Healthwatch Redcar & Cleveland Jane Hartley Chief Executive PCP 01325 321234...

Healthwatch Redcar & Cleveland Jane Hartley Chief Executive PCP 01325 321234 [email protected]

Transcript of Healthwatch Redcar & Cleveland Jane Hartley Chief Executive PCP 01325 321234...

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Healthwatch Redcar & Cleveland Jane Hartley Chief Executive PCP 01325 321234 [email protected]

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Background & Policy Context

• Health and Social Care Act (2012) establishes Healthwatch England and Local Healthwatch as the new consumer champion for health and social care services for adults and children in England

• Healthwatch England is a statutory committee of the Care Quality Commission and your Local Healthwatch service is Healthwatch Redcar & Cleveland

 • Healthwatch replaces Local Involvement Network (LINks) and

retains all LINk functions plus some additional ones

• Local Authorities tasked with commissioning local Healthwatch –intention to build on LINk legacy


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The strategic vision for Healthwatch

To create a strong independent consumer champion which will:

•Strengthen the collective voice of citizens and communities in influencing local health and social care services to better meet their needs

•Support people to better access the services they need when they need them

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Commissioning Local Healthwatch• Central government funding

• Detailed specification and competitive tendering process

• Pioneering Care Partnership (PCP) have been awarded the contracts for delivery of Healthwatch in Redcar & Cleveland, Middlesbrough, Stockton-on-Tees & Sunderland

• PCP - leading health improvement charity based in Newton Aycliffe working across the region

• Two phases: mobilisation and implementation

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Local Healthwatch powers Although a non-statutory body, Healthwatch has statutory powers:•The power to enter and view premises where health or social care services are provided

•This power does not extend to premises that provide social care to children but Healthwatch expected to gather views & experiences from children and young people in collaboration with local partners

•Service providers and commissioners have a duty to respond to Local Healthwatch reports and recommendations within 20 working days. Now includes providers of children’s social care services

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Local Healthwatch powers-new

• Local Healthwatch has a statutory entitlement to a seat on the local Health and well-being Board. Local Healthwatch will also have a role on the Children and Young People’s Scrutiny Committee as observers

 • Local Healthwatch has a duty to provide

information about health and social care services

• Local Healthwatch can escalate issues direct to Healthwatch England and through them, the Care Quality Commission and ultimately the Secretary of State


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Healthwatch key roles: ‘Voice’

• Gathering views of patients, public, users and carers and making views known

• Involving local people in the involvement, scrutiny, commissioning and provision of local health and social care services

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• Individual engagement: sharing individual views and experiences of health and social care services ; volunteering to support the work of Healthwatch in specific roles

• Collective engagement: working with others to influence service design, delivery and commissioning and holding providers and commissioners to account

• Co-production: promoting the active involvement of local people and those who use services in shaping, influencing and evaluating their own services

Levels of engagement in Healthwatch

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Healthwatch key roles: representation & collaboration

1.Statutory seat on Health & Wellbeing Board plus representation on key partnerships & Boards

2.Collaborative links with GP & NHS Provider PPI Forums

3.Joint working with Commissioners and providers

4.Healthwatch Executive Board5.Healthwatch Network-voluntary &

community groups and networks

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Healthwatch key roles : Information and Signposting• Providing information and signposting

about health and care services to support local people to make informed choices

and • Signposting them if they wish to

complain –or get support to complain- about these services

• Some capacity to offer specialist 1-1 casework through partners• BUT does not investigate individual

complaints or advocate on behalf of individuals

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Healthwatch in Redcar & Cleveland

• Strong, independent, trusted and effective voice and a champion for local people • influencing health and social care delivery

• and supporting people to access health and social care services

which will strive to ensure the best possible quality and choice in health, social care and wellbeing services for the benefit of all living and working in Redcar & Cleveland

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Governance, Leadership and Management-

Accountability Framework

 Healthwatch Redcar & Cleveland will

develop a membership model ensuring a diverse range of communities of interest are represented.

Organisations and groups representing communities and individuals can join Healthwatch.

Members will be able to volunteer as Healthwatch Champions, Enter and View volunteers or Information Champions.

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Governance & Membership Structure

ROLESExecutive Board – selected to provide a credible, expert voice representing Healthwatch on key partnerships

Healthwatch Network of organisations & groups representing broad range of communities of interest-debates and identifies issues for HW work plan

Task and Finish Groups - specific project activity linked to agreed work programme & aligned to HWB strategy and JSNA

Individual volunteer roles : Enter & View & Information Volunteers

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Our model: partnership working & networking

•Develop & build relationships with voluntary & community groups and networks - Collaboration rather than duplication

•Sub-contract specific project work to local partners with the right skills, expertise and local knowledge

•Build a Healthwatch Network of voluntary and community groups and organisations representing communities of interest and place

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Why join Healthwatch in Redcar & Cleveland ?• Ensure service providers and commissioners are held to account

through Healthwatch’s statutory powers

• Contribute to the collective influence Healthwatch will exert on the way services are designed, commissioned and provided

• Have your say in setting Healthwatch priorities and work programmes

• Represent Healthwatch on issues you & others care about on strategic partnership and boards

• Ensure individual voices of those you represent, particularly those who are seldom heard, can still have a say where it matters


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Join us to build Healthwatch in Redcar & Cleveland • Join now-Healthwatch has unique legal powers to bring about real

change – together we make a difference

• Encourage others to join and help Healthwatch reach the people you represent – together we can send a stronger message to commissioners and providers of services

• Help us invest in your community by identifying places where we can offer outreach support, information, 1-1 casework and hot desking for our staff

• Tell us about the services and support you offer so we can help people find you when they need help

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Promoting Healthwatch

1. Healthwatch England Branding and ‘Our Voice’ icons

2. Information in key public sites: newsletters, leaflets, posters

3. Digital media: e-newsletter / bulletins, social networking and website

4. Information and signposting – free phone & one to one support

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Healthwatch in Redcar & Cleveland [email protected]

01642 688312

Public Info & Advice 0808 1729559  Healthwatch Redcar & Cleveland Catalyst House TS18 3NJ

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