Heart Failure

Heart Failure Done by : AHMED M. ALJABRI Under supervision of : Prof. Dr. OSAMA M. IBRAHIM 1


Heart Failure. Done by : AHMED M. ALJABRI Under supervision of : Prof. Dr. OSAMA M. IBRAHIM. Outlines. Introduction & Epidemiology. Pathophysiology . Classifications. Signs & Symptoms. Diagnosis. Treatment. Key points. Introduction. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Heart Failure

Heart Failure

Heart Failure

Done by :AHMED M. ALJABRIUnder supervision of :Prof. Dr. OSAMA M. IBRAHIM

1OutlinesIntroduction & Epidemiology.



Signs & Symptoms.



Key points.

2IntroductionHeart Failure ( HF ) : a progressive , complex clinical syndrome caused by the inability of the heart to pump sufficient blood to meet the metabolic needs of the body.

Heart failure is the final common pathway for numerous cardiac disorders including those affecting the pericardium, heart valves, and myocardium.

3Introduction ( cont.)The primary manifestations of the syndrome are dyspnea, fatigue, and fluid retention.

Diseases that adversely affect ventricular diastole (filling , relaxation), ventricular systole (contraction), or both can lead to heart failure.

The leading causes of heart failure are coronary artery disease and hypertension.

4Introduction ( cont.)For many years it was believed that reduced myocardial contractility, or systolic dysfunction (i.e., reduced left ventricular ejection fraction [LVEF]), was the sole disturbance in cardiac function responsible for heart failure.

5Introduction ( cont.)However, it is now recognized that large numbers of patients with the heart failure syndrome have relatively normal systolic function (i.e., normal LVEF).

This is now referred to as heart failure with preserved LVEF and is believed to be primarily caused by diastolic dysfunction of the heart. ( 20% to 60% of patients with heart failure )

6Introduction ( cont.)However, regardless of the etiology of heart failure, the underlying pathophysiologic process and principal clinical manifestations (fatigue, dyspnea, and volume overload) are similar and appear to be independent of the initial cause.

7Introduction ( cont.)Historically, this disorder was commonly referred to as congestive heart failure; the preferred nomenclature is now heart failure because a patient can have the clinical syndrome of heart failure without having symptoms of congestion.

8Introduction ( cont.)These disorders activate a number of cardiac and peripheral neurohormonal compensatory adaptive responses which with continued stimulation become maladaptive and ultimately affect fluid retention , mortality , disease progression.

However, a subgroup of patient with LV dysfunction are asymptomatic ( HF without symptoms ).

9Epidemiology Approximately 5 million Americans have heart failure with an additional 550,000 cases diagnosed each year. (1)

Unlike most other cardiovascular diseases, the incidence, prevalence, and hospitalization rates associated with heart failure are increasing and are expected to continue to increase over the next few decades as the population ages.

101. Gheorghiade M, Sopko G, De Luca L, et al. Navigating the crossroads ofcoronary artery disease and heart failure. Circulation 2006;114:12021213..Epidemiology (cont.)A large majority of patients with heart failure are elderly, with multiple comorbid conditions that influence morbidity and mortality.

The incidence of heart failure doubles with each decade of life and affects nearly 10% of individuals older than age 75 years.(2)

2. Rosamond W, Flegal K, Friday G, al. Heart disease and stroke statistics2007 update: A report from thet e American Heart Association Statistics Committee and Stroke Statistics Subcommittee. Circulation 2007;115:e69e17111Epidemiology (cont.) Heart failure is more common in men than in women until age 65 years.

Current estimates suggest annual expenditures for heart failure of approximately $33 billion, with the majority of these costs spent on hospitalized patients. (2)

12Epidemiology (cont.)Although the mortality rates have declined over the last 50 years, the overall 5-year survival remains approximately 50% for all patients with a diagnosis of heart failure, with mortality increasing with symptom severity.(2)

13 Excessive work demandsImpaired cardiac function

Increased pressure work :Systemic hypertensionPulmonary hypertensionCoarctation of the aortaLoss of myocardial tissues (Myocardial diseases) :

Cardiomyopathies Myocarditis

Coronary insufficienc Myocardial infarction

Increased volume work :Arteriovenous shunt

Excessive administration of intravenous fluids

Valvular diseases :Stenotic valvular diseasesRegurgitant valvular diseasesIncreased perfusion work :


AnemiaCongenital pericarditis :

Constructive pericarditis14EtiologyPathophysiologyTo understand the pathophysiologic processes in heart failure, a basic understanding of normal cardiac function is necessary.

The relationship between CO and mean arterial pressure (MAP) is MAP = CO systemic vascular resistance (SVR)

15Pathophysiology (cont.) Cardiac output (CO) is defined as : the volume of blood ejected per unit time (L/min) and it is the product of heart rate (HR) and stroke volume (SV): CO = HR SV

Heart rate is controlled by the autonomic nervous system.

16Pathophysiology (cont.)Stroke volume, or the volume of blood ejected during systole, is equal to : the difference between the ventricular end-diastolic volume (EDV) and the end-systolic volume (ESV). SV = EDV ESV

17Pathophysiology (cont.)The EDV is : the filled volume of the ventricle prior to contraction.

The ESV is : the residual volume of blood remaining in the ventricle after ejection.

In a typical heart, the EDV is about 120 ml of blood and the ESV about 50 ml of blood.

18Pathophysiology (cont.)The difference in these two volumes, 70 ml, represents the SV.

Therefore, any factor that alters either the EDV or the ESV will change SV.

SV depends on : Afterload, preload, and contractility.

19Pathophysiology (cont.)Afterload : Pressure that the chamber or ventricle has to generate to eject the blood out.

It is affected by : arterial blood pressure.Systemic vascular resistance is the primary determinant of Afterload load. 20Pathophysiology (cont.)Preload : Pressure on ventricle after contraction during filling

It is affected by :

1) venous blood pressure ( volume of blood ) 2) Rate of venous return ( vein tone )

21Pathophysiology (cont.)Left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP) is the primary determinant of preload (used in the clinical setting to estimate preload ), estimated clinically by measuring the pulmonary capillary wedge pressure ( PCWP ) with a Swan-Ganz catheter, normal level : 5-15 mmHG22Pathophysiology (cont.)The decrease in the hearts pumping capacity results in the heart having to rely on compensatory responses ( hemodynamic and neurohormonal changes ) to maintain an adequate cardiac output.

These compensatory responses include :23Pathophysiology (cont.)(1) Preload through the Frank-Starling mechanism, whereby an increase in venous return to the heart will increase the EDV of the ventricle, which stretches the muscle fibers thereby increasing their preload, This leads to an increase in the force of ventricular contraction and CO.

24Pathophysiology (cont.)(2) Tachycardia and increased contractility through sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activation, primarily due to release of norepinephrine (NE)

(3) Vasoconstriction: A number of neurohormones likely contribute to the vasoconstriction, including NE, angiotensin II, endothelin-1, and arginine vasopressin (AVP).

25Pathophysiology (cont.)(4) Venricular hypertrophy & remodeling :

Ventricular hypertrophy is a term used to describe an increase in ventricular muscle mass.

Cardiac or ventricular remodeling is a broader term describing changes in both myocardial cells and extracellular matrix that result in changes in the size, shape, structure, and function of the heart.2627

28Key elemnts involved in ventricular remodeling

29Pathophysiology (cont.)These compensatory responses are intended to be short-term responses to maintain circulatory homeostasis after acute reductions in blood pressure or renal perfusion.

However, the persistent decline results in long-term activation of these compensatory responses, resulting in initiation and progression o fHF.30Pathophysiology (cont.)In addition to neurohormones, several proinflammatory cytokines such as TNF- have a role in heart failure pathophysiology.

TNF- produces multiple deleterious actions, including negative inotropic effects, increasing myocardial cell apoptosis, and stimulating remodeling via several mechanisms.31ClassificationsHF may be classified based on COCardiac FunctionSide of The HeartOnset ofSymptomNYHA &ACC/AHALowoutputHIGH OUTPUTDiastolicHFSystolicHFLt. sidedHFRt. SidedHFAcuteHFChronicHF32Classifications (cont.)According to Cardiac output : 1)- High output HF : It is uncommon type of HF , The function of the heart may be supranormal but inadequate owing to excessive metabolic need for cardiac output.Causes : 1) Severe anemia. 2) Thyrotoxicosis.

33Classifications (cont.)2)-Low output HF : The function of the heart is inadequate to meet tissues needs of blood. caused by : disorder that impair the pumping ability of the heart such as : IHD , Cardiomyopathy.

34Classifications (cont.)In term of function :

1)- Systolic dysfunction : There is impaired ejection of blood from the heart during systole & cardiac contractility


Classifications (cont.)ejection fraction : It's the Percent of the total amount of LV volume expelled during systole , normal EF 50 %

EF misleading may occurred with mitral stenosis , aortic regurgitation.

Causes :

Conditions that impairs the contractile performance of the heart ex. IHD, Cardiomyopathy.Increase pressure work on the heart ex. HTN , Valvular stenosis.

36Classifications (cont.)2)- Diastolic dysfunction : it account for 40% of all cases of HF. There is impaired filling of the ventricles during diastole, characterized by decreased the ability to stretch during filling, so the congestive symptoms are predominate in diastolic dysfunction.37

Classifications (cont.)Causes :

Conditions that increase ventricular wall thickness ( ex. Myocardial hypertrophy ), conditions that delay diastolic relaxation ex. IHD , aging ( ventricular stiffness )

38Classifications (cont.)According to the side of the heart :

1)- Right sided HF :

Impairs the ability to move deoxygenated blood from the systemic circulation into pulmonary circulation, consequently, a dam back of blood occurs, leading to its accumulation in the systemic venous system.


Classifications (cont.)A major effect of Rt.sided HF is peripheral edema.

Causes :

Persistence left sided heart HF.

Acute or chronic pulmonary diseases ex. pulmonary HTN.

Conditions that weaken the heart muscle or restrict blood flow into lung ex. tricuspid or pulmonary valve regurgitation.

40Classifications (cont.)2)- Left sided HF : Impairs the pumping of blood from pulmonary circulation into arterial side of the systematic circulation, as a results : There is a decrease in CO, Increase in LVEDP, Congestion in the pulmonary circulation.


Classifications (cont.)Pulmonary edema symptoms often occur at night after the person has been reclining & gravitational force has been removed from the circulatory system, the edema fluid that had been sequestered in lower extremities is redistributed into the pulmonary circulation.42Classifications (cont.)Based on onset of symptoms :

Acute HF : sudden onset of signs and symptoms of HF.

Chronic HF : secondary to slow structural changes occurring in the stressed myocardium.

Acute decompensation : sudden exacerbation or worsening of symptoms in chronic HF. 4344A At high risk for HF but without structural heart disease or symptoms

B Structural disease but without HF C Structural heart disease with prior or current HF symptomsD Refractory HF requiring specialized interventionsIV Symptomatic at restIII Symptoms with moderate exercise. II Symptoms with minimal exerciseI AsymptomaticNYHA functional classACC/AHA HF stageNone

SIGNS & Symptoms

Although most patients initially have LVF, and because LVF increases the workload of the right ventricle, both ventricles eventually fail and contribute to the heart failure syndrome.

Because of the complex nature of this syndrome, it has become exceedingly more difficult to attribute a specific sign or symptom as caused by either RVF or LVF.

45SIGNS & Symptoms

Rt. Sided HFLt. Sided HFSystemic or peripheral tissues congestionPulmonary congestion & COImpaired gas exchangePulmonary edemaOrthpneaParoxismal nocturnal dyspneaBibasilar ralesCyanosisActivity intoleranceSigns of hypoxiaJugular venous distension




Lower limb edema

46Diagnosis (cont.) No single test is available to confirm the diagnosis of heart failure.

Heart failure often is suspected initially in a patient based on the symptoms & history.

Measurement of B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) may assist in differentiating dyspnea caused by heart failure from other causes.

4747Diagnosis (cont.) BNP is elevated in patients with heart failure and thought to balance the effects of the RAA system by causing natriuresis, diuresis, vasodilation, decreased aldosterone release, decreased hypertrophy.

48Diagnosis (cont.) There are no specific ECG findings associated with heart failure.

The echocardiogram can determine the presence of systolic and/or diastolic dysfunction and the left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF).

49Goals of treatmentImprove the patients quality of life.

Reduce symptoms & hospitalizations.

Slow progression of the disease process.

5050Goals of treatment (cont.)Prolong survival.

Identification of risk factors for heart failure and preventing the development of this disorder.

51Treatment ( non pharmacological )The first step in the management of chronic heart failure is to determine the etiology and/or any precipitating factors.

Treatment of underlying disorders such as anemia or hyperthyroidism may avoid the need for treatment of heart failure.52Treatment ( non pharmacological )Restriction of fluid intake and dietary sodium is an important intervention.

Restriction of physical activity reduces cardiac workload and it is recommended for virtually all patients with acute congestive symptoms.

53Treatment ( non pharmacological )However, once the patients symptoms have stabilized and excess fluid is removed, restrictions on physical activity are discouraged.54Treatment ( pharmacological )Although dietary sodium and water restriction should be instituted in all heart failure patients, pharmacologic therapy is required for slowing disease progression and prolonging survival and usually is necessary for control of symptoms.

55Treatment ( pharmacological )Current American College of Cardiology/ American Heart Association(ACC/AHA) treatment guidelines are organized around the four identified stages of heart failure.

This staging system emphasizes the progressive nature of the disorder and targets treatment to prevent or slow the progression of heart failure.5657TreatmentDescriptionStageLifestyle modification, smoking cessation; treat hyperlipidemia and use ACEI for HTNNo structural heart disease and no symptoms but risk factors: CAD, HTN, DM, cardiotoxins, familial cardiomyopathy

A- blockers Lifestyle modifications, adrenergic blockers, ACEI.Abnormal LV systolic function, MI, valvular heart disease but no HF symptomsBLifestyle modifications, ACEI, -blockers, diuretics, digoxinStructural heart disease and HF symptomsCTherapy listed under A, B, C and mechanical assist device, heart transplantation, continuous IV inotropic infusion, hospice care in selected patientsRefractory HF symptoms to maximal medical managementDTreatment ( pharmacological )STANDARD FIRST-LINE THERAPIES :

Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors ( ACEI )

- blockers


DigoxinAlternative or for selected patients :

Angiotensin II- Receptor Blockers ( ARB )

Vasodilators: (Hydralazine/Nitrate)

58Treatment ( pharmacological )ACE inhibitors are the cornerstone of pharmacotherapy of patients with heart failure.MOA :By blocking the production of angiotensin II and, in turn, aldosterone is decreased. 59ACE Inhibitors Treatment ( pharmacological )This attenuatesmany of the deleterious effects including reducing ventricular remodeling myocardial fibrosis, cardiac hypertrophy, and Na & H2O retention.60ACE Inhibitors Treatment ( pharmacological )Vasodilatation ( arterio dilatation & venodilatation) : The endogenous vasodilator bradykinin, which is inactivated by ACE, is also increased by ACE inhibitors,along with the release of vasodilatory PG & histamine.

61ACE Inhibitors Treatment ( pharmacological )The beneficial effect of ACE inhibitors on mortality has been documented conclusively, with numerous trials showing a 20% to 30% relative reduction in mortality with ACE inhibitor therapy comparedwith placebo.62ACE Inhibitors Treatment ( pharmacological )In addition to improving survival, ACE inhibitors also reduce the combined risk of death or hospitalization, slow the progression of heart failure, and reduce the rates of reinfarction.

The benefit occurs within the first few days of therapy and persists during long-term treatment.

63ACE Inhibitors Treatment ( pharmacological )The benefits are independent of the etiology of heart failure and are observed in patients with mild, moderate, or severe symptoms.

ACE inhibitors clearly are superior to vasodilator therapy with hydralazine-isosorbide dinitrate. 64ACE Inhibitors Treatment ( pharmacological )ACE inhibitors also are effective for prevention of heart failure.

No dose-dependent differences in mortality have been reported for ACEinhibitors.

65ACE Inhibitors Treatment ( pharmacological )Side effects :

Dry cough.

First dose hypotension.


Acute renal failure.

Angioedema.Contraindications :


Bilateral renal artery stenosis.


66ACE Inhibitors Treatment ( pharmacological )67

Initial doseTarget doseTreatment ( pharmacological )The current ACC/AHA guidelines recommend the use of ARBs in patients who are unable to tolerate ACE inhibitors.

The primary clinical trials supporting the use of these agents in heart failure used either valsartan or candesartan.

68ARBTreatment ( pharmacological )ARBs are not an alternative in patients with hypotension, hyperkalemia, or renal insufficiency secondary to ACE inhibitors because they are as likely to cause these adverse effects.

For patients who are unable to tolerate an ACE inhibitor because of cough or angioedema, an ARB is recommended as the first-line alternative.69ARBTreatment ( pharmacological )70

Treatment ( pharmacological )-blockers have been shown to prolong survival, decrease hospitalizations reduce morbidity and mortality , and cause reverse remodeling.

Many studies show improvements in NYHA functional class,

-blockers should be used in all stable patients with heart failure and a reduced left ventricular ejection fraction in the absence of contraindication.

71-blockersTreatment ( pharmacological )MOA :

It seems likely that the mechanisms of benefit include antiarrhythmic effects, slowing or reversing the detrimental ventricular remodeling caused by sympathetic stimulation, Up-regulation of 1 receptors , decreased myocyte death from catecholamine-induced necrosis or apoptosis.

72-blockersTreatment ( pharmacological )In addition, there is evidence that response to -blockers is dose dependent.

Therapy must be instituted at low doses, with slow upward titration to the target dose.

73-blockersTreatment ( pharmacological )1/10 the final dose is typically starting dose, with doses doubling no more frequently than every 2 weeks until the target dose is reached.

Therapy is generally limited to either carvedilol or metoprolol and there is no compelling evidence that one drug is superior to the other.

74-blockersTreatment ( pharmacological )Side effects :



Impaired glycemic control.Contraindications :


AV Block.


Acute exacerbation of HF.75-blockersTreatment ( pharmacological )76

Initial doseTarget doseTreatment ( pharmacological )Diuretic therapy is recommended in all patients with clinical evidence of fluid retention.

Among the drugs used to manage heart failure, diuretics are the most rapid in producing symptomatic benefits.

77DiureticsTreatment ( pharmacological )Because diuretics do not alter disease progression or prolong survival, they are not considered mandatory therapy.

Thus patients who do not have fluid retention would not require diuretic therapy.78DiureticsTreatment ( pharmacological )The primary goal of diuretic therapy is to reduce symptoms associated with fluid retention, improve exercise tolerance and quality of life, and reduce hospitalizations from heart failure.

They accomplish this by decreasing pulmonary and peripheral edema through reduction of preload.79DiureticsTreatment ( pharmacological )Diuretic therapy is usually initiated in low doses with dosage adjustments based on symptom assessment and daily body weight.

Change in body weight is a sensitive marker of fluid retention or loss.80DiureticsTreatment ( pharmacological )Thiazide Diuretics:

MOA : Thiazide diuretics such as hydrochlorothiazide block sodium and chloride reabsorption in the distal convoluted tubule .

Consequently, the thiazides are relatively weak diuretics and infrequently are used alone in heart failure.81DiureticsTreatment ( pharmacological )Thiazide diuretics may be preferred in patients with only mild fluid retention and elevated blood pressure because of their more persistent antihypertensive effects compared to loop diuretics.

82DiureticsTreatment ( pharmacological )Loop Diuretics:


They act by inhibiting a Na-K-2Cl transporter in the loop of Henle, where 20% to 25% of filtered sodium normally is reabsorbed.

Loop diuretics also induce a prostaglandin-mediated increase in renal blood flow, which contributes to their natriuretic effect.83DiureticsTreatment ( pharmacological )Unlike thiazides, loop diuretics maintain their effectiveness in the presence of impaired renal function.

doses above the recommended ceiling doses produce no additional diuresis & thus, once the ceiling dose is reached, it is recommended to give the diuretic more frequently for additional effect rather than to give progressively higher doses.84DiureticsTreatment ( pharmacological )Side effects :




HyperglycemiaContraindications :


Renal failure (only thiazide)85DiureticsTreatment ( pharmacological )86

Treatment ( pharmacological )Aldosterone antagonist :

Spironolactone and eplerenone are aldosterone antagonists that work by blocking the mineralocorticoid receptor, the target site for aldosterone.

Although the diuretic effects are minimal, the potassium-sparing effects can have significant consequences.87DiureticsTreatment ( pharmacological )Recent evidence suggests that it may improve survival in CHF patients because aldosterone antagonists inhibit cardiac extracellular matrix and collagen deposition, thereby attenuating cardiac fibrosis and ventricular remodeling.

88DiureticsTreatment ( pharmacological )Side effects :



Metabolic acidosis.

Contraindications :


Concurrent use of other potassium-sparing products.

Renal failure


DiureticsTreatment ( pharmacological )A number of clinical trials have shown that digoxin improves LVEF, quality of life, exercise tolerance, and HF symptoms.


+Ve inotropic effect by intracellular Ca.

Vagotonic effect.

Antrrhythmogenic effect.

90DigoxinTreatment ( pharmacological )Most of the benefits from digoxin is achieved at low plasma concentrations and little additional effect is achieved with higher doses.

Thus, for most patients, the target digoxin plasma concentration should be 0.5 to 1.0 ng/mL. 91DigoxinTreatment ( pharmacological )This plasma concentration range can be achieved with a daily dose of 0.125 mg.

This target would also be expected to decrease the risk of adverse effects from digoxin toxicity.92DigoxinTreatment ( pharmacological )digoxin should not be used in patients with a normal LVEF, sinus rhythm, and no history of heart failure symptoms, because the risk is not balanced by any known benefit.

93DigoxinTreatment ( pharmacological )Side effects & toxicity:



Heart block.

Visual disturbance.

Contraindications :

Renal disease.

Ventricular arrythmia.

Heart block.

94DigoxinTreatment ( pharmacological ) Preload :

By Venodilators , ex:

Nitrate Isosorbide dinitrate, ISDN ( GMP ) Afterload :

By arteriodilators, ex: Hydralazin

(direct arteriodilator)95VsodilatorsTreatment ( pharmacological )ISDN and hydralazine were combined originally in the treatment of heart failure because of their complementary hemodynamic actions.

It is suggested that African Americans have less nitric oxide than do non- African Americans, and thus, may derive particular benefit from therapy that enhances nitric oxide bioavailability.96VsodilatorsTreatment ( pharmacological )Hydralazine and ISDN is appropriate as first-line therapy in patients unable to tolerate either an ACE inhibitor or ARB because of renal insufficiency, hyperkalemia, or possibly hypotension.

97VsodilatorsTreatment ( pharmacological )Side effects :

headache, dizziness, and gastrointestinal distress98VasodilatorsTreatment ( pharmacological )Anticoagulant : ( Warfarin )

It is used in case of :

Biventricular dysfunction ( Systole & Diastol ).

Sever LV dilatation.

Atrial fibrillation.

History of embolic episodes.

99Antiarrythmics :

Calcium channel blockers with negative inotropic effects, such as verapamil or diltiazem, should be avoided.

Amiodarone is a reasonable alternative for rate control in those patients who are not responding to digoxin and/or -blockers or who have contraindications to these agents.100Treatment ( pharmacological )Treatment of acute decompansated HF :

IV Positive inotropic agents: the drugs that improve myocardial contractility . ( adrenergic agonists, dopaminergic agents, phosphodiesterase inhibitors), dopamine, dobutamine, milrinone, amrinone, nitroglycerin.

IV fuerosemide

101Goals of tratment : relieve congestion well as treat symptoms of low cardiac outputTreatment ( pharmacological )Nesiritide :

Nesiritide is the first new drug approved for the treatment of decompensated heart failure since milrinone.

Manufactured by recombinant techniques, it is identical to the endogenous human BNP.

102Treatment ( pharmacological )MOA :

Mimics the vasodilatory and natriuretic actions of the endogenous peptideby stimulating the natriuretic peptide receptor A which leads to increased levels of cyclic guanosine monophosphate in target tissues.

103Treatment ( pharmacological )Nesiritide produces dose-dependent venous and arterial vasodilation, increases in cardiac output, natriuresis, and diuresis, and decreases cardiac filling pressures, SNS and RAAS activity.

104Key PointsHeart failure is a clinical syndrome caused by the inability of the heart to pump sufficient blood to meet the metabolic needs of the body.

Heart failure can result from any disorder that reduces ventricular filling (diastolic dysfunction) and/or myocardial contractility (systolic dysfunction). 105Key Points (cont.)There are many classifications for HF.

The primary manifestations of the syndrome are dyspnea, fatigue, and fluid retention.

The leading causes of heart failure are coronary artery disease and hypertension. 106Key Points (cont.)Heart failure is a progressive disorder that begins with myocardial injury.

In response to the injury, a number of compensatory responses are activated which are responsible for the symptoms of heart failure and contribute to disease progression.107Key Points (cont.)Most patients with symptomatic heart failure should be routinely treated with ACE inhibitor, -blocker, and diuretic.

The benefits of these medications on slowing heart failure progression, reducing morbidity and mortality, and improving symptoms are clearly established.108Key Points (cont.) Patients should be treated with a diuretic if there is evidence of fluid retention.

Treatment with digoxin may also be considered to improve symptoms and reduce hospitalizations.

109Key Points (cont.)The combination of hydralazine and nitrates improves the composite end point of mortality, hospitalizations for heart failure, and quality of life in African Americans who receive standard therapy.

Treatment goals for acute decompensated heart failure are directed toward restoration of systemic oxygen transport and tissue perfusion.110ReferencesJoseph T. DiPiro, et al. Pharmacotherapy : A Pathophysiologic Approach . The McGraw-Hill Companies. Seventh Edition , 2008, Chapter 16, page : 173- 244

Frederic S. Bongard, Darryl Y. Sue, Janine R. E. Vintch, Current Critical Care Diagnosis and Treatment, McGraw-Hill Professional,Third edition , 2008, page:197-198

Mary Anne Koda-Kimble, Lloyd Yee Young , et al .Hand Book Of Applied Therapeutics.Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Eighth edition, 2007, Chapter 18 , page : 153-170

Daniel H. Cooper, et al. Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics. Therapeutics. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 32ed Edition, 2007, Chapter 6, page:168-177

111112ParameterValueend-diastolic volume (EDV)120 mlend-systolic volume (ESV)50 mlstroke volume (SV)70 mlejection fraction (Ef)58%heart rate (HR)70 bpmcardiac output (CO)4.9 L/m113For example: EDV=120 , ESV= 50 EF = 120 - 50 / 120 = 0.58 = 58 %