Have you ever had to go to a job interview? How did it feel? Were you nervous about what questions...

Have you ever had to go to a job interview? How did it feel? Were you nervous about what questions they might ask? Did it feel like you were being put on the spot? Maybe you have never had a job interview and are nervous about what to expect. In this program we will help prepare you for success in your next job interview. Use the green buttons at the bottom of the screen to advance or go back in the program. Some screens may require you to answer a question to advance.

Transcript of Have you ever had to go to a job interview? How did it feel? Were you nervous about what questions...

  • Slide 1

Slide 2 Have you ever had to go to a job interview? How did it feel? Were you nervous about what questions they might ask? Did it feel like you were being put on the spot? Maybe you have never had a job interview and are nervous about what to expect. In this program we will help prepare you for success in your next job interview. Use the green buttons at the bottom of the screen to advance or go back in the program. Some screens may require you to answer a question to advance. Slide 3 In this program, we will look at getting the important information from a job listing, making a good first impression at an interview, feeling comfortable answering common interview questions, and some helpful follow-up strategies You should take notes during the program. Some of the information you write down will be used later in class and for your mock interview. Slide 4 Relevant information in a job listing Important information includes the job title, company, and address. Job Title: Company: Address: This is where you will send your cover letter and go for your interview Slide 5 Other information will help you plan for the interview. The job description will tell what you will be doing, so you should educate yourself on those duties if necessary. The mission of the company will help you sound informed and excited about working there. Job description Company mission/information Slide 6 Where would you send your resume to apply for one of these positions? A. The Free Lance- Star in Fredericksburg A. The Free Lance- Star in Fredericksburg B. Carriage Hill Health and Rehab Center B. Carriage Hill Health and Rehab Center C. Jobfetch.com D. The Contact Us button at the bottom of the page D. The Contact Us button at the bottom of the page Slide 7 Where would you send your resume to apply for one of these positions? This is the newspaper that ran the ad, not the company. Try again B. Carriage Hill Health and Rehab Center B. Carriage Hill Health and Rehab Center C. Jobfetch.com D. The Contact Us button at the bottom of the page D. The Contact Us button at the bottom of the page Slide 8 Where would you send your resume to apply for one of these positions? A. The Free Lance- Star in Fredericksburg A. The Free Lance- Star in Fredericksburg Correct! C. Jobfetch.com D. The Contact Us button at the bottom of the page D. The Contact Us button at the bottom of the page Slide 9 Where would you send your resume to apply for one of these positions? A. The Free Lance- Star in Fredericksburg A. The Free Lance- Star in Fredericksburg B. Carriage Hill Health and Rehab Center B. Carriage Hill Health and Rehab Center This is the website showing the ad, not the company you are applying to. D. The Contact Us button at the bottom of the page D. The Contact Us button at the bottom of the page Slide 10 Where would you send your resume to apply for one of these positions? A. The Free Lance- Star in Fredericksburg A. The Free Lance- Star in Fredericksburg B. Carriage Hill Health and Rehab Center B. Carriage Hill Health and Rehab Center C. Jobfetch.com This is to contact the website, not the company you are applying to. Slide 11 Which of the following is an important piece of information to share during an interview? A. Document number A8283- 3NPR A. Document number A8283- 3NPR C. You are energetic, respectful and caring. C. You are energetic, respectful and caring. B. You read the Free Lance-Star every day. B. You read the Free Lance-Star every day. D. You are not sure what a long term care unit is. D. You are not sure what a long term care unit is. Slide 12 Which of the following is an important piece of information to share during an interview? You will not need to know this. C. You are energetic, respectful and caring. C. You are energetic, respectful and caring. B. You read the Free Lance-Star every day. B. You read the Free Lance-Star every day. D. You are not sure what a long term care unit is. D. You are not sure what a long term care unit is. Slide 13 Which of the following is an important piece of information to share during an interview? A. Document number A8283- 3NPR A. Document number A8283- 3NPR C. You are energetic, respectful and caring. C. You are energetic, respectful and caring. This is not relevant information D. You are not sure what a long term care unit is. D. You are not sure what a long term care unit is. Slide 14 Which of the following is an important piece of information to share during an interview? A. Document number A8283- 3NPR A. Document number A8283- 3NPR Correct! These are all traits they are looking for. Correct! These are all traits they are looking for. B. You read the Free Lance-Star every day. B. You read the Free Lance-Star every day. D. You are not sure what a long term care unit is. D. You are not sure what a long term care unit is. Slide 15 Which of the following is an important piece of information to share during an interview? A. Document number A8283- 3NPR A. Document number A8283- 3NPR B. You are energetic, respectful and caring. B. You are energetic, respectful and caring. C. You read the Free Lance-Star every day. C. You read the Free Lance-Star every day. You should probably look up what this is before the interview. Slide 16 When you read a job listing, you should also brainstorm about any relevant experience you have that you can talk about in an interview. It does not need to be experience in the field of the job listed, though that is valuable. If the job asks for you to be a leader, think of times when you were a leader. If the job asks for written or communication skills, think of times you used those skills. These skills can be things you used at work, school, activities you participate in or volunteer activities. Refer to the job listing you printed for your binder. Make a list of any skills you have that would help you in that job. They can be specific things to that job, or things that employers look for in general. Brainstorm about things you do in your work, school, social or family life that would help you on the job. Do not advance until you have completed your list. Slide 17 Take a few moments to look over your list. Be honest about what skills are relevant to the job. The following are suggestions to help you add things and revise your list. Bring your list to class on mock interview day. Language skills: Can you write well or use more than one language? Computer skills: It doesnt matter where you got them, but most jobs prefer you to have them, even if its just word processsing Social Skills: anytime you were part of a team or in a leadership role- it could be for school, work, sports, clubs, church, etc. Job-specific skills: Do you have skills that are specific to this field or job? Slide 18 After preparing for your interview, lets talk about first impressions. Make sure you arrive on time. Plan to arrive early because you may have to account for traffic, parking or finding the correct location. Dont go to the location too early, though, because sitting around waiting for an hour or more can be awkward. When you meet your interviewer, give them a firm handshake and introduce yourself confidently. Be sure to specify why you are there if it has not already been established. Click above for an example: Slide 19 How you dress is the first thing an employer notices about you when you arrive for an interview, and is often taken as an indication of how you will appear for work each day. Dress appropriately for the job or a little nicer. While you may not need to wear a suit to interview for a job on a construction site, you should look professional for any interview. If the interview is in an office setting, professional office attire should be worn, which means a suit for men if possible, or at least a shirt and tie. For ladies a pantsuit or conservative dress is recommended. T-shirts should not be worn; instead wear a shirt with a collar or more professional blouse. Items like hats and sunglasses should never be worn indoors Make sure your clothes fit and are not falling off and are not wrinkly. Also, avoid chewing gum as you enter the interview, though fresh breath is a good idea. Slide 20 If you are given an appointment time of 2:00 PM for an interview, when is a good time to arrive? 12:00 Noon 1:45 PM 2:00 PM 2:15 PM Slide 21 If you are given an appointment time of 2:00 PM for an interview, when is a good time to arrive? Noon is way too early. You will end up sitting around awkwardly until the interview 1:45 PM 2:00 PM 2:15 PM Slide 22 If you are given an appointment time of 2:00 PM for an interview, when is a good time to arrive? 12:00 Noon Correct! This will give you plenty of time. 2:00 PM 2:15 PM Slide 23 If you are given an appointment time of 2:00 PM for an interview, when is a good time to arrive? 12:00 Noon 1:45 PM This is cutting it too close. If anything holds you up, you will be late. 2:15 PM Slide 24 If you are given an appointment time of 2:00 PM for an interview, when is a good time to arrive? 12:00 Noon 1:45 PM 2:00 PM You dont want to be late at all. Slide 25 To interview for a server position at a restaurant, what would you wear? Slide 26 Correct! Slide 27 To interview for a server position at a restaurant, what would you wear? This would be a little too formal for working in a restaurant Slide 28 To interview for a server position at a restaurant, what would you wear? This would not be professional enough for an interview Slide 29 To interview for a server position at a restaurant, what would you wear? This would not be professional enough for an interview. Slide 30 To interview for a server position at a restaurant, what would you wear? This would not be appropriate for an interview. Slide 31 To interview for a server position at a restaurant, what would you wear? Correct Slide 32 Though you cant prepare for every question an interviewer might ask, there are some common ones that you can prepare for. In the next few slides you will hear three of the most common interview questions: Why do you want to work here? What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses? Where do you see yourself in five years? Slide 33 Why do you want to work here? Now is when the research you did on the job listing will come in handy. Recruiters like to hear the good things about their company, and they also like employees who know about the company and agree with its mission. If you know anything about the company that you like, or that drew you to it, share. Now would also be a good time to mention any specialized experience you have for this job. If you dont have much experience doing this kind of job, you can say that you are excited to learn. Slide 34 What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses? Play up your strengths, and dont hesitate to mention anything that would make you suited to this job. You can refer to your list of skills you made for help. Many people have a hard time with finding a weakness to talk about in an interview. You dont want to say anything that will frighten or worry the interviewer (like having a short temper). The best weaknesses to mention are either ones that you have overcome (I used to have a hard time with organization, but now that I have a planner/computer program I keep everything organized) or something that is not really a weakness, like being a perfectionist if the job requires attention to detail. Slide 35 Where do you see yourself in five years? The reason why employers ask this question is because they want to see that if they invest in training you, you will stick around. If you are looking for a job for just until you finish school, let them know how much longer you will be in school. Letting them know you are in school will also help them be flexible with your schedule. If there is any possibility that this company has jobs you would like to have long-term, now is a good time to ask if there are opportunities for advancement. Slide 36 A major part of how an interviewer considers your responses is not about what you say, but how you say it. Your tone, posture and body language are all important. Slouching down in your chair shows a lack of interest in the interview. Nervous movement of your hands or feet or rapid-fire responses to their questions may make you seem less confident. The best methods to sit up straight and think of the interview as a conversation. Remember that you are not being interrogated, but are finding out if this job is a good fit for you. Feel comfortable asking follow-up questions and showing interest in the job. Slide 37 Some interview questions may ask you to recall a story from your professional experience. Some examples of these would be Tell me about a time when you were in a stressful situation and how you handled it, or Tell me about a time you had to make a difficult decision. Having a few stories in mind to tell can help with these questions Take out your notes and write down two stories you can tell about stressful situations or difficult decisions. Stories from work are best, but if not they can be from school, family or other situations if they can be made relevant to work. Remember to avoid using situations that make you look bad. After you have finished your stories, go to the next page to review. Slide 38 In your stories, did you remember to Include lots of details of the situation to make the story believable. Make your stories relevant to the job for which you are interviewing Choose stories that turn out well and make you look good. Include details that make the stories interesting. Bring your revised stories to class the day of your mock interview. Slide 39 How would you respond to the question Where do you see yourself in five years? if you were applying for a job as a server in a restaurant. Possibly still with this company. Are there opportunities to be promoted to management? Possibly still with this company. Are there opportunities to be promoted to management? Not waiting tables, thats for sure Not waiting tables, thats for sure I plan on working in the medical field. I am in college and this job will help me build people skills and pay tuition I plan on working in the medical field. I am in college and this job will help me build people skills and pay tuition Im going to be a nurse. Slide 40 How would you respond to the question Where do you see yourself in five years? if you were applying for a job as a server in a restaurant. Correct! A recruiter would be happy to see your interest in staying with the company. Not waiting tables, thats for sure Not waiting tables, thats for sure I plan on working in the medical field. I am in college and this job will help me build people skills and pay tuition I plan on working in the medical field. I am in college and this job will help me build people skills and pay tuition Im going to be a nurse. Slide 41 How would you respond to the question Where do you see yourself in five years? if you were applying for a job as a server in a restaurant. Possibly still with this company. Are there opportunities to be promoted to management? Possibly still with this company. Are there opportunities to be promoted to management? Your response should show a little more respect for the job you are applying for. I plan on working in the medical field. I am in college and this job will help me build people skills and pay tuition I plan on working in the medical field. I am in college and this job will help me build people skills and pay tuition Im going to be a nurse. Slide 42 How would you respond to the question Where do you see yourself in five years? if you were applying for a job as a server in a restaurant. Possibly still with this company. Are there opportunities to be promoted to management? Possibly still with this company. Are there opportunities to be promoted to management? Not waiting tables, thats for sure Not waiting tables, thats for sure Correct! Even though you might not still be with the company in five years, you still sound like a valuable employee Im going to be a nurse. Slide 43 How would you respond to the question Where do you see yourself in five years? if you were applying for a job as a server in a restaurant. Possibly still with this company. Are there opportunities to be promoted to management? Possibly still with this company. Are there opportunities to be promoted to management? Not waiting tables, thats for sure Not waiting tables, thats for sure I plan on working in the medical field. I am in college and this job will help me build people skills and pay tuition I plan on working in the medical field. I am in college and this job will help me build people skills and pay tuition This sounds like you may not be interested in this job. Slide 44 Which of the following show good posture for an interview? Slide 45 This interviewee seems a little nervous. Slide 46 Which of the following show good posture for an interview? Correct! This interviewee is sitting up and looking confident Slide 47 Which of the following show good posture for an interview? This interviewee is slouching and not dressed appropriately. Slide 48 A thank-you letter is a way of showing gratitude to someone for taking the time to interview you and reminding them that you are still interested in the job. Though you dont have to put details about yourself in a thank-you letter like you did for your cover letter, some details are important. You should address the letter to the person who interviewed you, so get their name and title at the interview. You should remind them also about which job you interviewed for and on what date. They may be in charge of hiring for the whole company and conducted many interviews, and this is a way for yours to stand out. We will practice writing thank-you letters using a template in a later lesson, but you should be familiar with the information you need to gather at the interview. Calling to follow up about a job after an interview can also help you stand out from the field of applicants. It can also let you know sooner if you did not get the job and need to move on. Call in a few weeks after the interview, but dont keep calling. You dont want to be a nuisance. Slide 49 To whom do you address your thank-you letter? The president of the company The president of the company The contact name on the job listing The contact name on the job listing The person who interviewed you The person who interviewed you To whom it may concern Slide 50 To whom do you address your thank-you letter? No, the president is probably not involved in hiring you. The contact name on the job listing The contact name on the job listing The person who interviewed you The person who interviewed you To whom it may concern Slide 51 To whom do you address your thank-you letter? The president of the company The president of the company This may not be the person hiring you This may not be the person hiring you The person who interviewed you The person who interviewed you To whom it may concern Slide 52 To whom do you address your thank-you letter? The president of the company The president of the company The contact name on the job listing The contact name on the job listing Correct! To whom it may concern Slide 53 To whom do you address your thank-you letter? The president of the company The president of the company The contact name on the job listing The contact name on the job listing The person who interviewed you The person who interviewed you If you have had an interview, you should know someones name. If you have had an interview, you should know someones name. Slide 54 After your job interview, when should you call to follow up? Every day In two weeks After you have interviewed at three other businesses After you have interviewed at three other businesses Wait for them to call you Slide 55 After your job interview, when should you call to follow up? This might annoy them. You should give them some time to make a decision. In two weeks After you have interviewed at three other businesses After you have interviewed at three other businesses Wait for them to call you Slide 56 After your job interview, when should you call to follow up? Every day Correct! After you have interviewed at three other businesses After you have interviewed at three other businesses Wait for them to call you Slide 57 After your job interview, when should you call to follow up? Every day In two weeks That may take a while. You should give yourself a clear timeframe. Wait for them to call you Slide 58 After your job interview, when should you call to follow up? Every day In two weeks After you have interviewed at three other businesses After you have interviewed at three other businesses That may take a long time. Calling to follow-up shows you are still interested. Slide 59 This concludes this program on interview preparation. Well done! Hopefully you now feel more confident and prepared for your mock interview. Please bring your notes with your list of skills and professional experience stories with you to class.