Hello and welcome to the Ageing Well Activity pack! · Hello and welcome to the Ageing Well...

Ageing Well Service Telephone - 07770 061 072 Website - http://ageingwellbh.org/ Hello and welcome to the Ageing Well Activity pack! We have all had to change the way we live our lives very recently, but it is still really important for all of us to keep as active as possible and keep our brains ticking! Please find enclosed Seven Activities for Seven Days, (although there more than 7 this week!), we hope these will offer you some enjoyment and entertainment over the coming days! For our Brighton and Hove residents, our friendly Ageing Well Service is available to answer queries and sign post you to appropriate information on weekdays from 9am 5pm. Tel Number: 07770 061 072 Web site: http://ageingwellbh.org/ We have created a directory of useful services that we can discuss with you over the telephone, or we can send you the information you need. We understand that this is a time of concern for many and hope that you enjoy some light relief and have a go at some of the activities enclosed! We hope you enjoy it! Registered office 19 Queens Rd Brighton BN1 3XA Telephone: 01273 322940 Email: [email protected] Impact Initiatives is a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity. Company registered in England no. 140692 Charity Commission no. 276669

Transcript of Hello and welcome to the Ageing Well Activity pack! · Hello and welcome to the Ageing Well...

Ageing Well Service Telephone - 07770 061 072 Website - http://ageingwellbh.org/

Hello and welcome to the Ageing Well Activity pack!

We have all had to change the way we live our lives very recently, but it is still really important for all of us to keep as active as possible and keep our brains ticking! Please find enclosed Seven Activities for Seven Days, (although there more than 7 this week!), we hope these will offer you some enjoyment and entertainment over the coming days! For our Brighton and Hove residents, our friendly Ageing Well Service is available to answer queries and sign post you to appropriate information on weekdays from 9am – 5pm. Tel Number: 07770 061 072 Web site: http://ageingwellbh.org/ We have created a directory of useful services that we can discuss with you over the telephone, or we can send you the information you need. We understand that this is a time of concern for many and hope that you enjoy some light relief and have a go at some of the activities enclosed!

We hope you enjoy it!

Registered office 19 Queens Rd Brighton BN1 3XA Telephone: 01273 322940

Email: [email protected] Impact Initiatives is a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity. Company

registered in England no. 140692 Charity Commission no. 276669

Ageing Well Service Telephone - 07770 061 072 Website - http://ageingwellbh.org/

This is a good way to treat yourself…………..

How to give a relaxing massage to your hands

Hand massage is an easy and quick method to relax. The perks are it doesn’t need any kind of accessories or special oil. Any kind of moisturizer or a little bit of oil such as coconut or almond will be enough. It takes just a couple of minutes to relieve tension.

First prepare your hands for the massage.

Remove all the jewelry worn on your hands and make sure your nails are trim.

Clean or soak your hands and towel dry.

Moisturize your hands with a little crème or oil (not too much)

Here is a Step by step guide to self hand massage.

Shake your hands gently and wiggle your fingers so that the muscles loosen up before starting.

Start with tiny circular strokes all over your palm. Perform this with your thumb or fingertips. Exert pressure on every point to feel stress relieving. Do not forget your fingers.

Steadily increase the area of movement and cover larger parts using your thumb.

The area between 2 fingers should also be massaged. Use the forefinger and thumb to knead in between each finger.

Clasp the hand muscles and move your thumb smoothly up in a fan shape from wrist towards each finger. Repeat the process for entire hand.

Registered office 19 Queens Rd Brighton BN1 3XA Telephone: 01273 322940

Email: [email protected] Impact Initiatives is a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity. Company

registered in England no. 140692 Charity Commission no. 276669

Ageing Well Service Telephone - 07770 061 072 Website - http://ageingwellbh.org/

Pinch the tip of your fingers with the thumb and fore finger. This helps loosen the ligaments and give relief to the sore fingertips. This process should not be painful but firm enough to feel the pressure. Repeat on both hands.

Gently stroke the back of each hand from wrist to fingertips, and along the length of each finger

Finish by clasping your hands (like praying) and gently squeeze and release.

Registered office 19 Queens Rd Brighton BN1 3XA Telephone: 01273 322940

Email: [email protected] Impact Initiatives is a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity. Company

registered in England no. 140692 Charity Commission no. 276669

Ageing Well Service Telephone - 07770 061 072 Website - http://ageingwellbh.org/

This Active Coping Calender from The Action for Happiness has daily

actions to help us look after ourselves and each other……..

What do you think of some of the ideas on the calender?

The time that we have at home can certainly be an opportunity to

rediscover some joys that we have lost over time, such as listening to

music, taking time to sit still and breathe deeply, clearing out some

drawers, being grateful for the things that we have…….

Registered office 19 Queens Rd Brighton BN1 3XA Telephone: 01273 322940

Email: [email protected] Impact Initiatives is a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity. Company

registered in England no. 140692 Charity Commission no. 276669

Ageing Well Service Telephone - 07770 061 072 Website - http://ageingwellbh.org/

Colouring in can be mindful and good for the soul!

Registered office 19 Queens Rd Brighton BN1 3XA Telephone: 01273 322940

Email: [email protected] Impact Initiatives is a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity. Company

registered in England no. 140692 Charity Commission no. 276669

Ageing Well Service Telephone - 07770 061 072 Website - http://ageingwellbh.org/

Weekly Quiz – 20 Questions!

1. When referring to a USB port, what do the letters

USB stand for? 2. During which century did Blackbeard become famous

for Seafaring? 3. True or false: Amphibians are invertebrates? 4. The Ring of Fire is located in the basin of which ocean? 5. Which celebration is less commonly known as 'the eve

of All Saints' Day'? 6. What sport is the Keirin event associated with? 7. Khartoum is the capital of which country? 8. The digestive system delivers nutrients to cells via what? 9. What is the time difference between London, UK and

Sydney, Australia? 10. What is a cosmonaut? 11. Who was the first recorded European to reach the east

coast of Australia? 12. Which sea does the River Rhine empty into? 13. By what name was Duke William of Normandy commonly

known as? 14. True or False: Buzz Aldrin's mother's maiden name was

Moon? 15. Which Shakespearean play features a character called

Lysander? 16. What is the largest species of penguin? 17. What is the chemical symbol for magnesium on the

periodic table? 18. Who invented the first full scale working railway

steam locomotive? 19. What sports form an Olympic triathlon? 20. The Bridal Veil Falls, American Falls and

Canadian Horseshow make up what?

Registered office 19 Queens Rd Brighton BN1 3XA Telephone: 01273 322940

Email: [email protected] Impact Initiatives is a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity. Company

registered in England no. 140692 Charity Commission no. 276669

Ageing Well Service Telephone - 07770 061 072 Website - http://ageingwellbh.org/

Answers to last weeks quiz

Answers to week one quiz 1. An actress 2. John Cleese 3. Tiger 4. Peacock 5. Revelations 6. JK Rowling 7. White 8. A Violin bow 9. Carrot 10. Red and black 11. The Red Lion 12. Glen Miller for Chattanooga Choo Choo 13. Real Madrid 14. Elton John 15. Red 16. Colonel Mustard, Reverend Green, Professor Plum 17. Aries 18. 1000 19. 15 20. Q and Z


A WORD LADDER is a sequence of words formed by changing just one letter each

time eg CAT - COT - DOT - DOG.

Can you find the missing words?.

Registered office 19 Queens Rd Brighton BN1 3XA Telephone: 01273 322940

Email: [email protected] Impact Initiatives is a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity. Company

registered in England no. 140692 Charity Commission no. 276669

Ageing Well Service Telephone - 07770 061 072 Website - http://ageingwellbh.org/

Spot the difference or colour in….

Registered office 19 Queens Rd Brighton BN1 3XA Telephone: 01273 322940

Email: [email protected] Impact Initiatives is a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity. Company

registered in England no. 140692 Charity Commission no. 276669

Ageing Well Service Telephone - 07770 061 072 Website - http://ageingwellbh.org/

Poem by Laura Ding-Edwards

When the world is on your shoulders and your heart feels full of lead

And your stomach churns like butter and the voice inside your head

Is reminding you of everything you’ve ever said or done

All your failures and regrets, all the time your fear has won

Take a minute to remember you’ve survived all this before

You’ve battled and you’ve conquered when you thought you had no


You are stronger than you realise, you are brave and wise and kind

And you know you’re so much bigger than the doubts that fill your mind

So breathe it in then let it out, allow the ebb and flow

You can win this war, you always do

You’re a warrior you know

‘The Warrior’ – by Laura Ding Edwards, Kindly shared with us by the



A quick A – Z game

We often get our brains ticking at The Hop50+ by trying to think of as

many words on one subject that start with each letter of the alphabet…..

So here goes……..

Trees beginning with

A… Ash ( to start you off )



Can you think of a tree for every letter of the alphabet?????

Registered office 19 Queens Rd Brighton BN1 3XA Telephone: 01273 322940

Email: [email protected] Impact Initiatives is a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity. Company

registered in England no. 140692 Charity Commission no. 276669

Ageing Well Service Telephone - 07770 061 072 Website - http://ageingwellbh.org/

Non copyrighted

Registered office 19 Queens Rd Brighton BN1 3XA Telephone: 01273 322940

Email: [email protected] Impact Initiatives is a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity. Company

registered in England no. 140692 Charity Commission no. 276669

Ageing Well Service Telephone - 07770 061 072 Website - http://ageingwellbh.org/

Registered office 19 Queens Rd Brighton BN1 3XA Telephone: 01273 322940

Email: [email protected] Impact Initiatives is a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity. Company

registered in England no. 140692 Charity Commission no. 276669

Ageing Well Service Telephone - 07770 061 072 Website - http://ageingwellbh.org/

Handy tips for storing your food that will make it last longer

Make sure to check on the expiration date on foods while you’re

shopping. It’s fine to buy foods that are a day or two away from their

expiration date, but only do it if you can make a solid plan to eat that

food in the next day or two.

Try to plan a few meals that centre around what’s in your fridge, and

how long it is expected to last. For instance, if you have a bag of spinach

in your fridge that is on its last legs, you could plan to use it in omelettes

the next day!

Keep apples separate from your other food. Apples give off ethylene gas,

which causes other foods to decay more quickly. And if your apples start

getting soft, you can always cook them rather than eating them raw!

Store eggs in their original carton. If you can’t decide if your eggs are

still fresh, place one in a cup of water. Fresh eggs should sink, while old

eggs usually float.

Before storing cheese in your fridge, wrap it securely in wax paper.

Wax paper allows the cheese to breathe while keeping it dry. After

cutting cheese, you can rub butter on the cut part to help keep it fresh.

Cheese keeps pretty well in the freezer too!

If you have leftover grated cheese or small pieces these freeze really

well, then it can be used for pizzas, cheese on toast, topping a cottage

pie or adding to your omelettes.

Invest in some Tupperware containers, as food will keep better in

the fridge or freezer. It’s also quicker and easier to re heat food in

your microwave.

Keep onions separate from other vegetables, ideally store them in a cool

dry place. Onions deprive other vegetables of their natural nutrients.

Registered office 19 Queens Rd Brighton BN1 3XA Telephone: 01273 322940

Email: [email protected] Impact Initiatives is a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity. Company

registered in England no. 140692 Charity Commission no. 276669

Ageing Well Service Telephone - 07770 061 072 Website - http://ageingwellbh.org/

The Eggcellent Egg

Eggs are one of the few foods that should be classified as "superfoods."

They are loaded with nutrients, some of which are rare in the modern


Here are 10 health benefits of eggs that have been confirmed in

human studies.

1. Whole eggs are among the most nutritious foods on the planet,

containing a little bit of almost every nutrient you need. Omega-3

enriched and/or pastured eggs are even healthier. 2. Eggs are high in cholesterol, but eating eggs does not adversely

affect cholesterol in the blood for the majority of people. 3. Eating eggs consistently leads to elevated levels of HDL (the

"good") cholesterol, which is linked to a lower risk of many diseases. 4. Eggs are among the best dietary sources of choline, a nutrient that

is incredibly important but most people aren’t getting enough of. 5. Egg consumption appears to change the pattern of LDL

particles from small, dense LDL (bad) to large LDL, which is

linked to a reduced heart disease risk. 6. The antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin are very important for eye

health and can help prevent macular degeneration and cataracts.

Eggs are high in both of them. 7. Omega-3 enriched and pastured eggs may contain significant

amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. Eating these types of eggs is an

effective way to reduce blood triglycerides, which are a well known

risk factor for heart disease. 8. Eggs are fairly high in quality animal protein and contain all the

essential amino acids that humans need. 9. Eggs are highly satiating and fill you up for longer. 10. They taste great & are very versatile

Registered office 19 Queens Rd Brighton BN1 3XA Telephone: 01273 322940

Email: [email protected] Impact Initiatives is a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity. Company

registered in England no. 140692 Charity Commission no. 276669

Ageing Well Service Telephone - 07770 061 072 Website - http://ageingwellbh.org/

Spanish Omelette

Spanish Omelette (Tortilla) is a great way to use up leftovers – add in

leftover or frozen vegetables, meat, prawns or smoked fish. You can even

add leftover cous cous or rice to bulk it out. It can be eaten hot or cold.

Here is an example recipe but you can use any vegetables / protein in it.

Ingredients (serves 4) - reduce / add the recipe to your requirements.

6 free range eggs

250g parboiled new potatoes (cubed)

150g peas / broad beans / runner beans (whatever you have)

2 small courgettes

4 spring onions

2 cloves of garlic chopped

Salt & pepper

4 tablespoons of olive oil (or other oil)

How to cook it

Heat a pan and add three tablespoons of the olive oil.

Gently fry the sliced spring onions and potatoes for five minutes.

Steam the peas or broad beans and courgettes until tender and add with

the garlic to the onions and potatoes. Cook for a further two minutes.

In a large bowl beat the eggs until light and fluffy. Add the cooked vegetables

to the eggs and season with salt & pepper.

Using the same pan, heat one tablespoon of olive oil and add the mixture.

Cook gently for about five minutes until the eggs starts to set.

Hold a plate over the tortilla to flip it over, slide back into the pan and cook for

a further three minutes. Or place the pan under a hot grill to cook the top. If

you have an oven proof pan you could cook it in the oven too.

Get creating with your leftovers and enjoy!

Registered office 19 Queens Rd Brighton BN1 3XA Telephone: 01273 322940

Email: [email protected] Impact Initiatives is a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity. Company

registered in England no. 140692 Charity Commission no. 276669