HaRuach...Life are in the hand of the tongue.” We as Americans have become numb to mass...

1 The SPIRIT of Beth Israel Congregation - Chester County, PA NOVEMBER 2018 CHESHVAN - 5779 - KISLEV Joyce Feinberg Richard Gottfried Rose Malinger Jerry Rabinowitz Cesil Rosenthal David Rosenthal Sylvan Simon Bernice Simon David Stein Melvin Wax Irving Youngner זכרונם לברכהMay their memories be a blessing. 11/3 6:30 PM Havdalah Temple Beth El 11/8 7:00 PM Sisterhood Party 11/9 & 11/10 Megan Kitchen Bat Mitzvah 11/12 6:30 PM Z’‘havah Ladies Night Out 11/13 7:30 PM BICC Board Meeting 11/16 6:30 PM Community Shabbat Dinner 11/27 7:30 PM Sisterhood Book Group 12/2 12:30 PM Chanukah Party HaRuach Inside HaRuach Rabbi’s Desk ........................... 2 President’s Article .................... 4 Sisterhood ............................. 7 Religious School ......................10 Preschool & Kindergarten ...........11 Men’s Club ............................ 13 Celebrations ..........................15 Calendar ...............................16 Todah Rabah ..........................18 Yahrzeits ..............................19

Transcript of HaRuach...Life are in the hand of the tongue.” We as Americans have become numb to mass...

Page 1: HaRuach...Life are in the hand of the tongue.” We as Americans have become numb to mass shootings… schools (Sandy Hook, Parkland High School), theaters (Aura Colorado), concerts


The SPIRIT of Beth Israel Congregation - Chester County, PA NOVEMBER 2018 CHESHVAN - 5779 - KISLEV

Joyce Feinberg

Richard Gottfried

Rose Malinger

Jerry Rabinowitz

Cesil Rosenthal

David Rosenthal

Sylvan Simon

Bernice Simon

David Stein

Melvin Wax

Irving Youngner ‏

זכרונם לברכה

May their memories be a blessing.

11/3 6:30 PM Havdalah Temple Beth El 11/8 7:00 PM Sisterhood Party 11/9 & 11/10 Megan Kitchen Bat Mitzvah 11/12 6:30 PM Z’‘havah Ladies Night Out 11/13 7:30 PM BICC Board Meeting 11/16 6:30 PM Community Shabbat Dinner 11/27 7:30 PM Sisterhood Book Group 12/2 12:30 PM Chanukah Party


Inside HaRuach Rabbi’s Desk ........................... 2

President’s Article .................... 4

Sisterhood ............................. 7

Religious School ...................... 10

Preschool & Kindergarten ........... 11

Men’s Club ............................ 13

Celebrations .......................... 15

Calendar ............................... 16

Todah Rabah .......................... 18

Yahrzeits .............................. 19

Page 2: HaRuach...Life are in the hand of the tongue.” We as Americans have become numb to mass shootings… schools (Sandy Hook, Parkland High School), theaters (Aura Colorado), concerts


From Rabbi Cutler’s desk In light of the tragic event on 27 October at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, the following article was the homily that Rabbi Jon gave at the Memorial service on 28 October. Eleven Jews killed, Richard Gottfried, Rose Mallinger, Jerry Rabinowitz, Cecil Rosenthal, David Rosenthal, Sylvan Simon, Bernice Simon, David Stein, Melvin Wax, Joyce Feinberg, Ir-ving Younger, two congregants were wounded and four police officers were wounded. It was the worst attack on the Jewish people in American history. None of us can fathom or ever fathom the emotional turmoil that each family is going through, that the congregation is going through, and the rabbi must be going through. We send our deepest sympathies, support, and love to the families who lost loved ones in this senseless act of hate. We pray for a complete healing, refuah shalamah, for those wounded. Anger, disbelief, fear, shock, anguish, surreal, vulnerable, … no matter what we feel at this very moment we must stand together with all our fellow Jewish brothers and sisters and to all those non-Jews who are part of our community and families, mourn the losses, offer support and loving warmth to the families of the victims and to each other. This hits very close to home, literally. It was not on the other side of the world but on the other side of our state. The fear is that it could have been us. The greater fear is being vulnerable. We have felt a sense of security as Jews living in America because anti-Semitism has always existed and for the most part never impacted us directly as an entire people, until yesterday. What happened yesterday during Shabbat services at the Tree of Life synagogue was the worst attack on the Jewish peo-ple in American history. We must never ask ourselves, “How did this happen?” We know how this happened; we have seen once again that violent speech, and tacit endorsement of such speech especially from the highest levels of power, leads tragically to violent action. As Proverbs 18:21 says, "Death and Life are in the hand of the tongue.” We as Americans have become numb to mass shootings… schools (Sandy Hook, Parkland High School), theaters (Aura Colorado), concerts (Las Vegas), churches (Charleston, SC), mosque (Dallas, TX) and now us… synagogue. We can easily digress into the blame game and stray more into the morass of divisive politics but today is not that day. Today is not a day to look for answers or to seek out blame. Today is a day to feel -- loss, sadness, fear and vulnerability. Today we grieve and today we stand together as Jews and non-Jews and do what we are commanded to do – respond. The ter-rorist who carried out yesterday’s horrific act hoped to scare us from being public as Jews. To-day we must be more Jewish. We must show the world like generations of Jews before us, we refuse to give in to terror.

Continued next page

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We must not become paralyzed by being afraid to attend synagogue or gather in public spaces as Jews. Today we must use common sense on how to implement security within these walls but not to become so dazed by fear that Beth Israel turns into a fortress where no one can enter or every stranger becomes suspicious. That is not who we are. We are an open and welcoming syn-agogue. The moment that fear paralyzes us, the anti-Semites won. Fear and anger can never be a response! The only response is to act! One way to act is to fight vile and hatred language, to speak out as individuals and as a community when hateful speech is being spewed everywhere and anywhere -- in our homes, in our synagogues, in our schools, in our neighborhoods, in society. This comes with a risk, to speak out. There are consequences. But Judaism could never have survived for 3,000 years if our ancestors were afraid to take risks. We sit here this morning because they did not let fear overtake them. They rose above their fears in the worse circumstances. Why? They knew that with being a Jew there comes responsibility to seek out justice, to speak for the voiceless. Out of this horrific tragedy we have been offered a great opportunity to show the world what it is to be a Jew. It is not only an opportunity, but it is a responsibility. Torah clearly teaches us on how we must counteract such hatred and to restore the world to peace and kindness, Midrash Sifre Devarim. “To walk in all His ways” (Deuteronomy 11:22). These are the ways of the Holy One: “gracious and compassionate, patient, abounding in kindness and faithfulness, assuring love for a thousand generations, forgiving iniquity, transgression and sin and granting pardon…” (Exodus 34:6). This means that just as God is gracious and compassionate, you too must be gracious and compassion-ate. “The Lord is righteous in all His ways and loving in all His deeds” (Psalm 145:17). As the Holy One is righteous, you too must be righteous. As the Holy One is loving, you too must be loving. In every place that there is hatred, we must show compassion; in every situation that there is injustice, we must act for justice; in every corner where there is despair, we must speak of hope. We can never, never, never let hatred, anger, injustice, violence win. We have a responsi-bility as a people to be the safeguard against a world that believes this is legitimate. We can never accept that separating children from parents is legitimate, we can never accept that hate speech is legitimate, we can never accept demonizing any minority group in a nation that prides itself on diversity is legitimate. The moment we decide not to act and forgot what our responsibility is as Jews, the eleven who were murdered for being Jews are forgotten forever. We as Jews and non-Jews who support our community have a responsibility to the eleven people that their lives and their deaths were not in vain. We must stand up to hatred, violence and cruelty. We can never allow this way of life to become normal. We know the result all to painfully as Jews. And we are not alone; our non-Jewish brothers and sisters have extended their love and support. We are in it together to fight the worst instincts of what our society is becoming. We are the on-ly voice to stop us going down the slippery slope of self-destruction. The only way not to give anti-Semitism a victory, and to honor the memory of the eleven and countless other Jews who were killed is to walk in God’s ways, and to be more Jewish.

Rabbi Jon

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President’s Article By Halle Schonherz Dear Congregants, I write this on Monday, October 29, 2018, essentially 48 hours after the horrific attack that occurred at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. My mind con-tinues to spin and my emotions are on a rollercoaster as I work to process and digest what has happened, how I am impacted and what needs to happen to be prepared if, G-d forbid something of this nature hits closer to home.

What I find hope in is how we are receiving support globally by a tremendously diverse multi-cultural community. The positive aspects of social media bring greater access to a larger, stronger support group – long lost friends, new found friends, and visibility into the comings together across religions, nationalities, and reminders for action.

There is one post, in particular, that comforts me: the author cites a vigil where the song “Hineh Ma Tov” was being sung, which is the 133rd Psalm that translates “’Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.’”

Another post of an image that says: “Love your Neighbor who doesn’t look like you, think like you, love like you, speak like you, pray like you, vote like you. Love your Neighbor. No Exceptions.”

My friend and roommate, from when I went on the March of the Living in 1998 posted “We are taught this in Hebrew School: All Jews are responsible for one another. That is why our hearts are broken. That is why we cry. That is why our pain is so deep. It is as if it is happening to Us. Be-cause it is. And it is our responsibility to help the community of Squirrel Hill, the community of Jews, of Us, to heal. And somehow, we feel it is our responsibility to keep making the world see we’re a kind, loving, giving people who are not worthy of this hate. What a burden to bear.”

Today I sent a note to my daughters’ Principal, Guidance Counselor and Teachers: “I am saddened to contact you under these circumstances however I wanted to drop you a note to bring to your attention that Addie and Kam may not seem themselves for the next few days...please be aware and understanding of their state of mind.

This past weekend we were indirectly impacted by the horrific attack that occurred at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. While we do not have any friends or family out in that area, we are very ac-tive in our local synagogue, Beth Israel of Chester County - the girls attend religious school, services and various activities there and I am the President.

They know that a terrible thing occurred resulting in fatalities and it is very scary for them. They are asking questions that are difficult for Brian and I to answer including "Why do people hate Jews?"

We have had to try and explain what anti-Semitism is in a way that they can understand, but even still it is a concept that is difficult for adults to truly comprehend.

We appreciate your awareness and support as we progress through the aftermath of this very terrible situation.

Thank you, sincerely, Halle and Brian Schonherz

Today several congregants listened to a 90-minute briefing on Security hosted by the Jewish Fed-eration.

Today I checked in on the Preschool. Continued next page

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President’s article continued

Today I emailed the Upper Uwchlan Police Department and thanked them for their additional pres-ence this past Saturday evening and Sunday morning; I also told them that we would like to further partner with them in the coming weeks to leverage their expertise as we “re-convene efforts around improving our security protocols - no tech, low tech and high tech solutions…and devise plans to address various situations that actively and passively prepare us for any such circumstance in the future.”

Today I corresponded with some BI folks to discuss how to communicate better and in a more con-nected way with my children. We pointed each other to some PJ Library resources and we ex-changed ideas on how to approach the topic by perhaps “emphasize the idea of a scapegoat - and that sometimes people look for groups of people to blame for their misfortunes, and to give exam-ples of other minorities that are frequently targeted as scapegoats as well- African Americans, Muslims, Indians, and others.”

Yesterday I chatted with 5-6 members about how we can proceed with more aggressively consider-ing options around Security near term, long term, and documenting and communicating active and passive procedures. We have 3-4 members planning to attend a security conference called ‘Securing Sacred Spaces and Places’ from which we hope to gain insights on a path forward for ourselves.

Yesterday a preliminary informational discussion was had with a private security company – to start to understand what can be offered and at what cost.

There will be much work to do in the coming weeks and months. Work we need to do together as a community. Team-led and congregationally embraced. While much of the work will be investigatory, there will be aspects that require us to decide on what and how much to invest…this will require funding considerations.

I have no concrete or definitive statements to make – only to share what has been started and what will continue – open and pertinent dialog; requests for help; leveraging our internal human assets, experience and leadership; seeking new thinking, open thinking and reasonable decision making. For me, these circumstances were unexpected. Now I sort through my responsibilities as a mom, a wife, an individual and the leader of a congregation, in the midst of the aftermath of an attack, that was very close to home – how overwhelming…I don’t have answers, but I am committed to leading us to a place of greater comfort. B’shalom, Halle


H. MICHAEL COHEN Attorney at Law

Tel. (610) 436-9300 144 West Market Street Fax (610) 696-7962 West Chester, PA 19382-2985 Email: [email protected]

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CAR POOLING meet at Beth Israel parking lot at 4:50 PM,

individuals can work out the car pooling

Page 7: HaRuach...Life are in the hand of the tongue.” We as Americans have become numb to mass shootings… schools (Sandy Hook, Parkland High School), theaters (Aura Colorado), concerts


Sisterhood Snippets By Maxine Endy We rely on the Beth Israel Congregation Directory to contact our friends, but do we ever look in the back of the pamphlet to read about the organization we call Sisterhood? We are a member of the International Women’s League for Conservative Judaism and we follow its principles and prac-tices. Here is our mission which is printed in our BIC Directory:

Unite and strengthen the women of our synagogue and our community, support our congregation, youth and religious school, provide enriching Jewish education for our laity and our future leaders, reinforce our members’ bonds with Israel, Jews world-wide, and help support the perpetuation of Conservative (Masorti) Judaism.

October Activities Adult Education: The October 18 meeting at Peppers in King of Prussia was a great success with the President of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Philadelphia presenting. We had 29 in attendance. For the Havdalah Happening on October 27 we heard about George Gershwin and lis-tened to his music played by George himself. We had some great snacks and drinks compliments of Sisterhood. Thank you to Allan Endy for a great presentation. Thank you to Roselyn Cadoff, Roz Goldstein, and Phyllis Barnett for spearheading the final reading for the Sisterhood Board of Directors’ meeting to discuss revisions in the by-laws for Beth Israel Sisterhood. Those present had fun doing what is usually tedious work. Membership will have a chance to review and vote on this document soon. And coming in November November 8 Sisterhood is holding its paid-up-membership party. All new BICC women members are eligible for a free one-year membership. Everyone else is invited to the party by paying the $36 membership dues. Contact Maxine Endy for information and to RSVP. We hope to see you there! November 12 Z‘havah is holding a Ladies Night Out at Epicurean Garage, 6:30 pm. Contact Olga Fadden or Jody Reinbold for directions or to RSVP. November 27 Book Group will be meeting, as usual at 7:30 pm, at a member’s home. This month’s book is Letters to My Palestinian Neighbor, by Yossi Klein Halevi. Please call Anne Suss at 610-220-6055 for directions. Sisterhood Adult Education Committee Announces

Spring Film Festival in three parts coming to Beth Israel. Stay tuned for more information.

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Saturday, April 27, 2019 Services at 9:30 AM

Kiddush Luncheon to follow

If you or your children were a Bar/Bat Mitzvah at Beth Israel, we are having a celebration to honor you. We want to locate

and invite all those who became a bar or bat mitzvah at Beth Israel over our long history.


Paid-Up Membership Party

Thursday, November 8, 2018 7 pm

Bring a check for $36 (unless you have already paid) (Free to First Year BICC Women Members)

Join your women friends for a good time! At a member’s home RSVP Maxine Endy [email protected]

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed

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Sisterhood is collecting coats and sweaters this winter for the, Mitzvah Circle Founda-tion, a volunteer organization that supports people through tragedy and crisis. Please bring in your needed winter dona-tions to synagogue and place them in the wooden chest in the lobby.

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Religious School Chai-lights by Joanie Sharp

We have two upcoming programs in November to highlight –

1. Our annual fall visit from Andi Joseph – Sunday, November 11th. Andi will bring her joy and music to entertain our younger students (Pre-K – 2nd grade) from 10:30 – 11:15 AM in the Chapel. Parents & grandparents are welcome, and if you know anyone Jewish who has children in this age range who is not affiliated already, please feel free to invite them! This is always a fun morning… Hope to see all our younger families there! Our Pre-K Parent Workshop class will be on a shortened schedule that morning- they will meet from 10:00 – 10:30, and then will head to the Chapel for Andi’s performance.

2. Saturday Shabbat School & Third grade Consecration – Saturday, November 17th- 9:30 – 11:30 AM with a luncheon following for all in attendance. We have two Saturday Shabbat School experiences planned for this school year, this one, and one in the spring. These spe-cial programs are part of our curriculum and are a way to familiarize our students and their families with the Shabbat morning service. All students will be assigned parts to lead. So please mark your calendars now and plan to attend. We have cancelled classes for the following day, Sunday, November 18th, so that further emphasizes the importance of every-one attending November 17th.

In addition to the Saturday service, we will formally acknowledging our third graders as they begin their Hebrew studies and more formalized Judaic education. At this service, our third-grade parents will be called up to the bimah to receive a special blessing, along with their third graders, and each students will each be presented with a siddur.

Please RSVP to Joanie with your family’s attendance at the service, and how many people from your family will be attending our luncheon following (RSVP for the luncheon is due by November 14th).

UPCOMING RELIGIOUS SCHOOL EVENTS: Sunday, November 4 - GoPopcorn fundraiser orders will be available to pick up. Special thanks to all

who helped make this fundraiser very successful for the Religious School! No Confirmation class- students will meet at Nudy’s for breakfast with Rabbi Jon at 10:15 AM *ALSO: DON’T FORGET- DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ENDS NOV. 4TH, SO TURN

YOUR CLOCKS BACK AN HOUR BEFORE GOING TO SLEEP ON NOV. 3RD- Yay! Saturday, November 10- Bat Mitzvah of Megan Kitchen. Join us in wishing mazel tov to Megan and her

family as Megan leads the Friday evening service on November 9, and is called to the Torah to lead the service on November 10.

Sunday, November 11 Pre-K Parent Workshop – 10:00 – 10:30 AM (Note time change) Musical performance by Andi Joseph- 10:30 – 11:15 AM in the Chapel.

Saturday, November 17 Saturday Shabbat School and Third Grade Consecration- 9:30 – 11:30 AM with

luncheon following for all in attendance. Please RSVP to Joanie for luncheon by 11/14

Sunday, November 18—Sunday November 25 No Religious School classes Thanksgiving break

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I have often written about why Preschool is so very important and we know that the statistics certainly show this to be true. In 2016, enrollment in state-funded preschool programs reached an all time high of nearly 1.5 million children in forty three states. Suzanne Bouffard, an edu-cation researcher is the author of The Most Important Year: Pre-Kindergarten and the Future of our Children. In her book she discusses not only whether we do Pre- K but how we do Pre-K. In her opinion, “quality really matters”. The Pre-K years are a time when children develop attitudes about learning, going to school, and a framework for how children view school. If it is not a good experience, it is possible to set the stage for negative feelings toward school and learning. Research has proven that there are few pre-K schools that are truly bad, and few that are truly excellent, most are in the middle, leaving much room to improve and change how things are done. Bouffard states when speaking with parents, “Don’t worry about a gorgeous facility. The most important thing to look for is how the adults interact with children. You want to see them engage with children in a way that is positive, nurturing and genuinely curious.” According to Bouffard, research states that the “best pre-K programs have trained teachers who know how to build self-regulation skills; nurture their creativity and curiosity; and foster an environment of playful learning”. In looking back at our mission statement as well as our philosophy, I am very proud to say that this is who we are what we stand for Beth Israel Pre-School. Furthermore, we work each day on coaching children about how to name their emotions and ef-fectively problem solve to handle the situations. This is why they come to school. We do all of this in a very positive manner. We always tell them what we want them to do as opposed to telling them what we don’t want. This method provides instruction, teaching them to replace the inappropriate behavior with an appropriate behavior. We focus on a growth mindset which fosters creativity, problem-solving and curiosity. “Tell me how you figured that out?” “What are you doing to come up with a solution?” “Hhhm, what do you think will happen if we ……?” We spend a lot of time moving and playing. Of course the teachers are helping to work as set designers and stage managers setting the scene for productive play. This is an area that is vital-ly important for developing imagination and creativity. We also invest in teacher training which is critical to the success of any program. We do this by offering a continuing education stipend. Bouffard speaks of the importance of research based training at the teacher level as well as for principals and lawmakers. This makes certain that best practices are in place for the success of the children at this critical period of their lives.

Preschool & Kindergarten News by Adrianne Liebman

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There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: (Ecclesiastes) Judaism centers around time and sea-sons which determine our rituals and celebra-tions. The Jewish calendar dates back to cre-ation so that the year we just ended is 5778 CE, while the secular (Gregorian) calendar dates back to the common era. Moreover, the Jewish calendar is based on a 29.5 day lunar cycle with a leap year as needed. Each month has a Hebrew name which doesn’t always co-incide with the names of the secular months. On the Jewish calendar there Is a holi-day each week starting at sundown on Fridays and ending with the Havdalah service on Sat-urday night – our Shabbat, a sanctified time. There is a holiday each month at the time of the new moon, called Rosh Chodesh. Our festivals (Sukkot, Passover, Shavuot) coincide with the full moons. The dates of some of the Jewish holidays are determined by Torah. Other holidays were developed during the Rabbinic period and dated according to events in history. (i.e. Chanu-kah, Purim) Still others are fairly modern (Tu B’Shevat and Tisha B’Av). In this and future articles, we will examine the cycle of time on the Jewish calendar. Last month we looked at the holidays in the months of Elul and Tishrei: Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot, holidays of introspection, atonement, an ancient harvest holiday, respec-tively. Now we will look at holidays in the month of Cheshvan. Simchat Torah starts on 22 Tishrei or the evening of October 1 this year. It is not a holi-day ordained by Torah, but rather a holiday with origins around the 9th century. On Simchat To-rah we rejoice in having the Torah, celebrating with joyful singing, parading and dancing with the scrolls, and reading from the end (Deuteronomy) and then the beginning (Genesis) of the Torah as we start the new yearly Torah cycle. This is the only holiday when everyone, regard-less of age, has an Aliyah, reciting the Torah blessings and often standing under a very large tal-lis. The only other holiday in Cheshvan is Rosh Chodesh, which takes place not only in Chesh-van, but in every Hebrew month. The name of this holiday means “head of the month” and marks the first day of every month when there is a new moon (in contrast to Festivals which take place when there is a full moon). In ancient times, Rosh Chodesh was a festival day, announced with the blowing of the shofar. Observing this day was how they determined where they were in the calendar cycle. Currently, the holiday is observed by adding a part of the festival Hallel, and doing a special Torah reading. The holiday was once observed as a vacation from work for women, and now it remains a day to focus on women, who, in many communities get together for a study session, sometimes lending itself to creative liturgy or other forms of creativity. Next month, we will examine the holiday in the month of Kislev which so many children look forward to.

Ann Greenstein

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The Interfaith Action Community & Exton/Lionville

Ministerium Invite you to an

Interfaith Thanksgiving Prayer Service

Sunday, November 18, 7:00 PM Beth Israel Synagogue

385 Pottstown Pike Chester Springs, PA

For All Faiths & Traditions - Everyone Welcome Celebrate our shared national holiday

and our multiplicity of prayer and music traditions.

Enjoy the joint choirs of St. Andrews & Beth Israel

Please Bring

Canned Goods for our Food Drive

For more information please call 610-458-8550


Page 14: HaRuach...Life are in the hand of the tongue.” We as Americans have become numb to mass shootings… schools (Sandy Hook, Parkland High School), theaters (Aura Colorado), concerts


Join the fun! Just $18 per family! Sign up for the talent show and RSVP at https://goo.gl/UQDSng or call the

Beth Israel office at 610-458-8550 RSVP , Talent Show Sign Ups, & Money due by Wednesday November 28

Family, Friends and Non-members welcome

Sunday, December 2 at 12:30pm

Crafts and Activities for Kids – Including a Talent Show! (Please sign up if your child is interested in participating)

Bring your Favorite Menorah to Light Together! (candles to be provided by Beth Israel Sisterhood)

Enjoy Delicious Pizza, Latkes, and Donuts! (latkes will be made by the Beth Israel Men’s Club)

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Jason Silverman 11/3 Lynn Greenspan 11/5 Elan Schachter 11/7 7th Edward Margolis 11/9 Paul Fanaroff 11/12 Andrea Keller 11/14 Ariel Drucker 11/15 7th Molly Greenspan 11/15 19th Susan Levin 11/15 Terry Myers 11/15 Rochelle Rabin 11/15 Rebecca Ressel 11/15 17th Jaclyn McPhillimey 11/16 10th Leia Adlersberg 11/17 3rd Edward Barron 11/17 Debra Stern 11/20 Kirk Reinbold 11/24 Gary Levin 11/25 Andrew Weintraub 11/29 Donna Rosen 11/30

Lynn & Barry Greenspan 11/1 20th Nadine & Adam Dinerman 11/12 23rd Linda & Harold Glazer 11/14 53rd Janet & Jonathan Scharf 11/14 37th Anna & Dominik Zebrowski 11/19 16th Maxine & Allan Endy 11/29 33rd Halle & Brian Schonherz 11/19 15th

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1 6:30 PM Ritual Committee Meeting

2 7:30 PM Shabbat Services

3 9:30 AM Shabbat Services

4 9:45 AM Religious School K-Confirmation 11:30 AM Beg Hebrew 11:30 AM Programming Comm Meeting



7 4:15 PM Religious School One + 4:15 PM Inter Hebrew 7:15 PM Choir Practice

8 7:00 PM Sisterhood Paid-up Member PARTY

9 7:30 PM Shabbat Services- Megan Kitchen Bat Mitzvah

10 9:30 AM Shabbat Services- Megan Kitchen Bat Mitzvah

7:00 PM BIP: PTO Family Fun Night / Raffle

11 9:45 AM RS (K-Confirmation) 10:00 AM (Pre-K Parent Workshop)

10:30 AM Andi Joseph

11:30 AM Beg Hebrew


13 7:30 PM Board Meeting

14 9:00 AM BIP:Parent Confer-ences - 4”s Classes 4:15 PM Religious School One + 7:15 PM Choir Practice

15 5:30 PM Preschool Family Fun Night 7:00 PM RS Commit-tee Meeting

16 6:30 PM Community Shabbat Services

7:30 PM Choir Shabbat Services

17 9:30 AM RS Saturday Shabbat School & 3rd Grade Consecration - Luncheon following

18 Interfaith Community Thanksgiving Service - Time TBD 9:45 AM NO CLASS

19 9:00 AM BIP: Thanksgiv-ing Feast

20 21 12:45 PM Interfaith Action Committee NO CLASS 7:15 PM Choir Practice

22 23 BIP: NO SCHOOL 7:30 PM Shabbat Services

24 9:30 AM Shabbat Services

25 9:45 AM NO CLASS 11:30 AM Beg Hebrew


27 7:30 PM Sisterhood Book Group

28 4:15 PM Religious School One + 4:15 PM Inter Hebrew 7:15 PM Choir

29 30 7:30 PM Shabbat Services

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1 9:30 AM Shabbat Services

2 9:00 AM Latke Making Men’s Club

9:45 AM RS (K-Confirmation)

10:00 AM Pre-K Parent Workshop

11:30 AM Beginning Hebrew

12:30 PM Hanukkah Party


4 9:00 AM BIP: Hanukkah Party 2-Day Classes 9:00 AM BIP: Parent Conferences 7:30 PM Sisterhood Meeting

5 9:00 AM BIP: Hanukkah Party—3,4,5 4:15 PM RS One+

4:15 PM Intermediate Hebrew

7:15 PM Choir Practice

6 6:30 PM Ritual Committee Meeting

7 6:30 PM Shabbat Yeladim 7:30 PM RS: Family Shabbat Services 7:30 PM Shabbat Services

8 9:30 AM Shabbat Services And Life Long Learning

9 9:45am RS (K-Confirmation) 11:30 AM Beginning Hebrew 11:30 AM Program Committee

10 9:00 AM BIP: Parent Conferences-Kindergarten

11 7:30 PM Board Meeting

12 9:00 AM BIP: Holiday Bazaar

4:15 PM RS: One +

4:15 PM Intermediate Hebrew

7:15 PM Choir Practice

13 7:00 PM An Interfaith Action Committee Event: Sacred Text-Islam

14 7:30 PM Shabbat Services

15 9:30 AM Shabbat Services

16 9:45 AM RS (K-Confirmation) 11:30 AM Beginning Hebrew

17 7:00 PM BIP: Daddy’s Night - 3,4,5-Day Clas-ses


19 12:45 PM Interfaith Action Meeting

4:15 PM RS One +

4:15 PM Intermediate Hebrew

7:15 PM Choir Practice

20 7:00 PM RS Committee Meeting

21 9:00 AM Last day preschool Until 2019 6:30 PM Community Shabbat Dinner

22 9:30 AM Shabbat Services

23 ————————— 30

24 ——————— 31

25 26


28 7:30 PM Shabbat Services

29 9:30 AM Shabbat Services

Page 18: HaRuach...Life are in the hand of the tongue.” We as Americans have become numb to mass shootings… schools (Sandy Hook, Parkland High School), theaters (Aura Colorado), concerts


Todah Rabah Tzedakah is a mitzvah, a unique privilege granted to every Jew. Remembering friends and family in this manner is an appropriate way to show our feelings towards both our loved ones and our community. We want to thank the follow-ing: for their contributions.

Building Fund In memory of Gary’s grandfather, Joseph Braverman From Gary and Susan Levin

Donation from Maxine and Allan Endy

Choir Fund In appreciation of Robin and the choir From Bernice Berger

In honor of the choir for the wonderful job they did during the holidays From Ilene and Richard Lipow

A special thank you to Robin Napiecek for her beautiful cantorial singing during the holidays From Roz and Allan Cohen

Thank you to Robin Napiecek for your leader-ship of the choir. What a beautiful service! From Roz and Allan Cohen

Thank you to the Beth Israel choir for their beautiful voices during the holidays: John Barnett Ivy and Jon Egger Herb Cadoff Lee Friedman Ann Greenstein Lynn Greenspan Barbara Hendel Andrea Keller Carys Egan Leike Michelow Jerry Napiecek Alberto Perez Judy Rosen Hanya Simon Thierry Steenberghs James Vilbert From Roz and Allan Cohen

Thank you to everyone who sent Leagrams, cards and emails to wish us a happy 50th wed-ding anniversary. From Elaine and Stu Bran General Operating Fund In memory of the Tree of Life victims From Lynn and Barry Greenspan Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Donation from Bernice Berger

Yahrzeits In memory of Leonard Riebman, Doris’ brother From Doris Goldring

In memory of Leonard Riebman, Rhoda’s hus-band From Rhoda Riebman

In memory of Joseph Mondschein, Rhoda’s brother From Rhoda Riebman

Sisterhood Yahrzeit Floral Fund In memory of Sandy’s grandfather, Benjamin Krasnick From Barry and Sandra Milberg

In memory of Rochelle’s mother, Annette Rabin From Rochelle Rabin

In memory of Sandy’s grandmother, Anna Krasnick From Barry and Sandra Milberg

In memory of Sheri’s great-grandmother, Sara Abramowitz From Sheri and Michael Richman

In memory of Herb’s mother, Sarah Cadoff From Herb and Roselyn Cadoff

In memory of Sandy’s brother, Fred Strauss From Barry and Sandra Milberg

In memory of Barry’s mother, Irene Milberg From Barry and Sandra Milberg

Page 19: HaRuach...Life are in the hand of the tongue.” We as Americans have become numb to mass shootings… schools (Sandy Hook, Parkland High School), theaters (Aura Colorado), concerts



Observed on 2/3 November Alvin Gerstenfeld 11/2 Heshvan 24 Alice Braveman 11/3 Heshvan 25 Ray Nalbone 11/3 Heshvan 25 Nathaniel Namerow 11/3 Heshvan 25 Philip Steinberg 11/3 Heshvan 25 Sarah Ashley Burns 11/4 Heshvan 26 Murray Bush 11/4 Heshvan 26 Benjamin Krasnick 11/4 Heshvan 26 Regina Roth 11/4 Heshvan 26 Joseph Shanholtz 11/4 Heshvan 26 Nathan Wolf 11/4 Heshvan 26 Evelyne Blair 11/6 Heshvan 28 Israel Goldberg 11/6 Heshvan 28 Minnie Halpern 11/6 Heshvan 28 Solomon Lennett 11/6 Heshvan 28 Aaron Taylor 11/7 Heshvan 29 Pauline Hymowitz 11/9 Kislev 1

Observed on 9/10 November Sadie Lissauer 11/10 Kislev 2 Harold Wexler 11/10 Kislev 2 Mark David 11/11 Kislev 3 William Becker 11/12 Kislev 4 Jo Greenberg 11/12 Kislev 4 Morris Greenburg 11/12 Kislev 4 Harvey Pless 11/12 Kislev 4 Martin Schloss 11/12 Kislev 4 Lois Finkel 11/13 Kislev 5 Jennie Mordell 11/13 Kislev 5 Shirley Dunn 11/14 Kislev 6 Lena Prince 11/14 Kislev 6 Annette Rabin 11/14 Kislev 6 Anna Krasnick 11/15 Kislev 7 Paul Preston 11/15 Kislev 7 Bertha Cooper 11/16 Kislev 8 Rose Jarris 11/16 Kislev 8 Morris Kernerman 11/16 Kislev 8

Observed on 16/17 November Sarah Abramowitz 11/17 Kislev 9 Tanchun DeKosky 11/17 Kislev 9 Dorothy Gosule 11/17 Kislev 9 Jacob Levin 11/17 Kislev 9 Sarah Cadoff 11/18 Kislev 10 Asher Endy 11/18 Kislev 10 Rose Kauffman 11/18 Kislev 10 Mary Lipshutz 11/18 Kislev 10 Sara Braveman 11/19 Kislev 11 Sarah Braveman 11/19 Kislev 11 Sara Garber 11/19 Kislev 11 Margaret Schantzer 11/19 Kislev 11 Rachel Slipakoff 11/19 Kislev 11 Anna Atlas 11/20 Kislev 12 Harold Hipschman 11/20 Kislev 12 Milton Perloff 11/20 Kislev 12

Antoinette Rothberg 11/20 Kislev 12 Sidney Bishop 11/21 Kislev 13 Irene Milberg 11/21 Kislev 13 Fred Strauss 11/21 Kislev 13 Hazel Brazier 11/22 Kislev 14 Lester Zalesne 11/22 Kislev 14 Philip Feldman 11/23 Kislev 15

Observed on 23/24 November Morris Lewis 11/24 Kislev 16 Joseph Mandel 11/24 Kislev 16 Ethel Mittelman 11/24 Kislev 16 Rose Skolnik 11/24 Kislev 16 Lena Cohen 11/25 Kislev 17 Alexander Endy 11/25 Kislev 17 Philip Hurwitz 11/25 Kislev 17 Harry Prince 11/25 Kislev 17 Mollie Sarvetnick 11/25 Kislev 17 Leslie Starr 11/25 Kislev 17 Irving Weiss 11/25 Kislev 17 Edward Hymowitz 11/26 Kislev 18 Terri Randall 11/26 Kislev 18 Morris Zeichner 11/26 Kislev 18 Joseph Buch 11/27 Kislev 19 Elizabeth Cooper 11/27 Kislev 19 Edward Sharlip 11/27 Kislev 19 Charles Silverberg 11/27 Kislev 19 Clair Baylinson 11/29 Kislev 21 Anne Shapiro 11/29 Kislev 21 Naomi Wood 11/29 Kislev 21 Anna Dean 11/30 Kislev 22 Rebecca Kauffman 11/30 Kislev 22 Alexander Meystel 11/30 Kislev 22

Observed on 30 November/1 December Barry Beck 12/1 Kislev 23 Isadore Fickler 12/1 Kislev 23 David Gittelman 12/1 Kislev 23 David Gottlieb 12/1 Kislev 23 Doris Shur 12/1 Kislev 23 Sylvia Baer 12/2 Kislev 24 Isador Borden 12/2 Kislev 24 Natalie Brams 12/2 Kislev 24 Samuel Hodess 12/2 Kislev 24 Albert Navarro 12/2 Kislev 24 Rebecca Abramoff 12/3 Kislev 25 Myrna Moskovitz 12/3 Kislev 25 Pearl Silverstein 12/3 Kislev 25 Louis Abramowitz 12/4 Kislev 26 Benjamin H. Cohen 12/4 Kislev 26 John Derby 12/4 Kislev 26 Siegfried Herzog 12/4 Kislev 26 Laurine Huber 12/4 Kislev 26 Benjamin Riebman 12/5 Kislev 27

Observed on 7/8 December Max Levithan 12/7 Kislev 29 Pearl Zalesne 12/7 Kislev 29

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385 Pottstown Pike (Rte. 100) Eagle, PA

P.O. Box 678 Uwchland, PA 19480

(610) 458-8550 [email protected] www.bethisraelpa.org

Rabbi — Jon Cutler BOARD OF DIRECTORS President — Halle Schonherz Executive Vice President — Neal Stone Vice President, Finance — Stuart Miller Vice President, Program — open Secretary — Roz Goldstein Treasurer — Stuart Miller Immediate Past President — Mark Segal

MEMBERS John Barnett Cindy Blair-Miller Nadine Dinerman Larry Faden Linda Glazer Ann Greenstein Rob Greer Michelle Harbold Morris Kauffman Robin Kerollis-Napiecek Gary Levin Terry Myers Mandy Scott Joanie Sharp Heather Simon Steve Simon Martin Skolnik Drew Weintraub Marcy Zeichner Paul Zislis TRUSTEES Ed Margolis Jeff Pickholtz Don Suss Pre-School Director — Adrianne Liebman Religious School Director — Joan Sharp Office Administrator — Bernice Gause Music Director — Robin Kerollis-Napiecek HaRuach Editor—Deborah Kaplan Men’s Club Co-Presidents-Terry Myers, Steve Simon

See up-to-date Calendar on www.bethisraelpa.org for highlights