'Have a Wonderful Walk' A-Z Cursive...

2002 1991 by Joy Marie Dunlap Keri Keeler (order #3061069) 1

Transcript of 'Have a Wonderful Walk' A-Z Cursive...



by Joy Marie Dunlap

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

This book, filled with beautiful

photographs of our family walks and fun over a 12-year period, also featurescopywork in

cursive that will inspire your kids to enjoy walking in God's creation.

Excitingnon-sportsPE fitness


What makes a walk WONDERFUL?Eyes wide open,

following butterflies, skipping, rolling,

climbing, balancing, bird watching, bubbles,backpacks, binoculars, photography, feeding the ducks, field trips,

sunsets, rock hopping,the county fair, zoos,loving conversation,

singing, reciting Bible verses, & much more!

Following the copy- work pages for kids, we

give you 5 chapters of a mini instruction book on how YOUcan conduct your

OWN truly exciting, WONDERFUL WALKS.

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

PHOTOS - Top left: Justin, Jennaya, & Josh at Yorba Park; Top right

corner: Same park, same kids, plus Judah; Above: Back: Josh

& Justin, Front: Jonathan, Judah & Jennaya; Bottom left corner: Front:Jonathan & Joy Marie; Back row: Jennaya, Justin, Josh, and Judah; Circle:Jennaya and Joy Marie; Below: Back row: Justin,

Josh, Jennaya, and Judah; Front: Jonathan & Joy Marie

DDDDeeeeaaaarrrr HHHHoooommmmeeee SSSScccchhhhoooooooolllliiiinnnngggg FFFFaaaammmmiiiilllliiiieeeessss,,,, WWWWeeee wwwwaaaannnntttt ttttoooo sssshhhhaaaarrrreeee wwwwiiiitttthhhh yyyyoooouuuu ssssoooommmmeeee ooooffff tttthhhheeee mmmmoooosssstttt ffffuuuunnnn tttthhhhiiiinnnnggggssss wwwweeee''''vvvveeee eeeevvvveeeerrrr ddddoooonnnneeee iiiinnnn oooouuuurrrr hhhhoooommmmeeee sssscccchhhhoooooooollll.... WWWWeeee lllliiiikkkkeeee hhhhoooommmmeeeesssscccchhhhoooooooolllliiiinnnngggg,,,, bbbbuuuutttt wwwweeee aaaallllllll lllliiiikkkkeeee oooouuuurrrr wwwwaaaallllkkkkssss bbbbeeeesssstttt ooooffff aaaallllllll.... WWWWhhhheeeennnn yyyyoooouuuu tttthhhhiiiinnnnkkkk ooooffff aaaa wwwwaaaallllkkkk,,,, wwwwhhhhaaaatttt ddddoooo yyyyoooouuuu tttthhhhiiiinnnnkkkk ooooffff???? AAAA ssssttttiiiiffffffff mmmmaaaarrrrcccchhhh oooouuuutttt tttthhhheeee ddddoooooooorrrr,,,, ddddoooowwwwnnnn tttthhhheeee rrrrooooaaaadddd aaaannnndddd bbbbaaaacccckkkk aaaaggggaaaaiiiinnnn???? TTTThhhhiiiinnnnkkkk aaaaggggaaaaiiiinnnn!!!! AAAA wwwwaaaallllkkkk ccccaaaannnn bbbbeeee ssssoooo mmmmaaaannnnyyyy ddddiiiiffffffffeeeerrrreeeennnntttt tttthhhhiiiinnnnggggssss.... IIIInnnn tttthhhhiiiissss ppppeeeennnnmmmmaaaannnnsssshhhhiiiipppp bbbbooooooookkkk,,,, wwwweeee wwwwaaaannnntttt ttttoooo sssshhhhaaaarrrreeee wwwwiiiitttthhhh yyyyoooouuuu aaaallllllll tttthhhheeee mmmmaaaannnnyyyy ddddiiiiffffffffeeeerrrreeeennnntttt tttthhhhiiiinnnnggggssss tttthhhhaaaatttt aaaa wwwwaaaallllkkkk ccccaaaannnn bbbbeeee.... WWWWeeee hhhhaaaadddd ssssoooo mmmmuuuucccchhhh ffffuuuunnnn!!!! WWWWhhhheeeerrrreeee wwwweeee uuuusssseeeedddd ttttoooo lllliiiivvvveeee,,,, wwwweeee hhhhaaaadddd 11110000 ddddiiiiffffffffeeeerrrreeeennnntttt ppppaaaarrrrkkkkssss tttthhhhaaaatttt wwwweeeerrrreeee cccclllloooosssseeee eeeennnnoooouuuugggghhhh ttttoooo ddddrrrriiiivvvveeee ttttoooo aaaannnndddd ffffuuuunnnn ttttoooo wwwwaaaallllkkkk iiiinnnn.... WWWWeeee aaaallllssssoooo wwwwaaaallllkkkkeeeedddd aaaalllloooonnnngggg tttthhhheeee rrrriiiivvvveeeerrrr ttttrrrraaaaiiiillll,,,, aaaa qqqquuuuaaaarrrrtttteeeerrrr mmmmiiiilllleeee ffffrrrroooommmm oooouuuurrrr hhhhoooouuuusssseeee.... WWWWeeee wwwwaaaallllkkkkeeeedddd,,,, sssskkkkiiiippppppppeeeedddd,,,, rrrraaaannnn,,,, rrrrooooddddeeee bbbbiiiikkkkeeeessss aaaannnndddd ssssccccooooooootttteeeerrrrssss,,,, aaaannnndddd ppppuuuulllllllleeeedddd eeeeaaaacccchhhh ooootttthhhheeeerrrr iiiinnnn oooouuuurrrr wwwwaaaaggggoooonnnn.... OOOOuuuurrrr mmmmoooommmm,,,, wwwwhhhhoooo

iiiissss ddddiiiissssaaaabbbblllleeeedddd,,,, rrrrooooddddeeee hhhheeeerrrr ppppoooowwwweeeerrrr cccchhhhaaaaiiiirrrr.... WWWWeeee ssssaaaannnngggg,,,, ttttaaaallllkkkkeeeedddd,,,, aaaannnndddd llllaaaauuuugggghhhheeeedddd.... WWWWeeee ssssttttooooppppppppeeeedddd ttttoooo ffffeeeeeeeedddd dddduuuucccckkkkssss,,,, iiiiddddeeeennnnttttiiiiffffyyyy bbbbiiiirrrrddddssss aaaannnndddd ttttrrrreeeeeeeessss,,,, hhhhaaaavvvveeee aaaa ssssnnnnaaaacccckkkk,,,, aaaannnndddd wwwwaaaattttcccchhhh aaaa ssssuuuunnnnsssseeeetttt.... WWWWeeee ggggooootttt ttttoooo kkkknnnnoooowwww tttthhhheeee llllooooccccaaaallll wwwwiiiillllddddlllliiiiffffeeee,,,,

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

WWWWeeee''''vvvveeee ssssiiiinnnncccceeee mmmmoooovvvveeeedddd oooouuuutttt ooooffff tttthhhheeee aaaarrrreeeeaaaa iiiinnnn tttthhhheeeesssseeee pppphhhhoooottttoooossss,,,, ttttoooo oooouuuurrrr oooowwwwnnnn aaaaccccrrrreeee iiiinnnn tttthhhheeee ccccoooouuuunnnnttttrrrryyyyssssiiiiddddeeee,,,, wwwwhhhheeeerrrreeee wwwweeee ccccaaaarrrreeee ffffoooorrrr aaaa hhhhaaaallllffff ---- aaaaccccrrrreeee ffffrrrruuuuiiiitttt oooorrrrcccchhhhaaaarrrrdddd aaaannnndddd 111100000000 ffffooooooootttt lllloooonnnngggg rrrroooowwww ooooffff rrrraaaaiiiisssseeeedddd vvvveeeeggggeeeettttaaaabbbblllleeee bbbbeeeeddddssss.... WWWWeeee ssssttttiiiillllllll eeeennnnjjjjooooyyyy bbbbeeeeiiiinnnngggg ttttooooggggeeeetttthhhheeeerrrr vvvveeeerrrryyyy mmmmuuuucccchhhh.... WWWWeeee hhhhooooppppeeee tttthhhheeeesssseeee pppprrrreeeecccciiiioooouuuussss ffffaaaammmmiiiillllyyyy mmmmeeeemmmmoooorrrriiiieeeessss aaaannnndddd eeeexxxxppppeeeerrrriiiieeeennnncccceeeessss wwwwiiiillllllll hhhheeeellllpppp yyyyoooouuuu hhhhaaaavvvveeee aaaassss mmmmuuuucccchhhh ffffuuuunnnn oooonnnn yyyyoooouuuurrrr ffffaaaammmmiiiillllyyyy wwwwaaaallllkkkkssss aaaassss wwwweeee hhhhaaaavvvveeee hhhhaaaadddd oooonnnn oooouuuurrrrssss.... HHHHaaaavvvveeee aaaa wwwwoooonnnnddddeeeerrrrffffuuuullll wwwwaaaallllkkkk!!!!

TTTThhhheeee DDDDuuuunnnnllllaaaapppp ffffaaaammmmiiiillllyyyy

aaaannnndddd nnnnoooottttiiiicccceeeedddd tttthhhheeee cccchhhhaaaannnnggggeeeessss iiiinnnn eeeeaaaacccchhhh sssseeeeaaaassssoooonnnn ooooffff tttthhhheeee yyyyeeeeaaaarrrr.... WWWWeeee bbbbrrrreeeeaaaatttthhhheeeedddd iiiinnnn ddddeeeeeeeeppppllllyyyy,,,, tttthhhheeee ssssppppeeeeaaaarrrrmmmmiiiinnnntttt aaaarrrroooommmmaaaa ooooffff mmmmuuuulllleeee ffffaaaatttt bbbbuuuusssshhhheeeessss.... WWWWeeee bbbbaaaasssskkkkeeeedddd iiiinnnn tttthhhheeee ssssoooouuuunnnndddd ooooffff rrrraaaavvvveeeennnnssss....IIIInnnn tttthhhhiiiissss bbbbooooooookkkk,,,, wwwweeee wwwwaaaannnntttt ttttoooo sssshhhhaaaarrrreeee oooouuuurrrr iiiiddddeeeeaaaassss aaaannnndddd pppphhhhoooottttoooossss ssssoooo tttthhhhaaaatttt yyyyoooouuuu ccccaaaannnn hhhhaaaavvvveeee ffffuuuunnnn ffffaaaammmmiiiillllyyyy wwwwaaaallllkkkkssss lllliiiikkkkeeee oooouuuurrrrssss.... TTTThhhheeeesssseeee aaaarrrreeee aaaallllllll tttthhhhiiiinnnnggggssss tttthhhhaaaatttt wwwweeee hhhhaaaavvvveeee ddddoooonnnneeee.... OOOOuuuurrrr wwwwaaaallllkkkkssss hhhhaaaavvvveeee mmmmaaaaddddeeee uuuussss cccclllloooosssseeeerrrr aaaassss aaaa ffffaaaammmmiiiillllyyyy tttthhhhaaaannnn aaaannnnyyyytttthhhhiiiinnnngggg eeeellllsssseeee wwwweeee''''vvvveeee ddddoooonnnneeee ttttooooggggeeeetttthhhheeeerrrr.... TTTThhhheeee pppphhhhoooottttoooossss wwwweeeerrrreeee ttttaaaakkkkeeeennnn iiiinnnn ddddiiiiffffffffeeeerrrreeeennnntttt yyyyeeeeaaaarrrrssss,,,, wwwwhhhheeeennnn wwwweeee kkkkiiiiddddssss wwwweeeerrrreeee ddddiiiiffffffffeeeerrrreeeennnntttt aaaaggggeeeessss.... FFFFoooouuuurrrr ooooffff uuuussss kkkkiiiiddddssss hhhhaaaavvvveeee ggggrrrraaaadddduuuuaaaatttteeeedddd ffffrrrroooommmm hhhhiiiigggghhhh sssscccchhhhoooooooollll aaaatttt hhhhoooommmmeeee.... BBBBuuuutttt oooonnnneeee ooooffff uuuussss,,,, JJJJoooonnnnaaaatttthhhhaaaannnn,,,, iiiissss ssssttttiiiillllllll hhhhoooommmmeeeesssscccchhhhoooooooolllliiiinnnngggg....

Above: Santiago Creek at Irvine Park, our favorite wilderness park. We regularly walked all the way around the view you see here. Above right:Joy Marie with us kids at Yorba Park. Below: We kids 7 years ago, at Santiago Creek: Josh (oldest), Justin (dark-haired), Jennaya (daughter), Judah (blonde), and Jonathan (youngest).

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)


After our chores and |bookwork are done, |we all get |ready |together |to go |to on a |walk.W|e |might go |to |the |park or |just |take a |walk around |the |neighborhood and admire |the |neighbors' |yards (|which |makes |friends |with |them). Any |kind of |walk can |be |fun |if |you |make |it |fun.

AAAA aaaa\\\\\\\\\\\

AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

W|e |bring our |backpacks on |walks |to carry |water, |box |juices, |snacks, |jackets, |field guide |books, |pens and clipboards |for |writing |things down. W|e |like |to |be |prepared. W|e |bring |binoculars |for |watching



Justin & Joshages 11 & 12

Name _______________________________ Date ________________

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Jennaya, Justin, Judah

Backpacks and bubbles: Jennaya, Jonathan, Judah

|birds on our |walk. O|n |some |walks |we |ride |bicycles. O|n others |we |might |blow and catch |bubbles.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

W|e also |love |to |practice |balancing. W|e |like |to |balance on |low, |thick |walls, |wide, |sturdy |logs, |firm |rocks, |stepping |stones, or a |balance |beam |that |we |find at |the |park. Here |we are |balancing on a |log.


Left to right: Josh, Judah, Jonathan, Justin

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Jennaya and Jonathan balancing on a low wall (left) and a log (above) at Irvine Park;

AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

W|e |like |to climb on our |walks, |too. W|e climb |up and down outdoor |steps and |hills. W|e climb |trees and |enjoy |sitting |in |their |lower |limbs. W|e climb |steep |trails, and |we climb over |rocks, or |up |them, as |you |see |here. W|e also |like collecting |feathers, |seeds, |fallen |leaves, |stones, |seashells, |twigs, and |wildflowers, |where |it |is |not against |the |rules.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\


Top left: Josh, Jonathan, and Jennaya on Robber's Rock at Irvine Park Middle: Jennaya on a monument cannonBelow: Jonathan in an Irvine Park tree Photographs by Joy Marie Dunlap

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AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Name _______________________________ Date ________________

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

W|e |sometimes |skip and dance along |the |way. A dance |is any |kind |of |step |that |is |not |the |usual |way |we |walk or |run. W|hen |we go on a |walk, |we |feel |free |to dally |in deer |weed along |the |side of |the |path.

And |we |like |to draw: |sky, |trees, |hills, |mountains, |rivers, |streams, |waterfalls, |rabbits, |squirrels, |birds, |leaves and |rocks.

DDDD dddd

AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.


Name _______________________________ Date ________________

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)


W|e |love |exploring dry |river |beds, |shallow caves, |rabbit |trails, canyons, gullies, |side |trails, |forests, and |boulders. O|ur |parents |have

|everyone |stay |together |for |safety |sake, |but allow |us |to |explore off |the |trail as |long as |we |stay |together. W|alks |make |you |hungry. So |we |like |to |stop |to |eat |whatever |we |have |brought along |in our |backpacks, |like |salty chips, |pretzels, |fresh |rolls, crisp apples, or celery and cheese.

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AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Name _______________________________ Date ________________

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

It's |fun |to |play |follow -|the -|leader on a |walk, and copy |everything |the |person at |the |front does. Jonathan |rides Mama's |wheelchair |when |he |is |tired, |since |he |is |the |littlest |in our |family. W|e |like |to |stop and |feed |the |ducks and |watch |them |flock |to |us |in |hordes.

You can also |feed |fish, |pigeons, chipmunks, or |squirrels on a |walk.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Name _______________________________ Date ________________

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Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

The county |fair |is one |place |where |we don't |mind |walking all day |long. There |is |so |much |there |to |see and do. W|e |panned |for "gold," |held |fluffy |baby chicks, |made |felt, |looked at crafts and gardens, |even

|won a |blue |ribbon |for our |frosted cookies.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Name _______________________________ Date ________________

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Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

Botanical gardens are |nice |places |to |walk. W|e get |to |learn |the |names of |plants |we've |never |seen |before. A guided |nature |walk |is a great |way |to |learn about |nature, |too. W|e also |like |to |talk about God's |special creation. God |has given |us |so |much |to |be grateful |for!


Top left: Judah with a group of kids at the Los Angeles Zoo, which is also a botanical garden; Top right: recent photo of Judah on his 18th birthday at The Living Desert Zoo and Botanical Garden. The desert is Judah's favorite habitat, so this was a dream come true for Judah. Bottom photo: Jonathan at the The Living Desert Zoo and Botanical Gardens

GGGG gggg

AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Name _______________________________ Date ________________

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

O|n a |walk |you can |learn about |history and |habitats. You |walk a |lot at |historic |field |trip |sites, |so |those are |walks |too. W|hen |you don't |mind |walking, |you |see a |lot |more of |history outdoors on |museum grounds. Some |walks are |hard |hikes. O|thers are |just an afternoon |stroll.

W|e |sometimes |hold |hands on a |walk |like |you |see |here. O|nce, |we |helped a |family |with |young |children |move. That's a |kind of |walk, |too.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Top: Our kids in front of a calliope at Heritage House. L: Jennaya and James hold hands. R: Jonathan, Josh, and Justin make butter at Heritage House.


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AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Name _______________________________ Date ________________

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)



Above: Joshua, Jennaya, & Justin investigate a prairie habitat at Yorba Regiional Park at the beginning of our home school. Left: Justin, Josh, and Jennaya, in James' arms, play in a fort at Eisenhower Park.

Sometimes |we |identify |wildlife, |such as |trees, |bushes, |birds, |fish, |reptiles, amphibians, |mammals, and |wildflowers. W|e also |like |to |identify animal |tracks or carefully |investigate a |hollow |log |to |see |what |lives |there. O|r |we |imagine |some |kind of adventure |using |equipment at |the |park as |props |for our acting.

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AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Name _______________________________ Date ________________

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

There |is |so |much |that |you can do on a |walk. A |walk |should |be |seen as a |joyful |thing. You can |juggle, or |joke around. P|apa (James) |loves |to |juggle almost

anything. Sometimes |we do |just |what |the day |suggests. Here |we are |joining |in |with other children at a |historic |site, |jumping |in a |sack |race, and |joining |in a |tug - of -|war. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

Top: Judah (far left), Jennaya, and Justin in a sack race; Below: Our kids (blonde heads far left and middle) join in a tug-of-war. They won easily in every round, because walking and working gave them all strong backs.

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AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Name _______________________________ Date ________________

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

Jonathan |loves |kicking or |bouncing a |ball on a |walk. Just |for |fun, |you can |kangaroo |jump or |fly a |kite. But |the |best |thing of all |is getting |to |know |each other |better.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

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AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Name _______________________________ Date ________________

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

A |walk |is |made of |so |many |little |things: |leaf crunching, |leaping, |laughing, |lookouts.

W|e also |learn |to |love one another on a |walk. W|e |learn |to |be close |but |not |so close |that |we |step on one another's |heels. W|e |learn |to |listen and |let |others do |the |talking, |too. W|e |learn |to |love |the |wild |together. W|e |feel |the |healing of |its |stillness, as |we all |relax and |listen.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\


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AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Name _______________________________ Date ________________

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

Sometimes, a |walk |is about |meeting |people and |making |friends, |when |we |play |with others on |the |slides and |swings, or |meet |someone and |stop |to |talk. O|r a |walk |might |mean |meandering |through |the |meadow, |from |wildflower |to |wildflower, |from |butterfly |to |butterfly. O|r |we |might do |mime, |pretending |to |be |the |butterfly.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\


Name _______________________________ Date ________________

MMMM ||||mmmm

AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

Sometimes |we |have a |neighborhood |walk and |meet |the |neighbors, and |make |new |friends. A |special |kind of |walk |we |like |to |have |in |the |summer |time |is a |night |walk, |when |we |learn about |the |night |sky. W|e |look |for certain |stars, |planets, and constellations |stretching across |the darkness. W|e |listen |for |barn owls, |horned owls, |nighthawks, and |poorwills. W|e |walk carefully, |trying |not |to |step on |snakes or |tarantulas.



Above: Jonathan using our telescope from his grandparents. Left: Joshua feels the smoothness of a king snake. The harmless king snake was the main snake we saw on nighttime walks. This is Oak Canyon. One of our kids' favorite Oak Canyon events was their 4 mile long summer night hike along the canyon ridge. Our kids were always at the front in a very large group because our walks kept them in top physical condition.

NNNN ||||nnnn

AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Name _______________________________ Date ________________

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

W|e |try |to |be open |to God's |leading |in |where |we go and |what |we do on our |walks. W|e |love |to |walk |near |water of any |kind, over |bridges, or onto ocean |piers. There are |so |many |things |you can do at |the ocean on a |walk. You

can dig |your |toes |in |the |sand, |watch dowitchers, |plovers, and other ocean |birds |run |in and out of |the |waves, or |run |in and out of |the |waves |yourself. You can |run |in |the |sand, |feed |sea gulls, |look |for |seashells, dare |the |waves, |maybe |even |watch a dolphin or |sea |lion |swimming.


OOOO oooo

AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Name _______________________________ Date ________________

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

The |parks |we |walked |in |were often |littered |with |pieces of |piñatas after |the |weekend, |hinting at |birthday |parties. W|e |had our own |piñata one |year. P|icnics and |pizza |suppers are also a |fun |way |to |spend |time at a |park. Here |we are |wearing our own |homemade |patriotic |hats and |hair ornaments.




AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Name _______________________________ Date ________________

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

A |park |is a good |place |to |learn |to |paint. You can |walk |to a |scenic |spot and |paint |impressions of |sparkling |water, |sunshine |through |lacy |leaves, gnarled |trees, |landscapes and |forests. O|r |you can |practice |your |photography, or |pick |berries or |wild cherries |where |that |is allowed.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\



Above: Judah beside a small lake; Left: Justin picking berries; Below: Josh, our oldest son, at age 16, with our youngest son, Jonathan, age 8

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AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Name _______________________________ Date ________________

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

You can |use |playground |equipment |for additional |exercise on |your |walks. Every |park |has |its own |unique |equipment. At |this |park |we |found a |rope - climbing |structure |that |was |really

|fun. D|ifferent |kinds of |play |equipment |exercise different |parts of |your |body. So |even |though |play |equipment |is |fun, |it |is also quite good |exercise.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\


Top middle: Jennaya, (with James) makes a friend at the park; Top right: our kids with James at the Tower Slide; Left: Josh & Justin on a rope climbing structure; Right: Judah & James holding Jonathan

QQQQ qqqq

AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Name _______________________________ Date ________________

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

W|e |love |exploring |rivers, |rolling down |hills, |running |up and down outdoor |stairways, |roller |skating, and |reciting Bible |verses |in |the car on |the |way |to and |from |special |places |where |we |walk.

Not all our |walks are at |parks. W|hen |you discover a |restored old |home and grounds, |that's a |walk, |too.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\


Top: Jonathan sunning on a rock beside water; Above: Joy Marie and kids (L to R:Justin, Josh, Jennaya, Jonathan & Judah) at the Nixon Library and Gardens--not our favorite president, but an educational place to go. We did a lot of walking there.

RRRR ||||rrrr

AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Name _______________________________ Date ________________

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)



Scooters are a |fun |way |to |take a |walk. Youngest |kids can |easily |keep |up |with all |the |rest on a |scooter. W|e |love |holding |hands and |skipping down |the |path. W|e |love |singing as |we |walk. Sometimes |we've |sung and |walked |for |miles. W|e |stop |for |snacks |when |we are |hungry. And |when |it's |time |to go |home, |we |stop |to |watch |the |sunset.

Above: Jonathan glides down a steep path on his scooter at the park. He had so much fun on his scooter. Left: Judah and Jonathan lead our family on their scooters on a walk at the park. Joy Marie was taking the photo.

Below: Joy Marie pours sport drinks at Yorba Park for Josh and Judah (left), and Jennaya and Justin (right)

SSSS ||||ssss

AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Name _______________________________ Date ________________

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)


To |have a |beautiful |walk, |take |your |time and |talk. Stop awhile and |throw Frisbees or |throw and catch a |ball |for a |little |while. Then |rest |in |the |shade of a |tree. W|e |love |trees. Some are old and gnarled and

Above: Justin, Josh and Judah rest after some tossing. Below: Our family stops in the shade of trees to talk.

|huge, |filling |the |sky. Some are delicate and |small. Some |trees |flicker |in |the |sunlight. Every |tree |is different. No |two |trees are alike. Trees are |beautiful.

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AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Name _______________________________ Date ________________

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

W|e |try |to |understand |the |terrain and |habitats |in our area, |using |field guides |to |find out about |the |trees, |flowers, |birds, and animals |in |each area |we |visit. W|e |try |to |understand |what


|life |was |like |for |the |native |peoples |in |the areas |where |we |walk. W|e also |keep our |eyes open |for |urban discoveries, |like |this |mud |nest a |bird |built |up |high.

UUUU ||||uuuu

AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Name _______________________________ Date ________________

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

W|e |love |to |walk |where |there are |beautiful |views. Irvine Park, our |favorite, |has |wilderness |views |in |every


direction. V|isitor centers are a good |place |to discover |park |events |brochures, |view animal |exhibits, |learn |new |things, and |take |part |in |visual and |manipulative activities |that |teach |how animals |survive |in |the |wilderness.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

VVVV ||||vvvv

AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Name _______________________________ Date ________________

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

Another |kind of |walk |is |when |you |pull |each other |in a |wagon, |taking |turns. W|ilderness |walks are our |favorite |walk of all. W|e |love |to |walk along |beside |water, as |it |rushes along |in a |river

or |waterfall. Wading |in|the |water |makes a |walk |even |more |fun. W|e |love |to |feel |the |wind and |watch |birds, |rabbits, |lizards, |even |leaves. W|e |sit down and |write |what |we |see, |hear, |smell, and |feel.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

WWWW ||||wwww

AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Name _______________________________ Date ________________

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

W|e |found all our |walks |exciting |from our |preschool |years |to |high |school. Little |kids can |be |exuberant about |even |the |little |things. Just |to |be out |in |nature can |be an |exciting |experience. Sometimes |we didn't |know |what |to |expect |next. W|hen |we |found and |held a |tiny |frog, |we |were |exhilirated. Every |experience |was a |brand |new |thrill.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\


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AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Name _______________________________ Date ________________

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

You can go on a |yellow |hunt at a |park. Here |we are amongst |yellow |fall |leaves, African daisy, and California |poppy. At Yorba P|ark, |we can |hear, and |sometimes |see |yellow |warblers. O|r |we |might |see a |yellow |swallowtail |butterfly |nearby, |sampling |the |nectar of |wildflowers. W|hat a |lovely day!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

Above: Josh, Judah, Jonathan, Justin, and Jennaya cross the Irvine Park waterfall on the rocks. Left: Justin, Jennaya, and Josh when they were small (6, 2, & 7) at Yorba Regional Park, near the duck pond. Below: Judah, Justin, Jennaya, and Jonathan at the Los Angeles Zoo aviary (upstairs) in the enchanting sunshine beaming through yellow leaves.


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AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Name _______________________________ Date ________________

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

Because |we often |walk |for |miles, |just |for |the |enjoyment of |the |walk, |we |bring |backpacks |full of |zip |pockets. In |them, |we |keep |zip |bags of |snacks, |water |bottles, and |baby |wipes |in case of |messes. W|henever |we |stop |somewhere, |there |is a |buzzing of

|many |zippers. O|ut come |binoculars |for |seeing |birds close |up, |field guides |to|identify |them, and |pen, |paper and clipboards |to |record our discoveries.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

ZZZZ ||||zzzz

AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Name _______________________________ Date ________________

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

A |walk can |be |so |many |things. Even going |to a |zoo |is a |walk. You |walk all day at a |zoo, |but |it |is |so |exciting. You |see dozens of different animals at a |zoo. Some |swing and |twirl |until |you are dizzy. O|thers |may |take |you |for a |ride. W|e |love |zoos.



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AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Name _______________________________ Date ________________

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

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Name _______________________________ Date ________________This page is for overflow copying from one of the exercises or for extra practice. LLLLaaaarrrrggggeeee ssssiiiizzzzeeee gggguuuuiiiiddddeeee lllliiiinnnneeeessss

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

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Name _______________________________ Date ________________This page is for overflow copying from one of the exercises or for extra practice. MMMMeeeeddddiiiiuuuummmm ssssiiiizzzzeeee gggguuuuiiiiddddeeee lllliiiinnnneeeessss

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

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Name _______________________________ Date ________________This page is for overflow copying from one of the exercises or for extra practice. SSSSmmmmaaaallllllll ssssiiiizzzzeeee gggguuuuiiiiddddeeee lllliiiinnnneeeessss

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

The Dunlap Family: Left in 2000; Above in 2003James & Joy Marie & kids in order of age: Josh,

Justin (tallest), Judah, Jennaya, and Jonathan

Joy Marie wrote for The Teaching Home Magazine for 10 years. She is now the editor of 4 different family magazines: Let the Little Children Come for preschoolers, Creative Home Schooled Kids for Christian home schooled kids, Victorian Roses for old fashioned Christian girls with old fashioned values who want to grow up to be keepers at home, and Family Discipleship for Bible focused home schooling parents. See back page for more information.

Every family is made up of both common interests and a shared identity, and also very special individual interests and identities. Both what we are as a close-knit group and what we are as individuals are important. So I will try to describe both, as I introduce you to our family. James grew up in a Baptist church in San Diego. Joy Marie grew up on an island in the Pacific in a small Christian community, where love was the rule of life.

We (James and Joy Marie) met at Biola University as two people wholly committed to do the will of God in our lives and to follow no other path than where God would lead. We married in September of 1982, after James graduated from college.

We were open to full time ministry but God called us instead to minister to the 5 children he gave us, to devote ourselves to their spiritual training, and also to reach out to immigrants here in the US.

After attending a Bill Gothard Seminar, we both felt strongly that God wanted us to home school our children. This was no easy task, since Joy Marie had a hurt back and hip from a river rafting accident which worsened with each pregnancy, as well as excruciating headaches, which have since gone away. Yet she wanted to have as many children as God gave her, so she persisted, and also went ahead with home schooling from a wheelchair, as God gave wisdom.

Jennaya was an excitable little girl who greeted everything we did with great eagerness. Her enthusiasm is what helped Joy Marie get through days of home schooling while in pain and exhausted. Jennaya has graduated and is a 4-times published writer with Bramley Books, and also has a portrait drawing business. At age 13 she created a penmanship book, Great Quotes from US Presidents. Jonathan, as the youngest, was always the one shouting, "I CAN!" When small he loved stuffed animals, climbing, and jumping on the bed. At age 11 he got excited about learning how farmers and homesteaders live off the land, resulting in his writing A-Z Homesteading Penmanship when he was 13 years old. Our family lives on one acre in the country, where we care for a half-acre fruit orchard, vegetable and herb gardens, and 6 cats. The whole family enjoys gardening, nature, writing, art, graphic arts, nature crafts, music, singing, and taking country walks. You can e-mail them at [email protected].

Each of our children is a special gift to our family. Josh, our oldest, is determined, goal oriented, very knowledgeable, a talented composer, a natural leader, with a great love for people of all kinds. He is also fluent in Spanish, which he learned on his own. He is currently working as the service expert at a restaurant. Justin, our 2nd born, is quiet, but warm and tender. His gifts are in the technical areas and he loves fixing things, especially electronics. He became a computer programmer at age 16, and won Microsoft's Most Valuable Professional Award at age 21.Our 3rd son, Judah has Asperger's Syndrome, which is a challenge, but he is a very loving, conscientious Christian. Growing up, he was enthralled with the study of animals around the world and their habitats, leading into a study of indigenous people groups around the world. He is currently an orchardist and gardener.

Joy Marie in 2008Joy James

AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

How to create your own wonderful walksHow to make a walk spontaneous and funWe have so many beautiful memories of our wonderful walks that I had to share them with you, even though it might seem a little odd for walks to be the subject of a penmanship book. It's hard to put into words the beauty and sheer happiness that a walk can bring, as it has to our lives.

In hopes that others will receive the same joy, I will try to dig up some of the secrets of a wonderful walk to share with you, though the photos in this book say more than I could ever put into words. (Incidentally, you are allowed to share one page with any home schooling friend, but the photos

cannot be used separately from the book without written permission. If it's a good cause, we won't charge anything, but you still must have permission.)

I'll start with attitude. We came to our walks in a background of tight times. Our children were not steeped in TV and video games, or in oodles of personal possessions and constant noise. We stepped into a most beautiful park, Yorba Regional Park in Anaheim Hills, California, with a sense of awe and amazement. We had little and saw that God was giving us so much, without our owning it, as a great gift to not only our 5 senses, but our spirits as well.

So the first thing I'd say is to begin your walk with humility and a heart that is open to be filled with God's handiwork, as if it were a special gift to you, a gift for this day, with other gifts waiting for other days, to be discovered. We did not have an attitude of "I deserve better than this" or "I could be playing Nintendo at home."

Each day was its own special gift, in our eyes. Each day was free to be different. On each walk, we saw the same park, but different lighting, different skies, and different animal encounters (ducks, coots, rabbits, ground squirrels, frogs, and different birds, and butterflies.) Whatever that day's gift, we took the time for it. We stood still to watch the rabbits until they darted away. We took time to feed the ducks. We quietly listened to the song of a bird.

How did we find the time to do this? We made it one of our highest priorities. In life you always have to give up one thing for another. Most American families are slaves to their TV sets. No one seems to add up the time that is consumed by TV news and shows. We basically spent the same block of time that everyone else uses up watching TV to drink in God's creation instead. And we all feel, including every one of our children, from the heart, that it was a richly satisfying tradeoff.

When we gave up TV, our objective was not to go on walks instead. James and I sold the first TV we were ever given, as a wedding present, because we had seen enough TV to feel weighed down by its cynical, commercial world view, its massive weight of murder and violence, its fake standards (putting appearance above human relationships, for example). We took Scripture seriously, and knew that God wants (and deserves) for us to fill our minds with things that are pure and beautiful and good. So we sold our TV and waited on God to see what would happen next.

For our first five years of marriage, we immersed ourselves in Scripture, listening to Scripture tapes, and doing numerous in-depth Bible studies (without a computer, writing out the verses). James' work and my pregnancies and care of blessings (babies) all in a row took up most of our energy. It was the season of preparation for family life. We took our babies and toddlers seriously and remained very much in tune to their feelings, hopes, fears, and delights, and also taught them to have a love for God early in their childhood.

AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

So when a new season of life opened up, starting at a time when my husband was unemployed, our kids were prepared to take in the beauty and blessings of God's creation. Because we stayed in tune with them as preschoolers, they were in tune with us. TV had not had a chance to swallow up their attention spans. When they came to a park, they did not need anything to spin, whirl, beep, boom, or distort to catch their attention. And peers had not been able to rob us of that precious close parent-child relationship.

When the kids were preschoolers and in the early grades, we focused on short walks and play equipment. We chose parks by which ones had the most and nicest play equipment. They loved slides, tunnels, climbing, and swaying bridges the most. Soon my husband was back at work, but after a second job loss, he started into business for himself, which gave him more flexible hours. He has been in his own business now for the last 12 years. Since I am disabled, I could not go to parks without him home, but moms who are not disabled would not have to have their husbands work at home to do what we did.

When we were studying our state, California, we looked for things that we could learn about California at parks,

looking at nature centers and park visitor centers, where we found, at different parks, binoculars and field guides, animal tracks stamps to stamp in sand and make tracks of California wildlife, games and quiz boards to help us learn more about the natural environment of our state, free coloring pages of CA wildlife, and more. And we also found, at some nature centers, live animal exhibits.

We made sure that each child had his own turn at each of these experiences. We also used any and all brochures we could find for free at nature centers, and followed some of their recommendations. Our quest took us to more than a dozen different nature parks. We also checked books out of the library on wildlife. We began attending a summer-long family "Nature Nights" program at Oak Canyon, which we went to every summer over the course of 10 years.

This program included a nature walk, with a nature guide who showed us what different plants and animals were, and how to know that an animal had been in the area. With the help of these programs, parks, nature centers, library books, school text books, nature displays and discovery tools, our children became keenly interested in wildlife. This love for God's creatures culminated, after 15 years of walks, into the identification of over 250 different species of birds in our area.

We put bird seed on our back patio to help our kids, and especially our kinesthetic son who had a shorter attention span at the time, to learn to be still and quiet so that birds and wildlife don't get scared away. This enabled us to see more wildlife at parks, which built the children's enthusiasm for wildlife even further, and grew to include keen interest in plant life as well.

Our children viewed these walks as adventures, and as scavenger hunts. We would go to the park, not to march along in a row, but to discover new wonders of God's incredibly diverse and complex creation. It was a quest for discovery, not fitness duty. While we started out taking walks of one-quarter to one-half mile, we eventually worked up to an average of 4 miles per walk, but at no time did we ever walk a certain distance because we felt it was our duty to walk that distance. We walked only as far

as we felt like that day, with our walks averaging between one and two hours, no more time than what most Americans spend just watching TV.

We walked for discovery, healing, and inspiration. We allowed ourselves joyful movements on uneven natural surfaces. Each walk was an experience that would be just today's, and today's alone. We walked to fill our minds with more delightful sights and sounds, to be washed in the stillness, to be immersed in the Spirit of the God who created this beauty, to understand Him better through His creation, and just to drink in the peace and the healing that God built into the natural world that He created.

Because our entire family saw our walks as discoveries and unique this-day-only experiences, our kids were consistently excited about going for a walk, even when we required them to help prepare by packing the baby bag, stroller, my wheelchair, warm clothes, foods and drinks. We felt so happy as we drove away to this days' walk place that we sang with joyfulness bubbling up from our hearts.

AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

There were times when other things in our life had to first be unloaded on the way in the car and at the park, like tight finances, relatives and neighbors who were hostile to homeschooling (back when it was only spoken of in shocked whispers). But unlike anywhere else on earth, we found such a healing in nature. Just being there soothed our bodies, minds, hearts and spirits. We feel God's Spirit more out in nature than anywhere else.

So these are the attitudes that create wonderful walks: humility, a quiet home, the view that each day is a new and different gift, a love for wildlife, the feeling that we were on a quest of discovery, a treasure hunt, on each walk.

We added to this a sense of celebration of God's goodness all around us. We refused to be affected by any response we might get from other people who don't hold hands and skip down the road like we do, who don't balance on curbs and walls and walk along logs, who don't hold

hands and dance around in a circle, who don't walk along looking up at the ravens in the sycamore tree tops, turning around as they circle overhead, choosing their roost for the night.

A walk is a thing of joy to us. It's not the kind of physical fitness where you count miles or repetitions of an exercise and hope you will be done soon. We've absolutely fallen in love with nature. We can just stand there on our new one-acre property in the country and just listen to the birds, the crickets, the horses, fill our eyes with the greenery and our souls with the awesome skies, a different sky for each day, and we never get tired drinking it all in, even now that we live out in nature.

At a certain point, we began to realize that our walks were making us so much closer to one another. The time we took to talk spontaneously, along our walk enabled us to understand each other so much better. And as we made periodic head-counts (5 kids might not make a really big family, but it is enough to need head-counts), we began to realize how closely our hearts were knit to each and every family member on our walks.

I always made sure that I tuned into each of the children and was available to get excited about little things with them. No family member should feel like no one else is listening to him or her. Each one must be helped to know they are precious. That needs to get across in clear and concrete ways, through eye contact, smiles, warm comments, and genuine interest in what he is expressing, how he feels about things, and who he is, as he grows and changes.

Because we counted our walks as home school PE, we also took time out to let the kids spontaneously do things that stimulated their aerobic system, whether that be running up and down hills, climbing up and down outside steps, crossing bridges back and forth, climbing up Robber's Rock or the tower slide at the play equipment, or rolling down hills on their sides. or on scooters. We stopped so the kids could do these things spontaneously, nearly always, unless there was an important reason why we needed to go straight home, or we felt uneasy about the activity, which meant it might result in bodily harm.

Part of the spirit of our walks began when I was 14 years old. I was challenged, in a young people's meeting at our church, to believe that God can speak to us, in our hearts and minds. I wanted that with all my heart, and so I began a daily habit of asking God throughout every moment of every day of my life, "Is this what you want me to do right now? Because if it isn't, I want to know, and please tell me what else you want me to do instead." I received answers through feelings of peace, or feelings of uneasiness, or even dread, depending on the situation. And I do this on every walk, as well.

Once, our third son, Judah, asked if he could go on a side trail that the kids had been on many times. It went parallel to the main trail and joined up with the main trail in less than a hundred yards. I felt uncertain, but gave permission, because I didn't see any reason not to. But as he walked down the side trail, I began to feel uneasy. Judah told me later that he began to feel uneasy, too. I turned back to tell him to get back on the main trail. I shouted to call him, but saw that he was already on his way back to the main trail. A few minutes after he joined the rest of us, we heard a mountain lion screaming. We looked back and saw people running. The next time we went back to that park, a mountain lion sighting was reported for that date and location. The moral of the story: Always listen to the Still Small Voice of the Holy Spirit.

Above all, work hard to love one another on walks. Don't let your kids abuse or tease one another or play mean tricks on one another, or push and shove, or trip or jab at anyone else in the family (or out). The watchwords of a wonderful walk are attentiveness, gratitude, expectation, love, kindness, support for one another, need-meeting, and being in tune with the Still Small Voice of our Heavenly Guide. God's leading in the lives of each of His children may be different. But I pray that God would lead you and your family into as joyful an experience for your family as we have had in ours. I pray that you will find an avenue by which you can be blessed with God's refreshing creation in a very special way. Have a wonderful walk!

Jonathan and Judah stop for a rest by the duck pond.

AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

Elements to choose from on a walkYou can walk on foot, run, jog, ride bikes, use scooters, skate boards, pull each other in wagons, roller skate, or even skip and hop along your walk. You can climb outdoor stairs, run up and down hills, roll down hills, somersault, do cartwheels, play tag, blow and catch bubbles, balance on low walls, curbs, and logs.

You can have a sack race on your walk, a two legged race (with two people with one leg tied to one another with soft, stretchy materials like socks). You can do a wheelbarrow race for part of a walk, where the person in front walks on his hands while the person in back holds up his legs, like wheelbarrow handles.

You can sing while you walk, recite poetry, recite the Bill of Rights, or recite from the Bible along the way, or on the way to and from the park in your car. You can think of word alphabets on a specific topic (such as an alphabet of animals) while on a walk. You can brainstorm possible businesses, ministries, or family activities. Our best ideas of this nature have come to us on walks. Or you can talk to God out loud, in conversational prayer with the whole family involved in some part of your walk.

You can stop along the way to throw and catch balls, Frisbees, Velcro catch, scoop catch. You can stop to pick up fallen leaves to take home and press to make pressed leaf bookmarks and cards. You can stop to feed the ducks (geese, coots, sea gulls, and other water birds) day old bread. You can stop to watch birds, squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits and other small animals. Bring along binoculars to see them with, and if you wish, field guides to identify them, and clipboards, notebooks, and pens to write down your sightings, or even stop to sketch them to put in a notebook at home.

You can wander off the trail (where safe, and not prohibited) and explore canyons, gullies, hillsides, forests, prairies, or dry riverbeds. Where we walked most from our previous home , the dry riverbeds contained islands, multiple channels, small stands of trees, all kinds of little plants, herbs, and wildflowers. (Very occasionally, it even contained water and some fish.)

You can skip down the road, holding hands. You can jump from stepping stone to stepping stone across a stream, wade, splash, get your face and hair wet if it is hot weather, follow the peacocks or guinea hens, pretend to be flying, running with your arms out, slap your sides and pretend you are galloping across the wild west on stallions, lumber like an elephant, hop like a bird, or mimic any other animal that comes to mind.

You can sit down on a quiet day and listen, look around, breathe deeply and smell the air, touch the surfaces around you, and then write it all down as a writing exercise. Give each of the children clipboards and notebook paper, and ask them, what do you hear right now. Wind? Birds? What kind of birds? Animals? What kind of animals? Frogs? Coyotes howling on the hillside at dusk? Owls and poorwills at night? People? What are the people expressing from near or far?

Ask them what they see. Not just trees or water, or a path. Do they see trees with leaves trembling and reflecting sunlight? Do they see a winding path, a rugged track, or a wide, smooth road? Do they see rippling water, singing, tinkling, as it goes along? Or is it rushing water, gushing and tearing its way downstream? Or is it still and mirror-like, reflecting the quiet trees around it?

AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

Walking placesWhen our kids were small, we looked for easy terrain, play equipment, and easy animal sightings and experiences. We have some very special memories of throwing bread up in the air for seagulls, and pigeons landing on our arms at Mission San Juan Capistrano. Always remember that very little things are big things to your young children. Don't underestimate the precious memories that can come from things that don't seem like much from your adult perspective.

We also were also attracted to quiet places with a wide variety of experiences with nature. Yorba Regional Park, where this photo is taken, was such a beautiful place for an afternoon walk. It was rich with flowers, and caressed by sunshine. In those days, our walks were brief rambles in safe but wild places. Oak Canyon was another early favorite walking place for us, because the kids loved to hear the frogs in the little stream that meandered through the oak glens. On one walk, the kids managed to catch a very tiny frog, and that was a big thrill to them.

Get a map of the parks in your area, and visit them whenever you have time to spare. Take mental note of how your kids respond. If they are bored, go somewhere else. Take note of the kinds of things they are responsive to, and enjoy. Look for other parks with similar enjoyments. Some favorite kid- things to look for in a park are unique or plentiful play equipment (our kids loved high slides from an early age), adequate sunshine and adequate shade, moving water (stream, waterfall, ocean, fountain), birds, squirrels, rabbits, and other wild life, frog and cricket sounds, animal petting pens or any other animal exhibit, hills to roll down, safe stepping stones, anything they can climb, and changing scenery.

We took the most walks in our two favorite parks: Yorba Regional, in Anaheim Hills, because they had a meandering nature trail that featured different kinds of plants and wildlife at each turn. We never knew when we would see another wild rabbit, plus there were lots of ducks and coots to feed. And they had a tower slide, our kids most loved play equipment. Our other favorite was (I say was because we recently moved out of Orange County) Irvine Park at the eastern edge of Orange County. This wilderness park had a history. The land was owned by James Irvine, and in the late 1800's, hundreds of families went there for a picnic every Sunday afternoon.

The park still draws crowds, only these are more noisy crowds, on wheels, blasting rock music, dropping popcorn everywhere. We went there on weekday afternoons when it was quiet, except for the ravens and acorn woodpeckers. On our 4-mile walks there, we passed groves of very old trees, where owls lived, horse stables, peacocks and rabbits on neat green lawns, a dry river bed with so much to explore and discover, a sycamore forest, Robber's Rock, which our kids found exciting to climb, and what then was seemingly endless wilderness at the far end of the park. (It is now endless wilderness plus a big tollway bridge!) Parks with varied scenery are the best kind of parks to take long walks in.

When we didn't have a car for a while, we discovered the river trail one quarter mile from our house, and began walking further and further alongside the Santa Ana River, where it goes around a big bend. It's a city river, but there were lots of water birds, which made quite a chorus and were fun to observe through binoculars. On summer nights, it made a good place to look at the stars, planets, and constellations. We got to know other families that used the river trail, and shared what we knew about bird identification. When hundreds or thousands of butterflies flew up the river in migration, we pointed them out to other walkers, who had not even noticed the migrating butterflies.

But there are a lot more fun places to walk than just parks, river trails, and your neighborhood. The county fair, for instance, may not be what is normally considered a walk, but you can easily cover 6 miles or more at a big county fair, just going around leisurely, looking at things. Fairs give a walk a change of venue when one is needed. We entered a baking contest, experienced a rain forest, watched sheep dogs at work herding sheep to whistled commands, watched dogs catch Frisbees, stopped to listen to a team of Caribbean steel drum players, panned for "gold", posed by a covered wagon, and held newborn baby chicks at the fair.

Historic places make very special walks. We walked out on a pier on the way to the San Juan Capistrano Mission when we were studying California history. But inside the mission was yet another walk, with windows to peer inside, where mannequins in historically accurate costumes appeared to be performing routine mission tasks. And the restored Kellogg House turned hands-on children's museum gave us a very different kind of walk. Outside, on their spacious grounds they had arranged for a May pole dance, a game of croquet, sack races, and a tug-of-war for visiting children, plus crafts in their Victorian gazebo.

AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

The countywide program called "Imagination Celebration" gave us yet another very different kind of walk. They set up craft stations up and down the mall, for kids to take part in. Plus they had a stage in the middle of the mall where disabled people (physically and mentally disabled) performed. We met and talked with a mentally challenged musician who sang the Caribbean song, "Day-O" on stage.

Part of the Imagination Celebration included high school orchestra concerts at the Performing Arts Center. Because it was a free performance, and not very many people came, we got to keep our music loving 2-year-old son, Jonathan, with us throughout the performance. A walk? Yes, it was quite a walk to get there, plus the kids got to go down a long flight of stairs to get a closer look at the high school orchestra performers.

We also went to several different historical period reenactments, where we walked to one booth after another, each with activities the kids could do to experience that period of history. All required significant walking, but at the same time, the kids (and we) learned so many new things, in a hands-on way.

Botanical gardens make such a nice walk if your family is interested in plant varieties as we are. We've gone to a minimum of 4 different botanical gardens, each of which made quite a delightful walk. Each of the kids had a different favorite spot. Mine was the waterfalls. A botanical garden makes a good field trip to include in any study of different natural habitats.

Zoos are another place to walk. Our kids have been to 4 different zoos, large and small. You can walk a considerable distance on a walk, so you can still count it as PE. We conduct zoo walks very similarly to park walks. We bring backpacks with drinks and snacks, cameras, binoculars, walk at a comfortably fast pace, and take our time at anything interesting that we want to get a good look at. A zoo trip feels a lot like our usual quest for discovery on any walk, but zoos do tend to have a lot more surprises at every turn!

A community celebration can also be a kind of walk. You often have walk a considerable distance to reach the front row for a fireworks show for our country's birthday celebration. We've parked way down the road when parking near the display was all used up, and walked nearly a mile to the show. We've walked up 5 floors of a parking garage to get a view that was better than a grandstand view. And we've walked from ride to ride at an all-Hispanic July 4th community celebration in Santa Ana.

At one community event, our kids had the opportunity to learn an old-fashioned folk dance. Some other places to walk are deserted or lightly populated beaches, malls, fitness centers, lake shores, museums, open fields, forests, mountain trails, low-speed, low-traffic country roads, library gardens. We had a most educational walk through our nearest presidential library, birthplace, and gardens. You could go on a fruit-picking walk, in which you pick fruit for a small payment and get to take the fruit you pick home with you.

If you own many acres, you can go for walks on your own land, whether it be an estate, pasture, forest, farm, field, rock pile, or whatever else. Now that we have moved to one acre in the countryside, our most common walk is a work-walk, where the

walking we do leads us to watering chores, grape pruning, fruit picking, weeding the strawberry garden, or planting vegetable seeds, wildflowers and herbs.

If you have already grown to love a walk, a work-walk outdoors is not any less pleasurable than any other walk. Often, Jennaya and I are up together early in the morning, at sunrise, listening to a concert of birds waking up the day. Each minute, our trees and plants are brighter in color as the sunlight gets brighter. We often sing spontaneously as we pull weeds, pick and spread wildflower seeds, water our plants, and search for ripe fruit in our fruit orchard.

It is the very same search for discovery and receiving of blessings as all our old Orange County walks. Our hearts and minds are healed, refreshed, and rejuvenated by God's incalculable gift of His created world.

AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

Practical considerationsTo have an enjoyable walk, you need to be aware of some practical considerations. If you will just be walking around the block, there is no need for preparation. But if you are going to go on a longer walk (ours have often been 2 to 5 miles, just because we enjoy it so much), you will need to bring some things along.

A child who is physically miserable will not enjoy the walk, and is likely to complain and make the walk miserable. The remedy is to make sure that every child's physical needs are provided for on the walk. This can easily be done if you have the kids carry school backpacks on the walk.

In our backpacks, we bring along snacks (salty for hot walks, carbohydrate- loaded for long walks), water bottles and other drinks, and jackets and other warm clothing as needed. These are required on our long walks, although the kids rarely forget to bring them along. Each child is entitled to the food and drink in his own backpack, and can dispose of the contents in the timing he deems best.

If you only have one backpack, you can pack a water jug and snack in a zip bag for all if you prefer that. We've given each child a backpack (for birthdays and Christmas, over the years) so that he can personally see to his own needs in his own way, and not worry about equal distribution of snacks and drinks on the walk. Kids with greater hydration needs are willing to carry more water in their own backpack.

Our kids are also allowed to carry other things in their own backpack, since any increased weight will be carried by them and not someone else. Field guides are popular in our family, along with binoculars, clipboards, pens, and papers for sighting, identifying, and taking notes on any new species of bird or plant the kids discover on each walk.

A favorite memory of mine is stopping for a moment and seeing the backpacks fly off the kids' backs as they scramble for either the snack they've been wanting to eat, a thirst quencher, or a chance to identify a new bird they've been watching from the trail as we walk. It helps so much to be prepared!

Our kids' backpack habit brought an amusing moment when my uncle took our kids to Disneyland. The kids were thirsty, and asked to stop for a drink. I saw a drinking fountain nearby, and said, "Sure," expecting the kids to form a line at the fountain. Instead, one son zipped open his backpack in a flash, and out flew 7 plastic cups, bouncing all over the pavement. The look on my uncle's face was priceless! We all had a good laugh!

Because heat sensitivity was a big problem for me as I was growing up in a physically active outdoor family, I have made it a point to be very sensitive to my kids' temperature needs. While some kids may need a long rest in the shade, others need to be reminded to put on their jacket because they would freeze before they even noticed the cold. Rather than walking at a specific time each day, we try to choose the time of day with the best temperature as our walk time.

We also choose parks according to temperature considerations. If the day is hot, a park with lots of shade is in order. If it is cold, we avoid the park that has a higher elevation. If my kids are energy loaded, I choose a park with lots of possibilities for physical activity like running up and down hills and using play equipment. If they are tired, we choose a shorter walk, with nice places to stop and rest.

If you are on a long walk, you need to consider the needs of a younger child. When most of our children were all little, we took short walks. As they grew older, we went on longer and longer walks, because we had grown to love walks and the kids had greater aerobic strength. But Jonathan was still small when we were walking for miles.

We had an easy solution that you may not have. Any time Jonathan got tired, I let him ride on my power wheelchair battery pack. There are other solutions, though, a stroller for a baby or toddler, or a scooter for

AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

a preschooler or early grade school child who can't keep up the whole way on foot. You can also bring along a wagon and let the youngest child ride sometimes.

One other important consideration is bathroom availability. First of all, always insist that your kids use the bathroom before your walk. This means alerting them to the need ahead of the walk, so they don't all want to use it at once when it is already time to go. Be aware of where the restrooms are at your walk location, and keep them in mind as you plan

your walk. Finally, since I am covering field trip walks in this

book, do be aware of your younger child's needs on any extended field trip. Younger kids need more rests, more bathroom breaks, more explanations, and more hands on time than older kids do.

A younger child is as entitled to his needs being met as any of your school age children, so plan for the youngest child even if he is not yet in school. I found that Jonathan handled our older kids' field trips well as long as I kept his attention span in mind, made sure he could go to the bathroom when he needed to, gave him some active things to do along the way, and gave him food and water whenever he got fussy.

Jonathan is a go-getter who insisted upon keeping up with the older kids, and who tends to tune out his own bodily needs for the sake of getting the maximum benefit from any occasion. As a result, he didn't always realize why he was starting to get fussy. But, being an experienced mom, I did know, and acted accordingly. This made him a pretty happy camper on most of our home school field trips and longer walks.

How to be in tune with your kids on a walk without letting them dominate or quarrel.

A wonderful walk doesn't just happen. You have to do certain things to make it happen. We do have some rules on our walks. No one is allowed to walk along complaining and making everyone else miserable. However, along with that rule, you need to be in tune with your kids needs and feelings and address those as they arise, with kindness and mercy. A thirsty child should be given a drink. If even one child is too hot, we stop to rest in the shade until that child feels better.

We are carefully and deliberately sensitive to each and every one of our children's needs and feelings. So while they aren't allowed to display a complaining spirit to ruin the walk, they can rest in the knowledge that anytime they have a real need, that need will be addressed, and they will be made comfortable. You are not going to get the same level of satisfaction and enjoyment from kids who fear that their physical needs may not be met on a walk.

We do not allow any unkind teasing, mean humor, or practical jokes. Basically, our kids are not allowed to engage in hurtful behavior toward one another on a walk,

AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

even if the hurt is "only" emotional. No child should be subjected to emotional pain on a walk, and siblings must not be allowed to cause it in any way, however subtle.

How do you enforce good walk behavior? Usually we incorporate time-outs with one of the two adults present in charge of the child who needs some time out. James will stay with the child either on the spot or back at the car (for serious infractions), while the other kids and I continue on with our walk. We find this method so effective that usually even a very short time-out ends the destructive behavior. Remember, discipline is meant to be a motivational prod, not retribution.

How else can you be in tune with your children on your walk? I try to be responsive to all the little things my children take delight in. Delight is soon killed where it meets a dull response.

This should start from the time your kids are small. Delight with your children in every flower, butterfly, odd bug, duck, frog, heron, pretty leaf, bird, stone, just anything the children delight in. I have discovered so many old things anew with my children.

I always loved the movie Sound of Music, and I have done my best to emulate that whole concept of spontaneous joy in our family walks. One of the Sound of Music songs talks about "Favorite Things." I've made a habit of noticing my kids' favorite things, meeting their smiles, sharing their laughter, following their gaze, stopping for their curiosity. In short, I make a concerted effort to experience the wonderful world of nature with them, through their eyes. To me, it's a part of godliness, to share others' joys (and sorrows, too).

I think that has been the key to our family's happiness on walks, and it has been the secret of my photography as well. Because I am consciously in tune with their feelings, I can more easily catch their moments of delight and responsiveness to the natural world around them on camera. Since I have 5 children, following their responses to things is never boring. It's been a constant source of delight for me, to just watch their responses, catch it on camera, and enjoy every little thing with them. It's made my walks delightful even in a wheelchair.

We are very open to whatever the kids may want to do at any given spot on our walks. They are free, with permission, which is usually granted, to climb stairs, roll down hills, play on play equipment, run, climb, explore, and so on. However, where other considerations

outweigh their desires, they are made to understand that our word is final, and nagging and pleading is not allowed, unless it is about a physical need, which we are very careful to meet as much as possible. (That's the reason behind our use of school backpacks on our walks. If they need food, drink, or a jacket, those things are right there, with them, on the spot.)

With these attitudes and policies, and open expression of delight in the things that you enjoy, and an openness to letting your walks vary with spontaneity, I think you will find your children not only willing, but eager, as our kids always are, to take walks and get good exercise in the fresh air and healing balm of nature. If not, though, just persist and keep trying new things until you discover the kinds of outdoor things and experiences your children love. We have been very delight directed on our walks, and as a result, each and every walk has been a delight to us, as a family. Have a wonderful walk!

AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

Walk PhotographyI began photographing our park times since when our oldest boys were 6 and 7, Judah was 4, and Jennaya was 2 years old. This was back when home schooling was seen as weird and dangerous, and gossip was going around that we didn't get out much. The reason was because I was in a wheelchair and James wasn't home all day.

Can you imagine driving about town in a manual wheelchair with 4 kids ages 7 down to 1? So the gossip was unfair. But when James was able to be home for a while, we decided to start documenting our park times to show home schooling antagonists that we really were having fun and getting exercise, sunshine, and socialization in a wide variety of ways. It wasn't long before James went into business for himself, and from then on we had him home with us, busy but available.

That's how it all started, very early on. But it took very little time for our family to fall in love with walks and parks, and to go there as much for fun and family togetherness as anything else. And I found tremendous fulfillment in photographing our family fun and adventures. I found it exciting to see how well I could capture those beautiful familiar smiles on cute little faces that would grow and change and should never be forgotten. Oh how precious those photos are now!

So how do you take good family photos? I'm in a wheelchair, so I have some disadvantages and may skip some steps that you can take if you are able bodied. But there is still a lot that I can pass on to you. Here are my tips:

Always bring your camera along. You never know when the best pictures will present themselves. To be a good photographer, you don't say, I'd like a tree photo. There's a tree. Click, click. You watch for the right photo to present itself, and you make sure the camera is handy when it does. I don't get out my camera and make a picture. I keep it handy and watch for the right pictures to happen, and make sure I get over there when they do. Then I take them fast before the pose faces start and the beauty of the moment is lost to the camera.

Don't say things to make your children photo conscious. Never bawl them out for a botched photo, but do let them know how to avoid botching later photos. Focus verbally on the fun your kids are having, not the picture you are taking, so the great expressions stay on their faces. Do teach your children that there are things they should never do while you have the camera out, like pick their noses, scratch themselves, block a shot with the back of their head, and things like that.

Be aware of both the background and the children's expressions. Try to have the child/children slightly off center from the middle of the photo, and notice the background. If the park restrooms are the backdrop, move to a different angle so the trees or other beauties of nature are in back of the children in the photograph.

Get the children used to the camera, until they hardly notice when you are taking photos. This way you get more natural and spontaneous faces--i.e. the real thing. Don't let the kids think that if you have your camera up to your face they should pose for it. Some posed shots are okay, but the best shots are spontaneous. I tell the kids, "Don't mind me, just keep having fun," and then take multiple photographs, knowing that even if I botch some of the pictures at least one will turn out well.

Be aware of the lighting in your photograph. If the sun is directly behind the photo, your children's faces will not be very visible. On the other hand, if the sun is in their eyes, they may squint so badly that their facial expression looks terrible. (Some kids are more sensitive to sun in their eyes than others, so you'll want to keep that in mind.) I try to have the sun off to one side, or take photos when it is still high in the sky.

Be with your kids in spirit, in all that they do. The best faces happen when your kids feel one with you. The tenderness they feel for you will show in their eyes, and make a very appealing picture. Don't scold while taking a photo of your kids,

AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

or that will be the end of the happiness on their faces in that location. Be warm and encouraging and one with their spirit as you photograph them. I stay very aware of my children's responses to things around them, and catch their special moments of joy, awe, amazement, amusement, or fun. It is those responses that I strive to photograph.

Zoom in on those things that are appealing and screen out the rest as you compose your photo. Most people take photos from too far away and include too much background in people shots. Zero in on the child and those aspects of the scenery around him that he is responding to with his face and body.

When you take scenic shots, either take one with the family doing things or responding to things around them, or leave all people out of the scenic photograph. Avoid having someone stand stiff in front of the scene and grin stiffly at the camera.

Watch the lighting in your scenic shots. I am constantly noticing the play of light on trees, leaves, sky, and water. These are some of my favorite things in life. When I see them and feel delighted by them, I get out my camera because it's picture time.

Unfortunately, the best lighting for scenic shots and the best lighting for taking photos of the kids do not always coincide. You have to just accept that. But silhouettes of the kids against a dramatic lighting background can make good shots so you can try that and see how it comes out. Where the play of light is most intriguing, though, you may not be able to see the kids faces well.

We have our family photos taken outdoors as much as possible because we feel more relaxed there, and are in our element. Don't just line up and stand there stiffly. Encourage family members to respond to one another naturally. Jonathan and I are always close in our nonverbal in photos, because we are the two shorties (due to my wheelchair), and we feel very close. When I am out shopping with Jonathan there to assist me, we seem to think in sync with one another. So why not let that closeness show itself in a photo? I am always my best with either Jonathan or Jennaya beside me or both.

Now here are some tips for having family photos taken when you are overweight. Be at the back, not the front of

the photo if possible. Have one of the younger children in your lap or standing in front of you. His being in the foreground makes him seem bigger and consequently you look smaller in comparison.

Wear dark clothing or a contrast with a light-colored dress and a dark sweater. Dark colors recede in a picture, while light colors seem to expand and jump out at you. If your face is fat, or you have thick thyroid tissue around your face as I do, pull your hair around in front, and arrange it around your face. Learn what is the best side of your face to be photographed. I have thick thyroid tissue on one side that looks like a double chin, so I have to remember which side that is and turn it away from the photographer.

If you can't help having football shoulders (which I have because my mobility problems require greater use of my upper body for mobility), wear a dark sweater or a dress that is dark in the shoulder area. Turn one shoulder away in the photo, have a child against one shoulder, or crop one shoulder out of the photograph. (Photo cropping can be done at any time, even with photos that were taken many years ago.)

For family photos, keep your kids' minds on fun times and happy memories, and you will get better expressions in family photos. Some of our best photos happened on a day when we noticed a banana on the roof of someone's car on our way over. We shouted to the man that there was a banana on his roof, and the facial expressions and antics that followed were hilarious. He looked so startled, and then began futilely feeling around for the banana on his car roof as he drove. We remembered the banana all afternoon and got beautiful family pictures.

AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

Songs & Verses for a Wonderful Walk

ROUNDS: (Most can be found in Wee Sing)

"Oh How Lovely Is the Evening""Row Your Boat""Sing, Merrily Sing""Kookaburra""Zum Gali Gali""Gently Brays the Donkey""By the Waters of Babylon""Dona Nobis Pacem""You Are My Hiding Place""Love, Christians This Is Your Call"

FOLK SONGS"I Love to Go a Wandering""Sing Your Way Home""O Shenandoah""Across the Western Ocean""Danny Boy""When Johnny Comes Marching Home""I've Been Working on the Railroad""Michael Row Your Boat Ashore""Kumbaya""She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain"

HYMNS** "This Is My Father's World"

"I Sing the Mighty Power of God""Fairest Lord Jesus"

** "Christ Be Beside Me""Like A Lamb That Needs a Shepherd""His Sheep Am I""Be Thou My Vision"

** "Jesus Lover of My Soul""On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand""Come Thou Long Expected Jesus"

** "Of The Father's Love Begotten"** "Whisper a Prayer"** "Day By Day"

Any of your favorite hymns** (You can hear these on our web site)

MORE POEMS...(Rod & Staff)

"Best of All""Each Today""The Wind""Time""The Secret""The Snow""Robin's Secret""Look and Listen""The Little Plant""Autumn""To Remember""Little Things""Do It""To the First Robin""Waiting to Grow""Wise Old Owl""The Little Plant""Winter Blanket""In Nature's Arms""God Is Like This""Blind, But Happy""We Plow the Fields""Then It's Fall""Thanks""God's World""Dare to Do Right""Do It Now""The Heart's Proof""Others""Tell Him So""One By One""God's Will For Us""Just the Same Today""Watch and Pray""Be Strong""The Creation""Constancy""The Voice of God""Lord of All Being""The Bridge Builder""His Strength"


from Poems for Memorization (Rod & Staff)"How Do You Like to Go Up in a Swing?""Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread""Father In Heaven I Thank Thee""The Wind and the Leaves""Who Taught the Birds?""Overheard in an Orchard""Where Go the Boats""Out in the Fields With God""Face Life With a Smile""My Creed (I Would Be True)""A Song of Low Degree""Because We Do Not See""Wilt Thou Follow Me?""A Prayer to the God of Nature"


The Fruits of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-24The Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6:9-13Jesus' Foremost Command in Mat. 22:35-40What Love Is, in 1 Corinthians 13:1-8The Beatitudes in Matthew 5:3-12Jesus' Sermon on the Mount Luke 6:20-49The Psalms of Ascent (The walk to Jerusalem)Psalms 121, 123, 125, 128Psalms About Nature:Psalm 91

Verses on DiscipleshipMatthew 5:3-12Matthew 22:35-40Luke 14:26-27John 15:1-82 Corinthians 10:3-5Philippians 2:3-7Ephesians 2:8-102 Timothy 3:1-5Titus 2:11-14Hebrews 12:1-131 Peter 5:6-9

Verses on Salvation & Christian Love1st John 4:11, 121st John 4:7,81st John 4:19-211st John 5:1-31st John 4:14-171st John 2:3-61st John 3:21-241st John 3:10-181st John 1:4-10 with 2:1,2John 13:34-351 Corinthians 13:4-8Romans 12:10John 15:9-14

AAAA----ZZZZ Have a Wonderful Walk! by Joy Marie Dunlap, LightHome Publications www.LightHome.netCopyright 2006 by Joy Marie Dunlap. Photos may not be used outside the context of this book, as it is laid out here. However, purchaser may make copies for kids living in the same home, and for truly needy families. All rights reserved.

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

first penmanship book, 28 Great Quotes from US Presidents (still available), at age 13. Encouraged by its sales, Joymarie began producing her own penmanship books, 30 in all to date (2013), on topics ranging from Bible verses, hymns, poems, and character to animals, outdoor activities, world geography, and history settings.

In 2009 she started Artistic Nature Magazine for kids in grades 48, to teach art principles that are rarely taught to kids, through coloring pages and art instruction, and to share the wonders of nature from a creationist perspective, honoring God as nature's Creator. Back issues of Artistic Nature are sold as unit studies.

Joymarie now lives in Redding, in Northern California, with James, her husband of 30 years, and her 2 cats. Joymarie enjoys singing, nature, flower arranging, art, crafting, and photographing nature. She is passionate about Christian discipleship, and plans more Bible penmanship, as well as more nature penmanship books, crafting books, and art courses for homeschooled kids. She loves to hear from the families that use her materials! Email her at LLLLiiiigggghhhhttttHHHHoooommmmeeeePPPPuuuubbbblllliiiiccccaaaattttiiiioooonnnnssss@@@@ggggmmmmaaaaiiiillll....ccccoooommmm.

Joymarie's writing career began in 1991 when her first article was published in The Teaching Home magazine, which, at that time, was the biggest Christian homeschool magazine. For the next 10 years, her articles were published in almost every issue of The Teaching Home, and sometimes 2 or 3 of her articles were published in the same issue.

During that time period, Joymarie wrote from the perspective of a home educator, because she was in the midst of homeschooling her 5 children. (Her homeschooling actually began in 1985 when her first child learned to read at 12 months old. Her other kids began reading at ages 20 months, and 2, 3 and 4 years old. They are all homeschooled high school graduates.)

When The Teaching Home stopped publishing a printed magazine, Joymarie started her own magazine for Christian home educators, called Family Discipleship Magazine (out of print since 2006). In 2002, her daughter, Jennaya, produced LightHome's

LightHome Publications Take a look at our curriculum www.LightHome.net materials on the following pages

Joymarie homeschooled her 5 kids from preschool to high school graduation from a wheelchair, often in pain.

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

Past issues include: gardening; nesting birds; N. American. scenery, deserts; sea mammals, animal homes, ocean fish, insect lifecycles, wildlife of Australia, Antarctica, Arctic, and African savanna. All back issues still sold as unit studies:

www.tinyurl.com/lhbkunit We include so many art experiences in each 80 to 100page issue that a oneyear subscription to Artistic Nature Magazineprovides you with more than a year's worth of art curriculum in grades 49. Your kids will learn to color in ways that create a 3dimensional, textured effect, plus learn art principles that are used all the time by great artists.

Our nature articles can be used as part of your kids' grade school science (grades 36), and are interesting enough for grades 7 and up to enjoy as well.

Plus we share devotionals in every issue, and often include fun articles, Web sites, and assignments in other school subjects such as music, math, language arts, health, P.E. and more.

Each issue also includes fun activity pages, such as mazes, word puzzles, hidden pictures, word search puzzles, video links, and more, for an age span of grades 29. We have something for the whole family. Some of our art assignments are suitable for high school, while many coloring pages can be colored simply by 1st and 2nd graders (ignoring instructions for older kids).

We’d like to introduce you to a new and very special magazine for Christian families (created especially with homeschooling families in mind): it’s called

Artistic Nature Magazine.We focus on nature and art, with devotionals as well.Each issue contains:A variety of brief and entertaining articles on specific nature topics

Delightful coloring pages for your kids to learn from as they color, using our careful and creative coloring instructions

A colored example of most coloring pages for kids to use for reference

We also include kidfriendly paintings by famous artists for kids to learn new art techniques through simple discussions.

All of our articles are from a Christian perspective, honoring God as the Creator of all things in nature. We do not subscribe to any aspect of macroevolution at any level. Our focus is on the incredible genius of our Creator, and how beautiful the things He created are as art, as well.


Keri Keeler (order #3061069)


Organic GardeningLots of gardening poems, what bees do, how plants shed doubt on evolutionary theories, and photos of our kids gardening. Includes clear, in depth instructions on how to make a very successful organic vegetable garden (without using poisonous chemicals and sprays).


Nesting BirdsHow birds make their nests according to God's plan: cup, pouch, mud, ground, underground nests & more. Plus nesting materials to provide, attracting birds with water, birdwatching equipment. Tenpage section at back is about Mother's Day: a story, decorating, cards to make.


America the BeautifulA trip across America with scenery to color, beautiful paintings of this incredibly beautiful land, region by region, with fascinating animal facts as well. We include stories, an Oregon trail map and word search puzzle, and even a recipe for a Hawaiian fruit salad.


Animal HomesWe cover dens, underwater nests, beaver dams and homes, seashell homes, for both the sea snails themselves and hermit crabs who borrow them, and some unusual homes such as frogs that spend their entire lives for generations in rainforest treetop bromeliads. We tell you how each animal home is made and used, including more bird nests.


North American DesertsFor this issue we took photos at The Living Desert botanical gardens to fill its pages. We cover the Mojave, Sonoran, Chihuahuan, and Great Basin deserts, with dozens of wild creatures, including some you may never have heard of such as coatis and ringtails. Includes stories, safety articles, cactus identification, and Native American medicinal uses of desert plants.


Sea MammalsFilled with fascinating facts about seals, dolphins, and whales. Includes a whale watching story, dolphin intelligence, different types of whales, whale sizes, dolphin swimming speeds, and seal diving depths. Art instruction covers using different colors to show different ocean depths, and how to make sea mammals look 3dimensional.

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)


Australian AnimalsAustralia has all kinds of animals that are found nowhere else on earth: kangaroos, wallabies, koalas, bilbies, tiny honey possums, echidnas, pademelons, platypuses, and the lyrebird, which can imitate not only other birds but classical music, chain saws, cameras, and more.


Ocean FishThink fish are boring? Think again! We cover huge fish, tiny fish, pretty, colorful fish, dangerous fish, sharks, rays, flat fish, sea horses, even sea dragons, and more. We also talk about snorkeling, ocean dangers, and show you how to draw many very different kinds of fish.


Insect Life CyclesThis topic has never been so fun! We show you the caterpillars and chrysalids for 12 different butterflies, plus pictures to color of many of the butterflies, lots of activity pages, and fascinating facts about bees, wasps, beetles, dragonflies, ants, cicadas, with video links.


African SafariThe African savanna is teeming with animals. We bring you 14 different kinds of African antelopes, facts about popular big game animals like elephants, giraffes, and rhinos, plus many smaller animals that you probably have never heard of before. 40+ pages include activities.


Life in the Arctic CircleThe Arctic has many more land mammals, moose, musk oxen, Dall sheep, caribou (reindeer), polar bears, brown bears, wolves, Arctic foxes, lynxes, Arctic hares, and more, plus birds, seals, walruses, more whales, and an adventure story with photos of a cozy scientists station.


Antarctic WildlifeEven the frozen continent of Antarctica is teeming with life. We cover 5 different kinds of penguins, 2 other Antarctic birds, 6 different types of seals, whales, a porpoise, and a dolphin. We show you what it looks like at the South Pole in photographs and a map with islands.

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

Backyard Nature, AZ Cursive tracing, plus coloring

Exotic Animals, AZ Cursive copywork, plus coloring

A B Sea Creatures, AZ Cursive copywork, plus coloring

Animals We Know and Love, AZ Manuscript printing copywork & art

Animals of North America, AZ Manuscript printing copywork & art

Birds of North America, AZ Manuscript printing copywork & art

Crawly Critters Cursive, AZCursive tracing, copywork & art

I Like Animals, AZManuscriptprint tracing & art

Birds of North America, AZ Slant Print copywork & art

Inspiring penmanship books!www.tinyurl.com/lhbkbk

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

Beautiful Blessings: Prayers, Poems & Verses Trace printing

A Treasury of Bible Verses on LoveCursive copywork and art

As We Gather: Songs of ThanksgivingCursive copywork, singing, and art

AZ Kind Kids CareManuscript printing copywork

A Treasury of Bible VersesManuscript printing copywork

A Celebration of Christian CharacterCursive poetry copywork with Scripture

My Thankfulness JournalCreative writing journal

AZ Homesteading CursiveCopywork on living off the land

28 Great Quotes from USPresidents on prayer and character

LightHome penmanship books:www.tinyurl.com/lhbkbk

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

Come see our creative books:www.tinyurl.com/lhbkbk

A Treasury of Christmas CarolsCopywork, singing, plus coloring

Artful Christmas CardsCards to make, color, and embellish

Artistic Valentine CardsCards to create and embellish

Have a Wonderful Walk, AZCombines penmanship with P.E.

Mystery Flags, AZ: world countriesCursive copywork & word games

An Elegant Floral AlphabetCursive copywork, Bible, and art

A Wagon Train Alphabet: Westward Ho!Combines penmanship with history & art

Family Life in Colonial Times, AZ Penmanship with history & art

A Backpacker's AlphabetCombines penmanship with P.E.

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)

FRONT & BACK COVER PHOTOS: These family photos were taken on the same day. James and Joy Marie are not together because they are taking photos of each other with the kids. Since we are in different places in each photo, here's how to identify each family member: Full beard - James; wheelchair - Joy Marie; Tallest boys: light hair - Josh, dark hair - Justin; Wide hat - Jennaya, Middle boy - Judah; Littlest - Jonathan

Keri Keeler (order #3061069)