HEC WEB UK Breakfast - Top 5 Social Media Trends

5 Top Social Media Trends London, HEC Web, January 2011


Discussion presentation for the breakfast meeting of the HEC Web UK community.Reviews hot trends in social media in 2010.Curated and prepared by Benoit Cacheux, Organic.

Transcript of HEC WEB UK Breakfast - Top 5 Social Media Trends

  • 1. 5 Top Social Media Trends
    London, HEC Web, January 2011

2. What wed like to cover today
- Some numbers & interesting facts
- Top social media trends
Social cataloguing
Search is going social and real time
Location, Location, Location
Social gaming
3. 4. BIGGEST FACEBOOK FAN PAGES: While U.S. web traffic to brand websites rarely exceeds six figures, DBMS can already count 37 branded Facebook pages with at least a million fans just among CPG, retail, pharmaceutical and fast-food marketers.
5. Facebook: Visualizing Friendships
Paul Butler Intern at Facebook
After a few minutes of rendering, the new plot appeared, and I was a bit taken aback by what I saw. The blob had turned into a surprisingly detailed map of the world. Not only were continents visible, certain international borders were apparent as well. What really struck me, though, was knowing that the lines didn't represent coasts or rivers or political borders, but real human relationships. Each line might represent a friendship made while travelling, a family member abroad, or an old college friend pulled away by the various forces of life.
6. Top social media trends
Social cataloging
Search is going social and real time
Augmented reality
Social gaming
7. curation to find the content that is useful
What is content curation and why is it so important for the future of web content publishers?
The content curator is the next emerging disruptive role in the content creation and distribution chain.
In a world submerged by a flood of information, content curators may provide in the coming months and years a new, tremendously valuable service to anyone looking for quality information online: a personalized, qualified selection of the best and most relevant content and resources on a very specific topic or theme.
The App: Flipboard find what your friends share on Twitter
8. 9. Social Cataloging
Social cataloging help users to catalog thingsbooks, CDs, etc. owned or otherwise of interest to them.
It refers to two characteristics that generally arise from a multi-user cataloging environment:
The ability to share catalogs and interact with others based upon shared items;
The enrichment or improvement of cataloging description through either explicit cooperation in the production of cataloging metadata or through the analysis of implicit data (eg., "People who like X also like Y").
Svpply: a catalogue of must-have, desirable retail products built by users from all over the Internet.Currently invite only to main quality and community.
10. 11. Search is going social
Google is not a search engine. Google is a reputation- management system. Clive Thompson, Wired magazine
New content is now added to search engines as it is published, giving fresher content increased priority
12. 13. Location, Location, Location
the rise of mobile internet has been met with a new killer application: mapping
we can now tell our friends were we are and discover more of our surroundings
location-based gaming; users check-in with a growing knowledge base of hints, tips, rewards and reviews
Layar: an innovative application to help tourists get the most of a destination.
Facebook is now allowing its users to add their location to status updates
a range of players, lead by Google are overlaying places, pictures, information, experiences onto maps via geo-tags
14. 15. Social gaming
Consumer research undertaken by Econsultancy and Toluna shows that men and women are almost equally likely to play social games; some 20% of females are social gamers compared to 18% of males. Social games are also played by people of all ages, although there is a slight bias towards younger demographics, as the chart below indicates.
16. 17. Appendix
18. Social Gaming
Social Networks has gone beyond friendship circles and rich media such as photographs. The increasing trend is for hosted games with a central social element. This trend is an extension of casual gaming exploited by Nintendo Wii, SimCity, Habbo Hotel and World of Warcraft. It also attracts equal numbers of females that hardcore gaming turns off.
Reward for playing is of course fun it is also social currency; attaining goals, making new friends and rising up the ranks. Many games require friends to help build your status; such as Farmville where cooperation is both rewarded and mandatory. Brands in this space have to be useful, appropriate, authentic and reward users.
Social gaming is also increasingly mobile. Watch out for local interaction and massive jumps in realism as browser, broadband and processor capabilities improve.
19. Augmented reality
Technology is helping more people switch-on to real-time, local information and insights via their laptop or smartphone
Augmented Reality adds information to real world locations via mobile cameras and GPS
Layar: an innovative application to help tourists get the most of a destination.