Heart's Journeys

Investigating into Healing for Ourselves and our World Spiritual Possibilities, Probabilities & Prophet- hood? Journeys of Reason, Spirit, and Personal Search Part One-- Written by Lucky Joy Wells This Spiritual Journey looks into possibilities that can help to heal ourselves and our world, including the spiritualizing of humankind, how that can happen and what is needed for a kindly encounter and investigation. Later in this work you will encounter the idea as to whether it could be possible that a new Spirit, perhaps even a great Prophet, or "Divine Physician” of sorts could possibly appear to prescribe a "remedy" of knowing and power for our time.

Transcript of Heart's Journeys

Investigating into Healing for Ourselves and our World

Spiritual Possibilities, Probabilities & Prophet- hood?

Journeys of Reason, Spirit, and Personal Search Part One-- Written by Lucky Joy Wells

This Spiritual Journey looks into possibilities that can help to

heal ourselves and our world, including the spiritualizing of humankind,

how that can happen and what is needed for a kindly encounter and

investigation. Later in this work you will encounter the idea as to whether it

could be possible that a new Spirit, perhaps even a great Prophet, or "Divine

Physician” of sorts could possibly appear to prescribe a "remedy" of

knowing and power for our time.

The Spiritualization of Humankind

is the coming into Love, the truth of the Heart, emotions & our x\connectedness

The Opening to Spirit

can lead to earthshaking, unheard -of Solutions

for Unity and all World Problems

More at: UnityandSoul.com/ unity Blog at UnityandSoul.com

Any "Way" that could truly open World Healingwould have a core of Spirit, including:

1)-- It would likely Come from & Call Forth Great Power (Must be strongly grounded in Godspirit)

2)-- It cannot exclude any large groups of people from working together as acceptedequals.

AND --3) It Must be more than a vague wish or ideal--

4)-- It must hold forth A pleasing Order,

Clearly defined, with guidelines, healthy institutions & roles;In short, an artful, inspiring, astounding, globally unifying

Master Plan arising out of its powerful Source of Truth...

Dear Friends--

What if I said to you that there may be such a power on this planet,

combining major forces of Spirit and Unity, melding and welding the diverse peoples as

the "fingers of one hand", showing forth amazing miracles of unity in our time--

A great and wondrous power for the healing of our world?

Could you believe it, or would you simply laugh?Would you hear me out, or run the other way?

Such a spiritual power could (if it were so) offer hope for its believers as well,perhaps, as those without that faith. It could show, at least, that some have hope and areimpelled and working for something that can heal our world. These, at least, believe it

may be possible that those of all faiths, no faith, thinkers and rebels alike may beenabled to attain a path of healing.

Our Purpose

is to open the hearts to goodness, truth, and great possibility and power--for the open heart Is the worker of miracles on earth

and the open mind our greatest Healing

Merely to know what is possible can create a shift in the heartThe deeper our knowing and understanding the greater the shift iside.

How far we take it is our own choice.

The Voice of the Ages has called us to this Feast, andHowever little or however much

our lives are touched,may all receive a measure of Peace.


Would you, do you want to know and live by the greatest truths the human mind canknow? Not that we are much in charge of that, but we can do our best.

Truth is Power

Spirit + Truth, surely, May be The Most Powerful Source On Earth

To Weigh A Cause

Our attachment to an opinion becomes a "roadblock" to receiving truth.

When we judge by our likes, dislikes and our humanly fallible opinions and

standards we are prone to error. Instead, the Higher Powers would ask us to judge

by the standard of God- Spirit. This means letting go of our pinions--

By detaching and praying or asking with deep sincerity to be freed of the

distortions of the self and ego… To surrender these, to submit our

whole being to the tests of truth, to see with the eye of the Infinite, of God-Spirit,

rather than thru our own finite selves, this is the standard that we need to reach

for if we would attain the highest truth that most often is beyond our human


We are challenged, "tested" by our natural human desire to be "right" and

have things our way. Those that overcome self to receive truth untainted (or at

least less twisted) make great strides in life & in the life of the Spirit.


Opening to "What If ?"

Great Events In spiritual History

Every 500- 1000 years has marked the appearance ofa "Great Being"-- the start of the major religions & their corresponding Great


The Messengers of the religions are not in conflict with each other--They all spring from the same Source--

One Universal Spirit, claiming to be the "Divine Physicians"Bringing the Remedy & the

"Modern Map" for a New Age...

The Possibilities -- even the Thought of it-- & of our place in history at this time--Could be a Seed To Open Potential

and the Heart of Humanity--An "Improbable" which can Open up the Mind.

Just Imagine

The Incredible Journey

Have We Been Guided thus Far?--To be Abandoned Just When the Power to Destroy

Is held in the hands of a Disenchanted World?

A Great Beings; Appearance, in fact or in Spirit--Would Be The Event of the Millenium,

Don't You Think?Prophets & Holy Ones would Die forThe chance to live for One Moment

In such a Day

The very Idea of Super-Human Greatness-- A Godlike Deity, no less ?

Its an "Improbablity" that many find

impossible, evoking strong reactions such as

anger, laughter, fear and/or fear of being

fanatically pressured.

A reflex may be of rejection, thoughts of total weirdness or "too-good-to-be

-true". These feelings, coming from raw emotion, may be with or without basis in

fact or fiction.

Beyond our "withholds" lies untapped potential

Tapping into the vast powers that lie beyond the veils of mind and self.

Can You Imagine?

Seeing with an Eye that Transcends our own limitations-- that science and religion

could agree, or a faith be non- coercive or actually unify instead of be divisive?

We’ve seen it in interfaith connections as well other avenues of faith.

COULD there be

Satisfying, scientific AND Spiritual solutions for ourselves and for our world ?

This is Our Journey-- To S t r e t c h the mind and open

its creative doors – For truth, above all else is our Greatest Healing.

What IF –

something contrary to what I want or wish turns out to be something true ?

Surely I will find a way to live with it and grow to live a better life for knowing.

The Power Greater than myself will surely help.

Who am I to rule on vital matters without a glance or second look ??

May I Keep my Heart Open To the Highest Height.

Brave Voyager, True Seeker

What if there could be a faith that helped to heal the ways of religion’s past betrayals,living powerfully healing truths, refuting violence, blind imitation & other misnomers of

the past ?

Could there be such a faith, clearly showing forth miracles, opening remedies ofpossibility for our world ?

Would you investigate to find its truths? ?

Do you know that authorities and religious leaders have often been the first to exclude great ideals which could alter set patterns?


Healers of Creation 4b

Spirit is kind, and has made it so that we do not have to be linked to

religion to draw upon the Spiritual power. Whatever way that we may link

most directly to the Source or to the Great Godly Beings is a power to assist

our lives on earth and our healing as a people and a world.

Prophetic Voices—For Today?

"In this age of splendors... the Chosen Personage

will shine out with such perfections and such power as ultimately to

dazzle the minds of every community and group..." --Abdul Baha


Do you believe, as I do, that

Nothing mundane, nothing less than the power of Spirit can so

heal the world as to bring unity and justice and the peace that we

must have--

If so, what comes from Spirit might then be the only thing that may

hold that Highest, Amazing healing, the not yet fully seen or known

Great Remedy of healing for all humanity.

Is it possible that a new Spirit,

perhaps even a great Prophet, or "Divine Physician” of sorts has appeared

with a finger on the pulse of all humankind to prescribe a something like that

greatest remedy and bring the power of its achievement for today?

The Need of Something Greater than ourselves 5

If nothing in the material things of earth has power to re-create the world,

then we really need big help! Even in Something Greater, perhaps the call of Spirit, an

Avatar or Great redeemer-- and now is the very time we need it!

On Knowing the Prophet

The Prophets are love.

The fruit of Their guidance is for everyone,

Regardless of whether we are part of a faith or religion or not, the teachings of

a timely Prophet- Manifestation of the Life-giving Spirit (if indeed there’s such a

One, as is promised in all faiths) are said to be magnetic, stoked with a power far

beyond that of this world. The Purpose of the Divine Return of Prophet- hood, they say,

is not merely to teach humanity, but to provide the power to put their teachings to good


The personage of that Divine Messenger can awaken all humanity.

Those Great Beings (Avatars) are said to be the 'Spiritual Springtimes'

through which the God- Spirit floods the earth with Divine and healing energy

that enables and assists in the upcoming Transformation.


The Roots of New Ideas

Do you believe as I do, that all ideas come from Spirit and often are brought forth only by the Great Amazing Souls of time?

Such Great Ideas become the goal of all in time, and become aligned with many

movements. For example:

Unity, Equality and a yearning for Peace and Justice are now a part of what may be

the "Spirit of the Age", growing and becoming more widely known and practiced on the

earth. Many a Promised community and faith now expound these great ideals for all


We can seek the Root, the oldest source ("copy-cats" lack true power) of these,

perhaps, to find the power behind these great events in human transformation.

To know the One Who is the original Source of the great knowledge of our time can

bring us to that Source’s great abundance of much Higher, greater tools and teachings.

Yet to know the Source of anything, we will need to ask:

Are (were) these ideas astonishing for their time and astoundingly, amazingly

different for Their times ?

The spiritual power given us today must match today’s powerful need

If you seek for the greatest Power ever, then

Seek for that which is the is the Source of power:

The first to amaze the people of that age...

That Source may be found in

-- Teachings seen as Key for our time, such as listed here:

The Oneness of Humanity

Individual Independent Search for Truth

Oneness of God & Religion

Harmony of Science & Religion

We must seek for ways that heal past religious abuses and strongly assert:

Non- Violence, Equality of Men and Women;

To heal the human Spirit we needRejection of "blind" faith and twisted rule by clergy (may have no clergy)

Refutation of all violence, extremes of nationalism, sexism and all prejudice,

Bringing out the harmony of science, reason and the good p[arts of religion

A larger focus than mere "personal salvation" as found through many ways

Stressing the importance in our time of choosing a faith (for those who decide tochoose one) that promotes unity and truth.

The vital nature of these ideas for our individual and collective growth is clear

Any one of them holds a depth of power and yet could not have been accepted in an earlier age.

Today's Need is for "Global Salvation"

A true faith of redemption-- if there is one-- wouldsurely show a clear way for the healing of our World.

The Great Prophets (if truly there is such a thing) are said to be the Authors of

a Healing Remedy and may hold a vital key for all human healing.

Its been said that without the Power of the Manifestation of God, the spiritual

teachings become just another "grab-bag"of nicey-nice ideas with little promise of

affecting any great change.

Those who recognize the Great Source of all in its highest incarnation will be

availed of its awesome potential. What blessing could be greater than bringing in a new

world as part of a community dedicated to that vital renewal and assured of its inevitable

success? To get there, you may not have to be a part of any religion or group, but it can

help! At the least, it is good to take part with people who are highly dedicated to the

good of all.

A Spirit – Prayer to Greater Knowing

Spirit, help me know these things for my investigation

Help me to remember that ...

It is O.k. (if Spirit tells me so) to take only what I can learn here now and leave

the rest for now.

... Spirit loves me as I am and wants only the very best for me and all of us. It is

important for me to be kind and gentle, as Spirit surely guides me to do, for this

investigation of something that may be new, yet could be vital and disconcerting. I

pray that I may keep my sight upon the eye of truth and its many prizes.


Help me know that its okay to not have final answers, yet good to trust that all I

need is here for me.

May i accept my limitations enough to love myself, yet not give up my

quest for Good and for the best and Highest I can be.

I believe that Spirit loves us all, but will I love myself, or will it even be a fair thingfor me if I give up on knowing, or let self get in the way, or rush to a premature conclusion? Its O.k. To keep the door open on some questions, and to be o.k. with that.

Dearest Spirit, good and kind, I can't face up to what is unknown without Something Greater that may show the way. Help me to develop my purity of heart, my gifts of Spirit and capacity and use them to the fullest. Spirit I ask to seek a full and fair investigation of what is now before me, with a pure and soulful heart to be my guide. I call out for Your Greater Wisdom, for guidance and to help me hear the ring of what is true, something greater than my own preferences and desires. Great Spirit, guide me if You will for myself, for those I love and for the good of all the creatures of this sweet earth. _____________________________________________________________ 5-1 Signs

We shall "know them by their fruits.” But there are other signs as well.

Dear Brave Seeker-- You who are now with me on this path--- Do you not know that YOU are a being who can recognize the signs of

Super- Human Greatness, of Prophetic Super- Human Signs ?

Signs of a Manifestation of God-- More than Super-human Greatness

The "Chosen Personage" that is Spirit's Prophetic Mouthpiece (should there be such a

one) should show forth the following signs:

The signs of super- human knowledge, spiritual wisdom and amazing power are not hard

to spot at all-- they are most outstanding:

1. He/She will introduce for the very first time, Ground breaking ideas, Vital and

completely new-- It would not be a sect, split from, or copy of anything else. A major

Prophet brings ideas far, far beyond the times of the Day.

2. He/ She...is able to correctly describe future events and understand scientific facts not

yet discovered.

3. A Great Teacher- Manifestation displays profound knowledge and skills not learned

in any school, such as speaking or writing in a language unfamiliar and/ or other


4. Whatever He or She does or says would be what a good and Loving God would


More Signs…

5. Such a Being brings Teachings that can Transform souls, Change a world,

and establish a new civilization. Any less is not earth- shaking and not a sign of

Prophet- hood.

The teachings of the True Ones so shock and threaten authorities that..

6... A life of Suffering results and is met with abiding love, heroism and faith

7. The Prophet has Divine Lineage, a Heritage linked directly to Abraham and the


8. In the process of revelation direct from Spirit through a Being of great import, all

words, quotes, etc., are perfect without ever being changed, re-written, or re-worked in

keeping with that "Super-human", innate knowledge embodied in the Divine Teacher of

the Ages.

9. Impostors ??-- Are pretty easy to spot-- If such an individual makes no extraordinary

impression, or repeats previous teachings without added great and stunning innovation,

that person or Being’s claim of super- human power is suspect.

→ Such signs as listed here,

such Super- Human Greatness could be quite obvious, don't you think?


Prophetic Possibilities?

These pages, I hope, may bring you to the idea of engaging more deeply, however that

may fall to you, into your own personal investigation for spiritual truth for yourself

and for our world.

Today most people know that each of us has the innate capacity to discern truth!

I see it as a gift from Spirit, who want us to use it for the Highest Good.

Yet each of us also has our limitations in this search. It takes courage to go against theinborn resistance, the ego and perhaps any inner "religion - rebellion" we may have, aswell as our own "religion" of personal opinion that can dictate as loudly as any fanatic's

voice. All we need to find the truth is ours when we purify our minds, yet it may takequite some time to get to know the voices and the guidance from within. Any one of us

can do it if we bend our wills in that direction.

May we Trust in the power of our own intellect and heart, together with thatSomething Greater, and do the best we can. Such a search can give peace, knowing that

one has the courage to seek out the Greatest Possibility on earth.

Trust... and the way will appear. When we keep reaching for truth and purify our

hearts to know it, we will have all we need.

Trust-- a way will appear when we keep going for the Highest that we can be!

A Higher, Holy Possibility?

This writing draws from signs and teachings from the Baha'i faith, but you do not have to accept or be a part of that to enjoy or understand its possibilities. Yet you may want to look into the possibilities.

Many Baha'i's who have investigated deeply have come to see their Prophet, Baha'u'llah as fulfilling the very signs as listed here for this day and age. For them this venerated Personage has brought the remedies of unity and more that are so needed and so suited for our time.

You can find out more here and in our follow-up Chapter, should you choose to read it. Sincere inquiry into these matters is invited and such endeavor shall find a truth. A Prophet is either what He or She would claim to be, or not. The answer as to whether that One who claims to be of God is true or an impostor is either yes or no. And each one of us who looks into the proof must judge that answer for ourselves.


Learn more, if you wish, in Part Two of this writing--

Part 2, The Journey continues...

These subjects, to me, have been of great importance, for myself and for our world. To know the truth in anything calls for detachment and one's own personal investigation.

Unity's Promotion, a Prophet and a Faith of Peace

A foremost promoter of unity in the spiritual realm is the Baha'i Faith and its Prophet. Since their beginnings, the idea of worldwide peace was somewhat novel and extreme inthe land of its birth (Iran/ Persia). Yet the watchword and purpose of the faith has alwaysbeen to bring unity as a #1 essential for our world.

Baha'is and others work together for unity and spiritual connection-- by any name or none. The unity of that widely diverse worldwide community is a far greater force than any loose association.

The Baha'i effort calls in and engages the larger community in local neighborhoods as well. They know Spirit's healing is for all of us. No matter whether whether we call ourselves worshipers or not makes little difference. The more of us who join these efforts, the greater the unity and power for our world. In addition, this unusual, forward- looking Faith has invited the world to look at and study their communities, which are focused on the vital need of unity, that we may all learn more about creating and maintaining unity in diversity.

'My object is none other than the betterment of the world

and the tranquility of its peoples.' -- Bahá'u'lláh

You can find out more here and in our follow-up

Part 2-- Journey into Spirit: includes Investigating Truth, Prophet- Hood,

the Meaning of Religion, Remedies, Fruits, and a Prophet of Unity

This Guide was written, compiled and hosted by Lucky Joy Wells .

For more...

Visit UnityandSoul.co m -- more Healing for ourselves and our World

Websites by Lucky: http://UnityandSoul.com/

or visit LuckyJoyWells.com


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* Notes

* What is Spirit as in the human soul? Some call it Heart- Mind, Creative mind, Spirit, Soul, God, god-

nature, or as you will-- it is bigger than the "animal" & needs feeding.


These pages do not speak for or represent anyone but the author.