HCB 2012 GOALS · Web viewProvide constant training tips and reminders during staff meetings that...

Bissell Leadership Council 2012 Goals January 9, 2012 HCB 2012 GOALS 2 Woody Allen 2012 GOALS 5 Dee Bell 2012 GOALS 6 GRAPHICS (Dan Bissell) 2012 GOALS 7 Howard Bissell 2012 GOALS 8 JJ Bissell 2012 GOALS 9 Marvin Burch 2012 GOALS 10 Clifton Coble 2012 Goals 11 Ned Curran 2012 GOALS 13 Barry Fabyan 2012 GOALS 15 Richard Fida 2012 GOALS 16 Peter Grills 2012 GOALS 17 Joe Hallow 2012 GOALS 18 Marshall Hilliard 2012 GOALS 19 Alastair Jones 2012 GOALS 20 Teresa Jones 2012 GOALS 21 Angie King 2012 Goals 22 Kim Montijo 2012 Goals 23 Tom Pizzo 2012 GOALS 25 DANA RADER 2012 GOALS 26 Adriaan Radder 2012 GOALS 27 Amanda J Schüss 2012 GOALS 28 Paul Stroman 2012 GOALS 30 Christina Thigpen 2012 GOALS 31 LARS WILSON 2012 GOALS 33 Terry Young 2012 GOALS 34

Transcript of HCB 2012 GOALS · Web viewProvide constant training tips and reminders during staff meetings that...

Bissell Leadership Council 2012 GoalsJanuary 9, 2012

HCB 2012 GOALS 2

Woody Allen 2012 GOALS 5

Dee Bell 2012 GOALS 6

GRAPHICS (Dan Bissell) 2012 GOALS 7

Howard Bissell 2012 GOALS 8

JJ Bissell 2012 GOALS 9

Marvin Burch 2012 GOALS 10

Clifton Coble 2012 Goals 11

Ned Curran 2012 GOALS 13

Barry Fabyan 2012 GOALS 15

Richard Fida 2012 GOALS 16

Peter Grills 2012 GOALS 17

Joe Hallow 2012 GOALS 18

Marshall Hilliard 2012 GOALS 19

Alastair Jones 2012 GOALS 20

Teresa Jones 2012 GOALS 21

Angie King 2012 Goals 22

Kim Montijo 2012 Goals 23

Tom Pizzo 2012 GOALS 25


Adriaan Radder 2012 GOALS 27

Amanda J Schüss 2012 GOALS 28

Paul Stroman 2012 GOALS 30

Christina Thigpen 2012 GOALS 31


Terry Young 2012 GOALS 34

Bissell Leadership Council 2012 Goals January 9, 2012

HCB 2012 GOALSPersonal Professional Growth Goal

To present the Chairman’s Award for the first time in three years in 2013.

Method (How will I achieve the goal):

1. Make available and encourage all to review current openings for referral to team members.2. Increase emphasis of the award throughout the organization by periodic reminders and

emphasis.3. Continue to emphasize in orientation and onboarding.4. Have those with two referrals to Leadership Council as my guest as soon as they hit the two

referral level.5. Use stories as examples of Top 5%’ers who were introduced through employee referrals.

Success (How will I know I have been successful):

When I have the winner in this picture with me.

Bissell Leadership Council 2012 Goals January 9, 2012

Bissell Divisional Goal (Department 21)

To create THE healthy workplace.

Method (How will I achieve the goal):

1. Reward those taking the online Health Risk Assessment and biometric screening with a $10 wellness credit per pay period.

2. Bissell will partner with McLaughlin Young to provide ALL Bissell employees (full-time, part-time, on-call and seasonal) and their family members with EAP (Employee Assistance Program) confidential services at no cost to employee.*

3. Promote healthy eating by having fruit available for others at my cube and encourage departments to have free healthy fruit available.

4. Support Weight Watchers in workplace.5. Emphasize exercise.6. If demand warrants, have another smoking cessation class.7. Seek input from all team members as to how to attain THE healthy workplace.

Success (How will I know I have been successful):

1. When you tell me we have THE healthy workplace or stop making suggestions as to how we get there.

*Some of the most common reasons people seek assistance through the EAP include:

Marital/Adult relationshipsFamily/Child relationshipsSeparation/DivorceAlcohol abuseDrug abuse and other addictionsGamblingWork-related issuesHealth and wellnessManaging financesLegal concernsEmotional issuesDepressionGriefStress

Bissell Leadership Council 2012 Goals January 9, 2012

Bissell Organization Goal

To assume the financial health and well-being of the organization by making our resources: people and capital productive.

Method (How I will achieve the goal):


8. Insure accountability for the numbers.9. Measure, evaluate and adjust.10. Celebrate successes regularly.


2. Get out with the teams – ask questions.3. Remember he/she who asks the right questions wins. 4. 2 ears; one mouth – listen, listen, listen.

Success (How will I know I have been successful):

1. Budgets successfully made.2. Jobs preserved.3. Evaluations by employees positive.

Bissell Leadership Council 2012 Goals January 9, 2012

Woody Allen 2012 GOALSPersonal Professional Growth Goal

Develop and implement a significant appreciation/fundraising event for the teachers at United Faith Academy.


Plan and execute a complimentary dinner and the chance to win great prizes for all teachers in the 1st quarter of 2012.


5. That the dinner takes place in the 1st quarter6. Teachers supply feedback saying they enjoyed the night7. Funds are raised to help with the extra expenses that teachers always end up incurring


Ballantyne Golf Goal

Decrease the financial dependence on ownership by 50%


1. Increase rounds to 30,1002. Decrease expenses with shop moving downstairs


The Golf Club financials at the end of the year will determine the success.

Bissell Organization Goal

To improve the overall efficient operation and cohesiveness of the hotel, golf and spa.


1. Bring DRGS online with the new computer system2. Put into service a property-wide gift card system3. Implement an effective property-wide reservation center


1. Reduced reservation time, increased accuracy and increased reporting capabilities in place. 2. Elimination of the use of two systems and the resulting balance difference issue.3. The reservation center up and running for the hotel, golf and spa.

Bissell Leadership Council 2012 Goals January 9, 2012

Dee Bell 2012 GOALSPersonal Professional Growth Goal

Attend a CPE course focused on partnerships and partnership taxation to increase my knowledge on partnership taxation.

Method: Identify a course focused on partnerships through any number of organizations providing CPE courses.Success:Attend a course earning CPE credits of eight hours or more earmarking at least one item to apply to at least one of our partnerships.

Division Goal

To have each member of the Accounting Department be accountable in learning at least five accounting processes and providing feedback on those processes thus renewing our commitment to having a cross-trained department.

Method:1. Each team member identify five processes to cross train other team members.2. Each team member identify which of the other team members’ processes to become cross

trained.3. Provide feedback to the team member responsible for the process on ways to improve the

process.4. Award certificates as the team member has successfully completed the training.

Success:1. Each team member earn at least five certificates. 2. Track feedback provided to improve the process.3. Improvement in customer service by being aware of who is responsible and providing backup if

the team member responsible is not available.

Bissell Organization Goal

To implement a purchasing/credit card program where all of Bissell is using the same one-card program that is administered on-line and where payments are drafted automatically.

Method:11. Research the one-card programs available (primarily through the banks).12. Contract with the one-card program that best serves all users.13. Provide artwork to the one-card provider to have a Bissell card.14. Determine the one-card users and card holder limits.15. Train users on how to manage their card on line.16. Train managers on how to approve the purchases on line.

Success:8. All users of credit cards within Bissell for Bissell purchases provided with and using the same

one-card.9. All managers are approving the purchases/charges electronically and forwarding approvals to

accounting electronically. 10. No late fees are incurred due to payments being automatically drafted.11. No misplaced receipts due to receipt provided on line through the one-card program.12. Managers able to track expenses by category and card user for any given time period.13. Administration of card (turning off and on cards, revising limits, etc.) done in-house.

Bissell Leadership Council 2012 Goals January 9, 2012

GRAPHICS (Dan Bissell) 2012 GOALSTeam Graphics/Growth Goal

Attend ADOBE INTERACTIVE Conference or similar Conference with focus on e-publishing.

Method: 6. Identify conference with classes in Interactive Design.7. Identify one or more strategies associated with conference that may be used by Bissell.Success:Will have attended conference & will have in place, Adobe Program to implementCommunication thru e publishing

Team Graphics/Bissell Goal

To produce 2 Complete E-Publishing Documents: 1 for all Hotels & 1 for Ballantyne Corporate Park.

Method:1. Collect content & Photos for Documents.2. Get input from Hotels thru Christina & Kat.3. Get input for Ballantyne Corporate Park thru Barry, Christina, Kat & Brokers, Ned & Mr B & Others.4. Utilize the interactive PDF and video capability & E Publising to produce Documents.5. Review with above Teams.Success:1. Produce E-Documents thru Digital Publishing Suites or Other Agreed upon Programs.2. Documents will be usable on I-pad, Computers & Smart Phones by December 10 2012.

Team Graphics/Division Goal

AS PER NED: FOR GRAPHICS, COMMUNICATIONS, & EVENTS/WEBSITESTo update and revitalize our marketing strategies with particular focus on our Marketing Center, our website and our advertising.

Method:1. Perform a thorough evaluation of the current Marketing Center in the Chandler Building and

evaluate updating it both with content and with technology2. Evaluate the content of our websites to make sure they are robust and reflective of our photographic

assets in the best way possible3. Reevaluate the strategy and value of creating Bissell videos for our hotel rooms and websites that

promote different aspects of our organization4. Utilize the interactive PDF and video capability Dan Bissell has identified as potential assets

available through his department5. Utilize regional advertising that is an effective use of our dollars and a reinforcement of our product

and messaging around our productSuccess:1. We will have a more robust marketing effort throughout the organization that will be acknowledged

by third parties as being very informative and having been effective in facilitating a purchase or leasing commitment.

2. We will have upgraded or created new tools with which to inform and reinforce our strengths in products and services that may include an enhanced marketing center in the Chandler Building; redesigned websites; special purpose promotional videos; interactive PDF’s and effective advertising in print and web.

Bissell Leadership Council 2012 Goals January 9, 2012

Howard Bissell 2012 GOALSPersonal Professional Growth Goal

Broaden my network of corporate real estate professionals beyond our company’s tenant/customer base, while also strengthening my relationships with corporate leaders within our customer base.

Method: 1. Identify an organization to join that brings together corporate real estate executives and real estate

professionals for the purpose of learning trends in what end users of office space are looking for and having the opportunity to build relationships with representatives from corporate end users. (1/12)

2. Attend local, regional, and national conferences presented by this organization that provide opportunities for key introductions. (2012)

3. Utilize existing local organizations to target same professionals and CEO’s of local companies. (2012)

Success:I will have established new relationships with up to 5 key corporate real estate professionals and broadened existing relationships with leaders within our existing customer base.

Division Goal

To assume Broker-in-Charge responsibilities from Ned Curran

Method:1. Identify requirements to update my brokerage license to BIC status. (1/12)2. Register for all classes in January for completion by June 30, unless schedule of classes prohibits

or otherwise causes delays to June 30 goal. Success:I will be successful in meeting all real estate licensing requirements to allow for transition to Broker in Charge.

Bissell Organization Goal

Update and revitalize our Investor Relations efforts where we have co-investors in real estate assets.

Method:1. Perform evaluation of current efforts including regularity and what is included with each writing

communication. (1/12)2. Evaluate timeliness of adding additional information (when applicable) to written communication to

include building (PM) and market reports (leasing); cash flow requirements & distributions; and debt markets (LGW). (3/31/12)

Success:1. We will have created a standard written communication packet that is consistent with each asset

with which we have co-investors. 2. We will have identified the applicable additional information and the timing of distributing additional

correspondence beyond the current monthly reporting.

Bissell Leadership Council 2012 Goals January 9, 2012

JJ Bissell 2012 GOALSPersonal Professional Growth Goal

Attend an AMA – American Management Association or similar seminar concentrating on how to more successfully manage projects and people.Method (How will I achieve the goal): 1. Identify a seminar concentrating on the project management/managing motivating people.2. Learn/identify techniques to help motivate and direct people.3. Learn/identify techniques on how to better delegate and assign responsibilities.4. Learn strategies on how to more effectively bring about a shared sense of values and goals. Be a

catalyst that helps my team move forward.Success (How will I know I have been successful):Having attended the seminar I will be more equipped to successfully manage my current projects and team. I will incorporate elements of what I have learned into my departmental program.

Division Goal1. A second redesign of Ballantyne Magazine. 2. Explore new ways to better market the magazine for consistent per issue sales in excess of

$100,000.Method:1. Work with SPARK’s design team to identify more sophisticated design elements that can be

incorporated into the magazine.2. Identify best practices and design elements from niche publications of “larger” markets that can be

incorporated into our program.3. Identify other design service providers who may be more suitable or appropriate for bringing about a

more sophisticated look.4. Identify social media and website opportunities to more effectively market the magazine and bring

increased value to our advertisers.5. Identify sales strategies to help more effectively attract a higher tier of advertiser (ie. national

brands, resort communities/travel destinations)Success:1. Having a more sophisticated look and feel, elevating the experience of the reader and bringing more

value to our advertisers.2. Positive feedback from our market and peer group.

Bissell Organization GoalConduct an evaluation of JJ’s Café to determine its viability in the market place. This is a 90 day goal and will have to be reset upon completion.

Method:1. Analyze financial data to identify areas of opportunity.2. Work with our internal administrative and hospitality personnel to evaluate the viability of continued

management and operation by Bissell.3. Survey client base, tenants and individuals for feedback and to identify areas where we are doing

things right and areas needing improvement. 4. Best Practice other venues that have been successful in similar markets.5. Identify other potential operators and determine if their product could be a fit for the space and of

benefit to our tenants.Success:1. Have evaluation completed by March 31, 20122. Share findings with senior management along with 2-3 alternative recommendations for the space

and determine course of action.

Bissell Leadership Council 2012 Goals January 9, 2012

Marvin Burch 2012 GOALS Personal Professional Growth Goal

Achieve CHS Level IV - Response & Recovery certification through American Board for Certification in Homeland Security as well as leadership classes through American Management Association.

Method of Achievement: Review all three prerequisite courses listed below prior to testing for level IV exam:

1. Introduction to Incident Command System.2. National Incident Management System an introduction.3. Attend one Leadership class through American Management Association (to be determined).

Success: I would have properly maintained my current Certification Level III and achieved level IV by end of year 2012, thereby providing me with the necessary knowledge to advance my professional development. This will also contribute to my set goal of 60 hours of continuing education for 2012.

Division Goals

To schedule meetings with various tenants and retail businesses within Ballantyne Corporate Park in order to build relationships with their corporate security teams. These initiatives will also be extended to hotel General Managers, Property Management teams, and Human Resources.

Method of Achievement:

I plan to have at least two scheduled meetings with security professionals from various tenants / retail business owners throughout 2012.

1. I plan to have at least three scheduled meetings each with hotel General Managers, Property Management teams and Human Resources in 2012 to discuss Shared Services, security strategies, and customer service.

Success:1. Meetings will help strengthen processes and policies between all entities, tenants and

customers.2. An Excel spreadsheet will be created to document each meeting showing meeting dates,

meeting participants, discussion points, and action plans.

Bissell Organizational Goal

As a Shared Services initiative, coordinate and host safety and awareness training which would improve safety programs by coordinating education and training to other entities within the Bissell organization.


1. OSHA General Industry Regulation training. 2. CMPD Awareness training (bomb threat, fraud and alcohol laws).3. Homeland Security Awareness training.


1. Certificate of completion for each class. 2. BCP / FLS Security have committed to 440 hours of continuing education. 3. As an organization, we will offer security / safety training to tenants and to internal departments

within Bissell.

Bissell Leadership Council 2012 Goals January 9, 2012

Clifton Coble 2012 GoalsPersonal Professional Growth Goal

Increase my involvement with Legislative issues related to Real Estate Development to ensure we are heard on issues that can affect our industry.


1. Attend the 2012 NAIOP Chapter Leadership and Legislative Retreat in Washington, D.C. February 6th -9th allowing us to meet with Congressional Representatives

2. Continue the Lunch with a Leader program that involves County/ State Representatives to discuss current issues in our industry

3. Attend Chamber Land Use meetings to remain on top of current issues4. Attend monthly REBIC meetings to remain on top of current issues


1. Evaluate and respond to legislative and regulatory issues when they arise in the Charlotte and North Carolina region and determine the successful rate and year end

2. Partner with other real estate organizations to enhance the NAIOP/ REBIC/ Chamber voices on issues

3. Listen to hear what people are saying about organizations such as NAIOP/ REBIC/ Chamber on issues that were handled

Division Goal

Proactively market Bissell Development (including Land Services) resources and expertise to other Bissell entities and outside opportunities to increase construction management fees/revenues by $100,000 over budget.


1. Continue working with both Bissell Property Services and Bissell Hotels on capital projects that may allow for additional CM fees

2. Improve BDC website noting project accomplishments and awards3. Create a business plan on how to make this a success


1. Utilize my resources with LS3P and different GC’s to assist with pricing projects for decisions to proceed.

2. Meet with Division heads to ensure they know what we are capable of doing in terms of cost savings methods.

Bissell Leadership Council 2012 Goals January 9, 2012

Clifton Coble Bissell Goal

Complete the new road improvements throughout BCP within original budget and with minimum disruption to BCP tenants.


1. Work with Kimley Horn to establish finish dates on design plans2. Meet and work with CDOT to approve plans in a timely fashion3. Land Services to relocate trees and irrigation in a timely fashion4. Bid out each project to ensure budget is in line


1. BCP will have better flowing traffic patterns at peak times2. Listen to the tenants and their input on the improvements3. What will the news write about the projects when they are complete?

Bissell Leadership Council 2012 Goals January 9, 2012

Ned Curran 2012 GOALSPersonal Professional Growth Goal

Attend a national conference or similar venue focusing on the Collateralized Mortgage Backed Securities and alternative financing markets to increase my knowledge about unique financing strategies for the Bissell organization.

Method): 1. Identify a conference with a topical agenda coupled with speakers of national prominence on the

subject2. Identify one or more strategies associated with financing that may be practical for our

organization3. Identify lenders or other correspondents with lenders that could be of benefit to us in terms of

relationship buildingSuccess:

I will have attended a conference that provided insights, people introductions and implementable ideas that can practically be applied to our portfolio of properties.

Division Goal

To update and revitalize our marketing strategies with particular focus on our Marketing Center, our website and our advertising.

Method:1. Perform a thorough evaluation of the current Marketing Center in the Chandler Building and

evaluate updating it both with content and with technology2. Evaluate the content of our websites to make sure they are robust and reflective of our

photographic assets in the best way possible3. Reevaluate the strategy and value of creating Bissell videos for our hotel rooms and websites

that promote different aspects of our organization4. Utilize the interactive PDF and video capability Dan Bissell has identified as potential assets

available through his department5. Utilize regional advertising that is an effective use of our dollars and a reinforcement of our

product and messaging around our productSuccess:

1. We will have a more robust marketing effort throughout the organization that will be acknowledged by third parties as being very informative and having been effective in facilitating a purchase or leasing commitment.

2. We will have upgraded or created new tools with which to inform and reinforce our strengths in products and services that may include an enhanced marketing center in the Chandler Building; redesigned websites; special purpose promotional videos; interactive PDF’s and effective advertising in print and web.

Bissell Leadership Council 2012 Goals January 9, 2012

Ned Curran Bissell Organization Goal

To initiate or bolster several HR initiatives to motivate and enhance the productivity of our employees.

Method:1. Increase recognition of outstanding employee performance in response to the Fall, 2011

employee surveys2. Establish formal programs that serve both as instruction and as a refresher to all employees

about the breadth of the Bissell organization and key elements of our culture including the Franchise Player and Top 5% programs

3. Perform a thorough evaluation of our interview and on boarding process to make sure that we are hiring the best people

Success:1. We will have specific examples of initiatives implemented that offer greater recognition of

employees2. Employees will have formal opportunities for reinforcement of key cultural elements of our

organization 3. Our success rate in new hires as measured by retention, recognitions and other relevant

variables will have increased relative to 2010 and 2011.

Bissell Leadership Council 2012 Goals January 9, 2012

Barry Fabyan 2012 GOALSPersonal Professional Growth Goal

Identify and visit an office park and/or city that would provide an opportunity to share Best Practices with my counterparts related to leasing practices, marketing ideas, and overall office park trends.

Method: 1. Connect with professionals in markets such as Washington D.C. and other active markets2. Establish connections with counterparts and arrange for site visits3. Provide examples of our marketing techniques and see/hear what others are doing4. Exchange lease challenges and solutions to today’s most pressing issuesSuccess:Trip will have been completed, Best Practice information will be distributed to appropriate Bissell team and any findings that lead to change will also come with a process for making such change.

Division Goal

Implement and utilize Salesforce (REthink app) within department to enhance customer relationship management.

Method:1. Work with and bring in, if necessary, trainer from REthink2. Convert current excel sheets and manual note gathering to REthink3. Collaborate with Linda Ripper to create enhanced reports and real time prospect filesSuccess:1. REthink reports and pipeline tracking will be standard for Leasing Department 2. Sales effort will be in the cloud and reports will be prepared for owners out of this software

Bissell Organization Goal

Lease Volume: $70MMIrby-Calhoun, Woodward and Gragg: Lease 275,000 square feetStabilized portfolio: 94% leased

Method:1. Broker tours of dried-in Woodward building2. Local and regional advertising targeting Woodward/Gragg3. Relationship campaign on existing tenants within 12-15 months of renewal4. Available space gets to attractive condition for possible lease-up within 90 days after availability5. Creative solutions driven to meet owner requirements combined with market conditionsSuccess:1. Targets are met.2. Leasing team will have formal sign off to ownership of status of key suites within portfolio

Bissell Leadership Council 2012 Goals January 9, 2012

Richard Fida 2012 GOALSPersonal Professional Growth Goal

Attend an AMA seminar on management that will continue my growth as manager of the Operations Department. Also work on attaining the Certified Facilities Manager (CFM) designation from IFMA.Method:

1. Identify a seminar that will teach strategies and effective methods for teaching and leading others.

2. Study and take preparation courses to cover the topics that will prepare me for the CFM test.Success:

1. I will have attended a seminar that will help in decision making, setting goals for others, leadership, and overall management of the Operations Department. The second part of this goal will be achieved by completing coursework to prepare for the CFM exam.

Division Goal

To continue the training and communication of staff to include new technologies and new buildings, in order to have a well versed group. This would include making sure Operations is communicated with on all projects within Bissell. Method:

1. Creation of videos that document the building systems before they come online and shared with the Department.

2. Communication of projects that are going on in the Park that is updated weekly.3. Monthly meeting between each Engineer and the Property Manager they work with.4. Bi-Monthly meetings with Operations to review information that pertains to the Department and

the Company.5. Invite each team member to at least one Leadership Council, Property Management /

Development or Property Manager meeting throughout the year.Success:

1. This will result in seamless service levels to all customers when the primary responder is not available.

2. The entire team will be trained on all new buildings before they are occupied.3. Meeting minutes and progressive agendas will be maintained for the Properties.4. Videos will be available on the shared drive for all to access5. Each team member will have attended at least one Leadership Council, Property Management /

Development or Property Manager meeting throughout the year.

Bissell Organization Goal

To build the relationships between the Engineers at the Hotels and the Corporate Park. This would include fostering communication and cross training.Method:

1. Quarterly Shared Services meetings that include Chief Engineers, General Managers, Directors of Maintenance, and some Engineering staff from the different entities.

2. Identify and organize a team building event that will include all staff3. Allow some job shadowing and cross training at different locations


1. Employees will be more united with a better understanding of Operations as a whole. Each employee will have worked in one area that is outside of their normal area.

2. We will implement six best practices across the board.3. This will help to best utilize talent and resources within the entire organization.

Bissell Leadership Council 2012 Goals January 9, 2012

Peter Grills 2012 GOALSPersonal Professional Growth Goal

Become Six Sigma Green Belt certified.

Method 1. Attend a Starwood Brand class to attain the certification2. Identify opportunities and schedule accordingly

Success 1. Implementation of process improvements2. Application of cost saving ideas, based on process changes

Ballantyne Hotel Division Goal

Successful transition of the Sales and Catering team, to a Meeting and Event service team.

Method:1. Select a Director of event management2. Restructure the service of all events under this position3. Select a Banquet manager4. Train all involved

Success:1. Improved MPSI scores2. Improved GEI scores3. Improved AOS scores, thru better division of workload4. Increase top line sales

Bissell Organization Goal

To identify opportunities for the 4 hotels to work together and take advantage of synergies in purchasing and cost reduction.

Method:1. Identify appropriate partners in the other hotels2. Hold Monthly meeting to discuss opportunities3. Review all existing contracts and re-bid when possible4. Utilize combined purchasing power when applicable

Success:1. All 4 hotels to achieve budgeted COGS2. All 4 hotels to reduce controllable expenses in applicable categories

Bissell Leadership Council 2012 Goals January 9, 2012

Joe Hallow 2012 GOALSPersonal Professional Growth Goal

Integrate YPO experience into the organization


1. Identify educational programs/seminars for other leaders to attend that are relative to their business focus (i.e. Real Estate Roundtable)

2. Maximize YPO.com (educational resource tool) for additional business opportunities and personnel development programs

3. Join (3) YPO networks that relate to other business functions other than hospitality Success:

Although there have been many wins associated with our affiliation with YPO, there is still significant opportunities in education/training, relationships/networking and business development. Success will be achieved if multiple leaders feel they are now connected to and positively impacted by our affiliation with YPO.

Division Goal

Improve Operating Cash Flow by $1,000,000 for total Hospitality in 2012

Method:1. Grow revenues 2.5M over 2011 actual2. Achieve a 1.8M NOI increase over 2011 Success:

The ultimate goal is financial sustainability for the hospitality unit by end of 2013, which returns us to the performance levels of 2006 & 2007 which are benchmark years. The above numbers represent a big improvement over 2010/2011.

Bissell Organization Goal

Ignite the establishment of the “Dream” culture….anything is possible through people

Method:1. Utilize Kevin Roberts Model (CEO, Saatchi & Saatchi) for foundation2. Establish 1Q strategy sessions (BHAC – Jan 5) provide feedback to OC…execute strategies3. Idea sessions throughout all departments…. Dream-driven activities work to energize productivity

and creativity 4. Perform division manpower review process to ID who the true “Inspirational Players” are within

Bissell Hospitality & beyond5. Work with team to incorporate model with existing core values/language (Top 5%/FP traits)Success:Many believe the future of business is the Family model: tough not soft option…. Further establishing the most demanding and caring operating units possible through dreaming big ideas, lightning fast execution and filling the bus with Inspirational “go to” players. Success will be measured by our ability as an organization to transition from a High Performance organization to a Peak Performance (Top 5%) organization …..

Bissell Leadership Council 2012 Goals January 9, 2012

Marshall Hilliard 2012 GOALSPersonal Professional Growth Goal

To lead the Bissell effort of the Charlotte Chamber Annual Fundraising Campaign.

Method: 1. Solicit and secure team members.2. Enroll in and conduct training necessary.3. Communication and team motivation.

Success:Achievement of campaign goals.

Sales and Marketing Division Goal

To create a combined sales organization including catering and conference sales.

Method:1. Constant communication to stakeholders.2. One on one meetings with department leaders.3. Combined sales initiatives and blitzes.4. Twice a month meeting with combined teams

Success:1. Achieve budgeted revenues in group rooms and banquet F&B.2. Improved Associate Opinion Survey scores.

Bissell Organization GoalTo take advantage of synergies with all four Bissell Hotels for combined sales and marketing.

Method:1. Combined sales initiatives and blitzes.2. Further development and marketing of bissellhotels.com.3. Monthly meeting with sales teams.4. BT pricing strategy and rate matrix coordination .5. Geographic division between 4 hotels to cover areas outside of the park.

Success:1. All 4 hotels to achieve budgeted revenues.2. All 4 hotels to gain market share within their composite set.

Bissell Leadership Council 2012 Goals January 9, 2012

Alastair Jones 2012 GOALSPersonal Professional Growth Goal

Complete all new Harvard Manage Mentor Classes in the Development Center on Starwood One. 120 hour commitment.

Method: 1. Set aside time to take the courses without interruption. I plan on doing 30 hours per quarter2. Focus on what is relevant to my career growth within those courses and look for potential other

learning opportunities that I can add to goals in the future.Success:

1. I will have completed and passed all of the courses, and received certificates of completion.

Division Goals

Achieve Revenue per Available Room Index of 105, as well as meet budgeted revenue goals which are a 10.5% increase over 2011, while maintaining expenses under budget.Pass our Quality Assurance Inspection.Stay in the top 10 hotels in Charlotte on Trip Advisor as Starwood is rolling out a new Guest Satisfaction program in February and we do not know the metrics of it yet.Earn our Energy Star certification for the Aloft.

Method:1. Work closely with the Sales team to make sure we maximize our opportunities of shifting share

from the competition and be the champion of driving revenue into the hotel.2. Monitor the hotel in regards to brand standards and make sure that we are meeting them on a

daily basis.3. Continue to solicit guests to leave trip advisor reviews and monitor the social media sites daily.4. Work closely with the engineering department to find applications that we can use to reduce our

energy usage in the hotel. We conducted an energy and water audit at the end of 2011 and will be working on those recommendations throughout 2012.

Success:1. Our STAR report will allow us to see how we are doing with our Revenue per Available Room

index on a weekly and monthly basis. 2. We receive a passing grade from the Quality Assurance inspection.3. We will be ranked in the top 10 at year end on Trip Advisor.4. Earn our Energy Star Certification

Bissell Organization Goal

Assist Human Resources in implementing a behavioral interviewing component to our recruitment process for all candidates, which will enable us to recruit and retain the best talent.

Method:1. Be a part of the task force overseeing the transition from our current process to the new one.2. Establish a group of interviewers and train them in the interviewing process.3. Take the interviewing process live with all candidates.

Success:1. We will have the behavioral interviewing program up and running seamlessly and starting to

assist us hiring the best talent and remain top 5%.

Bissell Leadership Council 2012 Goals January 9, 2012

Teresa Jones 2012 GOALSPersonal Professional Growth Goal

Complete the requirements necessary to obtain the Certified Hospitality Accountant Executive (CHAE) certification.

Method:1. Enroll in HFTP membership for the Charlotte Region for 2012.2. Identify and complete the 2 additional educational requirements3. Obtain two letters of recommendation and employer certificate of experience4. Obtain and review Study Guide for the CHAE exam

Success:1. Successful completion of the Exam.

Division Goal

Update Bissell Hotels centralized Accounting function to provide better financial information and access directly to the properties and ownership.

Method:1. Identify and meet with counterpart at another multi-property management company to evaluate

current procedures and practices.2. Evaluate current methods and procedures for effectiveness for each area of accounting3. Identify technology needs and availability.4. Follow up training on Micros and Open Activity to maximize utilization of the software

Success:1. Minimize or reduce the amount of manual input into the financial records from the various point

of sale and property mgmt systems.2. Reduce the amount of time necessary to process an invoice for payment.

Bissell Organization Goal

To work with our IT Department to ensure PCI Compliance for all Bissell Hotels properties.

Method:1. Completion of the Analysis and templates 2. Identify resources from each Franchise for ongoing communication and changes3. Attend training from HFTP and other sources regarding PCI compliance and changes4. Semi-annual training and review at hotel properties 5. Evaluate procedures in all areas of the hotel operation with direct and indirect credit card


1. Standard procedures documented 2. Perform audit and successful completion of the SAC and OAC.

Employees will have formal opportunities for reinforcement of key cultural elements of our organization

3. Have PCI become part of the culture of the hotel.

Bissell Leadership Council 2012 Goals January 9, 2012

Angie King 2012 GoalsPersonal Professional Growth Goal

Create and maintain a strong commitment to taking charge of further professional development by taking advantage of internal and external resources.

Method:1. Identify and work closely with mentor and/or skill coach to gain greater expertise in current role

and prepare for future growth.2. Take advantage of networking opportunities by becoming more active in professional

associations and volunteer activities.3. Proactively identify continuing education opportunities available through Bissell, Marriott and

outside institutions.Success:

I will have increased in my knowledge and abilities as a leader. I will have a wider and more diverse skill set that will allow me to take on greater roles and responsibilities.

Division Goal

To create within entire staff an intensified effort and awareness of guest satisfaction & guest loyalty so that we can attain Platinum Award status.

Method:1. Provide constant training tips and reminders during staff meetings that focus on customer

satisfaction.2. Create regular recognition forum where we recognize and acknowledge those team members

that have adopted and adhered to exceptional service standards.3. Require executive team to regularly be present in common areas and interact with guests to

ensure satisfaction and address any areas of opportunity.4. Provide weekly updates to entire staff on GSS standings and any specific guest feedback that

can be used for continuous growth. Success:

1. GSS Scores 2. Guest feedback will show continued improvement and overall satisfaction with hotel and staff.3. Staff will all be working in one accord towards goal of providing exceptional service at all times.

Bissell Hotels Goal

Create stronger, more focused and consistent employee selection criteria Method:

1. Work with hiring manager & HR to establish recruiting planning meeting based on needs of hotel2. Utilize HR group and their resources to complete pre-screening process.3. Work with managers to create a consistent interviewing process.4. Establish strong training program to ensure candidates are well prepared and capable of

fulfilling tasks.Success:

1. Reduced turnover2. Positive culture and overall associate satisfaction

Bissell Leadership Council 2012 Goals January 9, 2012

Kim Montijo 2012 GoalsPersonal Professional Growth Goal

Improve Management Skills

Method:1. Utilize training resources offered on the gobissell HR website.2. Attend all classes for the Bissell Hotels Manager Training program (number of classes offered

not available yet to set expectations). 3. Take a minimum of 6 online training programs offered through McLaughlin Young Group.4. Partner with HR to deliver Employee Opinion Survey results and create a focus group to resolve

team members concerns.5. Attend Bissell Book Club. In addition to reading the book, research online and complete any

training modules associated with the book.Success:

1. All methods used to achieve the goal will be tracked in a note book.2. Team member turnover will be reduced. (As of Nov 2011, turnover rate is 25%)

Division Goal

Attend the IHG “Being BrandHearted – Leading the Staybridge Suites Workshop” and implement the tools throughout the year to instill team member pride and passion in our Staybridge.

Method:1. Conduct a Being BrandHearted kick-off event.2. Every team member to complete the Staybridge Suites Orientation and the Living the Staybridge

Suites Experience e-learning modules.3. Share guest feedback from HeartBeat and internal surveys – post in the break room.4. Identify operational barriers preventing team members from delivering excellent service and

meet with representatives from each department monthly to address and correct.5. Track with notebooks and posters provided from IHG class.

Success:1. HeartBeat Scores will increase. (Current score 91.62 rank #23)2. Team member turnover will be reduced. (As of Nov 2011, turnover rate is 25%)3. Score will increase on the next Employee Opinion Survey - 20134. We will meet or exceed our budget.

$127.56 ADR $91.58 RevPar 71.80% Occupancy $3,955,366 Revenue

Bissell Leadership Council 2012 Goals January 9, 2012

Kim Montijo Bissell Organization Goal

Network with all Bissell Hotels General Managers

Method:1. Quarterly invite each General Manger to lunch – one on one brain storming.2. Quarterly meet as a group to discuss employee and operational concerns and strategize

improvements.3. Encourage housekeeping and kitchen team meetings between properties to learn from each

other. (Engineering and Sales meetings are already being conducted.)4. Attend all Bissell Hotels Manager’s Quarterly Social events.

Success:1. Relationships and communication between the hotels will improve. Choosing from the following

ratings; average, good, or excellent, my rating currently is average and I believe it will be excellent by the end of 2012.

Bissell Leadership Council 2012 Goals January 9, 2012

Tom Pizzo 2012 GOALSPersonal Professional Growth Goal

Coordinate and complete one out of market best practices trip to a comparable “Corporate Park” environment with similar characteristics as Ballantyne Corporate Park to observe operational processes and vet for possible implementation in our operation.

Method:1. Identify 3 similar submarkets with best in class product and services.2. Make contact with on site management to establish a relationship to help in gaining meaningful

meetings, tours, information. 3. Share information on our operation and determine key contacts that should be a part of the trip.

Success:I will have completed the trip, established an additional resource for information sharing, and come back with ideas to be considered in our operation.

Division Goal

Tenant Connectivity- Continue to build and maintain excellent personal tenant relationships by identifying ways to deliver “Top 5%” service and amenities to our clients. Method:1. Perform evaluation of prior period tenant communications initiatives to continue what works well and

change what needs to be improved. 2. Document meaningful tenant communications and be efficient in the transmission of beneficial

information for the team (Tenant Services, LLR, Hospitality, and Ownership). 3. Utilize all resources efficiently (digital screens, website, personal touches) for making positive

impact on our customers and their business. Success:1. Receive “Best in Class” results from third party tenant satisfaction survey to be administered in first


Bissell Organization Goal

To initiate several operational purchasing events that incorporates all entities in the Bissell organization. Organize contract terms to become more uniform and on same roll schedule. Method:1. Increase communication with key stakeholders that have responsibility for purchasing within their

specific area or division. Understand their needs, establish areas of focus. 2. Establish a process that involves investigating our across the organization spend in these key areas

and analyze past years spend in each including labor, materials and contract services. 3. Evaluate current purchasing process and work with stakeholders in identifying opportunities for

success. Establish buy in from the group and assign project managers for each purchasing opportunity.

Success:1. Organizational data on year over year spend habits in certain areas including contracts and material

purchases will be established and analyzed.2. We will be able to maximize our leverage in these areas by the volume increase in the annual spend

in each category if all entities participate thus reducing overall costs year over year. 3. Review existing contract terms and make sure all meet new requirements. Put a policy in place on

any new contracts being negotiated that terms shall be uniform to Bissell minimum standards.

Bissell Leadership Council 2012 Goals January 9, 2012

DANA RADER 2012 GOALSPersonal Professional Growth Goal

Attain specialty certification in performance coaching

Method: Attend Rick Jensen’s certification program Research and create a template for a performance coaching program

Success: Feedback from students A successful program with a projection of 15 students attending the program 1,000+ Teaching Units

Division Goal

Reach $1 Million in Revenue

Method: 200 stay & play packages 400 participants in adult golf schools Weekly blog posts and emails Public speaking engagements

Success: Tracking of enrollments on a monthly basis

Bissell Organization Goal

Host an event for Ballantyne Corporate Park tenants

Method: Coordinate with C. Thigpen & Bissell team Establish a theme, assemble invitation list Follow up with leads generated

Success: Measure participation Exposure to new clients Brand awareness for DRGS and BFOC

Bissell Leadership Council 2012 Goals January 9, 2012

Adriaan Radder 2012 GOALSPersonal Professional Growth Goal

Attend a national trade show / expo including educational seminars to stay abreast of trends / developments within the hospitality industry.

Attend a Starwood Brand conference to stay engaged and knowledgeable.


Identify opportunities and scheduleSuccess:

1. Implementation of product improvements2. Application of cost saving ideas, proven improvements3. Stay abreast of industry trends, ideas, and identify opportunities for improvement

Ballantyne Hotel Goal

Assist HR in implementation of Selection Process Improvement.

Method:1. On line pre-screening process2. Interviewer certification process3. Create interviewer bank of one per 30 associates4. Establish selection criteria by positionSuccess:1. Reduce overall turnover2. Eliminate turnover within first 90 days3. Improved GEI scores4. Improved AOS scores

Bissell Organization Goal

To further identify opportunities for the 4 hotels to work together and take advantage of synergies in revenue generation and cost reduction.

Method:1. Monthly meetings with sales teams2. Bi-monthly meetings with General Manager’s3. BT pricing strategy and rate matrix4. Continue partnership with Property Managers5. Focus on geographic division between 4 hotels outside of the park6. Designated representative for Bissell Hotels in outlying communities and membership organizations7. Review all service contracts and agreementsSuccess:1. All 4 hotels to achieve budgeted revenues2. All 4 hotels to reduce controllable expenses in applicable categories3. All 4 hotels to gain market share within their composite set

Bissell Leadership Council 2012 Goals January 9, 2012

Amanda J Schüss 2012 GOALSPersonal Professional Growth Goal

My personal professional growth goal is to enroll and get selected for the Leadership Charlotte class of 2012.

Method (How will I achieve the goal): 1. Complete application before February 15th

2. Identify Leadership Charlotte alumni and ask for references to submit as well3. Inquire about similar programs from leaders within the community that may be a good (if not better)

fit for my goals and qualifications

Success (How will I know I have been successful):I will have been selected for the next Leadership Charlotte class (or similar program) within the 1st quarter of 2012. Also, I will have a mentor at this point to help guide me in my personal professional path.

Division Goal

Division goal is to gain as much knowledge using my resources through my industry to determine more possible product offerings for the entire Bissell portfolio by attending more educational seminars and virtual webinars.


1. Connect with other leaders in my industry to better inform them of the entire Bissell platform and ask for best in class ideas that BBC could potentially provide to our own clients as well as clients, tenants and guests within the Bissell portfolio.

2. Attend more seminars and webinars regarding flexible work environments and how to utilize new technology to assist a larger variety of clientele.

3. Provide Bissell IT Team ideas and resources to consider utilizing for other Bissell entities4. Continue to ask our core clients what else we can provide and/or enhance to be truly top 5%

provider of flexible workspace.5. Assist with BBC Team to identify classes to enhance skills to provide to in-house clients, virtual

clients and other Bissell entities.6. Arrange meetings with other Bissell Leadership to learn their best practices and possibly provide

additional ideas and/or resources. This includes providing lunch & learns on a quarterly basis to other Bissell entities to ensure we are cross-promoting BBC throughout the Ballantyne Corporate Park.

7. Invest in a class to learn how to update our website on an as-needed basis.

Success:1. BBC will become a true resource for ‘out of the normal’ services our entities currently provide.2. The BBC Team will become well-versed in the offerings we can provide and/or need to provide by

learning from our industry peers worldwide.3. My Team will gain greater knowledge not only in our industry however with the entire Bissell

Companies to provide more growth potential.

Bissell Leadership Council 2012 Goals January 9, 2012

Amanda Schuss Bissell Organization Goal

Bissell organizational goal is going to continue to create the one-stop shop mentality for our separate entities as well as the clients/tenants/guests.

Method: (this is combined with the BBC goal above)1. Connect with other leaders in my industry to better inform them of the entire Bissell platform and ask

for best in class ideas that BBC could potentially provide to our own clients as well as clients, tenants and guests within the Bissell portfolio.

2. Attend more seminars and webinars regarding flexible work environments and how to utilize new technology to assist a larger variety of clientele.

3. Provide Bissell IT Team ideas and resources to consider utilizing for other Bissell entities3. Continue to ask our core clients what else we can provide and/or enhance to be truly top 5%

provider of flexible workspace.4. Assist with BBC Team to identify classes to enhance skills to provide to in-house clients, virtual

clients and other Bissell entities.5. Arrange meetings with other Bissell Leadership to learn their best practices and possibly provide

additional ideas and/or resources. This includes providing lunch & learns on a quarterly basis to other Bissell entities to ensure we are cross-promoting BBC throughout the Ballantyne Corporate Park.

6. Invest in a class to learn how to update our website on an as-needed basis.

Success:1. BBC will become a true resource for ‘out of the normal’ services our entities currently provide.2. The BBC Team will become well-versed in the offerings we can provide and/or need to provide by

learning from our industry peers worldwide.3. My Team will gain greater knowledge not only in our industry however with the entire Bissell

Companies to provide more growth potential

Bissell Leadership Council 2012 Goals January 9, 2012

Paul Stroman 2012 GOALSPersonal Professional Growth Goal

• Goal: Where Is Paul Stroman’s Time Spent?

• Why – Insure My Value Is Being Spent In The Correct Areas For Quality Insurance, Financial Responsibility, Leadership Representation, Future Direction

• Method - Documentation Through Bissell Company Systems• Results and Measurements 1) Correct Emphasis Shared In All Areas; 2) Determine Correct

Continuing Education; Examples Include: Urban Forestry, New Golf Course Design And Layout, Landscape

Management Best Practices

Division Goal

• People - The main asset of an institution is Individual Knowledge• GOAL: Exploit It, Develop It And Maintain It.

• Why – 1) Payroll makes up 45% of our budget, 2) Quality of Product• Method – 1) Recognition Programs (Six Franchise Player Nominations), 2) Two Internship

Programs• Result and Measurements - Individual Knowledge Traits Identified In Each Individual And

Evaluated Through The PDR

• Infrastructure And Water• GOAL: Complete A Ballantyne As Built

• Why – Identify The Future From The Past 1) Ground Water Regulation 2) The Next DroughtMethod – Complete Irrigation System Audits In Order To Finalize Automated Irrigation ControlSystems For This Park That Meets The City of Charlotte Initiatives And State/County Ground Water Regulations That Are To Come.

• Result and Measurements– Action Plan

Bissell Organization Goal

• GOAL: Improve The Value Of Having A Storage Facility For All Entities.

• Method1. Inventory Items By Department2. Reduce Items That Are Not Needed3. Create A Standard Operating Procedure For Usage With A Checks And Balance System That

Puts Ownership On The User Of The Area• Results And Measurements – Year End Inventory of User, Date, Item, And Location

Bissell Leadership Council 2012 Goals January 9, 2012

Christina Thigpen 2012 GOALSPersonal Professional Growth Goal

Participate in frequent educational opportunities to increase my knowledge in marketing, ecommerce, SEO, video editing and social media.

Method: 1. Identify courses and seminars that provide important insight on effective communication and

marketing.2. Take advantage of free webinars through PRSA, Hubspot, etc.3. Utilize YouTube and Slideshare to learn the latest technology and trends in online marketing

and social media.Success:

After I complete each training class, I will compile what I have learned and apply it to my daily responsibilities.

Division Goal

To expand on Ned’s goal, update our marketing communications plan, concentrating on a refresh of the Marketing Room, online presence, collateral and other communication tools.

Method:1. Assess the current Marketing Room’s effectiveness and come up with a recommendation to

make it more experiential through the use of effective visuals, content and technology.2. Evaluate the design & content of our websites to make sure they are effective and are

reflective of our brand standards, providing an easy call to action.3. Reevaluate the strategy and value of creating videos for Ballantyne as a destination, as well

as individual entities.4. Utilize the interactive PDF format to create dynamic brochures.5. Create a brand standards guide to ensure consistency in messaging.

Success:1. We will have implemented an integrated marketing plan that effectively represents our

company and generates brand awareness. 2. We will have upgraded or created new tools with which to inform and reinforce our strengths

in products and services. Some tactics may include:a. Upgraded Marketing Centerb. Training Room c. New websites d. Videose. Digital brochures f. Style guide

Bissell Leadership Council 2012 Goals January 9, 2012

Christina Thigpen Bissell Organization Goal

To develop and implement an optimal organizational social media strategy that effectively represents our brand, both at the corporate and individual entity levels.

Method:1. Work with each entity to create and execute a social media strategy.2. Collaborate with a third-party provider to enhance the look of our pages through better

designed profiles and customized tabs.3. Proactively reach out to bloggers, e-publications, industry influencers, vendors and

customers to develop/enhance relationships.Success:

1. Increase level of engagement as measured by online conversation, audience insights, followers/fans, etc.

2. Increase overall brand awareness as measured by an increase in web traffic and enhanced SEO.

3. Gain valuable customer input to help improve product offerings (use social media as resource/ free CRM tool).

*Mostly, social media engagement serves as a precursor to revenue.

Bissell Leadership Council 2012 Goals January 9, 2012

LARS WILSON 2012 GOALSPersonal Professional Growth Goal

Attend an advanced Excel class in order to increase my proficiency and ability to provide meaningful reports to the end users.

Method Obtain provider / course recommendations from Excel power users and IT personnel Attend seminar Apply new knowledge and obtain feedback on enhanced reports

SuccessI will have attended a seminar, increased my Excel abilities and received positive feedback.

Division Goal

To complete the appeal process for the 2011 real property value reassessment and achieve a reduction in the cumulative value of the parcels appealed.

Method For those parcels whose values have not been reduced to a reasonable value via the informal

appeals process, further the appeals to the Board of Equalization and Review Prior to the Board hearings, contact the County assessor and request a meeting to discuss all

parcels under appeal with the goal of settling prior to the scheduled hearings If after meeting with the assessor and / or Board and a satisfactory value has not been obtained,

continue the appeal process to the Property Tax CommissionSuccessOwnership will have agreed to the reassessed values and all appeals will have been finalized.

Bissell Goal

To refine the cash management process by enhancing communication amongst the Bissell division heads.

Method Establish routine monthly meetings with heads of Accounting, Hotel, Development, Landlord

Rep and Property Management Information obtained in the monthly meetings is applied to an annual projected cash flow model

and forecasted cash sources and uses Management and ownership are updated monthly on projected cash needs

SuccessFunding requirements have been delineated and there are “no surprises” to ownership.

Bissell Leadership Council 2012 Goals January 9, 2012

Terry Young 2012 GOALSPersonal Professional Growth Goal

Attend a national HR conference / expo including educational seminars to ensure legal compliance, stay abreast of trends / developments and fulfill training requirements to maintain my PHR Certification.

Continue to participate in Charlotte Area Hotel Association Meetings to stay abreast of local events while further developing relationships in the Charlotte area.

Method: 1. Identify opportunities and schedule accordingly2. Participate in annual hospitality wage survey, analyze data and make recommendations accordingly 3. Team with local HR Directors in preparation for the Democratic National Convention (DNC)Success:1. Achieve Adequate Staffing Levels for DNC2. Affirm that we are paying reasonable and competitive wages and benefits within our marketplace3. Complete 30 hours recertification credit for PHR certification

Division Goal - Bissell Hotels

Implementation of Selection Process Improvement

Method: 1. Implement ADP On line Recruiting Module2. Install computers / workstations in HR to allow applicants to apply online3. Establish selection criteria by position4. Build Bissell application and pre-screening questions in ADP5. Conduct training for hiring managers on the ADP Recruiting Module 6. Conduct additional behavioral interviewing classes 7. Interviewer certification processSuccess:1. Reduce turnover overall2. Improved Guest Experience Index scores3. Improved Employee Opinion Scores

Bissell Organization Goal

2011 Bissell Employee Opinion Survey (EOS) Response to increase morale, employee engagement and build trust within Bissell.

Method: 1. Analyze employee perceptions of Bissell’s strengths and development opportunities in 2011 Bissell

Employee Opinion Survey 2. Attend department meetings to communicate results / celebrate successes3. Team with employees to develop action plans and solicit ideas for improvement4. Track improvement measures initiated in response to the survey.5. Determine training needs6. Communicate accomplishments Success:1. Increase employee participation in the survey relative to 20112. Improved EOS scores relative to 2010 and 20113. Reduce turnover overall and retain key talent while enhancing our reputation as Employer of Choice