truth in the Sciences. Translated by John Veitch. La Salle, Ill.: Open Court, 1945. FV 1737. Deschamps, Bernard. La vérité sur Guadalajara. Paris: Denoël, 1938. FV 1738. De Seversky, Alexander Procofieff. Victory through Air Power. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1942. FV 1739. Desmarest, Marie Anne. Le havre de grâce. Brussels: Maréchal, 1944. FV 1740. Desnos, Robert. Corps et biens. KW 1741. -----. The Night of Loveless Nights. Anvers, 1930. PC 1742. -----. Les sans cou. Frontispice d'André Masson. Exemplaire no. 47. Paris, 1934. KL 1743. Destouches, Louis Ferdinand [Louis Ferdinand Céline]. Mort à crédit. KW 1744. -----. Voyage au bout de la nuit. kwfv 1745. De Toledano, Ralph. Day of Reckoning. New York: Holt, 1955. FV 1746. Detti, I. Di Gesu'. A cura del Dott. Alberto Pincherle [Alberto Moravia]. kwfv 1747. Devereux, James P. The Story of Wake Island. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1947. FV 1748. Devoe, Alan. The Naturalist's Christmas. New York, n.d. KL 1749. De Voto, Bernard. Across the Wide Missouri. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1947. FV

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1750. -----. The Literary Fallacy. Boston: Little, Brown, 1944. FV 1751. -----. Mark Twain's America. Boston: Little, Brown, 1932. kwfv FV 1752. -----. We Accept with Pleasure. Boston: Little, Brown, 1934. kwfv FV 1753. Devoto, Luis F. La strada di Madrid. Genoa: Universale, 1946. FV 1754. De Vries, Peter. The Tunnel of Love. New York: Lion Library, 1954. FV 1755. Dewar, Hugo. Assassins at Large, Being a Full Documented and Hitherto Unpublished Account of the Executions Outside Russia Ordered by the G.P.U. Boston: Beacon, 1952. FV 1756. De Watteville, Vivienne. Out in the Blue. London: Methuen, 1937. FV 1757. -----. Speak to the Earth: Wanderings and Reflections among Elephants and Mountains. Preface by Edith Wharton. New York: Smith & Haas, 1935. FV 1758. Dewey, Berenice. Poems. KW 1759. Dhotel, André. Campements. Paris: Gallimard, 1930. FV 1760. The Dial: A Magazine for Literature, Philosophy, and Religion. Vols. 1-4. Reissue of the Journal published July 1840-April 1844. Edited by M. Fuller, R.W. Emerson and C. Ripley. New York: Russell & Russell, 1962. FV 1761. Diament, Gertrude. The Days of Ofelia. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1942. FV 1762. Díaz, José. Tres años de lucha por el frente popular, por la libertad, por la independencia de España. Paris: Europa-America, 1939. FV 1763. Díaz Arquer, Graciano. Libros y folletos de toros: Bibliografía taurina, compuesta con vista de la biblioteca taurómaca de José Luis de Ybarra y López de Calle. Madrid: Vindel, 1931. kwfv FV 1764. Díaz Cañabate, Antonio. The Magic World of the Bullfighter. Translated by R.H. Stevens. London: Burke, 1956. FV 1765. Dibner, Martin. The Deep Six. New York: Doubleday, 1953. FV 1766. *Diccionarios Iter. Pequeño diccionario español-inglés. Barcelona: Sopena, n.d. FV 1767. Dickens, Charles. A Christmas Carol. 2 vols. Gustavus A. Pfeiffer, Christmas, 1930. kwfv FV 1768. -----. David Copperfield. KW 1769. -----. Great Expectations. KW 1770. -----. Pictures from Italy and American Notes for General Circulation. London: Chapman, 1859. kwfv FV 1771. -----. A Tale of Two Cities. New York: Heritage, 1938. FV 1772. Dickens, Gerald Charles. Bombing and Strategy: The Fallacy of Total War. London: Low, Marston, 1946. s49 FV 1773. Dickinson, Asa Don. The Best Books of the Decade, 1936-1945: Another Clue to the Literary Labyrinth.

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New York: Wilson, 1948. FV 1774. Dickinson, Edward. Music in the History of the Western Church, with an Introduction on Religious Music among the Primitive and Ancient Peoples. KW 1775. Dickinson, Emily. Poems. Edited by Martha Dickinson Bianchi and Alfred Leete Hampson. Boston: Little, Brown, 1952. FV 1776. Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes. Letters from a Chinese Official. KW 1777. Dickinson, Thomas Herbert, ed. Chief Contemporary Dramatists. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1930. FV

Dickson, Carter, pseud. See Carr, John Dickson. 1778. Dickson, Harry E. Build Thee More Stately Mansions. New York: Vantage, 1955. FV 1779. Dictionnaire des pêches. [Blanchère, Henri de la. La pêche et les poissons: Nouveau dictionnaire général des pêches?] kwfv 1780. Di Donato, Pietro. Christ in Concrete. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1939. FV 1781. Dimock, Anthony Weston. The Book of the Tarpon. New York: Outing, 1911. kwfv FV 1782. Dimsdale, Thomas J. The Vigilantes of Montana: Popular Justice in the Rocky Mountains; Being a Correct and Impartial Narrative of the Chase, Capture, Trial and Execution of Henry Plummer's Road Agent Band, Together with Accounts of the Lives and Crimes of Many of the Robbers and Desperadoes, the Whole Being Interspersed with Sketches of Life in the Mining Camps of the "Far West." Norman: University of Oklahoma, 1953. FV

Dinesen, Isak, pseud. See Blixen, Karen. 1783. Dinneen, Joseph Francis. The Anatomy of a Crime: A Startling Parallel to the Fantastic $2,500,000 Brink's Robbery. New York: Scribner, 1954. FV 1784. -----. The Purple Shamrock: The Hon. James Michael Curley of Boston. New York: Norton, 1949. FV 1785. *Disabled Veterans. The Purple Testament: Life Stories. Harrisburg, Pa.: Stackpole, 1946. FV 1786. Discovery #1. Edited by John W. Aldridge and Vance Bourjaily. New York: Pocket Books, 1953. FV 1787. Discovery #6. New York: Pocket Books, 1955. FV

Dmitri, Ivan, pseud. See West, Levon. 1788. Dobbin, John. The Flesh and the Sea. New York: Avon, 1955. FV 1789. Dobie, James Frank. Tales of Old-time Texas. Boston: Little, Brown, 1955. FV 1790. -----. The Voice of the Coyote. Boston: Little, Brown, 1949. s49 FV 1791. -----. Another copy. FV 1792. Dodd, Martha. Through Embassy Eyes. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1939. KWH FV

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1793. Dodd, William E. Ambassador Dodd's Diary, 1933-1938. Edited by William E. Dodd, Jr., and Martha Dodd. London: Gollancz 1942. FV 1794. Dodge, David. The Poor Man's Guide to Europe. New York: Random House, 1957. FV 1795. Dodge, Mary Mapes. Hans Brinker; or, The Silver Skates: A Story of Life in Holland. New York: Scribner, 1907. PC 1796. Dodge, Natt Noyes. Poisonous Dwellers of the Desert. [Santa Fe, N.M.: Southwestern Monuments Association, 1947?] FV 1797. Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge [Lewis Carroll]. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. New York: Macmillan, 1933. KW FV 1798. Dodson, Kenneth. Away All Boats: A Novel. Boston: Little, Brown, 1954. s54 1799. -----. Away All Boats: A Novel. New York: Bantam, 1956. FV

Doherty, Eddie, joint author. See Davidson, Louis B. 1800. Dohrman, Richard. The Cross of Baron Samedi. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1958. FV 1801. -----. For Innocents Only. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1960. FV 1802. Dolan, Edward F. Green Universe: The Story of Alexander von Humboldt. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1959. s6O FV 1803. Dollard, John. Fear in Battle. Washington: Infantry Journal, 1944. FV

Dominique, Pierre, pseud. See Lucchini, Pierre. 1804. Domvile, Sir Barry. From Admiral to Cabin Boy. London: Boswell, 1947. FV

Don Gil, pseud. See Bellveser, Antonio.

Don Luis, pseud. See Uriarte, Luis.

Don Parando, pseud. See Rivera, José.

Don Pio, pseud. See Pérez Lugín, Alejandro.

Don Ventura, pseud. See Bagüés, Ventura. 1805. Donahue, Francis. El mundo de romance y leyenda de Washington Irving. Havana, 1958. FV 1806. Donaldson, Thomas. Idaho of Yesterday. Caldwell, Idaho: The Caxton Printers, 1941. FV 1807. Donato, Mario. Madrugada sem Deus: Romance. Rio de Janiero: Olympio, 1955. FV 1808. Donne, John, and William Blake. The Complete Poetry and Selected Prose of John Donne [edited by John Hayward] and the Complete Poetry of William Blake [edited by Geoffrey Keynes] in One Volume. Introduction by Robert Silliman Hillyer. New York: Random House, 1941. MH 1809. Doolittle, Hilda [H.D.]. Collected Poems of H.D. New York: Boni & Liveright, 1925. kwfv FV

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1810. -----. Palimpsest. Paris: Contact, 1926. FV 1811. Doorly, John Williams. God and Science. London: Muller, 1949. FV 1812. Doran, George Henry. Chronicles of Barabbas, 1884-1934. KWH 1813. Dorante, Carlos. Los amos del cielo: Cuentos. Buenos Aires: López, 1954. FV 1814. Dorgelès, Roland. Retour au front. Paris: Michel, 1940. FV 1815. Dorland, William A.N. Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1920. FV 1816. Dornberger, Walter. V-2. Translated by James Cleugh and Geoffrey Halliday. New York: Viking, 1954. s54 FV 1817. Dorrance, Ward. Where the Rivers Meet. New York: Scribner, 1939. FV 1818. Dos Passos, John. Adventures of a Young Man. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1939. FV 1819. -----. The Big Money. Illustrated by Reginald Marsh. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1946. FV 1820. -----. Chosen Country. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1951. FV 1821. -----. The 42N Parallel. KW 1822. -----. The Great Days. New York: Sagamore, 1958. FV 1823. -----. In All Countries. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1934. kwfv FV 1824. -----. Midcentury. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1961. FV 1825. -----. Number One. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1943. FV 1826. -----. Rosinante to the Road Again. KW 1827. -----. Three Plays: The Garbage Man; Airways, Inc.; Fortune Heights. KW 1828. -----. Three Soldiers. New York: Doran, 1921. kwfv FV 1829. -----. Another copy? KW 1830. -----. Tour of Duty. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1946. FV 1831. -----. U.S.A.: The 42N Parallel; Nineteen Nineteen; The Big Money. KW 1832. -----. Another copy. KW 1833. Dostoyevsky, Fyodor Mikhailovich. The Brothers Karamazov. Translated by Constance Garnett. London: Heinemann, 1923. [kwfv?] FV 1834. -----. The Brothers Karamazov. Translated by Constance Garnett. New York: Modern Library, 1937. [kwfv?] FV 1835. -----. Crime and Punishment. New York: Heritage, 1938. FV

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1836. -----. The Diary of a Writer. 2 vols. Translated by Boris Brasol. New York: Scribner, 1949. s49 FV 1837. -----. The Idiot. Translated by Constance Garnett. New York: Modern Library, 1942. FV 1838. -----. The Short Novels. Introduction by Thomas Mann. New York: Dial, 1951. FV 1839. Doughty, Charles Montagu. Passages from Arabia Deserta. Selected by Edward Garnett. KW 1840. -----. Travels in Arabia Deserta. Introduction by T.E. Lawrence. New York: Random House, 1937. FV 1841. Douglas, Frederic H., and René d'Harnoncourt. Indian Art of the United States. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1941. FV 1842. Douglas, Henry Kyd. I Rode with Stonewall, Being Chiefly the War Experiences of the Youngest Member of Jackson's Staff from the John Brown Raid to the Hanging of Mrs. Surratt. Chapel Hill, N.C.: University of North Carolina, 1940. FV 1843. Douglas, Jack. Veterans on the March. Foreword by John Dos Passos. KWH 1844. Douglas, Keith Castellain. Alamein to Zem Zem. London: Poetry, 1946. FV 1845. Douglas, Marjory Stoneman. The Everglades: River of Grass. New York: Rinehart, 1947. FV 1846. Douglas, Norman. Looking Back: An Autobiographical Excursion. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1933. s33 1847. -----. Old Calabria. New York: Modern Library, 1928. FV 1848. -----. Some Limericks, Collected for the Use of Students, and Ensplendour'd with Introduction, Geographical Index and with Notes Explanatory and Critical. Privately printed, 1939. FV 1849. -----. South Wind. New York: Macmillan, 1929. FV 1850. Douglas, William O. Strange Lands and Friendly People. New York: Harper, 1951. FV 1851. -----. Another copy. FV 1852. Douglass, Donald M. Rebecca's Pride. New York: Harper, 1956. FV 1853. Doukan, Gilbert. La chasse sous-marine: Précis de pêche au fusil harpon. Paris: Chantenay, 1946. FV 1854. -----. Another copy. FV 1855. Dounes Dekker, Niels A. Tanah Air Kita: A Book on the Country and People of Indonesia. Hague: Van Hoene, 1950. FV 1856. Dow, George Francis. Whale Ships and Whaling: A Pictorial History of Whaling during Three Centuries. Salem, Mass.: Marine Research Society, 1925. FV 1857. Downes, Olin. 10 Operatic Masterpieces. Text by Olin Downes. Piano arrangements by Leonard Marker. New York: Scribner, 1952. FV 1858. Downey, Fairfax Davis. Clash of Cavalry: The Battle of Brandy Station, June 9, 1863. New York:

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McKay, 1959. s6O FV 1859. -----. Indian-fighting Army. New York: Scribner, 1941. FV 1860. -----. Indian-fighting Army. New York: Bantam, 1957. FV 1861. Dowsett, Joseph Morewood. The Spanish Bull Ring, Being Some Account of the Spanish Bull Fight from Its Earliest History and Today. London: Bale, 1928. kwfv FV 1862. Doyle, Adrian Conan. Heaven Has Claws. New York: Random House, 1953. FV 1863. Doyle, Arthur Conan. The Great Keinplatz Experiment and Other Tales of Twilight and the Unseen. New York: Garden City, 1937. FV 1864. -----. Sherlock Holmes: His Adventures; Memoirs; Return; His Last Bow & The Case-book; The Complete Short Stories. London: Murray, 1928. kwfv FV

Doyle, Lynn, pseud. See Montgomery, Leslie Alexander. 1865. Drago, Harry Sinclair. Montana Road. New York: Popular Library, 1956. FV 1866. ----- [Will Ermine]. Last of the Longhorns. New York: Doubleday, 1948. FV 1867. ----- [Bliss Lomax]. Sage Brush Bandit. New York [Dell], 1957. FV 1868. Drake, Lawrence. Don't Call Me Clever. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1929. kwfv FV 1869. Draper, Dorothy Tuckerman. Decorating Is Fun!: How to Be Your Own Decorator. New York: Doubleday, 1944. FV 1870. Drepperd, Carl William. The Primer of American Antiques. Garden City: Doubleday, 1945. FV 1871. Dresser, Davis [Don Davis]. Death on Treasure Trail. New York: Pocket Books, 1952. FV 1872. Dresser, Davis [Brett Halliday]. Framed in Blood. New York: Dell, 1957. FV 1873. Dresser, Davis. The Hangman of Sleepy Valley. New York: Pocket Books, 1952. FV 1874. -----. Another copy. FV 1875. ----- [Brett Halliday]. A Taste for Violence. New York [Dell], 1957. FV 1876. ----- [Brett Halliday]. The Uncomplaining Corpses. New York: Dell [1950]. FV 1877. Drieu La Rochelle, Pierre. La comédie de Charleroi. Paris: Gallimard, 1934. kwfv FV 1878. -----. Le jeune européen. KW 1879. -----. Récit secret. Paris: AMG, 1951. FV 1880. Druon, Maurice. The Iron King. Translated by Humphrey Hare. New York: Scribner, 1956. FV 1881. -----. The Poisoned Crown. Translated by Humphrey Hare. New York: Scribner, 1957. FV 1882. -----. Another copy. FV

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1883. -----. The Royal Succession. Translated by Humphrey Hare. New York: Scribner, 1958. FV 1884. -----. The She-wolf of France. Translated from the French by Humphrey Hare. New York: Scribner, 1960. MH 1885. Dryer, Bernard Victor. The Image Makers. New York: Harper, 1958. FV 1886. Dubois, Jules. Fidel Castro: Rebel-liberator or Dictator? Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1959. FV 1887. *Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt. The Story of Benjamin Franklin. Vienna: The Secretariat of the World Council of Peace, 1956. FV 1888. Du Bos, Charles. Extraits d'un journal 1908-1928. Paris: Pléiade, 1928. kwfv FV 1889. The Ducal Palace in Venice: Small Historic-artistical Guide. Venice: Ferrari, 1945. FV 1890. Ducasse, Isidore Lucien [Lautreamont]. Maldoror (Les chants de Maldoror). Translated by Guy Wernham. Mt. Vernon, N.Y.: Golden Eagle, 1943. FV 1891. Dudley, Dorothy. Forgotten Frontiers: Dreiser and the Land of the Free. KW 1892. Duffy, Patrick Gavin. The Standard Bartender's Guide. Revised by James A. Beard. New York: Permabooks, 1955. FV

Dufresne, Frank, joint author. See Godfrey, Joseph Charles. 1893. Dugan, James. The Great Iron Ship. New York: Hamilton, 1953. FV 1894. -----. Man Explores the Sea: The Story of Undersea Exploration from Earliest Times to Commandant Cousteau. London: Hamilton, 1956. FV 1895. -----. Man under the Sea. New York: Harper, 1956. FV 1896. Dugmore, Arthur Radclyffe. The Autobiography of a Wanderer. KWH 1897. Duguid, J. Tiger-man: An Odyssey of Freedom. New York: Century, 1932. kwfv FV 1898. Duke, Neville, in collaboration with Alan W. Mitchell. Test Pilot. London: Wingate, 1953. FV 1899. Dumas, Alexandre. The Black Tulip. Translated by A.J. O'Connor. New York: Collier, 1902. kwfv FV 1900. -----. Le chevalier de Maison-Rouge. 2 vols. KW 1901. -----. Les compagnons de Jéhu. 2 vols. Paris: Nelson, 1929. kwfv FV 1902. -----. The Count of Monte Cristo. 4 vols. in 1. Translated by André Maurois. New York: Heritage, 1941. FV 1903. -----. The Forty-five Guardsmen. KWH 1904. -----. Man in the Iron Mask: A Historical Romance. Translated by Henry L. Williams. New York: Lupton, 1892. PC

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1905. -----. Les quarante-cinq. 3 vols. KW 1906. -----. La reine Margot. 2 vols. KW 1907. -----. Another copy. KW 1908. -----. The Road to Monte Cristo: A Condensation from His Memoirs. Compiled by Jules Eckert Goodman. New York: Scribner, 1956. FV 1909. -----. The Three Musketeers. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, n.d. KW FV 1910. -----. Twenty Years After. KW 1911. -----. Le Vicomte de Bragelonné: Dix ans plus tard. 2 vols. Paris: Nelson, 1936. FV

Dumas, F., joint author. See Cousteau, Jacques-Yves. 1912. Dumas, Vito. Alone through the Roaring Forties: The Voyage of "Lehg II" Round the World. Translated from the Spanish by Raymond Johnes. Southampton, England: Coles, 1960. MH 1913. Du Maurier, Daphne. Jamaica Inn. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1936. s36 1914. Du Maurier, George Louis Palmella Busson. Petter Ibbetson, with an Introduction by His Cousin Lady ***** ("Madge Plunket"); Edited and Illustrated by George Du Maurier. New York: Harper, 1891. FV 1915. -----. Trilby. London: Constable, 1918. kwfv FV 1916. Duncan, David Douglas. The Private World of Pablo Picasso. New York: Harper, 1958. FV 1917. -----. This Is War! A Photo-narrative in Three Parts. New York: Harper, 1951. FV 1918. Duncan, Isadora. My Life. New York: Boni & Liveright, 1927. FV 1919. Duncombe, Frances. Death of a Spinster. New York: Scribner, 1958. FV 1920. Dundy, Elaine. The Dud Avocado. New York: Dutton, 1958. FV 1921. Dunne, Finley Peter. Mr. Dooley in Peace and in War. Boston: Small, Maynard, 1905. kwfv FV 1922. *Dunois, Edward. French Made Easy. New York: Books, 1939. FV 1923. Dunsterville, Lionel Charles. Stalky's Reminiscences. London: Cape, 1933. PC 1924. Du Pont de Nemours (E.I.) and Company. The Autobiography of an American Enterprise. Wilmington, Del., 1952. FV 1925. Dupuy, Richard Ernest. St. Vith: Lion in the Way; The 106th Infantry Division in World War II. Washington: Infantry Journal, 1949. FV 1926. Durand, Algernon. The Making of a Frontier: Five Years' Experiences and Adventures in Gilgit Hunza Nagar, Chitral, and the Eastern Hindu-Kush. London: Nelson, 1900. FV 1927. Durant, John. The Dodgers: An Illustrated Story of Those Unpredictable Bums. New York: Hastings, 1948. FV

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1928. -----. The Yankees: A Pictoral History of Baseball's Greatest Club. New York: Hastings, 1949. s49 FV 1929. -----, and Edward Rice. Come Out Fighting. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1946. FV 1930. *Durga Prasad Rastogi Adarsh [pseud.). The Indivisible World. Text in Spanish and Yiddish. FV 1931. Durrell, Gerald Malcolm. Three Tickets to Adventure. New York: Viking, 1955. FV 1932. -----. A Zoo in My Luggage. New York: Viking, 1960. s6O MH 1933. Durrell, Lawrence. Bitter Lemons. New York: Dutton, 1957. FV 1934. -----. The Black Book. New York: Dutton, 1960. s6O MH 1935. -----. Esprit de corps: Sketches from Diplomatic Life. New York: Dutton, 1957. MH 1936. -----. Justine. New York: Dutton, 1957. FV 1937. -----. Stiff Upper Lip: Life among the Diplomats. New York: Dutton, 1959. MH 1938. Durtain, Luc. Captain O.K.: Roman. KW 1939. -----. Frank et Marjorie: Roman. Paris: Flammarion, 1934. KWH 1940. Dusenbury, George and Jane. How to Retire to Florida. New York: Harper, 1947. MH 1941. Dussouchet, Jean Jacques. Cours primaire de grammaire française. Paris: Hachette, n.d. FV 1942. Dutourd, Jean. The Man of Sensibility. Translated by Robin Chancellor. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1961. FV 1943. -----. The Taxis of the Marne. Translated by Harold King. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1957. FV 1944. Duval, G. Les leçons de la guerre d'Espagne. Preface by General Weygand. Paris: Plon, 1938. kwfv FV 1945. Dwinger, Edwin Erich. Lejos de las alambradas: Diario de un prisionero en Siberia. Translated by Félix Díez Mateo. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 1930. FV 1946. Dyer, George. The People Ask Death. New York: Scribner, 1940. FV 1947. Earl, Edward. The End of the World Revolution. New York: Comet, 1959. FV 1948. Earl, Lawrence. The Frozen Jungle. New York: Bantam, 1957. FV 1949. Eastman, George. Chronicles of an African Trip. Privately printed for the author, 1927. MH 1950. Eastman, Max. The End of Socialism in Russia. KW 1951. -----. Enjoyment of Laughter. KWH 1952. -----. Great Companions: Critical Memoirs of Some Famous Friends. New York: Farrar, Straus & Cudahy, 1959. MH 1953. -----. Kinds of Love: Poems. KW

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1954. -----. Poems of Five Decades. New York: Harper, 1954. FV 1955. -----. Stalin's Russia and the Crisis in Socialism. New York: Norton, 1940. FV 1956. Eaton, Charles Edward. Write Me from Rio. Winston Salem, N.C.: Blair, 1959. FV 1957. Eaton, Margaret L. The Autobiography of Peggy Eaton. Preface by Charles F. Deems. KWH 1958. Eaton, Walter Prichard. Boy Scouts of the Wildcat Patrol: The Adventures of Peanut as a Young Scout Master. Boston: Wilde, 1915. FV 1959. Eberlein, Harold Donaldson. Little Known England: Rambles in the Welsh Borderland, the Cotswolds, the Chalk Hills and the Eastern Counties. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1930. FV 1960. Eckhart, Meister. Meister Eckhart. A modern translation by Raymond Bernard Blakney. New York: Harper, 1957. FV 1961. Eckstein, Gustav. Everyday Miracle. New York: Harper, 1948. FV 1962. Edel, Leon. Henry James: Les années dramatiques. Paris: Jouve, 1931. FV 1963. Edminster, Frank Custer. American Game Birds of Field and Forest; Their Habits, Ecology and Management. New York: Scribner, 1954. FV 1964. Edmonds, Walter Dumaux. Drums along the Mohawk. Boston: Little, Brown, 1936. FV 1965. Edmunds, Murrell. Earthenware: A Group of Stones. Lynchburg, VA.: Little Bookshop, 1930. kwfv FV 1966. Edward VIII, King of Great Britain. A King's Story: The Memoirs of the Duke of Windsor. New York: Putnam, 1951. FV 1967. Edwards, Ernest Preston. Finding Birds in Mexico. Amherst, Va.: Edwards, 1955. FV 1968. Edwards, Kenneth. Operation Neptune. Paris: Albatross, 1947. FV 1969. Ehrenburg, Il'ya Grigor'yevich. La chute de Paris. Moscow: Langues Etrangères, 1943. FV 1970. -----. Duhamel, Gide, Malraux, Mauriac, Morand, Romains, Unamuno, vus par un écrivan d'U.R.S.S. Translated from the Russian by Madeleine Etard. Paris: Gallimard, 1934. kwfv FV 1971. 18 wspótczesnych opowiada½ ameryka½skich. 1957. FV 1972. Eiloart, Arnold, and Peter Elstob. The Flight of the Small World. New York: Norton, 1959. s6O FV 1973. Einstein, Charles, ed. The Fireside Book of Baseball. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1956. FV 1974. Eisenhower, Dwight David. Crusade in Europe. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1948. FV 1975. Eisenschiml, Otto. In the Shadow of Lincoln's Death. New York: Funk, 1940. FV 1976. -----. Why Was Lincoln Murdered? Boston: Little, Brown, 1937. s37 1977. -----, and Ralph Newman. The American Iliad: The Epic Story of the Civil War As Narrated by

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Eye-witnesses and Contemporaries. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1947. FV 1978. Elam, Samuel M. Weevil in the Cotton. New York: Stokes, 1940. FV 1979. Eldridge, Fred. Wrath in Burma: The Uncensored Story of General Stilwell and International Maneuvers in the Far East. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1946. FV 1980. Elgar, Frank. Van Gogh: A Study of His Life and Work. Translated by James Cleugh. New York: Praeger, 1958. FV 1981. -----. Vincent van Gogh. Paris: Hazan, 1949. FV 1982. Eliassen, Georg, ed. Arnstein Arneberg. Redaksjon: G. Eliassen, Arne Pedersen, Olav Platou. Oslo: Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, 1952. FV 1983. Eliot, George [pseud.]. Silas Marner. Edited by Wilbur Lucius Cross. New York: American Book Company, 1903. KWH 1984. Eliot, T.S. After Strange Gods: A Primer of Modern Heresy. kwfv 1985. -----. The Cocktail Party. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1950. FV 1986. -----. Collected Poems, 1909-1935. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1936. s36 KW FV 1987. -----. Another copy. KW 1988. -----. The Complete Poems and Plays. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1952. FV 1989. -----. Dante. London: Faber, 1929. kwfv FV 1990. -----. From Poe to Valery. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1948. FV 1991. -----. Murder in the Cathedral. KW 1992. -----. Poems, 1909-1925. London: Faber, 1933. kwfv FV 1993. -----. Selected Essays. KW 1994. -----. The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism: Studies in the Relation of Criticism to Poetry in England. London: Faber, 1933. kwfv FV 1995. Eliscu, William. Count Five and Die. Told to Barry Wynne by William Eliscu. New York: Ballantine, 1959. FV 1996. Elkins, Frank, and Frank Harper, eds. World Ski Book. New York: Longmans, Green, 1949. FV

1997. -----. Another copy. FV 1998. Ellam, Patrick. The Sportman's Guide to the Caribbean. New York: Barnes, 1956. FV 1999. -----, and Colin Mudie. Sopranino. New York: Norton, 1953. FV

Elliot, D.G., joint author. See Roosevelt, Theodore.

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2000. Elliot, Russell W. Your Shotgun vs. You. Kansas City, Mo.: Brown-White-Lowell, 1955. FV 2001. Ellis, Elder. Mr. Dooley's America. New York: Knopf, 1941. FV 2002. Ellis, Havelock. My Life: Autobiography of Havelock Ellis. KW 2003. -----. The Soul of Spain. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1937. FV 2004. -----. Studies in the Psychology of Sex. 4 vols. New York: Random House, 1936. s36 KW 2005. Ellmann, Richard. The Backgrounds of Ulysses. (Reprinted from the Kenyon Review, v. 16, no. 3, summer 1954.) Gambier, Ohio, 1954. FV 2006. -----. James Joyce. New York: Oxford, 1959. FV 2007. Ellsberg, Edward. No Banners, No Bugles. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1949. FV 2008. -----. Under the Red Sea Sun. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1945. FV 2009. Ellson, Hal. Duke. New York: Scribner, 1949. FV 2010. -----. The Golden Spike. New York: Ballantine, 1952. FV 2011. Ellsworth, Lincoln. Beyond Horizons. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Doran, 1938. FV

Elphinstone, Howard, joint author. See Ratcliffe, B.J. 2012. Elst, Joseph van der. The Last Flowering of the Middle Ages. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Doran, 1945. FV

Elstob, Peter, joint author. See Eiloart, Arnold. 2013. Elston, Allan Vaughan. Hit the Saddle. New York: Pocket Books, 1949. FV 2014. Eluard, Paul. Thorns of Thunder: Selected Poems. With a drawing by Pablo Picasso. Edited by George Reavey. Translated by Samuel Beckett and others. London: Europa & Nott, 1936. FV 2015. Elvin, Harold. The Ride to Chandigarh. New York: Macmillan, 1957. FV 2016. Emerson, Peter Henry. Caóba, the Guerrilla Chief: A Real Romance of the Cuban Rebellion. London: Nutt, 1997. kwfv FV

Emmons, Arthur B., joint author. See Burdsall, Richard Lloyd. 2017. Endore, Guy S. Babouk. KWH 2018. Engel, Louis. How to Buy Stocks: A Guide to Making Money in the Market. New York: Bantam, 1957. FV

Engels, Frederick, joint author. See Marx, Karl

Engels, Paul, joint editor. See Stegner, Mary 2019. Engstrand, Stuart Davis. The Scattered Seed. New York: Messner, 1952. FV

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2020. -----. The Sling and the Arrow. New York: Creative Age, 1947. FV 2021. Ennis, George Pearse. Making a Water-colour. London: Studio Publications, 1943. FV 2022. *Enriquez, Enrique C. Sin freno ni silla. Havana, 1960. FV 2023. Enters, A. Love Possessed Juana (Queen of Castile). New York: Twice-a-year, 1939. FV 2024. *Epopea partigiana. Bologna, 1947. FV 2025. Erckmann, Emile, and Alexandre Chatrian (Erckmann-Chatrian). The History of a Conscript of 1813 and Waterloo. New translations by Russell David Gillman. London: Dent, 1916. kwfv FV 2026. -----, and Alexandre Chatrian (Erckmann-Chatrian). Tales. Selected and edited by Harold March. KW

Ermine, Will, pseud. See Drago, Harry Sinclair 2027. Ernst, Clayton Holt [Deep-river Jim], ed. Deep-river Jim's Wilderness Trail Book. Boston: Open Road, 1937. kwfv 2028. Ernst, Morris Leopold. The Best is Yet. New York: Harper, 1945. FV 2029. -----, and William Seagle. To the Pure: A Study of Obscenity and the Censor. New York: Viking, 1928. kwfv FV 2030. Erskine, John. Tristan and Isolde: Restoring Palamede. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1932. FV 2031. -----. Unfinished Business. KWH 2032. "Es gibt einem Gott." [Manuscript.] FV 2033. Esher, Reginald Baliol Brett. The Captains and the Kings Depart: Journal and Letters of Reginald, Viscount Esher. Edited by Oliver, Viscount Esher. 2 vols. KWH 2034. *España. Ministerio de Agricultura. Concurso de trofeos venatorios y exposición de caza en el arte. Spain: Sociedad Española de Amigos del Arte, 1950. FV 2035. Esquire (periodical). The Esquire Treasury: The Best Twenty years of Esquire Fact, Fiction and Laughter.... Edited by Arnold Gingrich. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1953. FV 2036. -----. Esquire's First Sports Reader. Edited by Herbert Graffis. New York: Barnes, 1945. FV 2037. -----. Esquire's 2nd Sports Reader. Edited with an introduction by Arnold Gingrich. New York: Barnes, 1946. FV 2038. -----. The Third New Year: An Etude in the Key of Frankness. Chicago: Esquire, 1935. kwfv FV 2039. Essentials of Infantry Training. Harrisburg, Pa.: Military Service Publishing Co., 1942. FV 2040. Estienne, Charles. Van Gogh. Translated by S.J.C. Harrison. Geneva: Skira, 1953. FV 2041. Etchen, Fred. Commonsense Shotgun Shooting with Fred Etchen. Introduction by Nash Buckingham. Huntington, W. Va.: Standard Publications, 1946. FV

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2042. -----. Another copy. FV 2043. -----. Another copy. FV 2044. Ettlinger, Harold. Fair Fantastic Paris. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1944. FV 2045. Euripides. Alcestis. kwfv 2046. Evanoff, Vlad. Surf Fishing. New York: Barnes, 1948. FV

Evans, Bergen, joint author. See Bishop, Herman.

Evans, Evan, pseud. See Faust, Frederick. 2047. *Evans, R. Tenniel. The Butterfly Collector's Handbook for East Africa. Nairobi, 1946. FV

Evans, Walker, joint author. See Agee, James. 2048. Evarts, Hal G. The Night Raiders. New York: Popular Library, 1956. FV 2049. -----. Shortgrass. New York: Popular Library, 1950. FV 2050. Everlast Boxing Record Book. KW 2051. -----. Another copy. KW 2052. Ewers, John Canfield. The story of Blackfeet. Lawrence, Kansas: U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs, Branch of Education, 1952. FV 2053. Ewing, Juliana Horatia. Lob Lie-by-the-fire. KWH 2054. Eyster, Warren. Far from the Customary Skies. New York: Random House, 1953. FV 2055. *Fabius, Frères. Antiquaires: Paintings and Sculpture by Old Masters. Paris, n.d. FV 2056. Fabre-Luce, Alfred [Jacques Sindral]. Talleyrand. Paris: Gailimard, 1928. kwfv FV 2057. Fabricio Diaz, Francisco. Ecos de amor y dolor. Havana: Fernandez, 1952. FV 2058. Fadiman, Clifton. Any Number Can Play. Cleveland: World, 1957. FV 2059. -----, ed. I Believe: The Personal Philosophies of Certain Eminent Men and Women of Our Time. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1939. FV 2060. -----, ed. Reading I've Liked: A Personal Selection Drawn from Two Decades of Reading and Reviewing. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1941. FV 2061. -----, Sinclair Lewis and Carl Van Doren, eds. The Three Readers: An Omnibus of Novels, Stories, Essays & Poems Selected with Comments by the Editorial Committee of the Readers Club. New York: Readers Club, 1943. FV 2062. Fading Trails: The Story of Endangered American Wildlife. Prepared by a Committee of the United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service. New York: Macmillan, 1942. FV

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2063. Faherty, Robert. Better than Dying. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1935. FV 2064. -----. Big Old Sun. New York: Putnam, 1941. FV 2065. -----. In Human Terms: The 1959 Story of the UNRWA-Unesco Arab Refugee Schools. Paris: Unesco, 1959. FV 2066. Fain, William. Cheers, Major Barlow. New York: Crown, 1958. FV 2067. -----. The Lizard's Tail. New York: Knopf, 1954. s54 FV

Fair, A.A., pseud. See Gardner, Erle Stanley. 2068. Fair, James R. Give Him to the Angels: The Story of Harry Greb. New York: Smith & Durrell, 1946. FV 2069. Fairchild, David Grandison. The World Was My Garden: Travels of a Plant Explorer. New York: Scribner, 1948. FV 2070. Fairchild, L.H. and Helen G. Cats and All about Them. New York: Orange Judd, 1944. FV 2071. Faissole, Charles A. The Restaurateur's Handbook. New York: Harper, 1938. FV

Fall, Thomas, pseud. See Snow, Donald Clifford. 2072. Fallada, Hans. Kleiner Mann--was nun? Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1950. FV 2073. Falstein, Louis. Face of a Hero. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1950. FV 2074. Farago, Ladislas. War of Wits: The Anatomy of Espionage and Intelligence. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1954. s54 FV 2075. Farkas, Aladár [Oscar Ray]. Espions et espionnage. Paris: Nouvelle Revue Française, 1936. KWH FV 2076. Farmer, Fannie Merritt. The Boston Cooking-school Cook Book. New York: Garden City, 1945. FV 2077. -----. The Boston Cooking-school Cook Book. New York: Little, Brown, 1951. FV

Farragut, Juan, joint author. See Carretero, José Maria. 2078. Farrar, Guy B. The Feathered Folk of an Estuary. London: Scribner, 1939. FV 2079. Farrell, James T. Calico Shoes and other Stories. KW 2080. -----. Can All This Grandeur Perish? and Other Stories. KW 2081. -----. A Note on Literary Criticism. KW 2082. -----. Studs Lonigan: A Trilogy. New York: Vanguard, 1935. s36 kwfv 2083. -----. A World I Never Made. KW 2084. Farrington, Sara Houston (Chisie). Women Can Fish. New York: Coward-McCann, 1951. FV

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2085. Farrington, Selwyn Kip. Atlantic Game Fishing. Introduction by Ernest Hemingway. New York: Kennedy, 1937. kwfv FV 2086. -----. Atlantic Game Fishing. Introduction by Ernest Hemingway. New York: Kennedy, 1957. FV 2087. -----. A Book of Fishes. Philadelphia: Blakiston, 1946. FV 2088. -----. Fishing the Pacific. New York: Coward-McCann, 1953. FV 2089. -----. Pacific Game Fishing. New York: Coward-McCann, 1942. Mrs. Lloyd Arnold. Ketchum, Idaho. 2090. -----. Railroading from the Rear End. New York: Coward-McCann, 1946. FV 2091. -----. Railroads at War. New York: Coward-McCann, 1944. FV 2092. Farrow, Edward Samuel. A Dictionary of Military Terms. New York: Crowell, 1918. FV 2093. Farsaci, Litterio B. Star-bound. Jacksonville, Fla.: Privately printed, 1944. FV 2094. Farson, Negley. Going Fishing. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1943. FV 2095. -----. Another copy. FV 2096. -----. A Mirror for Narcissus. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1957. FV 2097. -----. The Way of a Transgressor. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1936. s36 kwfv 2098. Fast, Howard. Citizen Tom Paine. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1943. FV 2099. -----. Citizen Tom Paine. New York: Bantam, 1946. FV 2100. -----. The Last Frontier. New York: Readers Club, 1941. FV

Father Divine, pseud. See Baker, George. 2101. Fattorusso, Giuseppe. Wonders of Florence: The Churches, the Palaces, the Treasures of Art. A Handbook for Students and Travellers and a Genealogical Table of the Medici Family. Florence: Fattorusso, 1956. FV 2102. Fauconnier, Henri. Malaisie. kwfv 2103. Faulkner, William. Absalom, Absalom! KW 2104. -----. As I Lay Dying. New York: Cape, 1930. kwfv FV 2105. -----. Big Woods. New York: Random House, 1955. FV 2106. -----. Another copy. FV 2107. -----. Collected Stories of William Faulkner. New York: Random House [1934?]. FV 2108. -----. A Fable. New York: Random House, 1954. s54 FV 2109. -----. Go Down, Moses. New York: Random House, 1942. FV

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2110. -----. Light in August. KW 2111. -----. The Mansion. New York: Random House, 1959. s6O FV 2112. -----. The Portable Faulkner. Edited by Malcolm Cowley. New York: Viking, 1946. FV 2113. -----. Pylon. New York: Smith & Haas, 1935. FV 2114. -----. Sanctuary. New York: Modern Library, 1932. FV 2115. -----. Soldiers' Pay. New York: Boni & Liveright, 1926. kwfv FV 2116.-----. The Unvanquished. Leipzig: Albatross, 1938. FV 2117.-----. The Wild Palms. New York: Random House, 1939. FV 2118. Faust, Frederick [Evan Evans]. Outlaw Valley. New York: Bantam, 1958. FV 2119. -----. [Max Brand]. The Fighting Four. [Roslyn, N.Y.: Black's Readers Service?] 1933. FV 2120. -----. Another copy. FV 2121. -----. [Max Brand]. Gunman's Gold. New York: Pocket Books, 1952. FV 2122. -----. [Max Brand]. Mystery Ranch. New York: Pocket Books, 1952. FV 2123. -----. [Max Brand]. The Streak. New York: Pocket Books, 1952. FV 2124. Favill, John. Primer of Celestial Navigation. New York: Cornell Maritime Press, 1940. FV 2125. Fawcett, Percy Harrison. Exploration Fawcett. Arranged from his manuscripts, letters, log-books, and records by Brian Fawcett. London: Hutchinson, 1953. FV 2126. -----. Lost Trails, Lost Cities. Arranged from his manuscripts, letters and other records by Brian Fawcett. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1953. FV 2127. -----. Another copy. FV 2128. Fearing, Kenneth. Dagger of the Mind. New York: Bantam, 1947. FV 2129. -----. Poems. KW 2130. Federal Writers' Project. California: A Guide to the Golden State. Compiled and written by the Federal Writers' Project of the Works Progress Administration for the State of California. New York: Hastings House, 1945. FV 2131. -----. Florida: A Guide to the Southernmost State. Compiled and written by the Federal Writers' Project of the Work Projects Administration for the State of Florida. New York: Oxford, 1939. FV 2132. -----. Idaho: A Guide in Word and Picture. Prepared by the Federal Writers' Project of the Works Progress Administration. Caldwell, Id.: Caxton, 1937. FV 2133. -----. Idaho: A Guide in Word and Picture. New York: Oxford, 1950. MH

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2134. -----. Minnesota: A State Guide. Compiled and written by the Federal Writers' Project of the Works Progress Administration. New York: Viking, 1938. MH 2135. -----. New Mexico: A Guide to the Colorful State. New York: Hastings House, 1945. FV 2136. -----. New York City Guide. New York: Random House, 1939. FV 2137. Fedoroff, Alexander. The Side of the Angels. New York: Obolensky, 1960. MH

Feikema, Feike, pseud. See Manfred, Frederick Feikema. 2138. Feis, Herbert. The Spanish Story: Franco and the Nations at War. New York: Knopf, 1948. FV 2139. Feld, Rose Caroline. My Aunt Lucienne. New York: Scribner, 1955. FV 2140. Feldman, Gene, and Max Gartenberg, eds. The Beat Generation and the Angry Young Men. New York: Citadel, 1958. FV 2141. Fels, Florent. James Ensor. Geneva: Cailler, 1947. FV 2142. Felsen, Henry G. He's in Submarines Now. New York: McBride, 1942. FV 2143. Felsinger, Edwin. Die grössere Liebe. Vienna: Kremayr & Scheriau, 1956. FV 2144. Feng, Doreen Yen Hung. The Joy of Chinese Cooking. New York: Greenberg, n.d. FV 2145. Fenton, Carroll Lane, and Mildred Adams Fenton. Rocks and Their Stories. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1951. MH 2146. Fenton, Charles A. The Apprenticeship of Ernest Hemingway: The Early Years. New York: Farrar, Straus & Young, 1954. FV 2147. -----. Ernest Hemingway's Literary Apprenticeship, 1916-1923: A Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Yale University in Candidacy for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, 1953. FV 2148. -----. Stephen Vincent Benét: The Life and Times of an American Man of Letters, 1898-1943. New Haven: Yale, 1958. s58 FV 2149. -----. Another copy. FV 2150. Ferber, Richard. The Hostiles. New York: Dell, 1958. FV 215l. Ferguson, Robert. Harpooner: A Four-year Voyage on the Barque Kathleen, 1880-1884. Edited by Leslie Dalrymple Stair. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, 1936. s36 KWH 2152. Fergusson, Bernard. The Wild Green Earth. London: Collins, 1952. FV 2153. Fergusson, Erna. Chile. New York: Knopf, 1943. s49 FV 2154. -----. Cuba. New York: Knopf, 1946. MH 2155. -----. Dancing Gods. New York: Knopf, 1942. s49 FV 2156. -----. Guatemala. New York: Knopf, 1949. s49 FV

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2157. -----. Mexico Revisited. New York: Knopf, 1955. FV 2158. -----. Another copy. FV 2159. -----. Our Southwest. New York: Knopf, 1946. s49 FV 2160. -----. Venezuela. New York: Knopf, 1947. s49 FV 2161. Fergusson, Harvey. The Life of Riley. New York: Knopf, 1937. KWH

Fernández, Ramona, joint author. See Moreno, Abelardo. 2162. Fernández Coello de Portugal, Antonio and José. Belmonte en 1919. Madrid: Imp. Artística de Sáez Hermanos, 1919. kwfv FV 2163. Fernández de Castro, José Antonio. Barraca de feria. Havana: Montero, 1933. FV 2164. Fernández de Heredia, Antonio [Hache]. Doctrinal taurómaco de "Hache." Madrid: Marzo, 1904. kwfv FV 2165. Fernández de la Reguera, Ricardo. Cuerpo a tierra. Barcelona: Garbo, 1955. FV 2166. Fernández Fierros, Francisco. Flor de oro. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: La Opinión, 1944. FV 2167. Fernández Martínez, Fidel. Sierra Nevada. KW 2168. Fernández Santos, Jesús. Los bravos. Valencia: Castalia, 1954. FV 2169. -----. Cabeza rapada. Barcelona: Seix Barral, 1958. FV 2170. -----. En la hoguera. Madrid: Arión, 1957. FV 2171. *Ferreira, Ramon. Tiburóa y otros cuentos. Havana: Oríganes, 1952. FV

Ferrer, Ricardo, joint author. See Pérez, Venancio. 2172. *Ferrer de Couto, Augusto. Madrid: La ciudad alegre y confiada; impresiones de un viaje transatlántico. Havana, n.d. FV 2173. Ferrer Deulofeu, Augustina Surama de las Mercedes. Romelia Vargas. Havana: Alonso, 1952. FV 2174. Ferro, Antonio. Salazar: Portugal and Her Leader. Translated by H. de Barros Gomes and John Gibbons. London: Faber, 1939. FV 2175. Fersen, Nicholas. Tombolo. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1954. FV 2176. Feuchtwanger, Lion. Jud Süss: Roman. Munich: Drei Masken, 1925. kwfv FV 2177. -----. The Ugly Duchess: A Historical Romance. Translated by Willa and Edwin Muir. London: Secker, 1935. KWH 2178. Fichter, George S., ed. The Fisherman's Handbook for 1954-1955. Oxford, Ohio: Fisherman Press, 1955. FV

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2179. Fiedler, Leslie A. Love and Death in the American Novel. New York: Criterion, 1960. s6l MH 2180. Field, Peter. The Man from Thief River. New York: Pocket Books, 1952. FV 2181. -----. Sheriff on the Spot. New York: Pocket Books, 1953. FV 2182. Field, Wooster Bard. House Planning. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1940. FV 2183. Field and Stream (periodical). The Sportman's World; for Every Hunter and Fisherman: A Richly Illustrated Guide to Sport in Seventeen Areas of the United States and Abroad. By the editors of Field and Stream. New York: Holt, 1959. s6O FV 2184. Fielding, Daphne. Mercury Presides. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1955. FV

Fielding, Gabriel, pseud. See Barnsley, Alan Gabriel.

2185. Fielding, Henry. The Adventures of Joseph Andrews. kwfv 2186. -----. Tom Jones. kwfv KW 2187. -----. Another copy? KW 2188. Fielding, Xan. Hide and Seek: The Story of a War-time Agent. London: Secker & Warburg, 1954. FV 2189. -----. The Stronghold: An Account of the Four Seasons in the White Mountains of Crete. London: Secker & Warburg, 1953. FV 2190. Fielding's Travel Guide to Europe. New York: Sloane, 1948. FV 2191. Fielding's Travel Guide to Europe: 1954-1955. New York: Sloane, 1954. FV 2192. Fielding's Travel Guide to Europe: 1955-1956. New York: Sloane, 1955. FV 2193. Fielding's Travel Guide to Europe: 1956-1957. New York: Sloane, 1956. FV 2194. Fielding's Travel Guide to Europe: 1957-1958. New York: Sloane, 1957. FV 2195. Fielding's Travel Guide to Europe: 1958-1959. New York: Sloane, 1958. FV 2196. Fielding's Travel Guide to Europe. New York: Sloane, 1960. FV 2197. Fielding's Travel Guide to Europe. New York: Sloane, 1961. F\/ 2198. Fierens, Paul. Peinture flamande des origines à 1550. Paris: Braun, n.d. FV 2199. -----. Van Gogh. Paris: Braun, 1948. FV

Fierro Blanco, Antonio de, pseud. See Nordhoff, Walter. 2200. Fiesole, Giovanni da, called Fra Angelico. Fra Angelico. Text by Jean Dominique Rey. New York: Scribner, 1954. FV 2201. Figuier, Louis. The World before the Deluge. London: Chapman & Hall, 1867. kwfv FV

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2202. Finch, Percy. Shanghai and Beyond. New York: Scribner, 1953. FV

Finnegan, Robert, pseud. See Ryan, Paul William. 2203. Finney, Jack. The Third Level. New York: Rinehart, 1957. FV 2204. Finsterbusch, C.A. Cock Fighting All over the World. Gaffney, S.C.: Grit & Steel, 1929. FV 2205. Fiocco, Giuseppe. Mantegna: la Cappella Ovetari nella Chiesa degli Eremitani. Milan: Pizzi, 1947. FV 2206. Fishback, Margaret. I Take It Back. New York: Dutton, 1935. FV 2207. Fishbein, Morris. Modern Home Medical Adviser: Your Health and How to Preserve It. KW 2208. Fisher, Charles. The Columnists. New York: Howell, Soskin, 1944. FV

Fisher, Clay, pseud. See Allen, Henry 2209. Fisher, Jacob. The Art of Detection. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers, 1948. FV 2210. Fisher, James, and R.N. Lockley. Sea-birds: An Introduction to the Natural History of the Sea-birds of the North Atlantic. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1954. FV 2211. Fisher, Mary Frances (Kennedy). Here Let Us Feast: A Book of Banquets. New York: Viking, 1946. FV 2212. Fisher, Vardis. Children of God: An American Epic. New York: Harper, 1939. FV 2213. *Fishing and Hunting in Cuba. 4th edition. n.p., n.d. FV 2214. Fitch, John, and William W. Nolan. Adventure on Wheels: The Autobiography of a Road Racing Champion. New York: Putnam, 1959. s6l ME 2215. Fitts, Dudley. The Poetic Nuance. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1958. FV 2216. -----. ed. Greek Plays in modern Translation. New York: Dial, 1947. FV 2217. Fitz, Grancel. North American Head Hunting. New York: Oxford, 1957. FV 2218. Fitzgerald, F. Scott. Afternoon of an Author: A Selection of Uncollected Stories and Essays. Edited by Arthur Mizener. New York: Scribner, 1957. FV 2219. -----. Another copy. FV 2220. -----. The Crack-up; with Other Uncollected Pieces, Note-books and Unpublished Letters, Together with Letters to Fitzgerald from Gertrude Stein, Edith Wharton, T.S. Eliot, Thomas Wolfe and John Dos Passos, and Essays and Poems by Paul Rosenfeld, Glenway Wescott, John Dos Passos, John Peale Bishop and Edmund Wilson. Edited by Edmund Wilson. New York: Laughlin, 1945. FV 2221. -----. Another copy. FV 2222. -----. Another copy. FV 2223. -----. Gatsby le magnifique. KW

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2224. -----. The Last Tycoon: An Unfinished Novel; Together with The Great Gatsby and Selected Stories. New York: Scribner, 1941. FV 2225. -----. The Portable F. Scott Fitzgerald. Selected by Dorothy Parker. Introduction by John O'Hara. New York: Viking, 1945. FV 2226. -----. The Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Selection of 28 Stories. Introduction by Malcolm Cowley. New York: Scribner, 1951. FV 2227. -----. Tender is the Night. New York: Scribner, 1934. FV 2228. -----. Tender Is the Night. With the author's final revisions. Preface by Malcolm Cowley. New York: Scribner, 1951. FV 2229. Fitzpatrick, James Percy. Jock of the Bushveld. London: Longman, Green, 1954. MH 2230. Flaiano, Ennio. The Short Cut. Translated from the Italian by Stuart Hood. New York: New American Library, 1950. FV 2231. Flandrau, Charles Macomb. Viva Mexico! New York: Appleton-Century, 1931. kwfv FV 2232. Flanner, Janet. Men and Monuments. New York: Harper, 1957. FV 2233. Flaubert, Gustave. Correspondance. Deuxième série (1850-1854). Paris: Charpentier, 1910. PC 2234. -----. Madame Bovary. Translated by Eleanor Marx Aveling. Mt. Vernon, N.Y.: Peter Pauper, 1944. FV 2235. -----. Madame Bovary. Translated by Eleanor Marx Aveling. New York: Modern Library, n.d. KW FV 2236. -----. Trois contes. kwfv 2237. Flavin, Martin. Mr. Littlejohn. New York: Harper, 1940. FV 2238. Fleischer, Nathaniel S. The Heavyweight Championship: An Informal History of Heavyweight Boxing from 1719 to the Present Day. New York: Putnam, 1949. FV 2239. -----. Young Griffo: The Will O' the Wisp of the Roped Square. kwfv 2240. Fleischmann, Hector. Pauline Boneparte et ses amants, d'après les témoignagres des contemporains ses lettres d'amour et les pamphlets anti-napoléoniens, avec 19 gravures, caricatures, autographes et portraits, d'après des documents de l'épogue. KW 2241. Fleming, Ian. Diamonds Are Forever. New York: Permabooks, 1957. FV 2242. -----. Another copy. FV 2243. -----. From Russia, with Love. New York: Macmillan, 1957. FV 2244. -----. Operation Sea Lion: The Projected Invasion of England in 1940; An Account of the German Preparations and the British Countermeasures. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1957. FV 2245. Fleming, Peter. News from Tartary: A Journey from Peking to Kashmir. New York: Scribner, 1936. KW FV

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2246. -----. One's Company: A Journey to China. New York: Scribner, 1934. kwfv FV 2247. -----. A Story to Tell and other Tales. New York: Scribner, 1942. FV

Fleming, Richard H., joint author. See Sverdup, Harold Ulrik.

Fleming, Roscoe, joint author. See Krick, Irving Parkhurst. 2248. Flender, Harold. Paris Blues. New York: Ballantine, 1957. FV 2249. Fles, Barthold, ed. Woman's Home Companion: Seven Short Novels from the Woman's Home Companion. New York: Pocket Books, 1949. FV 2250. Fletcher, Frank Irving. Lucid Interval: Confessions of a Custodian of the Convictions of Others. KW

Fletcher, George U., pseud. See Pratt, Fletcher.

Fletcher, John, joint author. See Beaumont, Francis. 2251. Flexner, James Thomas. American Painting: First Flowers of our Wilderness. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1947. FV 2252. -----. Doctors on Horseback: Pioneers of American Medicine. New York: Viking, 1937. FV 2253. -----. The Traitor and the Spy: Benedict Arnold and John André. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1953. s54 FV 2254. Flint, Grover. Marching with Gomez: A War Correspondent's Field Note-book, Kept during Four Months with the Cuban Army. Boston: Lamson, Wolffe, 1898. FV 2255. Flood, Charles Bracelen. A Distant Drum. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1957. FV 2256. Florian, Jean Pierre Claris de. Fables de Florian. Paris: Librairie des Bibliophiles, n.d. FV 2257. *Florida Keys Cooking. Florida, n.d. FV 2258. Fluharty, Vernon L. [Jim O'Mara]. Rustler of the Owlhorns. New York: Popular Library, 1952. FV 2259. Flynn, John Thomas. As We Go Marching. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1944. FV 2260. -----. The Roosevelt Myth. New York: Devin-Adair, 1948. FV 2261. -----. Another copy. FV 2262. Foch, Ferdinand. The Principles of War. Translated by Hilaire Belloc. London: Chapman & Hall, 1918. FV 2263. Fodor, Marcel William. South of Hitler. KW 2264. Foertsch, Hermann. The Art of Modern Warfare. Translated by Theodore W. Knauth. New York: Veritas, 1940. FV 2265. Foley, Martha, ed. The Best of the American Short Stories, 1915-1950. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1952. FV

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2266. -----, ed. The Best American Short Stories, 1953-1956. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1955. FV 2267. -----, and Abraham Rothberg, eds. U.S. Stories: Regional Stories from the Forty-eight States. New York: Hendriks House-Farrar Straus, 1949. FV 2268. Foot, Michael [Cassius]. Brendan and Beverley: An Extravaganza. London: Collancz, 1944. FV 2269. Foot, Michael, and Mervyn Jones. Guilty Men, 1957: Suez and Cyprus. New York: Rinehart, 1957. FV 2270. Foote, John Taintor. Fatal Gesture. New York: Appleton-Century [1933?]. FV 2271. Footner, Hulbert. Maryland Main and the Eastern Shore. New York: Appleton-Century, 1942. FV 2272. -----. Rivers of the Eastern Shore: Seventeen Maryland Rivers. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1944. FV 2273. Forbes, Gordon. Too Near the Sun. New York: Rinehart, 1955. FV 2274. Ford, Corey [John Riddell]. In the Worst Possible Taste. New York: Scribner, 1932. kwfv FV 2275. -----. [John Riddell]. The John Riddell Murder Case: A Philo Vance Parody. kwfv 2276. -----, and Alastair MacBain. Cloak and Dagger: The Secret Story of O.S.S. New York: Random House, 1946. FV 2277. Ford, Ford Madox. The Good Soldier: A Tale of Passion. London: Lane, 1915. kwfv FV 2278. -----. It Was the Nightingale. Philadephia: Lippincott, 1933. kwfv FV 2279. -----. No More Parades. [Typescript.] Paris, Oct. 31, 1921. KL 2280. -----. Return to Yesterday. New York: Liveright, 1932. kwfv FV 2281. -----. Thus to Revisit: Some Reminiscences. kwfv 2282. Ford, Harvey S. What the Citizen Should Know about the Army. New York: Norton, 1941. FV

Ford, Leslie, pseud. See Brown, Zenith. 2283. Ford, Richard. Gatherings from Spain. kwfv 2284. Ford Treasury of the Outdoors. Edited by Ford Motor Company, Publications Dept. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1952. FV 2285. Forester, C.S. The African Queen. New York: Modern Library, 1940. KW FV 2286. -----. Beat to Quarters. Boston: Little, Brown, 1942. KW FV 2287. -----. Brown on Resolution. Harmondsworth, Middx.: Penguin, 1956. FV 2288. -----. The Captain from Connecticut. Boston: Little, Brown, 1941. FV 2289. -----. Captain Horatio Hornblower. kwfv KW

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2290. -----. Another copy. KW 2291. -----. Death to the French. London: Bodley Head, 1938. FV 2292. -----. Flying Colours. Boston: Little, Brown, 1942. KW FV 2293. -----. Another copy. KW 2294. -----. The General. Boston: Little, Brown, 1936. s36 kwfv FV 2295. -----. The Good Shepherd. Boston: Little, Brown, 1955. FV 2296. -----. The Gun: A Novel. kwfv 2297. -----. Hornblower and the Atropos. London: Joseph, 1953. FV 2298. -----. Poo-Poo and the Dragons. Boston: Little, Brown, 1942. FV 2299. -----. A Ship of the Line. [Boston: Little, Brown?] 1938. s38 2300. -----. Another copy. s38 2301. -----. A Ship of the Line. Boston: Little, Brown, 1942. FV 2302. -----. Another copy. FV 2303. -----. To the Indies. Boston: Little, Brown, 1940. FV

Forester, Frank, pseud. See Herbert, Henry William. 2304. Foresti, Antonio. Mappamondo istorico: Cioè ordinata narrazione dei quatro somni Imperii del mondo, da Nino primo Imperator degli Assirii, sino al regnante Leopoldo Austriaco, e della monarchia di Christo da S. Pietro primo Papa sino a 'nostri di con le impresse più illustri dell'istoria antica e moderna. 13 vols. Venice: Girolamo Albrizzi, 1695. kwfv FV 2305. Forman, Harrison. Through Forbidden Tibet: An Adventure into the Unknown. New York: Longmans, Green, 1935. s36 KW 2306. Forrester, Larry. Fly for Your Life: The Story of R.R. Stanford Tuck, D.S.O., D.F.C., and Two Bars. London: Muller, 1956. FV 2307. Forster, E.M. Aspects of the Novel. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1927. FV 2308. -----. Battersea Rise. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1955. FV 2309. Forsyth, William. History of the Captivity of Napoleon at St. Helena; from the Letters and Journals of the Late Lieut-Gen. Sir Hudson Lowe, and Official Documents Not Before Made Public. 3 vols. London: Murray, 1853. kwfv FV [Vol. 1] KW [vols. 2 & 3]

Forsythe, Robert, pseud. See Crichton, Kyle Samuel. 2310. Fosburgh, Hugh. The Sound of White Water. New York: Scribner, 1955. FV 2311. -----. Another copy. FV

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2312. -----. View from the Air. New York: Scribner, 1953. FV 2313. -----. View from the Air. New York: Bantam, 1955. FV

Fosca, François, pseud. See Traz, Georges de. 2314. Foscolo, Ugo. Dei sepoicri: Carme. [Montagnola, Italy, 1924?] FV 2315. Foss, William, and Cecil Gerahty. The Spanish Arena. Foreword by His Grace the Duke of Alba and Berwick. London: Gifford, 1938. kwfv FV 2316. Foster, Bennett. Trigger Kid. New York: Bantam [1947?]. FV 2317. Fouquet, Gaëtan. A pied en Birmanie: La traversée de la Birmanie de l'Inde à la Chine par deux jeunes gens. Paris: Susse, 1943. FV 2318. *Fournier, Emmanuel. Por los mares de Terranova: Retato instructivo y emocionante. Barcelona, n.d. FV 2319.Fowler, Gene. Beau James: The Life and Times of Jimmy Walker. New York: Bantam, 1957. FV 2320. -----. Good Night, Sweet Prince. Philadelphia: Blakiston, 1945. FV 2321. -----. A Solo in Tom-toms. New York: Viking, 1946. FV

Fowler, George Winegar, joint author. See McPherson, William. 2322. Fowler, Henry Watson, and Francis George. The King's English. Oxford: Clarendon, 1940. FV 2323. Fowlie, Wallace. Clowns and Angels: Studies in Modern French Literature. New York: Sheed & Ward, 1943. FV 2324. Fox, Gardiner F. Queen of Sheba. New York: Fawcett, 1956. FV 2325. Fox, Norman A. Tall Man Riding. New York [Dell?], 1958. FV 2326. Fox, Paul Hervey. Four Men. New York: Scribner, 1946. FV 2327. -----. Sailor Town. KW 2328. Fox, Victor J. [pseud.). The Pentagon Case: A Novel of the Cold War. New York: Freedom Press, 1959. FV 2329. La France à livre ouvert. Paris: Seghers, 1954. FV 2330. France, Anatole. Balthasar. KW 2331. -----. Crainquebille. New York: Heritage, 1951. FV 2332. -----. Le crime de Sylvestre Bonnard, membre de l'Institut. KW 2333. -----. Itinéraire de Paris à Buenos-Ayres. Paris: Cres, 1927. FV

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2334. -----. De Misdaad van Sylvestre Bonnard. Hasselt, Belgium: Uitgeverii Heideland-Orbis, 1958. FV 2335. -----. La rotisserie de la reine Pédauque. Paris: Colmann-Lévy, 1921. FV 2336. -----. Thais. KW 2337. Francis, Francis. A Book on Angling; Being a Complete Treatise on the Art of Angling in Every Branch with Explanatory Plates, etc. Edited by Sir Herbert Maxwell. London: Jenkins, 1920. kwfv FV 2338. *Francisco, Teresa. La Beata Maria de Mattias: Fondatrice della congregazione delle suore adoratrici del preziosissimo sangue. Rome: Casa Generelizia, 1950. FV 2339. Franco Ruiz, Mario. Los hijos de Job. Bogota: Cosmos, 1960. FV

Frank, Gerold, joint author. See Barrymore, Diana. Also see Graham, Sheilah. 2340. Frank, Philipp. Einstein: His Life and Times. Translated from the German by George Rosen. New York: Knopf, 1947. FV 2341. Frank, Stanley Bernard. Sports Extra: Classics of Sports Reporting. New York: Barnes, 1944. FV 2342. Frank, Waldo David. The Re-discovery of America: An Introduction to a Philosophy of American Life. New York: Scribner, 1929. kwfv FV 2343. -----. Virgin Spain: Scenes from the Spiritual Drama of a Great People. KW 2344. -----, ed. Tales from the Argentine. Translated from the Spanish by Anita Brenner. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1930. kwfv FV 2345. Frank, Wolfgang. The Sea Wolves: The Story of German U-boats at war. Translated by R.O.B. Long. New York: Ballantine, 1955. FV 2346. Frankfort, Henri. The Birth of Civilization in the Near East. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1956. FV 2347. Frankfurter, Felix. The Case of Sacco and Vanzetti: A Critical Analysis for Lawyers and Laymen. KW 2348. Franklin, Benjamin. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. New York: Putnam, n.d. kwfv FV 2349. Franklin, Sidney. Bullfighter from Brooklyn: The Autobiography with an Appreciation of Sidney Franklin from Death in the Afternoon by Ernest Hemingway. London: Hutchinson, 1952. FV 2350. Fraser, William Henry, and John Squair. Heath's New Practical French Grammar. London: Health, 1938. FV 2351. Frazer, James George. The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion. Abridged ed. New York: Macmillan, 1947. FV 2352. -----. Another copy. FV 2353. -----. The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion. London: Macmillan, 1949. FV 2354. Frazer, Perry D. Elementary Gunsmithing. Onslow County, N.C.: Small-arms Technical Publishing Co., 1938. FV

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2354a. Frazier, George. The One with the Mustache is Costello. New York: Random House, 1947. Max Tecza, Salt Lake City, Utah. 2355. Fredborg, Arvid. Behind the Steel Wall: A Swedish Journalist in Berlin, 1941-43. New York: Viking, 1944. FV 2356. Fredenburgh, Theodore. Soldiers March! kwfv 2357. Frédérix, Pierre. Souvenirs du tir aux hommes. Paris: Gallimard, 1938. FV 2358. Freeman, Douglas Southall. George Washington: A Biography. Vols. [1?] 2, 5 & 6 [of 7]. New York: Scribner, 1948-54. FV 2359. -----. Lee's Lieutenants: A Study in Command. 2 [of 3] vols. New York: Scribner, 1942-44. FV 2360. -----. Lee's Lieutenants: A Study in Command. 3 vols. New York: Scribner, 1944-45. FV 2361. -----. R.E. Lee: A Biography. 2 [of 4] vols. New York: Scribner, 1934-35. kwfv [2 vols.] FV [1 vol.] 2362. Freeman, Joseph. An American Testament: A Narrative of Rebels and Romantics. KWH 2363. -----. The Long Pursuit. New York: Rinehart, 1947. FV 2364. -----. Never Call Retreat. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1943. FV 2365. Freeston, Charles Lincoln. The Cream of Europe for the Motorist: How to Make an Eclectic Continental Tour. KW 2366. Freidel, Frank. The Splendid Little War. Boston: Little, Brown, 1958. s58 FV 2367. Frémont, Isabelle Victorine. Some Birds of East Africa. Nairobi: Highway, 1951. FV 2368. *Frente al peligro japonés: Juicios y opiniones de americanos célebres. New York: Transpacific News Service, 1941. FV 2369. Another copy. FV 2370. Freud, Sigmund. The Basic Writings of Sigmund Freud. Translated, edited and introduced by Dr. A.A. Brill. New York: Modern Library, 1938. FV 2371. Freund, Philip. The Snow and Other Stories. KW 2372. Freund, Richard. Watch Czechoslovakia! London: Nelson, 1938. FV 2373. Freydberg, Margaret H. The Lovely April. New York: Scribner, 1955. FV 2374. The Frick Collection, New York. Paintings. New York, 1949. FV 2375. Friede, Donald. The Mechanical Angel: His Adventures and Enterprises in the Glittering 1920's. New York: Knopf, 1948. FV 2376. Friend, John Albert Newton. Man and the Chemical Elements, from Stone-age Hearth to the Cyclotron. New York: Scribner, 1953. FV

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2377. Frings, Ketti. Look Homeward, Angel: A Comedy-drama in Three Acts. Based on the novel by Thomas Wolfe. New York: Scribner, 1958. FV 2378. Frischauer Willi. The Rise and Fall of Hermann Goering. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1951. FV 2379. -----, and Robert Jackson. The Altmark Affair. New York: Macmillan, 1955. FV 2380. -----. Another copy. FV 2381. *Friuli. Milan, n.d. FV

Froud, Nina, joint author. See Pereyra de Aznar, Marina. 2382. Fucilla, Joseph G. Fucilla Spanish Dictionary: Spanish-English and English-Spanish. New York: Bantam, 1961. FV 2383. Fuller, Jean Overton. No. 13, Bob. Boston: Little, Brown, 1954. FV 2384. Fuller, John Frederick Charles. Armament and History: A Study of the Influences of Armament and History from the Dawn of Classical Warfare to the Second World War. New York: Scribner, 1945. FV 2385. -----. Decisive Battles of the U.S.A. New York: Harper, 1942. FV 2386. -----. Decisive Battles: Their Influence upon History and Civilization. New York: Scribner, 1940. FV 2387. -----. Generalship, Its Diseases and Their Cure: A Study of the Personal Factor in Command. London: Faber, 1933. FV 2388. -----. A Military History of the Western World. Vols. 1 and 2[of 3]. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1954-55. FV 2389. -----. The Second World War, 1939-1945: A Strategical and Tactical History. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1949. s49

Fuller, Lester, joint author. See Rolfe, Edwin. 2390. Funston, Frederick. Memories of Two Wars: Cuban and Philippine Experiences. New York: Scribner [1914?]. FV 2391. Fuqua, Stephen O. Americans Wanted: Your Place in Our Military Structure. New York: Smith & Durrell, 1940. FV 2392. Furnas, Joseph Chamberlain. Anatomy of Paradise: Hawaii and the Islands of the South Seas. New York: Sloane, 1948. FV 2393. -----. The Road to Harpers Ferry. New York: Sloane, 1959. FV 2394. -----. Voyage to Windward: The Life of Robert Louis Stevenson. New York: Sloane, 1951. FV 2395. Furneaux, Rupert. The Breakfast War. New York: Crowell, 1958. s60 FV 2396. The Furnival Book of Short Stories. Introduction by L.A.G. Strong. London: Joiner & Steele, 1932. FV 2397. Gabory, Emile. Alias Bluebeard: The Life and Death of Gilles de Raiz. KW

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Gabrielson, Ira N., joint author. See Zim, Herbert Spencer.

2398. Gadala, Marie Thérèse. Nouveau monde: Impressions d'Amérique. Paris: Société Française, 1934. FV

-----, joint author. See Papy, Louis. 2399. Gaddis, William. The Recognitions. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1955. FV 2400. Gaige, Crosby. The Standard Cocktail Guide. New York: Barrows, 1944. FV

Galantière, Lewis, joint author. See Poncins, Gontran de Montaigne. Gale, Henry Gordon, joint author. See Millikan, Robert Andrews.

2401. Galerie Alfred Flechtheim. Ausstellungen, 1929. Berlin, 1929. kwfv FV 2402. Gall, Jacques and François. Les invités du tour du monde. Préface de Joseph Kessel. Paris: Gallimard, 1958. FV 2403. Gallagher, Thomas Michael. Fire at Sea: The Story of the Morro Castle. New York: Rinehart, 1959. s60 FV 2404. Galland, Adolf. The First and the Last: The Rise and Fall of the German Fighter Forces, 1938-1945. New York: Ballantine, 1957. FV 2405. Galland, Joseph Stanislaus, and Ethel Vaughan. Progressive French Grammar. New York: Macmillan, 1932. FV 2406. Gallatin, James. A Great Peace Maker: The Diary of James Gallatin, Secretary to Albert Gallatin, 1813-1827. Introduction by Viscount Bryce. New York: Scribner, 1915. FV 2407. Gallego Armesto, Heliodoro. Los ferrocarriles de Galicia: Novísma guía en forma de itinerarios descriptivos por el dr. H. Gallego Armesto. Santiago: Eco de Santiago, 1926. FV 2408. Gallegos, Gerardo. Beau Dondón conquista un mundo. Havana: República, 1942. FV 2409. -----. El embrujo de Haití. Havana: Carasa, 1937. FV 2410. Gallerie Dell'Accademia, Venezia. Venice, n.d. FV 2411. Gallery, Daniel V. Clear the Decks! New York: Morrow, 1951. FV 2412. Gallop, Rodney, and Philippe Veyria. Pays basques de France et d'Espagne. Paris: Arthaud, 1951. FV 2413. Gallup, Donald Clifford, ed. The Flowers of Friendship: Letters Written to Gertrude Stein. New York: Knopf, 1953. FV

Gallus, Emmanuel, pseud. See Manore, Jean. 2414. Galsworthy, John. The Eldest Son: A Domestic Drama in Three Acts. New York: Scribner, 1912. FV 2415. -----. On Forsyte 'Change. KW

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2416. -----. The White Monkey. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1924. kwfv FV 2417. -----. Another copy? KW 2418. Gamow, George. Biography of the Earth: Its Past, Present and Future. New York: New American Library, 1955. FV 2419. -----. Another copy. FV

Gandullo, Luis, joint author. See Vázquez y Rodríguez, Leopoldo. 2420. Gann, Ernest Kellogg. All American Aircraft. New York: Crowell, 1941. FV 2421. -----. The High and the Mighty. New York [Permabooks?], 1954. FV 2422. -----. Soldier of Fortune. New York: Sloane, 1954. s54 FV 2423. García Carraffa, Arturo. Frases célebres de toreros. [The fifth series of Del ingenio español.] Madrid: Sanz Calleja y Antonio Marzo, 1917-19. kwfv FV 2424. García Lorca, Federico. Gedichte. Translated by Enrique Beck. Stuttgart: Rowohlt, 1948. FV 2425. -----. Lament for the Death of a Bullfighter and Other Poems. KW 2426. -----. Poet in New York. Translated by Ben Belitt. New York: Grove, 1955. FV 2427. -----. Romancero gitano. KW 2428. García Menéndez, Bonifacio. La posada de las almas: Leyenda aragonésa. Zaragosa: Heraldo de Aragón, 1955. FV 2429. García-Mina, Eusebio. De músico, poeta y loco. Pamplona, 1954. FV 2430. *García Montes, José A. The Sons of the Earth: Historic Novel of India's Customs. Tokyo: Society of Saint Paul, 1955. FV 2431. García Serrano, Rafael. La fiel infantería. Madrid: Editora Nacional, 1943. FV 2432. -----. Los ojos perdidos. Madrid: Eskua, 1958. FV 2433. Garden, Mary, and Louis Biancolli. Mary's Garden Story. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1951. FV 2434. Gardner, Erle Stanley [A.A. Fair]. Bedrooms Have Windows. New York [Dell?], 1958. FV 2435. -----. The Case of the Green-eyed Sister. New York: Pocket Books, 1957. FV 2436. -----. The Case of the Shoplifter's Shoe. New York: Pocket Books, 1945. FV 2437. -----. The Case of the Turning Tide. New York: Pocket Books, 1948. FV 2438. -----. The Case of the Turning Tide. New York: Pocket Books, 1952. FV 2439. -----. The Case of the Velvet Claws. New York: Pocket Books, 1940. FV

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2440. -----. The D.A. Goes to Trial. New York: Morrow, 1940. FV 2441. -----. [A.A. Fair]. Give 'em the Ax. New York [Dell?], 1958. FV 2442. -----. [A.A. Fair]. Spill the Jackpot. New York [Dell?], 1958. FV 2443. Garibaldi, Giuseppe. A Toast to Rebellion. Garden City, N.Y.: Garden City, 1937. FV 2444. Garland, Hamlin. The Long Trail. KW 2445. Garland, Madge. The Changing Face of Beauty: Four Thousand Years of Beautiful Women. New York: Barrows, 1957. FV 2446. Garnett, David. Aspects of Love. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1956. FV 2447. -----. Beany-eye. kwfv 2448. -----. Go She Must! London: Chatto & Windus, 1927. FV 2449. -----. The Golden Echo. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1954. s54 FV 2450. -----. Another copy. s54 FV 2451. -----. The Grasshoppers Come. kwfv 2452. -----. Another copy? KW 2453. -----. The Grasshoppers Come and A Rabbit in the Air. London: Chatto & Windus, 1951. FV 2454. -----. Lady into Fox and A Man in the Zoo. London: Chatto & Windus, 1932. FV 2455. -----. No Love. London: Chatto & Windus, 1929. KW FV 2456. -----. Pocahontas; or, The Nonpareil of Virginia. London: Chatto & Windus, 1933. kwfv FV 2457. -----. Another copy. FV 2458. -----. The Sailor's Return. London: Chatto & Windus, 1925. FV 2459. -----. A Shot in the Dark. London: Longmans, Green, 1958. MH 2460. -----. War in the Air: September 1939 to May 1941. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1941. FV 2461. Garrett, George. King of the Mountain. New York: Scribner, 1957. FV

Garrison, J.J., joint author. See Robb, David Metheny.

Garrocha, El Bachiller, pseud. See Sáenz de Heredia y Suárez Argudin, Angel. 2462. Garside, Edward Ballard. Cranberry Red. Boston: Little, Brown, 1938. KWH

Gartenberg, Max, joint editor. See Feldman, Gene. 2463. Garwood, Darrell. Crossroads of America: The Story of Kansas City. New York: Norton, 1948. FV

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2464. Gary, Romain. The Company of Men. Translated from the French by Joseph Barnes. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1950. FV 2465. -----. Les racines du ciel. Paris: Gallimard, 1956. FV 2466. -----. The Roots of Heaven. Translated from the French by Jonathan Griffin. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1958. FV 2467. *Garzia, Franco. A Roma per parlare italiano. Rome, 1960. FV 2468. Gassier, Pierre. Goya: Biographical and Critical Study. Translated by James Emmons. Lausanne: Skira, 1955. FV 2469. Gassner, John, ed. Best American Plays. New York: Crown, 1939. FV 2470. Gates, John. The Story of an American Communist. New York: Nelson, 1958. FV 2471. Gatti, Angelo. Ilia et Albert. Traduit de l'italien par Juliette Bertrand. Paris: Rieder, 1934. FV 2472. Gattorno, Antonio. Gattorno. With 38 reproductions and a few critical opinions. Con 38 reproducciones y algunas opiniónes críticas. [Includes critical opinion by Hemingway.] kwfv KW 2473. Gauguin, Paul. Gauguin. Texte de René-Jean. Paris: Braun [1948?]. FV 2474. Gaunt, William. The Pre-Raphaelite Tragedy. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1942. FV 2475. Gauss, Christian Frederick. The Papers of Christian Frederick Gauss. Edited by Katherine Gauss Jackson and Hiram Haydn. New York: Random House, 1957. FV 2476. Gauthereau, Raymond. Passage du feu. Paris: Julliard, 1958. FV 2477. Gautier, Théophile. Mademoiselle de Maupin. Introduction by Jacques Barzun. New York: Heritage, 1944. KW FV 2478. -----. Another copy. FV 2479. -----. Ménagerie intime. Paris: Lemerre, 1869. FV 2480. Gauvreau, Emile Henry. My Last Million Readers. New York: Dutton, 1941. FV

-----, joint author. See Macfadden, Mary. 2481. Gavin, James Maurice. Airborne Warfare. Washington: Infantry Journal, 1947. FV 2482. -----. War and Peace in the Space Age. New York: Harper, 1958. s58 FV 2483. Gay, John. The Beggar's Opera. New York: Heritage, 1937. FV 2484. Gay, Margaret Cooper. How to Live with a Cat. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1953. FV 2485. Gay, Paul. Giotto (di Bondone, 1266-1337). Paris: Braun, 1949. FV 2486. Gaya Nuño, Juan Antonio. El escorial. Madrid: Plus-ultra, 1947. FV

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Gebauer, Paul, joint author. See Bascom, William R.

2487. Gedye, George Eric Rowe. Betrayal in Central Europe: Austria and Czechoslovakia, the Fallen Bastions. New York: Harper, 1939. FV 2488. Geer, Andrew Clare. Canton Barrier. New York: Pocket Books, 1957. FV 2489. -----. Mercy in Hell: An American Ambulance Driver with the Eighth Army. New York: Whittlesey, 1943. FV 2490. -----. The Sea Chase. New York: Harper, 1948. FV 2491. Geigy (J.R.) A.G., Basel. Tables scientifiques 1953. Basel, 1953. FV 2492. Geijerstam, Gösta af. Northern Summer. Translated by Joran Birkeland. New York: Dutton, 1937. KWH 2493. Geismar, Maxwell. The Last of the Provincials: The American Novel, 1915-1925. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1947. MH 2494. -----. Writers in Crisis: The American Novel between Two Wars. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1942. FV 2495. Gellhorn, Martha. Détresse américaine. (The Trouble I've Seen.) kwfv 2496. -----. The Heart of Another. New York: Scribner, 1941. FV 2497. -----. Liana. New York: Scribner, 1944. FV 2498. -----. A Stricken Field. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1940. FV 2499. -----. Another copy. FV 2500. -----. Another copy. FV 2501. -----. The Trouble I've Seen. KW 2502. -----. Two by Two. London: Longmans, Green, 1958. FV 2503. -----. What Mad Pursuit. New York: Stokes, 1934. FV 2504. -----. The Wine of Astonishment. New York: Scribner, 1948. FV 2505. Gellhorn, Walter. Federal Administrative Proceedings. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins, 1941. FV 2506. Genêt, Jean. The Gutter in the Sky. Translated by Bernard Frechtman. Preface by Jean Cocteau. Philadelphia: Levy, 1955. FV 2507. -----. Notre-dame-des-fleurs. Monte Carlo: Aux Dépens d'un Amateur, n.d. FV 2508. Gentizon, Paul. Défense de l'Italie. Lausanne: Aiglon, 1949. FV 2509. George, Henry, Jr. The Life of Henry George by His Son. New York: Doubleday, Page, 1905. kwfv FV 2510. George, Marian N., and M. Ida Dean. Little Journeys to Holland, Belgium and Denmark. Chicago:

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Flanagan, 1902. PC 2511. -----, eds. A Little Journey to Germany; for Intermediate and Upper Grades. Chicago: Flanagan, 1902. PC 2512. George, Willis De Vere. Surreptitious Entry. New York: Appleton-Century, 1946. FV

Georgie, Leyla, pseud. See György, Edith. Gerahty, Cecil, joint author. See Foss, William.

2513. Gerahty, Digby George [Robert Standish]. Bonin: A Novel. New York: Macmillan, 1944. FV 2514. -----. Another copy. FV 2515. -----. Gentleman of China: A Novel. London: Davies, 1949. FV 2516. -----. The Three Bamboos: A Novel. New York: Macmillan, 1942. FV 2517. Géraldy, Paul. Aimer: Pièce en trois actes. KW 2518. Gérard, Jules. La chasse au lion. Paris: Michel Lévy, 1874. FV 2519. Gerbault, Alain. Seul à travers l'Atlantique. KW 2520. Germain, Gabriel. Homère. Paris: Seuil, 1958. FV 2521. Gesell, Arnold Lucius, Frances L. Ilg and Louise Bates Ames. Youth: The Years from Ten to Sixteen. New York: Harper, 1956. FV 2522. Gessler, Clifford. Hawaii: Isles of Enchantment. New York: Appleton-Century, 1938. FV 2523. Geve, Thomas. Youth in Chains. Jerusalem: Rubin Mass, 1958. FV 2524. Geyl, Pieter. Napoleon: For and Against. Translated from the Dutch by Olive Renier. New Haven: Yale, 1949. FV 2525. Gheerbrant, Alain. The Impossible Adventure: Journey to the Far Amazon; an Expedition into Unknown Territory. Translated by Edward Fitzgerald. London: Gollancz, 1953. FV 2526. Gheorghiu, Constantin Virgil. The Twenty-fifth Hour. Translated from the Romanian by Rita Eldon. New York: Knopf, 1950. FV 2527. -----. La vingt-cinguième heure: Roman. Trad. du roumain par Monique Saint-Côme. Préface de Gabriel Marcel. Paris: Plon, 1949. FV 2528. Ghidini, Luigi, ed. Nuovo manuale del cacciatore. Milan: Hoepli, 1946. FV 2529. Giannini, Sirio. La valle bianca. Milan: Mondadori, 1958. FV 2530. Gibb, Hamilton Alexander Rosskeen, Edward Denison and Eileen Power, eds. Muhammad Ibn 'Abd Allah Called Ibn Batutah: Travels in Asia and Africa 1325-1354. Translated by H.A.R. Gibb. London: Routledge, 1929. FV

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2531. Gibbons, Cromwell. Military Decorations and Campaign Service Bars of the United States. New York: U.S. Insignia, 1943. FV 2532. Gibbs, Philip Hamilton. England Speaks, Being Talks with Roadsweepers, Barbers, Statesmen, Lords and Ladies, Beggars, Farming Folk, Actors, Artists, Literary Gentlemen, Tramps, Down-and-outs, Miners, Steel-workers, Blacksmiths, the Man-in-the-street, High-brows, and All Manner of Folk of Humble and Exalted Rank, with a Panorama of the English Scene in This Year of Grace 1935. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1935. FV 2533. Gibbs, Wolcott. More in Sorrow. New York: Holt, 1958. FV 2534. Gibbs-Smith, Charles Howard. A History of Flying. London: Batsford, 1953. FV 2535. Gibney, Frank. The Operators. New York: Harper, 1960. s6l MH 2536. Gibson, Walter. The Boat. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1953. FV 2537. Gide, André. L'affaire Redureau, suivie de faits divers: Documents réunis par André Gide. Paris: Gallimard, 1930. kwfv FV 2538. -----. Les caves du Vatican, sotie. KW 2539. -----. Corydon. KW 2540. -----. L'école des femmes. Paris: Gallimard, 1930. kwfv FV 2541. -----. Les faux-monnayeurs. KW 2542. -----. Imaginary Interviews. Translated from the French by Malcolm Cowley. New York: Knopf, 1944. FV 2543. -----. The Journals of André Gide. Vols. 2 & 3. Translated by Justin O'Brien. New York: Knopf, 1948-49. s49 FV 2544. -----. Another copy. Vol. 3. FV 2545. -----. Nouvelles pages de journal (1932-1935). Paris: Gallimard, 1936. kwfv FV 2546. -----. Pages de journal (1929-1932). Paris: Gallimard, 1934. FV 2547. -----. The Secret Drama of My Life. Translated by Keene Wallis. Paris: Boar's Head, 1951. FV 2548. -----. Si le grain ne meurt. KW 2549. -----. Le symphonie pastorale. KW 2550. Giedion, Sigfried. Mechanization Takes Command: A Contribution to Anonymous History. New York: Oxford, 1948. FV 2551. Gigantes, Gerassimos [Phillip Dean]. I Was a Captive in Korea. New York: Norton, 1953. FV

Gil, Don, pseud. See Bellveser, Antonio.

2552. Gilbert, G.M. Nuremberg Diary. New York: Farrar, Straus, 1947. FV

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Gilbert, James Z., joint author. See Jordan, David Starr.

2553. Giles, Dorothy. The Road through Spain. Philadelphia: Penn, 1929. FV 2554. Gill, Brendan. The Trouble of One House. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1950. FV 2555. Gill, Eric. Clothes: An Essay upon the Nature and Significance of the Natural and Artificial Integuments Worn by Men and Women. London: Cape, 1931. kwfv FV 2556. Gilles de la Tourette, Francois. Lautrec. Geneva: Skira, n.d. FV 2557. Gillespie, Leslie. The Man from Madura. London: Boardman, 1952. FV 2558. Gillies, Mary (Davis). All about Modern Decorating. New York: Harper, 1942. FV 2559. Gilligan, Edmund. One Lives to Tell the Tale. New York: Cape & Smith, 1931. kwfv FV 2560. -----. The Ringed Horizon. New York: Scribner, 1943. FV 2561. Gillis, James Martin. This Mysterious Human Nature. New York: Scribner, 1956. FV 2562. Gillmer, Thomas Charles, and H. Erich Nietsch. Clouds, Weather and Flight. New York: Van Nostrand, 1944. FV 2563. Gilpatric, Guy. Action in the North Atlantic. New York: Dutton, 1943. FV 2564. -----. The Complete Goggler, Being the First and Only Exhaustive Treatise on the Art of Goggle Fishing.... New York: Dodd, Mead, 1938. s38 kwfv FV 2565. Gingrich, Arnold. Cast Down the Laurel. KWH 2566. *-----. Happily for Ever After. kwfv 2567. Ginisty, Paul. The Old Boulevards. KW

Ginsburg, R.A., joint author. See Benes, Vojta. 2568. Ginzburg, Natalia. È stato cosí. Turin: Einaudi, 1947. FV 2569. -----. The Road to the City: Two Novelettes. Translated from the Italian by Frances Frenaye. New York: Doubleday, 1949. FV 2570. -----. La strada che va in città e altri racconti. Rome: Einaudi, 1945. FV 2571. Giono, Jean. L=uomo che piantò la speranza e crebbe la felicità. Milan: Scheiwiller, 1958. FV 2572. Giotto di Bondone. La cappella degli Scrovegni. Testo di Carlo Carrà. Milan: Pizzi, 1946. FV 2573. -----. Giotto: Frescoes in the Upper Church, Assisi. Text by Jean Dominique Rey. New York: Scribner, 1954. FV 2574. Gipson, Frederick Benjamin. "The Cow Killers": The Aftosa Commission (on Foot-and-mouth Disease) in Mexico. Austin: University of Texas, 1956. FV

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2575. -----. Cowhand: The Story of a Working Cowboy. New York: Bantam, 1958. FV 2576. Giraldello [pseud.]. Filosofía del toreo (España, Portugal, Francia, América). Madrid, 1951. FV 2577. Gironella, José María. The Cypresses Believe in God. 2 vols. Translated from the Spanish by Harriet de Onis. New York: Knopf, 1955. FV 2578. Gisevius, Hans Bernd. To the Bitter End. Translated from the German by Richard and Clara Winstone. Introduction by Allen W. Dulles. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1947. FV 2579. Gitlow, Benjamin. I Confess: The Truth about American Communism. Introduction by Max Eastman. New York: Dutton, 1940. FV 2580. -----. The Whole of Their Lives: Communism in America; A Personal History and Intimate Portrayal of Its Leaders. Foreword by Max Eastman. New York: Scribner, 1948. FV 2581. Givens, Charles G. The Devil Takes a Hill Town. New York: Bobbs-Merrill, 1939. KWH 2582. Gladstone, Hugh Stewart. Record Bags and Shooting Records, Together with Some Account of the Evolution of the Sporting Gun, Marksmanship and the Speed and Weight of Birds. London: Witherby, 1922. FV 2583. Glassop, Lawson. We Were the Rats. London: Angus & Robertson, 1944. FV 2584. Glazier, Willard. Down the Great River; Embracing an Account of the Discovery of the Source of the Mississippi, Together with Views, Descriptive and Pictorial of the Cities, Towns, Villages and Scenery on the Banks of the River, As Seen during a Canoe Voyage of over Three Thousand Miles from Its Head Waters to the Gulf of Mexico. Philadelphia: Hubbard, 1893. kwfv FV 2585. Glick, Carl. Double Ten: Captain O'Banion's Story of the Chinese Revolution. London: Whittlesey House, 1945. FV 2586. Glidden, Frederick Dilley [Luke Short]. Bought with a Gun. New York: Dell, 1958. FV 2587. -----. Another copy. FV 2588. -----. The Branded Man. New York: Dell [1956]. FV 2589. -----. Another copy. FV 2590. -----. Dead Freight for Piute. New York: Bantam, 1957. FV 2591. -----. Another copy. FV 2592. -----. Gunman's Chance. New York: Bantam, 1956. FV 2593. -----. King Colt. New York: Dell [1953?]. FV 2594. -----. Another copy. FV 2595. -----. The Man on the Blue. New York [Dell, 1954?]. FV 2596. -----. Play a Lone Hand. London: Collins, 1956. FV

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2597. -----. Raiders of the Rimrock. New York: Bantam, 1957. FV 2598. -----. Raw Land. New York: Dell [1952]. FV 2599. -----. Ride the Man Down. New York: Bantam, 1947. FV 2600. -----. Summer of the Smoke. New York: Bantam, 1958. FV 2601. -----. Vengeance Valley. New York: Bantam, 1951. FV 2602. -----. The Whip. New York: Bantam, 1957. FV 2603. -----, ed. Cattle, Guns & Men. New York: Bantam, 1955. FV 2604. -----, ed. Frontier: 150 Years of the West. New York: [Bantam?], 1955. FV 2605. -----, ed. Rawhide and Bobwire. New York: Bantam, 1958. FV 2606. Glidden, Jonathan H. [Peter Dawson]. The Crimson Horseshoe. New York: Bantam, 1947. FV 2607. -----. The Killers. New York: Bantam, 1955. FV 2608. -----. Man on the Buckskin. New York: Bantam, 1957. FV 2609. -----. Renegade Canyon. New York [Dell?], 1957. FV 2610. -----. Royal Gorge. New York: Bantam, 1954. FV 2611. -----. The Stagline Feud. New York: Bantam, 1954. FV 2612. -----. Another copy. FV 2613. -----. Trail Boss. New York: Bantam, 1946. FV 2614. Gliksman, Jerzy G. Tell the West: An Account of His Experiences as a Slave Laborer in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. New York: Gresham, 1948. FV 2615. Glubb, John Bagot. The Story of the Arab Legion. London: Hodder & Stoughton [1948?]. FV 2616. Godden, Jon. The House by the Sea: A Novel. New York: Rinehart, 1948. FV 2617. Godden, Rumer. Black Narcissus. Boston: Little, Brown, 1939. FV 2618. -----. The River. Boston: Little, Brown, 1946. FV 2619. Godfrey, Joseph Charles. Popular Mechanics' Guide to Good Hunting and Trapping. Chicago: Popular Mechanics, 1952. FV 2620. -----, and Frank Dufresne. The Great Outdoors: The Where, When and How of Hunting and Fishing, Including a New Dictionary of Sportmen's Terms. New York: Whittesey House, 1949. s49 FV 2621. Goebbels, Joseph. The Goebbels Diaries. Translated and edited by Louis P. Lochner. London: Hamilton, 1948. FV

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2622. Goebel, Dorothy (Burne) and Julius, Jr. Generals in the White House. New York: Doubleday, Doran, 1945. FV 2623. Goethals, Thomas. Panzer Ghost Division. New York: Avon, 1955. FV 2624. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Goethe: The Story of a Man; Being the Life of Johann Wolfgang Goethe As Told in His Own Words and the Words of His Contemporaries. Edited and translated by Ludwig Lewisohn. New York: Farrar, Straus, 1949. FV 2625. -----. The Permanent Goethe. Edited by Thomas Mann. New York: Dial, 1948. FV 2626. Gogarty, Oliver St. John. As I Was Going Down Sackville Street. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1937. FV 2627. Gogh, Vincent van. Letters to Emile Bernard. KW 2628. -----. Vincent van Gogh: Paintings and Drawings. A special loan exhibition, the Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York City), the Art Institute of Chicago, 1949-1950. New York, 1949. FV 2629. Gogol, Nikolai. Chickikov's Journeys; or, Home Life in Old Russia (Dead Souls). Translated from the Russian by Bernard Guilbert Guerney. New York: Heritage, 1944. FV 2630. -----. Taras Bulba. Moscow: Foreign Languages, 1952. FV 2631. Gold, Herbert. The Man Who Was Not With It. Boston: Little, Brown, 1956. FV 2632. -----. Therefore Be Bold. New York: Dial, 1960. s6l MH 2633. Gold, Michael. 120 Million. KW 2634. Goldberg, Harry [Harry Grey]. The Hoods. New York: New American Library, 1953. FV 2635. Goldberg, Hyman. How I Became a Girl Reporter. New York: Popular Library, 1950. FV 2636. Goldberg, Jacob Pinheiro. Historia que a cigana (nua) me contou. São Paulo: Junco, 1960. FV 2637. Golding, William. Lord of the Flies. New York: Coward-McCann, 1955. FV 2638. Goldring, Douglas. Trained for Genius: The Life and Writings of Ford Madox Ford. New York: Dutton, 1949. FV 2639. Goldsmith, Oliver. She Stoops to Conquer. KW 2640. Goll, Iwan. Sodome et Berlin: Roman. KW 2641. Gómez Carrillo, Enrique. Le mystère de la vie et de la mort de Mata Hari. Translated from the Spanish by C. Barthez. KW

Gómez de la Maza, Federico, joint author. See Sánchez Roig, Mario. 2642. Gómez Hidalgo, Francisco. Belmonte, el misterioso: Su vida y su arte. Madrid: Libro Popular, 1913. PC 2643. Gómez-Santos, Marino. Baroja y su máscara: Diálogos y confidencias. Barcelona: AHR, 1956. FV

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2644. Goncourt, Edmond and Jules de. Préfaces et manifestes littéraires. Paris: Flammarion, n.d. FV 2645. González, Manuel Pedro. José Martí: The Epic Chronicler of the United States in the Eighties. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina, 1953. FV 2646. González, Valentin R., and Julian Gorkin. El Campesino: Life and Death in Soviet Russia. Translated by Ilsa Barea. New York: Putnam, 1952. FV 2647. González Climent, Anselmo. Andalucía en los toros: El cante y la danza. Madrid, 1953. FV 2648. -----. Flamencología (toros, cante y baile). Madrid, 1955. FV 2649. González del Valle y Ramirez, Francisco. La Habana en 1841: Abra póstuma ordenada y revisada. Havana: Municipio de la Habana, 1952. FV 2650 omitted

González Franco, Alvaro, joint author. See Bustos Cerecedo, Miguel J.

2651. González Garcia, Venancio. La estética anatómica en la historia del toreo. Cádiz, 1958. FV 2652. González Villegas, Maruja. Yo insólito. Montevideo, 1952. FV 2653. Gooch, George Peabody. Frederick the Great, the Ruler, the Writer, the Man. New York: Knopf, 1947. MH 2654. Good Reading. Prepared by The Committee on College Reading. New York: New American Library, 1949. FV 2655. Goode, George Brown. American Fishes: A Popular Treatise upon the Game and Food Fishes of North America with Especial Reference to Habits and Methods of Capture. New ed. completely rev. and largely extended by Theodore Gill. Boston: Page, 1903. kwfv FV 2656. Goodman, Edward. Make Believe: The Art of Acting. Foreword by Katherine Cornell. New York: Scribner, 1956. FV 2657. Goodman, George Jerome Waldo. The Bubble Makers: A Novel. New York: Viking, 1955. FV 2658. Goodman, Henry. Creating the Short Story: A Symposium-anthology. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1929. kwfv FV 2659. Goodrich, Marcus. Delilah. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1941. FV 2660. Goodwin, Harold Leland. Aerial Warfare: The Story of the Aeroplane as a Weapon. New York: New Home, 1943. FV 2661. Gordon, Arthur. Reprisal. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1950. FV 2662. Gordon, Caroline. Aleck Maury, Sportsman. New York: Scribner, 1934. kwfv FV 2663. -----. The Garden of Adonis. New York: Scribner, 1937. ph photo KW 2664. Gordon, Charles William [Ralph Connor]. The Prospector: A Tale of the Crow's Nest Pass. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1904. PC

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2665. Gordon, Georges. Le repas des fauves: Roman. Paris: Chêne, 1947. FV 2666. Gordon, Joseph Maria. The Chronicles of a Gay Gordon. kwfv

Gordon, Sydney, joint author. See Allan, Ted.

2667. Goren, Charles Henry. Canasta Up-to-date. New York: Permabooks, 1950. FV 2668. Gorer, Geoffrey. Africa Dances: A Book about West African Negroes. New York: Knopf, 1935. kwfv FV

Gorkin, Julian, joint author. See González, Valentin R. 2669. Gorky, Maksim. Bystander. KW 2670. -----. Reminiscences. New York: Dover, 1946. FV 2671. Gorman, Herbert Sherman. The Incredible Marquis: Alexandre Dumas. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1929. kwfv FV 2672. -----. James Joyce, His First Forty Years. KW 2673. Gorman, Mike. Every Other Bed. Cleveland: World, 1956. FV 2674. Gosset, Renée Pierre. Conspiracy in Algiers, 1942-1943. Translated from the French by Nancy Hecksher. New York: The Nation, 1945. FV 2675. Gotham Book Mart, New York. We Moderns, 1920-1940. New York, n.d. (Gotham Book Mart catalogue, 42.) FV 2676. Gouzenko, Igor. The Iron Curtain. New York: Dutton, 1948. FV 2677. Goya y Lucientes, Francisco José de. Les caprices. Texte par Jean Adhémar. Paris: Hazan, 1948. FV 2678. -----. Dessins de Goya au Musée du Prado. Texte d'André Malraux. Paris: Skira, 1947. FV 2679. -----. Goya: Neuf reproductions en couleurs. Introduction by Paul Wescher. Basel: Holbein, 1947. FV 2680. Goytisolo, Juan. Fiesta. Translated from the Spanish by Herbert Weinstock. New York: Knopf, 1960. FV 2681. *-----. El Sur. Madrid, 1960. FV 2682. -----. The Young Assassins. Translated from the Spanish by John Rust. New.York: Knopf, 1959. s60 FV 2683. Grace, Carol. The Secret in the Daisy. New York: Random House, 1955. FV 2684. Graham, B.N. Gordon. Hunter at Heart. London: Jenkins, 1950. FV 2685. Graham, Joseph Alexander. The Sporting Dog. New York: Macmillan, 1924. kwfv FV 2686. Graham, Robert Bontine Cunninghame. Rodeo: A Collection of the Tales and Sketches of R.B. Cunninghame Graham. Selected and with an introduction by A.F. Tschiffely. KWH

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2687. -----. Thirty Tales and Sketches. Selected by Edward Garnett. New York: Viking, 1929. kwfv FV 2688. Graham, Sheilah, and Gerold Frank. Beloved Infidel: The Education of a Woman. New York: Holt, 1958. s58 FV 2689. Graham, Stephen. A Private in the Guards. KW 2690. Graham, William Franklin (Billy). The Secret of Happiness: Jesus' Teaching on Happiness As Expressed in the Beatitudes. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1955. FV 2691. Grahame, Kenneth. The Wind in the Willows. New York: Heritage, 1940. FV 2692. -----. The Wind in the Willows. New York: Scribner, 1954. FV 2693. Grancher, Marcel E. Ketty de Singapore: Roman gai. Lyon: Rabelais, 1948. FV 2694. *Grange of Illinois. Chicago, 1956. FV

Grant, C.H.B., joint author. See Mackworth-Praed, Cyril Winthrop. 2695. Grant, Ulysses Simpson. Personal Memoirs. 2 vols. New York: Webster, 1885-86. kwfv FV 2696. Gras, Félix. The Reds of the Midi: An Episode of the French Revolution. Translated from the Provençal by Catharine A. Janvier. KWH 2697. Grau, Shirley Ann. The Black Prince and Other Stories. New York: Knopf, 1955. FV 2698. Grau Mederos, Gustavo. Alrededor de una mesa del Círculo Médico de Cuba: "Cuentos" entre médicos. Havana: Cuba Médica Científica y Social, 1943. FV 2699. Graves, Robert. But It Still Goes On: An Accumulation. London: Cape, 1930. ph photo 2700. -----. Goodbye to All That: An Autobiography. KW 2701. -----. Hercules, My Shipmate. New York: Creative Age, 1945. FV 2702. -----. The Isles of Unwisdom. London: Cassell, 1952. FV 2703. -----. Sergeant Lamb of the Ninth. London: Methuen, 1940. FV

Gray, Edward, joint author. See Velázquez de la Cadena. 2704. Gray, James. The Illinois. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1940. FV 2705. Gray, Prentiss Nathaniel, ed. Records of North American Big Game. New York: Derrydale, 1932. kwfv FV 2706. -----, ed. Records of North American Big Game. New York: Scribner, 1952. FV 2707. Gray, Wood. The Hidden Civil War: The Story of the Copperheads. New York: Viking, 1942. FV 2708. Grayson, Charles. Arena. New York: Rinehart, 1958. FV 2709. -----. Flight South. New York: Macaulay, 1935. FV

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2710. Graziano, Rocky. Somebody Up There Likes Me: The Story of My Life until Today. Written with Rowland Barber. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1955. FV 2711. Great Britain. Foreign Office. British War Blue Book: Documents Concerning German-Polish Relations and the Outbreak of Hostilities between Great Britain and Germany on Sept. 3, 1939; Presented by the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to Parliament by Command of His Majesty. Harmondsworth, Middx.: Penguin, 1939. FV 2712. -----. Royal Air Force. The R.A.F. in Action. London: Adam & Charles, 1941. FV 2713. -----. War Office. Infantry Training. London: H.M. Stationery Office, 1914. FV 2714. -----. War Office. Manual of Map Reading and Field Sketching. London: H.M. Stationery Office, 1912. FV 2715. Green, Frederick Charles. Stendhal. Cambridge, England: University Press, 1939. FV 2716. Green, Frederick Lawrence. A Flask for the Journey. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1948. FV 2717. Green, Gerald. The Last Angry Man. New York: Scribner, 1956. FV 2718. Green, Julien. Christine. KW 2719. -----. Le voyageur sur la terre. Les clefs de la mort. Christine. Leviathan. Paris: Plon, 1930. kwfv FV 2720. Green, Peter. The Expanding Eye: A First Journey to the Mediterranean. London: Dobson, 1953. FV 2721. Green, Roland. Wing-tips: The identification of Birds in Flight. London: Black, 1947. FV 2722. Greenberg, Clement. Joan Miró. New York: Quadrangle, 1948. FV 2723. -----. Another copy. FV 2724. Greenbie, Sydney. Between Mountain and Sea: Chile. Evanston, Ill.: Row, Peterson, 1943. FV 2725. Greene, Graham. Am Abgrund des Lebens. (Brighton Rock). Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1950. FV 2726. -----. Another Mexico. New York: Viking, 1939. FV 2727. -----. The Heart of the Matter. New York: Viking, 1948. FV 2728. -----. It's a Battlefield. London: Heinemann, 1948. FV 2729. -----. Journey without Maps. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1936. s37 kwfv FV 2730. -----. Loser Takes All. London: Heinemann, 1955. FV 2731. -----. The Man Within. KW 2732. -----. Nineteen Stories. New York: Lion, 1955. FV 2733. -----. Our Man in Havana: An Entertainment. New York: Viking, 1958. FV 2734. -----. The Quiet American. New York: Viking, 1956. FV

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2735. -----. Stamboul Train: An Entertainment. London: Pan, n.d. FV 2736. -----. This Gun for Hire. New York: Bantam [1955?]. FV 2737. Greener, William Wellington. The Gun and Its Development, with Notes on Shooting. London: Cassell, Petter, Calpin, 1881. kwfv FV

Greenslet, Ferris, joint editor. See Curtis, Charles Pelham. 2738. Greenup, Ruth and Leonard. Revolution before Breakfast: Argentina, 1941-1946. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina, 1947. MH 2739. Greenwald, Harold. The Call Girl: A Social and Psychoanalytic Study. New York: Ballantine, 1958. FV 2740. Greenwall, Harry James. I Hate Tomorrow: An Autobiographical Experiment in Twenty-three Chapters and a Prologue. London: Gifford, 1939. FV 2741. Greenwood, James. Wild Sports of the World: A Book of Natural History and Adventure. London: Ward, Lock & Tyler, 1880. kwfv FV 2723. -----. Another copy. FV 2724. Greenbie, Sydney. Between Mountain and Sea: Chile. Evanston, Ill.: Row, Peterson, 1943. FV 2725. Greene, Graham. Am Abgrund des Lebens. (Brighton Rock). Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1950. FV 2726. -----. Another Mexico. New York: Viking, 1939. FV 2727. -----. The Heart of the Matter. New York: Viking, 1948. FV 2728. -----. It’s a Battlefield. London: Heinemann, 1948. FV 2729. -----. Journey without Maps. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1936. s37 kwfv FV 2730. -----. Loser Takes All. London: Heinemann, 1955. FV 2731. -----. The Man Within. KW 2732. -----. Nineteen Stories. New York: Lion, 1955. FV 2733. -----. Our Man in Havana: An Entertainment. New York: Viking, 1958. FV 2734. -----. The Quiet American. New York: Viking, 1956. FV 2735. -----. Stamboul Train: An Entertainment. London: Pan, n.d. FV

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2736. -----. This Gun for Hire. New York: Bantam [1955?]. FV 2737. Greener, William Wellington. The Gun and Its Development, with Notes on Shooting. London: Cassell, Petter, Galpin, 1881. kwfv FV

Greenslet, Ferris, joint editor. See Curtis, Charles Pelham. 2738. Greenup, Ruth and Leonard. Revolution before Breakfast: Argentina, 1941-1946. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina, 1947. MH 2739. Greenwald, Harold. The Call Girl: A Social and Psychoanalytic Study. New York: Ballantine, 1958. FV 2740. Greenwall, Harry James. I Hate To-morrow: An Autobiographical Experiment in Twenty-three Chapters and a Prologue. London: Gifford, 1939. FV 2741. Greenwood, James. Wild Sports of the World: A Book of Natural History and Adventure. London: Ward, Lock & Tyler, 1880. kwfv FV

Greenwood, Joseph A., joint author. See Pratt, Joseph Gaither. 2742. Gregg, William H. Where, When and How to Catch Fish on the East Coast of Florida. kwfv 2743. Gregory, Horace. Poems: 1930-1940. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1941. FV 2744. Gregory, Jackson. The Emerald Murder Trap: The Third Case of Mr. Paul Savory. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1934. FV 2745. -----. Powder Smoke on Wandering River. New York: Popular Library, 1956. FV 2746. Gregory, William K., and Francesca La Monte. The World of Fishes: A Survey of Their Habits, Relationships and History and a Guide to the Fish Collections of the American Museum of Natural History. New York: American Museum of Natural History, 1947. FV 2747. Gresham, William Lindsay. Houdini: The Man Who Walked through Walls. New York: Holt, 1959. s6O FV 2748. Greville, Charles Cavendish Fulke. The Greville Memoirs: A Journal of the Reigns of King George IV, King William IV and Queen Victoria. 8 vols. Edited by Henry Reeve. London: Longmans, Green, 1904-11. kwfv [8 vols.] KW [Vols. I & 2] FV [Vols. 1, 2, 4, 7 & 8] fv tape [Vols. 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 & 8]

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2749. Grey, Edward. The Charm of the Birds. KW

Grey, Harry, pseud. See Goldberg, Harry. 2750. Grey, Roch. Henri Rousseau. Paris: Drouin, 1942. FV 2751. Grey, Romer C. Adventures of a Deep-sea Angler. New York: Harper, 1930. s35 2752. Grey, Zane. An American Angler in Australia. New York: Harper, 1937. kwfv FV 2753. -----. Tales of Swordfish and Tuna. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1927. FV 2754. -----. Tales of Tahitian Waters. New York: Harper, 1931. kwfv FV 2755. -----. Tales of the Angler’s Eldorado: New Zealand. kwfv 2756. Grey Owl. Pilgrims of the Wild, by Wa-sha-quon-asin. KWH 2757. Gribble, Harry Wagstaff. March Hares (The Temperamentalists): A Fantastic Satire in Three Acts. KW 2758. Gribble, Leonard R. Famous Manhunts: A Century of Crime. New York: Long, 1953. FV 2759. Grieg, Nordahl. Friheten. Oslo: Gyldendal Norsk, 1945. FV 2760. Griffin, Gwyn. By the North Gate. New York: Holt, 1959. s6O 2761. -----. Something of an Achievement. New York: Holt, 1960. s6O 2762. Griffith, Richard. The World of Robert Flaherty. London: Gollancz, 1953. FV 2763. Grimm, Jakob Ludwig Karl and Wilhelm Karl. Le fiabe del focolare. Introduzione di Giuseppe Cocchiara. Traduzione di Clara Bovero. Turin: Einaudi, 1951. FV 2764. -----. Grimm’s Fairy Tales. London: Ward, Loch, n.d. FV 2765. Gris, Juan. Juan Gris. Text by Von Daniel Henry. kwfv 2766. Grogan, Ewart Scott, and Arthur H. Sharp. From the Cape to Cairo: The First Traverse of Africa from South to North. London: Nelson, n.d. kwfv FV

Gropius, Ise, joint editor. See Bayer, Herbert.

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Gropius, Walter, joint editor. See Bayer, Herbert. 2767. Grossman, Harold J. Grossman’s Guide to Wines, Spirits and Beers. New York: Scribner, 1955. FV 2768. Grosz, George. A Little Yes and a Big No: The Autobiography of George Grosz. Translated by Lola Sachs Dorin. New York: Dial, 1946. FV 2769. Groth, John. Studio: Asia. Cleveland: World, 1952. FV 2770. -----. Studio: Europe. Introduction by Ernest Hemingway. New York: Vanguard, 1945. FV 2771. Grubb, Davis. A Dream of Kings. New York: Scribner, 1955. FV 2772. -----. The Night of the Hunter. New York: Harper, 1953. FV 2773. -----. Another copy. FV 2774. Gruber, Frank. Bitter Sage. New York: Bantam, 1956. FV 2775. -----. Bugles West. New York: Bantam, 1954. FV 2776. Grudin, Louis. Inky Darkling. New York: Dial, 1954. FV 2777. Gruskin, Alan D. Painting in the U.S.A. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1948. FV 2778. Gruszow, Avner [Avner]. Memoirs of an Assassin. Translated from the French by Burgo Partridge. New York: Yoseloff, 1959. s6O FV 2779. Guadagnino, Luigi Maria. Carcere a vita. Venice: Ongania, 1948. FV 2780. Gudari [pseud.]. Por la libertad vasca. Bilbao: Verdes, 1933. FV 2781. Guderian, Heinz. Panzer Leader. Translated from the German by Constantine Fitzgibbon. New York: Dutton, 1952. FV 2782. Guedalla, Philip. The Hundred Days. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1934. kwfv FV 2783. -----. The Second Empire. Garden City, N.Y.: Garden City, 1923. kwfv FV 2784. Guerra De Cea, Miguel. Des toros et des hommes. Paris: La Table Ronde, 1960. MH

Guerra, Rafael, joint author. See Vázquez y Rodríguez, Leopoldo.

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2785. Guggenheim, Marguerite (Peggy). Out of This Century: The Informal Memoirs of Peggy Guggenheim. New York: Dial, 1946. FV 2786. La guía Michelin de España-Portugal. KW 2787. Guía para los viajeros de los ferrocarriles de España, Francia y Portugal y delos servicios maritímos. Madrid: Compañía de los Ferrocarriles [1888?]. FV 2788. *Guibillon, C. Dictionnaire anglais-français. Paris: Haitier, 1946. FV 2789. Guichard du Plessis, Jean. Hommes de la pampa. Paris: Milieu du Monde, 1955. FV 2790. Guide du voyageur au Congo Belge et au Ruanda-Urundi. Brussels: L'Office du Tourisme, 1951. FV 2791. Le guide gastronomique de la France. Paris Restaurants. Paris: Nicoll, 1939. kwfv FV 2792. Le guide gastronomique de la France. Paris: R.C.P., 1953. FV 2793. *Guide nautique du bassin de la Seine. Paris, 1900. FV 2794. Guide nautique, Loire. Paris: Susse, 1943. FV 2795. *Guide-book: Paris and Environs. Paris: Eds. L’Indispensable, 1949. FV 2796. Guides Bleus. Bourgogne, Franche-Comté. KW 2797. -----. Espagne. Paris: Hachette, 1927. kwfv FV 2798. -----. Espagne. Paris: Hachette, 1952. FV 2799. -----. France automobile en un volume. Paris: Hachette,1938. FV 2800. -----. France automobile en un volume. Paris: Hachette, 1947. FV 2801. -----. L’Italie en un volume. Paris: Hachette, 1949. FV 2802. *-----. Vosages, Lorraine, Alsace. Paris: Hachette, 1922. FV 2803. Guides Bleus Nagel. France. Paris: Nagel, 1950. FV 2804. Guides Diamant. Avignon. KW

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2805. -----. Nîmes. KW 2806. -----. Guides du Pneu Michelin. [France.] Paris: Services de Tourisme Michelin, 1938. FV 2807. -----. France, 1939. Paris: Services de Tourisme Michelin, 1939. KW 2808. -----. [France.] Paris: Services de Tourisme Michelin, 1948. FV 2809. -----. France, 1954. Paris: Services de Tourisme Michelin, 1954. FV 2810. Guides Michelin. Côte d’Azur, Haute-Provence. Paris: Michelin, 1949. FV 2811. -----. France. Paris: Services de Tourisme Michelin, 929. kwfv FV 2812. -----. Guide de Paris. Paris: Michelin, 1946. FV 2813. -----. Paris. Paris: Services de Tourisme Michelin, 1956. FV 2814. Guides Taride. Environs de Paris pour automobiles, motocyclistes & cyclistes. Paris: Taride, 1937. KW FV 2815. Guillous, Louis. Le sang noir. KW 2816. Guinot, Robert. La chasse: Les armes; les chiens; les gibiers de plaine et de montagne; la sauvagine; le gros gibier; les animaux nuisibles; l’organisation des chasse; la legislation. Paris: Larousse, 1939. FV 2817. Guirao, Ramon, ed. Orbita de la poesía afrocubana, 1928-37. Havana: Talleres de Ucar, García, 1938. FV 2818. Gullers, Karl Werner. Sweden: A Journey in Pictures. Translated by Patrick J. Baker. Stockholm: Norstedt, 1952. FV 2819. Gumbel, Emil Julius. Les crimes politiques en Allemagne, 1919-1929. Translated from the German by Charles Reber. KW 2820. Gunn, Neil Miller. The Drinking Well. New York: Stewart, 1947. FV

Gunn, Tom, pseud. See MacDowell, Syl. 2821. Gunther, John. Death Be Not Proud: A Memoir. London: Hamilton, 1949. FV 2822. -----. Inside Asia. New York: Harper, 1939. FV

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2823. -----. Inside Europe. New York: Harper, 1936. s36 kwfv FV 2824. -----. Inside Latin America. New York: Harper, 1941. FV 2825. -----. Inside Russia Today. New York: Harper, 1958. FV 2826. -----. Inside U.S.A. New York: Harper, 1947. FV 2827. Günther, Klaus, and Kurt Deckert. Creatures of the Deep Sea. New York: Scribner, 1956. FV 2828. Guralnik, David Bernard. The Making of a New Dictionary. Cleveland: World, 1953. FV 2829. Gurko, Leo. The Angry Decade. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1947. FV 2830. Guthrie, Alfred Bertram. The Big It, and Other Stories. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1960. s6O 2831. -----. The Big Sky. New York: Sloane, 1947. FV 2832. -----. These Thousand Hills. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1956. FV 2833. -----. The Way West. New York: Sloane, 1949. FV 2834. Guthrie, Woody. Bound for Glory. New York: Dutton, 1943.FV 2835. Gutierrez de la Hacera, Pasqual Ramón. Descripción general de la Europa, y particuar de sus estados, y cortes, especialmente de Espaiña, y Madrid antique y moderno. Chronología exacta de los papas, soberanos de Europa, etc. Madrid: Doblado, 1771. kwfv FV 2836. Guttmacher, Manfred Schanfarber. America’s Last King: An Interpretation of the Madness of George III. New York: Scribner, 1941. FV 2837. Guyette, Mercedes. See the World on a Globe. Chicago: Replogle Globes, 1951. FV 2838. Guyon-Cesbron, Jean. Le meneur de femmes: Roman policier. KW 2839. Guzmán, Martin Luis. L’ombre du Caudillo. Translated from Spanish by Georges Pillement. Paris: Gallimard, 1959. FV 2840. Gwynn, Stephan Lucius. The Happy Fisherman. London: Country Life, 1936. kwfv FV

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Gyde, L.M., joint author. See Hopkins, John Collier Fredrick.

2841. György, Edith [Leyla Georgie]. The Establishment of Madame Antonia. Paris: Vendome, 1938. FV

H.A.L., pseud. See Leveson, Henry Astbury.

H.D., pseud. See Doolittle, Hilda. 2842. Habe, Hans. A Thousand Shall Fall. Translated by Norbert Guterman. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1941. FV 2843. Habeck, Fritz. Der Tanz der sieben Teufel. Vienna: Zsolnay, 1950. FV 2844. The Habits of Good Society: A Handbook for Ladies Gentlemen, with Thoughts, Hints, and Anecdotes concerning Social Observance. New York: Carleton, 1868. kwfv FV

Hache, pseud. See Fernández de Heredia, Antonio. 2845. Hackett, Francis. Henry the Eighth. London: Cape, 1929. kwfv FV 2846. Hackforth-Jones, Gilbert. The Sole Survivor. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1955. FV 2847. Hadley, Leila. Give Me the World. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1958. FV 2848. H~fiz. H~fiz, The Tongue of the Hidden: An Attempt to Transfuse into English Rubáiyát the Spirit of the Persian Poet, As Felt by Clarence K. Streit. KW 2849. Hagboldt, Peter Herman. Building the German Vocabulary. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1933. FV 2850. -----, and F.W. Kaufmann. Deutsch für Anfänger: An Inductive Presentation of Minimum Essentials. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1930. FV 2851. Haggard, H. Rider. She & King Solomon's Mines. New York: Modern Library, 1957. FV 2852. Hagglund, Ben and Isabel. Pyramid: A Collection of Verse, Fiction and Essays. Book 1. San Benito, Texas: Handcraft Print Shop, 1940. FV 2853. Hahn, Emily. China to Me: A Partial Autobiography. New York: Doubleday, Doran, 1945. FV 2854. -----. Hong Kong Holiday. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1946. FV

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2855. Haig-Brown, Roderick L. Fisherman’s Winter. New York: Morrow, 1954. FV 2856. -----. The Western Angler: An Account of Pacific Salmon and Western Trout. New York: Morrow, 1947. FV 2857. Haines, Edith (Key). Tried Temptations Old and New. KW 2858. Haines, Francis. The Nez Percés: Tribesmen of the Columbia Plateau. Norman: University of Oklahoma, 1955. FV 2859. Haines, William Wister. Command Decision. Boston: Little, Brown, 1947. FV 2860. -----. The Hon. Rocky Slade. Boston: Little, Brown, 1957. FV 2861. -----. Slim. New York: Pocket Books, 1947. FV 2862. Hakkenberg van Gaasbeek, H.C.M. Caraïbisch Steekspel. Omslag en tekeningen van Paul Erkelens. Assen: Van Gorcum, 1955. FV 2863. Halasz, Nicholas. Captain Dreyfus: The Story of Mass Hysteria. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1955. FV

Halbouty, Michael T., joint author. See Clark, James Anthony. 2864. Hale, Lucretia Peabody. The Peterkin Papers. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1924. FV 2865. Hale, Nancy. The Empress’s Ring. New York: Scribner, 1955. FV 2866. -----. Another copy. FV 2867. -----. The Prodigal Woman. New York: Scribner, 1942. FV 2868. Haley, Nelson Cole. Whale Hunt: The Narrative of a Voyage by Nelson Cole Haley, Harpooner in the Ship Charles W. Morgan, 1849-1853. New York: Washburn, 1948. FV 2869. Haliburton, Thomas Chandler. The Clockmaker: Sayings and Doings of Samuel Slick of Slickville. New York: Hurd & Houghton, 1872. FV 2870. Hall, Eileen. The Fountain and the Boug: Poems. KWH 2871. Hall, Henry Marion. A Full Creel. New York: Longmans, Green, 1946. FV 2872. -----. The Ruffed Grouse. New York: Oxford, 1946. FV

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2873. -----. Woodcock Ways. New York: Oxford, 1946. FV 2874. Hall, James Augustus. Starving on a Bed of Gold; or, The World’s Longest Fast. Santa Cruz, Calif.: Press of the Sentinel, 1909. FV 2875. Hall, James B. Racers to the Sun. New York: Obelensky, 1960. MH 2876. Hall, James Norman. Doctor Dogbody’s Leg. Boston: Little, Brown, 1940. FV

-----, joint author. See Nordhoff, Charles Bernard. 2877. Hall, Melvin Adams. Journey to the End of an Era: An Autobiography. New York: Scribner, 1947. FV 2878. Hall, Oakley M. Warlock. New York: Viking, 1958. FV 2879. Hall, Radclyffe. The Well of Loneliness. Garden City, N.Y.: The Sun Dial, 1928. FV 2880. Hall, Roger. All My Pretty Ones. New York: Norton, 1959. s59 FV 2881. Hallendorff, Carl Jakob Herman, and Adolf Shück. History of Sweden. Translated by Lajia Yapp. Stockholm: Fritze, 1938. FV 2882. Halliburton, Richard. Seven League Boots. KW

Halliday, Brett, pseud. See Dresser, Davis. 2883. Halliday, Ernest Milton. "Hemingway's Ambiguity: Symbolism and Irony." Reprinted from American Literature, XXVIII, March, 1956. FV 2884. Hallmark Cards, Incorporated. Poetry for Pleasure: The Hallmark Book of Poetry. Selected and arranged by the editors. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1960. FV 2885. Halsband, Robert. The Life of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. Oxford: Clarendon, 1956. FV

Halstead, E.W., joint author. See Austin, C.F. 2886. Hamilton, Bruce. To Be Hanged. KW 2887. Hamilton, Donald. The Steel Mirror. New York [Dell, 1951?]. FV

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2888. Hamilton, Elizabeth. Put Off Thy Shoes: A Journey to Israel and Jordan. New York: Scribner, 1957. FV 2889. Hamilton, Ian Standish Montreth. A Staff Officer’s Scrapbook during the Russo-Japanese War. 2 vols. London: Arnold, 1905-07. kwfv FV 2890. Hamilton, Patrick. The West Pier. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1952. FV 2891. Hammer, Simon Christian. Things Seen in Norway: A Description of the Scenery of the Country. London: Seeley, 1927. kwfv FV

Hammerstein, Oscar, joint composer. See Rodgers, Richard. 2892. Hammett, Catherine Tilley. Your Own Book of Campcraft, Prepared under the Auspices of the American Camping Association. New York: Pocket Books, 1958. FV 2893. Hammett, Dashiell. $106,000 Blood Money. New York: Spivak, 1927. FV 2894. -----. The Thin Man. KW 2895. Hammond, Arthur. Helps for Beginners. Boston: American Photographic, 1938. FV 2896. Hammond (C.S.) and Company, Inc. Hammond’s Pictorial Ready Reference Atlas and Gazetteer of the World. New York: Sun Dial, 1938. FV 2897. -----. New World Atlas, Containing New and Complete Historical, Economic, Political and Physical Maps of the Entire World in Full Colors, with Complete Indexes; and the Races of mankind, Illustrated Gazetteer of the World, Illustrated Gazetteer of the United States and Territories. Garden City, N.Y.: Garden City Pub. Co., 1947. FV 2898. Hamp, Pierre. Gens. KW 2899. Han, Suyin [pseud.]. ...and the Rain My Drink. London: Cape, 1956. FV 2900. Hancock, Harrie Irving. The Motor Boat Club of the Kinnebec; or, The Secret of Smugglers’ Island. Philadelphia: Altemus, 1909. PC 2901. *Handbuch zur Auffrischung und Bereicherung der Kenntnisse in der französischen Sprache. Biarritz: Plumon, 1942. FV 2902. Hankey, Donald William. A Student in Arms. New York: Dutton, 1917. FV 2903. Hankins, Robert Maxwell. The Man from Wyoming. New York: Bantam, 1949. FV

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2904. Hanley, Gerald. The Consul at Sunset. New York: Macmillan, 1951. FV 2905. -----. Drinkers of Darkness. London: Collins, 1955. FV 2906. -----. Without Love. New York: Harper, 1957. FV 2907. -----. Another copy. FV 2908. Hanley, James. Boy: A Novel. New York: Knopf, 1932. kwfv FV 2909. -----. The Furys. New York: Macmillan, 1935. kwfv FV 2910. -----. Selected Stories. London: Fridberg, 1947. FV 2911. Hanna, Alfred Jackson and Kathryn. Florida’s Golden Sands. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1950. FV

-----, joint author. See Cabell, James Branch. 2912. Hano, Arnold. Western Triggers. New York: Bantam, 1948. FV 2913. Hansen, Harry. The Chicago. New York: Farrar & Rinehart,1942. FV 2914. Hanson, Joseph Mills. The Conquest of the Missouri, Being the Story of the Life and Exploits of Captain Grant Marsh. New York: Murray Hill, 1946. FV 2915. Hanson, Lawrence and Elizabeth. Passionate Pilgrim: The Life of Vincent van Gogh. New York: Random House, 1955. FV 2916. Hapgood, Hutchins. A Victorian in the Modern World. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1939. FV 2917. *Harcourt, Helen. Florida Fruits and How to Raise Them. Louisville: Morton, 1886. FV 2918. Hardie, Martin, and Warner Allen. Our Italian Front. Painted by Martin Hardie, described by Warner Allen. London: Black, 1920. FV 2919. Harding, Tex. A la recherche de Fawcett. (Verschollen: Auf den Spuren des Obersten Fawcett.) Translated from the German by G. Fritsch-Estrangin. Paris: Gallimard, 1934. kwfv FV 2920. Hardy, Alister Clavering. The Open Sea: Its Natural History. Vol. 1: The World of Plankton. Vol. 2: Fish and Fisheries. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1956, 1959. FV (Vol.1) MH (Vol. 2)

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2921. Hardy, Thomas. The Return of the Native. New York: Heritage, 1942. KW FV 2922. -----. Another copy. KW 2923. -----. The Short Stories of Thomas Hardy. London: Macmillan, 1928. FV 2924. -----. Yuletide in a Younger World. n.p., n.d. FV 2925. Hardy's Angler’s Guide. London, 1924. [kwfv?] FV 2926. Hardy's Angler’s Guide. London, n.d. kwfv FV 2927. Hardy's Angler’s Guide. London, n.d. FV 2928. Hargrove, Marion. See Here, Private Hargrove. Foreword by Maxwell Anderson. New York: Holt, 1942. FV 2929. -----. Something's Got to Give. New York: Popular Library, 1948. FV 2930. Harispe, Pierre. Le Pays Basque: Histoire-langue-civilization. Paris: Payot, 1929. KL 2931. Harling, Robert. The Steep Atlantik Stream. London: Chatto & Windus, 1946. FV

d'Harnoncourt, René, joint author. See Douglas, Frederic H. 2932. Harper, Floyd Aurthur. Liberty: A Path to Its Recovery. Irvington-on-Hudson, N.Y.: Foundation for Economic Education, 1949. FV

Harper, Frank, joint editor. See Elkins, Frank. 2933. Harris, Arthur Travers. Bomber Offensive. New York: Macmillan, 1947. FV 2934. Harris, Burton. John Colter: His Years in the Rockies. New York: Scribner, 1952. FV 2935. Harris, Cyril. Trumpets at Dawn. KW 2936. Harris, Dick. Ringside at the Bullfight. Madrid: American Visitors Bureau, 1953. FV 2937. Harris, Frank. Bernard Shaw: An Unauthorized Biography Based on First Hand information. Postscript by Mr. Shaw. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1931. kwfv FV 2938. -----. Confessional: A Volume of intimate Portraits, Sketches and Studies. KW

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2939. -----. The Man Shakespeare and His Tragic Life-story. KW 2940. -----. Oscar Wilde: His Life and Confessions. KW 2941. Harris, Henry Wilson. The Daily Press. Cambridge, England: University Press, 1943. FV 2942. Harris, Mark. The Southpaw by Henry W. Wiggen; Punctuation Freely Inserted and Spelling Greatly Improved by Mark Harris. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1953. FV 2943. Harris, Seymour Edwin. John Maynard Keynes: Economist and Policy Maker. New York: Scribner, 1955. FV 2944. Harris, William Cornwallis. The Wild Sports of Southern Africa; Being the Narrative of a Hunting Expedition from the Cape of Good Hope, through the Territories of the Chief Moselekatse, to the Tropic of Capricorn. London: Murray, 1839. kwfv FV 2945. -----. The Wild Sports of Southern Africa, Being the Narrative of an Expedition from the Cape of Good Hope through the Territories of the Chief Moselekatse to the Tropic of Capricorn. London: Pickering, 1841. MH 2946. Harrison, C. William [Will Hickok]. The Restless Gun. New York: New American Library, 1958. FV 2947. Harrison, Charles Yale. Meet Me on the Barricades. New York: Scribner, 1938. FV 2948. Harrison, George, and F.C. Mitchell. The Home Market: A Handbook of Statistics. Edited by M.A. Abrams. London: Allen & Unwin, 1939. FV 2949. Harrison, Richard Edes. Look at the World: The Fortune Atlas for World Strategy. New York: Knopf, 1944. FV 2950. Harroy, Jean Paul. Afrique, terre qui meurt: La dégradation des sols africains sous l’influence de la colonisation. Brussels: Hayez, 1949. FV

-----, joint author. See Aubert de la Rüe, Edgar. 2951. Harsch, Joseph Close. Pattern of Conquest. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1941. FV 2952. Hart, Harold H., and Ralph Tolleris. Big-time Baseball: A Panorama of the National Sport As Played in the Major Leagues. New York: Hart, 1950. FV

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2953. Hart, Henry. The Great One: A Novel of American Life. New York: Day, 1934. s34 KW 2954. Hart, Henry Hersch, compiler and translator. A Chinese Market: Lyrics from the Chinese in English Verse. Foreword by E.T.C. Werner. Peking: The French Bookstore and San Francisco: Newbegin, 1931. kwfv FV 2955. Hart, Robert G. McKay’s Guide to Alaska. New York: McKay, 1959. s6O FV 2956. Hart-Davis, Rupert. Hugh Walpole: A Biography. New York: Macmillan, 1952. FV 2957. Harte, Bret. The Luck of Roaring Camp: Californian Tales and Poems with Other Writings. London: Dent, 1929. kwfv FV 2958. -----. Another copy? KW 2959. Hartog, Jan de. The Distant Shore: A Story of the Sea. New York: Harper, 1952. FV 2960. The Harvard Classics. 50 vols. Edited by Charles W. Eliot. New York: Collier, 1909-10. FV 2961. Harvey, Jack. Salt in Our Wounds. London: Cassell, 1953. FV 2962. Harvey, John Hooper. The Plantagenets, 1154-1485. London: Batsford, 1948. FV 2963. Harvey, Paul, ed. The Oxford Companion to English Literature. Oxford: Clarendon, 1932. kwfv FV 2964. Harvey, Peggy. Season to Taste. New York: Knopf, 1957. FV 2965. -----. When the Cook’s Away. Foreword by Moss Hart. Chicago: Regnery, 1952. FV 2966. Hasek, Jaroslav. The Good Soldier: Schweik. Translated by Paul Selver. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1930. kwfv FV 2967. -----. Another copy? KW 2968. Haskell, Arnold Lionel. Ballet: A Complete Guide to Appreciation, History, Aesthetics, Ballets, Dancers. New York: Penguin, 1945. FV 2969. Hassel, Sven [pseud.]. The Legion of the Damned. Translated from the Danish by Maurice Michael. New York: Farrar, Straus & Cudahy, 1957. FV

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2970. Hastings, Lansford Warren. The Emigrant Guide to Oregon and California. Facsimile edition of original 1845 edition. Edited by Charles Henry Carey. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton, 1932. kwfv FV 2971. Hastings, Patrick. Cases in Court. London: Pan, 1956. FV 2972. Hatcher, Harlan H. The Great Lakes. London: Oxford, 1944. FV 2973. Hately, T.L., and Hugh Copley. Angling in East Africa; with Some Account of East African Fish. kwfv 2974. Hauser, Bengamin Gayelord. Look Younger, Live Longer. New York: Farrar Straus, 1951. FV 2975. Hauser, Ernest Otto. Shanghai: City for Sale. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1940. FV 2976. Hauser, Heinrich. Battle against Time: A Survey of the Germany of 1939 from the Inside. KWH 2977. Hausman, Ethel (Hinckley). Beginner’s Guide to Wild Flowers. New York: Putnam, 1948. FV 2978. Hausman, Leon Augustus. Field Book of the Eastern Birds. New York: Putnam, 1946. FV 2979. Hautecloque, Xavier de. Pègre et police internationales. Paris: Nouvelle Revue Critique, 1934. kwfv FV 2980. Havana. Museo Carlos de la Torre y Huerta. Fishes of Cuba and the Atlantic Coasts of Tropical America. Havana, 1946. FV

Haven, Charles T., joint author. See Johnson, Melvin Maynard. 2981. Havighurst, Walter. The Long Ships Passing: The Story of the Great Lakes. New York: Macmillan, 1942. FV 2982. -----. Upper Mississippi: A Wilderness Saga. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1944. FV 2983. Hawes, Charles Boardman. The Dark Frigate; Wherein Is Told the Story of Philip Marsham who Lived in the Time of King Charles .... Boston: Little, Brown, 1925. FV 2984. Hawker, Peter. Instructions to Young Sportsmen in All That Relates to Guns and Shooting. Edited with an introduction by Eric Parker. London: Jenkins, 1922. kwfv FV

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2985. -----. Another copy. KW 2986. Hawkes, John. The Cannibal. New York: New Directions, 1949. FV 2987. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Portable Hawthorne. Edited by Malcolm Cowley. New York: Viking, 1948. FV 2988. -----. The Scarlet Letter. London: Continental, 1946. KW FV

Hay, Ian, pseud. See Beith, John Hay. 2989. Hay, John. Castilian Days. KW 2990. Haycox, Ernest. Alder Gulch. New York [Dell?], 1957. FV 2991. -----. By Rope and Lead. Boston: Little, Brown, 1951. FV 2992. -----. The Earthbreakers. Boston: Little, Brown, 1952. FV 2993. -----. The Grim Canyon: Three Short Novels of the Fighting West. New York: Popular Library, 1953. FV 2994. -----. Head of the Mountain. New York: Popular Library, 1952. FV 2995. -----. The Last Rodeo. New York [Pocket Books?], 1957. FV 2996. -----. Long Storm. New York: Bantam, 1950. FV 2997. -----. Long Storm. New York: Bantam, 1957. FV 2998. -----. Return of a Fighter. New York: Dell, 1958. FV 2999. -----. Another copy. FV 3000. -----. Riders West. New York: Popular Library, 1954. FV 3001. -----. Trouble Shooter. New York: Popular Library [1952?]. FV 3002. -----. The Wild Bunch. New York: Bantam, 1957. FV 3003. Hayes, Alfred. All Thy Conquests. New York: Howell, Soskin, 1946. FV 3004. -----. The Girl on the Via Flaminia. New York: Harper, 1949. FV

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3005. -----. In Love. London: Gollancz, 1954. FV 3006. -----. My Face for the World to See. New York: Harper, 1958. FV 3007. Hayes, Carlton Joseph Huntley. Wartime Mission in Spain, 1942-1945. New York: Macmillan, 1945. FV 3008. Hayes, Nelson. Dildo Cay. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1940. FV 3009. Hays, Elinor (Rice). Action in Havana. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1940. FV 3010. Hays, Hoffman Reynolds. Lie Down in Darkess. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1944. FV 3011. -----. The Takers of the City. London: Low, Marston, 1947. FV 3012. -----, ed. and trans. 12 Spanish American Poets: An Anthology. New Haven: Yale, 1943. FV 3013. Haystead, Ladd. If the Prospect Pleases: The West the Guidebooks Never Mention. Norman: University of Oklahoma, 1945. FV 3014. Hazard, Paul. La vie de Stendhal. KW 3015. Hazlitt, William. Table Talk. KW 3016. Hazlitt, William. The Fight: An Essay. Introduction by Robert H. Davis. Woodstock, Vt.: Elm Tree Press, 1929. kwfv FV

Heal, Edith, pseud. See Berrien, Edith. 3017. Heard, Gerald. The Lost Cavern and Other Tales of the Fantastic. New York: Vanguard, 1948. FV 3018. -----. Murder by Reflection. New York: Vanguard, 1942. FV 3019. -----. A Taste for Honey. New York: Vanguard [1941?]. FV 3020. Heard, Paul Leonard. Anthology of American Poetry. Dalles: Royal, 1960. MH 3021. Hearne, John. The Eye of the Storm. Boston: Little, Brown, 1957. FV 3022. Heater, Basil. The Dim View. New York: Farrar, Straus, 1946. FV

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3023. Heath, William L. Violent Saturday. New York: Harper, 1955. FV 3024. Heaton, Eric William. Everyday Life in Old Testament Times. New York: Scribner, 1956. FV 3025. Hecht, Ben. A Child of the Century. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1954. FV 3026. Hedin, Sven Anders. My Life as an Explorer. Translated by Alfhild Huebsch. New York: Boni & Liveright, 1925. kwfv FV 3027. Hedrick, Ulysses Prentiss. The Land of the Crooked Tree. New York: Oxford, 1948. MH 3028. Heilner, Van Campen. A Book on Duck Shooting. KW 3029. -----. Our American Game Birds. Foreword by Col. Theodore Roosevelt. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1941. FV 3030. -----. Salt Water Fishing. New York: Knopf, 1945. FV 3031. -----. Salt Water Fishing. New York: Knopf, 1953. FV 3032. Heinz, W.C. "I'm Sorry Eddie." [Typescript.] [Cosmopolitan, Feb. 10, 1948.] KW 3033. Helfgen, Heinz. Ich radle um die Welt. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann, 1955. FV 3034. Helmericks, Constance and Harmon. Our Summer with the Eskimos. Boston: Little, Brown, 1948. FV 3035. Hemingway, Alfred Tyler. How to Make Good; or, Winning Your Largest Success: A Business Man’s Talks on Personal Proficiency and Commercial Character-building--The Only Success Insurance. Kansas City, Mo.: Hudson, 1915. KL 3036. Hemingway, Ernest. Hemingway par lui-même. Edited by George Albert Astre. Paris: Seuil, 1959. FV 3037. -----, ed. Men at War: The Best War Stories of All Time. Based on a plan by William Kozlenko. New York: Crown, 1942. FV 3038. -----, ed. Another copy. FV 3039. -----, ed. Another copy. FV 3039a. -----, ed. Another copy. Forrest MacMullen, Las Vegas, Nevada.

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3040. -----, ed. Men at War. Based on a plan by William Kozlenko. New York: Avon, 1952. FV 3041. -----, ed. Men at War: The Best War Stories of All Time. Based on a plan by William Kozlenko. New York: Crown [1955?]. s6O FV 3042. -----. Le vieil honme et la mer: Transcription dramatique du roman de Ernest Hemingway. Translated by Jean Dutourd. Club du Meilleur Livre, 1955. FV 3043. Hemingway, Leicester. The Sound of the Trumpet. New York: Holt, 1953. FV 3044. Hemley, Cecil, ed. Noonday: Stories, Articles, Poetry. New York: Noonday, 1958. FV 3045. Henderson, Alexander. Aldous Huxley. KW 3046. Henderson, J.Y. Circus Doctor. As told to Richard Taplinger. New York: Bantam, 1952. FV 3047. Henderson, Nevile. Failure of a Mission: Berlin 1937-1939. New York: Putnam, 1940. FV 3048. Henderson, Philip. Richard Coeur de Lion. New York: Norton, 1958. s6O FV

Henderson, William Edwards, joint author. See McPherson, William. 3049. Hennig, Andy. Sun Valley Ski Guide. Omaha: Union Pacific Railroad, 1948. FV 3050. Henri, Florette. Kings Mountain. New York: Avon, 1952. FV 3051. Henriot, Emile. Voltaire et Frédéric II. Paris: Hachette, 1927. kwfv FV 3052. Henriques, Robert D. Red over Green. New York: Viking, 1956. FV 3053. Henry, George William. All the Sexes: A Study of Masculinity and Femininity. Foreword by David E. Roberts. New York: Rinehart, 1955. FV

Henry, O., pseud. See Porter, William Sydney.

Henry, Will, pseud. See Allen, Henry. 3054. Henry, William M. An Approved History of the Olympic Games. New York: Putnam, 1948. FV

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3055. Hentoff, Nat, and Albert J. McCarthy, eds. Jazz: New Jazz Perspectives on the History of Jazz by Twelve of the World's Foremost Jazz Critics and Scholars. New York: Rinehart, 1959. s6O FV 3056. Henty, George Alfred. Beric the Briton: A Story of the Roman Invasion. London: Blackie, 1893. FV 3057. -----. True to the old Flag: A Tale of the American War of Independence. New York: Burt, n.d. PC 3058. Herbert, Henry William [Frank Forester]. The Complete Manual for Young Sportsmen, with Directions for Handling the Gun, the Rifle and the Rod; The Art of Shooting on the Wing; The Breaking, Management and Hunting of the Dog; The Varieties and Habits of Game; River, Lake and Seafishing, etc. New York: Stringer & Townsend, 1857. kwfv FV 3059. -----. Frank Forester’s Fish and Fishing of the United States and British Provinces of North America. New York: Townsend, 1864. kwfv FV 3060. -----. Another copy. FV 3061. Herbert, Xavier. Capricornia. New York: Appleton-Century, 1943. FV 3062. -----. Another copy. FV 3063. Herbst, Josephine. Somewhere the Tempest Fell. New York: Scribner, 1947. MH 3064. Hergesheimer, Joseph. Love in the United States and The Big Shot. kwfv 3065. -----. San Cristóbal de la Habana. New York: Knopf, 1927. kwfv FV 3066. Heriz-Smith, S. The Wild Flowers of the Nairobi Royal National Park. Published by D.A. Hawkins Ltd. Nairobi. MH 3067. Hernández, Rafael. Historia de la Plaza de Toros de Madrid (1874-1934). Foreword by José María de Cossio. Madrid, 1955. FV 3068. Hernández-Girbal, F. Julián Gayarre: Un vida triunfal. Madrid: Atlántico, 1931. PC 3069. -----. Manuel Fernández y González: Una vida pintoresca. Madrid: Atlántico, 1931. PC 3070. -----. Una vida popular: Salvador Sánchez, "Frascuelo.” Biografía novelesca. Madrid: Sociedad General Española de Librería, 1933. kwfv FV

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3071. Herndon, William Henry, and Jesse W. Weik. Abraham Lincoln: The True Story of a Great Life. 2 vols. New York: Appleton. ph photo KW

Herrera, A., joint author. See Bonazzi, A. 3072. Herrmann, John. The Salesman. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1939. FV 3073. Herschberger, Ruth. A Way of Happening. New York: Pellegrini & Cudahy, 1948. FV 3074. Hersey, John. A Bell for Adano. New York: Knopf, 1944. FV 3075. -----. The Child Buyer: A Novel in the Form of Hearings before the Standing Committee on Education, Welfare, & Public Morality of a Certain State Senate, Investigating the Conspiracy of Mr. Wissey Jones, with Others, to Purchase a Male Child. New York: Knopf, 1960. s6O MH 3076. -----. Into the Valley: A Skirmish of the Marines. New York: Knopf, 1943. FV 3077. -----. A Single Pebble. London: Hamilton, 1956. FV 3078. -----. The War Lover. New York: Knopf, 1959. FV 3079. Herskovits, Melville Jean. Cultural Anthropology. New York: Knopf, 1955. FV 3080. Herzog, Maurice. Annapurna: Conquest of the First 8000-metre Peak (26,493 feet). Translated from the French by Nea Morin and Janet Adam Smith. Introduction by Eric Shipton. London: Cape, 1952. FV 3081. Heuser, Kurt. The Journey Inward. KW 3082. Heuss, Theodor. Weinbau und Weingärtnerstand in Heilbronn a. Neudruck. Neustadt/Haardt: Meininger, 1950. FV 3083. Hewitt, Edward Ringwood. Better Trout Streams: Their Maintenance, with Special Reference to Trout Habits and Food Supply. New York: Scribner, 1931. kwfv FV 3084. -----. Another copy. FV 3085. -----. Telling on the Trout. New York: Scribner, 1930. kwfv FV 3086. -----. A Trout and Salmon Fisherman for Seventy-five Years. New York: Scribner, 1948. FV 3087. Hewitt, Ronald. From Earthquake, Fire and Flood. New York: Scribner, 1957. FV 3088. Hewlett, Maurice Henry. The Little Iliad. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1915. FV 3089. Heyerdahl, Thor. Kon-tiki: Across the Pacific by Raft. Translated by F.H. Lyon. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1950. FV 3090. Hickey, John Hosford, and Priscilla Beach. Know Your Dog. New York: Harper, 1947. FV

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3091. Hickey, Joseph James. A Guide to Bird Watching. London: Oxford, 1943. FV Hickok, Will, pseud. See Harrison, C. William. 3092. Hicks, James Ernest. What the Citizen Should Know about Our Arms and Weapons. New York: Norton, 1941. FV 3093. Rielscher, Kurt. Deutschland: Baukunst und Landschaft. Geleitwort von Gerhart Hauptmann. Berlin: Wasmuth, 1927. kwfv FV 3094. Highet, Gilbert. Poets in a Landscape. New York: Knopf, 1957. FV 3095. Highton, Hugh Percy. Shooting Trips in Europe and Algeria, Being a Record of Sport in the Alps, Pyrenees, Norway, Sweden, Corsica and Algeria. London: Witherby, 1921. kwfv FV Hill, Frank Ernest, joint author. See Nevins, Allan. 3096. Hill, Howard. Wild Adventure. Harrisburg, Pa.: Stackpole, 1954. s6l MH 3097. Hill, Percy A. Romance and Adventure in Old Manila. Edited by Walter Robb. Manila: Philippine Education, 1935. FV 3098. Hill, Russell. Struggle for Germany. New York: Harper, 1947. MH 3099. Hill, Weldon [pseud.]. Onionhead. New York: McKay, 1957. FV 3100. Hillary, Edmund. High Adventure. New York: Dutton, 1955. FV 3101. Hillary, Richard Hopes. Falling through Space. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1942. FV 3102. *Hilliard, Edgar C. Poetry Unlimited. 1945. FV 3103. Hilton, James. Lost Horizon. KW 3104. -----. Morning Journey. Boston: Little, Brown, 1951. FV 3105. -----. Random Harvest. Boston: Little, Brown, 1941. FV 3106. Himes, Chester B. Cast the First Stone. New York: Coward-McCann, 1952. FV 3107. Himsworth, Harold Percival. El hígado y sus enfermedades. Buenos Aires: Alfa, 1959. FV 3108. Hindus, Maurice Gerschon. Humanity Uprooted. KW 3109. Hines, Duncan. Adventures in Good Eating: Good Eating Places along the Highways of America. Bowling Green, Ky.: Adventures in Good Eating, 1946. FV 3110. -----. Lodging for a Night. Bowling Green, Ky.: Adventures in Good Eating, 1941. FV 3111. Hinrichs, Hans. The Glutton's Paradise, Being a Pleasant Dissertation on Hans Sach's "Schlaraffenland" and Some Similar Utopias. Mount Vernon, N.Y.: Peter Pauper, 1955. FV 3112. Hiscock, Eric C. Voyaging under Sail. London: Oxford, 1959. s6O FV

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3113. Hitler, Adolf. Hitler's Secret Book. Introduction by Telford Taylor. Translated by Salvator Attanasio. New York: Grove, 1961. MH 3114. -----. My Battle. Abridged and translated by E.T.S. Dugdale. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1937. FV 3115. Hoare, Geoffrey. The Missing Macleans. New York: Viking, 1955. FV 3116. Hochwait, Albert F. The Modern Painter. Dayton, Ohio: Hochwait, 1923. FV 3117. Hocking, Joseph. The Jesuit. London: Cassell, 1913. FV 3118. Hodgson, H.E., and O.E. Reed. Manual de lechería para la América tropical. Washington: U.S. Government, State Department, 1950. FV 3119. Hodson, James Lansdale. War in the Sun. New York: Dial, 1943. FV 3120. Hoehling, Adolf A. They Sailed into Oblivion. New York: Yoseloff, 1959. s6O FV 3121. ----- and Mary. The Last Voyage of the Lusitania. New York: Holt, 1956. FV 3122. Hoel, Sigurd. One Day in October. KW 3123. Hoellering, Franz. The Defenders. Translated from the German by Ludwig Lewisohn. Boston: Little, Brown, 1940. FV 3124. Hoffenstein, Samuel. Poems in Praise of Practically Nothing. New York: Boni & Liveright, 1928. kwfv FV 3125. Hoffman, Frederick John. The Twenties: American Writing in the Postwar Decade. New York: Viking, 1955. FV 3126. Hoffmann, Ralph. Birds of the Pacific States. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1927. FV Hofmeister, Donald F., joint author. See Zim, Herbert Spencer. 3127. The Hogarth Letters. kwfv 3128. Hogben, Lancelot Thomas. From Cave Painting to Comic Strip: A Kaleidoscope of Human Communication. New York: Chanticleer, 1949. FV 3129. Holbrook, Stewart Hall. The Age of the Moguls. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1953. FV 3130. -----. Holy Old Mackinaw: A Natural History of the American Lumberjack. New York: Macmillan, 1950. FV 3131. -----. Little Annie Oakley and other Rugged People. New York: Macmillan [1948?]. FV 3132. -----. Murder Out Yonder: An Informal Study of Certain Classic Crimes in Back-country America. New York: Macmillan, 1941. FV 3133. Holden, Raymond Peckham. Change Has a Whip. New York: Scribner, 1935. kwfv FV 3134. Holder, Charles Frederick. The Big Game Fishes of the United States. New York: Macmillan, 1924. kwfv

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FV 3135. -----. Another copy. FV 3136. Holdredge, Helen (O'Donnell). Mammy Pleasant. New York: Putnam, 1953. FV 3137. Holland, Robert, Daniel and Raymond. Good Shot! A Book of Rod, Gun and Camera. New York: Knopf, 1946. FV 3138. Holland, Vyvyan Beresford. Son of Oscar Wilde. New York: Dutton, 1954. FV 3139. Holling, Holling Clancy. The Book of Cowboys. KW 3140. Hollingsworth, Lawrence William. A Short History of the East Coast of Africa. London: Macmillan, 1951. FV 3141. Hollister, Ovando James. Boldly They Rode: A History of the First Colorado Regiment of Volunteers. Lakewood, Colo.: Golden, 1949. FV Hollom, P.A.D., joint author. See Peterson, Roger Tory. 3142. Holt, Luther Emmett. The Care and Feeding of Children: A Catechism for the Use of Mothers and Children's Nurses. London: Appleton, 1921. kwfv FV 3143. Homburg, Robert. Legal Rights of Performing Artists. Translated and annotated together with an addendum by Maurice J. Speiser. New York: Baker, Voorhis, 1934. kwfv FV 3144. The Home Collection of Great Art Masterpieces. Vol. 1. Chicago, 1950. FV 3145. Homenaje cubano a Ernest Hemingway. Havana, 1956. FV 3146. Homer. The Iliad. Done into English prose by Andrew Lang, Walter Leaf and Ernest Myers. Abridged and edited by Rudolph J. Pelunis. New York: Macmillan, 1927. kwfv FV 3147. -----. The Iliad: The Story of Achilles. Translated by W.H.D. Rouse. New York: New American Library, 1950. FV 3148. -----. The Odyssey. Translated by W.H.D. Rouse. New York: New American Library, 1951. FV 3148a. -----. The Odyssey of Homer. KW Homes, Geoffrey, pseud. See Mainwaring, Daniel. 3149. Hook, Sidney. Education for Modern Man. New York: Dial, 1946. FV 3150. Hoover, Irwin Hood. Forty-two Years in the White House. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1934. kwfv FV 3151. Hopkins, Gerard Manley. Poems. Edited by Robert Bridges. London: Oxford, 1930. kwfv FV 3152. -----. Selections from the Notebooks of Gerard Manley Hopkins. Edited by T. Weiss. Norfolk, Conn.: New Directions, 1945. FV 3153. Hopkins, John Collier Fredrick, Aline L. Bacon and L.M. Gyde. Common Veld Flowers. Salisbury: Rhodesia Scientific, 1940. MH

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3154. Hopley-Woolrich, Cornell George [Cornell Woolrich]. The Black Path of Fear. New York: Avon, 1946. FV 3155. ----- [William Irish]. Eyes That Watch You. New York: Rinehart, 1952. FV 3156. Horan, James David. Desperate Men: Revelations from the Sealed Pinkerton Files. New York: Putnam, 1951. FV 3157. -----. The Great American West: A Pictorial History from Coronado to the Last Frontier. NewYork: Crown, 1959. s6O FV 3158. -----, and Howard Swiggett. The Pinkerton Story. New York: Putnam, 1951. FV 3159. -----, and Paul Sann. Pictorial History of the Wild West: A True Account of the Bad Men, Desperadoes, Rustlers and Outlaws of the Old West--and the Men Who Fought Them to Establish Law and Order. New York: Crown, 1954. s54 FV 3160. -----. Another copy. FV 3161. Horgan, Paul. Give Me Possession. New York: Permabooks, 1958. FV Horikoshi, Jiro, joint author. See Okumiya, Masatake. Horn, Alfred Aloysius, pseud. See Lewis, Ethelreda. 3162. Horn, Florence. Orphans of the Pacific: The Philippines. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1941. FV 3163. Hornblow, Leonara. Memory and Desire. New York: New American Library, 1951. FV 3164. Horne, William Titus. The Bud Rot and Some Other Coconut Troubles in Cuba. Santiago de las Vegas: Estación Central Agrónomica, 1908. FV Horne, William Titus, joint author. See Cook, Melville Thurston. 3165. Hornell, James. Fishing in Many Waters. Cambridge, England: University Press, 1950. FV 3166. Horrabin, James Francis. An Atlas-history of the Second Great War. New York: Knopf, 1940. FV 3167. Horton, Philip. Hart Crane: The Life of an American Poet. KW 3168. Horvâth, Odon von. The Age of the Fish. Translated by R. Wills Thomas. New York: Dial, 1939. FV 3169. -----. A Child of Our Time. New York: Dial, 1939. FV 3170. Hough, Emerson. The Mississippi Bubble; How the Star of Good Fortune Rose and Set and Rose Again, by a Woman's Grace, for One John Law of Lauriston: A Novel. KWH 3171. Hough, Frank Olney. If Not Victory. New York: Carrick & Evans, 1939. KWH 3172. -----. The Island War: The United States Marine Corps in the Pacific. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1947. FV 3173. -----. Renown. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1938. s38 KWR

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3174. Hough, Richard Alexander. Admirals in Collision. London: Hamilton, 1959. FV 3175. -----. The Fleet That Had to Die. New York: Viking, 1958. FV 3176. Hough, Stanley Bennett [Bennett Stanley]. Sea Struck. New York: Bantam, 1954. FV 3177. Household, Geoffrey. Fellow Passenger. Boston: Little, Brown, 1955. FV 3178. -----. A Rough Shoot. Boston: Little, Brown, 1951. FV 3179. -----. Tales of Adventurers. Boston: Little, Brown, 1952. FV 3180. -----. A Time to Kill. Boston: Little, Brown, 1951. FV 3181. -----. Watcher in the Shadows: A Novel. Boston: Little, Brown, 1960. s6O MH 3182. Housman, Alfred Edward. Introductory Lecture, Delivered before the Faculties of Arts and Laws and of Science in University College, London. October 3, 1892. KW 3183. Howard, Robert West. This Is the West. New York: Signet, 1957. FV 3184. Howard, Sidney Coe. Half Gods. New York: Scribner, 1930. kwfv FV 3185. Howe, George Locke. Call It Treason. New York: Viking, 1949. FV 3186. Howell, Almonte Charles. Military Correspondence and Reports. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1943. FV 3187. Hoyle, Fred. The Nature of the Universe. New York: New American Library, 1955. FV 3188. Hubbard, Elbert. Elbert Hubbard's Scrap Book, Containing the inspired and inspiring Selections Gathered during a Life Time of Discriminating Reading for His Own Use, Printed and Made into a Book by the Roycrofters at Their Shops in East Aurora, Erie County, New York State. New York: Wise, 1923. FV 3189. -----. Little Journeys to the Homes of English Authors. 2 vols. East Aurora, N.Y.: Roycrofters, 1900. FV 3190. Hubbard, L. Ron. Dianetics; the Modern Science of Mental Health: A Handbook of Dianetic Therapy. New York: Hermitage, 1950. FV Hubbs, Carl Leavitt, joint author. See Jordan, David Starr. 3191. Hubler, Richard Gibson. SAC: The Strategic Air Command. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1958. FV 3192. Hudson, W.H. Adventures among Birds. London: Dent, 1928. kwfv FV 3193. -----. Afoot in England. KW 3194. -----. Birds in London. London: Dent, 1924. kwfv FV 3195. -----. Birds in Town and Village. Kwfv 3196. -----. The Book of a Naturalist. KW 3197. -----. Dead Man's Plack and Old Thorn & Poems. KW

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3198. -----. Hampshire Days. London: Dent, 1925. kwfv FV 3199. -----. A Hind in Richmond Park. KW 3200. -----. Idle Days in Patagonia. London: Dent, 1924. FV 3201. -----. The Land's End: A Naturalist's Impressions in West Cornwall. London: Dent, 1926. kwfv FV 3202. -----. The Naturalist in La Plata. London: Dent, 1929. kwfv FV 3203. -----. Nature in Downland. London: Dent, 1925. kwfv FV 3204. -----. Le pays pourpre. Paris: Plon, 1927. FV 3205. -----. Rare, Vanishing and Lost British Birds. Compiled by Linda Gardiner. London: Dent, 1923. FV 3206. -----. A Traveller in Little Things. KW 3207. -----. W.H. Hudson's South American Romances. KW 3208. *Huerlimann, Martin. La France: Architecture et paysages. Paris: Librairie des Arts Decoratifs, 1947. FV 3209. Hughes, Henry Stuart. Oswald Spengler: A Critical Estimate. New York: Scribner, 1952. FV 3210. Hughes, Mary Vivian. America’s England. New York: Morrow, 1930. FV 3211. Hughes, Richard A.W. In Hazard: A Sea Story. London: Chatto & Windus, 1938. FV 3212. -----. A High Wind in Jamaica. New York: Modern Library, 1929. FV 3213. -----. The Innocent Voyage. Introduction by Louis Untermeyer. New York: Limited Editions, 1944. FV 3214. Hughes, Thomas [An Old Boy]. Tom Brown's School Days. Cambridge, England: Macmillan, 1858. kwfv FV 3215. Hughes-Parry, Jack. Fishing Fantasy: A Salmon Fisherman's Note-book. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1949. FV 3216. Hugo, Charles. How to Get All You Want When Travelling in Italy: A Really Practical Phrase-book, indispensable toTourists, with the imitated Pronounciation of Every Word. London: Hugo's Language Institute, n.d. FV 3217. Hugo, Victor. Notre-Dame de Paris. KW 3218. Hugo's Pocket Dictionary, French-English and English-French. London: Hugo's Language Institute, 1929. FV 3219. Hugo's Pocket Dictionary, Italian-English and English-Italian. London: Hugo's Language Institute [1937?]. FV 3220. Hulburd, David. H Is for Heroin. New York: Popular Library, 1953. FV 3221. Hume, H. Harold. Gardening in the Lower South. KW

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3222. Hume, Martin Andrew Sharp. The Spanish People; Their Origin, Growth and Influence. KW 3223. Humes, Harold Louis. Men Die. New York: Random House, 1959. FV 3224. -----. The Underground City. New York: Random House, 1958. FV 3225. Humphreys, William Jackson. Ways of the Weather: A Cultural Survey of Meteorology. New York: Ronald, 1942. FV 3226. Humphries, Rolfe. Green Armor on Green Ground: Poems in the Twenty-four official Welsh Meters and Some, in Free Meters on Welsh Themes. New York: Scribner, 1956. FV 3227. -----. The Wind of Time. New York: Scribner, 1949. FV 3228. Humphrey, William. The Last Husband and other Stories. New York: Morrow, 1953. FV 3229. Hunt, Frazier. One American and His Attempt at Education. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1938. ph photo KW 3230. -----. The Untold Story of Douglas MacArthur. New York: Devin-Adair, 1954. s54 FV 3231. Hunt, George Pinney. Coral Comes High. New York: New American Library, 1957. FV 3232. Hunt, Lynn Bogue. An Artist's Game Bag. kwfv 3233. Hunt, Violet. The Wife of Rossetti: Her Life and Death. New York: Dutton, 1932. kwfv FV 3234. Hunter, John. Ride the Wind South. New York: Permabooks, 1957. FV 3235. Hunter, John A. Hunter. Introductory note by A.T.A. Richie. London: Hamilton, 1953. FV 3236. Hunter, Ruth. Come Back on Tuesday. New York: Scribner, 1945. FV 3237. Hunter, Thomas Lomax. Columns from the Cavalier. KWH 3238. The Hunter's Encyclopedia. Edited by Raymond R. Camp. Harrisburg, Pa.: Stackpole & Heck, 1948. FV 3239. Huntingford, George Wynn Brereton, and C.R.V. Bell. East African Background. London: Longmans, Green, 1950. MH 3240. Hurd, Charles. Washington Cavalcade. New York: Dutton [1948?1. FV 3241. Hurd, Louis Merwin. Practical Poultry-farming. New York: Macmillan, 1939. FV 3242. Hureau, Jean. Plein air et camping: Manuel practique. Paris: Editions de la Revue "Camping," 1942. FV 3243. Hurley, R.C. Picturesque Hong Kong, British Crown Colony and Dependencies. Hong Kong: Commerical Press, 1925. FV 3244. Huston, McCready. The Right People. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1949. FV 3245. Hutchinson, Horatio Gordon, ed. Big Game Shooting. 2 vols. London: Newnes, 1905. kwfv NH

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3246. Hutchison, Graham Seton. Machine Guns, Their History and Tactical Employment. London: Macmillan, 1938. FV 3247. -----. The V Plan. New York: Smith & Durrell, 1941. FV 3248. Hutton, David Graham. Midwest at Noon. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1946. FV 3249. Hutton, Oram C., and Andy Rooney. Air Gunner. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1944. FV 3250. Hutton, Robert. Of Those Alone. London: Sidgwich & Jackson, 1958. FV 3251. Huxley, Aldous. After Many a Summer Dies the Swan. KW 3252. -----. Beyond the Mexique Bay. kwfv 3253. -----. Brief Candles. KW 3254. -----. Eyeless in Gaza. KW 3255. -----. Jesting Pilate: The Diary of a Journey. kwfv 3256. -----. Limbo. KW 3257. -----. Mortal Coils. KW 3258. -----. Music at Night and Other Essays. London: Chatto & Windus, 1931. kwfv FV 3259. -----. The Olive Tree and Other Essays. New York: Harper, 1937. s37 KW 3260. -----. On the Margin: Notes and Essays. KW 3261. -----. Point Counter Point. kwfv 3262. -----. Those Barren Leaves. New York: Doran, 1925. FV 3263. Huxley, Elspeth Joscelin. Four Guineas: A Journey through West Africa. London: Chatto & Windus, 1954. MH 3264. -----. Murder on Safari. New York: Harper, 1938. s38 3265. -----. Red Strangers: A Novel. New York: Harper, 1939. KWH 3266. -----. Red Strangers. London: Chatto & Windus; [1955?]. FV 3267. -----. The Walled City. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1949. s49 FV 3268. -----. White Man's Country: Lord Delamere and the Making of Kenya. 2 vols. London: Chatto & Windus, 1953. MH 3269. Huxley, Julian. Africa View. New York: Harper, 1931. FV 3270. Huysmans, Joris Karl. Against the Grain. Introduction by Havelock Ellis. Translated by John Howard. New York: Boni, 1930. kwfv FV

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3271. Hydrick, John Lee. Intensive Rural Hygiene Work and Public Health Education of the Public Health Service of Netherlands India. New York: Netherlands and Netherlands East Indies Councils, Institute of Pacific Relations, 1942. FV 3272. Hyman, Stanley Edgar. The Armed Vision: A Study in the Methods of Modern Literary Criticism. New York: Knopf, 1948. FV 3273. Iams, Jack. Table for Four. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1939. FV 3274. Ibsen, Henrick. A Doll's House. kwfv 3275. Ickes, Harold Le Claire. The Secret Diary of Harold L. Ickes: The First Thousand Days, 1933-1936. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1953. FV Iles, Francis, pseud. See Cox, Anthony Berkeley. Ilg, Frances L., joint author. See Gesell, Arnold Lucius. Ilin, Mikhail, pseud. See Marshak, Il'ia IAkovlevich. 3276. *Illustrated Guide of the Dolomites. Vol. 1, Summer 1939. Italy, 1939. FV 3277. Imaz Baume, Arturo. Cacería: Obra escrita originalmente. Mexico City: Talleres Gráficos de la Nación, 1938. FV 3278. Imbs, Bravig. Confessions of Another Young Man. New York: Henkle-Yewdale, 1936. s36 kwfv FV 3279. Imitatio Christi. The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis. Edited, with introduction and notes, by Brother Leo. New York: Macmillan, 1948. s49 FV 3280. Incendie du Reichstag. Livre Brun, 1933. kwfv 3281. Infantry Journal. Combat Problems for Small Units. Washington: Infantry Journal, 1943. FV 3282. -----. 81mm Mortar Handbook. Washington: Infantry Journal, 1942. FV 3283. -----. Map Reading for the Soldier. Washington: Infantry Journal, 1944. FV 3284. -----. New Soldier's Handbook. Washington: Infantry Journal, 1943. FV 3285. -----. 60mm Mortar Handbook. Washington: Infantry Journal, 1942. FV 3286. -----. U.S. Infantry School, Fort Benning, Ga. Infantry in Battle. Washington: Infantry Journal, 1939. FV Ingel, Lester, joint author. See Zim, Herbert Spencer. 3287. Ingersoll, Ralph McAllister. The Battle Is the Pay-off. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1943. FV 3288. -----. The Great Ones: The Love Story of Two Very Important People. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1948. FV 3289. -----. Another copy. FV

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3290. -----. Report on England, November 1940. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1940. FV 3291. -----. Top Secret. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1946. MH 3292. Inglis, William. Champions off Guard. New York: Vanguard, 1932. FV 3293. Ingraham, Prentiss. Freelance the Buccaneer. KWH 3294. Ingram, Rex. Mars in the House of Death. New York: Knopf, 1939. FV 3295. Innes, Hammond. The Doomed Oasis: A Novel of Arabia. New York: Knopf, 1960. s6l MH 3296. -----. Fire in the Snow. New York: Harper, 1947. FV 3297. -----. Another copy. FV 3298. -----. The White South. London: Collins, 1949. FV 3299. -----. Wreckers Must Breathe. Amsterdam: Fontana Books, 1957. FV 3300. The Innocents Abroad, or The New Pilgrims' Progress. [Book Review.] kwfv FV 3301. *Integration or Segregation in the United States. U.S., 1960. FV 3302. The International Game Fish Association. Organization and Rules. New York: American Museum of Natural History, 1945. FV 3303. -----. Organization and Rules. New York: American Museum of Natural History, 1948. FV 3304. -----. Organization and Rules. New York: American Museum of Natural History, n.d. FV 3305. -----. World Record, Marine Game Fishes. Miami, 1959. FV 3306. -----. World Record, Marine Game Fishes. Miami, 1960. FV 3307. -----. Yearbook. New York: American Museum of Natural History, 1952. FV 3308. *An Introduction to Modern Brazilian Poetry. Verses translated by Leonard S. Downes. Brazil: Clube de Poesia de Brasil, 1954. FV 3309. *Iribarren, José María. La Cogida: Historia de un artículo frustrado. Pamplona, 1956. FV Iribas, Juan L., joint author. See Velázquez de la Cadena. Irish, William, pseud. See Hopley-Woolrich, Cornell George. 3310. Irving, Robert Lock Graham. The Romance of Mountaineering. KW 3311. Irving, Washington. The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gentn. KW 3312. -----. Tales of the Alhambra. Introduction and notes by Ricardo Villa-Real. Granada: Padre Sudrez, 1953. FV 3313. -----. The Western Journals of Washington Irving. Edited by John Francis McDermott. Norman:

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University of Oklahoma, 1944. FV 3314. Irwin, Inez (Haynes). The Poison Cross Mystery. New York: Smith & Haas, 1936. FV 3315. Isham, Samuel. The History of American Painting. New York: Macmillan, 1942. FV 3316. Isherwood, Christopher. The Berlin Stories: The Last of Mr. Norris and Goodbye to Berlin. New York: Laughlin, 1945. FV 3317. -----. The Condor and the Cows. New York: Random House, 1949. FV 3318. -----. Lion and Shadows: An Education in the Twenties. Norfolk, Conn.: New Directions, 1947. FV 3319. -----. Prater Violet. New York: Random House, 1945. FV 3320. -----. The World in the Evening. New York: Random House, 1954. s54 FV -----, joint author. See Auden, W.H. 3321. Istanbul. Paris: Rhea, 1955. FV 3322. Istel, André. L’or et le franc. Paris: Gallimard, 1944. FV 3323. Issard, Ralph. The Abominable Snowman. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1955. FV 3324. Jackman, Stuart Brooke. Portrait in Two Colours. New York: Scribner, 1949. FV 3325. Jacks, Leo Vincent. Xenophon, Soldier of Fortune. KW 3326. Jackson, Charles Reginald. The Lost Weekend. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1944. FV 3327. -----. The Outer Edges. New York: New American Library, 1950. FV 3328. Jackson, Frederick John. Notes on the Game Birds of Kenya and Uganda (Including the Sand-grouse, Pigeons, Snipe, Bustards, Geese, and Ducks). London: William & Norgate, 1926. kwfv MH 3329. Jackson, Holbrook. The Anatomy of Bibliomania. KW 3330. Jackson, Joseph Henry. The Christmas Flower. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1951. FV Jackson, Robert, joint author. See Frischauer, Willi. 3331. Jacobs, Bruce. Baseball Stars of 1957. New York: Lion Library, 1957. FV Jacoby, Annalee, joint author. See White, Theodore Harold. 3332. Jacoby, Oswald. Oswald Jacoby on Poker. New York: Doubleday, Doran, 1940. FV 3333. Jaeger, Ellsworth. Tracks and Trailcraft. New York: Macmillan, 1948. FV 3334. Jalón, César. Grandezas y miserias del toreo. Madrid: Marzo, 1933. FV 3335. Jaloux, Edmond. L'agonie de l'amour: Roman. Paris: Ferenczi, 1931. FV

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3336. James, Cyril Lionel Robert. Mariners, Renegades and Castaways: The Story of Herman Melville and the World We Live in. New York: Privately printed, 1953. FV 3337. James, Henry. The American. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1877. kwfv FV 3338. -----. The American Scene, Together with Three Essays from "Portraits of Places." Edited by W.H. Auden. New York: Scribner, 1946. FV 3339. -----. Another copy. FV 3340. -----. The Art of the Novel. kwfv 3341. -----. The Great Short Novels of Henry James. Edited by Philip Rahv. New York: Dial, 1945. FV 3341a. -----. Novels and Stories of. [2 copies.] KW 3342. -----. The Portrait of a Lady. 2 vols. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1909. FV 3343. -----. The Portrait of a Lady. New York: Modern Library, 1909. FV 3344. -----. Portraits of Places. With an essay on James as a traveller by George Alvin Finch. New York: Lear, 1948. FV 3345. -----. The Prefaces of Henry James. Edited by Leon Edel. Paris: Jouve, 1931. FV 3346. -----. The Princess Casamassima. 2 vols. Introduction by Lionel Trilling. New York: Macmillan, 1948. FV 3347. -----. The Turn of the Screw. New York: Heritage, 1940. FV 3348. -----. The Turn of the Screw and The Lesson of the Master. Introduction by Heywood, Broun. New York: Modern Library, 1930. FV 3349. James, Will. Uncle Bill: A Tale of Two Kids and a Cowboy. KWH 3350. James, William. As William James Said: Extracts from the Published Writings of William James. Edited by Elizabeth Perkins Aldrich. New York: Vanguard, 1942. FV 3351. -----. Psychology. New York: Holt, 1910. kwfv FV 3352. Jameson, Storm. The Hidden River. New York: Harper, 1955. FV 3353. Jamison, Alcinous Burton. Intestinal Ills: Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, etc. KW 3354. Jaques, Harry Edwin. How to Know the Land Birds. Dubuque, Iowa: Brown, 1947. FV 3355. Jarrell, Randall. Little Friend, Little Friend. New York: Dial, 1945. FV 3356. Jarrett, Cora (Hardy). Strange Houses: A Tale. KW 3357. Javellana, Stevan. Without Seeing the Dawn. Boston: Little, Brown, 1947. FV 3358. Jay, Geraldine [Charlotte Jay]. Beat Not the Bones. New York: Harper, 1952. FV

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3359. Jaynes, Clare [pseud.]. The Early Frost. New York: Random House, 1952. FV 3360. -----. These Are the Times. New York: Random House, 1944. FV 3361. -----. This Eager Heart. New York: Random House, 1947. MH 3362. Jeanjean, Marcel. Les adventures de Fricasson. KW 3363. Jeanneret-Gris, Charles Edouard [Le Corbusier]. Une maison-un palais: A la recherche d'une unité architecturale. Paris: Crès. ph photo KW 3364. Jearey, Bertram Frederick. Pride of Lions. Foreword by J. Wentworth Day. London: Longmans, Green, 1936. MH 3364a. Jellinek, Frank. The Civil War in Spain. London: Gollancz, 1938. b38 3365. Jemein y Lanbarí, Ceferino de. Biografía de Arana-Goiri’ta Sabin e historia gráfica del nacionalismo. Bilboa: Editorial Vasca, 1935. FV 3366. Jenkins, Elmer, ed. Guide to America: A Treasury of Information about Its States, Cities, Parks and Historical Points of Interest. Washington: Public Affairs, 1947. FV 3367. Jenkins, Geoffrey. A Twist of Sand. New York: Viking, 1960. s6l MH 3368. Jenkins, Herbert George. Patricia Brent, Spinster. KW 3369. Jenkinson, Anthony. Where Seldom a Gun Is Heard. KW 3370. Jenney, Shirley Carson. The Fortunes of Heaven by Percy Bysshe Shelley (Taken through the Clairaudience of Shirley Carson Jenney). London: Stockwell, 1937. FV 3371. Jennings, John Edward. Next toValour: A Novel. KW 3372. -----. The Strange Brigade: A Story of the Red River and the Opening of the Canadian West. Boston: Little, Brown, 1952. FV 3373. -----. Another copy. FV 3374. Jennison, George. Natural History, Animals: An illustrated Who's Who of the Animal World. London: Black, 1927. kwfv FV 3375. -----. Natural History, Animals: An Illustrated Who's Who of the Animal World. London: Black, 1929. kwfv FV 3376. Jepson, Selwyn. The Assassin. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1956. FV Jerezano, pseud. See Vela, Carlos. 3377. Jerome, Jerome Klapka. The Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow: A Book for an Idle Holiday. New York: Burt, n.d. FV Jevon, Elizabeth A., joint author. See Lessenberry, David Daniel. 3378. Jiménez, Max. El domador de pulgas. Havana: Hermes, 1936. PC

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3379. -----. Revenar: Maderas del autor. kwfv 3380. Jirku, Gusti. We Fight Death: The Work of the Medical Service of the International Brigades in Spain. kwfv 3381. Joad, Cyril Edwin Mitchinson. The Adventures of the Young Soldier in Search of the Better World. New York: Arco, 1944. FV 3382. Johnson, David. The Proud Canaries. New York: Sloane, 1959. FV 3383. Johnson, Dorothy M. The Hanging Tree and Other Stories. New York: Ballantine, 1957. FV 3384. Johnson, Douglas Wilson. Battlefields of the World War, Western and Southern Fronts: A Study in Military Geography. New York: Oxford, 1921. FV 3385. Johnson, Edgar, ed. A Treasury of Satire. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1945. FV 3386. Johnson, Eldridge Reeves. Tarpomania & Buck Fever. Camden, N.J.: Privately printed, 1928. kwfv FV 3387. Johnson, Gerden F. History of the Twelfth Infantry Regiment in World War II. Boston, 1947. FV 3388. Johnson, Isaac Charles. Sport on the Blue Nile; or, Six months of a Sportsman's Life in Central Africa. London: Banks, 1903. MH Johnson, Martin W., joint author. See Sverdup, Harold Ulrik. 3389. Johnson, Melvin Maynard. Rifles and Machine Guns: A Modern Handbook of Infantry and Aircraft Arms. New York: Morrow, 1944. FV 3390. -----, and Charles T. Haven. Ammunition: Its History, Development and Use, 1600-1943. New York: Morrow, 1943. FV 3391. Johnson, Osa Helen. Four Years in Paradise. Garden City, N.Y.: Garden City Publishing, 1941. FV 3392. Johnson, Overton, and William H. Winter. Route Across the Rocky Mountains, with a Description of Oregon and California; Their Geographical Features, Their Resources, Soil, Climate, Productions, etc. KW 3393. Johnson, Pamela Hansford. Hungry Gulliver: An English Critical Appraisal of Thomas Wolfe. New York: Scribner, 1948. FV 3394. Johnson, Robert S., with Martin Caidin. Thunderbolt! New York: Rinehart, 1958. s58 3395. Johnson, Thomas H. Emily Dickinson: An Interpretive Biography. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap, 1955. FV 3396. *Johnston, Alva. A Profile of Ray Schindler. New York, n.d. FV 3397. Johnston, Denis. Nine Rivers from Jordon: The Chronicle of a Journey and a Search. Boston: Little, Brown, 1955. FV 3398. -----. The Old Lady Says “No!" and Other Plays. Boston: Little, Brown, 1960. FV Johnston, George, joint author. See Clift, Charmian. 3399. Johnston, Joseph Eggleston. Narrative of Military Operations Directed during the Late War between the

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States by Joseph E. Johnston, General, C.S.A. New York: Appleton, 1874. PC 3400. Johnston, Samuel Paul. Flying Fleets: A Graphic History of U.S. Naval Aviation. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1941. FV 3401. -----. Horizons Unlimited: A Graphic History of Aviation. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1941. FV 3402. Johnston, Stanley. The Grim Reapers. Philadelphia: Blakiston, 1943. FV 3403. Johnstone, Henry Melvill. The Foundations of Strategy. London: Allen & Unwin, 1914. FV 3404. Johnstone, Nancy J. Hotel in Spain. New York: Longmans, Green [1938?]. FV Jollivet, G., joint author. See Prévost, Camille. 3405. Jones, Elias Henry. The Road to En-Dor; Being an Account of How Two Prisoners of War at Yozgad in Turkey Won Their Way to Freedom. kwfv 3406. Jones, Ernest. The Life and Work of Sigmund Freud. 2 vols. New York: Basic Books, 1953-55. FV 3407. Jones, George E. Tumult in India. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1948. FV 3408. Jones, Idwal. Chef's Holiday. New York: Longmans, Green, 1952. FV 3409. Jones, James. From Here to Eternity. New York: Scribner, 1951. FV 3410. -----. The Pistol. New York: Scribner, 1958. FV 3411. -----. Some Came Running. New York: Scribner, 1957. FV 3412. Jones, Madison. Forest of the Night. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1960. s6O Jones, Mervyn, joint author. See Foot, Michael. 3413. Jones, Wade. America's Incredible Cancer Case. Washington, 1955. FV 3414. Jordan, David Starr. The Fish Fauna of the California Tertiary. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University, 1921. kwfv FV 3415. -----. Fishes. New York: Appleton, 1925. kwfv FV 3416. -----, and Carl Leavitt Hubbs. Studies in Ichthyology: A Monographic Review of the Family of Atherinidae or Silver-sides. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University, 1919. kwfv FV 3417. -----, and James Z. Gilbert. Fossil Fishes of Diatom Beds of Lompoc, California. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University, 1920. kwfv FV 3418. Jordan, Philip Furneaux. The Grey Pilgrim. London: Duckworth, 1927. kwfv FV 3419. -----. Say That She Were Gone. London: Heinemann, 1940. FV 3420. Jordanoff, Assen. Your Wings. New York: Funk, 1937. s37 KWH 3421. Joscelyn, Archie [Al Cody]. West of the Law. New York: Pocket Books, 1949. FV

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3422. Josephson, Matthew. Jean-Jacques Rousseau. KW 3423. -----. The Robber Barons: The Great American Capitalists, 1861-1901. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1934. FV 3424. -----. Stendhal; or, The Pursuit of Happiness. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1946. FV 3425. -----. Victor Hugo: A Realistic Biography of the Great Romantic. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1942. FV 3426. Josephus, Flavius. The Genuine Works of Flavius Josephus, the Jewish Historian: Containing Twenty Books of the Jewish Antiquities; Seven Books of the Jewish War; Two Books in Answer to Apion, The Martyrdom of the Maccabees, and The Life of Josephus Written by Himself. Translated by William Whiston, revised by Rev. Samuel Burder. Vol. I [of 2]. Boston: Walker, 1811. PC 3427. Jouenne, Lucien. Pendant vos vacances, pêchez au bord de la mer. Paris: Flammarion, 1922. FV 3428. -----, and J.H. Perreau. La pêche au bord de la mer. kwfv 3429. Jourdain, Francis. Pierre Bonnard; ou, les vertus de la liberté. Geneva: Skira, 1946. FV 3430. -----. Utrillo. Paris: Braun, 1949. FV Jourdin, Eleanor F., joint author. See Moberly, Charlotte Anne Elizabeth. 3431. Jouvenel, Bertrand de. Le réveil de 1'Europe. Paris: Gallimard, 1938. FV 3432. Joyce, James. Anna Livia Plurabelle. Text by James Joyce. Music by Hazel Felman. Chicago: Argus Book Store, 1935. KL 3433. -----. Chamber Music. London: Cape, 1927. kwfv FV 3434. -----. Dubliners. kwfv 3435. -----. Letters. Edited by Stuart Gilbert. New York: Viking, 1957. FV 3436. -----. A Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man. New York: Modern Library, 1928. kwfv FV 3437. -----. Stephen Hero: A Part of the First Draft of A Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man. Edited by Theodore Spencer. New York: New Directions, 1944. FV 3438. -----. Two Tales of Shem and Shaun: Fragments from Work in Progress. kwfv 3439. -----. Ulysses. Paris: Shakespeare & Co., 1922. (Unbound press copy.) KL 3440. Joyce, Stanislaus. My Brother=s Keeper: James Joyce=s Early Years. Edited by Richard Ellmann. Preface by T.S. Eliot. New York: Viking, 1958. FV 3441. Jubelin, André. The Flying Sailor. Translated from the French by James Clough. London: Hurst & Blackett, 1953. FV 3442. Judy, William Lewis. Care of the Dog. Chicago: Judy Publishing, 1946. FV

Jullian, Philippe, joint author. See Wilson, Angus.

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3443. Jurisprudencia civil: Colección completa de las sentencias dictadas por el Tribunal Supremo en recursos de nulidad, casación civil e injusticia notoria, etc. Vol. 3. Madrid: Reus, 1932. FV 3444. Juster, Norton. The Phantom Tollbooth. New York: Epstein & Carroll, 1961. FV 3445. *Kachaturian, A. Sonatina. Moscow, 1959. FV 3446. Kahn, Ely Jacques. The Army Life. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1942. FV 3447. Kahn, Lawrence H. The Tank Destroyers. New York: Pocket Books, 1958. FV 3448. Kahn, Máximo José. Apocalipsis hispánica. Mexico: Editorial América, 1942. FV 3449. Kains, Maurice Grenville. Five Acres and Independence: A Practical Guide to the Selection and Management of the Small Farm. New York: Greenberg, 1935. FV 3450. Kalashnikoff, Nicholas. They That Take the Sword. New York: Harper, 1939. FV 3451. Kalman, James M., and C. Meade Patterson. A Pictorial History of U.S. Single Shot Martial Pistols. New York: Scribner, 1957. FV 3452. Kamal, Ahmad. High Pressure. New York: Bantam, 1951. FV 3453. -----. Land without Laughter. New York: Scribner, 1940. FV 3454. *Kampflieder der Nationalsozialistischen Deutschen Arbeiter-partei. Luxemburg, 1943. FV 3455. Kandel, Aben. City for Conquest. New York: Covici, Friede, 1936. KWH 3456. Kane, Frank. The Fatal Foursome. New York: Dell, 1958. FV 3457. -----. A Real Gone Guy. New York: Dell, 1958. FV 3458. Kane, Harnett Thomas. Gentlemen, Swords and Pistols. New York: Morrow, 1951. FV 3459. -----. Louisiana Hayride: The American Rehearsal for Dictatorship, 1928B1940. New York: Morrow, 1941. FV 3460. Kang, Younghill. The Grass Roof. New York: Scribner, 1931. kwfv FV 3461. Kanin, Garson. Blow Up a Storm. New York: Random House, 1959. s6O FV 3462. Kansas City Star. Style Book. n.d. KL 3463. Another copy. FV 3464. Kantor, MacKinlay. Andersonville. Cleveland: World, 1955. FV 3465. -----. Another copy. b/s tape 3466. -----. Arouse and Beware: A Novel. KWH 3467. -----. Arouse and Beware. New York: Bantam, 1957. FV

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3468. -----. Cuba Libre. New York: Coward-McCann, 1940. FV 3469. -----. Another copy. MH 3470. -----. Don=t Touch Me. New York: Random House, 1951. FV 3471. -----. Lobo. Cleveland: World, 1957. FV 3472. -----. Long Remember. KW 3473. -----. Long Remember. New York: Pocket Books, 1942. FV 3474. -----. Signal Thirty-two: A Novel. New York: Random House, 1950. FV 3475. -----. Another copy. FV 3476. -----. Another copy. FV 3477. -----. Another copy. FV 3478 -----. Warwhoop: Two Short Novels of the Frontier. New York: Bantam, 1953. FV 3479. Kantorowicz, Alfred. Portraits: Deutsche Schicksale. Berlin: Chronos, 1947. FV 3480. -----. Deutsches Tagebuch. Munich: Kindler, 1959. FV 3481. -----, ed. ATschapaiew@ das Bataillon der 21 Nationen. Dargestellt in Aufzeichungen seiner Mitkämpfer. Redigiert von Alfred Kantorowicz. Madrid: Imprenta Colectiva Torrent, 1939. PC 3482. Kapelner, Alan. Lonely Boy Blues. New York: Lion Library, 1956. FV 3483. Kaplan, Harold J. The Plenipotentiaries. New York: Harper, 1950. FV 3484. Kaplan, Moise N. Big Game Angler=s Paradise: A Complete, Non-technical Narrative-treatise on Salt-water Gamefishes and Angling in Florida and Elsewhere. New York: Liveright, 1937. kwfv FV 3485. -----. Big Game Fisherman=s Paradise: A Complete Treatise on Angling Philosophy, Sidelights and Scenes in Florida Salt-water Fishing Ventures. Tallahassee, Fla.: Department of Agriculture, 1956. FV 3486. *Kapmeh, P. Luz en las selvas. Moscow, 1957. FV 3487. *-----. Tog 0. Kutae. Moscow, 1941. FV 3488. *-----. A través de la India. Moscow, 1960. FV 3489. Karig, Walter. Lower than Angels. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1945. FV 3490. -----, and others. Battle Report. Vol. 1: Pearl Harbor to the Coral Sea. Vol. 2: The Atlantic War. Vol. 3: The Pacific WarCMiddle Phase. Vol. 4: The End of Empire. New York: Farrar & Rinehart (Vol. 1), Rinehart (Vols. 2, 3 and 4), 1944B1948. FV

-----, joint author. See Cope, Harley Francis.

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3491. Károlyi, Mihály. Memoirs of Michael Károlyi: Faith without Illusion. Translated from the Hungarian by Catherine Károlyi. London: Cape, 1956. FV 3492. Karpowicz, Tytus. Ksiega puszczy. Szlakiem czarnego zwierza. Warsaw: Iskry, 1958. FV 3493. -----. Ksiega puszczy, balabuszka. Zloty lis. Warsaw: Iskry, 1958. FV 3494. Katz, David. Animals and Men: Studies in Comparative Psychology. Translated by Hannah Steinberg and Arthur Summerfield. London: Penguin, 1953. FV 3495. Kauffman, Ray. Hurricane=s Wake: Around the World on a Ketch. New York: Macmillan, 1940. FV 3496. Kaufman, Charles. Fiesta in Manhattan. New York: Morrow, 1939. FV 3497. Kaufman, Lenard. The Lower Part of the Sky: A Novel of the Irony of Belief. New York: Creative Age, 1948. FV 3498. -----. Tender Mercy. New York: Dell [1950?]. FV

Kaufmann, F.W., joint author. See Hagboldt, Peter Herman. 3499. Kaulback, Ronald. Tibetan Trek. KW 3500. Kavanagh, Julia. Queen Mab. Three volumes in one. New York: Appleton, 1864. PC 3501. Kazanjian, H.A. We Are the Little Foxes That Spoil the Vines. New York: Pageant, 1954. FV 3502. Kazantzak‘s, Nikos. Zorba the Greek. Translated by Carl Wildman. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1953. FV 3503. Kazin, Alfred. F. Scott Fitzgerald: The Man and His Work. New York: World, 1951. FV 3504. -----. On Native Grounds. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1942. FV 3505. Keats, John. The Poetical Works of John Keats. KW 3506. -----. The Insolent Chariots. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1958. s58 FV 3507. Keeley, Edmund. The Libation. New York: Scribner, 1958. FV 3508. Keeshan, Anne, and Charles W. Alexander. Justice at Nuernberg: A Pictorial Record of the Trial of Nazi War Criminals by the International Tribunal at Nuernberg, Germany, 1945B46. Chicago: Marvil, 1946. FV 3509. Kehoe, Vincent J. Aficionado! The Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Fiesta de Toros of Spain. New York: Hastings House, 1959. FV 3510. Kelley, Douglas McGlashan. 22 Cells in Nuremberg: A Psychiatrist Examines the Nazi Criminals. New York: Greenberg, 1947. FV 3511. Kelley, Hall Jackson. Hall J. Kelley on Oregon: A Collection of Five of His Published Works and a Number of Hitherto Unpublished Letters. Edited by Fred Wilbur Powell. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton, 1932. kwfv FV

Kellogg, Brainerd, joint author. See Reed, Alonzo.

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3512. Kelly, John. All Soul=s Night. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1947. FV 3513. Kelly, Robert Glynn. A Lament for Barney Stone. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1961. MH 3514. Kelton, John Cunningham. A New Manual of the Bayonet for the Army and Militia of the United States. New York: Van Nostrand, 1861. FV 3515. Kemp, Harry. More Miles: An Autobiographical Novel. KW 3516. Kemp, Peter. Mine Were of Trouble (Reminiscences of the Spanish Civil War). London: Cassell, 1957. FV

Kendall, Henry, joint author. See Schenck, Hilbert Van Nydeck. 3517. Kendrick, Baynard Hardwick. The Odor of Violets. Boston: Little, Brown, 1941. FV 3518. Kennedy, Jay Richard. Prince Bart: A Novel of Our Times. New York: Farrar, Straus & Young, 1953. FV 3519. Kennedy, John. The Business of War: The War Narrative of Major-General Sir John Kennedy. Edited by Bernard Fergusson. New York: Morrow, 1958. FV 3520. Kennedy, Margaret. The Constant Nymph. KWH 3521. Kennedy, Terence. South of 96th. London: Wingate, 1959. FV 3522. Kennington, Eric. Drawing the R.A.F.: A Book of Portraits. London: Oxford, 1942. FV 3523. Kephart, Horace. The Book of Camping and Woodcraft: A Guide for Those Who Travel in the Wilderness. KW 3524. Kernan, William Fergus. Defence Will Not Win the War. Boston: Little, Brown, 1942. FV 3525. Kerouac, Jack. On the Road. New York: Viking, 1957. FV 3526. -----. The Subterraneans. New York: Grove, 1958. FV 3527. Kersh, Gerald. Night and the City. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1946. FV 3528. -----. The Song of the Flea. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1948. FV 3529. Kessel, Joseph. L=Equipage. kwfv 3530. -----. The Lion. Translated from the French by Peter Green. New York: Knopf, 1959. s6O FV 3531. -----. Another copy. MH 3532. -----. Nuits de Montmartre. Paris: Editions de France, 1932. FV 3533. Kesten, Hermann. Children of Guernica: A Novel. Translated from the German by Geoffrey Dunlop. New York: Alliance, 1939. PC 3534. -----. The Twins of Nuremberg. Translated from the German by Ernest Basch and Andrew St. James. New

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York: Fischer, 1946. FV 3535. Key West Woman=s Club. The Key West Cook Book. Key West, 1948. FV 3536. Keyes, Frances Parkinson. All This Is Louisiana. New York: Harper, 1950. FV 3537. -----. Dinner at Antoine=s. New York: Dell [1950]. FV 3538. Keyes, Roger John Brownlow. Amphibious Warfare and Combined Operations. Cambridge, England: University Press, 1943. FV 3539. -----. The Naval Memoirs of Admiral of the Fleet, Sir Roger Keyes. KWH 3540. Keyserling, Herman Alexander. The World in the Making. Translated by Maurice Samuel. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1927. kwfv FV 3541. Khokhlov, Nikolai Evgen=evich. In the Name of Conscience. Translated by Emily Kingsbery. New York: McKay, 1959. s6O FV

Kieran, pseud. See Reilly, Helen. 3542. Kieran, John. A Natural History of New York City: A Personal Report after Fifty Years of Study & Enjoyment of Wildlife within the Boundaries of Greater New York. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1959. s6O FV

Kiki, pseud. See Prin, Alice. 3543. Killinger, John. Hemingway and the Dead Gods. Lexington: University of Kentucky, 1960. s6l MH 3544. Kimball, Sidney Fiske, and Lionello Venturi. Great Paintings in America: 101 Masterpieces in Color. New York: Coward-McCann, 1948. FV 3545. King, Clifford. A Place to Hide. London: Hart-Davis, 1951. FV

King, Evan, pseud. See Ward, Robert Spencer. 3546. *King, Kaye. Gifts Too Pretty to Open. Kansas City, 1958. FV 3547. King, Marian, ed. Mirror of Youth: An Anthology of Youth and the Out-of-doors. KW 3548. King, Peter D. The Principle of Truth. New York: Philosophical Library, 1960. FV 3549. King, Raymond Sherwood [Sherry King]. Between Murders. kwfv 3550. King, Rosa Eleanor. Tempest over Mexico: A Personal Chronicle. KWH 3551. King-Hall, Magdalen [Cleone Knox]. The Diary of a Young Woman of Fashion in the Year 1764B1765. Edited by Alexander Blacker Kerr. New York: Appleton, 1926. FV 3552. Kingsley, Charles. Westward Ho! New York: Heritage, 1947. FV 3553. -----. Another copy. FV 3554. Kinkaid, Matt. The Race of Giants. New York: Dell, 1956. FV

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3555. Kinloch, Alexander Angus Airlie. Large Game Shooting in Thibet, the Himalayas, and Northern India. Calcutta: Thacker, Spink, 1885. kwfv FV 3556. Kinross, John Patrick Douglas Balfour, baron. Grand Tour: Diary of an Eastward Journey. KW 3557. Kinsey, Alfred Charles, Wardell B. Pomeroy and Clyde E. Martin. Sexual Behavior in the Human Male. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1948. FV 3558. Kipling, Rudyard. Animal Stories. KW 3559. -----. Collected Verse. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Page, 1907. FV 3560. -----. Compact Edition of Rudyard Kipling. 6 vols. New York: Scribner [1936?]. kwfv (vols. 1 and 4) FV 3561. -----. Das Dschungelbuch. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1950. FV 3562. -----. Debits and Credits. KW 3563. -----. The Humorous Tales of Rudyard Kipling. KW 3564. -----. The Jungle Book. London: Macmillan, 1926. KW FV 3565. -----. Just So Stories. KW 3566. -----. Kim. London: Albatross, 1947. FV 3567. -----. A Kipling Pageant. New York: Halcyon House, 1942. FV 3568. -----. Life=s Handicap, Being Stories of Mine Own People. London: Macmillan, 1931. kwfv FV 3569. -----. Many Inventions. London: Macmillan, 1899. FV 3570. -----. Plain Tales from the Hills. KW 3571. -----. The Second Jungle Book. London: Macmillan, 1924. KW FV 3572. -----. Soldiers Three. KWH 3573. -----. Something of Myself for My Friends Known and Unknown. KW 3574. -----. Works. Oriental Edition. 10 vols. New York: Caldwell, 1899. kwfv FV 3575. Kirst, Hans Hellmut. The Revolt of Gunnar Asch. Translated from the German by Robert Kee. Boston: Little, Brown, 1955. FV 3576. -----. Another copy. FV 3577. -----. 08/15: La révolte du caporal Asch. Tr. de l=allemand par Eugène Bestaux. Paris: Laffont, 1955. FV

Kirtash, S., joint author. See Branham, V.C.

Kistner, Ruth, joint author. See Taber, Gladys.

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3578. Klein, Alexander, ed. The Double Dealers: Adventures in Grand Deception. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1958. s6l MH 3579. -----. Grand Deception: The World=s Most Spectacular and Successful Hoaxes, Impostures, Ruses, and Frauds. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1955. FV 3580. Klein, Herb. Lucky Bwana: The Adventures of a Big Game Hunter in British East Africa. Dallas, 1953. FV 3581. Klempner, John. No Stork at Nine. KWH 3582. Kling, Kenneth L. How I Pick Winners: A Complete Handbook on Horse Racing. New York: Greystone, 1948. FV 3583. Klingel, Gilbert C. Inagua, Which Is the Name of a Very Lonely and Nearly Forgotten Island. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1940. FV 3584. Klotz, Helmut. Les leçons militaires de la guerre civile en Espagne. Paris, 1937. kwfv FV 3585. -----. La nouvelle guerre allemande. Paris: L=Office Central d=Information, 1937. kwfv FV 3586. Kluge, E.F. Cleveland Poems. Cleveland: Buckeye, 1953. KL 3587. *Knickerbocker, H.R. Danger Forward: The Story of the First Division in World War II. Washington: Society of the First Division, 1947. FV 3588. Knight, Arthur. The Liveliest Art: A Panoramic History of the Movies. New York: Macmillan, 1957. FV 3589. Knight, Charles Robert. Before the Dawn of History. New York: Whittlesey, McGraw-Hill, 1935. FV 3590. Knight, Eric Mowbray. Sam Small Flies Again: The Amazing Adventures of the Flying Yorkshireman. Berne: Scherz, 1943. FV 3591. -----. This above All. New York: Harper, 1941. FV 3592. Knight, John Alden. Field Book of Fresh-water Angling. New York: Putnam, 1944. FV 3593. -----. Modern Fly Casting. New York: Scribner, 1942. FV 3594. -----. The Theory and Technique of Fresh Water Angling. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1940. FV 3595. Knoblaugh, H. Edward. Correspondent in Spain. London: Sheed & Ward, 1937. FV

Knowlton, Robert E., joint author. See Dash, Samuel.

Knox, Cleone, pseud. See King-Hall, Magdalen. 3596. Kober, August Heinrich. Einst in Berlin: Rhapsodie 14. Nach dem Tode des Verfassers hrsg. und bearb. von Richard Kirn. Hamburg: Hoffmann und Campe, 1956. FV 3597. Kobler, John. Afternoon in the Attic. Pictures by Chas. Addams. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1950. FV 3598. Kocher, Alfred Lawrence and Howard Deerstyne. Shadows in Silver: A Record of Virginia 1850B1900, in

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Contemporary Photographs Taken by George and Huestis Cook. New York: Scribner, 1954. FV 3599. *Kock, Charles Paul de. La femme, le mari et l=amant. KW 3600. -----. Jean. Paris: Barba, 1835. FV 3601. Koestler, Arthur. The Age of Longing. New York: Macmillan, 1951. FV 3602. -----. The Age of Longing. New York: New American Library, 1953. FV 3603. -----. Darkness at Noon. Translated by Daphne Hardy. New York: Macmillan, 1941. FV 3604. -----. Another copy. MH 3605. -----. The Invisible Writing, Being the Second Volume of Arrow in the Blue, an Autobiography. New York: Macmillan, 1954. s54 FV 3606. -----. The Invisible Writing, Being the Second Volume of Arrow in the Blue, an Autobiography. London: Hamilton, 1954. FV 3607. -----. Reflections on Hanging. New York: Macmillan, 1957. FV 3608. -----. Spanish Testament. Introduction by the Duchess of Atholl. London: Gollancz, 1937. KL 3609. -----. The Yogi and the Commissar, and other Essays. New York: Macmillan [1945?]. FV 3610. Koffler, Camilla [Ylla]. Les animaux des Indes. Lausanne: La Guilde du Livre, 1958. FV 3611. -----. Cats. London: Harvill, 1956. FV 3612. Kofoed, John Christian. Moon over Miami. New York: Random House, 1955. FV

Kogan, Herman, joint author. See Wendt, Lloyd. 3613. Kolodin, Irving. New Guide to Recorded Music. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1947. FV 3614. Koop, Theodore Frederic. Weapon of Silence. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1946. FV 3615. Kopplin, Dorothea S., ed. Something to Live By. Garden City, N.Y.: Garden City Books, 1945. FV 3616. Koriakov, Mikhail. I=ll Never Go Back: A Red Army Officer Talks. Translated from the Russian by Nicholas Wreden. New York: Dutton, 1948. FV 3617. Kournakoff, Sergei Nicholas. Savage Squadrons. KWH 3618. Kraght, Peter Ervin. Meteorology for Ship and Aircraft Operation. New York: Cornell Maritime, 1942. FV 3619. Kramer, Dale. Ross and the New Yorker. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1951. FV 3620. Krancke, Theodor, and H.J. Brennecke. Pocket Battleship: The Story of the Admiral Scheer. New York: Berkley, 1958. FV 3621. Krasner, William. The Gambler. New York: Bantam, 1952. FV

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3622. Krasnov, Petr Nikolaevich. From Double Eagle to Red Flag. 2 vols. Translated by Erik Law-Gisiko. KWH 3623. Kravchenko, Victor Andreevich. I Chose Freedom: The Personal and Political Life of a Soviet Official. New York: Scribner, 1946. FV 3624. Kreupp, W. The Extraordinary Professor. Patterson, N.J.: Coet, 1944. FV 3625. Krick, Irving Parkhurst, and Roscoe Fleming. Sun, Sea and Sky: Weather in Our World and in Our Lives. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1954. FV

Krickenberger, W.R., joint author. See Welchons, Alvin M. 3626. Kristensen, Sven Møller, ed. Udenfor saesonen og andre amerikanske noveller: Ernest Hemingway, Ring Lardner, Dorothy Parker, F. Scott Fitzgerald. Translated by Henri Lassen, Sigvard Lund and Ole Restrup. Copenhagen: Carit Andersens, 1955. FV

Kroch, Carl, joint editor. See North, Sterling. 3627. Kroeber, Alfred Louis. Anthropology. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1923. FV 3628. Kromer, Tom. Waiting for Nothing. New York: Knopf, 1935. kwfv FV 3629. Krueger, Karl. The Way of the Conductor; His Origins, Purpose and Procedures. New York: Scribner, 1958. FV 3630. Kuck, Loraine E., and Richard C. Tongg. The Tropical Garden: Its Design, Horticulture and Plant Materials. New York: Macmillan, 1936. s37 KW FV 3631. Kuncz, Aladar. Black Monastery. Translated from the Hungarian by Ralph Murray. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1934. FV 3632. Kuprin, Aleksandr Ivanovich. The Bracelet of Garnets and Other Stories. KW 3633. -----. Yama, the Hell-hole. Translated from the Russian by Nina N. Selivanova. New York: Pyramid, 1956. FV 3634. Kurnitz, Harry. Invasion of Privacy. New York: Random House, 1955. FV 3635. Kurz, Marcel. Alpinisme hivernal: Le skieur dans les Alpes. KW 3636. -----, ed. The Mountain World, 1953B1954. London: Allen & Unwin, 1953. FV

Kutash, S., joint author. See Branham, V.C. 3637. Kuwashima, T. Shozo, and Ashbel Welch. Judo: Thirty Lessons in the Modern Science of Jiu-jitsu. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1944. FV 3638. Kuz=minskaiˆa, Tat=iˆana Andreevna (Bers). Tolstoy as I Knew Him: My Life at Home and at Yasnaya Polyana. Translated by Nora Sigerist. Introduction by Ernest J. Simons. New York: Macmillan, 1948. FV 3639. *Kvalyov, A. Moscow: A Short Guide. Moscow: Foreign Language Publishing, 1960. FV

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3640. Kyne, Peter Bernard. Comrade of the Storm. kwfv 3641. L.R. Guerrita: Su tiempo y su retirada. kwfv 3642. Labarthe, Pedro Juan. El tema negroide en la poesía de Luis Palés Matos. Reprinted from Hispania, vol. 31, no. 1, Feb. 1948, pp. 30B42. FV 3643. -----. Mary Smith. New York: Whittier, 1958. FV 3644. -----. Reclinatorio, acetre y corazón. Mexico: Botas, 1944. FV 3645. La Blanchère, Henri de. La pêche et les poissons: Nouveau dictionnaire général des pêches. Paris: Delagrave, 1868. [kwfv?] FV 3646. La Branche, George Michel Lucien. The Dry Fly and Fast Water: Fishing with the Floating Fly on American Trout Streams. New York: Scribner, 1914. kwfv FV 3647. La Cava, Mario. Caratteri. Florence: Felice le Monnier, 1939. FV 3648. La Chevasnerie-Libault, Antoine de. Gibiers et chasses d=Europe. Paris: Payot, 1939. FV 3649. Laclos, Pierre Ambroise François Choderlos de. Laclos par luimême. Images et textes présentés par Roger Vailland. Paris: Seuil, 1953. FV 3650. Lacy, Ed. The Best That Ever Did It. New York: Harper, 1955. FV 3651. Ladoux, Georges. Les chasseurs d=espions. Paris: Champs-Elysées, 1932. kwfv FV 3652. La Farge, Christopher. All Sorts and Kinds. New York: Coward-McCann, 1949. FV 3653. -----. Beauty for Ashes. New York: Coward-McCann, 1953. FV 3654. -----. Each to the Other: A Novel in Verse. New York: Coward-McCann, 1939. FV 3655. -----. East by Southwest. New York: Coward-McCann, 1944. FV 3656. -----. Mesa Verde. New York: Laughlin, 1945. FV 3657. -----. Poems and Portraits. New York: Coward-McCann, 1940. FV 3658. La Farge, Oliver. The Eagle in the Egg. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1949. FV 3659. -----. A Pause in the Desert: A Collection of Short Stories. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1957. FV 3660. -----. Raw Material. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1945. FV 3661. -----. Sparks Fly Upward. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1931. kwfv FV 3662. Lafront, Auguste [Paco Tolosa]. Encyclopédie de la corrida. Paris: Prisma, 1950. FV 3663. -----. Toreros d=Aujourd=hui. Paris: Art et Industrie, 1959. KL 3664. Lagerlöf, Selma. Charlotte Löwensköld. Translated from the Swedish by Velma Swanston Howard. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Page, 1927. kwfv FV

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3665. Lagin, Lazar= Iosifovich. The Old Genie Hottabych: A Story of Make-believe. Translated from the Russian by Fainns Solasko. Moscow: Foreign Languages, n.d. FV 3666. Lait, Jack, and Lee Mortimer. New York: Confidential! New York: Crown, 1951. FV 3667. -----. U.S.A. Confidential. New York: Crown, 1952. FV 3668. -----. Washington Confidential. New York: Crown, 1951. FV 3669. -----. Another copy. FV 3670. Lake, Alexander. Hunter=s Choice: True Stories of African Adventure. New York: Doubleday, 1954. s54 FV 3671. -----. Killers in Africa: The Truth about Animals Lying in Wait and Hunters Lying in Print. Garden City, N.Y.: Perma-books, 1954. FV 3672. Lake, Stuart N. Wyatt Earp, Frontier Marshall. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1931. kwfv FV 3673. -----. Another copy. FV 3674. Lamartine, Alphonse de. Meditations poétiques. Paris: Gosselin, 1823. FV 3675. Lamb, Harold. Alexander of Macedon: The Journey to the World=s End. New York: Bantam, 1955. FV 3676. -----. The March of Muscovy: Ivan the Terrible and the Growth of the Russian Empire, 1400B1648. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1948. FV 3677. Lamburn, John Battersby Crompton [John Crompton]. The Hunting Wasp. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1955. FV 3678. -----. The Life of the Spider. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1951. FV 3679. La Monte, Francesca Raimonde. Marine Game Fishes of the World. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1953. FV 3680. -----. North American Game Fishes. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1945. FV 3681. -----. Another copy. FV 3682. -----. Another copy. FV 3683. -----. A Review and Revision of the Marlins, Genus Makaira. New York: American Museum of Natural History, 1955. FV 3684. -----, and Donald E. Marcy. Ichthyological Contributions to the International Game Fish Association. New York, 1941. FV

-----, joint author. See Gregory, William K.

-----, joint editor. See Vesey-Fitzgerald, Brian Seymour. 3685. Lamott, Kenneth Church. The Stockade. Boston: Little, Brown, 1952. FV

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3686. L=Amour, Louis. Sitka. New York: Bantam, 1958. FV 3687. Lampell, Millard. The Hero. New York: Messner, 1949. FV 3688. Lamson, David. We Who Are About to Die: Prison As Seen by a Condemned Man. KWH 3689. Lancaster, Bruce. The Scarlet Patch. Boston: Little, Brown, 1947. MH 3690. -----. The Secret Road. Boston: Little, Brown, 1952. FV 3691. Lancaster, Osbert. Classical Landscape with Figures. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1949. s49 FV 3692. Landau, Mark Aleksandrovich [Mark Aldanov]. Before the Deluge. Translated from the Russian by Catherine Routsky. New York: Scribner, 1947. MH 3693. -----. For Thee the Best. Translated by Nicholas Wreden. New York: Scribner, 1945. FV 3694. -----. Another copy. FV 3695 -----. Another copy. FV 3696. -----. A Night at the Airport: Stories. New York: Scribner, 1949. FV 3697. -----. To Live As We Wish. Translated from the Russian by Nicholas Wreden. New York: Dutton, 1952. FV 3698. Landers, Olive Richards. The Modern Handbook for Girls. KWH 3699. Landon, Fred. Lake Huron. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1944. FV 3700. Landon, Joseph. Bomber Crew. New York: Avon [1957]. FV 3701. Landor, Arnold Henry Savage. An Explorer=s Adventures in Tibet. New York: Harper, 1910. PC 3702. Landreth, Helen. Dear Dark Head: An Intimate Story of Ireland. KW 3703. Lane, Carl Daniel. The Boatman=s Manual: A Complete Manual of Boat Handling, Operation, Maintenance and Seamanship. New York: Norton, 1942. FV 3704. Lane, Ferdinand C. The Mysterious Sea. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1947. FV 3705. Lane, Margaret. Edgar Wallace: The Biography of a Phenomenon. New York: Doubleday, Doran, 1939. FV 3706. -----. Another copy. FV 3707. Laney, Al. The Paris Herald: The Incredible Newpaper. New York: Appleton-Century, 1947. MH 3708. Langdon-Davies, John. Behind the Spanish Barricades. New York: McBride, 1936. kwfv FV 3709. Lange, Monique. Les platanes: Roman. Paris: Gallimard, 1960. FV 3710. Langer, Susanne K. Problems of Art: Ten Philosophical Lectures. New York: Scribner, 1957. FV

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3711. Langewiesche, Wolfgang. A Flier=s World. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1954. FV 3712. Languereau, Maurice [Leon Caumery]. Bécassine fait du scoutisme. KW 3713. Langworthy, Franklin. Scenery of the Plains, Mountains and Mines. Edited by Paul C. Phillips. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton, 1932. kwfv FV 3714. Lanham, Edwin Moultrie. Another Ophelia. KW 3715. -----. Sailors Don=t Care. Paris: Contact Editions, 1929. kwfv FV 3716. Lannes, Roger. L=Italie au jour le jour. Paris: Morihien, 1949. FV 3717. Lansing, Alfred. Endurance: Shockleton=s Incredible Voyage. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1959. MH 3718. Lanslots, Don Ildephonse. Illustrated Explanation of the Prayers and Ceremonies of the Mass. KW 3719. Lapipe, Marcel, and Jacques Rondepierre. Contribution à l=étude physique, physiologique et clinique de l=electro-choc. Paris: Maloine, 1947. FV 3720. Larbaud, Valery. Jaune, bleu, blanc. KW 3721. Lardner, John. It Beats Working. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1947. MH 3722. -----. White Hopes and other Tigers. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1951. FV 3723. Lardner, Ring W. Round Up. New York: Scribner, 1929. kwfv FV 3724. Large, Laura Antoinette. Little Stories of Famous Explorers. New York: Platt & Munk, 1935. FV 3725. Larkin, Margaret. Seven Shares in a Gold Mine. London: Gollancz, 1959. MH 3726. La Rochelle, Drieu. Plaintes contre inconnue. Paris: Chambriand, 1951. FV 3727. Larousse, Pierre. Nouveau petit Larousse illustré: Dictionnaire encyclopédique. Publié sous la direction de Claude Augé. Paris: Larousse, 1930. FV 3728. -----. Nouveau petit Larousse illustré: Dictionnaire encyclopédique. Publié sous la direction de Claude Augé. Paris: Larousse, 1935. FV 3729. Larpenteur, Charles. Forty Years a Fur Trader on the Upper Missouri: The Personal Narrative of Charles Larpenteur, 1833B1872. Historical Introduction by Milo Martain Quaife. Chicago: Donnelley, 1933. FV 3730. Larrabee, Eric, ed. American Panorama: Essays by Fifteen American Critics on 350 Books Past and Present Which Portray the U.S.A. in Its Many Aspects. New York: New York University, 1957. FV 3731. *Larrañaga, Adolfo de. Unai ona o El Buen Pastor: Poema bucólico. Tolosa, 1954. FV 3732. Larry Koller=s Guns. New York: Maco Magazine Corp. [1957?]. FV 3733. Larsson, Raymond Ellsworth. Weep and Prepare: Selected Poems 1926B1939. New York: Coward-McCann, 1940. FV

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3734. Laski, Harold Joseph. The American Democracy: A Commentary and an Interpretation. New York: Viking, 1948. FV 3735. -----. Reflections on the Revolution of Our Time. New York: Viking, 1943. FV 3736. Lasser, Alejandro. La muchacha de los cerros. Madrid: Compañía Bibliográfica Española, 1958. FV 3737. Lasswell, Mary. Suds in Your Eye. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1944. FV 3738. László, András. Mi tío Jacinto. Barcelona: Janés, 1956. FV 3739. Latil, Pierre de, and Jean Rivoire. Man and the Underwater World. Translated from the French by Edward Fitzgerald. New York: Putnam, 1956. FV 3740. Latimer, Jonathan. The Dead Don=t Care. New York: Doubleday, Doran, 1937. s38 3741. Lattimore, Owen. Pivot of Asia: Sinkiang and the Inner Asian Frontiers of China and Russia. Boston: Little, Brown, 1950. FV 3742. Laughlin, Clara Elizabeth. So You=re Going to Spain! And if I Were Going with You These Are the Things I=d Invite You to Do. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1931. FV

Launay, Pierre, joint author. See Madrigal, Margarita.

Laurens, M., joint author. See Naintré, Loïc. 3743. Laurent, Emilio A. De oficial a revolucionario. Havana: Ucar, García, 1941. FV

Lautreamont, pseud. See Ducasse, Isidore Lucien. 3744. Laval, Pierre. The Diary of Pierre Laval. Preface by Josée Laval, Countess R. de Chambrun. New York: Scribner, 1948. FV 3745. Lavalley, Gaston. Les duellistes de Caen de l=an IV à 1848. Caen: Jouan, 1914. FV 3746. Lawes, Lewis Edward. Twenty Thousand Years in Sing Sing. KWH 3747. Lawrence, Arnold Walter, ed. T.E. Lawrence by His Friends. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1937. s37 3748. -----, ed. T.E. Lawrence by His Friends. London: Cape, 1954. MH 3749. Lawrence, D.H. Assorted Articles. KW 3750. -----. The Ladybird. London: Secker. [1927?] ph photo KW 3751. -----. The Letters of D.H. Lawrence. Edited by Aldous Huxley. New York: Viking, 1932. kwfv FV 3752. -----. The Lovely Lady. New York: Penguin, 1946. FV 3753. -----. The Plumed Serpent. KW 3754. -----. The Portable D.H. Lawrence. Edited by Diana Trilling. New York: Viking, 1947. FV

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3755. -----. The Portable D.H. Lawrence. Edited by Diana Trilling. New York: Viking, 1954. FV 3756. -----. The Prussian Officer and Other Stories. London: Secker, 1927. FV 3757. -----. The Triumph of the Machine. n.p., n.d. FV 3758. Lawrence, T.E. The Letters of T.E. Lawrence. Edited by David Garnett. London: Cape, 1938. kwfv FV 3759. -----. The Mint: A Day-book of the R.A.F. Depot between August and December 1922. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1955. FV 3760. Lawson, Henry A.H. While the Billy Boils. London: Cape, 1927. kwfv FV 3761. -----. Another copy. FV 3762. Lax, David. Denunciation: A Series of Paintings concerning Man=s Fate. New York: Laurel Process, 1949. FV 3763. Laxness, Halldór Kiljan. Independent People. Translated from the Icelandic by J.A. Thompson. New York: Knopf, 1946. FV 3764. Lay, Beirne. I Wanted Wings. New York: Harper, 1937. s37 FV 3765. Lay, W.M.C. My Winter in Cuba. New York: Dutton, 1871. MH 3766. Lazareff, Pierre. Deadline: The Behind-the-scenes Story of the Last Decade in France. Translated from the French by David Partridge. New York: Random House, 1942. FV 3767. Lea, George. Somewhere There=s Music. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1958. FV 3768. Lea, Tom. The Brave Bulls. Boston: Little, Brown, 1949. s49 FV 3769. -----. The Wonderful Country. Boston: Little, Brown, 1952. FV 3770. Leakey, Louis Seymour Bazett. Animals in Africa. London: Harvill, 1953. FV 3771. -----. Mau Mau and the Kikuyu. London: Methuen, 1953. FV 3772. Leasor, James. The Red Fort: The Story of the Indian Mutiny of 1857. New York: Reynal, 1957. FV 3773. Leavis, F.R. D.H. Lawrence, Novelist. New York: Knopf, 1956. FV 3774. Le Breton, F.H. Up-country Swahili Exercises for the Soldier, Settler, Miner, Merchant, and Their Wives, and All Who Deal with Up-country Natives without Interpreters. Richmond, Surrey: Simpson, 1949. FV 3775. -----. Up-country Swahili Exercises for the Soldier, Settler, Miner, Merchant, and Their Wives, and All Who Deal with Up-country Natives without Interpreters. Richmond, Surrey: Simpson, 1956. FV 3776. Lecky, Peter [pseud]. Peter Lecky, by Himself. New York: Scribner, 1936. KWH 3777. Lecky, William Edward Hartpole. History of European Morals from Augustus to Charlemagne. 2 vols. London: Longmans, Green, 1877. kwfv FV 3778. Lécuyer, Raymond. Histoire de la photographic. Paris: Baschet, 1945. FV

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3779. Lederer, William J., and Eugene Burdick. The Ugly American. New York: Norton, 1958. s58 FV 3780. Lee, George Washington. Beale Street, Where the Blues Began. KW 3781. Lee, Gypsy Rose. Mother Finds a Body. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1942. FV 3782. Lee, Marjorie. The Lion House. New York: Rinehart, 1959. s6O FV 3783. *Lee, Robert. The Ragged Edge. Boston, 19--. FV 3784. Leech, Margaret. Reveille in Washington, 1860B1865. New York: Harper, 1941. FV 3785. Leet, Lewis Don. Causes of Catastrophe: Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Tidal Waves and Hurricanes. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1948. FV 3786. Leftwich, Bill. (Bracero! Los machos de México en los Estados Unidos. Helper, Men of Mexico in the United States. Pecos, Tex.: Pecos Press, 1957. FV 3787. -----. Tracks along the Pecos. Pecos, Tex.: Pecos Press, 1957. FV 3788. -----. ATurn Him Out.@ Pecos, Tex.: Tumbleweed, 1958. FV 3789. Le Gallienne, Richard. The Romance of Perfume. kwfv 3790. -----. The Romantic =90=s. New York: Doubleday, Page, 1925. kwfv FV 3791. Legendre, Maurice. El Greco. New York: Hyperion, 1947. FV 3792. Léger, Aléxis Saint-Léger [St.-John Perse]. Seamarks. Translated by Wallace Fowlie. Bilingual ed. New York: Pantheon, 1958. FV 3793. Legrand, Maurice. Au fil de l=eau: Souvenirs d=un pêcheur. Tours: Arrault, 1943. FV 3794. *Lehman, Paul E. Texas Men. New Jersey: Graphic, 1951. FV 3795. Lehmann, John. The Whispering Gallery: Autobiography. London: Longmans, Green, 1955. FV 3796. -----, ed. New Writing. In collaboration with Christopher Isherwood and Stephen Spender. London: Hogarth, 1938. FV 3797. Lehmann, Rosamond. The Echoing Grove. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1953. FV 3798. -----. Invitation to the Waltz. New York: Holt, 1932. kwfv FV 3799. -----. A Note in Music. New York: Holt, 1930. kwfv FV 3800. -----. Weather in the Streets. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1936. s36 KW 3801. Lehr, Paul E., R. Will Burnett and Herbert S. Zim. Weather: Air Masses, Clouds, Rainfall, Storms, Weather Maps, Climate. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1957. FV 3802. Leigh, William Robinson. Frontiers of Enchantment: An Artist=s Adventures in Africa. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1938. ph photo

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3803. Leighton, George Ross. Five Cities: The Story of Their Youth and Old Age. New York: Harper, 1939. FV 3804. Leighton, Isabel, ed. The Aspirin Age, 1919B1941. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1949. FV 3805. Le May, Alan. Cattle Kingdom. New York: New American Library, 1948. FV 3806. -----. The Unforgiven. New York: Harper, 1957. FV 3807. Lengel, William Charles [Warren Spencer]. Forever and Ever: A Novel. KWH 3808. Lengyel, Emil. Dakar: Outpost of Two Hemispheres. New York: Random House, 1941. FV 3809. Lenin, Vladimir Il=ich. Selected Works. Vol. 5: Imperialism and Imperialist War, 1914B1917. New York: International, 1935. FV 3810. -----. State and Revolution: Marxist Teaching about the Theory of the State and the Tasks of the Proletariat in the Revolution. New York: International, 1932. FV 3811. Leningrad. The Hermitage. The State Hermitage; West-European Paintings: Album of Reproductions. 2 vols. Moscow: State Fine Arts Publishing House, 1957-58. FV 3812. Lennon, Thomas. The Laughing Journey. KWH 3813. Lenz, Ellis Christian. Muzzle Flashes: Five Centuries of Firearms and Men. Huntington, W. Va.: Standard, 1944. FV Léon, Brother, joint author. See Marie-Victorin, Brother. 3814. León, María Teresa. Contra viento y marea. Buenos Aires: AIAPE, 1941. FV 3815. Léon Roca, José Luis. Cala Preciosa. Barcelona: Hymsa, 1943. FV 3816. Leonard, Royal. I Flew for China. Garden City, N.Y.: Double-day, Doran, 1942. FV 3817. Leonardo da Vinci. The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci. Edited and translated by Edward MacCurdy. New York: Empire State, 1923. FV 3818. -----. The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci. 2 vols. Edited and translated by Edward MacCurdy. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1938. FV 3819. Leopardi, Giacomo. Canti. Venice: Mondadori, 1949. FV 3820. Leopold, Aldo. Game Management. New York: Scribner, 1933. kwfv FV 3821. Lera, Angel María de. Los clarines del miedo. Barcelona: Destino, 1958. FV 3822. Lerda, Louis, and J.C. Casteyre. Sachons boxer, technique de la boxe moderne. Paris: Vigot, 1944. FV 3823. Lerner, Leo Alfred. The Italics Are Mine. La Salle, Ill.: Open Court, 1960. MH 3824. Lerner, Max. The Unfinished Country: A Book of American Symbols. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1959. FV

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3825. Le Sage, Alain René. Aventuras de Gil Blas de Santillana. 2 vols. Madrid: Francisco de P. Mellado, 1844. kwfv FV 3826. *Leslie, Amy. Some Players: Personal Sketches. Chicago: Stone, 1900. FV 3827. Leslie, Shane. Studies in Sublime Failure. London: Benn, 1932. kwfv FV 3828. Lessenberry, David Daniel, and Elizabeth A. Jevon. 20th Century Typewriting. Cincinnati: South-Western, 1933. FV 3829. Lestie, Georges. Règles et secrets de la corrida. Mont-de-Marsan, France: Lacoste, 1949. FV 3830. Letters Addressed to A.P. Watt and His Sons, 1883-1929. KW 3831. Lettow-Vorbeck, Paul Emil von. My Reminiscences of East Africa. London: Hurst & Blackett, 1920. FV 3832. Levaillant, Maurice. The Passionate Exiles: Madame de Staël and Madame Récamier. Translated from the French by Malcolm Barnes. New York: Farrar, Straus & Cudahy, 1958. FV 3833. Leveson, Henry Astbury [H.A.L.]. Sport in Many Lands: Europe, Asia, Africa and America, etc. etc. London: Warne, n.d. kwfv FV 3834. Levey, Robert A. Murder in Lima. New York: Avon, 1957. FV 3835. Levi, Alis. L’instant quelconque. Venice: Instituto Tipo-grafico Editoriale, 1952. FV 3836. Levin, Harry. James Joyce: A Critical Introduction. Norfolk, Conn.: New Directions, 1941. FV 3837. Levin, Meyer. Frankie and Johnnie: A Love Story. KW 3838. -----. In Search: An Autobiography. New York: Horizon, 1950. FV 3839. -----. In Search: An Autobiography. Paris: Authors' Press, 1950. FV 3840. -----. The Old Bunch. New York: Viking, 1937. s37 KWH 3841. Levitt, Israel Monroe, and Roy K. Marshall. Star Maps for Beginners. Philadelphia: The Authors, 1942. FV 3842. Levy, Melvin P. The Last Pioneers. New York: King, 1934. KWH 3843. Lewinsohn, Richard. Animals, Men and Myths: A History of the Influence of Animals on Civilization and Culture. New York: Harper, 1954. FV 3844. Lewis, Cecil. Sagittarius Rising. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1936. s37 KWH 3845. Lewis, Ethelreda [Alfred Aloysius Horn], ed. Trader Horn: The Ivory Coast in the Earlies; Written at the Age of Seventy-three with Such of the Author's Philosophy as Is the Gift of Age and Experience Taken Down and Here Edited by Ethelreda Lewis. Foreword by John Galsworthy. London: Cape, 1932. FV 3846. Lewis, Flannery. Abel Dayton. KWH 3847. -----. Suns Go Down. KW

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3848. -----. Another copy. KW 3849. Lewis, George Washington. Elephant Tramp. Edited by Byron Fish. Boston: Little, Brown, 1955. FV 3850. Lewis, Gertrude Russell. A Designer of Dawns and Other Tales: Little Stories of the Here and There. Boston: Pilgrim, 1917. PC 3851. Lewis, Grace (Hegger). Half a Loaf. KW 3852. -----. With Love from Gracie: Sinclair Lewis, 1912-1925. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1955. FV 3853. Lewis, Herbert Clyde. Gentleman Overboard. New York: Viking, 1937. s37 3854. Lewis, Lloyd. Sherman, Fighting Prophet. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1932. FV 3855. Lewis, Mary Christianna [Christianna Brand]. Fog of Doubt. New York: Scribner, 1953. FV 3856. -----. Tour de Force. New York: Scribner, 1955. FV 3857. Lewis, Norman. The Day of the Fox. New York: Rinehart, 1955. FV 3858. -----. Sand and Sea in Arabia. KW 3859. -----. The Volcanoes Above Us. London: Cape, 1957. FV 3860. Lewis, Sinclair. From Main Street to Stockholm: The Letters of Sinclair Lewis, 1919-1950. Edited by Harrison Smith. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1952. FV 3861. -----. Main Street. KW 3862. -----. The Man from Main Street: A Sinclair Lewis Reader; Selected Essays and Other Writings, 1904-1950. Edited by Harry E. Maule and Melville H. Cane. New York: Random House, 1953. FV Lewis, Sinclair, joint editor. See Fadiman, Clifton. 3863. Lewis, Wyndham. Tarr. KW 3864. -----. The Wild Body, A Soldier of Humour and Other Stories. London: Chatto & Windus, 1927. FV 3865. Lewisohn, Ludwig. Expression in America. New York: Harper, 1932. kwfv FV Lewisohn, Ludwig, editor and translator. See Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. 3866. Lewisohn, Sam Adolf. Painters and Personality: A Collector's View of Modern Art. New York: Harper, 1948. FV 3867. Ley, Willy. Salamanders and Other Wonders. New York: Viking, 1955. FV 3868. Leymarie, J. Impressionism: Biographical and Critical Study. Translated by James Emmons. [Lausanne?] Skira, 1955. FV 3869. Lhote, Henri. Le Niger en kayak: Histoires de navigation, de chasse, de pêche et aventures. Paris: Susse, 1943. FV

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3870. La Libération de Paris (Août, 1944). Edition in English. Paris: Le Comite de Tourisme, 1945. FV 3871. Liddell, Donald Macy. Chessmen. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1937. FV 3872. -----. Another copy. KW 3873. Liddell Hart, Basil Henry. Colonel Lawrence: The Man behind the Legend. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1934. s34 FV 3874. -----. The Decisive Wars of History: A Study in Strategy. Boston: Little, Brown, 1929. kwfv FV 3875. -----. The Defence of Britain. New York: Random House, 1939. FV 3876. -----. Europe in Arms. London: Faber, 1937. kwfv FV 3877. -----. Foch, the Man of Orléans. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1937. FV 3878. -----. A History of the World War, 1914-1918. kwfv 3879. -----. Another copy? KWH 3880. -----. The Real War, 1914-1918. Boston: Little, Brown, 1930. kwfv FV 3881. -----. Through the Fog of War. b38 kwfv 3882. -----. The War in Outline, 1914-1918. London: Faber, 1936. FV 3883. -----, ed. The Rommel Papers. Translated by Paul Findlay. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1933. FV 3884. La Lidia: Revista taurina ilustrada. Madrid, 1882-1900. kwfv FV PC 3885. Lie, Jonas Lawritz Idemil. Familien på Gilje: Interiør fra 1840-årene. Oslo: Gyldendal, 1956. FV Lieber, Maxim, joint editor. See Clark, Barrett Harper. 3886. Liebling, Abbott Joseph. The Earl of Louisiana. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1961. FV 3887. -----. Normandy Revisited. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1958. FV 3888. -----. The Sweet Science. London: Gollancz, 1956. FV 3889. -----. The Sweet Science. New York: Viking, 1956. FV 3890. -----. The Telephone Booth Indian. New York: Penguin, 1943. FV 3891. -----. The Wayward Pressman. New York: Doubleday, 1948. FV 3892. -----, ed. The Republic of Silence. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1947. MH 3893. Lied, Jonas. Prospector in Siberia: The Autobiography of Jonas Lied. New York: Oxford, 1945. FV 3894. Liepman, Heinz. Case History. London: Miller, 1952. FV

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3895. Life (periodical). Picture History of Western Man. New York: Time, 1951. FV 3896. -----. Picture History of World War II. New York: Time, 1950. FV 3897. -----. The World We Live in. By the Editorial Staff of Life and Lincoln Barnett. New York: Time, 1955. FV 3898. Lillard, Richard Gordon. The Great Forest. New York: Knopf, 1947. FV 3899. *Lima, Pereira. Mundo futuro. São Paulo: Edicao Clube de Poesía de Niteroi, 1957. FV 3900. Lin, Yutang. My Country and My People. New York: Day, 1939. FV 3901. Linati, Carlo. Issione il polifoniarca. kwfv 3902. Lincoln, Abraham. Stories and Speeches of Abraham Lincoln; Including Stories of Lincoln's Early Life, Stories of Lincoln As a Lawyer, Presidential Incidents, Stories of the War, etc., etc.; Lincoln's Letters and Great Speeches Chronologically Arranged. Biographical Sketch by Paul Selby. Chicago: Thompson & Thomas, 1900. PC 3903. Lincoln, Frederick Charles. The Migration of American Birds. Illustrated by Louis Agassiz Fuertes. New York: Doubleday, Doran, 1939. FV 3904. Lindbergh, Anne (Morrow). Listen! The Wind. Foreword by Charles A. Lindbergh. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1941. kwfv FV 3905. -----. North to the Orient. KW 3906. -----. The Steep Ascent. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1944. FV 3907. -----. The Wave of the Future: A Confession of Faith. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1940. FV 3908. Lindbergh, Charles Augustus. Of Flight and Life. New York: Scribner, 1948. FV 3909. -----. The Spirit of St. Louis. New York: Scribner, 1953. FV 3910. Lindgren, Ernest. The Art of the Film: An Introduction to Film Appreciation. New York: Macmillan, 1948. s60 FV Lindley, Ernest K., joint author. See Davis, Forrest. 3911. Lindop, Audrey Erskine. The Singer Not the Song. London: Heinemann, 1953. FV 3912. Linklater, Eric. The Dark of Summer. London: Cape, 1956. FV 3913. -----. Juan in China. KW 3914. -----. Magnus Merriman: A Novel. KW 3915. -----. The Men of Ness: The Saga of Thorlief Coalbiter's Sons. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1933. kwfv FV 3916. -----. Private Angelo. London: Cape, 1946. FV

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Linscott, R.N., joint editor. See Commins, Saxe. 3917. Lipman, Jean (Herzberg). American Primitive Painting. London: Oxford, 1942. FV 3918. Lippincott, Joseph Wharton. Little Red, the Fox. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1953. FV 3919. -----. Old Bill, the Whooping Crane. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1958. FV 3920. -----. The Phantom Deer. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1954. FV 3921. -----. The Wahoo Bobcat. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1950. FV 3922. -----. Wilderness Champion: The Story of a Great Hound. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1944. FV 3923. Lippmann, Walter. A Preface to Morals. New York: Macmillan, 1929. FV Lismore, F., joint author. See Blum, A. Coleman. 3924. *Literary Characters. Oxford, 1954. FV 3925. Little Norway in Pictures: R.N.A.F. in Canada. [Toronto, 1943?] FV 3926. Littoria e Provincia: Guide turistiche. Spoleto: Panetto e Petrelli, 1936. FV 3927. Livingstone, Belle. Belle Out of Order. Pref. by Cleveland Amory. New York: Holt, 1959. s60 FV Livingstone, David. See Blaikie, William Garden. 3928. Livingstone, David Stanley. Full and By. Introduction by William McFee. New York: Dodge, 1936. PC 3929. Lloret, Jesús [Recorte] y Antonio Bellveser [Don Gil]. Reglamento taurino: Commentado y puesto al día. Valencia [1953?]. FV 3930. Lloyd, Christopher. Captain Marryat and the Old Navy. London: Longmans, Green, 1939. FV 3931. Lochner, Louis Paul. Always the Unexpected: A Book of Reminiscences. New York: Macmillan, 1956. FV 3932. -----. What about Germany? New York: Dodd, Mead, 1942. FV 3933. Locke, Arthur. The Tigers of Trengganu. New York: Scribner, 1954. FV 3934. Locke, Charles 0. The Hell Bent Kid. New York: Norton, 1957. FV 3935. -----. The Last Princess: An Exotic Novel of the Fabulous Empire of the Incas. New York: Popular Library, 1954. FV 3936. Locke, William John. The Fortunate Youth. New York: Lane, 1914. FV 3937. -----. The Mountebank. kwfv 3938. Lockhart, Robert Hamilton Bruce. British Agent. Introduction by Hugh Walpole. New York: Putnam, 1933. kwfv FV

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3939. -----. Retreat from Glory. New York: Putnam, 1934. kwfv FV Lockley, R.N., joint author. See Fisher, James. 3940. Lockridge, Frances Louise and Richard. Cats and People. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1950. FV 3941. ----- and Richard. Hanged for a Sheep: A Mr. and Mrs. North Mystery. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1942. FV 3942. Lockwood, Charles A. Sink’em All: Submarine Warfare in the Pacific. Foreword by Chester W. Nimitz. New York: Dutton, 1951. FV 3943. Loeb, Harold. The Way It Was. New York: Criterion, 1959. MH 3944. Loiseau, Jean. Chercheur de champignons. Paris: Vigot, 1941. FV 3945. -----. Chercheur de pistes: Comment observer les animaux dans la nature par les procédés de la "traque.” Paris: Vigot, 1942. FV 3946. -----. Cuisine de camping. Paris: Susse, 1942. FV 3947. -----. Jeux. 2 [of 3] vols. Paris: Revue Camping, 1943. FV 3948. -----. Le massif de Fontainebleau. Paris: Compagnons-voyageurs, 1935. FV 3949. Lo-Johansson, Ivar. Okänt Paris. Stockholm: Rabén & Sjögren, 1954. FV 3950. Lolos, Kimon. Respite. New York: Harper, 1960. FV 3951. -----. Respite. New York: Harper, 1961. FV Lomax, Bliss, pseud. See Drago, Harry Sinclair. 3952. Lombard, Helen Cassin (Carusi). Washington Waltz: Diplomatic People and Policies. New York: Knopf, 1941. FV 3953. Lombard, Nap [pseud.]. The Grinning Pig. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1943. FV 3954. London, Geo. Les grands procès de l'année 1929. Paris: Editions de France, 1930. kwfv FV 3955. -----. Les grands procès de l’année 1939. Paris: Editions de France, 1940. FV 3956. London, Jack. Tales of Adventure. Edited by Irving Shepard. Garden City, N.Y.: Hanover House, 1956. FV 3957. Londres, Albert. China en ascuas: El peligro amarillo en marcha. Barcelona: Mentors, 1927. FV 3958. Long, Haniel. Piñon Country. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1941. FV 3959. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. The Song of Hiawatha. New York: Maynard, Merrill, 1899. PC 3960. Longyear, Edmund Joseph. Mesabi Pioneer. Edited by Grace Lee Nute. St. Paul, Minn.: Minnesota Historical Society, 1951. FV

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3961. Look (periodical). Look at America. Vols. 2-8 [of 9]. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1947-48. FV 3962. -----. The Story of the F.B.I.: The Official Picture History of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Introduction by J. Edgar Hoover. New York: Dutton, 1947. FV 3963. Loomis, Frederick Brewster. Field Book of Common Rocks and Minerals. New York: Putnam, 1923. FV 3964. López, Salvador P. Literature and Society: Essays on Life and Letters. Manila: Philippine Book Guild, 1940. FV López de Saa, Leopoldo, joint author. See Vázquez y Rodríguez, Leopoldo. 3965. López Mendizábal, Isaac. La lengua vasca: Gramática, conversación, diccionario vasco-castellaño y castellaño-vasco. Buenos Aires: Vasca Ekin, 1943. FV 3966. López-Valdemoro y de Quesada, Juan Gualberto [Conde de las Navas]. El espectáculo más nacional. Madrid, 1899. kwfv FV 3967. Lo Pinto, Maria, and Milo Miloradovich. The Art of Italian Cooking. New York: Bantam, 1955. FV Lorca, Federico García. See García Lorca, Federico. 3968. Lord, Jack, and Jenn Shaw. Where to Sin in San Francisco. KWH 3969. Lord, Walter. Day of Infamy. New York: Holt, 1957. FV 3970. -----. A Night to Remember. New York: Holt, 1955. FV 3971. Lorenzetti, Giulio. Torcello. Venice: A cura dell'Ente Provinciale per il Turismo, 1939. FV 3972. Lorenzini, Carlo [Carlo Collodi]. Pinocchio: The Adventures of a Marionette. Translated from the Italian by Walter S. Cramp. Editorial revision by Sara E.H. Lockwood. Boston: Ginn, 1904. FV 3973. Lott, Milton. Dance Back the Buffalo. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1959. s60 FV 3974. -----. The Last Hunt. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1954. s54 FV 3975. Loumyer, Jean François Nicolas [Auguste Wahlen]. Moeurs, usages et costumes de tous les peuples du monde, d'après des documents authentiques et les voyages les plus récents. [4 vols.?] KW 3976. Love, Edmund G. Subways Are for Sleeping. New York: New American Library, 1958. FV 3977. Lovell, Harold W. Hope and Help for the Alcoholic. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1952. FV 3978. Lovell, Maurice. Landsmen and Seafarers. London: Harrap, 1945. FV 3979. Low, Henry. Cook at Home in Chinese. New York: Macmillan, 1947. FV 3980. Low, Mary. Tres Voces. Three Voices. Havana: Sánchez, 1957. FV 3981. -----. The Low Fat, Low Cholesterol Diet: What to Eat and How to Prepare it. New York: Doubleday, 1957. FV 3982. Lowe, Ralph. The Anguished Years. New York: Pageant, 1951. FV

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3983. Lowell, Amy. Tendencies in Modern American Poetry. KW 3984. Lowenfels, Walter. Sonnets of Love and Liberty. New York: Blue Heron, 1955. FV 3985. Lowie, Robert Harry. The Crow Indians. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1935. FV 3986. Lowndes, Marie Adelaide (Belloc). The Chianti Flask. New York: Longmans, Green, 1934. kwfv FV 3987. -----. Good Old Anna. kwfv 3988. -----. The House by the Sea. KW 3989. -----. Lilla: A Part of Her Life. KW 3990. -----. The Lodger. New York: Pocket Books, 1940. FV 3991. -----. One of Those Ways. KW 3992. -----. Vanderlyn's Adventure. KW 3993. Lowrey, Walter B. Watch Night. New York: Scribner, 1953. FV 3994. Lowry, Malcolm. Ultramarine: A Novel. kwfv 3995. -----. Under the Volcano. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1947. FV 3996. Lowry, Robert James Collas. The Big Cage. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1949. FV 3997. -----. Casualty. New York: New Directions, 1946. FV 3998. -----. The Prince of Pride Starring. Cincinnati: Haines, 1959. FV 3999. -----. What's Left of April. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1956. FV 4000. -----. The Wolf That Fed Us. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1949. FV 4001. Loyola, Attilio. The Captivity of the Italians in Austria: Impressions and Recollections of My Captivity. Turin: Unione Tipografico-editrice Torinese, 1918. KL 4002. -----. Another copy. KL 4003. Lubbock, Percy. Roman Pictures. KW 4004. *Luca, Angelo de. Voice in the Void: Nine Poems. U.S.A., 1961. FV 4005. Lucchini, Pierre [Pierre Dominique] . Le siège de Paris. Paris: Grasset, 1932. FV 4006. Lucieto, Charles. La guerre des cerveaux. En missions spéciales: Memoires d'un agent des services secrets de 1'Entente. Paris: Berger-Levrault, 1926. FV 4007. Luckner, Comte Félix de. Le dernier corsaire (1914-1918). Souvenirs traduits de l'allemand par Louis Berthain. Paris: Payot, 1927. PC

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4008. Ludwig, Emil. The Mediterranean: Saga of a Sea. Translated from the German by Barrows Mussey. New York: Whittlesey House, McGraw-Hill, 1942. FV 4009. -----. The Nile: The Life-story of a River. KW 4010. Luhan, Mabel Ganson Dodge. Intimate Memories. 3 [of 4] vols. Vol. 2: European Experiences. Vol. 3: Movers and Shakers. Vol. 4: Edge of Taos Desert. KW 4011. -----. Lorenzo in Taos. KW Luis, Don, pseud. See Uriarte, Luis. 4012. Luján, Nestor. Historia del toreo. Barcelona: Destino, 1954. FV 4013. *Lundkvist, Artur, ed. Twelve Modern Poets: An Anthology. Stockholm: Zephyr, 1946. FV 4014. Lunn, Arnold Henry Moore. A History of Ski-ing. London: Oxford, 1927. kwfv FV 4015. -----. The Complete Ski-runner. New York: Scribner, 1931. kwfv FV 4016. Lunn, Hugh Kingsmill. Frank Harris: A Biography. KW 4017. Lupinacci, Enrico. Casalis: Romanzo. Milan: Garzanti, 1947. FV 4018. Lusardi, Lewis. The Peacock Eye. New York: Scribner, 1960. MH 4019. Lussier, Betty. Amid My Alien Corn. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1958. FV 4020. Lustgarten, Edgar Marcus. Defender's Triumph. New York: Scribner, 1951. FV 4021. -----. The Murder and the Trial. Edited by Anthony Boucher. New York: Scribner, 1958. s58 FV 4022. -----. Verdict in Dispute. New York: Scribner, 1950. FV 4023. -----. The Woman in the Case. New York: Scribner, 1955. FV 4024. Lutz, Frank Eugene. Field Book of Insects of the United States and Canada. New York: Putnam, 1935. FV 4025. Luzarraga, Valentin. Huellas sobre la arena: Novela taurina. Mexico City [1949?]. FV 4026. Lydekker, Richard. Animal Portraiture: Fifty Studies by Wilhelm Kuhnert. London: Warne, 1912. FV 4027. Lyell, Denis David. The Game Animals of Africa. kwfv 4028. -----. The Hunting & Spoor of Central African Game. kwfv 4029. -----. Another copy. kwfv 4030. -----, ed. African Adventure: Letters from Famous Big-game Hunters. New York: Dutton, 1935. s36 kwfv MH 4031. Lyford, Carrie Alberta. Ojibwa Crafts (Chippewa). Arizona, 1953. FV

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Lyman, Dorothy, joint author. See Bourman, Anatole. 4032. Lynch, John Gilbert Bohun. The Prize Ring. London: Country Life, 1925. kwfv FV 4033. Lynd, Robert Staughton, and Helen Merrell Lynd. Middletown: A Study in Contemporary American Culture. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1929. FV 4034. Lynn-Allen, Bulkeley Garbutt. Shot-gun and Sunlight: The Game Birds of East Africa. London: Batchworth, 1951. FV 4035. Lyon, Leverett Samuel. Elements of Debating: A Manual for Use in High Schools and Academies. Chicago: U. of Chicago, 1913. PC 4036. Lyons, Eugene. Assignment in Utopia. KW 4037. -----. The Red Decade: The Stalinist Penetration of America. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1941. FV Lyons, J.C., joint author. See Adams, Nicholson Barney. 4038. Lyttleton, Elizabeth, and Herbert Sturz. Reapers of the Storm. New York: Crowell, 1958. FV 4039. M. de Vries, Lini. El sótano: Novela. Tr. de F.G. Aramburu. Jalapa, Mexico: Veracruzana, 1959. FV 4040. Maas, Carl. Common Sense in Home Decoration. Cleveland: World, 1945. FV 4041. Maass, Edgar. The Magnificent Enemies. New York: Scribner, 1955. FV 4042. McAlmon, Robert. North America: Continent of Conjecture. KW 4043. -----. Post-adolescence. n.p., n.d. kwfv FV 4044. McAndrew, John, ed. Guide to Modern Architecture: Northeast States. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1940. FV 4045. Macau, Miguel Angel. Y se salvaba el amor: Novela. Havana: Fernández, 1959. FV MacBain, Alastair, joint author. See Ford, Corey. 4046. McBride, Herbert Wes. A Rifleman Went to War; Being a Narrative of the Author's Experiences and Observations while with the Canadian Corps in France and Belgium, September 1915 - April 1917, with Particular Emphasis upon the Use of the Military Rifle in Sniping, Its Place in Modern Armament, and the Work of the Individual Soldier. Marines, N.C.: Small-arms Technical Publishing Co., 1935. s36 ph photo kwfv 4047. McBride, Robert Medill. Spanish Towns and People. New York: McBride, 1928. FV 4048. McCaffery, John, ed. Ernest Hemingway: The Man and His Work. Cleveland: World, 1950. FV 4049. McCague, James. The Big Ivy. New York: Crown, 1955. FV 4050. McCallum, John Dennis. The Tiger Wore Spikes: An Informal Biography of Ty Cobb. New York: Barnes, 1956. FV McCarthy, Albert J., joint author. See Hentoff, Nat.

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4051. McCarthy, Mary. A Charmed Life. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1954. FV 4052. -----. The Groves of Academe. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1952. FV 4053. -----. Memories of a Catholic Girlhood. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1957. FV 4054. -----. Venice Observed. Paris: Bernier, 1956. FV 4055. Macaulay, Rose. Fabled Shore: From the Pyrenees to Portugal. New York: Farrar, Straus, 1951. FV 4056. -----. The Towers of Trebizond. New York: Farrar, Straus & Cudahy, 1956. FV 4057. Macaulay, Thomas Babington. Macaulay's Life of Samuel Johnson. KW 4058. Macaulay, Thurston, ed. The Festive Board: A Literary Feast. KW 4059. McCausland, Elizabeth. George Inness: An American Landscape Painter, 1825-1894. New York: American Artists Group, 1946. FV 4060. McCormac, Charles. "You'll Die in Singapore!” New York: Dutton, 1955. FV 4061. McCormick, Patricia. Lady Bullfighter: The Autobiography of the North American Matador. New York: Holt, 1954. FV 4062. McCoy, Horace. Kiss Tomorrow Good-bye. New York: Random House, 1948. FV 4063. McCracken, Harold. The Beast that Walks like Man: The Story of the Grizzly Bear. Garden City, N.Y.: Hanover House, 1955. FV 4064. -----. Portrait of the old West, with a Biographical Check-list of Western Artists. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1952. FV 4065. McCullers, Carson. Reflections in a Golden Eye. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1941. FV 4066. McCullough, Edo. Good Old Coney Island: A Sentimental Journey into the Past. New York: Scribner, 1957. FV 4067. -----. Another copy. FV 4068. McDermand, Charles. Waters of the Golden Trout Country. New York: Putnam, 1946. FV 4069. -----. Another copy. FV 4070. MacDonald, Charles Brown. Company Commander. Washington: Infantry Journal, 1947. FV 4071. MacDonald, Elizabeth P. Undercover Girl. New York: Macmillan, 1947. FV 4072. MacDonald, John Dann. A Man of Affairs. New York: Dell, 1957. FV Macdonald, John Ross, pseud. See Millar, Kenneth. 4073. MacDonald, Malcolm. Borneo People. London: Cape, 1956. FV 4074. MacDonald, Philip. Guest in the House. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1955. FV

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4075. -----. Patrol. London: Fontana, 1957. FV 4076. Macdonell, Archibald Gordon. Napoleon and His Marshals. London: Macmillan, 1934. FV 4077. Macdougall, Arthur Raymond. Dud Dean and His Country. New York: Coward-McCann, 1946. FV 4078. MacDowell, Syl [Tom Gunn]. Western Trout. New York: Knopf, 1948. FV 4079. McEntee, Girard Lindsley. Military History of the World War: A Complete Account of the Campaigns on All Fronts. New York: Scribner, 1937. kwfv FV 4080. McEvoy, Joseph Patrick. Charlie Would Have Loved This and Other Stories. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1956. FV MacEwen, William A., joint author. See Turpin, Edward A. 4081. Macfadden, Mary, and Emile Henry Gauvreau. Dumbells and Carrot Strips: The Story of Bernarr Macfadden. New York: Holt, 1953. FV 4082. McGhee, John. The Middle Way. London: Hale, 1959. FV 4083. McGivern, William P. The Darkest Hour. London: Fontana, 1957. FV 4084. -----. Night Extra. New York: Pocket Books, 1958. FV 4085. -----. Savage Streets. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1959. FV 4086. -----, and Maureen Daly McGivern. Mention My Name in Mombassa: The Unscheduled Adventures of an American Family Abroad. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1958. MH 4087. Machado de Assis, Joaquim Maria. Don Casmurro. Rio de Janeiro: Jackson, 1955. FV 4088. Machiavelli, Niccolò. The Prince and The Discourses. Introduction by Max Lerner. New York: Modern Library [1950?]. FV 4089. McHugh, Vincent. Edge of the World: Tales of the "Hopi Victory" and Her People. New York: Ballantine, 1953. FV 4090. -----. Sing before Breakfast, Figures, Yacht and Island. KW 4091. -----. Touch me Not: Four Writs of a Curt Picaresque. KWH 4092. McIlwaine, Shields. Memphis Down in Dixie. New York: Dutton, 1948. FV 4093. MacInnes, Colin. Absolute Beginners. London: Macgibbon, 1959. FV 4094. MacInnes, Helen. Pray for a Brave Heart. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1955. FV 4095. Macintyre, Donald. U-boat Killer. New York: Avon [1957?]. FV 4096. McIntyre, John Thomas. Steps Going Down. KWH 4097. Mackenzie, Compton. Carnival. New York: Appleton, 1912. KWH FV

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4098. -----. First Athenian Memories. London: Cassell, 1931. kwfv FV 4099. -----. The Gallipoli Memories. KW 4100. -----. Greek Memories. kwfv 4101. -----. Sylvia & Michael: The Later Adventures of Sylvia Scarlett. KW 4102. -----. Thin Ice. New York: Putnam, 1957. MH 4103. MacKenzie, Donald. Occupation: Thief. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1955. FV McKenzie, Gordon, joint editor. See Schorer, Mark. 4104. Mackenzie, Kenneth [Seaforth Mackenzie]. Dead Men Rising. New York: Harper, 1951. FV Mackenzie, Seaforth, pseud. See Mackenzie, Kenneth. 4105. McKinney, Roland Joseph. Thomas Eakins. New York: Crown, 1942. FV 4106. Mackintosh, Alastair. "The Nameless Memoirs." [Typescript with envelope dated Monte Carlo, December 21, 1956.] KL McKready, Kevin, pseud. See Murphy, Edgar Gardner. 4107. Mack Smith, Denis. Garibaldi: A Great Life in Brief. New York: Knopf, 1956. FV 4108. Mackworth-Praed, Cyril Winthrop, and C.H.B. Grant. Birds of Eastern and North Eastern Africa. 2 vols. London: Longmans, Green, 1952-55. FV 4109. -----, and C.H.B. Grant. Birds of Eastern and North Eastern Africa. 2 vols. London: Longmans, Green, 1957. MH 4110. McLaughlin, Robert. A Short Wait between Trains and Other Stories. New York: Knopf, 1945. FV 4111. -----. The Side of the Angels. New York: Knopf, 1947. FV 4112. MacLean, Alistair. H.M.S. Ulysses. New York: Doubleday, 1956. FV 4113. Maclean, Fitzroy. Back to Bokhara. London: Cape, 1959. MB 4114. -----. Eastern Approaches. London: Cape, 1949. FV 4115. -----. Escape to Adventure. Boston: Little, Brown, 1951. FV 4116. -----. The Heretic: The Life and Times of Josip Broz-Tito. New York: Harper, 1957. FV 4117. MacLeish, Archibald. Actfive and Other Poems. New York: Random House, 1948. FV 4118. -----. Air Raid: A Verse Play for Radio. KW 4119. -----. America Was Promises. KW

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4120. -----. Conquistador. [Typescript.] KL 4121. -----. Conquistador. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1933. kwfv FV 4122. -----. Another copy? KW 4123. -----. The Hamlet of A. MacLeish. KW 4124. -----. New Found Land: Fourteen Poems. KW 4125. -----. Public Speech: Poems. KW 4126. -----. Songs for Eve. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1954. FV 4127. -----. Streets in the Moon. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1926. MH 4128. -----. The Trojan Horse. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1952. FV 4129. MacLennan, Hugh. The Watch That Ends the Night. New York: Scribner, 1959. FV 4130. MacManus, Seumas. Ireland's Case. KW 4131. McMillan, George. The Old Breed: A History of the First Marine Division in World War II. Washington: Infantry Journal, 1949. FV 4132. Macmillan, Hugh Fraser. Tropical Planting and Gardening. London: Macmillan, 1943. FV 4133. McMinnies, William Gordon. Practical Flying: Complete Course of Flying Instruction. New York: Doran, 1918. FV 4134. Macnab, Angus. The Bulls of Iberia: An Account of the Bullfight. Melbourne: Heinemann, 1957. FV 4135. MacNeice, Louis. Autumn Journal: A Poem. New York: Random House, 1939. FV 4136. McNeil, Oscar. "Morris Green, 'Goodeye' Clive, and myself were in the boat ..." [Untitled typescript/dated Corpus Christi, Texas, July 28, 1933.] KL 4137. McNichols, Charles L. Crazy Weather. New York: Bantam, 1954. FV 4138. McNickle, D'Arcy. They Came Here First: The Epic of the American Indian. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1949. FV 4139. McNulty, John. A Man Gets Around. New York: Bantam, 1954. FV 4140. -----. Third Avenue, New York. Boston: Little, Brown, 1946. FV 4141. -----. The World of John McNulty. New York: Doubleday, 1957. FV 4142. MacOrlan, Pierre. La cavalière Elsa. Paris: Gallimard, 1922. KWH 4143. -----. Montmartre: Souvenirs. Brussels: Chabassol, 1946. FV 4144. Macpherson, Annie Winifrid [Bryher]. Gate to the Sea. New York: Pantheon, 1958. s58 FV

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4145. McPherson, William, William Edwards Henderson and George Winegar Fowler. Chemistry for Today. Boston: Ginn, 1937. FV MacVeigh, Sue, pseud. See Nearing, Elizabeth. 4146. McWilliams, Carey. Southern California Country: An Island on the Land. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1946. FV 4147. Madan, Arthur Cornwallis. English-Swahili Dictionary. [2 vols.?] kwfv 4148. Madariaga, Salvador de. Anarchy or Hierarchy. New York: Macmillan, 1937. s37 FV 4149. -----. Spain. London: Benn, 1931. kwfv FV 4150. -----. Spain. London: Cape [1942?]. FV 4151. Madelin, Louis. Talleyrand: A Vivid Biography of the Amoral, Unscrupulous and Fascinating French Statesman. Translated by Rosalie Feltenstein. New York: Roy, 1948. FV 4152. Madrid. Museo Nacional de Pintura y Escultura. Catálogo de los cuadros. Madrid: Museo del Prado, 1933. KW FV 4153. -----. Las obras maestras del Museo del Prado. Basel: Holbein, n.d. FV 4154. -----. Prado Gallery Souvenir Guide. By Ovidio Cesar Paredes Herrera. Foreword by Marqués de Lozoya. Madrid: Mayfe, 1952. FV 4155. Madrigal, Margarita and Ezequías. An Invitation to Spanish. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1943. FV 4156. Madrigal, Margarita, and Pierre Launay. An Invitation to French. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1945. FV 4157. Magill, Frank N., ed. Masterplots. First and Second Series. 4 vols. New York: Salem Press, 1949-52. FV 4158. Mahan, Alfred Thayer. The influence of Sea Power upon History: 1660-1783. Boston: Little, Brown, 1941. FV 4159. Mailer, Norman. Advertisements for Myself. New York: Putnam, 1959. MH 4160. -----. Barbary Shore. New York: Rinehart, 1951. FV 4161. -----. The Deer Park. New York: Putnam, 1955. FV 4162. -----. The Naked and the Dead. New York: Rinehart, 1948. FV 4163. -----. Another copy. FV 4164. -----. Another copy. FV 4165. Maine, René. Trafalgar: Napoleon's Naval Waterloo. Translated by Rita Eldon and B.W. Robinson. New York: Scribner, 1957. FV 4166. Another copy. FV

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4167. Mainwaring, Daniel [Geoffrey Homes]. Forty Whacks. New York: Morrow, 1941. FV 4168. Majdalany, Fred. The Battle of Cassino. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1957. FV 4169. -----. Patrol. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1953. FV 4170. Major, Harlan. Salt Water Fishing Tackle. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1948. FV 4171. Major League Baseball: Facts, Figures and Official Rules. Racine, Wis.: Whitman, 1943. FV 4172. -----. Another copy. FV 4173. Major League Baseball: Facts, Figures and Official Rules. Racine, Wis.: Whitman, 1946. FV 4174. Major League Baseball: Facts, Figures and, Official Rules. New York: Dell, 1947. FV 4175. Major League Baseball: Facts, Figures and Official Rules. New York: Dell, 1948. FV 4176. Makaroba, Nina. Sonatina. Moscow, 1960. FV 4177. Malaparte, Curzio. Kaputt. Translated from the Italian by Cesare Foligno. New York: Dutton, 1946. FV 4178. Malaquais, Jean. World without Visa. Translated by Peter Grant. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1948. FV 4179. Malcolm, George, and Aymer Maxwell. Grouse and Grouse Moors. London: Black, 1910. FV 4180. Malcolmson, David. Ten Heroes. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce [1941?]. FV 4181. Maldini, Sergio. I sognatori: Romanzo. Milan: Mondadori, 1953. FV 4182. -----. Another copy. FV 4183. Malet, Rawden. Unforgiving Minutes. kwfv 4184. Mallac, François. The Illusionist. New York: Farrar, Straus & Cudahy, 1952. MH 4185. Maloney, Russell. It's Still Maloney; or, Ten Years in the Big City. New York: Dial, 1945. FV 4186. Malraux, André, La condition humaine. kwfv 4187. -----. Days of Hope. KW 4188. -----. Days of Wrath. Translated by Haakon M. Chevalier. kwfv 4189. -----. Malraux par lui-même. Paris: Seuil, 1953. FV 4190. -----. The Psychology of Art. Vol. 1: Museums without Walls. Vol. 2: The Creative Act. Translated by Stuart Gilbert. New York: Pantheon, 1949. FV 4191. -----. Scènes choisies. Paris: Gallimard, 1946. FV 4192. -----. "This is War." [Story torn from Collier's, May 29, 1937.] PC

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4193. Maltoni, Maria. I quaderni di San Gersolè. Turin: Einaudi, 1959. FV 4194. Maltz, Albert. The Underground Stream. Boston: Little, Brown, 1940. FV 4195. Man, Henri de. Après coup. Paris: Toison d'Or, 1941. FV 4196. -----. Cahiers de ma montagne. Paris: Toison d'Or, 1944. FV 4197. Mañach, Jorge. Estampas de San Christóbal. Havana: Minerva, 1926. FV 4198. -----. Glosas. Havana: Veloso, 1924. FV 4199. -----. Tiempo muerto. Havana: Cultural, 1928. PC 4200. Manciot, André. Champignons. Paris: Susse, 194-. FV 4201. Mandel, George. Flee the Angry Strangers. New York: Bantam, 1953. FV 4202. Manfred, Frederick Feikema. Lord Grizzly. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1954. s54 FV 4203. -----. Morning Red. Denver: Swallow, 1956. FV 4204. -----. Riders of Judgement. New York: Pocket Books, 1958. FV 4205. ----- [Feike Feikema]. This is the Year. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1947. FV 4206. Mangione, Jerre Gerlando. Reunion in Sicily. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1950. FV 4207. Manly, Harold Phillips. Drake's Electrical and Radio Dictionary. Chicago: Drake, 1942. FV 4208. Mann, Peggy. A Room in Paris. New York: Popular Library, 1956. FV 4209. Mann, Thomas. Buddenbrooks. Translated by H.T. Lowe-Porter. Vol. 1. New York: Knopf, 1927. PC 4210. -----. Buddenbrooks. Translated by H.T. Lowe-Porter. New York: Modern Library [1935?]. FV 4211. -----. Death in Venice and Seven Other Stories. Translated by H.T. Lowe-Porter. New York: Vintage, 1956. FV 4212. -----. The Magic Mountain. Translated by H.T. Lowe-Porter. New York: Modern Library (1932?]. kwfv FV 4213. -----. Another copy. b/s photo. 4214. -----. Order of the Day: Political Essays and Speeches of Two Decades. New York: Knopf, 1942. FV 4215. -----. Stories of Three Decades. Translated by H.T. Lowe-Porter. New York: Knopf, 1936. s36 KW 4216. -----. Tonio Kröger. KW 4217. -----. Unordhung und frühes leid: Novelle. Berlin: Fischer, 1926. Destroyed by fire at residence of Patrick Hemingway, San Francisco.

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4218. Manning, Frederic. Her Privates, We, by Private #19022. London: Davies, 1930. KW FV 4219. -----. The Middle Parts of Fortune: Somme & Ancre. 2 vols. London: Piazza, 1929. FV 4220. Manning, Hugo. This Room before Sunrise. London: Gaberbocchus, 1952. FV 4221. Mannix, Daniel Pratt. Those About to Die. New York: Ballantine, 1958. FV 4222. Manore, Jean [Emmanuel Gallus]. Choses de chasse. Paris: Emile Nourry, 1904. FV 4223. Manrique de Lara, José Gerardo. Elegías y gozos temporales. Madrid: Agora, 1956. FV 4224. -----. Pedro el ciego: Poema de la noche y el hombre. Madrid: Insula, 1954. FV 4225. Mansfield, Katherine. Letters to John Middleton Murry, 1913-1922. Edited by John Middleton Murry. New York: Knopf, 1951. FV 4226. Mansfield, Milbury Francisco [Francis Miltoun]. Italian Highways and Byways from a Motor Car. Boston: Page, 1909. FV 4227. Manstein, Erich von. Lost Victories. Edited and translated by Anthony G. Powell. Chicago: Regnery, 1958. s58 FV 4228. Mantoux, Etienne. The Carthaginian Peace; or, The Economic Consequences of Mr. Keynes. New York: Scribner, 1952. FV 4229. Manus, Max. 9 Lives before Thirty. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1947. FV 4230. Map and Aerial Photograph Reading, Complete. Harrisburg, Pa.: Military Service Publishing, 1943. FV 4231. Marangoni, Matteo. Come si quarda un quadro. Florence: Valecchi, 1948. FV 4232. Marble, Margaret Sharp. The Lady Forgot. New York: Harper, 1947. FV 4233. Marbot, Jean Baptiste Antoine Marcelin, baron de. Adventures of General Marbot, by Himself. Edited by John W. Thomason, Jr. New York: Scribner, 1935. FV 4234. -----. Mémoires de Général Baron de Marbot. 3 vols. Paris: Plon, n.d. FV 4235. -----. The memoirs of Baron de Marbot, Late Lieutenant-general in the French Army. 2 vols. Translated by Arthur John Butler. London: Longmans, Green, 1892. FV 4236. Marbury, Mary Orvis. Favorite Flies & Their Histories. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1892. kwfv FV

Marcelo, pseud. See Alvarez, Marcelino. 4237. March, Joseph Moncure. The Wild Party. Introduction by Louis Untermeyer. New York: Privately printed for the Sylvan Press, 1947. FV

March, William, pseud. See Campbell, William Edward March. 4238. Marchand, Leslie A. Byron: A Biography. 3 vols. New York: Knopf, 1957. FV

Marco, pseud. See Mountbatten, Louis.

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4239. Marcosson, Isaac Frederick. Adventures in Interviewing. KW 4240. Marcus, Alan. Straw to Make Brick. Boston: Little, Brown, 1948. FV

Marcy, Donald E., joint author. See La Monte, Francesca Raimonde. 4241. Marek, Kurt W. [C.W. Ceram]. Gods, Graves, and Scholars: The Story of Archaeology. Translated by E.B. Garside. London: Gollancz, 1956. FV 4242. Margueritte, Victor. Artistide Briand. KW 4243. Maria del Rey of Maryknoll, Sister. In and out of the Andes: Mission Trails from Yucatán to Chile. New York: Scribner, 1955. FV 4244. Marías Aguilera, Julián. Los Estados Unidos en escorzo. Buenos Aires: Emecé, 1956. FV 4245. -----. La imagen de la vida humana. Buenos Aires: Emecé, 1955. FV 4246. Marie, Tante [pseud.]. French Kitchen. Translated by Charlotte Turgeon. New York: Oxford, 1949. FV 4247. Marie-Victorin, Brother, and Brother Léon. Itinéraires botaniques dans l=île de Cuba. Montreal: Institute Botanique de l'Université de Montréal, 1944. MH 4248. Marigny, Marie Alfred Fouquereaux de. More Devil than Saint. New York: Ackerman, 1946. FV 4249. Marín, Emilio. Gramática española. Segundo grado. Libro del maestro. Mexico City: Editorial Progreso, 193-. FV 4250. Marin, John. Watercolors, Oil Paintings, Etchings. KW 4251. Maritain, Jacques. The Range of Reason. New York: Scribner, 1952. FV 4252. -----. Reflections on America. New York: Scribner, 1958. FV 4253. Marjoribanks, Edward. Carson, the Advocate. New York: Macmillan, 1932. kwfv FV 4254. Markham, Beryl (Clutterbuck). West with the Night. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1942. FV 4255. Markham, Edwin. The Man with the Hoe. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Page, 1921. FV 4256. Markham, Richard. Colonial Days; Being Stories and Ballads for Young Patriots As Recounted by Five Boys and Five Girls in "Around the Yule Log," "Aboard the Mavis," "On the Edge of Winter." New York: Dodd, Mead, 1879-1881. PC 4257. Markman, Harvey C. Fossils: A Story of the Rocks and Their Record of Prehistoric Life. Denver Museum of Natural History. Popular series no. 3. Denver, 1954. FV 4258. Marks, Edward Bennett. They All Had Glamour, from the Swedish Nightingale to the Naked Lady. New York: Mesner, 1944. FV 4259. Marks, John H. To the Bullfight: A Guide to the Spanish National Pastime. London: Verschoyle, 1952. FV

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4260. -----. To the Bullfight: A Guide to the Spanish National Pastime. London: Verschoyle, 1953. FV 4261. -----. To the Bullfight. New York: Knopf, 1953. FV 4262. Marks, Richard Lee. March of the Hero. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1952. FV 4263. Marquand, J.P. It's Loaded, Mr. Bauer. London: News of the World, 1951. FV 4264. -----. Life at Happy Knoll. New York: Bantam, 1958. FV 4265. -----. Melville Goodwin, USA. Boston: Little, Brown, 1951. FV 4266. ----- [John Phillips]. The Second Happiest Day. New York: Harper, 1953. FV 4267. -----. So Little Time. Boston: Little, Brown, 1943. FV 4268. -----. Thank You, Mr. Moto. New York: Bantam, 1957. FV 4269. -----. Thirty Years. Boston: Little, Brown, 1954. s54 4270. -----. Women and Thomas Harrow. Boston: Little, Brown, 1958. s58 FV 4271. Marqués, René. Otro día nuestro: Cuentos. San Juan, P.R., 1955. FV 4272. Marquis, Thomas Bailey [Wooden Leg, Cheyenne Indian]. A Warrior Who Fought Custer. Minneapolis: Midwest, 1931. FV 4273. Marrero Suárez, Vicente. Picasso y el toro. Madrid: Rialp, 1955. FV 4274. Marron, Eugenie. Albacora: The Search for the Giant Broadbill. New York: Random House, 1957. FV 4275. Marryat, Frederick. Capt. Marryat's Works. 24 vols. Boston: Estes, 1896-98. FV 4276. -----. Jacob Faithful. KW 4277. -----. Masterman Ready. KW 4278. -----. Mr. Midshipman Easy: The Travels and Adventures of Monsieur Violet. London: Lane, 1904. kwfv FV 4279. -----. Mr. Midshipman Easy: The Travels and Adventures of Monsieur Violet. London: Dent, 1924. kwfv FV 4280. -----. Mars, Alastair. Unbroken: The Story of a Submarine. London: Muller, 1953. FV 4281. -----. Marsh, Edward Howard. A Number of People: A Book of Reminiscences. New York: Harper, 1939. FV 4282. -----. Marsh, Ngaio. Colour Scheme. Boston: Little, Brown, 1943. FV 4283. -----. Overture to Death. kwfv

4284. -----. Vintage Murder. New York: Sheridan, 1940. FV

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4285. Marshak, Il'ia IAkovlevich [Mikhail Ilin]. New Russia's Primer: The Story of the Five-year Plan. Translated by George S. Counts and Nucia P. Lodge. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1931. FV 4286. Marshall, Bruce. The Accounting. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1958. FV 4287. -----. The Fair Bride. Cambridge, Mass.: Riverside, 1953. FV 4288. -----. Only Fade Away. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1954. s54 4289. -----. The White Rabbit. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1953. FV 4290. Marshall, Edison. American Captain. New York: Farrar, Straus, & Young, 1954. FV 4291. Marshall, Frank. Chess in a Hour. KW 4292. Marshall, Robert K. Julia Gwynn: An American Gothic Tale. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1952. FV

Marshall, Roy K., joint author. See Levitt, Israel Monroe. 4293. Marshall, Samuel Lyman Atwood. Armies on Wheels. New York: Morrow, 1941. FV 4294. -----. Men against Fire: The Problem of Battle Command in Future War. New York: Morrow, 1947. FV 4295. -----. The River and the Gauntlet: Defeat of the Eighth Army by the Chinese Communist Forces, November 1950, in the Battle of the Chongchon River, Korea. New York: Morrow, 1953. FV 4296. Martet, Jean. M. Clemenceau peint par lui-même. Paris: Michel, 1929. kwfv FV 4297. -----. Le quart d'heure d'Anibal Bumbo. Paris: Michel, 1938. FV 4298. -----. Le Tigre. kwfv 4299. Martí, Josg. En los Estados Unidos. Havana, n.d. FV 4300. Martienssen, Anthony K. Hitler and His Admirals. New York: Dutton, 1949. s49 FV

Martin, Alexander C., joint author. See Zim, Herbert Spencer.

Martin, Clyde E., joint author. See Kinsey, Alfred Charles. 4301. Martin, Everett Dean. The Meaning of a Liberal Education. KWH 4302 Martin, Henno. The Sheltering Desert. Translated by E. Fitzgerald. Edinburgh: Nelson, 1958. s59 FV 4303. Martin, John Bartlow. My Life in Crime: The Autobiography of a Professional Criminal. New York: Harper, 1952. FV 4304. Martin, Kingsley. The Magic of Monarchy. KW

Martin, Pete, pseud. See Martin, Thornton. 4305. Martin, Robert. The Tough Die Hard. New York: Bantam, 1957. FV

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Martin, Robert Grant, joint editor. See Snyder, Franklyn Bliss.

4306. Martin, Thornton [Pete Martin]. Hollywood without Make-up. Philadephia: Lippincott, 1948. FV 4307. Martin, Violet Florence [Martin Ross]. Music and James Joyce. To accompany "Anna Livia Plurabelle" by Hazel Felman. Chicago: Argus Book Shop, 1936. KL

Martin, Violet Florence, joint author. See Somerville, Edith Anna OEnone. 4308. Martín Blázquez, José. Guerre civile totale. Paris: Denodl, 1938. FV 4309. -----. Another copy. PC 4310. Martin Echeverria, Leonardo. España, el país y los habitantes. Mexico City: Atlante, 1940. FV 4311. Martín Gaite, Carmen. Entre visillos. Barcelona: Destino, 1958. FV 4312. *Martineau, Gilbert R. Spain. Paris: Nagel, 1953. FV 4313. Martinez Bello, Antonio M. La adolescencia de Martí: Notas para un ensayo de interpretación psicológica. Havana: Fernández, 1944. FV 4314. *-----. El temperamento de Martí: Notas para un ensayo de interpretación psicológica. Havana: Neptune, 1948. FV 4315. *Martinez de León, Andrés. Las omegas del toro. Madrid: Aguilar, 1956. MH 4316. Martínez Hauradou, Ricardo L. Cuentos que cuento yo. Kobe, Japan: Inoue, 1955. FV 4317. -----. Un libro de cuentos. Kobe, Japan: Inoue, 1954. FV 4318. -----. El señor embajador: Una comedia para teatro. Kobe, Japan, 1954. FV 4319. Martinson, Harry. The Road. Translated by M.A. Michael. London: Cape, 1955. FV 4320. Martucci, Donato, and Uguccione Ranieri. Lo strano settembre 1950. Milan: Longanesi, 1950. FV 4321. Marulic, Marko. Libar v chomse usdarsi istoria sfete udouica Judit u uersih haruacchi slosena, chacho ona ubi uoiuodu Alopherna possidu uoische gnegoue i oslodobi puch israelschi od ueliche pogibili. U Bnecih [Venice], Pognom i nastoianiem P. Srichichia 1521. [Facsimile edition. Zagreb: Jugoslavenska Akademija Znanosti i Umjetnosti, 1950.] KL

Marvel, Tom, joint author. See Schoonmaker, Frank. 4322. Marx, Karl, and Frederick Engels. Manifesto of the Communist Party. KW 4323. Mary Thérèse, Sister, ed. I Sing of a Maiden: The Mary Book of Verse. New York: Macmillan, 1947. FV 4324. Masefield, John. Dead Ned: The Autobiography of a Corpse Who Recovered Life within the Coast of Dead Ned and Came to What Fortune You Shall Hear. KWH 4325. -----. Sard Harker. KWH

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4326. The Taking of the Gry. KW 4327. Victorious Troy; or, The Hurrying Angel. KW 4328. Mason, Alfred Edward Woodley. Königsmark. New York: Doubleday, Doran, 1939. FV 4329. Mason, Francis van Wyck. The Cairo Garter Murders. New York: Sun Dial, 1939. FV 4330. Mason, Gregory. Remember the Maine. New York: Holt, 1939. FV 4331. Mason, Richard Lakin. The World of Susie Wong. Cleveland: World, 1957. FV 4332. Massi, Ludovic. La terre du Liège. Rennes: L'Amitié par le Livre, 1953. FV 4333. -----. Les Trabucayres: Roman. Rennes: L'Amitié par le Livre, 1955. FV 4334. Masserman, Jules Hymen. Behavior and Neurosis: An Experimental Psycho-analytic Approach to Psychobiologic Principles. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1943. FV 4335. Massingham, Hugh and Pauline. The London Anthology. London: Spring Books, n.d. FV 4336. Masson, André. Anatomy of My Universe. New York: Valentin, 1943. FV 4337. Masters, David. Up Periscope. London: Eyre & Spottiswood, 1943. FV 4338. Masters, Edgar Lee. Spoon River Anthology. New York: Limited Editions, 1942. FV 4339. Masters, John. Bugles and a Tiger: A Volume of Autobiography. New York: Viking, 1956. FV 4340. -----. The Deceivers. New York: Viking, 1952. FV 4341. -----. Fandango Rock. New York: Harper, 1959. FV 4342. Another copy. FV 4343. -----. Far, Far the Mountain Peak: A Novel. New York: Viking, 1957. FV 4344. Masur, Harold Q. You Can't Live Forever. New York: Pocket Books, 1952. FV 4345. Matameros y Pavia, Eusebio 0. Apuntes sobro inseminación artificial incluyendo experiencias con tan valioso método. Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba: Estación Experimental Agronómica, 1948. FV 4346. Mather, Berkely [pseud.]. The Achilles Affair. New York: Scribner, 1959. FV 4347. -----. The Pass beyond Kashmir. New York: Scribner, 1960. MH 4348. Mathéron, Robert. L'enchantement des rapides. Paris: Susse, 1944. FV 4349. Mathews, Ferdinand Schuyler. Field Book of American Trees and Shrubs. New York: Putnam, 1915. FV 4350. -----. Field Book of American Wild Flowers. New York: Putnam, 1929. FV 4351. -----. Field Book of Wild Birds and Their Music. KW

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4352. Matisse, Henri. Matisse: Seize peintures, 1939-1943. Paris: Chêne, 1943. FV 4353. -----. Another copy. FV 4354. Matout, Louis. Méthode nouvelle de pêche practique. Comment réussir de grosse pêches. Paris: Hachette, 1924. FV 4355. Matschat, Cecile (Hulse). Suwannee River: Strange Green Land. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1938. FV 4356. Matson, Norman H. Flecker's Magic. KW 4357. Matteis, Emilio de. El alon rojizo. Buenos Aires: Aldaba, 1960. FV 4358. Matthews, Allen R. The Assault. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1947. FV 4359. Matthews, Brander, ed. The Short Story: Specimens Illustrating Its Development. New York: American Books, 1907. kwfv FV

4360. Matthews, Herbert Lionel. The Education of a Correspondent. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1946. FV 4361. -----. Two Wars and More to Come. New York: Carrick & Evans, 1938. kwfv FV 4362. -----. The Yoke and the Arrows: A Report on Spain. London: Heinemann, 1957. FV 4363. -----. The Yoke and the Arrows: A Report on Spain. New York: Braziller, 1957. FV 4364. -----. Another copy. MH 4365. ----- and Nancie. Assignment to Austerity: An American Family in Britain. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1950. FV 4366. Matthiessen, F.O. The Achievement of T.S. Eliot. New York: Oxford, 1947. FV 4367. -----. American Renaissance: Art and Expression in the Age of Emerson and Whitman. London: Oxford, 1941. FV 4368. -----. Henry James: The Major Phase. London: Oxford, 1944. FV 4369. -----. The James Family, Including Selections from the Writings of Henry James, Senior; William; Henry and Alice James. New York: Knopf, 1947. FV 4370. -----. Another copy. FV 4371. -----, ed. The Oxford Book of American Verse. New York: Oxford, 1950. FV 4372. Matthiessen, Peter. Wildlife in America. New York: Viking, 1959. FV 4373. -----. The Year of the Tempest (Original title: Race Rock). New York: Bantam, 1957. FV 4374. Mattingly, Garrett. The Armada. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1959. s6O FV 4375. Maugeri, Franco. From the Ashes of Disgrace. Edited by Victor Rosen. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1948. FV

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4376. Maugham, W. Somerset. Ah King: Six Stories. London: Heinemann, 1933. kwfv FV 4377. -----. Andalusia: Sketches and Impressions. KW 4378. -----. The Art of Fiction: An Introduction to Ten Novels and Their Authors. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1955. FV 4379. -----. Books and You. New York: Doubleday, Doran, 1940. FV 4380. -----. Christmas Holiday. KW 4381. -----. Cosmopolitans. s36 KW 4382. -----. East and West: The Collected Short Stories of W. Somerset Maugham. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1934. FV 4383. -----. First Person Singular. KWH 4384. -----. The Gentleman in the Parlour: A Record of a Journey from Rangoon to Haiphong. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1930. FV 4385. -----. The Magician. New York: Pocket Books, 1958. FV 4386. -----. The Maugham Reader. Introduction by Glenway Wescott. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1950. FV 4387. -----. The Mixture as Before. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1940. FV 4388. -----. The Moon and Sixpence. kwfv 4389. -----. Another copy? KW 4390. -----. The Narrow Corner. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1932. kwfv FV 4391. -----. Another copy? KW 4392. -----. Of Human Bondage. kwfv 4393. -----. Plays. KW 4394. -----. Plays. [Another edition?] KW 4395. -----. Rain: The Story of Sadie Thompson. New York: Dell, 1921. FV 4396. -----. Six Stories Written in the First Person Singular. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1931. FV 4397. -----. Theatre: A Novel. KW 4398. -----. The Vagrant Mood: Six Essays. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1953. FV 4399. -----. A Writer's Notebook. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1949. FV 4400. -----, ed. Tellers of Tales: 100 Short Stories from the United States, England, France, Russia and

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Germany. New York: Doubleday, Doran, 1939. FV 4401. -----, ed. Traveller's Library. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1933. FV 4402. Mauldin, Bill. A Sort of Saga. New York: Sloane, 1949. FV 4403. -----. Up Front. Cleveland: World, 1945. FV 4404. -----. Up Front. New York: Holt, 1945. FV 4405. Maupassant, Guy de. Boule de suif. Paris: Michel, n.d. FV 4406. -----. Le destin tragique. kwfv 4407. -----. Les dimanches d'un bourgeois de Paris. KW 4408. -----. Huit contes choisis. KW 4409. -----. Another copy. KW 4410. -----. Mademoiselle Fifi. KW 4411. -----. La maison Tellier. KW 4412. -----. Miss Harriet. L'orient. Un million. Paris: Conard, 1908. FV 4413. -----. Misti. kwfv 4414. Oeuvres complètes de Guy de Maupassant. 27 [of 291] vols. Paris: Conard, 1908-10. FV 4415. -----. Une vie. Paris: Michel, 1925. kwfv FV 4416. -----. The Works of Guy de Maupassant. 10 vols. New York: Bigelow, Brown, 1923. FV 4417. Maurel, André. Quinze jours à Florence. Paris: Hachette, n.d. FV 4418. Maurer, Herrymon. The End Is Not Yet: China at War. New York: McBride, 1941. FV 4419. Maurois, André. Ariel; ou, La vie de Shelley. KW 4420. -----. Bernard Quesnay. Paris: Gallimard, 1926. FV 4421. -----. Byron. 2 vols. kwfv 4422. -----. Climats. KW 4423. -----. Les discours du docteur O'Grady. KW 4424. -----. Disraeli: A Picture of the Victorian Age. Translated by Hamish Miles. New York: Appleton, 1928. FV 4425. -----. Etudes anglaises. KW 4426. -----. King Edward and His Times. Translated by Hamish Miles. London: Cassell, 1933. FV

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4427. -----. The Miracle of England: An Account of Her Rise to Preeminence and Present Position. KW 4428. -----. Olympio: The Life of Victor Hugo. Translated by Gerard Hopkins. New York: Harper, 1956. FV 4429. -----. Tourguéniev. KW 4430. -----. Tragedy in France. Translated by Denver Lindley. New York: Harper, 1940. FV 4431. Maury, Richard. The Sage of "Cimba." New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1939. FV 4432. Maury Rodriguez, José Wenceslao. La noche de un martes 13. Havana: Sierra [1954?]. FV

Maxwell, Aymer, joint author. See Malcolm, George. 4433. Maxwell, Gavin. Bandit. New York: Harper, 1956. FV 4434. -----. Harpoon Venture. New York: Viking, 1952. FV 4435. -----. Another copy. FV 4436. Maxwell, Gilbert. Go Looking: Poems, 1933-1953. Boston: Humphries, 1954. FV 4437. Maxwell, James A. I Never Saw an Arab Like Him. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1948. FV 4438. May, Florence Lewis. Hispanic Lace and Lace Making. New York: Hispanic Society, 1939. PC

May, Ronald W., joint author. See Anderson, Jack. 4439. Maydon, Hubert Conway, ed. Big Game Shooting in Africa. Philadelphia: Lippincott, n.d. kwfv MH 4440. Mayer, Martin. Madison Avenue, USA. New York: Harper, 1958. MH 4441. -----. Wall Street: Men and Money. New York: Harper, 1955. FV 4442. Mayer, Ralph. The Artist's Handbook of Materials and Techniques. New York: Viking, 1945. FV 4443. Mayne, Ethel Colburn. Byron. KW 4444. -----. The Life and Letters of Anne Isabella, Lady Noël Byron. KW 4445. Mayne, Peter. Journey to the Pathans. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1955. FV 4446. Mayo, Robert J. Adventures in Minnesota History. Milwaukee: Hale, 1931. FV 4447. Mazé, Jules. Sous la Terreur. Paris: Hachette, 1947. FV 4448. Mazzini, Gian Maria, ed. Il fiore: Rassegna della nuova generazione poetica. Florence: Kursaal, 1955. FV 4449. -----. Another copy. FV 4450. Mead, Margaret. The Maoris and Their Arts. New York: American Museum of Natural History, 1945. FV

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4451. -----, ed. Cultural Patterns and Technical Change. New York: New American Library, 1955. FV 4452. Meade, Patrick A. Born to Trouble. kwfv 4453. Mealand, Richard. Let Me Do the Talking. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1947. FV 4454. Means, George W. The Game Cock, from the Shell to the Pit: A Comprehensive Treatise on Gameness, Selecting, Mating, Breeding, Walking and Conditioning. n.p., 1911. FV 4455. Meany, Thomas. Baseball's Greatest Hitters. New York: Barnes, 1950. FV 4456. Medio, Dolores. Functionario público. Barcelona: Destino, 1956. FV 4457. Meeker, Oden. Report on Africa. New York: Scribner, 1954. FV 4458. Meichsner, Dieter. The Answer in the Sky. Translated by Charlotte and Albert Lloyd. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1953. FV 4459. Meier-Graefe, Julius. The Spanish Journey. Translated by J. Holroyd-Reece. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1927. kwfv FV 4460. Melville, Herman. Melville par lui-même. Edited by Jean-Jacques Mayoux. Paris: Seuil, 1958. FV 4461. -----. Moby Dick. KWH 4462. -----. Typee. KW 4463. -----. Another copy. KW 4464. Member of the Order of the Holy Cross. The Book of Oratory. Compiled for the use of colleges, academies, and the higher classes of select and parish schools. New York: Sadlier, 1871. PC 4465. Mencken, H.L. The American Language: An Inquiry into the Development of English in the United States. Supplement II. New York: Knopf, 1948. FV

4466. -----. Heathen Days, 1890-1936. New York: Knopf, 1943. FV 4467. Menen, Aubrey. The Abode of Love: The Conception, Financing and Daily Routine of an English Harem in the Middle of the 19th Century Described in the Form of a Novel. New York: Scribner, 1956. FV 4468. -----. Dead Man in the Silver Market. New York: Scribner, 1953. FV 4469. -----. The Duke of Gallodoro. New York: Scribner, 1952. FV 4470. -----. The Fig Tree. New York: Scribner, 1959. s6O FV 4471. -----. The Ramayana. New York: Scribner, 1954. FV 4472. -----. The Stumbling Stone. New York: Scribner, 1949. FV 4473. Menéndez Ramon, Pidal. Los romances de América y otros estudios. KW 4474. Menke, Frank Grant. Encyclopedia of Sports. New York: Barnes, 1944. FV

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4475. -----. Another copy? KW 4476. Mercer, Asa Shinn. The Banditti of the Plains; or, The Cattle-men's Invasion of Wyoming in 1892: The Crowning Infamy of the Ages. Norman: University of Oklahoma, 1954. FV 4477. Meredith, Roy. Mr. Lincoln's Camera Man: Mathew B. Brady. New York: Scribner, 1946. FV 4478. -----. Mr. Lincoln's Camera Man: Mathew B. Brady. New York: Scribner, 1949. FV 4479. Merezhkovskii, Dmitrii Sergievich. The Romance of Leonardo da Vinci. Translated by Bernard G. Guerney. New York: Modern Library, 1928. FV 4480. Merle, Robert. Week-end à Zuydcoote. Paris: Gallimard, 1949. FV 4481. Merlin, Maria de las Mercedes Santa Cruz y Montalvo, comtesse de. La Havane. Paris: Amyot, 1844. FV 4482. -----. Mis doce primeros años e historia de sor Inés. Havana: Imprenta "El Siglo XX," 1922. FV 4483. Mermet, Armand. Manuel d'étude de l'interprète militaire. Paris: Lavauzelle [1940?]. FV

4484. Merriam, Eve. Montgomery, Alabama; Money, Mississippi and Other Places. New York: Cameron Associates, 1956. FV 4485. Merriam, Robert Edward. Dark December: The Full Account of the Battle of the Bulge. Chicago: Ziff-Davis, 1947. FV 4486. Merrick, Gordon. The Strumpet Wind. New York: Morrow, 1947. FV

Merrill, Anthony F., joint author. See Weaver, Robert Warren.

Merriman, Chad, pseud. See Cheshire, Gifford Paul. 4487. Merton, Thomas. The Ascent to Truth. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1951. FV 4488. -----. The Seven Storey Mountain. New York [Harcourt, Brace?], 1948. FV 4489. Méry, Fernand. Her Majesty the Cat. Translated by Elizabeth and John Rosenberg. New York: Criterion, 1957. FV 4490. Metalious, Grace. Peyton Place. New York: Messner, 1957. FV 4491. Meyerstein, Edward Harry William. A Life of Thomas Chatterton. New York: Scribner, 1930. kwfv FV 4492. Miami, University of, Coral Gables, Fla. Institute of Marine Science. Lou Marron-University of Miami, Pacific Billfish Expedition: Preliminary Report for 1954. Coral Gables, 1955. FV 4493. Michelsen, Andreas. La guerre sous-marine (1914-1918). Traduit de l'Allemand par R. Jouan. KW 4494. Michener, James A. The Bridges at Toko-ri. New York: Random House, 1953. FV 4495. Michie, Allan Andrew. The Air Offensive against Germany. New York: Holt, 1943. FV 4496. Middleton, Drew. Our Share of Night: A Personal Narrative of the War Years. New York: Viking, 1946.

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FV 4497. -----. The Sky Suspended: The Battle of Britain. New York: Longmans, Green, 1960. s6l MH 4498. Mielche, Hakon. Round the World with Galathea. Translated by M.A. Michael. London: Hodge [1953?]. FV 4499. Mikha0lov, Nikolai N. From Pole to Pole. Translated by Robert Daglish. Moscow: Foreign Languages, 1960. FV 4500. Mikhelson, André Lwoff. Kings and Knaves in the Cameroons. KWR 4501. Miksche, Ferdinand Otto. Attack: A Study of Blitzkrieg Tactics. Translated by Tom Wintringham. New York: Random House, 1942. FV 4502. -----. Paratroupes: L'histoire, l=organisation et 1'emploi tactique des forces aéroportées. Translated by Franqois Combaux. Paris: Payot, 1946. FV 4503. *Milan and Excursion to the Certosa of Pavia. Milan, n.d. FV 4504. Milani, Milena. Storia di Anna Drei. Milan: Mondadori, 1947. FV 4505. Milburn, George. Hobos and Harlots. New York: Lion Library, 1957. FV

Miles, Josephine, joint editor. See Schorer, Mark. 4506. Milewski, Szymon. Remonty silowni parowych na statkach rzecznych. Warsaw: Wydawn. Komunikacyjne, 1954. FV 4507. Mill, John Stuart. Utilitarianism, Liberty & Representative Government. London: Dent, 1936. FV 4508. Millán, Pascual. La escuela de tauromaquia de Sevilla y el toreo moderno. Madrid: Romero, 1887. FV 4509. -----. Los novillos: Estudio histórica. Madrid: Moderna, 1892. FV 4510. -----. Los toros en Madrid: Estudio histórico. Madrid: Palacios, 1890. FV 4511. -----. Trilogía Taurina. Vols. 1 & 3. Madrid: Ginés Carrión, 1905. kwfv FV 4512. Millar, George. A Crossbowman's Story of the First Exploration of the Amazon. New York: Knopf, 1955. FV 4513. -----. Horned Pigeon. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1946. FV 4514. -----. Isabel and the Sea. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1948. FV 4515. -----. Waiting in the Night: A Story of the Maquis Told by One of Its Leaders. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1946. FV 4516. -----. A White Boat from England. New York: Knopf, 1952. FV 4517. Millar, Kenneth [John Ross Macdonald]. The Drowning Pool. New York: Knopf, 1950. kl photo EH 3987P

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4517a. -----. The Name is Archer. New York: Bantam, 1955. FV 4518. -----. The Way Some People Die. New York: Pocket Books, 1952. FV 4519. Millay, Edna St. Vincent. Collected Sonnets. New York: Harper, 1941. FV 4520. -----. Letters. Edited by Allan Ross Macdougall. New York: Harper, 1952. FV 4521. -----. Poems. KW 4522. -----. Poems Selected for Young People. New York: Harper, 1929. FV 4523. -----. Second April. KW 4524. Miller, Betty Bergson. Robert Browning: A Portrait. New York: Scribner, 1953. FV 4525. Miller, David Humphreys. Custer's Fall: The Indian Side of the Story. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1957. FV 4526. Miller, Francis Trevelyan. Portrait Life of Lincoln: Life of Abraham Lincoln, the Greatest American, Told from Original Photographs Taken with His Authority during the Great Crisis through which He Led His Country .... Springfield, Mass.: Patriot, 1910. KL 4527. -----, ed. The Photographic History of the Civil War. 10 vols. New York: Review of Reviews, 1911. FV 4528. Miller, Henry. The Cosmological Eye. Norfolk, Conn.: New Directions, 1939. FV 4529. -----. Remember to Remember. Norfolk, Conn.: New Directions, 1947. FV 4530. Miller, Mary Britton [Isabel Bolton]. The Christmas Tree. New York: Scribner, 1949. FV 4531. -----. [Isabel Bolton]. Many Mansions. New York: Scribner, 1952. FV 4532. Miller, Merle. The Judges and the Judged. (Report for the American Civil Liberties Union). Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1952. FV 4533. -----. Reunion. New York: Viking, 1954. FV 4534. -----. That Winter. New York: Sloane, 1948. FV 4535. Miller, Perry. The Raven and the Whale: The War of Words and Wits in the Era of Poe and Melville. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1956. FV 4536. Miller, Webb. I Found No Peace: The Journal of a Foreign Correspondent. KW 4537. Millet, Fernand Victor. Les grands animaux sauvages de l'Annam, leurs moeurs, leur chasse et leur tir. Paris: Plon, 1930. PC 4538. Millett, Fred Benjamin. Contemporary American Authors: A Critical Survey and 219 Bio-bibliographies. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1940. FV 4539. Milligan, Maurice Morton. The Inside Story of the Pendergast Machine by the Man Who Smashed It. New York: Scribner, 1948. FV

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4540. Millikan, Robert Andrews, and Henry Gordon Gale. New Elementary Physics. Boston: Ginn, 1936. FV 4541. Millis, Walter. Road to War: America, 1914-1917. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1935. kwfv FV 4542. -----. This is Pearl! The United States and Japan--1941. New York: Morrow, 1947. FV 4543. *Millo, Fernando de la. En La Habana está el amor; o, El arte de ser adultéra. Havana: Lumen, 1949. FV 4544. Mills, Algernon Victor [Rupert Latimer]. Murder after Christmas. London: Macdonald, 1945. FV 4545. Mills, Charles Wright. Listen, Yankee: The Revolution in Cuba. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1960. MH 4546. Milne, A.A. When We Were Very Young. KWH 4547. Milne, Lorus Johnson and Margery J. The Life of the Water Film. New York, 1947. FV 4548. -----. and Margery J. A Multitude of Living Things. n.p., 1947. FV 4549. Miloradovich, Milo. The Art of Fish Cookery. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1949. FV

-----, joint author. See Lo Pinto, Maria.

4550. Milton, George Fort. Abraham Lincoln and the Fifth Column. New York: Vanguard, 1942. FV 4551. Milton, John. Minor Poems. KW 4552. -----. The Poetical Works of John Milton. New York: Burt, n.d. FV

Miltoun, Francis, pseud. See Mansfield, Milburg Francisco. 4553. Minchin, Humphrey Cotton, ed. Great Short Stories of the War; England, France, Germany, America. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1930. FV 4554. Minguet y Calderón de la Barca, Enrique [Pensamientos]. Anuario taurino de 1913. Madrid: El Porvenir, Martinez de Velasco, 1914. FV 4555. -----. [Desde la grada:] Anuario taurino [de] 1918. kwfv 4556. -----. Desde la grada: Anuario taurino de 1925. Madrid: Núñez Samper, 1925. FV 4557. -----. Desde la grada. KW 4558. -----. [Pensamientos]. El Toreo: Almanaque-guía de 1957. Madrid, 1958. FV 4559. -----. [Pensamientos]. El Toreo: Almanaque-guía de 1959. Madrid: Bolsa, 1959. FV 4560. Miquelarena, Jacinto. Traqué dans Madrid (El otro mundo) 1936. Traduit de l'espagnol par Marcel Carayon. Paris: C. Lévy, 1938. PC 4561. Miró, Joan. Constellations. New York: Pierre Matisse Gallery, n.d. FV 4562. Mirrielees, Edith Ronald, ed. Significant Contemporary Stories. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1929. kwfv FV

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4563. Mirsky, Jeannette. To the Arctic! The Story of Northern Exploration from Earliest Times to the Present. Introduction by Vilhjalmur Stefansson. New York: Knopf, 1948. FV 4564. -----. The Westward Crossings: Balboa, Mackenzie, Lewis and Clark. New York: Knopf, 1946. FV 4565. Mitchel, Anthea. The Naked Sword: A Novel of the Crusades. New York: Popular Library, 1954. FV

Mitchell, Alan W., collaborator. See Duke, Neville. 4566. Mitchell, Carleton. Beyond Horizons: Voyages of Adventure and Discovery. New York: Norton, 1953. FV

Mitchell, F.C., joint author. See Harrison, George. 4567. Mitchell, Joseph. The Bottom of the Harbor. Boston: Little, Brown, 1959. MH 4568. Mitchell, Margaret. Gone with the Wind. New York: Macmillan, 1940. KW FV 4569. Mitchell, Susanna Valentine. No Second Spring. New York: Harper, 1942. FV 4570. Mitchell-Hedges, Frederick Albert. Battles with Giant Fish. kwfv 4571. Mitchell-Henry, L. Tunny Fishing at Home & Abroad. London: Rich & Cowan, 1934. s35 kwfv FV 4572. -----. Another copy. kwfv FV 4573. Mitchison, Naomi Margaret. Cloud Cuckoo Land. KW 4574. Mitford, Jessica. Hons and Rebels. London: Gollancz, 1960. FV 4575. Mitford, Nancy. Madame de Pompadour. London: Hamilton, 1954. FV 4576. -----. The Nancy Mitford Omnibus. London: Hamilton [1956?]. FV 4577. -----. Voltaire in Love. London: Hamilton, 1957. FV 4578. -----, ed. Noblesse Oblige: An Enquiry into the Identifiable Characteristics of the English Aristocracy. London: Hamilton, 1956. FV 4579. Mixter, George Webber. Primer of Navigation. New York: Van Nostrand, 1943. FV 4580. Mizener, Arthur. The Far Side of Paradise: A Biography of F. Scott Fitzgerald. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1951. FV 4581. -----. Another copy. FV 4582. -----. The Far Side of Paradise: A Biography of F. Scott Fitzgerald. New York: Vintage, 1960. MH 4583. Mizner, Addison. The Many Mizners. kwfv 4584. Moats, Alice Leone. Blind Date with Mars. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1943. FV 4585. Moberly, Charlotte Anne Elizabeth, and Eleanor F. Jourdin. An Adventure. London: Faber, 1939. FV

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4586. Mochi, Ugo, and Thomas Donald Carter. Hoofed Mammals of the World. Introduction by Harold E. Anthony. New York: Scribner, 1953. FV 4587. The Modern Home Physician: A New Encyclopedia of Medical Knowledge. Edited by Victor Robinson. New York: Wise, 1943. FV 4588. The Modern Priscilla Cook Book. Boston: Priscilla, 1930. FV 4589. Modern Reconnaissance: A Collection of Articles from the Cavalry Journal. Harrisburg, Pa.: Military Service, 1944. FV 4590. Mohr, Otto Lous. Henrik Ibsen som maler. Oslo: Gyldendal, 1953. FV 4591. Moinot, Pierre. Armes et bagages: Roman. Paris: Gallimard, 1951. FV 4592. -----. La chasse royale. Paris: Gallimard, 1953. FV 4593. -----. The Royal Hunt. Translated by Ralph Manheim. New York: Knopf, 1955. FV 4594. Molière, Jean Baptiste Poquelin. Le bourgeois gentilhomme. KW 4595. -----. Molière par lui-même. Par Alfred Simon. Paris: Seuil, 1957. FV 4596. -----. Plays. Introduction by Waldo Frank. New York: Modern Library, 1924. FV 4597. -----. Théâtre. 8 vols. KW 4598. Molloy, Peter. The Cry of the Fish Eagle: The Personal Experiences of a Game Warden and His wife in the Southern Sudan. London: Joseph, 1957. FV 4599. Monaghan, James [Jay Monaghan]. Custer: The Life of General George Armstrong Custer. Boston: Little, Brown, 1959. s6O FV 4600. -----. Last of the Bad Men: The Legend of Tom Horn. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1946. FV 4601. Mondadori (Arnoldo) editore. Il cinquantennio editorials di Arnoldo Mondadori, 1907-1957. Milan, 1957. FV 4602. Monelli, Paolo. Mussolini: The Intimate Life of a Demagogue. Translated by Brigid Maxwell. London: Thames & Hudson, 1953. FV 4603. -----. Toes Up: A Chronicle of Gay and Doleful Adventures of Alpini and Mules and Wine. Translated by Orlo Williams. London: Duckworth, 1930. ph photo KWH 4604. Monet, Claude. Claude Monet: Huit reproductions en couleurs. Introduction par Anne Marie Cetto. Basel: Holbein, 1947. FV 4605. Money, Albert William. Pigeon Shooting. Edited by A.C. Gould. New York: Shooting and Fishing Publishing Co., 1896. FV 4606. Monfreid, Henri de. La croisière du hachich. KW 4607. -----. Le drame éthiopien. KW

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4608. -----. L'enfant sauvage. KWH 4609. -----. Le lépreux. KW 4610. -----. Le masque d'or; ou, Le dernier négus. KW 4611. -----. Le naufrage de la Marietta. Paris: Grasset, 1934. FV 4612. -----. La poursuite du Kaïpan. 1 [of 2] vol. KW 4613. -----. Les secrets de la Mer Rouge. Paris: Grasset, 1931. FV 4614. -----. Vers les terres hostiles de l'Ethiopie. Paris: Grasset, 1933. kwfv FV 4615. Monnier, Adrienne. Les gazettes, 1925-1945. Paris: Julliard, 1953. FV 4616. Monroe, Harriet. A Poet's Life: Seventy Years in a Changing World. KW 4617. Monsarrat, Nicholas. The Cruel Sea. London: Cassell, 1951. FV 4618. -----. The Cruel Sea. London: Cassell, 1953. FV 4619. -----. The Tribe That Lost Its Head. London: Cassell, 1956. FV 4620. -----. The Tribe That Lost Its Head. New York: Sloane, 1956. FV 4621. *Le Mont Saint-Michel. Paris: Couleurs du Monde, n.d. FV 4622. Montagu, Ashley. The Natural Superiority of Women. New York: Macmillan, 1953. FV 4623. Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de. The Essays of Michel de Montaigne. 3 vols. plus handbook. Translated by George B. Ives. Introduction by André Gide. New York: Limited Editions Club, 1946. FV 4624. -----. The Essays of Montaigne. 3 vols. KW 4625. -----. Lettres de M. Montaigne. KW

Montalte, Louis de, pseud. See Pascal, Blaise. 4626. Montgomery, Leslie Alexander [Lynn Doyle]. Ballygullion Ballads and Other Verses. London: Duckworth, 1936. FV 4627. Montgomery, Robert Hiester. Auditing Theory and Practice. 6th ed. New York: Ronald, 1944. FV 4628. Mongomery of Alemein, Bernard Law Montgomery, 1st Viscount. Normandy to the Baltic. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1948. FV 4629. Montgon, Adhémar, comte de. L'Egypte: Illustrations en couleurs de Marilac. Paris: Nathan, 1946. FV 4630. Montherlant, Henry de. Les bestiaires: Roman. Paris: Grasset, 1926. FV 4631. -----. Les célibataires: Roman. Paris: Grasset, 1934. PC 4632. -----. Mors et vita. KW

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4633. Montres Rolex S.A. Rolex Jubilee Vade Mecum. 4 vols. Geneva, 1946. FV 4634. Montross, Lynn. War through the Ages. New York: Harper, 1944. FV 4635. Moon, Lorna. Doorways in Drumorty. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1925. FV 4636. Moore, Audrey. Serengeti. London: Scribner, 1939. FV 4637. -----. Serengeti. New York: Scribner, 1939. MH 4638. Moore, Brian. The Feast of Lupercal. Boston: Little, Brown, 1957. FV 4639. Moore, Donald. Scramble Six Hurricanes. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1958. FV 4640. Moore, Ernst D. Ivory: Scourge of Africa. New York: Harper, 1931. MH 4641. Moore, George. Avowals. kwfv 4642. -----. Another copy? KW 4643. -----. Conversations in Ebury Street. KW 4644. -----. Evelyn Innes. KW 4645. -----. Hail and Farewell! New York: Appleton, 1914. kwfv FV 4646. -----. Héloïse and Abélard. 2 vols. New York: Boni & Liveright, 1925. kwfv FV 4647. -----. Salve. New York: Appleton, 1916. FV 4648. Moore, Grace. You're Only Human Once. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1944. FV 4649. Moore, Marianne. Collected Poems. New York: Macmillan, 1951. FV 4650. -----. Marriage. New York: Wheeler, 1923. KL 4651. -----. Predilections. New York: Viking, 1955. FV 4652. -----. Selected Poems. Introduction by T.S. Eliot. New York: Macmillan, 1935. FV 4653. Moore, Nicholas, ed. The PL Book of Modern American Short Stories. London: Poetry, 1945. FV 4654. Moore, Pamela. Chocolates for Breakfast. New York: Bantam, 1957. FV 4655. Moorehead, Alan. Eclipse. New York: Coward-McCann, 1945. FV 4656. -----. Gallipoli. London: Hamilton, 1956. s58 FV 4657. -----. Montgomery: A Biography. New York: Coward-McCann, 1946. FV 4658. -----. No Room in the Ark. New York: Harper, 1959. s6O FV 4659. -----. A Summer Night. New York: Harper, 1954. FV

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4660. -----. The Traitors. New York: Scribner, 1952. FV 4661. -----. The Villa Diana. New York: Scribner, 1951. FV 4662. -----. The White Nile. New York: Harper, 1960. MH 4663. Moorman, Lewis Jefferson. La tuberculosis en los grandes genios. Versión castellana de Ernesto Reto. Buenos Aires: Kraft, 1944. FV 4664. Morales Pradilla, Próspero. Más acá. Santiago de Chile, 1948. FV 4665. Moran, Charles. The Sea of Memories: The Story of the Mediterranean Strife, Past and Present. New York: Scribner, 1942. FV 4666. Moran, Eugene F., and Louis Reid. Tugboat: The Moran Story. New York: Scribner, 1956. FV 4667. -----. Another copy. FV 4668. Morand, Paul. Bouddha vivant. KW 4669. -----. France la doulce. KW 4670. -----. Lewis et Irène: Roman. KW 4671. -----. Rien que la terre: Voyage. Paris: Grasset, 1926. KW FV 4672. -----. La route des Indes. KW 4673. -----. Vie de Guy de Maupassant. Paris: Flammarion, 1942. FV 4674. Morante, Elsa. House of Liars. Translated by Andrew Chiappe. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1951. FV

Moravia, Alberto, pseud. See Pincherele, Alberto. 4675. Moray, Helga. Tisa: A Historical Novel. New York: Popular Library, 1953. FV 4676. *Morchapt, R. de. La cuisine pratique au temps où nous vivons. Lyon: M.D., 1942. FV 4677. Moreau, A. Guerre de demain; le combattant: Essai de psychologie. Paris: Le Rouge et Le Noir, 1934. FV 4678. Moreau de Saint-Méry, Médéric Louis Elie. Moreau de St. Méry's American Journey (1793-1798). Translated by Kenneth Roberts and Anna M. Roberts. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1947. FV 4679. Moreaux, Arnould. Anatomie artistique: Précis d'anatomie osseuse et musculaire. Paris: Maloine, 1947. FV 4680. *Moreno, Abelardo. Estudio anatómico del género polynista beck [Polinices picta, Baracoa?]. Havana, 1950. FV 4681. ----- , and Ramona Fernández. La fauna de Cuba. Havana: Fernández, 1945. FV 4682. Moretti, Marino. La vedova fioravanti. Milan: Mondadori, 1952. FV

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4683. Morgan, Albert. Cast of Characters. New York: Dutton, 1957. FV 4684. Morgan, Ann Haven. Field Book of Ponds and Streams: An Introduction to the Life of Fresh Water. New York: Putnam, 1930. FV 4685. Morgan, Dale Lowell. The Great Salt Lake. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1947. FV 4686. Morgan, Deck. Deck Morgan's Winter Carnival. New York: Messner, 1935. kwfv FV 4687. Morgan, Edwin. Flower of Evil: A Life of Charles Baudelaire. New York: Sheed & Ward, 1943. FV 4688. Morgan, Frederick Edgworth. Overture to Overlord. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1950. FV 4689. Morgan, Murray Cromwell. Dixie Raider: The Saga of the C.S.S. Shenandoah. New York: Dutton, 1948. FV 4690. Morgan, William James. The O.S.S. and I. New York: Pocket Books, 1958. FV 4691. Moriano Vivó, Manuel [A. + B.]. La caza de la perdiz con reclamo. Segunda edición corregida y aumentada. Madrid: Renacimiento, 1923. PC 4692. Morin, Henri Georges Antoine. A l'écoute devant Verdun: Recit du capitaine Henri Morin recueilli par Pierre Andrieu. Avant-propos du général de Cointet. Introd. de Louis Gillet. kwfv 4693. Morison, Samuel Eliot. History of the United States Naval operations in World War II. Vol. I: The Battle of the Atlantic, September 1939-May 1943. Vol. 2: Operations in North African Waters, October 1942-June 1943. Vol. 3: The Invasion of France and Germany, 1944-1945. Boston: Little, Brown, 1947-57. FV 4694. Morrill, George. Dark Sea Running. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1959. MH 4695. Morris, Boris. My Ten Years As a Counterspy. As told to Charles Samuels. New York: Viking, 1959. S59 4696. Morris, Donald R. China Station. New York: New American Library, 1952. FV 4697. -----. Warm Bodies. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1957. FV 4698. Morris, Lloyd R. A Threshold in the Sun. New York: Harper, 1943. FV 4699. Morris, Percy A. A Field Guide to the Shells of Our Atlantic Coast. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1947. FV

Morris, Richard B., joint editor. See Snyder Louis Leo. 4700. Morris, Wright. Ceremony in Lone Tree. New York: Atheneum, 1960. s6O 4701. -----. The Field of Vision. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1956. s58 FV 4702. -----. The Home Place. New York: Scribner, 1948. FV 4703. -----. Another copy. FV 4704. -----. The Huge Season. New York: Viking, 1954. s58 MH 4705. -----. The Inhabitants. New York: Scribner, 1946. FV

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4706. -----. Love among the Cannibals. New York: New American Library, 1958. FV 4707. -----. The Territory Ahead. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1958. s58 4708. Morse, Francis Clary. Furniture of the Olden Time. New York: Macmillan, 1941. FV 4709. Mortane, Jacques. Evasions d'aviateurs, 1914-1918. Paris: Baudinière, 1928. kwfv FV

Mortimer, Lee, joint author. See Lait, Jack. 4710. Morton, Frederic. Asphalt and Desire. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1952. FV 4711. Moscow. Museum of Modern Western Art. Musée de l'art occidental moderne à Moscou. Moscow: Editions d'Etat Art, n.d. FV 4712. Mosher, John S. Liar Dice. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1939. FV 4713. Mosher, Thomas Bird. An Outline of Distinguished Reading. KW 4714. Mosley, Leonard. Gideon Goes to War. New York: Scribner, 1955. FV 4715. Moss, Jamps Alfred. Noncomissioned Officers' Manual. Menasha, Wis.: Banta, 1917. FV 4716. Mostyn-owen, William. Bibliografía di Bernard Berenson. Milan: Electra, 1955. FV 4717. Motley, Willard. Knock on Any Door. New York: Appleton-Century, 1947. FV 4718. Motti, Pietro. Le compagnon de voyage: Italien. Heidelberg: Groos, 1912. FV

Motti, Pietro, joint author. See Sauer, Karl Marquand. 4719. Mottram, Ralph Hale, John Easton and Eric Partridge. Three Personal Records of the War. KWH 4720. Mountbatten, Louis [Marco]. An Introduction to Polo. London: Country Life, 1937. FV

Mountford, Guy, joint author. See Peterson, Roger Tory. 4721. Mowrer, Edgar Ansel. This American World. kwfv 4722. Mowrer, Paul Scott. Fifi; or, Something Entirely New: A Comedy in One Act. Sanbornville, N.H.: Wake-Brook House, 1956. FV 4723. -----. The House of Europe. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1945. FV 4724. -----. Poems between Wars: Hail Illinois! France Farewell. Chicago: Mariano, 1941. FV

Mudie, Colin, joint author. See Ellan, Patrick. 4725. Muirhead, James Thornburn. Air Attack on Cities: The Broader Aspects of the Problem. KW 4726. *La mujer en la economía norteamericana. n.p., n.d. FV 4727. Mukerji, Dhan Gopal. The Chief of the Herd. KW

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4728. Muldoon, Guy. Leopards in the Night. London: Hart-Davis, 1955. FV 4729. -----. The Trumpeting Herd. London: Hart-Davis, 1957. FV 4730. Mumford, Lewis. Man As Interpreter. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1950. FV 4731. Munday, Albert Henry. Practical Flying in War and Peace. New York: Harper, 1940. FV 4732. Munn, Charles Clark. The Heart of Uncle Terry. Boston: Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, 1915. PC 4733. Muñoz, Rafael F. El feroz cabecilla: Asertos de la revolución en el Norte. kwfv 4734. Muñoz Diaz, Eugenio [Eugenio Noel]. Las capeas. Madrid: Helénica, 1915. FV 4735. Muñoz García, Juan. Artífices del imperio: Poema dramático en cinco actos. Madrid: "Prensa Española," 1951. FV 4736. -----. Fuente santa: Novela arqueológica. Madrid: "Prensa Española," 1943. FV 4737. -----. Juan Muñoz Garcia, cronista de Béjar y ciudadano ejemplar. Béjar, 1948. FV 4738. -----. Narraciones medievales. 2 vols. Madrid: "Prensa Española, S.A.," 1944-45. FV 4739. Munroe, Donald Gordon. Distillate. Montreal, 1935. kwfv FV 4740. Munthe, Axel. The Story of San Michele. KW 4741. *Muñtz-Lavalle, Ramon. Filipinas y la guerra del Pacifíco. Madrid: Bolaños y Aguilar, 1936. FV 4742. Muraro, Michelangelo. Les villas de la Vénétie. Catalogue published by the Giorgio Cini Foundation. Venice: Neri Pozza, 1954. FV 4743. Murdoch, Iris. The Flight from the Enchanter. New York: Viking, 1956. FV 4744. Murie, Olaus Johan. The Elk of North America. Harrisburg, Pa.: Stackpole, 1951. FV 4745. Murphy, Edgar Gardner [Kevin McKreadyl. A Beginner's Starbook. KW 4746. Murray, A.A. The Blanket. n.p., n.d. FV 4747. Murray, Hugh. History of British India, Continued to the Year 1856. London: Nelson, 1867. kwfv FV 4748. Murray, Margaret Alice. The Witch-cult in Western Europe: A Study in Anthropology. Oxford: Clarendon, 1921. FV 4749. *Murray, Max. Allarme a bordo. Milan: Mondadori, n.d. FV 4750. Murray, Stuart. A Traveler's Guide to France: The Country, the People and the Language. New York: Sheridan, 1948. FV 4751. Murry, John Middleton. The Autobiography of John Middleton Murry: Between Two Worlds. New York: Messner, 1936. s36

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4752. *Musketry Regulations. London, 1914. FV 4753. Muzumdar, Haridas Thakordas. Mahatma Gandhi: Peaceful Revolutionary. New York: Scribner, 1952. FV 4754. Muzzey, David Saville. An American History. New York: Ginn, 1911. The Clifton Waller Barrett Collection, University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, Va. 4755. My Sunday Missal. (J.F. Stedman edition). Brooklyn: Precious Blood Monastery, 1938. FV 4756. Mydans, Carl. More than Meets the Eye. New York: Harper, 1959. s6O FV 4757. Myers, Arthur Bowen Richards. Life with the Hamran Arabs: An Account of a Sporting Tour of Some officers of the Guards in the Soudan, during the Winter of 1874-5. London: Smith, Elder, 1876. FV 4758. Myers, John Myers. The Alamo. New York: Dutton, 1948. FV 4759. Myers, Leopold Hamilton. The Root and the Flower. KW 4760. Myrer, Anton. The Big War. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1957. FV 4761. Nabokov, Vladimir Vladimirovich. Laughter in the Dark. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1938. kwfv FV 4762. -----. Lolita. New York: Putnam, 1958. s58 4763. -----. The Real Life of Sebastian Knight. Norfolk, Conn.: New Directions, 1959. FV 4764. Naether, Carl Albert. The Book of the Pigeon. KW 4765. Naintré, Loïc, C. Oddenino, and M. Laurens. La pêche en mer. Paris: Prisma, 1948. FV 4766. Nansen, Fridtjof. The First Crossing of Greenland. Translated from the Norwegian by Hubert Majendie Gepp. KW 4767. Napoléon I. Lettres inédites de Napoléon Ier à Marie-Louise, écrites de 1810 à 1814. Avec introduction et notes par Louis Madelin. Bibliothèques Nationales de France, 1935. kwfv FV 4768. Narbona González, Francisco. Manolete: Riesgo y gloria de una vida. Madrid: Espejo, 1948. FV 4769. *När-var-Hur: Aktuell uppslagsbok. Stockholm: Svenske Samlingsverk, 1945. FV 4770. Nathan, George Jean. The World of George Jean Nathan. Selected and edited with an introduction by Charles Angoff. New York: Knopf, 1952. FV 4771. The National Ski Association of America. American Ski Annual and Skiing Journal, 1939-40. Brattleboro, Vermont: Daye, 1939. FV 4772. Naugler, Gertrude. The World and Julie. New York: Scribner, 1955. FV

Navas, Conde de las, pseud. See López-Valdemoro y de Quesada, Juan Gualberto. 4773. Neagoe, Peter. Storm: A Book of Short-stories. Paris: New Review Publications, 1932. FV 4774. Nearing, Elizabeth [Sue MacVeigh]. The Corpse and the Three Ex-husbands. Boston: Houghton Mifflin,

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1941. FV 4775. Needham, Paul Robert. Trout Streams: Conditions That Determine Their Productivity and Suggestions for Stream and Lake Management. Ithaca, N.Y.: Comstock, 1938. FV 4776. Negrevernis, Juan Pons. Lo que he visto en 1935: Notas de un aficionado. Madrid: Uguina, 1935. PC 4777. Neider, Charles. The Frozen Sea: A Study of Francis Kafka. New York: Oxford, 1948. FV 4778. -----. The White Citadel. New York: Twayne, 1954. FV 4779. Neilson, William Allan, ed. Lectures on the Harvard Classics. New York: Collier, 1914. FV 4780. Nelson, Battling. Life, Battles and Career of Battling Nelson, Lightweight Champion of the World. By Himself. Hegewisch, Illinois, 1908. kwfv FV 4781. Nelson, Donald M. Journeys in the Sun. Dallas, Texas: Story Book Press, 1955. FV 4782. Nelson, James, ed. Wisdom: Conversations with the Elder Wise Men of Our Day. New York: Norton, 1958. FV 4783. Nelson, Steve. The 13th Juror: The Inside Story of My Trial. New York: Masses & Mainstream, 1955. FV 4784. Nepos, Cornelius. Cornelii Nepotis Vitae excellentium imperatorum. Edited by Don Juan B. Guim. KW 4785. Nervo, Amado. Poesías completes. Vol. 2 [of 2 vols.]. Edición, introducción y notas de Alfonso Méndez Plancarte. Buenos Aires: Espasa-Calpe Argentina, 1943. FV 4786. Nesbitt, Arthur. Say You Never Saw Me. New York: Scribner, 1957. FV 4787. Nesbitt, Lewis Mariano. Desolate Marches: Travels in the Orinoco Llanos of Venezuela. London: Cape, 1937. FV 4788. -----. Hell-hole of Creation: The Exploration of Abyssinian Danakil. New York: Knopf, 1935. s35 FV 4789. Neumann, Arthur H. Elephant-hunting in East Equatorial Africa; Being an Account of Three Years' Ivory-hunting under Mount Kenia and among the Ndorobo Savages of the Lorugi Mountains, including a Trip to the North End of Lake Rudolph. London: Ward, 1898. MH 4790. Nevins, Allan. Ford: The Times, the Man, the Company. With the collaboration of Frank Ernest Hill. New York: Scribner, 1954. FV 4791. -----. The War for the Union. New York: Scribner, 1960. MH 4792. -----, and Frank Ernest Hill. Ford: Expansion and Challenge, 1915-1933. New York: Scribner, 1957. FV 4793. Nevinson, Henry Woodd. Goethe: Man and Poet. Written for the centenary of Goethe's death on March 22nd, 1832. kwfv 4794. New Campus Writing, No. 2. Edited by Nolan Miller. New York: Bantam, 1957. FV 4795. The New Colophon: A Book-collectors' Miscellany. New York: Duschnes, Crawford, 1950. FV 4796. The New Czechoslovak Miners' Pensions Insurance. Prague: Orbis, 1947. FV

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4797. New Directions in Prose and Poetry. Norfolk, Conn.: New Directions, 1941. FV 4798. New Short Novels, 2. New York: Ballantine, 1954. FV 4799. New World Writing: First Mentor Selection. New York: New American Library, 1952. FV 4800. New World Writing: Second Mentor Selection. New York: New American Library, 1952. FV 4801. New World Writing: Fourth Mentor Selection. New York: New American Library, 1953. FV 4802. New World Writing: Fifth Mentor Selection. New York: New American Library, 1954. FV 4803. -----. Another copy. FV 4804. New World Writing: Sixth Mentor Selection. New York: New American Library, 1954. FV 4805. -----. Another copy. FV 4806. New World Writing. New York: New American Library, 1955. FV 4807. New World Writing: Ninth Mentor Selection. New York: New American Library, 1956. FV 4808. New World Writing 11. New York: New American Library, 1957. FV 4809. New World Writing 12. New York: New American Library, 1957. FV 4810. New World Writing: Stories, Poetry, Essays, Drama. New York: New American Library, 1958. FV 4811. New Writing and Daylight, 1946. London: Lehmann, 1946. FV 4812. *New York (city). The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Animals That Never Were. New York, n.d. FV 4813. *-----. China's Ancient Arts. New York, n.d. FV 4814. *-----. Colonial America 1607-1776. New York, n.d. FV 4815. *-----. India's Gods and Kings. New York, n.d. FV 4816. *-----. The New Nation America 1785-1820. New York, n.d. FV 4817. New York (city). Museum of Modern Art. Americans, 1942: 18 Artists from 9 States. Edited by Dorothy C. Miller. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1942. FV 4818. -----. Cubism and Abstract Art. By Alfred Hamilton Barr. KW 4819. -----. Fantastic Art, Dada, Surrealism. KW 4820. -----. Italian Masters Lent by the Royal Italian Government, January to March, 1940. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1940. FV 4821. -----. Paul Klee. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1930. PC 4822. -----. Photography, 1839-1937. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1937. kwfv FV

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4823. -----. Picasso: Forty Years of His Art. Edited by Alfred H. Barr, Jr. with two statements by the artist. In collaboration with the Art Institute of Chicago. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1939. FV 4824. -----. The Prints of Georges Rouault. By Monroe Wheeler. KW 4825. New York (city). World's Fair, 1939-1940. Catalogue of European Paintings and Sculpture from 1300-1800. Compiled by George Henry McCall. Masterpieces of Art, New York World's Fair, May to October, 1939. New York: Printed by Publishers Printing, 1939. FV 4826. New York Herald Tribune (newspaper). Home Institute. America's Cook Book. New York: Scribner, 1952. FV 4827. The New Yorker (periodical). The Fourth New Yorker Album. Foreword by Robert Benchley. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1931. FV 4828. -----. The New Yorker Album of Sports and Games. New York: Harper, 1957. FV 4829. -----. The New Yorker Book of War Pieces. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1947. FV 4830. -----. The New Yorker 1950-1955 Album. New York: Harper, 1955. FV 4831. -----. The New Yorker Scrapbook. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1931. KWH 4832. -----. The Third New Yorker Album. KW 4833. New Zealand Birds and Flowers: A Selection of Colour Plates. Wellington, New Zealand: Reed, 1955. FV 4834. Newbigin, Alice, M.S. A Wayfarer in Spain. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1927. ph photo KW 4835. Newby, Percy Howard. A Guest and His Going. New York: Knopf, 1959. s6l MH 4836. -----. The Retreat. New York: Knopf, 1953. FV 4837. Newcomb, Richard F. Abandon Ship! Death of the U.S.S. Indianapolis. New York: Holt, 1958. s58 4838. Newhouse, Edward. The Hollow of the Wave. New York: Sloane, 1949. FV 4839. -----. The Iron Chain. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1946. FV 4840. -----. Many Are Called: Forty-two Short Stories. New York: Sloane, 1951. FV 4841. -----. This Is Your Day. KW 4842. -----. You Can't Sleep Here. KW 4843. Newman, Bernard. Inquest on Mata Hari. London: Hale, 1956. FV 4844. Newman, Frances. Frances Newman's Letters. Edited by Hansell Baugh, with a prefatory note by James Branch Cabell. New York: Liveright, 1929. kwfv FV 4845. Newman, James Roy. The Tools of War. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1942. FV 4846. Newman, John Henry. Apologia pro vita sua. KW

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4847. -----. Favorite Newman Sermons. Edited by Daniel M. O'Connell. KW 4848. -----. The Idea of a University. Defined and Illustrated: I. In Nine Discourses Delivered to the Catholics of Dublin; II. In Occasional Lectures and Essays Addressed to the Members of the Catholic University. Edited for college use by Daniel M. O'Connell. KWH

Newman, Ralph, joint author. See Eisenschiml, Otto. 4849. Newton, Dwight Bennett. Six-gun Gamble. New York: Popular Library, 1952. FV 4850. -----. [Dan Temple]. The Man from Idaho: A Western Novel. New York: Popular Library, 1956. FV 4851. Nichols, Beverly. Twenty-five. KW 4852. Nichols, William Ichabod, ed. A New Treasury of Words to Live by. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1959. FV 4853. Nicolson, C.B. England's Greater Churches: A Pictorial Survey. London: Batsford, 1946. FV 4854. Nicolson, Harold George. Byron: The Last Journey. London: Constable, 1934. kwfv FV 4855. -----. Good Behaviour; Being a Study of Certain Types of Civility. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1956. FV 4856. -----. Helen's Tower. KW 4857. -----. Peacemaking, 1919. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1939. FV 4858. -----. Public Faces: A Novel. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1933. FV 4859. -----. Small Talk. kwfv 4860. -----. Another copy? KW 4861. -----. Some People. London: Constable, 1934. kwfv FV 4862. -----. Tennyson: Aspects of His Life, Character and Poetry. London: Constable, 1925. FV 4863. Nicholson, Norman. Man & Literature. London: S.C.M., 1944. FV 4864. Niebuhr, Reinhold. The Self and the Dramas of History. New York: Scribner, 1955. FV 4865. Niedieck, Paul. With Rifle in Five Continents. Translated from the original German by H.B. Stanwell. London: Ward, 1908. kwfv MH 4866. Niemoeller, Adolph Frederick. Superfluous Hair and Its Removal. KWH

Nietsch, H. Erich, joint author. See Gillmer, Thomas Charles. 4867. Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm. Thus Spake Zarathustra. Translated by Thomas Common. New York: Boni & Liveright, n.d. FV

Nimrod, pseud. See Apperley, Charles James.

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4868. Nin, Anaïs. The Winter of Artifice. Paris: Obelisk, 1939. FV 4869. Nissley, Charles Hebron. The Pocket Book of Vegetable Gardening. New York: Pocket Books, 1942. FV 4870. Nixon, Lawrence A. Vagabond Voyaging: The Story of Freighter Travel. KW 4871. Nizan, Paul. La conspiration: Roman. Paris: Gallimard, 1938. FV 4872. -----. La conspiration: Roman. Paris: Gallimard, 1939. FV 4873. Nobelstiftelsen, Stockholm. Alfred Nobel and the Nobel Prizes. By Nils K. Ståhle. Stockholm, 1960. FV 4874. -----. Nobel: The Man and His Prizes. By H. Schück. Stockholm: Sohlman, 1950. FV 4875. -----. Les Prix Nobel en 1954. Stockholm: Imprimerie Royale, 1955. FV 4876. -----. Les Prix Nobel en 1955. Stockholm: Imprimerie Royale, 1956. FV 4877. -----. Les Prix Nobel en 1956. Stockholm: Imprimerie Royale, 1957. FV 4878. -----. Les Prix Nobel en 1957. Stockholm: Imprimerie Royale, 1958. FV 4879. -----. Les Prix Nobel en 1958. Stockholm: Imprimerie Royale, 1959. FV 4880. Nock, Albert Jay. Memoirs of a Superfluous Man. New York: Harper, 1943. FV

Noel, Eugenio, pseud. See Muñoz Diaz, Eugenio. 4881. Noel-Baker, Francis Edward. The Spy Web. Introduction by Herbert A. Philbrick. New York: Vanguard, 1955. FV 4882. Noel-Baker, Philip John. The Private Manufacture of Armaments. Vol. 1. London: Gollancz, 1936. kwfv FV

Nolan, William W., joint author. See Fitch, John. 4883. Nomad, Max. Rebels and Renegades: A Series of Portraits of Outstanding Representatives of Contemporary Revolutionary Tendencies. New York: Macmillan, 1932. kwfv FV 4884. Nordhoff, Charles Bernard, and James Norman Hall. The Bounty Trilogy. KW 4885. -----, and James Norman Hall. Mutiny! Stockholm: Continental, 1944. FV 4886. Nordhoff, Walter [Antonio de Fierro Blanco]. The Journey of the Flame. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1933. s37 4887. -----. The Journey of the Flame. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1955. FV

Norman, James, pseud. See Schmidt, James Norman. 4888. Norman, John Roxborough. A History of Fishes. New York: Wyn, 1948. FV 4889. Norris, Kathleen. Storm House. KW

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4890. Norris, Thaddeus. The American Angler's Book, Embracing the Natural History of Sporting Fish, and the Art of Taking Them, with Instructions in Fly-fishing, Fly-making, and Rod-rnaking, and Directions for Fish-breeding, to Which Is Added Dies Discatoriae, Describing Noted Fishing-places, and the Pleasure of Solitary Fly-fishing. Philadelphia: Porter & Coates, 1864. kwfv FV 4891. North, Joseph. No Men Are Strangers. New York: International Publishers, 1958. FV

North, Sterling, joint author. See Dean, Harry. 4892. -----, and Carl Kroch, eds. So Red the Nose; or, Breath in the Afternoon. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1935. kwfv FV 4893. Northrop, Filmer Stuart Cuckow. The Meeting of East and West: An Inquiry Concerning World Understanding. New York: Macmillan, 1946. FV 4894. Norton, Mortimer. Salt Water Sports Fishing, by Old Ai. n.p., 1948. FV 4895. Norway, Nevil Shute [Nevil Shute]. Beyond the Black Stump: A Novel. New York: Morrow, 1956. FV 4896. -----. In the Wet. k1 photo EH 8432 P(b) 4897. -----. On the Beach. New York: Morrow, 1957. FV 4898. -----. The Rainbow and the Rose. New York: Morrow, 1958. FV 4899. Not to Be Repeated: Merry-go-round of Europe. New York: Long & Smith, 1932. kwfv FV 4900. Noth, Ernst Erich. L'homme contre le partisan. Traduit de l'allemand par A.E. Sernin. KW 4901. Novák, Károly. Talàlkozásom a történelemmel. Budapest: Könyvkiado, 1957. FV 4902. Novak, Robert. Climb a Broken Ladder. New York: Ace, 1956. FV 4903. Novás Calvo, Lino. El negrero: Vida novelada de Pedro Blanco Fernández de Trava. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 1933. FV 4904. Now and Then; Then and Now: A Selection of Articles, Stories and Poems Taken from the First Fifty Numbers of Now & Then, 1921-35. London: Cape, 1935. FV 4905. Nowarra, Heinz J., and Kimbrough S. Brown, comp. Von Richthofen and the Flying Circus. Edited by Bruce Robertson. Letchworth, Herts., England: Harleyford, 1958. MH 4906. Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar. Naufragios y comentarios. Madrid: Calpe, 1922. kwfv FV 4907. Nuñez J. Peñasco, Eduardo. Roberto Domingo: Maestro de la luz y el movimiento. Madrid: Revista Geográfica Española, 1958. FV 4908. Nuñez Jiménez, Antonio. Geografía de Cuba. Havana: Lex, 1959. FV 4909. Nusbaumer, Jacques. Les yeux donnés. Paris: Caracteres, 1956. FV 4910. Nute, Grace Lee. Lake Superior. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1944. FV

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4911. Nyabongo, Akiki K. The Story of an African Chief. Introduction by William Lyon Phelps. New York: Scribner, 1935. kwfv FV 4912. Nyström, Anton Kristen. The Natural Laws of Sexual Life: Medical-sociological Researches. Authorized translation from the third Swedish ed., by Carl Sandzen. St. Louis: Mosby, 1919. FV 4913. Oberjohann, Heinrich. Komoon! Capturing the Chad Elephant. Translated by Rhoda de Terra. New York: Pantheon, 1952. FV 4914. Oberthür, Joseph. Gibiers de notre pays: Histoire naturelle pour les chasseurs. Ouvrage publié sous le haut patronage du Saint-Hubert Club de France. Paris: Champs-Elysées, 1941. FV 4915. -----. Another copy. FV 4916. -----. Another copy. FV 4917. -----. Poissons et fruits de mer de notre pays: Pêche, histoire naturelle, cuisine. Paris: Nouvelle Edition, 1944. FV 4918. O'Brien, Edward, ed. The Best Short Stories of 1932 and the Year-book of the American Short Story. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1932. kwfv FV 4919. -----. Another copy? KW 4920. -----. Best Short Stories of 1933 and the Year-book of the American Short Story. KW 4921. -----. The Best Short Stories of 1936 and the Year-book of the American Short Story. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1936. PC 4922. -----. The Best Short Stories of 1937 and the Year-book of the American Short Story. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1937. s37 KW 4923. -----. 50 Best American Short Stories: 1915-1939. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1939. FV 4924. -----. Another copy. FV 4925. O'Brien, John Sherman. Alone Across the Top of the World: The Authorized Story of the Arctic Journey of David Irwin As Told to Jack O'Brien. KW 4926. O'Casey, Sean. I Knock at the Door: Swift Glances Back at Things That Made Me. New York: Macmillan, 1949. FV

O'Connell, John J., joint author. See Söderman, Harry. 4927. O'Connor, Edwin. The Last Hurrah. Boston: Little, Brown, 1956. FV 4928. -----. Another copy. FV

O'Connor, Frank, pseud. See O'Donovan, Michael. 4929. O'Connor, Philip. Memoirs of a Public Baby. Introduction by Stephen Spender. New York: British Book Centre, 1958. FV 4930. O'Connor, Richard. Guns of Chickamauga. New York: Bantam, 1956. FV

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4931. Ó Crohan, Tomás. The Islandman. Translated from the Irish by Robin Flower. KW

Oddenino, C., joint author. See Naintré, Loïc. 4932. O'Dell, Scott. Hill of the Hawk. New York: Bantam, 1953. FV 4933. O'Donnell, Bernard. The Old Bailey and Its Trials. London: Clerke & Cockeran, 1950. FV 4934. -----. The Old Bailey and Its Trials. New York: Macmillan, 1951. FV 4935. O'Donovan, Michael [Frank O'Connor]. The Common Chord. New York: Knopf, 1948. FV 4936. -----. Dutch Interior. New York: Knopf, 1940. FV 4937. -----. More Stories. New York: Knopf, 1954. s54 FV 4938. -----. An Only Child. New York: Knopf, 1961. MH 4939. -----. The Saint and Mary Kate. kwfv 4940. Odum, Howard Washington. Wings on My Feet: Black Ulysses at the Wars. KWH 4941. O'Faoláin, Seán. Bird Alone. KWH 4942. -----. Finest Stories. Boston: Little, Brown, 1957. FV 4943. -----. The Irish: A Character Study. New York: Devin-Adair, 1949. FV 4944. -----. A Nest of Simple Folk. New York: Viking, 1934. FV 4945. -----. The Short Story. London: Collins, 1948. FV 4946. -----. The Vanishing Hero: Studies of the Hero in the Modern Novel. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1957. FV 4947. The Officer's Guide: A Ready Reference on Customs and Correct Procedures Which Pertain to Commissioned Officers of the Army of the United States. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: Military Service Pub., 1947. FV 4948. O'Flaherty, Liam. Selected Stories. Edited by Devin A. Garrity. New York: New American Library, 1958. FV 4949. -----. The Short Stories of Liam O'Flaherty. KW 4950. -----. Two Years. KWH 4951. Ogburn, Charlton. The Marauders. New York: Harper, 1959. MH 4952. O'Hara, Eliot. Watercolor Fares Forth: Eighteen Experiments in Watercolor Painting with Twenty-eight illustrations, Ten in Color. New York: Minton, Balch, 1938. KW 4953. O'Hara, John. Butterfield 8. KW

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4954. -----. The Doctor's Son and Other Stories. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1935. kwfv FV 4955. -----. Files on Parade. KW 4956. -----. From the Terrace: A Novel. New York: Random House, 1958. s58 FV 4957. -----. Hellbox. New York: Random House, 1947. FV 4958. -----. Here's O'Hara: Three Novels and Twenty Short Stories. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1946. FV 4959. -----. A Rage to Live. New York: Random House, 1949. FV 4960. -----. A Rage to Live. New York: Bantam, 1957. FV 4961. -----. Ten North Frederick. New York: Random House, 1955. FV 4962. O'Hara, John Patrick. The History of the United States. KW

O. Henry, pseud. See Porter, William Sydney. 4963. Okey, Thomas. The Story of Paris. London: Dent, 1925. FV 4964. Okumiya, Masatake, and Jiro Horikoshi. Zero! New York: Ballantine, 1957. FV 4965. Olcott, William Tyler. The Book of the Stars for Young People. New York: Putnam, 1923. FV 4966. -----, and Edmund W. Putnam. Field Book of the Skies: A Presentation of the Main Facts of Modern Astronomy and a Practical Field Book for the Observer. New York: Putnam, 1929. FV

An Old Boy, pseud. See Hughes, Thomas. 4967. Older, Fremont. My Own Story. KWH 4968. *Oliveira Garcia Serrano, Rafael. Plaza del castillo: Novela. Madrid: Saso, 1951. FV 4969. Olschki, Leonardo. The Genius of Italy. New York: Oxford, 1949. FV 4970. O'Malley, Earnán. Army without Banners: Adventures of an Irish Volunteer. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1937. s37 4971. O'Malley, Mary Dolling [Ann Bridge]. Enchanter's Nightshade. KW 4972. -----. Frontier Passage. London: Vanguard Library, 1952. FV

4973. Oman, Charles William Chadwick. A History of the Art of War in the Middle Ages. 2 vols. 2nd

edition revised and enlarged. London: Methuen, 1924. FV 4974. -----. A History of the Peninsular War. Vol. 4: Dec. 1810-Dec. 1811. Vol. 5: Oct. 1811-Aug. 31, 1812. Vol. 6: Sept.1, 1812-Aug. 5, 1813. Oxford: Clarendon, 1911, 1914, 1922. [kwfv?] FV

O'Mara, Jim, pseud. See Fluharty, Vernon L.

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4975. O'Meara, Walter. The Grand Portage: A Novel. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1951. FV 4976. -----. The Trees Went Forth: A Novel. New York: Crown, 1947. FV 4977. -----. Another copy. FV 4978. O'Neill, Charles Kendall. Morning Time: A Novel. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1949. FV 4979. -----. Wild Train: The Story of the Andrews Raiders. New York: Random House, 1956. FV 4980. Onstott, Kyle. Mandingo. Richmond, Va.: Denlinger, n.d. FV 4981. Ooka, Shohei. Fires on the Plain. Translated from the Japanese by Ivan Morris. New York: Knopf, 1957. FV 4982. Oppenheim, Edward Phillips. Chronicles of Melhampton. London: Hodder & Stoughton, n.d. FV 4983. -----. The Oppenheim Omnibus: Clowns and Criminals. New York: Blue Ribbon, 1931. kwfv FV 4984. Oppenheimer, Franz. The State, Its History and Development Viewed Sociologically. Authorized translation by John M. Gitterman. New York: Vanguard, 1928. kwfv FV 4985. Orde, Cuthbert Julian. Pilots of Fighter Command: Sixty-four Portraits. London: Harrap, 1942. FV 4986. Ordóñez, Eduardo. El Greco y yo. Madrid: Suarez, 1955. FV 4987. Origo, Iris. The Last Attachment: The Story of Byron and Teresa Guiccioli As Told in Their Unpublished Letters and Other Family Papers. New York: Scribner, 1949. FV 4988. O'Rourke, Frank. Battle Royal. New York: Dell, 1956. FV 4989. -----. The Last Round. New York: Morrow, 1956. FV 4990. Ors, Eugenio d'. La vie de Goya. Version française de Marcel Carayon. Paris: Gallimard, 1929. FV 4991. Ortega y Casset, José. España invertebrada. Bosquejo de algunos pensamientos históricos. KW 4992. -----. Invertebrate Spain. Translated by Mildred Adamo. New York: Norton, 1937. s37 4993. -----. La rebelión de las masas. KW 4994. -----. The Revolt of the Masses. New York: Norton, 1932. kwfv FV 4995. Ortiz Fernández, Fernándo. Cuban Counterpoint: Tobacco and Sugar. Translated from the Spanish by Harriet de Onís. Introduction by Bronislaw Malinowski. New York: Knopf, 1947. FV 4996. Orts Ramos, Tomás [Uno al Sesgo]. Los ases del toreo. Barcelona: Lux, 1927. kwfv FV 4997. -----, and Ventura Bagüés [Don Ventura]. Toros y toreros en 1925: Resumen crítico-estadístico de la temporada taurina. Barcelona: Lux, 1925. FV 4998. -----, and Ventura Bagüés [Don Ventural. Toros y toreros en 1926: Resumen crítico-estadístico de la temporada taurina. Barcelona: Lux, 1926. FV

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4999. -----, and Ventura Bagüés [Don Ventura]. Toros y toreros en 1927: Resumen crítico-estadístico de la temporada taurina. Barcelona: Lux, 1927. FV 5000. -----. Toros y toreros en 1929: Resumen crítico-estadístico de la temporada taurina. Barcelona: La Fiesta Brava, 1929. PC 5001. -----, and Ventura Bagüés [Don Ventura]. Toros y toreros en 1930: Resumen crítico-estadístico de la temporada taurina. Barcelona: La Fiesta Brava, 1930. FV 5002. -----. Toros y toreros en 1934: Resumen crítico-estadístico de la temporada taurina. Madrid, 1934. FV 5003. Ortueta, Javier de. Notas de casa de aves de Castillo. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 1934. FV 5004. Orwell, George. Burmese Days: A Novel. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1950. FV 5005. -----. Coming Up for Air. New York: Avon, 1950. FV 5006. -----. Down and Out in Paris and London. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1950. KW FV 5007. -----. Homage to Catalonia. London: Secker & Warburg, 1938. FV 5008. -----. Homage to Catalonia. Harmondsworth, Middx., England: Penguin, 1938. MH 5009. -----. Homage to Catalonia. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1952. FV 5010. -----. Keep the Aspidistra Flying. New York: Popular Library, 1957. FV 5011. -----. Nineteen Eighty-four: A Novel. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1949. s49 FV 5012. -----. Another copy. s49 FV 5013. Osbaldeston, George. Squire Osbaldeston: His Autobiography. Edited with commentary by E.D. Cuming. New York: Scribner, 1936. FV 5014. Osborn, Fairfield. Our Plundered Planet. Boston: Little, Brown, 1948. FV 5015. Osborn, Robert Chesley. How to Catch Trout. New York: Coward-McCann, 1941. FV 5016. -----. Another copy. FV 5017. -----. How to Shoot Ducks. New York: Coward-McCann, 1941. FV 5018. -----. How to Shoot Quail. New York: Coward-McCann, 1941. FV 5019. Osborne, George Black. The Master of the "Girl Pat." New York: Doubleday, 1949. FV

5020. Osler, William. A Way of Life: An Address to Yale Students, Sunday Evening, April 20th

, 1913. KW 5021. Ostrovski0, Nikola0 Alekseevich. How the Steel Was Tempered: A Novel. 2 vols. Translated from the Russian by R. Prokofieva. Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing, 1959. FV 5022. Otero Silva, Miguel. Casas muertas: Novela. Buenos Aires: Losada, 1955. FV

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5023. Ott, Wolfgang. Sharks and Little Fish. Translation from the German by Ralph Manheim. New York: Dell, 1959. FV 5024. Otten, George. Tuberous Rooted Begonias and Their Culture. KW 5025. Otto, Emil. German Conversation-grammar: A Practical Method of Learning the German Language. Revised by Franz Lange. Heidelberg: Groos, 1901. PC 5026. -----. Key to the German Conversation-grammar. Revised by H. Runge. With specimens of letterwriting. Heidelberg: Groos, 1902. PC 5027. Oudard, Georges. Chasses féodales d'aujourd'hui: U.R.S.S. Pologne - Roumanie. Paris: Plon, 1934. FV 5028. Oughton, Frederick. The Aces. New York: Putnam, 1960. s6l MH 5029. Outhwaite, Leonard. Atlantic Circle: Around the Ocean with the Winds and Tides. New York: Scribner, 1931. kwfv FV 5030. Ouzoulias, Albert. Le colonel Fabien, par le colonel André-Ouzoulias. Paris: Editions Sociales, 1945. FV 5031. Overholser, Wayne D. [Joseph Wayne]. Showdown at Stony Crest. New York: Dell, 1957. FV 5032. Overton, Grant Martin. American Nights Entertainment. New York: Appleton, 1923. FV 5033. -----, ed. The World's One Hundred Best Short Stories. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1927. FV 5034. Owen, Roderic. Tedder. London: Collins, 1952. FV 5035. The Oxford Book of Ballads. Chosen and edited by Arthur Quiller-Couch. Oxford: Clarendon, 1924. FV 5036. The Oxford Book of English Prose. Chosen and edited by Arthur Quiller-Couch. Oxford: Clarendon, 1925. FV 5037. The Oxford Book of English Verse, 1250-1900. Oxford: Clarendon, 1900. MH 5038. The Oxford Book of English Verse, 1250-1900. Chosen and edited by Arthur Quiller-Couch. Oxford: Clarendon, 1912. kwfv FV 5039. The Oxford Book of English Verse, 1250-1900. Chosen and edited by Arthur Quiller-Couch. Oxford: Clarendon, 1918. kwfv FV 5040. The Oxford Book of English Verse, 1250-1918. Chosen and edited by Arthur Quiller-Couch. Oxford: Clarendon, 1939. FV 5041. The Oxford Book of English Verse, 1250-1918. Chosen and edited by Arthur Quiller-Couch. Oxford: Clarendon, n.d. FV 5042. The Oxford Book of Modern Verse. Chosen by W.B. Yeats. KW 5043. Pabel, Reinhold. Enemies Are Human. Philadelphia: Winston, 1955. FV 5044. Packard, Reynolds. Low-down. (Originally published under the title The Kansas City Milkman.) New York: Bantam, 1951. FV

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5045. Packard, Vance Oakley. The Status Seekers: An Exploration of Class Behavior in America and the Hidden Barriers That Affect You, Your Community, Your Future. New York: McKay, 1959. s60 FV 5046. Packer, Peter. The Inward Voyage. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1948. FV 5047. Padellaro, Angela. Non mangiarti il cuore: Romanzo. Milan: Mondadori, 1950. FV 5048. Pagano, Grace. Contemporary American Painting: The Encyclopaedia Britannica Collection. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1945. FV 5048a. Page, Thomas Nelson. Two Little Confederates. KWH 5049. Páginas taurómacas [por] José Delgado, Pepe-Illo, condesa d'Aulnoy ... Lord Byron [y otros]. Madrid: Raggio, 1920. kwfv FV 5050. Paine, Swift. Eilley Orrum: Queen of the Comstock. New York: Burt, 1929. FV 5051. Palazzeschi, Aldo. I fratelli Cuccoli: Romanzo. Florence: Vallecchi, 1948. FV 5052. Palgrave, Francis Turner. Palgrave's Golden Treasury. KW 5053. Pallucchini, Rodolfo. La pittura veneziana del cinquecento. 2 vols. Novara: Agostini, 1944. FV 5054. Palm, Franklin Charles. Europe since Napoleon. With the assistance of Frederick E. Graham. New York: Ginn, 1934. KWH 5055. Palmer, Joe. Recollections of a Boxing Referee. Introduction by Bohun Lynch. London: Lane, 1927. kwfv FV 5056. Pankhurst, Estelle Sylvia. Ex-Italian Somaliland. Foreword by Peter Freeman. London: Watts, 1951. FV 5057. Panter-Downes, Mollie. One Fine Day. Boston: Little, Brown, 1947. FV 5058. Pape, Richard. Boldness Be My Friend. London: Elek, 1953. FV 5059. Papini, Giovanni. The Letters of Pope Celestine VI to All Mankind. Translated from the Italian by Loretta Murnane. New York: Dutton, 1948. FV 5060. Papy, Louis, and Marie Thérèse Gadala. Le Portugal. Grenoble: Arthaud, 1935. FV

Parando, Don, pseud. See Rivera, José. 5061. Pardo Bazan, Emilia. Los pazos de Ulloa. KW 5062. Pardo Garcia, Luis. Cuestiones de pesca fluvial. Valencia: Vives Mora, 1934. PC 5063. -----. Cuestiones de pesca y caza acuática. Valencia: Vives Mora, 1935. PC 5064. Pares, Bernard. A History of Russia. New York: Knopf, 1947. FV 5065. Pareto, Vilfredo. The Mind and Society. Edited by Arthur Livingston. Translated by Andrew Bongiorno and Arthur Livingston, with the advice and active cooperation of James Harvey Rogers. 4 vols. KWH

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5066. Pargeter, Edith. By This Strange Fire. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1948. FV 5067. Parijanine, Maurice. The Krassin. Translated by Lawrence Brown. New York: Macaulay, 1929. kwfv FV 5068. *Paris. Paris: Tell, 1942. FV 5069. Paris. Musée du Jeu de Paume. Trois siècles d'art aux Etats-Unis. Paris: Musées Nationaux, 1938. KW 5070. Paris. Musée National du Louvre. La vie privée en Grece et à Rome. 1 juillet-31 decembre 1959. Paris: Musées Nationaux, 1959. FV 5071. Paris. Salon des Tuileries. Le Salon des Tuileries. Paris: Palais de Bois, 1925. FV 5072. The Paris Review (periodical). Writers at Work: The Paris Review Interviews. Edited with an introduction by Malcolm Cowley. New York: Viking, 1958. FV

Parker, Edith Putnam, joint author. See Barrows, Harlan Harland. 5073. Parker, Eric. Elements of Shooting. London: Field, 1924. kwfv FV 5074. -----, ed. Shooting by Moor, Field and Shore: A Practical Guide to Modern Methods. By Eric Parker, Leslie Sprake, Major Portal and others. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1929. kwfv 5075. -----. Another copy? KW 5076. -----. Shooting by Moor, Field and Shore. London: Seeley Service, 1951. FV

Parker, Margaret Terrell, joint author. See Barrows, Harlan Harland. 5077. Parker, Richard. The Gingerbread Man. New York: Scribner, 1954. FV 5078. -----. Harm Intended. New York: Scribner, 1956. FV 5079. -----. A Kind of Misfortune. New York: Scribner, 1955. FV 5080. Parks, Edd Winfield, ed. The Southern Poets. KW 5081. Parrocchiano romano contenente gli uffici di tutte le domeniche e delle principali feste. Rome: Società di San Giovanni, 1923. FV 5082. Parrott, Katherine Ursula. Next Time We Live. New York: Longmans, Green, 1935. kwfv FV 5083. Partch, Virgil Franklin. It's Hot in Here. Edited by Gurney Williams. New York: McBride, 1944. FV 5084. Parton, James. Life of Andrew Jackson. 3 vols. KW 5085. Pascal, Blaise [Louis de Montalte]. Les provinciales, ou Lettres de Louis de Montalte. KW 5086. Pasley, Fred D. Al Capone: The Biography of a Self-made Man. KWH 5087. Pasternack, Boris. Safe Conduct: An Autobiography and Other Writings. New York: New Directions, 1959. MH

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5088. Pataky, László. Los duros: Aventuras en la Legión Extranjera. Managua, Nicaragua: Novedades, 1952. FV 5089. -----. Another copy. FV 5090. Patchen, Kenneth. The Memoirs of a Shy Pornographer: An Amusement. New York: New Directions, 1945. FV 5091. Pater, Walter. Marius, the Epicurean: His Sensations and Ideas. KW 5092. Paton, Alan. The Land and People of South Africa. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1955. FV 5093. -----. South Africa in Transition. New York: Scribner, 1956. FV 5094. -----. Too Late the Phalarope. London: Cape, 1953. FV 5095. *Patrolini, Vasco. Mestiere di vagabondo. Milan: Mondadori, 1947. FV

Patterson, C. Meade, joint author. See Kalman, James M. 5096. Patterson, John Henry. The Man-eaters of Tsavo and Other East African Adventures. Foreword by Frederick Courteney Selous. London: Macmillan, 1908. MH 5097. -----. The Man-eating Lions of Tsavo. Chicago: Field Museum of Natural History, 1925. MH 5098. Patterson, Rebecca. The Riddle of Emily Dickinson. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1951. FV 5099. Pattullo, George. Some Men in Their Time. San Antonio: Naylor, 1959. MR 5100. -----. Tight Lines! New York: Privately printed, 1938. FV 5101. Paul, Elliot. Fracas in the Foothills: A Homer Evans Western Murder Mystery and Open Space Adventure. New York: Random House, 1940. FV 5102. -----. Hugger-mugger in the Louvre. New York: Pocket Books, 1942. FV 5103. -----. The Last Time I Saw Paris. Garden City, N.Y.: Sun Dial, 1943. FV 5104. -----. The Life and Death of a Spanish Town. New York: Modern Library, 1942. s49 FV 5105. -----. Linden on the Saugus Branch (Items on the Grand Account). New York: Random House, 1947. MH 5106. -----. My Old Kentucky Home. New York: Random House, 1949. FV 5107. Paul, Louis. The Pumpkin Coach. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1935. kwfv FV 5108. Pavese, Cesare. The Moon and the Bonfires. New York: New American Library, 1954. FV 5109. -----. Paesi tuoi: Racconto. Turin: Einaudi, 1945. FV

Payne-Gallwey, Ralph, joint author. See Walsingham, Thomas de Gray. 5110. Pea, Enrico. Moscardino. Translated by Ezra Pound. Milan: All'Insegna del Pesce d'Oro, 1956. FV

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5111. Pearson, Drew, and Constantine Brown. The American Diplomatic Game. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1935. kwfv FV 5112. Pearson, Haydn Sanborn. Sea Flavor. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1948. FV

Pearson, Norman Holmes, joint editor. See Auden, W.H. 5113. Pease, Alfred Edward. The Book of the Lion. London: Murray, 1914. kwfv MH 5114. Peattie, Donald Culross. Forward the Nation. New York: Putnam, 1942. FV 5115. -----. Green Laurels: The Lives and Achievements of the Great Naturalists. KWH 5116. Peattie, Roderick. Geography in Human Destiny. New York: Stewart, 1941. FV 5117. -----, ed. The Berkshires: The Purple Hills. New York: Vanguard, 1948. FV 5118. -----, ed. The Friendly Mountains: Green, White, and Adirondacks. New York: Vanguard, 1942. FV 5119. -----, ed. The Great Smokies and the Blue Ridge: The Story of the Southern Appalachians. New York: Vanguard, 1943. FV 5120. -----, ed. The Pacific Coast Ranges. New York: Vanguard, 1946. FV 5121. -----. The Sierra Nevada: The Range of Light. Introduction by Donald Culross Peattie. New York: Vanguard, 1947. FV 5122. -----, ed. A Gathering of Birds: An Anthology of the Best Ornithological Prose. KW 5123. *Les pêches sportives. n.p. L'Edition Française, 1929. FV

Peckham, Howard, joint author. See Storm, Colton. 5124. Pedler, Margaret. Yesterday's Harvest. KWH 5125. Pedroso, Regino. El ciruelo de Yuan Pei Pu: Poemas chinos. Havana, 1955. FV 5126. Peers, Edgar Allison. Spain: A Companion to Spanish Travel. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1930. [kwfv?] FV 5127. -----. The Spanish Tragedy, 1930-1936: Dictatorship, Republic, Chaos. New York: Oxford, 1936. KL 5128. Peeters, Georges. La boxe, "noble art." Préface de Georges Carpentier. Paris: Vigot Fréres, 1944. FV 5129. Peirce, Waldo. Waldo Peirce. New York: American Artists Group, 1945. FV 5130. Peisson, Edouard. Parti de Liverpool. KW 5131. Peña Martin, Alfredo. Tratado de las aves insectívores cuya caza está prohibida en todo tiempo en España, por ser beneficiosas para la agriculture. Barcelona: Henrich, 1905. kwfv FV 5132. Peña y Goñi, Antonio. Guerrita. Madrid: La Viuda de J. Ducazcal, 1894. kwfv FV

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5133. -----. Lagartijo y Frascuelo y su tiempo. Madrid: Palacios, 1887. kwfv FV 5134. Pennant, Edmund. I, Too, Jehovah: Poems. New York: Scribner, 1952. FV 5135. Pennell, Joseph Stanley. Dishonored Flesh. New York: Avon, 1956. MH 5136. -----. The History of Nora Beckham: A Museum of Home Life. New York: Scribner, 1948. FV 5137. -----. The History of Rome Hanks and Kindred Matters. New York: Scribner, 1944. FV

Pensamientos, pseud. See Minguet y Calderón de la Barca, Enrique.

Pentelow, F.T.K., joint author. See Towner Coston, Harry Ernest. 5138. Penwill, D.J. Kamba Customary Law: Notes Taken in the Machakos District of Kenya Colony. London: Macmillan, 1951. MH 5139. Percival, Arthur Blayney. A Game Ranger on Safari. London: Nisbet, 1928. kwfv MH 5140. -----. A Game Ranger's Note Book. Edited by E.D. Cuming. London: Nisbet, 1927. MH

Percy, Stephen, pseud. See Cundall, Joseph. 5141. *Pérdida y reconquista de Teruel (Batalla del Alhambra). Noviembre del 37 e febrero del 38. Madrid: Eds. Españolas, 1939. FV 5142. Perea, Daniel. A los toros: Album compuesto de 28 acuarelas originales del reputado pinto de escenas taurinas, Daniel Perea, con la explicación de cada suerte en español, francés e inglés; conteniendo además la Marcha de la manolería de la zarzuela Pan y toros. . . . Barcelona: Miralles, 1895. FV 5143. Pereira Alves, Alejandro. Isondu: Cuentos para niños y jóvenes. El Paso, Tex.: Casa Bautista de Publicaciones, 1950. FV 5144. *Pereira Calzadilla, Osvaldo. Producción de jabón en la finca: Aprovechando las materias primas más asequibles. Havana: Ministerio de Agricultura, 1945. FV 5145. Perelman, S.J. The Most of S.J. Perelman. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1958. s58 FV 5146. -----. The Road to Miltown; or, Under the Spreading Atrophy. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1957. FV 5147. Pereyra de Aznar, Marina, and Nina Froud. The Home Book of Spanish Cookery. London: Faber, n.d. FV 5148. Pérez, Venancio, Ricardo Ferrer and R.B. Caldwell. Appleton correspondencia comercial, en español e inglés; Spanish and English Commerical Correspondence. New York: Appleton, 1929. FV 5149. Pérez de Ayala, Ramón. Tinieblas en las cumbre: Novela. KW 5150. Pérez Galdós, Benito. Episodios nacionales. 22 vols. Buenos Aires: Tor, n.d. FV 5151. -----. Episodios nacionales: Trafalger. Buenos Aires: Tor, 1942. FV 5152. -----. El equipaje del rey José. KW 5153. -----. Obras completas. Introducción, bibliografía, notas y censo de personajes galdosianos, por Federico Carlos Sáinz de Robles. [1 of 6 vols.?] Madrid: Aguilar, 1941. FV

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5154. Pérez Lugín, Alejandro. Currito de la Cruz: Novela. Madrid: Pueyo, 1929. kwfv FV 5155. -----. Shadows of the Sun. Translated from Alejandro Pérez Lugín's Spanish novel, Currito de la Cruz, by Sidney Franklin. New York: Scribner, 1934. kwfv FV 5156. ----- [Don Pio]. (((Ki ki ri ki!!! Los "Gallos": Sus rivals y "su" prensa. Madrid: Pueyo, 1919. kwfv FV 5157. ----- [Don Pio]. El torero artista, Rafael Gómez [Gallito]: Apuntes para la historia. Madrid: Renacimiento, 1890. FV 5158. ----- [Don Pio]. El torero artista, Rafael Gómez [Gallitol: Apuntes para la historia. Con unos juicios a manera de prólogo de "Guerrita." Madrid: Renacimiento, 1911. FV 5159. Pérez Ortiz, Rubén. Anuario bibliográfico colombiano. Bogata: Instituto Caro y Cuervo, 1963. FV 5160. Perez Ramos, A. Carlos. Caza y pesca en América: Manual práctico de caza y pesca publicado en español e inglés. La ley de gangsterismo y nuevas instrucciones sobre licencias a armas. Havana: Lex, 1948. FV 5161. -----. Another copy. FV 5162. -----. Another copy. FV 5163. -----. Caza y pesca en Cuba: Manual práctico de cazadores y pescadores; leyes, decretos-leyes y disposiciones sobre licencias de armas, reglamentos guarda jurados, vigilantes nocturnos y asuntos de los municipios. Havana: Lex, 1945. FV 5164. Perkins, Maxwell. Editor to Author: The Letters of Maxwell E. Perkins. New York: Scribner, 1950. FV 5165. *Pernau, G. de. Pour réussir du tir aux pigeons: Education, entraînement, conseils. Monaco: Chêne, 1913. FV

Perreau, J.H., joint author. See Jouenne, Lucien. 5166. Perrin, Alice. Government House. KW 5167. Perrott, Daisy Valerie. Teach Yourself Swahili. London: English Universities Press, 1951. FV 5168. Perry, George Sessions. Cities of America. New York: Whittlesey House, McGraw-Hill, 1947. FV

Perse, St.-John, pseud. See Léger, Aléxis Saint-Léger. 5169. Persico, Clemente. Le assicurazioni marittime. Vol. 1 [of 2]. Genoa: LUPA, 1947-48. FV 5170. Peterson, Harold Leslie. American Knives: The First History and Collectors’ Guide. New York: Scribner, 1958. FV 5171. Peterson, Houston. The Melody of Chaos. New York: Longmans, Green, 1931. kwfv FV 5172. Peterson, Roger Tory. Birds over America. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1948. FV

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5173. -----. Field Guide to the Birds. KW 5174. -----. A Field Guide to Western Birds. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1941. FV 5175. -----. How to Know the Birds. New York: New American Library, 1957. FV 5176. -----, Guy Mountford and P.A.D. Hollom. A Field Guide to the Birds of Britain and Europe. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1954. FV 5177. Petri, Natale. Arte di caricare le navi; ad uso dei capitani, mercantile, capitani macchinisti, armatori assicuratori. Trieste: La Editoriale Libraria, 1949. FV 5178. Petroni, Guglielmo. Il mondo è una prigione: Romanzo. Milan: Mondadori, 1942. FV 5179. Petronius Arbiter. The Complete Works of Gaius Petronius. Done into English by Jack Lindsay. New York: Privately printed for the Rarity Press, 1932. FV 5180. Pettingill, Olin Sewall. A Guide to Bird Finding East of the Misissippi. New York: Oxford, 1951. FV 5181. -----. A Guide to Bird Finding West of the Mississippi. New York: Oxford, 1953. FV 5182. -----. Peyré, Joseph. De cape et d’épée. Paris: Grasset, 1938. PC 5183. -----. Guadalquivir: Roman. Paris: Flammarion, 1952. FV 5184. -----. Sang et lumières. s36 KW 5185. -----. Another copy. KW 5186. -----. Pfaffenberger, Clarence J. Training Your Spaniel. New York: Putnam, 1947. FV 5187. -----. Pfeiffer, Robert Henry. History of New Testament Times. New York: Harper, 1949. FV 5188. -----. Introduction to the Old Testament. New York: Harper, 1941. FV 5189. Pflaum, Melanie. Bolero: A Novel. New York: St. Martin’s, 1957. FV 5190. Philippe, Charles Louis. Lettres de jeunesse à Henri Vandeputte. KW 5191. Phillipps-Wolley, Clive. Big Game Shooting. 2 vols. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1894. MH

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5192. Phillips, Cecil Ernest Lucas. Cockleshell Heroes. London: Pan, 1957. FV 5193. -----. Escape of the Amethyst. With the co-operation of J.S. Kerans. New York: Coward-McCann, 1957. FV 5194. Phillips, Henry Albert. Germany Today and Tomorrow. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1936 kwfv FV

Phillips, John, pseud. See Marquand, J.P. (Second Happiest Day). 5195. Phillips, John Sanburn. The Players: Occasional Pieces. New York: The Players, 1935. FV 5196. Phillips, Ruby Hart. Cuba: Island of Paradox. New York: McDowell, Obolensky, 1959. FV 5197. Phillips, William, ed. Great American Short Novels. New York: Dial, 1946. FV 5198. -----, and Philip Rahv, eds. Avon Book of Modern Writing. New York: Avon, 1953. FV 5199. -----, and Philip Rahv, eds. Avon Book of Modern Writing No. 2. New York: Avon, 1954. FV 5200. -----, and Philip Rahv, eds. The Partisan Reader: Ten Years of Partisan Review, 1934-1944. Introduction by Lionel Trilling. New York: Dial, 1946. FV 5201. Picasso, Pablo. L’oeuvre gravé de Picasso. Introd. et choix de Bernhard Geiser, traduction de Gustave Roud, documentation de Hans Bollinger. Lausanne: Clairefontaine, 1955. FV 5202. *-----. Pablo Picasso. Milan: Eds. D’Arte Almicare Pizzi, 1953. FV 5203. -----. Paintings and Drawings of Picasso. Critical survey by Jaime Sabartés. Paris: Braun, 1946. FV 5204. *Piccolo dizionario italiano-inglese e inglese-italiano con pronunzia figurata. Turin: Internazionale, n.d. FV 5205. Pichon, Edouard. Le développement psychique de l’enfant et de l’adolescent: Manuel d'étude. Paris: Masson, 1947. FV

Pickard, Karl, joint author. See Rothenberg, Robert E. 5206. Pickett, Lasalle Corbell. The Bugles of Gettysburg. Chicago: Browne, 1913. PC

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5207. Pictorial History of the Second World War: A Photographic Record of All Theaters of Action Chronologically Arranged. 2 [of 10] vols. New York: Wise, 1944. FV 5208. Pidgeon, Harry. Around the World Single-handed: The Cruise of the "Islander." New York: Appleton, 1932. FV 5209. Pierrefeu, Jean de. Plutarque a menti. KW 5210. *Piess, Johannes. Six ans de croisière en sous-marin. KW 5211. Pigot, Robert. Twenty-five Years Big Game Hunting. London: Chatto & Windus, 1928. kwfv FV 5212. Pike, James. Scout and Ranger; Being the Personal Adventures of James Pike of the Texas Rangers in 1859-60. Reprinted from the edition of 1865. Introduction and notes by Carl L. Cannon. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton, 1932. kwfv FV 5213. Pilat, Oliver Ramsay. The Mate Takes Her Home. KW 5214. Pilgrim Trust. Recording Britain. Vol.1 [of 5]. Edited by Arnold Palmer. London: Oxford, 1946. FV 5215. Pincherele, Alberto [Alberto Moravia]. The Conformist. Translated by

Angus Davidson. New York: Farrar, Straus & Young, 1951. FV 5216. -----. Conjugal Love. Translated by Angus Davidson. New York: Farrar, Straus & Young, 1951. FV 5217. -----. Five Novels: Mistaken Ambitions Agostino; Luca; Conjugal Love; A Ghost at Noon. New York: Farrar, Straus & Cudahy, 1955. FV 5218. -----. Roman Tales. Translated by Angus Davidson. New York: Farrar, Straus & Cudahy, 1957. FV 5219. Pinchon, Edgcumb. Dan Sickles, Hero of Gettysburg and "Yankee King of Spain.” Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1945. FV 5220. Pinchot, Gifford. Just Fishing Talk. New York: Telegraph, 1936. kwfv FV 5221. Pingaro, Blas. El inmigrante desconocido. Buenos Aires: Partenón, 1952. FV 5222. Pinkerton, Kathrene Sutherland. Three's a Crew. New York: Carrick & Evans, 1940. FV

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5223. -----. Wilderness Wife. New York: Carrick & Evans, 1939. FV Pio, Don, pseud. See Pérez Lugín, Alejandro. 5224. Piovene, Guido. De America. Milan: Garzanti, 1953. FV 5225. Pippett, Aileen. The Moth and the Star: A Biography of Virginia Woolf. Boston: Little, Brown, 1955. FV 5226. Pirandello, Luigi. La ragione degli altri: Commedia in tre atti. KW Pita Rodríguez, Félix. Tobías: Trece dibujos de Jorge Rigol. Havana: Lex, 1955. FV 5228. Pittaro, John Michael. Spanish Sight Translations. Chicago: Sanborn, 1923. FV 5229. Pitt-Rivers, Julian Alfred. The People of the Sierra. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1955. FV 5230. Pizzi de Porras, Enrique. Cinco días en México. Havana: Pita, 1939. FV 5231. Planas y Sáinz, Juan Manuel. La corriente del Golfo: Novela por Juan Manuel Planas. Havana: "El Figaro," 1920. FV 5232. -----. Flor de manigua: Novela. Havana: Ramba, Bouza, 1926. FV 5233. *Plantas floridas de los jardines cubanos. Havana: Fernandez, 1951. FV 5234. Plaza, Angélica. La tierra ilimitada. Montevideo: Letras, 1954. FV 5235. Plenn, Abel. The Southern Americas: A New Chronicle. New York: Creative Age, 1948. FV 5236. Plimpton, George. Out of My League. New York: Harper, 1961. MH 5237. Plivier, Theodor. Moscow: A Novel. Translated from the German by Stuart Hood. London: Muller, 1953. FV 5238. -----. Stalingrad. Translated from the German by Richard and Clara Winston. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1948. FV 5239. Plomer, William. Ali the Lion: Ali of Tebelini, Pasha of Jannina, 1741-1822. KW 5240. -----. The Child of Queen Victoria and Other Stories. KW

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5241. Plymouth, Conn., 1795-1895: Souvenir History. Compiled & published by Francis Atwater. Meriden, Conn.: Journal Publishing Co., n.d. PC 5242. Pochhanmer, Hans. La dernière croisizère de l’amiral Von Spee: Souvenirs de 1’escadre de croiseurs. Traduit de I'Allemand par R. Jouan. Paris: Payot, 1929. kwfv FV 5243. Pocket Book of Short Stories: American, English and Continental Masterpieces. New York: Pocket Books, 1941. FV 5244. -----. Another copy. FV 5245. Pocket Book of Verse: Great English and American Poems. New York: Pocket Books, 1940. FV 5246. Poe, Edgar Allan. Edgar Allan Poe. Selected and edited, with an introduction and notes by Philip Van Doren Stern. New York: Viking, 1945. FV 5247. -----. Fantastic Tales. Stuttgart: Tauchnitz, 1954. FV 5248. Poets of Today, II. Introductory essay, "The Fourth Voice of Poetry," by John Hall Wheelock. Poems by Norma Faber, Robert Pack, Louis Simpson. New York: Scribner, 1955. FV 5249. Poets of Today, III. Introductory essay: "The Poem in the Atomic Age," by John Hall Wheelock. Poems by Lee Anderson, Spencer Brown and Joseph Langland. New York: Scribner, 1956. FV 5250. Poets of Today, V. Introductory essay, "On a Certain Resistance," by John Hall Wheelock. Poems by O.B. Hardison, Jr., Kenneth Pitchford and Sheila Pritchard. New York: Scribner, 1958. s58 FV 5251. Pohl, Frederick Julius. The Lost Discovery: Uncovering the Track of the Vikings in America. New York: Norton, 1952. FV 5252. Polak, Ada Buch. Gammelt norsk glass. With an English summary. Oslo: Gyldendal, 1953. FV 5253. *Poli, Françiois. Pasca de tiburones. Barcelona: Hispano- Europea, 1958. FV Pollard, Graham, joint author. See Carter, John. 5254. Pollard, Hugh Bertie Campbell. Game Birds: Rearing, Preservation and Shooting. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1929. kwfv FV 5255. -----. The Gun Room Guide. kwfv

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5256. -----. Wildfowl & Waders: Nature & Sport in the Coastlands. Depicted by the late Frank Southgate, R.B.A., and described by Hugh B.C. Pollard. London: Country Life, 1928. FV 5257. Polner, Tikhon Ivanovich. Tolstoy and His Wife. Translated by Nicholas Wreden. New York: Norton, 1945. FV 5258. Polo, Marco. The Travels of Marco Polo, the Venetian. Revised from Marsden's translation and edited by Manuel Komroff. New York: Boni & Liveright, 1926. kwfv FV 5259. Polowe, David. The Home Book of Medicine. Cleveland: World, 1943. FV 5260. -----. Navigation for Mariners and Aviators. New York: Cornell Maritime, 1942. FV 5261. Polsky, Thomas. Curtains for the Judge. New York: Dutton, 1939. FV Pomeroy, Wardell B., joint author. See Kinsey, Alfred Charles. 5262. Poncins, Gontran de Montaigne, and Lewis Galantière. Kabloona. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1941. FV 5263. Pope, Alexander. Complete Poetical Works. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1903. FV 5264. Pope, Clifford Hillhouse. Turtles in the U.S. and Canada. KW 5265. Pope, Edith. River in the Wind. New York: Scribner, 1954. FV 5266. Pope, Jennie Barnes, Helen B. Clark and Robert G. Albion. Brief Biographies in Modern History. KW 5267. Pope-Hennessy, John Wyndham. Sienese Quattrocento Painting. Oxford: Phaidon, 1947. FV 5268. Popelin, Claude. Le taureau et son combat. Paris: Plon, 1952. FV 5269. Popowski, Bert. Crow Shooting. New York: Barnes, 1946. FV 5270. Porter, Katherine Anne. A Defense of Circe. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1954. FV 5271. -----. The Leaning Tower, and Other Stories. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1944. FV 5272. -----. Pale Horse, Pale Rider: Three Short Novels. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1939. FV

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5273. Porter, William Sydney [0. Henry]. Rolling Stones. London: Hodder & Stoughton, n.d. PC 5274. Portuondo Linares, Serafin. Los Independientes de Color: Historia del Partido Independiente de Color. Havana: Selecta, 1950. FV 5275. Portway, Donald. Military Science Today. Foreword by Major-General J.H. Beith (Ian Hay). London: Oxford, 1940. FV

Post, Augustus, joint author. See Curtiss, Glenn H. 5276. Post, Chandler Rathfon. A History of Spanish Painting. Vol. 10 [of 14]. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard, 1950. FV 5277. Post, Emily. Etiquette: "The Blue Book of Social Usage." New ed. completely rewritten and reset, including military and post-war etiquette. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1947. FV 5278. Postgate, Raymond William. Verdict of Twelve. New York: Pocket Books, 1945. FV 5279. Potous, Paul L. My Enemy, the Crocodile: The Strange Story of Africa's Deadliest Business. New York: Funk, 1957. FV 5280. Potts, Jean. Death of a Stray Cat. New York: Scribner, 1955. FV 5281. -----. The Diehard. New York: Scribner, 1956. FV 5282. Pou, Angel Neovildo. Cantos de sol y salitre: Versos. 1954. FV 5283. Pough, Richard Hooper. Audubon Bird Guide: Small Land Birds of Eastern & Central North America from Southern Texas to Central Greenland. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1949. FV 5284. -----. Audubon Water Bird Guide: Water, Game and Large Land Birds, Eastern and Central North America, from Southern Texas to Central Greenland. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1951. FV 5285. -----. Another copy. MH 5286. Poulaille, Henry. Le pain quotidien. KW 5287. Pound, Ezra. ABC of Economics. kwfv 5288. -----. ABC of Reading. Norfolk, Conn.: New Directions, n.d. FV

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5289. -----. A lume spento, 1908-1958. A cura di Vanni Scheiwiller. Milan: Antonini, 1958. FV 5290. -----. Antheil and the Treatise on Harmony. Paris: Three Mountains Press, 1924. FV 5291. -----. Cantos 91, 96. Brani tradotti da Enzo Siciliano. Genoa, 1958. FV 5292. -----. A Draft of XVI Cantos of Ezra Pound for the Beginning of a Poem of Some Length. Now first made into a book with initials by Henry Strater. Paris: Three Mountains, 1925. KL [An edition of 90 copies consisting of 5 autographed and lettered A to E, 15 numbered I to XV and seventy numbered 1 to 70. This is no. 10 printed for Ernest Hemingway.] 5293. -----. A Draft of XXX Cantos. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1933. kwfv FV 5294. -----. Gaudier-Brzeska: A Memoir. London: Lane, 1916. PC 5295. -----. Guide to Kulchur. London: Faber, 1938. kwfv FV 5296. -----. Another copy. FV 5297. -----. "If This Be Treason . . .” e.e. cummings/examined. James Joyce: to his memory. A French Accent. "Canto 45." Blast. Siena: Printed for Olga Rudge by Tip. Nuova, 1948. KL 5298. -----. Lavoro ed usura: Tre saggi. Milan: All'Insegna del Pesce d'Oro, 1954. FV 5299. -----. The Letters of Ezra Pound, 1907-1941. Edited by D.D. Paige. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1950. FV 5300. -----. Another copy. FV 5301. -----. Lustra. kwfv 5302. -----. Make It New: Essays. KW 5303. -----. Pavannes and Divagations. Norfolk, Conn.: New Directions, 1958. FV 5304. -----. Another copy. FV 5305. -----. Pavannes and Divisions. kwfv 5306. -----. Personae: The Collected Poems, including Ripostes, Lustra, Homage to Sextus Propertius, H.S. Mauberley. New York: Boni & Liveright, 1926. kwfv FV 5307. -----. Another copy? KW

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5308. -----. Profile: An Anthology Collected in MCMXXXII. Milan: Ferrari, 1932. kwfv FV 5309. -----. A Sampler from the New Book: The Letters of Ezra Pound, 1907-1941. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1950. KL 5310. -----. Selected Poems. Edited with an introduction by T.S. Eliot. London: Faber & Gwyer, 1928. FV 5311. -----. Selected Poems. Edited with an introduction by T.S. Eliot. London: Faber, 1933. kwfv FV 5312. -----. The Translations of Ezra Pound. Introduction by Hugh Kenner. New York: New Directions, n.d. FV 5313. -----. Umbra: The Early Poems of Ezra Pound, All That He Now Wishes to Keep in Circulation from "Personae," "Exultations," “Ripostes,” etc. With translations from Guido Cavalcanti and Arnaut Daniel, and poems by the late T.E. Hulme. London: Elkin Mathews, 1920. kwfv FV 5314. -----, ed. Active Anthology. London: Faber, 1933. kwfv FV 5315. -----, ed. The Exile. No. 1, Spring, 1927. kwfv FV 5316. ----- , ed. Another copy or issue. kwfv 5317. Pourtalès, Guy de. Nietzsche en Italie. Paris: Grasset, 1929. kwfv FV 5318. Powell, Anthony. A Buyer's Market: A Novel. New York: Scribner, 1953. FV 5319. Powell, Dawn. Angels on Toast. New York: Scribner, 1940. FV 5320. -----. A Cage for Lovers. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1957. FV 5321. -----. The Happy Island. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1938. KW FV 5322. -----. My Home Is Far Away. New York: Scribner, 1944. FV 5323. -----. Sunday, Monday, and Always. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1952. FV 5324. -----. Turn, Magic Wheel. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1936. FV 5325. -----. The Wicked Pavilion. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1954. FV

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5326. Powell, Hickman. Ninety Times Guilty. kwfv 5327. Powell, Richard Pitts. The Philadelphian. New York: Scribner, 1956. FV

Power, Eileen, joint editor. See Gibb, Hamilton Alexander Rosskeen. 5328. Powers, James Joseph Aloysius. Baseball Personalities: The Most Colorful Figures of All Time. New York: Field, 1949. s49 5329. Powys, John Cowper. Dorothy M. Richardson. kwfv 5330. Powys, Liewelyn. Love and Death: An Imaginary Autobiography. KW 5331. -----. Skin for Skin. London: Cape, 1926. kwfv FV 5332. Powys, Theodore Francis. Mr. Weston's Good Wine. KW 5333. Pozner, Vladimir. First Harvest. Translated from the French by Haakon Chevalier. New York: Viking, 1943. FV 5334. Prather, Richard S. Always Leave ’em Dying. New York: Fawcett, 1957. FV 5335. Pratt, Fletcher. American and Total War. New York: Smith & Durrell, 1941. FV 5336. -----. Eleven Generals: Studies in American Command. New York: Sloane, 1949. S49 FV 5337. -----. The Empire and the Glory: Napoleon Bonaparte, 1800-1806. New York: Sloane, 1949. s49 FV 5338. -----. The Marines' War: An Account of the Struggle for the Pacific from Both American and Japanese Sources. New York: Sloane, 1948. FV 5339. -----. Ordeal by Fire: An Informal History of the Civil War. New York: Sloane, 1948. s49 FV 5340. -----. Sea Power and Today's War. New York: Harrison-Hilton, 1939. FV 5341. -----. A Short History of the Civil War. New York: Pocket Books, 1951. FV 5342. -----. [George U. Fletcher). The Well of the Unicorn. New York: Sloane, 1948. FV

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5343. Pratt, Joseph Gaither, J.B. Rhine, Burke M. Smith, Charles E. Stuart and Joseph A. Greenwood. Extra-sensory Perception after Sixty Years: A Critical Appraisal of the Research in Extra-sensory Perception. New York: Holt, 1940. FV 5344. Pratt, Theodore. The Barefoot Mailman. New York: Duell, Sloane & Pearce, 1943. FV 5345. -----. Big Blow. Boston: Little, Brown, 1936. s37 5346. -----. Mr. Limpet. New York: Knopf, 1942. FV 5347. Praviel, Armand. "Notre-dame" de Praslin. Paris: Perrin, 1926. kwfv FV 5348. Praz, Mario. Unromantic Spain. New York: Knopf, 1929. kwfv FV 5349. Prescott, Hilda Frances Margaret. The Man on a Donkey: A Chronicle. New York: Macmillan, 1952. FV 5350. Prescott, John. Wagon Train. New York: Bantam, 1957. FV 5351. Prescott, Orville. In My Opinion: An Inquiry into the Contemporary Novel. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1952. FV 5352. Prescott, William Hickling. A History of the Conquest of Mexico. Preface by the author; the text edited with an introduction by Harry Block. New York: Heritage, n.d. FV 5353. -----. History of the Conquest of Mexico, and History of the Conquest of Peru. New York: Modern Library, n.d. FV 5354. Preston, John Hyde. Revolution, 1776. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1933. FV 5355. Pretorius, Philip Jacobus. Jungle Man: The Autobiography of Major P.J. Pretorius. Foreword by J.C. Smuts. New York: Dutton, 1948. MH 5356. Prévert, Jacques. Charmes de Londres. Lausanne: Guilde du Livre, 1952. FV 5357. -----. Lettre des Iles Baladar. Paris: Gallimard, 1952. FV 5358. -----. La pluie et le beau temps. Paris: Gallimard, 1955. FV 5359. -----, and G. Ribemont-Dessaignes. Juan Miró. Paris: Maeght, 1956. MH 5360. Prévost, Camille, and G. Jollivet. L'escrime et le duel. Paris: Hachette, 1891. FV 5361. Prvéost, Jean. Les frères Bouquinquant. Paris: Gallimard, 1930. kwfv FV

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5362. -----. Another copy. FV 5363. Prieto, Gregorio. Por tierras de Isabel la Católica. Madrid: Plenitud, 1951. FV 5364. Prieto-Moreno, Francisco. Granada. English translation by John Forrester. Barcelona: Noguer, 1957. FV 5365. Prin, Alice [Kiki]. Kiki’s Memoirs. Translated from the French by Samuel Putnam. Introduction by Ernest Hemingway. Paris: Titus, 1930. KL 5366. *-----. Peintre. KW 5367. Pritchett, V.S., comp. This England. kwfv 5368. Prokosch, Frederic. The Skies of Europe. London: Chatto & Windus, 1942. FV 5369. Proulx, Benjamin A. Underground from Hongkong. New York: Dutton, 1943. FV 5370. Proust, Marcel. A l’ombre de jeunes filles en fleurs. [2 vols.?] KW 5371. -----. Cities of the Plain. Translated by C.K. Scott Moncrieff. New York: Modern Library, 1927. kwfv FV 5372. -----. Cities of the Plain. Translated by C.K. Scott Moncrieff. 2 vols. London: Knopf, 1929. KW FV 5373. -----. Du côté de chez Swann. [2 vols.?] KW 5374. -----. The Guermantes Way. KW 5375. -----. Marcel Proust par lui-même: Images et textes présentés par Claude Mauriac. Paris: Seuil, 1953. FV 5376. -----. Remembrance of Things Past. Translated by C.K. Scott Moncrieff. 2 vols. New York: Random House, 1932-34. FV 5377. -----. Sodome et Gomorrhe II. [3 vols.?] Paris: Nouvelle Revue Française, 1925. FV 5378. -----. Swann's Way. Translated by C.K. Scott Moncrieff. Introduction by Lewis Galantière. New York: Modern Library, 1928. KW FV 5379. -----. The Sweet Cheat Gone. KW

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5380. Pugh, Marshall. Frogman: Commander Crabb's Story. New York: Scribner, 1956. FV 5381. Pujol, Claude. Itinéraire Paris: Côte d'Azur. Paris: "Par Monts et par Vaux," 1949. FV 5382. Puleston, William Dilworth. The Armed Forces of the Pacific: A Comparison of the Military and Naval Power of the United States and Japan. New Haven: Yale, 1941. FV 5383. -----. Mahan: The Life and Work of Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan. New Haven: Yale, 1939. FV 5384. The Pulse. Rush Medical College. Published annually by the sophomore class. Vol. 2. Chicago, 1895. PC 5385. Pupin, Michael Idvorsky. Romance of the Machine. New York: Scribner, 1930. kwfv FV 5386. Purcell, Victor William Saunders [Myra Buttle]. The Sweeniad. Printed for private circulation by the Broadwater Press Limited, Welwyn Garden City, Herts., 1957. FV 5387. Purdy, James. Color of Darkness: Eleven Stories and a Novella. New York: New Directions [1957?]. FV 5388. -----. Don't Call Me by My Right Name, and Other Stories. New York: William-Frederick, 1956. FV 5389. -----. 63 Dream Palace: A Novella. New York: William- Frederick, 1956. FV 5390. Purdy, Ken W. The Kings of the Road. New York: Bantam, 1954. FV 5391. -----. Another copy. FV 5392. Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich. The Golden Cockerel. New York: Heritage, 1949. FV 5393. Putnam, Carleton. Theodore Roosevelt: The Formative Years, 1858-1886. New York: Scribner, 1958. FV

Putnam, Edmund W., joint author. See Olcott, William Tyler. 5394. Putnam, Samuel. Paris Was Our Mistress: Memoirs of a Lost and Found Generation. New York: Viking, 1947. FV 5395. -----. Another copy. FV

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5396. Puxley, W. Lavallin. Deep Seas and Lonely Shores. New York: Dutton, 1936. s36 kwfv FV 5397. Puyvelde, Leo van. Les esquisses de Rubens. Basel: Holbein, 1948. FV 5398. -----. Hubert and Jan van Eyck. New York: Scribner, 1956. FV 5399. Pyle, Howard. Howard Pyle's Book of the American Spirit: The Romance of American History. KW 5400. Pyle, Katharine. Tales from Greek Mythology. Retold and illustrated by Katharine Pyle. KW 5401. Pyrénées. Paris: Service de Tourisme, 1952. FV 5402. Quaife, Milo Milton. Lake Michigan. Indianapolis: Bobbs- Merrill, 1944. FV 5403. Quarantotti Gambini, Pier Antonio. Les régates de San Francisco (L'onda dell’incrociatore): Roman. Traduit de l'italien par Michel Arnaud. Paris: Gallimard, 1949. FV 5404. Queen, Ellery [pseud.], ed. Ellery Queen's Awards, Tenth Series: The Winners of the Tenth Annual Short-story Contest Sponsored by Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine. New York: Permabooks, 1957. FV 5405. Queffélec, Henri. Journal d'un salaud: Roman. Paris: Stock, 1944. FV 5406. Quennell, Peter. Byron in Italy. New York: Viking, 1941. FV 5407. -----. Byron: The Years of Fame. New York: Viking, 1935. FV 5408. -----. Caroline of England: An Augustan Portrait. New York: Viking, 1940. FV 5409. Das Querschnittbuch, 1924. Berlin, 1924. FV 5410. Quervelle, Pierre Marie. Blois: Son château, ses musées, ses monuments. Paris: Coudrier, 1952. FV 5411. Quevedo y Villegas, Francisco Gómez de. Los Sueños. KW 5412. Quevedo y Villegas, Francisco Gómez de [Quevedo). Vida del Buscón. Nuevo texto, editado y comentado por Américo Castro. Madrid: Lectura, 1927. PC 5413. -----. Another copy? kwfv

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5414. Quiller-Couch, Arthur Thomas. Selected Short Stories. Harmondsworth, Middx.: Penguin, 1957. FV 5415. Quinche, Eugène. Haarmann, le boucher de Hanovre: Reportage par l’envoyé spécial du Petit Parisien. Paris: Henry- Parville, 1925. kwfv FV 5416. Quintanilla, Luis. All the Brave: Drawings of the Spanish War. Text by Elliot Paul and Jay Allen. Preface by Ernest Hemingway. New York: Modern Age, 1939. KL 5417. -----. Another copy. KL 5418. -----. Another copy. kwfv FV 5419. -----. Franco's Black Spain: Drawings by Luis Quintanilla. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1946. FV 5420. Quirino, Carlos. Quezon: Man of Destiny. Manila: McCullough, 1935. FV 5421. Quoirez, Françoise [Françoise Sagan]. Bonjour tristesse. Translated from the French by Irene Ash. New York: Dutton, 1955. FV 5422. -----. A Certain Smile. Translated from the French by Anne Green. New York: Dutton, 1957. FV 5423. -----. Those without Shadows. Translated from the French by Frances Frenaye. New York [Dell?], 1959. FV 5424. Rabbitt, James A. [A'Rabbitt]. Ballads of the East. Shanghai: Hager, 1937. FV 5425. Rabelais, François. The Portable Rabelais. Selected, translated & edited by Samuel Putnam. New York: Viking, 1946. FV 5426. Raborg, Paul C. Mechanized Might: The Story of Mechanized Warfare. New York: Whittlesey House, 1942. FV 5427. Radcliffe, William. Fishing from the Earliest Times. London: Murray, 1926. kwfv FV 5428. Radiguet, Raymond. The Devil in the Flesh. Translated by Kay Boyle. New York: Smith, 1932. kwfv FV 5429. Radin, Paul. The Story of the American Indian. New York: Liveright, 1944. FV

Radius, Emilio, joint author. See Vergani, Orio.

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5430. Raeburn, Ben, ed. Treasury for the Free World. Introduction by Ernest Hemingway. New York: Arco, 1946. FV 5431. -----. Another copy. FV 5432. -----. Another copy. FV 5433. -----. Another copy. FV 5434. Raff [pseud.], and A. A. Willis [Anthony Armstrong]. Plonk's Party of A.T.C. London: Methuen, 1942. FV 5435. Ráfols, José F. Gaudi. Barcelona: Canosa, 1929. FV 5436. Rahv, Philip, ed. Discovery of Europe: The Story of the American Experience in the Old World. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1947. FV 5437. -----. Another copy. MH

-----, joint editor. See Phillips, William. 5438. Railey, Hilton Howell. Touch’d with Madness. KW 5439. *Raimundo, José. En defensa de Pio Baroja. Barcelona, 1937. FV 5440. Raine, William MacLeod. Border Breed. London, 1953. FV 5441. -----. Famous Sheriffs and Western Outlaws. New York: Permabooks, 1929. FV 5442. -----. Range beyond the Law (The Broad Arrow). New York: Popular Library, 1952. FV 5443. -----. The Sheriff's Son. New York: Pocket Books, 1951. FV 5444. *Ramaekers, Louis. Ramaeker's Cartoons with Accompanying Notes by Well-known English Writers. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Page, 1917. FV 5445. Ramon-Laca, Julio de. Como fué gobernada Andalucía: Bajo la férula de Queipo. Seville: Diario Fe, 1939. FV 5446. Ramsay, Archibald H. Maule. The Nameless War: A History of the Events Leading Up to the Second World War. London: Britons Publishing Society, 1954. FV 5447. Ramsay, Janet. The Bright Threshold. New York: Longmans, Green, 1927. KWH

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5448. Ramsey, Frederic, and Charles Edward Smith, eds. Jazzmen. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1939. FV 5449. Rand, Christopher. A Nostalgia for Camels. Boston: Little, Brown, 1957. FV 5450. Rand, James S. The Stake. Glasgow: Maclellan, 1959. FV 5451. Rand McNally and Co. Standard Atlas of the World. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1939. FV 5452. Rand McNally and Co. Vacation Guide: United States and Canada. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1956. FV 5453. Randall, Thomas [pseud.]. The Twelfth Step. New York: Scribner, 1957. FV 5454. Randell, Jack. I'm Alone. kwfv 5455. Ranking, John. Historical Researches on the Wars and Sports of the Mongols and Romans, in Which Elephants and Wild Beasts Were Employed or Slain and the Remarkable Local Agreement of History with the Remains of Such Animals Found in Europe and Siberia. London: Privately printed, and sold by Longmans, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, etc., 1826. FV 5456. Ransome, Arthur. "Racundra’s” First Cruise. London: Cape, 1927. kwfv FV 5457. -----. Rod and Line. London: Cape, 1940. kwfv FV 5458. Rapport, Samuel Berder, and Helen Wright, eds. Great Adventures in Medicine. New York: Dial, 1952. FV 5459. Rascoe, Burton. Before I Forget. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1937. s37 5460. Raspe, Rudolph, and others. The Singular Adventures of Baron Munchausen. Edited by John Carswell. New York: Heritage, 1952. FV 5461. Raswan, Carl Reinhard. The Black Tents of Arabia: My Life among the Bedouins. KW 5462. Ratcliffe, B.J., and Howard Elphinstone. A New English-Swahili Phrase Book. Nairobi: East African Standard, 1952. FV 5463. -----. Another copy. FV 5464. Ratigan, William. Soo Canal! Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdman, 1954. FV 5465. Rau, Alfred. The Candle of the Lord. New York: Vantage, 1958. FV

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5466. Rauschning, Hermann. The Revolution of Nihilism: Warning to the West. KW 5467. Rawicz, Slavomir. Der lange Weg. Translated by Toni Lips. Frankfurt (Main): Scheffler, 1957. FV 5468. -----. The Long Walk. London: Constable, 1956. FV 5469. Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan. The Marjorie Rawlings Reader. Edited by Julia Scribner Bigham. New York: Scribner, 1956. FV 5470. -----. The Sojourner. New York: Scribner, 1953. FV 5471. -----. The Yearling. New York: Scribner, 1938. kwfv FV 5472. Rawlinson, George. Ancient History: From the Earliest Times to the Fall of the Western Empire. New York: Colonial, 1900. FV 5473. Rawson, Clayton. The Headless Lady. New York: Putnam, 1940. FV

Ray, Oscar, pseud. See Farkas, Aladár. 5474. Raymat y Garcia, Rogelio. Esbozo de relaciones humanas: Educación popular, libro del hogar, de la escuela y de la sociedad. [Havana: Fernandez?) 1957. FV 5475. Raynal, Maurice. Anthologie de la peinture en France de 1906 à nos jours. Paris: Montaigne, 1927. kwfv FV 5476. -----. Histoire de la peinture moderne de Baudelaire à Bonnard. Geneva: Skira, 1949. FV 5477. -----. Peintres du XXe siècle. Geneva: Skira, 1947. FV 5478. Rayner, Denys Arthur. The Enemy Below. New York: Holt, 1957. FV 5479. -----. Valor. New York: Holt, 1959. s59 FV 5480. Rea, Domenico. Gesú, fate luce: Racconti. Verona: Mondadori, 1952. FV 5481. Rea, George Bronson. Facts and Fakes about Cuba: A Review of the Vairous Stories Circulated in the United States Concerning the Present Insurrection. New York: Munro, 1897. MH 5482. Read, Herbert Edward. Aristotle's Mother: An Imaginary Conversation. North Harrow, England: Ward, 1961. FV

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5483. Reade, Charles. The Cloister and the Hearth: A Tale of the Middle Ages. New York: Heritage, 1932. FV 5484. The Recognition of Excellence. Summary of conference held at Princeton Feb. 20-22, 1959. Sponsored by the Edgar Stern Family Fund (1299 Nat. Press Bldg.). Washington, D.C., n.d.KL 5485. A Record of the War: The Third Quarter, March-May 1940, Also Including The Collapse of France. By Philip Graves. London: Hutchinson, 1940. FV

Recorte, pseud. See Lloret, Jesús. 5486. Recorte, Pedro. Ayer y Platino. Madrid: Velasco, n.d. FV 5487. -----. La impureza de la fiesta. Madrid: Mateos Ortega, n.d. FV

Redlich, Rosemarie, joint author. See Scherman, David Edward. 5488. Redoudo, Ladislao. Guerrita: Su tiempo y su retirada. Madrid: Velasco, 1899. FV 5489. Reed, Alonzo, and Brainerd Kellogg. Higher Lessons in English: A Work on English Grammar and Composition in Which the Science of the Language Is Made Tributary to the Art of Expression. KW 5490. Reed, Chester Albert. Bird Guide. Part 2: Land Birds East of the Rockies. New York: Doubleday, Page, 1909. KL 5491. Reed, Douglas. Insanity Fair. KW

Reed, O.E., joint author. See Hodgson, H.E. 5492. Reed's Seamanship. kwfv 5493. Reeve, J. Stanley. Fox Hunting Formalities. Issued as a supplement to "The Sportsman." Boston: The Sportsman, 1929. PC 5494. Refranes del vino y de la viña. Jerez: Ediciones patrocinada por el Conde de Osborne, 1955. FV 5495. Regau, Thomas [pseud.]. Chinesische Seide: Ein Erzählung. Tübingen: Heliopolis, 1952. FV

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5496. Regler, Gustav. The Great Crusade. Preface by Ernest Hemingway. Translated by Whittaker Chambers and Barrows Mussey. New York: Longmans, Green, 1940. FV 5497. -----. A Land Bewitched: Mexico in the Shadow of the Centuries. Translated by Constantine Fitzgibbon. London: Putnam, 1955. FV 5498. -----. Les manants du Christ (Die Saat): Episode de la jacquerie allemande. Traduit de l'allemand par Gaston Floquet. Paris: Colmann-L4vy, 1951. FV 5499. -----. The Owl of Minerva: The Autobiography of Gustav Regler. Translated by Norman Denny. New York: Farrar, Straus & Cudahy, 1959. s6O FV 5500. -----. La Passion de Joss Fritz. Traduit de l'allemand par Jeanne Stern. Paris: Editions Sociales Internationales, 1937. KL 5501. -----. Terre bénie, terre maudite: Le Mexique à l'ombre des siècles. Traduit de l'allemand par Gaston Floquet. Monaco: Rocher, 1953. FV

Rehwinkel, Bessie L., joint author. See Wahl, Albert Leopold. 5502. Reid, Ed. Mafia. New York: Random House, 1952. FV

Reid, Louis, joint author. See Moran, Eugene F. 5502a. Reid, Mayne. The Boy Hunters; or, Adventures in Search of a White Buffalo. KW 5503. Reid, Patrick R. The Colditz Story. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1952. FV 5504. -----. The Latter Days. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1953. FV 5505. Reid, Victor Stafford. The Leopard. New York: Viking, 1958. FV 5506. Reignac, Jean. La chasse pratique: Droits et devoirs du chasseur, choix des az-mes et des munitions, le tir, les chiens de chasse; races, élevage, dressage, le gibier; de plaine, des bois, du marais, de la Montaigne, du bord de la mer, comment on le chasse, protection du gibier, destruction des rapaces, conseils. KW 5507. Reik, Theodor. The Compulsion to Confess: On the Psychoanalysis of Crime and Punishment. New York: Farrar, Straus & Cudahy, 1959. FV 5508. -----. Of Love and Lust: On the Psychoanalysis of Romantic and Sexual Emotions. New York: Farrar, Straus & Cudahy, 1957. MH 5509. Reilly, Helen [Kieran]. Three Women in Black. New York: Random House, 1941. FV

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Reilly, Lawrance, joint author. See Wahl, Albert Leopold.

5510. Reinhard, M. Henri IV; ou, La France sauvée. Paris: Hachette [1943?]. FV 5511. Reinhardt, Guenther. Crime without Punishment: The Secret Soviet Terror against America. New York: Hermitage, 1952. FV 5512. Reitlinger, Gerald. The SS: Alibi of a Nation, 1922-1945. London: Heinemann, 1956. FV 5513. Reitz, Deneys. Afrikander. New York: Minton, 1933. s34

Relance, pseud. See Bellsolá, Joaquin. 5514. *Relatione della corte di Roma. Venice: Brigenci, 1664. FV 5515. Remarque, Erich Maria. The Black Obelisk. Translated by Denver Lindley. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1957. FV 5516. Renan, Ernest. The Life of Jesus. New York: Modern Library, 1927. FV 5517. -----. Souvenirs d'enfance et de jeunesse. KW 5518. Renée Sintenis. kwfv

Renn, Ludwig, pseud. See Vieth von Golssenau, Arnold Friedrich. 5519. Repington, Charles à Court. The First World War, 1914-1918: Personal Experiences of Lieut-Col. C. à Court Repington. 2 vols. London: Constable, 1920. kwfv FV 5520. Report of the Department of Military Affairs, January to July, 1918. Rome. KL 5521. Another copy. KL 5522. Resquemores, R.G.R. Anales taurinos. Madrid: Avrial, 1900. kwfv FV 5523. Reston, James B. Prelude to Victory. New York: Knopf, 1942. FV 5524. Rewald, John. Paul Cézanne. Translated by Margaret H. Liebman. London: Spring, 194-. FV 5525. Rexroth, Kenneth. Thirty Spanish Poems of Love and Exile. San Francisco: City Lights, 1957. FV 5526. *Rey Caballero, José María del. Dos artistas frente a frente. Madrid, 1950. FV 5527. -----[Selipe]. Toros en San Isidro. Madrid, 1958. FV 5528. Reyles, Carlos. Castanets. Translated by Jacques Le Clercq. London: Longmans, Green, 1929. kwfv FV

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5529. Reynolds, Graham. Gastronomic Pleasures: A Literary Retrospect of a Few Notable Feasts. London: Art & Technics, 1950. FV 5530. Reynolds, Jeremiah N. Mocha Dick; or, The White Whale of the Pacific. KW 5531. -----. Another copy. KW 5532. Reynolds, Quentin James. The Amazing Mr. Doolittle: A Biography of Lieutenant General James H. Doolittle. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1953. FV 5533. -----. Courtroom: The Story of Judge Samuel S. Leibowitz and the Famous Criminal Cases in His Career As America=s Top Trial Lawyer. New York: Popular Library, 1957. FV 5534. -----. Headquarters. New York: Popular Library, 1955. FV 5535. -----. I, Willie Sutton. New York: Farrar, Straus & Young, 1953. FV 5536. -----. The Man Who Wouldn't Talk. New York: Random House, 1953. FV 5537. -----. They Fought for the Sky: The Dramatic Story of the First War in the Air. New York: Rinehart, 1959. FV 5538. -----. The Wounded Don't Cry. New York: Dutton, 1941. FV 5539. -----. Another copy. FV 5540. Rezzori, Gregor von. First Meeting with the Hussar. Translated by Catherine Hutter. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1959. FV

Rhine, J.B., joint author. See Pratt, Joseph Gaither. 5541. Rhodes, Anthony Richard Ewart. Sword of Bone. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1943. FV 5542. Rhys, Jean. After Leaving Mr. Mackenzie. KW

Ribemont-Dessaignes, G., joint author. See Prévert, Jacques. 5543. Rice, Craig. Having Wonderful Crime. New York: Simon &Schuster, 1943. FV

Rice, Edward, joint author. See Durant, John. 5544. Rice, Harold. Within the Ropes: Champions in Action. New York: Stephen-Paul, 1946. FV

Rice, Hugh S., joint author. See Bernhard, Hubert J. 5545. Rich, Daniel Catton. Henri Rousseau. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1942. FV 5546. Rich, Willard. Brain-waves and Death. New York: Scribner, 1940. FV 5547. Richard, Marthe. Mes dernières missions secrètes, Espagne 1936-1938. Paris: Editions de France, 1939. FV 5548. *Richards, Coombe. El Salmón. Barcelona: Hispano-Europea, 1958. FV

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5549. Richards, Frank. Old Soldiers Never Die. London: Faber, 1933. FV 5550. -----. Old Soldier Sahib. Introduction by Robert Graves. New York: Smith & Haas, 1936. s36 FV 5551. Richards, Vyvyan. Portrait of T. S. Lawrence: The Lawrence of The Seven Pillars of Wisdom. KW 5552. Richardson, Dorothy Miller. Dawn's Left Hand. kwfv 5553. Richardson, Henry Handel [pseud.]. The Fortunes of Richard Mahony. KW 5554. -----. Ultima Thule. KWH 5555. -----. The Way Home. London: Heinemann, 1925. ph photo KW 5556. Richardson, Tracy. Nicho of the River. Brattleboro, Vt.: Stephen Greene. 1958. FV 5557. Richardson, Wyman. The House on Nauset Marsh. New York: Norton, 1955. FV 5558. Richter, Conrad. The Fields. New York: Knopf, 1946. FV 5559. -----. The Free Man. New York: Knopf, 1943. FV 5560. -----. The Lady. New York: Bantam [1958]. FV 5561. -----. The Lady. New York: Knopf, 1957. FV 5562. -----. The Sea of Grass. New York: Knopf, 1937. FV 5563. -----. The Trees. New York: Knopf, 1940. FV 5564. Rickenbacker, Edward Vernon. Fighting the Flying Circus. New York: Stokes, 1919. B FV

Ricketts, Edward F., joint author. See Steinbeck, John.

Riddell, John, pseud. See Ford, Corey. 5565. Ridgway, Matthew Bunker. Soldier: Memoirs. Foreword by George C. Marshall. New York: Harper, 1956. FV 5566. Rieger, Max. Espionnage en Espagne: Faits et documents recueillis par un officier de l=armée espagnole. Avec 78 cliches hors-texte. Traduite par Jean Cassou. Paris: Denoël, 1938. kwfv FV 5567. Riehm, Helen. Still Alive with Lucas. New York: McBride, 1941. FV 5568. Riera, Alberto. Canto del caribe. Havana: Ucar, Garcia, 1936. FV 5569. Riess, Curt. Total Espionage. New York: Putnam, 1941. FV 5570. -----, ed. They were There: The Story of World War II and How It Came About by America=s Foremost Correspondents. Carden City, N.Y.: Garden City, 1945. FV 5571. Rigby, Douglas and Elizabeth. Lock, Stock and Barrel: The Story of Collecting. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1944. FV

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5572. Rigg, J. Linton. Bahama Islands. New York: Van Nostrand, 1949. FV 5573. Rilke, Rainer Maria. Letters to a Young Poet. Translated by M.D. Herter Norton. New York: Norton, 1934. FV 5574. -----. Poems. Translated by Jessie Lemont. New York: Columbia, 1943. FV 5575. -----. Stories of God. Translated by Nora Purtscher-Wydenbruck and Herter Norton. London: Sedgwick and Jackson, 1932. FV 5576. -----. Wartime Letters of Rainer Maria Rilke, 1914-1921. Translated by M.D. Herter Norton. New York: Norton, 1940. FV 5577. Rimbaud, Arthur. Lettres de la vie littéraire. KW 5578. Rinehart, Mary (Roberts). My Story. KW 5579. -----. The Wall. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1938. FV 5580. Rintelen, Franz von. The Dark Invader: War-time Reminiscences of a German Naval Intelligence Officer. KW 5581. Rippy, James Fred. The Caribbean Danger Zone. New York: Putnam, 1940. FV 5582. Ritz, Charles C. Erlebtes Fliegenfischen: Kunst und Technik des Fliegenfischens auf äschen, forellen und lashse. Mit einer Einführung von Ernest Hemingway, einem Vorwort von L. de Boisset. Ruschlikon-Zurich: Muller, 1956. FV

-----, joint author. See Burnand, Tony. 5583. Ritz, Marie Louise. César Ritz. Paris: Tallandier, 1948. FV 5584. Riva, Ubaldo. Scarponate: Narrazioni di guerra. Milan: Eroica, 1945. FV 5585. Rival, Paul. La folle vie de la reine Margot. Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1929. FV 5586. River, Walter Leslie. The Torguts. New York: Stokes, 1939. FV

Rivera, José, joint author. See Vela, Carlos. 5587. Rivero, Pedro. El mar de las perlas. Caracas: Elite, 1943. FV

Rivoire, Jean, joint author. See Latil, Pierre de. 5588. Rivoire, Raymond. La science des hormones. Paris: Gallimard, 1938. FV 5589. Robb, David Metheny, and J.J. Garrison. Art in the Western World. KW 5590. Robb, Walter. Filipinos. Manila: Carmelo & Bauermann (printers), 1939. FV 5591. Robbe-Grillet, Alain. Le Voyeur. Translated by Richard Howard. New York: Grove, 1958. s58 FV

Robbins, Harold, pseud. See Rubin, Harold.

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"Robert-Robert," pseud. See Burnand, Robert.

5592. Roberts, Cecil. Portal to Paradise: An Italian Excursion. New York: Macmillan, 1955. FV 5593. Roberts, Charles George Douglas. Eyes of the Wilderness. New York: Macmillan, 1933. FV 5594. Roberts, Frederick Sleigh. Forty-one Years in India: From Subaltern to Commander-in-chief. London: Macmillan, 1898. kwfv FV 5595. Roberts, Kenneth Lewis. Arundel: A Chronicle of the Province of Maine and of the Secret Expedition Led by Benedict Arnold against Quebec. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1933. s37 KW 5596. -----. Boon Island. New York: Doubleday, 1956. FV 5597. -----. Another copy. FV 5598. -----. Captain Caution: A Chronicle of Arundel. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1937. s37 5599. -----. For Authors only, and Other Gloomy Essays. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1935. kwfv FV 5600. -----. The Lively Lady: A Chronicle of Certain Men of Arundel in Maine, of Privateering during the War of impressments and of the Circular Prison in Dartmoor. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1933. s37 5601. -----. Lydia Bailey. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1947. FV 5602. -----. Northwest Passage. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1937. s37 kwfv FV 5603. -----. Oliver Wiswell. New York: Doubleday, Doran, 1940. FV 5604. -----. Rabble in Arms: A Chronicle of Arundel and the Burgoyne Invasion. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1937. s37 5605. Roberts, Michael, ed. New Country: Prose and Poetry by the Authors of New Signatures. London: Leonard & Virginia Woolf, 1933. kwfv FV 5606. Roberts, Walter Adolphe. The Caribbean: The Story of Our Sea of Destiny. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1940. FV 5607. -----. Another copy. FV 5608. -----. Havana: The Portrait of a City. New York: Coward-McCann, 1953. FV 5609. -----. Another copy. MH 5610. -----. Sir Henry Morgan, Buccaneer and Governor. New York: Covici-Friede, 1933. kwfv FV 5611. Robertson, Frank. Disaster Valley. New York: Ballantine, 1957. FV 5612. Robertson, Robert Blackwood. Of Whales and Men. New York: Knopf, 1954. FV 5613. -----. Another copy. Forrest MacMullen, Las Vegas, Nevada.

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5614. Robertson, Willard. Moon Tide. New York: Carrick & Evans, 1940. FV 5615. Robinson, Donald B. The 100 Most Important People in the World Today. New York: Pocket Books, 1952. FV 5616. Robinson, Edwin Arlington. The Three Taverns: A Book of Poems. KW 5617. Robinson, Ethel Fay and Thomas P. Houses in America. New York: Viking, 1937. FV 5618. Robinson, Henry Morton. The Great Snow. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1947. FV 5619. Robinson, Herbert Reginald. A Modern De Quincey: An Autobiography. London: Harrap, 1942. FV

Robinson, Jackie. See Robinson, John Roosevelt. 5620. Robinson, Jacob S. A Journal of the Santa Fe Expedition under Colonel Doniphan. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton, 1932. kwfv FV 5621. Robinson, James Merlen. Forty Years of Hunting. Minneapolis: Robinson, 1947. FV 5622. -----. Hits and Misses of the Trapshooting and Skeet World. Minneapolis: Robinson, 1942. FV 5623. -----. Wing Shooting, Trap and Skeet. Minneapolis: Robinson, 1955. FV 5624. Robinson, John Roosevelt [Jackie Robinson]. Jackie Robinson: My Own Story As Told to Wendell Smith. Foreword by Branch Rickey. New York: Greenberg, 1948. FV 5625. -----. Jackie Robinson: My Own Story As Told to Wendell Smith. Foreword by Branch Rickey. New York: Avon, 1948. FV 5626. Robinson, Thomas Pendleton. Buttons. KW 5627. -----. Your Own House. New York: Viking, 1941. FV 5628. Robinson, William Albert. 10,000 Leagues over the Sea. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1944. KW FV 5629. -----. Voyage to Galapagos. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1936. FV 5630. Rochelle, William T. Zareeba Purpose. New York: Vantage, 1958. FV 5631. Rocker, Rudolf. Nationalism and Culture. New York: Covici-Friede, 1937. KWH 5632. Rockwell, Paul Ayres. American Fighters in the Foreign Legion, 1914-1918. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1930. kwfv FV 5633. Rodgers, John. English Rivers. London: Batsford, 1947. FV 5634. *Rodgers, Richard, and Oscar Hammerstein II. South Pacific. [Musical score.] New York, 1949. FV 5635. Rodgers, Walter R. Huntin' Gun: Men, Gun Feel and Game. Washington: Infantry Journal, 1949. FV 5636. Rodman, Maia. Market Day for Ti André. New York: Viking, 1952. FV 5637. Rodman, Seldon. The Amazing Year, May 1, 1945 - April 30, 1946: A Diary in Verse. New York:

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Scribner, 1947. FV 5638. -----. Mortal Triumph and Other Poems. KW 5639. -----. Portrait of the Artist As an American, Ben Shahn: A Biography with Pictures. New York: Harper, 1949. FV 5640. -----. Renaissance in Haiti: Popular Painters in the Black Republic. New York: Pellegrini & Cudahy, 1948. FV 5641. -----, ed. 100 American Poems: Masterpieces of Lyric, Epic and Ballad from Colonial Times to the Present. New York: New American Library, 1948. FV 5642. Roelvaag, Ole Edvart. Giants in the Earth: A Saga of the Praire. Translated by the author and Lincoln Colcord. New York: Harper, 1927. FV 5643. Rogers, Cameron. Manila Galleon. KWH 5644. Rogers, Joel Townsley. The Red Right Hand. New York: Dell, 1957. FV 5645. Rogers, Samuel. Lucifer in Pine Lake. Boston: Little, Brown, 1937. s37 5646. Rogers, William Garland. Life Goes On. KW 5647. -----. When This You See Remember Me: Gertrude Stein in Person. New York: Rinehart, 1948. FV 5648. Rogerson, Sidney. Propaganda in the Next War. London: Bles, 1938. b38 kwfv FV 5649. Roget, Peter Mark. Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases Classified and Arranged so as to Facilitate the Expression of Ideas and to Assist in Literary Composition. New York: Longmans, Green, 1925. kwfv FV

Rohmer, Sax, pseud. See Ward, Arthur Sarsfield. 5650. *Roig Montserrat, Juan. Pesca de la trucha y del salmón. KW 5651. -----. Pesca marítima. Barcelona: Juventud [1958?]. FV 5652. Roiter, Fulvio. Andalousie. Préf. et choix de textes de Jacques Mercanton. Lausanne: Guild du Livre, 1957. FV 5653. Rojo Lluch, Vecente. España heroica. Buenos Aires: Américalee, 1942. FV 5654. Rolfe, Edwin. First Love and Other Poems. Los Angeles: Edmunds, 1951. FV 5655. -----, and Lester Fuller. The Glass Room. New York: Rinehart, 1948. FV 5656. Rollins, Philip Ashton. The Cowboy: An Unconventional History of Civilization on the Old-time Cattle Range. New York: Scribner, 1936. FV 5657. Rollins, William. The Shadow Before. New York: McBride, 1934. kwfv FV 5658. Rolo, Charles James. Wingate's Raiders: An Account of the Fabulous Adventure That Raised the Curtain on the Battle for Burma. New York: Viking, 1944. FV

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5659. Romains, Jules. Donogoo Tonka; ou, Les miracles de la science. kwfv 5660. -----. Les hommes de bonne volunté. Vol. 1: Le 6 Octobre. Vol. 2: Crime de Quinette. Vol. 16: Verdun. Paris: Flammarion, 1932-38. KW [vols. 1, 2 & 16] FV [vol. 16] 5661. -----. Men of Good Will. Translated by W.B. Wells. London: Dickson, 1933. kwfv FV 5662. -----. Verdun. Translated by Gerard Hopkins. New York: Knopf, 1939. FV 5663. Romano, Romualdo. Scirocco. Milan: Mondadori, 1950. FV 5664. -----. Scirocco. Translated by William Jay Smith. New York: Farrar, Straus & Young, 1951. FV 5665. Romans, John J., ed. Everlast Boxing Record. [4 copies: 1929-33.] New York: Everlast Sports Publishing, 1929-33. FV 5666. Romanus, Charles F., and Riley Sunderland. Stilwell's Mission to China. Washington: Office of the Chief of Military History, Dept. of the Army, 1953. FV 5667. Rombauer, Irma. The Joy of Cooking. KW 5668. Rombi, Paride. Perdu. Translated from the Italian. New York: Harper, 1954. FV 5669. Rommel, Erwin. Infantry Attacks. Translated by G.E. Kiddé. Washington: The Infantry Journal, 1944. FV

Rondepierre, Jacques, joint author. See Lapipe, Marcel.

Rooney, Andy, joint author. See Hutton, Oram C. 5670. Roosevelt, Eleanor. The Moral Basis of Democracy. New York: Howell, Soskin, 1940. FV 5671. Roosevelt, Robert Barnwell. Superior Fishing; or, The Striped Bass, Trout, Black Bass and Blue-Fish of the Northern States. New York: Orange Judd, 1884. kwfv FV 5672. Roosevelt, Theodore. African Game Trails: An Account of the African wanderings of an American Hunter-naturalist. London: Murray, 1910. kwfv MH 5673. ----- and Kermit. Trailing the Giant Panda. New York: Scribner, 1929. kwfv FV 5674. -----, T.S. Van Dyke, D.C. Elliot and A.J. Stone. The Deer Family. New York: Macmillan, 1924. kwfv FV 5675. Root, Waverly. The Secret History of the War. 2 vols. New York: Scribner, 1945. FV 5676. -----. Another copy. FV 5677. Rose, Arnold Marshall. The Roots of Prejudice. Paris: UNESCO, 1951. FV 5678. Rosebury, Theodore. Peace or Pestilence: Biological Warfare and How to Avoid It. New York: Whittlesey House, 1949. s49 FV 5679. Rosenthal, Richard S. Italian Self Taught. Garden City, N.Y.: Halcyon, 1947. FV

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5680. Roske, Ralph Joseph, and Charles Van Doren. Lincoln's Commando: The Biography of Commander W.B. Cushing. New York: Harper, 1957. FV 5681. Ross, Alan. Something of the Sea: Poems, 1942-1952. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1955. FV

Ross, Martin, pseud. See Martin, Violet Florence. 5682. Ross Williamson, Hugh. The Day They Killed the King. New York: Macmillan, 1957. FV 5683. Rossetti, Dante Gabriel. The Poetical works. New York: Crowell, n.d. kwfv FV 5684. Rostand, Edmond. Cyrano de Bergerac: Comédie héroïque en cinq actes. Edited by Oscar Kuhns. New York: Holt, 1899. kwfv FV 5685. Rosten, Leo Calvin. The Return of H*y*m*a*n K*a*p*l*a*n. New York: Harper, 1959. s6O FV 5686. Roth, Sanford R. Mon Paris. Photographies de Sanford H. Roth. Texte de Aldous Huxley. Paris: Chêne, 1953. FV

Rothberg, Abraham, joint editor. See Foley, Martha. 5687. Rothbort, Samuel. Out of Wood and Stone. New York: Stuyvesant, 1952. FV 5688. Rothenberg, Robert E., and Karl Pickard. Group Medicine & Health Insurance in Action. New York: Crown. 1949. FV 5689. Rothenberg, Robert E., ed. Understanding Surgery. New York: Pocket Books, 1955. FV 5690. Rothenstein, William. Men and Memories: Recollections of William Rothenstein. 2 vols. New York: Coward-McCann, 1931. kwfv FV 5691. -----. Men of the R.A.F. London: Oxford, 1942. FV 5692. Rothery, Agnes Edwards. Denmark, Kingdom of Reason. New York: Viking, 1937. FV 5693. Rouchés, Gabriel. Peinture alemande, XIVe-XVIe siècle. Paris: Braun, 1953. FV

Rouff, Marcel, joint author. See Sailland, Maurice Edmond. 5694. Roughley, Theodore Cleveland. Wonders of the Great Barrier Reef. New York: Scribner, 1947. FV 5695. Roule, Louis. Fishes: Their Journeys and Migrations. Introduction by William Beebe. Translated by Conrad Elphinstone. New York: Norton, 1933. s34 FV 5696. Rouquet, Louis. Au bord de 1'eau. Lyon: Masson, 1924. FV

Rourke, Thomas, pseud. See Clinton, Daniel Joseph. 5697. Rowan, Richard Wilmer. Spy and Counter-spy: The Development of Modern Espionage. New York: Viking, 1928. kwfv FV 5698. -----. The Story of the Secret Service. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1937. s37 5699. Rowe, Vivian. The Basque Country. London: Putnam, 1955. FV

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5700. Rowland, John. Criminal Files. London: Arco, 1957. FV

Roya, Louis, pseud. See Toesca, Louis. 5701. Royal East African Automobile Association. Road Book for 1952. Nairobi, 1951. FV 5702. *Royal Tsavo National Park. Kenya, 1954. FV 5703. Royer, Louis Charles. L'amour en Allemagne. Paris: Editions de France, 1930. FV 5704. Royo, Rodrigo. The Sun and the Snow. Translated by Anthony Kerrigan. Chicago: Regnery, 1956. FV 5705. Ruano Llopis, Carlos. Impresiones del natural. Valencia: Ortega, n.d. FV 5706. -----. Another copy. FV 5707. -----. Mi tauromaquia. Mexico, 1943. FV 5708. Ruark, Robert. Horn of the Hunter. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1953. FV 5709. -----. I Didn't Know It Was Loaded. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1948. FV 5710. -----. The Old Man's Boy Grows Older. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1957. MH 5711. -----. Poor No More. London: Hamilton, 1959. FV 5712. -----. Something of Value. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1955. FV 5713. *Rubén Lazo, Carlos. Castillo de oro (98 + 1 = 99). Havana: Milagrosa, 1951. FV 5714. -----. Negro y blanco: Romances. Havana, 1954. FV 5715. Rubens, Horatio Seymour. Liberty: The Story of Cuba. kwfv 5716. Rubens, Peter Paul. Rubens. Présenté par Jozef Muls. Paris: Chêne [1944?]. YV 5717. Rubin, Harold [Harold Robbins]. Never Love a Stranger. New York: Knopf, 1948. FV 5718. Rubinstein, S. Leonard. The Battle Done. New York: Morrow, 1954. FV 5719. Rubissow, Helen. The Art of Russia. New York: Philosophical Library, 1946. FV 5720. Rudel, Hans Ulrich. Stuka Pilot. Translated by Lynton Hudson. New York: Ballantine, 1958. FV 5721. Ruesch, Hans. The Racer. New York: Ballantine, 1953. FV 5722. Ruhen, Olaf. Land of Dahori: Tales of New Guinea. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1957. FV 5723. -----. Another copy. FV 5724. Ruiz, Juan. The Book of Good Love of the Archpriest of Hita, Jean Ruiz. Translated by Elisha K. Kane. New York: Privately printed, 1933. kwfv FV

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5725. Ruiz Vilaplana, Antonio. Doy fe ... Un año de actuación en la España nacionalista. Paris: Etoile, 1937. kwfv FV 5726-5734. -----. 9 additional copies. kwfv 5735. -----. Sous la foi du serment: Une année en Espagne nationalists. Paris: Flory, 1937. kwfv FV 5736. Runyon, Damon. Runyon First and Last. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1949. FV 5737. Rupert, C.L. Scientific Humour. Madras: Bodleian, n.d. FV 5738. Ruport, Arch. The Art of Cockfighting: A Handbook for Beginners and Old Timers. New York: Devin-Adair, 1949. FV 5739. Russell, Charles Marion. Good Medicine: Memories of the Real West. Introduction by Will Rogers. Garden City, N.Y.: Garden City Publishing [1936?]. FV 5740. Russell, Dean. The TVA Idea. Irvington-on-Hudson, N.Y.: Foundation of Economic Education, 1949. FV 5741. Russell, Don. The Lives and Legends of Buffalo Bill. Norman: University of Oklahoma, 1960. MH 5742. Russell, Mary Annette. The Enchanted April. KW 5743. Russell, Peter, ed. An Examination of Ezra Pound: A Collection of Essays. London: Nevill, 1950. FV 5744. -----, ed. Ezra Pound: A Collection of Essays to Be Presented to Ezra Pound on His Sixty-fifth Birthday. London: Nevill, 1950. FV 5745. Russell, William Howard. The British Expedition to the Crimea. London: Routledge, 1858. FV 5746. Russia (U.S.S.R.). Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Correspondence between the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the U.S.S.R. and the Presidents of the U.S.A. and the Prime Minister of Great Britain during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. 2 vols. Moscow: Foreign Language Publishing House, 1957. FV 5747. Russia (U.S.S.R.). Supreme Court. Report of Court Proceedings in the Case of the Anti-Soviet "Bloc of Rights and Trotskyites" Heard before the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the U.S.S.R. Moscow: People's Commissariat of Justice of the U.S.S.R., 1938. kwfv FV 5748. -----. Another copy. FV 5749. Russo, Nunzio. Inferno meridiano: Diario di poesia, 1937-1950. Venice: I.T.E., 1950. FV 5750. Ruth, George Herman [Babe Ruth]. The Babe Ruth Story. As told to Bob Considine. New York: Dutton, 1948. FV 5751. Ruttledge, Hugh. Attack on Everest. KW 5752. Ryan, Cornelius. The Longest Day: June 6, 1944. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1959. FV 5753. Ryan, Mildred Graves. Thrift with a Needle: The Complete Book of Mending. New York: Scribner, 1954. FV 5754. Ryan, Paul William [Robert Finnegan]. The Lying Ladies. New York: Bantam, 1948. FV

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Ryvez, pseud. See Vezes, Henri. 5755. Sabartgs, Jai-me. Picasso: An Intimate Portrait. Translated from the Spanish by Angel Flores. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1948. FV 5756. Sabatini, Rafael. Mistress Wilding. New York: Avon, 1946. FV 5757. -----. Saint Martin's Summer. KW 5758. Sabino, Fernando Travares. 0 encontro marcado: Romance. Rio de Janeiro: Civilizaçâo Brasileira, 1959. FV 5759. Sackville-West, Victoria Mary. Thirty Clocks Strike the Hour, and Other Stories. kwfv 5760. *Sader, W. Soñando mi camino (Dreaming My Way): Poemas. n.p., 1960. FV 5761. Sadolin, Ebbe. Vandringer i Venedig. Copenhagen: Anderson, 1956. FV 5762. Sáenz de Heredia y Suárez Argudin, Angel [El Bachiller Garrocha]. Las corridas de toros en la actualidad. Segunda edición aumentada con un juicio critico sobre Joselito y Belmonte. Madrid: Los Hijos de Gómez Fuentenebro, 1914. kwfv FV

Sagan, Françoise, pseud. See Quoirez, Françoise. 5763. Sailland, Maurice Edmond [Curnonsky] and Marcel Rouff. La France gastronomique: Guide des merveilles culinaires et des bonnes auberges français. 9 vols. KW 5764. Saint Exupéry, Antoine de. Flight to Arras. Translated from the French by Lewis Galantiére. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1942. FV 5765. Saint-Paulien. Le soleil des morts, scènes de la vie espagnole: Roman. Paris: Plon, 1953. FV 5766. Saint-Simon, Louis de Rouvroy, duc de. Mémoires Choisies. KW 5767. Les mémoires de Saint-Simon. KW 5768. Salazar, Antonio de Oliveira. Doctrine and Action: Internal and Foreign Policy of the New Portugal, 1928-1939. Translated by Robert Edgar Broughton. London: Faber, 1939. FV 5769. Salinger, J.D. The Catcher in the Rye. Boston: Little, Brown, 1951. FV 5770. -----. Nine Stories. Boston: Little, Brown, 1953. FV 5771. Salisbury-Jones, Guy. So Full a Glory: A Biography of Marshall de Lattre de Tassigny. Foreword by Viscount Norwich. New York: Praeger, 1955. FV 5772. Salmon, André. Modigliani: A Memoir. Translated by Randolf and Dorothy Weaver. New York: Putnam, 1961. MH 5773. Salomon, Ernest von. Fragebogen. The Questionnaire. Preface by Goronwy Rees. Translated by Constantine FitzGibbon. [Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday?] 1955. FV 5774. Salter, James. The Hunters. New York: Harper, 1956. FV

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5775. Saltus, Edgar Evertson. Imperial Purple. New York: Brentano's, 1906. FV 5776. Saivemini, Gaetano. Under the Axe of Fascism. New York: Viking, 1936. s36 kwfv 5777. Samuels, Lee. A Hemingway Check List. New York: Scribner, 1951. FV 5778. San Lazzaro, Gualtieri di. Klee: A Study of His Life and Work. Translated from the Italian by Stuart Hood. New York: Praeger, 1957. FV 5779. Sánchez Cantón, Francisco Javier. L'Espagne. Madrid: Gráficas Reunidas, n.d. kwfv FV 5780. Sánchez, Carlos Enrique. Los huesos nombrados. Prólogo de José Hernández Meneses. Havana, 1949. FV 5781. Sánchez Carrere, Adolfo. Hablando con el gallo de la pasíon informaciones cómicas par "El Coco" repórter. Prólogo de J.Pérez Zúñiga. Madrid: Velasco, 1914. kwfv FV 5782. Sánchez del Arco, Manuel. La corrida. Madrid: Almax, n.d. FV 5783. Sánchez de Neira, José. Gran diccionario taurómaco. Comprende todas las voces técnicas conocidas en el arte; origen, historian influencia en las costuznbres, defensa y utilidad de las corridas de toros, explicación detallada del modo de ejecutar cuantes suertes antiguas y modernas se conocen, lo cual constituye el más extenso arte de torear, tanto a pié como a caballo, que se ha escrito hasta el día; biografías, semblanzas, bocetos y reseñas de escritores, artistas, lidiadores ... instrumentos de toreo, etcétera. Nueva ed. corr. y notablemente aum. Madrid: Velasco, 1896. kwfv FV 5784. -----. El toreo: Gran diccionario tauromáquico. Comprende todas las voces técnicas conocidas en el arte; origen, historian influencia en las costumbres, defensa y utilidad de las corridas de toros, explicación detallada del modo de ejecutar cuantas suertes antiguas y modernas se conocen, lo cual constituye el más extenso arte de torear tanto a pié como a caballo, que se ha escrito hasta el día. 2 vols. Madrid: Guijarro, 1879. kwfv FV 5785. Sánchez Ferlosio, Rafael. El Jarama. Barcelona: Destino, 1957. FV 5786. Sánchez Roig, Mario, and Federico Gómez de la Maza. La pesca en Cuba. Havana: Seoane, Fernández, 1947. FV 5787. Sand, George [pseud.]. Le meunier d'Angibault. KW 5788. Sandburg, Carl. Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years. New York: Blue Ribbon Books, 1926. FV 5789. -----. Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years. 2 vols. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1926. FV 5790. -----. Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years and the War Years. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1954. FV 5791. -----. Abraham Lincoln: The War Years. 4 vols. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1939. FV 5792. -----. Always the Young Strangers. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1952. MH 5793. -----. Always the Young Strangers. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1953. FV 5794. -----. The American Songbag. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1927. KW FV 5795. -----. Lincoln Collector: The Story of Oliver R. Barrett's Great Private Collection. New York: Harcourt,

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Brace, 1950. FV 5796. -----. A Lincoln Preface. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1953. KL 5797. -----. Another copy. FV 5798. -----. Remembrance Rock. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1948. MH 5799. -----. Rootabaga Stories. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1923. FV 5800. -----. The Sandburg Range. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1957. FV 5801. -----. Another copy. MH 5802. Sanders, George. Crime on My Hands. A Bond-Charteris Publication, 1944. FV 5803. Sanderson, George P. Thirteen Years among the Wild Beasts of India: Their Haunts and Habits from Personal Observations; with an Account of the Modes of Capturing and Taming Elephants. London: Allen, 1879. FV 5804. Sanderson, Ivan Terence. Animal Treasure. New York: Viking, 1937. FV 5805. -----. Caribbean Treasure. New York: Viking, 1939. ME 5806. -----. Follow the Whale. Boston: Little, Brown, 1956. FV 5807. -----, ed. Animal Tales: An Anthology of Animal Literature of All Countries. New York: Knopf, 1946. FV 5808. Sandoz, Mari. Old Jules. Boston: Little, Brown, 1935. KW FV 5809. Sandys, Edwyn, and Theodore Strong Van Dyke. Upland Game Birds. New York: Macmillan [1902?]. kwfv FV 5810. -----. Another copy? KW 5811. Sanfeliú Brucart, Jacinto. El Bar: Evolución y arte del cocktail. Madrid: Aldus, 1949. FV 5812. Sanford, Mrs. D.P. Pussy Tip-toes' Family: A Story for Our Little Girls and Boys. New York: Dutton, 1875. FV 5813. Sanford, John. Make My Bed in Hell. New York: Avon [1954?]. FV 5814. Sanford, John B. The Old Man's Place. New York: Boni, 1935. kwfv FV 5815. Sanford, Leonard Cutler, Louis Bennet Bishop and Theodore Strong Van Dyke. The Water-fowl Family. New York: Macmillan, 1924. kwfv FV 5816. -----. Another copy? KW 5817. Sann, Paul. The Lawless Decade: A Pictorial History of a Great American Transition, from the World War I Armistice and Prohibition to Repeal and the New Deal. New York: Crown, 1957. FV

-----, joint author. See Horan, James David.

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5818. Sannazaro, Jacopo. Poemata, ex antiquis editionibus accuratissime descripta. KW 5819. Sansom, William. The Cautious Heart. New York: Reynal, 1958. s58 FV 5820. Sansone, Leonard. The Wolf. New York: United, 1945. FV 5821. Santa, Eduardo. La provincia perdida. Bogota: Empresa Nacional, 1957. FV 5822. Santayana, George. Essays in Literary Criticism. Selected and edited with an introduction by Irving Singer. New York: Scribner, 1956. FV 5823. -----. The Last Puritan: A Memoir in the Form of a Novel. KW 5824. -----. The Life of Reason; or, The Phases of Human Progress. One-volume ed., rev. by the author in collaboration with Daniel Cory. New York: Scribner, 1954. FV 5825. -----. Persons and Places. 3 vols. New York: Scribner, 1944-53. FV 5826. -----. Another copy of vol. 1. FV 5827. Santee, Ross. The Bubbling Spring. New York: Scribner, 1949. FV 5828. -----. Dog Days. New York: Scribner, 1955. FV 5829. -----. Another copy. FV 5830. -----. Lost Pony Tracks. New York: Bantam, 1956. FV 5831. *El Santo Evangelio según San Marcos. Buenos Aires: Sociedades Biblicas Unidas, n.d. FV 5832. Santucci, Luigi. Lo zio prete: Dieci racconti. Milan: Mondadori, 1952. FV 5833. Sarasola, Simón. Los huracanes en las Antillas. Prólogo del dr. José Carlos Millás. 2 ed., aumentada con el apéndice: Génesis y evolución del huracán de 20 de octubre de 1926, y catálogo de ciclones en la isla de Cuba de 1865 a 1926, por M. Gutiérrez Lanza. Madrid: Bruno del Amo, 1928. FV 5834. Sarett, Lew R. Wings against the Moon. New York: Holt, 1931.FV 5835. Sargeant, Winthrop. Geniuses, Goddesses and People. New York: Dutton, 1949. FV 5836. Sarl, Arthur J. Horses, Jockeys & Crooks: Reminiscences of Thirty Years' Racing. Foreword by the Right Hon. the Earl of Lonsdale. New York: Dutton, 1936. s36 kwfv FV 5837. Saroyan, William. The Adventures of Wesley Jackson. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1946. FV 5838. -----. The Bicycle Rider in Beverly Hills. New York: Scribner, 1952. FV 5839. -----. The Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze and Other Stories. KW 5840. -----. Inhale and Exhale. KW 5841. Sarsfield, Edwin. The Black Fox Walks. Boston: Little, Brown, 1941. FV 5842. Sartre, Jean Paul. The Age of Reason. Translated from the French by Eric Sutton. New York: Knopf, 1947. FV

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5843. -----. Les chemins de la liberté. Vol. 1: L'age de raison: Roman. Vol. 2: Le sursis: Roman. Paris: Gallimard, 1945. FV 5844. -----. Le mur. Paris: Callimard, 1939. FV 5845. -----. La nausée: Roman. Paris: Gallimard, 1938. FV 5846. -----. Sartre par lui-même. Images et textes présenté par Francis Jeanson. Paris: Seuil, 1955. FV 5847. -----. Situations I. Paris: Gallimard, 1947. FV 5848. Sassoon, Siegfried. Memoirs of a Fox-hunting Man. London: Albatross, 1947. FV 5849. -----. Sherston's Progress. Leipzig: Tauchnitz, 1937. FV 5850. The Saturday Book. Edited by John Hadfield. New York: Macmillan, 1954. s54 FV 5851. Sauer, Karl Marquand. Spanische Konversations-Grammatik zum Schul- und Privatunterricht. Heidelberg: Groos, 1931. FV 5852. -----, and Pietro Motti. Italian Conversation Grammar: A New and Practical Method of Learning the Italian Language. Paris: Brentano's, 1927. PC 5853. Sauvage, Henri Emile. La grande pêche (Les poissons). Paris: Jouvet, 1891. kwfv FV 5854. Savage, Les. Shadow Riders of the Yellowstone. New York: Pocket Books, 1952. FV 5855. Savage, Thomas. The Pass. New York: Bantam, 1957. FV 5856. Savchenko, Il'ia [Elie Savtchenko]. La guerre des rouges et des blancs: Les insurgés du Kouban. KW 5857. Savoy, Willard W. Alien Land. New York: Dutton, 1949. FV

Savtchenko, Elie, pseud. See Savchenko, ll'ia. 5858. Sawyer, Edmund Joseph. Bird Houses, Baths and Feeding Shelters: How to Make and Where to Place Them. Bloomfield Hills, Michigan: Cranbrook Institute of Science, 1955. FV 5859. Sayers, Dorothy L. Clouds of Witness. New York: Pocket Books, 1940. FV 5860. Schacht, Alexander. Clowning through Baseball. Grammar and adjectives by Murray Goodman. Foreword by John Kieran. New York: Barnes, 1941. FV 5861. Schaefer, Jack Warner. The Canyon. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1953. FV 5862. -----. Company of Cowards. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1957. FV 5863. Schaeffer, Heinz. U-boat 977. Introduction by Nicholas Monsarrat. New York: Norton, 1953. FV 5864. Schellenberg, Walter. The Labyrinth: Memoirs. Introduction by Alan Bullock. Translated by Louis Hagen. New York: Harper, 1956. FV 5865. Schenck, HilbertVan Nydeck, and Henry Kendall. Shallow Water Diving and Spearfishing. Cambridge,

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Md.: Cornell Maritime, 1954. FV 5866. Scherman, David Edward, and Rosemarie Redlich. Literary America: A Chronicle of American Writers from 1607-1952, with 173 Photographs of the American Scene That Inspired Them. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1952. FV 5867. Schettini, Mario. Il paese dei bastardi: Romanzo. Milan: Mondadori, 1953. FV 5868. -----. Another copy. FV 5869. -----. I ragazzi di Milano: Romanzo. Milan: Mondadori, 1956. FV 5870. Schildt, Göran. In the Wake of Ulysses. Translated from the Swedish by Alan Blair. New York: Dodd, Meadi, 1953. FV 5871. -----. Paris' hemliga tecken. Foto: Tore Johnson. Stockholm: Wahlström & Widstrand, 1952. FV 5872. Schillings, Karl Georg. In Wildest Africa. 2 vols. Translated by Frederic Whyte. London: Hutchinson, 1907. kwfv MH 5873. Schirach, Henriette von. Der Preis der Herrlichkeit. Wiesbaden: Limes, 1956. FV 5874. Schlosser, Julius. Francisco Goya. Leipzig: Seemann, 1922. KL 5875. Schmalhausen, Samuel Daniel. Why We Misbehave. New York: Macaulay, 1928. FV 5876. Schmidt, James Norman [James Norman]. The Fell of Dark. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1960. FV 5877. -----. The Nightwalkers. Harmondsworth, Middx.: Penguin, 1953. FV 5878. Schmidt, Karl Patterson, and Delbert Dwight Davis. Field Book of Snakes of the United States and Canada. New York: Putnam, 1941. FV 5879. Schmitt, Martin Ferdinand, and Dee Brown. The Settler's West. New York: Scribner, 1955. s58 FV 5880. Schmitz, Ettore [Italo Svevo]. Corrispondenza con Valery Larbaud, Benjamin Crémieux e Marie Anne Comnène. Milan: All'Insegna del Pesce d'oro, 1953. FV 5881. Schneider, John G. The Golden Kazoo. New York: Rinehart, 1956. FV 5882. -----. Another copy. FV 5883. Schniebs, Otto. American Skiing. New York: Dutton, 1939. FV 5884. Schofield, Michael George [Gordon Westwood]. Society and the Homosexual. New York: Dutton, 1953. MH 5885. Schoonmaker, Frank. The Wines of Germany. New York: Hastings, 1956. FV 5886. -----. Another copy. FV 5887. ----- and Tom Marvel. American Wines. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1941. FV 5888. Schorer, Mark. The Hermit Place: A Novel. New York: Random House, 1941. FV

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5889. -----, Josephine Miles and Gordon McKenzie, eds. Criticism: The Foundations of Modern Literary Judgment. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1948. FV 5890. Schramm, Wilhelm von. Conspiracy among Generals. Translated and edited by R.T. Clark. New York: Scribner, 1956. FV 5891. Schreiber, Georges. Portraits and Self-portraits. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1936. kwfv FV 5892. Schrenkeisen, Raymond Martin, ed. Fishing for Salmon and Trout. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1937. FV 5893. Schulberg, Budd. The Disenchanted. New York: Random House, 1950. FV 5894. -----. The Harder They Fall. New York: Random House, 1947. FV 5895. -----. Some Faces in the Crowd: Short Stories. New York: Random House, 1953. FV 5896. Schulberg, Sonya. They Cried a Little. KW 5897. Schultz, James Willard. On the Warpath. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1914. PC 5898. Schuman, Frederick Lewis. Soviet Politics at Home and Abroad. New York: Knopf, 1946. FV 5899. Schuster, Max Lincoln, ed. A Treasury of the World's Great Letters from Ancient Days to Our Own Time, Containing the Characteristic and Critical Communications, and Intimate Exchanges and Cycles of Correspondence, of Many of the Outstanding Figures of World History, and Some Notable Contemporaries. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1940. FV 5900. Schütz, Heinrich. When Mammoths Roamed the Frozen Earth. Translated from the German by Frank Barnes. KW

Schwartz, Richard F., joint author. See Dash, Samuel. 5901. Schwarz, Osias L. Unconventional Ethics, the Ethics of Tomorrow: A Psychologico-ethical Study of Human Parasitism, Its Effects, Causes and Cure; and a Philosophy of Human Life and Aspirations Based Thereupon. Washington: Perennial Publications, 1936. FV 5902. Schwed, Fred. Where Are the Customers= Yachts? or, A Good Hard Look at Wall Street. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1940. FV 5903. Schweigger, Erwin. El litoral peruano. Lima: Compañía Administradora del Guano, 1947. FV 5904. Schwezoff, Igor. Russian Somersault. New York: Harper, 1936. s36 5905. Schwien, Edwin Eugene. Combat Intelligence: Its Acquisition and Transmission. Washington: Infantry Journal, 1936. FV 5906. Scott, Evelyn [Ernest Souza]. Blue Rum. KW 5907. Scott, Jack Denton. Forests of the Night. New York: Rinehart, 1959. FV 5908. Scott, James Maurice. Heather Mary. New York: Dutton, 1953. FV 5909. Scott, John. Asian Journey: A Report. New York, 1957. FV

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5910. -----. Behind the Urals: An American Worker in Russia's City of Steel. Cambridge, Mass.: Houghton Mifflin, 1942. FV 5911. -----. East of Suez: A Report to Time's Publisher, James A. Linen, on an Extensive Trip through South & Southwest Asia (Summer, 1956). New York: Time, 1956. FV 5912. -----. The Soviet Empire: A Report. n.p., 1959. FV 5913. Scott, Paul. The Alien Sky. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1953. FV 5914. Scott, Peter. Wild Chorus. KW 5915. Scott, Robert Lee. Between the Elephant's Eyes! New York: Dodd, Mead, 1954. FV 5916. -----. Look of the Eagle. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1955. FV 5917. Scott, Thomas Henry. The Book about Ships. London: Warne, 1935. FV 5918. Scully, Frank. Behind the Flying Saucers. New York: Holt, 1950. FV 5919. Seabrook, William Buehler. No Hiding Place: An Autobiography. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1942. FV 5920. -----. Witchcraft: Its Power in the World Today. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1940. FV 5921. Seager, Allan. Equinox: A Novel. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1943. FV 5922. -----. The Inheritance: A Novel. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1948. FV

Seagle, William, Joint author. See Ernst, Morris Leopold. 5923. Sears, Jack. Cat Drawings. Salt Lake City: Printed by Stevens & Wallis [1943?]. FV 5924. Sears, Paul Bigelow, and others. Makers of Modern Science. New York: Scribner, 1953. FV 5925. Seaver, George. Edward Wilson of the Antarctic: Naturalist and Friend. Introduction by Apsley Cherry-Garrard. London: Murray, 1942. FV 5926. Seborga, Guido. L=uomo di Camporosso: Romanzo. Milan: Mondadoril 1948. FV 5927. Security and the Middle East, the Problem and Its Solution: Proposals Submitted to the President of the United States. New York, 1954. FV 5928. Sedgwick, Henry Dwight. Spain: A Short History of Its Politics, Literature, and Art from Earliest Times to the Present. kwfv 5929. Seeger, Alan. Poems. Introduction by William Archer. New York: Scribner, 1917. FV 5930. Seillière, Ernest Antoine Aimé Léon. Diderot. Paris: Editions de France, 1944. FV 5931. Seldes, George. Lords of the Press. New York: Blue Ribbon Books, 1941. FV 5932. -----. Tell the Truth and Run. New York: Greenberg, 1953. FV

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5933. Selecta Ex Optimis Latinitatis Auctoribus. KW 5934. Self, Margaret Cabell. The Horseman's Encyclopedia. New York: Barnes, 1946. FV 5935. -----. Your First Pony. London: Kaye, 1950. FV 5936. Seligman, Charles Gabriel. Races of Africa. London: Butterworth, 1939. FV

Selipe, pseud. See Rey Caballero, José María del. 5937. Sell, Henry Blackman, and Victor Weybright. Buffalo Bill and the Wild West. New York: Oxford, 1955. FV 5938. Selous, Frederick Courteney. A Hunter=s Wanderings in Africa; Being a Narrative of Nine Years Spent amongst the Game of the Far Interior of South Africa, Containing Accounts of Explorations beyond the Zambesi, on the River Chobe, and in the Matabele and Mashuna Countries, with Full Notes upon the Natural History and Present Distribution of All the Large Mammalia. London: Bentley, 1881. kwfv FV 5939. -----. A Hunter=s Wanderings in Africa; Being a Narrative of Nine Years Spent amongst the Game of the Far Interior of South Africa, Containing Accounts of Explorations beyond the Zambesi, on the River Chobe, and in the Matabele and Mashuna Countries, with Full Notes upon the Natural History and Present Distribution of All the Large Mammalia. London: Macmillan, 1925. kwfv FV 5940. -----. Travel and Adventure in South-east Africa; Being the Narrative of the Last Eleven Years Spent by the Author on the Zambesi and Its Tributaries, with an Account of the Colonization of Mashunland and the Progress of the Gold Industry in That Country. London: Ward, 1893. MH 5941. Selser Gregorio. El pequeño ejército loco: operación México-Nicaragua. Havana: Impr. Nacional de Cuba, 1960. FV 5942. Selvon, Samuel. A Brighter Sun: A Novel. New York: Viking, 1953. FV 5943. -----. The Lonely Londoners. New York: St. Martin's, 1956. FV 5944. Senunes, Harry Hodges. Portrait of Patton. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1955. FV 5945. Sencourt, Robert. The Life of the Empress Eugénie. KW 5946. -----. The Spanish Crown, 1808-1931: An Intimate Chronicle of a Hundred Years. New York: Scribner, 1932. kwfv FV 5947. Sender, Ramón José. Counter-attack in Spain. Translated from the Spanish by Peter Chalmers Mitchell. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1937. PC 5948. -----. Epitalamio del prieto Trinidad. Mexico City: Quetzal, 1942. FV 5949. -----. A Man's Place. Translated by Oliver La Farge. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1940. FV 5950. *Serebrinsky, Bernardo. La medida del nivel mental; teoría, práctica, aplicaciónes. Buenos Aires: El Ateneo, 1954. FV 5951. Seredy, Kate. The White Stag. KWH 5952. Serguéiew, Lily. Routes, risques rencontres (Paris-Alep, 6.000 kms, à bicyclette). Paris: Susse, 1944. FV

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5953. Serpa, Enrique. Contrabando: Novela. Havana: Alvarez-Pita, 1938. FV 5954. -----. Días de Trinidad. Havana: Alvarez-Pita, 1939. FV 5955. -----. Noche de fiesta. Havana: Selecta, 1951. FV 5956. -----. Norteamérica en guerra. Havana: Arrow, 1944. FV 5957. -----. Presencia de España. Havana: Alfa, 1947. FV 5958. -----. La trampa: Novela. Buenos Aires: Unión de Editores Latinos, 1956. FV

Sesgo, Una al, pseud. See Orts Ramos, Tomás. 5959. Seth, Ronald. Secret Servants: The History of Japanese Espionage. New York: Farrar, Straus & Cudahy, 1957. FV 5960. Seton, Anya. Katherine. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1954. s54 FV 5961. Seton, Ernest Thompson. The Library of Pioneering and Woodcraft. KW 5962. -----. Life-histories of Northern Animals: An Account of the Mammals of Manitoba. 2 vols. KW 5963. -----. Rolf in the Woods: The Adventures of a Boy Scout with Indian Quonab and Little Dog Skookum. KW 5964. -----. Trail of an Artist-naturalist. New York: Scribner, 1940. FV 5965. -----. Wild Animals at Home. KW 5966. -----. Woodcraft. KW 5967. -----. Woodland Tales. KW 5967a. Seton, Marie. Sergei M. Eisenstein: A Biography. New York: Wyn, 1952. kl photo EH 3987P 5968. Sevareid, Eric. Not So Wild a Dream. New York: Knopf, 1946. MH 5969. Seward, William Ward. Skirts of the Dead Night. New York: Bookman, 1950. FV 5970. -----. Another copy. FV 5971. Sewell, Elizabeth. The Structure of Poetry. New York: Scribner, 1952. FV 5972. *La sexta conferencia mundial contra las bombas A y H y para el desarme total. Tokyo, 1960. FV 5973. Seymour, Edward Loomis Davenport, ed. The New Garden Encyclopedia: A Complete Practical and Convenient Guide to Every Detail of Gardening. New York Wise, 1942. FV 5974. Shafer, Raymond T. The Winners and Other Short Stories. New York: Exposition, 1954. FV 5975. Shakespeare, William. Comedies and Tragedies. Complete and unabridged, with notes and glossary. 4 vols. New York: Random House, 1944. FV

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5976. -----. The Complete Dramatic and Poetic Works. Edited from the text of the early quartos and the first folio by William Allan Neilson. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1906. FV 5977. -----. The Complete Works. Philadelphia: Barrie, 1887. FV 5978. -----. The Complete Works of Shakespeare from the Original Text. New York: Johnson, Fry, n.d. FV 5979. -----. Shakespeare's Tragedies. London: Dent, 1924. FV 5980. -----. Sonetti. Introduzione e traduzione di Alberto Rossi. Turin: Einaudi, 1952. FV 5981. -----. Sonnets. (New Temple Shakespeare.) Edited by M.R. Ridley. London: Dent, 1938. MH 5982. Shakespeare and Company, Paris. Catalogue of a Collection Containing Manuscripts and Rare Editions of James Joyce, a Few Manuscripts of Walt Whitman and Two Drawings by William Blake; Belonging to Miss Sylvia Beach and offered for Sale at Her Shop. Paris: Shakespeare and Co., 1935. KL 5983. Shall We Eat Flesh? Newest Vegetarian Ideas. kwfv

Shane, Ted, joint author. See Thomas, Lowell. Shannon, William V., joint author. See Allen, Robert Sharon. 5984. Shapiro, Harry Lionel. Race Mixture. Paris: UNESCO, 1953. FV 5985. Shapiro, Karl Jay. V-letter, and other Poems. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1944. FV 5986. -----, ed. Famous Verse Manuscripts: Facsimiles of Original Manuscripts As Submitted to POETRY. Chicago: Modern Poetry Association, 1954. KL 5987. Shaplen, Robert. Free Love and Heavenly Sinners: The Story of the Great Henry Ward Beecher Scandal. New York: Knopf, 1954. s54 FV 5988. -----. Another copy. FV 5989. -----. Kreuger: Genius and Swindler. New York: Knopf, 1960. MH

Sharp, Arthur H., joint author. See Grogan, Ewart Scott. 5990. Shaw, Artie. The Trouble with Cinderella: An Outline of identity. New York: Farrar, Straus & Young, 1952. FV 5991. Shaw, George Bernard. St. Joan. KW 5992. Shaw, Irwin. Act of Faith, and Other Stories. New York: Random House, 1946. FV 5993. -----. Lucy Crown: A Novel. New York: Random House, 1956. FV 5994. -----. Mixed Company: Collected Short Stories. New York: Random House, 1950. FV 5995. -----. Tip on a Dead Jockey, and Other Stories. New York. New American Library, 1957. FV 5996. -----. The Troubled Air. New York: Random House, 1951. FV

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5997. -----. Two Weeks in Another Town. New York: Random House, 1960. s6O 5998. -----. Welcome to the City, and Other Stories. New York: Random House, 1942. FV 5999. -----. The Young Lions. New York: Random House, 1948. s49 FV 6000. -----. Another copy. FV

Shaw, Jenn, joint author. See Lord, Jack. 6001. Shaw, Joseph Thompson, ed. The Hard-boiled Omnibus: Early Stories from Black Mask. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1946. FV 6002. -----, ed. The Hard- boiled Omnibus: Early Stories from Black Mask. New York: Pocket Books, 1952. FV 6003. Shaw, Theodore L. Precious Rubbish, As Raked Out of Current Criticism and Commented on by Theodore L. Shaw. Boston: Stuart Art Gallery, 1956. FV 6004. Shaw, Wilbur. Gentlemen, Start Your Engines. New York: Coward-McCann, 1955. FV 6005. Shea, Nancy Brinton. The Army Wife. New York: Harper, 1948. FV 6006. Sheean, Vincent. Bird of the Wilderness: A Novel. New York: Random House, 1941. FV 6007. -----. A Day of Battle. KW 6008. -----. The Eleventh Hour. London: Hamilton, 1939. FV 6009. -----. First and Last Love. New York: Random House, 1956. FV 6010. -----. Nehru: The Years of Power. New York: Random House, 1960. FV 6011. -----. Personal History. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1935. kwfv FV 6012. -----. Another copy. FV 6013. -----. Sanfelice: A Novel. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1936. s36 KW 6014. Sheehan, Donald Henry. This Was Publishing: A Chronicle of the Book Trade in the Gilded Age. Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University, 1952. FV 6015. Sheldon, Charles. The Wilderness of Denali: Explorations of a Hunter-naturalist in Northern Alaska. KW 6016. Shellabarger, Samuel. Captain from Castile. New York: Bantam, 1951. FV 6017. Shelley, Percy Bysshe. Adonais. Texto inglés con la versión castellana de Antonio Castro Leal y Manuel Altolaguirre. n.p.: Veronica Argentina, 1941. FV 6018. -----. Selected Poetry and Prose. Edited with an introduction by Carlos Baker. New York: Modern Library, 1951. FV 6019. Shepherd, Edwin Colston. The Military Aeroplane. Oxford: Clarendon, 1941. FV

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6020. Shepherd, Thomas Boswell. The Noble Art: An Anthology. Introduction by Colm Brogan. London: Hollis & Carter, 1950. FV 6021. Sheppard, Eric William. Tanks in the Next War. London: Bles, 1938. b38 FV 6022. Sheridan, Richard Brinsley. The Plays of Richard Brinsley Sheridan. London: Dent, n.d. FV 6023. Sherman, Harold Morrow. Tahara: Boy Mystic of India. Chicago: Goldsmith, 1933. kwfv FV 6024. Sherrod, Robert Lee. Tarawa: The Story of a Battle. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1944. FV 6025. Sherry, Edna. Sudden Fear. New York: Dell [1952]. FV 6026. Sherwood, Robert Emmet. Roosevelt and Hopkins: An Intimate History. New York: Harper, 1948. FV 6027. -----. Another copy. FV 6028. -----. There Shall Be No Night. New York: Scribner, 1940. FV

Shetelig, Haakon, joint author. See Brøgger, A.W. 6029. Shiel, Matthew Phipps. Cold Steel. KW 6030. Shimer, John A. This Sculptured Earth: The Landscape of America. New York: Columbia, 1959. s6O FV 6031. -----. Another copy. FV 6032. Shipman, Evan. Free for All. New York: Scribner, 1935. PC 6033. -----. Another copy. FV 6034. Shirer, William Lawrence. The Traitor. New York: Popular Library, 1951. FV 6035. Shoemaker, Brant. Taps and Other Poems. Philadelphia: Dorrance, 1959. FV

Shoemaker, Hurst H., joint author. See Zim, Herbert Spencer. 6036. Sholokhov, Mikhail Aleksandrovich. And Quiet Flows the Don: A Novel. A translation from the Russian by Stephen Garry. Revised and completed by Robert Daglish. 4 vols. Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing, n.d. FV 6037. The Shooter's Bible. New York, 1940. FV 6038. The Shooter's Bible. New York, 1949. FV 6039. The Shooter's Bible. New York, 1955. s54 FV 6040. Another copy. s54 FV 6041. The Shooter's Bible. New York, 1958. FV 6042. Shor, Jean Bowie. After You, Marco Polo. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1955. FV

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6043. -----. Another copy. FV

Short, Luke, pseud. See Glidden, Frederick Dilley. 6044. Short Story: 1. New York: Scribner, 1958. s58 FV 6045. Short Story: 3, Sicilian Vespers. New York: Scribner* 1960. MH 6046. Shortt, Angus Henry, and Bertram William Cartwright. Sports Afield Collection of Know Your Ducks and Geese. Minneapolis, Minn.: Sports Afield, 1948. FV 6047. -----. Another copy. MH

Shück, Adolf, joint author. See Hallendorff, Carl Jakob Herman. 6048. Shuler, Ellis William. Rocks and Rivers. New York: Ronald, 1945. FV 6049. Shulman, Irving. The Amboy Dukes. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1947. FV

Shute, Nevil, pseud. See Norway, Nevil Shute. 6050. Siemel, Sasha. Tigrero! New York: Prentice-Hall, 1953. FV 6051. Sienkiewicz, Henryk. Quo Vadis? KW 6052. Silcock, Arnold. Introduction to Chinese Art and History. New York: Oxford, 1948. FV 6053. Sillitoe, Alan. The General: A Novel. London: Allen, 1960. FV 6054. -----. The Loneliness of the Long-distance Runner. New York: Knopf, 1960. s6l MH 6055. Silone, Ignazio. Bread and Wine. Translated from the Italian by Gwenda David and Eric Mosbacher. New York: Harper, 1937. s37 6056. -----. Fontamara. Translated by Michael Wharf. New York: Smith & Haas, 1934. kwfv FV 6057. -----. A Handful of Blackberries. Translated by Darina Silone. New York: Harper, 1953. FV 6058. -----. The Secret of Luca. Translated by Darina Silone. New York: Harper, 1958. FV 6059. -----. Il seme sotto la neve: Rormnzo. Milan: Mondadori, 1950. FV 6060. Silva Bélinzon, Concepción. La ciudad invisible: Poesía. Montevideo, 1959. FV 6061. -----. Los reyes de oro. Montevideo, 1953. FV 6062. Silvera, John D. The Negro in World War II. n.p., n.d. FV 6063. Simenon Georges. L'assassin. KW 6064. -----. Au rendezvous des terre-nueves. Paris: Fayard, 1931. s36 6065. -----. Le blanc à lunettes: Roman. Paris: Gallimard, 1937. s38

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6066. -----. Ceux de la soif; Le cheval blanc; Les inconnus dans la maison. Paris: Gallimard, 1951. FV 6067. -----. Le charretier de "La Providence": Roman inédit. Paris: Fayard, 1931. s36 6068. -----. Chemin sans issue: Roman. Paris: Gallimard, 1938. s38 6069. -----. Chez les Flamands: Roman inédit. Paris: Fayard, 1932. s36 6070. -----. Le chien jaune: Roman inédit. Paris: Fayard, 1931. s36 6071. -----. Le coup de lune: Roman inédit. Paris: Fayard, 1933. s36 kwfv FV 6072. -----. Le coup de vague: Roman. Paris: Gallimard, 1939. FV 6073. -----. Les demoiselles de Concarneau. KW 6074. -----. L'écluse no. 1: Roman inédit. Paris: Fayard, 1934. s36 6075. -----. L'évadé. Paris: Gallimard, 1936. s36 6076. -----. Faubourg: Roman. Paris: Gallimard, 1937. s38 FV 6077. -----. 45° à l'ombre; Quartier nègre; Les clients d'Avrenos. Paris: Gallimard, 1951. FV 6078. -----. Le fou de Bergerac: Roman inédit. Paris: Fayard, 1932. s36 6079. -----. The Hitchhiker. New York: New American Library, 1957. FV 6080. -----. Inspector Maigret and the Burglar's Wife. New York [Dell?], 1957. FV 6081. -----. "Liberty Bar": Roman inédit. Paris: Fayard, 1936. s36 6082. -----. Le locataire: Roman. Paris: Gallimard, 1934. s36 6083. -----. Maigret: Roman inédit. Paris: Fayard, 1934. s36 KW 6084. -----. Maigret Travels South. Translated from the French by Geoffrey Sainsbury. New York: Penguin, 1945. FV 6085. -----. The Man who Watched the Trains Go By. Translated from the French by Stuart Gilbert. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1946. FV 6086. -----. La Marie du port: Roman. Paris: Gallimard, 1938. FV 6087. -----. La maison du canal: Roman inédit. kwfv 6088. -----. Les noces de Poitiers; Le rapport du gendarme; G7. Paris: Gallimard, 1951. FV 6089. -----. Les nouvelles enquêtes de Maigret. Paris: Gallimard, 1944. FV 6090. -----. La nuit du carrefour. Paris: Fayard, 1936. s36 6091. -----. L’ombre chinoise: Roman. Paris: Fayard, 1931. s36 KW FV

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6092. omitted 6093. -----. Le passager du "Polarlys": Roman inédit. Paris: Fayard, 1932. kwfv FV 6094. -----. Le pendu de Saint-Pholien. KW 6095. -----. Pietr-le-Letton. Paris: Fayard, 1936. s36 KW 6096. -----. Les Pitard. Paris: Gallimard, n.d. s36 PC 6097. -----. Quartier nègre: Roman. Paris: Gallimard, 1935. s36 6098. -----. Les rescapés du Télémaque: Roman. Paris: Gallimard, 1938. s38 6099. -----. Les sept minutes. Paris: Gallimard, 1938. s38 KW 6100. -----. Signé Picpus, suivi de L'inspecteur Cadavre; Fé1ice est là; Nouvelle exotiques. Paris: Gallimard, 1944. k1 photo EH3568P 6101. -----. Les suicidés: Roman. Paris: Gallimard, 1934. s36 KW 6102. -----. La tote d'un homme: Roman inédit. Paris: Fayard, 1931. s36 KW 6103. -----. Les 13 mystères. Paris: Fayard, 1932. s36 6104. -----. Touriste de bananes; ou, Les dimanches de Tahiti: Roman. Paris: Gallimard, 1938. PC 6105. -----. Les trois crimes de mes amis: Roman. Paris: Gallimard, 1938. s38 KW 6106. -----. Tropic Moon. New York: Berkley, 1958. FV 6107. Simmons, Eleanor Booth. Cats. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1935. FV 6108. Simmons, Ernest Joseph. Leo Tolstoy. Boston: Little, Brown, 1946. FV 6109. -----, ed. U.S.S.R.: A Concise Handbook. Ithaca, N.Y.:Cornell, 1947. FV 6110. Simmons, Herbert. Corner Boy: A Novel. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1957. FV 6111. Simmons, Richard F. Wildcat Cartridges. Introduction by Harvey A. Donaldson. New York: Morrow, 1947. FV 6112. Simon, Edith. The Piebald Standard: A Biography of the Knights Templars. Boston: Little, Brown, 1959. s6O FV 6113. Simonov, Konstantin Mikhailovich. Days and Nights. Translated from the Russian by Joseph Barnes. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1945. FV 6114. Simpson, Alyse. The Convent. New York: Knopf, 1940. FV 6115. -----. Red Dust of Kenya. New York: Crowell, 1952. FV 6116. Simpson, Charles Torrey. Ornamental Gardening in Florida. KW

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6117. Simpson, George Gaylord. The Rise of the Mammals: After Dominating the world for millions of Years the Dinosaurs Come to an Abrupt End and the Meek inherit the Earth. New York: American Museum of Natural History, 1951. FV 6118. Simpson, Helen De Guerry. The Spanish Marriage. London:Davies, 1933. kwfv FV 6119. Simpson, William. One of Our Pilots Is Safe. New York: Harper, 1943. FV 6120. Sinclair, Bertha [B.M. Bower]. The Quirt. New York: Popular Library, 1958. FV 6121. Sinclair, Gordon. Khyber Caravan; through Kashmir, Waziristan, Afghanistan, Baluchistan and Northern India. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1936. s36 KWH 6122. Sinclair, Harold. The Horse Soldiers. New York: Harper, 1956. FV 6123. Another copy. FV 6124. Sinclair, Upton. I, Candidate for Governor, and How I Got Licked. California, 1935. kwfv FV 6125. -----. The Return of Lanny Budd. New York: Viking, 1953. FV 6126. -----. Upton Sinclair Presents William Fox. KWH 6127. -----. What Didymus Did. London: Wingate, 1954. FV 6128. -----. Another copy. FV

Sindral, Jacques, pseud. See Fabre-Luce, Alfred. 6129. Sitwell, Edith. The English Eccentrics. Stockholm: Continental, 1947. FV 6130. -----. I Live under a Black Sun. London: Gollancz, 1937. s37 KW 6131. Sitwell, Osbert. Escape with Me! An Oriental Sketch-book. New York: Harrison-Hilton, 1940. FV 6132. -----. Escape with Me! A Travel Book. London: Pan, 1948. FV 6133. -----. The Man Who Lost Himself. London: Duckworth, 1929. kwfv FV 6134. -----. Noble Essences: A Book of Characters. Boston: Little, Brown, 1950. FV 6135. -----. The Scarlet Tree. Boston: Little, Brown, 1946. FV 6136. -----. Triple Fugue. Harmondsworth, Middx.: Penguin, 1948. FV 6137. Sitwell, Sacheverell. The Hunters and the Hunted. New York: Macmillan, 1948. FV 6138. -----. The Netherlands: A Study of Some Aspects of Art, Costume and Social Life. London: Batsford, n.d. FV 6139. -----. Spain. London: Batsford, 1951. FV

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6140. -----. Roumanian Journey. KW 6141. Six Great modern Short Novels. New York: Dell, 1954. FV 6142. Skolsky, Sidney. Times Square Tintypes; Being Typewriter Caricatures of Those Who Made Their Names Along the Not So Straight and Very Narrow Path of Broadway. New York: Washburn, 1930. ph photo KW 6143. Slater, Humphrey. Conspirator: A Novel. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1948. FV 6144. -----. The Heretics: A Novel. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1947. FV 6145. Slatin, Rudolf Carl. Fire and Sword in the Sudan: A Personal Narrative of Fighting and Serving the Dervishes, 1879-1895. Translated by Major F.R. Wingate. kwfv 6146. Slaughter, Frank Gill. Battle Surgeon. New York: Permabooks, 1958. FV 6147. -----. Fort Everglades. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1951. FV 6148. -----. Medicine for Moderns: The New Science of Psychosomatic Medicine. New York: Messner, 1947. FV 6149. -----. The Song of Ruth: A Love Story from the Old Testament. New York: Permabooks, 1955. FV 6150. Slingsbee, Bessemer. Droll Tales of Reno. Los Angeles: Wetzel, 1944. FV 6151. Sloane, Eric, The Seasons of America Past. New York: Funk, 1958. s59 FV 6152. Slocombe, George Edward. Paris in Profile. KW 6153. -----. The Tumult and the Shouting: The Memoirs of George Slocombe. KWH 6154. Slocum, Victor. Capt. Joshua Slocum: The Life and Voyages of America's Best Known Sailor. New York: Sheridan, 1950. FV 6155. Slonim, Marc. The Epic of Russian Literature, from Its Origins through Tolstoy. New York: Oxford, 1950. FV 6156. Slote, Alfred. Lazarus in Vienna. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1956. FV 6157. -----. Another copy. FV 6158. Small, Fenwick G. Miniature Camera Technique. Chicago: Ziff-Davis, 1940. FV 6159. Small, John Kunkel. Shrubs of Florida. KW 6160. Smedley, Agnes. Battle Hymn of China. New York: Knopf, 1943. FV 6161. Smith, Bertie Webster. The World in the Past: A Popular Account of What It Was, and What It Contained. London: Warne, 1926. FV

Smith, Burke M., joint author. See Pratt, Joseph Gaither.

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Smith, Charles Edward, joint editor. See Ramsey, Frederic.

6162. Smith, Don. China Coaster: A Novel of Suspense. New York: Popular Library, 1953. FV 6163. Smith, Frederick George Walton, and Henry Chapin. The Sun, the Sea, and Tomorrow: Potential Sources of Food, Energy, and Minerals from the Sea. New York: Scribner, 1954. FV 6164. Smith, H. Allen. Life in a Putty Knife Factory. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1943. FV 6165. -----. Lo, the Former Egyptian! Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1947. FV 6166. -----. Lost in the Horse Latitudes. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1945. FV

-----, joint author. See Smith, Ira Lepouce.

Smith, Helen Huntington, joint author. See Abbott, E.C. 6167. Smith, Henry Worcester. A Sporting Family of the Old South, with Which Is Included Reminiscences of an Old Sportsman by Frederick Gustavus Skinner. KW

Smith, Hobart M., joint author. See Zim, Herbert Spencer. 6168. Smith, Ira Lepouce. Baseball's Famous First Basemen. New York: Barnes, 1956. FV 6169. -----. Baseball's Famous Pitchers: Capers Cut and Records Made by Fifty-three Pitching Greats. New York: Barnes, 1954. FV 6170. -----, and H. Allen Smith. Low and inside: A Book of Baseball Anecdotes, Oddities, and Curiosities. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1949. FV 6171. Smith, Lawrence Breese. Dude Ranches and Ponies. KWH 6172. -----. Shotgun Psychology: Theory and Practice Regarding Shotguns, Their Construction and Functioning, and How to Learn to Shoot Them Correctly. New York: Scribner, 1938. FV 6173. Smith, Lillian. Now Is the Time. New York: Dell, 1955. FV 6174. -----. Strange Fruit: A Novel. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock,1944. FV 6175. Smith, Logan Pearsall. All Trivia: Trivia, More Trivia, Afterthoughts, Last words. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1945. FV 6176. Smith, Minnie Louise. First Year Latin. Revised by Harold George Thompson. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1942. FV 6177. Smith, Nicol. Golden Doorway to Tibet. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1949. FV 6178. Smith, Paul Jordan. On Strange Altars: A Book of Enthusiasms. London: Brentano's, 1923. ph photo KWH 6179. Smith, Pauline. The Beadle. KW

Smith, Red, pseud. See Smith, Walter Wellesley.

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Smith, Reed, joint editor. See Cross, Tom Peete.

6180. Smith, Robert. Baseball: A Historical Narrative of the Game, the Men Who Have Played It, and Its Place in American Life. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1947. FV 6181. Smith, Robert Aura. Our Future in Asia. New York: Viking, 1940. FV 6182. Smith, Robert Metcalf. The Shelley Legend. New York: Scribner, 1945. FV 6183. Smith, Robert Miller. Hotel on the Lake. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1943. MH 6184. Smith, Robert Paul. The Journey. New York: Holt, 1943. FV 6185. -----. So It Doesn't Whistle. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1941. FV 6186. -----. The Time and the Place: A Novel. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1952. FV 6187. -----. Where He Went: Three Novels. New York: Viking, 1958. FV 6188. Smith, Thorne. The Stray Lamb. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1929. FV 6189. -----. Topper. kwfv 6190. Smith, Wallace. Bessie Cotter. New York: Berkley, 1934. FV 6191. Smith, Walter Harold Black. Walther Pistols. Harrisburg, Pa.: Military Service Publishing Co., 1946. FV 6192. Smith, Walter Wellesley [Red Smith]. Out of the Red, by Red Smith. New York: Knopf, 1950. FV 6193. -----. Views of Sport. New York: Knopf, 1954. FV 6194. Smith, William Gardner. Last of the Conquerors. New York: Farrar, Straus, 1948. FV 6195. Smith-Dorrien, Horace Lockwood. Memories of Forty-eight Years' Service. kwfv 6196. Smithsonian Institution. Annual Report of the Board of Regents: Showing the Operations, Expenditures and Condition of the Institution for the Year Ending June 30, 1901. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1902. kwfv FV 6197. Smollett, Tobias George. Humphry Clinker. London: Routledge, n.d. kwfv FV 6198. Smythe, Francis Sydney. Climbs and Ski Runs: Mountaineering and Ski-ing in the Alps, Great Britain and Corsica. Foreword by Geoffrey Winthrop Young. Edinburgh: Blackwood, 1929. kwfv FV 6199. Snell, George Dixon. The Shapers of American Fiction, 1798-1947. New York: Dutton, 1947. FV 6200. Snell, Roy Judson. Lost in the Air. Chicago: Reilly & Lee, 1920. FV 6201. Snow, C.P. The Conscience of the Rich. New York: Scribner, 1958. FV 6202. -----. Homecoming. New York: Scribner, 1956. FV

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6203. -----. The New Men. New York: Scribner, 1955. FV 6204. -----. The Search. New York: Scribner, 1958. FV 6205. -----. Strangers and Brothers. New York: Scribner, 1960. MH 6206. -----. Snow, Donald Clifford [Thomas Fall]. The Justicer. New York: Rinehart, 1959. s6O FV 6207. Snow, Edgar. The Battle for Asia. New York: Random House, 1941. FV 6208. Snow, Edward Rowe. Piracy, Mutiny, and Murder. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1959. s6O FV 6209. Snyder, Franklyn Bliss, and Robert Grant Martin, eds. A Book of English Literature. New York: Macmillan, 1927. FV 6210. Snyder, Le Moyne. Homicide Investigation: Practical Information for Coroners, Police Officers, and Other Investigators. Springfield, Ill.: Thomas, 1953. FV 6211. Snyder, Louis Leo. Mastery Units in Modern History. New York: Colonial, 1937. FV 6212. -----. Another copy. FV 6213. -----, and Richard B. Morris, eds. A Treasury of Great Reporting: "Literature under Pressure" from the Sixteenth Century to Our Own Time. Preface by Herbert Bayard Swope. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1949. FV 6214. Snyder, Ruth. The Trial of Ruth Snyder and Judd Gray. Edited with a history of the case by John Kobler. Carden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1938. s38 KWH 6215. Soares, Celestino. Calfornia and the Portuguese: How the Portuguese Helped to Build Up California. A monograph written for the Golden Gate International Exposition on San Francisco Bay, 1939. Lisbon: SPN, 1939. FV 6216. Sobel, Bernard, ed. The Theatre Handbook and Digest of Plays. Preface by George Freedley. New York: Crown, 1940. FV 6217. Soby, James Thrall. Joan Miró. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1959. FV 6218. -----. Juan Gris. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1958. FV 6219. -----. Salvador Dali. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1941. FV 6220. Société Européenne de Culture. Statuts. Venice, 1952. FV 6221. ------. Statuts, suivis d'autres documents officials et de notes. Venice, 1956. FV 6222. Society of the First Division, A.E.F. History of the First Division during the World War, 1917-1919. Compiled and published by the Society of the First Division. Philadelphia: Winston, 1922. FV 6223. Söderman, Harry, and John J. O’Connell. Modern Criminal Investigation. London: Bell, 1935. PC 6224. Soglow, Otto. Everything's Rosy. KW

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6225. Sokoloff, Boris. The Miracle Drugs. Chicago:Ziff-Davis, 1949. FV 6226. Sokolov, Nikolai. Enquéte judiciaire sur l'assassinat de la famille impériale russe, avec les preuves, les interrogatoires et les dépositions des temoins et des accusés. KW 6227. Sol y sombra: Semanario taurino ilustrado. 14 vols. Madrid, 22 Abril 1897 a 1924. kwfv 6228. *Solanes Ragull, Benito. Manual des pescador aficionado (rio y mar). Barcelona: Sintes, 1953. FV 6229. Solano, Solita. Statue in a Field. KW 6230. Solar, Antonio C. The Guide to Hunting & Fishing in Cuba; Published to Give Visiting Sportsmen the Knowledge and Experience of the Cubans. Havana, 1958. FV 6231. -----. Another copy. FV 6232. Somerville, Edith Anna OEnone, and Violet Florence Martin [Martin Ross]. The Real Charlotte. London: Oxford, 1948. FV 6233. Sommer, François. Man and Beast in Africa. Foreword by Ernest Hemingway. Translated from the French by Edward Fitzgerald. London: Jenkins, 1953. FV 6234. -----. Pourquoi ces bêtes sont-elles sauvages? Préf. de Ernest Hemingway. Paris: Toison d'Or, 1951. FV 6235. ----- and Jacqueline. Le refuge de Noé. Paris: Toison d'Or, 1953. FV

-----, joint author. See Valin, Martial. 6236. Sommer, Jacqueline and Franqois. Le safari la gachette. Paris: Laffont, 1956. FV 6237. -----. Another copy. FV 6238. Sommi-Picenardi, Girolamo. Sur le front italien: Roman d'une guerre à 3,000 m. d'altitude. Tr. de Claudius Jacquet. Paris: Tallandier, 1933. FV 6239. Sonrel, Léon. Le fond de la mer. Paris: Hachette, 1868. kwfv FV 6240. Soriano Jara, Elena. Caza menor. Madrid: La Nave, 1951. FV 6241. -----. La playa de los locos. Madrid: Calleja, 1955. FV 6242. Sota, Manuel de la. Yanqui hirsutus: Pequeñas conversaciones sin importancia sobre los habitantes del nuevo mundo anglosajón: Novela. Buenos Aires: Sudamericana, 1949. FV 6243. Soto Lluch, Manuel. Por los terrenos de dentro ... (estainpas taurinas). Prólogo de Maximiliano Clavo. Madrid: Llopis, 1949. FV 6244. Soubrier, Jacques. Savanes et foréts. Préface d'André Demaison. Paris: Susse, 1944. FV 6245. Soulié, Maurice. Les procés célèbres de I'Allemagne. KW 6246. Soupault, Philippe. Georgia. Paris: Cahiers Libres,1926. FV 6247. Sousa, Antero de. Treze passos na bruma. Lisbon: Cadernos de Centro, 1960. FV

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6248. *The South and East African Yearbook, 1933. KW 6249. Southard, Charles Zibeon. The Evolution of Trout and Trout Fishing in America. KW 6250. Souvarine, Boris. Stalin: A Critical Survey of Bolshevism. KW

Souza, Ernest, pseud. See Scott, Evelyn. 6251. Spagnuolo, Antonio. Panorama antologico, 1955. Naples: Orione, 1955. FV 6252. -----. Another copy. FV 6252a. Spaight, James Molony. Air Power in the Next War. London: Bles, 1938. b38 6253. Spain. Ministerio de Agricultura. Vocabulario español de la caza. Madrid, 1950. FV 6254. *Spain in Chaos. New York, 1959. FV 6255. Spain Today. No. 3. Madrid, 1937. KL 6256. Spark, Muriel. The Ballad of Peckham Rye. London: Macmillan, 1960. s6O FV 6257. Sparrow, Walter Shaw. Angling in British Art through Five Centuries: Prints, Pictures, Books. kwfv 6258. Spaulding, Oliver Lyman. The United States Army in War and Peace. New York: Putnam, 1937. s37 kwfv 6259. Spearman, Frank Hamilton. Whispering Smith. New York: Scribner, 1908. FV 6260. Spears, Edward Louis. Assignment to Catastrophe. 2 vols. New York: Wyn, 1954-55. s54 FV 6261. Spectorsky, Auguste C. The Exurbanites. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1955. FV 6262. -----, ed. The Book of the Sea; Being a Collection of Writings about the Sea in All its Aspects. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1954. FV 6263. -----, ed. The Book of the Sea; Being a Collection of Writings about the Sea in All Its Aspects. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1958. Forrest Macmullen, Las Vegas, Nevada. 6264. Spencer, Elizabeth. The Light in the Piazza. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1960. s6O MH

Spencer, Warren, pseud. See Lengel, William Charles. 6265. Spender, Stephen. The Burning Cactus. KW 6266. -----. Poems. KW 6267. ------. World within World. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1951. FV 6268. Spengler, Oswald. The Decline of the West. KW 6269. Spiess, Johannes. Six ans de croisières en sous-marin. Traduit de l'allemand par le lieutenant Henri

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Schricke. Paris: Payot, 1927. ph photo KW 6270. Spiller, Robert Ernest. The Cycle of American Literature: An Essay in Historical Criticism. New York: New American Library, 1957. FV 6271. Spindler, Karl. Le vaisseau fantôme: Episode du complot de Sir Roger Casement et de la révolte irlandaise de Pâques, 1916. Traduit de l'allemand par R. Jouan. Paris: Payot, 1929. ph photo Klkl 6272. Spinelli, Marcos. From Jungle Roots. KW 6273. Spingarn, Joel Elias. Creative Criticism and Other Essays. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1931. kwfv FV 6274. Spiridovich, Aleksandr Ivanovich. Les dernières années de la cour de tzarskoïé-sélo (1910-14). Traduit du russe par M.Jeanson. 2 vols. Paris: Payot, 1928-29. KW [Vol. 1?] kwfv FV [Vol. 2] 6275. *Splendors of the Sky. Cambridge, 1954. FV 6276. Spota, Luis. The Wounds of Hunger. Translated and edited by Barnaby Conrad. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1957. FV 6277. Sprague, Marshall. Massacre: The Tragedy at White River. Boston: Little, Brown, 1957. FV 6278. Sprigge, Elizabeth. Gertrude Stein: Her Life and Work. New York: Harper, 1957. FV 6279. Stallings, Laurence, ed. The First World War: A Photographic History. kwfv 6280. A Standard English-Swahili Dictionary. London: Oxford, 1953. FV 6281. A Standard English-Swahili Dictionary. London: Oxford, 1955. FV

Standish, Robert, pseud. See Gerahty, Digby George. 6282. Stanford, John Keith. Bledgrave Hall. London: Faber, 1950. FV 6283. ------. Last Chukker. London: Faber, 1951. s54 FV 6284. ------. Mixed Bagmen. London: Jenkins, 1949. FV 6285. -----. No Sportsman At All. London: Faber, 1952. FV

Stanley, Bennett, pseud. See Hough, Stanley Bennett. 6286. Stanley, Edward. A Familiar History of Birds. KW 6287. Stanley, Henry Morton. How I Found Livingstone: Travels, Adventures and Discoveries in Central Africa, Including Four Months' Residence with Dr. Livingstone. London: Low, Marston, n.d. kwfv FV

Stapley, Mildred, joint author. See Byne, Arthur. 6288. Starke, D. Poise: How to Attain It. KWH 6289. Starling, Edmund William. Starling of the White House: The Story of the Man Whose Secret Service Detail Guarded Five Presidents from Woodrow Wilson to Franklin D. Roosevelt, As Told to Thomas Sugrue. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1946. FV

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6290. Statham, Leon. Welcome, Darkness. New York: Crowell, 1950. FV

Stauffer, Elmer C., joint editor. See Cross, Tom Peete. 6291. Stead, Christina. The Man Who Loved Children. New York: Simon & Schuster [1940?]. FV 6292. Stearns, Harold Edmund. America: A Re-appraisal. KW 6293. Steegmuller, Francis. Flaubert and Madame Bovary: A Double Portrait. New York: Vintage, 1957. FV 6294. -----. Maupassant: A Lion in the Path. New York: Random House, 1949. FV 6295. Steele, Joseph Henry. Ingrid Bergman: An Intimate Portrait. New York: McKay, 1959. MH 6296. Steele, Wilbur Daniel. The Man Who Saw through Heaven and other Stories. New York: Harper, 1927. kwfv FV 6297. Steen, Jos van der. Ernest Hemingway. [Antwerp: Stanaard-Boekhandel?] 1947. FV 6298. Steen, Marguerite. Matador: A Novel. Boston: Little, Brown, 1934. FV 6299. Steer, George Lowther. The Tree of Gernika: A Field Study Of Modern War. Toronto: Musson, 1938. s38 6300. Stefansson, Vilhjalmur. The Friendly Arctic: The Story Of Five Years in the Polar Regions. London: Harrap, 1921. kwfv FV 6301. ------, ed. Great Adventures and Explorations from the Earliest Times to the Present, As Told by the Explorers Themselves. With the collaboration of Olive Rathbun Wilcox. New York: Dial, 1947. FV 6302. Steffens, Joseph Lincoln. The Autobiography of Lincoln Steffens. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1931. KW FV 6303. -----. Another copy. KW 6304. -----. Another copy. KW 6305. Stegner, Mary, and Paul Engle, eds. Prize Stories 1959-60: The 0. Henry Awards. New York: Doubleday, 1960. s6O FV 6306. Stegner,Wallace. Mormon Country. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1942. FV 6307. -----. Second Growth. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1947. MH 6308. Steig, Henry. Send me Down. New York: Knopf, 1941. FV 6309. Steig, William. Man about Town. KW 6310. Stein, Gertrude. The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas. Stockholm: Continental, 1947. FV 6311. -----. Descriptions of Literature. Englewood, N.J.: Lynes & Harbeck, 1926. KL 6312. -----. Everybody's Autobiography. KW

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6313. -----. Lucy Church, Amiably. Paris: "Union," 1930. kwfv FV 6314. -----. Picasso. KW 6315. -----. Portrait of Mabel Dodge at the Villa Curonia. Florence: Tip. Galileiana (Props. Cappelli), n.d. KL 6316. -----. Portraits and Prayers. Mew York: Random House, 1934. kwfv FV 6317. -----. Wars I Have Seen. New York: Random House, 1945. FV 6318. Stein, Guenther. The Challenge of Red China. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1945. FV 6319. Stein, Leo. Appreciation: Painting, Poetry and Prose. New York: Crown, 1947. FV 6320. Steinach, Eugen. Sex and Life: Forty Years of Biological and Medical Experiments. New York: Viking, 1940. FV 6321. Steinbeck, John. East of Eden. New York: Viking, 1952. FV 6322. -----. The Grapes of Wrath. New York: Viking, 1939. FV 6323. -----. The Long Valley. KW 6324. -----. Of Mice and Men. New York: Viking, 1937. s37 6325. -----. To a God Unknown. New York: Bantam, 1955. FV 6326. -----. and Edward F. Ricketts. The Log from the Sea of Cortez. The Narrative Portion of the Book, Sea of Cortez, by John Steinbeck and E.F. Ricketts, 1941, Here Reissued with a Profile, "About Ed Ricketts," by John Steinbeck. New York: Viking, 1951. FV 6327. Steinberg, Saul. All in Line. Harmondsworth, Middx.: Penguin, 1945. FV 6328. Steincrohn, Peter Joseph. What You Can Do for High Blood Pressure. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1947. FV

Stendhal, pseud. See Beyle, Marie Henri. 6329. Stephens, Ian Melville. Horned Moon: An Account of a Journey Through Pakistan, Kashmir and Afghanistan. London: Chatto & Windus, 1953. FV

Stephensen, P.R., joint author. See Bisset, James Gordon Partridge. 6330. Stephenson, Jessie Bane. From old Stencils to Silk Screening: A Practical Guide. Full basic instructions, with a historical sketch of the craft from the earliest examples to the present day, and 200 selected designs. London: Scribner, 1953. FV 6331. Stern, Gladys Bronwyn. Monogram. KWH 6332. -----. No Son of Mine. New York: Macmillan, 1948. FV 6333. Stern, James. The Heartless Land. kwfv

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6334. -----. The Hidden Damage. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1947. FV 6335. Stern, Richard Martin. These Unlucky Deeds. New York: Scribner, 1960. MH 6336. Sternberg, Fritz. How to Stop the Russians without War. Translated by Ralph Manheim. New York: Day, 1948. FV 6337. Sterne, Laurence. The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman. Introduction by Wilbur L. Cross. New York: Boni & Liveright, 1925. kwfv FV 6338. -----. The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman. Introduction by Christopher Morley. New York: Heritage, 1935. FV 6339. -----. A Sentimental Journey. KWH 6340. Steuer, Arthur. Rebel Gun. New York: Dell, 1956. FV 6341. Stevens, Austin. Time & Money. London: Cape, 1959. FV 6342. Stevens, Wallace. The Man with the Blue Guitar and other Poems. KW 6343. Stevens, William Oliver. Pistols at Ten Paces: The Story of the Code of Honor in America. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1940. FV 6344. Stevenson, Robert Louis. The Black Arrow. London: Collins, n.d. FV 6345. -----. A Child's Garden of Verses. New York: U.S. Camera, 1944. FV 6346. -----. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and An Island Voyage. London: Albatross, 1948. FV 6347. -----. Novels & Stories. Selected with an introduction by V.S. Pritchett. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1946. FV 6348. -----. Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Introduction by John Mason Brown. New York: Heritage, 1952. FV 6349. -----. Treasure Island. New York: McKibbin, n.d. PC 6350. -----. The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson. 10 vols. New York: Davos, 1906. kwfv FV 6351. Stevenson-Hamilton, James. South African Eden, from Sabi Game Reserve to Kruger National Park. London: Cassell, 1952. MH 6352. -----. Wild Life in South Africa. London: Cassell, 1950. MH 6353. Stewart, Alexander. In Darkest Spain. kwfv 6354. Stewart, Alfred Walter [J.J. Connington]. A Minor Operation. Boston: Little, Brown, 1937. s37 6355. Stewart, George Rippey. Pickett's Charge: A Microhistory of the Final Attack at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1959. s6O FV

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6356. -----. Storm: A Novel. Washington: Infantry Journal, 1945. FV 6357. Stewart, John Innes Mackintosh. A Use of Riches: A Novel. New York: Norton, 1957. FV 6358. Stewart, Maxwell Slutz. The Negro in America. New York [Public Affairs Committee, 1945?]. FV 6359. Stewart, Sidney. Give Us This Day. New York: Norton, 1957. FV 6360. Stieglitz, Julius Oscar, ed. Chemistry in Medicine: A Cooperative Treatise Intended to Give Examples of Progress Made in Medicine with the Aid of Chemistry. New York: The Chemical Foundation, 1928. kwfv FV 6361. Stigand, Chauncey Hugh. Hunting the Elephant in Africa and Other Recollections of Thirteen Years' Wanderings. Introduction by Colonel Theodore Roosevelt. New York: Macmillan, 1913. kwfv MB 6362. -----. Game of British East Africa. kwfv 6363. Still, James. River of Earth. New York: Viking, 1940. FV 6364. Stilwell, Joseph Warren. The Stilwell Papers. Arranged and edited by Theodore H. White. New York: Sloane, 1948. FV 6365. Stix, Thomas Louis, ed. "Say It Ain't So, Joe." New York: Boni & Gaer, 1947. FV 6366. Stockton, J. Roy. The Gashouse Gang. New York: Bantam [1948]. FV 6367. -----. The Gashouse Gang and a Couple of Other Guys. Foreword by Lloyd Lewis. New York: Barnes, 1945. FV 6368. Stoddard, Charles Augustus. Spanish Cities, with Glimpses of Gibraltar and Tangier. KW 6369. Stoddard, Herbert Lee. The Bobwhite Quail: Its Habits, Preservation and Increase. New York: Scribner, 1932. kwfv FV 6370. Stolberg, Benjamin, and Warren Jay Vinton. The Economic Consequences of the New Deal. KW

Stone, A.J., joint author. See Roosevelt, Theodore. 6371. Stone, Irving. Lust for Life: The Novel of Vincent van Gogh. KW 6372. -----. Lust for Life: The Novel of Vincent van Gogh. New York: Pocket Books, 1955. KW FV 6373. -----. Men to Match My Mountains: The Opening of the Far West, 1840-1900. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1956. FV 6373a. -----. Sailor on Horseback. b38 6374. Stopes, Marie Charlotte. Wise Parenthood: The Treatise on Birth Control for Married People. KW 6375. Stopp, Frederick J. Evelyn Waugh: Portrait of an Artist. Boston: Little, Brown, 1958. S59 FV 6376. Storm, Colton, and Howard Peckham. Invitation to Book Collecting: Its Pleasures and Practices, with Kindred Discussions of Manuscripts, Maps and Prints. New York: Bowker, 1947. FV

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6377. Storm, Hans Otto. Count Ten. New York: Longmans, Green, 1940. FV 6378. *The Story of a Revolution. New York, 1959. FV 6379. Stouffer, Samuel Andrew and others. The American Soldier. Vol. 1: Adjustment during Army Life. Vol. 2: Combat and Its Aftermath. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton, 1949. s49 [Vols. 1 and 2] FV [Vol. 1] 6380. Stowe, Harriet (Beecher). Agnes of Sorrento. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1862. PC 6381. Stowe, Leland. Hitler est-ce la querre? Nazi Germany Means War. Tr. d'anglais. Paris: Gallimard, 1934. FV 6382. Strabolgi, Joseph Montague Kenworthy. The Battle of the River Plate. London: Hutchinson, 1940. FV 6383. -----. Narvik and After: A Study of the Scandinavian Campaign. London: Hutchinson, 1940. FV 6384. Strachey, John. The Frontiers. New York: Random House, 1952. FV 6385. Strachey, Lytton. Elizabeth and Essex: A Tragic History. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1928. FV 6386. -----. Portraits in Miniature and Other Essays. kwfv

-----, joint author. See Woolf, Virginia. 6387. Strandberg, Olle. Jambo. Stockholm: Rabén & Sjögren, 1954. FV 6388. -----. Jambo Means Hello. Translated by Maurice Albert Michael. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1956. FV 6389. Strandnaes, Borge. Fire lande uden vejskilt: Rejseoplevelser fra Melemamerika. Copenhagen: Borgen, 1954. FV

Strange, John Stephen, pseud. See Tillett, Dorothy. 6390. Strange, Michael. Who Tells Me True. New York: Scribner, 1940. FV 6391. Strauss, Theodore. Night at Hogwallow. KWH 6392. Strausz-Hupé, Robert. Geopolitics: The Struggle for Space and Power. New York: Putnam, 1942. FV 6393. Streeter, Daniel Willard. An Artic Rodeo. KW 6394. Streever, Fred. A New Fishing Technique: Deep Trolling with Fine Wire. New York, n.d. FV 6395. Streit,Clarence Kirshman. Freedom against itself. New York: Harper, 1954. FV 6396. Strettiová, Olga. Baroque Portraits. Translated by Hedda Veselà Stránská. London: Spring Books, n.d. FV 6397. Strode, Hudson. The Pagent of Cuba. New York: Smith & Haas, 1934. FV 6398. Strong, Leonard Alfred George. Shake Hands and Come Out Fighting. London: Chapman & Hall, 1938. b38 kwfv FV

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6399. Strunk, William, and E.B. White. The Elements of Style. New York: Macmillan, 1959. FV 6400. Strutt, Joseph. The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England; Including the Rural and Domestic Recreations, May Games, Mummeries, Shows, Processions, Pagents and Pompous Spectacles, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. London: Chatto & Windus, 1876. kwfv FV

Stuart, Charles E., joint author. See Pratt, Joseph Gaither. 6401. Stuart, John Leighton. Fifty Years in China: The Memoirs of John Leighton Stuart, Missionary and Ambassador. New York: Random House, 1954. s54 FV 6402. Stuart, Lee. "Que pasa en Cuba?" [Typescript.]. KL 6403. Sturgis, Bertha. Field Book of Birds of the Panama Canal Zone. KW

Sturz, Herbert, joint author. See Lyttleton, Elizabeth. 6404. Sturzo, Luigi. Italy and the Coming World. Introduction by Somner Welles. New York: Roy, 1945. FV 6405. Styron, William. Lie Down in Darkness: A Novel. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1951. FV 6406. Suarez, Georges. La vie orgueilleuse de Clemenceau. KW 6407. Suarez, Silvano. El esqueleto del leopardo: Notas sobre la obra de Ernest Hemingway. Havana: Neptuno,

1955. FV 6408. Succar, Oscar Antonio de, and Ramon Araquistain. Spanish in Record Time without a Teacher. New York: Authentic Publications, 1954. FV 6409. Sues, Ilona Ralf. Shark's Fins and Millet. Boston: Little, Brown, 1944. FV 6410. Sullivan, Francis Paul. The Portion of a Champion by Francis O’Sullivan Tighe. KWH 6411. Sullivan,Walter. Quest for a Continent. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1957. FV 6412. Sulzberger, Cyrus Leo. My Brother Death. New York: Harper, 1961. FV 6413. Summers, Montague. The Werewolf. KW 6414. Summersby, Kathleen. Eisenhower Was My Boss. Edited by Michael Kearns. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1948. FV 6415. Sumner,William Graham. Folkways: A Study of the Sociological Importance of Usages, Manners, Customs, Mores, and Morals. KWH

Sunderland, Riley, joint author. See Romanus, Charles F. 6416. Sunset. Chefs of the West, by Four Hundred and Seventy-four of the Best Men Cooks in the West. Menlo Park, Calif.: Lane, 1951. FV 6417. Surtees, Robert Smith. "Plain or Ringlets?" KW 6418. Sutton, George Miksch. Mexican Birds: First Impressions. Based upon an ornithological expedition to Tamaulipas, Nuevo León and Coahuila. Norman: University of Oklahoma, 1951. FV

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6419. Sutton, Richard Lightburn. Tiger Trails in Southern Asia. St. Louis: Mosby, 1926. kwfv FV 6420. Sverdup, Harold Ulrik, Martin W. Johnson and Richard H. Fleming. The Oceans: Their Physics, Chemistry, and General Biology. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1942. FV

Svevo, Italo, pseud. See Schmitz, Ettore. 6421. Swain, Virginia. The Dollar Gold Piece. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1942. FV 6422. Swanberg, W.A. Jim Fisk: The Career of an Improbable Rascal. New York: Scribner, 1959. FV 6423. -----. Sickles the Incredible. New York: Scribner, 1956. FV 6424. Swanson, Neil Harmon. The Judas Tree. KWH 6425. Sward, Keith. The Legend of Henry Ford. New York: Rinehart, 1948. FV 6426. Sweden. Législation et activités sociales en Suéde: Aperçu publié sur mandat du gouvernement Suédois. Stockholm: Tryckeriaktiebolaget Tiden, 1939. FV 6427. Sweeny, Charles. Britain Bids for World Power. (Salt Lake City: Arrow Press?] 1948. FV 6428. -----. Another copy. FV 6429. -----. Moment of Truth: A Realistic Examination of Our War Situation. New York: Scribner, 1942. FV 6430. -----. Moment of Truth: A Realistic Examination of Our War Situation. New York: Scribner, 1943. MH 6431. -----. Pearl Harbour. Salt Lake City: Privately printed by Arrow Press, 1946. KL 6432. -----. Pétain. Salt Lake City: Privately printed by Arrow Press, 1945. KL 6433. Swiggett, Howard. March or Die. New York: Putnam, 1953. FV 6434. -----. Most Secret, Most Immediate. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1944. FV

joint author. See Horan, James David. 6435. Swinburne, Algernon Charles. The Work of Algernon Charles Swinburne. Philadelphia: McKay, n.d. kwfv FV 6436. Swinnerton, Frank Arthur. Swinnerton: An Autobiography. KW 6437. Sykes, Christopher. Answer to Question 33. New York: Sloane, 1948. FV 6438. -----. Character & Situation: Six Short Stories. London: Collins, 1949. FV 6439. -----. Four Studies in Loyalty. New York: Sloane, 1948. FV 6440. Sylvester, Robert. Rough Sketch. New York: Dial, 1948. FV 6441. Synon, Mary. The Good Red Bricks. KWH

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6442. Taber, Gladys, and Ruth Kistner. Flower Arranging for the American Home. Philadelphia: Macrae-Smith, 1947. FV 6443. Tabori, George. Companions of the Left Hand. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1946. FV 6444. Tabouis, Geneviéve R. Blackmail or War. Translated by Paul Selver. Harmondsworth, Middlx.: Penguin, 1938. kvfv FV 6445. Taft, Robert. Artists and Illustrators of the Old West, 1850-1900. New York: Scribner, 1953. FV 6446. Taggard, Genevieve. Words for the Chisel. KW 6447. Tagliabue, John. Poems. New York: Harper, 1959. FV 6448. *Tagliapietra, Francisco Giuseppe. "La carega [?] di Atila" in Torcello. Venice: Videttí, 1933. FV

Tailles, P., joint author. See Costeau, Jacques-Yves. 6449. Talayesva, Don C. Sun Chief: The Autobiography of a Hopi Indian Edited by Leo W. Simmons. New Haven: Yale, 1942. FV 6450. Tallant, Robert. Mr. Preen's Salon. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1949. FV 6451. Tambs, Erling. The Cruise of the Teddy. London: Cape, 1933. kwfv FV 6452. Tanganyika Territory Game Preservation Department Annual Report, 1932; Including Map of the Tanganyika Territory. Dar es Salaam: Government Printer, 1933. KL 6453. Tannehill, Ivan Ray. Hurricanes: Their Nature and History, Particularly Those of the West Indies and the Southern Coasts of the United States. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton, 1938. FV 6454. Tarkington, Booth. The Turmoil. KW 6455. -----. Women. KW 6456. -----. Young Mrs. Greeley. KW 6457. Tarle, Eugene V. Napoleon's Invasion of Russia, 1812. Translated by Norbert Guterman and Ralph Manheim. New York: Oxford 1942. FV 6458. Tartiere, Dorothy Blackman [Drue Tartiere]. The House near Paris: An American Woman's Story of Traffic in Patriots. Written with Morris Robert Werner. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1946. FV 6459. Tasaki, Hanama. Long the Imperial Way. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1950. FV 6460. Tatchell, Frank. The Happy Traveller: A Book for Poor Men. London: Methuen, 1923. kwfv FV 6461. Tate, Allen. The Fathers. KW 6462. -----. Mr. Pope and Other Poems. New York: Minton, Balch, 1928. kwfv FV 6463. -----. Poems: 1928-1931. New York: Scribner, 1932. kwfv FV 6464. Taverner,Eric. Trout Fishing from All Angles. London: Seeley, 1929. kwfv FV

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6465. -----. Trout Fishing from All Angles. London: Seeley, 1933. FV 6466. Tavolato, Italo. Georg Grosz; avec 32 reproductions en phototypie. Rome: "Valori Plastice," 1924. KL 6467. Tawney, Richard Henry. The Acquisitive Society. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Howe, 1920. FV 6468. Taylor, Alto Lucretia [Althea L. Clinton], ed. The Treasure Book of Best Stories. KW 6469. Taylor, Carl Norman. Odyssey of the Islands. KW 6470. Taylor, Edmond. Richer by Asia. Boston: Houghton Mifflin 1947. FV 6471. Taylor, Elizabeth. Angel. New York: Viking, 1957. FV 6472. Taylor, George Edward. The Struggle for North China. New York: International Secretariat, Institute of Pacific Relations, 1940. FV 6473. Taylor, Griffin. Mortlake. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1960. FV 6474. Taylor, John. Pondoro, Last of the Ivory Hunters. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1955. FV 6475. Taylor, Richard Denison. The Better Taylors. New York: Random House, 1944. FV 6476. Taylor, Robert Lewis. W.C. Fields, His Follies and Fortunes. New York: Bantam, 1951. FV 6477. Taylor, Telford. The March of Conquest: The German Victories in Western Europe, 1940. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1958. FV 6478. Tazieff, Haroun. Caves of Adventure. Translated by Alan Hodge. New York: Harper, 1953. FV 6479. Teale, Edwin Way. Adventures in Nature: Selections from the Outdoor Writings of Edwin Way Teale. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1959. s6O FV 6480. -----. Journey Into Summer: A Naturalist's Record of a 19,000-mile Journey through the North American Summer. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1960. s6l NH 6481. Teasdale, Sara. Rivers to the Sea. New York: Macmillan, 1915. PC 6482. Teasdale-Buckell, George Teasdale. The Complete Shot. Fifth edition revised by A.F. Randall. London: Methuen, 1924. kwfv FV 6483. Tedder, Arthur William. Air Power in War. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1946. FV 6484. Tee-Van, John, and others, eds. Fishes of the Western North Atlantic. New Haven: Sears Foundation for Marine Research, Yale University, 1948. FV 6485. Teissier, Jeanine. La double Mary: Reine des voleurs au temps de Shakespeare. Paris: Balzac [1943?]. FV 6486. Teller, Judd L. Scapegoat of Revolution. New York: Scribner, 1954. FV 6487. Temko, Allan. Notre-Dame de Paris. London: Secker & Warburg, 1956. FV

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Temple, Dan, pseud. See Newton, Dwight Bennett.

Temple, James, pseud. See Wrenicke, Cyril J.T. 6488. The Temple Fielding's Selective Shopping Guide to Europe, 1957-58. New York: Sloane, 1957. FV 6489. Templewood, Samuel John Gurney Hoare. Complacent Dictator. New York: Knopf, 1947. FV 6490. *Ten Years of Japanese Burrowing in the Netherlands East Indies. New York: Netherlands Information Bureau, n.d. FV 6491. Tennant, Eleonora. Spanish Journey: Personal Experiences of the Civil War. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1936. KL 6492. Tennyson, Hallam. The Wall of Dust and Other Stories. New York: Viking, 1948. FV 6493. Tennyson, Julian. Rough Shooting for the Owner-keeper, Month by Month. London: Black, 1938. FV 6494. Tenzing, Norkey. Tiger of the Snows: The Autobiography of Tenzing of Everest. Written in collaboration with James Ramsey Ullman. New York: Putnam, 1955. FV 6495. Terhune, Florence B. Decorating for You. New York: Barrows, 1944. FV 6496. Terrall, Robert, ed. Great Scenes from Great Novels. Introduction by Malcolm Cowley. New York: Dell, 1956. FV 6497. Tevis, Walter S. The Hustler. New York: Harper, 1959. s59 6498. Thacher, Russell. The Captain. New York: Macmillan, 1951. FV 6499. Thackeray, William Makepeace. The Rose and the Ring; or, The History of Prince Giglio and Prince Bulbo. London: Murray, 1923. FV 6500. -----. Vanity Fair: A Novel without a Hero. New York: Macmillan, 1926. FV 6501. -----. Vanity Fair: A Novel without a Hero. Introduction by Joseph Warren Beach. New York: Modern Library, n.d. FV 6502. -----. Vanity Fair: A Novel without a Hero. 2 vols. KW 6503. Tharaud, Jérôme and Jean. Notre cher Péguy. KW 6504. Thaw, Harry Kendall. The Traitor, Being the Untampered With, Unrevised Account of the Trial and All That Led to It. Philadelphia: Dorrance, 1926. FV 6505. Thayer, Lee. Last Trump. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1937. FV 6506. Thielen, Benedict. The Lost Men. New York: Appleton-Century, 1946. FV 6507. Thiery, Herman [Johan Daisne]. Véva. Paris: Dutilleul, 1957. FV 6508. This I Believe (radio program). This I Believe. Written for Edward R. Murrow. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1954. FV

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6509. This Quarter. Edited by Ethel Moorehead. No. 4. Spring, 1929. Monte Carlo, Monaco. kwfv FV fv tape 6510. Thomas, Caitlin. Leftover Life to Kill. Boston: Little, Brown, 1957. FV 6511. Thomas, Dylan. Conversations about Christmas. Printed at Christmas 1954 for the Friends of J. Laughlin and New Directions. New York, 1954. FV 6512. -----. In Country Sleep and other Poems. New York: New Directions, 1952. FV 6513. Thomas, Edith [Jean Le Guern Auxois]. Contes d'Auxois (transcrit du réel). Paris: Aux Editions de Minuit, 1943. FV 6514. Thomas, George Clifford, and George C. Thomas III. Game Fish of the Pacific, Southern Californian and Mexican. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1930. kwfv FV 6515. Thomas, Henry, and Dana Lee Thomas. Strange Tales of Amazing Frauds. Garden City, N.Y.: Permabooks, 1950. FV 6516. Thomas, Lowell. Out of This World: Across the Himalayas to Forbidden Tibet. New York: Greystone, 1950. FV 6517. -----, and Ted Shane. Softball! So what? New York: Stokes, 1940. FV 6518. Thomas, William Sturgis. Field Book of Common Mushrooms and Directions for Cooking Those That Are Edible. New York: Putnam, 1936. FV 6519. Thomason, John William. Gone to Texas. KW 6520. -----. Lone Star Preacher; Being a Chronicle of the Acts of Praxiteles Swan, M.E. Church South, Sometime Captain, 5th Texas Regiment, Confederate States Provisional Army. New York: Scribner, 1941. FV 6521. Thomazi, Auguste Antoine. Histoire de la pêche des àges de la pierre à nos jours. Paris: Payot, 1947. FV 6522. Thommen,George S. Spinning Reels and Tackle. New York: Durrell, 1949. FV 6523. Thompson, Cecil Vincent Raymond. I Lost My English Accent. KW 6524. -----. Trousers Will Be Worn. New York: Putnam, 1941. FV 6525. Thompson, George. Prison Life and Reflections; or, A Narrative of the Arrest, Trial, Conviction, Imprisonment, Treatment, Observations, Reflections, and Deliverance of Work, Burr and Thompson, Who Suffered an Unjust and Cruel Imprisonment in Missouri Penitentiary for Attempting To Aid Some Slaves to Liberty. Hartford: Work, 1849. kwfv FV 6526. Thompson, John Eric Sidney. The Civilization of the Mayas. Chicago: Field Museum of Natural History, 1954. FV 6527. Thompson, Maurice, ed. The Boys' Book of Sports and outdoor Life. New York: Century, 1886. PC 6528. Thompson, Morton. Joe, the Wounded Tennis Player. Introduction by Robert Benchley. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1945. FV 6529. -----. Not as a Stranger. New York: Scribner, 1954. FV

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6530. Thompson, Oscar, ed. The International Cyclopedia of Music and Musicians. Philadelphia: Blakiston, 1944. FV 6531. Thompson, Paul Williams. Modern Battle: Units in Action in the Second World War. New York: Norton, 1941. FV 6532. -----. Another copy. FV 6533. Thompson, Reginald William. Battle for the Rhine. New York: Ballantine, 1959. FV 6534. -----. The Eighty-five Days: The Story of the Battle of the Scheldt. New York: Ballantine, 1957. FV

Thompson, S.C., joint author. See Turkin, Hy. 6535. Thompson, Terry Brewster. Take Her Down: Wartime Adventures of U.S. Submarine L-9. New York: Sheridan, 1942. FV 6536. Thompson, Willa. Garden without Flowers. Boston: Beacon, 1957. FV 6537. Thomson, Stewart. A Show of Force. New York: Harper, 1955. FV 6538. Thoreau, Henry David. Thoreau’s Complete Works. 5 vols. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1929. FV 6539. -----. Walden and other Writings. Edited with an introduction by Brooks Atkinson. New York: Modern Library, 1937. FV 6540. -----. Walden; or, Life in the Woods. Mount Vernon, N.Y.: Peter Pauper, 1955. FV 6541. Thorndike-Barnhart. Comprehensive Desk Dictionary. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1951. , FV 6542. Thorne, Anthony. Delay in the Sun. New York: Literary Guild, 1934. kwfv FV 6543. Thornhill, Christopher James. Mobree of the Black Coast. Nairobi: English Press, 1955. FV 6544. Thorwald, Jürgen. The Century of the Surgeon. New York: Pantheon, 1956. FV 6545. Thoughts for Food: A Menu Aid. New York: Vanguard, 1941. FV 6546. Thurber, James. Gezeichnete Parodien zu Balladen v. Friedrich Schiller, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Sir Walter Scott u. Alfred Lord Tennyson. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1954. FV 6547. -----. The Last Flower: A Parable in Pictures. New York: Harper, 1939. FV 6548. -----. My World--and Welcome to It. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1942. FV 6549. -----. The Seal in the Bedroom and other Predicaments. KW 6550. -----. The Thurber Album: A New Collection of Pieces about People. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1952. FV 6551. -----. The Years with Ross. Boston: Little, Brown, 1959. s6O FV 6552. Thurston, Howard. 200 Tricks You Can Do. New York: Burt, 1926. kwfv FV

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6553. -----. 200 More Tricks You Can Do. KW 6554. Tickell, Jerrard. Moon Squadron. London: Wingate, 1956. FV 6555. Tillett, Dorothy [John Stephen Strange]. Murder Gives a Lovely Light. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1941. FV 6556. -----Night of Reckoning. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1958. FV 6557. The Times, London (newspaper). The Times Atlas of the World. Edited by John Bartholomew. 4 vols. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1955-56. FV [Vols. 3 & 4] b/s tape [4 vols.] 6557a. Tinker, Frank Glasgow. Some Still Live. London: Funk & Wagnalls, 1938. b38 6558. Tintoretto, Jacopo Robusti. Tintoretto: The Paintings and Drawings. Edited by Hans Tietze. London: Phaidon, 1948. FV 6559. Toesca, Louis [Louis Roya]. Histoire de Mussolini. KW 6560. Toland, John. Battle: The Story of the Bulge. New York: Random House, 1959. s6O FV 6561. -----. Another copy. MH

Tolleris, Ralph, joint author. See Hart, Harold H.

Tolosa, Paco, pseud. See Lafront, Auguste. 6562. Tolstoy, Leo. Anna Karenina. Translated by Constance Garnett. New York: Heritage, 1952. FV 6563. -----. Another copy. KW 6564. -----. Another copy. KW 6565. -----. The Journal of Leo Tolstoi. Translated from the Russian by Rose Strunsky. Vol. 1: 1895-1899. New York: Knopf, 1917. kwfv MH 6566. -----. War and Peace. kwfv 6567. -----. War and Peace. Translated by Louise and Aylmer Maude. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1942. FV 6568. -----. Another copy. FV 6569. Tomlinson, Henry Major. London River. New York: Knopf, 1921. kwfv FV 6570. -----. London River. KW 6571. -----. Old Junk. New York: Knopf, 1920. kwfv FV 6572. -----, ed. Great Sea Stories of All Nations. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1930. kwfv FV 6573. Tompkins, Warwick Miller. The Coastwise Navigator. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1940. FV 6574. -----. The Offshore Navigator. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1942. FV

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6575. Tong, Hollington Kong. Chiang Kai-shek: Soldier and Statesman. 2 vols. Shanghai: China Publishing, 1953. FV [1 vol.?] 6576. *-----. Gems of Chinese Humor. n.p., n.d. FV 6577. *-----. Japanese Sense of Humor. n.p., n.d. FV 6578. -----. What Is Ahead for China? A Collection of Speeches, June, 1956-February, 1957. Washington: Chinese Embassy, 1957. FV

Tongg, Richard C., joint author. See Kuck, Loraine E. 6579. Tongue, Cornelius [Cecil]. Records of the Chase and Memoirs of Celebrated Sportsmen, Illustrating Some of the Usages of Olden Times and Comparing Them with Prevailing Customs, Together with an introduction to Most of the Fashionable Hunting Countries and Comments. London: Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans, 1854. FV 6580. Toor, Frances. Spanish for Your Mexican Visit. Mexico, 1935. PC 6581. *Töpffer, Rodolphe. Der kühle Bräutigam oder die Abenturer des Hezrn Cryptagramm zu Wasser und zu Lande. Hamburg, n.d. FV 6582. Torra, Antonio d', and Alberto Arredondo. Como cumple Batista su plataforina de gobierno. Havana: Prensa Indoamericana, 1943. FV 6583. Torrecilla, Marqués de la. Indice de bibliograflía hípica española y portuguesa catalogada alfabéticamente por orden de autores y por orden de titulos de las obras. Madrid: Sucesores de Rivadeneyra, 1916-21. FV 6584. Tosti, Amedeo. L'Italie dans la guerre mondiale (1915-1918). Tr. de l'italien par Fernand Hayward. Paris: Payot, 1933. kwfv FV 6585. -----. Storia della seconda guerra mondiale. 2 vols. Milan: Rizzoli, 1948. FV 6586. Tourel, Louis. Torerias: Fantaisie biblio-tauromachique. Marseille: Damilano, 1940. FV 6587. Tourgee, Albion W. Figs and Thistles: A Romance of the Western Reserve. New York: Fords, Howard & Hulbert, 1879. PC 6588. Touring Club Italiano. Liguria. Milan, 1949. FV 6589. -----. Lombardia. 2 vols. Milan, 1938-41. 'FV 6590. -----. Piedmonte. Milan, 1941. FV 6591. -----. Toscana. Milan, 1938. FV 6592. -----. Toscana. Milan, 1941. FV 6593. *-----. Venezia e la sua laguna. Milan, 1947. KW FV 6594. Towne, Charles Wayland, and Edward Norris Wentworth. Cattle and Men. Norman: University of Oklahoma, 1955. MH

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6595. Towner Coston, Harry Ernest. Speckled Nomads: A Tale of Trout in Two Rivers. New York: Macmillan, 1939. FV 6596. -----, F.T.K. Pentelow and R.W. Butcher. River Management: The Making, Care & Development of Salmon & Trout Rivers. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1936. FV 6597. Toynbee, Arnold J. A Study of History. New York: Oxford, 1947. FV 6598. Toynbee, Paget Jackson. Dante Alighieri. London: Methuen, 1900. FV 6599. Toynbee, Philip. Prothalamium: A Cycle of the Holy Grail. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1947. FV 6600. Tracy, Don. Crimson Is the Eastern Shore. New York: Dial, 1953. FV 6601. -----. The Strumpet [Sea]. (Originally published as The Streets of Askelon.) New York: Pocket Books, 1952. FV 6602. *Train, Arthur. Apología pro officio suo: An Inaugural. n.p., n.d. FV 6603. Train, Arthur Cheney. Mr. Tutt Finds a Way. New York: Scribner, 1945. FV 6604. -----. My Day in Court. New York: Scribner, 1939. FV 6605. -----. Puritan's Progress: An Informal Account of Certain Puritans & Their Descendants from the American Revolution to the Present Time, Their Manners & Customs, Their Virtues & Vices; Together with Some Possibly Forgotten Episodes in the Development of American Social & Economic Life during the Last One Hundred & Fifty Years. kwfv 6606. Transition. Paris. kwfv FV 6607. Trapier, Elizabeth du Gug. Eugenio Lucas y Padilla. New York: Hispanic Society of America, 1940. FV 6608. Trarieux, Jean René André. Si les chevaux pouvaient parler... ou, Quelques vérités sur les courses. Paris: Stock, 1926. FV 6609. Traveler's Guide to the Belgian Congo and Ruanda-Urundi. Brussels: Tourist Bureau for the Belgian Congo and Ruanda-Urundi, 1951. FV 6610. Traven, B. The Death Ship: The Story of an American Sailor. s34 Traver, Robert, pseud. See Voelker, John Donaldson. 6611. Traz, Georges de [François Fosca]. Courbet. Paris: Skira, 1940. FV 6612. -----. Degas: Les albums d'art Druet, VI. Paris: Librairie de France, n.d. PC 6613. Treat, Roger L. Walter Johnson: King of the Pitchers. New York: Messner, 1948. FV 6614. Tregaskis, Richard William. Stronger than Fear. New York: Random House, 1945. FV 6615. Trelawny, Edward John. Adventures of a Younger Son. 2 vols. London: Bohn, 1914. kwfv FV 6616. *Trenas, Julio. Como la resaca. Madrid, 1952. FV

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6617. Trenker, Luis. La guerre au Tyrol: Combats dans les Dolomites (1915-1918). Translated by Pierre A. Degon. Paris: Payot, 1934. FV 6618. Trevelyan, George Macaulay. Garibaldi’s Defense of the Roman Republic. kwfv 6619. Trevelyan, Raleigh. The Fortress: A Diary of Anzio and After. London: Collins, 1956. FV 6620. Trevor, Elleston. The Killing-ground. New York: Macmillan, 1957. FV 6621. -----. Squadron Airborne. New York: Macmillan, 1956. FV 6622. Trevor-Roper, Hugh Redwald. The Last Days of Hitler. New York: Macmillan, 1947. FV 6623. Trignol, Fernand. Pantruche; ou, Les mémoires d'un truand. Paris: Fournier, 1946. FV 6624. Trizzino, Antonino. Navi e poltrone: Seguito dalla sentenza di assoluzione della corte d'appello di Milano. Milan: Longanesi, 1952. FV 6625. Trollope, Anthony. The American Senator. New York: Random House, 1940. FV 6626. -----. An Autobiography. 2 vols. KW 6627. -----. Barchester Towers. KW 6628. -----. The Bertrams. KW 6629. -----. Another copy. KW 6630. -----. The Last Chronicle of Barset. KW 6631. -----. Another copy. KW 6632. -----. North America. New York: Harper, 1862. kwfv FV 6633. Trotsky, Leon. The Revolution Betrayed: What is the Soviet Union and Where Is It Going? Translated by Max Eastman. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1937. s37 KW 6634. *Ttoubetzkoy, Marie [Princess Paul Troubetzkoy]. Half O'Clock in Mayfair. Paris: Obelisk, n.d. FV 6635. Troyat, Henri. The Mountain. Translated by Constantine Fitz Gibbon. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1953. FV 6636. Truesdell, Stephen Riggs. The Rifle: Its Development for Big Game Hunting. Harrisburg, Pa.: Military Service, 1947. FV 6637. Trulock, Jorge C. Blanquito, peón de brega. Valladolid: Gerper, 1958. FV 6638. Trumbull, Robert. Silversides. New York: Holt, 1945. FV 6639. Tschopik, Harry. Indians of North America. New York: American Museum of Natural History, 1952. FV 6640. -----. Indians of the Montaña. New York: American Museum of Natural History, 1952. FV 6641. Tucholsky, Kurt. Schloss Gripsholm. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1950. FV

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6642. Tucker, Lael. Festival. New York: Random House, 1954. FV 6643. -----. Lament for Four Virgins. New York: Random House, 1952. FV 6644. Tuckerman, Arthur. The Old School Tie. New York: Macmillan, 1954. s54 FV Tullett, E.V., joint author. See Browne, Douglas Gordon. 6645. Tully, Andrew. A Race of Rebels. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1960. FV 6646. Tully, Jim. The Bruiser. New York: Bantam, 1946. FV 6647. Tunney, Gene. Arms for Living. New York: Funk, 1941. FV 6648. -----. A Man Must Fight. KW 6649. Tuohy, Frank. The Animal Game. New York: Scribner, 1957. FV 6650. Turgenev, Ivan. Fathers and Sons. KW 6651. -----. First Love: Three Short Novels. Translated by Constance Garnett. With appreciations of Turgenev by Henry James, Joseph Conrad and Prosper Merimge. New York: Lear, 1948. FV 6652. -----. Literary Reminiscences and Autobiographical Fragments. Translated with an introduction by David Magarshack, and an essay on Turgenev by Edmund Wilson. New York: Farrar, Straus & Cudahy, 1958. MH 6653. -----. Mémoires d'un seigneur russe. KW 6654. -----. Another copy. KW 6655. -----. On the Eve. KW b/s tape 6656. *-----. On The Novel. Translated by Gilbert Gardiner. Harmondsworth, Middx.: Penguin, 1951. FV 6657. -----. Smoke. KW 6658. -----. A Sportsman's Sketches. Translated by Constance Garnett. London: Heinemann, 1920. FV 6659. Turkin, Hy, and S.C. Thompson. The Official Encyclopedia of Baseball. New York: Barnes, 1956. FV 6660. Turner, George. Scobie. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1959. FV 6661. Turner, Robert. The Scout. New York: Pocket Books, 1956. FV 6662. Turner, Walter James, ed. A Pictorial Guide to Many Lands: The British Commonwealth and Empire. New York: Hastings House, 1944. FV 6663. Turpin, Edward A., and William A. MacEwen. Merchant Marine Officer's Handbook. New York: Cornell Maritime, 1942. FV 6664. -----, and William A. MacEwen. Merchant Marine Officer's Handbook. New York: Cornell Maritime, 1945. FV

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6665. *Turrent Rozas, Lorenzo. Camino: Novela. Xalapa: Integrales, n.d. FV Twain, Mark, pseud. See Clemens, Samuel Langhorne. 6666. Twelve modern short Novels: A Collection of the Shorter Works of Writers of Distinction from the Eighties of the Last Century to the Present Day. London: Odhams, 1949. FV 6667. *25 Stories from the Soviet Republics. Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing, n.d. FV 6668. Another copy. FV 6669. Tynan, Kenneth. Bull Fever. New York: Harper, 1955. FV 6670. Tyndall, John. The Glaciers of the Alps. kwfv 6671. Tyrmand, Leopold. The Man with the White Eyes. New York: Knopf, 1959. MH 6672. Tzara, Tristan. Picasso et les chemins de la connaissance. Geneva: Skira, 1948. FV Uguccione, Ranieri, joint author. See Martucci, Donato. 6673. Uhlan, Edward. The Rogue of Publishers' Row: Confessions of a Publisher. New York: Exposition, 1956. FV 6674. Ullivarri, Saturnino. Piratas y corsarios en Cuba: Ensayo histórico. Havana: Maza, Caso, 1931. kwfv FV 6675. Ullman, Allan. Sorry, Wrong Number: A Novelization from the Screen Play by Lucille Fletcher. New York: Random House, 1948. FV 6676. Ullman, James Ramsey. The Day on Fire: A Novel Suggested by the Life of Arthur Rimbaud. Cleveland: World, 1958. FV 6677. -----. River of the Sun. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1951. FV 6678. -----, ed. Kingdom of Adventure, Everest: A Chronicle of Man's Assault on the Earth's Highest Mountain, Narrated by the Participants. New York: Sloane, 1947. FV 6679. Unamuno y Jugo, Miguel de. L'essence de 1'Espagne: Cinq essais. Traduit de 1'espagnol par Marcel Bataillon. Paris: Plon, 1923. PC 6680. *Underhill, Ruth Murray. Workday Life of the Pueblos. Kansas, 1954. FV 6681. Undset, Sigrid. Kristin Lavransdatter: The Bridal Wreath, The Mistress of Husaby, The Cross. New York: Knopf, 1931. kwfv FV 6682. Ungaretti, Giuseppe, tr. Tradusioni. [40 sonetti di Shakespeare. Da Góngora e da Mallarmé. Fedra di Jean Racine. Visioni di William Blake.] Milan: Mondadori, 1946. FV 6683. Unger, Leonard, ed. T.S. Eliot: A Selected Critique. New York: Rinehart, 1948. FV 6684. *Union des fédérations des syndicats d'initiative de France. La chasse en France: Premier inventaire des lieux de chasse. Paris, 1927. FV 6685. *-----. La pêche en France. Paris, 1925. FV

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6686. U.S. Bureau of Navigation and Steamboat Inspection. Pilot Rules for Certain Inland Waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts and of the Coast of the Gulf of Mexico (Revised to July 5, 1933). Washington: U.S. Gov't. Print. Off., 1933. KL 6687. U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Inside Route Pilot: Intracoastal Waterway, New York to Key West. Washington: U.S. Gov't. Print. Off., 1936. FV 6688. -----. Inside Route Pilot: New York to Key West. Washington: U.S. Gov't. Print. Off., 1931. PC 6689. -----. Supplement to United States Coast Pilot, Atlantic Coast. Section D: Cape Henry to Key West. Washington: U.S. Gov't. Print. Off., 1933. FV 6690. -----. Tide Tables, East Coast, North and South America (Including Greenland). Washington: U.S. Gov't. Print. Off., 1951. FV 6691. -----. United States Coast Pilot, Atlantic Coast. Section D: Cape Henry to Key West. Washington: U.S. Gov't. Print. Off., 1928. YV 6692. -----. United States Coast Pilot, Gulf Coast. Key West to the Rio Grande. Washington: U.S. Gov't. Print. Off., 1926. FV 6693. -----. United States Coast Pilot, Gulf Coast. Key West to the RioGrande. Washington: U.S. Gov't. Print. Off., 1936. FV 6694. U.S. Dept. of State. Foreign Policy Briefs. Vol. 9. No. 14. Washington, 1960. FV 6695. U.S. Hydrographic Office. Azimuths of the Sun for Latitudes Extending to 70 Degrees from the Equator. Washington: U.S. Gov't. Print. Off., 1934. FV 6696. -----. Another copy. FV 6697. -----. Central America and Mexico Pilot (East Coast) from Galinas Point, Colombia to the Rio Grande. Washington: U.S. Gov't. Print. Off., 1927. FV 6698. -----. Mexico and Central America Pilot (West Coast) from the United States to Colombia, Including the Gulfs of California and Panama. Washington: U.S. Gov't. Print. Off., 1928. FV 6699. -----. Navigation Tables for Mariners and Aviators. Washington: U.S. Gov't. Print. Off., 1937. FV 6700. *-----. Sailing Directions for the Mediterranean. Washington: U.S. Gov't. Print. Off., 1945. FV 6701. -----. Sailing Directions for the West Indies. Issued under the authority of the Secretary of the Navy. Washington: U.S. Gov't. Print. Off., 1936. FV 6702. -----. Tables of Computed Altitude and Azimuth, Latitudes 200 to290 Inclusive. Washington: U.S. Gov't. Print. Off., 1941. FV 6703. -----. Another copy. FV 6704. -----. Tables of Computed Altitude and Azimuth, Latitudes 301 to 391 Inclusive. Washington: U.S. Gov't. Print. Off., 1940. FV 6705. -----. West Indies Pilot. Vol. 2. Washington: U.S. Gov't. Print. Off., 1929. FV

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6706. U.S. National Gallery of Art. Winslow Homer: A Retrospective Exhibition. National Gallery of Art, Smithsonian Institution, Nov. 23, 1958-Jan. 4, 1959; the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Jan. 29-Mar. 8, 1959. Washington, 1958. FV 6707. U.S. Nautical Almanac Office. The American Air Almanac, 1945. Washington: U.S. Gov't. Print. Off., 1945. FV 6708. -----. The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac, 1951. Washington: U.S. Gov't. Print. Off., 1951. FV 6709. -----. The American Nautical Almanac, 1942. Washington: U.S. Gov't. Print. Off., 1942. FV 6710. -----. The American Nautical Almanac, 1947. Washington: U.S. Gov't. Print. Off., 1947. FV 6711. U.S. Navy Dept. The 1931 International Code of Signals. Washington: U.S. Gov't. Print. Off., 1937. FV 6712. -----. The 1931 International Code of Signals. Washington: U.S. Gov't. Print. Off., 1943. FV 6713. U.S. Subversive Activities Control Board. Herbert Brownell, Jr., Attorney General of the United States, Petitioner, v. Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, Respondent. Recommended decision by Kathryn McHale, Board member, issued May 18, 1955. Docket no. 108-53. Washington, 1955. FV 6714. U.S. War Dept. The Admiralties: Operations of the lst Cavalry Division (29 February-18 May, 1944). Washington: Historical Division, War Dept. [1946?]. FV 6715. -----. Anzio Beachhead (22 January-25 May, 1944). Washington: Historical Division, War Dept., 1944. FV 6716. -----. Basic Field Manual: Equipment, Clothing and Tent Pitching. Washington: U.S. Gov't. Print. Off., 1940. FV 6717. -----. Basic Field Manual: Infantry Drill Regulations. New York: Military Books, 1939. FV 6718. -----. Basic Field Manual: Military Law; Domestic Disturbances. Washington: U.S. Gov't. Print. Off., 1941. FV 6719. -----. Basic Field Manual: Rules of Land Warfare. Washington: U.S. Gov't. Print. Off., 1940. FV 6720. -----. Basic Field Manual: Signal Communication. Washington: U.S. Gov't. Print. Off., 1942. FV 6721. -----. Basic Field Manual: U.S. Rifle, Caliber .30, Ml. Washington: U.S. Gov't. Print. Off., 1943. FV 6722. -----. Basic Field Manual: U.S. Rifle, Caliber .30, M1903. Washington: U.S. Gov't. Print. Off., 1943. FV 6723. -----. Browning Automatic Rifle, Caliber .30, M1918, without Bipod. Washington: U.S. Gov't. Print. Off., 1940. FV 6724. -----. The Capture of Makin (20 November-24 November, 1943). Washington: Historical Division, War Dept. [1946?]. FV 6725. -----. Celestial Air Navigation. Washington: U.S. Gov't. Print. Off., 1941. FV 6726. -----. Conventional Signs, Military Symbols and Abbreviations. Washington: U.S. Gov't. Print. Off., 1941. FV

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6727. -----. Another copy. FV 6728. -----. Conventional Signs, Military Symbols and Abbreviations. Washington: U.S. Gov't. Print. Off., 1943. FV 6729. -----. Engineer Field Manual. New York: Military Publishing, n.d. FV 6730. -----. Explosives and Demolition. Washington: U.S. Gov't. Print. Off., 1945. FV 6731. -----. Fifth Army at the Winter Line (15 November, 1943-15 January, 1944). Washington: Military Intelligence Division, 1944. FV 6732. -----. Guam Operations of the 77th Division (21 July-10 August, 1944). Washington: Historical Division, War Dept. [1946?]. FV 6733. -----. Manual for Umpires of Field Maneuvers. Washington: U.S. Gov't. Print. Off., 1942. FV 6734. -----. Merrill's Marauders (February-May 1944). Washington: Military Intelligence Division, U.S. War Dept. [1945?]. FV 6735. -----. Military Policy. Washington: U.S. Gov't. Print. Off., 1941. FV 6736. -----. Omaha Beachhead (6 June-13 June, 1944). Washington: Historical Division, War Dept. [1945?]. FV 6737. -----. Reference Data. Washington: U.S. Gov't. Print. Off., 1941. FV 6738. -----. Salerno: American Operations from the Beaches to the Volturno (9 September-6 October, 1943). Washington: Military Intelligence Division, 1944. FV 6739. -----. Shotguns, All Types. Washington: U.S. Gov't. Print. Off., 1942. FV 6740. -----. Soldier's Handbook. Washington: U.S. Gov't. Print. Off., 1941. FV 6741. -----. The Staff and Combat Orders. Washington: U.S. Gov't. Print. Off., 1940. FV 6742. -----. Utah Beach to Cherbourg (6 June-27 June, 1944). Washington: Historical Division, War Dept., 1948. FV Uno al Sesgo, pseud. See Orts Ramos, Tomás. 6743. Untermeyer, Louis. Makers of the Modern World: The Lives of Ninety-two Writers, Artists, Scientists, Statesmen, Inventors, Philosophers, Composers, and other Creators Who Formed the Pattern of our Century. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1955. FV 6744. Uriarte, Luis [Don Luis]. Toros y toreros, 1920: Detalles y apreciaciones de la temporada. Madrid: "El Liberal," 1920. kwfv FV 6745. -----. Toros y toreros, 1921: Detalles y apreciaciones de la temporada. Madrid: "La Mafiana," 1921. kwfv FV 6746. -----. Toros y toreros en 1947 a 1950: Resumen estadístico, apreciación crítica y notas gráficas de dichas temporadas. Madrid: Pueyo-Arenal, 1951. FV

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6747. Uris, Leon M. The Angry Hills. New York: New American Library, 1957. FV 6748. -----. Battle Cry. New York: Putnam, 1953. FV 6749. Vailland, Roger. The Law: A Novel. Translated from the French by Peter Wiles. London: Cape, 1958. FV 6750. Vaillant, George Clapp. Artists and Craftsmen in Ancient Central America. New York [American Museum of Natural History?], 1949. FV 6751. -----. The Aztecs of Mexico: Origin, Rise and Fall of the Aztec Nation. Harmondsworth, Middx.: Penguin, 1955. FV 6752. -----. Masterpieces of Primitive Sculpture: By Their Arts You Shall Know Them. New York: American Museum of Natural History, 1946. FV 6753. *Vaisseau, de. L’embouteillage de Zeebrugge. KW 6754. *Valdes-Rodriquez, J.M. Bojeo y penetraci6n de contrabando: Ensayo. Havana: Alfa, 1938. FV 6755. *Valdovinos, Dora. Hacia el umbral prometido. Argentina, 1954. FV 6756. Vale, Robert B. Wings, Fur and Shot: A Grass-roots Guide toAmerican Hunting. Foreword by Seth Gordon. New York: Stackpole, 1936. kwfv FV 6757. Valency, Maurice Jacques. In Praise of Love: An Introduction to the Love-poetry of the Renaissance. Mew York: Macmillan, 1958. MH 6758. Valentin, Veit. The German People: Their History and Civilization from the Holy Roman Empire to the Third Reich. New York: Knopf, 1946. FV 6759. Valentine, Alan Chester. Vigilante Justice. New York: Reynal, 1956. FV 6760. Valéry, Paul. Daumier. Texte de Paul Valéry. Paris: Skira, n.d. FV 6761. -----. Degas. Danse. Dessin. Paris: Gallimard, 1938. FV 6762. -----. Mer, marines, marins: Documents commentés par Georges Dupuy. Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1930. kwfv FV 6763. -----. Another copy? KW 6764. -----. Monsieur Teste. KW 6765. Valin, Martial, and François Sommer. Les Sans-culottes de l'air: Histoire du groupe Lorraine. Paris: Laffont, 1954. FV 6766. *Valle, C.G. del, and E. Bobé. Tolerancia del arroz al clorurode sodio en cultivos de aniego. Santiago de lasVegas, Cuba: Estación Experimental Agronómica, 1947. FV 6767. Valle-Inclán, Ramon del. La guerra carlista. Madrid: Fernando Fe, n.d. kwfv FV 6768. -----. La pipa de Kif: Versos. Madrid: Sociedad General Españiola de Librería, 1919. kwfv FV

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6769. Vallhonrat y Villalonga, Francisco Antonio. El lobezno: Novela. La máscara, A puertas cerradas, Pacto, Pombo, El cobarde: Cuentos. Havana: La Verónica, 1943. FV 6770. Van de Water, Frederick Franklyn. Reluctant Rebel. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1948. FV 6771. *Van der Hook, J.H. Raoul Hynkes. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1947. FV 6772. Van der Post, Laurens. The Dark Eye in Africa. New York: Morrow, 1955. FV 6773. -----. Flamingo Feather. New York: Morrow, 1955. FV 6774. -----. Another copy. FV 6775. -----. The Lost World of the Kalahari. New York: Morrow, 1958. FV 6776. -----. Venture to the Interior. New York: Morrow, 1951. FV 6777. Van Doren, Carl Clinton, ed. Modern American Prose. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1934. kwfv FV -----, joint editor. See Fadiman, Clifton. Van Doren, Charles, joint author. See Roske, Ralph Joseph. 6778. Van Druten, John. The Vicarious Years. New York: Scribner, 1955. FV 6779. -----. The Widening Circle. New York: Scribner, 1957. FV 6780. Van Dyke, Henry. The Unknown Quantity: A Book of Romance and Some Half-told Tales. New York: Scribner, 1912. FV Van Dyke, Theodore Strong, joint author. See Roosevelt, Theodore, Sandys, Edwyn and Sanford, Leonard Cutler. 6781. Van Every, Dale. The Shining Mountains. New York: Bantam, 1952. FV 6782. Van Every, Edward. Sins of New York as "Exposed" by the Police Gazette. KW 6783. Van Gelder, Robert. Writers and Writing. New York: Scribner, 1946. FV 6784. Van Loon, Hendrik Willem. The Story of Mankind. New York: Pocket Books, 1953. FV 6785. -----. Van Loon's Geography: The Story of the World We Live in. KW 6786. Van Paassen, Pierre. The Time Is Now! New York: Dial, 1941. FV 6787. Van Praag, Van. Combat. New York: Pocket Books, 1951. FV 6788. -----. Day without End. New York: Sloane, 1949. FV 6789. Van Vechten, Carl. Excavations: A Book of Advocacies. New York: Knopf, 1926. kwfv FV 6790. Vance, Jack. To Live Forever. New York: Ballantine, 1956. FV

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6791. Vandercook, John Womack. The Fools' Parade: Stories. KWH 6792. Vanderbilt, Cornelius. Farewell to Fifth Avenue. kwfv 6793. Vandiver, Frank Everson. Mighty Stonewall. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1957. FV 6794. Vansittart, Robert Gilbert. Bones of Contention. New York: Knopf, 1945. FV 6795. -----. Lessons of My Life. New York: Knopf, 1943. FV 6796. -----. Roots of the Trouble and The Black Record of Germany, Past, Present and Future? New York: Avon, 1944. FV 6797. *Vardanega, Alessandro. Passaggio: 100 sonetti. Venice: Emiliana, 1951. FV 6798. Varè, Daniele. Ghosts of the Rialto. London: Murray, 1956. FV 6799. -----. Ghosts of the Spanish Steps. London: Murray, 1955. FV 6800. Varga, Margit. Waldo Peirce. New York: Hyperion, 1941. FV 6801. -----. Another copy. FV 6802. Vasari, Giorgio. The Lives of the Painters, Sculptors and Architects. London: Dent, n.d. FV 6803. -----. Le vite de’più eccellenti pittori, scultori e architetti. Vols.1-6. KW Vaughan, Ethel, joint author. See Calland, Joseph Stanislaus. 6804. Vavon, Antoine Joseph. La truite: Ses moeurs, l’art de la pêcher. Etampes (Seine-et-Oise): Dormann, 1927. FV 6805. Vázquez y Rodríguez, Leopoldo, Rafael Guerra, Luis Gandullo, Leopoldo López de Saa. La tauromaquia. 2 vols. Madrid: Pedro Núñez, n.d. kwfv FV 6806. Veblen, Thorstein. The Theory of the Leisure Class: An Economic Study of Institutions. Foreword by Stuart Chase. New York: Modern Library, 1934. KW FV 6807. Vega, José de la. Vida y gloria de Pedro Romero. Madrid: Mon, 1954. FV 6808. *Veinte siglos de arte mexicano. Mexico, 1940. FV 6809. Vela, Carlos [Jerezano] and José Rivera [Don Parando]. Resumen pitonudo de 1929: Resumen critico-estadlstico de la temporada taurina. Madrid: Sucesores de Rivadeneyra, 1930. kwfv FV 6810. Velarde y Marin, Sergio. Gramática española. Mexico City: Progreso, 1941. FV 6811. Velgzquez, Diego Rodriguez de Silva y. 8 reproductions en couleurs. Introduction de Erwin Gradmann. Version française par Hermann Rotzler. Basel: Holbein, 1947. FV 6812. Velázquez de la Cadena, Mariano, Edward Gray and Juan L. Iribas, comps. New Pronouncing Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages. Chicago: Wilcox & Follett, 1942. FV

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6813. Velázquez y Sanchez, José. Anales del toreo: Reseña histórica de la lidia de reses bravas y galería biográfica de los principales lidiadores. Seville: Delgado, 1873. KL 6814. *Venesmes, Jean. Les songeries d'un pêcheur sportif. Paris: Chaubon, 1946. FV 6815. Venkataramani, Kaneripatna Sidhanatha. The Nature of Creative Art. Kaveripoompattinam P.O., Tanjore District, India: Svetaranya Ashrama, 1950. FV Ventura, Don, pseud. See Bagüés, Ventura. Venturi, Lionello, joint author. See Kimball, Sidney Fiske. 6816. *Vera, Vincente. Como se viaiaba en el siglo de augusto. KW 6817. Vergani, Orio, Emilio Radius and George Waldemar. Toscanini nella pittura di Caselli. Bergamo: Instituto Italiano d'Arti Grafiche, 1953. FV 6818. Verger, Pierre. Cuba: 196 photos de Pierre Verger. Préf. et notes de Lydia Cabrera. Havana: Cosa Belga, 1958. FV 6819. Verlaine, Paul. Oeuvres posthumes. Vol. 3: vers inédits. Critique et conferences. Appendice. Paris: Messein, 1929. FV 6820. -----. Poémes saturniens. kwfv 6821. Verne, Jules. Off on a Comet. New York: Ace, 1957. FV 6822. *Verona, Guido da. A vida começa amanhã. KW 6823. Veronese, Paolo Cagliari, known as. Veronese. A cura di Rodolfo Pallucchini. Bergamo: Instituto Italiano d'Arti Grafiche, 1943. FV 6824. Verrill, Alpheus Hyatt. Great Conquerors of South and Central America. KW 6825. -----. Strange Sea Shells and Their Stories. Boston: Page [1936?]. FV 6826. Vertex, Jean. Bistrots: Reportages parisiens. Paris: Querelle, 1935. s36 KW 6827. Véry, Pierre. M. Malbrough est mort. Paris: Callimard, 1937. s38 FV 6828. -----. Another copy. s38 KW 6829. Vesey-Fitzgerald, Brian Seymour, ed. The Book of the Horse. London: Nicholson & Watson, 1946. FV 6830. -----, and Francesca La Monte, eds. Game Fish of the World. New York: Harper, 1949. NH 6831. Vespa, Amleto. Secret Agent of Japan. KW 6832. Vestal, Stanley. Queen of Cowtowns: Dodge City, “The Wickedest Little City in America,” 1872-1886. New York: Harper, 1952. FV 6833. -----. Short Grass Country. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1941. FV 6834. -----. Warpath and Council Fire: The Plains Indians' Struggle for Survival in War and in Diplomacy,

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1851-1891. New York: Random House, 1948. FV Veyria, Philippe, joint author. See Gallop, Rodney. 6835. Vezes, Henri [Ryvez]. Les pêches au Lancer: Mouches et cuillers truites et brochets. Paris: Bornemann, 1936. FV 6836. -----. La truite de rivière: Ses diverses pêches à la ligne. Paris: Bornemann, 1936. FV Vibert, Richard, joint author. See Boisset, L. de. 6837. Vidal, Gore. The City and the Pillar. New York: Dutton, 1948. FV 6838. -----. Dark Green, Bright Red. New York: Dutton, 1950. FV 6839. Viereck, Peter Robert Edwin. The Persimmon Tree: New Pastoral and Lyrical Poems. New York: Scribner, 1956. FV 6840. -----. Terror and Decorum: Poems, 1940-1948. New York: Scribner, 1948. FV 6841. Viertel, Peter. White Hunter, Black Heart. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1953. FV 6842. -----. Another copy. FV 6843. -----. The Canyon. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1940. FV 6844. -----. Line of Departure. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1947. FV 6845. -----. Another copy. FV 6846. Vieta, Ezequiel. Aquelarre. Santiago de Cuba: Manigua, 1954. FV 6847. Vieth von Colssenau, Arnold Friedrich [Ludwig Renn]. War. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1929. FV 6848. Vietor, John Adolf. Time Out: American Airmen at Stalag Luft 1. New York: Smith, 1951. FV 6849. Vila, Enrique. Diplomática taurina: Relación social, economía, información. Seville, 1957. FV 6850. Vilfroy, Daniel. War in the West: The Battle of France, May-June, 1940. Harrisburg, Pa.: Military Service Publishing, 1942. FV 6851. Villard, Henry. The Past and Present of the Pike's Peak Gold Regions. Reprinted from the edition of 1860, with introduction and notes by Le Roy R. Hafen. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton, 1932. kwfv FV 6852. Villard, Oswald Garrison. Fighting Years: Memoirs of a Liberal Editor. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1939. FV 6853. Villarrazo, Bernardo. Miguel de Unamuno: Glosa de una vida. Prólogo de José María de Cossío. Barcelona: Aedos, 1959. FV 6854. Villeboeuf, André. Serenatas sin guitarra. Madrid: España Calpe, 1958. FV 6855. Villiers, Alan John. Give Me a Ship to Sail. New York: Scribner, 1959. FV

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6856. -----. Grain Race. New York: Scribner, 1933. kwfv FV 6857. -----. Posted Missing: The Story of Ships Lost without Trace in Recent Years. New York: Scribner, 1956. FV 6858. -----. Sons of Sinbad: An Account of Sailing with the Arabs in their Dhows, in the Red Sea, Around the Coasts of Arabia, and to Zanzibar and Tanganyika; Pearling in the Persian Gulf, and the Life of the Shipmasters, the Mariners and Merchants of Kuwait. New York: Scribner, 1940. FV 6859. -----. Stormalong: The Story of a Boy's Voyage around the world in a Full-rigged Ship. KW 6860. Villoldo, Pedro A. Latin-American Resentment. New York: Vantage, 1959. FV 6861. Villon, François. Oeuvres. Paris: Flammarion, n.d. kwfv FV 6862. Vincent, Howard Paton. The Trying-out of Moby Dick. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1949. FV 6863. Vincent, J. Dictionnaire de poche anglais-français et français-anglais. Paris: Garnier, 1955. FV 6864. Vindel, Pedro. Estampas de toros: Reproducción y descripción de las más importantes publicadas en los siglos XVIII y XIX relatives a la fiesta nacional. Introducción de Gregorio Corrochano. Madrid: Vindel, 1931. kvfv FV 6865. Vining, Elizabeth. Windows for the Crown Prince. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1952. FV Vinton, Warren Jay, joint author. See Stolberg, Benjamin. 6866. Viollet-Le-Duc, Eugéne Emmanuel. Annals of a Fortress. Translated by Benjamin Bucknall. London: Low, Marston, Low & Searle, 1875. kwfv FV 6867. Viosca, Percy. Louisiana Out-doors: A Handbook and Guide. New Orleans, 1933. FV 6868. Virgil (Publius Vergilius Maro). Fourth Eclogue of Virgil. Translated by James Laughlin. New York: New Directions, 1939. FV 6869. -----. The Georgics. Translated into English verse by John Dryden. Introduction by Ceorge F. Whicher. New York: Heritage Press, 1953. FV 6870. Vittorini, Elio. Conversation en Sicile: Roman. Tr. de l'italien par Michel Arnaud. Paris: Callimard, 1948. FV 6871. -----. Conversazione in Sicilia: Romanzo. Milan: Bompiani, 1953. FV 6872. -----. Le donne di Messina: Romanzo. Milan: Bompiani, 1949. FV 6873. -----. Les hommes et les autres: Roman. Tr. de l'italien par Michel Arnaud. Paris: Gallimard, 1947. FV 6874. -----. In Sicily. Translated by Wilfrid David. Introduction by Ernest Hemingway. New York: New Directions, 1949. FV 6875. -----. The Red Carnation. Translated by Anthony Bower. New York: New Directions, 1952. FV 6876. -----. Sardegna come un’infanzia. Milan: Mondadori, 1952. FV

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6877. -----. The Twilight of the Elephant. Translated by Cinina Brescia. Norfolk, Conn.: Laughlin, 1951. FV 6878. *Vivarelli-Colonna, Luigi. Nuova granmtica della lingua spagnola, n.p., n.d. FV 6879. Voelker, John Donaldson [Robert Traver]. Small Town D.A. New York: Dutton, 1954. FV 6880. Vogue (periodical). Vogue's First Reader. Introduction by Frank Crowninshield. New York: Messner, 1942. FV 6881. Voice of America (radio program). Radio Programs to Latin America, 1960. n.p., 1960. FV 6882. Volney, Constantin FranSois Chasseboeuf, comte de. Las ruinas de Palmira o meditación sobre las revoluciones de las imperios. Buenos Aires: Editorial de Grandes Autores, n.d. FV 6883. Voltaire, François Marie Arouet de. History of Charles XII, King of Sweden. Translated by Winifred Todhunter. London: Dent, 1925. kwfv FV 6884. -----. Zadig; ou, la destinée: Histoire orientate. Paris [1929?]. kwfv FV 6885. Von Hagen, Victor Wolfgang, ed. The Green World of the Naturalists: A Treasury of Five Centuries of Natural History in South America. New York: Greenberg, 1948. FV 6886. Vonnegut, Kurt. Player Piano. New York: Scribner, 1952. FV 6887. Voorhees, Melvin B. Korean Tales. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1952. FV Wade, Henry, pseud. See Aubrey-Fletcher, Henry Lancelot. 6888. Wagenknecht, Edward Charles. Seven Worlds of Theodore Roosevelt. New York: Longmans, Green, 1958. s59 MH 6889. -----, ed. The Fireside Book of Ghost Stories. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1947. FV 6890. -----, ed. Six Novels of the Supernatural. New York: Viking, 1944. FV 6891. Wahl, Albert Leopold, Bessie L. Rehwinkel and Lawrance Reilly. The Birth of a Science. Detroit, Michigan: Lutheran Research Society, 1949. FV Wahlen, Auguste, pseud. See Loumyer, Jean Franqois Nicolas. 6892. Wainwright, Jonathan Mayhew. General Wainwright's story: The Account of Four Years of Humiliating Defeat, Surrender, and Captivity, by General Jonathan M. Wainwright, Who Paid the Price for His Country's Unpreparedness. Edited by Robert Considine. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1946. FV 6893. *Wakefield, Paul L., and Lester Byron Colby, eds. About and by Col. John W. Thomason, Jr. USNC; Soldier Extraordinary, Author, Historian, Poet, Artist, Raconteur, Texan, and Gentleman. Washington, 1958. FV 6894. Wakeman, Frederic. The Saxon Charm. New York: Rinehart, 1947. MH 6895. -----. Shore Leave. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1944. FV 6896. -----. The Wastrel. New York: New American Library, 1950. FV Waldemar, George, joint author, See Vergani, Orio.

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6897. Walden, Howard Talbot. Upstream & Down. New York: Macmillan, 1938. FV 6898. Waldman, Milton. Sir Walter Raleigh. London: Collins, 1943. FV 6899. Walker, David Harry. Where the High Winds Blow. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1960. FV 6900. Wallace, Alfred Russell. Travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro, with an Account of the Native Tribes, and Observations on the Climate, Geology, and Natural History of the Amazon Valley. London: Ward, Lock, 1889. FV 6901. Wallace, Dillon. The Lure of the Labrador Wild: The Story of the Exploring Expedition Conducted by Leonidas Hubbard, Jr. New York: Revell [1905?1. FV 6902. Wallace, Edgar. The Double. KW 6903. Wallace, Irving. The Chapman Report. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1960. s6O 6904. Wallenius, Kurt Martti. Men from the Sea. Translated from the Finnish by Alan Blair. Introduction by Vilhjalmur Stefansson. New York: Oxford, 1955. FV 6905. Wallop, Douglass. Night Light. New York: Norton, 1953. FV 6906. Walmsley, Leo. Three Fevers. kwfv 6907. Walpole, Hugh. The Dark Forest. KW 6908. -----. Fortitude: A Romance. London: Macmillan, 1929. kwfv FV 6909. Walsh, Ernest. Poems and Sonnets. kwfv 6910. Walsh, Maurice. The Damsel Debonaire: A Simple Love Story. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1948. FV 6911. -----. The Dark Rose, Being the Chronicle of the wars of Montrose As Seen by Martin Somers, Adjutant of women in O'Cahan's Regiment. New York: Stokes, 1938. s38 KWH 6912. -----. Green Rushes. KW 6913. -----. The Hill Is Mine. New York: Stokes, 1940. FV 6914. -----. The Road to Nowhere: A Novel. New York: Stokes, 1934. kwfv FV 6915. -----. The Small Dark Man. New York: Stokes, 1930. kwfv FV 6916. Walsingham, Thomas De Gray, and Ralph Payne-Gallwey. Shooting. London: Longmans, Green, 1887. kwfv FV 6917. Walter, Gerald. Caesar: A Biography. Translated from the French by Emma Craufurd. Edited by Therese Pol. New York: Scribner, 1952. FV 6918. Walton, Isaak. The Complete Angler; or, The Contemplative Man's Recreation of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. Boston: Little, Brown, 1912. KW FV 6919. Wang, Wen-hsien [J. Wong-Quincey]. Chinese Hunter. Foreword by Lin Yutang. New York: Day, 1939. FV

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6920. The War in Italy. No.18: Arms and Ammunition. (Soldier's Edition.) September, 1918. KL 6921. The War the Infantry Knew, 1914-1919: A Chronicle of Service in France and Belgium with the Second Battalion, His Majesty's Twenty-third Foot, the Royal Welsh Fusiliers; Founded on Personal Records, Recollections and Reflections. Assembled, edited and partly written by one of their medical officers. London: King, 1938. FV 6922. Ward, Alfred Charles. American Literature, 1880-1930. New York: Dial, 1932. kwfv FV 6923. Ward, Arthur Sarsfield [Sax Rohmer]. The Si-fan Mysteries. kwfv 6924. Ward, Lynd Kendall. Madman's Drum: A Novel in Woodcuts. New York: Cape, 1930. FV 6925. Ward, Robert Spencer [Evan King]. Children of the Black-haired People. New York: Rinehart, 1955. FV 6926. Ward, Rowland. Rowland Ward's Records of Big Game with Their Distribution Characteristics, Dimensions, Weights and Horn and Tusk Measurements. Edited by Guy Dollman and J.B. Burlace. London: Ward, 1928. FV 6927. -----. The Sportsman's Handbook to Collecting, Preserving, and Setting-up Trophies & Specimens Together with a Guide to the Hunting Grounds of the World. kwfv 6928. *Ward Garcia, S.A. Distancias. Havana, n.d. FV 6929. Ware, Joseph E. The Emigrant's Guide to California. Reprinted from the 1849 edition. Introduction and notes by John Caughey. Princeton: N.J.: Princeton, 1932. kwfv FV 6930. Ware, William. Zenobia; or, The Fall of Palmyra. New York: Lovell, n.d. PC 6931. Warfel, Harry Redcay. American Novelists of Today. New York: American Book Company, 1951. FV 6932. Warner, Sylvia Townsend. Summer Will Show. New York: Viking, 1936. s36 KWH 6933. Warren, Robert Penn. All the King's Men. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1946. FV 6934. -----. At Heaven's Gate. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1943. FV 6935. -----, and Albert Erskine, eds. Short Story Masterpieces. New York: Dell, 1954. FV 6936. Warren, Samuel. Ten Thousand A-year. KW 6937. Warshaw, Leon J. Malaria: The Biography of a Killer. New York: Rinehart, 1949. FV 6938. Was sie schreiben, wie sie aussehen. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1954. FV Wa-sha-quon-asin, alternative name. See Grey Owl. 6939. *Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. Sea Dios veraz. New York, 1949. FV 6940. Waterhouse, Francis Asbury. Our Education Racket: Essays on the Disharmonies of Our Educational System. Boston: Meador, 1941. FV Waters, Frank, joint author. See Branch, Houston.

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6941. Waters, Helena L. From Dolomites to Stelvio. London: Methuen, 1926. FV 6942. Watkins, John Vertrees, and Herbert S. Wolfe. Your Florida Garden. Gainesville: University of Florida, 1954. FV 6943. Watkins-Pitchford, Denys James [B.B.]. Manka, the Sky Gipsy: The Story of a Wild Goose. New York: Scribner, 1939. FV 6944. -----, comp. The Fisherman's Bedside Book. New York: Scribner, 1946. FV 6945. -----. Another copy. FV 6946. -----, comp. The Shooting Man's Bedside Book. New York: Scribner, 1948. FV 6947. -----, comp. The Sportsman's Bedside Book. London: Eyre Spottiswoode, 1948. FV 6948. Watson, Forbes. Winslow Homer. New York: Crown, 1942. FV 6949. Watt, Bernice Kunerth [and others]. Composition of Foods, Raw, Processed, Prepared. Washington: Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home Economics, 1950. FV 6950. Waugh, Alec. Island in the Sun: A Story of the 1950's Set in the West Indies. New York: Farrar, Straus & Cudahy, 1955. FV 6951. Waugh, Evelyn. Black Mischief. Harmondsworth, Middx.: Penguin, 1951. FV 6952. -----. Brideshead Revisited: The Sacred and Profane Memories of Captain Charles Ryder. Boston: Little, Brown, 1946. FV 6953. -----. A Handful of Dust. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1934. KW FV 6954. -----. Another copy. KW 6955. -----. Labels: A Mediterranean Journal. KW 6956. -----. Men at Arms: A Novel. Boston: Little, Brown, 1952. FV 6957. -----. Ninety-two Days: The Account of a Tropical Journey through British Guiana and Part of Brazil. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1934. FV 6958. -----. Officers and Gentlemen. Boston: Little, Brown, 1955. FV 6959. -----. The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold: A Conversation Piece. Boston: Little, Brown, 1957. FV 6960. -----. Put Out More Flags. Boston: Little, Brown, 1942. FV 6961. -----. Remote People. London: Duckworth, 1931. FV 6962. -----. Scoop: A Novel about Journalists. KW 6963. -----. Scott-King's Modern Europe. [London: Chapman & Hall?] 1947. FV 6964. -----. Tactical Exercise. Boston: Little, Brown, 1954. s54 FV

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6965. -----. Vile Bodies. Boston: Little, Brown, 1946. FV 6966. -----. Waugh in Abyssinia. London: Longmans, Green, 1936. s37 kwfv FV 6967. -----. When the Going Was Good. Boston: Little, Brown, 1947. FV 6968. Wavell, Archibald Percival. Allenby; a Study in Greatness: The Biography of Field-Marshal Viscount Allenby of Megiddo and Felixstowe. New York: Oxford, 1941. FV 6969. -----, ed. Other Men's Flowers: An Anthology of Poetry. London: Cape [1944?]. FV Wayne, Joseph, pseud. See Overholser, Wayne D. 6970. Weaver, Robert Warren, and Anthony F. Merrill. Camping Can Be Fun. New York: Harper, 1948. FV 6971. Webb, Jean Francis. H. Rider Haggard's King Solomon's Mines, the Tale of a Fabulous Treasure Hunt: The Story of the MGM Motion Picture. New York: Dell, 1950. FV 6972. Webb, Mary. Gone to Earth. New York: Dell [1950]. FV 6973. -----. Precious Bane. KW 6974. Webb, Sidney and Beatrice. Soviet Communism: A New Civilization. 2 vols. KW 6975. Webb, Walter Freeman. United States Mollusca: A Descriptive Manual of Many of the Marine, Land and Fresh Water Shells of North America, North of Mexico. Rochester, N.Y.: Printed by Bookcraft, 1942. FV 6976. Weber, Brom. Hart Crane: A Biographical and Critical Study. New York: Bodley, 1948. FV 6977. Webster's Collegiate Dictionary. Springfield, Mass.: Merriam, 1944. FV 6978. Webster's Geographical Dictionary: A Dictionary of Names of Places, with Geographical and Historical Information and Pronunciations. Springfield, Mass.: Merriam, 1955. FV 6979. Webster's International Dictionary. KW 6980. Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language. College edition. Cleveland: World, 1953. FV 6981. Wechsler, Herman Joel, ed. The Pocket Book of Old Masters, Containing 64 Reproductions of Paintings by Da Vinci and others. Text by W. Somerset Maugham and others. New York: Pocket Books, 1949. FV 6982. *Weckerlin, Jean Baptiste Théodore. Chansons de France, pour les petits français. Paris, n.d. KW FV 6983. Wecter, Dixon. The Hero in America: A Chronicle of Hero-worship. New York: Scribner, 1941. FV 6984. -----. Sam Clemens of Hannibal. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1952. FV 6985. Weeks, Edward. This Trade of writing. KWH 6986. Die Wehrmacht: Der Freiheitskampf d. grossdt. Volkes. Herausgegeben von Oberkommando der Wehrmacht. Berlin: Wehrmacht, 1940. FV 6987. Weidman, Jerome. A Dime a Throw and Other Stories. New York: Berkley [1957]. FV

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6988. -----. The Enemy Camp: A Novel. New York: Random House, 1958. FV 6989. -----. The Horse That Could Whistle "Dixie" and Other Stories. KW 6990. -----. I Can Get It for You Wholesale. KW 6991. -----. I'll Never Go There Any More. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1941. FV 6992. -----. Too Early to Tell. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1946. FV 6993. -----. What's in It for Me? New York: Simon & Schuster, 1938. FV 6994. Weigall, Arthur Edward Pearse Brome. Sappho of Lesbos: Her Life and Times. New York: Stokes, 1932. FV Weik, Jesse W., joint author. See Herndon, William Henry. 6995. Weil, Jerry. Nobody Dies in Paris. New York: New American Library, 1957. FV Weinstock, Herbert, joint author. See Brockway, Wallace. Welch, Ashbel, joint author. See Kuwashima, T. Shozo. 6996. Welch, Denton. In Youth Is Pleasure. New York: Fischer, 1946. FV 6997. -----. Maiden Voyage. New York: Fischer, 1945. FV 6998. Welchons, Alvin M., and W.R. Krickenberger. Plane Geometry. Boston: Ginn, 1940. FV 6999. -----, and W.R. Krickenberger. Plane Geometry. Boston: Ginn, 1943. FV 7000. Weller, George Anthony. The Crack in the Column: A Novel. New York: Random House, 1949. FV 7001. Welles, Sumner, ed. An Intelligent American's Guide to the Peace. New York: Dryden, 1945. FV 7002. Wellman, Paul Iselin. Broncho Apache. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1950. FV 7003. -----. Glory, God, and Gold: A Narrative History. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1954. s54 FV 7004. -----. The Indian Wars of the West. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1947. s6l MH 7005. -----. The Iron Mistress. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1951. FV 7006. -----. Portage Bay. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1957. FV 7007. Wells, Carolyn. In the Tiger's Cage. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1935. FV 7008. Wells, H.G. Bealby: A Holiday. KW 7009. -----. Boon, The Mind of the Race, The Wild Asses of the Devil, and The Last Trump; Being a First Selection from the Literary Remains of George Boon, Appropriate to the Times. Prepared for publication by Reginald Bliss with an ambiguous introduction by H.G. Wells. New York: Doran, 1915. ph photo KW

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7010. -----. The Bulpington of Blup: Adventures, Poses, Stresses, Conflicts, and Disaster in a Contemporary Brain. New York: Macmillan, 1933. kwfv FV 7011. -----. The Outline of History. KW 7012. -----. The Wife of Sir Isaac Harman. London: Macmillan, 1914. FV 7013. -----. World Brain. London: Methuen, 1938. FV 7014. -----. The World Set Free: A Story of Mankind. London: Benn, 1927. FV 7015. -----. You Can't Be Too Careful. New York: Putnam, 1942. FV 7016. Wells, Linton. Blood on the Moon: The Autobiography of Linton Wells. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1937. s37 7017. Wells, Wells [pseud.]. Wilson the Unknown: An Explanation of an Enigma of History. New York: Scribner, 1931. ph photo KW 7018. Welty, Eudora. A Curtain of Green. Introduction by Katherine Anne Porter. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1941. FV 7019. -----. The Golden Apples. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1949. FV 7020. -----. The Robber Bridegroom. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1942. FV 7021. -----. Short Stories. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1949. FV 7022. Wendt, Lloyd, and Herman Kogan. Lords of the Levee: The Story of Bathhouse John and Hinky Dink. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1943. FV Wentworth, Edward Norris, joint author. See Towne, Charles Wayland. 7023. Wentworth, Harold. American Dialect Dictionary. New York: Crowell, 1944. FV 7024. Werfel, Franz V. The Forty Days of Musa Dagh. KW 7025. Werner, Max [pseud.] Battle for the World: The Strategy and Diplomacy of the Second World War. Translated by Heinz and Ruth Norden. New York: Modern Age, 1941. FV 7026. -----. The Military Strength of the Powers. Translated by Edward Fitzgerald. New York: Modern Age, 1939. FV 7027. Wernick, Robert. The Freebooters: A Novel. New York: Scribner, 1949. FV 7028. Wertenbaker, Charles. The Death of Kings. New York: Random House, 1954. s54 FV 7029. -----. Write Sorrow on the Earth. New York: Holt, 1947. FV 7030. Wertenbaker, Lael Tucker. Death of a Man. New York: Random House, 1957. FV 7031. Werth, Alexander. France, 1940-1955. Foreword by G.H. Cole. New York: Holt, 1956. FV 7032. -----. The Year of Stalingrad: A Historical Record and a Study of Russian Mentality, Methods, and

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Policies. New York: Knopf, 1947. FV 7033. Werth, Leon. Clavel Soldat. KW 7034. Wertheim, Barbara. The Lost British Policy: Britain and Spain since 1700. KW 7035. Wescott, Glenway. Fear and Trembling. New York: Harper, 1932. kwfv FV 7036. -----. Good-bye Wisconsin. New York: Harper, 1928. kwfv FV 7037. -----. Miss Moore's Observations. n.p., n.d. KL 7038. Wesseley, Ignaz Emanuel. Dictionnaire de poche: Français-anglais et anglais-français. Leipzig: Tauchnitz, 1921. FV 7039. West, Anthony. Another Kind. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1952. FV 7040. -----. Heritage. New York: Random House, 1955. FV 7041. -----. Principles and Persuasions: The Literary Essays of Anthony West. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1957. FV 7042. West, Jessamyn. Love, Death, and the Ladies' Drill Team. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1955. FV 7043. *-----. The Reading Public. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1932. FV 7044. West, Levon [Ivan Dmitri]. Flight to Everywhere. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1944. FV 7045. West, Nathanael. Miss Lonelyhearts. New York: Avon [1954]. FV 7046. West, Rebecca [pseud.]. The Fountain Overflows: A Novel. New York: Viking, 1956. FV 7047. -----. The Thinking Reed. New York: Viking, 1936. s36 KW 7048. -----. A Train of Powder. New York: Viking, 1955. FV 7049. West, Ruth C. Stop Dieting! Start Losing! New York: Bantam, 1957. FV 7050. Westermarck, Edward Alexander. The History of Human Marriage. 3 vols. London: Macmillan, 1925. kwfv FV 7051. Weston, Christine. Be Thou the Bride. New York: Scribner, 1940. FV 7052. -----. The Devil's Foot. New York: Scribner, 1942. FV 7053. -----. Indigo. New York: Scribner, 1943. FV 7054. -----. Another copy. FV 7055. -----. The Wise Children. New York: Scribner, 1957. FV 7056. -----. The World Is a Bridge. New York: Scribner, 1950. FV Westwood, Gordon, pseud. See Schofield, Michael George.

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7057. Wetzel, Donald. The Age of Light. New York [Crown, 1952?]. FV 7058. -----. A Wreath and a Curse. New York: Crown, 1950. FV 7059. -----. Another copy. FV 7060. Wexley, John. The Judgment of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. New York: Cameron & Kahn, 1955. FV Weybright, Victor, joint author. See Sell, Henry Blackman. 7061. Weygand, Maxime. Mémoires. Vol. 3: Rappelé au service. Paris: Flammarion, 1950. FV 7062. Weyman, Stanley John. Historical Romances: Under the Red Robe; Count Hannibal; Gentleman of France. New York: Longmans, Green (1933?]. kwfv FV 7063. Whall, Arthur Lawrence, ed. The Greek Reader. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1943. FV 7064. Wharton, Edith. The Age of Innocence. KW 7065. -----. A Backward Glance. New York: Appleton-Century, 1934. s34 7066. -----. The Best Short Stories of Edith Wharton. Edited with an introduction by Wayne Andrews. New York: Scribner, 1958. s58 FV 7067. -----. Ethan Frome. KW 7068. -----. French Ways and Their Meaning. New York: Appleton, 1919. FV 7069. -----. The House of Mirth. KW 7070. Wheeler, William. The Letters of Private Wheeler. Edited and with a foreword by B.H. Liddell Hart. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1952. FV 7071. Wheeler, William Louis. Shipboard Medical Practice: A Handbook of Ship Sanitation and Emergency Medical Aid at Sea. New York: Cornell Maritime, 1943. FV 7072. Wheeler, William Reginald, ed. The Road to Victory: A History of Hampton Roads Port of Embarkation in World War II. New Haven, Conn.: Yale, 1946. MH 7073. Wheelock, John Hall. Poems Old and New. New York: Scribner, 1956. FV 7074. Wheelwright, Jere Hungerford. Draw Near to Battle. New York: Scribner, 1953. FV 7075. *Whelen, Townsend. American Big Game Shooting. Illinois: Western Cartridge, 1925. FV 7076. -----. Wilderness Hunting and Wildcraft, with Notes on the Habits and Life Histories of Big Game Animals. KW 7077. -----, ed. Hunting Big Game: An Anthology of True and Thrilling Adventures. 2 vols. Harrisburg, Pa.: Military Service Publishing, 1946. FV 7078. Whistler, James Abbott McNeil. The Gentle Art of Making Enemies, As Pleasingly Exemplified in Many Instances, wherein the Serious Ones of This Earth, Carefully Exasperated, Have Been Prettily Spurred on to

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Unseemliness and Indiscretion, while Overcome by an Undue Sense of Right. New York: Putnam, 1927. kwfv FV 7079. White, Charlie. The Little Red Book of Baseball. New York: Barnes, 1944. FV 7080. White, E.B. One Man's Meat. New York: Harper, 1944. FV -----, joint author. See also Strunk, William. 7081. -----, and Katherine S., eds. A Subtreasury of American Humor. New York: Coward-McCann, 1941. FV 7082. White, Edward Lucas. Lukundoo and Other Stories. KW 7083. White, Elliott Pendleton. Painted Fire. Boston: Humphries, 1952. FV 7084. White, Gilbert. The Natural History of Selborne; with Observations on Various Parts of Nature; and the Naturalist's Calendar. Additions and supplementary notes by Sir William Jardin. Edited with further illustrations, a biographical sketch of the Author, and a complete index by Edward Jesse. London: Bohn, 1854. kwfv FV 7085. White, John Marion. The Farmer's Handbook. Norman, Okla.: University of Oklahoma, 1948. FV White, Katherine S., joint editor. See White, E.B. 7086. White, Leigh. The Long Balkan Night. New York: Scribner, 1944. FV 7087. White, Leslie Turner. Look Away, Look Away. New York: Pocket Books, 1953. FV 7088. White, Margaret Bourke. Shooting the Russian War. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1942. FV 7089. White, Nelia. No Trumpet Before Him. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1948. FV 7090. White, Patrick. The Aunt's Story. New York: Viking, 1948. FV 7091. White, Stewart Edward. The Leopard Woman. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1916. FV 7092. -----. The Saga of Andy Burnett. Introduction by Joseph Henry Jackson. [Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday) 1947. FV 7093. -----. Speaking for Myself. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1943. FV 7094. White, T.H. England Have My Bones. New York: Macmillan, 1936. FV 7095. -----. The Once and Future King. New York: Putnam, 1958. FV 7096. -----. The Master: An Adventure Story. New York: Putnam, 1957. FV 7097. White, Theodore Harold. The View from the Fortieth Floor. New York: Sloane, 1960. FV 7098. -----, and Annalee Jacoby. Thunder Out of China. New York: Sloane, 1946. FV 7099. White, William Allen. The Autobiography of William Allen White. New York: Macmillan, 1946. FV 7100. White, William Lindsay. The Captives of Korea: The Unofficial White Paper on the Treatment of War Prisoners; Our Treatment of Theirs, Their Treatment of Ours. New York: Scribner, 1957. FV

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7101. -----. They Were Expendable. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1942. FV 7102. Whitehead, Don. The F.B.I. Story: A Report to the People. Foreword by J. Edgar Hoover. New York: Random House, 1956. FV 7103. Whitman, J.E.A. How Wars Are Fought: The Principles of Strategy and Tactics. London: Oxford, 1941. FV 7104. Whitman, Walt. Leaves of Grass. KW 7105. -----. Poems and Prose. KW 7106. Whitney, Parkhurst. Not Tonight. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1937. s37 7107. Who's Who: An Annual Biographical Dictionary, with Which Is Incorporated "Men and Women of the Time." New York: Macmillan, 1944. FV 7108. Who's Who in America: A Biographical Dictionary of Notable Living Men and Women. Vol. 24 (1946-47). Chicago: Marquis, 1946. FV 7109. Who's Who in America: A Biographical Dictionary of Notable Living Men and Women. Vol. 26 (1950-1951). Chicago: Marquis, 1950. FV 7110. Who's Who in America: A Biographical Dictionary of Notable Living Men and Women. Vol. 28 (1954-1955). Chicago: Marquis, 1954. FV 7111. Whyte, Frederic. William Heinemann: A Memoir. KWH 7112. Wibberly, Leonard. Mrs. Searwood's Secret Weapon. Boston: Little, Brown, 1954. FV 7113. Wickenden, Dan. The Red Carpet. New York: Morrow, 1952. FV 7114. Wightman, Frank Armstrong. The Wind Is Free. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1949. FV 7115. Wignall, Trevor C. The Sweet Science. New York: Duffield, 1926. MH 7116. Wilcox, Harry [Mark Derby]. Afraid in the Dark. New York: Popular Library, 1953. FV 7117. -----. Element of Risk. New York: Permabooks, 1953. FV 7118. Wilcox, Ruth Turner. The Mode in Costume. New York: Scribner, 1944. FV 7119. Wilde, Oscar. Poems. KW 7120. -----. Salome. The Importance of Being Ernest. Lady Windermere's Fan. New York: Modern Library, n.d. FV 7121. Wilder, Robert. Autumn Thunder. New York: Putnam, 1952. FV 7122. Wilder, Thornton. Cabala. New York: Boni, 1926. MH 7123. Wilgus, Alva Curtis. Latin America in Maps, Historic, Geographic, Economic. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1943. FV

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7124. Wilkins, George Hubert. Undiscovered Australia; Being an Account of an Expedition to Tropical Australia to Collect Specimens of the Rarer Native Fauna for the British Museum, 1923-1925. KW 7125. Wilkins, Thurman. Clarence King: A Biography. New York: Macmillan, 1958. FV 7126. Wilkinson, Albert Edmund. The Flower Encyclopedia and Gardener's Guide. Philadelphia: Blakiston, 1943. FV 7127. Wilkinson, Burke. Black Judas. Garden City, N.Y.: Permabooks [1951]. FV 7128. Wilkinson, Marguerite Ogden, ed. New Voices: An Introduction to Contemporary Poetry. New York: Macmillan, 1933. FV 7129. Willcocks, Mary Patricia. A True-born Englishman, Being the Life of Henry Fielding. London: Allen, 1947. FV 7130. Williams, Ben Ames. House Divided. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1947. FV 7131. -----. Time of Peace: September 26, 1930-December 7, 1941. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1942. FV 7132. Williams, Bernard [William Bernard]. Jailbait: The Story of Juvenile Delinquency. New York: Popular Library, 1952. FV 7133. Williams, Charles. Gulf Coast Girl. New York [Dell, 1956?]. FV 7134. Williams, Eric Ernest. Complete and Free: A Modern Idyll. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1957. FV 7135. -----. The Escapers: A Chronicle of Escape in Many Wars, with Eighteen First-hand Accounts. London: Collins with Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1953. FV 7136. Williams, Francis. Socialist Britain: Its Background, Its Present and an Estimate of Its Future. New York: Viking, 1949. s49 FV 7137. Williams, James Howard. Elephant Bill. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1950. FV 7138. -----. The Scent of Fear. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1957. FV 7139. Williams, James Robert. Out Our Way. New York: Scribner, 1943. FV 7140. -----. Why Mothers Get Gray. New York: Scribner, 1945. FV 7141. Williams, Jay. The Rogue from Padua. New York: Dell [1954]. FV 7142. -----. The Witches. New York: Random House, 1957. FV 7143. Williams, Joseph Peter. T.V. Boxing Book. Foreword by Bob Hope. New York: Van Nostrand, 1954. FV 7144. Williams, Kenneth Powers. Lincoln Finds a General: A Military Study of the Civil War. 2 vols. New York: Macmillan, 1949. FV 7145. Williams, Robert V. Shake This Town. New York [Viking, 1960?]. FV 7146. *Williams, Taylor. Hunting & Fishing. Idaho, n.d. FV

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7147. Williams, Tennessee. Baby Doll: The Script for the Film. New York: New American Library, 1956. FV 7148. -----. The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone. New York: New Directions, 1950. FV 7149. Williams, William Carlos. Autobiography. New York: Random House, 1951. FV 7150. -----. Life along the Passaic River. KW 7151. -----. Selected Poems. Introduction by Randall Jarrell. New York: New Directions, 1949. FV 7152. -----. A Voyage to Pagany. KW 7153. -----. White Mule. KW 7154. Williams, Wirt. The Enemy. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1951. FV 7155. -----. Love in a Windy Space: A Novel. New York: Reynal, 1957. FV 7156. Williams, Wythe. Dusk of Empire: The Decline of Europe and the Rise of the United States, As Observed by a Foreign Correspondent in a Quarter Century of Service. New York: Scribner, 1937. KWH 7157. Williamson, Henry. Salar the Salmon. Boston: Little, Brown, 1936. s36 kwfv FV 7158. -----. Another copy? KW Williamson, Hugh Ross. See Ross Williamson, Hugh. 7159. Williamson, Scott Graham. The Fiesta at Anderson's House. New York: Holt, 1947. FV 7160. Williamson-Serra, Herbert William, ed. The Tourist Guidebook of Spain, with Town-guides, Highway and Railroad maps. Madrid: Times of Spain, 1952. FV 7161. Willingham, Calder. To Eat a Peach. New York: Dial, 1955. FV 7162. -----. End as a man. New York: Vanguard, 1947. FV 7163. -----. Geraldine Bradshaw. New York: Vanguard, 1950. FV 7164. -----. Natural Child. New York: Dial, 1952. FV Willis, A.A., joint author. See Raff. 7165. Willis, William. The Gods Were Kind: An Epic 6700 Mile Voyage Alone Across the Pacific. New York: Dutton, 1955. FV 7166. *Willis' Guide to Singapore and Malaya. Singapore: The Advertising and Publicity Bureau, 19--. FV 7167. Willison, George Findlay. Saints and Strangers, Being the Lives of the Pilgrim Fathers & Their Families, with Their Friends & Foes; & an Account of Their Posthumous Wanderings in Limbo, Their Final Resurrection & Rise to Glory, & the Strange Pilgrimages of Plymouth Rock. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1945. FV 7168. *Wills Ricaurte, Gustavo. Tres caminos. Bogota, Colombia: Espiral, 1949. FV 7169. Wilmot, Chester. The Struggle for Europe. New York: Harper, 1952. FV

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7170. Wilson, Angus. Anglo-Saxon Attitudes: A Novel. New York: Viking, 1956. FV 7171. -----. Hemlock and After: A Novel. New York: Viking, 1952. FV 7172. -----. Such Darling Dodos and Other Stories. New York: Morrow, 1951. FV 7173. -----, and Philippe Jullian. For Whom the Clock Tolls: A Scrap-book of the Twenties. London: Methuen, 1953. FV 7174. Wilson, Christopher James. The Story of the East African Mounted Rifles. Nairobi, n.d. FV 7175. Wilson, Colin. The Outsider. London: Gollancz, 1956. FV 7176. -----. Ritual in the Dark. London: Gollancz, 1960. FV 7177. -----. The Stature of Man. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1959. s6O FV 7178. Wilson, Donald Powell. My Six Convicts: A Psychologist's Three Years in Fort Leavenworth. New York: Pocket Books, 1953. FV 7179. Wilson, Earl. I Am Gazing into My 8-ball. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1945. FV 7180. -----. Let 'em Eat Cheesecake. Introduction by Arthur Godfrey. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1949. FV 7181. Wilson, Edmund. The American Jitters: A Year of the Slump. KW 7182. -----. Axel's Castle: A Study in the Imaginative Literature of 1870-1930. New York: Scribner, 1931. kwfv FV 7183. -----. The Boys in the Back Room: Notes on California Novelists. San Francisco: Colt, 1941. FV 7184. -----. I Thought of Daisy. kwfv 7185. -----. Memoirs of Hecate County. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1946. FV 7186. -----. A Piece of My Mind: Reflections at Sixty. New York: Farrar, Straus & Cudahy, 1956. FV 7187. -----. Red, Black, Blond, and Olive: Studies in Four Civilizations--Zuni, Haiti, Soviet Russia, Israel. New York: Oxford, 1956. FV 7188. -----. The Shores of Light: A Literary Chronicle of the Twenties and Thirties. New York: Farrar, Straus & Young, 1952. FV 7189. -----. Travels in Two Democracies. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1936. s36 KW 7190. -----. The Triple Thinkers: Ten Essays on Literature. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1938. FV 7191. -----. The Wound and the Bow: Seven Studies in Literature. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1941. FV 7192. -----, ed. The Shock of Recognition: The Development of Literature in the United States Recorded by the Men Who Made It. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1943. FV 7193. Wilson, Erie. Adams of the Bounty. New York: Criterion, 1960. MH

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7194. Wilson, Gill Robb. The Airman's World. New York: Random House, 1957. MH 7195. Wilson, Harry Leon. Ruggles, Bunker & Merton: Three Masterpieces of Humor. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1935. kwfv FV 7196. -----. Ruggles of Red Gap. New York: Pocket Books, 1951. FV 7197. Wilson, John Dover. The Essential Shakespeare: A Biographical Adventure. Cambridge: Cambridge University [1932?]. FV 7198. Wilson, Leon. Sinners, Come Away. Boston: Little, Brown, 1949. FV 7199. Wilson, Mitchell A. My Brother, My Enemy. New York: Bantam, 1953. FV 7200. Wilson, Sloan. Voyage to Somewhere. New York: Wyn, 1946. FV 7201. Wilstach, Paul. Islands of the Mediterranean. New York: McBride, 1931. kwfv FV Wimperis, Arthur, joint author. See Biró, Lajos. 7202. Winchell, Prentice [Dev Collans]. I Was a House Detective. With Stewart Sterling [pseud.]. New York: Dutton, 1954. FV 7203. Windolph, Charles A. I Fought with Custer: The Story of Sergeant Windolph, Last Survivor of the Battle of the Little Big Horn, As Told to Frazier and Robert Hunt, with Explanatory Material and Contemporary Sidelights on the Custer Fight. New York: Scribner, 1947. FV 7204. Winkler, John Kennedy. W.R. Hearst: An American Phenomenon. KW 7205. Winkley, Arthur H. The House Is Yours: A Saga of Hawaii. New York: Vantage Press, 1960. MH 7206. Winn, Rowland. Carmela. London: Cassell, 1954. FV 7207. Winner, Percy. Dario, 1925-1945: A Fictitious Reminiscence. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1947. FV 7208. -----. The Mote and the Beam. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1948. FV 7209. Winslow, Kathryn. Big Pan-out: The Klondike Story. London: Phoenix, 1952. FV 7210. Winston, Robert Alexander. Fun in the Water. New York: June, Osborn, Foster & Smith, 1952. FV Winter, William H., joint author. See Johnson, Overton. 7211. Winterich, John Tracy. A Primer of Book Collecting. New York: Greenberg, 1935. FV 7212. Wintringham, Thomas Henry. New Ways of War. New York: Penguin, 1942. FV 7213. Winwar, Frances [pseud.]. The Life of the Heart; George Sand and Her Times: A Biography. New York: Harper, 1945. FV 7214. -----. Oscar Wilde and the Yellow Nineties. New York: Harper, 1940. FV 7215. -----. Wingless Victory: A Biography of Gabriele D'Annunzio and Eleonora Duse. New York: Harper,

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1956. FV 7216. *Winz, Claud. Le port du feu. kwfv 7217. Wise, Hugh Douglas. Tigers of the Sea. New York: Derrydale, 1937. FV 7218. Wiskemann, Elizabeth. Czechs and Germans: A Study of the Struggles in the Historic Provinces of Bohemia and Moravia. London: Oxford, 1938. FV 7219. Wissler, Clark. The Archaeologist at Work: How Science Deciphers Man's Past. New York: American Museum of Natural History [1943?]. FV 7220. -----. The Cereals and Civilization. New York: American Museum of Natural History, n.d. FV 7221. Wister, Owen. The Writings of Owen Wister. 11 vols. New York: Macmillan, 1928-30. kwfv FV [9 vols.] 7222. Witschetzky, Fritz. Le navire noir: Le croiseur auxiliaire Wolt (1916-1918). Trad. de l'Allemand par R. Jouan. KW 7223. Wittenberg, Philip. Dangerous Words: A Guide to the Law of Libel. New York [Columbia, 1949?]. FV 7224. Wittmer, Felix. Flood-light on Europe: A Guide to the Next War. KW 7225. Wittrock, Gustav Ludwig. The Pruning Book, Fruit Trees & Ornamentals. Emmaus, Pa.: Rodale, 1948. FV 7226. Wodehouse, P. Young Men in Spats. KW 7227. Wolf, Robert. Springboard. KW 7228. Wolfe, Bernard. The Great Prince Died: A Novel. New York: Scribner, 1959. KW Wolfe, Herbert S., joint author. See Watkins, John Vertrees. 7229. Wolfe, Reese. When the Credit's Low, Order Champagne. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1956. FV 7230. Wolfe, Thomas. Letters. Collected and edited with an introduction and explanatory text by Elizabeth Nowell. New York: Scribner, 1956. FV 7231. -----. Look Homeward, Angel: A Story of the Buried Life. KW 7232. -----. Of Time and the River: A Legend of Man's Hunger in His Youth. New York: Scribner, 1935. kwfv FV 7233. -----. A Stone, A Leaf, A Door: Poems. Selected and arranged in verse by John S. Barnes. Foreword by Louis Untermeyer. New York: Scribner, 1945. FV 7234. Wolfert, Ira. An Act of Love. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1948. FV 7235. -----. American Guerrilla in the Philippines. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1945. FV 7236. -----. Another copy. FV

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7237. -----. Battle for the Solomons. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1943. FV 7238. -----. Married Men: A Novel. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1953. FV 7239. -----. Tucker's People. New York: Fischer, 1943. FV 7240. *Wolff, C. Cortina dans les dolomites. Tr. par Simone de Marqui. Paris: Alpina, 1935. FV 7241. Wolff, Charlotte. The Human Hand. Preface by Dr. William Stevenson. New York: Knopf, 1944. FV 7242. Wolff, Jetta Sophia. Les pierres qui parlent: Une visite à Paris. KW 7243. Wolff, Leon. In Flanders Fields: The 1917 Campaign. New York: Viking, 1958. s58 7244. -----. Low Level Mission. Introduction by John R. Kane. New York: Berkley, 1958. FV 7245. Wollenberg, Eric. The Red Army. KWH 7246. Wolley, Clive Phillipps. Big Game Shooting. 2 vols. London: Longmans, Green, 1894. kwfv 7247. Wolpers, Theodor, ed. American Short Stories. Vol. 5. Paderborn: Schöningh, 1958. FV 7248. Wolpert, Stanley. Aboard the Flying Swan. New York: Scribner, 1954. FV 7249. The Woman's Club of Havana, Garden Section. Flowering Plants from Cuban Gardens/Plantas Floridas de los Jardines Cubanos. New York: Criterion, 1952. MH Wong-Quincey, J., pseud. See Wang, Wen-hsien. 7250. Wood, James Playsted. Magazines in the United States; Their Social and Economic Influence. New York: Ronald, 1949. s49 FV 7251. Wood, John G. The Popular Natural History. New York: Burt, n.d. PC 7252. Wood, Peggy. How Young You Look: Memoirs of a Middle-sized Actress. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1941. FV 7253. Woodbury, David Oakes. The Glass Giant of Palomar. KW 7254. -----. What the Citizen Should Know about Submarine Warfare. New York: Norton, 1942. FV 7255. Woodbury, George. The Great Days of Piracy in the West Indies. New York: Norton, 1951. FV Wooden Leg, alternative name. See Marquis, Thomas Bailey. 7256. Woodress, James Leslie. Booth Tarkington: Gentleman from Indiana. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1955. FV 7257. Woodroffe, Thomas. Yangtze Skipper. New York: Sheridan, 1937. s37 KW 7258. Woodruff, Frank Morley. The Birds of the Chicago Area. Chicago: Jennings & Graham, 1907. FV 7259. Woodthorpe, Ralph Carter. The Necessary Corpse. New York: Doubleday, Doran, 1939. FV 7260. Woodward, David. The Secret Raiders: The Story of the Operations of the German Armed Merchant

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Raiders in the Second World War. New York: Avon [1958]. FV 7261. -----. The Tirpitz and the Battle for the North Atlantic. New York: Norton, 1954. s54 FV 7262. Woodward, William E. Lafayette. KW 7263. -----. Meet General Grant. New York: Liveright, 1946. FV 7264. -----. Tom Paine: America's Godfather, 1737-1809. New York: Dutton, 1945. FV 7265. -----. The Way Our People Lived: An Intimate American History. New York: Dutton, 1944. FV 7266. -----. Another copy. FV 7267. Woolf, Virginia. The Common Reader. London: Hogarth, 1925. kwfv FV 7268. Woolf, Virginia. The Common Reader; Second Series. London: Hogarth, 1932. kwfv FV 7269. -----. The Death of the Moth, and Other Essays. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1942. FV 7270. -----. Flush: A Biography. KW 7271. -----. Hours in a Library. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1957. FV 7272. -----. Jacob's Room. KW 7273. -----. The Moment, and Other Essays. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1948. FV 7274. -----. The Second Common Reader. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1932. kwfv FV 7275. -----. Three Guineas. KW 7276. -----. To the Lighthouse. London: Hogarth, 1930. kwfv FV 7277. -----. The Voyage Out. London: Hogarth, 1929. kwfv FV 7278. -----. The Years. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1937. s37. 7279. -----, and Lytton Strachey. Letters. Edited by Leonard Woolf & James Strachey. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1956. FV 7280. Woollcott, Alexander, ed. As you Were: A Portable Library of American Prose and Poetry, Assembled for Members of the Armed Forces and the Merchant Marine. New York: Viking, 1944. FV 7281. -----, ed. The Woollcott Reader: Bypaths in the Realms of Gold. New York: Viking, 1935. s36 7282. -----, ed. Woolcott's Second Reader. New York: Viking, 1937. kwfv FV 7283. -----. Another copy. KW Woolrich, Cornell, pseud. See Hopoley-Woolrich, Cornell George. 7284. *Worcester, Charles and Mary. An American Cook Book for Christmas. Chicago, 1941. FV

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7285. Wordsworth, William. The Prelude; with a Selection from the Shorter Poems [and the Sonnets and the 1800 Preface to the Lyrical Ballads. Edited by Carlos Baker. New York: Rinehart?]. 1948. FV 7286. The World's Book of Knowledge and Universal Educator; Containing Concise and Exhaustive Articles upon Science, Arts, and Mechanics ... All the Latest Discoveries and Inventions. Philadelphia: Monarch, 1901. PC 7287. World's Greatest Short Stories. [London?] Odhams [1949?]. FV 7288. Wouk, Herman. Aurora Dawn; or, The True History of Andrew Reale, Containing a Faithful Account of the Great Riot, Together with the Complete Texts of Michael Wilde's Oration and Father Stanfield's Sermon. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1947. FV 7289. -----. The Caine Mutiny: A Novel of World War II. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1951. FV 7290. -----. Marjorie Morningstar. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1955. FV 7291. -----. Marjorie Morningstar. London: Reprint Society, 1957. FV 7292. Wrenicke, Cyril James Templeman [James Temple]. Leopard of the Hills. London: Bell, 1953. FV 7293. Wrensch, Frank Albert. Harness Horse Racing in the United States and Canada. Introduction by E. Roland Harriman. New York: Van Nostrand, 1948. FV Wright, Helen, joint editor. See Rapport, Samuel Berder. 7294. Wright, Jack. On the Forty-yard Line. Cleveland: World, 1932. FV 7295. Wright, John Lloyd. My Father Who Is on Earth. New York: Putnam, 1946. FV 7296. Wright, Quincy. A Study of War. 2 vols. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1942. FV 7297. Wright, Richard. Black Boy: A Record of Childhood and Youth. New York: Harper, 1945. FV 7298. -----. Native Son. New York: Harper, 1940. FV 7299. Wright, Sewell Peaslee, ed. Chicago Murders. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1945. FV 7300. Writers' Program, Arizona. Arizona: A State Guide. Compiled by workers of the Writers' Program of the Work Projects Administration in the State of Arizona. New York: Hastings House, 1940. FV 7301. Writers' Program, Florida. A Guide to Key West. Compiled by workers of the Writers' Program of the Work Projects Administration. New York: Hastings House, 1941. FV 7302. Writers' Program, Louisiana. Gumboo Ya-ya. Compiled by Lyle Saxon, Edward Dreyer and Robert Tallant. Material gathered by workers of the Work Projects Administration, Louisiana Writers' Project. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1945. FV 7303. -----. Louisiana: A Guide to the State. Compiled by workers of the Writers' Program of the Work Projects Administration in the State of Louisiana. New York: Hastings House, 1945. FV 7304. Writers' Program, Michigan. Michigan: A Guide to the Wolverine State. Compiled by workers of the Writers' Program of the Work Projects Administration. New York: Oxford, 1946. FV 7305. Writers' Program, Missouri. Missouri: A Guide to the "Show Me" State. Compiled by workers of the

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Writers' Program of the Work Projects Administration. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1941. FV 7306. Writers' Program, Texas. Texas: A Guide to the Lone Star State. Compiled by workers of the Writers' Program of the Work Projects Administration. New York: Hastings House, 1940. FV 7307. Writers' Program, Wyoming. Wyoming: A Guide to Its History, Highways and People. Compiled by workers of the Writers' Program of the Work Projects Administration. New York: Oxford, 1946. FV 7308. Wu, Yung. The Flight of an Empress. Told by Wu Yung, whose other name is Yu-ch'uan. Transcribed by Liu K'un. Translated and edited by Ida Pruitt. Introduction by Kenneth Scott Latourette. London: Faber, 1937. FV 7309. Wulff, Lee. Leaping Silver. New York: Stewart, 1940. FV 7310. Wyeth, John Allen. That Devil Forrest: Life of General Nathan Bedford Forrest. Foreword by Henry Steele Commager. New York: Harper, 1959. s6O FV 7311. Wykes, Alan. Snake Man: The Story of C.J.P. Ionides. London: Hamilton, 1960. FV 7312. Wyler, Seymour B. The Book of Old Silver, English, American, Foreign. New York: Crown, 1937. FV 7313. Wylie, Elinor. Jennifer Lorn: A Sedate Extravaganza. KW 7314. -----. The Orphan Angel. KW 7315. Wylie, Max. Trouble in the Flesh. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1959. FV 7316. Wylie, Philip. The Innocent Ambassadors, Being the Account of a Trip around the World ... Certain Candid Autobiographical Fragments and Various Biographical Notes about the Author's Wife. New York: Rinehart, 1957. FV 7317. -----. Opus 21: Descriptive Music for the Lower Kinsey Epoch of the Atomic Age, a Concerto for a One-man Band, Six Arias for Soap Operas, Fugues, Anthems & Barrelhouse. New York: Rinehart, 1949. s49 FV 7318. -----. Treasure Cruise, and other Crunch and Des Stories. New York: Rinehart, 1956. FV 7319. Wyllie, John. The Goodly Seed. New York: Dutton, 1955. FV 7320. The Yachtsman's Annual Guide and Nautical Calendar. New York: Motor Boating, 1940. FV 7321. Yale, Leroy Milton, and others. Angling. New York: Scribner, 1897. kwfv FV 7322. Yank, The Army Weekly. Yank: The GI Story of the War. Selected and edited by Debs Myers, Jonathan Kilbourn and Richard Harrity. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1947. FV 7323. Yates, Helen Eva. How to Travel for Fun. New York: Permabooks, 1950. FV 7324. The Year Book and Guide to East Africa, with Atlas, Folding Map, Town Plans, Route Maps. London: Hale, 1954. FV 7325. Yeats, William Butler. Autobiographies: Reveries over Childhood and Youth and The Trembling of the Veil. kwfv 7326. -----. Collected Poems. Definitive edition with the author's final revisions. New York: Macmillan, 1957. FV

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7327. -----. Dramatis Personae, 1896-1902, Estrangement, The Death of Synge, The Bounty of Sweden. New York: Macmillan, 1936. s36 kwfv 7328. -----. Later Poems. New York: Macmillan, 1924. FV 7329. -----. Poems. kwfv

Ylla, pseud. See Koffler, Camilla.

York, Jeremy, pseud. See Creasey, John. 7330. Youmans, Charles Leroy [Ruiz Arquero]. Diccionario de apellidos Castellanos, origen y significado. Havana, 1955. FV 7331. Young, Francis Brett. They Seek a Country. KWH KW 7332. Young, George Frederick. The Medici. New York: Modern Library, 1930. FV 7333. Young, Philip. Ernest Hemingway. New York: Rinehart, 1952. FV 7334. -----. Another copy. FV 7335. -----. Ernest Hemingway. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, 1959. FV 7336. Young, Wayland Hilton. The Deadweight. New York: Scribner, 1952. FV 7337. Youngs, Delight. The Gladesman. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1955. FV 7338. Yuzon, Amado M. The Citizen's Poems. Guagua, Pampanga: Commercial Press, 1956. FV 7339. Zacharias, Ellis M. Behind Closed Doors: The Secret History of the Cold War. With the collaboration of Ladislas Farago. New York: Putnam, 1950. FV 7340. Zachman, Earl Delmer. Jonathan Forge, Preacher in the Hills: A Lusty and Unihibited Novel. New York: William-Frederick, 1956. FV 7341. Zahl, Paul Arthur. Flamingo Hunt. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1952. FV 7342. Zaidenberg, Arthur. Anyone Can Draw! Introduction by Joseph Tchakin. Cleveland: World, 1939. FV 7343. Zane Grey Western Award Stories. New York: Dell, 1951. FV 7344. Zangwill, Israel. Dreamers of the Ghetto. Vols. 1 and 2 [of 3]. KW 7345. Zavattini, Cesare. Un paese. Turin: Einaudi, 1955. FV 7346. Ziemer, Gregor Athalwin. Educación para la muerte: La formación de un nazi. Mexico City: Minerva, 1942. FV 7347. Zietlow, E.R. These Same Hills. New York: Knopf, 1960. s6l MH 7348. Zim, Herbert Spencer, and Robert H. Baker. Stars: A Guide to the Constellations, Sun, Moon, Planets and Other Features of the Heavens. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1951. FV

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7349. -----, and Ira N. Gabrielson. Birds: A Guide to the Most Familiar American Birds. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1949. FV 7350. -----, and Donald F. Hofmeister. Mammals: A Guide to Familiar American Species. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1955. FV 7351. -----, and Lester Ingel. Seashores: A Guide to Animals and Plants along the Beaches. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1955. MH 7352. -----, and Alexander C. Martin. Flowers: A Guide to Familiar American Wildflowers. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1950. FV 7353. -----, and Alexander C. Martin. Trees: A Guide to Familiar American Trees. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1952. FV 7354. -----. Another copy. MH 7355. -----, and Hurst H. Shoemaker. Fishes: A Guide to Fresh and Salt-water Species. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1956. FV 7356. -----. Another copy. MH 7357. -----, and Hobart M. Smith. Reptiles and Amphibians: A Guide to Familiar American Species. Sponsored by the Wildlife Management Institute. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1956. FV

-----, joint author. See Lehr, Paul E.

7358. Zipf, Oscar Robert. Peter Crabtree: A Tale of Two Continents. KWH 7359. Zistel, Era, comp. A Treasury of Cat Stories. New York: Greenberg, 1944. FV 7360. Zobarskas, Stepas, ed. and tr. Selected Lithuanian Short Stories. Introduction by Charles Angoff. New York: Voyages, 1959. FV 7361. Zola, Emile. Nana. New York: Pocket Books, 1941. FV 7362. Zoranic, Petar. Planine che zdarxe usebi pisni pete po pastirich, pripousti i prituori iunachou i dechlic, i mnoge ostale stuari. Venice: Appresso D. Farri, 1569. Facsimile edition. U. Zagrebo, Izd: Isdavav…kog zavoda Jugoslavenske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, 1952. KL 7363. Zucker, Paul. Town and Square from the Agora to the Village Green. New York: Columbia, 1959. s6O FV 7364. Zweig, Arnold. The Case of Sergeant Grischa. KW 7365. -----. The Crowning of a King. Translated by Eric Sutton. New York: Viking, 1938. KWH 7366. -----. Education before Verdun. Translated from the German by Eric Sutton. New York: Viking, 1936. s36 kwfv FV 7367. Zweig, Stefan. Die Welt von gestern: Erinnerungen eines Europäers. Wittlich, W. Germany: Fisher, 1955. FV

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7368. -----. The World of Yesterday: An Autobiography. New York: Viking, 1943. FV

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INDEX Abyssinia. See Ethiopia Acting, 2656, 3236, 5195, 6142 Acuña, Julián, 898 Addams, Charles, 3597 Adhémar, Jean, 2677 Adirondack Mountains, 5118 Adler Planetarium, Chicago, 31-34 Administrative law, 2505 Adolescence, 2521 Adultery, 4543 Advertising, 4440 Aeronautics, 172, 2011, 3711, 3904, 3905, 3909, 4118, 6707, 6725, 7194. See also Navigation

history of, 2534, 3400-3402 military, 289, 1031, 3400, 4731 piloting, 3420, 3764, 3904, 4133, 4731 weather, 2562, 3618

Aeschylus, 2960 (vol. 8) Aesop, 2690 (vol. 17) Afghanistan, 4445, 6121, 6329 Africa, 49, 1653, 1706, 3770, 4027, 4636. See also Birds; Fishes and fishing; Hunting

animals, 50, 336, 3770, 4027, 4636, 4658, 5279 antiquities, 1653 art, 413 description and travel, 1355, 1622, 1949, 2766, 4457, 4658, 6244, 6387, 6388 native races, 5936, 6772, 6776

Africa, Central, 333, 667 Belgian Congo, 494, 2790 Cameroons, 4500 description and travel, 1506, 2790, 5872 exploration, 6287 social life and customs, 4911

Africa, East. See also Birds; Kenya cooking, 234 description and travel, 50, 537, 777, 1009, 1059, 1757, 3269, 3391, 4009, 4254, 5096, 5701, 5702, 6362, 6961, 7324 exploration, 331, 332, 991 fishing, 2973 history, 1390, 1487, 3140, 7174 hunting, 50, 682, 1756, 3580, 5096, 5097, 5672 social life and customs, 3239, 5138 World War I, 3831 yearbook, 6248

Africa, North, 491, 1275, 1522, 1844, 2007, 4019 Africa, South. See also Hunting

animals, 946, 3364, 6351, 6352 bushmen, 6776 description and travel, 164, 2229, 2944, 2945, 5092, 6662 fishes, 379 history, 1356, 1684, 5093, 5513 social conditions, 5093

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Africa, West, 413, 2668, 2729, 3263, 3808, 3845 Agassiz Fuertes, Louis, 3903 Agriculture, 706, 1715, 3449, 7085, 7220

African, 1059, 2950 Cuban, 109, 281, 282, 706, 897, 898, 1583, 1584, 5144 fertilizers, 1554 fruit, 8, 281, 2917, 3164 and insects, 199, 5131 irrigation, 1555 plant mosaic, 8 rice, 6766 soil conservation, 5014

Aiken, Conrad Potter, 5171 Air power, 1481, 1738 Air Transport Command, 3658 Air warfare, 1772, 2660, 2933, 4725, 6019, 6252a, 6483 Aircraft, 1467, 1605, 2420, 2660 Aircraft Carriers, 901 Alabama, 39, 40, 3803 Alamo, 4758 Alanbrooke, Lord, 903 Alaska, 2874, 2955, 3034, 5222, 6015 Alcoholism, 62, 3977 Aldrich, Elizabeth Perkins, 3350 Aldridge, John W., 1786 Alexander the Great, 3675 Alfred the Great, 1284 Algeria, 3095 Ali of Tebelini (Pasha of Janina), 5239 Allen, Jay, 1085, 5416 Allen, Warner, 2918 Allenby, Viscount, 6968 Alloanza Nazionale, 106 Allston, Oliver, 849 Alps, 301, 3635, 3636, 6670, 6942 Amazon River, 417, 1321, 4512, 6900 Ambiguity, 2883 American Camping Association, 2892 American Civil Liberties Union, 4532 American literature

bio-bibliography, 4538 collections, 973, 1572, 2852, 4798, 4811, 5641, 7281 history and criticism, 134, 844-852, 865, 1203, 1337, 1525, 1526, 1750, 1891, 2179, 2493, 2494, 3504, 3730, 3865, 4367, 4535, 4538, 4707, 5032, 5171, 6270, 6922, 7188, 7192

Americanisms, 25 Amory, Cleveland, 3927 Anarchy, 11, 4883 Anatomy, 4679 Andersen, Hans Christian, 2960 (vol. 17) Anderson, Sherwood, 815 André, John, 2253 Andrews, Wayne, 7066 Andrieu, Pierre, 4692 Angoff, Charles, 4770, 7360

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Angry Young Men, 2140 Animals, 179, 3374, 4537, 4586. See also Photography

African, 946, 1486, 3770, 3802, 5938-5940 ancient, 5900, 6117 Asian, 4537 conservation of, 3820, 4636 Cuban, 359, 4681 diseases of, 2574 habits and behavior, 336, 1137, 1237, 1896, 1961, 3202, 4548, 4586, 4658, 4684, 5804, 5805, 5961, 5962, 5965, 6351, 6352 hoofed, 4586 influence of, 3843 legends and stories, 1961, 2691, 3323, 4063, 4812, 5593, 5807, 5961, 5965 migration of, 1159 North American, 180, 1157, 7350 tracking, 3333 veterinarians, 3046

Antarctica, 1279, 1635, 3717, 5925, 6411 Antheil, George, 3278, 5290 Anthropology, 168, 184, 522, 790, 3079, 3627, 4451, 5116 Antiques, 1870 Aphorisms, 1599 Apparitions, 4585 Aquatic sports, 7210 Aquirre, President, 295 /Arabia

Arab relief, 2065 Arab legion, 2615 Arabs, 334, 1839, 4757 description and travel, 1839, 1840, 3858, 5461, 6961

Arabian Nights, 194, 2960 (vol. 16) Aran Islands, 1618 Archaeology, 287, 1390, 4241, 7219 Archer, William, 5929 Architecture, 436, 1982, 3208, 3363, 5589

American, 4044, 4705, 5617 architects, 6803 domestic, 2182, 5617, 5627 English churches, 4853 Spanish, 5435

Arctic regions, 3905, 4262, 4563, 4766, 4925, 5067, 6300, 6393 Argentina, 2344, 2738, 2855, 3731 Aristophanes, 2960 (vol. 8) Arizona, 982, 1582, 2155, 7300 Arkansas, 856 Armaments, 2384 Armed forces, 948 Army, 2531, 3186, 3246, 5426. See also Great Britain, Army; U.S., Army; U.S., Army Air Force Arno, Peter, 465 Arnold, Benedict, 2253, 5595 Arrarás, Joaquín, 293 Art, 228-231, 233, 436, 543-547, 4231, 6815. See also names of individual artists, countries, movements; Sculpture; etc.

abstract, 4818

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African, 413 anatomy, 4679 angling in British art, 6257 of antiquity, 5070 church, 2573 collectors, 477 dealers, 477 drawing, 430, 723, 6445 folk, 3917 history, 430, 543, 545, 945, 1551, 2198, 3866, 5477, 5589, 6257 impressionism, 3868 Indian (U.S.), 1841, 4031, 6750 and literature, 4367 masterpieces, 3144 materials, 4442 modern, 945, 1276, 1551, 3116, 4818, 5476, 5477, 6743 painters, 1549, 1550, 3866, 4352, 4604, 5475-5477, 5640 painting, 380, 690, 708, 722, 723, 893-895, 1075, 1710, 2055, 2374, 2410, 2628, 3762, 3866, 3868, 4250, 4442, 5476, 5477, 5589, 6319, 6445, 6823

American, 496, 2251, 2777, 3315, 3544, 3917, 4059, 4064, 4817, 5048, 5069, 6445 British, 2474 Flemish, 2012, 2198 French, 576, 4604, 4711, 5475 German, 5693 Italian, 544, 545, 722, 723, 2572, 2573, 5053, 5267 old masters, 6981 in Moscow, 4711 Russian, 5719 portraits, 6396 silk screening, 6330 Spanish, 2678, 2679, 5276 watercolors, 1710, 2021, 4250, 4952 of World War 1, 2918

psychology of, 4190, 4191 Art exhibitions and museums, 944, 1075, 2374, 2401, 2410, 2628, 3811, 4152-4154, 4711, 4812-4825,

5069-5071, 6707 Artists, 1549, 1550, 5201-5203, 5690, 6803. See also names of individual artists; and

Introduction, part IV, section 2 legal rights, 3143 old masters, 2055 in war, 2770 women, 2445

Asia, 402, 1672, 5449, 6181. See also Hunting description and travel, 487,1609, 2769, 3026, 4114, 4115, 5258, 5468, 5909, 6042 politics, 2822, 3741

Asia Minor, 5952 Assassination, 900, 1755, 1975, 1976 Astre, George Albert, 3036 Astronomy, 31-34, 561, 562, 2124, 3187, 3841, 4745, 4965, 4966, 6275, 7253, 7348 Asua, F. Jimenez de, 114 Atatürk, Kamâl, 828 Atkinson, Brooks, 6539 Atlases

Africa, 7324

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Latin America, 7123 U.S., 23, 5452 world, 2896, 2897, 2949, 3166, 5451, 6557

Atwater, Francis, 5241 Aubrey, John, 259 Auden, W.H., 3338 Auditing, 4627 Augustine, Saint, 2960 (vol. 7) Australia, 283

description and travel, 446, 1332, 6662, 7124 fiction, 879, 1634 fishing, 2752 secret service, 594

Austria, 300, 2487, 6617 Authors and authorship, 100, 802, 869, 1093, 1562, 1812, 1888, 2218, 2280, 4616, 4663, 5164, 5866, 5891,

6331, 6436, 6783, 6789, 6938, 6985, 7065 Author's League of America, 284 Autobiography, 30, 157, 161, 286, 330, 348, 355, 368, 369, 372, 376, 405, 408, 456, 499, 548, 563, 665, 1217,

1234, 1250, 1283, 1307, 1368, 1391, 1462, 1468, 1474, 1563 (pseudobiography), 1568, 1596, 1638, 1674, 1846, 1879, 1896, 1908, 1918, 1957, 1966, 2002, 2069, 2184, 2348, 2349, 2375, 2536, 2547, 2548, 2644, 2688, 2694, 2695, 2700, 2740, 2768, 2834, 2847, 2853, 2854, 2877, 3025, 3235, 3250, 3394, 3460, 3573, 3605, 3628, 3795, 3838, 3849, 3893, 3960, 4010, 4053, 4159, 4195, 4248, 4272, 4303, 4339, 4468, 4488, 4574, 4616, 4698, 4723, 4751, 4929, 4938, 5013, 5087, 5331, 5355, 5467, 5499, 5513, 5594, 5619, 5624, 5792, 5793, 5825, 5830, 5891, 5919, 6115, 6135, 6302, 6310, 6312, 6359, 6436, 6449, 6494, 6510, 6626, 6647, 6652, 7016, 7099, 7149, 7203, 7297, 7316, 7325, 7368

Automobile industry, 3506 racing, 2214 road guides, 128-133, 624, 2799, 2814

Bacon, Francis, 2960 (vol. 3) Bacterial warfare, 5678 Bahamas, 5572, 7341 Baia, California, 352 Baker, Carlos, 6018, 7285 Baldi, Valfredo, 212 Bali, 1518 Balkan peninsula, 3939, 5952, 7086 Ballet, 120, 1682, 2968 Balloon, 1972 Balzac, Honoré de, 611 Banks, 1648 Barber, Roland, 2710 Barlow, Nora (Darwin), 1641 Barnes, John S., 7233 Barnett, Lincoln, 3897 Baroja y Nessi, Pio, 2643, 5439 Barrett, Oliver Roger, 5795 Barrett, William E., 1176 Barry, Iris, 363 Barrymore, John, 2320 Bartholomew, John, 6557 Barzun, Jacques, 1257, 2477 Baseball, 87, 414, 854, 1973, 2952, 3331, 4455, 5236, 5328, 5624, 5750, 5860, 6168-6170,

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6180, 6366, 6367, 6613, 7079 Chicago Cubs, 870 Dodgers, 1927 encyclopedia of, 6659 Yankees, 1928 yearbook of, 4171-4175

Basketball, 466 Bates, Marston, 1642 Battles and campaigns, 204, 255, 280, 342, 2385, 3490. See also U.S., Civil War; World War II

Apache wars, 752 Bunker Hill, 859 Cuba, 714, 1676 Jutland, 416 Little Big Horn, 4525 Peninsular War, 454, 4974 Trafalgar, 4165

Baudelaire, Charles, 4687 Baugh, Hansell, 4844 Bauhaus, 436 Bayonets, 3514 Beach, Joseph Warren, 6501 Beach, Sylvia, 5982 Beard, James A., 1892 Beat generation, 2140 Beatitudes, 2690 Beaumont, Germaine, 1397 Beauty, 2445 Beavers, 2756 Becket, Thomas à, 1991 Beckford, William, 1256 Bedouins, 5461 Beecher, Henry Ward, 5987 Belgium, 2511, 4195, 6753 Bellows, George, 496 Belmonte, Juan, 303, 499, 703, 704, 1267, 2162, 2642, 5762 Benchley, Robert, 514, 4827, 6528 Benét, Stephen Vincent, 2148 Berenson, Bernard, 4716 Bergman, Ingrid, 6295 Berkeley, George, 2960 (vol. 37) Berkshire Hills, 5117 Bernard, Emile, 2627 Bertrand, General, 572 Bethune, Norman, 86 Beyle, Marie Henri, 1942, 2715, 3014, 3424 The Bible, 1811

and geology, 934 New Testament, 5187 Old Testament, 726, 1709, 3024, 5188, 6149

Bigham, Julia Scribner, 5469 Biography, 7, 67, 86, 89, 96, 117, 127, 145, 155, 178, 182, 186, 190, 201, 215, 219, 259, 285, 377, 382, 383, 438,

452, 493, 514, 611, 627, 636, 641, 649, 737, 756, 757, 828, 831, 971, 1139, 1141, 1161, 1205, 1206, 1253, 1267, 1294, 1508, 1677, 1784, 1802, 1887, 1891, 1916, 1942, 1952, 1980, 1981, 2001, 2040, 2068, 2146, 2148, 2162, 2199, 2240, 2340, 2358, 2361, 2378, 2394, 2397, 2468,

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2509, 2556, 2624, 2638, 2642, 2653, 2671, 2672, 2710, 2715, 2845, 2885, 2915, 2939, 2940, 2956, 3014, 3045, 3048, 3051, 3068-3071, 3136, 3167, 3325, 3336, 3365, 3406, 3424, 3425, 3440, 3503, 3638, 3649, 3705, 3827, 3836, 3854, 3877, 4016, 4048, 4050, 4105, 4116, 4238, 4296, 4419, 4443, 4444, 4455, 4477, 4491, 4526, 4538, 4575, 4599, 4600, 4602, 4610, 4673, 4753, 4782, 4784, 4790, 4854, 4861, 4862, 4911, 4985, 5034, 5086, 5115, 5157, 5225, 5257, 5266, 5336, 5383, 5393, 5406-5408, 5412, 5460, 5488, 5516, 5532, 5535, 5615, 5639, 5680, 5771, 5788-5791, 5835, 5891, 5930, 5945, 6129, 6134, 6167, 6168, 6278, 6293-6295, 6297, 6373a, 6375, 6422, 6423, 6425, 6474, 6476, 6515, 6559, 6575, 6598, 6613, 6743, 6803, 6807, 6813, 6853, 6898, 6917, 6968, 6976, 6983, 6984, 6994, 7125, 7197, 7204, 7213-7215, 7256, 7263, 7264, 7310, 7333

Who's Who, 7107-7110 Birds, 136, 616, 1541, 1581, 1603, 2749, 3091, 3192, 3195, 5003, 5122.

See also Hunting in Africa, 1488, 2367, 3328, 4034, 4108, 4109 in Australia, 7124 eagle, 5917 and flight, 290, 2721 in Great Britain, 3194, 3205, 5176 hawks, 1541 history of, 6286 houses, 5858 identification, 2721, 3091, 7349 in Mexico, 1967, 3277, 6418 migration of, 3903 in New Zealand, 4834 in North America, 271, 352, 1254, 1963, 2978, 3126, 3354, 4351, 5172-5175, 5180,

5181, 5283, 5284, 5490, 6046, 7258, 7349 owls, 1541 in Panama, 6403 pictorial works, 271, 290, 1581, 2078, 3232 pigeons, 4764, 5165 preparation for study, 1249 ruffed grouse, 2872 in Sudan, 1251 water birds, 75, 76, 2078, 2210, 5815, 5914, 6945

Birth control, 6374 Bishop, John Peale, 2220 Blake, William, 5982 Blanco Fernández de Trava, Pedro, 4903 Bliss, Reginald, 7009 Blitzkrieg, 4501 Block, Harry, 5352 Bluebeard, 2397 Blues (music), 3780 Boats and boating, 108, 685, 3703 Boers, 2944 Bohemia and Moravia, 523 Bokhara, 4113 Bolivia, 2125, 2126 Bolsheviks, 1422, 1762, 3938 Bonaparte. See Napoléon I Bonaparte, Joseph (King of Spain), 1312 Bonnard, Pierre, 708, 3429 Book collecting, 4795, 6376, 7211

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Book publishing, 18, 1002, 6014 Book-making (betting), 3582 Books and reading, 1571, 2060, 2654, 3329, 3730, 4379, 4713, 5288, 7043, 7271 Boone, Daniel, 317 Booth, John Wilkes, 900 Borghese, Maria Paolina (Bonaparte), principessa, 2240 Borgia, Lucrezia, 493 Borneo, 4073 Botany, 315, 731, 2977, 4247, 7352 Bourjaily, Vance, 1786 Bow and arrow, 3096 Bowers, Eilley, 5050 Boxing, 364, 559, 769-771, 814, 1118, 1640, 1929, 2050, 2710, 3016, 3292, 3822, 4032, 4780, 5055, 5128, 5544, 5665, 6398, 6647, 6648, 7115, 7143

art and literature on, 1531, 6020 history, 2238, 3722, 3888

Boyd, Ernest, 1247 Boyd, James, 775 Brady, Frank, 736 Brady, Matthew B., 4477 Braque, Georges, 2232 Brazil

description and travel, 2125, 2126, 6900, 6957 hunting, 6050 poetry, 3308 politics and government, 2824

Briad, Aristide, 4242 Bridges, Robert, 3151 Bridgewater treatises, 934 Brill, A.A., 2370 British Columbia, 5222 British Guiana, 1931, 6957 Brooks, Van Wyck, 134, 1247 Brown, John Mason, 6348 Browne, Thomas, 2960 (vol. 3) Browning, Elizabeth (Barrett), 7270 Browning, Robert, 2960 (vol. 18), 4524 Broz, Josip (Tito), 4116 Bryce, Viscount, 2406 Buckingham, Nash, 2041 Buffalo Bill, 5741, 5937 Bullfight. See Corrida Bullock, Alan, 5864 Bunyan, John, 2960 (vol. 15) Burke, Edmund, 2960 (vol. 24) Burlace, J.B., 6926 Burma, 1054, 1979, 2317, 3499 Burnand, Tony, 1131 Burnett, Andy, 7092 Burns, Robert, 2960 (vol.6) Burton, Isabel Arundell, Lady, 646, 647, 990 Burton, Richard F., 194 Buscón, 5412 Business and industry, 1924, 2018

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Butcher, Harry C., 1000 Butterflies, 2047 Byron, Anne Isabella, 4444 Byron, Lord, 2960 (vol. 18), 4238, 4421, 4443, 4854, 4987, 5049, 5406, 5407 Cabell, James Branch, 4844 Cabrera, Lydia, 6818 Cabrero, Raimundo, 4482 Caesar, Julius, 6917 Calderón de la Barca, Pedro, 2960 (vol. 26) California, 1713

crime in, 3688 description and travel, 2130, 2970, 3392, 3713, 4146, 6326, 6929 history, 1498, 2970 novelists, 7183 San Francisco, 3968, 4967, 6759 trout fishing, 4068

Caligula, Emperor of Rome, 1073 Calle, López de, 1763 Camels, 5449 Cameroons, 4500 Camp, Raymond R., 3238 Camping, 1010, 2027, 2892, 3242, 3523, 3946, 5966, 6970 Canada, 3925, 7209

animals, 5962 description and travel, 3369, 5452, 6632, 6662, 6901 literature, 1259 history, 3372 hunting, 5621 Klondike, 7209

Canadian National Exhibition, 1075 Cane, Melville H., 3862 Cannon, Carl L., 5212 Canoeing, 4348 Capital punishment, 3607 Capitalism, 2018, 3129, 3423 Capone, Al, 5086 Caribbean Sea, 871, 1326, 1998, 5581, 5606 Carlson, Evans Fordyce, 649 Carlyle, Thomas, 2960 (vol. 25) Caroline, Consort of George II, 5408 Carpentier, George, 5128 Carruth, Hayden, 1144 Carson, Edward Henry, 4253 Carswell, John, 5460 Carter, Harold Dean, 15 Cartography, 868, 2714, 2837, 3283, 3636, 4230, 6376 Cartoons, 29, 222, 465, 819, 1404, 1639, 3597, 5444, 6224, 6309

Cuban, 2698 German, 995 sports, 4828, 5015, 5017, 5018

Caruso, Enrico, 1161 Castro, Américo, 5412 Castro, Fidel, 1886

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Catastrophes, 3785 Cathedrals

Burgos, 288 Canterbury, 1991 Chartres, 16, 1722 Notre Dame, Paris, 6487

Catherine II, Empress of Russia, 182 Catholics. See Roman Catholicism Cats, 2484, 3611, 3940, 4489, 6107

drawings, 5923 legends, 5626, 7359 manuals, 904, 905, 2070

Cattle, 6594 Caughey, John, 6929 Caulaincourt, General de, 1200 Caves, 6478 Cellini, Benvenuto, 2960 (vol. 31) Censorship, 2029, 3614 Central America, 3252, 3713, 6389. See also Cuba; Latin America Cerf, Bennett A., 194 Cervantes, Miguel de, 2960 (vol. 14) Ceylon (Sri Lanka), 335 Cézanne, Paul, 5524 Chamberlain, Narcissa, 1231 Chambers, Whittaker, 5496 Chamois, 707 Chattanooga Railroad Expedition, 4979 Chatterton, Thomas, 4491 Chekhov, Anton, 2670 Chemistry, 1229, 2376, 4145, 6360 Chess, 3871, 4291 Chiang Kai-shek, 1286, 6575 Chiang Kai-shek, Mme., 1287 Child authors, 4193 Child care, 3142 Child study, 2521, 5205, 5474 Chile, 2153, 2724, 2855 China, 1776, 2853, 3900

army, 1105 art, 4813, 6052 communism, 482, 1286, 2202, 2246 description and travel, 268, 606, 2245, 2246, 3844, 5673, 6042, 6131, 6160, 6409, 6919 drama, 998 emigration to U.S., 2585 history, 268, 2202, 2585, 3816, 4186, 4418, 5193, 5495, 6052, 6160, 6207, 6401, 6409, 6472, 7098, 7308 humor, 6576 Manchuria, 2246 poetry, 2954, 5301 politics and government, 482, 1248, 1287, 6318, 6472, 6575, 6578 revolution, 3957 Sinkiang, 2245, 3453, 3741 social life and customs, 606, 1225, 1248, 1287, 2202

Chinese Industrial Cooperative, 102 Churchill, Randolph S., 1306

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Churchill, Winston, 1677 Ciardi, John, 1631 Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 2960 (vol. 9) Cinema. See Motion pictures Circe, 5270 Circus, 788, 3849 Civil rights, 166. See also Race relations; Slavery Civil War. See Spain, Civil War; U.S., Civil War Clark, R.T., 5890 Class violence. See Labor and laboring class Clavo, Maximiliano, 6243 Clemenceau, Georges, 528, 4296, 6406 Clemens, Samuel Langhorne, 96, 815, 1751, 6984 Clifford, Bede, 488 Clothes, 2555 Clum, John P., 1361 Cobb, Ty, 4050 Cocchiara, Giuseppe, 2763 Cock-fighting, 251, 2204, 4454, 5738 Cocteau, Jean, 2506 Cody, William Frederick, 5741, 5937 Coffee, 1463 Coke, Edward, 756 Colditz Castle, 5503, 5504 Cole, C.H., 7031 Colet, Louise, 6293 Collective bargaining, 1292 Collectors and collecting, 5571 Colombia (South America), 187, 202, 1415, 5159 Colorado, 6277 Colter, John, 2934 Columbus, Christopher, 117, 1416 Commager, Henry Steele, 7310 Communication, 3128, 6720, 6726-6728 Communism, 594, 1577, 4993

in China, 482, 1286, 2202, 2246, 6318 Jews and, 6486 in Russia, 1422, 1950, 3108, 3609, 3623, 3809, 4036, 6250, 6974 in Spain, 2315, 6255 in U.S., 166, 1234, 2470, 2579, 2580, 4037, 4322, 4532, 6714, 6860

Comnène, Marie Anne, 5880 Comparative literature, 1990 Concentration camps, 977 Conducting, 3629 Congo, Belgian, 494, 1357, 6609 Conrad, Barnaby, 6276 Conrad, Joseph, 473, 1448, 6651 Considine, Robert, 5750, 6892 Cooking, 12, 234, 323-325, 449, 744, 823, 1703, 2076, 2257, 2857, 2964, 2965, 3535, 6545 See also Gastronomy

American, 803, 1712, 4588, 4826, 5667, 6416, 7284 Chinese, 1239, 1248, 2144, 3979 fish, 717, 1704, 4549 French, 1231, 1232, 3946, 4246, 4676, 5763

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Italian, 3967 Spanish, 5147

Cooperatives, China, 102 The Copperheads, 2707 Corn, hybrid, 4019 Corneille, Pierre, 2960 (vol. 26) Cornell, Katharine, 2656 Corrida, 2, 6, 61, 115, 203, 214, 258, 303, 305-307, 401, 460, 497, 499, 552, 660, 703, 704, 936, 943, 1058, 1067,

1072, 1110-1113, 1128, 1133, 1312, 1316, 1335, 1501, 1502, 1505, 1764, 1861, 2164, 2423, 2576, 2647, 2651, 2784, 2936, 3309, 3334, 3509, 3641, 3829, 3884, 3929, 3966, 4012, 4061, 4134, 4259-4261, 4315, 4508-4511, 4554-4559, 4768, 4776, 4996-5002, 5049, 5142, 5156, 5157, 5268, 5486-5488, 5522, 5526, 5527, 5705-5707, 5762, 5782-5784, 6227, 6243, 6586, 6669, 6744-6746, 6805, 6809, 6813, 6849, 6864. See also Belmonte, Juan; Franklin, Sidney; Gómez, Rafael; Gómez Ortega, José; Manolete

amateur, 4734 in art, 4273 bibliography, 1763 bulls, 497, 1446, 1505, 2647, 2648, 4134, 4273 dictionary of, 3662, 5783 in fiction, 1441, 1443, 3768, 4025, 4701, 6276, 6298 guides, 4259-4261, 5142

to passes, 6, 5142, 5705 pictorial, 258, 3509, 3663, 5705 La Plaza de Toros, Madrid, history, 3067 poetry, 2425 rules, 3829

Corrochano, Gregorio, 6864 Corsica, 736 Cortez, Hernando, 6824 Cossio, José María de, 3067, 6853 Costumes, 1130, 3975, 7118 Courbet, Gustave, 6611 Couzens, James, 377 Cowboys. See The West (U.S.) Cowley, Malcolm, 2112, 2226, 2228, 2542, 2987, 5072, 6496 Coxe, J.A., 354 Crane, Hart, 3167, 6976 Crane, Stephen, 473 Cranworth, Lord, 777 Crémieux, Benjamin, 5880 Crete, 2188, 2189 Crime and criminals, 793, 1705, 2209, 2758, 3667, 3688, 3954, 4021, 5700

counterfeiters, 671 fraud, 6515 Great Britain, 878, 4020, 4023, 5700 imposters, 3578, 3579 libel, 1685 murder, 1176, 1408, 3132, 4020, 4022, 4023, 5700, 7299 outlaws, 5441 political, 2819 psychology of, 5507, 7178 swindlers, 3578, 3579 U.S., 192, 1176, 1283, 1405, 1408, 1597, 1783, 2535, 3132, 3156, 3158, 4022, 4303,

5086, 5441, 5502, 5511, 5533-5535, 6208, 6210, 6223, 6515, 6604, 6759, 6782, 7299

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Federal Bureau of Investigation, 1405, 3962, 7102 Old West, 1782, 4476

wiretapping, 1644 Crimean War, 1350, 5745 Crocodiles, 5279 Crosby, Harry, 1569 Cross, Wilbur Lucius, 1983, 6337 Croushore, James H., 1698, 1699 Crowninshield, Frank, 6880 The Crusades, 1298, 4565 Cuba, 60, 673, 675-677, 2154, 3765, 6402

agriculture, 109, 282, 3164, 6766 botany, 4247 Castro, Fidel, 1886 description and travel, 1327, 1354, 1585, 1624, 3065, 4197, 4481, 4908, 5608, 6818 economic conditions, 445, 2163, 4995 fishing and hunting, 2213, 5163, 5786, 6230 Havana, 787 history, 347, 445, 714, 1676, 2163, 2254, 2390, 2649, 3743, 4482, 4995, 5608, 6397,

6674 revolution (1895-1899), 2254, 5481, 5715 revolution (1950's), 4545

historical fiction, 2016, 6645 literature, 1588, 2817 Martí, José, 4299, 4313 natural history, 359, 5233, 5833 pictorial, 6818 politics, 347, 445, 3743, 4545, 5196, 5274, 5715 Santiago, 714 social life and customs, 3065, 4197, 4543, 4545

Cubism, 4818 Culbertson, Ely, 1376 Cuming, E.D., 5013, 5140 Cummings, E.E., 5297 Cunningham, Eugene, 1582 Curley, James Michael, 1784 Currency, 3322 Cushing, William B., 5680 Custer, Ceorge Armstrong, 1607, 4272, 4525, 4599, 7203 Cycling, 365, 1280, 1281, 2814, 3033, 5952 Cypress, 1933, 2269 Czechoslovakia, 523, 2372, 2487, 3939, 4796, 7218 Dada, 4819 Dairy, 3118 Dakar, Senegal, 3808 Dali, Salvador, 6219 Dalmatia, 861 Dana, Richard Henry, 2960 (vol. 23) Dance, 2648, 2668 D'Annunzio, Gabriele, 186, 7215 Dante Alighieri, 1989, 2960 (vol. 20), 6598 Darwin, Charles, 2960 (vols. 11, 29), 5924 Daumier, Honoré, 6760

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David, King of Israel, 1473 Day, J. Wentworth, 3364 Death, 6412 Debating, 4035 Decorating (home), 225, 1869, 2558, 4040, 6495 Dee River, 2078 Degas, Hilaire Germain Edgar, 1700, 6612, 6761 Delinquency, juvenile, 7132 Demaison, André, 6244 Democracy, 21, 37, 4148, 4900, 5670 Denis-Roosevelt Asiatic Expedition, 1672 Denmark, 2511, 5692 Descartes, René, 2960 (vol. 34) Detectives, 2209, 2758, 7202 De Voto, Bernard, 1345 The Dial, 1760 Dianetics, 3190 Diaries, 1793, 1836, 2406, 2621, 3556, 3744 Dick, Oliver Lawson, 259 Dickens, Charles, 4425 Dickinson, Emily, 3395, 5098 Diderot, Denis, 5930 Diet, 2974, 3981, 4049 Dikes, 1586 Diplomacy, 3952, 6336 Disraeli, Benjamin, 4424 Divine, Father, 329 Diving, deep sea

bells, 403 submarine, 1894, 1895, 3739, 5865

Dobie, J. Frank, 752 Dobson, Austin, 737 Dobu Island, 522 Dodd, William C., Jr., 1793 Dodge, Mabel, 6315 Dogs, 135, 335, 1675, 2229, 3090, 7270

care, 3442 hunting, 212, 2685, 3116 training, 2816, 5186

Dolphins, 1194 Dollman, Guy, 6926 Domingo, Roberto, 4907 Don Modesto, 497 Doña Juana I of Castile, 1721 Donaldson, Harvey A., 6111 Doniphan, Col., 5620 Donizetti, Gaetano, 1216 Doolittle, James Harold, 5532 Dorado, Carolina Marcial, 658 Dos Passos, John, 2220 Drama. See also Theatre

American, 775, 1985, 1988, 1991, 2377, 2469, 2757, 3398, 4128, 4722, 6028, 6324 Chinese, 998 collections, 612, 1499, 1827, 1985, 1988, 1991, 2428, 2517, 3274, 4318, 6216

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contemporary, 1777 English, 266, 267, 457, 1427, 2639, 2960 (vols. 46, 47), 4393, 4394, 5977, 5991, 6022,

7120. See also Shakespeare, William French, 1073, 4596, 4597, 5684 Greek, 2045, 2216, 2960 (vol. 8) Italian, 733, 5226

Drawings, 430, 5227, 7342 Dreiser, Theodore, 1891 Dreyfus, Alfred, 2863 Driving (automobile), 190 Dryden, John, 2960 (vol. 18), 6869 Du Duc de Rivery, Aimée, 646, 647 Duelling, 3458, 3745, 5360, 6343 Dufferin, Frederick, 4856 Dumas, Alexandre, 2671 Dunne, Finley Peter, 2001 Dupuy, Georges, 6762 Duse, Eleonora, 7215 Dutch East Indies, 3271 Duveen, Joseph, 477 DvoÍák, Max, 893 Eakins, Thomas, 4105 Earp, Wyatt, 3672 Eastman, Max, 376, 2579, 2580 Eberhardt, Isabelle, 646, 647 Economics, 1388, 2943, 4228, 5287, 6806 Edel, Leon, 3345 Education, 3149, 3182, 3229, 4301, 4848, 5474, 6940, 7286 Egypt, 1507, 2346, 4598, 4629, 4662. See also Nile River Einstein, Albert, 2340, 5924 Eisenhower, Dwight D., 1000, 6414 Electricity, 4207 Elephants, 682, 1757, 4640, 4727, 5455, 7137. See also Hunting El Greco, 3791, 4986 Eliot, Charles W., 2960 Eliot, T.S., 26, 428, 1083, 2220, 3440, 4366, 4652, 5310, 5311, 5386, 6683 Elk, 4744 Ellenborough, Jane Elizabeth (Digby) Law, Countess of, 646, 647 Ellis, E.T., 640 Ellis, Havelock, 3270 Ellmann, Richard, 3440 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 1760, 2960 (vol. 5), 4367 Endangered species, 2062 Engineering, 6729 English language. See Language English literature, 276, 1429, 2963, 3189, 6209. See also Poetry, collections

ballads and songs, 5035 history and criticism, 99, 1430, 2281, 2307, 2474, 3790, 4863, 7267, 7274 poetry, 1559, 1680, 5035-5041 twentieth century, 4904, 4946, 5032, 5605

Ensor, James, 2141 Entertainment, 1578 Epictetus, 2960 (vol. 2)

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Episcopal Church, 716 Erosion, 5014 Escapes, 5058, 7135 Escorial, 2486 Eskimos, 3034, 5262, 6300, 6393 Espionage, 4695, 5511, 5569, 5697, 5959. See also Secret service; Underground movements

American, 112, 2074, 2075, 4695, 5698 Esquire (periodical), 323 Estate law, 1048 Ethics, 906, 3777, 3923, 5901 Ethiopia, 334, 431, 618, 777, 1609, 1684, 4361, 4607, 4609, 4610, 4614, 4757, 4788, 6966 Ethnology, 5936 Etiquette, 2844, 5277 Eugénie, Consort of Napoleon III, 5945 Euripides, 2960 (vol. 8) Europe, 3777, 6488. See also names of individual countries; World War I; World War II

description and travel, 491, 502, 1794, 2190-2197, 2365, 3344, 4514, 5436, 5456. See also names of individual countries

history, 2835, 4008, 4994, 5054, 5491 politics, 2263, 2487, 2823, 3047, 3431, 3939, 4899, 5912, 6008, 6153, 6444, 7026, 7156 World War II, 1974, 3875, 3876, 7224

European captive nations, 246 Everest, Mt., 3100, 5751, 6494, 6678 Everett, Mary Nixon, 979 Everglades, Florida, 1845 Existentialism, 1970, 3543 Explorers and exploration, 3724, 4564, 4906, 6301, 6516 Explosives, 459, 6730 Expressionism, 600 Fabien, Pierre Georges, 5030 Fadiman, Clifton, 601 Fairy tales, 147-153, 194, 2764 Falange española tradicionalista, 1261 Far East, 4671, 4672, 5909, 5911. See also Asia; names of individual countries Farque, Léon-Paul, 585 Farming, 3449, 6151 Fascism, 1261, 2259, 4900. See also Nazis (National Socialists); Spain, politics and government

American, 1261 German, 3113, 3114 Italian, 542, 724, 5776, 6559 Spanish, 5566

Father Divine, 329 Faulkner, William, 815 Fawcett, Brian, 2125, 2126 F.B.I. See U.S., Federal Bureau of Investigation Fear, 1803 Felman, Hazel, 3432 Fencing, 5360 Fergusson, Bernard, 3519 Ferrer, Francisco, 201 Fertilizers, 1554, 1584 Fiction. See also World War I and 11, in fiction

American, 442, 1891, 2179, 2493, 2494, 4946, 6199, 6931

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history and criticism, 107, 531, 955, 2179, 2307, 3340, 3345, 4359, 4378, 5351 technique, 107, 3340, 3345, 3462

Fielding, Henry, 7129 Fields, W.C., 6476 Finch, George Alvin, 3344 Finland, 832, 6904 Firearms. See Guns and ammunition Fishes and fishing

art and angling, 6257 cooking, 1704, 4549, 4917 dictionary of, 1779, 3645, 4765 equipment, 356, 981, 2564, 4170, 5582, 6394, 6522 fisheries, 6521 fishes, 3415, 3416, 3679, 5253, 5396, 7355

in art, 6257 bass, 553 fossils, 3417 game, 356, 1036, 1485, 2087, 2746, 2920, 3134, 3307, 3484, 3485, 3679, 3680,

3684, 4492, 5123, 6830 history of, 4888 marlin, 139, 3683, 4274 migration, 5695 muskellunge, 1314 pike, 1455 sailfish, 1686 salmon, 2856, 3086, 3215, 5548, 5650, 5892, 6596, 7309 salt-water, 4765, 4894, 5651 sharks, 7217 swordfish, 1494, 4274 tarpon, 1781, 3386 trout, 553, 554, 697, 699, 966, 967, 1131, 1570, 2856, 3083, 3085, 3086, 3646,

4068, 4078, 4775, 5015, 5220, 5650, 5892, 6249, 6464, 6595, 6596, 6804, 6835, 6836, 6897

tunny, 4571 fishing, 276, 354, 356, 423, 553, 608, 609, 615, 698, 700, 967, 981, 1008, 1010, 1036,

1428, 1476, 1514, 1686, 2046, 2085, 2088, 2089, 2094, 2178, 2183, 2337, 2564, 2620, 2655, 2751, 2871, 2925-2927, 3030, 3031, 3058, 3059, 3137, 3165, 3484, 3592, 3594, 3645, 3793, 4354, 4570, 4890, 5160, 5253, 5427, 5457, 5671, 5696, 5853, 6814, 6835, 6918, 6943, 7146, 7321

fly-fishing, 299, 554, 697, 966, 1132, 1570, 3059, 3086, 3593, 3646, 4078, 4236, 4890, 5582

goggle fishing, 2564 laws, 5160 literature on, 296, 711, 1063, 1228, 2753 locations, 2855

Africa, 1485, 2973 Atlantic, 2980 Australia, 1332, 2752 Chile, 2855 Cuba, 2213, 2980, 5786, 6230 France, 700, 3427, 3428, 4917, 5696, 6685 Kenya, 1488 New Zealand, 2755 North America, 299, 717, 801, 2284, 2655, 2742, 3059, 3134, 3414, 3484, 3485,

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3680, 4236, 6484, 6514 Pacific, 1258, 2754, 6514 South Africa, 379 Spain, 1252, 5062, 5063, 6228

records, 3305, 3306 spear-fishing, 1514, 1853, 2862, 5865 women, 2084

Fisk, James, 6422 Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 2688, 3503, 3626, 4580 Fitzsimmons, Robert, 1678 Flaherty, Robert Joseph, 2762 Flamingoes, 7341 Flaubert, Gustave, 53, 6293 Fleuriot, Paul, 572 Florida

cooking, 2257, 3535 description and travel, 108, 360, 599, 1026, 1940, 2131, 3612, 7301 Everglades, 1845 fishing, 2742, 3484, 3485 history, 2911 natural history, 360, 1845, 2917

Flowers Cuban, 7249 in decorations, 1458, 6442 guides, 7126, 7352 pictorial, 1642 wild, 4350, 4834

Flying saucers, 5918 Foch, Ferdinand, 941, 3877 Folklore, 1108, 1130, 1789, 2763, 4273 Football, 930, 2694 Ford, Henry, 4790, 4792, 6425 Ford, Ford Madox, 1083, 2638 Forests and forestry, 3898, 7138 Forrest, Nathan Bedford, 7310 Fowlie, Wallace, 1370 Fox, William, 6126 Fox-hunting, 5013, 5493, 6579 Fra Angelico, 2200 France, Anatole, 838 France. See also Art: painters, painting; Fishing; Gastronomy; Hunting; Language; World War 1;

World War II Alsace, 2802 American writers in, 175, 826, 1524, 3943, 5394 architecture, 533 art, 435, 533, 576, 1714, 5071 Avignon, 2804 Bank of, 1648 Blois, 5410 Burgundy, 2796 Chartres, 16, 1722 colonies, 3808 Côte d'Azur, 2810, 5381 description and travel, 736, 744, 1231, 1325, 1360, 2329, 2787, 2793, 2799, 2803, 2807,

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2809, 2811, 4669, 4750, 5381 Fontainebleau forest, 3948 foreign legion, 5088, 5632, 6433 foreign relations, 4900, 6260 gardening, 1275 history, 183, 648, 1727, 1911, 2524, 2696, 2783, 3766, 4076, 4233-4235, 5337, 5585,

5767, 5945, 7031 historical fiction, 1909, 2696, 5510 revolution, 1106, 1315, 2696, 4447

literature, 573, 734, 1714, 1970, 2323, 2644 Loire, 2794, 5696 Lorraine, 2802, 6765 military terms, 397 Mont Saint-Michel, 16, 4621 national characteristics, 1727, 7068 Nîmes, 2805 Normandy, 3887 Paris

churches, 7242 description and travel, 10, 247, 1728, 2044, 2567, 2795, 2805, 2808, 2812, 2813,

3720, 4963, 5686, 6152 history, 4005, 4963 hotels, 6826 intellectual life, 3278, 5394 liberation of, 3870 Montmartre, 1093, 1094, 1511, 4143 Notre-Dame, 6487 painting, 1512, 1513 pictorial 5871 the poor, 5006 restaurants, 963, 6826 sculpture, 797 Seine, 2793 social life and customs, 573, 932, 2044, 3949, 5006, 5068, 5103 writers in, 443, 1524

politics and government, 1727, 4242, 4430, 5103 Provence, 1067 restaurants, 1231, 2791, 2792 Riviera, 2810, 5381 Verdun, 170 war trials, 9 wines, 93

Franco, Francisco, 2138 Frank, Waldo, 127, 4596 Franklin, Benjamin, 1887, 2960 (vol. 1) Franklin, Sydney, 5155 Frederick II, King of Prussia, 2653, 3051 Freeman, Douglas S., 969 Freeman, Peter, 5056 French Guinea, 1670 Freud, Sigmund, 1952, 3406, 5924 Frith, Mary, 6485 Froissart, Jean, 2960 (vol. 35) Frontier. See The West

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Fuller, Margaret, 1760 Fur trade, 1749, 3729 Furniture, 225, 435, 1011, 1870, 4708 Galantière, Lewis, 5378 Galapagos Islands, 1609, 5629 Gallatin, Albert, 2406 Gallipoli peninsula, 4656 Galsworthy, John, 3845 Gambling, 550, 3582 Game Cock (pseud.), 251 Game laws, 2816, 2984, 3302, 3304, 5160, 5163 Games, 1553, 3947, 6517. See also Gambling

Canasta, 2667 Greek and Roman, 4221

Gandhi, Mahatma, 1294, 4753 Garbo, Greta, 316 Gardening, 8, 281, 282, 315, 582, 640, 996, 997, 1275, 1652, 3221, 3630, 4869, 5024, 5973,

6116, 6942, 7225. See also Flowers greenhouse, 1616 plants for, 2069, 5233, 6159, 7126, 7249

tropical, 3630, 4132, 6116 trees, 4349, 7353 Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 4107, 6618 Garland, Hamlin, 1563 Garnett, David, 3758 Garnett, Edward, 1839, 2687 Garrity, Devin A., 4948 Gastronomy, 823, 2211, 3408, 3967, 4058, 5529, 5983. See also Cooking

France, 823, 2791, 2792, 5763, 7676 Gaudi, 5435 Gauguin, Paul, 255, 285, 971 Gautier, Théophile, 424 Geiser, Bernard, 5201 Genius, 4663 Geography, 402, 5117, 6785, 6978 Geology, 934, 2145, 2201, 2418, 6030, 6048, 6161 Geometry, 6998, 6999 George, Henry, 2509 Georgia, 6246 Germany. See also Language; World War I; World War II

allied occupation, 1830, 3098, 3480, 6334 Berlin, 3596 cartoons, 995 description and travel, 6334 economic conditions, 2976, 3093 education, 7346 fiction, 4188 foreign relations, 3047, 3113, 6795 history, 6758 national characteristics, 818, 1318, 6795, 6796 naval history, 1266, 7222, 7260 painting, 5693 politics and government, 1318, 2819, 2976, 5466, 5512, 5773

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Reichstag, 3280 social conditions, 5194 war trials (Nuremberg), 565, 2552, 3508, 3510, 7048 wine, 3082, 5885

Geronimo, 1361 Ghost stories, 245, 6888 Gibraltar, 6368 Gibson, Hugh, 715 Gide, André, 1970, 4623 Gingrich, Arnold, 2035, 2037 Giotto (di Bondone), 2485 Girls, 3698 Giuliano, Salvatore, 4433 Glaciers, 6670 Glanusk, Lord, 966 Glassware, 5252 Glover, Arnold, 737 Glück, Gustav, 895 Goering, Hermann, 2378 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 2960 (vol. 19), 4793 Gogh, Vincent van, 228, 584, 1489, 1980, 1981, 2040, 2199, 2628, 2915, 6371 Goldsmith, Oliver, 2960 (vol. 18) Goma, Cardinal, 295 Gómez, Rafael (Gallito), 5157 Gómez Ortega, José (Joselito), 1501 Good and Evil, 906 Goodman, Jules Eckert, 1908 Gordon, Seth, 6756 Goya y Lucientes, Francisco de, 2468, 2677, 4990, 5874 Gradmann, Erwin, 6811 Graham, R.B. Cunningham, 2686 Granada, 5364 Granero, 1133 Grange, Red, 2694 Grant, Ulysses S., 969, 1029, 7264 Graves, Philip, 5485 Graves, Robert, 5550 Gray, Judd, 6214 Great Barrier Reef, 5694 Great Britain. See also Birds; Hunting; World War I; World War II

antiquities, Roman, 5455 aristocracy, 4578 army, 478, 1307, 2713, 3246, 3875, 5550, 6021, 7070 birds, 2078 Canterbury Cathedral, 1991 colonies, 3269 Cornwall, 3201 description and travel, 1324, 1959, 2532, 3193, 3210, 4365, 4853, 5214 drama, 2960 (vols. 46, 47), 5977

Elizabethan, 989 foreign relations, 1119, 1776, 1804, 2711, 3938, 6489, 7034 historic houses, 5214 history, 902, 2962, 4427, 5408, 6118, 6195, 6385 Kings and rulers

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Arthur, 7095 Charles I, 5682 Cromwell, Oliver, 240 Edward VII, 4426 Edward VIII, 833, 4304 Elizabeth I, 6385 George III, 2836 Henry VIII, 621, 2845, 6029 Mary I, 6118 Richard I, 1298, 3048 Victoria, Queen, 1205, 2748

Land's End, 3201 London, 738, 4335, 4933, 5006, 5356 military tactics, 3538 military terms, 397, 1049 moral conditions, 1705 national character, 1127 naval history, 3539, 3978, 4337 politics and government, 1474, 2033, 4365, 6427, 7136 rivers, 5633 Royal Air Force, 372, 1595, 1772, 2712, 3522, 3759, 4497, 4985, 5434, 5691 social life and customs, 989, 2184, 4335, 4578, 6400, 7094 sports, 5014 writers, 1203

Great Lakes, 2972, 2981 Great Smoky Mountains, 5119 Greb, Harry, 2068 Greece

ancient, 2216, 5070, 5400, 7063 modern, 3691, 5870

Greenland, 4766, 6393 Grimm Brothers, 2960 (vol. 17) Gris, Juan, 2765, 6218 Grosz, George, 439, 6466 Guatemala, 2156, 3252 Guerrita, 3641 Guillén, Julio F., 207 Guim, Don Juan B., 4783 Guns and ammunition, 119, 171, 326, 868, 1604, 2582, 2737, 2984, 3058, 3092, 3732, 3813,

5255, 6037 ammunition, 3390, 6111 gunsmithing, 2354, 3813, 4882 machine guns, 3246, 3389 musketry, 4752 pistols, 3451, 3458, 6191 rifles, 335, 1193, 1252, 1574-1576, 3389, 4865, 6636, 6721-6723 shotguns, 243, 984, 985, 2000, 2041, 6172, 6739

Gypsies, 730 Haarmann, Fritz, 5415 Hackett, Francis, 476 Hadfield, John, 5850 Hafen, Le Roy R., 6851 Haile, Selassie, 4610

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Haiti, 5640, 7187 Handicrafts, 3362 Hanging, 3607 Hanoteau, Jean, 1200 Hardie, Martin, 2918 Harding, Warren G., 28 Harriman, E. Roland, 7293 Harris, John, 251 Harrison, Smith, 3860 Harrity, Richard, 7322 Harte, Bret, 815 Harvard classics, 2960, 4779 Hashish, 4606, 4612 Hassoldt Expedition, 1670 Hawaii, 2392, 2522

Pearl Harbor, 3969, 4542, 6431 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 815, 4367 Haydn, Hiram, 2475 Haywood, John, 1808 Hazlitt, Henry, 1545 Health resorts (U.S.), 143 Hearst, William Randolph, 7204 Heinemann, William, 7111 Hellinger, Mark, 627 Hemingway, Ernest, 3042, 3626

bibliography of, 1383, 5777 critical/biographical, 320-322, 864, 1185, 1379, 1528, 1952, 2146, 2147, 2883, 3543,

3943, 4048, 6297, 6407, 7333, 7335 Cuban testimonial, 3145 editor, 3037 introductions, 2085, 2472, 2770, 5365, 5416, 5430, 5496, 5582, 6233, 6234, 6874 testimonial to Sidney Franklin, 2349 testimonial to Ezra Pound, 1083 text for sculpture exhibition/catalogue, 1654 in World War 1, 5520

Henry, Daniel, 2765 Henry, O. See O. Henry Heroes, 1107, 4180, 4946, 6983 Heroin, 3220 Heydrich, Reinhard, 954 Hillyer, Robert Silliman, 1808 Himalayan Mountains, 3080, 3323, 6516 Hirohito, Emperor of Japan, 947 Hiss, Alger, 993, 1234 History

ancient, 799, 1180, 5472 of civilization, 1181, 6268, 6597, 7175, 7177, 7220 Hundred Years War, 968 modern, 5266, 6211 of science, 1229 and Tolstoy, 556 world, 6784, 7011

Hitler, Adolf, 4300, 5890, 6381, 6622 Hobos, 4505

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Holborn, Hajo, 951 Holingshed Raphael, 2960 (vol. 35) Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 757 Holy Grail, 6599 Homer, 2520, 2960 (vol. 22) Homer, Winslow, 6706, 6948 Homosexuality, 5884 Hong Kong, 872, 2854, 3243, 5369 Hoover, J. Edgar, 1405, 3962, 7102 Hope, Bob, 7143 Hopkins, Harry Lloyd, 6026 Hormones, 1717, 5588 Horn, Tom, 4600 Horses, 643, 1362, 5934, 5935, 6171, 6829

Arabian, 5461 racing, 140-142, 1362, 1640, 3582, 5013, 5836, 6608, 7293 riding, 399

Hotels, 3110, 5583, 5763 Houdini, Harry, 2747 Howarth, R.G., 1020 Hubbard, Leonidas, 6901 Hudnut, Richard, 3789 Hugo, Victor, 3425, 4428 Hulme, T.E., 5313 Humboldt, Alexander von, 1802 Hume, David, 2960 (vol. 37) Humor, 1951, 4403, 5145, 5146, 6224, 6309, 6528, 6547-6550, 6576, 6577, 7081, 7139, 7195 Humphrey, Philip S., 1642 Hungary, 300, 3491, 5540, 5951 Hunger, 1190 Hunting, 36, 190, 336, 603, 821, 965, 1010, 1064, 1175, 2183, 2528, 2582, 2619, 2620, 2816,

2984, 2985, 3058, 3137, 3238, 3833, 4183, 4222, 4865, 5160, 5191, 5211, 5635, 6482, 6636, 7146. See also Dogs

big game, 251, 603, 2816, 3029, 3046, 3232, 3238, 3648, 3820, 4439, 5191, 5211, 5255, 5256, 5809, 5914, 6926, 7076, 7077, 7246

chamois, 707 deer, 3386, 5674 elephants, 489, 777, 3849, 4729, 4789, 4913, 5803, 5915, 6361 jaguars, 6051 lions, 3364, 4636, 5096, 5113 sheep, 6015 tigers, 1490, 1492, 1897, 3933

birds, 6493 duck, 3028, 5017, 5621, 6046 grouse, 2872, 4179 quail, 5018, 6369 woodcock, 2783

dictionary of, 6253 in fiction, 296, 711, 5635 locations

Africa, 50, 344, 489, 667, 777, 1009, 1251, 1622, 1626, 1756, 2229, 2944, 2945, 3096, 3235, 3382, 3388, 3580, 3671, 3802, 4027, 4028, 4030, 4034, 4439, 4598, 4636, 4728, 4729, 4757, 5096, 5139, 5140, 5355, 5356, 5672, 5708, 5872, 5915, 5938-5940, 6233-6235, 6361, 6362, 6474

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Alaska, 6015 Arctic, 6393 Asia, 336, 1626, 4537, 6419, 6420, 6919 Ceylon, 335, 2684 Cuba 2213, 6230 Europe, 3095, 3648, 4914, 5073, 5506, 6285 France, 4914, 6684 India, 2684, 3555, 5803, 5907, 6419 Italy, 25, 28 Mexico, 3277 North America, 1963, 2217, 2284, 2705, 2706, 3096, 3238, 5621, 6756, 7075 Poland, 5027 Russia, 5027 South America, 1897 Spain, 1252, 2034, 5063, 6253

primitive, 4302 shooting, 190, 243, 244, 581, 868, 896, 1008, 1193, 2000, 2582, 2737, 2984, 2985, 3028,

3029, 3095, 3245, 3813, 5017, 5018, 5073, 5074, 5165, 5254, 5255, 5269, 5815, 6172, 6916, 6946, 7075. See also Trapshooting

trophies, 957, 2034, 2705, 2706, 6927 Huron, Lake, 3699 Hurricanes, 3785, 5833, 6453 Huxley, Aldous, 3045, 3751, 5686 Hynkes, Raoul, 6771 Hypnotism, 555 Ibn Batãtak, 2530 Ibsen, Henrik, 4590 Idaho, 1806, 2132, 2133 Îles du Salut, 1670 Illinois, 173, 2704, 2913, 7258

Chicago, 78, 169, 870, 944, 1288, 1424, 7022 Inagua Island, 3583 India, 836, 1294, 1491, 1850, 1926, 3407, 3610, 6470. See also Hunting

description and travel, 2015, 3255, 4747, 5550, 6121, 6662 history, 4747, 4815, 5594, 5907 politics and government, 3407, 3772

Indian Ocean, 4612 Indians, 1402, 1403, 1466, 1582

Apache, 224, 752, 1361, 1582 art, 1516, 1841, 6750 Aztec, 6750, 6751 Battle of Little Big Horn, 4525 Blackfeet, 2052 Central American, 6750 ceremonials, 2155 crafts, 4031 Chippewa, 4031 Crow, 3985 Dakotas, 2914 fiction, 113, 224, 3973, 5897, 7002 Hopi, 6449 Kainah, 2052 Kwakiutl, 522

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Mayas, 5429, 6526, 6750 Mesa Verde, 3656 Nez Percé, 2858 North American, 1859, 3729, 3973, 3985, 5429, 5961, 6639, 7004 Ojibwa, 4031 origins, 3089, 4138 Piegan, 2052 Plains, 6834 Pocahantas, 2456 Siksika, 2052 Sioux, 113 South American, 417, 1270, 5429, 6640 Ute, 6277 Zuni, 522, 7187

Indo-China, 6131 Indonesia, 1855 Industrial arts, 2550 Infantry, 2039, 5669 Inness, George, 4059 Insanity, delusion, 818, 1718 Insects, 199, 1463, 1464, 4024, 4547 Insemination, artificial, 4345 Insurance, 5169, 5689 Inventions, 2550 Investments, 2018, 5902 lonides, Constantine J.P., 7311 Iraq, 487 Ireland, 760, 3702, 4130, 4931, 4943, 4970, 6271 Irrigation, 1555 Irvin, Rea, 467 Irving, Washington, 815, 1805 Irwin, David, 4925 Isherwood, Christopher, 428, 3796 Isidro Méndez, M., 683 Islam, 45 Ismailïa (of Egypt), 333 Israel, 2888, 7187 Italy, 724, 725, 4969, 5776, 6404. See also Language; World War I; World War II

art, 370, 544, 607, 722, 723, 1889, 2101, 4820, 6802 Calabria, 1847 description and travel, 287, 301, 567, 607, 736, 1770, 2381, 2572, 2720, 2801, 3094,

3276, 3716, 3926, 4226, 4503, 4661, 5592, 6941, 7240 Ethiopian war, 4361, 6966 Ferrara, 287 Florence, 370, 607, 2101, 4717 history, 106, 725 Liguria, 6588 Lombardy, 6589 Milan, 4503 Naples, 301 Piedmonte, 6590 Red Cross in, 338 Rome, 542, 1465, 6618, 6799. See also Rome, ancient Sicily, 4206

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in Spanish Civil War, 43, 1737 Tuscany, 6591, 6592 Tyrol, 6617 Venice, 568, 1194, 1889, 4108, 4741, 5053, 5761, 6593, 6798

Ivan the Terrible, 3676 Ivory, 4640, 4789, 6474 Jackson, Andrew, 1957, 5084 Jackson, Joseph Henry, 602, 7092 Jackson, Katherine Gauss, 2475 Jackson, Thomas Jonathan (Stonewall), 1842, 6793 James, Henry, 815, 1962, 4368, 4369, 5302, 6651 James, William, 4369 Japan, 5, 1175, 2889, 4418, 5959, 6490, 6577, 6831. See also World War II Jardin, William, 7084 Jarrell, Randall, 7151 Jeanson, Francis, 5846 Jenney, Shirley Carson, 1125, 3370 Jesse, Edward, 7084 Jesus, 2690, 3279, 5516 Jews, 118, 1792, 3426, 3838, 5446, 6486 Johnson, R. Brimley, 273 Johnson, Samuel, 737, 4057 Johnson, Tore, 5871 Johnson, Walter, 6613 Johnston, Joseph E., 3399 Joinville, John de, 1298 Jonah, the prophet, 1709 Jordan, 2888 Joselito, 1501 Joseph-Renaud, J., 769 Journalism, 159, 330, 408, 1080, 1504, 2480, 3229, 3612, 4036, 4239, 4723, 4756, 4891, 5932,

5968, 6012, 6164, 6166 in Civil War (U.S.), 1579 columnists, 2208 English, 2941 in fiction, 6962 foreign correspondents, 1142, 3931, 4360, 4362, 4365, 4536, 6153 press in U.S., 3891, 5931, 6852 reporters, 6213 on sports, 2341 war correspondents, 2254, 2355, 4361, 4756, 5570

Joyce, James, 443, 1083, 2005, 2006, 2672, 3440, 3836, 4307, 5297, 5982 Juana, la Loca (Queen of Castile), 2023 Judo, 3637 Kafka, Franz, 4777 Kalahari Desert, 344, 6776 Kane, John R., 7244 Kansas, 6832 Kappus, Franz Xaver, 5573 Karloff, Boris, 29 Kashmir, 1636, 6329 Keats, John, 4663

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Kelly-Roosevelt-Field Museum Expedition, 5673 Kempis, Thomas à, 2960 (vol. 7), 3279 Kennedy, John F., 3519 Kenner, Hugh, 5312 Kentucky, 1417, 3803 Kenya, 665, 1486, 1488, 1757, 3268, 5702, 6115 Kerr, Alexander Blacker, 3551 Kertesz, André, 1085 Keyes, Roger, 3539 Keynes, Geoffrey, 1808 Keynes, John Maynard, 2943, 4228 Kieran, John, 5860 Kikuya tribe (Africa), 3771 Kilbourn, Jonathan, 7322 King, Clarence, 7125 Kipling, Rudyard, 1139 Kirn, Richard, 3596 Klee, Paul, 4821, 5778 Klondike, 7209 Knight, J.A., 966 Knives, 5170 Knox, Franklin, 452 Kobler, John, 6214 Komroff, Manuel, 5258 Kon-Tiki Expedition, 3089 Korea, 3460

in fiction, 163, 4494 Korean War, 1917, 2551, 2769, 4295, 6887, 7100

Kozlenko, William, 3037 Kreuger, Ivan, 5989 Kreymborg, Alfred, 134 Kruger, Stephanus, 1356 Kruger National Park, 3364, 6351 Kuhnert, Wilhelm, 4026 Labor and laboring class, 11, 159, 173, 6426 Labrador, 6901 Lace, 4438 Lafayette, Marquis de, 7262 Lamb, Caroline, 1205, 1206 Language, 373, 691, 1387

Americanisms, 4465, 7023 Basque, 3965 dictionaries, 6977, 6979, 6980 English, 678, 2322, 4465 French, 24, 866, 1182, 1183, 1278, 1503, 1922, 1941, 2350, 2405, 2788, 2901, 3218,

3727, 3728, 4750, 6863, 7038 German, 2510, 2849, 2850, 5025, 5026 grammar, 5489 Gypsy, 730 irregular verbs, 678 Italian, 1411, 2467, 3216, 3219, 4718, 5204, 5679, 5852 Latin, 5933, 6176 slang, 25

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Spanish, 557, 595, 658, 806, 1610, 1766, 2382, 4155, 4249, 5148, 5228, 5851, 6253, 6408, 6580, 6810, 6812, 6878, 7331

Swahili, 241, 2322, 3774, 3775, 4147, 5167, 5462, 6280, 6281 thesaurus, 5649

Larbaud, Valery, 5880 Lasalle, Comte de, 3382 Lasseter, Robert, 485 Latin America, 48, 798, 2824, 3012, 4243, 6881, 7123 Latin poetry, 3094 Latourette, Kenneth Scott, 7308 Laval, Josée, 3744 Lavington, Margaret, 841 Law and lawyers, 1601, 1638, 1685, 2347, 2971, 3143, 4253, 6604, 6663 Lawrence, D.H., 1012, 1154, 3773, 4011 Lawrence, T.E., 67, 215, 1840, 3747, 3748, 3873, 5551 Leadership, 2387, 4294 League of Nations, 715, 3363 La Dantec, Y.C., 429 Lee, Robert E., 637, 969, 2359, 2361 Leibowitz, Samuel S., 5533 Leo, Brother, 3279 Leopold (of Austria), 2304 Lerner, Max, 4088 Lessing, Gotthold, 2960 (vol. 26) Letters, 5899 Lewis, Joe E., 1380 Lewis, Sinclair, 3852 Lewisohn, Ludwig, 2624 Lhote, André, 708 Libaire, George, 1200 Libel, 1685, 7223 Liberty, 4507, 6395 Limericks, 1848 Lincoln, Abraham, 625, 900, 1235, 1975, 1976, 3071, 3902, 4477, 4526, 4550, 5788-5791, 5795,

5796, 7144 Lindbergh, Charles A., 3904 Lindsay, Jack, 5179 Liquors

bartender's guide, 324, 325, 1892 cocktails, 2400, 4892, 5811 wines, 2767, 5494

Literary criticism, 2081, 3272, 4367, 4378, 5288, 5302, 5822, 5889, 6003, 6178, 6273, 6311, 7041, 7182, 7183, 7191

Literary forgeries, 1156 Literature, 1615, 3964. See also Authors and authorship; Literary criticism

anecdotes, 972 comparative, 4180 literary characters, 3924 modern, 1419, 1773, 1984, 2035, 2140, 2675, 4641, 4863, 4946, 6938, 7041, 7188,

7190, 7267 Livingston, Arthur, 5065 Livingstone, David, 641, 1688, 6287 Lobengula, king of the Matabele, 1356 Lochner, Louis P., 2621

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Locke, John, 2960 (vol. 37) Logic, 58 London, Jack, 6373a London Daily Mirror, 1587 Long, Earl Kemp, 3886 Long, Huey Pierce, 3459 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 1628, 6546 Louisiana, 217, 803, 3459, 3536, 3886, 6867, 7302, 7303 Love, 688, 1381, 2179, 3064, 4577, 5508 Lovell, Ernest J., 1019 Lowe, Hudson, 2309 Lucas, Eugenio, 6607 Luciano, Charles, 5326 Luis de Ybarra, José, 1763 Lumbering, 3130 Lusitania (steamship), 3121 Luther, Martin, 2960 (vol. 36) Lyman, Dorothy, 754 Lynch, Bohun, 5055 MacArthur, Douglas, 3230 Macaulay, Rose, 840 Macaulay, Thomas, 2960 (vol. 27) McCall, George Henry, 4825 McCarthy, Joseph, 155, 939 Macchetti, Giovanni, 1175 MacCurdy, Edward, 3817 Macdougall, Allan Ross, 4520 Macfadden, Bernarr, 4081 McGeehan, W.O., 1678 Machado y Morales, Gerrardo, 445 Machiavelli, Niccolò, 2960 (vol. 36) Machines, 5385 McIlvaine, Jane, 1635 Maclean, Donald, 3115 Maclean, Melinda, 3115 MacLeish, Archibald, 38, 585, 1083 MacOrlan, Pierre, 247 Mafia, 4433, 5502 Magarshack, David, 6652 Magazines, 7250 Magic, 2351, 6552, 6553 Mahan, Alfred Thayer, 5383 Maine, 286 Malaria, 6937 Malaya, 3255, 7166 Malinowski, Bronislaw, 4995 Malory, Thomas, 2960 (vol. 35) Malraux, André, 2232, 2678, 2815, 4189 Malta, 1377 Mammals. See Animals Mande, F.N., 1334 Mann, Arthur, 1504 Mann, Thomas, 1838, 2625

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Manolete, 4768 Mansfield, Katherine, 4663 Mantegna, Andrea, 2205 Manzoni, Alessandro, 2960 (vol. 21) Maps. See Cartography March, Harold, 2026 Marcus Aurelius, 2960 (vol. 2) Marie Antoinette, 183 Marine biology, 1150, 1516

flora, 223 fauna, 223, 2827, 2920, 3679, 3684, 4917, 5396, 5903, 6327, 6975

Marine Corps. See U.S., Marine Corps Marine salvage, 403 Marker, Leonard, 1857 Market survey, 2948 Markham, Albert, 3174 Marlowe, Christopher, 2960 (vol. 19) Marriage, 1381, 4912, 7050 Marron, Louis E., 4492 Marryat, Frederick, 3930 Marsh, Grant Prince, 2914 Marshall, George C., 5565 Martet, Jean, 1339 Martí, José, 1585, 2645, 4313 Marxism, 3809, 3810 Mary Magdalene, 890 Maryland, 2271, 2272 Massachusetts, 144, 7167 Masson, André, 1742 Mata Hari, 2641, 3651, 4843 Matisse, Henri, 2232, 4352 Matos, Luis Palés, 3642 Mattias, Maria de, 2338 Mauclair, Camille, 425 Maugham, W. Somerset, 6981 Maule, Harry E., 3862 Mau Mau, 3771 Maupassant, Guy de, 4673, 6294 Mauriac, Claude, 5375 Mauriac, François, 1259, 1970 Maurois, André, 1020 Maxwell, Herbert, 2337 Mayoux, Jean-Jacques, 4460 Mead, Margaret, 818 Meadows, William, 974 Medicine and medical affairs, 1322, 1484, 2207, 3107, 3353, 3413, 4587, 4866, 5259, 5458, 6148,

6225, 6328, 6360 dictionary, 1815 eye defects, 422 insurance, 5689 naval, 7071 nervous system, 3719 physicians, 1716, 2252, 4740 physiology, 4334

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sanitary affairs, 2489 shock therapy, 3719 in Spanish Civil War, 3380 surgery, 5688, 6544 tuberculosis, 4663 vitamins, 732

Medici, 2101, 7332 Mediterranean Sea, 4008, 4665, 6955, 7201 Mejiás, Manuel, 214 Mejiás, Sánchez, 61 Melbourne, William Lamb, 1205, 1206 Melville, Herman, 3336, 4367, 4460, 4535

Mocha Dick, 5530 Moby Dick, 6862

Memoirs and reminiscences, 772, 1966, 2695, 2748, 2785, 2821, 3491, 3539, 3660, 4234, 4235, 4281, 4466, 4901, 5394, 5565, 5690, 5766, 5767, 5823, 6153, 6401, 6617, 6852, 7006, 7061, 7111, 7186, 7202, 7252

Mencken, H.L., 2493 Meneses, José Hernández, 5780 Mental health, 2673, 3190, 5950 Mercanton, Jacques, 5652 Merimée, Prosper, 6651 Merrill's Marauders, 6734 Mesopotamia, 487 Meteorology, 679, 2562, 3225, 3618, 3625, 3801, 6663 Mexico, 1761, 2231, 2574, 5230, 5941. See also Birds; Hunting

art, 6808 Cuernavaca, 3550 description and travel, 810, 1115, 1192, 1713, 2157, 2726, 5497, 5501, 6580 history, 3550, 5352 Mexicans in U.S., 3786 poetry, 4121 relation to Nicaragua, 5941

Michigan, 7304 Michigan Lake, 5402 Middle Ages, 16, 1960, 2012, 4974 Military art and science, 204, 484, 486, 948, 1334, 2039, 2092, 2262, 2264, 2384, 3286, 3403, 4293,

4589, 4973, 5209, 5275, 5335, 5456, 6850, 7026, 7103, 7296 air warfare, 1772, 4725 blitzkrieg, 4501 in China, 1105 at Crecy, 968 dictionary of, 397, 2092 explosives, 459 field maneuvers, 6733 history, 2388, 2482, 3874, 4634 intelligence, 2074, 4483 law, 6718, 6719 leadership, 2387 map reading, 2714 medals, 2531 munitions, 4845 in Peninsular War, 454, 498 policy, 6735

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in Spanish Civil War, 3584 tactics, 340 and tanks, 6021 in World War I, 3384

Mill, John Stuart, 2960 (vol. 25) Miller, Dorothy C., 4817 Miller, Nolan, 4794 Milton, John, 2960 (vols. 3, 4) Mineralogy, 2145, 3963 Minnesota, 2134, 4446 Minya Konka Mountain, 953 Miró, Joan, 1313, 2722, 5359, 6217 Miscegenation, 5984 Mississippi, 1382 Mississippi River, 960, 1817, 2584, 2982 Missouri, 2463, 4539, 7305 Missouri River, 3729 Mitchell, Alan W., 1898 Mitchell, Peter Chalmers, 368 Modesto, Don, 497 Modigliani, Amedeo, 5772 Molière, 2960 (vol. 26), 4663 Mondadori, Arnoldo, 4601 Monet, Claude, 4604 Mongols, 5258, 5456 Monsarrat, Nicholas, 5863 Montagu, Mary Wortley, 2885 Montalte, Louis de, 5085 Montana, 1782 Monte Carlo, 550 Monte Cassino, 4168 Montgomery, Bernard, 4657 Moorehead, Ethel, 6509 Moravia, Alberto (pseud.), 1746 More, Thomas, 2960 (vol. 36) Morgan, Henry, 5610 Morgan, Pierpont, 89 Morley, Christopher, 407, 738, 6338 Mormons, 2212, 6306 Morro Castle (steamship), 2403 Mortane, J., 769 Mosquitoes, 419 Motion pictures, 363, 621, 627, 3588, 3910, 4306, 6126, 6971, 7147 Motorcycles, 2814 Mountaineering, 2167, 3100, 3310, 3635, 5751, 6198, 6494, 6678 Mountains, 5118-5121, 5751 Mowatt, Anna Cora, 382 Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1649, 1650 Muls, Jozef, 5716 Mumford, Lewis, 127, 134 Munchausen, Baron, 5460 Municipal government (U.S.), 98 Murder. See Crime and criminals Murray, Gilbert, 733

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Murrow, Edward R., 1155, 6508 Murry, John Middleton, 4225 Mushrooms, 3944, 4200, 6518 Music, 564, 837, 1109, 1161, 2429, 5634, 6009

blues, 2248, 3780 church, 1774, 6448 conducting, 3629 encyclopedia of, 6530 folk, 2647, 5794 history of, 4258, 5290 jazz, 1424, 2248, 3055, 5448 and James Joyce, 3432, 4307 opera, 177, 1857, 2483 and Ezra Pound, 5290 records, 3613 South Pacific (musical), 5634 musicians, 831, 1109, 1424, 1890, 2433, 4258, 4648, 5835, 5990, 6789

Antheil, George, 178 Armstrong, Louis, 217 Donizetti, Gaetano, 1216 Kachaturian, 3445 Mozart, W.A., 1649, 1650

Mussey, Barrows, 5496 Mussolini, Benito, 542, 4602, 6559 Myers, Debs, 7322 Mysticism, 1960 Mythology, 942, 2351, 5400 Mytton, John, 190 Namib Desert, 4302 Napoléon I (Bonaparte), 261, 438, 569, 572, 1200, 2524, 2782, 4076, 4767, 5337, 6457

captivity, 2309 in fiction, 2025, 3382 Peninsular War, 4974 and Talleyrand, 1633 and Trafalgar, 4165

Napoléon III, 2783, 5945 Narcotics, 1723, 3220 Natal, 344 Nationalism, 520, 5631 Natural history, 358-360, 420, 468, 616, 1748, 2741, 3196, 3198-3200, 3203, 3242, 3583, 5112,

5557, 5694, 5872, 5961, 6479, 6480, 7076, 7084, 7251. See also Animals; Fishes and fishing; Mountains

American Museum of, 50, 136, 137, 179 of Canada, 2756 of Cape Cod, 5557 of deserts, 1796 of Ethiopia, 431 juvenile tales of, 5967 of New England, 5112 of New York City, 3542 of South America, 6885 of Spain, 1252 of tropics, 257

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Natural resources, 6163 Natural theology, 934 Naturalists, 5115, 5964 Naval history, 4158, 6261 Navigation, 755, 884-887, 2124, 3703, 4579, 5260, 5492, 6573, 6574, 6663, 6686-6694,

6697-6705, 6708-6712, 6725, 7320 steam, 2914, 4506

Navy, 343, 796, 1387, 5340. See also U.S., Navy; World War I; World War II; Submarines Nazis (National Socialists), 1734, 1792, 2259, 2578, 2621, 2976, 3508, 3510, 3932, 5512, 5890,

6381, 7346 Near East, 1850, 2346, 5927 Nebraska, 3803 Negroes, 1382, 1712, 2668, 2817, 3780, 5448, 5984, 6173, 6358. See also Miscegenation; Race

relations Nehru, Jawaharlal, 6010 Neider, Charles, 1343 Neilson, William Allan, 5976 Netherlands, 2511, 6138 Neuflize, J. de, 966 Neurosis, 622, 4334 Nevada, 3847 New Guinea, 5722 New Mexico, 643, 1338, 2135, 2155, 3887 New Testament. See Bible New York (state), 1108 New York City, 235, 1578, 2136, 3666, 3890, 5534, 6524

baseball, 1927, 1928 Broadway, 627 Frick Collection, 2374 Metropolitan Museum of Art, 4812-4816 Museum of Modern Art, 363, 4044, 4817-4824 stock exchange, 4441, 5902 wildlife, 3542

New York Herald Tribune B European edition, 3707 New Yorker (periodical), 29, 3619, 3891, 4827-4832 New Zealand, 2755, 4450, 4833 Newspapers, 2941, 6852. See also Journalism Nicaragua, 5941 Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 5317 Niger River, 3869 Nigeria, 1414, 5804 Nijinsky, Waslaw, 754 Nile River, 331, 332, 334, 4009, 4662 Nimitz, Chester W., 3942 Niort, Gérald de, 364 Nobel Prize, 1074, 4873-4879, 7327 Nogales, Manuel Chaves, 499 Norman, Dorothy, 127 Norway, 2759, 2891, 3925, 5252 Norwich, Viscount, 5771 Notre-Dame (Chartres), 1722 Notre-Dame (Paris), 6487 Nowell, Elizabeth, 7230 Nuremberg trials. See Germany

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Nute, Grace Lee, 3960 Nutrition, 1190, 3142, 6949 Nyami, Lake, 344 N'Yanza, Albert, 331, 332 Nyasaland, 4728, 4729, 6776 O'Banion, Ansel, 2585 Obscenity law, 2029 Oceanography, 1149, 1537, 3704, 6163, 6239, 6261, 6420, 6762. See also Marine biology O'Connell, Daniel M., 4847 Occult, 1811 Office of Strategic Services (O.S.S.), 2276, 4071, 4690 O. Henry, 815, 6305 Okefenoke Swamp, 4355 Old Testament. See The Bible Oliver, Viscount Esher, 2033 Olympic Games, 3054 Opera. See Music Opium trade, 1723 Oratory, 4464 Oregon, 2970, 3392, 3511 Orinoco Valley, 2525, 4787 Ormsby, John, 1221 Outlaws. See The West (U.S.) Owen, Frank, 1253 Owls, 1541 Pacific Billfish Expedition, 4492 Paget, Bernard, 1350 Pagnoud, George, 364 Paige, D.D., 5299 Paine, Thomas, 2098, 2099, 7264 Painters and painting. See Art Pakistan, 6329 Paleontology, 934, 3417, 3589, 3867, 4257, 6117, 6161 Palestine, 2888, 3838 Pallucchini, Rodolfo, 6823 Palmer, Arnold, 5214 Palmistry, 7241 Panama, 6403 El Papa Negro (Manuel Mejiás), 214 Parinaud, André, 1397 Paris Peace Conference, 715, 4857 Parker, Dorothy, 2225 Parker, Eric, 2984 Parodies, 2274, 2275, 6546 Partisan Review (periodical), 5200 Pascal, Blaise, 2960 (vol. 48) Patagonia, 1290, 3200 Patton, George, 1375, 5944 Paul, Elliot, 5416 Pearl Harbor. See Hawaii Peattie, Donald Culross, 5121 Peirce, Waldo, 5129, 6800

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Pelunis, Rudolph J., 3146 Pendergast, Thomas, 4539 Peninsular War, 454, 484, 498, 4974

in fiction, 2289, 2299, 2301 Penn, William, 2960 (vol. 1) Pennsylvania, 3803 Pérez Ferrero, Miguel, 388 Perfume, 3789 Perrin, Marcel, 364, 365 Peru, 52, 5353, 5903 Pétain, Henri, 6432 Petroleum industry, 1319 Petronius, Gaius, 5179 Petrov, Colonel, 594 Phelps, William Lyon, 1006 Philbrick, Herbert A., 4881 Philippine Islands, 2390, 3162, 4741, 5590, 6469, 7235 Phillips, Francis D.J., 5534 Phillips, Paul C., 3713 Philosphy, 58, 520, 4251, 5020, 5824

American, 2342 and art, 3710 Boethius, 695 Buber, Martin, 906 collections, 1421 Confucius, 1426 East vs West, 4893 modern, 1433, 1736, 2059, 3907, 4782, 7175, 7177 and morals, 58, 3923 of Nietzsche, Friedrich, 4867 of Santayana, 5824 of Tolstoy, 556

Photography, 127, 247, 290, 1085, 1086, 1155, 1237, 1391, 1515, 2078, 2895, 4477, 4822, 6158 aerial, 4230 in Africa, 1756, 1757 of animals, 3096, 3137 of Civil War, U.S., 4527 history of, 3778, 5207 of Paris, 5686, 5871 of World War I, 6279 of World War II, 7088

Physics, 1229, 4540 Picasso, Pablo, 395, 1916, 2014, 2232, 4273, 4823, 5755, 6314, 6672 Pickett, George Edward, 6356 Pilgrim Fathers, 7167 Pinocchio, 3972 Pirates, 6674, 7255 Pizarro, Francisco, 6824 Plancarte, Alfonso Méndez. 4785 Plankton, 2920 Planning, cities and towns, 7363 Plantagenets, House of, 2962 Plato, 2960 (vol. 2) Pleasant, Mary Ellen, 3136

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Plevna, Siege of, 2395 Pliny, the Elder, 2960 (vol. 9) Plummer, Henry, 1782 Plutarch, 2960 (vol. 12) Plymouth, Connecticut, 5241 Pocahantas. See Indians Poe, Edgar Allan, 1990, 4535 Poetry

Brazilian, 3308 Chinese, 5301 collections, 1, 14, 38, 68, 69, 197, 232, 262-265, 269, 270, 424-427, 429, 462, 524, 525,

579, 841, 880, 999, 1015-1022, 1062, 1088, 1092, 1129, 1134, 1136, 1184, 1197, 1284, 1311, 1333, 1543, 1544, 1559, 1569, 1592, 1593, 1617, 1740, 1742, 1758, 1775, 1808, 1809, 1953, 1954, 1986-1988, 1992, 2014, 2057, 2206, 2425, 2426, 2743, 2817, 2870, 2884, 2954, 2960 (vols. 3, 4, 6, 18, 40-42), 3012, 3020, 3073, 3124, 3151, 3226, 3227, 3433, 3501, 3505, 3559, 3586, 3644, 3657, 3674, 3731, 3733, 3959, 3980, 3982, 3984, 4004, 4013, 4042, 4117, 4120-4127, 4135, 4223, 4224, 4271, 4338, 4371, 4436, 4448, 4484, 4519, 4521-4523, 4551, 4552, 4626, 4649, 4652, 4724, 4735, 4785, 5037-5042, 5052, 5080, 5125, 5134, 5245, 5248-5250 5263, 5282, 5289, 5291-5293, 5301, 5306-5308, 5310, 5314, 5356, 5424, 5525, 5568, 5574, 5616, 5637, 5638, 5641, 5654, 5681, 5683, 5724, 5760, 5818, 5834, 5929, 5976-5961, 5985, 6017, 6018, 6035, 6060, 6229, 6266, 6342, 6345, 6446, 6447, 6461-6463, 6481, 6512, 6682, 6768, 6797, 6819, 6820, 6839, 6840, 6861, 6909, 6969, 7073, 7104, 7105, 7119, 7151, 7194, 7233, 7285, 7326, 7328, 7329, 7338

history and criticism, 221, 1680, 1994, 2215, 2474, 3983, 5971, 6319, 6757, 7128 Latin, 3094 manuscripts, 5986 Persian, 2848

Poincaré, Henri, 1632 Poker, 1376, 3332 Pol, Therese, 6917 Poland, 2711 Polar regions, 2011 Police, 126, 2979, 6210 Police Gazette (periodical), 6782 Political science, 3609, 4088, 4214, 4507 Polo, 4720 Polo, Marco, 6042 Polymitas picta, 4680 Pompadour, Mme. de, 4575 Ponds and streams, 4684 Porter, Katherine Ann, 7018 Porter, William Sydney (0. Henry), 815, 6305 Portugal, 1066, 1494, 2174, 5768

bibliography, 6583 description and travel, 302, 2786, 2787, 4055, 5060 Jews in, 118 Portuguese in California, 6215

Potter, David Morris, 1698 Pottle, Frederick A., 736, 738 Pou, Angel N., 683 Poultry, 3241 Pound, Ezra, 1083, 5110, 5743, 5744 Powder River, 987 The Prado, 2678, 4152-4154

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Prayer, Book of Common, 716 Pre-Raphaelitism, 2474 Presidents, U.S., 2622, 3150, 6289 Pretorius, Philip Jacobus, 5355 Princeton University, 5484 Prisoners and prisons, 125, 523, 540, 872, 1804, 3405, 3631, 4001, 4513, 6525, 7100, 7135,

7178 Siberian, 1945 World War II, 455, 1747, 2379, 2559, 2536, 2842, 4060

Pritchett, V.S., 6347 Proletariat, 2633, 4994 Propaganda, 1227, 5648 Prostitution, 30, 2739, 4505, 5326 Proverbs, 527. See also Quotations Pruitt, Ida, 7308 Psychiatry, 2673 Psychic research, 5343 Psychoanalysis, 2370, 3406, 4334, 5507, 5508 Psychology, 1347, 3494, 4313, 4334

applied, 1114, 5875 of ethics, 5901 James, William, 3350, 3351 of politics, 1227, 4313 of sex, 2004 of war, 1803, 6379

Public health and welfare, 3271, 6426 Publishing, 958, 1002, 1587, 1773, 1812, 3707, 6673. See also Book publishing; Books and reading;

Journalism Puerto Rico, 1676 Purchase, W. Bentley, 878 Putnam, Samuel, 1222, 5365, 5425 Pyrénées Mountains, 5401 Quaife, Milo Martain, 3729 Quantrell, Charles W., 950 Queipo de Llano, Gonzalo, 5445 Quennell, Peter, 453, 1015 Das Querschnittbuch, 5409 Quezon, Manuel Luis, 5420 Quiller-Couch, A.T., 5035-5041 Quotations, 407, 527, 4852 Race relations, U.S., 2248, 3301, 5677, 5984. See also Negroes; Miscegenation Racine, Jean Baptiste, 2960 (vol. 26) Racing, 190, 432, 2814. See also Automobiles; Horses Radburne, James, 1290 Radio, 4207, 4532 Railroads, 2090, 2091, 2407, 2787, 3423 Raimundo Bartrés, J., 388 Rais, Gilles de Laval, 2397 Raleigh, Walter, 6898 Ramayana, 4471 Ranch life. See The West Raphael (Santi), 722

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Rascoe, Burton, 192 Reavey, George, 2014 Récamier, Jeanne, 3832 Reconstruction

post U.S. Civil War, 762 post World War I, 1303 post World War II, 461

Red Cross, 338 Red River, 3372 Red Sea, 3858, 4613 Redman, Ben Ray, 194 Rees, Goronwy, 5773 Reeve, Henry, 2748 Refugees, 3623 Religion, 1643, 2690. See also The Bible; Islam; Jesus; Roman Catholicism

Book of Common Prayer, 716 Buber, Martin, 906 Christianity

and politics, 4251 and social problems, 5059

church music, 1774, 6448 devotional literature, 3615 Father Divine, 329 Imitatio Christi, 3279 in literature, 1984, 6599 Mary Magdalene, 890 missions, 4243 primitive, 2351 religious orders, 6114 and science, 1811 and sociology, 4864

The Renaissance, 544, 951, 6757 René-Jean, 2473 Repairing, 5753 Reptiles, 7357. See also Snakes Restaurants, 2071, 3109, 3968. See also France, Paris Retirement, 1940 Revolution, 1947, 2758, 4993, 6378, 6486, 6882 Rey, Jean Dominique, 2573 Rhodes, Cecil John, 1356 Rhodes, Eugene M., 1597 Richard of Devizes, 1298 Richardson, Dorothy M., 5329 Richthofen, Manfred Albrecht, Freiherr von, 4905 Rickey, Branch, 5624 Ridley, G.M.R., 5981 Rifles. See Guns and ammunition Rigol, Jorge, 5227 Rimbaud, Arthur, 1509, 6676 Ripley, George, 1760 Ritchie, Anna Cora (Ogden) Mowatt, 382 Ritz, César, 5583 Ritzenthaler, Robert E., 412 River, W.L., 1377

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Robb, Walter, 3097 Roberts, David E., 3053 Robertson, Bruce, 4905 Robin Hood, 1594 Robinson, Victor, 4587 Rocky Mountains, 256 Rodeos, 3788 Rodin, Auguste, 425 Rodriguez Sánchez, Manuel (Manolete), 4768 Rogers, James Harvey, 5065 Rogers, Robert, 5602 Rogers, Will, 5739 Roman Catholicism, 782, 1197, 2561, 4053, 4251

history, 2304 Jesuits, 5085 the Mass, 3718, 4755 in Mexico, 2726 missions, Spanish America, 4243 monasticism, 6114 Newman, John Henry, 4846, 4847 papacy, 2304, 2835, 5059, 5514 prayer books, 5081 saints, 719, 2304 in Spain, 412 in U.S., 652

Rome, ancient, 1465, 4221, 5070, 5455, 6051 Romero, Pedro, 6807 Rommel, Erwin, 1101, 3883 Roosevelt, Eleanor, 636 Roosevelt, Franklin D., 2260, 6026, 6431 Roosevelt, Theodore, 5393, 6361, 6889 Rosen, Victor, 4375 Rosenberg trial, 7060 Rosenfeld, Paul, 127, 134 Ross, Harold Wallace, 3619, 6551 Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 3233 Rossetti, Elizabeth Eleanor, 3233 Rossi, Alberto, 5980 Rouault, Georges, 4824 Rousseau, Henri, 2750, 5545 Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 2960 (vol. 34), 3422 Rubén Romero, J., 1192 Rubens, Peter Paul, 5397 Rudge, Olga, 5297 Rugg, Harold, 127 Rumania, 6140, 7244 Rush Medical College, 5384 Russia, 376, 1755, 2825, 3108, 3978, 5912, 6109, 6336. See also Communism; World War 1; World

War II art, 3811, 5719 and China, 1286 convict labor, 2614, 2646 Cossacks, 3617 description and travel, 4036, 4113, 7189

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economic conditions, 4285, 6633 foreign relations, 1687, 3108, 3938, 7339 history, 3676, 5064, 6226, 6250, 6274, 6457 industry, 5910 literature, 2670, 6155, 6667 Moscow, 3639 museums, 3811, 4711 Napoléon I, 1200 political crimes, 1755 politics and government, 1656, 1950, 3609, 3623, 5898, 6633 Red army, 7245 refugees, 2646 Revolution (1917), 702, 1955, 3617, 5856, 5904, 6226, 7245

in fiction, 3450, 3603, 5021, 6036 Russo-Finnish War, 6028 Russo-Japanese War, 2889, 3175 secret service, 3541, 3616, 5511 Siberia, 1945, 3893 social life and customs, 2676, 3108, 6633, 7187, 7189 trials, 5747

Ruth (Biblical character), 1709 Sabartés, Jaime, 5203 Sachs, Hans, 3111 Sage, Robert, 589 Sahara Desert, 767, 1101 Sailing, 432, 755, 1394, 1999, 3112, 6856, 7114 St. John's River, Fla., 1026 Saintsbury, George, 351 Sáinz de Robles, Federico Carlos, 5153 Salazar, Antonio de Oliveira, 2174 Samba (game), 1553 Sánchez Povedano, Salvador Victoria, 3070 Sand, George, 7213 Sandino, Augusto César, 5941 Sappho, 1545, 6994 Satire, 2883, 3385, 3506, 5411, 5737. See also Parodies Scandinavia, 1292 Scheiwiller, Vanni, 5289 Schiller, Friedrich, 4663 Schindler, Ray, 3396 Schlamm, William, 939 Science, 433, 1385, 1715, 1736, 5659, 6891. See also individual sciences

history of, 5924 philosophy of, 3908 satire of, 5737 scientific tables, 2491

Scotland Yard, 878 Scott, Walter, 6546 Scouting, 979, 1958 Scribner, Charles, & Sons, 958 Sculpture, 797, 1075, 1654, 2055, 5294, 5518, 5589, 5687, 6752, 6803 The Sea and sea-faring life, 635, 755, 1149, 1180, 1684, 2827, 2920, 4566, 5454, 5628, 6261,

6451, 6855, 6856, 6858, 6904. See also Oceanography; Navigation; Navy; Shells; Ships;

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Shipwrecks; Voyages and travels literature on, 353, 6572 sea power, 5340 seashore, 7351

Secret service, 594, 742, 2075, 2276, 2512, 2676, 4690, 5697, 5698, 5864, 6289. See also Espionage; office of Strategic Services (O.S.S.); Soviet Union; World War I; World War II

France, 1647 Germany, 4006, 5569, 5864 Japan, 6831 Spain, 5547

Selous, Frederick Courteney, 5096 Seminole War, 5265 Serengeti, 4636 Sermons, 4847 Sex, 646, 647, 2004, 3053, 3557, 4912, 5508, 6320 Shackleton, Ernest Henry, 3717 Shahn, Ben, 5639 Shakespeare, William, 842, 989, 1310, 1475, 2939, 2960 (vols. 46, 47), 7197 Shanghai, 2975 Sharks, 7217 Shaw, George Bernard, 2937 Sheep, 446 Sheldon, Edward, 383 Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 2960 (vol. 18), 3370, 4419, 4663, 6182 Shellfish, 717 Shells (sea), 378, 1488, 4699, 6825, 6975 Shepard, Irving, 3956 Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 2960 (vol. 18) Sheriffs and marshals. See The West, frontier Sherman, William Tecumseh, 969, 3854 Sherwood, Robert E., 514 Shimmura, Izuru, 947 Ships, 1893, 2914, 4506, 4666, 5177, 6663, 6762 Shipton, Eric, 3080 Shipwrecks, 342, 3120, 6857 Shooting. See Hunting Shotgun. See Guns and ammunition Sickles, Daniel Edgar, 5219, 6423 Sidney, Sir Philip, 2960 (vol. 27) Sierra Nevada Mountains, Spain, 2167 Sierra Nevada Mountains, U.S., 5121 Sikang expedition, 953 Silk screening, 6330 Silver, 604, 7312 Simmons, Leo W., 6449 Simon, Alfred, 4595 Sing Sing Prison, 3746 Singer, Irving, 5822 Sintenis, Renée, 1560, 5518 Skiing, 1201, 1996, 3049, 3635, 4014, 4015, 4771, 5883, 6198 Skinner, Constance Lindsay, 987 Skinner, Frederick Gustavus, 6167 Slavery, 333, 2393, 4640, 4903, 6525

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Slessor, John, 1359 Smith, Adam, 2960 (vol. 10) Smith, Wendell, 5624 Smithsonian Institution, 6196 Smuggling, 6754 Smuts, J.C., 5355 Snails, 4680 Snakes, 1796, 5878, 7311 Social conditions and customs, 145, 980, 1227, 1947, 5605

primitive, 522 United States, 11, 22, 39, 40, 159, 485

Socialism, 1950, 1955, 4196, 4322, 4884, 7136, 7181 Sociology, 4864, 4984, 5065, 6415 Soils, 2950, 5014 Solomon Islands, 486, 1258, 2702, 3076 Somaliland, 991, 4609, 5056 Songs, 992, 1297, 1890, 2648, 3454, 3819, 4256, 4473, 5035, 5794 South America, 988, 5235

description and travel, 658, 1328, 3317 native life, 619

South Dakota, 659 Soviet Union. See Russia Spain, 1457, 4312, 5229, 6255. See also Corrida; Fishes and fishing; Hunting; Language

Alcarria, 1207 Alcalá de la Sierra, 5229 Alhambra, 3312, 5141 Andalusia, 2647, 2648, 5445, 5652 art, 2486, 2677, 5928 Barcelona, 362 Basque provinces, 211, 295, 392, 1611, 2412, 2930, 3965, 5699 Bible in, 726 bibliography on, 6583 Burgos, 288, 5725, 5735 Castile, 1721 Catalonia, 5007 civil law, 3443 Civil War

and Basques, 295, 392 drawings, 5416, 5419 fiction based on, 84, 421, 2431, 2577, 3533, 3814, 5876 history, 114, 116, 249, 294, 575, 720, 761, 1100, 1196, 1500, 1762, 1944, 2003,

2315, 3364a, 3481, 3516, 3595, 3608, 3708, 4308, 4361-4363, 4560, 5007, 5104, 5141, 5445, 5496, 5547, 5566, 5567, 5653, 5725, 5735, 5947, 6491, 6557a

International Brigade, 3380 Italian participation, 43, 1737 medical brigades, 3380 military lessons, 3584 photography of, 1085

description and travel, 272, 302, 483, 726, 1059a, 1097, 1214, 1252, 1826, 2283, 2343, 2553, 2786, 2787, 2797, 2798, 2989, 3404, 3742, 4047, 4055, 4150, 4310, 4459, 5126, 5348, 5364, 5779, 5957, 6139, 6368, 6679, 6854, 7160

Euzkadi, 211 festivals, 258 folklore and costumes, 1130

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foreign relations, 2138, 3007, 6489, 7034 Galicia, 483, 2407 Granada, 5364 Guadalajara, 1737 Guernica, 44, 6299 history, 935, 2835, 3222, 4149, 4374, 4991, 5127, 5946, 6118, 6254, 6353 Inquisition, 2023 Jews, 118 lace-making, 4438 literature, 574, 645, 804, 1212, 1420, 5152, 5928 Madrid, 1496, 1689, 2172. See also The Prado national characteristics, 3448 Pamplona, 258 politics and government, 412, 2138, 2315, 4148, 4363, 4992, 5007, 5928, 5957 poetry, 5525 public employees, 4456 Santa Eulalia, 5104 sculpture, 1654 social life and customs, 938, 2003, 2343, 5348 songs, 992, 1076, 4473 Spanish Armada, 4374 Yegen, 805

Speiser, Maurice J., 3143 Spence, Hartzell, 788 Spencer, Theodore, 3437 Spender, Stephen, 3796, 4929 Spengler, Oswald, 3209 Spiders, 3678 Spies, 742, 2075, 2253, 2676, 4695, 5566, 5569, 5697, 5698 "The Spirit of St. Louis", 3909 Spiritualism, 1108, 1125, 3405. See also Mysticism Sports, 1367, 2183, 3833, 4474, 6193, 6527, 6782, 6947. See also individual sports

in England, 6400 and journalism, 1080, 1081, 1504, 2341, 3721 in Kashmir, 1636 poetry of, 820 stories, 2036, 2037, 6192, 6365 trophies, 957 wit and humor in, 4828

Staël-Holstein, Anne, 3832 Stair, Leslie Dalrymple, 2151 Stalin, Joseph, 6250 Stallman, Robert Wooster, 1548 Stefansson, Vilhjalmur, 4563, 6904 Stein, Gertrude, 795, 826, 2220, 2413, 3278, 5647, 6278 Steinbeck, John, 815 Stendhal. See Beyle, Marie Henri Stern, Philip Van Doren, 5246 Stevenson, Robert Louis, 2394, 4663, 6332 Stevenson, William, 7241 Stieglitz, Alfred, 127 Stilwell, Joseph Warren, 1979, 5666 Strachey, James, 7279 Strecker, Edward A., 818

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Strong, L.A.G., 2396 Stuart, James (Jeb), 638 Style manuals, 3462, 6399 Submarines, 403, 1265, 1266, 1515, 1537, 1894, 1895, 2142, 2345, 3739, 5210, 5380, 5868, 6535. See also

World War I; World War II, naval operations Success, 1114, 3035 Sudan, 331, 332, 1009, 1251, 3388, 4598, 4757, 6145 Suez, 2269 Sugar, 4995 Sun Valley, 3049 Superior, Lake, 4910, 5671 Supernatural, 41, 6890. See also Mysticism; Spiritualism Surrealism, 4819 Sutton, Willie, 5535 Suwannee River, 4355 Swahili. See Language Swan, Praxiteles, 6520 Sweden, 2818, 2881, 4769, 6426, 6883 Swift, Jonathan, 6130 Switzerland, 1027 Symbolism, 2883 Synge, John Millington, 7327 Tahiti, 2754 Talleyrand, 1633, 2056, 4151 Tanganyika territory, 537, 4439, 4636, 6452 Tangier, 6368 Taplinger, Richard, 3046 Tarkington, Booth, 7256 Taro, Gerda, 1085 Tassigny, Marshal de Lattre de, 5771 Tate, Allen, 630 Taylor, Telford, 3113 Tchakin, Joseph, 7342 Tchelitchew, Pavel, 6311 Tedder, Arthur William, 5034 Telescope, 7253. See also Astronomy Television, 4532 Templars, 6112 Tennessee, 159, 485, 3780, 4092 Tennessee Valley Authority, 5740 Tennis, 889, 940 Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, 4862, 6546 Texas, 1319, 1563, 1789, 3787, 4758, 5212, 7306 Theatre, 4258, 4770, 6142, 6216, 7327. See also Drama Thomas, Benjamin P., 1029 Thomas, Dylan, 825, 6510 Thomason, John W., Jr., 4233, 6893 Thoreau, Henry David, 4367 Thornton, Henry, 2308 Thursfield, H.G., 796 Tibet, 558, 953, 2305, 3499, 3555, 3701, 6516 Tidal waves, 3785 Tide tables, 884-887

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Tietze, Hans, 6558 Tigers, 1490, 1492, 1897, 3933 Tintoretto, Jacopo Robusti, 1401, 6558 Titanic (steamship), 3970 Tito, Marshall, 4116 Tobacco, 4995 Toklas, Alice B., 6310 Tolstoy, Leo, 556, 2670, 3638, 5257, 6108 Torcello (island), 3971 Toscanini, Arturo, 6817 Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de, 2556 Tracking, 3333, 3945 Trade unions, 11, 1292 Traitors, 4660 Trapping, 2619 Trapshooting, 244, 4605, 5622, 5623 Travel, 672, 1102, 3344, 6460, 6816, 7323 Treason, 9, 5297 Trelawny, Edward John, 219 Trials, 878, 4023, 5533

France, 2537 Germany, 6245. See also Germany, war trials (Nuremberg) Great Britain, 4020, 4253, 4933 U.S., 993, 2971, 5533, 6214, 6604, 7060

Loeb-Leopold, 994 Sacco-Vanzetti, 994, 2347

Trilling, Diana, 3754 Trilling, Lionel, 297, 5200 Trinidad, 5948, 5954 Trivia, 6175 Tropics, 257, 347, 706 Trotsky, Leon, 1952 Troubadours, 6757 Trow, Harrison, 950 Truman, Harry S, 97, 1278 Truth, 3548, 4487, 6939 Tryon, George, 3174 Tschiffely, A.F., 2686 Tuck, Stanford, 2306 Tugboats, 4666 Turgenev, Ivan, 4429 Turkey, 828, 3321, 4099 Turtles, 5264 Twain, Mark. See Clemens, Samuel Langhorne Tyndale, Walter, 861 Typewriting, 3828 Tyrol, 6617 Ullman, James Ramsey, 6494 Ulysses (Joyce), 2005 Unamuno y Jugo, Miguel de, 1970, 6853 Underground movements, 2188, 2383, 3479, 4229, 4690, 5030 United Nations, 2065 United States, 112, 521, 3423. See also individual states

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Army, 508, 1859, 1925, 2039, 2282, 3090, 3281, 3282, 3284-3286, 3387, 3446, 3514, 4070, 4715, 5426, 5905, 6005, 6062, 6258, 6379, 6716, 6717, 6719, 6740, 6887, 7322

A.E.F., Ist Division, 6222 8th army (Korea), 4295 generals, 2622, 5336 officer's guide, 4947 of Virginia, 638, 4715

Army Air Force, 1031, 1552, 3191, 3658, 5028, 7044 art, 3315, 3544, 4817, 6445, 5069. See also Art, painting; individual artists civilization, 254, 448, 1495, 1715, 2342, 3730, 3734, 3804, 3824, 4033, 4244, 4252, 4721, 6292 class distinctions, 5045 defenses, 341, 5335, 5382 description and travel, 128-132, 143, 256, 352, 599, 1497, 1498, 2159, 2398, 2826, 3248,

3338, 3366, 3367, 3369, 3958, 3961, 4529, 4564, 4678, 4705, 5168, 5224, 5956, 6523, 6632, 7189. See also individual states

economic conditions, 88, 159, 160, 892, 3423, 6370 exploration, 2934, 4906, 5251, 6215 Federal Bureau of Investigation, 1406, 3962, 4695, 7102 foreign affairs, 7, 341, 456, 1291, 4541, 4721, 5111, 6181, 6694, 7156

with Cuba, 445, 798, 4545, 5715 with Japan, 4542 with Russia, 1656, 1687 with Spain, 3007 with Spanish America, 48, 798, 5581, 5942, 6860

geography, 98, 5168, 6030 history, 20-22, 448, 4754, 4962, 5399, 5817, 7265. See also The West (U.S.), frontier;

World War 1; World War II Civil War, 192, 637, 638, 950, 969, 1198, 1235, 1579, 1660, 1698, 1699, 1858, 1977, 2359, 2393, 3141, 4527, 4550, 4689, 4791, 4979, 5219, 5339, 5341, 6423, 7130

Appomattox, 1660 Brandy Station, 1858 Confederate army, 638 fiction about, 632, 774, 791, 1547, 3464, 3472, 3689, 4568, 5206, 5862,

6122, 6520 generals, 969, 1029, 1842, 2361, 2695, 3399, 3854, 5680, 6355, 7144 Gettysburg, 6355 guerrillas, 192 John Brown's raid, 2393 photography of, 4477 politics of, 2707

colonial, 4814, 5399, 7167 18th century, 4816, 5601 military, 2385, 2390, 2622, 6258 19th century, 2645, 3129 philosophy of, 1730 Revolutionary War, 772, 859, 1302, 1964, 2098, 2703, 2836, 2935, 3057, 3171,

5354, 5603, 5604 The South, 6167 20th century, 2829, 3125, 7173 War of 1812, 5598, 5600, 6600 War of 1898, 2366, 4330

literary landmarks, 5866 Marine Corps, 649, 1540, 3172, 3231, 4131, 5338 military policy, 2482

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national characteristics, 88, 254, 1381, 1730, 2362, 2535, 3557 Navy, 486, 796, 2531, 3402 politics and government, 7, 28, 97, 447, 762, 1291, 1378, 2259, 2260, 3275, 3734, 5523,

5670, 6370, 6632, 7001 social conditions, 11, 22, 88, 143-145, 159, 160, 235, 485, 1381, 1713, 2829, 3734, 4605,

6523, 6605, 7181, 7189 Supreme Court, 1601 War Department, 3282, 3284, 3285, 6714-6742

Uno, Koji, 947 Untermeyer, Louis, 3213, 4237, 7233 Utah, 4685, 6306 Utopia, 3111 Utrillo, Maurice, 1508, 3430 Vailland, Roger, 3649 Valery, Paul, 1990 Valois, Marguerite de, 5585 Vanderputte, Henri, 5190 Van Eyck, Hubert and Jan, 5398 Van Gogh, Vincent. See Gogh, Vincent van Vegetarianism, 5983 Venezuela, 1213, 2160, 4787 Verger, Pierre, 6818 Verlaine, Paul Marie, 1509, 1510 Versailles, Treaty of, 715, 4228 Veterans, 1785, 1843 Victoria (battleship), 3174 Vikings, 526, 834, 5251 Villa-Real, Ricardo, 3312 Vinci, Leonardo da, 722, 4479, 6981 Vinsauf, Geoffrey de, 1298, Virgil, 2960 (vol. 13) Virginia, 638, 2719, 3598, 4715 Visconti, Valentina, 1091 Vittorini, Elio, 210 Vogt, William, 271 Volcanoes, 3785 Voltaire, François Marie Arouet de, 2960 (vol. 34), 3051, 4577, 4663 Voyages and travel, 1609, 1641, 1684, 1912, 2402, 2519, 2525, 2530, 2847, 2882, 3033, 3255,

3495, 3556, 4086, 4274, 4431, 4445, 4498, 4499, 4566, 4870, 5019, 5030, 5208, 5258, 5456, 5628, 6154, 6261, 6451, 6856, 6858, 6859, 6967, 7165, 7316

Voyages of discovery, 117, 1175, 1462 V plan, 3247 V-2, 1816 Wainwright, Jonathan, 6892 Walker, James John, 2319 Wallace, Edgar, 3705 Walpole, Hugh, 1083, 2956, 3938, 4425 Walton, Isaak, 2960 (vol. 15) War, 1334, 3038, 4677, 6299, 6317, 6719, 7026, 7296 War crimes, 9, 565, 3508, 3510, 7048 Wa-sha-guon-asin, 2756 Washington, George, 1143, 2358

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Washington, D.C., 116, 1235, 3150, 3240, 3668, 3784, 3952 Washington (state), 3803 Watches, 4633 Watt, A.P., 3830 Waugh, Evelyn, 6375 Wayne, Anthony, 776 Weather. See Meteorology Weiss, T., 3152 Welles, Sumner, 6404 Wellesley, Arthur, 66 Wellington, Duke of, 454, 484 Werewolves, 6413 Wertenbaker, Charles, 7030 Wescher, Paul, 2679 Wescott, Glenway, 2220, 4386 The West (U.S.), 610, 643, 1749, 1859, 2934, 2970, 3013, 3157, 3159, 3183, 5879, 6373, 6594,

6833. See also Indians Buffalo Bill, 5741, 5937 cowboys, 3, 4, 25, 659, 858, 3139, 3349, 5656, 5830, 6832 description and travel, 3313, 3392, 3713, 4064, 6833 exploration, 5620 frontier, 610, 643, 659, 982, 987, 1338, 3027, 3478, 3847, 6277

Boone, Daniel, 317 gunfighters, 1597, 1782 history, 610 Indians, 1466, 1582, 6277 Kentucky, 1417 marshals, 3672, 5441 pictorial, 3159 pioneer life, 3847, 6277 settlers, 5879 songs, 888 vigilantes, 1782, 6759

fur trade, 3729 gold, 6851, 7003 history, 6833 Indians, 1466, 1582, 6277 outlaws, 1782, 4476, 5441, 6759, 6832 pictorial, 3159, 6445 ranch life, 532, 1338, 3139, 5656, 5739, 5830, 6171 settlers, 5879 social life and customs, 4064 songs, 888 Southwest, 982 wilderness, 5223

West Indies, 571, 871, 5581, 5606, 6701, 6705. See also Cuba; Latin America; Pirates Weygand, General, 1944 Whales, 670 Whale ships and whaling, 670, 1856, 2151, 2868, 5530, 5612, 5806 Wharton, Edith, 2220 Wheeler, Monroe, 4824 Wheelock, John Hall, 5248-5250 Whicher, George F., 6869 White, Theodore H., 6364

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Whitman, Walt, 4367, 5982 Wiggen, Henry W., 2942 Wild flowers, 1608, 2977, 3066, 3153, 4350 Wilde, Oscar, 2940, 3138, 4425, 7214- Wildlife, 2062, 3542, 3820, 4372, 4636 Williams, Gurney, 1404, 5083 Wilson, Edmund, 629, 2220, 6652 Wilson, Edward Adrian, 5925 Wilson, Henry, 1049 Wilson, Woodrow, 7017 Wines, 93, 1003, 2767, 3082, 5494, 5885, 5887 Wingate, Orde Charles, 5658 Wire-tapping, 1644 Witchcraft, 4748, 5920 Wobblies, 1250 Wolfe, Thomas, 2220, 2377, 3393 Women, 2084, 4467, 4622, 4726 Woodbury, George Edward, 841 Wool trade, 446 Woolf, Leonard, 7279 Woolf, Virginia, 531, 5225 Woollcott, Alexander, 27 Woolman, John, 2960 (vol. 1) World politics, 341, 461, 980, 1190, 1303, 1304, 1619, 1947, 2482, 3540, 3735, 4360, 5111,

5430, 5972, 6392, 7339 World War I, 1153, 2902, 3878, 3880-3882, 4079, 4541, 5209, 5632, 5905, 6847, 7156

aerial operations, 372, 3844, 4709, 5028, 5564 Africa, 5513 art of, 2918 battlefields, 170, 3384 Belgium, 7243 in the East, 1309 economics of, 4228 in fiction, 656, 1591, 1828, 2108, 2356, 2357, 2966, 3987, 3997, 4218, 4940, 5286,

5662, 6036, 6907, 7024 France, 4005 Germany, 4493, 4905, 5580, 6753, 7222 Greece, 4098, 4100 Italy, 338, 2918, 4603, 5520, 6584, 6617, 6624, 6920 naval operations, 1065, 4007, 4493, 5209, 5210, 5242, 6269, 6535, 6624, 7222, 7254 peace, 4857 personal narratives, 3405

American, 1374, 1591, 4046, 5564 English, 372, 680, 1153, 1580, 2689, 2700, 4719, 5519, 5549, 6921 German, 2559, 5242, 5580, 5669 Italian, 4603, 5584 Russian, 702, 3617

photography, 6279 poetry, 5929 prisons, 3631, 4001, 4709 propaganda, 5648 Russia, 3938, 6274 secret service, 742, 3651, 4006, 4098, 4100 submarines, 1065, 6535, 7254

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tanks, 6021 Turkey, 4099, 4656 United States, 6222 Verdun, 170

World War II, 200, 255, 618, 1974, 3735, 4227, 5485, 6531, 7169, 7224. See also Secret service aerial operations, 1155, 1359, 1374, 1772, 2460, 2481, 2933, 3101, 3249, 3394, 3402,

4495, 4964, 5720, 5764, 6119, 6483, 6554, 6765, 7244 amphibious operations, 1968, 3172 in art, 2232 atlas of, 3166 battles and campaigns

Africa, North, 1101, 1323, 1522, 1844, 2007, 2674, 7061 Anzio, 6619, 6715 Ardennes, 6560 Britain, Battle of, 4497 Bulge, Battle of the, 4485 Burma, 1054, 1979, 2152, 4951, 5658 Cassino, 4168 Far East, 857, 872, 5369 Guam, 6732 Iwo Jima, 4358 Makin, 6724 Normandy, 4628, 5752 Omaha Beach, 6736 Pearl Harbor, 4542 Salerno, 6738 Scheldt, 6534 Solomon Islands, 7237 Stalingrad, 6113 Tarawa, 6025 Utah Beach, 6742 Wake Island, 1747

Canada, 5369 causes, 5446 censorship, 3614 China, 1979, 5666, 7098 Czechoslovakia, 954 espionage, 112, 2276, 4071, 4690 in fiction, 167, 747, 768, 809, 962, 1053, 1260, 1348, 1393, 1480, 1798, 2066, 2563,

2583, 2716, 2859, 2928, 2969, 3043, 3052, 3074, 3078, 3324, 3409, 3410, 3575, 3591, 4110, 4112, 4162, 4169, 4177, 4617, 4639, 4694, 4760, 4981, 5237, 5238, 5333, 5536, 5630, 5704, 5718, 5999, 6146, 6384, 6459, 6513, 6585, 6614, 6620, 6621, 6660, 6748, 6788, 6844, 6956, 6958, 7234, 7289, 7319

France, 280, 1701, 1702, 1814, 1925, 1943, 2383, 3744, 3870, 4430, 4485, 4513, 4628, 4655, 4688, 5030, 5192, 5485, 5752, 6119, 6458, 6477, 6560, 6765, 6850, 7061

personal narratives, 125, 1359, 2674, 3441, 5764 Germany, 1792, 2244, 2355, 2378, 2379, 2404, 2711, 2781, 2842, 2951, 3098, 3585,

3932, 4300, 4501, 6334, 6477, 6533, 6794, 6986, 7260 personal narratives, 125, 2781, 5043, 5720

Great Britain, 1127, 1227, 1305, 1306, 1308, 1772, 2244, 3047, 3290, 4497, 4985, 5746, 6554

personal narratives, 903, 977, 1255, 1707, 1804, 2152, 2931, 3119, 3397, 3519, 4114, 4115, 4515, 4655, 5058, 5541, 6119, 6619, 7032

history of, 2389, 2674, 2711, 3047, 3490, 3896, 3907, 5675, 6260

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humor, 4403, 5434 Hungary, 1086, 5088 Italy, 1028, 4375 Japan, 1747, 2368, 4542, 4964, 5382 Malaya, 1255 naval operations, 440, 486, 901, 1000, 1177, 1597, 1968, 2345, 2379, 2411, 2931, 3490,3620, 3942, 4280, 4337, 4693, 4837, 5380, 6382, 6638, 7254, 7261

submarine, 440, 1177, 1482, 3942, 4280, 4337, 6269, 6638, 7254 Negroes in, 6062 Norway, 4229, 6383 Pacific, 1830, 5338 parachute troops, 2481, 4502 peace, 1119, 6794, 6795, 7001 Philippines, 4741 pictorial works, 1086, 1155, 3896, 5691 poetry, 462, 1136, 2759 prisons, 125, 455, 540, 872, 5043, 6059, 6848

Colditz Castle, 5503, 5504 German, 977, 5503, 5504 Japanese, 2536, 5369 Russian, 5468

reporting of, 4829, 5570 Roumania, 7244 Soviet Union, 2676, 3616, 5746, 5898, 6113, 7032, 7088 strategy, 7025, 7212 transportation, 2091, 3658, 4293 underground movements, 786, 2188, 3479, 3892, 4289, 5030, 6554 U.S., 1199, 1291, 3291, 3909, 5207, 5335, 5523, 5956, 6026, 6429, 6786, 7072

Marines, 649 personal narratives, 255, 1374, 1375, 1830, 2008, 2489, 2770, 3076, 3101, 3287,

3290, 3291, 3887, 3942, 4060, 4070, 4071, 4358, 4496, 4513, 4688, 5538, 5969, 6024, 6364, 6414, 6458, 7044, 7088, 7101, 7235

regimental histories, 3231, 3387, 3587, 4131, 4628, 4951, 6714, 6731, 6732 secret service, 1253, 1995, 2074, 4690

war crimes and trials, 565, 3508, 3510 Yugoslavia, 4114, 4115

Wouk, Herman, 1379 Wright, Richard, 82 Wynne, Barry, 1995 Wyoming, 1137, 2934, 4476, 7307 Xenophon, 3325 Yacht voyages, 352, 432, 1394, 3112, 4516, 5029 Yeats, W.B., 5042 Yellowstone National Park, 2934 Yellowstone River, 299 Yemen, 3858 Yeo-Thomas, Forest, 4289 Youth, 2523, 3547 Zaire. See Congo, Belgian Zambesi River, 344 Zanzibar, 4640

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Zayas, Fernando de, 898 Zeebrugge, 6753 Zelle, Margaretha Geertruida (Mata Hari), 3651. See also Mata Hari Zoology, 1137, 1194, 1237, 1406, 1756, 1932, 3583, 3867, 4026, 5805, 5903, 7124. See also Animals

of Africa, 3802, 4636, 5139, 5140, 5804, 6351, 6352 of Argentina, 3202 of France, 3945, 4914 of India, 3610 specimens, 1931, 7311

Zuñi Indians, 522 Zúñiga, J. Pérez, 5781