HAT Draft -Goal 2 Produce Interventions

Produce Interventions Executive Summary An instructional design and training plan was developed to outline the training outcomes from the implementation of new hire onboarding training at Starter Nest Technologies. In order to expand the business, a training plan was necessary for the company to manage the business and new hires acquired. Based on the discussion with the CEO, the main objective of the instructional design package was to help the employees adjust to the work environment and perform the duties successfully. A four-hour instructor led training outline was developed outlining the training steps and duration of each step implemented in the training. As next steps, a new hire onboarding checklist to meet the new hire and onboarding requirements and an orientation guide stating the orientation process and material was developed. Further, an evaluation system was developed for assessing and evaluating the effectiveness of onboarding and also based on the feedback, improvements will be made to the existing training package for future use. A task analysis was developed to assist the new hires to gain the right information on right time, and perform the tasks efficiently.

Transcript of HAT Draft -Goal 2 Produce Interventions

Produce Interventions Executive SummaryAn instructional design and training plan was developed to outline the training outcomes from the implementation of new hire onboarding training at Starter Nest Technologies. In order to expand the business, a training plan was necessary for the company to manage the business and new hires acquired. Based on the discussion with the CEO, the main objective of the instructional design package was to help the employees adjust to the work environment and perform the duties successfully. A four-hour instructor led training outline was developed outlining the training steps and duration of each step implemented in the training. As next steps, a new hire onboarding checklist to meet the new hire and onboarding requirements and an orientation guide stating the orientation process and material was developed. Further, an evaluation system was developed for assessing and evaluating the effectiveness of onboarding and also based on the feedback, improvements will be made to the existing training package for future use. A task analysis was developed to assist the new hires to gain the right information on right time, and perform the tasks efficiently. Overall, there were three terminal learning objectives and eight enabling objectives developed as a part of instructional objectives. An instructional strategy was developed to instruct and coach the new hires employed. The training outline will include:1. An introduction from CEO and leadership2. Interactive activities such as ice breaker games in between each session 3. Visual aids such as videos will be presented as such material are more effective for smooth facilitation of training. 4. Training evaluation will be conducted to evaluate the instructors delivery and assess the learners ability to follow companys goals and objectives. Kirkpatricks four level model of evaluation was utilized to evaluate the instructional design delivered to the new hires. But as a process, only three level evaluations will be employed to measure the training effectiveness and in order to gain proper feedback. The first level of evaluation measures the individuals reaction to training through a post-training survey which will assess the training perspectives related to instructors delivery of content. The second level will measure what the participants learned from the training. The third level will be measured through a 360 degree feedback to review the performance of the new hires after a duration of 180 days from the day the training has taken place. There are number of motivational theories that are put into practice while implementing the new hire onboarding process for the perfect organizational fit. Out of all these theories, the most fundamental theory Maslows Hierarchy of Needs proposed by Abraham Maslow (1943) is the most effective theory to analyze the onboarding development. This theory offers a needs analysis which demonstrates how each socialization element caters to each level of need that can bring an employee to fulfillment and self-actualization. The motivational theory explains the hierarchy of needs that translates into major constituents of new hire onboarding. The first level of need, physiological needs are fulfilled though the selection process, where he or she receives a pay check for fulfilling needs such as food, water and clothing. The safety and security needs of an employee are fulfilled through structured and formal onboarding training program. Need for belongingness is achieved through the various opportunities and activities provided for interaction and networking. The onboarding program fulfills a persons self-esteem needs by outlining how each individual employee fits into the larger organization as a whole. The fifth level of need is self-actualization is accomplished through onboarding processes include components that help new hires see opportunities for potential career growth and development within the company.

ReferencesChen, Y. T. (2012, January). Integrating anchored instructional strategy and modularity concept into interactive multimedia PowerPoint presentation. International Journal of the Physical Sciences, 7(1), 107-115.Morrison, G. R., Ross, S. M., Kalman, H. K., & Kemp, J. E. (2011). Designing Effective Instruction (6th ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.