Heifer Romania 2012


Transcript of Heifer Romania 2012

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3 letter from chairman of the heifer romania board

4 l e t t er f r o m c o u n t ry d i r e ct o r    

6 heifer international statement

7 history of heifer romania

8 heifer romania team

9 statement of purpose

9priority issues

10 program progress towards strategic objectives

18 newly approved projects for FY2013

21 map locating areas of project operation

22 key plans and highlights of the operational plan for the next year   

23 statement of activities for the year ended June 30, 2012

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c o n t e n t s

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H e i fe r I n t er n a t io n a l 's M i s s i on

Statement is to work with

c o m mu n i t i es t o en d h u ng e r a n d

p o v e rt y a n d c a r e fo r t h e e ar t h .

H ei fe r M is si on S ta t em en t                      

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he last fiscal year has been an exciting and challengingt i m e f o r H e i f er R om a n ia . Ne w o p p or t u ni t i e s w e r e

explored and fruitful partnerships commenced. We have seenthe further development of our relationship with Danone

Ecosysteme through the introduction of the “Chance for All”project.

This initiative will help poor farmer families by addressing thee n t i r e d a i r y v a l u e c h a i n f r o m p r o d u c t i o n t o m a r k e t .Furthermore we have seen the beginning of airlifts and land-lifts of quality dairy heifers from our partner in Ireland, Bóthar.This has strengthened the impact of the “Milk for Orphans”project and “Genetic Improvement of Cattle in Transylvania”project.

 A key funding opportunity comes from the Swiss Agency for  Development and Cooperation. Heifer Romania in partnershipw i t h ot h e r N G O s w i l l s u b mi t t w o p r o j ec t s w i t h fo c u s o n t hemountain areas. However, the worldwide economic recessionhas presented us all, with the kind of challenges that were hardt o i m a gi n e s om e y e ar s a g o . We a r e c ur r e nt l y o n a q ue s t t oobtain funding for our initiatives and keep our commitmenttowards all poor communities around the world.

Since assuming the Chairmanship of Heifer Romania, I havebeen greatly heartened by the dedication, enthusiasm andprofessionalism of the small elite team headed by Dr. OvidiuSpinu. Being invited to be the first Chairman of Heifer Romaniais indeed a great honor for me. Being surrounded by suchdedicated professionals on the staff and on the Board givesme great confidence as we go forward in our mission to helpmore people work their own way out of the poverty trap andbuild a future for themselves and their families.

It has been both a challenging and rewarding year. We haveworked hard to accomplish goals and objectives and most of     all to lift people out of poverty helping them find a way to reachself sustainability.

Peter Ireton


l e t t e r f r o m c h a i r m a no f t h e h e i f e r r o m a n i a b o a r d

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l e t t e r f r o m c o u n t r y d i r e c t o r    

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n b e h al f o f f a r m er f a m i l i es i n o u r r u r al c o m mu n i t ie sassisted in FY12, I would like to thank you for your   

continued support and interest in Heifer Romania.

T h r o ug h o ut F Y 1 2 , w e n e ve r c e a se d t o p r o vi d e s o me o f      R o m an i a 's m o s t v u l ne r a bl e r u r al a r e as w i t h h i g h q ua l i t yanimals and necessary training in order to improve their living

standards and achieve self sustainability. We also worked toencourage women and youth to become more involved incommunity life and decision making. All our actions have hada strong environment component and efforts were done toeducate communities in the spirit of becoming eco-friendly. With the generosity of our donors and other caring sponsors,we have managed to aid almost 100,000 beneficiaries. Weo p e ne d n e w p r o j ec t s i n F Y 1 2 f oc u s ed o n d a i ry v a l u e ch a i n,m o u nt a i n s a r e as a n d p a r t ne r s hi p s o f g l o b a l i m p ac t .

The worldwide economic context has brought times of changeupon our organization. Scaling up program impact, expandingoutreach to encompass other marginalized populations, andcommunicating impact rigorously and convincingly, have beend e f i ne d as t he ne w g l o ba l s p a ce f or H ei f e r 's w or k . H e i f er    International has in plan to forge partnerships coalitions of     governments, private sector, multilaterals, bi-laterals andfoundations to find more effective solutions to end poverty and

hunger and care for the earth. This will help provide care andsupport for more and more beneficiaries and spread projectimpact on wider areas.

 At the same time, we have to accept a series of   responsibilities, setting clear priorities, using data effectively,relying on others' expertise to make sure we're making themost effective grants and devising the best strategies we can.





Thank you for   

y o ur c o nt i nu e d

support and

interest inH e if e r R o ma n ia

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 At Heifer Romania, we work especially hard to engage a network of partners who bringdiverse perspectives to the work we're doing together. We depend on their willingness tochallenge us when they disagree with our approach. In the end, this ongoing conversationw i l l e n a bl e a l l o f u s t o i n c r ea s e t h e i m pa c t w e 'r e h a v i ng .

It's difficult for NGO`s to find financial balance when there are so many demands to be met.On the one hand, there are exciting opportunities presenting themselves right now. For   e x a mp l e , du r i n g F Y 1 2 H ei f e r R om a n ia h a s pl a n ne d t o i ni t i a t e t h r e e n e w p r o j ec t i ncollaboration with a long time strategic partners: Danone Ecosysteme and Swiss Agency for   Development and Cooperation.

 As we work together to build a strong future, we will all continue to live our values, and applyhigh standards every day and all of the time. Heifer, communities and partner organizationscome together to share their values and positively influence each other. The spirit of Passingon the Gift and with financial support from generous donors will ensure the continuity of our   work and the fulfillment of our mission: End poverty and hunger and care for the Earth . Thereis still much to be done and the road ahead is not always smooth, however we aredetermined and strong willed to reach out to more and more of poor families and childrenwith the kind of programs they need to live full and productive lives.

We welcome you to join our quest towards providing people with the tools necessary to stepout of poverty!

If you would like more information about our programs in Romania, please feel free tocontact us at [email protected] We are always open to share our news with you!


Ovidiu Spinu Country Director   


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h e i f e r i n t e r n a t i o n a l s t a t e m e n t

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H ei f er I n te rn at i on al i s a g lo ba l n on pr of i t or ga ni za ti on .

T h e m i s s i on o f H e i f e r I n t e r n at i o n al i s t o w o r k w i t h c o m mu n i t ie sto end hunger and poverty and care for the Earth.

Since 1944, Heifer has helped more than 13.6 million familiesin more than 125 countries move toward greater self-reliancet h r o u g h g i f t s o f l i v e s t o c k , p l a n t s a n d t r a i n i n g i nenvironmentally-sound agriculture.

T h e i mp a c t of e a c h i n i t i al g i f t i s mu l t i pl i e d as r e c i pi e n t s a g r eeto Pass on the Gift of their animal's first-born female offspring,along with training, or their equivalent, to another family inneed.

Girl from Valea Salciei

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h e i f e r r o m a n i a t e a m

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Ovidiu Spinu


Monica Popovici

Financial Administrator  

Adina Toma- o n m atern ity leave -


Dorina Suatean


Alin Tekonczia

Director of     Operations

Gheorghe Abrudan

Field Assistant

Laura Manciu

Communication& P R C oo rd in at or    

Annamaria Vekony


Calin Sahleanu

Director of     Programs

Alina Rus


Andreea David

Financial Assistant

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sing Heifer International experience and Cornerstones, Heifer Romania focuses onassisting communities in need and disadvantaged groups to improve their living

standards, income and nutrition.

In partnership with other organizations, Heifer Romania promotes self-reliance and

sustainable community development through:

• D e ve l op i ng s u st a in ab l e fa r mi n g sy st e ms , a dd r es s in g t he w h ol e c ha i n fr o m pr o du c ti o nto marketing

• A s si s ti n g d i sa dv a nt a ge d co m mu n it i es l i ke t he R om a pe op l e o r yo u th a t r i sk a nd p eo pl ebelonging to different cultural, ethnic and religious groups

• S tr en gt he ni ng d em oc ra cy a nd h um an r ig ht s i n r ur al a re as

• P ro mo ti ng f am il y p ar ti ci pa ti on a nd g en de r e qu it y

• I mp ro vi ng t he en vi ro nm en t an d p ro mo ti ng ag ro -e co lo gy

• E x pa nd i ng ac t iv i ti e s i n R o ma ni a a nd de v el o pi n g p r oj e ct s i n M o ld o va an d B u lg ar i a


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s t a t e m e n t o f p u r p o s e

p r i o r i t y i s s u e s


1. O rgani zat ional D evel opme nt

2 . B ui l di ng S us ta in ab le L iv el ih oo ds

3 . D ev el op me nt o f R es ou rc es a nd F un dr ai si ng

4 . I n f l ue n c in g p ra c t i ce s , sy s t em s a nd p o l ic i e s ( y o ut h a t ri s k , wo m e n, e l d er l y, R o ma p e op l e )

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 Among Heifer Romania's most important objectives for thepast fiscal year was increasing the number of beneficiariesmaintaining efficiency and effectiveness and establishinglong term partnerships with corporate organizations.

 As a resul t arti fici al insemi natio n (AI) , refor estat ion,beekeeping, water buffaloes, pigs, heifers and sheep projectsare active and developing successfully. Constantly connectedto its objectives Heifer Romania increased the number of     families and youth at risk assisted in FY2012 and continued tos e a rc h f o r n ew s o u rc e s o f f u nd i n g i n or d e r t o m ai n t a inconstant development.

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p r o g r a m p r o g r e s st o w a r d s s t r a t e g i c o b j e c t i v e s

Milk for   



The development

of projectsHeifer Romania and Bothar Ireland have strenghtened their   partnership through the „Milk for Orphans” project. Heifersprovided by Irish farmers are securing income for poor farmersin Rasca and improving nutrition of orphans in child careinstituions from Western Romania.

 A special cargo plane transported the first pure breed cows,from Ireland to Romania, to be integrated in this food securingprogram. This airlift landed at the airport in Timisoara, Friday,

October 28, 2011 and represents a premiere for Romania.20 heifers reached „Caminul Felix” orphanage in Oradea andfollowing the passing on the gift cornerstone, each of thec h i l dr e n t h at r e c i e ve a c o w w i l l h a v e t o pa s s o n t h e f i rs t f e m al eto another orphan. The animals come from Shelton Abbey

The first cargo plane landing at Timisoara Airport   

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Prison in Ireland, being raised by prisoneers living under an„open-prison” concept, having freedom of movement andbeing allowed to raise animals.

On November 29, 2011, forty two heifers and one male calf     reached poor rural families in Rasca 90 km away from Cluj. Allcommunity members are deeply thankful to Heifer and Bothar   Ireland for this impressive aid. Nistor Dorina was the recipientof a mother cow and a male calf. She was excited and while

covering the calf with a blanket she said “God bless the Irishfamilies that made this possible. Such happiness is rarely felt!Thank you very much”.

 As the airlift had such a great media impact, journalists wereeager to do a follow up on this ceremony to close the cycle of     this major event. 8 TV stations and numerous journalists fromradio, written press or just independent news hunters came towitness the celebration. The number of people attending hasover passed expectations.

The second airlift reached Romania in February 2012 and one

month after 45 Irish heifers were distributed, Women's Day asHeifer gifts, to forty-five women from Rasca.

The Senior Director of Strategy of Bothar, Peter Iretonattended the event together with the beneficiary families,Heifer Romania team and many other guests. He declared:

“It is a pleasure to work again with Heifer Romania team which proved once more professionalism and dedication for social     projects”.

O r p ha n s f ro m " C a mi n u l F e l i x"      

   Dorina and her new calf                

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“These volunteer activities continue a long time tradition, which started more than 20 yearsago by a few families. Irish farmers are filled with a sense of pride when donating animals,f e e l i n g h i gh l i g h t e d b y t h e f a c t t h a t so m e y e a r s ag o t h e y w e r e j u st a s p o o r. I a m c o n v i n ce d        t h a t t h e f a r me r s t h a t p r o vi d e d t h e a n i m al s w o u l d b e v e r y ha p p y t o k n o w t h e i r c o ws a r e i nvery good hands”               declared His Excellency, Oliver Grogan the Ambassador of Ireland inRomania.

Media representatives (TV, radio, newspapers) were present and the event had an all level

coverage- national, regional, local.

“ I n e v e r b el i e v e d t ha t a n y o n e wi l l g i v e m e su c h a v a l u ab l e g i f t . I w i ll t a k e g o o d ca r e o f t h eh e i f e r a n d my f a m i l y i s h a p p y t o pa s s o n t h e g i f t t o an o t h e r f a mi l y, j u s t a s p o o r a s u s . I w i l l        help others just as I was aided and will donate milk to the orphan children”               said Livia Rosu,one of new Heifer beneficiaries.

 Another special guest was His Excellency, Oliver Grogan Ambassador of Ireland in Romania who thanked Heifer  Romania and Bothar for their support and encouraged theproject participants to follow this path and make this project agreat success. He wished to meet personally some of thefamilies and visited them at home.

  „For Ireland and me, it is a great honor to be invited to thiscelebration where Irish heifers are offered as gifts to women inRasca. I want to believe that that these cows will keep a small        part of their Irish heritage.”         To everyone's surprise these words

verbalized in Romanian opened the speech of His Excellency,Oliver Grogan the Ambassador of Ireland in Romania.

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   His Excellency, Oliver  Grogan and Peter Iretonvisiting a beneficiary


   His Excellency, Oliver  

G ro g a n o f fe r i n g g if t s t o       young artists who performed      Romanian folkloric daces

C ro wd s g at he r t o s eet he I ri sh h ei fe rs

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The Genetic Improvement of Cattle in Transylvania project willassist 42,500 families, with Artificial Insemination (AI) strawsof high quality that significantly improve genetics andperformance of the beef and dairy offspring.

The GeneticImprovement

of Cattle

in Transylvania


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Through this project, the living standards of poor farmers intwo Transylvanian villages are improved by revitalizing water   b u ff a l o b r ee d i ng . H e i f e r I n t er n a t io n a l p r o vi d e s 5 3 f a m i l ie s i n Aschileu and Mera villages with 39 water buffalo. Projectp a r ti c i p an t s i n bo t h co m m un i t i es w i l l i m p r ov e nu t r i ti o n an dincome through the consumption and selling of water buffalodairy products. The water buffalo is the appropriate livestockfor poor families and it is also very popular among local

farmers in Aschileu and Mera villages. The water buffalo isless demanding than other domesticated herbivores andconsumes poor fodder such as wet pasture, straws, or dryc o r n s te a m s. T h e b r e ed i s s t r o ng , a n d v e ry r e s i st a n t t odiseases. Also its economic life is longer.


o f w a te r b u ff a lo

breeding in

Aschileu and

Mera villages

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Pigs Project for   Rebricea village

Rebricea is situated in the Eastern part of Romania close tothe republic of Moldova and is located in the middle of theM o l d av i a n p la t e au o n t h e R e br i c e a Ri v e r. T h e l o ca l l i f es t a nd a r d i s af f e ct e d b y de f i c i en t i n f ra s t r uc t u r e, l a c k o f      investment and one of the largest rates of unemployment inRomania. The project goal is to increase farmers' income andi m p r ov e n u tr i t i o n b y p r o mo t i n g s m a ll s c a le s w i ne b r e ed i n g.H e i f er w i l l p r o vi d e t h r ou g h t h e p r og r a m 1 50 f a m i l i es w i t h 1 5 0Large White sow and 6 families with 6 White boars. Throughthe passing-on process the project will be extended in theneighboring communities, increasing the project's impact.More than 600 families will be part of the project increasingtheir incomes through the selling of piglets and pork products,and improving their nutrition.

Original Placement in RebriceaC o m mu n i t y - “ P ig s P ro j e c t f o r    


Sheep, Fruit Treesand Reforestation


Buzau County,

 Valea Salciei


Targeted groups are formed by farmers' communities fromValea Salciei, Modreni and Valea Salciei-Catun. The projectw i l l b e e x t en d e d i n t h e n ei g h bo r i ng c o m m un i t i es t h r o ug h t h epassing-on process and the reforestation component of theproject. The project first objective is to increase farmers'income and improve nutrition by promoting traditional farmingactivities such as sheep breeding and fruit trees. Thetraditional Red Face Tigaia sheep breeding will be revitalizeda s t h e lo c a l c o nd i t i o ns a l l ow t h i s b re e d t o t h r i ve . T he r e i s ademand for sheep meat and sheep dairy products in theregion. Women, youth and children will be involved in fruit

trees part of the project. They will receive: apple, pear, plum,cherry and European walnut trees. The fruits and nuts will beconsumed fresh, but most of them will be preserved as dry,compote or jam. The second project's objective is to improvethe environment trough reforestation. Farmers are determinedto plant thousands of fir trees on the highlands.Heifer Romania will provide 72 farmer families with 720 RedFace Tigaia sheep and 72 Tigaia rams. Another 150 farmer   f a m i l ie s wi l l r e c ei v e 1, 5 0 0 f r u i t t r e e s a p li n g s ( a p pl e , pe a r,plum, cherry and walnut) and 90 families will receive 9,000 fir   tree saplings.The project activities will be supervised by Heifer Romaniaand the project holder (The Mountain Farmers' Federation -F AM D ) . T he F e d er a t i on a n d i t s s t af f m e mb e r s w il l f o l l ow t h eproject activities and make sure that the objectives of thep r o j ec t w i l l b e c a rr i e d ou t . A l l b e n ef i c i ar i e s w il l b e o ff e r e d t h esame opportunities nationality, gender, religion, social status,etc. will not influence the selection criteria when choosing thep a r t ic i p an t s i n t h e p r o j ec t . G e n de r e q u it y w i l l b e r e s pe c t ed i nthe project, as girls and women will participate as much asb o y s a n d m en .

   Milking the sheep   Milking the sheep


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B EN EF IC IA RI ES I N 2 01 2:


8,88212,062# of families and youth at risk

Directly Passing on the Gi ft




66,36931,910# of families and youth at risk

Directly Passing on the GiftTOTAL TO DATEBENEFICIARIES

T R AI N IN G SE S SI O NS O R GA NI Z ED D U RI N G F Y 2 0 12 : Accountability Advocacy Agricultural

Products Agro


4 0 9 3 10


Gender /F a mi l y I s su e s




13 7 45 10 23

  Roma People family - one of Heifer Project Beneficiaries

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Livestock: OP POG

Heifers 136 27

Goat s 0 15

Sheep 264 387

Rabbits 0 0

Trout f ish 0 60,500

Bee hives 80 0

Beef cattle 0 4

 AI 9,177 6,639Pigs 53 25

Buffaloes 21 0

Resourcesprovided by

H e if e r R o ma n ia

during FY2012

O t h er r e s ou r c e s: OP POG

Chicken meat 0 1, 315 Kg

Beef 0 2, 500 Kg

Milk 0 14,790 li ters

Milking machines 4 0Trees 8,350 0

  Farmers from Valea Salciei

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During 2012 Heifer Romania worked on increasing visibilityand awareness for the mission and vision of the organization.Heifer's work has enjoyed media attention.

Events, project development and press releases werebroadcasted on national televisions, radio stations, writtenp r e ss an d n e w m e d ia . I n c r ea s i ng t he vi s i b i li t y i s t h e f i r s tstrategic instrument in order to developing fundraising.

Heifer Romania Program has followed the need for   diversification, continuing to address:

• artifi cial i nsemination proj ects f or i mprovi ng t hecattle genetics;

• a gr o e co lo gy : r ef or es ta ti on p ro je ct s;• d is ad va nt ag ed c at eg or ie s l ik e t he R om a p eo pl e,

youth at risk, others.• important issues such as the marketing of farm

products, an increasing problem in Romania as anew member of the European Union

   Darius and Natalia - "Milk for Orphans" Project  

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n e w l y a p p r o v e d p r o j e c t sf o r F Y 2 0 1 3

The C ha n ce f o r Al l P ro je ct        w i l l i m p r ov e t h e w e l l -b e i ng o f      20,000 poor farmer families by addressing the entire dairyvalue chain from production to market. The project will beexecuted through collaboration with Heifer International,

Danone Ecosysteme, Bothar Ireland and Danone Romania.This partnership was formed to lend a helping hand to poor   Romanian farmers and help them increase their income andimprove nutrition.

C h a nc e f o r A ll P r oj e ct        w i l l s t a r t i n th r e e l o c at i o n s ( C o co r a st i iColt, Belin and Zimnicea) in the central and southern parts of     Romania. In the second year of the project, two more locationsw i l l b e a d d ed . T h e f i v e c om m u ni t i e s s el e c t ed h a v e g o oda g ri c ul t ur a l c o nd i ti o ns f o r d ai r y co w b r ee d in g , a fa r mi n gtradition and interest to revitalize this occupation. The targetpopulation is affected by unemployment, and the idea of     b e c o m i n g s e l f - e m p l o y e d t h r o u g h a t r a d i t i o n a l i n c o m egenerating activity is giving them hope and vision.

For small-scale farmers to gain the critical mass necessary toimprove the quality and quantity of production, this project willassist project participants in establishing five large groups of     producers, comprised of 150 families each, and strengtheningt h e m t o b ec o m e s e l f -s u s ta i n i ng . T he s e gr o u ps w i l l p r o vi d efarmers with the ability to invest more into their farms and a

    joint milk collecting point, thereby making it possible to interestmilk processors and better negotiate the price for milk.

The C h a n ce f o r A l l P r o j e ct        w i l l p r o vi d e f a r m er s w i t h v a l u a bl eand highly productive livestock and genetic material, withs p e ci a l i ze d t r a i n in g s i n l i v e s to c k m a n ag e m en t , m i l k h y g i en e

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fo r Al l

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and efficient feeding. The farmers will be assisted in setting upand starting groups of producers. Through the project accesst o m a r k e t w i l l b e p r o vi d e d a n d a l so t h e n e c e ss a r y e q u ip m e ntfor establishing milk collecting centers. Project participants willh a v e a l l n e c es s a ry r e s ou r c es a n d kn o w - ho w t o o b ta i n h ig hquality milk and increase their income and herd size. Thep r o j ec t i s d e s i gn e d t o p r ov i d e t he i m p e tu s t o o v e rc o m eexisting obstacles to the development of sustainableproducers' groups who will then have a clear linkage to a highvalue customer and market.

The main objective of this project is to develop sustainableagriculture models in the Romanian Mountain area throughi n te gr a ti n g t r ad i ti o na l a c ti v it i es i n th e mo de r n e c on om i csystem in order to generate income, and preserve the culturallandscape with their high touristic value.

T h e p r oj e c t b ui l d s o n t he c o m pe t e nc e s o f s m a ll f a r me r s a n dfollows a value chain approach.

T h e s p ec i f i c O b je c t i ve s a n d t h e un d e rl a y i ng t h e o ri e s o f      change are the following:

Objective I: The production factors of the traditionalproduction system are strengthenedTheory of change: for achieving the first objective, theintervention is focusing on the three main factors. The first onei s t o i m pr o v e th e a n im a l n u t r it i o n b y e n s ur i n g a su s t ai n a bl eand environmentally sound management of the pastures. Thes e c on d i s t o i m p ro v e t he a n i m al s h e lt e r i ng c o n di t i o ns w h i chwill lead to an increased milk production. The third one is tomodernize the cheese making facilities of the sheepfold for   

ensuring a good quality product for the market.

Objective II: T h e M a r ke t o p po r t u ni t i e s o f t r a di t i o na l p r o du c t sare improvedTheory of change: the concrete activities for achieving thisobjective are to provide technical assistance and productspecifications for the sheepfold products, to perform amarketing study for these products, to develop a brand kit for   mountain products, to organize local, regional and nationale v en t s to p r om ot e t ra d it i on al s he e p p r od uc t s as w e ll a s t orealize campaigns for local products consumption.



Models in the


Mountains Area

   Local cows on pasture

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Integrated and



of Forests

in Romania

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Objective III: The competences of producers are improved sothat they can diversify and modernize their productionTheory of change: the main means to achieve the objective isthrough provision of vocational training for shepherds in order   to develop their knowledge and skills and through organizingexchange visits in order to learn about more developedsystems from Switzerland that could be adapted and used.

Objective IV: Promote and disseminate the model and bestpractices on a regional and national scale

Theory of change: The results are documented in an attractivemanner, in Romanian language that allow local reproductionby other interested organizations. The dissemination is basedon project partners networks.The following descriptions of Activity Lines (AL) indicate howthese objectives shall be achieved during the project andwhich outputs are to be expected.

The project's overall objective is to contribute to an integratedand a sustainable management of forests in Romania throughraising awareness and improving the timber and non-timber   value chains.

The specific Objectives/Outcomes are:

• R ai si ng a wa re ne ss a nd t ra in in g of l oc al p eo pl e (a du lt s,youth and children) towards the importance of forest withregard to value chains, natural values and protection

against natural hazards and ecosystem services• D ev el op in g t i mb er an d n on -t im be r v al ue ad de d c ha in s• M od el s' cr ea ti on of ef fi ci en t u se of lo ca l, re ne wa bl e,

energy resources• P ro mo te an d d is se mi na te th e m od el a nd be st p ra ct ic es

o n a r e g i on a l a n d n a ti o n al s c a l e

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M ap l oc at in g a re as        of project operation     

Heifer Romania projects in Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria

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H e if e r R o ma ni a 's m ai n ke y p l an s fo r ne x t y ea r ar e th efollowing:• H ei fe r Ro ma ni a is p la nn in g t o ap pl y fo r la rg e in st it ut i on al

funded grants using projects based on agriculture andenvironment trainings.

• A no th er t ar ge t se t fo r ne xt y ea r is t he i ni ti at io n of p ro je ct sfunded through CSR- Corporate Social Responsibilityprograms.

• He if er R om ani a w il l acqu ir e s ki ll s i n f undr ai si ng andstrongly consider obtaining funding from multiplesources.

• During FY 2013 Hei fer Romania will develop threeconsistent projects that will impact thousands of familiesin large areas.

• H ei fe r R om an ia wi ll i nc re as e t he vi si bi li ty o f s uc ce ss fu lprojects, good practices and positive impact on localc o m m u n i t i e s u s i n g s p e c i f i c p u b l i c r e l a t i o n s a n dcommunication instruments.

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• Bothar Ireland• Rotary International• Elevages sans frontières, France

• Heifer Nederland• Worl d Vi sion Romania• Prison Fell owshi p Romania• T he R es ou rc e Ce nt er f or R om a C om mu ni ti es , Cl uj N ap oc a• Winrock Internat ional• T he U ni ve rs it y o f A gr ic ul tu ra l S ci en ce s a nd

Veterinary Medicine, Cluj Napoca• T he Na ti on al A ge nc y f or Co ns ul ta nc y i n A gr ic ul tu re ,

C l uj N a po ca• Purdue University• Danone Écosysteme• SAB• Euromontana

P r i so n F e l lo w s hi p R om an i a

Key plans andhighlights of the

operational plan

f o r t h e n e xt y ea r    

M aj o r i n st i tu t io n al

donors and partner   


Câmpul fertil al cunoaşterii

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s t a t e m e n t o f a c t i v i t i e s f o r t h ey e a r e n d e d J u n e 3 0 , 2 0 1 2

Incomes USD

H e i f er I n t e rn a t i on a l H Q 902,780

Bothar   813,345

Rabobank Foundation 17,730

Other Income 37,768

Total Incomes 1,771,623

Expenses USD

Office & Management expenses 400,734

Projects Expenses 1,085,719

Total Expenditures 1,486,453

Net Movement in Funds 285,171

Net Assets at beginning of year    372,185

C u r r en c y t r a n sf e r i n c o me 8,179

Net Assets at end of year    665,535

F Y 2 0 12 I n co m es$ 1,771,623

F Y 2 0 12 E x p en s es$ 1,486,453

H e i f er I n t e rn a t i on a l H QOther IncomeRabobank FoundationBothar  

Total Projects expenses

Total Office expenses






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c o n t a c t u s

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c o n t r i b u t i o n s

H e i f er I n t e rn a t i on a l1 World Avenue,Little Rock, 72202 AR, USATel.: (800) 422-0474Website: www.heifer.org

H e if e r R o ma n ia1 9 M i ha i R om an ul S tr. ,Cluj-Napoca, 400495, Cluj, RomaniaTel.: +40 264 403 680, +40 723 370 097Fax: +40 264 403 682Email: [email protected]: www.heifer.ro

If you would like to support our work,p l e a s e s e n d do n a ti o n s t o :

H e i f er I n t e rn a t i on a lP.O. Box 8058L i t t l e R o c k , Ar k a n s as 7 2 2 0 3- 8 0 5 8USAOr visit our website www.heifer.org

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