Healthy by Choice: Super Charge Your Health e-book (1)


Transcript of Healthy by Choice: Super Charge Your Health e-book (1)

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Today there are so many foods we are told to eat and not to eat; add and leave out - from vegetables to processed foods which can impact our health in many different ways. We are now living in a world where food-related health terms are going viral. First, there were sugar-free, fat-free, and low-fat. Before you knew it, those same terms were marked on every food package you could put your hands on, thanks to the food industry and their slick marketing skills! Today, the market is flooded with even more popular, healthier terms, such as, All-Natural, GMO-Free, Non-GMO, Organic, Gluten Free, Wheat Free, Soy Free, Locally Grown, Farm Raised, Cage-free, Grassfeed, Free-ranged, Superfoods, and the list goes on and on. For many, it seems to be a race to the finish line to find the purest, healthiest, and sometimes most expensive product that exists on the planet. Look around and you will see so many people who have become extremely obsessed, when it comes to their health. They want to make sure that nothing but the best enters their body. By doing so, the hope is to prevent the possibility of any potential illness or disease from wreaking havoc on their lives if it can be controlled.

Well, truth be told, I too am guilty! It wasn’t long ago; I was on the extreme end of this obsession for healthy eating. It all began in the Spring of May 2011 when, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). I began experiencing some very scary episodes from collapsing to the ground without warning to having excruciating pain in my limbs; and then the ultimate episode of all, losing total vision in my right eye, not being able to see anything but blackness. Following a 10-day hospital stay, I was pumped with steroids, and my vision returned over the course of 6 weeks, however the medication altered my moods, and I began experiencing extreme depression. I felt my only alternative was to find a neurologist specializing in MS, so I could receive the best possible form of treatment. One day, after being on a new oral MS medication for only 8 months, my then neurologist received disappointing results from my blood work. The results showed unstable liver enzymes and an extremely low white blood cell count, translated - my immune system was getting weaker by the moment subjecting me to even more illnesses.

That day she calmly ordered me to stop taking my medication for 30 days, in order to reset my system. I took her request very seriously, as any person would, not realizing that change altered my life’s path forever. Those days were the beginning of my life long transformational journey, as my extensive research began.

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Quickly, I started to link my unhealthy lifestyle and symptoms together after realizing my exacerbations (episodes) were triggered by my high stress lifestyle and the poor quality, low nutrient, dense foods I put into my body. I became extremely cautious and in tune to what foods impacted my life in both, good and bad ways. I didn’t want to continue down that road of having my health spiraling out of control, nor did I want to return to the poor health habits which I obtained prior to the diagnosis. Right then, I knew I needed to make major changes in my life. Therefore, I became confident in my research and chose to take a more holistic approach, making a commitment to become more consciously aware of my lifestyle choices by “eating to live instead of living to eat” and manage my own personal well-being.

Fast forward, 3.5 years later I continue to remain medication-free with the approval for my neurologist. She has been extremely impressed with the results of my MRI test and overall improvements in my health and well-being. There is a lot to be said about this. Why? Because you see, I completely changed my diet to include a surplus of the right whole nutrient, dense foods, and altered my lifestyle to something more vibrantly fulfilling and less impacted by stress. Now, I’m a Certified Holistic Health Coach, of Healthy By Choice DC, and I’ve already successfully helped numerous individuals who were fed up, jump start their health through a 21-day lifestyle and food based detox program which in-turn creates more balance and control over their health and nutrition choices.

There’s so much information to share with you that I’ve researched, tested, and experienced on my own. If you personally know me, then you know I love sharing knowledge and enlightening others to live a happy, healthy, life. So instead of pouring everything on you all at once, I’ve decided to share with you my Top 10 most vital “Superfoods” that I constantly keep stocked in my kitchen. I simply can’t go without them in rotation.

If you’ve done any research online, you’ve probably noticed, the term “Superfood” has be thrown around quite a bit lately. There are some very common superfoods such as dark green leafy vegetables, avocados, and straw-black-blue-raspberries, just to name a few; but I’m here to take your superfood sensors up a notch. While this term is growing in popularity you must be very careful in knowing when something is genuinely being called a superfood or any of the healthy terms I’ve mentioned above. Ask yourself, is it because it’s loaded with vitamins and minerals and has amazing health benefits? Was it highly recommended by a health professional you know and trust? Or is it simply just a marketing ploy to get you to empty your wallets and buy more? Please don’t get it twisted, the term “Superfood” doesn’t mean it will give you magical superpowers to live on forever and become the last survivor on earth.

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The following have been extremely beneficial to my health and I hope you will be able to find great use for them, as well as, see some amazing improvements in your health.

Now let’s begin with my top 11 Super Amazing Foods! *Disclaimer - This testimony is to provide encouragement that MS or any life altering disease can be managed with the proper support and therapy. I don’t recommend anyone to take this approach without consulting with your doctor. These are my own personal findings which has proven to work for me and not scientifically proven.

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#1 Algaes

That’s right algaes! To some this may sound gross, like eating the stuff growing in your fish tank, well thats not quite the intentions at all. Algaes are single celled organisms and amongst the oldest life forms on earth. Natives of Africa made it a common addition to their diet and the Aztecs consumed it regularly. Although they are not plants, they contain the green pigment

chlorophyll and are able to carry out photosynthesis ( the ability to convert light energy, normally from the Sun, into chemical energy that can be later released to fuel the organisms' activities). The two most popular algaes that offer amazing health benefits are from spirulina and chlorella which are quite rich in vitamins, minerals and protein.

Spirulina Spirulina was the first to evolve. It is so archaic that it actually lacks a proper hard cellular wall, making it naturally easy for the body to access its nutrition. The blue green algae spirulina has a great source of protein, with about 6 grams in each 100-gram serving. Its protein content includes all the essential amino acids, making it a complete source of these important nutrients. Exceptionally high in micronutrients, just 3 grams of spirulina contains more antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients than 5 servings of vegetables.[1] How is Spirulina ingested? Well, it comes in capsules, tablets, powders and flakes. The recommended daily dose is typically between three to five grams. You can spread the dose out to twice or three times a day if you like. It is safe to take higher doses, but this is a good place to start. Remember to increase your intake of spring or filtered water when taking spirulina to help it absorb into your system.(2)

Chlorella Back in the 1960’s it was chlorella that became the first algae to grow in a large-scale production. Developed a few million years after spirulina, chlorella is a pure green algae and has a very hard cell wall. As a result, chlorella must go

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through a specialized manufacturing process that cracks down this wall before it goes to the market, else it will pass through the body undigested.(2)

Even the American Cancer Society states that chlorella is an herbal remedy for a wide range of conditions. Proponents claim it kills several types of cancer, fights bacterial and viral infections, enhances the immune system, increases the growth of "friendly" germs in the digestive tract, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and

promotes healing of intestinal ulcers, diverticulosis, and Crohn’s disease. It is said to "cleanse" the blood, digestive system, and the liver. Chlorella also helps the body eliminate mold and process more oxygen.(17) Both spirulina and chlorella contain a broad range of vitamins and minerals, which make these foods so amazing, they are believed to be one of the most complete forms of food on the planet. In particular they are loaded with the full-spectrum B vitamins (including B12) which promotes natural energy. All leafy green vegetables contain chlorophyll, but the vast contents contained by these algaes is what makes them known for their exceptional detoxification properties. Although not scientifically proven, many health practitioners recognize that consuming high levels of chlorophyll has the ability to attract and flush out heavy metals from the body, which we tend to accumulate through environmental toxins, pesticides and radiation.[2] I bet you didn't realize just how beneficial algaes are for the body. ________________________________________________________________________

#2 Cacao

Is it Cocoa or Cacao? Well, let me tell you that cacao is the raw, natural source of one of the most rewardingly delicious treats we call chocolate. It has become one of the worlds top Superfood because in its unprocessed form it offers so many astonishing healthy attributes. During my recent trip to the Dominican Republic, my husband and I had the pleasure of learning about the cacao

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process. Before it comes in its chocolate form, it is grown on tall cacao trees, which produce large colorful pods in the shape of a football. The colors are a beautiful rainbow ranging from a variety of oranges, yellows, greens, purples, reds and pinks. Each fruit pod is filled with tons of large seeds known as cacao beans. Once the beans are dried at a low temperature, they can be consumed

whole, broken into pieces called nibs or ground to produce raw cocoa powder. Just so you are super clear and not confused between the difference of cacao and cocoa, cacao is minimally processed at low temperatures, and cocoa is cooked in a manner that results in a much more heavily processed chocolate powder, lacking many of the original healthy benefits.

Cacao So let's look at Cacao. It's by far one of the most antioxidant-rich foods in the world and has many health benefits. It provides an excellent supply of minerals, and is amongst the best plant-based sources of magnesium which is known to help relax muscles and reduce cramping.[2] Have you ever wondered why women have cravings to consume chocolate during menses? Cacao is also filled with minerals such as iron and calcium. Since raw cacao has high chromium and coumarin content, consuming cacao beans, butter, nibs and/or the powder actually promotes weight loss. Now you know one of the secrets to weight loss. Also, the theobromine found in cacao actually kills streptococci mutans one of the strains of bacteria that cause tooth decay, therefore it aids in the prevention of cavities. Believe it or not the chromium can naturally regulate blood sugar which means it is beneficial for those with diabetes. Also raw cacao benefits the heart and the entire cardiovascular system as a whole.[3] Lastly, cacao can elevate one’s brain chemistry because of its important phytochemicals and extraordinary amounts of distinct amino acids that supports our mood. It goes without saying, cacao is a great upgrade from cocoa, so give it a try the next time you come across it in the grocery store. _______________________________________________________________________

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#3 Chia Seeds

You remember the Cha Cha Chia! pet? Yes, these are the same exact seeds. Chia has actually been used for thousands of years and was once a staple food source amongst the Aztecs, Incas, and Mayans, who used the tiny black and white seeds to increase strength and maintain stamina during their long journeys.(2) This makes a lot of sense because "Chia" actually means strength. The seeds are a concentrated

food containing healthy omega-3 fatty acids, carbohydrates, protein, fiber, antioxidants, and calcium promoting long-lasting energy. Today this tiny seed is a favorite of athletes, especially long-distance runners, who tout it as an endurance enhancing superfood.(4)  What makes chia seeds so amazing is its high fiber content. If you look at the nutrition facts of chia seeds, you see that an ounce has 12 grams of “carbohydrate.” Of which, 11 of those grams are fiber, which isn’t digested by the body. Just one tablespoon provides over a quarter of our daily requirements of fiber. Fiber doesn’t raise blood sugar and it doesn’t require insulin to be disposed of and therefore shouldn’t count as a carb. The true carb content is only 1 gram per ounce, which is very low. This makes chia a low-carb friendly food. Because of all the fiber, chia seeds form high amounts of mucilage causing absorption up to 10-12 times their weight in water, becoming gel-like and expanding in your stomach. Theoretically, this should increase fullness, slow absorption of your food and help you automatically eat fewer calories. Fiber also feeds the friendly bacteria in the intestine, which is important because keeping your gut bugs well fed is absolutely crucial for health. Chia seeds are 40% fiber, by weight. This makes them one of the best sources of fiber in the world.(5) When it comes to nutrition, chia seeds are very similar to another well know superfood called flaxseeds. Both are a treasure and known for their exceptional plant-based sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which, aside from balancing the ratio of EFA’s within our naturally high omega 6 diet-also support increased mental function, reducing inflammation, cardiovascular health and immune system support. When comparing chia seeds to flaxseeds, one major advantage chia has over flax is a surplus of

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antioxidants that are not only beneficial, but also help keep all its healthy fats from oxidizing.(2) It is also noted that the antioxidant activity of chia seeds is higher than any whole food, even blueberries.(4) In addition, beyond being a source of easily digestible protein, chia contains an abundance of important minerals, especially calcium and iron. It is very easy to incorporate chia seeds into your diet on a daily basis. Try adding them to your breakfast, stir in to your yogurt, porridges, smoothies or soaked in juices. They can also be baked into your favorite recipe or used as an egg substitute.


#4 Flax Seeds

Flax seed originated in Mesopotamia and has been utilized since the Stone Age. It is a shiny brown seed that is slightly larger than a sesame seed. Like chia, flax seed is known for its beneficial fatty acid (EFA) profile (Omega 3, 6, and 9)(2). Most of the oil in flax seeds is alpha linolenic acid (ALA). ALA is an Omega-3 that is a precursor to the fatty acids found in salmon and other fatty cold-water fish (called EPA and DHA). Because not everyone is able to easily convert ALA into EPA and (especially) DHA, it is best not to rely solely on flax for your Omega-3 intake.(6) However, ALA also has good effects of its own, and definitely helps in the Omega 3/6 balance. Though flax contain an excellent supply of valuable lignans about 7 times as many lignans as the closest runner-up food (sesame seeds). Lignans are a class of phytochemicals with antioxidant properties known to help balance hormone levels. Flax seeds contain about 338 times as many lignans as sunflower seeds, 475 times as many as cashew nuts, and 3,200 times as many lignans as peanuts.(7)

Along with a notable amount of mucilage, the flaxseed are able to absorb moisture easily, acting as an ideal thickener and binder. Regular consumption of flaxseed are for the prevention and control of high blood pressure and reduction of cholesterol levels. While flaxseed are delicious in its whole form as a crunchy

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nutty agent, however, to make their vital nutrients available to the body, these seeds can be eaten sprouted or grounded. Otherwise, the whole flaxseed will simply pass through the body. Add flaxseed to bread, muffins, bars, biscuits, crackers, granola, cookies and other recipes for extra nutrition and a nutty flavor. ________________________________________________________________________

#5 Golden Berries

Golden berries, also known as Physalis peruviana, is a South American fruit that’s highly concentrated with nutrients and bioactive compounds. In Colombia, the delicious golden berry is an important international export and prominent local food. It’s also known under a dozen other names, such as cape gooseberry , incan berry, poha berry, or husky cherry. This amazing fruit comes from a bush commonly known as the Chinese Lantern, whose paper-like husk flowers (resemble little lantern) cradle a precious golden cherry-like fruit on the inside. [2] When dried they resemble a golden raisin but with a flavor that’s more sweet and tart. Golden berries are an extremely nutrient dense superfood with easily absorbable bioavailable compounds. Golden berries contain linoleic and oleic acid, two essential fatty acids that aid in insulin sensitivity and fat oxidation, all around promoting good health.[8]

These amazing golden berries provide high levels of antioxidants, such as carotenes and bioflavonoids like vitamin P, as well as, good amounts of vitamin A, vitamin C, protein, and phosphorus. High levels of bioflavonoids have been linked to reducing inflammation, strengthening the immune system and

promote cardiovascular health.[2] Golden berries are naturally lower in sugar than many other fruits as well. The plant has been used for centuries in traditional medicine, often against jaundice. Plants used in traditional medicine have drawn the attention of


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researchers who seek to develop new therapeutic agents for a wide range of diseases. In folk medicine, golden berries have many applications and many cultures regard golden berries as a mild diuretic that promotes proper fluid balance.[8] Other ways that golden berries encourage good health include normalizing blood sugar, it discourages systemic redness and swelling, and it promotes liver, kidney, and organ health. Are you beginning to see why our grandparents home remedies worked? Well, let's move on to another excellent berry. The goji berry. ________________________________________________________________________

#6 Goji Berry

Both as a culinary ingredient and medicinally, Gojis have been used for thousands of years. A Native to the Himalayan Mountains of Tibet and Mongolia, and in recent years introduced in Western countries.[9] The term goji is an English contraction of the Mandarin name gouqi (pronounced “goo-chee”) meaning wolfberry. It is among the most popular superfoods available, and for a good reason.[2] This amazing little superfruit also contains natural anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal compounds. Their powerful antioxidant properties and polysaccharides help to boost the immune system. It’s no wonder then, that in traditional Chinese medicine they are renowned for increasing strength and longevity. Goji berries have a long history in chinese medicine, extending back thousands of years, as a secret to longevity and strengthening the immune system. Even today, Chinese medicine uses goji berries to treat the liver, immune system, circulation problems, and more.[9]

Clinical trials have confirmed that goji is indeed one of the most powerful superfoods known, with an exceptional balance of all macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, fat, and even soluble fiber).[9] Goji berries feature 18 amino acids, including all 8 essential amino acids, which are 10% of the fruits composition. Impressive in the micronutrients


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decomposition as well, goji berries are a phenomenal source of antioxidants, including carotenoids like beta carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin and lycopene (rarely found in berries). Goji berries also contain over 20 vitamins and trace minerals like vitamin C, zinc, riboflavin (B2) and iron.[2]


#7 Hemp Seed

Hemp is known as one of the world's most nutritious plant, which is why it has made it in the top 10 of my list. Yes it is a cannabis but we aren't talking about marijuana here. Hemp actually contains less than 1% of the psychoactive drug while marijuana contains up to 20% or more.[10]

Hemp’s high saturation of protein is of a premium quality and is easily digestible. It makes as a great source of protein for plant-based diets, complete with all essential amino acids. The essential fatty acids, also known as good fats, are abundant in hemp seeds and come in a ratio that is highly beneficial to man-kind. Studies in the recent past have shown that consuming hemp seeds whether raw or in oil form, has the capacity to aid in the healing process of diseases related to immune deficiency. There is no other food substance which contains such high quantities of essential fatty acids found in hemp seeds, higher than even flaxseed and other nut or seed oil as well as containing high amounts of vitamin E and trace minerals. It has a balanced ratio of omega 3 to 6 fats at around a three to one ratio. Although this won't help correct your omega balance if it's off, but it starts you in the right direction.[10] Hemp offers an amazing supply of minerals which include magnesium, iron, zinc and potassium, along with fiber. It is also one of the few alkaline forming seeds in nature, due to the small green filament on the inside of the kernel.[2] Hemps


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amazing great taste makes all this nutrition a delightful treasure. It has truly become an everyday superfood. ________________________________________________________________________

#8 Maca

Maca is primitive to Peruvian Andes, where it has been used medicinally for thousands of years. It is known as an Andean root and at times referred to as an herb. Maca looks like a radish or a turnip and actually taste more like a potato therefore it is a starch. Like other starches, maca contains carbohydrates, protein, fats, and dietary fiber. Maca also contains

around 60 phytonutrients (plant nutrients) including a generous amount of minerals and amino acids, especially, iron, magnesium, selenium, and calcium, and is very rich in plant sterols, which have been shown to help block cholesterol absorption from the gut.[11] Traditionally, maca was consumed by Incan warriors, to increase both strength and stamina during their long battles. Today you will be surprised to learn that maca is best known for increasing energy, boosting libido and overcoming erectile dysfunction. Women should use red maca and men black maca. It also regulates stress, enhances fertility, promotes hair growth, improves skin tone, prevents osteoporosis, and supports thyroid health. Maca is great for enhancing mental focus and clarity, as well as balancing hormones during menopause (Red Maca) and reducing depression.[12] Maca is an adaptogen which is key to understanding the exceptional powers of maca, in which only about 1 in 4,000 plant contain adaptogenic properties. Being an adaptogen mean that, when consumed, this amazing root can actually “adapt” to combat the different types of stresses that are put on the body, raising the state of resistance to disease. Remarkably, maca strengthens and balances the body systems-providing long lasting energy and combating fatigue-without being a stimulant.[2] When compared with coffee and tea, Maca


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does not stress the adrenals. The energy boost felt from Maca is both even and sustained.[12] Why not try a combo of Maca and Cacao powder instead of coffee next time! ________________________________________________________________________

#9 Pomegranate

One of my favorite fruit is the pomegranate. They are one of the oldest known fruits, found in writings and artifacts of many cultures and religions. This antioxidant rich fruit has been medicinally used and cherished as a symbol of health, fertility and eternal life. The pomegranate is a well-established superfood simply because they are a nutrient dense food source rich in phytochemical compounds and contains a broad spectrum of vitamins and minerals, especially the likes of vitamin C and potassium.

They contain high levels of flavonoids and polyphenols, potent antioxidants like phytoestrogens, offering protection against heart disease and cancer. A glass of pomegranate juice has more antioxidants than red wine, green tea, blueberries, and cranberries.[13] Pomegranates are packed with anti-inflammatory essential amino acids and has an incredible ability to inhibit free radicals (a biological phenomenon which contributes to disease and aging). Remarkably, the polyphenols in pomegranates have been found to inhibit estrogen synthesis with the oil from the pomegranate seed now proven effective against the proliferation of breast cancer cells in vitro. Separate scientific studies have also shown pomegranate to be a proactive food in lowering cholesterol and blood pressure.[2] Now, let's talk grains. ________________________________________________________________________


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#10 Quinoa

Advertised as an ancient grain, quinoa, pronounced KEEN- wah, was an important crop for the Inca Empire. They referred to it as the “mother of all grains” and believed it to be sacred. It has been consumed for thousands of years in South America, although it only became trendy and reached “superfood

status” a few years ago. There are three different types of quinoa, they include red, yellow and black.[14] Quinoa is tiny in size, has a delicious mildly nutty flavor, and is fluffy when cooked. This yummy gluten-free food is usually treated like a grain or starch. The amazing thing about quinoa is it cooks up just like brown rice or pasta, however in less time.[2] It is free of gluten because its actually the nutritious seed of a vegetable that’s a closer relative to spinach. Using it instead of typical gluten-free ingredients can increase the antioxidant and nutrient value of a gluten-free diet.[14]

Quinoa is loved by many because of its high protein content compared to most plant foods. In approx. , ½ cup of uncooked quinoa there is 11 grams of protein and it happens to boast all eight essential amino acids your body needs. In addition, quinoa provides many minerals, such as magnesium, potassium, and zinc. The phytic acid in quinoa can partly prevent these minerals from being absorbed. Soaking or sprouting quinoa degrades most of the phytic acid.[14] It even includes some vitamins too, like the skin and hair rejuvenating vitamin E, plus many of the energy-giving B’s.[2] Quinoa contains large amounts of flavonoids, including Quercetin and Kaempferol. These are potent plant antioxidants with numerous health benefits. It also appears to be very high in antioxidants, which are increased even further after the seeds are sprouted. Quinoa is much higher in fiber than most grains, with one source finding 17-27 grams of fiber per cup of uncooked Quinoa The glycemic index of quinoa is around 53, which is considered low. However, it is


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still relatively high in carbohydrates. As you can see, I find quinoa to be one of the most all-purpose superfoods available. It has become quite trendy among health conscious people because it is loaded with so many important nutrients. ______________________________________________________________________

#11 Turmeric

 Turmeric is by far my #1 favorite of all Superfood, which is why I saved the best for last. There are so many reasons why this remarkable spice is considered “The World’s Healthiest Food.” First of all, turmeric root is native to southeast India and was traditionally called "Indian saffron." It has been used for over 4,000 years in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine to treat various health

conditions, which include liver problems, skin diseases and wounds. Studies have shown that it may help fight against certain cancer, reduce inflammation and treat digestive problems. Turmeric is from the same family as ginger root, but is yellowish on the outside and deep orange or reddish brown inside. Have you ever wondered what makes mustard, butter and some cheeses rich in yellow? You guessed it, turmeric is one of the special ingredients. If you like curry, then you should also know that turmeric is what gives its flavor and color so rich. So what makes turmeric the worlds most amazing spice? It’s the powerful compound found in turmeric that has medicinal properties, these compounds are called curcuminoids. The most powerful of the compounds is known as curcumin, which is loaded with antioxidants and has amazing anti-inflammatory effects on the body and brain. Below are a few more health benefits of turmeric:


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● Curcurmin may improve overall memory in Alzhermizers ● Turmeric may curb joint pain from arthritis ● Delay the onset of Type 2 Diabetes ● May ward off heart attacks ● May delay aging ● Treats depression To reap the many benefits of curcurmin found in turmeric, it is recommended to consume with black pepper or peppercorns, because curcumin absorbs poorly in the bloodstream. The compound in pepper is called piperine which helps to increase the absorbency of curcumin by 2000%. [15] How can you enjoy more of this amazing spice? Eat more homemade curry dishes! If you aren’t a fan of curry, there are extracts in tablet and capsule form, I recommend dosages of 400 to 600 mg. If you’re like me and enjoy teas, try making this simple tea at home. I also make ginger tea using freshly sliced ginger. Turmeric Tea [16] ● Bring four cups of water to a boil. ● Add one teaspoon of ground turmeric and reduce to a simmer for 10 minutes. ● Strain the tea through a fine sieve into a cup, add honey and/or lemon to taste. 

___________________________________________________________________ Ok, there you have it, my best kept secret for the past 2.5 yrs that contributed to my healthy awesomeness. These 11 amazing SuperFoods have aided in boosting my energy, immunity and kept my weight well managed, of course, with regular exercise. In addition to including these precious, divine foods in your dietary rotation, you must also pay close attention to your lifestyle and the quality of foods you consume on a regular basis. As I mentioned earlier, I was living a high stressed life on a poor diet and later diagnosed with MS. To this day, I feel my very best and DO NOT take any medication, as my choice and commitment to myself to make healthier lifestyle and food choices. I am able to stay off meds, as approved my MS specialist, because I manage my health and wellness levels very well which allows me to live such a vibrant, balanced, and healthy life filled with passion and happiness. I’ve helped many others struggling with weight loss, low energy and diagnosed with MS and other chronic illnesses who strived for the same.


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If you enjoyed reading this e-book and found the information valuable and want to learn more about other major Superfoods and how to apply them in your life, I strongly encourage you to sign up for the next 21-day Seasonal Food-based Detox program starting soon! Just so you are aware, when we talk about detoxing we are referring to a program that will help you transition to a healthier lifestyle making your health goals a success. This program is designed to help you jumpstart your health to longevity. By removing the bad and adding more good, it allows you to create an awareness around foods you didn’t realize had a negative impact on your health. You will test your personal wellness IQ via a self assessment quiz. The program includes 30+ delicious recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and treats as well as 25+ detox approved alternative recipes. Take control of your health by joining the next group program which is coached by your personal health coach, Melanie Hope. You will receive ongoing support via email and private Facebook support page. The other option is Self-directed where you go at your own pace, with access to the recorded calls and Facebook support page, with the option of adding additional support.

The choice of health, energy and happiness is all yours!


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