Health Enrollment Training April 6,2015 Matilda elizondo

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Health Services Timelines and Process Diagram Illustrates the Health processes that we must conduct during the Head Start year. Which includes the: Initial developmental, sensory (vision, strabismus, hearing)behavioral, motor, language, social, cognitive, perceptual and emotional skills screenings (Articulation Screening, ASQ/SE) Establishment of medical and dental homes Identification of additional health concerns during the child’s enrollment

Transcript of Health Enrollment Training April 6,2015 Matilda elizondo

Health Enrollment Training April 6,2015 Matilda elizondo Health Services Timelines and Process Diagram
Illustrates the Health processes that wemust conduct during the Head Start year. Which includes the: Initial developmental, sensory (vision,strabismus, hearing)behavioral, motor, language,social, cognitive, perceptual and emotional skillsscreenings (Articulation Screening, ASQ/SE) Establishment of medical and dental homes Identification of additional health concerns duringthe childs enrollment Health Timelines Child Health and Developmental Services Timeline and Process Within 45 Calendar Days Ensure that each child receivesage-appropriate and culturallyand linguistically responsivescreening for developmental,sensory (visual and auditory),behavioral, motor, language, social,cognitive, perceptual, andemotional skills. Within 90 Calendar Days In partnership with parents or legalguardians, determine the childs health statusand support families in accessing treatmentand follow-up services for identified healthconditions. In partnership with parents or legalguardians, determine the childs oral healthstatus and support families in accessingtreatment and follow-up services foridentified health conditions. Why we do screening Approach to screening includes getting information from thepeople who know the child bestthe family, the teacher, thecaregiveror whoever has been working with the child. If a childhas not slept well, has health conditions, takes medications that mayimpact her energy level, or is hungry or in pain, she may notdemonstrate her full range of skills, abilities, and knowledge. Screening can help us catch problems early so we can referchildren for further assessments and possibly special services,treatment, or other resources that can help children overcomeproblems. FY 2014 CHS: Health Determinations
NEW: Date of health determinationshould be the date the programobtained the determination fromthe health care professional More accurately reflects the standard FY 2013 language has a determinationbeen made FY 2014 language on what date was thedetermination obtained FY 2014 language on what date was the determination obtained
Site will be issued 2 date stamps FSW- when a physical comes in or parenthands to you, it will be stamped dated assoon as you receive it. Monitors- Under event date- will enterdate of physical and Under scheduleddate- date received (what is stamped onphysical) Medicaids Early Periodic Screening Diagnostic, and Treatment program
To ensure that children receive prompt medical and dental evaluation and/or treatment, Head Start staff assist families to obtain a source of funding for health services, such as Medicaids Early Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment program (EPSDT). If funds are not available to families, then Head Start funds may be used [45 CFR (c)(5)]. EPSDT Early: Assessing a child's health early in life so that potential diseases and disabilities can be prevented or detected in the early stages, when they can be treated most effectively; Periodic: Assessing children's health at key points to assure continued healthy development; Screening: Using tests and procedures to determine if children screened have conditions requiring closer medical or dental attention, including attention to mental health problems; Diagnostic: Determining the nature and cause of conditions identified by screenings and those requiring further attention; and Treatment: Providing services needed to control, correct, or reduce physical and mental health problems. THSteps Medical Check-ups Periodicity Schedule for Infants, and Children, (Birth Through 10 Years of Age) Recommended Immunization Schedule for 2015 Memorandum Of Understanding (Mous)
Federally funded clinics to be used forphysicals and dentals of Head Startchildren. Four(4) clinics will have Mous with HeadStart. Community Health Center of Lubbock 1318 Broadway, Lubbock, Texas extension 1029 Mous South Plains Rural Health Services, Inc. Regence Health Network
Larry Combest Community Health and Wellness Center 301 E. 40th Street, Lubbock, Texas South Plains Rural Health Services, Inc. 1000 Fm 300, Levelland, Texas extension 154 Regence Health Network 2801 W. 8th Street, Plainview, Texas extension 318 Resources Texas Health Steps providers are on-line!Up-to date list of Region 1 THSteps providers can be found at: Medical providers Dental providers Case Management providers Physical Letter Do not leave any blanks.
Section 1. complete Center/Partner Name, date,and childs name. Section 2. - review section #2 with the parent orguardian at time of enrollment. Section 3. - all of these items must be completedon the physical exam form to be consideredcomplete. Section 4.- Explanation to provider /parents onaction plans and bloodwork. Section 5. - contact information for the parent. Physical Exam SPCAA/Head Start will no longer be giving parents a physical form atenrollment. We will use the THSteps forms or any other form that a provider uses aslong as it has all the areas required for a THSteps exam.(exampleattached) Make sure that the childs information is at the top of form indentifyingthat the physical is for that child and that it is completed. According to the TMPPM (Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual2011) it does not say that a provider has to sign his/her name inhandwriting. They can sign a checkup form electronically, but prohibitedto submit a claim and other documents with a stamped signature. Form will be entered and scanned/attached by Monitors into Child Plusand filed in the childs brown folder under Flap #4 Acceptable: Not Acceptable: Stamped Oral Health Form- Children
Make sure all the information that is required in number1, 2, 3, 4and 12 is complete before child is to see the Dentist Number1. - Complete childs name Number 2. Complete center name or partner site name Number3. Complete childsdate of birth Number 4. Dental home select YES or NO Number 5, 6 and 7, - Dentist will complete these section. Number 8. - If dentist selects YES them the name of thespecialist will be documented. Number 9. If OTHER is seleceted then the dentist willspecify what other treatment is needed. Number 10. Dentist will complete this section.All items inthis section have to be complete if child needs treatment andthe treatment has not been completed. Oral Health Form- Children
Number 11. This section will be completed for recallappointment. Number 12.- Person completing enrollment forms will circle whatdental plan the child is on and document the plan number. If Childdoes not have dental insurance this section will be left blank. Number 19.- Dentist will print name Number 20 and 21- The phone number and fax number of thedentist office will be documented here. Number 16 and 17 the dentist office name and address will bedocumented here Number 18.- The dentist will sign the form Number 19 The date the service (exam, treatment, preventivecare) was completed would be place here. Form will be entered and scanned/attached by Monitors into Child Plusand filed in the childs brown folder under Flap #4 Parent Consent for Services
Make sure that all the questions have been answered by theparent Section 1. - Put childs full name Section 2.- We prefer all answers be YES, however if parentanswers NO, FSWs will need to re-ask to clarify answer ifstill NO document and let SM/TL know. Number 11. In Section 2. Is permission for childrens picturesto be taken, Make sure that teachers know who thosechildren are who have NO answers! Section 3. - Must be signed and dated by staff personcompleting form.Ensure that Parent or Guardian have alsosigned and dated. Form will be entered into Child Plus by FSWs and then willbe scanned/attached into ChildPlus by Monitor. Consent for Lead and/or Hematocrit Testing using a Finger Stick Method Instructions
All parents sign a Consent for Lead and/or HematocritTesting using a Finger Stick Method at the time they enrollinto the program unless they refuse for blood work to becompleted. This consent will be used if we can not get the neededresults from the provider. If parent refuses for the blood work to be completed bythe HS/EHS nurse then a line will be drawn from the upperleft corner to the lower right corner.The word REFUSEDwill be written over the diagonal line and the parent willsign and date the form. Consent for Lead and/or Hematocrit Testing using a Finger Stick Method
This information is used in reporting data to the state of Texas, as all lead results have tobe reported to Austin. Section #1, To be completed at time of enrollment as part of the enrollment process. This form is good for one (1) year from date signed.Parent will be notified before it isutilized. Do not leave any blanks. Please fill in Medicaid or insurance information. Section #2, To be completed at time of enrollment as part of the enrollment process. All blanks need to be completed. Please have parent complete address with City and Zip Code. Ethnicity and Race must be checked as this is used in reporting to the state of Texas. Please include the childs primary physician and location. Section #3, To be completed by SPCAA Nurse at the time the blood work is completed. The Consent for Lead and/or Hematocrit will be scanned/attached into ChildPlus byMonitor at enrollment after completed with family.When test has been completedby SPCAA Nurse, form will be entered by SPCAA nurse or FSW andscanned/attached in ChildPlus by FSW and filed in the brown folder underflap #4 under the physical exam form. Refused- Consent for Lead and/or Hematocrit Testing using a Finger Stick Method Instructions
This form is only used at enrollment if parent refusesfor blood work to be completed. Section #1, To be completed at time of enrollment aspart of the enrollment process. Section # 2, Parent signature and date form wascompleted. The Refusal for Consent for Lead and/or Hematocritwill be scanned/attached into ChildPlus by Monitor atenrollment after completed with family. Tuberculosis (TB) Screening Parent Questionnaire
Do not leave any blanks. Section 1. Complete with Center/Partner name,childs name, and date. Section 2. An X will be placed under thesection parent indicates. If any answers are Yes or I Dont Knowexcept question # 1, the parent will need toprovide TB skin test results OR a Dr.s notestating why the child may or may not need anadditional TB skin test. Form will be entered into Child Plus by FSWs andscanned/attached into ChildPlus by Monitor. 2 Lead Risk Questionnaire
Do not leave any blanks. Section 1. Complete with Center/Partner name,Childs name, and Date. Section 2. An X will be placed under the sectionparent indicates. If Yes or I Dont Know is marked, then you will need to letthe SPCAA Nurse know so it can be determined if childneeds an additional lead test completed. When a Yes or I Dont Know is noted on the form the LeadRisk Questionnaire will be entered into ChildPlus as a failedevent. If child fails Lead Risk Questionnaire after a Lead test hasbeen completed, the child may need an additional Lead testcompleted.Contact the SPCAA Nurse. Form will be entered into ChildPlus by FSWs and thenscanned/attached into ChildPlus by Monitor. Medical and Dental Emergency Consent/History Form
Do not leave any blanks if question asks for information Section 1. Complete Parent name, Childs name, and Center name are completed at top of form. Section 2-4. Print physician name, address with city, state, zip code and telephone number Section 5-7. Print name of facility, address with city, state, zip code and telephone number Section 8. Complete all portions. If box marked No Problems is checked, nothing else is needed. If any other box is marked, please have parent explain. If child is receiving services from another agency, please complete what agency is providingservices. If any finding is noted, complete a contact note in ChildPlus detailing information parent provides.Do not complete Health History part 2 for abnormal findings in this section. Section 9. Complete this section with parent. If yes to any of the questions (4-6)in the black box, you must complete Health History part 2. Parent must provide supporting documentation for all items marked abnormal inthis section. If child will be receiving medication at the center, please refer parent to assigned personnel tocomplete medication administration forms. Section 10. Must be signed and dated by parent and staff Form will be entered into Child Plus by FSWs and scanned/attached into ChildPlus byMonitor. Health History Part 2 Form
Sections 1-5. Please complete appropriate section according towhich area parent provides documentation for.If the section does notapply to the child, mark the Not Applicable box. For child with asthma, parent will need to bring an asthma actionplan from the Dr at time of enrollment For child with diabetes taking insulin at the center, parent will needto bring in documentation from Dr detailing exact dosinginformation and times to be given. Section 6. If child will be taking medication at the center, explainmedication procedure and let them know the designated personnel atthe center they will give medication to when they bring it to thecenter.If child takes medication daily, a Health Management Plan willneed to be completed by SPCAA Nurse. Section 7. Must be signed and dated by parent and staff Form will be entered into Child Plus by FSWs and scanned/attachedinto ChildPlus by Monitor. Questions?????? Answers..