Haven Evangelical Lutheran Church€¦ · 02.03.2016  · situations and new circumstances. We are...

Haven Evangelical Lutheran Church 1035 Haven Road Hagerstown, MD 21742 Haven Messenger March 2016

Transcript of Haven Evangelical Lutheran Church€¦ · 02.03.2016  · situations and new circumstances. We are...

Page 1: Haven Evangelical Lutheran Church€¦ · 02.03.2016  · situations and new circumstances. We are part of a long history of “reimaginers” who led the church to re-examine how

Haven Evangelical

Lutheran Church

1035 Haven Road

Hagerstown, MD 21742

Haven Messenger March


Page 2: Haven Evangelical Lutheran Church€¦ · 02.03.2016  · situations and new circumstances. We are part of a long history of “reimaginers” who led the church to re-examine how

Pastor Church Secretary

Linda M. Alessandri Mary Grabill

[email protected] [email protected]

Church Office Hours

Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Church: 301-733-5056 Fax: 301-733-8725


www. havenlc.org


April 2016

Please submit articles as you wish them to ap-

pear, and marked with the team/group under

which it should appear. Deadline Mar. 15th

Contributions may be brought to the

church office during our normal busi-

ness hours 9 am-1 pm or mailed to the

Church at 1035 Haven Road Hagers-

town, MD 21742.

Have you moved, changed your phone

number or email?

If so, please notify the church office of the

change to ensure we have accurate records.

REMINDER: The 2016 Haven Church Direc-

tory will be printed shortly and would like the

information in it to be accurate. Thank you!

Page 3: Haven Evangelical Lutheran Church€¦ · 02.03.2016  · situations and new circumstances. We are part of a long history of “reimaginers” who led the church to re-examine how


Since last year’s Council Retreat I have been talking about “reimagining” our teams

(committees) and ministries. I sometimes get questioning looks, as if to ask, “Did you

make that word up, Pastor?”While I will admit there are times I fiddle with words to fit

the occasion or idea, I did not make up the work, “reimagining.”

Reimagine verb; reinterpret (an event, work of art, etc.) imaginatively; rethink.(Oxford Dic-

tionary) imagine again or anew; : to form a new conception of : re-create (Mirriam -Webster


This month we will celebrate the greatest case of “reimagining” of all times – the resurrection of Jesus.

Resurrection is an utterly fantastic idea. Not resuscitation — brought back to life to die at a later time — but

resurrection. Jesus died, was buried and on the third day rose from the dead, fully Jesus but no longer subject

to death or constrained by earth’s physical laws.

As we have been reading the Gospel of Mark this year in worship, there have been quite a few times when

the disciples seem particularly dense. Even when Jesus directly tells them he will be turned over to the authori-

ties; killed and in three days rise again, they either deny, sidestep or ignore such an “unimagined” scenario for

the Messiah. Who can really blame them? Arrested, tortured and shamefully executed was not what happened

to a Messiah, nor what you would ever want for a beloved friends and teacher. And the “in three days rise

again”? That was even more “unimaginable.” How was that possible? How would a resurrected person look or

act? Like Lazarus or a frightening ghost? The gospel writer Mark wants us to see the disciples struggle with

understanding Jesus. In watching those faithful followers of Jesus, it helps us, who live on the other side of the

resurrection, to see a reflection of our own doubts, wonders and refusals to accept those things that Jesus

taught which we do not like to hear.

Jesus’ resurrection caused the disciples to have to “reimagine” all they thought they knew about life and

death. They had to “reimagine” the meaning of Jesus’ words, parables and teachings in light of the resurrec-

tion. They had to “reimagine” what it meant to follow a Lord who cleared the way for his disciples to be for-

ever connected to the power, love and eternal life of God. As we read, study and reflect on Scripture we wres-

tle, too, with assumptions and long-held understandings that are challenged. Faithfulness includes being open

to the transforming Holy Spirit leading us at times to “reimagine” what it means to follow Jesus in particular

situations and new circumstances.

We are part of a long history of “reimaginers” who led the church to re-examine how its policies and tradi-

tions did or did not reflect Jesus’ words or ways. I’m not just thinking of famous people like Martin Luther

who had a history-changing impact. I’m also thinking of everyday faithful people who challenged their Coun-

cils or congregation to do “the right thing” when it seemed to going the way of convenience, ungracious power

or hoarding God’s good gifts. Its not always easy for “reimaginers” since we are often a stubborn lot — prefer-

ring status quo to change, even when we may know the Spirit is calling us to be “a new creation.” Easter does

not end, you see. The risen life of Christ is among us, calling us to follow, calling us to be an Easter people of

God’s life and love in our church and world.

At it’s 2015 retreat, Haven’s Council wondered if the current configuration of teams at Haven was still the

best way to be organized. The current set of teams was already in place when most of those present joined Ha-

ven — which means it was created several decades ago. The teams have functioned well in those years. The

questions are: Are they still the best way to do what God wants us to do here at Haven?; How do we help the

teams and congregation to be refreshed in purpose and participation? The Council thought it time to ask the

questions and “reimagine” how our teams can best lead the congregation to do God’s Work.

In February, twenty-three Haven team members participated in an “Almost-All-Teams” meeting. We asked

each team to list those events, programs and tasks for which they were responsible . We asked them to put a

star by those things their team thought were no longer helpful or relevant. We asked individuals to offer up to

three suggestions for how teams might work more effectively and make serving a more joyful experience.

We’ll be posting those lists at the February 28th Congregational Supper and Meeting and ask everyone to take

some time to look at them. What might others see that the teams don’t see themselves? Are there some events

that could be done by ad hoc groups that come together for a limited time until the event is done? The Council

will prayerfully gather around the information provided by the teams and congregation to consider what the

Page 4: Haven Evangelical Lutheran Church€¦ · 02.03.2016  · situations and new circumstances. We are part of a long history of “reimaginers” who led the church to re-examine how

next step might be towards a “reimagining” that would renew, inspire and broaden “Our Hands” as we do

“God’s Work.” The Council will then turn again to the teams and congregation to help in this hopeful, Spirit-

led endeavor.

I pray the remainder of your Lenten journey is rich with God’s presence and grace. I pray we are ever open

to a “reimagining” of ourselves and what we are capable of doing when we follow the will and ways of our

Lord. I ask you to pray for Haven and the efforts of your Council. I ask you to pray that our community is re-

energized by the power of our Risen Lord, ever rising to follow Jesus in his ways, towards the future to which

God is calling us. May all God’s people say, “Amen” and well, you know, that “A” word we fast from in Lent.

Your Pastor and Partner in Ministry.

Linda M Alessandri

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HELPING THE RESIDENTS OF HOLLY PLACE — For the month of March we will be collecting toilet

paper and disinfecting wipes for the residents of Holly Place. There is a container in the narthex for you to

place your items in.

EASTER FOOD BASKETS — Please make sure all food items are at church by Sunday, March

20th. Food Baskets will be packed and delivered on March 23rd starting no later than 9am. Please

sign up on the attendance sheet to help pack and/or deliver baskets.



On February 23, representatives of various Hagerstown churches from varied denominations gathered for an

information meeting about a program called “New Dollars/New Partner for Your Sacred Place” by the non-

profit company Partners for Sacred Places. The purpose of the training program is to:

•help transform how congregations see themselves and their place in the neighborhood;

•more fully use one’s building to help revitalize the community;

•find and make new community partnerships;

•learn an effective capital campaign strategy;

•how to tap community funding resources for ministry and the maintenance of the church’s building (“sacred


The training is done in four modules spaced over several months. The instruction is provided by experienced

“Sacred Places” staff and consultants. Participating churches send their senior clergy person and three lay lead-

ers to the training.

The cost of the program is $30,000. That covers the total cost of training four to twelve churches. The ini-

tial discussion that night was to seek as much funding from outside sources as possible (ex. Community Foun-

dation; Thrivant) to defray the total cost. “Sacred Places” also has grants available from the Lily Foundation

for qualifying congregations. The remaining portion of the fee would be divided among the participating

churches, encouraging those churches with greater resources to help those churches with fewer available


Many of the churches in Hagerstown expressed an interest in “New Dollars/New Partners for Your Sacred

Place” because they are using an increasing, disproportionate amount of their shrinking resources to maintain

large and older facilities. Haven may not be in the same position (though we have our share of property chal-

lenges and upkeep) but Haven has always been interested in connecting and contributing to the community.

That is the piece I think may be of the most interest and value to us. Of course, the information about capital

campaigns and community foundation resources will be helpful, too.

Those churches that attended this initial meeting agreed to meet again on Tuesday, April 5th, 6:30 pm.

Other churches that expressed an interest will also be invited. After discussion with Haven’s Council, I would

like to have several Haven members attend the April 6th meeting with me. This may be an opportunity for us to

join with other Hagerstown churches in “reimagining” how our churches can be more active partners in the

revitalization of community. It may be a way for Haven to further grow our involvement in bettering our

neighborhood and find the funding for that expansion of ministry.

Will you please think and pray about this “Partners for Sacred Places” training program? Is it something

that would benefit God’s mission outpost at Haven Lutheran Church? Do you sense this opportunity to be God

-sent? Please share you thoughts with Council members and me. If you’d be interested in attending the April

6th meeting with me, please let me know. We need more folks to have first-hand knowledge to help us discern

if we are to participate or not.

Thank you for your attention. Thank you for your prayerful consideration. Lord, help us to know your

will. Amen Your pastor and partner in ministry, Linda M Alessandri

P.S. You can get some further information on the “Partners for Sacred Places” program on-line at


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WEEKDAY BIBLE STUDY — Wednesdays, 10 - 11 am

The Rest of the Story Continued: Get a glimpse at what comes between the Sunday Scripture readings of

our Narrative Lectionary. Enjoy a safe place to ask questions, explore possibilities and wonder in God’s Word.

Led by Pastor Linda Alessandri

WOMEN'S BIBLE STUDY— The third session of our study of Paul's letter to the church in Phi-

lippi, will be held on Thursday, March 24, starting at 10:00 a.m. in the Parlor. While looking at

Paul's advice concerning issues in the Philippian church at that time, "Being of One Mind" invites us

to look at current issues in our Church & society. Copies of the study are available on the mobile

message board and in the March issue of "Gather" magazine.

EASTER EGG HUNT SUPPLIES NEEDED — Each Easter morning Haven has an Easter Egg Hunt for

children up through the fifth grade. It is a delight to see how much fun they have finding the eggs and filling

their baskets and bags.

We turn again to the congregation to ask for plastic eggs and for candy and stickers to fill the eggs. Other

items children might enjoy that fit in the plastic egg are also welcome. We just ask that the item be safe. Please

avoid non-edible items that might be swallowed by our youngest children.

Look for a box for donations in the narthex. Thank you for your help.

Haven’s Easter Bunny Crew

NO VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL IN 2016 We put out the call last autumn: "We need a new Vacation Bible School (VBS) director or co-directors." For

the last nine years I have taken lead for VBS with another congregation member (Danny Kiblinger, Jan Kap-

lan, and for the last few years, Marge Cunningham.) I need to step back from that level of involvement which

has always taken a great deal of time away from other pastoral responsibilities. I would remain involved but

not as co-director.

To date no one has come forward to step into the VBS director's shoes. Also, our VBS volunteers have

expressed some fatigue in the last two years. The Parish Education Team has decided to let VBS "rest" for

2016. I for one will miss it greatly. However, there are times when even a good program needs a break so

those involved can "catch a breath" and consider the future course.

The Parish Education Team is still considering the possibility of a weekend or one day VBS. The Team will

also offer support to the ad hoc group planning Haven's second BLOCK PARTY --- another great community

outreach event. And the team will continue to ask our Lord how we can "honor God, reach out with love to our

members and community and share the gospel of Jesus Christ."


BOOK CLUB — In March we will be discussing NO ORDINARY TIME, FRANKLIN &

ELEANOR ROOSEVELT: THE HOME FRONT IN WWII, a historical, biographical book by

American author & presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin. It is a fascinating account of the Roosevelts

& America preparing for & participating in WWII. Please join us on Thursday, March 17 at 2 pm in the

church parlor. Looking ahead, April's selection is HER NAME IS ROSE by Christine Breen.—Joan Schupp

LADIES NIGHT OUT— The March Ladies Night Out will be on Thursday, March 24th. Time and

location will be announced. There will be a sign-up sheet on the mobile board.

KNIT WITS — will meet Mar. 3, 10am in Haven West.

PICTORIAL DIRECTORY — Our congregation at Haven Lutheran Church has indicated

an interest in developing a new Pictorial Directory. Our present directory was done by sev-

eral members of the Parish Life Team in 2009. (continue article on the next page)

Page 7: Haven Evangelical Lutheran Church€¦ · 02.03.2016  · situations and new circumstances. We are part of a long history of “reimaginers” who led the church to re-examine how

Life touch has professional experience in providing various schools, churches, and other organizations with

directories. They are interested in working with Haven Lutheran Church in developing a church pictorial di-

rectory. We are hoping to start the process in this spring.

We need people to help coordinate this project. Some features of the process have changed with “on-line”

coordination and digital accessibility.

Members can schedule their appointments for photography on-line.

Photos can be taken in the parlor over a 3 day period (April 21, 22, 23) Each member will receive a di-

rectory; as well as their portrait.

The church office will have access to the directory on-line.

These on-line features have made the process more convenient. As a member; on your scheduled day you


check in

be professionally photographed

immediately view your portraits

have an opportunity to purchase additional portraits

For this directory to happen we will need people to:

1. Schedule appointments: volunteers needed for table in the narthex to help people schedule appoint-

ments following worship service (2 people need).

2. Make calls to families to remind them of photography date & time.

3. Help prepare the photography space on the first day of picture-taking (parlor) (3 people needed).

4. Hosts/Hostesses needed on the 3 photography days (usually 2 hour shifts) to greet, check in people, and

provide directions (6 people per day).

5. Team to design the directory.

6. Coordinator(s) to do the paper work and be in regular contact with Life Touch.

Most of the other jobs have been divided into small commitments of several hours. Can we do this Haven?

Can you help in some way?

If you are willing to help with any part of this process, please sign-up on a Sunday worship attendance sheet or

on the sign-up sheet on the mobile message board in the narthex.

(You can find some more information about Lifetouch Photographers at www. Lifetouch.com.)




Come for soup & sandwiches & worship OR come for

the portion your schedule permits Most of all COME!


A simple supper will be served in the parlor. Time for conversation and fellowship.


“Open My Life, Lord”

Within a service of Evening Prayer, we will consider what it means to live as a follower of Jesus. Each

week, Haven will hear a brief mes- sage from visiting pastors to help us open ourselves to God’s Word and

ways. Come give praise and get food for prayerful thought.

March 2 “Open My Life, Lord” Pastor Linda Alessandri (Haven)

March 9 “Open My Ears, Lord” Pastor Dave Kaplan (retired and

very active in ministry)

March 16 “Open My Hands, Lord” Pastor Kim Nunberg (Zion

Lutheran, Williamsport MD)

Page 8: Haven Evangelical Lutheran Church€¦ · 02.03.2016  · situations and new circumstances. We are part of a long history of “reimaginers” who led the church to re-examine how

Holy Week Schedule

FOLLOWING JESUS THROUGH HOLY WEEK Before we arrive at Easter’s joy, we walk humbly and gratefully with Jesus through the betrayals, trials and

suffering of the final days before his death. Come walk these final miles with our Lord. You will find Easter

even more meaningful.

Sunday, March 20th: Palm & Passion Sunday

9:30 am—Worship, 10:30 am—Social Time, 11:00 am—Sunday School

Thursday, March 24th: Maundy Thursday

12:00 noon—Worship with Holy Communion (quiet; no music)

5:30 - 7:30 pm—"Agape" Meal and Worship

The Agape ("Love") Feast dates to apostolic times when Christians gathered together to "feast" on God's

Word, the togetherness of community, a simple communal meal, and the Holy Eucharist.

This year our evening Maundy Thursday worship will be an Agape Meal and Service (in the parlor) that

will conclude with the stripping of the altar (church sanctuary) in preparation of Good Friday. We'll gather at

tables in the parlor, praying and listening to God's Word together before we share a simple meal of soup,

bread, cheese and fruit. After eating, we continue our worship by sharing the Lord's Supper with bread and

wine at each table. We'll conclude with a procession across the narthex to the darkened church sanctuary to

watch the altar and sanctuary being stripped in preparation for Good Friday as Psalm 22 is read.

Our Worship Team hopes this Maundy Thursday "Agape" Meal and Worship will be a meaningful way to

mark this day of Holy Week.

So we can have enough tables and food prepared, we ask that you sign up to attend on the attendance form

in the Sunday bulletin or by calling the church office no later than March 13. If you have any questions, please

contact Pastor Alessandri.

Let us end this looooonnng winter with a gathering of our community in honor of our Lord's journey to a

death that would lead to life.

Friday, March 25: Good Friday

12 noon—Service of the Word Commemorating the Passion of our Lord,

7:00 pm—Tenebrae Service: Service of Light & Word Commemorating the Passion of our Lord


Dear Friends of Holly Place,

Thank you for your generous donation of $1,438.00 that you donated to our facility Holly Place. Melanie

Davis—Ex. Director

Dear members of Haven Evangelical Lutheran Church,

On behalf of St. Mark’s Community Food Bank, I would like to thank you for the generous donations that you

have given to our food bank. Thank you for sharing God’s blessings with others.

With much gratitude, Julie Stouffer—Food Bank Coordinator

To Haven Lutheran Church,

This is a small donation of appreciation for opening your building to our Spiritual Listening Circle on Tues.

You have a lovely facility with interesting and informative displays in the hallways. May God bless your min-

istry to the community and wider world.

Sincerely, Sue Vandomeer

Page 9: Haven Evangelical Lutheran Church€¦ · 02.03.2016  · situations and new circumstances. We are part of a long history of “reimaginers” who led the church to re-examine how


Mar-Lu-Ridge—Jefferson, Maryland


It may be cold now but summer WILL come!

Join us this upcoming summer for a wonderful week of camp! Mar-Lu-Ridge offers:

-a fun, small group, Christ-centered week in the woods.

-affordable pricing starting at $405 per week for overnight and $165 for day camp

-friendships and memories that stay with your child

-camperships to ensure that all children can attend.

-a wide variety of unique specialty programs for ages, including, but not limited to: fishing, adventure, science,

arts, horseback, Night Owls and archery camps!

-ACA certification means Mar-Lu-Ridge (MLR) meets the highest safety standards.

Interested families may consider joining us at one of our open houses from 2:00 - 4:00 pm on Sundays March

20, April 24 and May 22.

Summer camp brochures are available in your church office. Registration is open now. If you any questions

please contact MLR by email at [email protected] or by phone at 301-874-5544.

Events open to ALL interested persons, no matter where you are living.

SMART SENIORS Events—These monthly events are designed to help energize your mind and provide an

opportunity for you to meet new people with similar interests. They take place at Diakon's Robinwood Cam-

pus (19800 Tranquility Circle, Hagerstown) at 11:00 am. Program is FREE. Lunch is available after each event

for just $10 per person. RSVP to attend 240-420-4119 or wwwHagerstownSeniorLiving.org.

Spring Cleaning! Get Ready To Sell Your Home Tues., Mar. 15, 11:00 am—Discover the upside of down-

sizing so you can be overjoyed --- not overwhelmed -- at the thought of moving! We'll show you how to best

prepare your home for sale.


This 6 week program will help you take charge of your health. Learn how to lessen frustration, fight fatigue,

manage pain, and communicate with physicians and more at this FREE self-management workshop offered by

Meritus Health.

You will meet once a week for 6 weeks, 2 1/2 hours each class. Two trained lay leaders lead the course at vari-

ous locations and times throughout the county Choose the place and time that best suits your schedule. Ques-

tions? Registration? Call 1-888-803-1518

Robinwood Professional-Suite 122—Mon. 6—8:30 pm (6 wks.) starts Mar. 14; Fri. 9:30 am- noon (6

wks.) starts Apr. 15

Senior Center—Mon. 1—3:30 pm (6 wks.) starts Apr. 15

Page 10: Haven Evangelical Lutheran Church€¦ · 02.03.2016  · situations and new circumstances. We are part of a long history of “reimaginers” who led the church to re-examine how

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Washington County, MD, Inc.

Invites You to Bowl at Our...

April 17, 2016 – 11AM-5PM Turner’s Dual Lanes

Please don your Hawaiian shirts, leis and hula skirts and help us celebrate our 32

nd annual Bowl for Kids’ Sake, Aloha style!

For more information, please visit www.bbbswcmd.org, email [email protected] or call (301) 739-4711.

Page 11: Haven Evangelical Lutheran Church€¦ · 02.03.2016  · situations and new circumstances. We are part of a long history of “reimaginers” who led the church to re-examine how

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 9:00 TOTS

9:35 Fellowship


12:30 Al-Anon

6:00 Sacred Lis

tening Circles

2 10:00 Adult

Bible Study

6:00 Lenten Soup/


7:00 Worship

“Open My Life,


7:30 Adult Choir


9:00 TOTS

10:00 Knit Wits

6:30 CoDa


9:35 Fellowship


5:30 AFG


12:00 Al-Anon

6 (Hunger Sunday)

9:30 Worship with


10:30 Fellowship


11:00 Sunday


7 6:00 Handbells

6:30 Co-Da

7:00 Barbershop

7:00 Property



9:00 TOTS

9:35 Fellowship


12:30 Al-Anon

9 10:00 Adult

Bible Study

6:00 Lenten Soup/


7:00 Worship

“Open My Ears,


7:30 Adult Choir


9:00 TOTS

6:30 CoDa


9:35 Fellowship


5:30 AFG


12:00 Al-Anon

8:30 am—3 pm

Council Retreat

(Shepherd Springs)


9:30 Worship

with Communion

10:30 Fellowship


11:00 Sunday


11:00 Caregivers

Support Group


6:00 Handbells

6:30 Co-Da

7:00 Worship


7:00 Council

7:00 Barbershop

15 9:00 TOTS

9:35 Fellowship


12:30 Al-Anon

16 10:00 Adult

Bible Study

6:00 Lenten Soup/


7:00 Worship

“Open My Hands


7:30 Adult Choir


9:00 TOTS

2:00 Book Club

6:30 CoDa


9:35 Fellowship


5:30 AFG


12:00 Al-Anon

20 Palm Sunday

(Holly Place


9:30 Worship with


10:30 Fellowship

11:00 Sunday


2:00 Pastor leads

worship at



6:00 Handbells

6:30 Co-Da

7:00 Council

7:00 Barbershop


9:00 TOTS

9:35 Fellowship


12:30 Al-Anon


9:00 Pack/


Easter Food


10:00 Adult



7:00 Adult Choir

24 Maundy Thursday

9:00 TOTS

10:00 Women’s

Bible Study “Being of One Mind”

12:00 Worship



5:30-7:30 “Agape”

Meal and Worship

25 Good Friday

Office Closed

9:35 Fellowship


12:00 Worship

Service of the


5:30 AFG

7:00 Tenebrae Worship


12:00 Al-Anon

27 Easter


Sunrise Service

(Rest Haven)


Worship with



Easter Fellowship


& Egg Hunt

28 Church Office Closed

6:00 Handbells

6:30 Co-Da

7:00 Barbershop


9:00 TOTS

9:35 Fellowship


12:30 Al-Anon


10:00 Adult

Bible Study

7:00 Adult Choir

31 9:00 TOTS

10:00 Women’s

Bible Study

“Slow Faith”

Ladies Night Out



6:30 CoDa

7:00 Washington

Conference Lay &

Clergy Meeting

Al-Anon—Fellowship of rela-

tives/friends of Alcoholics



A.F.G.—Al-Anon Family Group

B.B.B.S.—Big Brothers Big

Sisters of Washington County

TOTS—Program with W.C.P.S.

3:00 Pastor leads

worship at Robin-

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Serving Mar. 6 Mar. 13 Mar. 20 Mar. 27

Acolyte Adam




Anna Bergschneider Abby




Nancy Newkirk Barbara
















Entry Greeter(s) Charlotte



Snyder Anna Bergschneider Karl & Pat Pile

Ushers Dave & Sue Resh



Lynda Byers



Tanner Creek

Ned & Millie

Strange Jim & Brenda




Melissa & Morgan




Cliff & Sue




Karl & Pat Pile

Jim & Brenda


Kathy Wright



Greeters Exit West Ed Distad Don




Barbara Miller

Exit Center Pastor Pastor Pastor Pastor

Exit East Hannah




Charlotte Loveless Clare


Nursery Kathy Wright

Kathryn Suchy

Wayne & Hazel



Cunningham Owen


Dawn Freeman

Morgan Butsch
















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Bulletin Assembly

Securing Our Church

Building ~March~

Marge Cunningham

Danny Kiblinger

Newsletter March 24 ~ 12:00 pm

Kathy Amos

Haven Food Bank Volunteers

March 1—1st Tues. Team 4

Nancy Newkirk, Joanne Seilhamer,

Judy Hoffman

March 11—2nd Fri. Team 3

Pam O’Connor, Kathy Wright,

Linda Clark,

Sari Kilheffer

Fri., Mar. 4

11:00 AM Kristen


Fri., Mar.


11:00 AM

Joan Schupp

Fri., Mar.


11:00 AM

Ed Distad

Wed., Mar.


11:00 AM

Sue Nelson


Mar. 24

11:00 AM

Kathy Amos

BIRTHDAYS Dolores Carson 03/06

Wayne Snyder 03/08

Jennifer Yaraghi 03/09

Candace Reynolds 03/10

Cliff Britton 03/14

Kristen Schupp 03/14

Janice Merique 03/15

Cindy Rhodes 03/17

Inez Winebrenner 03/17

Ryan Harden 03/19


Anniversaries Dave Kaplan 03/01

Sharron Moser 03/21

Abigail Andrews 03/23

Dustin Black 03/24

Jeremy Newkirk 03/21

Hazel Gaumer 03/22

Brenda Hassinger 03/22

Ken Tice 03/24

Alan Butsch 03/27

John Britton Jr. 03/30

Lucienne Bergschneider 03/31

William Clark 03/31

Bill Fullerton 03/31

Brenda Manspeaker 03/26

Carol Shull 03/29

Dolores Carson 03/30

Lauren Harden 03/31

Ryan Harden 03/31


If you are unable to serve on the date listed, please

switch with someone and notify the church office .