HDIAU Breakout 102 - Are you down with epp?

August 22, 2013 Are you down with EPP? Incorporating Energy, Passion and Patience into the Desktop Support Role Scott Robinson and Rafael Hendricks


As technology advances, so too does the role of Desktop Support. Our customers are more educated, more mobile and more demanding than ever before, and it is our job to ensure that their technology is up and running at all times, regardless of the situation. In this session, we will share key tips and core characteristics that will help you stay cool, calm and collected and provide exceptional customer service, even under the most stressful conditions.

Transcript of HDIAU Breakout 102 - Are you down with epp?

  • 1. August 22, 2013 Are you down with EPP? Incorporating Energy, Passion and Patience into the Desktop Support Role Scott Robinson and Rafael Hendricks

2. Introductions Scott Robinson Rafael Hendricks 2 3. What is EPP? Energy Passion Patience Three key characteristics that could MAKE or BREAK a Desktop Support role 3 4. Energy How do you define energy? How does energy apply to your job? 4 5. Be Energetic! Make it a point to greet your customers with a smile. This can defuse some of the toughest situations. Stay in shape. Eat healthy. Energy can make or break your team or even your company. 5 6. Be Energetic! Stay on the move. Dont be a slave to remote desktop assistance. If at all possible, go to your customer when there is a problem. This is the best way to advertise your department and your skills. Engage with your customers. Display YOUR attitude and personality, dont mirror theirs. 6 7. Passion 7 How do you define passion? How does passion apply to your job? 8. Passion Is this the only passion in your life? 8 9. Be Passionate! Dont just MEET your Service Level Agreements(SLAs), EXCEED those expectations. Serve on multiple committees and boards inside and outside of your organization. Write a newsletter or a blog. Initiate new-hire training in your organization. Conduct lunch and learn training sessions. Learn more about what your customers are doing in their job roles. 9 10. Wheres Your Flame? Have you lost your passion? Do you have a lack of management or team support? Are you overworked? Are you afraid of losing your job? Sometimes a change is the solution. Re-dedicate yourself to your customers and their needs. 10 11. Patience 11 12. Patience Do you have patience? Be honest. 12 13. Patience 13 14. Lost Your Patience? Your customer will know. Word will get around. Your actions will create more work for your team, a bad reputation for your department and ultimately affect your companys bottom line. 14 15. Patience = Understanding Whats on your customers plate? Put yourself in their shoes. Remember customers arent just users anymore. If your customers knew everything about computers and software, would they still need you? Be professional in your service interactions. Think about your worst customer service experiences. 15 16. 16 Q & A