HBM program

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Hospitality Business Meeting

Transcript of HBM program

Page 1: HBM program
Page 2: HBM program

9.30Registration10.00Event opening

Vugar Khudiyev Minimization of losses in restaurant

Alexandra Maximova Financial control in hotel







October, 30, 2014Day 1:

Sergey Gusovskiy Responsibility of hotel business

Restaurateur, Kyiv City Council deputy, Head of «Samopomich» (Self-Help) political party fraction

Olesya Manolova Financial sustainability of hotel• Financial management of hotel• Counting the breakeven point and drawing a graph• Lever of fi nancial safety

General Manager «Finance in Hotel»

Oxana Tsibka Revenue Management• Choosing strategies and approaches in yield management• Techniques and tools that impact yield• Staff (who manages yield)

Financial Manager «Hotel Management»,company that owns Intercontinental Kiev Hotel

Inna Andreishina Effective organisation of work at the restaurant‛s kitchen in hotel• Request from market: chef - manager• Organisation of kitchen according to the restaurant‛s conception. How to fi x mistakes in the restaurant?• Organisation of purchases: tools and purchasing list• Annual planning of the menu

Co-owner and practicing trainer and consultant in restaurant‛s consulting company«Good Idea!» «Prof HoReCa Consulting»

Aurora Ogorodnyk and Igor Sukhomlin What to expect in restaurant business?

Founders «RestoPraktik» и «Resto Camp»

Andrey Dligach Marketing trends of hotel market development in Ukraine• What to wait from country‛s economy. Strategic vision of Ukrainian development• Marketing of the country and hospitality industry. Features and successful cases• Loyalty. Marketing management based on loyalty

General manager of Advanter Group

Tatiana Zhdanova Principles of hotel promotion in crisis• Causal link: «To know where to beat»• Accuracy in positioning• Naturalness – how to sell without selling• Integrity as the background of discipline and focusing on the most important points in crisis

Branding Specialist

Fazil Askerov Double sales in hotel• Channels of sale• Service as the best sellar• Down with discounts!• Social networks - how not to sell

General Manager, «NEMO» (Odessa)

Ex F&B service director, RIXOS Prykarpattya

Financial Director, Radisson Blu, Kyiv Podil

Page 3: HBM program

October, 31, 2014Day 2:

17.00-18.30ROUND TABLE. FROM CRISIS TO OPPORTUNITIES moderator Vitaliy Fedorchenko






Founder and developer WELCOMER NETWORK



Unique team business game that allows to try oneself in different positions in the real time and to get a victory in every force majeure situation

Honoured worker in tourism of Ukraine Actual member of Tourism Academy

Juliana Mykhailova Seasonal hotel management• Problems of high and low seasons• Methods of seasonality‛s alignment• How to survive through winter?

General manager business-hotel Continental Odessa Member of Supervisory Board in Tourism assosiation (Odessa)

Elena Kuchkova 7 levels of hotelier‛s and society‛s development

HR Director Radisson Blu Hotel, Kyiv Podil

Alla Zadneprovskaya Hospitable colleague as the background of hotel‛s success• Crisis as a chance and an opportunity• How colleagues react on negative/crisis/stress?• Technology of «Antistress»• Where to take resources? Model of balance «Resource +»• Resource technique of increasing self-esteem and confi dence called «My achievements»

Coaching expert

Jerzy Miklewski Polish hotels after crisis — experience of the development• Polish hotel industry and its transformation after entering EU• International networks of hotels and process of their spreading• Merits of Polish hotel industry• Role of Projekt Hotel in hotel investment consulting sphere

Hotel investor, General Manager Projekt Hotel

Irina Zinchenko Types of motivation. How to create team spirit in hotel

Head of HR Department Intercontinental Kyiv Hotel

Olga Mishchenko Crisis management in hotel• Crisis or issue? Indicators for recognition• Ostrich or phoenix? Complex approach for decision-making• Innovations. How to profi t from crisis

Manager, Vice-Chairman, Wellness Spa Hotel More

Alexey Evchenko

Experts of round table

Irina Pshennaya

Irina SedleckayaTourism Advisor for Vice-Head of Kyiv City Council

General ManagerVertex Hotel Group

General Manager, Premier Hotels (Premier International Ltd.)

Page 4: HBM program

BUSINESS EVENT PARTNERSHIP is a privileged program of a large-scale advertising campaign which includes all elements of promotion and provides your company with the possibility to have an impact on the target audience and to motivate buying

ORGANIZERS:hbm.in.uameetingpoint.ua+38 (044) 390 76 70+38 (067) 442 22 82


Distant participa-

tionPlacement of company logo and partner status on HBM website ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤Placement of company logo and partner status in the advertising ma-terials and reports about the event according to the media plan ¤ ¤ ¤

Placement of company logo and partner status in an electronic invita-tion which will be sent to all registered participants before the event ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

DURING THE FORUMPlacement of information about the company in the printed program of the event (name, partner status, logo, company description), symbols 100 200 300 200

Placement of company logo and partner‛s status on electronic screens which will be displayed on projection screens during the forum ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

Placement of display stand of the company within a mini-exhibition with the possibility of the distribution of branded and informational materials, presentations, as well as consultation of potential clients.

¤ ¤

Advertising banner (Floor standing design) at the venue of the event (priority location near the presidium, with good visibility for the par-ticipants, the press, photo and video cameras)

¤ ¤

Enclosure of partner‛s promotional and information materials (bro-chures, catalogues, CD‛s) in packages for participants ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

Providing of branded bags by partner which will be handed to each participant at the registration and contain general informational and advertising materials of the forum

¤ ¤

Delivery of a speech in the main program of the forum 20 minPossibility to make an exclusive drawing of prizes (the main and a few additional prizes) among forum participants 5 min

Display of a commercial video of a partner on the plasma screen in the coffee break ¤

The number of tickets for representatives of the partner company 1 2 3AFTER THE FORUMPartner mentioning in the media post-release ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤Sending of presentations in electronic form to all forum participants with partner contact information ¤

Receiving the photo report ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤TOTAL COST OF PARTNERSHIP PACKAGE, Euro 700 850 1600 350


DELEGATE‛S PACKAGE INCLUDES:• Attending the event, participation in every section and discussion

(2 days)• Informational materials• Participation in prize drawings• Lunch and coffee breaks• Presentation materials of the forum (except the presentations, not

given by speakers according to their companies‛ policy)Information and presentation materials of the forum

CONTACTS FOR PARTICIPATION:Valentina [email protected]тел.: +38(093) 495-92-86