Hatha Yoga Helping you Live Better Copyright 2012 Martin K...


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Hatha Yoga – Helping You Live Better


Copyright Page

Hatha Yoga—Helping you Live Better

Copyright 2012 Martin K. Ettington


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Hatha Yoga – Helping You Live Better


Other books by MKEttingtonbooks:

Spiritual and Metaphysical Books:

Physical Immortality: A History and How to Guide

The Commentaries of Living Immortals

Prophecy: A History and How to Guide

God Like Powers and Abilities

Enlightenment for Dummies

Removing Illusions to Find True Happiness

Using the Scientific Method to Study the Paranormal

A Compendium of Metaphysics and How to Guides

(Six books together in one volume)

Records of Extremely Long Lived Persons

Science Fiction:

Out of This Universe

The God Like Powers Series:

Human Invisibility

Invulnerability and Shielding



Our Energy Body, Auras, and Thoughtforms

The Yoga Discovery Series:

Yoga-An Ancient Art Form

Hatha Yoga-Helping you Live Better

These books are all available in digital and printed formats from my websites and on

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Hatha Yoga – Helping You Live Better


Table of Contents


Yoga – A Brief Look into its depths

A Look Back in Time

Branches of Yoga

Benefits of Yoga

Hatha Yoga – An Introduction

Hatha Yoga – Its Origins and Myths

Hatha Yoga – Its Method and Practice

The Concept of Hath Yoga

Hatha Yoga – How it affects us

Benefits of Hatha Yoga for our Body

Types of Hatha Yoga

Techniques of Hatha Yoga



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Hatha Yoga – Helping You Live Better



The word yoga takes us back to the ancient times and brings to mind a plethora of images of extraordinary postures that seem impossible to attempt, let alone master. Yoga is much more than mastering the various postures or increasing your flexibility. It is an ancient practice that involves various physical stances as well as several mental and breathing exercises that cleanse our mind, body and soul. It focuses on self-enlightenment as its ultimate goal. Yoga has continued to evolve over the years and now there are various disciplines that are practiced. Yoga is a science that has transcended boundaries, language and culture and has got worldwide acceptance. It is estimated that over 35 million people practice yoga in America and U.K. The most common form of yoga practiced here is Hatha yoga. The origins, the concept, the ultimate goal and the various benefits of practicing such an ancient art form are still unknown to many. Beyond the assumption that it started in India, the knowledge about yoga takes a dip into the unknown. There are a lot of intricacies that are associated with this art form that need to be understood to really reap the true benefits of this ancient art form. This eBook aims at enlightening you and takes you into the wonderful yet mysterious world of Yoga and in particular Hatha Yoga. This eBook helps you understand Hath Yoga better and the basics that can help you get started. "The traditional purpose of Yoga, however, has always been to bring about a profound

transformation in the person through the transcendence of the ego," Feuerstein 3

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Hatha Yoga – Helping You Live Better



"Yoga is a light, which once lit, will never dim. The better you practice, the brighter the flame". B.K.S. Iyengar

Yoga is a science preserved and carried forward in time though the centuries. Yoga directs us towards an inner oasis of peace right within us. The word 'yoga' means 'union' and originates from the word “yuj“in the ancient language of Sanskrit. It signifies the 'union' with the Eternal Self. It is an amalgamation of our own consciousness with the universal consciousness. Ancient practitioners of yoga or the yogis believed that in order to achieve this, he has to integrate the body, the mind, and the spirit. For this to be achieved, there should be a balance within our body in terms of our emotion, action and intelligence and this was achieved and maintained through the three main structures of Yoga namely - exercise, breathing, and Meditation. The three main structures as stated before are Exercises, Breathing and meditation. Let is take a brief look into each aspect of yoga. Yoga Exercise/ Asanas: This improves circulation, stimulate the abdominal organs, and put pressure on the various glands in our body, which leads to our general wellbeing and better health. Yoga Breathing Exercise/ Pranayamas: Breath in the ancient times was considered and as the very essence of life. Pranayamas or breathing exercises help us to gain control over our breathing. The basic concept of this is to be oblivious to the world and focus on our breathing. This is the essential step required for us to advance to the next structure of yoga called breathing. Meditation: Meditation is the best way to release the tensions and stress associated with our day to day lives. It doesn’t mean that we have to achieve the state where our mind goes completely blank. We just need to focus our mind and calm it. The pose and breathing have to be conducive to achieving this and also develop awareness of our body and mind.

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Hatha Yoga – Helping You Live Better


To help you on the way, we have listed some of the common terminologies that are used in Yoga and their meanings. All of these definitions are excerpts from the book called -The Complete Idiot's Guide to Yoga.

Asanas: postures Bhakti Yoga: it emphasizes the devotion to the divine Chakras: centers of energy located between the base of your spinal column and

the crown or your head Dhyana: meditaion Hatha Yoga: a type of yoga primarily concerned with mastering control over the

physical body as a path to enlightenment Jnana Yoga: it emphasizes questioning and meditation Kriya Yoga: focuses on action and participation in life Mantra Yoga: involves chanting of sounds Om: a syllable that is used as a mantra Padmasana: lotus pose Pingala: a channel on the right side of the spine through which prana moves Prana: soul of the universe Pranayama: breathing exercises Raja Yoga: it focuses on the control of the intellect in order to obtain

enlightenment Samadhi: goal of yoga, becoming aware of nothing Tantra Yoga: made up of different rituals Tapas: self-discipline Yoga: to yoke or join together Yogi: one who practices yoga Vinyasa: grouping of yoga postures that flow together

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Hatha Yoga – Helping You Live Better



"The word yoga comes from Sanskrit, the language of ancient India. It means union, integration, or wholeness. It is an approach to health that promotes the harmonious collaboration of the human being's three components: body, mind, and spirit." Stella Weller

The exact beginning of yoga is still unclear. However, archaeological evidence that proves its existence could be found in stone seals and these stone seals help us in placing Yoga's existence around 3000 B.C. Furthermore research shows that this ancient form originated in the east. The oldest and existing text called Rig-Veda which is essentially a composition of hymns on topics like prayer, harmony, and greater being has evidence of the existence of yoga. However, academics in search of the exact science of yoga believe that yoga existed long before that and they believe that it was there from the beginning of Stone Age shamanism. Yoga started out as a community oriented service which later turned inwards towards self realization and actualization. The growth and evolution of yoga took place through four periods namely - the Vedic Period, Pre-Classical Period, Classical Period, and Post-Classical Period. Vedic Period The Vedas, a collection of hymns which praise a divine power is the sacred scripture that is the basis of modern-day Hinduism. The people of Vedic period relied on the yogis to help them live in harmony. Evidence and recordings of this period show that many yogis lived in seclusion in forests and mountains. Pre-Classical Yoga

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Hatha Yoga – Helping You Live Better


Upanishads and to an extent, The Gita, a Holy Book, characterizes the beginning of the Pre-Classical Yoga. The teachings in these expounded the significance of unifying the three aspects – Bhakti (devotion), Jnana (knowledge) and Karma (duty or selfless actions) in our life. With this in mind, it tried to unify Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, and Karma Yoga. Yoga shares its characteristics with Hinduism and also with Buddhism. During the sixth century B.C., Buddha preached Buddhism which laid a lot of Importance on meditation and postures that can help us to achieve enlightenment. He was the first Buddhist to study Yoga and is said to have achieved enlightenment at the age of 35. Classical Period This period sees the manifestation of the Yoga Sutra, written by Patanjali around the second century which explain and illustrate the Raja Yoga and its theories. He believed that each individual is a combination of matter and spirit and that the two needed to be separated to be achieve enlightenment. This is the exact opposite of the previous beliefs. The yogis focused more on the meditation and tried to make themselves immortal and the asanas were relegated as an insignificant part of the process. The Eightfold path of Classical Yoga are:

1. Yama, social restraints or ethical values; 2. Niyama, personal observance of purity, tolerance, and study; 3. Asanas, physical exercises; 4. Pranayamas, breath control 5. Pratyahara or sense withdrawal in preparation for Meditation; 6. Dharana, concentration; 7. Dhyana, Meditation; 8. Samadhi, which means ecstasy.

Post-Classical Yoga Here the yoga is more focused on the present – its acceptance and living in the moment rather than trying to make person move away from reality. The West saw the influx of yoga into its midst in the early 19th century. The trend started as a part of study of Eastern Philosophy in the 1930s. One of the most famous works is the modified Five Principles of Yoga by Swami Sivananda:

1. Savasana or proper relaxation; 2. Asanas or proper exercise; 3. Pranayama or proper breathing; 4. Proper diet; and 5. Dhyana or positive thinking and Meditation

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Hatha Yoga – Helping You Live Better



As we have come to understand, Yoga is much more than an exercise program, weight loss program or a quick fix for all of lives problems. Yoga is a science that combines philosophy, balance, control and conditioning effectively to give us a healthier lifestyle and a better sense of well being. It is believed to predate recorded history. Hatha yoga has become the most popular branch of yoga in the United States and the United Kingdom This has led many to equate Hatha yoga to Yoga. This section is an attempt to remove this misconception and take you through the various branches of yoga. Listed below are the most important six branches of yoga that are practiced.

Hatha Yoga (Details in the following Chapters) This is the most popular Branch of Yoga in the West. It is also known as the yoga of postures. This branch of Yoga uses physical postures or Asana, Breathing Exercises (Pranayama), and Meditation to have a healthier lifestyle and inner peace.

Raja Yoga This is the yoga of self control. As the name suggests (Raja = King), this is considered to the King of Yoga. It is often called as the "royal road" as it produces a well rounded individual. It integrates exercises, breathing practice, meditation and study to give it a holistic feel and approach.

Bhakti Yoga This is the most popular Branch of Yoga that is followed in India and it is also known as the Yoga of devotion.

Tantra Yoga This is the Yoga of rituals and the most misunderstood of all the different forms of yoga. Tantra Yoga is about using rituals to experience what is sacred. Sex is a part of it. However, what we need to realize is that sex is not the whole of it. Here the unseen consciousness is shown in through specific words, diagrams, and movements.

Karma Yoga Karma Yoga is known as the Yoga of service. In this path or in this particular form of yoga, it is believed that your present state or circumstance is based on your past actions. So what this yoga advocates is that you do selfless service now. By doing so, you are choosing a future that is blissful and free from negativity, selfishness and any such unpleasant thoughts and actions.

Jnana Yoga Jnana Yoga, also known as the Yoga of the mind is the path of Yoga that deals with the mind, and focuses on intelligence aspect of a person. The path of wisdom is considered to be the most difficult path.

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Hatha Yoga – Helping You Live Better


There have been offshoots of these main types of yoga forms and some of them are fast gaining popularity. Listed below are some more forms of yoga, some obsolete, some widely practiced and some practiced very rarely by people in the know and those with deep rooted spirituality in the east.

Ananda Yoga: Anusara Yoga Ashtanga Yoga Bikram Yoga Forrest Yoga Integral Yoga ISHTA Yoga Iyengar Yoga Jivamukti Yoga Kali Ray TriYoga Kripalu Kundalini MOKSHA Nyingma tradition Power Yoga Restorative Yoga Sivananda Yoga Svaroopa Yoga Viniyoga Vinyasa White Lotus Yoga YIN YOGA

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Hatha Yoga – Helping You Live Better



The modern technologies and the fast life of today has taken its toll on each and everyone for us. Our body is exposed to damaging pollution and fatigue while our mind is plagued by stress, tension and restlessness borne of our work and other triggers. What remains elusive to most of us irrespective of whether we have achieved the pinnacle of success or not, is peace of mind. Yoga is the answer for all of us who seek a happier and more fulfilling life. The benefits of yoga are many and slowly what was being advocated by yogis for centuries are being proven scientifically as well. It might as well be the elixir we are all searching for. Given below are a few reasons as to why more and more people are gravitating towards yoga: Yoga – A tool to replenish our Energy Other than a long glass of Ice Tea, what truly replenishes your depleted stock of energy is Yoga. Relax with pranayama, followed by a few simple asanas and a couple of minutes of complete relaxation in Savasana (Corpse Pose) and you will be ready to take on the world again. Yoga – A tool to control weight Yoga helps to control and normalize our body weight. It helps not only the overweight but also those whose scales tip below the required number as well. Yoga - A tool for Self Actualization Self actualization is the development and attainment of our full potential. Pranayama prepare you for meditation and meditation focuses on your mind. It directs you towards a sanctuary of happiness, peace and contentment whose source is right within you. Yoga – A tool for a healthier lifestyle The principles of balance and moderation in physical activity and diet that is advocated by yoga and its practitioners help us to a lead a healthier lifestyle.

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Hatha Yoga – Helping You Live Better


Yoga – A tool for relaxation Yoga relaxes the mind and body. Breathing exercises are the key to a mind that is uncluttered and at peace. The various stretches and postures helps relieve muscular tension and Shavasana (corpse pose) is the best position that relaxes our body and mind. Yoga – A tool to fight diseases Yoga helps us to ward off many ailments. Many postures in yoga is aimed at stimulating various glands in our body and massage various internal organs as well. This enhances the blood circulation to the various organs and parts of our body as well. This leads to better functioning for our body and building our immunity. This in turn helps our body fight various illnesses and reduces our chances of falling ill. Asanas are designed to promote, a state of mental and physical well-being as a regular practitioner experiences a condition where in all the organs function effectively under the control of the mind. Asanas have an extraordinary capacity to rejuvenate us – physically and mentally and bring our entire system into a state of balance.

It helps to stabilize the blood pressure and Pulse rate It helps to stabilize our Glucose levels, nervous system equilibrium and

cholesterol levels It improves our Skin tone, Integrated functioning of body parts, Reflexes,

Posture, Musculoskeletal flexibility, Excretory functions, Respiratory efficiency, Strength, Sleep, Cardiovascular efficiency, Endurance, Eye-hand coordination, Balance, Concentration, Attention, Learning efficiency, Memory

Immunity, Energy level, well-being, Self-acceptance, Hemoglobin in our blood, Vitamin C increases

Stabilizes and Normalizes our Weight Anxiety and Depression, Hostility, Sodium levels decrease

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Hatha Yoga – Helping You Live Better


Yoga versus Exercise

Yoga Exercise

Slow dynamic and static


Rapid forceful movements

Improves muscle tone Increased muscle tension

Lower risk of injuring muscles High risk of injury

Effort is minimal Maximum Effort

Energizing Induces fatigue

Awareness is internal (focus

on breathing)

Awareness is external (the focus is achieving a


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Hatha Yoga – Helping You Live Better



"When the breath wanders the mind also is unsteady. But when the breath is calmed

the mind too will be still, and the yogi achieves long life. Therefore, one should learn to

control the breath."

Hatha Yoga Pradipika

If you think that Hatha Yoga is a practice of yogic postures, known as Asanas and breathing exercises known as Pranayama, you are definitely on the right track. However Hatha yoga is all that and goes far beyond that. Here you will understand the intricacies of this form of yoga and what has endeared it millions and have come to be considered as the most famous and accepted form of yoga. Hatha Yoga is actually one of the ancient eight limbs of yoga. Ha means the Sun and Tha means the Moon. Together "Hatha" means the union of these two powerful energies. It also in a way symbolizes the Yin and Yang, the male and female, the union of the very different energies present within an individual. It generally and simply means – union of a pair of opposites. This form of yoga is said to bring balance to the body, mind, and soul. Hatha Yoga is also sometimes referred to as "the forceful yoga", as it necessitates the need for a lot of effort physically. Hatha yoga is a combination of asanas, pranayama, cleansing techniques (shaucha) and locking of various parts to bring about mental and spiritual harmony. It also purifies and tones our body. In Hatha Yoga, we remove any impediment or hindrance that will stop us from achieving Pratyahara (sense-withdrawal), Dharana (Concentration), Dhyana (Meditation) and Samadhi (Balance). As we delve deeper into its depth and we achieve high levels of concentration and meditation, we can realize and attain Samadhi which ultimately helps us to unite with the supreme.

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Hatha Yoga – Helping You Live Better



Mythology as per the Indian tradition says that Hatha Yoga was propounded by Lord Shiva. The first classical work on yoga is said to be the "Yoga sutra of Patanjali." Most of the manuals on Hatha Yoga has the powerful Shiva as the central figure. Each of it claim it as the original teaching that he gave to his wife and companion, Parvathi. Hatha Yoga has developed following this ancient writing on yoga. However, as with every art form and science in this world, yoga has continued to evolve over time. This was a science that was faithfully transferred from the yogis to their students and added their own perspective to their teachings. Shiva in the context of Yoga is said to symbolize and embody the transcendental Self or " The Paramatman", which is considered to be every individual`s ultimate identity according to the teachings of yoga. Parvati is said to represent the Jivatman or "The living self". Within the story, there is an instance when Parvathy falls asleep during the discourse given by Lord Shiva. This is actually suggestive of the fact that we are at times not truly aware of our true inner self. Hatha yoga helps us to achieve this of we continue to be dedicated in our pursuit and practice of Hatha Yoga. The current practices of modern hatha yoga is basically from the teachings of the school of Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya who had taught Hatha Yoga to his pupils from the year 1924 and he had continued his teaching till the year 1989. He has claimed to have come across a manuscript dating more than 1500 years. The style of the language is ancient even something that could have been derived from the oral tradition and hence has the possibility of even being as old as 5000 years.

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Hatha Yoga – Helping You Live Better



I am sure the mythological and philosophical element has definitely intrigued you. However the core of Hatha Yoga is the technique. Without understanding its theory and the meaning of each posture and exercise, it will not truly yield the results that we are looking for – be it physical or mental or spiritual.

In Hatha yoga, exercises are the ones that are usually highlighted. So Hatha Yoga is

generally perceived as an exercise regime. There is no doubt about the fact that Hath

Yoga offers a lot of benefits to the physical body. The regimen followed for the Practice

of Hatha Yoga is a great platform for physical exercise. However the problem is when

Hatha Yoga is equated to just the Physical aspect. To realize the full potential of this art

form, we need to understand the philosophical aspect and by integrating that with the

exercise part.

In Hatha Yoga, all the methods are placed in a particular order so they increasingly

gives us better control and also helps to purify our mind and body. Hatha Yoga focuses

on breathing and ways to harness this force. The exercise regime is aimed at increasing

our ability to hold our breath or prana inside our body for a longer time. Actually it has

the potential to become a very potent force and we need to be prepared to handle this

kind of powerful energy.

What we should keep in mind while practicing Hatha yoga is we should be able to strike

a balance between achieving physical agility, flexibility and strength along with the

spiritual aspect. We should take care to ensure that our goals aren't purely physical. We

can achieve the right perspective by doing the following - Abhyasa (Practice) and

Vairagya (Detachment). The Abhyasa or Practice helps to steady the mind and

Vairagya or Detachment is an organized, efficient and methodical de-conditioning of the

mind, thus enabling it to detach our day to day existence. These two together in turn are

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Hatha Yoga – Helping You Live Better


said to help us achieve self realization. Hence, in conclusion, the process of hatha-yoga

is a slow and steady cessation or end of of ordinary human activity, and gaining more

insight about and in the "self".

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Hatha Yoga – Helping You Live Better



"Yoga Science is not just a scholarly pursuit. It is a moment by moment and thought by thought practical guide for living." Leonard Perlmutter

Hatha yoga can definitely offer you physiological well being. However that is just one of

its purposes. It is up to each practitioner of this form of yoga to understand its

philosophies and sense the mysterious power, knowledge and benefits it has to offer.

Hatha Yoga is a holistic form of yoga that emphasizes on moral disciplines, asanas,

mudras, meditation and the purification process. Hatha Yoga is a staunch supporter,

believer and propagator of the fact that "a healthy body is an essential component to

achieve universal happiness in life. Keeping this in mind, the main focus of this form of

yoga is to help us attain the proper balance of body and mind. Hatha Yoga helps to

maintain the health of our body and helps us to maintain a normal state of health. Hatha

yoga is a practice that a normal and natural way of living that is beneficial to all. They

advise us to stay away from the unnatural or artificial things.

Ancient yogis have always believed that our body is symbolic and it is actually a temple

for our spirit. Furthering this line of thought, they believed that it essential that we

nurture and develop our physical body to essentially be a effective tool to help our soul

and spirit achieve salvation and enlightenment. As we have come to understand,

"Hatha" is a set of energies that are divergent and different in nature. The yoga done to

balance both the energies with the help of asanas (postures) and pranayamas

(breathing exercise) is what hatha yoga is all about.

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Hatha Yoga – Helping You Live Better


Hatha Yoga has six different kinds of limbs. They are Asana, Pranayama, Dhyana,

Dharana, Pratyahara, and Samadhi.














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Hatha Yoga – Helping You Live Better



"Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured."

B.K.S. Iyengar

Hatha-yoga is often regarded as physical or bodily yoga. Such an over simplistic view is mistaken if that is all hatha is considered to be; but it is certainly the case that hatha-yoga works very much "with" and "through" the body, and that its conceptual isolation of the body is crucial to Hatha`s theory and practice. This conceptualization which involves whole `subtle` physiological dimension-forms should be understood properly. For that the misunderstood conclusions have to be discarded. Human body and Hatha yoga are deeply connected. Hatha Yoga is designed to gain in-depth understanding of our body and to unleash its power and strength to obtain our higher selves. To a Hatha Yogi, the body is not a mere mass of living matter, but a mystic bridge between the spiritual and the physical being. Hatha-yoga is often regarded as physical or bodily yoga. Such an over simplistic view is mistaken if that is all hatha is considered to be; but it is certainly the case that hatha-yoga works very much "with" and "through" the body, and that its conceptual isolation of the body is crucial to Hatha`s theory and practice. This conceptualization, which involves whole `subtle` physiological dimension-forms, should be understood properly. Hatha Yoga does not seek mere transcendental experiences. Its objective is to transform the human body to make it a worthy vehicle for Self-realization. According to a yogic philosophy, the body, mind and senses constitute instruments or tools for the respective processes of experiencing the world and realizing our true nature. If these instruments are to work efficiently then it is important that the yogi maintains them in the best possible condition, and, furthermore, endeavors to strengthen and purify them to the utmost. According to the Yoga-Sutra achieving this goal results in beauty, gracefulness, strength, and robustness. Such a condition is said to proceed from sanyama (control) upon the `gross` and `subtle` elements. This implies that bodily perfection is viewed as a consequence of meditative discipline, although the relation between the two should perhaps be better understood as one of mutual enhancement. Physical upliftment assists the spiritual one and vice versa.

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Hatha Yoga – Helping You Live Better



People who look at hatha yoga from afar seem to find it fantastic and equate it to the possibility of immortality or Moksha. However the truth is that just by following parts of it the chances of such remarkable feats are nearly nil. However, if the approach is holistic and the practitioner is diligent and patient, there are definitely a huge number of benefits that is attached to this form of yoga. As with all forms of yoga, Hatha Yoga, at the very basic, makes us healthier and more toned. It also gives the practitioner the ability to control his vital force called as prana which leads him eventually to a state where he can control his mind as well. After this accomplishment he can get united with the universal self and ultimately reach Samadhi. Through diligent practice, the yogis get "siddhis" or special powers. However among all the Siddhis, eight siddhis(called Maha Siddhis; Maha means great) are considered to be the most important :

Laghiman - lightness of weight

Mahiman - the ability to expand

Vasitva - command over the universe

Prapti - the ability to reach anyplace

Prakamya - Freedom of will Animan - ability to perceive the nature of things

lsitrtva - the power to create

Kilmuvasayitva - The gift of wish fulfillment

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Hatha Yoga – Helping You Live Better


"Yoga is possible for anybody who really wants it. Yoga is universal.... But don't approach yoga with a business mind looking for worldly gain." Sri Krishna Pattabhi Jois

Breathing is considered to be the most important activity of the body. It is also considered as equally critical that we do it the right way through the contraction, relaxation and controlling of the muscles. Breathing is divided into four by the yogis of Hatha Yoga - High Breathing, Mid Breathing, Low Breathing, and Complete Breathing. The right way to breathing and especially the complete breathing technique gives us vitality and the power to fight diseases effectively.

According to the yoga practitioners, each atom or cell which is in a process of continuous regeneration, in our body is a living being with independent life. These cells need Prana for its efficient working and it is derived from the food that we have. It is also necessary to keep the body healthy and proper condition and Hatha Yoga is considered to be one of the best ways to do that.

Of the ten types of energies, hatha yoga considers prana (energy flowing upwards) and apana (the excretory function that flows down) as the two most important. Hatha Yoga impacts our digestive system. Hatha yoga helps in the proper working of our digestive system and this helps us to absorb the prana from the food effectively and the vital energy is transmitted efficiently to all parts of our body. By means of the specially designed asanas, bodily `seals` and locks` (Mudras and bandhas), and breath-retentions (Kumbhaka), Hatha Yoga prevents the vital force from leaving us and in the process tries to to unify and retain it within the channel known as Sushumna Nadi. Nadi includes our arteries, veins and nerve fibres among other body vessels. They carry the vital energy in our body as well as the Kundalini Energy or Shakti.

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"For those wounded by civilization, yoga is the most healing salve." T. Guillemets

Diet is a very critical component of Hatha Yoga. Yogis of Hatha Yoga believe that Prana which is vital for the strength, vitality and health of human beings is derived from the food they eat. They also believe that proper mastication or chewing of the food is critical to release the energy and its absorption within our body. They believe in chewing slowly for a long time. This ensures that maximum nourishment is derived from each mouth of food that we consume. Once the prana is released from the food, it goes to the energy channels of mouth, teeth and the tongue and then to the nervous system that takes it to the rest of the body whereby nourishing the cells. Food for Hatha Yoga Practitioners is nourishment. It is above a mere taste or means to satisfy hunger. For Hatha Yogis, nourishment of the body is considered to be their primary duty. Another important principle regarding food is that you should aim to derive maximum nourishment from the least possible amount of food. Yogis obtain maximum nourishment from the minimum amount of food by proper mastication and choosing the food correctly. Another aspect that is supposed to be vital and critical in the proper ingestion of food is the mental attitude. Each individual must truly believe in the philosophy and also that he is absorbing the maximum energy possible from the food he is consuming.

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As with every branch of yoga, there are many variations and interpretations to Hatha Yoga as well. They keep the central idea and meaning and purpose of the art form of Hatha Yoga in mind while the many variations are done. Some of the styles are Iyengar yoga, Kripalu Yoga, and Kundalini Yoga.

There are texts that provide the framework for Hatha Yoga. A text called as Hatha Yoga

Pradipika is the most famous of them all. The literal translation of the text is Light on

Hatha Yoga. This is supposed to have been written in the fourteenth-century C.E. The

author of this celebrated text is known to be Svatmarama Yogendra. Hatha Yoga

Pradipika is more of a compilation and consolidation of various books and thesis rather

than an original book of art. It has around 389 verses (or shlokas as it is called in

Sanskrit) and is basically made up of 4 chapters.

The four chapters are called as: "prathamopadesa", Dvitayopadesa, Trtiyopadesha,

Chaturtho-padesa. In more simple terms, Prathama means one, Dvitiya means second,

tritiya means third and chathura means fourth. Upadesa means lesson or advice. So

basically it is the first/initial, second, third and fourth lesson.

The basic content of the four lessons are:

I. First chapter – This tells us about the right environment, ethical requirements and

the asanas or postures that are required for the correct way of practicing Hatha


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II. Second Chapter – This chapter deals with pranayama or the breathing exercises.

This is about harnessing our vital energy. This chapter also talks about the six

cleansing acts known as Sat Karmani. This helps in the purification of our body

and our channels called nadis.

III. Third Chapter – here our focus would basically be the study and understanding

the importance of mudras.

IV. Fourth Chapter – In the fourth and final chapter, there is a lot of focus on

meditation and the attainment of Samadhi, which is in fact the final and ultimate

goal of yoga.

As is the case with any major body of work, there are various observations by many

learned individuals through the years. One of the famous ones is Jyotsna by

Brahmananda. Some of the other commentaries have been by Umapati, Mahadeva,

Ramananda Tirtha, and Vrajabhusana.


This is a work done later than the original Hatha yoga and can be traced to the late

seventeenth-century. It has a total of 354 Shlokas. These are divided into seven

upadeshas or lessons which are the different aspects of sapta sadhana. .

The aspects are as listed below:

I. Sat-karmani II. Asana (postures)

III. Mudra IV. Pratyahara (sense-withdrawal) V. Pranayama (Breathing Exercise)

VI. Dhyana (meditation) VII. Samadhi

We have taken a brief look or will before the end of this book about the terms like Asanas, Mudra, Pranayams, Dhyana and Samadhi. So let's quickly understand what Sat-karmani means. Sat karmani is a body cleansing procedure which is explained in the second chapter of Hatha yoga as well. It balances our body and helps us attain a healthy form. After the following procedures of Sat Karmini have restored the body in a healthy, clean, pure and balanced state, the body is now ready to take on a more exalted state through which we can prepare ourselves for the higher levels in yoga and for the sacred journey of the body and soul to meet and be one with the "Paramatman". The basic six cleansing techniques are:

Dhauti is basically washing and purification of our body

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Jala(water) or Shushka (Dry) Vasti – literally means cleansing Vasti (bladder). This involves sitting in water and drawing water through the rectum using a tube. In the dry version, only the air is sucked in.

Neti, is the cleansing of our nasal passages and is done by passing a thread or water through one nostril at a time and either pulling or ejecting through the mouth

Trataka, cleanses our eyes and improves our concentration and is done by looking fixedly at an object till the eyes starts tearing.

Nauli, is about contracting and expanding the muscles of the abdomen to resemble the waves of the ocean. This massages the intestines and digestive organs.

Kapalabhati has three versions and it breathing in and out rapidly only through the nose

Sat-Chakra-Nirupama Sat-Chakra-Nirupama has 55 Shlokas describing the six chakras of the human body and the one at the crown of the head called `thousand-petalled lotus`. It is through these chakras that the Kundalini energy flows in the body.

Goraksha-Shataka Goraksha or Goraknath is one of the principal gurus named in ancestory of hatha-yoga. The Goraksha-Shataka comprises 101 Shlokas. These verses outline and explain the practice of asanas (postures), prana-samrodha (pranayama or breathing exercise), Mudras, and japedomkara (Japed means chanting and omkara is the syllable om which is considered as auspiscious and sacred in Hindu mythology) and parts of the

physiology of yoga like Nadi, chakras and Kundalini.

Shiva-Samhita Shiva-Samhita is written as though spoken by the deity Shiva himself. It is said to be

from a time period similar to that of the Gheranda-Samhita. It has 645 shlokas or verses split into five chapters. This treatise talks about the importance of unity the invidual self with universal self, pranayama, asanas, mudras and finally about the six major chakras. It also touches upon the four branches of yoga – mantra yoga, hatha- yoga, lava- yoga and raja yoga. Now we have the treatise from which Hatha-yoga is said to have originated. However, Hatha Yoga is just broadly based on this. Hatha Yoga has many variations and uniqueness that is truly its own.

Yoga-Sutra Yoga sutra is said to have been written by A Sage called Patanjali around the fourth century B.C.E. However some people date it earlier to the third century CE. It is sometimes called after its creator and known as Patanjali Sutra as well. It has 196 sutras that is spread over four chapters. It is very systematically written. Most branches and variations of Yoga including Hatha Yoga has been founded and inspired by this,

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Yoga Sutra revoles around the ashtanga (ashta = eight,the number 8 and anga means limbs) system. Yoga sutras also don't talk about mudras or the Kundalini Energy. Hatha Yoga concentrates on the asanas and pranayamas, with pranayamas being the key practice. So, essentially the third and fourth limbs are core to anyone practicing Hatha Yoga. Also, unlike Hatha Yoga, Yoga sutra lays a lot of emphasis on meditation. However Yoga sutra and Hatha yoga still complement each other and the practitioners of Hatha Yoga refer to the yoga sutras. The eight limbs of Yoga sutra are:

I. Yama (restraint)

II. Niyama (secondary restraint) III. Asana IV. Pranayama V. Pratyahara VI. Dharana (concentration)

VII. Dhyana VIII. Samadhi

Yoga sutra is a complex and difficult text that usually needs explanatory books to help understand it. The earliest the commentary for yoga sutra is written by sage Vyasa in the fifth century and is often referred to as the Yoga-Bhashya. It is a text which explains the yoga sutra. This in itself is a complex text and might need explanations itself. Depending on the objectives of the Guru or teacher of Hatha yoga, there are various branches that have been defined. Some of the categories are listed below: Iyengar Yoga It is named after B.K.S. Iyengar of Poona, Maharasthra, India, a student of Krishnamacharya. His yoga focuses on asanas done with precision and alignment. He encourages the use of props to aid in finding meditation in each posture, which teaches the body how the pose is supposed to feel deep within the body. Rakshana Krama Hatha Yoga This is mostly for a householder to maintain the health and also for the relaxation which is considered as paramount in this practice. Adhyatmika Krama Hatha Yoga This practice is again aimed at the householder yogis. However this has a stronger spiritual side and goal. It is about connecting with self and strengthening it. Kripalu Yoga It is named after the Indian master, Swami Kripalvananda, however was established by Yogi Amrit Desai, former head of the Kripalu Yoga Association in western Massachusetts. This method is generally known as a more gentle style of Hatha Yoga. This style places an emphasis on incorporating other limbs of yoga in order to compliment the physical practice, such as Raja Yoga or meditation. Chikitsa Krama Hatha Yoga

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This is self explanatory form of hatha yoga. Chikitsa is a word meaning treatment or therapy, which makes this a healing yoga practice. It helps us to regain the balance of the physical body and also emotionally and spiritually. Shrishti Krama Hatha Yoga This practice stimulates physical, mental and spiritual growth in youth. This helps in to improve our concentration, flexibility and energy flow through our channels. Siksana Krama Hatha Yoga This practice aims at perfecting the asanas and pranayamas. Shakti Krama Hatha Yoga This is mostly practiced by ascetics and saints who are spiritually oriented and is about developing Shakti or power.

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"Yoga is invigoration in relaxation. Freedom in routine. Confidence through self control. Energy within and energy without." Ymber Delecto

The key techniques followed by the practitioners of hatha yoga are:

Asana Kumbhaka Mudra Meditation

As per Wikipedia, Asana (Sanskrit word meaning 'sitting down') is a body position, typically associated with the practice of Yoga, originally identified as a mastery of sitting still, with the spine as a conduit of biodynamic union. In the context of Yoga practice, asana refers to two things: the place where a practitioner (yogi/yogin) sits and the manner (posture) in which he or she sits. In the Yoga sutras, Patanjali suggests that asana is "to be seated in a position that is firm, but relaxed" for extended, or timeless periods. The concept and practicing of Asanas has two objectives in Hatha Yoga:

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Postures are the basis for practicing and developing meditation techniques. The more postures you have mastered, the better for practicing and mastering meditation. Asanas also improve our concentration and will power. This is another tool that improves our meditation.

Asanas are said to open our nadis (channels of energy flow in our body). This in turn improves our health and wellbeing.

As can be seen, Asanas are considered as means to achieve the end which in case of Hatha Yoga is means opening the path to Prathyahara and Dharana.

Each asana is therapeutic and acts on a particular muscle and affects our mind and

breath in a specific way. The Asana are usually named according to the image of animal

or object it resembles. It can also be named after the effect it has. Some common

prefixes are used to basic poses to explain the many variations it has. The common

ones are:

Ardha (half) Supta (reclining) Adho (downward) Parivrtta (twisted) Urdhva (upward) Utthita (extended)

Some of the common Asanas of Hatha Yoga are listed below. Before you attempt these, you should know your body and its limitations well. You should be able to identify or make educated choices about the postures your body is currently able to do well, can do moderately well and those that you are unable to master. Don't force yourself immediately into attempting those postures. Firstly, you could injure yourself. Secondly, you are likely to use bad form, and you will not benefit from the hard work and effort that you have been putting in. Illustrated below are some of the prominent and commonly used poses. Try to balance and meditate while you practice each of these poses.

Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Hand Stand Pose) This asana has a calming effect as well as it helps to balance our body and soul. It improves our strength, especially of our shoulders, arms and wrists.

Ardha Matsyendrasana This asana improves the efficiency of the liver, is helpful with constipation and stimulates the liver and kidney. It stretches the shoulder, neck and back and also energizes the spine. It also relieves women of menstrual discomfort. It also helps with asthma, sciatica, fatigue and backache. This is said to be a powerful asana that can help with serious diseases and also release the kundalini energy.

Baddha Konasana This asana is also called the cobbler pose. The literal translation of this is Bound Angle Pose (Baddha = Bound; Kona= Angle). This simple pose offers many

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benefits to us like helping with childbirth and menopause, alleviates anxiety, stress and depression, stimulates abdominal organs, ovaries, prostrate glands, kidneys and heart and also improves the circulation.

Bakasana This is known as the Crane pose (Baka=crane). This exercise stretches the back and strengthens and tones the abdominal muscles, arms and wrists. However if you have carpal tunnel syndrome or you are pregnant, please don’t practice this.

Bhadrasana This asana (Bhadra=auspiscious) has a special importance in hatha Yoga and is considered as the destroyer of all diseases. It is one of the first four asanas of 84 taught by the deity Siva as per the ancient texts. Bhadrasana tones the lumbar region and the lower back. The pelvis region is the focus of this and it receives an abundant supply of blood through the practice of this asana. It also improves the elasticity of hip, knee and ankle joints along with strengthening the muscles of the groin.

Garudasana Garuda means eagle and this posture is an embodiment of that and involves twisting the legs and arms. This helps to loosen the shoulder, elbows, knee, ankles and hip joints. This asana helps us with flexibility and co-ordination of the muscular activity.

Gomukhasana This is an asana named after an animal that is considered sacred by Hindu mythology – Cow ("Go" means cow; "Mukh" means face). This helps to make our spine straighter and helps with the symptoms of arthritis and dry piles. Remember that people suffering from bleeding piles shouldn't practice this. This also helps to reduce pain in the hips and the lower parts of the body as well.

Halasana This asana helps with some types of diabetes and also constipation. It is also considered as therapeutic for stress, fatigue, headache, menopause, infertility, backache, insomnia and sinusitis. People suffering from Cervical Spondylitis and liver complaints should consult with a yoga expert and a physician before attempting this.

Krounchasana Krounch is the Sanskrit for Heron. This pose involves some intense stretching. It is said to help with flatulence, stretching and toning of the hamstrings and it also stimulates the heart and abdominal organs. This is not advised during periods.

Kurmasana Kurma means Tortoise in Sanskrit and the posture is made to resemble the tortoise. This pose is considered as sacred by the yogis and is said to prepare them for the higher levels of yoga. As is the pace of the tortoise, this asana should be attempted slowly where you feel the stretch on your spine, head, neck, shoulders and the abdomen.

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Matsyasana Matsya means fish in the Sanskrit language. Here it is not the physical posture that is made to match the nomenclature of the asana. The state of mind is said to be akin to floating while practicing the asana which gave it its name. This is excellent for improving our posture. This asana is said to improve the circulation of pituitary and thyroid glands. It also stretches and strengthens the back muscles, thighs, abdomen, hip and the intercostals (muscles between the ribs). However it is not considered as advisable for people with high or low blood pressure, lower back or neck injury, migraine and insomnia.

Mayurasana This Asana is all about taking the shape of a peacock as the name of the asana suggests. Mayura means peacock in Sanskrit. This asanas helps the blood to flow better in the digestive organs of our body. It also tones them up making them healthier and hence functions better.

Natarajasana Nataraja is another name of the Hindu deity Shiva. Nataraja literally means king of dance. This asana helps to improve our posture and also stretch our shoulders, chest, thighs, groins and abdomen and strengthen our legs. It is not recommended for people with high blood pressure or low blood pressure or anyone with serious back or neck injury or problem.


This is also known as the lotus pose. This is an important posture as it also forms the basis of meditation and is an integral part of pranayama as well. This asana helps to steady our body and calms our mind. This helps to reduce our blood pressure and muscular tension. It relaxes our nervous system and improves our digestion as well. When used with Dhyana Mudra (refer next section) it becomes more effective. This posture is not advised for people with weak knees, bad back or sacral problems.

Paschimottanasana The Asana is best for digestive illnesses. It helps with constipation, dyspepsia and improves digestion. It also calms our mind and brain and helps to relieve stress, anxiety, fatigue, sinusitis, infertility, insomnia, blood pressure and depression. This asana also stimulates our kidneys, uterus, ovaries and liver. People suffering from ulcer shouldn't practice this asana. If you have back problem it is not advised or it should be done under strict observation of qualified yoga teachers. It is also not recommended if you have asthma or diarrhea.


The Sanskrit word, Shavam means a corpse. What it means is that in this pose, you are cut off from the external world like a corpse. It is a difficult asana as you have to cut yourself off completely. However when it is done correctly, it removes fatigue and calms our mind. It relaxes both our physical body and the brain as well giving us a holistic relaxation. It also helps with hot flashes, headaches, insomnia, high blood pressure and dizziness.

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Simhasana This is one of the major asanas used in meditation. This is one of the first four asanas out of the 84 taught by the deity Shiva. Simha means lion. This asana is done as a preparation for the three Bandhas, namely, the Mula Bandha, the Jalandhara bandha and the Uddiyana bandha. Please note that this asanas should not be done on excess of three minutes.

Swastikasana This again is a meditative yoga asana. It helps to improve our concentration. This is done also as a means of relaxation between any two asanas. It is considered as a good posture for gaining knowledge as well. In this asana, we have to sit erect and this helps the proper functioning of our back bone. This is considered as an auspicious pose by the yogis. This asana helps to maintain the normal temperature of our body.


This is a basic standing asana. It forms the base for many other standing asanas. This allows the internal organs to function better. It can help in improving your height, help with flat feet and improves our balance. It also helps to strengthen and firm the thighs, buttocks, calves, abdomen, knees and ankles. Anything in excess is not good and it is the same with pose as well. Excessive practice can lead to low blood pressure, insomnia and headaches.

Utkatasana This asana is also known as the chair pose. This asana helps to strengthen the abdomen and thighs. It also helps to stimulate the heart and diaphragm. Care should be taken to ensure that people suffering from low blood pressure, insomnia or headches doesn't attempt this pose.

Virasana Vir means a hero in Sanskrit. The stance of this asana actually imitates that of a warrior. This asana improves our digestion and reduces flatulence. It is also therapeutic in case of menopause, asthma and high blood pressure. This asana stretches and tones the muscles of your thighs, knees and ankles. It also improves the working of our digestive organs and spine as well.

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"When you inhale, you are taking the strength from God. When you exhale, it represents the service you are giving to the world." B.K.S. Iyengar

Pranayama is the goal and one of the methods to achieve it in Hatha Yoga. The practitioners of Hatha Yoga believe that the secret to effectively controlling and steadying your mind is to control your breathing. And this is exactly what Pranayama helps you do. Pranayama also helps to regulate the flow of vital energy or prana through our nadis. The control of mind and meditation put together ultimately leads to Samadhi. Kundalini energy is also said to be generated through the practicing of pranayama. Pranayama as you have gathered by now is essentially controlling your breath and breathing patterns by an individual. However this also helps our physical body as well. It helps to regulate our appetite and also helps us get a lean and strong body as well. There are different types of Breathing Exercises. There are three main types which put together is the complete breathing exercise. The first one improves the lung endurance of the Yogis. This one stimulates and tones the lungs. However it also helps to refresh our entire body as well. This is called as the cleansing Breath. The next one called as the Nerve Vitalizing Breath, puts pressure on the right nerve centers and this is turn stimulates and energizes them. The next one is called the Vocal breath. This helps to tone our voice and makes their voice strong, impressive, and flexible. It can also help you can feel the power it exudes. For doing Pranayama, there are some things that need to be followed. To start with a diet consisting of milk and ghee is recommended. Pranayama if done correctly can help

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with a lot of diseases and ailments of our body. However, there is a flip side to it. A method that is not correct can lead to headaches, eye and ear pain and in an extreme scenario, asthma as well. So how you do it is of paramount importance. It also slowly takes the fear of dying and death away from us. The steady and calm mind supports us and keeps all unwanted thoughts at bay. For doing pranayama, the mind of the yogi and the brain should be relaxed and calm. It should also be free from the heinous and sinful thoughts that can possess human beings. Pranayama is usually done in the seated position and usually in the pose termed as Padmasana (refer the earlier section on Asanas). The yogi inhales the air from the left nose (Chandra nadi) and should exhale it from the right one (surya nadi). Chandra means the Moon and Surya means the Sun. In the next round, the exhalation and inhalation is reversed. You should again be relaxed while doing this. This alternate inhalation and exhalation is continued for a specific period of time. This cleans the nadis. There are three steps to practicing Pranayama.

One is called Rechaka. This basically involves exhalation Another step is called Puraka and involves inhalation The next one is called Kumbhaka. This is essentially when you hold the breath

within you. This is about retention

Kumbhaka is the step that helps to calm and focus our mind. Steadiness of mind is attained in Pranayama with the help of Kumbhaka. In fact Kumbhaka is the best way to attain success in doing an effective Pranayama. There are various types of Khumbhaka. This determines the flow and and the type of retention of breath or prana in the body. One of them is called the Sahita Kumbhaka and the other kevala Kumbhaka. Sahita Kumbhaka Again this Kumbhaka has two variations - One where the breath is held or retained within or where the breath is held outside. The one where we hold it outside is called Bahya and that’s what the word means – outside. And similarly, the other form is called Antara. Kevala Kumbhaka This is a more difficult one where the breath is held for a longer time. There is absolutely no exhalation or inhalation. In this the energy is retained and also channeled to the main central channel of our body.

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Mudra is considered to be a critical part of hatha Yoga. It is said to awaken the Goddess

who is said to be at the Brahma Dwar or the Great Door.

Mudra basically refers to the gesture and the position of the hand which in combination

facilitates the retention of prana and also in the process, makes us focus on a single

point. According to Hatha Yoga Pradipika, the proper practice of Mudras obliterates old

age and death from the dictionary of human beings.

Mudra completes the circle of effective Kumbhaka. It is highly important that we take the

right Mudra to ensure the retention of prana or vital energy within our body and the

various channels.

Some of the important mudras are Maha-mudra, Khechari Mudra, Mula Bandha,

Uddiyana Bandha, Jalandhara Bandha, Maha Bandha, Mahu veda, Vipantakarani,

Vajroli-mudra, Shakticalam Mudra and Sambhavi Mudra.

Bandha means to lock. This is achieved through contractions of particular parts of our


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Mudras along with the Bandhas are said to be very beneficial for our body. Maha Mudra

is said to have the capacity to destroy all evils and pains. It is said to be powerful

enough to destroy the deadliest poison, or even something as simple as indigestion.

Maha Veda is considered as the destroyer of old age, diseases, death and also

improves our appetite. Mudras in general are said to increase the good actions of a

person and decrease and slowly annihilate the bad ones.

Kundalini Shakti are Sanskrit words which when translated means coiled power. Shakti

means energy. Kundalini means she who is coiled. It is also known the snake or serpent

power. This power is considered to be extremely powerful. There are various focal

points in our body through which we can invoke and utilize this power. Hatha Yoga

aims at purifying the nadis to facilitate the improved flow of prana. Then it slowly

induces the upward movement of Kundalini. This powerful which was latent to date gets

activated and that creates an enormous surge of energy within us. The activation of this

powerful force called Kundalini Shakti creates a profound transformation within the the


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Hatha Yoga – Helping You Live Better


Samadhi is the state when the mind and Atma, becomes one. The Prana is also in a controlled state. In this ultimate state, called Samadhi, the mind becomes calm and the Prana latent. Whenever the senses (known as Indriyas in Sanskrit) of the Yogi become latent he is able to attain the state of Samadhi. This is the state of absolute happiness and true bliss. This is the state that is considered to be the annihilator of death. In this state the mind and the breath unites. Hence Prana and the mind also get connected. In the state of Samadhi the mind becomes devoid of all senses and actions and it detaches from all ephemeral existences and in the process attains Moksha.

It is very difficult to reach and achieve this stage. First of all, the Yogi has to be

completely free from all worldly attachments. A Yogi who has successfully renounced

this world and all that it entails can attain the state of Samadhi. Now the Yogi is

considered to be free from all the effects of Karma.

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Hatha Yoga – Helping You Live Better



"Yoga began with the first person wanting to be healthy and happy all the time." Sri Swami Satchidananda

Yoga is an ancient science form that has been passed on through generations and given as a gift to us. It is for us to see the true potential of this art form and use it to acquire a self awareness and peace, among the many other benefits that are attributed to this art form. Yoga brings a balance to our everyday life that needs to be experienced rather than written or read. Words fall short when we have to truly explain the meaning and effects of yoga. Yoga in short, is a form of physical and mental exercise that helps us to rise above the pressures of daily life and attain a higher level of understanding, peace and oneness with our universe. Yoga is for anyone and everyone who has the drive and the perseverance and the vision of a better life and a better world. Hatha Yoga is a very good place to start on the path of yoga. Hatha Yoga is performed for purifying and strengthening the physical body as well as our mind. Hatha Yoga brings about a balance between the human mind and human body.

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Hatha Yoga – Helping You Live Better


Yoga is a way to freedom. By its constant practice, we can free ourselves from fear, anguish and loneliness."-Indra Devi

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Hatha Yoga – Helping You Live Better



1. www.lexiyoga.com

2. www.wikipedia.com

3. http://www.americanyogaassociation.org/

4. http://www.yogahistory.org/

5. http://yoga108.org/pages/show/63-introduction-to-asanas

6. http://www.sanatansociety.org/

7. http://www.yogajournal.com/