Heat Flow During GTA Welding of Pipes

 Heat Flow during the utogenous GT Welding of Pipes SINDO KOU and Y. LE A theoretical and experimental study of heat flow during the welding of pipes was carried out. The theoretical part of the study involves the development of two finite difference computer models: one for describing steady state, 3-dimensional heat flow during seam welding, the other for describing unsteady state, 3-dimensional heat flow during girth welding. The experimental part of the study, on the other hand, includes: measurement of the thermal response of the pipe with a high speed data acquisition system , determination of the arc efficiency with a calorimeter, and examination of the fusion boundary of the resultant weld. The experimental results were compared with the calculated ones, and the agreement was excellent in the case of seam welding and reasonably good in the case of girth welding. Both the computer models and experiments confirmed that, under a constant heat input and welding speed, the size of the fusion zone remains unchanged in seam welding but continues to increase in girth welding of pipes of small diameters. It is expected that the unsteady state model developed can be used to provide optimum conditions for girth welding, so that uniform weld beads can be obtained and weld defects such as lack of fusion and sagging can be avoided. I. INTRODUCTION HE T low during welding is of great interest to welding engineers and metallurgists. It not only controls the size of the fusion and heat-affected zones, but also strongly affects the microstructure and properties of the resultant weld. Heat flow during the autogenous (i.e., without filler metal) GTA (i.e., gas tungsten arc) welding of plates has been studied extensively in recent years. However, far less work has been conducted on heat flow during the autoge- nous GTA welding of pipes. No analytical solutions have been made available. In fact, the only study known to the authors is the recent one by Grill, 1 n which heat flow during girth welding was calculated using the finite difference method. A temperature source was assigned to each grid point in the workpiece, and the solution was obtained by using the alternating direction implicit scheme. No experi- ments were carried out to verify the calculated results. In the present study, both steady state, 3-dimensional heat flow during seam welding and unsteady state, 3- dimensional heat flow during girth welding were theo- retically calculated and experimentally verified. II. MATHEMATICAL MODEL Shown in Figures l(a) and (b) are schematic sketches for seam and girth welding, respectively. In the former, the pipe is stationary while the heat source travels in the axial direc- tion of the pipe at a constant speed U. In the latter, the pipe rotates about its axis at a constant angular velocity lq, while the heat source remains stationary. As a result of the heat input, a weld pool is created under the heat source. The weld pool can be either fully or partially penetrating, depending on the welding parameter used. Behind the weld pool is the solidified structure of the fusion zone, i.e., the weld bead. The cylindrical coordinate system shown in Figure l(a) travels with the heat source at the sam e velocity, while that in Figure l(b) remains stationary with the heat source. In SINDO KOU and Y. LE are, respectively, Associate Professor and Graduate Student at the Department of Metallurgical and Mineral Engineer- ing, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706. Manuscript submitted October 24, 1983. SEAM WELDING Heat Source ,- rl W eld Fusion -~ U/Pool /zone Velocity, u o ) (a) GIRTH WELDING Heat Source Weld Pool 0 Angular LYe I~ Q' I/Tt~ -'- z (0) b) Fig. 1 --S chem atic sketches of pipe welding: a) seam welding; b) girth welding. both cases, the origin of the coordinate system is located at the intersection between the axis of the pipe and that of the tungsten electrode of the GTA torch. Due to the combined effects of the electromagnetic force, the plasma jet force, and the surface tension of the liquid metal, the convection of the liquid metal in the weld pool appears to be rather complex in arc welding. No attempts were made to simulate the weld pool convection. Rather, the effective thermal conductivity 1'2 was used to account for the effect of convection on heat flow during welding. The following integral energy equation was used to describe the energy balance in a volume element of the workpiece: fff o(p ). ---~-ar = jj kVT - pHV)dS [1] T where H is the enthalpy, p the density, t time, k the thermal METALLURGICAL TRANSACTIONS A VOLUME 15A, JUNE 1984--1165



Transcript of Heat Flow During GTA Welding of Pipes

  • Heat Flow during the Autogenous GTA Welding of Pipes

    SINDO KOU and Y. LE

    A theoretical and experimental study of heat flow during the welding of pipes was carried out. The theoretical part of the study involves the development of two finite difference computer models: one for describing steady state, 3-dimensional heat flow during seam welding, the other for describing unsteady state, 3-dimensional heat flow during girth welding. The experimental part of the study, on the other hand, includes: measurement of the thermal response of the pipe with a high speed data acquisition system, determination of the arc efficiency with a calorimeter, and examination of the fusion boundary of the resultant weld. The experimental results were compared with the calculated ones, and the agreement was excellent in the case of seam welding and reasonably good in the case of girth welding. Both the computer models and experiments confirmed that, under a constant heat input and welding speed, the size of the fusion zone remains unchanged in seam welding but continues to increase in girth welding of pipes of small diameters. It is expected that the unsteady state model developed can be used to provide optimum conditions for girth welding, so that uniform weld beads can be obtained and weld defects such as lack of fusion and sagging can be avoided.


    HEAT flow during welding is of great interest to welding engineers and metallurgists. It not only controls the size of the fusion and heat-affected zones, but also strongly affects the microstructure and properties of the resultant weld.

    Heat flow during the autogenous (i.e., without filler metal) GTA (i.e., gas tungsten arc) welding of plates has been studied extensively in recent years. However, far less work has been conducted on heat flow during the autoge- nous GTA welding of pipes. No analytical solutions have been made available. In fact, the only study known to the authors is the recent one by Grill, 1 in which heat flow during girth welding was calculated using the finite difference method. A "temperature source" was assigned to each grid point in the workpiece, and the solution was obtained by using the alternating direction implicit scheme. No experi- ments were carried out to verify the calculated results.

    In the present study, both steady state, 3-dimensional heat flow during seam welding and unsteady state, 3- dimensional heat flow during girth welding were theo- retically calculated and experimentally verified.


    Shown in Figures l(a) and (b) are schematic sketches for seam and girth welding, respectively. In the former, the pipe is stationary while the heat source travels in the axial direc- tion of the pipe at a constant speed U. In the latter, the pipe rotates about its axis at a constant angular velocity lq, while the heat source remains stationary. As a result of the heat input, a weld pool is created under the heat source. The weld pool can be either fully or partially penetrating, depending on the welding parameter used. Behind the weld pool is the solidified structure of the fusion zone, i.e., the weld bead.

    The cylindrical coordinate system shown in Figure l(a) travels with the heat source at the same velocity, while that in Figure l(b) remains stationary with the heat source. In

    SINDO KOU and Y. LE are, respectively, Associate Professor and Graduate Student at the Department of Metallurgical and Mineral Engineer- ing, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706.

    Manuscript submitted October 24, 1983.

    SEAM WELDING Heat Source

    ,- rl Weld Fusion -~ U/Pool / zone Velocity, u

    (o) (a)


    Source Weld Pool 0/

    Angular LYe I~ Q' I/Tt~" -'- z (0 )

    (b) Fig. 1 --Schematic sketches of pipe welding: (a) seam welding; (b) girth welding.

    both cases, the origin of the coordinate system is located at the intersection between the axis of the pipe and that of the tungsten electrode of the GTA torch.

    Due to the combined effects of the electromagnetic force, the plasma jet force, and the surface tension of the liquid metal, the convection of the liquid metal in the weld pool appears to be rather complex in arc welding. No attempts were made to simulate the weld pool convection. Rather, the effective thermal conductivity 1'2 was used to account for the effect of convection on heat flow during welding.

    The following integral energy equation was used to describe the energy balance in a volume element of the workpiece:

    f f f o(p"). - - - -~-ar = jj (kVT - pHV)dS [1] T $

    where H is the enthalpy, p the density, t time, k the thermal


  • conductivity, and T temperature. ~- and S are the volume and surface area of the volume element, respectively. V is the velocity of the workpiece material with respect to the volume element.

    A. Seam Welding

    Except during the initial and the final transients of the welding process, the temperature distribution in a pipe of sufficient length is steady with respect to the moving coordi- nate system. Therefore, the time dependent term in Eq. [1] equals zero and the process becomes a steady state heat flow problem. Since the problem is equivalent to one in which the heat source remains stationary while the pipe travels at a speed U in the z-direction, the velocity of the material relative to the volume element is

    V = Uz [2]

    where z is the unit vector in the z-direction. From Eqs. [1] and [2], the following finite difference

    equation can be derived for the temperature at nodal point P shown in Figure 2:

    Tp = (aeTE + awTw + auTN + asTs + arTr + asTB + b)/at"



    k,r~A OA z a E = _ _

    rE - rp

    kwrwA OA z aw-

    re - rw

    k, FAOAr au- - ZN -- Zp

    k,7"AOAr as --

    ze - Zs

    k, ArAz aT r.( O~ - Oj


    as = rt'( Ot" - On)

    at, = ae + aw + aN + as + ar + aB

    1 b = - --f p(HN - Hs) UT" A OA r

    t" = (re + rw) /2

    Far ahead of the heat source, the pipe is not affected by the heat source and, therefore, its temperature remains unchanged. Far behind the heat source, on the other hand, the temperature of the workpiece levels off to a steady value, and OT/Oz approaches zero? The outer surface (r -- R) of the pipe is subjected to a heat flux q either due to the heat source or due to the surface heat loss, depending on its location. In summary, the boundary condi- tions are as follows:

    i T=To as z---->-oo

    ii OT/Oz =0 as z--*


    B Fig. 2--Volume element for calculation of heat flow.


    3Q exp at r =R and d< a iii q = 7raZ

    iv q = - [h (T - Ta) + o 'e (T 4 - Za4)] at

    r = R and d> a, and at r =R '

    In boundary condition (i), To is the initial pipe temperature. In boundary condition (iii), Q is the power input of the heat source. It equals ~lEI, where E is the arc voltage, I the welding current, and 7/the efficiency of the arc, i .e., the percentage of the arc power (El) absorbed by the pipe. d and a are the distance from the center of the heat source and the radius of the heat source, respectively. The Gaussian distri- bution of the heat source shown in (iii) was first proposed by Pavelic 4 in 1969 and has been used extensively since then. Experimental studies have indicated that such a distribution is essentially correct. 5'6 In boundary condition (iv) h is the heat transfer coefficient, Ta the ambient temperature, o" the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, e the total emissivity of the workpiece surface, and R' the radius of inner surface of the pipe. As in a previous study, 2 it was found that, due to the low melting point and the high thermal conductivity of alu- minum alloys, the surface heat loss due to radiation and convection during welding is less than 1 pct of the heat input. Therefore, the surface heat loss was neglected. The above equations, however, are general and can be applied to situations where surface heat loss is important.

    B. Girth Welding

    Since the weld bead eventually forms a closed circle on the pipe, heat continues to build up during girth welding. Therefore, the heat flow problem is an unsteady state one. The energy balance equation, Eq. [1], can be integrated over the time interval from t to t + At as follows:

    3, -~ dtd'; = (kVT - pHV) " dSdt


    The fully implicit scheme was employed in the present study, which according to Patankar 7 can be expressed below:

    f '+a'Tdt = T 1 At [5] lI66--VOLUME 15A, JUNE 1984 METALLURGICAL TRANSACTIONS A

  • where T 1 is the new value of T, i .e., at time t + At. The velocity of the material relative to the volume ele-

    ment is

    V = - f l rO [6]

    where 0 is the unit vector in the 0-direction. From Eqs. [4] to [6], an equation identical to Eq. [3] can

    be obtained for the temperature at nodal point P. However, all T should be changed to T 1 and the variable b should be

    1 b = -~prpfZ(H~ - Hi) ArAz

    - p(H~ - l -~p)~ArAzAO/At

    where H i and /~p denote the new and old values of lip, respectively.

    The initial condition is T = To at t = 0 for all positions of the pipe. Since the end surfaces of the pipe are much smaller than its outer and inner surfaces, and since the temperature gradients near the end surfaces are very small, heat loss from the end surfaces is negligible. Therefore, boundary conditions (i) and (ii) shown previously should now be

    OT/Oz = 0 at z = +-L/2

    where L is the length of the pipe. Boundary conditions (iii) and (iv), however, are still valid.


    Eq. [3], boundary conditions (i) to (iv), and the enthalpy- temperature relationship 8 were used to solve the temperature distribution during seam welding. The heat of fusion was included in the enthalpy-temperature relationship. As ob- served previously, 2 the effect of the temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity of solid aluminum on heat flow was very small and was, therefore, neglected. Since heat flow is symmetrical with respect to its axial plane, only the temperature distribution in one-half of the pipe was calcu- lated in the case of seam welding. In order to enhance the accuracy of calculation, a grid mesh of variable spacing was used, i .e., finer spacing near the heat source and coarser far away from it. An example of the grid meshes used is shown in Figure 3. The successive overrelaxation method with a relaxation parameter of 1.4 was used. The iterative procedure of temperature calculation was carried out with a digital computer until the following convergence criterion was satisfied:

    T~ - T O maximum ~ 1 .0 ~ over r, 0, z

    In the case of girth welding, Eq. [3] (with b defined in II-B), the initial and boundary conditions, and the enthalpy- temperature relationship were used to calculate the tem- perature distribution in the pipe. A grid mesh of variable spacing was also used. Since heat flow is symmetrical with respect to the central plane, i .e., the r-O plane passing through the centerline of the heat source, only the tem- perature distribution on one side of the central plane was calculated. The successive over relaxation method with a relaxation parameter of 1.4 was used at any time step n until

    the change in the total enthalpy content of the pipe becomes smaller than or equal to 1 pct of the total heat input up to that time step, i .e.,

    Ee(n ' - n o) ~,QAt -< 1 pct

    Comparing with the previous convergence criterion, this convergence criterion is equivalent to a maximum tem- perature change of 10 -2 to 10 -3 ~ Since the heat flow problem is now an unsteady state one, a convergence crite- rion tighter than the previous one is necessary for assuring the accuracy of the calculated results.

    Instead of treating the heat input Q as a step function, it was assumed that Q increases from zero to its steady state value Qs in a short time, say 0.1 second. This helped avoid divergence at the initial stage of calculation. This is shown in Figure 4. The values of At chosen for the calcu- lation of heat flow during the rising period, the steady state period, and the power-off period were 0.025, 0.25, and 0.5 second, respectively.


    The composition of 6061-T6 aluminum pipes used is shown in Table I. The length, outer diameter, and wall thickness of the pipes are 20.3 cm (8 inches), 3.81 cm (1.5 inches), and 3.2 mm (0.125 inch), respectively. Oxide films were polished off the surface of the pipe. The polished surface was then cleansed with acetone just before welding. The workpiece was thermally insulated from the fixture to avoid heat sinks during welding. In the case of girth welding, an MBC welding positioner (model BP-1) with a maximum rotation speed of 6 rpm was employed.

    The power source was a Cybertig-300 D.C. program- mable machine. Direct current, straight polarity GTA welding was used to produce autogeneous GTA welds. All welds were made using argon shielding gas and a 2.4 mm (0.09375 inch) tungsten-2 pct thoria electrode with a 50 deg included angle. A Cyclomatic AVC 2 automatic arc voltage controller was used, and the arc voltage was kept within +--0.1 volt of the predetermined value during welding. This allowed the precise control of the heat input during welding.

    It should be pointed out that D.C. straight polarity weld- ing of aluminum has recently been employed in situations where deeper weld penetration is desired, 1~ though A.C. welding of aluminum is no doubt more popular due to its surface cleaning ability. D.C. welding was chosen in the present study since the Cybertig-300 machine available is a D.C. type power source. This, however, does not imply that A.C. welds are expected to be equivalent to D.C. welds or to be reproduced by D.C. welding procedures.

    Table I. Nominal Composition and Physical Properties of 6061 Aluminum Alloy 9

    Element Mg Si Cu Cr AI Wt Pct 1.0 0.60 0.28 0.20 balance

    TL = 652 ~ k = 168 W/m ~ Cp = 1066 J/kg ~ Ts = 582 ~ p = 2700 Kg/m 3 AH = 3.95 105 J/kg


  • Fig. 3- -An example of the grid mesh for calculating heat flow during seam welding: (a) side view; (b) front view.




    Steady CA

    o, ,A 0 toff

    T IME, t


    Fig. 4--Power input vs time relationship used for calculating heat flow during girth welding.

    II68--VOLUME 15A, JUNE 1984

    A high speed data acquisition system, consisting of an LSI 11 computer, an analog/digital convener, two floppy disc drives, a graphics terminal, and a printer/plotter, was employed for thermal rlcasurements during welding. This data acquisition system al,ows as many as twenty thermo- couples to be used simultaneously. Chromel-alumel thermo- couple wires of 0.13 mm (0.005 inch) diameter were used. The tips of the thermocouples were sealed tightly to the bottom of 0.5 mm-diameter holes drilled (with a microdrill) at selected positions in the pipe. After welding the weld bead was sectioned, polished, and etched with Keller's etching solution to reveal the fusion boundary.

    The Zuiko macrophoto system was employed to photo- graph the arc, with a No. 5 filter and high contrast films. By using proper references, such as the diameter of the tungsten electrode and the inside diameter of the ceramic cup, the size of the arc was determined. It was found that the size of the arc so determined was relatively insensitive to the variations in the amount of exposure.

    In order to determine the arc efficiency, the simple cal- orimeter shown in Figure 5 was used. The aluminum pipe was thermally insulated to avoid heat sinks. The current and voltage employed were essentially the same as those in welding experiments. The temperatures of inlet and outlet water were recorded continuously, as shown in Figure 6. The surface of the pipe was covered with insulating mate- rials immediately after the heat source passed by, in order to minimize the surface heat loss. The following equation was used to determine the arc efficiency:

    JoCp(Tout - - Tin) dt = rlElt [7] W

    where W = mass flow rate of water Cp = specific heat of water To,t = outlet water temperature Tin = inlet water temperature t = welding time



    PIPE A i i


    L, l~C. '////////////////////////"


    Fig. 5 - -A simple calorimeter for determining the arc efficiency.



    tS n~ 40 l--

    n~ ILl a.

    30 b.I I--

    I J I

    I IOA, IOV, 15 IPM Water f low rate = 495ml /min Weld ing time 23.1 sec

    20 I I I I 0 I00 200 SEAM WELDING

    Front View T IME, sec

    Fig. 6 - - Inlet and outlet water temperatures as a function of welding time.

    It is worth pointing out that Figure 6 does not imply that steady conditions were not achieved in seam welding. The upper curve shown in this figure is the typical response curve observed by chemical reactor designers in their stimulus-response experiments. ~3 In the present case, the stimulus, i.e., the heat input from the arc, lasted for about 23 seconds, while the response, i.e., the change in water temperature, lasted for more than 100 seconds.


    As discussed previously, 8 many dimensionless variables are necessary for completely defining heat flow during fu- sion welding. Consequently, the presentation of general heat flow information based on dimensionless variables is not feasible. Therefore, no dimensionless variables will be em- ployed in the following discussion.

    A. Seam Welding

    Figure 7 shows the calculated and the measured thermal cycles for a pipe welded with a voltage of 10 V and a current of 120 A. The welding speed was 5.50 mm per second (13 ipm), and the measured radius of the arc was 3 ram. With an arc efficiency of 78 pct and an effective liquid conductivity 1.5 times the value of the solid thermal conduc- tivity, very good agreement between the calculated and the measured thermal cycles was obtained. This arc efficiency is less than 4 pct off the measured value, thus indicating the validity of the heat flow calculation.

    The calculated isotherms and fusion boundary (TD are shown in Figure 8. As can be seen, the calculated and the observed fusion boundaries are in excellent agreement.


    LJ o

    2 400



    I Calculated

    2- - - Observed


    I I T.C. r (mm) O(radians)

    I 17.5 0 .079 2 18.0 0 .594

    Seam Welding


    0 I I I 0 I 0 20 50

    Time, Sec Fig. 7 - Comparison between calculated and measured thermal cycles for the seam weld.

    - -Ca lcu la ted - - - Observed



    0 I?mm 120mm



    Side View

    0 IOmrn 20mm



    Fig. 8 --Calculated isotherms for the seam weld. The dashed lines indicate the observed fusion boundary.


  • It is worth pointing out that, comparing to D.C. welding, the arc efficiency is lower and the arc is wider in A.C. welding. Consequently, A.C. welds are shallower. The computer model can readily reproduce the difference in weld geometry between D.C. and A.C. welding by chang- ing the size and efficiency of the arc. This, in fact, has been demonstrated in our previous work. z

    B. Girth Welding

    Figure 9 shows the calculated and the measured thermal cycles for a pipe welded with a voltage of 10 V and a current of 110 A. The rotation speed was 2.12 rpm. The effective radius of the arc, the arc efficiency, and the effective con- ductivity of the liquid pool used in the calculation were identical to those used previously in the calculation of the seam weld. As can be seen in Figure 9, the agreement between the calculated and the measured thermal cycles is reasonably good.

    It is interesting to note that thermocouple 1 showed a small but positive rise in temperature around 28 seconds after welding began. This is about the time when the pipe finished one rotation. Since thermocouple 1 was approach- ing the heat source, the temperature went up again. The rise in temperature, however, was interrupted since the power was shut off subsequently.

    The calculated isotherms and fusion boundary are shown in Figure 10. The dashed lines indicate the observed fusion boundary. As can be seen, the calculated and the observed fusion boundaries are in reasonable agreement.

    It can be seen from Figure 10 that the fusion zone in- creased significantly in size as welding proceeded. This is because heat continued to build up during welding and the areas yet to be welded were preheated, even though both the heat input and the rotation speed were kept constant throughout the entire welding process. At the beginning of welding, there was no preheating and the weld bead was too small to have full penetration. However, at the end of weld- ing, there was too much preheating and the weld pool was so large that it sagged. The sagging of the weld pool appar- ently caused the observed fusion boundary to deviate from the calculated one.

    Ca lcu la ted - - - Observed

    8 = 0 .097


    Front V iew

    \ : L /T , ,,o~ I I

    8mm 0 8mm


    Front View

    0 = 0 .487



    \ \ , s ,so.c, 0 8mm

    (b) Fig. 10--Calculated isotherms for the girth weld. The dashed lines indi- cate the observed fusion boundary.

    It is, therefore, clear from the above results and dis- cussion that in girth welding, especially pipes of small di- ameters, the heat input per unit length of weld should be high at the beginning and reduced continuously as welding proceeds. In the case of automatic girth welding, the weld- ing current and hence the heat input can be preprogrammed through the use of a programmable power source. The pre- programming of the welding current, however, has been done on a trial-and-error basis so far. The unsteady state model developed in the present study is expected to help preprogram the power source more effectively, so that sound girth welds of uniform size can be produced.

    I 000 i I I I ]

    ] - - Calculated . . . . Observed Girth Welding 3 TC. r(mm) z(mm) O(radians)

    I ~, I 17.5 1.0 .097 V J 5 2 ,8.o 5.0 I

    I/ /l' A e O0 4 18.0 6.0 . , ' ' ,,I, ,,,


    0 I 0 20 30 40

    T ime, Sec Fig. 9--Comparison between calculated and measured thermal cycles for the girth weld.


    The conclusions of this study are summarized below. 1. The computer model developed for steady state, 3-

    dimensional heat flow during seam welding agrees very well with the thermal cycles and fusion boundary ob- served in aluminum pipes.

    2. The computer model developed for unsteady state, 3-dimensional heat flow during girth welding agrees reasonably well with the thermal cycles and fusion boundary observed in aluminum pipes.

    3. Both the computer models and experiments confirmed that, under a constant heat input and welding speed, the size of the fusion zone is uniform in seam welding but continues to increase in girth welding of pipes of small diameters. It is expected that the unsteady state model developed can be used to preprogram the power source, so that sound girth welds of uniform size can be produced.



    The authors gratefully acknowledge support for this study from the National Science Foundation, under NSF Grant No. DMR83-19342. The assistance of D.K. Sun in the computer work is appreciated.

    REFERENCES 1. A. Grill: Int. J. Num. Methods in Engr., 1982, vol. 18, p. 1031. 2. S. Kou and Y. Le: Metall. Trans. A, 1983, vol. 14A, p. 2245. 3. D. Rosenthal and R.H. Cameron: Trans. ASME, 1947, vol. 69,,

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    4. V. Pavelic, L.R. Tanbakuchi, O.A. Uyehara, and P.S. Myers: Weld. J., 1969, vol. 48, p. 295s.

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