HAVE FUN AT VBS! · Will resume in September Special Ministry Pantry Next Date: July 18, 2017 ESL...

Our Visionis to glorify and honor our Lord and God with our lives, by bringing people to Christ and membership in His family and by helping to develop Christ- like maturity in each member, equipping them for service in the church and in the world. 7722 North Allen Road Peoria, IL 61614 Phone: (309) 693-2426 Church of Christ Northwest Where Friends Learn to Live Like Jesus Email: [email protected] Website: www.cocnw.org Fax: (309) 693-0266 Sunday 9:30 AM Bible Study (all ages) Sunday 10:30 AM Worship Service July 9, 2017 Tuesday Morning Men’s Bible Study 7:30 AM @ Kennedy’s Wednesday Morning Galena Park Bible Study 10-11:30 AM David Spillman Wednesday Evening: Small Groups VBS 7/12 Campbell’s: Fruit of the Spirit resumes 7/19 Haines’: I John What is a Christian? resumes 7/19 Kennedy’s: Revelation resumes 7/19 Thursday Morning Ladies’ Bible Class Will resume in September Special Ministry Food Pantry Next Date: July 18, 2017 ESL CLASSES by appointment only! HAVE FUN AT VBS! Hi — my name is Tina and I am tiny! Bubba at your service; I am the bubbler! Da, Da, Deck-er here — ready with my trusty paint brush! You may not want to meet me up close — I am Abbee! The sky is the limit — my name is Skyler!

Transcript of HAVE FUN AT VBS! · Will resume in September Special Ministry Pantry Next Date: July 18, 2017 ESL...

Page 1: HAVE FUN AT VBS! · Will resume in September Special Ministry Pantry Next Date: July 18, 2017 ESL CLASSES by appointment only! HAVE FUN AT VBS! Hi — my name is Tina and I am tiny!

Our Vision…

is to glorify and

honor our Lord

and God with our

lives, by bringing

people to Christ

and membership

in His family and

by helping to

develop Christ-

like maturity in

each member,

equipping them

for service in the

church and in the


7722 North Allen Road Peoria, IL 61614

Phone: (309) 693-2426

Church of Christ Northwest Where Friends Learn

to Live Like Jesus

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.cocnw.org

Fax: (309) 693-0266

Sunday 9:30 AM

Bible Study (all ages)

Sunday 10:30 AM

Worship Service

July 9, 2017

Tuesday Morning Men’s Bible

Study 7:30 AM

@ Kennedy’s

Wednesday Morning

Galena Park Bible Study

10-11:30 AM David Spillman

Wednesday Evening:

Small Groups VBS 7/12


Fruit of the Spirit resumes 7/19

Haines’: I John

What is a Christian? resumes 7/19


Revelation resumes 7/19

Thursday Morning Ladies’ Bible Class

Will resume in September

Special Ministry

Food Pantry

Next Date: July 18, 2017

ESL CLASSES by appointment



Hi — my name is Tina and I am tiny!

Bubba at your service; I am the bubbler!

Da, Da, Deck-er here —ready with my

trusty paint brush!

You may not want to meet me up close — I

am Abbee!

The sky is the limit — my name is Skyler!

Page 2: HAVE FUN AT VBS! · Will resume in September Special Ministry Pantry Next Date: July 18, 2017 ESL CLASSES by appointment only! HAVE FUN AT VBS! Hi — my name is Tina and I am tiny!

Page 2 Church of Christ Northwest

Jul 09—Brennan Humes Jul 12—Peggy Judkins Jul 13—William Akpan

Jul 15—Brett Higgins,Todd Finnigan & Molly Fore

Jul 15 Terry & Marie McWhirter

CONTROL . . . by David W. Spillman

How much control do you have over your life? Honestly, on a day by day, even second by second basis, how much control do you have over your life? Even some days having control over something as minor as my mood, shouts loud and clear that I do not have as much control over my life as I think I do! Just let road construction and the congested traffic it causes mess with my schedule! You talk about a mood swing!

Look at the words King David penned in a song he wrote; "O Lord, I give my life to you. I trust in you, my God!" (Psalm 25:1 NLT). If there is anyone who has control, it is a King. To have control is to have power. To have control is to give a command and know that it will be obeyed. Simply put, to have control is to have dominion. But King David realized that when it came to his life, he had no way to control what the next breath might bring or if he would even have a next breath! So, he surrendered control of his life to the only One he could trust, God.

How about you? Me? Us? How much control do we really have over each minute? The answer is none! So, who will you trust with your life and the lives of your loved ones? Begin by putting your trust in God, the giver of each breath we take.

VBS (July 10—13) Update

TOMORROW IS THE BIG DAY! May the Lord bless us with an abundance of kids! Thanks to all who help make VBS another great one!


We have many change cans not taken yet. Please consider helping Shults-Lewis by filling a change can (lower shelf of the table in front of the main bulletin board). You have until sometime in the fall to keep fillin’, at which time the cans will be collected and given to Shults-Lewis.

Can you help? Yes, you can, but not without taking a can!!!

VBS 2017 We are sponsoring a boys vs. girls contest during VBS. The contest is to see which group can collect the most money. The money will be used to purchase backpacks and school supplies for the kids of the South Side Mission. After the kids finish at the registration desk each morning, they then may go into the main hallway to the desk being manned by Dean and Meta Kennedy. There they may purchase glass stones at the cost of $1 per stone. The child will place his/her purchased stones into our trusty girl or boy weight bucket.

Each day’s stones will be weighed to determine that day’s winner. The bucket that hangs the lowest has the most stones, i.e. the winner! At the end of VBS an overall winner will be announced!

There will be a visual tracking thermometer showing which group (boys or girls) are in the lead. So, dig up your dollars to help the boys and girls of the South Side Mission!

While it’s fun to be the winner, the real winners will be the kids of the South Side Mission. These children are in need of backpacks and school supplies, and more importantly our love! Thank you kids and parents for supporting those who are less fortunate.


On Sunday, August 13th there will be a baby shower for Kayla Higgins right after worship service. Kayla & Brett are expecting a baby girl sometime in September. They are registered at Target and Babies‘R Us.

A big “THANK-YOU” to Karel Muehring for organizing and placing in the Mission closet the collected items to date for Nicaragua 2018, AT THIS TIME WE ARE ONLY ACCEPTING OLD T-SHIRTS FOR DIAPER-MAKING.

Page 3: HAVE FUN AT VBS! · Will resume in September Special Ministry Pantry Next Date: July 18, 2017 ESL CLASSES by appointment only! HAVE FUN AT VBS! Hi — my name is Tina and I am tiny!


Mike Ahten Member Serious Back Problems

Renetta Ballard Annie & Smitty’s daughter Lung Cancer

Natalie Balteau Member Type I Diabetes

Jerry & Deb Bane Members Lung Cancer/Memory

Marsha Barnes Member Leg Amputation

Shirley Darnell Former Member Serious Eye Problems

Scott Eisenbarth Kyle’s brother Liver & Lung Cancer

Vincent Ernst S.&T. Law’s grandson Drug Addiction

Deb Hawley B. Meyers’ sister Nodule on Lung

Willie Howell Pat Jackson’s father Lung Cancer

Mary Lou Judkins Member Under hospice care

Dr. Craig Kurtz Former Member Lymphoma in Eyes

Tim Majors Linda Cotrell’s nephew Cancer

Jerry Lynn Mason, Jr. Pat Haines’ brother Stomach Tumor

Mary Meeks Member Ear Cancer

Gene Muehring Member Sciatic Nerve

Lynn Molleck Friend of N. Goble Stage 4 Cancer

Lori Prichard T&R Prichard’s daughter Conversion disorder

Josh Retzer Grandson of B/C Sunkin Addiction

Eleanor Richey Member Broken hip recovery

Ken Roberts K. Lovell’s father Alzheimer’s

Sophean Cambodian Orphan Healing from 2nd sur-


Carol Sunkin Member Shoulder/Back/Infection

Hearts on Fire Calendar

July 9—Fondulac July 10—High School Bible Study (4:30 PM) July 10-13—VBS July 15—Water Wars (2 PM) July 16—Game Night July 17—High School Bible Study (4 PM) SYS @ Springfield July 23—Singing Night @ Humes July 24—High School Bible Study (3 PM) SYS @ Kemp July 28—Lock-In July 30—South Side Mission July 31—High School Bible Study (3 PM) SYS @ Philo

Trish Veytia asked for our prayers in dealing with her depression and every day life. Millie Rasbury as she recovers from her kidney surgery. Terry McWhirter as he has his other knee replacement surgery on 7/10. Betty Meyers as she undergoes an angiogram on 7/10. Carol Sunkin as she continues to fight infection. Ken Roberts (Karel Lovell’s father) was moved to Liberty Village and is in Room 120. Beth Compton (friend of Kat DeVore) had a seizure — unknown cause.

Shut-Ins: M. L. Judkins, M. Meeks, T. Ray, and E. Richey.

Our military. Our nation as it struggles with many issues. Our president, judges & elected officials—wisdom to make Godly decisions. Our police as they struggle to do their job. Unsaved souls (you supply the names). Those who have left the fold and need a helping hand to find their way home. Our college students. Our graduates. Our enemies. Our VBS 2017! Those being persecuted for being Christians. Those who persecute others — may their hearts be changed! Our young!

Expectant Mothers: Kayla Higgins

Those Needing New Jobs: Curtis Baker (Fern’s son in Kansas City).

T-shirts and Golf Shirts

Have you paid for your T-Shirt/Golf Shirt yet? If not, please give your cash or check to the office personnel ASAP. Make your check payable to the church and note in the memo line — T-Shirt!



S-XL $8.00 S-XL $20.00 2XL $9.25 2XL $21.25 3XL $10.50 3XL $22.50 4X $11.75 4XL $23.75

Peoria Rescue Ministries have an urgent need for twin-blade, disposable razors for the men. They are completely out! If you can help, please bring your donation to the Rescue Mission, 601 SW Adams in Peoria. The side door on Walnut Street is open 24/7! Or, give to Marie McWhirter & she will see that they get there. THANKS FOR HELPING OTHERS!!!

MISSION OHIO A big “THANK-YOU” to the adult youth mission chaperones for all you have done this past week. — Jill Humes, Ryan Martin, Rachel Balteau, Douglas Staley and Brian Foster! See next week’s bulletin for some highlights!

Church, Thank you all for your visits to Mom, prayers, flowers, food and cards.

Most of all — being our family in Christ. The Scott Family — Carolyn, Linda & Bob

Page 4: HAVE FUN AT VBS! · Will resume in September Special Ministry Pantry Next Date: July 18, 2017 ESL CLASSES by appointment only! HAVE FUN AT VBS! Hi — my name is Tina and I am tiny!


Lee DenBraber Tom Flanagan Nate Gardner

Terry Hargrove Rick Meyers

Alan Moreland


Douglas Staley


Dean Kennedy

Terry McWhirter Cell: 309-231-9362

Allen Neese

Minister David W. Spillman Cell: 309-219-2860

HOF Director Ryan Martin

Cell: 281-253-6794

Ministry Assistants

Meta Kennedy (MWF)

Betty Meyers (TT)

PH: 309-693-2426

Attendance July 02

Bible Study 63

10:30 Worship Service 137

EEM To Date $ 19,528

Bergner’s Booklets $ 2,458

Zambia Orphans’ Education $1,920/HS student (2) Needed for 2017 = $3,840.00


Shults-Lewis Children’s Home Coins in the weekly contribution + $10 of each Dining Tour Book!!!

$ 98.64

Last Wk. Year-to-Date

2017 Budget $5,000 $ 135,000

Contribution $10,086 $112,210

Acknowledgement: Some clipart/photo images may have been taken from "Images (c) FaithClipart.com".












July 10-13th — VBS (6 PM—8:30 PM) July 15th — PIP (8:00 AM —?) July 18th — Pantry (12:30-2 PM) NOTICE THIS IS NOT THE REGULAR DATE DUE TO VBS!


Challenge: Pray daily for our entire church family (by name).

See something that needs to be fixed — leaky faucet, broken window, dirty air vent, etc.? Please report it to the office for BaGG (Building and Grounds Group) to place on their list.

Worship Leader: Terry McWhirter

Children Sing

Songs: Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying (pg. 726)

God with Us

Amazing Grace

Communion: Ryan Martin

Michael Flowers, Jim DeVore, L/Lee DenBraber, Aaron Campbell


Song: Humble Yourself in the Sight of the Lord (pg. 745)

Scripture Reading: Brennan Humes (Luke 4:14-21)

Sermon: David W. Spillman


Song: There’s a Fountain Free (pg. 909)

Hearts on Fire Announcements: Ryan Martin

Shepherd’s Time: Dean Kennedy

Greeter: Christian Windell

Facilitator: Rick Meyers

Nursery Attendant: Kristin Campbell

Communion Preparation: Grants

ADULTS—AUDITORIUM Think Differently — James MacDonald

Dean Kennedy, Facilitator


It’s Smile Box (Bag) time again! We are teaming up with Mision para Cristo, Eureka Church of Christ, Highway Church of Christ in Arkansas and Westgate Church of Christ in Alabama to pack and deliver shipping containers full of Smile Boxes for the children of Nicaragua to arrive in time for Christmas!

What is a Smile Box (Bag)? A smile box (we use bags) is a bag filled with special items like toys, clothing, school supplies, hygiene items which is given to a needy child in Nicaragua. Opportunities — 1) sponsor one or more Smile Bags ($5 donation per bag), 2) purchase items on the supply list (sign up on the bulletin board for what you are willing to purchase. EX: 50 pencils, 25 toothbrushes, etc), and/or 3) help fill bags on bag-building day (date to be announced). It will be a fun fellowship day building the bags together and enjoying each other’s company! Looking forward to brightening some children’s lives with YOU!

Sign me up!!! How does it work? What’s next?? 1. Sign up on the bulletin board (or notify the office) by July 31st if you want to sponsor one or more smile boxes – each box is $5. You can pay by cash or check (memo “Smile Bags”) to the church. Money goes to Meta.

2. In Mid-July - look for the supplies needed sheet on the bulletin board and sign up to purchase one or more items on the list. The items will be something like: * 50 pencils * 25 toothbrushes * 10 packs of stickers * etc.

3. Watch for Box Building Day and add it to your calendar!!! No doubt, we will have a great time building the boxes (bags) and eating snacks!

4. If you have a Facebook account, be sure to like the Mission para Cristo page to see when our smiles arrive!

Looking forward to brightening some children’s lives with you!

HOLD ALL IN-KIND DONATIONS for Nicaragua 2018, except the old T-Shirts/Supplies for diaper-making. Place these in the box in hallway marked NICARAGUA. Will let you know later when we can start accepting other in-kind donations for Nicqragua 2018.