Health and body image topic research

Health and Body Image Topic Research Níamh Reilly

Transcript of Health and body image topic research

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Health and Body Image Topic Research

Níamh Reilly

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There is evidence from the CDC that the issues young people face about their health are effecting their school performance. The article states that health related factors, for example hunger can result in health risking behaviours like early sexual initiation, violence, and physical inactivity are consistently linked to poor grades and test scores and lower educational attainment. It says that many schools do not have good health programs and without good standard health problems students and young people will grow up passing unhealthy habits on to their children.Schools and colleges pay a critical role in how young people, and students evaluate their own and others health. We could include interviews from principles, health experts and students in our documentary to see the differing opinions. Especially health experts could give our target audience tips on how to be more healthy and such.

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Students and Mental Health

This site states that 25% of students have mental health conditions that go untreated and very few get support from colleges and universities. The majority of these students find deadlines, teachers and work load to cause them stress and aggravate any problems them already have. Of those who do experience mental health problems, 64% do not use any formal services for advice and support.This is an increasing problem as young people are putting their health at risk and suffering but not getting the right information and help about it. This is an issue in todays society.We could talk about this in our documentary and specifically students eating habits whether they are likely to binge eat from stress or not eat because of stress. We could look at what facilitates students have when they are having problems and how accessible they are.

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School starting times affecting students health?

This piece of research shows that students benefit from later start times and later finishes because as we are growing we have different sleep cycles and patterns. At the time students start school their bodies are still in their biological sleep mode which arises the question is this harming our students? This doesn’t benefit our students as they are more and more groggy and learn less because they cannot focus properly in class, this could then lead to health issues as they get stressed after falling behind with work and maybe even stay up later getting a lot less sleep than required.

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Obesity in UK students

With obesity running rife in students in the UK, this article explores whether or not it is a issue or not. This shows that we are not giving our students good advice on how to eat healthy we are giving them cheap fatty alternatives. It states that students are adults and can make their own decisions which is partly true but everyone needs guidance especially new students, students need role models. It also gives examples on how to promote healthy living to students stating they should set up gyms and heave healthy food available. We could talk about this in our documentary and how the school districts treat students and maybe talk to a principle.