Edwards Blasche Group Pty Ltd ABN 54 085 829 250 Environmental & Engineering Geoscience Occupational Hygiene Consultants www.ebgroup.com.au EBG Environmental Geoscience (Edwards Blasche Group Pty Ltd) 85 Rose St, PO Box 284, Annandale 2038 Ph: 9555 7892 Fax: 9555 8296 http://www.ebgroup.com.au HAZARDOUS MATERIAL AUDIT (HMA) King George Park Amenities King George Park Rozelle NSW 2039 Prepared for: Leichhardt Municipal Council (Report ID : EBG.HMA-02491.rpt) October 2015 This document has been prepared by EBG for the specific use at the above address. This document or any part thereof shall not be used at any other site, works or by any company or party not associated with the above works. © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BY THE AUTHOR UNAUTHORISED REPRODUCTION OR COPYING STRICTLY PROHIBITED

Transcript of HAZARDOUS MATERIAL AUDIT (HMA) King George Park …


Edwards Blasche Group Pty Ltd ABN 54 085 829 250 Environmental & Engineering Geoscience

Occupational Hygiene Consultants www.ebgroup.com.au

EBG Environmental Geoscience (Edwards Blasche Group Pty Ltd)

85 Rose St, PO Box 284, Annandale 2038 Ph: 9555 7892 Fax: 9555 8296




King George Park Amenities King George Park

Rozelle NSW 2039

Prepared for: Leichhardt Municipal Council

(Report ID : EBG.HMA-02491.rpt)

October 2015

This document has been prepared by EBG for the specific use at the above address. This document or any part thereof shall not be used at any other site, works or by any company or party not associated with the above works.




Hazardous Materials Audit : King George Park Amenities, Rozelle NSW (EBG.HMA-02491.rpt) Page 2

CONTENTS 1.0 Hazardous Materials Audit

1.1 Asbestos Materials 1.2 Synthetic Mineral Fibre 1.3 PCB Capacitors in Fluorescent Light Fittings 1.4 Ceiling Space Dust with Elevated Lead Levels 1.5 Lead Based Paint

2.0 Photographs 3.0 Limitations of the Audit Appendix A: Asbestos Analysis Report Appendix B: Hazardous Materials Removal Specifications Appendix C: Envirolab Services Analysis Report

ABBREVIATIONS EBG Edwards Blasche Group PCBs Poly Cyclic Biphenyls SMF Synthetic Mineral Fibre NEHF National Environment Health Forum Pb Lead AS Australian Standards EDBs Electrical Distribution Boards OH&S Occupational Health & Safety EPA (NSW) Environmental Protection Agency (NSW) ANZECC Australian and New Zealand Environment Conservation Council HBSIL Health Based Soil Investigation Levels NOHSC National Occupational Health and Safety HMA Hazardous Materials Audit


PDF Copies to: • Julian Oon - Leichhardt Council

Investigation & Reporting conducted by:

Michael Edwards MAppSc, MAIG, RPGeo No.10093 Registered Professional Geoscientist Env. & Eng. Geoscientist / Occup. Hygiene


Issued 29 October 2015


Hazardous Materials Audit : King George Park Amenities, Rozelle NSW (EBG.HMA-02491.rpt) Page 3

1.0 Hazardous Materials Audit 1.1 Asbestos Materials

# Location Material Sample ID / Suspect

Result Type/ Visual

Area m/sq*

Friable or Bonded


1 Electrical Box – Rear wall facing road: Bituminous fibrous ‘Zelminite’ style electrical board. (Larger board is timber, smaller black board has an asbestos content)

Bituminous Elect. Dist.


02491/1 Chrysotile

Envirolab #136262

1 Bonded Remove all as Bonded Asbestos prior to demolition or refurbishment (see Appendix B: 1. Specification for the Removal of Bonded Asbestos)

* NOTE TO CONTRACTORS: Area in Square Metres: The area of asbestos material is given here as an approximate quantity. Asbestos removal contractors should only rely on this figure as an indication of the ‘scale’ of the amount to be removed, and should individually assess and measure the areas themselves to provide a fee proposal for the removal procedures. NON-DETECTS:


• The building is constructed of concrete blocks with a concrete roof.


If removing any concrete floor slabs, the builder/demolisher should check the sides and underneath for possible pieces of asbestos cement sheeting. These may have been used as formwork in some instances, and have been buried as waste product in other situations. Asbestos removal shall proceed as per Specifications attached.


Hazardous Materials Audit : King George Park Amenities, Rozelle NSW (EBG.HMA-02491.rpt) Page 4

1.2 Synthetic Mineral Fibre (SMF) Synthetic mineral fibre (SMF) insulation was NOT located during the inspection. Contingency Measure: Any synthetic mineral fibre (SMF) located during demolition or refurbishment shall be removed if the material is to be disturbed during the works, as per Appendix B: 2. Specification for the Removal of Synthetic Mineral Fibre (SMF)

1.3 PCBs in Fluorescent Light Fittings

A number of older style light fittings were located throughout the building. The fittings were connected to mains power. The internal components could not be inspected. It is suspected that these fittings may contain internal capacitors or components with an internal PCB dielectric oil. Contingency Measure: Any light fittings located during demolition or refurbishment, with metal capacitors or older plastic capacitors, should be checked in the Identification of PCB - Containing Capacitors PCB (ANZECC, 1997) and if identified, removed as per Appendix B: 3. Specification for the Removal of Fluorescent Light Capacitors containing PCB Oil.


Hazardous Materials Audit : King George Park Amenities, Rozelle NSW (EBG.HMA-02491.rpt) Page 5

1.4 Ceiling Space Dust with Elevated Lead Levels Findings: Ceiling space dust was not located during the inspection. Health based investigation levels for lead in soil currently accepted by EPA NSW are documented in EPA NSW Guidelines for the NSW Site Auditor Scheme (June 1998). The HBSILs are:

• Column 1: residential (including schools) level for lead in soil of 300mg/kg. • Column 2: parks and residential open space level for lead in soil of 600mg/kg.

1.5 Lead Based Paint 1. A sample of paint was taken from the external wall paint and analysed for lead content. The sample contained <0.05% of lead. (See sample 02491/2 in Envirolab report #136262). The paint IS NOT defined as lead paint according to Australian Standard: Guide to Lead Paint Management, Part 2: Residential and Commercial Buildings (AS 4361.2 - 1998). In general lead paint is identified in the Australian Standard as paint having a lead content in excess of 1% by weight (10 000 kg-1). Findings: Paint containing significant levels of lead was not detected with the sample analysis. It is suspected that lead paint shall not be an issue on the external or internal walls. NOTE: In most cases external enamel paint used from the 1800s to 1970s have levels of lead above 1%. Paint samples above this figure may become a hazard if allowed to flake, peel or deteriorate in any way that allows it to come in contact with humans. Generally external enamel paint on timber in older buildings may be regarded as containing lead (i.e. >1%). In general lead paint is identified in the Australian Standard as paint having a lead content in excess of 1% by weight (10 000 kg-1).


2.0 Photographs

Hazardous Materials Audit : King George Park Amenities, Rozelle NSW (EBG.HMA-02491.rpt) Page 6

1. Toilet cubicle walls are brick.

3. Bituminous asbestos board in electrical box.

5. Electrical switchbox – no internal asbestos suspected.

2. Electrical switchbox – no internal asbestos suspected.

4. Old fluorescent light fittings - suspected old internal capacitors with a PCB content.

6. Timber verandah.


Hazardous Materials Audit : King George Park Amenities, Rozelle NSW (EBG.HMA-02491.rpt) Page


3.0 LIMITATIONS OF THE AUDIT This report must be read in total. No part should be extracted from the whole report to be used during the demolition or refurbishment procedures. Every effort has been made to locate and identify any hazardous materials within the buildings, however hazardous materials may be located in inaccessible areas. The survey was conducted within occupied buildings. In accordance with OH&S procedures, sampling was therefore restricted and/or difficult due to the risk of exposure to asbestos fibres when this material is broken. The scope of works for this inspection did not include demolition of suspect areas. It should be noted that without substantial demolition of the buildings it is not possible to guarantee that all (or any) hazardous materials have been located. Where sampling was possible, generally one sample of the material was analysed. One sample as a part of the whole is generally deemed adequate and common practice for the assessment of asbestos. The status of the material in regard to the asbestos content has been made from analysing this one sample. If during demolition and/or refurbishment the identified materials are found not to be homogeneous, further samples should be taken and analysed. Access to confined spaces, shallow sub floors, some ceiling spaces, and within the internal confines of any plant equipment was not possible in certain circumstances. Certain assumptions were made during the inspection taking into consideration the age of the building. This document should be used as a starting point in the identification of hazardous materials, and care should be taken if refurbishment or demolition occurs. Where suspect materials are encountered, work should cease until any unidentified material has been analysed. EBG and the author take no responsibility for the hazardous nature of any asbestos or other contamination found in the buildings, within the soil or the sub surface areas of the buildings and associated facilities. EBG and the author take no responsibility for any hazardous material that may cause risk, or is causing risk, to human health.


Hazardous Materials Audit : King George Park Amenities, Rozelle NSW (EBG.HMA-02491.rpt) Page



DATE: 21 October 2015 CLIENT: Leichhardt Council JOB No: 02491 SAMPLES FROM: King George Park Amenities NSW COLLECTED BY: Michael Edwards

Sample # Location of Sample Material Analysis Result 02491/2 Electrical box – distribution

board Bituminous

fibrous board Chrysotile asbestos was detected by stereobinocular and polarising light microscopy (PLM) including Dispersion Staining

02491/2 External paint on walls analysed for lead content (Results: <0.05% lead)

Crocidolite - Blue asbestos, Chrysotile - White asbestos, Amosite - Brown asbestos, SMF - Synthetic Mineral Fibre TEST METHOD: Samples have been examined in accordance with the 1991 NATA Guidance Notes on Asbestos Identification and the EBG Identification of Asbestos in Bulk Materials IDENTIFICATION TECHNIQUE: Sample has been analysed using stereobinocular and polarising light microscopy (PLM) including Dispersion Staining, except where stated. Analysed By:

Michael Edwards (BSc MAppSc) Env. Science / Occup. Hygiene


Hazardous Materials Audit : King George Park Amenities, Rozelle NSW (EBG.HMA-02491.rpt) Page 9




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Hazardous Materials Audit : King George Park Amenities, Rozelle NSW (EBG.HMA-02491.rpt) Page 10

1. Specification for the Removal of Bonded Asbestos Material Asbestos containing materials were located during the inspection. Bonded Asbestos Materials: Removal required if material is to be disturbed during refurbishment or demolition or it poses a health risk. In accordance with the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (WHS Act) and Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 (WHS Regulation) removal shall be by a Asbestos Removalist who holds a Bonded (Class B) Asbestos Removal Licence. Note: A licence is required where the surface area of bonded asbestos removed, is greater than 10m2 (as of January 1 2008). Where practicable, plastic barriers should be constructed at the entrance to the removal area. The removalist shall wear disposable overalls of 100% synthetic material or a mixed natural/synthetic fabric capable of providing adequate protection against fibre penetration. Goggles and a head covering shall be used in the event of overhead work. A half face respirator fitted with a P1 filter shall be used. Following this removal process, the asbestos material is to be wrapped in plastic sheeting and taped. Smaller pieces of asbestos debris when removed shall be placed in heavy-duty polythene bags approximately 0.2mm thick, or other approved containers. It is recommended that a maximum bag size of 1200mm (length) x 900mm (width) be observed. Bags should be filled to no more than 50% capacity. The bags shall be marked, “Caution - Asbestos: Do Not Inhale Dust, Do Not Open Bag”. The top of the bag when full shall be twisted, folded down and taped. The bag shall then be placed in the plastic lined skip bin. The work shall be in accordance with WorkCover NSW, How to Safely Remove Asbestos – Code of Practice. Asbestos is classified as a special waste and shall be tipped at approved sites. Copies of the tipping receipts should be provided to the project manager. All work carried out shall be in accordance with:

• WorkCover NSW, How to Safely Remove Asbestos – Code of Practice, Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (WHS Act)

• Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 (WHS Regulation) • National Occupational Health and Safety (NOHSC:2002, 1998) Code of practice for the

safe removal of asbestos; • EPA NSW (1999) Environmental Guidelines: Assessment, Classification & Management of

Liquid & Non-liquid Wastes; • Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Regulations 1996; • Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997; • Occupational Health and Safety Act, 2000; and • Occupational Health and Safety Regulation, 2001.

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2. Specification for the Removal of Synthetic Mineral Fibre (SMF) SMF containing materials were not located during the inspection. Contingency Measures (if located during development works): If any synthetic mineral fibre (SMF) is located during demolition it is recommended that it be removed prior to refurbishment or demolition where there is a possibility that the material may be disturbed. Workers shall wear long sleeved, loose fitting clothing and gloves to prevent fibre penetration. Disposable overalls may be worn if desired. Washable clothing should be laundered separately to avoid cross contamination and skin irritation of other workers. Goggles and a head covering shall be used in the event of overhead work. A half face respirator fitted with a P1 filter shall be used. All work carried out shall be in accordance with:

! National Occupational Health and Safety (NOHSC:2002, 1990) Code of Practice for the Safe Use of Synthetic Mineral Fibres;

! EPA NSW (1999) Environmental Guidelines: Assessment, Classification & Management of Liquid & Non-liquid Wastes;

! Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Regulations 1996(updated 1/12/00); ! Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997; and ! Occupational Health and Safety Act, 2000; and ! Occupational Health and Safety Regulation, 2001.

3. Specification for the Removal of Fluorescent Light Capacitors containing PCB Oil Older style fluorescent light fittings suspected of containing PCB components were located during the inspection. Contingency Measures: It is recommended that all fluorescent light fittings removed during demolition or refurbishment be dismantled. Lights with identified PCB capacitors as per PCB - Containing Capacitors PCB (ANZECC, 1997), or any old aluminium capacitors, shall be removed from the light fittings and placed in an appropriate sealed drum. Appropriate PPE shall be employed. The containers containing the PCBs shall be approved for the transport of dangerous goods and labelled with words to the effect:


All work carried out shall be in accordance with: ! Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) Wastes Chemical Control Order June 1997 (PCB CCO

1997); ! National Strategy for the Management of Scheduled Waste, Polychlorinated Biphenyls

Management Plan - November 1996; ! NSW Waste Disposal Act; ! NSW Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations ! NSW Construction Safety Act and Regulations 84a-84j.

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Page 13: HAZARDOUS MATERIAL AUDIT (HMA) King George Park …

CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS 136262Client:Edwards Blasche GroupPO Box 284AnnandaleNSW 2038

Attention: Michael Edwards

Sample log in details:Your Reference: 02491No. of samples: 1 material, 1 paintDate samples received / completed instructions received 22/10/15 / 22/10/15

Analysis Details:Please refer to the following pages for results, methodology summary and quality control data.Samples were analysed as received from the client. Results relate specifically to the samples as received.Results are reported on a dry weight basis for solids and on an as received basis for other matrices.Please refer to the last page of this report for any comments relating to the results.

Report Details:Date results requested by: / Issue Date: 29/10/15 / 28/10/15Date of Preliminary Report: Not IssuedNATA accreditation number 2901. This document shall not be reproduced except in full.Accredited for compliance with ISO/IEC 17025. Tests not covered by NATA are denoted with *.

Results Approved By:

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Client Reference: 02491

Asbestos ID - materials Our Reference: UNITS 136262-1Your Reference ------------- 02491/1Type of sample ------------ material

Date analysed - 28/10/2015

Mass / Dimension of Sample - 10x5x1mm

Sample Description - Brown fibrous

bituminous material

Asbestos ID in materials - Chrysotile asbestos detected

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Client Reference: 02491

Lead in Paint Our Reference: UNITS 136262-2Your Reference ------------- 02491/2Type of sample ------------ paint

Date prepared - 23/10/2015

Date analysed - 23/10/2015

Lead in paint %w/w <0.05

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Client Reference: 02491

Method ID Methodology Summary

ASB-001 Asbestos ID - Qualitative identification of asbestos in bulk samples using Polarised Light Microscopy and Dispersion Staining Techniques including Synthetic Mineral Fibre and Organic Fibre as per Australian Standard 4964-2004.

Metals-004 Digestion of Paint chips/scrapings/liquids for Metals determination by ICP-AES/MS and or CV/AAS.

Page 4 of 7Envirolab Reference: 136262Revision No: R 00

Page 17: HAZARDOUS MATERIAL AUDIT (HMA) King George Park …

Client Reference: 02491QUALITY CONTROL UNITS PQL METHOD Blank Duplicate

Sm#Duplicate results Spike Sm# Spike %

RecoveryLead in Paint Base ll Duplicate ll %RPD

Date prepared - 23/10/2015

136262-2 23/10/2015 || 23/10/2015 LCS-2 23/10/2015

Date analysed - 23/10/2015

136262-2 23/10/2015 || 23/10/2015 LCS-2 23/10/2015

Lead in paint %w/w 0.05 Metals-004 <0.05 136262-2 <0.05 || <0.05 LCS-2 99%

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Client Reference: 02491

Report Comments:

Asbestos ID was analysed by Approved Identifier: Lulu ScottAsbestos ID was authorised by Approved Signatory: Lulu Scott

INS: Insufficient sample for this test PQL: Practical Quantitation Limit NT: Not testedNR: Test not required RPD: Relative Percent Difference NA: Test not required<: Less than >: Greater than LCS: Laboratory Control Sample

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Client Reference: 02491

Quality Control DefinitionsBlank: This is the component of the analytical signal which is not derived from the sample but from reagents, glassware etc, can be determined by processing solvents and reagents in exactly the same manner as for samples. Duplicate : This is the complete duplicate analysis of a sample from the process batch. If possible, the sampleselected should be one where the analyte concentration is easily measurable. Matrix Spike : A portion of the sample is spiked with a known concentration of target analyte. The purpose of the matrix spike is to monitor the performance of the analytical method used and to determine whether matrix interferences exist. LCS (Laboratory Control Sample) : This comprises either a standard reference material or a control matrix (such as a blanksand or water) fortified with analytes representative of the analyte class. It is simply a check sample. Surrogate Spike: Surrogates are known additions to each sample, blank, matrix spike and LCS in a batch, of compoundswhich are similar to the analyte of interest, however are not expected to be found in real samples.

Laboratory Acceptance CriteriaDuplicate sample and matrix spike recoveries may not be reported on smaller jobs, however, were analysed at a frequencyto meet or exceed NEPM requirements. All samples are tested in batches of 20. The duplicate sample RPD and matrixspike recoveries for the batch were within the laboratory acceptance criteria.Filters, swabs, wipes, tubes and badges will not have duplicate data as the whole sample is generally extracted during sample extraction.Spikes for Physical and Aggregate Tests are not applicable.For VOCs in water samples, three vials are required for duplicate or spike analysis.

Duplicates: <5xPQL - any RPD is acceptable; >5xPQL - 0-50% RPD is acceptable.Matrix Spikes, LCS and Surrogate recoveries: Generally 70-130% for inorganics/metals; 60-140%for organics (+/-50% surrogates) and 10-140% for labile SVOCs (including labile surrogates), ultra trace organics and speciated phenols is acceptable.

In circumstances where no duplicate and/or sample spike has been reported at 1 in 10 and/or 1 in 20 samples respectively, the sample volume submitted was insufficient in order to satisfy laboratory QA/QC protocols.

When samples are received where certain analytes are outside of recommended technical holding times (THTs), the analysis has proceeded. Where analytes are on the verge of breaching THTs, every effort will be made to analyse within the THT or as soon as practicable.

Where sampling dates are not provided, Envirolab are not in a position to comment on the validityof the analysis where recommended technical holding times may have been breached.

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