Headlines - WordPress.com...don’t lay down and give the Chamber precisely what it wants, including...

1 Timbers Conservatives #1 A Conservative Precinct Newsletter from Douglas County, CO Date: 1-4-15 Vol. III In this issue: 1. National Debt Clock 2. Opinion 3. Obama 4. Washington 5. Newsbytes 6. Heritage Action 7. Details 8. Colorado 9. Douglas County 10. Local Events 11. Scandal Sheet 12. Appendices U.S. National Debt: $ 18,040,220,010,000 (Friday, Jan. 2, 2015.) National Debt Jan. 2014 = $17,314,315,853,000 Change in National Debt 2014 = 725,904,157,000 Headlines 'Dump Boehner' supporter: 'Time to clean house' Obama Threatens new GOP Congress. President Obama not ruling out US embassy in Iran Fraud-Infested Visa Program Grows 700% 21,000 regulations so far under Obama Obama Could Be Facing 10 Years To Life In Prison… Even with Sequester, Nat. Debt rises $726 BILLION!

Transcript of Headlines - WordPress.com...don’t lay down and give the Chamber precisely what it wants, including...

Page 1: Headlines - WordPress.com...don’t lay down and give the Chamber precisely what it wants, including on immigration, increased spending on transportation, and economic deals that sweeten



Conservatives #1A Conservative Precinct Newsletter from

Douglas County, CO Date: 1-4-15 Vol. III In this issue:

1. National Debt Clock 2. Opinion 3. Obama 4. Washington 5. Newsbytes 6. Heritage Action

7. Details 8. Colorado 9. Douglas County 10. Local Events 11. Scandal Sheet 12. Appendices

U.S. National Debt: $ 18,040,220,010,000 (Friday, Jan. 2, 2015.)

National Debt Jan. 2014 = $17,314,315,853,000

Change in National Debt 2014 = 725,904,157,000

Headlines 'Dump Boehner' supporter: 'Time to clean house'

Obama Threatens new GOP Congress. President Obama not ruling out US embassy in Iran

Fraud-Infested Visa Program Grows 700% 21,000 regulations so far under Obama

Obama Could Be Facing 10 Years To Life In Prison… Even with Sequester, Nat. Debt rises $726 BILLION!

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What America needs now: Senate – Republican Majority

House – Republican Majority

Obama – out Jarrett - out Holder – out Reid – out Boehner – out Pelosi – out

Rangel – out Sharpton - out


Failure to fulfill a fiduciary responsibility by either Chamber shall be grounds for

25% forfeiture of one year’s salary for every member of the Chamber.

28th Amendment – Congress shall not pass any legislation which does not apply

to citizens and Congress equally.

All appropriations bills shall automatically have sunset or expiration date.

Congress shall permanently have no automatic cost-of-living increase in salary.

Any member of Congress who knowingly and willfully misrepresents the truth

shall be sanctioned and shall be criminally prosecuted for repeated slanderous


All elected officials of the Federal Government shall be regarded as continuously

“Under Oath” from the time he/she takes office to the time that person officially

leaves office or is terminated.

Any elected official found to be in Contempt of Congress (either civil or criminal)

shall be terminated and forfeit his retirement compensation, benefits and

privileges. Severance pay shall not be paid.

Federal Land Grabs shall be considered a Crime.

Cabinet Positions:

Eliminate the Department of Education

Eliminate the Department of Energy

Eliminate the Office of Surgeon General

Purge the Environmental Protection Agency

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Presidential Czars shall be prohibited.

Audit the Federal Reserve


Lower corporate and personal income tax

Eliminate the Estate Tax

Tax Reform – Fair/Flat Tax


Rebuild the Military

Strict, independent audit of Armed Services and Contractors

Move Health Care Services & Management of Veterans Administration to

private sector.

Homeland Security/Immigration:

Secure the border

Outlaw “Anchor Babies”

Immediately deport all illegal alien criminals

Enforce current Immigration Laws.

Repeal/Discontinue Presidential Amnesty Directive

Nullify Executive Directive: Diplomatic Relations with Cuba


Continue Sen. Tom Coburn’s “Wastebook”


Repeal ObamaCare

Impose Tort Reform

Aggressive Medicare Fraud Protection


Eliminate the Department of Education

Re-privatize Student Loans

No in-state tuition for illegal aliens

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Religious Protection:

Permanently ban Shariah Law in U.S. Courts

Criminally prosecute IRS abuses on conservative non-profits

De-regulate Religious Freedom of Speech


Reduce Welfare: Tax Credits, Food Stamps, Tax Extenders

No welfare for illegal aliens (Social Security, Health care, education).

Eliminate the IM-EX Bank/OPIC, “Crony Capitalism” and Corporate


National Debt:

Cap the National Debt

Re-Patriate Private Capital from Overseas.


Reform and Standardize Election Procedures (require uniform Photo ID ,

eliminate Same-Day Voter Registration)

Cap Political Action Committee (PAC) contributions.

Eliminate Non-Resident Campaign Contributions.

Eliminate U.S. Corporate campaign contributions of companies which

have not re-patriated corporate profits.

Foreign Policy:

Suspend all foreign aid & start over.

Scheduled updates of Foreign Terrorist List

Integrated Foreign Policy

Genuine support of Israel

Renewal of all Ally Relationships

Repeal Easing of Diplomatic Relations with Cuba


Finalize criminal litigation over the IRS

Create independent, non-partisan Watchdog solely for IRS

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Eliminate the Department of Energy

Harden the Electrical Grid

Complete XL Keystone Pipeline

Permit Clean Coal Electric Generation


Create independent, non-partisan Watchdog solely for Justice Department

Create a safeguard against Judicial Abuse: Create an independent, non-partisan

provision for Grand Jury and Special Counsel to oversee Attorney General and

Justice Department.




Obama threatens to wield veto pen to counter

GOP-led Congress The new Congress hasn't yet been sworn in, but President Obama already is warning he plans to use his veto pen to counter initiatives from the incoming Republican majority. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/12/29/obama-threatens-to-wield-veto-pen-to-counter-gop-led-congress/

Fraud-Infested Visa Program Grows 700%, Illegal Aliens Deported “In Absentia”

As the year comes to an end, two disturbing stories illustrate how the Obama administration is deliberately compromising national security by drastically expanding a fraud-infested program that lets rich foreigners buy U.S. visas and losing track of 96% of the illegal immigrants recently ordered deported. http://www.judicialwatch.org/blog/2014/12/fraud-infested-visa-program-grows-700-illegal-aliens-deported-absentia/

President Obama not ruling out US embassy in Iran Dec. 30, 2014 - 5:10 - US ready to hit 'reset button' with rogue nation? http://video.foxnews.com/v/3965627821001/president-obama-not-ruling-out-us-embassy-in-iran/?#sp=show-clips

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Cotton: ‘Appalling’ To Consider Us Embassies in Teheran, Havana before Jerusalem http://www.breitbart.com/video/2014/12/30/cotton-appalling-to-consider-us-embassies-in-teheran-havana-before-jerusalem/

Obama: America 'less racially divided' since he took office in 2009 (Sorry, that’s just a lie)


Andrew Napolitano: Obama Could Be Facing 10 Years To Life In Prison…

"No exception for the President's behavior..." http://www.westernjournalism.com/judge-napolitano-obama-aided-abetted-enemy/#aqWFE86Zaddk9Yyf.97

US releases 5 more Guantanamo Bay prisoners, sends them to Kazakhstan (No mention of complying with 30-Day Notice Rule) http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/12/31/us-releases-5-more-guantanamo-bay-prisoners-sends-them-to-kazakhstan/

Race Card: Obama called GOP “Nativist” for not backing his amnesty scheme Promoting his unconstitutional executive amnesty scheme, President Obama engaged in his own special brand of gutter politics, accusing his opponents of “nativism” because they won’t back his plan. http://poorrichardsnews.com/post/106513108893/race-card-obama-called-gop-nativist-for-not

Obama Claims Illegal Immigrants Don’t Burden Taxpayers (Do rational citizens really swallow this BS?) http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2014/12/29/obama-claims-illegal-immigrants-dont-burden-taxpayers/

Obama Doesn’t Attend Church So As Not To Distract Others, Says Advisor Horse Manure2


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Obama: Afghanistan won't be 'source of terrorist attacks again' (Where were you when you pulled troops out of Iraq? You just don’t learn….) http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/12/26/obama-afghanistan-wont-be-source-terrorist-attacks-again/

Obama’s ‘pen and phone’ barrage http://thehill.com/regulation/pending-regs/228093-obamas-pen-and-phone-barrage

Judicial Watch: Obama "Frustrated" By Election Results: "We Had a Great Record for Members of Congress to Run On" (That old Snake Oil doesn’t work anymore…) http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2014/12/29/obama_frustrated_by_election_results_we_had_a_great_record_for_members_of_congress_to_run_on.html

Report: 21,000 regulations so far under Obama, 2,375 set for 2015 (More Cloward-Piven tactics…overwhelm the system to the point of collapse?) http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/report-21000-regulations-so-far-under-obama-2375-set-for-2015/article/2558050

Obamas eat at restaurant charging up to $500G for membership http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/01/02/obamas-eat-at-restaurant-charging-up-to-500g-for-membership/

A. Amnesty Gohmert: GOP Leadership Not ‘On Board’ With Defunding Exec Amnesty http://www.breitbart.com/video/2014/12/29/gohmert-gop-leadership-not-on-board-with-defunding-exec-amnesty/

GOP lawmakers preparing changes to immigration system http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/12/27/gop-lawmakers-preparing-change-to-immigration-system/

Unions to recruit immigrants protected by Obama exec order (Crafty: Obama grants work VISAs to illegal aliens, unions recruit them to instant jobs, Obama has previously enjoyed the union support, and payback is 5 MILLION new Democrats!) http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/12/26/unions-to-recruit-immigrants-protected-by-obama-exec-order/

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B. Cyber-Vandalism (November 24th - Sony Network hacked. December 18th – WH acknowledges Sony Network hacked. Obama’s first comment on hacking – December 19th. NOT BAD FOR A FIRST RESPONDER). http://deadline.com/2014/12/sony-hack-timeline-any-pascal-the-interview-north-korea-1201325501/

Obama administration imposes sanctions on North Korea, after Sony hack The Obama administration on Friday [Jan. 2nd] imposed a wave of sanctions against members of the North Korean government, amounting to the U.S. government's first official response to the cyber-attack... http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/01/02/obama-administration-imposes-sanctions-on-north-korea-after-sony-hack/

C. Cromnibus bill

D. ObamaCare ObamaCare fines rising in 2015, IRS prepares to collect http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/12/30/obamacare-fines-rising-in-2015-irs-prepares-to-collect/?intcmp=latestnews

Vast majority of ObamaCare customers qualify for subsidies Nearly 90 percent of people who bought health insurance in the second year of ObamaCare qualify for government help to pay their premiums, federal health officials announced Tuesday. (Gee, I’m not very smart: If 90% of applicants qualify for subsidies, the 10% have to pay greater than their share to cover the subsidies. The only other possibility is to steal from the larger taxpayer pool.) http://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/228257-vast-majority-of-obamacare-customers-qualify-for-subsidies

E. National Defense Authorization Act

F. CIA Interrogations Five Reasons Why the Senate ‘Torture’ Report Became a Flop Congressional Democrats, leftwing groups, and the mainstream media were certain this month’s Senate Intelligence Committee report on the CIA enhanced interrogation program (which they call torture) would spark a groundswell of anger against Bush administration officials and the CIA that would change the subject from the president’s growing unpopularity and the Democratic Party’s poor showing in the mid-term elections.

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F. Cuba

K.T. McFarland: As relations with Cuba thaw, US must check Russia, China military interests http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2014/12/22/as-relations-with-cuba-thaw-us-must-check-russia-china-military-interests/

Cuban dissidents say US keeping them in the dark on prisoner exchange http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/12/29/cuban-dissidents-say-us-keeping-them-in-dark-on-prisoner-exchange/

Hayes on US–Cuba thaw: 'the new day looks a lot like the old days' http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/12/31/hayes-on-uscuba-thaw-new-day-looks-lot-like-old-days/

2014 Elections **************************

2016 Elections **************************

10 Senators Who Could Lose In 2016 (Sen. Michael Bennet included) http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/senate-races/228020-10-senators-who-could-lose-in-2016

The Threat to Political Speech Online: Q&A with Former

Elections Chief Lee Goodman http://dailysignal.com/2015/01/03/future-political-speech-online-qa-fec-chairman-lee-goodman/

Washington Politics ************************** US Chamber Of Commerce Threatens GOP on Immigration, Spending. Not only does the U.S. Chamber of Commerce think it is the only reason the GOP won in November, it is now threatening Republicans with opposition next go round if they

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don’t lay down and give the Chamber precisely what it wants, including on immigration, increased spending on transportation, and economic deals that sweeten the pot for big business. (…just a little arrogant, yes?) http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2014/12/27/us-chamber-of-commerce-threatens-gop-on-immigration-spending/

Cass Sunstein Won’t Tell Harvard Magazine about White House Service Sunstein "has a policy against answering any questions about his time in government." It's an odd policy, to say the least, for someone who has written an entire book on conspiracy theories. (Who paid his salary?) http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2014/12/28/cass-sunstein-wont-tell-harvard-magazine-about-white-house-service/

2014: The Year the Liberal Lies Died http://townhall.com/columnists/kurtschlichter/2014/12/29/2014-the-year-the-liberal-lies-died-n1936031

Report: John McCain Leading Purge of AZ Conservatives

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and his allies are reportedly leading a purge of conservatives in Arizona to pave the way for an easier reelection bid should McCain decide to run for reelection in 2016. (Whose side is he on anyway?)


Report: Event organizer says Scalise didn't speak to white supremacist group. (“He said, you said….” Sounds like a political smear to me) http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/01/01/report-event-organizer-says-scalise-didnt-speak-to-white-supremacist-group/

2014: The year in political scandals (Re-post) From 'Bridge gate' to the furor over missing IRS emails, 2014 was chock-full of political scandals. Here's a look back at the controversies that rocked the headlines this year. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/slideshow/2014/12/25/top-political-scandals-2014/ - /slide/irs-investigations-lerner-ap-660


AGENCIES Oversight report finds major problems with DHS The report finds that Homeland Security is not successfully executing any of its five main missions. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/01/03/oversight-report-finds-major-problems-with-dhs/

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SENATE GOP Senator: We Are Close To Veto Proof Vote on Iran Sanctions http://www.breitbart.com/video/2014/12/28/gop-senator-we-are-close-to-veto-proof-vote-on-iran-sanctions/


'Dump Boehner' supporter: 'Time to clean house' 'We need a lean, mean, constitutional Republican machine to take back America' http://www.wnd.com/2014/12/dump-boehner-supporter-time-to-clean-house/#crLy4A8IbV9PA8av.99

New Vocabulary:

‘Chickenhawk’ – (describes Omar perfectly) http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/395586/chickenhawk-jay-nordlinger


1. Presidential Irreconcilable Priorities 2. Presidential Defiance 3. National Debt 4. Executive Amnesty 5. Cuba 6. Cyber Warfare 7. ObamaCare 8. Nuclear Iran 9. Russia = Ukraine, Crimea 10. ISIS 11. IRS 12. Ebola 13. Taliban Trade 14. Benghazi 15. Veterans Affairs 16. Fast & Furious

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News Bytes**************************

Here's how inspectors found $43b Washington could save http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/government-watchdogs-generate-billions-in-actual-and-potential-savings-in-2014/article/2557914?utm_campaign=Fox%20News&utm_source=foxnews.com&utm_medium=feed

C o n f i r m e d : F a s t a n d F u r i o u s d o c s s h o w O b a m a a d m i n w a s u s i n g t h e p r o g r a m t o p r o m o t e g u n c o n t r o l http://poorrichardsnews.com/post/106433898428/confirmed-fast-and-furious-docs-show-obama-admin

Muslim Convert Mark Taylor Accidentally Tweets Locations of Isis Muslim Convert Mark Taylor Accidentally Tweets Locations of Isis Safe Houses. (Let’s hope the Commander in Chief doesn’t send a drone in

a kill them all. Captured ISIS combatants should be detained at Guantanamo Bay for interrogation, yes?) http://www.breitbart.com/london/2015/01/01/muslim-convert-mark-taylor-accidentally-tweets-locations-of-isis-safe-houses/

These Will Be the Five Biggest Education Issues Of 2015 (Common Core, No Child Left behind Reform, Sexual Assault, College Ratings and School Lunch) http://dailycaller.com/2015/01/01/these-will-be-the-five-biggest-education-issues-of-2015/

Arrested For Burning A Koran: 19-Year-Old Bailed and Moved Away For Own Safety http://www.breitbart.com/london/2014/12/31/arrested-for-burning-a-koran-19-year-old-bailed-and-moved-away-for-own-safety/

Clintons seek to avoid a tax they once supported Bill and Hillary Clinton are finding their way around an estate tax they have long supported, a cause they said would prevent the U.S. from being overrun by inherited wealth. http://fortune.com/2014/06/17/clintons-seek-to-avoid-a-tax-they-once-supported/?xid=ob_rss

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Israel Omitted From Atlases Sold To Gulf States to Appease ‘Local Sensibilities’


Federal student loan debt tops $800 billion [18%] http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/federal-student-loan-debt-tops-800-billion/article/2558121

Op-Eds ************************** Stephen Moore: The Pension Crisis Next Door: Scranton, Pa. For the most outrageous government scam of 2014, it's hard to compete with the news of the supersized public employee pensions in California. If you haven't already heard: an assistant fire chief in Southern California collected a $983,319 pension last year, and a Los Angeles police captain took home nearly $753,861. http://news.investors.com/IBD-Editorials-Viewpoint/122614-732234-public-employee-pension-crisis-is-spreading-to-lots-of-states.htm?ven=rss

Mark Levin: GOP Leadership a ‘Disastrous Mess’ to Be Cleaned Out Popular radio host and top conservative Mark Levin took to his Facebook page this morning and called for the current GOP leadership to be "cleaned out." http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2014/12/30/mark-levin-gop-leadership-a-disastrous-mess-to-be-cleaned-out/

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Cal Thomas: 2015: Beyond Obama, new Congress, we need a revival of the American spirit http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2014/12/30/2015-beyond-obama-new-congress-need-revival-american-spirit/

Thomas Sowell: When the president doesn't respect the law, what happens? http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/when-the-president-doesnt-respect-the-law-what-happens/article/2558003

Why Obama could regret executive action http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/why-obama-could-regret-executive-action/article/2558038

1st Amendment ***************

Benghazi ***************

Sharyl Attkinsson: 26 Ways the Media Botched Their Reporting on the Latest Benghazi Report http://dailysignal.com/2014/12/31/26-ways-media-botched-reporting-latest-benghazi-report/

Climate Change ***************

Corruption ***************

Democrats Blast Obama’s Bundler-Turned-Treasury Nominee Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) has joined ranks with other progressives like Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) to blast President Barack Obama's nomination of Antonio Weiss as the Treasury undersecretary for domestic finance--a big money banker and one of Obama's top campaign bundlers. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2014/12/28/democrats-blast-obamas-bundler-turned-treasury-nominee/

Phoenix VA chief bagged over $12,000 in improper gifts including Disneyland, Beyoncé tickets http://poorrichardsnews.com/post/106344739158/phoenix-va-chief-bagged-over-12-000-in-improper

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Defense/Military **************

Responding to The Atlantic: Is the U.S. a ‘Chickenhawk Nation?’ http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/395574/responding-atlantic-us-chickenhawk-nation-david-french

Economy ***************

States with the highest percentage of residents on food stamps http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/states-with-the-highest-percentage-of-residents-on-food-stamps/article/2557800

Education ***************

Election Integrity ***************

EPA ***************

Foreign Policy ***************

Lindsey Graham: Iran sanctions bill coming in January "It is important to let the Iranians know that from an American point of view sanctions are... http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/lindsey-graham-iran-sanctions-bill-coming-in-january/article/2557918

Hamas Founder: Qatar Still Funds Hamas Terror Group, Despite Reports Hamas, the Sunni Islamist terror group that controls the Gaza Strip, has denied that the government of Qatar has stopped financing its activities, contradicting a report last week in Arab media that claimed Doha had ceased its funding of the jihadist group in an attempt at detente with Egypt. http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2014/12/29/hamas-founder-qatar-still-funds-hamas-terror-group-despite-reports/

Fraud ***************

Gun Control ***************

HealthCare (aka ObamaCare) ***************

FDA approves Roche Ebola test for emergency use Roche Holding AG said U.S. health regulators have approved its Ebola test for emergency use in response to the world's worst outbreak of the disease in West Africa. http://www.foxnews.com/health/2014/12/29/fda-approves-roche-ebola-test-for-emergency-use/

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Malaria killing thousands more than Ebola in West Africa West Africa's fight to contain Ebola has hampered the campaign against malaria, a preventable and treatable disease that is claiming many thousands more lives than the dreaded... http://www.foxnews.com/health/2014/12/28/malaria-killing-thousands-more-than-ebola-in-west-africa/

Homeland Security ***************

Immigration/Amnesty ***************

Incompetence ***************

IRS mistakenly penalizes Christine O’Donnell a second time, placed levy on bank accounts http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/dec/25/christine-odonnell-tea-party-figure-says-irs-mista/

Homeowners drowning in flood insurance bills over FEMA map errors http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/12/31/homeowners-drowning-in-flood-insurance-bills-over-fema-map-errors/

Social Security underpays beneficiaries by $500 million since 2008 http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/social-security-underpays-beneficiaries-by-500-million-since-2008/article/2558143

IRS ***************

National Debt ***************

Congress' To-Do List

Abandoning efforts to extract concessions from Democrats, House Republicans agreed to a clean debt limit hike for more than a year. The Temporary Debt Limit Extension Act will suspend the nation’s borrowing cap until March 15, 2015. Under the bill, on March 16, 2015, the debt limit will be reinstated and reset to include money borrowed up to that point. As of Feb. 8, the debt limit was set at $17.2 trillion. By March 15, 2015, when the debt limit will automatically reset under this bill, the debt subject to the limit should be above $18 trillion. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/congress-to-do-list

NSA /CIA/PRIVACY ***************


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Rule of Law ***************

Taxes ***************

A tax per mile? Americans should not allow GPS tracking of cars, trucks http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2014/12/29/tax-per-mile-americans-should-not-allow-gps-tracking-cars-trucks/

Unbelievable *************** (Unbelievable comes between Waste & Incompetence)

Government Waste*************** (Incompetence comes

before Waste in the Alphabet)

Obamas eat at restaurant charging up to $500G for membership http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/01/02/obamas-eat-at-restaurant-


State Department offers huge travel allowances for government employees http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/state-department-offers-huge-travel-allowances-for-government-employees/article/2558068

DOD workers ring up $5 million in improper charge card purchases http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/dod-workers-ring-up-5-million-in-improper-charge-card-purchases/article/2557982

U.S. agencies ignore thousands of suggestions to cut waste, stop fraud http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/u.s.-agencies-ignore-thousands-of-suggestions-to-cut-waste-stop-fraud/article/2557912

Environmental Protection Agency overpaid $1 million for call center http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/environmental-protection-agency-overpaid-1-million-for-call-center/article/2557896

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Who owns Colorado?

Answer: WE DO!

Land protesters face hurdle Environmental groups want more time to file protests of a public land swap involving a proposed development near the Wolf Creek Ski Area. http://www.durangoherald.com/article/20141230/NEWS01/141239996/Land-protesters-face-hurdle-

Denver jail inmates signing up for health insurance …But the Denver Sheriff Department and Denver Human Services are trying to help by enrolling inmates in the Affordable Care Act, often called Obamacare. (Boy, this will really help the “risk pool”!) http://www.denverpost.com/news/ci_27232267/denver-jail-inmates-signing-up-health-insurance

Out in the Bush ***************************

Hickenlooper - hiding

Burro Days Fairplay, CO


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Mr. Bennet, welcome to the Entomology Lab of Politics. Your turn… (See 2016 Elections above)

Events: ***************

Douglas County GOP Executive Committee Meeting January 10th @ 8:00 am to 10:00 am Justice Center, Castle Rock Douglas County Young Republicans January 15th @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm On the Rox Sports Bar & Grill Parker (corner of Lioness & Lincoln) Colorado Coalition Ground Game January 17th @ 8:30 am to 10:30 am Franktown Firehouse Doulgas County Republican Women January 21st @ 11:30 am – 1:30 pm Lone Tree Golf Resort, Lone Tree Douglas County GOP Chairman’s Club January 24th @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Pradera Country Club

South Denver Meetings: Arapahoe County Republican Breakfast Club – 1st Wednesday monthly

Arapahoe County Joint Tea Party – 2nd Tuesday monthly

American Conservatives of Color - 2nd Saturday of the month, 6:00 - 8:00pm

Liberty Libations – 3rd Monday of the month, 6:00 pm Lincoln Club of Colorado – 3rd Wednesday monthly

Douglas County Republican Women – 3rd Wednesday monthly

Colorado Republican Business Coalition – 3rd Friday monthly

Coffee4Conservatives – 3rd Sunday monthly

South East Aurora Republicans – 4th Monday monthly

Douglas County Young Republicans Denver Metro Young Republicans (DMYR)

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“Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.”

― Aldous Huxley, Complete Essays 2, 1926-29


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Scandal Sheet - Updated

1. Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac (2008) 2. AIG Bailout 3. GM/Chrysler Bailout 4. New Black Panthers acquittal 5. Eric Holder 6. Hillary Clinton 7. Valerie Jarrett 8. Absence of Senate Budget x 4 years (4-15-09) 9. ObamaCare (2009) 10. $2 Billion paid to International Climate Change Group 11. $2 Billion Foreign Aid to Pakistan 12. 36 Presidential Czars (shadow government (2009) 13. Management of BP Oil Spill (2010) 14. Solyndra & Green Energy Agenda (2009) 15. ACORN (2009) 16. Birth Certificate (2009 17. Oath of Office (2009) 18. Perjury (2009) 19. Social Security Numbers (2009) 20. Stimulus Bill (2009) 21. Cap & Trade, Carbon Credits 22. What ever happened w/ the U.S.S. Cole? (2000) 23. Ft. Hood massacre – “workplace violence” (2009) 24. Fast & Furious (2009) 25. Sequester (2011) 26. Keystone Pipeline 27. Benghazi (2012) 28. IRS abuse (2013) 29. DOJ wiretaps (2013) 30. Unconstitutional Recess Appointees (2012) 31. Immigration – “Prosecutorial Discretion” 32. Immigration – release of 2000 alien criminal inmates (2013) 33. National Security Agency - NSA spying (2012) 34. Charlie Rangel tax evasion (2010) 35. Maxine Waters tax evasion (2010) 36. EPA and FOIA abuses (2011) 37. Syria & WMD (2013) 38. United Nations Small Arms Treaty (2013) 39. Government Shutdown (2013) 40. www.HealthCare.gov opening (2013) 41. Executive Order 13652: Usurpation of legislative control over Climate Control 42. ObamaCare – (not itemized). Mulitiple unilateral, illegal changes to the law without

congressional consent. (2013-14) 43. Federal bailout of Insurance Industry providing ObamaCare plans. 44. Was Obama involved in the change of filibuster rules in the Senate? 45. Obama lied about his Uncle Omar 46. Obama jiggered the 2010 Census data to make employment rates better than reality. 47. Obama unilaterally eases penalties on employers hiring illegals. 48. Obama knowingly & willfully fails to enforce Immigration Law & Border Security. 49. DACA – Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (2014) 50. Veterans Administration scandal – med records falsification (2014) 51. President Directive authorizing military assets against U.S. citizens during civilian unrest

(2014) 52. Presidential Directive for expansion of largest marine sanctuary in international waters


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53. Repeat Federal Loan Guarantees to FISKERS Auto – later sold to China (2014) 54. 5 for 1 Taliban trade for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl w/o Congressional notification (2014) 55. Financial aid to the Palestinians and Hamas – enemies of Israel (2014) 56. Bombing of ISIS in Iraq & Syria w/ or w/o “Boots on the Ground” without consent of


57. Deploying 1500 troops to Iraq without Congressional consent (Nov. 2014) 58. President failed for 8 months to make effort to rescue Sgt. Tahmooressi from

Mexican prison. 59. Gruber-Gate – White House hires MIT Economist to engineer ACA documents to be

undecipherable, misleading. 60. President declares Executive Order (5-points) granting freedom from deportation,

increased work VISAs, public welfare, for > 5 Million illegals already here (11-20-14)

61. White House tried to muzzle Sharyl Attkinsson – 1st Amendment Violation (11-18-14)

62. Obama releasing 6 more Guantanamo detainees to Kazakhstan (Dec. 29, 2014) using taxpayer money and without Congressional 30-day notice (?).

** Editor’s Note: Red entry marks possible Constitutional Violation

Appendix ii:

References: FOX NEWS DOMINATES LEFT-WING CNN, MSNBC FOR 13TH CONSECUTIVE YEAR Fox News Dominates Left-Wing CNN, MSNBC for 13th Consecutive Year http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2014/12/30/fox-news-dominates-left-wing-cnn-msnbc-for-13th-consecutive-year/


1. www.foxnews.com

2. www.DRUDGEreport.com

3. www.realclearpolitics.com

4. www.Breitbart.com

5. www.heritage.org

6. www.heritageaction.org

7. http://www.judicialwatch.org

8. www.freebeacon.com

9. www.allenwestrepublic.com

10. www.nationalreview.com

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11. www.weeklystandard.com

12. www.standupamericaus.org

13. www.heartland.org

14. www.investors.com

15. www.numbersUSA.com

16. http://thehill.com

17. www.AmericanThinker.com

18. http://dailycaller.com

19. http://www.nationaljournal.com

20. http://www.washingtonexaminer.com

21. http://freebeacon.com

22. http://poorrichardsnews.com

23. www.capitalisminstitute.org


1. www.coloradopeakpolitics.com

2. www.completecolorado.com

3. www.legis.state.co.us

4. www. Coloradotaxpayer.org (CUT)

5. www.i2i.org

6. www.washingtonexaminer.com

7. www.principlesofliberty.org


Rasmussen Poll http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/obama_administration/daily_presidential_tracking_poll

Gallup Poll http://www.gallup.com/poll/113980/gallup-daily-obama-job-approval.aspx

Quinnipiac Poll: http://www.quinnipiac.edu/institutes-and-centers/polling-institute/

Pew Research: http://www.pewresearch.org/

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Appendix iii:

Core Values Personal Responsibility

Property Rights

Free Markets

Limited Government

State v. Federal Balance of Power

Fiscal Responsibility

Equal Protection/Rule of Law

Constitutions of the United State & State of Colorado


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BEST Andrea Bocelli Song EVER! - The Lord's Prayer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAFj2-u2cGQ

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I love this country and

I’m Proud to be an American!

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David E. Adams, M.D., M.S. Fmr. 10th Medical Division, USAFA Precinct 342, District 28 2014 Alternate GOP Delegate Parker, CO (303) 728-9597

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