Heart to Heart Inspirations From 2012

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  • 7/30/2019 Heart to Heart Inspirations From 2012




    Heart to heart

    With much Love


    Karen Wason

    December 2012One on oneHeart to heartwww.karenwason.com

  • 7/30/2019 Heart to Heart Inspirations From 2012


    Karen Wason New Zealand www.karenwason.com December 2012





    Let Love live you...4

    Aspects of me7


    Feelings as intuition11

    Relationships in an intuitive world14

    Living in the now moment........................................................18

    Letting go.19

  • 7/30/2019 Heart to Heart Inspirations From 2012


    Karen Wason New Zealand www.karenwason.com December 2012




    Throughout 2012 I found myself writing about aspects of the heart and soul.

    This was a journey that surprised even me as I do not recall intending any of

    it. Each week the words would start forming in my head and eventually they

    would reveal themselves as a beautiful message of love and inspiration and I

    would have to write them down. Through what was revealed I have come to

    learn much about myself and who we are as souls and human beings.

    At the beginning of the year, as I was creating my first website, I took the

    plunge and started to share these messages via my Blog, emails, Facebook,

    Twitter, LinkedIn, You tube and local magazines. In return I have received

    many messages from readers telling me how much my words touched them

    on a day when they needed some support or guidance. Who could ask for

    more? For me this was a clear demonstration of the impact we can have

    when we find the courage to share who we are and the unique gifts we have.

    What then is your unique gift?

    I hope you enjoy this collection of my favourite messages and somewhere

    along the way I hope your heart speaks to you leaving you in no doubt about

    what it is you are here to do. Enjoy! Much love to you. Karen

  • 7/30/2019 Heart to Heart Inspirations From 2012


    Karen Wason New Zealand www.karenwason.com December 2012



    Let Love live you

    LET LOVE LIVE YOU! Pause for a moment and take this in. LET

    LOVE LIVE YOU. For me this is one of the most profound pieces of

    advice I have ever received. It was truly an OMG experience when I

    first read it! I knew it was powerful yet it has taken time for its full

    glory to reveal itself to me. And perhaps even yet there is more

    LET LOVE LIVE YOU supports the messages I have been receiving

    in recent years that the Universe is made of this substance called

    Love and that it is powerful and intelligent, creative and loving. That it

    is this KNOWING that we seek to reclaim.

  • 7/30/2019 Heart to Heart Inspirations From 2012


    Karen Wason New Zealand www.karenwason.com December 2012



    LET LOVE LIVE YOU reminds me that I am not alone and that when

    I seek to bring something into my life I am supported by Love. Yes I

    have to be clear about my needs and take action to ensure they are

    met. Yes I need to be clear about what I want to create or manifest in

    my life and take action in alignment with this. Yet if I stay too long in

    action and try to force something to happen and keep on trying even

    when it feels too hard, I know that I am getting in my own way, as

    well as the way of Love; Love can not do, what Love does. Trying to

    control all aspects of our life turns out not to be the most effective

    pathway to creating a joyful life.

    LET LOVE LIVE YOU reminds me to surrender, to trust, to let go. It

    reminds me to come back to myself. It reminds me that when I feel

    overwhelmed with feelings and a bit out of balance that I just need to

    acknowledge it, allow what is, and Love will attend to it. My

    experiences of allowing in this way have shown me that Love has its

    own timeline and this is something we can trust even when the

    timeline feels too long for us!

    LET LOVE LIVE YOU is also an invitation. It offers where would you

    like me to support you today? And we can respond by directing it

    with our intention. We can direct Love. This is what happens in a

    Reiki session. I open to let the Love flow to the client and the client

    directs it with their intention. Love attends to what is needed because

    it knows; it really knows.

  • 7/30/2019 Heart to Heart Inspirations From 2012


    Karen Wason New Zealand www.karenwason.com December 2012



    LET LOVE LIVE YOU reminds me that there is so much more to MY

    life than my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. I feel

    there is a part of me that is a song to be sung and a dance to be

    danced if I LET LOVE LIVE ME.

    LET LOVE LIVE YOU reinforces that I am part of something so much

    grander than our physical world. And with such power at its finger

    tips why would I not LET LOVE LIVE ME?

  • 7/30/2019 Heart to Heart Inspirations From 2012


    Karen Wason New Zealand www.karenwason.com December 2012



    Aspects of me

    Respect is an aspect of me. When I respect myself, I respect others.

    How do I get to respect myself? I bring my conscious awareness

    back to myself, I connect with my heart, and I listen deeply to my

    soul and what it is saying about me. It tells me, consistently that I am

    loved, I am perfect as I am, I am unique and I have the courage to

    bring my uniqueness out into the world for others to experience

    should they choose to do so. To experience respect I need to know

    how to listen to myself. To truly listen to myself I need to connect

    with my heart and my soul. To acknowledge my soul I need to feel

    who I am, not just think about who I am.

  • 7/30/2019 Heart to Heart Inspirations From 2012


    Karen Wason New Zealand www.karenwason.com December 2012



    Trust is an aspect of me. It is a part of my knowing that something

    grander than the physical world around me exists. It requires me to

    let go of my need to control every aspect of that which I am

    concerned about in my daily life. It requires me to keep my

    awareness close to my heart. It requires me to feel my fears and

    doubts but not to act from these feelings. It requires me to believe in

    the power of love and the process of life. It requires me to surrender.

    It takes a lot of skills to access my trust and to genuinely live from

    this place, but that doesnt make it difficult.

    Honesty is an aspect of me. To access my self honesty I need to

    listen to myself and keep asking why so that I can move through the

    layers of conditioning and protection and fear. To access my honesty

    I need to prepare for an adventure that might take me to places I

    have not been before and where sometimes magic resides. I may

    also find vulnerability and pain. It takes the skills of listening, being

    still, patience, persistence, love and courage to access my honesty.

    And so, values are no longer just nice. I have come to see that they

    are an integral part of me. They can not be taken away. They can be

    felt, experienced and shared with others. They can not be separated

    out and considered in isolation. To connect with these parts of myself

    I need to engage with my conscious awareness, my heart, and my

    emotional and soul bodies. I love these aspects of myself.

  • 7/30/2019 Heart to Heart Inspirations From 2012


    Karen Wason New Zealand www.karenwason.com December 2012




    Learning how to accept situations as they are is a road to freedom.Acceptance is not the same as condoning a situation or behaviour. It

    is seeing things as they are in relation to ourself and letting them be

    as they are. It is a letting go of attachment.

    Acceptance allows a coming back to ourself and who we are at our

    core, our soul self. It draws us away from going into battle withsomething or someone. It allows us to reflect before we head into

    problem solving or confrontation, thinking there is something to fix.

    Of course it may be there is some action that we need to take but the

    action will be more powerful once acceptance has been achieved.

  • 7/30/2019 Heart to Heart Inspirations From 2012


    Karen Wason New Zealand www.karenwason.com December 2012



    Acceptance draws us inward, to check if we have a barrier or need

    that requires attending to. Yet often acknowledgement and

    acceptance of a situation is sufficient for us to come to a place of

    peace about it.

    Acceptance may not be possible in one sitting, it may be a process.

    It is not a process of the mind but of the heart. It requires us to take

    our awareness down to our heart, feel what it is that keeps us from

    acceptance, and attend to that feeling. It may be a feeling of grief,

    loss, anger, fear, hurt, frustration, for examples, and they may be

    there from a situation completely unrelated to the situation we are

    endeavouring to accept. A good reason not to go into battle with

    someone in the current situation! Indeed the current situation may

    simply be showing us that we have an old experience that is asking

    to be healed.

    Acceptance is a sign of courage and maturity, a celebration of self. It

    enables us to move on in life in lightness, ready to face another day

    of opportunities, challenges and learning. It is an act of love for


  • 7/30/2019 Heart to Heart Inspirations From 2012


    Karen Wason New Zealand www.karenwason.com December 2012



    Feelings as intuition

    We know very well that we experience our external world through our

    five senses; seeing, hearing, tasting, touching and smelling. Any

    discussion of a sixth sense has most often been dismissed as

    fanciful, or at best, a possibility that holds a high level of doubt. Until

    recently that is.

    It is so encouraging to see that many more people are embracing

    their inner knowing, trusting that the information they are receiving is

    valid and helpful. This inner knowing is our intuition. It brings

    messages about ourselves and our external environment.

  • 7/30/2019 Heart to Heart Inspirations From 2012


    Karen Wason New Zealand www.karenwason.com December 2012



    Our feelings are one way of receiving intuition. This is known in

    some circles as clairsentience. By listening to our feelings we

    receive additional information over and above our five senses about

    ourselves, other people and our external environment.

    For example when we feel uncomfortable we are receiving a

    message that suggests something is not right for us in the current

    situation. When we feel joyful we are receiving a message that

    suggests something is right for us. Each feeling when named and

    acknowledged brings information that can help explain what is going

    on inside of us and around us. When we feel fear we can ask ourself

    why we are feeling fear. When we feel anger we can ask the same

    question. When we feel happy or joyful we tend not to ask the

    question but it none-the-less is helpful for herein lies information

    about what is right for us in our life and perhaps we can bring more

    of it into our life, thereby increasing our happiness.

    Understanding what our feelings are telling us is of course helpful in

    social and business environments. For example sometimes we walk

    into a room and feel we could cut the air with a knife. Being open to

    our intuition enables us to receive additional information about what

    is going on in the room. With such information we can act or respond

    from a balanced place rather than being intimidated or perhaps even

    afraid of the energy we are feeling. This isnt always easy in the

    moment but having the understanding that the uncomfortable energy

    is coming from elsewhere is none-the-less helpful; we dont have to

  • 7/30/2019 Heart to Heart Inspirations From 2012


    Karen Wason New Zealand www.karenwason.com December 2012



    get sucked into it or engulfed by it. We can acknowledge it and allow

    it. It is not us.

    Perceiving the world from our heart rather than our mind helps us

    open more to our intuition. Being in the mind and open to all the busy

    thoughts of the day can block our intuition and is more likely to bring

    in doubt about the intuitive messages we are receiving. Perceiving

    life from the heart helps us to be grounded and enables us to enter

    into a more calm and balanced state of being; we can more easily

    listen to the subtle messages coming our way.

    Opening to our intuition is a skill and takes practice and time, like

    working a new muscle. It also takes honesty and trust. Finding others

    who are developing their intuition can be helpful; you can share your

    experiences and have them reinforced rather than questioned or

    dismissed. There comes a time when it becomes less of an exercise

    and more just the way you live your life which becomes expanded

    beyond the physical and intellectual into a fuller appreciation of

    emotional and spiritual wellbeing and all that this brings with it. Enjoy

    your journey!

  • 7/30/2019 Heart to Heart Inspirations From 2012


    Karen Wason New Zealand www.karenwason.com December 2012



    Relationships in an intuitive world

    As we open more and more to our intuition, we find ourself receiving

    more information about the people and the environment around us.

    So too do others see more of us. One consequence of this

    development is the awareness that we can no longer hide. We are

    required to be more honest with ourself and with others. This is not

    necessarily an easy transition for we are well trained to be polite,

    positive, on top of things, confident etc. Pretense has been a way of

    life for humanity for eons.

    Another consequence is that as we open to our intuition the ways we

    communicate with others change. I recognise that I now

  • 7/30/2019 Heart to Heart Inspirations From 2012


    Karen Wason New Zealand www.karenwason.com December 2012



    communicate as much from my heart as I do from my head and I

    seek more meaningful conversations. I realize I more readily allow

    myself the feeling experience when others communicate with me,

    and in doing so, I come to understand more fully the nature of what

    has taken place. I know when others are attempting to have power

    and control over me, and when elements of dishonesty, disrespect,

    and deception are present. And I give myself more space to choose

    how to respond rather than re-act. When I receive communication

    which is heart felt, I feel it deeply and know it is good

    In a world where many of us are open and responding to our

    intuition, the boundary between personal and business

    communication breaks down. Most notably, the idea that we can plan

    to do something yet communicate it differently to others is no longer

    an option, no matter how subtle the difference. Respect and honesty

    reign. Alignment is a must.

    Here are some other considerations for our relationships with others

    in an intuitive world.

    Awareness: Whether you feel you are opening more to your intuition

    or not, having the awareness that others are is essential for effective

    communication. If you think you have not experienced any changes

    in yourself then I encourage you to reflect on where you are getting

    your information from and on what basis you are making your

    choices. Also reflect on how you feel when you receive

  • 7/30/2019 Heart to Heart Inspirations From 2012


    Karen Wason New Zealand www.karenwason.com December 2012



    communication from others. Doing any of these things will also

    progress the development of your intuition. Enjoy the ride!


    Tuning in to our intuition means we are more receptive not only to

    what is being spoken or written but also to the energy of the

    intention. Intention directs our energy so as to create something. The

    energy of our intention can be sensed. When we intend something

    that is good for everyone it is felt by ourselves and others, perhaps

    as welcomed or good or loving or right. When we intend something

    that will bring us benefits but compromise or exclude others this too

    is felt by ourselves and others, perhaps as doubt or fear or confusion

    or animosity. Intending something that we know is going to have a

    detrimental effect on others usually causes us to put up a defense in

    readiness of an attack! This, in my view, has become the norm for

    many organisations who have teams of people whose job it is to

    consider risk and deciding on how to respond to the expected

    negative reactions!


    We feel when a communication is in alignment with the intention and

    also when it is not. Alignment feels comfortable, right and trustworthy

    even though there appears to be no logic in it. Misalignment may be

    felt as a subtle discomfort and so we feel we can easily dismiss it.

    Yet as we open more, misalignments are felt more strongly and may

    even feel like a stab in the heart.

  • 7/30/2019 Heart to Heart Inspirations From 2012


    Karen Wason New Zealand www.karenwason.com December 2012




    We have to be ourselves. Not just because we can no longer fool

    others but also because that as we open to our intuition we open to

    our heart and soul, and there we find less tolerance for being

    someone we are not. As time goes by we start to feel really

    uncomfortable with the persona that we have created to live in the

    unforgiving world that we find ourselves in.


    Opening to our intuition is not like flicking a switch (at least not yet);

    its a process and we do need to apply effort alongside any natural

    opening that is occurring. We are all at different stages in this

    process. I know from my own experience that trusting ones intuition

    doesnt come easily at first which is why it is good to seek out others

    who appear to be in a similar place.

    Opening to our intuition appears to be the next giant leap forward for

    mankind and we cannot ignore that we are already in this amazing

    transition. It is transforming the way we communicate and holds

    great potential for how we are in the world with each other. Its no

    coincidence that both words communicate and community come

    from the Latin communis meaning common. I reckon weve hopped

    onto a path leading to better things.

  • 7/30/2019 Heart to Heart Inspirations From 2012


    Karen Wason New Zealand www.karenwason.com December 2012



    Living in the now moment.

    A lot is being said about the benefits of living in the now moment. But

    what is a moment? How about this?

    Each year, month and day has its spring, summer, autumn and

    winter, that is, it has the universal cycle. So too then does a moment.

    Spring is when the energy rises for something, summer is when the

    something is in full bloom, in autumn the energy starts to decline and

    when the energy is gone winter has arrived.

    A moment then, is not so much a factor of time but of energy. Some

    moments might be very short; others may be quite long. And we can

    live many moments concurrently. A now moment is one we are

    currently engaged.

  • 7/30/2019 Heart to Heart Inspirations From 2012


    Karen Wason New Zealand www.karenwason.com December 2012



    Letting go

    Letting go of some aspect of our life is an active choice. It is an act

    of the heart. It requires a heart connection with the energy of that

    which we are wanting to release.

    We may try to let go of something by thinking about, rationalising

    why we dont want it, how we might get rid of it, and look for some

    logic in it all. We may also try to push it away. Yet the mind is not an

    effective tool for releasing such energy from our bodies. It is the

    heart that holds the power to help us release and move on.

    We can not let go of something we have not yet claimed as ours.

  • 7/30/2019 Heart to Heart Inspirations From 2012


    Karen Wason New Zealand www.karenwason.com December 2012



    And so one of the first things we need to do in the letting go process

    is to acknowledge and accept how things really are for us. This

    requires us to be still with our discomfort. It requires us to be

    completely honest with ourself. It requires us to genuinely feel the

    energy of the discomfort that we no longer want or need. Doing so

    can bring us information about our discomfort, for example, why it

    hurts so much. Often what comes up can be surprising, a revelation


    Acceptance without pushing away brings us to a place of peace,

    removing any resistance or barriers, and allows the letting go to take

    place in its own time.

    My experience of this has been that I let go in little pieces. This

    allows me to integrate new information that comes and allows a

    stepping up into a new place where I feel stronger and ready for

    another round of acknowledgement, reclamation and release.