he history of the Olympic Games - XTECThe history of The Olympic Games English Level 1 elementals de...

The history of The Olympic Games English Level 1 CLASSPROJECT The history of the Olympic Games English project designed by Pilar Pelegrí [email protected] Jennyfer Caba [email protected] Carlos Pacheco [email protected] November 2015/ January 2016 1. Preface The aim of this project is to work on the history of the Olympic Games. Students are going to learn about sports vocabulary, the dates in English (difference between British and American English), cities, countries and nationality adjectives. Students will elaborate several activities related to the topic in order to discover more about this fantastic topic: the Olympic Games. 2. The project/sequence 2.1. The context The target group The majority of our students have got a low academic and cultural formation, especially older generations. It is important to mention that youngsters have the idea of continuing studying, and just less than 10% haven’t got the compulsory secondary education degree.. Their economy is based basically on the service sector, because some of the families work in a market as a familiar tradition. The majority of students belong to foreign families, who are well integrated in the neighbourhood. 80% of the students have Spanish as their mother tongue, and just few of them usually speak Catalan. For this reason, one of the aspects to improve in this place is the cultural knowledge and to promote their studies. Who are they ? A group of 20 students. Class and level ? English 1 students. Teaching context need for this this project/sequence : The teacher needs an ICT room, in order to obtain good results in his/her activities. Moreover, in some Pilar Pelegrí [email protected] , Jennyfer Caba [email protected] , Carlos Pacheco [email protected] 1

Transcript of he history of the Olympic Games - XTECThe history of The Olympic Games English Level 1 elementals de...

Page 1: he history of the Olympic Games - XTECThe history of The Olympic Games English Level 1 elementals de la comunicació oral, adequats a la funció comunicativa. L’ordre dels elements

The history of The Olympic Games English Level 1


The history of the Olympic Games

English project designed by Pilar Pelegrí [email protected] Jennyfer Caba [email protected]

Carlos Pacheco [email protected] • November 2015/ January 2016

1. Preface The aim of this project is to work on the history of the Olympic Games. Students are going to learn about sports vocabulary, the dates in English (difference between British and American English), cities, countries and nationality adjectives. Students will elaborate several activities related to the topic in order to discover more about this fantastic topic: the Olympic Games.

2. The project/sequence

2.1. The context

The target group The majority of our students have got a low academic and cultural formation, especially older generations. It is important to mention that youngsters have the idea of continuing studying, and just less than 10% haven’t got the compulsory secondary education degree.. Their economy is based basically on the service sector, because some of the families work in a market as a familiar tradition. The majority of students belong to foreign families, who are well integrated in the neighbourhood. 80% of the students have Spanish as their mother tongue, and just few of them usually speak Catalan. For this reason, one of the aspects to improve in this place is the cultural knowledge and to promote their studies.

Who are they? A group of 20 students. Class and level? English 1 students.

Teaching context need for this this project/sequence: The teacher needs an ICT room, in order to obtain good results in his/her activities. Moreover, in some

Pilar Pelegrí [email protected] , Jennyfer Caba [email protected] , Carlos Pacheco [email protected] 1

Page 2: he history of the Olympic Games - XTECThe history of The Olympic Games English Level 1 elementals de la comunicació oral, adequats a la funció comunicativa. L’ordre dels elements

The history of The Olympic Games English Level 1

of the lessons, he/she will need to go outside to record the activities proposed. Furthermore, it will be a good idea that the technology teacher helps us, teaching them how to use video edition programmes in order to make the English lesson easier.

Timing: This project and activities could be done in several sessions for a semester, in order to be more precise, around 8 sessions. Remember that the teacher needs to explain some grammar and vocabulary, before doing these exercises in a correct way. These activities will be done for 3 hours per week, one hour and a half each one.

2.2. Objectives, competences, contents and assessment criteria

a. Objectives:

This project is going to help students develop the following abilities:

­ To learn the vocabulary related to sports. ­ To learn about the cities that have held the Olympic Games. ­ To use the Present Progressive Tense by means of the vocabulary related to sports (What are they

doing?) ­ To use Past Simple Tense Verbs to explain past sports events. ­ To engage in oral communication by means of guided activities related to the topic of the Olympic

Games. ­ To develop their competence on autonomous learning by means of this project. ­ To increase the team­work capacity by means of activities to be carried out in groups. ­ To record a video related to the topic of Olympic Games. ­ To develop their digital competence by means of activities that require the use of ICT tools. b. Competences:

KEY COMPETENCES Competence in linguistic communication: Students should try to mention some words in English

in all the lessons. They have to be able to communicate in a low level with their partners about some aspects which have been explained in the lesson and be able to answer some teacher’s questions no matter of the fact that they make some little mistakes if they do not hamper communication.

Artistic and Cultural Competence: Students could be richer in vocabulary, at the same time, they increase some cultural competence related with the English Culture.

Competence in processing information and use of ICT: They have to be able to create tasks and do some exercises with the computer, especially word and video processors.

Mathematical competence: They discover numbers and how to count them. Learning to learn competence: Students should learn how to write their first sentences, looking at

some real text examples on the Internet or handouts. Autonomy and personal initiative: They have to be autonomous in order to write their tasks. They

have to add their personal initiative in all the activities. Moreover, they have to participate in class answering teacher’s questions or expressing their opinions, using the language as much as possible.

Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world: They have some contact with

Pilar Pelegrí [email protected] , Jennyfer Caba [email protected] , Carlos Pacheco [email protected] 2

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The history of The Olympic Games English Level 1

the physical world, because they read and try to understand real or adapted documents from the Internet.

Competence in social skills and citizenship: The students should work in group several times, just in case that they need some colleague collaboration. For this reason, they develop collaborative skills and they could learn from the rest of the classroom.

AREA COMPETENCES ∙ Communicative competence

Oral competence: Students have to make an effort, and use some of the English words that we teach them, as much as possible.

Written competence: Students have to complete some exercises related with the topics of the subject. In other words, they have to write short tasks during the whole subject.

Multilingual and multicultural competence: Students develop some multicultural competences through the handouts and videos that they are provided in class.

Literature competence: They learn literature through some lyrics of songs or short stories.

However, they should finish their projects being able to use the following competences: ­ Information treatment and digital competence. ­ Communicative linguist and audiovisual.

c. Contents of the curriculum:

COMMUNICATIVE DIMENSION ­ Participation in oral, written and audiovisual interactions

­Use some words or sentences in English language. ­Participation in written interactions in tasks. ­Express your ideas.

­Comprehension of oral, written and audiovisual messages ­Understanding of some messages, instructions and questions. ­Comprehension of some instructions in order to develop and solve the tasks. ­Initiative to write their first sentences.

­Production of oral, written and audiovisual messages ­Production of oral and written words in the correct situation. ­Initiative in the formulation of questions in communicative situations. ­Almost­controlled production of sentences or words on paper using some previous models.

­Knowledge of the functions of language and its learning ­ Identification and use of basic linguistic elements in oral and written communication. ­ Active participation in individual work. ­Vocabulary related to: numbers, jobs, nationalities, sports, material and time. ­Structure and functions of the language: demonstratives, verb to be, verb have got, like, present simple, present continuous, present perfect, past simple, adjectives order.

Pilar Pelegrí [email protected] , Jennyfer Caba [email protected] , Carlos Pacheco [email protected] 3

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The history of The Olympic Games English Level 1

PLURILINGUALISM AND INTERCULTURAL DIMENSION ­Value the foreign language as a communication tool. ­Make students aware of the importance of a foreign language to understand academic knowledge.

AESTHETIC AND LITERARY DIMENSION ­Interest to discover adapted English language written texts from the Internet. ­Reading and comprehension of some sentences, especially in the handouts, in order to enjoy them.

Contents of the curriculum tackled in the project/sequence:

Competència pragmàtica Competència Competència lingüística discursiva

Funcions i aspectes sociolingüístics

Organització del discurs i tipus

de text

Lèxic i aspectes semàntics

Morfosintaxi Ortografia i aspectes gràfics

Fonètica i fonologia

­ Funcions comunicatives més habituals, mitjançant fórmules i expressions elementals. Informar i obtenir informació: de persones o llocs; demanar identificació o identificar persones o coses... Regular l’acció: demanar un favor, demanar un ajut, expressar intenció o voluntat de fer alguna cosa, donar ordres... Fórmules bàsiques de cortesia i de relació social i marcadors lingüístics: saludar; presentar/­se o presentar algú, respondre a una presentació; acomiadar/­se; adreçar­se a algú; convidar, acceptar i refusar una invitació, agrair i respondre a un agraïment, disculpar­se o acceptar disculpes, interpel∙lar o respondre a una interpel∙lació, fer oferiments, expressions de cortesia, felicitar o respondre a una felicitació… ­ Elements bàsics per a la coherència del text oral i adequació a la intenció comunicativa. ­ Estratègies verbals d’interacció per participar en una situació comunicativa de l’entorn immediat o habitual: demanar la paraula, presentar­se o acomiadar­se usant les fórmules de cortesia... ­ Estratègies de compensació en la producció oral: demanar el significat de mots desconeguts, repetir o sol∙licitar repetició o lletreig, demanar a algú que parli més a poc a poc… ­ Els exponents lingüístics més

­Característiques bàsiques (estructures lingüístiques bàsiques, formes de cortesia més utilitzades...) dels textos orals més habituals (la conversa quotidiana cara a cara, la descripció, la narració, la instrucció). ­ Recursos paralingüístics i del llenguatge no verbal, com a suport per facilitar l’expressió i la comprensió de la llengua. ­ El coneixement metalingüístic per a la producció i millora dels textos orals.

­ Expressions i vocabulari d’ús molt freqüent, referit a objectes o persones, trets identificatius de persones, llocs o objectes, detalls personals, l’entorn immediat. ­ Referències temporals (dates, moment del dia, dia de la setmana...), quantitatives (els números, els diners, l’hora...), qualitatives i espaials bàsiques. ­ Repertoris i famílies lèxiques relacionades amb l’esport, detalls personals, les activitats quotidianes, l’oci...

­ Noms, pronoms, determinants, qualificadors, adverbis, preposicions i conjuncions per unir paraules o grups de paraules, bàsiques i d’ús freqüent. Verbs més freqüents en present i introducció a les formes simples del passat i del futur. Introducció o la flexió regular del gènere i nombre dels noms, determinants i qualificadors. Introducció a les concordances verbals. ­Construcció i ús de l’oració simple (declarativa, interrogativa, imperativa i exclamativa). ­Connectors elementals per unir paraules o grups de paraules. ­ Iniciació als elements constituents de l’oració (subjecte, verb i complements).

­ Introducció de normes ortogràfiques bàsiques. ­Correspondència so­grafia. ­ Introducció a l’ortografia bàsica del text escrit. ­ Símbols i abreviatures més freqüents en llenguatge escrit.

­ Sistema vocàlic i consonàntic de la llengua. Discriminació i producció dels sons propis de la llengua. ­ Introducció als patrons bàsics de ritme, entonació i accentuació de paraules i enunciats. ­

Pilar Pelegrí [email protected] , Jennyfer Caba [email protected] , Carlos Pacheco [email protected] 4

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The history of The Olympic Games English Level 1

elementals de la comunicació oral, adequats a la funció comunicativa.

L’ordre dels elements de la frase.

d. Assessment criteria

In this project, students will be assessed through some activities which are related to the contents they have studied. Assessment will be related to the contents and aims of the unit. It will be coherent and it has to test the progress of the students. Assessment will be divided into two parts in this project: formative and summative assessment. The formative assessment will help the students to improve their skills on the target language. Meanwhile, the summative assessment takes part in the continuous evaluation.

Firstly, the subject has an informal evaluation; for this reason, students will do some activities, not a final exam. The formative tasks will be some activities to refresh concepts.

Secondly, the objectives will be accomplished through several tasks, such as writing some texts, preparing some videos and so on. The task will be evaluated depending on the amount of exercises that are ordered.

The percentage of the evaluation will be: Participation, Behaviour and Attendance in class (30%), Tasks (70%). That means that the final grade will be based on the result of the activities of the subject. If the assistance is less than 75%, the final grade could be lower.

Comunicació oral Comprensió lectora Expressió escrita

­ Comprendre i utilitzar vocabulari i expressions bàsiques, relacionades amb l’àmbit dels esports i els jocs olímpics.

­ Utilitzar vocabulari i estructures lingüístiques bàsiques per descriure aspectes de temps, lloc, quantitats i qualitats de persones o objectes, d’acord amb la situació comunicativa.

­ Comprendre i produir frases simples relacionades amb el camp semàntic estudiat, emprant algun element per a la coherència del text, connectors bàsics per enllaçar paraules o grups de paraules i formes verbals simples i d’ús freqüent, en present, passat o futur, d’acord amb la situació comunicativa.

­ Identificar la temàtica, la situació comunicativa, els interlocutors/es i els paràmetres d’espai i temps d’una conversa elemental i quotidiana, en format àudio o audiovisual.

­ Comprendre globalment una conversa quotidiana senzilla, un text o una intervenció oral breu, si és

­ Reconèixer i comprendre paraules i expressions bàsiques i frases simples referides al present, passat o futur, relacionades amb els esports i els jocs olímpics.

­ Identificar l’emissor, el receptor i el tema d’un text escrit, breu i senzill, sobre temes quotidians o de l’entorn proper, amb ajuda del suport visual, si és el cas.

­ Identificació de la informació bàsica de missatges escrits verbals i/o icònics útils per resoldre necessitats immediates o situacions de la vida quotidiana: cartells, rètols, senyals o símbols en llocs públics; plànols; horaris de transports públics; inventaris…

­ Comprendre el contingut global (identificació de la informació bàsica i el tema) de textos d’ús social (com fullets informatius, cartells o rètols en llocs públics o anuncis breus) o textos relacionats amb l’entorn immediat o situacions quotidianes (p. e. una descripció d’un esport), tots ells breus i escrits

­ Escriure paraules o frases simples per descriure esports o situacions relacionades amb els esports olímpics i els seus esportistes.

­ Utilitzar lèxic bàsic, relacionat amb l’àmbit dels esports i els jocs olímpics.

­ Utilitzar vocabulari i estructures lingüístiques bàsiques per descriure aspectes de temps, lloc, quantitats i qualitats de persones o objectes.

­ Escriure expressions senzilles i frases simples i ordenades, sobre un mateix, l’entorn immediat o situacions quotidianes (els esports i esportistes favorits, l’entorn, rutines diàries...), emprant connectors bàsics per enllaçar paraules o grups de paraules i formes verbals simples i d’ús freqüent, en present, passat o futur, d’acord amb la situació comunicativa.

­ Escriure frases simples per descriure les característiques bàsiques sobre un mateix, persones conegudes, imatges, objectes o llocs propers (esports, esportistes, jocs olímpics, ciutats olímpiques...).

­ Escriure frases instructives senzilles per satisfer necessitats immediates o que es

Pilar Pelegrí [email protected] , Jennyfer Caba [email protected] , Carlos Pacheco [email protected] 5

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The history of The Olympic Games English Level 1

lenta i s’articula amb claredat, sobre la temàtica dels esports i els jocs olímpics.

­ Descriure les característiques bàsiques d’un esport, emprant vocabulari d’ús molt freqüent i frases senzilles i aïllades.

­ Preguntar i respondre preguntes sobre un mateix o l’entorn immediat, amb expressions elementals relacionades amb els esports.

­ Participar en situacions comunicatives quotidianes (simulades) o de l’entorn acadèmic, utilitzant frases simples i aïllades, amb l’ajuda de l’interlocutor/a i, si cal, utilitzant estratègies verbals, no verbals i elements paralingüístics.

­ Produir el text oral amb una pronúncia que permeti fer­lo intel∙ligible i, si cal, utilitzar recursos del llenguatge no verbal i estratègies de compensació per facilitar la comunicació: elements díctics, repeticions, reformulacions, pauses...

amb un llenguatge senzill i/o acompanyats d’imatges, llegits frase per frase.

­ Comprendre una descripció breu i senzilla d’una persona, lloc o sport conegut.

­ Seguir instruccions escrites, breus i senzilles, que siguin explicades lentament i que continguin imatges o es donin en situacions habituals de l’àmbit acadèmic, personal o social: com desenvolupar una tasca a l’aula, indicacions per arribar a un lloc…

­ Respondre a preguntes directes i breus sobre el contingut d’un text molt senzill.

­ Aplicar estratègies satisfactòries per a la comprensió de textos, com l’observació d’imatges i lectura del títol d’un text per fer hipòtesis sobre el tema d’aquest.

­ Consultar fonts en paper i digitals per comprendre el significat de mots.

donen en l’àmbit acadèmic o d’altres contextos habituals.

­ Preguntar o donar per escrit informació personal.

­ Omplir formularis amb dades personals. ­ Reproduir o produir textos escrits senzills a partir d’un model (p. e. modificant frases o paràgrafs), sobre temàtiques de l’entorn immediat, amb l’ajuda del diccionari i d’altres recuros electrònics, si escau.

­ Reconèixer els elements del text que s’ha d’escriure segons la situació comunicativa (el canal d’expressió, l’objectiu i el receptor).

­ Utilitzar algun element per a la coherència del text escrit (p.e. generar i ordenar les frases i les idees del text amb l’ajuda de models).

­ Usar els signes de puntuació més bàsics, per donar fluïdesa i cohesió al text escrit.

­ Utilitzar els signes gràfics, respectar l’ortografia natural i mostrar alguns coneixements d’ortografia i morfologia de base en les frases escrites.

2.3. Activities

ACTIVITY 1 (Writing and speaking) NAME OF THE ACTIVITY: What’s your favourite olympic sport event and sports person? TIMING :(2 sessions) RESOURCES: (web, voice­recording applications and tools such as vocaroo, audioboom, etc., Example: a podcast recorded by the teacher with its transcription) PROCEDURE: The teacher introduces the activity in a first session and shows the students the example. Students work on the project during the week and in a second session, all the audios recorded by the students are heard during that session. Students can complete the audio by giving extra information, and the other students can as questions. DYNAMICS: Students work Individually at home, in the second session all the texts are heard and worked out together in the whole class. OBJECTIVES: Students work the first concepts that appear in English Level 1: Introductions: What’s his/her name? ; Where’s he/she from? ; How old is he/she? ; What’s his/her nationality? ; etc. At the same time, the work on other competences such as autonomous learning and communicative competence, in this case oral competence, both in a productive as well as in a receptive way. Students at English Level 1 must develop an activity in which they have to answer the following questions: What’s your favourite sport event in the Olympic Games? What’s your favourite sports person in the history of the Olympic Games in this sport event? Task 1: In the first place, students must choose their favourite sports event in the Olympic Games. It can be a sport carried out in the summer olympics as well as the winter olympics.

Pilar Pelegrí [email protected] , Jennyfer Caba [email protected] , Carlos Pacheco [email protected] 6

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The history of The Olympic Games English Level 1

Once they have chosen the sport, they must describe their favourite sports person within their aforementioned olympic sport event (e.g.: athletics, football, swimming, etc.) Task 2: The students have to write a text of about 80­100 words in which they must describe their favourite sports event in the Olympics in the first place, and their favourite sports person, in the second place. In this text, the students must include a picture of the sportsman or sportswoman they have chosen and a couple of links from the Internet where we can find information about both the sport’s discipline and about the sports person. Task 3: Once they have written the text, they must record it with their own voice and share the file with the teacher and the rest of the class by means of any application chosen by them with the help of the teacher. Recorded example: Usain Bolt (click on the name or the photo to hear the audio!)

Transcript ACTIVITY 1 ASSESSMENT (‘What’s your favourite olympic sport event and sports person?’)

CATEGORY 4 ­ Very Good 3 ­ Good 2­needs Improvement 1 ­ Unsatisfactory Points

Sentences & Paragraphs

Sentences and paragraphs are complete, well­constructed and of varied structure.

All sentences are complete and well­constructed (no fragments, no run­ons). Paragraphing is generally done well.

Most sentences are complete and well­constructed. Paragraphing needs some work.

Many sentence fragments or run­on sentences OR paragraphing needs lots of work.

Grammar Writer makes no errors in grammar.

Writer makes 1­4 errors in grammar.

Writer makes 5­10 errors in grammar.

Writer makes more than 10 errors in grammar.

Vocabulary Writer uses a great deal of words related to the topic of olympic sport events.

Writer introduces some new words related to the topic of olympic sport events.

Writer uses some words related to the topic, but repeats them along the text.

Writer just uses a few words about the topic, and most of the are repeated several times throughout the text.

Ideas Ideas were expressed in a clear and organized fashion. It was easy to figure out what the text was about.

Ideas were expressed in a pretty clear manner, but the organization could have been better.

Ideas were somewhat organized, but were not very clear. It took more than one reading to figure out what the sport event was about.

The text seemed to be a collection of unrelated sentences. It was very difficult to figure out what the sport event was about.

Length The text is 10 or more sentences.

The text is 8­9 sentences. The text is 5­7 sentences.

The text is less than 5 sentences.

Capitalization and Punctuation

Writer makes no errors in capitalization and

Writer makes 1­3 errors in capitalization and punctuation.

Writer makes 4­6 errors in capitalization and

Writer makes more than 6 errors in capitalization

Pilar Pelegrí [email protected] , Jennyfer Caba [email protected] , Carlos Pacheco [email protected] 7

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The history of The Olympic Games English Level 1

punctuation. punctuation. and punctuation.

ACTIVITY 2 (Speaking and Listening Comprehension) NAME OF THE ACTIVITY: Project presentation: RESOURCES: Slidely presentation TIMING: 1 session at class and some time at home in order to record the explanation PROCEDURE: Every student adds a photograph to the presentation, The students explain briefly what’s their favourite sport and why, record the explanation and the teacher adds the explanation to the presentation. DYNAMICS: students work individually. ACTIVITY 2 ASSESSMENT They are going to be evaluated with a grade:


The student had added a photograph to the presentation

The student has explained what’s his/her favourite sport and why in a correct way (pronunciation, fluent, grammatically)

The student has recorded the explanation and he has given it to the teacher.

ACTIVITY 3 (Pronunciation and Vocabulary) NAME OF THE ACTIVITY: How to say the names of the summer olympic sports. TIMING :(1 session) RESOURCES: (Youtube video, web image with some sport official symbols, chart issued on a photocopy) PROCEDURE: The teacher shows the students a youtube video in which all the summer olympic sports are shown written in letters with their phonetic transcription. All sports are repeated several times so that students can practice their pronunciation. After watching the video, students see a picture with the symbols of some sports and in groups of 3­4 people they must remember the names of the sports. DYNAMICS: Students work in small groups because this way it is easier for them to remember all sports and help each other in memory problems arise. OBJECTIVES: To learn the vocabulary related to summer olympic sports and to encourage team work. At the same time, they work on other competences such as autonomous learning and communicative competence, in this case oral competence, both in a productive as well as in a receptive way. Task 1: Students watch the following video, in which they can watch and hear the names of the different sports that take part in the summer olympic games. All the sport names are accompanied by its phonetic transcription, and the names are repeated different times. It is a good opportunity for our students to practice their pronunciation aloud. How to Say the Names of Summer Olympic Sports ­ (ESL) American Pronunciation (video)

Pilar Pelegrí [email protected] , Jennyfer Caba [email protected] , Carlos Pacheco [email protected] 8

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The history of The Olympic Games English Level 1

Task 2: Students have to complete the following table by remembering the names of the sports they have learned by watching the previous video. This activity can be done in groups of 3­4 people, since there are a lot of names and they will not be able to solve the task individually.

1 2 3 4 5 6







Pilar Pelegrí [email protected] , Jennyfer Caba [email protected] , Carlos Pacheco [email protected] 9

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The history of The Olympic Games English Level 1

ACTIVITY 4 (Vocabulary Practice) NAME OF THE ACTIVITY: London 2012 olympic sports. Remember the names of some sports. TIMING :(beginning of a session, task aimed at reviewing the vocabulary learnt in the previous session) RESOURCES: (Youtube video) PROCEDURE: The teacher shows the students a youtube video with the best moments of London 2012 Olympic Games and students must watch it and try to remember as many sports they see as they can. DYNAMICS: Students work in couples and after watching the video they must try to write on a piece of paper as many sport names as they can, from the sports they have seen on the video. OBJECTIVES: To review the vocabulary related to summer olympic sports. Task 1: Watch the following video about London 2012 Olympic games and try to write down as many sport names as you can. Best Bits of London 2012 Olympics (video) ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ FINAL PROJECT (Oral and written practice)

Description of the activity: Record a News Programme as if you were a journalist in the Olympic Games. You should summarize the results of some match or explain one. Remember to use the correct verbs, sports vocabulary and easy structures. You can recorded with your mobile, but then remember to modify it using a video programme, in order to add subtitles. Eventually, upload the video in Instagram with a hashtag, #2016­Olympics, in order to watch them in class.

Level: English 1 (beginners). Duration of the activity (preparation): 4 hours. Length of the exercise: from 3 to 5 minutes. Dynamics: students should work individually, but they will need the collaboration of a classmate to record the video. What are you going to work:

∙ Specific vocabulary of a sport. ∙ Short oral sentences. (Present tense vs Past Tense). ∙ Video edition (subtitles and pictures addition).

Aims of the activity: ∙ Review previous knowledge about sports vocabulary and verbal tenses. ∙ Have a good command of video edition. ∙ Learn to use video, image and text all together. ∙ Check your English spelling and pronunciation.

Competence: ∙ Information treatment and digital competence. ∙ Communicative linguist and audiovisual.

Concepts: ∙ Video creation. ∙ Basic text and image edition: short sentences and vocabulary. ∙ Image and video mixture insertions. ∙ Basic orthographic correction. ∙ Different styles of writing in the subtitles and title. ∙ English pronunciation checking.

Procedures: ∙ Create video using different techniques (text, video and images). ∙ Write a draft of the text, and check the spelling.

Pilar Pelegrí [email protected] , Jennyfer Caba [email protected] , Carlos Pacheco [email protected] 10

Page 11: he history of the Olympic Games - XTECThe history of The Olympic Games English Level 1 elementals de la comunicació oral, adequats a la funció comunicativa. L’ordre dels elements

The history of The Olympic Games English Level 1

∙ Record the News Programme. ∙ Add some pictures about what you have talked using public domain images. ∙ Write subtitles about all the text. ∙ Check the spelling of the subtitles. ∙ Upload the video in Instagram with the hashtag #2016­Olympics.

Classroom management tips:

Tips on recording:


A similar activity example (School News Project)


Methodological Considerations about how to record with different viewpoints


What do we need to organize this project?


­ Cover and back cover title. ­ Images of the sport in the specific place

of the event. ­ Video about the TV programme. ­ Subtitles. ­ Music (optional).

­ Present simple. ­ Present continuous. ­ Present perfect. ­ Past simple. ­ Past continuous. ­ Specific sports vocabulary. ­ Adjective order. ­ Words order in a sentence. ­ Capital Letters.

How to submit the activity? A video of maximum 5 minutes in (. AVI) format uploaded in INSTAGRAM with the Hashtag #2016­Olympics. Deadline: 20th January 2016 (for our students’ project)

2.4. Project Evaluation

Students are going to be assessed by means of a rubric. A rubric is a coherent set of criteria that includes descriptions of levels of performance. This rubric should be descriptive, and students should know all the aspects that they are going to be assessed on before doing the activity.They clarify the

Pilar Pelegrí [email protected] , Jennyfer Caba [email protected] , Carlos Pacheco [email protected] 11

Page 12: he history of the Olympic Games - XTECThe history of The Olympic Games English Level 1 elementals de la comunicació oral, adequats a la funció comunicativa. L’ordre dels elements

The history of The Olympic Games English Level 1

quality of the work and make teachers’ tasks easier. Rubrics could assess: Processes Physical skills Use of equipment Oral communication Work habits

Products Constructed objects Written essays, themes, reports, term papers Other academic products that demonstrate understanding of concepts

One useful webpage to create a rubric is http://rubistar.4teachers.org/index.php

Project Assessment : Olympic News

Assessment: News (video document)

It is written the name of the author (student). It appears a News title at the beginning and in the ending of the programme. There are some images uploaded during the video with their correct licence.

It has one item It has 2 items It has 3 items

1 point 2 points 3 points

Text (news’ subtitles) It has passed the orthographic corrector. There are some bold words. There are some cursive writing. They have used different registers. It appears underlined words. There are different kinds of letters (styles). It is everything written as it was said (for example: contractions…) It appears the place of the match.

It has one item It has 2 items It has 3 items

1 point 2 points 3 points

It has four items It has 5 items It has 6 items It has 7 items 4 points 5 points 6 points 7 points

Image, video and sound

It is a well connection between images and video edition. There is a good quality audio. There are at least 5 images embed. The images are in a good quality. It is uploaded well.

Pilar Pelegrí [email protected] , Jennyfer Caba [email protected] , Carlos Pacheco [email protected] 12

Page 13: he history of the Olympic Games - XTECThe history of The Olympic Games English Level 1 elementals de la comunicació oral, adequats a la funció comunicativa. L’ordre dels elements

The history of The Olympic Games English Level 1

It appears images in both covering. The subtitles are in the correct audio.

It has one item It has 2 items It has 3 items

1 point 2 points 3 points

It has four items It has 5 items It has 6 items It has 7 items 4 points 5 points 6 points 7 points


There is truth information about the vocabulary and images of the sport. Yes No 1 point 0 points

Storage You have created a folder with all the images used and videos. It is the document saved with all the characteristics depicted. The project is in .AVI format. It is uploaded in Instagram.

It has one item It has 2 items It has 3 items It has four items

1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points

Communication It is an own project, not copied. It has the correct used of the previous concepts (grammar and spelling).Excellent command of the language:

Well organized ideas presented clearly and logically; few grammatical or spelling errors; Wide variety of grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structures; few word­order errors; writing is appropriate to current level and thorough response to the question

The pronunciation is good enough for their level. It has one item It has 2 items It has 3 items 1 point 2 points 3 points

Project Qualification: POINTS 1 p 2 p 3 p 4 p 5 p 6 p 7 p 8 p 9 p 10 p 11 p 12 p 13 p 14 p 15 p 16 p

GRADE 0,3 0,61 0,91 1,21 1,52 1,82 2,12 2,42 2,73 3,03 3,33 3,64 3,94 4,24 4,55 4,85 17 p 18 p 19 p 20 p 21 p 22 p 23 p 24 p 25 p 26 p 27 p 28 p 29 p 30 p 31 p 32 p 33 p

5,15 5,45 5,76 6,06 6,36 6,67 6,97 7,27 7,58 7,88 8,18 8,48 8,79 9,09 9,39 9,7 10

2.5. Class management and methodology

This subject is focused on the Task­ Methodology. Moreover, it uses the constructivist model, where the student needs a previous knowledge in order to gain more knowledge and new data. They should be in an active participation with their classmates and the teacher. This process of learning consist on be assessed through the realisation of some tasks. Consequently, the students will use

Pilar Pelegrí [email protected] , Jennyfer Caba [email protected] , Carlos Pacheco [email protected] 13

Page 14: he history of the Olympic Games - XTECThe history of The Olympic Games English Level 1 elementals de la comunicació oral, adequats a la funció comunicativa. L’ordre dels elements

The history of The Olympic Games English Level 1

cooperatively skills in some occasions; but basically, they should work for themselves and they try to learn as much as possible, seeing the teacher as a guide. This procedure is a new way to teach students English skills without the need of doing an exam.

The topic of the subject wants to give to the students an idea about English world. Before the beginning of the subject, we have to think about the students level of this group. For this reason, we have to prepare easy activities with some exercises in order to practise. Our aim is to promote individual work and give the opportunity to them to discover English, as another language of communication.

The students should follow the activities that are previously explained. There, it is described the aims, the resources and the assessment of the activities. These students need some reinforcement activities, because they are new English learners and some of them are newcomers in our country and they have difficulties with our languages: Spanish and Catalan.

3. Final thought

2016 is going to be an Olympic Year which means that sports and sports events will be on the top trending subjects. We are in a Global World, and expressions and words in English (as the International Language ) are going to appear in media and social networking every day. Then, our principal objective in this project is that students in Level 1 could understand the most expressions and words related to sports as possible. And, if it is necessary, that they can also make simple sentences to use in these social networks.

As a final activity, we can include the project in the class moodle, including all the activities done during the project (videos, audios, pps and so on) and the best ideas from the tasks proposed and the performed presentations, so that students can check the information even when the project has finished.

Pilar Pelegrí [email protected] , Jennyfer Caba [email protected] , Carlos Pacheco [email protected] 14