He is Risen! · family in our homes. Maybe we hear from God, see God in the place we never thought...

St Ann N188 School Street, New Holstein 894-3147 The Catholic Communities of SS Peter & Paul 413 Fremont Street, Kiel 894-3553 Holy Rosary 1724 Madison Street, New Holstein 898-4884 Three Parishes - One Faith Eucharist St. Ann Sunday: 7:45 am Thursday: 8:30 am Holy Rosary Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm Sunday: 10:00 am Wednesday: 8:30 am/Church SS. Peter & Paul Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm Sunday: 9:30 am Tuesday: 8:30 am/Church First Friday: 8:30 am/Chapel Liturgy of the Word & Communion Holy Rosary Monday at 8:30 am SS. Peter & Paul Monday & Friday at 6:25 am/Chapel (except on First Friday) Reconciliation Saturday Holy Rosary 3:003:30 pm SS. Peter & Paul 3:15 pm or by appointment Sunday St. Ann Third Sunday after Mass SS. Peter & Paul First Sunday after Mass Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord April 12, 2020 By Decree from the Most Reverend David L Ricken, DD, JCL, Bishop of Green Bay He is Risen!

Transcript of He is Risen! · family in our homes. Maybe we hear from God, see God in the place we never thought...

Page 1: He is Risen! · family in our homes. Maybe we hear from God, see God in the place we never thought we would on Easter Sunday: In our own homes. Maybe for once, we celebrate Easter

St Ann N188 School Street, New Holstein


The Catholic Communities of SS Peter & Paul

413 Fremont Street, Kiel


Holy Rosary 1724 Madison Street, New Holstein


Three Parishes - One Faith


St. Ann

Sunday: 7:45 am

Thursday: 8:30 am

Holy Rosary

Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm

Sunday: 10:00 am

Wednesday: 8:30 am/Church

SS. Peter & Paul

Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm

Sunday: 9:30 am

Tuesday: 8:30 am/Church

First Friday: 8:30 am/Chapel

Liturgy of the Word & Communion Holy Rosary

Monday at 8:30 am

SS. Peter & Paul

Monday & Friday at 6:25 am/Chapel (except on First Friday)



Holy Rosary

3:00—3:30 pm

SS. Peter & Paul

3:15 pm or by appointment


St. Ann

Third Sunday after Mass

SS. Peter & Paul

First Sunday after Mass

Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord April 12, 2020

By Decree from the Most Reverend David L Ricken, DD, JCL, Bishop of Green Bay

He is Risen!

Page 2: He is Risen! · family in our homes. Maybe we hear from God, see God in the place we never thought we would on Easter Sunday: In our own homes. Maybe for once, we celebrate Easter

I don’t know about you, but Easter

came up quickly for me this year. It’s obvious

this year is different than previous years,

comparably speaking, especially when we

find ourselves living in these challenging

times. Keeping up with the fluid news

about the Corona Virus and trying to stay

safe occupies our minds. Whether we’re

self-quarantined or going out for the

essentials, and getting back home again;

life is different! Part of this scenario is

‘social distancing’ which can be difficult

especially with our friends and loved ones?

Does it feel kind of empty, or do you feel

out of sorts, because we’re growing

distant from one another. I’m quite sure

everyone reading this, is saying it in their

own unique way, but we cannot give in to

fear nor can we be apathetic. God loves us

deeply, and is in control of all aspects of

our lives whether we believe it or not.

Recently I found an interesting prayer

called: “Trust Me”. Here it is:

Do you believe that I am the Son of God?

And do you believe that I died for men and

woman and that I rose from the dead?

Then why do you continue to be distracted

and anxious about your loved ones?

Do they not also belong to Me?

Would I refuse to work in their lives just as

I work in yours.

I have not put you in charge of saving


I have already done that.

Nor have I charged you to change them.

Your task is to love, to forgive, to pray for

them and to turn them over to me.

Come closer to Me yourself and I will do

the rest.

Trust Me! Author Unknown

I remember reading a book in which a

Messianic Jewish Rabbi said: “Nothing is

Random with God”. Think of that; ‘nothing

is random with God’; if this is true, and I

fully believe it is, then a question comes to

mind; how does that fit in with our current

situation? Pope Francis said it best when

he said the following: “The Lord has chosen

us from the womb,” and “none of us fell

into the world by chance, by accident.”

Easter is different this year, there is no

question! I would like to share with you

the following that I found on the internet

(Ezer Rising Facebook page).

Maybe this year, we celebrate Easter


Not with a big service.

Not with a big party.

Not with a ham, the egg hunt, and the


Not with the dresses, not with the suits.

Not with the perfect hair and the annual

family photos.

Maybe we gather with only the closest

family in our homes.

Maybe we hear from God, see God in the

place we never thought we would on

Easter Sunday: In our own homes.

Maybe for once, we celebrate Easter


Maybe, we celebrate the Resurrection just

as the Disciples did:

Alone, in the silence, hoping the faith

outweighs the fear. Author - Casey

John Henry Cardinal Newman once said “To live is to change and to be perfect

is to have changed often.” On this Easter celebration of new life in the midst of

the pandemic, may we have the courage to let go of the life we think we lead

and have the courage to embrace the new life our God has waiting for us. And

may this new life perfect us.

This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

Alleluia! Happy Easter!

Deacon’s Perspective by Deacon Dennis Bennin

Page 3: He is Risen! · family in our homes. Maybe we hear from God, see God in the place we never thought we would on Easter Sunday: In our own homes. Maybe for once, we celebrate Easter

Ways to Stay Spiritually Engaged at Home

Build a home altar or shrine. Setting aside a sacred space in your home encourages your family to pray. Candles, a crucifix, a Bible, holy water, and your favorite sacred icons and images can all be placed around a small table to uplift the soul to God.

Participate in the Mass. While Mass is suspended, Catholics can still participate in the Holy Mass via the internet or TV and worship as if they are actually there.

Pray a daily family Rosary. Set aside 20 to 30 minutes each day to gather around your home altar as a family and to pray the Most Holy Rosary for a swift end to the pandemic, for all those afflicted, for all healthcare workers, for the souls of the faithful departed, and any intentions you and your family may have.

Study God’s Word. Start a virtual small group, contin-ue your existing small group via video chat, or study Scripture on your own. By studying God’s Word and pondering it in our hearts, we will grow in our faith and fall in love with Scripture.

Parishes Open

As mentioned in the letter sent out to you all, if you are looking for a spiritual uplift, or simply desirous to be in a familiar space with the company of parishioners, our churches will be open on a rotating basis from 3-6:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday (Mon & Thurs: Ss. Peter & Paul; Tues & Fri: St. Ann; Wed & Sat: Holy Rosary). Ss. Peter & Paul will also be open on Sunday mornings from 9:00 to Noon.

This is seen as essential to who we are as a community, and has the blessing of local law enforcement. Christ will be exposed in a monstrance at each of our parishes for adoration. And prayer tools have been put out to assist you in your Lenten walk, should you wish. Deacon Randy or Deacon Dennis will be present as well in case you need someone to talk to or pray with.

Limit 10!!

Just a reminder – that if you come to pray in our churches when the Eucharist is exposed, we are still limited to only 10 people at a time in the worship space. If you come and see that there are 10 people already within the church, please be patient and wait for someone to leave. Also, if you notice that others are waiting while you are still in prayer, please be

courteous and allow others the chance to have that same prayer time. Thank you for honoring the constraints placed upon us during this time.

Note of Sympathy

Back in the 1990s, Fr. Michael Marigliano was sta-tioned at Saint Felix fiery in Calvary station. His regular help out was at St. Anna. He is now serving Holy Cross and St. John’s Parishes in midtown Manhattan. We received news that his brother-in-law has died from Coronavirus. Below is his contact information if there would be anyone who would want to send a note. Fr. Michael Marigliano, O.F.M. Cap. [email protected]

YouTube Channel & Podcasts

Check out each of our websites and click on the Youtube link for a selection of Masses, Liturgy of the Word services, Stations of the Cross or recitations of the Rosary. There is also a podcast link on Ss. Peter & Paul’s homepage (ssppkiel.org) which connects you directly to the audio version of a daily (M-F) Cup o’ Joe podcast. If you listen to podcasts on your phone, you can also subscribe to Cup o’ Joe through iTunes or Spotify.

Mass Intentions

All Mass intentions scheduled during the time of suspended Masses will need to be rescheduled. Thank you for your understanding.

Bishop’s Appeal

Each parish is over 75% of the way to their goal! Thank you to all who have already made their gift. If you do not have a pledge card, extras are available in church or go online to www.catholicfoundationgb.org/give.

Sunday Signs

Think you know the city of Kiel? We've got a little chal-lenge for you...Head to ssppkiel.org and click on Sun-day Signs. We will have one word a week that's been pieced together with letters from signs around Kiel. Your challenge is to list the location of each letter. If there are 5 letters, you need 5 answers. Just send your answer to Kim at [email protected]. If you get them all right, your name will be thrown into a hat and a winner will be chosen randomly each week to win a $10 Scrip gift card. We’ll share a new word every Sunday.

St. Ann

Donna Schmitz 894-7153

Valeria Kempf 894-2370

Holy Rosary

Barb Weber 898-5614

Judy Winkel 898-5385

SS. Peter & Paul

Fran Pitz 894-3017

Agnes Arndt 894-2952




Page 4: He is Risen! · family in our homes. Maybe we hear from God, see God in the place we never thought we would on Easter Sunday: In our own homes. Maybe for once, we celebrate Easter
Page 5: He is Risen! · family in our homes. Maybe we hear from God, see God in the place we never thought we would on Easter Sunday: In our own homes. Maybe for once, we celebrate Easter

What is your favorite part of Holy Week?

All of Holy Week, but especially the Chrism Mass. Being there when the Bishop consecrates all the Holy Oils is so powerful. -Deacon Dennis Holy Thursday – the Last Supper and the meaning of Eucharist to us. -Chris The Easter Vigil – having the chance to be a server. How we start out in the dark and end up in the light! -Al Good Friday when we carry in the bare crucifix. -Shirley The Easter Vigil and how it sums up totally what is Easter is about. The joy of Easter. I enjoy the part when someone comes into the Church, receiving all the sacraments that come with it. -Deacon Randy Good Friday and the Veneration of the cross. How it puts us right there at Jesus’ cross. -Sue A memory of past Good Fridays, when you went to church from noon to 3:00 pm. You were in church for all three hours in silence. Children came too. Many of the children fell asleep. -Helen

What is your favorite part of Easter?

The Easter Vigil. I love the fire and the candle blessing and coming into church with them. The light of the Easter candle being the only light in church and the power of that symbol. -Joe Zenk Getting together with family. The excitement of the children, seeing the freeness in them. Just enjoying family. -Judy Doing the celebration of Easter from going to church, the Easter egg hunt, to the family dinner. -Laura

The sense around you of something fresh and new. That there is hope in the world. The bright flowers in church. The whole church as one family rejoicing together. It’s a fresh beginning. -Diane

What is your favorite memory of Easter?

It’s the gathering -the kids, the grandparents, the friendship and meal when can get together, but don’t do it often enough. When we do, we make it special. -Mary My favorite memory is attending Easter Sunday Mass with the whole family, my brothers and sisters and parents. -Sandy My favorite memory is getting my children dressed up for Easter Mass and attending together. -Kay

What brings you joy at Easter?

Spring is a time of awe and wonder as the earth comes back to life after the dead of Winter. The smells, sounds, the colors outside are so exciting. The joys of Spring coincides with the joys of our risen Lord! -Lou Celebrating the Easter Vigil and all the symbols. It’s a long service but it is such as joy-filled service and all the tradition that are 1000’s of years old that go with it. And then the joy of gathering with family when we can. -Deacon Pat Easter joy for me is the gift of faith from God. If fills my heart when family comes home. It is all a gift which we have to be open to receive. -Diane Knowing Jesus died for us and that He will rise. Easter Joy in the Spring, in new life, in rebirth! -Sherry Just like the new life of Jesus, knowing things will be coming back to life in nature soon. -Kim

Thoughts on Holy Week and Easter

This week we called our parish leaders and some members of our linked parishes to give us their thoughts on Holy Week and Easter. Here are their responses:

Page 6: He is Risen! · family in our homes. Maybe we hear from God, see God in the place we never thought we would on Easter Sunday: In our own homes. Maybe for once, we celebrate Easter

Parish Offices Parish offices will be closed for the time being, but staff will be in frequently and checking messages daily. If you need anything, call and leave a message. Someone will get back to you promptly. Joe Zenk can be reached at (920)918.0903. We are still here to serve you, so please call or email if you need something. You can call the Holy Rosary parish office at 898-4884 or email Sue at [email protected]. Sue can also be reached at home at 898-4411 (leave a message). The SS. Peter & Paul parish office number is 894-3553 or email Kim at [email protected]. The St. Ann parish office is 894-3147 or email Laura at [email protected]. If there is no answer, please leave a message, as messages will be regularly checked.

Grab & Go Bags

All three parishes have bags of Grab & Go food for ANY families/couples/individuals in need. No questions asked. Simply take what you need. Or grab one for someone who might need it. If the supply runs low, we will restock. They can be found on the porch of the parish center at St. Ann, on the stairs of the rectory at

Holy Rosary and in the two bins outside of the rectory office at Ss. Peter & Paul.


Since we will not be having Mass, we will not be having offertory collections. If you wish to continue making contributions to your parish, our Lenten Project for the area food pantries, or the Building & Grounds Improvement Fund/Building & Maintenance, gifts can be mailed, dropped into the metal boxes in each wing of church at Holy Rosary or use the bill pay option through your bank. The diocesan collection for “The World’s Poor” will be rescheduled.

Neighbor to Neighbor. . .Hand to Hand

Goal: $12,000 Donations: $10,543.54 Thank you to all who have contributed

to our Lenten Project.

“Dream Green” Cash Raffle Tickets

Thank you for all your efforts thus far with this year’s raffle. If you need more tickets, there are some available in the parish office. Please call or email(920-627-1174, [email protected]) Laura and let her know how many tickets you need. They will be left on the porch for you to pick up. For now, hold onto the tickets you’ve already sold. If you’re not comfortable doing that or want to turn them in they can be dropped off at the parish center, but only during hours when Laura is there. Please call Laura’s cell to make arrangements, and then leave them on the porch, in an envelope clearly marked “Cash Raffle”. If possible, please pay for the tickets with a check-in other words if people paid you cash for the tickets, you keep the cash and write a check out to St. Ann Parish for the tickets. Stay safe and healthy everyone and continue to pray.


St. Ann is looking for someone to do the grass trim-ming (not mowing-just trimming) for the grounds and cem-etery. If interested, please email Laura ([email protected]) or call and leave a message (920-894-3147). Thank you!

Over and over we hear in the Bible the words of Jesus "do not be afraid" (Mark 5:36). Prayer helps us to put our worries and anxieties in perspective and connects us as a Catholic people to God our Father and to each other. During this time, spend some extra time in prayer.

Calendar of Events + Mass Intentions

Monday – April 13 SS. Peter & Paul Church open 3:00-6:00 pm Tuesday – April 14 St. Ann Church open 3:00-6:00 pm Wednesday – April 15 Holy Rosary Church open 3:00-6:00 pm Thursday – April 16 SS. Peter & Paul Church open 3:00-6:00 pm Friday – April 17 St. Ann Church open 3:00-6:00 pm Saturday – April 8 Holy Rosary Church open 3:00-6:00 pm Reconciliation Holy Rosary 5:00 pm Sunday – April 19 SS. Peter & Paul Church open 9:00—noon Reconciliation SS Peter & Paul 9:00 am

Until further notice, our Bishop of the Green Bay Diocese, David Ricken has ordered all public attendance at Masses suspended until further notice, and Governor Tony Evers is limiting gatherings of people to no more than 10 people. Please keep our country in prayer as we do all we can do to fight this virus.

Linked Parishes of Holy rosary, New Holstein, SS. Peter & Paul, Kiel and St. Ann, St. Anna

Page 7: He is Risen! · family in our homes. Maybe we hear from God, see God in the place we never thought we would on Easter Sunday: In our own homes. Maybe for once, we celebrate Easter

Baptism Congratulations on the birth of your child! Contact the office at least one month before desired date of Baptism to arrange for preparation.

Marriage Congratulations on your engagement! Contact the office at least six months before your intended date to meet with Joe and to make arrangements for the marriage preparation process.

Bequests Please remember our parish when making out your will. Thank you.

Leadership Joseph Zenk Pastoral Leader

Dennis Bennin Pastoral Associate

Randy Jaeckels Deacon

Bernard “Pat” Knier Deacon

Fr. Tony Ibekwe Priest Moderator

St. Ann 894-3147 [email protected] stannwi.org

Fr. Carl Diederichs Priest Celebrant

Laura Winkel Parish Business Manager & Rel. Ed Coordinator

Joanne Stephany Trustee Secretary

Paul Reineck Trustee Treasurer

Greg Binversie Pastoral Council President

Julie Brandt Finance Council Chair

Holy Rosary 898-4884 [email protected] holyrosarynewholstein.org

Fr. John Girotti Priest Celebrant

Sue Philippi Parish Business Manager

Lindsay Schultz Rel Ed Coordinator

Abbey Heise Trustee Secretary

Dan Schirmer Trustee Treasurer

Bill Atkinson Pastoral Council Chair

John Klinzing Finance Council Chair

SS. Peter & Paul 894-3553 [email protected] ssppkiel.org

Fr. Carl Diederichs Priest Celebrant

Kim Driscoll Parish Office Manager

Danielle Ehlenbeck Rel. Ed. Coordinator

Mary Jo Meyer Liturgy & Music Coordinator

Liz Muhs Trustee Secretary

Eric Freund Trustee Treasurer

Katie Daane Pastoral Council Chair

Jeff Voland Finance Council Chair

Divine Savior Catholic School 894-3533 www.divinesaviorschool.org Kerry Sievert School Administrator Amy Schweitzer Administrative Assistant Office 423 Fremont St, Kiel

Your Stewardship Sharing –Week of April 6, 2020

Church Support Envelopes: $ 830.00

Lent Collection (Last 3 Weeks) $ 1,340.00

Building & Grounds (Last 3 Weeks)$ 100.00

Bishop’s Appeal Goal: $ 8,996.00

Gifts through 4/7/2020 $7,640.00

Weekly Stewardship needed to meet budget: $981.00

Thank you for your contributions!

Your Stewardship Sharing ~ SS. Peter & Paul For Week Ending April 5, 2020

Stewardship Envelopes $ 5,172.00

Weekly Stewardship needed

to meet budget: $5,770.00

March Electronic Funds 933.98

Lenten Project 365.00

Bishop’s Appeal Goal $40,539.00

159 Gifts through 4/7 31,730.00

Thank you for your contributions!

Your Stewardship of Sharing-Holy Rosary For Week Ending March 30:

Church Support Envelopes: $ 2,972.00

Lenten Project Envelopes: $ 750.00

For Week Ending April 6:

Church Support Envelopes: $ 1,726.00

Lenten Project Envelopes: $ 600.00

World’s Poor Envelopes: $ 144.00

2020 Bishop’s Appeal Goal: $ 33,782.00

179 Gifts Received to Date: $ 27,935.00

Adult Envelopes Needed Weekly to Meet Budget: $4,230.77

Thank you for your contributions!

Realtor® RSPS Designation Village Realty & Development 765-C Woodlake Rd Kohler, WI 53044

Phone: (920)286-4050

[email protected]

This is how we know what love is:

Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we

ought to lay down our lives for our brothers."

-- 1 John 3:16

Page 8: He is Risen! · family in our homes. Maybe we hear from God, see God in the place we never thought we would on Easter Sunday: In our own homes. Maybe for once, we celebrate Easter

Realtor® /RSPS Designation

Village Realty & Development 765-C Woodlake Rd Kohler, WI 53044

Phone: (920)286-4050

[email protected]

