HBO Asia/Philippines Game of Thrones Season 2 - Characters

CHARACTERS QUEEN CERSEI LANNISTER played by Lena Headey Queen Regent of the Seven Kingdoms, Cersei is fiercely protective of her three children, who were all born of incest. Even before she was married to Robert Baratheon, she was involved in a relationship with her twin brother, Jaime. SER JAIME LANNISTER played by Nikolaj Coster-Waldau Cersei's twin brother and the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. It was he who slew the Mad King in violation of his oath to protect the royal family. TYRION LANNISTER played by Peter Dinklage What Tyrion lacks in size and strength, he makes up for in mental acuity. He is now serving as Hand of the King for his father, Tywin Lannister, the richest lord in the Seven Kingdoms. Page 1 of 10 Contacts: Lulu M. Virtusio, President, Virtusio Public Relations, Inc., T: 7257891, [email protected] Dessa M. Virtusio, VP for Account Management, Virtusio Public Relations, Inc., T: 7275251, [email protected]


Game of Thrones begins its second season April 21 at 9PM on HBO Asia

Transcript of HBO Asia/Philippines Game of Thrones Season 2 - Characters

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QUEEN CERSEI LANNISTER played by Lena Headey

Queen Regent of the Seven Kingdoms, Cersei is fiercely protective of her three

children, who were all born of incest. Even before she was married to Robert

Baratheon, she was involved in a relationship with her twin brother, Jaime.

SER JAIME LANNISTER played by Nikolaj Coster-Waldau

Cersei's twin brother and the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. It was he who

slew the Mad King in violation of his oath to protect the royal family.

TYRION LANNISTER played by Peter Dinklage

What Tyrion lacks in size and strength, he makes up for in mental acuity. He is

now serving as Hand of the King for his father, Tywin Lannister, the richest lord in

the Seven Kingdoms.

TYWIN LANNISTER played by Charles Dance

Father of Cersei, Jaime and Tyrion, Tywin Lannister is the wealthiest man in the Seven Kingdoms.

Officially Hand of the King to his grandson Joffrey, he has assigned the position to Tyrion while he

wages war against Robb Stark.

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Contacts: Lulu M. Virtusio, President, Virtusio Public Relations, Inc., T: 7257891, [email protected] M. Virtusio, VP for Account Management, Virtusio Public Relations, Inc., T: 7275251, [email protected]

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LADY CATELYN STARK played by Michelle Fairley

The widow of Ned Stark, Cat has been trying to reunite her scattered family while

respecting the wishes of her eldest son Robb, King of the North.

ROBB STARK played by Richard Madden

Lord of Winterfell and now King of the North, Robb plans to avenge his father's

death and bring his sisters home. His direwolf is named Grey Wind.

SANSA STARK played by Sophie Turner

The oldest Stark daughter, Sansa has since realized that King's Landing isn't the

fairy tale she assumed it would be – nor is life with her betrothed, King Joffrey. Her

direwolf Lady was destroyed at Queen Cersei's request.

ARYA STARK played by Maisie Williams

The youngest of the Stark daughters, Arya has disguised herself as a Night's

Watch recruit to travel north back to Winterfell. She chose to send away her

direwolf, Nymeria, rather than see the animal harmed.

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Contacts: Lulu M. Virtusio, President, Virtusio Public Relations, Inc., T: 7257891, [email protected] M. Virtusio, VP for Account Management, Virtusio Public Relations, Inc., T: 7275251, [email protected]

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BRAN STARK played by Issac Hempstead-Wright

Crippled after Jaime Lannister pushed him from a tower, Bran is adjusting to life

without the use of his legs. He rules Winterfell in Robb's absence with the help of

his counselor Maester Luwin and the companionship of Hodor, Osha and his

direwolf, Summer.

JON SNOW played by Kit Harington

Ned Stark's bastard son, Jon joined the Night's Watch, where he serves as steward

to Lord Commander Mormont. His direwolf is named Ghost.

THEON GREYJOY played by Alfie Allen

Theon was brought to Winterfell as a ward after his father, Balon Greyjoy, tried to

rise up against King Robert. Keenly aware he is not a Stark, he was still quick to

join his friend Robb in rebellion against King Joffrey.

DAENERYS TARGARYEN played by Emilia Clarke

Princess of House Targaryen and a newly widowed khaleesi, she lives in exile in

Essos. Dany's grief has not stopped her from strategizing her return to the

Seven Kingdoms to take back the throne.

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Contacts: Lulu M. Virtusio, President, Virtusio Public Relations, Inc., T: 7257891, [email protected] M. Virtusio, VP for Account Management, Virtusio Public Relations, Inc., T: 7275251, [email protected]

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SER JORAH MORMONT played by Iain Glen

The son of Lord Commander Jeor Mormont, he now lives in exile in Essos, acting

as an advisor to Daenerys Targaryen. Although Jorah originally joined Dany's

company to spy on her, he has since become devoted to her.

KING JOFFREY BARATHEON played by Jack Gleeson

Over-indulged and cowardly, the young king has a cruel streak, particularly when it

comes to his betrothed, Sansa Stark.

SANDOR CLEGANE (“THE HOUND”) played by Rory McCann

A member of Joffrey's Kingsguard, he has a soft spot for Sansa Stark and is quick

to protect her from the king's cruel whims.

PETYR BAELISH (“LITTLEFINGER”) played by Aidan Gillen

Master of Coin and member of the King's Small Council, he grew up with Catelyn

Stark for whom he still harbors feelings. Beyond his official duties, he is the eyes

and ears of King's Landing, along with Varys. 

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Contacts: Lulu M. Virtusio, President, Virtusio Public Relations, Inc., T: 7257891, [email protected] M. Virtusio, VP for Account Management, Virtusio Public Relations, Inc., T: 7275251, [email protected]

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RENLY BARATHEON played by Gethin Anthony

The youngest of the three Baratheon brothers, Renly believes he will be a better king than his brother

Stannis or his nephew Joffrey. With the backing of his close companion Ser Loras Tyrell, he aims to

prove it.

STANNIS BARATHEON played by Stephen Dillane

A serious man who preferred the solitude of his stronghold in Dragonstone to King's

Landing, Stannis is now challenging both his nephew Joffrey and his brother Renly

for the Iron Throne.

DAVOS SEAWORTH played by Liam Cunningham

A reformed smuggler, it was Davos who provided Stannis' forces much-needed

provisions during the long siege of Storm's End. He is trusted by Stannis to share

his unvarnished opinion.

MELISANDRE played by Carice van Houten

A Red priestess from Asshai, she has converted Stannis Baratheon and most of

his household into followers of the Lord of Light.

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Contacts: Lulu M. Virtusio, President, Virtusio Public Relations, Inc., T: 7257891, [email protected] M. Virtusio, VP for Account Management, Virtusio Public Relations, Inc., T: 7275251, [email protected]

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GENDRY played by Joe Dempsie

A bastard son of Robert Baratheon, Gendry is traveling north to Castle Black with

other Night's Watch recruits.

SHAE played by Sibel Keikelli

A prostitute who made an immediate impression on Tyrion, she has joined him in

King's Landing in direct defiance of his father's order to keep her away from court.

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Game of Thrones, HBO, and Home Box Office are service marks of Home Box Office, Inc. Used with permission.

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Contacts: Lulu M. Virtusio, President, Virtusio Public Relations, Inc., T: 7257891, [email protected] M. Virtusio, VP for Account Management, Virtusio Public Relations, Inc., T: 7275251, [email protected]