Health Promotion Library Bulletin 2013 English.pdf · Cardiff CF10 2HH Telephone: 0845 606 4050...

Health Promotion Library Bulletin Welcome to the third issue of the Health Promotion Library’s bulletin for 2013. It is good to report that we had even more positive feedback for the second issue with one customer commenting: This is well designed making it easy to get access to information.’ So we are clearly on the right track and will look at all other options to make the bulletin even more useful. In this issue you will also see that the ever popular ‘Customer Corner’ slot is back. This was a very useful feature in the previous newsletter and a great way for us to respond to customer feedback.

Transcript of Health Promotion Library Bulletin 2013 English.pdf · Cardiff CF10 2HH Telephone: 0845 606 4050...

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Health Promotion Library Bulletin

Welcome to the third issue of the Health Promotion Library’s bulletin for 2013.

It is good to report that we had even more positive feedback for the second issue with one

customer commenting:

‘This is well designed making it easy to get access to information.’

So we are clearly on the right track and will look at all other options to make the bulletin even more


In this issue you will also see that the ever popular ‘Customer Corner’ slot is back. This was a very

useful feature in the previous newsletter and a great way for us to respond to customer feedback.

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Health Promotion Library Bulletin – July 2013



Customer Survey 2013 feedback _______________________________________ 3

Service Standards __________________________________________________ 4

Complaints handling process __________________________________________ 5

Health Challenge Wales Leaflet Order line ________________________________ 5

What’s on? Health Events Calendar _____________________________________ 5

Book Prescription Wales Scheme _______________________________________ 6

Customer Corner ___________________________________________________ 7

Health Campaigns __________________________________________________ 7

3rd Welsh Public Health Conference _____________________________________ 8

Customer Service Excellence Visit ____________________________________ 10

New books _______________________________________________________ 10

Library Statistics ___________________________________________________ 21

Contact details on this page only to save paper and reduce production costs.

Health Promotion Library

Public Health Wales

4th Floor, Churchill House

17 Churchill Way

Cardiff CF10 2HH

Telephone: 0845 606 4050 Fax: 029 2037 1889

Email: [email protected]

This bulletin is available in Welsh and large print. If you want a copy in

any of these formats, or you have any other specific requirements please

contact us. It is also available electronically on the web at

This issue of the newsletter is published on 12th July 2013.

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Health Promotion Library Bulletin – July 2013


Customer Survey 2013 Feedback

We are really grateful to everyone who sent us comments in the recent survey. Overwhelmingly

these were positive about the level of service being received, particularly with regards to customer

service. It is also good to know that we meet standards for timeliness and that our services are

fast and efficient.

We also received suggestions for improvements. These have been brought together as many of

them covered the same areas.

Customer Comment: More Marketing – let people know about the service

Our Response:

We already do a great deal of marketing, attending conferences and other events as well as

having our information in directories and on the web. We know though that we can always do

more, and one of our targets this year is to work even more closely with the Regional Library

Partnerships in Wales and with our Communications Team in Public Health Wales to promote our

services more widely to the public and professionals.

We also know that word of mouth is a great way of marketing, so please help us by letting others

know about the Health Promotion Library.

Customer Comment: Location! Location! Location!

Our Response:

Not everyone finds our new central location in Cardiff

accessible, particularly with regards to travelling and car

parking. There is also a call for a ‘mobile’ or travelling library

service for customers who live further away from our Cardiff


We agree that access for customers coming to the library by car is more difficult in the city centre

(this is also the case for the library staff) but we have had positive comments from other customers

who can now walk to the library or can come by public transport.

We make information about car parking nearby and at a discounted rate available on our web site,

but unfortunately there is no spare car parking facilities available in our building. We have

discussed this and will ask again, but we don’t think this is likely.

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Health Promotion Library Bulletin – July 2013


The call for a mobile service is something that has also been raised on other occasions. We

understand the need for this but unfortunately we do not have either the budget or the staffing

level to provide this.

To in some way minimise the location challenge we make every effort to offer customers who

cannot visit us alternatives so that there is equal access to our services.

You do not have to visit us to find out what we have in stock – we can provide lists of the

resources we have in the library, and these can then be sent out to you using our free postal loan

service. Remember that you do not have to pay to return items – use our Freepost address to

return them to us for free.

We provide exhibitions in venues across Wales and support events at local libraries. If you would

like us to provide a display at an event you are organising please let us know. If we are not able to

attend with an exhibition, we can arrange or library marketing materials including information lists

and health leaflets to be sent to you to raise awareness of what we do.

And finally contact us by email, telephone with your enquiries, or to order leaflets and resources –

all enquiries are dealt with in 2 working days and orders dispatched from the warehouse in 5

working days. You can also check on the website for information about what we do.

New Service Standards for 2013

As part of our annual processes we have reviewed the service standards and updated these for


The major improvement for members is the increase in the number of books you have out on loan

– up from 12 to 15 items.

The standards also make it clear that library membership is valid for one year, and that everyone

needs to renew their membership annually.

We are also making it clear to everyone as they join the library that we do not supply health

promotion models, teaching packs or games. This has been included as we are frequently asked

for these resources and currently we cannot provide them.

All new members will receive the 2013 standards in their library membership packs. The standards

will also be available on our website. If you would like us to send you a copy either by email or

post please contact us.

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Health Promotion Library Bulletin – July 2013


Complaints Handling Process and Customer Leaflet

It is good to let you know that we now have available a customer leaflet which

easily explains what you need to do if you are unhappy with any part of our


This leaflet is based on the NHS Wales complaints system ‘Putting Things Right: raising a concern

about the NHS from 1 April 2011’ and the Public Health Wales’ processes.

Copies of the leaflet will be available in all new member packs, on display for all visitors and to

download from our website.

If you would like to receive a copy of this by email or post please contact us.

We are grateful to Mr Mike Smith our Customer Service Excellence Assessor for his comments on

improving this leaflet in the process of its development.

Health Challenge Wales Order Line 0845 606 4050

In the May bulletin we reported that we were preparing a ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ leaflet to

help customers to use the order line more easily.

Sarah Davies has now completed this based on her extensive knowledge in managing the order

line, and as soon as this has been translated into Welsh this will be available for everyone on our

website. We would really welcome your feedback on this and any suggestions for other question

which we can add to make this even more useful.

This will be reviewed and any changes will be made annually.

What’s on – Health Events Calendar

Thank you to everyone who gave us feedback on the pilot version of the

calendar. It is good to let you know that the feedback was positive and also

included some very helpful suggestions for making it an even more useful


Work is now underway thanks to our web colleagues to get a mock up of what it will look like as an

actual live calendar on the website.

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Health Promotion Library Bulletin – July 2013


We also want to include a very useful feature from a calendar produced by the Calderdale Health

Improvement Resource Centre in Halifax. This provides an ‘At a glance’ feature listing all events

for the next six months which can easily be printed off as a small poster.

We know that many of our customers would use this print version as we have frequent calls for the

old printed version which Health Challenge Wales previously provided. While we can’t provide this

original calendar, we hope that this online one with the facility to do a print off will be a good


Book Prescription Wales Scheme

This scheme aims to help people with mild to moderate emotional problems to

make use of high quality self-help books that have been specially selected by

psychologists and counsellors working in Wales. The scheme was developed in

2005 by Professor Neil Frude, Clinical Psychologist, with more than 38,000 books

being loaned by libraries in Wales during the past two years.

The Library met with colleagues from the Adult Mental Health and Vulnerable

Groups Team in Welsh Government recently to discuss the work that we will be doing around the

promotion and distribution of this scheme.

A detailed work plan of activities is being drafted around these actions, and we would really

welcome any suggestions from customers as we do this work.

One of our ideas is to collect stories from everyone involved in any way with BPW. We also want

to market BPW at relevant events and conferences. So if you are organising an event and would

like to have an exhibition of the BPW books and publicity materials, please let us know.

And finally, you may have seen the launch in June of the all England scheme ‘Reading Well Books

on Prescription’. It is good to report that the success of the Wales scheme and the work of

Professor Frude were acknowledged at this launch.

At the same time a press release on the Wales scheme was widely sent out as part of our

marketing work. You can get full information about the BPW scheme on the library’s website at

We will have a regular update on the BPW scheme in future issues of the Bulletin.

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Health Promotion Library Bulletin – July 2013


Customer Corner

Customer comment: ‘I’ve only received half of my order of resources – what’s

happened to the rest of them?’

Our response: ’Thank you for letting us know. We can track the order and find out when it was

delivered and who signed for the order. This may solve the problem, but if it doesn’t we’ll

investigate further and if there is a problem with the delivery we will contact the delivery firm so

that they can redeliver if this is necessary’.

Customer comment: ‘I’ve only had the leaflets which I ordered, but the posters are not there?’

Our response: ‘We often get this query from our customers. You need to check the box delivered

carefully as often the posters you need will be underneath the leaflets. To save on delivery costs

the delivery firm will deliver mixed boxes of resources.’

Health Campaigns

We are introducing this as a new feature to support our colleagues in other services in Public

Health Wales who want to get their messages out far and wide. We hope that you will also find this


Screening for Life July 2013 campaign

This campaign is being held across Wales in July to raise awareness of the

national screening programmes offered by NHS Wales, and to encourage

people to take up free testing for breast, cervical and bowel cancer screening.

The campaign is also promoting the recently launched Wales Abdominal

Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Screening Programme.

This is the first time all four programmes are being promoted together in a

stand-a-lone campaign.

To find out more about this and what is happening in July visit the web at, log on to the Screening for Life Facebook

page or search Screening for Life on Facebook or You Tube.

You can contact the Screening Engagement Team in South East Wales on 029 20397222, South

West Wales 01792 459988 and North Wales 01492 860888.

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Health Promotion Library Bulletin – July 2013


Stop Smoking Wales

Stop Smoking Wales is a free NHS service to help people in Wales quit smoking.

The service provides:

Clinics for people who want to stop smoking

Information about nicotine replacement therapy or prescription only medication

Carbon Monoxide validation

Behavioural Support

Evaluation shows that people who want to quit smoking are four times more likely to success

when they attend the seven week course.

Between the 6th July and 17th August 2013 a new Saturday Clinic will be piloted in Cardiff at St

David’s Hospital, Canton.

To book an appointment or for further information call 0800 085 2219 or visit the web at .Stop Smoking Wales also provides brief intervention training for any

professionals who come into regular contact with smokers. The brief intervention training is free.

For all enquiries contact the service on 0800 085 2219 or email [email protected] or

visit the web at

Healthy, Happy, Fairer Communities: Welsh Public Health Conference 2013

The third Public Health Conference jointly organised by Public Health Wales and the Welsh

Government will be held at the Wales Millennium Centre on the 10 and 11 October 2013.

At the same time the World Health Organization’s European Regions for Health Network will for

the first time be holding its annual meeting in Wales. All members of the network are expected and

will be attending the Public Health Conference.

The conference will bring together colleagues from across the public health spectrum to share

best practice and ideas. Objectives include developing understanding and learning on how public

health can influence key areas of health including:

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Health Promotion Library Bulletin – July 2013


Health, wealth and wellbeing

Tackling inequalities at local, national and international level

Holistic approaches to wellness across the life course

Excellence in health services

Health and health services in Europe and how these can be improved for individuals and families, communities, and for the people who work in them

Informing policy making and practice

Raising the profile of public health in Wales

Within these broad aims and objectives there will be four main themes for the conference, each

starting with a key-note address. These will be followed by breakout sessions for each of the


Health, wealth and wellbeing. The section will begin with a review of the impact of the economic downturn on health and of future prospects. The breakout sessions will look at poverty, wellbeing at work, and cutting-edge innovation and health.

Holistic approaches to wellness across the life course. The section will begin with a review of one whole-of-government approach to improving life chances. The breakout sessions will look at health assets, community approaches, early year interventions and the value and drawbacks of legislation in bringing about change.

Tackling inequalities at local, national and international level. The World Health Organization’s ‘Health 2020: the European policy for health and well-being’ must lead to practical action. This session will look at some of the new thinking and new tools being developed by the World Health Organization, and how these might bring a fresh impetus to efforts to improve the chances of those with the poorest health.

Excellence in health services. The section will start with a review of the options and an assessment of progress for health services caught in the vice of falling real resources and growing demands, with every country needing to get more from less. The breakout sessions will look at how staff empowerment, patient feedback and performance information is being used to drive quality improvement, and how services can be adapted to support the poorest communities.

To find out more about the conference and how to register visit the website at or email

[email protected] or phone 029 20823319.

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Health Promotion Library Bulletin – July 2013


Customer Service Excellence Visit

The Library’s annual accreditation visit will be taking place on Tuesday 16 July 2013.

We are using all the comments, suggestions and other feedback from our customers in putting

together the evidence for the online application.

We are also grateful to everyone who has agreed to speak to our assessor Mr Mike Smith as part

of the visit.

We will let everyone know how we got on in the September issue of this bulletin.

New Books added to stock


Dementia 2013: the hidden voice of loneliness

London: Alzheimer’s Society, 2013

Dementia 2013: The hidden voice of loneliness is Alzheimer's Society's annual report examining

the quality of life for people with dementia.


Bob: no ordinary cat

London: Hodder and Stoughton, 2013

ISBN: 9781444764901

A special edition for children age 11 and above, featuring 8 pages of photographs. 'We are all

given second chances every day of our lives, but we don't usually take them. Then I met Bob.'

James Bowen was a homeless musician, busking on the streets of London to survive. But the

moment he met an injured stray cat with ginger fur and big green eyes, his life began to change.

Together James and Bob the cat faced the world - and won. A purrfectly true 'tail' of love and

friendship to make you smile! Please note contains some drug references.

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Health Promotion Library Bulletin – July 2013



Rethinking community practice: developing transformative neighbourhoods

Bristol: The Policy Press, 2013

ISBN: 9781447300090

As local communities and public services reel under the impact of global economic turmoil, it is

vital to find more creative ways for the services to work together with those who depend on them

and who also, as citizens, ultimately govern them. Community practice is the name for that

growing part of the relationship by which service providers and local residents collaborate flexibly

and economically to meet needs, boost community strengths and service effectiveness, and link

participative and representative democracy. Combining re-examination of theory with practical

tools and approaches, Chanan and Miller provide a new framework for local involvement strategy,

for policy-makers and practitioners alike. They show how this innovative but still amorphous

movement can become more coherent, both on the ground and in public policy: reforming

community development, building new kinds of neighbourhood partnership, measuring outcomes

objectively, and combining the best innovations of the past three decades into a new synthesis.


Inequalities in self-reported health: a meta-regression analysis

Working Paper No.32/2013

London: London School of Economics and Political Science, 2013

There is a growing amount of health economics literature in Europe using standardised cross-

country health inequality indexes. Yet, limited efforts have been put forward to examine the extent

to which such evidence is subject to any specific methodological and publication biases despite

studies relying upon different samples, heterogeneous health system institutions and which use

different empirical strategies and data manipulation procedures. We draw upon appropriate

statistical methods to examine the presence of publication bias in the health economics literature

measuring health inequalities of self-reported health. In addition, we test for other biases including

the effect of precision estimates based on meta-regression analysis (MRA). We account for a set

of biases in estimates of income-related health inequalities that rely on concentration index-related

methods and self-reported health measures. Our findings suggest evidence of publication bias that

primarily depends on the cardinalisation of self-reported health and study-specific precision.

However, no robust evidence of other publication biases has been identified. Available online at:


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Unequal health: the scandal of our times

Bristol: The Policy Press, 2013

ISBN: 9781447305132

Health inequalities are the most important inequalities of all. In the USA and the UK these

inequalities have now reached an extent not seen for over a century. Most peoples' health is much

better now than then, but the gaps in life expectancy between regions, between cities, and

between neighbourhoods within cities now surpass the worst measures over the last hundred

years. In almost all other affluent countries, inequalities in health are lower and people live longer.

In his new book, academic and writer Danny Dorling describes the current extent of inequalities in

health as the scandal of our times. He provides nine new chapters and updates a wide selection of

his highly influential writings on health, including international peer reviewed studies, annotated

lectures, newspaper articles, and interview transcripts, to create an accessible collection that is

both contemporary and authoritative. As a whole the book shows conclusively that inequalities in

health are the scandal of our times in the most unequal of rich nations and calls for immediate

action to reduce these inequalities in the near future.


Changing children's chances: new findings on child policy worldwide

Los Angeles: World Policy Analysis Centre, 2013

Drawing on original data on policies and laws around the world, this report seeks to provide a

global picture of where we stand in terms of policy tools that governments can use to make a

difference in children's life chances. Available online at:


People powered health: health for people, by people and with people

London: Nesta, 2013

People Powered Health: health for people, by people and with people is intended for leaders,

managers and practitioners across the health and social care system. It draws on experience

across the NHS over many years, and outlines the changes needed to help the health system

make the most of the skills and commitment of employees, patients and communities, in

addressing the biggest strategic challenge for health: the rising importance of long–term

conditions. As it shows, this challenge requires a new balance between health provision for

people, active health management by people, and mutual support with people. The paper draws

on the experience of the six local teams who took part in People Powered Health, which was led

by Nesta and the Innovation Unit from summer 2011 to winter 2012. Following this report we will

be publishing a series of learning products explaining why the People Powered Health approach

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works, what it looks like and the key features needed to replicate success elsewhere. Available

online at:


Practical health promotion. 2nd Ed.

Cambridge: Polity Press, 2013

ISBN: 9780745663166

The second edition of this textbook has been fully revised to provide a totally up-to-date guide to

the practical aspects of promoting health. Focusing on the range of skills needed to become an

effective practitioner, it takes readers step-by-step through the different settings in which health

promotion takes place, and the various tools they might employ. The book offers accessible and

comprehensive coverage of all the key topics in contemporary health promotion, including

chapters on health promotion through the lifespan, one-to-one communication, working with

groups, using the media and digital technologies, advocacy, and planning and management. As

well as incorporating the most recent government policies and initiatives in public health, the new

edition draws on the very latest literature and statistics. In particular, there is new and expanded

material on issues such as: community initiatives and social capital; novel resources offered by

digital technologies; health literacy; health in the media; stress in the workplace, and much more.


The changing national role in health system governance: a case-based study of 11

European countries and Australia.

Observatory Studies Series No. 29. 2013

Copenhagen: World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, 2013

ISBN: 9789289000031978

This report by the Observatory gives a both broad and specific picture of recent

international/European issues and initiatives; successes as well as difficulties and shortcomings.

Together with other international outlooks, it leads us to the conclusion that Sweden shares many

fundamental challenges with other countries. There are strong implicit forces for improved central

coordination in fields like knowledge management and IT. At the same time, there are strong

forces for decentralizing information and decision-making to individual patients and users of social

services. Public health, as well as integrated care for people with multiple needs, are issues that

largely have to be locally implemented. These aspects of centralization and decentralization seem

to be relatively independent of political structures. Available online at:

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Human Development Report 2013: The Rise of the South: Human Progress in a

Diverse World

New York: Human Development Report Office (UNDP), 2013

ISBN: 9789211263404

The 2013 Human Development Report, The Rise of the South: Human Progress in a Diverse

World looks at the evolving geopolitics of our times, examining emerging issues and trends and

also the new actors which are shaping the development landscape. The Report argues that the

striking transformation of a large number of developing countries into dynamic major economies

with growing political influence is having a significant impact on human development progress.

Available online at:


New technology and the prevention of violence and conflict

New York: International Peace Institute, 2013

This report explores the ways in which ICTs and the data they generate can assist

international actors, governments, and civil society organizations to more effectively prevent

violence and conflict. It examines the contributions that cell phones, social media, crowdsourcing,

crisis mapping, blogging, and big data analytics can make to short-term efforts to forestall crises

and to long-term initiatives to address the root causes of violence. Five case studies assess the

use of such tools in a variety of regions (Africa, Asia, Latin America) experiencing different types of

violence (criminal violence, election-related violence, armed conflict, shortterm crisis) in different

political contexts (restrictive and collaborative governments). Available online at:


Physical activity: brief advice for adults in primary care: guidance

NICE Public Health Guidance 44

Manchester: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, 2013

ISBN: 9781473101432

This guidance aims to support routine provision of brief advice on physical activity in primary care

practice. The recommendations cover: identifying adults who are inactive; delivering brief advice;

following up brief advice; incorporating brief advice in commissioning; systems to support brief

advice; information and training to support brief advice. Available online at:

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Instructions for a heatwave

London: Tinder Press, 2013

ISBN: 9780755358823

The novel from Costa-Novel-Award-winning novelist Maggie O'Farrell: a portrait of an Irish family

in crisis in the legendary heatwave of 1976. It's July 1976. In London, it hasn't rained for months,

gardens are filled with aphids, water comes from a standpipe, and Robert Riordan tells his wife

Gretta that he's going round the corner to buy a newspaper. He doesn't come back. The search for

Robert brings Gretta's children - two estranged sisters and a brother on the brink of divorce - back

home, each with different ideas as to where their father might have gone. None of them suspects

that their mother might have an explanation that even now she cannot share.


The squeezed middle: the pressure on ordinary workers in America and Britain

Bristol: The Policy Press, 2013

ISBN: 9781447308935

As wages stagnate but living costs keep rising, the pressure on working people grows more

intense. The issue of living standards has become one of the most urgent challenges for

politicians in both Britain and America. 'The squeezed middle' brings together experts from both

sides of the Atlantic to ask what the UK can learn from the US. American workers have not

benefited from growth for an entire generation - the average American worker earned no more in

2009 than in 1975. Now British workers are undergoing a similar experience. No longer can they

assume that when the economy grows their wages will grow with it. This collection brings together

for the first time leading economic and policy thinkers to analyse the impact of different policies on

those on low-to middle incomes and to explain what lessons the UK can learn from America's 'lost

generation'. This timely book is essential reading for everyone concerned about the living

standards crisis, an issue which could decide elections as well as shaping the future for millions of

working families.


National Child Measurement Programme: Changes in children’s body mass index

between 2006/07 and 2011/12

Oxford: National Obesity Observatory, 2013

This report presents analysis of data from the first six years of the National Child Measurement

Programme (NCMP) and describes the changes that have taken place across survey years in the

body mass index (BMI) of children aged 4–5 and 10–11 years attending state maintained schools

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in England. Prevalence of obesity and mean BMI (adjusted for age) have been used to

summarise the BMI of the child population by school year and sex. Analysis has also been

conducted to examine changes by level of socioeconomic deprivation, by ethnic group, and across

the BMI distribution. Available online at:

RIGHT CARE NHS atlas of variation in healthcare for people with live disease: reducing unwarranted variation to increase value and improve quality Right Care, 2013

The NHS Atlas of Variation in Healthcare for People with Liver Disease uses data sets in the form

of maps to reveal the extent of variations in services and outcomes. This Atlas reveals widespread

variation: in the prevalence of risk factors for liver disease, including Hepatitis infection, obesity

and alcohol abuse; in emergency admissions and routine treatments and operations; in the

expenditure on liver disease services across the NHS. Also available online at:



Far from the tree: a dozen kinds of love

London: Chatto and Windus, 2013

ISBN: 9780701176112

This book tells the stories of parents who learn to deal with their children and find meaning in

doing so. This title introduces us to families coping with deafness, dwarfism, Down syndrome,

autism, schizophrenia, disability, with children who are prodigies, who are conceived in rape, who

become criminals, who are transgender.


Doodlemum: a year of family life

London: Two Roads, 2013

ISBN: 9781444768046

Most parents photograph their children growing up, but Doodlemum (Angie Stevens) posts a

drawing of her children and their family life on her blog every night (after the kids have gone to

sleep). She draws everything from holidays to pets, tantrums to camping. All captured in a few key

strokes of the pen. Angie Stevens's enthusiasm for drawing developed in childhood and she went

on to study illustration at the Unviersity of Westminster. After shis, she says, came 'the tsunami of

children and marriage' but her passion for drawing never left her. After the birth of her third child, 'a

bit exhausted, sleep-deprived and probably suffering from a bit of post natal depression', her

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husband bought her a collection of Moleskine notebooks and suggested it might help to start

drawing again. It did, and in 2010 the Doodlemum blog was born. Over 1000 illustrations later,

Doodlemum is established. This is the book her fans have been asking for - perfect for them and

for those who will fall in love with this tender and funny picture of family life in all its messy glory.


Health impact assessment of housing improvements: a guide

Glasgow: ScotPHN; NHS Health Scotland, 2013

This guide updates the previous guide published in 2003. It has been written to help those doing a

health impact assessment of a housing proposal. The document: • Provides background

information on housing conditions and housing policy in Scotland; • Contains a review of research

evidence on housing and health; • Gives guidance on applying this evidence in the context of a

health impact assessment; • Summarises some HIA case studies and sources of evidence.

Available online at:


Working for health equity: the role of health professionals

London: University College London, 2013

This report demonstrates that the healthcare system and those working within it have an important

and often under-utilised role in reducing health inequalities through action on the social

determinants of health. The health workforce are, after all, well placed to initiate and develop

services that take into account and attempt to improve the wider social context for patients and

staff. The report discusses the best ways to reduce inequities through workforce education and

training, practical actions to be taken during interactions with patients, ways of working in

partnership, and the role of advocacy. It also includes a section on the health system, which

analyses which mechanisms and structures are supportive of actions to reduce health inequality,

and where further development might be needed. Available online at:


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The Strategy for Older People in Wales 2013-2023

Cardiff: Welsh Government, 2013

ISBN: 9780750494922

This third phase of the Strategy focuses on ensuring that older people in Wales have the

resources they need to deal with the challenges and opportunities they face. Older people should

expect to be able to participate as fully in society as they desire, including: contributing to

community and family life, influencing decisions and having their needs met. Available online at:


NHS Wales: delivery framework 2013-14 and future plans

Cardiff: Welsh Government, 2013

ISBN: 9780750492966

This document explains the delivery priorities for NHS Wales. They are aligned with government

policy and the need to improve standards. Available online at:



Together for Health – a Heart Disease Delivery Plan. A Delivery Plan up to 2016 for

NHS Wales and its Partners

Cardiff: Welsh Government, 2013

ISBN: 9780750493253

Welsh Government want to reduce preventable heart disease and ensure that those affected by it

have timely access to high quality services. The delivery plan explains how they will achieve this.

Available online at:

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Welsh Health Survey 2012: Initial Headline Results

SDR 72/2013

Cardiff: Welsh Government, 2013

These statistics on the health and health-related lifestyle of people living in Wales are

based on data from the Welsh Health Survey 2012. The release contains some initial headline

results. The main report of the survey will include more detailed information and will be published

in September 2013. Available online at:



The Prime Minister’s Challenge on Dementia: Delivering major improvements in

dementia care and research by 2015: Annual report of progress

London: Department of Health, 2013

This progress report sets out the achievements toward delivering major improvements in dementia

care and research by 2015. Available online at:



Exploring patient participation in reducing health-care-related safety risks

Copenhagen: World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, 2013

ISBN: 9789289002943

Patients’ rights have been formulated in a number of documents and guidelines from various

international bodies. Laws and declarations on patients’ rights do not automatically make health

care safer, but can help to empower patients. Empowered patients are in a better position to

manage their own health and health care and to participate in efforts to improve safety. The report

presents an overview of legal aspects influencing patient safety and describes examples of patient

involvement. It highlights the need to strengthen a continuum of information between various

levels of care, including patient experiences, health literacy and engagement. The work is

expected to contribute to the wider process of evidence collation aimed at finding efficient ways to

build realistic and informed expectations of health care, while encouraging patients to be vigilant

and knowledgeable to ensure maximum safety standards. Recommendations are formulated with

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respect to the macro, meso and micro levels of health service delivery. Available online at:


The European health report 2012: charting the way to well-being

Copenhagen: World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, 2013

While the overall level of health across the WHO European Region has clearly improved,

European health statistics show inequities within and between countries, according to the

European health report 2012. The report is WHO/Europe's flagship publication, issued every three

years. The report covers the Region's 53 countries and nearly 900 million people, revealing that

people are living longer and healthier lives. Life expectancy is rising across the Region, increasing

by 5 years since 1980 to reach 76 years in 2010. Available online at:,-




Pedestrian safety: a road safety manual for decision-makers and practitioners

Geneva: World Health Organization, 2013

ISBN: 9789241505352

This manual describes: the magnitude of pedestrian deaths and injuries; key risk factors; ways of

assessing the pedestrian safety situation in a given setting and prepare an action plan; and how to

select, design, implement and evaluate effective interventions. The manual stresses the

importance of a comprehensive, holistic approach that includes engineering, legislation and

enforcement as well as behavioural measures. It also draws attention to the benefits of walking,

which should be promoted as an important mode of transport given its potential to improve health

and preserve the environment. Available online at:

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Health Promotion Library Bulletin – July 2013


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