JULY & AUGUST 2015 1 H A V E N M E S S E N G E R HAVEN MISSION STATEMENT (adopted 2/26/06 by Haven Church) “To honor God, to reach out with love to our members and the community and to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Pastor Linda M. Alessandri [email protected] Church Secretary Mary Grabill [email protected] Church Office Hours Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Haven Lutheran Church 1035 Haven Road Hagerstown, MD 21742 301-733-5056 Fax: 301-733-8725 Website www. havenlc.org The "Midweek Blast" from Trinity Lutheran Seminary (from which I graduated) always includes a thoughtful article by the current president, Rick Barger. One of his recent notes was about his second year on the synod assemblies' circuit as semi- nary president. While the assemblies have common elements (reports, prayer, budg- ets, speeches, Robert's Rules) they each have their own characters. In fact, Barger writes, "The very nature of the assembly is a window into the values of the synod and the temperament of the synod in terms of hopefulness versus despair, levity versus seriousness, and in what the assembly is actually willing to hear and dis- cuss." What captured my attention was President Barger's reflections on what he had observed: It is no secret that we lead in a time of great paradox. Perhaps this dichotomy is an oversimplification, but for the sake of illus- tration, there are two competing outlooks in the church today. First, there is the troubled view. This view sees the church in ways that are negative and necrotic. There is great cynicism about any hopeful outlook or initiative. There is a lot of blame - blame the synods, blame Churchwide, blame the seminar- ies...you get the picture. There is the belief that the church has lost the culture with little hope of renewing any traction. The two most frequent statements I hear [from pastors] out of this view are these: "I was trained for a world and a church that do not exist anymore." "I cannot wait until retirement." Then there is another view. This one is real. It sees the church and culture with clarity, and yet it is hopeful. It is hopeful be- cause God raised our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead and emp- tied the tomb that held him. This view is hopeful because death and resurrection is in the DNA of our identity and calling. This view is hopeful because our God does God's best work under the most difficult set of circumstances. The church is not dying. It is simply being made anew by the Holy Spirit that raised Jesus. New life and new beginnings are in bud! These times are exciting times - a great time to be the church! Here is my question to you. Which view has been in your heart of late the cyni- cal or the hopeful? It’s important because it WILL influence your attitude about Haven and your participation in its mission. If skeptical, you may think, “What’s the point?” and back away from worship and Haven’s ministries. On the other hand, maybe you’ve never considered that “the church is not dying but being made anew by the same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus.” I find that idea not only hopeful but intriguing and exciting. It makes me curious about what God is up to at Haven and Hagerstown. It makes me eager to know what part we’re to have in God’s re-creating efforts to spread the gospel of grace, love and risen life. President Barger puts it this way: Leading with hope is not wishful thinking. It is actually the only way to lead as persons called into being stewards of the gospel. (continue article on pg. 2)


J U L Y & A U G U S T 2 0 1 5
STATEMENT (adopted 2/26/06 by Haven Church)
“To honor God, to reach out
with love to our members and the community and to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.”
Pastor Linda M. Alessandri
Website www. havenlc.org
The "Midweek Blast" from Trinity Lutheran Seminary (from which I graduated)
always includes a thoughtful article by the current president, Rick Barger. One of
his recent notes was about his second year on the synod assemblies' circuit as semi-
nary president. While the assemblies have common elements (reports, prayer, budg-
ets, speeches, Robert's Rules) they each have their own characters. In fact, Barger
writes, "The very nature of the assembly is a window into the values of the synod
and the temperament of the synod in terms of hopefulness versus despair, levity
versus seriousness, and in what the assembly is actually willing to hear and dis-
What captured my attention was President Barger's reflections on what he had
It is no secret that we lead in a time of great paradox. Perhaps
this dichotomy is an oversimplification, but for the sake of illus-
tration, there are two competing outlooks in the church today.
First, there is the troubled view. This view sees the church in
ways that are negative and necrotic. There is great cynicism
about any hopeful outlook or initiative. There is a lot of blame -
blame the synods, blame Churchwide, blame the seminar-
ies...you get the picture. There is the belief that the church has
lost the culture with little hope of renewing any traction. The
two most frequent statements I hear [from pastors] out of this
view are these: "I was trained for a world and a church that do
not exist anymore." "I cannot wait until retirement."
Then there is another view. This one is real. It sees the church
and culture with clarity, and yet it is hopeful. It is hopeful be-
cause God raised our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead and emp-
tied the tomb that held him. This view is hopeful because death
and resurrection is in the DNA of our identity and calling. This
view is hopeful because our God does God's best work under the
most difficult set of circumstances. The church is not dying. It is
simply being made anew by the Holy Spirit that raised Jesus.
New life and new beginnings are in bud! These times are exciting
times - a great time to be the church!
Here is my question to you. Which view has been in your heart of late — the cyni-
cal or the hopeful? It’s important because it WILL influence your attitude about
Haven and your participation in its mission. If skeptical, you may think, “What’s
the point?” and back away from worship and Haven’s ministries. On the other
hand, maybe you’ve never considered that “the church is not dying but being
made anew by the same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus.” I find that idea not only
hopeful but intriguing and exciting. It makes me curious about what God is up to at
Haven and Hagerstown. It makes me eager to know what part we’re to have in
God’s re-creating efforts to spread the gospel of grace, love and risen life. President
Barger puts it this way:
Leading with hope is not wishful thinking. It is actually the only
way to lead as persons called into being stewards of the gospel.
(continue article on pg. 2)
J U L Y & A U G U S T 2 0 1 5
How can we not be hopeful? I have heard ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton on two
recent occasions say, "Our church is under judgment." Not to try to preach her sermon,
but what I understand her to mean is this:
For too long we have relied on our own strength, our own capacities, and our historical
status in the culture. Now that we are no longer an organizing principle of the culture...
we are put into a position of having to rely solely on God. This shift alone, this focus on
the narrative and sacred story that belongs to the church, as opposed to tactics, strategies,
programs and the like, will be the reorientation that will bring authentic new life and vi-
tality to the church.
Take a breath of the Holy Spirit and reread Barger’s words over again now and in the coming week. Read and
pray. Without hope in God’s power of resurrection, we might as well close the doors and sell the property now
rather than die a slow death. That sounds very harsh but it’s true.
As for me, I DO believe in the strength, determination and grace of our Lord. I DO believe the Lord has the
power and intent of bringing God’s church into a new and meaningful place. We may not be able to see what
shape it will take or how we will get there, but if God’s leading, that is where I want to follow, that is where I
want to lead. How about you? God needs the whole community of Haven to build that future that will shine
with God’s goodness, vitality and grace. “Choose life”, the Lord once told his people through Moses. (Deut.
30: 19-20) Cynical or hopeful? We each must choose. I pray we each come to answer as Joshua did long ago,
“As for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” (Joshua 24:33)
Your pastor and partner,
HELPING THE RESIDENTS OF HOLLY PLACE – For the month of July we will be collecting
Aluminum foil and zip lock baggies (quart & gallon size) for the month of August, we will be collecting
furniture polish, windex, and air freshener’s for the residents of Holly Place. There is a container in the nar-
thex for you to place your items in.
HARVEST FOR HUNGER RETURNS—Each weekend when you come to worship:
1) BRING any extra vegetables, flowers or baked goods you can offer to the cause;
2) AND check out the table of vegetables, flowers and baked goods “harvested” at the homes of Haven
members and friends. Take what you’d enjoy AND leave a generous donation.
ALL PROCEEDS will benefit Haven’s Hunger programs.
God’s Work. Our Hands.
P.S. Dave Resh and Pastor would greatly appreciate others to help maintain Haven’s vegetable garden. Come
join the rewarding effort!
BUDGET REQUESTS—It’s budget time once again. Asking all Team Chairs and Program Leaders to
please develop and submit your budget request for the year 2016 to the Church Office by July 31, 2015. The
budget process is challenging. Receipt of your request in a timely manner will be greatly appreciated.
The assembly provided us opportunities for meeting other Lutherans (many of them!), Bible study, inspiring
worship, and informal conversation at meals. I especially enjoyed being in the Haven delegation with Pastor
Alessandri, Pastor Dave, and my husband—we sat together at one of the many tables (continue article on p. 3)
J U L Y & A U G U S T 2 0 1 5
for congregations, representatives, and we voted “yea” or “nay” on future plans and budget matters with green
cards or red. At worship services a 10-member group of musicians calling themselves “Glocal” (a combina-
tion of global and local) provided music from around the world and invited us to join in, with words projected
on the stage backdrop. I will not forget the experience of 500 people receiving communion! Also memorable
was the presence of Lutheran delegations, including 2 bishops, from Finland and Estonia, who in a workshop
told us of their challenges in their country. I urge Haven parishioners to consider being a lay delegate in 2016!
The dates are June 2, 3, and 4, in Ocean City. Beth Johns
Overall, my impression of the 2015 Synod assembly was that it was inspiring—meeting and worshipping with
over 500 delegates from Del/Md was impressive! Haven Lutheran Church was just one among over 175 con-
gregations with a common theme: “Walking Together with Christ; for the sake of the world.”
Bishop Wolfgang D. Herz-Lane’s report captured the theme of the conference: He writes; “Where we go and
think ‘we’ are bringing the unconditional love of Jesus Christ to the people, God is already hard at work in
people’s lives . . . Jesus is running . . . we have to keep up with him.” The Bible Study leader, Yolanda Tanner,
gave thoughtful Bible studies on “seeing” from Simeon’s experiences of seeing the infant Jesus before he died.
The other meetings, lunches, and dinners provided a multi-cultural opportunity to meet others from around the
synod and to discuss their celebrations, changes, and challenges. We as delegates got the impression “we are
not alone,” but belong to the greater community of worshipers of Christ.
Don Evason
The Evangelism Team, following through on the success of the “diminishment” series in March and April,
plans a support group for congregational caregivers. As a once-a-month alternative to the ongoing Sunday
School class, it will meet in a separate space and begin on the second Sunday of September (Sept. 13). Mem-
bers of the congregation will have an opportunity during the summer to indicate their interest in being part of
the group. Plans are underway for 1) more thorough welcoming of visitors with flyers, phone calls, and gifts,
and 2) a “ministry of caring”, encouraging members of the congregation to check on colleagues who have been
absent for several weeks.
Our sign! Our wonderful sign! The Team is compiling a list of inspiring phrases for display on our beautiful
sign. We invite the congregation to join in, with words that have been meaningful—send them to the team
([email protected] or [email protected]) for discussion. Don Evason and Beth Johns, co-chairs
BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION—Every Box Top is 10 for Fountaindale Elementary School so YES
everyone counts. Keep them coming Haven Friends!
VISITATION TEAM - we will meet on July 12 & August 9 at 10:45 am in Pastor’s office after worship.
SUMMER BIBLE STUDY AFTER WORSHIP-ON-THE-LAWN— Come join a discussion of the Bible
readings we’ll be hearing this summer during worship. Informal but informative. Everyone is welcome any
Sunday that you can attend. No Bible background needed, just an interest and openness to God’s Word. We’ll
start around 11 a.m. in the parlor. If there is a coffee fellowship, we’ll meet in the Adult Sunday School class-
room. Let’s gather around God’s Word together.
WOMEN'S BIBLE STUDY— Will take a break during July and August and resume on the 4th Thursday in
September with a new study from "Gather." The group always welcomes new participants to this exciting and
thought provoking study and fellowship.
YOUTH MINISTRY PLANNING SESSION—Sunday August 9 after worship service—head to Chipotle
and talk about lock-ins, youth group activities like visiting shut ins and FUNdraising –so we can be ready to
have a great trip to YouthQuake and summer 2016 mission trip. RSVP to Amy at [email protected].
Announcing Haven’s 2015 Vacation Bible School
ALL 3 year olds to Fifth Graders are invited Monday, July 20 - Friday, July 24
5:43 p.m. - 8:31 p.m.
A light supper & a fast-paced evening of new friends....games.... amazing experiments...surprising Bible adventures... incredible music....
meaningful mission project …and fun! NO cost to participants
Sign-up NOW! Complete the registration form below or one available in the narthex. RETURN registrations to Haven Lutheran Church ASAP.
1035 Haven Road Hagerstown MD 21742 (as soon as possible)
Participant’s Name(s) _______________________________________________________
Another emergency contact Name: ___________________ Phone ( ) _______________
J U L Y & A U G U S T 2 0 1 5
It is Dinnertime at Vacation Bible School!!!
We will be serving a meal to the children and the staff at VBS “Everest”. The menu has been planned and we
are looking for interested members who are willing to volunteer their time in the kitchen and donate items to-
CHOOSE an item from the board in the Narthex (Saturday service) or the board on the lawn (Sunday service).
Sign the donation sheet where appropriate. Mark your item(s) for VBS and bring to the big kitchen and place
it on the butcher block table or in the refrigerator or freezer. Non perishable items can be brought in anytime.
Perishable items should be brought to the church on that Saturday or Sunday before Vacation Bible School.
Steamers, Chili and Macaroni and Cheese Casseroles, please bring no earlier than 4pm, but by 5pm the eve-
ning they are to be served (date needed will be on label).
IF you prefer to make a cash donation, please place your donation in the offering plate on any Saturday or Sun-
day or mail it to the church office and mark it for VBS dinners.
Below is a list of food and other items needed. These items are also printed on paper (gentle reminder), and
placed on the board. Take one, two or a few items from the board and please sign the sheet on the board that
corresponds with your item(s).
5 (64oz.) Apple Juice 1 small bottle of Mustard
1 small jar Peanut Butter 2 (5#) bags Tator Tots
6 loaves Bread 3 (5#) bags Chicken Nuggets
5 (16 oz.) cans of Pizza Sauce 12 dozen cookies
36 Hamburger Rolls 7 (party size bags 16 oz.) Doritos
1 large bottle Ketchup 2 heads Iceberg Lettuce
72 Hotdog Rolls 2 (2#) MILD block cheese
3 (2#) bag of baby Carrots 3 dozen Roma/Plum Tomatoes
2 large bags of Chips 6 dozen Rice Krispy Treats
3 large seedless Watermelons 4 large bags (13oz.) Tortilla Chips
2 bags Red Seedless Grapes 1 pot MILD Chili with beans (25 people)
2 bags Green Seedless Grapes 1 pot MILD Chili “no” beans (25 people)
4 large jars of Applesauce 1 pot Steamers (25 people)
8 packs of English Muffins 1 (20oz.) Tang drink mix
3 (20oz.) Tropical Punch Kool-Aid drink mix 6 dozen Mini Chocolate Chip Muffins
5 Macaroni and Cheese Casseroles (9X13 or larger) 5 (28oz.) bags Popcorn Shrimp/Shrimp Poppers
6 dozen Brownies 12 Bananas (if green drop off Monday; ripe Thurs.)
1 dozen Navel Oranges 1 box Tea Bags (decaffeinated)
4 large cans Pineapple Chunks 3 large tubs Vanilla Ice Cream
2 cans Whipped Topping 2 (10.5oz) container of Sprinkles
2 (20oz.) Caramel Sundae Syrup 2 (20oz.) Chocolate Sundae Syrup
6# (80%) Ground Beef 6 Taco Seasoning Packets
* * * *Chili and Steamers (Tuesday)* * * * * * * *Macaroni and Cheese Casseroles (Wednesday) * * * *
*Any unused food items at the end of VBS will be donated to Holly Place.
The staff and children for VBS would like to thank you in advance for all of your generosity in donations and
help! We always need helpers in the kitchen. If you or someone you know would like to help in the kitchen
and have not signed up, please contact Dawn Freeman 301-665-1669 or email [email protected].
High school students can earn SSL hours. If you know of a student who has a few hours left to fulfill, have
them contact me.
The kitchen and VBS staff is in “NEED” of 8 box fans. If you have one that we could borrow for the
week, please place your name on it and mark it for VBS. Thank you in advance for this!
RED HEIFER WINERY OUTDOOR CONCERT EVENT—Parish Life invites members and friends on
August 8th to enjoy listening to the Einstein Cowboy, Chambersburg - based classic rock and rhythm &
blues guitarists, an evening of music at the Red Heifer Winery, Smithsburg, MD. Carpoolers will leave from
the church at 4:00 PM or friends are welcome to come directly to the winery. Definitely bring chairs or blan-
kets, and snacks, if you wish. The band plays at 5 PM. Hope you will join us. Questions? Call Kathy Pen-
sis. P.S. Red Heifer requests adults only.
TRIP TO SERRV INTERNATIONAL—Haven Volunteers are going to New Windsor again on August 21.
This is the warehouse where Fair Trade materials sold by Lutheran World Relief are received and packaged for
sale. That work is done by volunteers. There are jobs for everyone – men are needed too! The day includes a
nice lunch and the opportunity to shop in the gift shop. Details and sign-up sheet are on the bulletin board.
ATTENTION BOOK LOVERS! - Book Club will meet July 16 at 2:00 pm to discuss
THE UNLIKELY PILGRIMAGE OF HAROLD FRY by Rachel Joyce. This is a novel of charm,
humor & profound insight into the thoughts & feelings we all bury deep within our hearts.
Looking ahead to August 20, 2 pm, our choice is ALL THE LIGHT WE CANNOT SEE by
Anthony Doerr. A National Book Award finalist, the author illuminates the ways, against all odds, people try
to be good to one another.
We meet in the church parlor, enjoy tea, sweets & conversation! Come & join us. Joan Schupp
LOOKING FOR A GOOD BOOK? - Be sure to check out Haven’s free library located on a book cart in the
Adult Sunday School classroom – (sometimes in the Narthex). Help yourself to a book, read & enjoy, return it
or pass it on.
SUMMER NARRATIVE LECTIONARY READINGS We’re between the first and second years of the Narrative Lectionary four-year cycle of readings. During the
summer months we look at Biblical books or topics that fall outside the narrative cycle. In June we focused on
the Psalms and will complete that focus on July 5th. We have some interesting readings come up.
July 5 Psalm 146 (Praise)
Old Testament Wisdom and Poetry July 12 Proverbs 1: 1-7; 3: 1-8
July 19 Proverbs 8: 1-11, 22-36
July 26 Ecclesiastes 1: 1-11; 3: 1-7
August 2 Song of Solomon 2: 10-13; 8: 6-7
Hebrews August 9 Hebrews 1: 1-4
August 16 Hebrews 2: 10-18
August 23 Hebrews 4: 14 - 5: 10
August 30 Hebrews 9: 1-14
September 6 Hebrews 11: 1-16 (12: 1-2)
Be an active, prayerful worshipers. Try to read the Sunday’s reading before you come to worship. It will help
to open you further to God’s Word as it’s read and preached that Sunday. God’s Word is living — ready to
feed and free us for lives of love and service.
(P.S. Remember — there is also a Bible Study after the Sunday Worship-on-the-Lawn service to look at the
readings for that Sunday and the next. No previous Bible study experience necessary. Each week’s study
stands on it own. So you can come whenever you can and not be lost. Hope to see you there.
Pastor Alessandri)
J U L Y & A U G U S T 2 0 1 5
Contributions may be brought by the office during our normal business hours 9 am-1 pm
or mailed to the Church at 1035 Haven Rd Hagerstown, MD 21742.
appear in the newsletter.
Fun With Handbells—Please join me in the music room on Sunday, July 26th and Sunday,
August 16th after the outdoor service for some fun with handbells. This will be a time to famil-
iarize yourself with the handbells and learn the basics – with no strings attached. We will sim-
ply ring some notes to the Lord, laugh with each other, learn how to read some music and
count. This is open to anyone from middle school to adults. I already have four people who
are interested. I hope you will pray about this and join me on July 26th and August 16th. I promise you will
enjoy it! If you think you would be interested, please tell me at church or call me at 301-302-7266. Thank
you, Nancy Newkirk
Delaware-Maryland Synod is headed to the ballpark! Join fellow Lutherans and friends
in cheering for the Orioles as they take on the Oakland A's - and invite your friends to
come along! The game begins at 7:05 p.m. and will be followed by fireworks. Tickets are
$15 each, and proceeds will go to the ELCA Campaign, Always Being Made New. Pr.
Darrell Layman, interim Pastor of Mt. Zion Lutheran Church, Rohresville, has secured a
church bus (from Mt. Nebo Methodist Church) for people from Mt. Zion to attend. The
good news is the bus seats 45, and there will be far fewer from that congregation attend-
ing, so he has opened the transportation possibility to other Washington County Confer-
ence congregations including us at Haven. Transportation will be an additional $10 for a total of $25 (please
note for that price we don't get a luxury charter; it's actually a school bus). Checks should be made out to Pr.
Darrell Layman and given to me. If you would like to attend, please sign the registration sheet in the narthex
right under the picture of Martin Luther wearing an O's cap (he's been a loyal fan for nearly 500 years - this is
most certainly true!). Deadline is July 5; availability is limited, and tickets will be distributed on a first
signed, first served basis. Please call or email me (don't bother Mary or Pastor) if you have questions Dave
Kaplan [email protected].
1307 South Potomac Street
*IMPORTANT NOTE: The terrain at Doub's Woods' South Pavilion has no inclines, paved paths and is
wheelchair accessible. There is plenty of parking with the distance to the pavilion comparable to the distance
from Haven's parking lot to the church. We hope this will make it possible for EVERYONE to participate.
FYI: Bathroom facilities are attached to the pavilion. Playground area for children is visible from the pavilion.
If your Birthday, Anniversary, or Baptismal Anniversary is not listed, please contact the church office.
THANK YOU NOTES Dear Haven Lutheran Church,
Thank you for your recent gift of $498.00 to Nepal Area Earthquake. Gifts like yours make it possible for our
church to continue its effective and efficient response to disasters. Your support helps families and communi-
ties get back on their feet again after they have been harmed. Your gifts also provide resources for prepared-
ness and risk reduction programs. To neighbors who can feel alone and in despair, your gift brings immediate
help and hope for the future. We will partner for as long as it takes to rebuild, reclaim, and recover. As Lu-
theran Disaster Response, we support and pray for the well-being of people all over the world who are recover-
ing from a disaster, and for our partners and volunteers who assist them in their journey to renewal. Thank
you for providing help, hope, and healing. In Christ’s Service The Rev. Daniel Rift
August Birthdays Lesley Lightfoot-Newkirk 08/05
Eric Byers 08/08
Todd Faith 07/02
Terry Trovinger 07/05
Saundra Myers 07/06
Robert Webb 07/08
Charlotte Loveless 07/09
Jackie Webb 07/12
Blanche Hart 07/15
June Hess 07/18
Veronica Bergschneider 07/22
Mary Fortson 07/24
Austin Suchy 07/25
Georgetta Kauffman 07/28
Adam Tice 07/29
Pauline Hall 07/30
Pat Manspeaker 07/31
Mary Grabill 07/31
Dave & Sue Resh 07/14
Jim & Ann Conrad 08/04
Cliff & Sue Britton 08/14
Dick & Sharron Moser 08/27
August Baptismal Anniversaries Kristin Andrews 08/02
Sari Kilheffer 08/02
Cheryl Roberson 08/21
Veronica Bergschneider 08/25
Pat Manspeaker 08/27
J U L Y & A U G U S T 2 0 1 5
with someone and notify the
office of the change.
Haven Food Bank Volunteers July 7—1st Tues. Team 4
Nancy Newkirk, Joanne Seilhamer, June Hess, Judy Hoffman
July 10—2nd Fri. Team 3
Pam O’Connor, Kathy Wright, Sue Nelson, Sari Kilheffer
August 4—1st Tues. Team 1
Jan Merique, Joan Schupp, Becky Plavcan, Pam O’Connor
August 14—2nd Fri. Team 2
Pam O’Connor, Sue Nelson, Pat & Dick Manspeaker
Fri., July 3 ~
Joan Schupp
or email?
church office of the
change. This will help
rate records.
Thank you!
Sue Nelson,
Bob Snyder
Altar Flowers
Kim Pile
J U L Y & A U G U S T 2 0 1 5
1 9:00 TOTS
friends of Alcoholics
CoDa—Co-Dependents Anonymous
Washington County
July 6th– July 10th.
Vacation Bible School Week
July 20th—July 24th
(observation of Independence Day)
will be on July 6th for church office.
J U L Y & A U G U S T 2 0 1 5
After worship
Youth Ministry
Planning Session
friends of Alcoholics
CoDa—Co-Dependents Anonymous
Washington County
TOTS—Program with W.C.P.S.
Pastor Alessandri will be on vacation in Atlanta August 2nd (after Worship service)—August 9th.
She will return to the office on August 10th. See future bulletins for Pastoral emergency information.