Health & Fitness June

Health & Fitness June


Health and fitness

Transcript of Health & Fitness June

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Health & FitnessJune

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What is the best intensity method for increasing arm size?Perform isometric holds at your weakest point in a curl. For example, let’s say you can’t lift more weight because you can’t get a certain weight up after rep five. Perform isometric holds with 60% of your maximum weight at that limiting range. That allows your tendons to strengthen at that elbow angle. Use it for 4-6 weeks then you’ll see that you can get past that point and you can use more weight and your arms will grow.

What is the best rep range to train your arms for maximal growth?The majority of people who can’t get their arms to grow aren’t using the proper rep ranges. Most bodybuilding workouts have you focusing on using repetitions of 10-15. While that is good for beginners, you won’t see much growth if you train exclusively in that rep range after the initial shock stage of your first few workouts. Your problem is with your arm strength. By specialising with an 8 week arm program using reps from 2-5 then going back to the traditional method of training you’ll find that you can overcome your plateau. Most people are too focused on strength vs muscle growth but those aren’t mutually exclusive. A stronger muscle can produce more force which means you can lift heavier weight down the line.

How to get bigger biceps?There are a lot of people that are overly concerned with getting bigger biceps since biceps are the biggest show muscle. It is not recommended that you just train your biceps as it is your triceps that make up around 75% of your arm mass. If you just want bigger biceps then add in a little more direct bicep work at the end of your arm workout.

How to get

big arms 952 939 955 [email protected]

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How to get bigger arms if you’ve always been skinny?Here’s the great thing about arms. You can get bigger arms no matter what your bodyweight is. Muscle growth is due to various local factors. Train your arms and your arms will grow. You can stay 150 pounds and you can get bigger biceps, you just need to realise it’ll take awhile longer.

How to get lean arms?Lean arms are an interesting topic around the warmer months. Don’t worry about the proportion, just train for size at first. If you want lean arms then your diet will be the biggest factor. Lean arms are a function of low body fat and good arm size.

Should I train my arms twice a week?For maximum growth it is advised that you train your arms twice a week. More volume is important but more frequency is also important since you’re doubling your growth factor. Provided that you are training smart then it’s ok for you to train your arms twice a week.

How can I get leaner arms in two weeks?An ultra low carbohydrate diet to lose about five pounds of fat will do this. If you have anymore to lose then there is no hope.

What is a good bigger biceps workout?If you truly want to get bigger biceps then you’ll need to perform a specialisation workout for them. For example, instead of focusing on building bigger arms, just focus on your biceps. Now that’s not to say that you won’t train your triceps, you’ll just perform more biceps volume during the training session to get them bigger.

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4 sets, 8 – 12 repsLat Pull down

Pull the bar down towards your chest. Repeat exercise.

As you can see above, this exercise crunches your back muscles


3 4

4 sets, 8 – 12 repsUnderhand Close grip pull down

Grip the bar underhand with a close grip.

Start Position: Hold the bar with a wide grip

Pull the bar straight down in line with your chest. Repeat exercise.

Start Position: Sit upright with this exercise and have your arms straight. Again, stretching your back muscles out.

Place your body at a slight angle, as above in a seated position. Note: your back at this position is fully stretched.

As you can see above, the bar is in line with your chest.







Back workout


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4 sets, 8 – 12 repsSeated Row

Start Position: Knees slightly bent with your back straight and arms fully extended again stretching your lats.

Pull towards you keeping a straight back and your knees bent. Repeat exercise

31 2

4 sets, 8 – 12 repsKneeling One Arm Row

Start Position: Place one knee on the bench and support with the same arm as above.

Lift the dumbbell straight up keeping your chest facing downwards, lifting the dumbbell to your side. Repeat exercise with other arm.

41 2

4 sets, 8 – 10 repsLower Back Lifts

Bench for lower back Start Position: Lock your feet under the arms at the back of the bench. Then hold yourself horizontally.

Bend over then lift yourself back to position. Repeat Exercise.

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How far would you go for the perfect summer body?

While the vast majority of men are not looking to enter the competitive world of bodybuilding as a sport, current cultural interests look favourably on the well formed physique. While most men can develop a leaner and therefore more muscular appearance through correct diet, exercise and activities designed to increase muscle mass, not all can develop to the level of muscle mass desired because of genetics or activity restrictions. Rather than resort to anabolic steroids, growth hormone, testosterone or other less well known drugs, bodybuilders have available implants that can augment certain areas of the body to produce balance in the physique that would be otherwise impossible.

Cosmetic surgery, specifically the use of bodybuilding implants, is an option which bodybuilders are using to add size and shape to their physique when the traditional methods of weightlifting and exercise do not or cannot produce the desired results. While the use of anabolic steroids will temporarily increase muscle mass, there are frequent, severe complications from its use. Bodybuilders are turning to the use of specially designed implants to achieve bulk and definition when genetics or other conditions prevent them from attaining the physical appearance they desire. Popular areas of surgery are: Sub-pectoral Implants, Calf Implants, Bicep Implants, and Gluteal Implants . Other implants are also available as popularity in this area increases.

Normally the type of implant used for this kind of surgery is Silicone. Solid silicone implants are made of stable materials that will not break down for many years. Highly controlled studies since that period have proven that silicone does not cause disease of any

kind. Bodybuilding implants are made of solid silicone - soft but still solid without the controversial characteristics of silicone gel. Solid silicone has never been alleged to cause any disease in the human body.

Bodybuilding implants are made of the same silicone that surrounds many cardiac pacemakers. Most joint replacement parts are made with either solid silicone or coated with silicone to reduce the body reaction to the replacement part. No problems have ever been attributed to the silicone of these implants which is identical to the silicone of bodybuilder implants.

Once healed in place, the likelihood of implant shifts or implant degradation is minimal. Complications of surgery are largely related to the initial healing period and are usually minimal. Once healed, people with implants may engage in all normal activities. Indeed, exercise including weight lifting and strength development is encouraged. Placement of implants is designed to minimize scars and to not interfere with muscle development or muscle movement.

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Not since ancient times has the muscular male form been so keenly observed and desired. Today, cultural interests look favourably on the well formed male physique. The media draws specific attention to this as men are made to feel that if they are not sporting that chiselled, sculptured physique they are somewhat deemed as socially and physically unacceptable. Pressures put on young men today make them go to extreme measures to achieve the ‘perfect physique’, but just how far would you go?

Type of Implant Used

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Calf implants seem to be a popular choice of body building implant chosen by young men. As many men like to train their upper bodies more and neglect their legs this procedure seems to be on the rise. We have all seen those men in the gyms with massive upper bodies and ‘pigeon like’ legs which look ridiculous! Well thanks to calf implants body builders can now be more in proportion with minimal effort!

This is actually not very new. The procedure is several decades old. Bodybuilders make up a large percentage of calf implant patients, as this muscle is notoriously hard to develop with inferior genetics. Black athletes in particular seem to have an especially arduous time building up the calves, due to higher muscle insertions. Nearly everyone with great calves is gifted with very low insertions, close to the ankle, meaning that there are many more muscle fibres capable of growing. With higher insertions, nearer to the knee joint, there are just not many muscle cells in the first place. It is almost unheard of for someone with terrible, ‘high’ calves to ever build them up to impressive proportions.

There is, as you would expect, significant pain following the operation until the body adjusts to the pressure of the implants inside the lower leg. Bed rest is advised for the first few days, with walking being introduced very gradually afterward. During the adjustment stage, walking on top-toes or in high heels is most comfortable. (How on earth you are going to find a pair of heels let alone walk around in them for 3 weeks is beyond me!) On the plus side, you can return to training the upper body in a week, and start working the legs again lightly in three weeks. By six weeks, you should be easing back into full-bore heavy training for the legs.

Possibly after recovery and you forget about the tremendous pain you went through for your new legs, some of you may find this a worthwhile procedure to go through in the face of vanity!

Most Popular Procedure

Before After

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Flex Wheeler

Prior to the Mr. Olympia contest, Shawn Ray challenged IFBB head honcho Wayne DeMilia to investigate Flex Wheeler for calf implants, as his calves had dramatically improved over two years from mediocre to excellent. An MRI showed that whatever Flex had done to his calves, it wasn’t implants.

Arnold Schwarzenegger is another famous bodybuilder that has been accused of having them, though almost everyone knows the legend of how Arnold only started truly training his calves correctly after visiting Reg Park in South Africa. Arnold returned to Venice Beach and cut all of his workout jogger into knickers so that he was constantly reminded of his poor calves. He had no choice but to start training them!

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Avoiding high factor creams because

you assume you won’t tan.

The factor 2 oil at your local supermarket may look like

the ideal route to the tan of your dreams, but using

very low factor creams will only damage your skin and

increase your risk of skin cancer.

You will still get a tan if you use factor 15, honestly. It

will just take longer for you to get it but the tan will

actually be deeper, look better and last longer rather

than start peeling like a snake after a couple of days

resulting in dry and patchy looking skin. Choosing a

higher factor means you will be able to spend more

time safely in the sun in years to come without worrying

about the different areas of your body that you have

sunburned in the past and need to keep covered.

Buying the cheapest cream you can.

As we all know, sun creams come in all shapes and sizes

- and price ranges.

While you don’t necessarily have to buy the most

expensive one on the shelf, opting for the cheapest

version could be a serious mistake. The most important

factor influencing your decision should be whether

the cream you choose protects against both UVA and

UVB rays. Many people don’t realise this but the SPF

factor on the bottle only relates to UVB rays. UVB rays

are traditionally thought of as the sun’s rays that cause

sunburn while UVA rays cause signs of ageing. But new

research shows that UVA rays can be responsible for

both sunburn and ageing.

A sun cream’s UVA rating is shown on the back of sun

cream bottles and is measured in stars, one star being

the lowest level of protection and four stars being

the highest. As well as choosing a high SPF rating it is

advised to choose a four star UVA rating.

Thinking last year’s sunburn

has recovered.

Most of us have a story about the day we got so

badly sunburned we blistered up and couldn’t sleep.

But though the pain and redness fades our bodies

remember the areas we sunburn for the rest of our lives.

Research shows that sunburn damages our DNA and

the damage is permanent. If we continue to expose

these areas to sunburn or too much sun we run the

risk of eventually developing skin cancer. It is advised

that anyone who has suffered severe sunburn to try to

remember the spot where they caught too much sun

and to take care to cover this spot in a high factor cream,

ideally factor 30.

Buying a sun cream with too high

a factor If you or a member of your family has skin that burns

easily you might be tempted to buy the highest factor

sun cream you can get your hands on. But little did you

know that there is no point buying any creams with an

SPF rating over 30.

Factor 30 creams block out 98 per cent of the sun’s

rays. Factor 60 creams only block out about one per

cent more sunlight so it is not worth spending any

extra money on them. In fact America’s Food and

Drug Administration recently brought in guidelines

encouraging sun cream manufacturers to stop making

creams over factor 30. The thinking behind this is that

people assume that if they are wearing factor 60 they

are protected from twice as many of the sun’s rays as

with a factor 30 so will stay in the sun much longer. This

is false as you are not doubly protected at all!

Sun cream mistakes to avoid!Now that the Summer is here are you really protecting your skin from the sun as much as

you should be? With skin cancer on the rise we all need to make putting on sun cream a

priority when spending the day in the sun especially when living in Spain.

When it comes to choosing sun tan oil or lotion most of us do not really know what we

should be looking for. For a lot of people, the price tag plays a major part in making that

final decision on which type of tanning lotion we opt for. Here are only a few mistakes

that we all make.

Clarins Sun Care Spray Gentle Milk Lotion, UVB/UVA 20

Great scent and gorgeous texture for a burn-free golden tan.

L’Oréal Solar Expertise Transparent Spray, SPF20

A great tan without stickiness on the skin or annoying stains

on clothes.

Lancôme Sôleil, DNA Guard, SPF15

An easy-to-apply mist that defends skin with anti-agers

and smoothing moisturisers, while

helping prevent redness.


Nivea Sun, Light Feeling sun lotion, SPF50

Serious protection with an unbelievably light, watery

texture and no hint of that horrible high-factor pastiness.

Soltan Lotion with Coconut Fragrance, SPF15

Great tropical scent and trustworthy

protection for a great price.







protection for skin sensitive to the sun

This is a great sun cream for the face and is full of

antioxidants. Also water resistant which is a bonus.

All available online or at Corte Ingles or La Canada

shopping Centre!

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A young 12-year-old girl died in Dubai

after using her favourite fancy SAFA mineral water bottle which she kept and decorated herself to take her water and juice to school

in daily. She used the bottle continuously for 16 months.

Basically, the plastic called (polyethylene terephthalate or PET)

used in these plastic bottles contains a potentially carcinogenic element

(diethylhydroxylamine or DEHA). The bottles are safe but only when used

once and then thrown away. If you must keep them longer, it should be for no

longer than a few days.

It is extremely important to not let water bottles become hot e.g when left in the car in the summer months as

this increases the release of the dangerous chemical from the water bottle into the

water that you will then drink!

How to avoidCheck on the bottom of the bottle there is a

triangle sign and there will be a number on it. If the number is higher than or equal to 5, then this bottle is safe to use.

Whatever number you see under the number 5 will release the chemical.

For most bottled water, the number is 1. It is not safe to re-use!

Many of us are unaware of the harmful effects of re-using your disposable mineral water bottles. Whether it be for the gym or to refill and take down to the beach this is a definite no no!

Please invest in a proper water bottle designed for multiple uses.


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We never think about our memory fading or at least not until way into our 70’s or 80’s but memory problems can arise early as your 20’s, according to a new study from the University of Virginia. The study looked at more than 2,000 men and women between the ages of 18 and 60 for seven years. Researchers found that by the age of 27, puzzle-solving

capabilities, brain speed and abstract reasoning started to decline in most people. Scary! This indicates that your

brain is one part of your body you need to keep fit. Here’s how:

1. STAY ACTIVEPhysical fitness may increase the size of your hippocampus - the region of the brain connected to long-term recall. Anything physical that gets your blood flowing works, but jogging and

swimming apparently provide the best benefits to the brain.

2. EAT SMARTWhat’s good for your heart is good for your brain, says Gary Small, M.D., author of iBrain. He advises loading your diet

with antioxidant-rich foods (such as brightly coloured fruits and vegetables), plus omega-3 fatty acids from

fish and olive oil.

3. ORGANIZE AND VISUALIZETeach yourself mental cues. If you need to remember several items, try arranging them into smaller units.

4. DON’T OVERDO ITAlthough technology can leave you scattered and mentally drained, it can also free your brain up from things that you don’t need to be committed to memory, like phone numbers and birthdays (unless it’s your wife’s and kids’ birthdays;

remember those!).

5. PLAY AND RELAXContrary to what your mum says, video games won’t rot your brain. Some - like the puzzle-filled Brain Age 2 for Nintendo DS - may even help to strengthen and train it. Relaxing also

reduces stress levels, which can boost brainpower.

Keep your brain fit!

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Fitness heig


Employers seem to prefer taller employeesIt is true that many employers equate tallness with more capability and competence. Tall people are hired more often and promoted more often than short people, when employers must choose between tall and short candidates. One would like to think that employers value their hires for their work, not their height. Unfortunately, quite a few recent studies published revealed that taller people, particularly men, earn more money.

Taller men can earn more money than their shorter counterparts simply because taller people are perceived to be more intelligent and powerful. Being taller does not seem to provide any genuine benefit that helps employees actually perform better.

Research shows that tall people, both men and women, tend to be more successful in

their careers than short people. But why do the tall tower over the short in more than just

physical stature? Does height breed respect, so that tall people get showered with riches?

Or does height breed self-esteem, so that tall people are more likely to assert themselves

knowing they will definitely succeed in all of life’s endeavours?



“Theoretically, the importance of height has evolutionary origins, because animals use height as an index for power and strength when making fight-or-flight decisions.”

D. G. Freedman (1979)

“Throughout nature the rule is the bigger, the more dangerous. Thus, from a socio-biological perspective, height equals power and therefore demands respect”



Did you know?

During your lifetime, you will produce enough saliva to fill two swimming pools. Saliva plays an important part in beginning the digestive process and keeping the mouth lubricated, and your mouth produces quite a bit of it on a daily basis.

Monday is the day of the week when the risk of heart attack is greatest. Yet another reason to loathe

Mondays! A ten year study in Scotland found that 20% more people die of heart attacks on Mondays than

any other day of the week. Researchers theorize that it’s a combination of too much fun over the weekend

with the stress of going back to work that causes the increase.

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Being taller pays more!Economists have known for a long time that it pays to be tall. Multiple studies have found that an extra inch of height can be worth an extra €700 a year or so in wages, after controlling for education and experience. If you’re 6 feet tall, you will probably earn about €4,600 more than the equally qualified 5-foot-6-inch man down the hall.

That makes height as important as race or gender as a determinant of wages. And it works for women as well as men. Even among female identical twins (whose heights can differ more than you might expect), the taller sister earns, on average, substantially more than the shorter.

History proves taller men get the job!Height matters not just for wages but for ascension to leadership roles.

An interesting bit of trivia that pertains to this topic is the fact that in the 28 presidential elections between 1790 and 2011, 18 of the winning candidates have been taller than their opponents.

Of 43 American presidents, only five have been more than a smidgeon below average height, and the last of those was Benjamin Harrison, elected in 1888. Most presidents since then have been several inches above the norm for their times, with the five tallest being Abraham Lincoln, Lyndon Johnson, Bill Clinton, Thomas Jefferson, and Franklin Roosevelt - suggesting, incidentally, that height predicts success.

Today’s president Barrack Obama stands at 6ft 1” tall!

Did you know?

The acid in your stomach is strong enough to dissolve razorblades. While you certainly shouldn’t test the fortitude of your stomach by eating a razor blade or any other metal object for that matter, the acids that digest the food you eat aren’t to be taken lightly. Hydrochloric acid, the type found in your stomach, is not only good at dissolving the pizza you had for dinner but can also eat through many types of metal.

By the age of 60, most people will have lost about half their taste buds. Perhaps you shouldn’t trust your

grandma’s cooking as much as you do. Older individuals tend to lose their ability to taste, and many find

that they need much more intense flavouring in order to be able to fully appreciate a dish.