Healthcare · our service provides the assurance that your offensive and clinical waste is...


Transcript of Healthcare · our service provides the assurance that your offensive and clinical waste is...

Page 1: Healthcare · our service provides the assurance that your offensive and clinical waste is professionally dealt with. our dedicated team of healthcare waste professionals ensure that

effective compliant waste management

HealtHcare services

Page 2: Healthcare · our service provides the assurance that your offensive and clinical waste is professionally dealt with. our dedicated team of healthcare waste professionals ensure that

our service provides the assurance that your offensive and clinical waste is professionally dealt with.

our dedicated team of healthcare waste professionals ensure that your waste disposal requirements utilise the very latest technologies and keep ahead of legislative changes.

EffEctivE, compliant and dependableHealthcare waste disposal is a complex and specialist field. fortunately, as leading experts, cannon Hygiene is on hand to guide you through the legal requirements and keep you fully compliant.

For more information, speak to our team today on 0844 967 0682

Page 3: Healthcare · our service provides the assurance that your offensive and clinical waste is professionally dealt with. our dedicated team of healthcare waste professionals ensure that

all units incorporate activap™ the best and most effective germicide available. activap™ kills all potentially harmful bacteria that can be present in a unit.

through its unique vapour action it treats all waste in the unit no matter how full the unit becomes. cannon Hygiene is proud to only provide a unit exchange service.

a fresh and hygienically cleaned unit is provided with each service. our management of waste minimises the risks of cross-contamination.

wastE effective

managEmEntour offensive waste removal service provides discreet disposal units.

For more information, speak to our team today on 0844 967 0682

Page 4: Healthcare · our service provides the assurance that your offensive and clinical waste is professionally dealt with. our dedicated team of healthcare waste professionals ensure that

sHarps Disposalcorrect the disposal of sharps and how you approach it demonstrates that you take the health and safety of your staff and visitors seriously.

cannon Hygiene’s range of sharps disposal units are designed for the safe storage and disposal of contaminated needles and sharps.

all disposal units comply with the latest legislation, are impenetrable and leak proof with a self-locking final closure.

the range encompasses:

• sharps contaminated with body fluids.

• sharps contaminated with medicines.

• sharps contaminated with cytotoxic and cytostatic medicines.

Always putting safety first we are delighted to provide a disposal service for the insafe safer sharps waste unit – the safest system for dealing with your sharps.

For more information, speak to our team today on 0844 967 0682

Page 5: Healthcare · our service provides the assurance that your offensive and clinical waste is professionally dealt with. our dedicated team of healthcare waste professionals ensure that

…of pharmaceutical wastesafe disposal… an important safety issue is the correct disposal of pharmaceutical products such as prescription drugs and medicines that are out of date.

cannon Hygiene provides an effective system which guarantees the safe disposal of pharmaceutical and out of date prescription medicines.

available in a range of unit sizes and a service frequency to suit your needs.

For more information, speak to our team today on 0844 967 0682

Page 6: Healthcare · our service provides the assurance that your offensive and clinical waste is professionally dealt with. our dedicated team of healthcare waste professionals ensure that

clinical wastEcompliant clinical waste units provide for the disposal of soft clinical waste items such as dressings, swabs, gloves and gowns.

whether you are a high volume producer or occasional producer of such waste we provide a safe and auditable disposal method.

For more information, speak to our team today on 0844 967 0682

Page 7: Healthcare · our service provides the assurance that your offensive and clinical waste is professionally dealt with. our dedicated team of healthcare waste professionals ensure that

Hard clinical waste bins provide for the safer and proper disposal of hard items and instruments which are not sharp.

these items will be contaminated with blood or body fluid which means they may be considered hazardous and may require a Hazardous waste form.

the cannon Hygiene team is available to guide you through the process and help ensure you are fully compliant.

removing the doubt from hazardous waste.

item disposalHard clinical

For more information, speak to our team today on 0844 967 0682

Page 8: Healthcare · our service provides the assurance that your offensive and clinical waste is professionally dealt with. our dedicated team of healthcare waste professionals ensure that

of controllED Drugsour coDE (controlled drugs DEnaturing kit) is highly effective in disposing of controlled drugs such as diazepam, midazolam and others.

it meets all the requirements of the misuse of drugs regulations 2001 which allows authorised and trained personnel to witness the destruction of these controlled drugs.

once rendered harmless and irretrievable the units can be disposed of in a Hard clinical Unit.

safe destrUction

For more information, speak to our team today on 0844 967 0682

Page 9: Healthcare · our service provides the assurance that your offensive and clinical waste is professionally dealt with. our dedicated team of healthcare waste professionals ensure that

wastE prE accEptancE

producers of healthcare and related wastes for incineration or treatment have a requirement to complete a waste pre acceptance audit.

this ensures that the facilities disposing of the waste have full visibility of the suitability of the waste prior to treatment.

cannon Hygiene provides an online audit tool to help you meet this requirement.

HazarDous/spEcial wastE

producers of clinical, cytotoxic/cytostatic and dental wastes are required to assess whether or not the waste is hazardous waste under the Hazardous waste regulations (special waste in scotland).

if the waste is hazardous/special we will guide you through the process and raise a consignment note for each collection of those wastes. removing the doubt and helping you be more efficient.

lanDfill rEgulations

Under the landfill regulations implemented across the UK, sites are no longer able to accept non-hazardous waste unless it has been pre-treated.

waste from customers with a cannon Hygiene unit service containing activap™ is viewed as treated for the purposes of the regulations.

offensive waste collected from premises in ‘tiger bags’ must be pre-treated before we can accept it and a non-Hazardous waste treatment declaration form should be completed.

non HazarDous wastE form

to enable us to provide you with a duty of care waste transfer note to comply with regulations we require some additional information about your business. this information is collected using the non Hazardous waste form. this should be completed when producing non hazardous waste. the cannon Hygiene team are available to help explain the process.

across our whole range of waste services, we always ensure your units are exchanged at the correct time. so you don’t have to worry about disposal or replacing units.

For more information, speak to our team today on 0844 967 0682

Page 10: Healthcare · our service provides the assurance that your offensive and clinical waste is professionally dealt with. our dedicated team of healthcare waste professionals ensure that

cannon Hygiene has developed a unique and integrated approach to delivering outstanding hygiene solutions for your washrooms and throughout your organisation.

this approach is designed to meet your specific needs and support the well-being of your staff, customers and other stakeholders. we also underpin your corporate and social responsibilities and support your brand. we offer great value solutions that work every time and that stand independent testing to the very highest hygiene standards.

we have a comprehensive range of products and services to meet your hygiene and energy saving needs.

it is why customers choose cannon Hygiene and why they choose to stay.

tHe cannon HYgiene

promisE to see how advanced our air care solution is

call us today on

0844 967 0682



For more information, speak to our team today on 0844 967 0682