Harry von Hofmann: ‚Postgeschichte Russland‘ und ……Er erhielt national und international...

Harry von Hofmann ist Redakteur und Verleger, war BPP-Prüfer und vormals Leiter der Arbeits- gemeinschaft Lettland, sowohl Aussteller, Juror, Kommissar, Ausstellungsleiter und – mit ganzem Herzen – Sammler! Er erhielt national und international alle nur er- denklichen Auszeichnungen in der Philatelie. An dieser Stelle seien lediglich die Verdienstnadel des BDPh in Gold, die Richard-Renner Medaille des BDPh für beispielhaftes Wirken für die Deutsche Philatelie und die Zeichnung der Roll of Distin- guished Philatelists – ein absolutes Highlight im philatelistischen Lebens selbst gestandener Per- sönlichkeiten - genannt. Harry von Hofmann hat sich seit jeher mit der Philatelie insbesondere Lettlands, Estlands, Litau- ens aber auch Russlands eingehend beschäftigt, sowohl literarisch als auch als aktiver Sammler. Sein ganz besonderes Interesse galt bei all seinen Aktivitäten der Postgeschichte dieser Gebiete. Wir schätzen uns glücklich, in dieser Auktion sei- ne Sammlungsteile Postgeschichte Russland und Russland - Recommandirt (beide Sammlungen mehrfach national und international ausgezeich- net) und Litauen anbieten zu dürfen. Wiesbaden im September 2014 Dieter Michelson Geschäftsführer Harry von Hofmann is editor and publisher, he was cer- tifier for the BPP as well as president of the Study Group Latvia. He is exhibitor, judge, commissioner, orginizer for exhibits and a full hearted stamp collector. He has received all national and international phi- latelic rewards possible. Here we should menti- on the Medal of honor in gold of the BDPh, the Richard-Renner Medal of the BDPh for his out- standing work for German Philately as well as his signing of the Roll of Distinguished Philatelists - one of the great highlights of his philatelic life. Harry von Hofmann has always been engaged in philately, especially in the areas of Lithuania, Esto- nia, Latvia and Russia as an active collector as well as an author and researcher. Of all these areas, postal history was his main interest. We are pleased to offer in this auction his colle- ctions Russian Postal History and Imperial Regi- stered Mail (both have been awarded nationally and internationally many times) as well as the collection Lithuania. Wiesbaden, September 2014 Michael Hilbertz Chef-Philatelist Harry von Hofmann: ‚Postgeschichte Russland‘ und ‚Russland - Recommandirt bis 1918‘ Russian Postal History and Imperial Registered Mail to 1918

Transcript of Harry von Hofmann: ‚Postgeschichte Russland‘ und ……Er erhielt national und international...

Harry von Hofmann ist Redakteur und Verleger, war BPP-Prüfer und vormals Leiter der Arbeits-gemeinschaft Lettland, sowohl Aussteller, Juror, Kommissar, Ausstellungsleiter und – mit ganzem Herzen – Sammler!

Er erhielt national und international alle nur er-denklichen Auszeichnungen in der Philatelie. An dieser Stelle seien lediglich die Verdienstnadel des BDPh in Gold, die Richard-Renner Medaille des BDPh für beispielhaftes Wirken für die Deutsche Philatelie und die Zeichnung der Roll of Distin-guished Philatelists – ein absolutes Highlight im philatelistischen Lebens selbst gestandener Per-sönlichkeiten - genannt.

Harry von Hofmann hat sich seit jeher mit der Philatelie insbesondere Lettlands, Estlands, Litau-ens aber auch Russlands eingehend beschäftigt, sowohl literarisch als auch als aktiver Sammler. Sein ganz besonderes Interesse galt bei all seinen Aktivitäten der Postgeschichte dieser Gebiete.

Wir schätzen uns glücklich, in dieser Auktion sei-ne Sammlungsteile Postgeschichte Russland und Russland - Recommandirt (beide Sammlungen mehrfach national und international ausgezeich-net) und Litauen anbieten zu dürfen.

Wiesbaden im September 2014

Dieter MichelsonGeschäftsführer

Harry von Hofmann is editor and publisher, he was cer-tifier for the BPP as well as president of the Study Group Latvia. He is exhibitor, judge, commissioner, orginizer for exhibits and a full hearted stamp collector.

He has received all national and international phi-latelic rewards possible. Here we should menti-on the Medal of honor in gold of the BDPh, the Richard-Renner Medal of the BDPh for his out-standing work for German Philately as well as his signing of the Roll of Distinguished Philatelists - one of the great highlights of his philatelic life.

Harry von Hofmann has always been engaged in philately, especially in the areas of Lithuania, Esto-nia, Latvia and Russia as an active collector as well as an author and researcher. Of all these areas, postal history was his main interest.

We are pleased to offer in this auction his colle-ctions Russian Postal History and Imperial Regi-stered Mail (both have been awarded nationally and internationally many times) as well as the collection Lithuania.

Wiesbaden, September 2014

Michael HilbertzChef-Philatelist

Harry von Hofmann:

‚Postgeschichte Russland‘ und ‚Russland - Recommandirt bis 1918‘Russian Postal History and Imperial Registered Mail to 1918

45Harry von Hofmann: Russian Postal History and Imperial Registered Mail to 1918

Los-Nr Mi.-Nr. Ausruf

1246 6 1810/1863, Pre-philatelic (Vorphila) cancellations from all Russia, excluding St Petersburg and Moscow, on 27 covers and cards, including early postal stationery envelopes.We note fine ex-amples from Dimitrov, Kavkask (Stavropol), Kazan, Krasnojarsk, Pskov, Tambov and Tula among others adding up to a valuable assembly of difficult to find material 1000

1247 6 1792/1857 MOSCOW: Fine collection of early Moscow cancellations with 20 covers or entire letters including notable 1809 Cyrillic MOSKVA in red, 1836 red MOSCOU, 1839 red MOSK-OU, the majority of strikes are good to fine and much better than often found for Moscow 900

1248 6 1775/1861 ST PETERSBURG: The splendid collection of mostly pre-philatelic cancellations of St Petersburg and its environs comprising 32 covers or entire letters, including one from 1775 and one from 1784. Generally good to fine strikes throughout and an excellent basis for expansion 600

1249 6 1807/1862 BELARUS: Fine group of 9 covers including early postal stationery envelopes from towns in the Belarussian area with notable 1807 MOSIR, 1810 NESVIZH, 1819 VITEBSK and overall generally fine and scarce material 450

1250 6 1830/1867 UKRAINE: Mostly Pre-philatelic (Vorphila) cancellations on covers and entire let-ters from places mostly in modern-day Ukraine with excellent representation of early Kiev, Podolia, Zhitomir and Katerynoslav, in total 34 items 650

1251 6 1805/1869 LITHUANIA: An excellent collection of mainly pre-philatelic mail in one album starting with notable GRODNO of 1805, VILNIUS of 1807 and including also cancellations of smaller towns, a total of 33 items including some early postal stationeries 650

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Pre-Philatelic MailSt. Petersburg / Moscow see also lots 1321-1332

46 Harry von Hofmann: Russian Postal History and Imperial Registered Mail to 1918

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1252 6 1849 ESTONIA: Attractive large format cover sent to Württemberg with boxed REVAL despatch cancel and Registry number „2“ top left, identifying this as an early example of registered mail, confirmed by the boxed „Recommandirt“ cachets in red. One private and one post office seal on reverse along with rate markings. An exceptionally interesting item illustrated in Harry von Hofmann´s Zakaznoe - Recommandirt at page 15 250

1253 6 1832/1872 REGISTERED MAIL: The important collection of Early Registered Mail comprising 12 letters and covers and 3 early postal documents, written up on album pages with several items illustrated in Harry von Hofmann´s Zakaznoe - Recommandirt between pages 16 - 20 900

1254 6 1866/1876 REKOMENDOVANO: The important collection of REKOMENDOVANO mail comprising just 6 items of which 4 are illustrated in Harry von Hofmann´s Zakaznoe - Recom-mandirt pages 23 - 26 600

1255 6 1872/1878 FIRST UPU TARIFF PERIOD: A collection of Registered covers, chosen for their quality, and illustrating Inland and Foreign mail in this period. The 16 covers include 10, 20 and 30 kop uprated postal stationery envelopes and in addition 5 three-colour frankings. Tariffs illustrated range from 20 kop to 95 kop and three items are shown in Harry von Hofmann´s Zakaznoe - Recommandirt between pages 30 - 33 1500

1256 6 1875/1915 REGISTERED MAIL: A selected group of 15 covers to which additional Registrati-on labels have been added during transit or at the destination, 12 are from Germany, one Bel-gium, one Great Britain and one remarkable item with labels of both the USA and Chile, this one illustrated with others in Harry von Hofmann´s Zakaznoe - Recommandirt pages 43 to 48 600

1257 6 1879/1884 SECOND UPU TARIFF PERIOD: A selected group of 15 Registered covers and one Avis de Reception, illustrating tariffs between 10 kop (Local Registered Rate) and 28 kop. Five covers are uprated stationery envelopes including 20 kopeck with value at left - just one item in a very fine postal history group 700

1258 6 1882/1907 REGISTERED MAIL: A collection in one album with 68 covers showing dotted „R“ cachets with a remarkable range of origins, foreign destinations and frankings 750

1259 6 1883/1895, An album of inland Registered mail with 36 covers, many postal stationeries or upra-ted stationeries, varied and interesting material from many Guberniyas 300

1260 6 1884/1899 ST PETERSBURG: The extensive collection of early St Petersburg rubber cachets (Gummistempel) for registration comprising 21 covers, and in addition 17 fine covers and cards with the first pink (rose) R - labels for St Petersburg, these forming a very colourful group of both inland and foreign mail with destinations including Indo - China and Japan, overall a very attractive assembly with several items illustrated in Harry von Hofmann´s Zakaznoe - Recommandirt pages 38 - 42 and 49 - 54 750

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Registered Mail until 1900

47Harry von Hofmann: Russian Postal History and Imperial Registered Mail to 1918

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1261 6 ESTONIA: Registered cover sent to St Petersburg from Silamäggi in Estland Guberniya with pro-visional white registration label of SILLAMÄGI, a very scare and attractive item 150

1262 6 Registered commercial cover to Frankfurt sent from Reval with scarce provisional white Registra-tion label of REVEL Zh D, Reval Railway station, an attractive usage 100

White Labels used in 1899

48 Harry von Hofmann: Russian Postal History and Imperial Registered Mail to 1918

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1263 6 Cover to Germany with provisional white registration lable of KUPISCHKI (Kovno Guberniya), franked to 20 kop on reverse with clear receiver cancel of FRANKENTHAL 100

1264 6 Cover addressed to Sweden with YSTAD receiver on reverse sent from Odessa with provisional white registration label of Odessa telegraph office accompanied by a weak strike of the telegraph office cancellation, the franking with 2 x 10 kop stamps on the reverse 100

49Harry von Hofmann: Russian Postal History and Imperial Registered Mail to 1918Los-Nr Mi.-Nr. Ausruf

1265 6 The extraordinary collection of 1899 Provisional White Registration labels on 49 covers and cards from all Russia, representing a lifetime´s assembly of this scarce material among which we note covers from Archangel, Odessa Voksal, Sima and Verkhne - Troitsk and with other exa-mples illustrated in Harry von Hofmann´s Zakaznoe - Recommandirt pages 55 - 68 3500

1266 6 BALTICS: group of 10 provisional Registration labels and cachets from Riga (including Riga Zh D), Libau and Mitau, an interesting and scarce group of covers some illustrated in Harry von Hofmann´s Zakaznoe - Recommandirt between pages 56 and 60 500

1267 6 1899/1900 GEORGIA: Two covers illustrating that the earliest Registration labels for Georgia were perforated and coloured lilac (rather than white), the cover from Tiflis (which is somehat toned) also notable for the destination Buenos Aires with one unclear transit cancel on the reverse - this cover is illustrated in Harry von Hofmann´s Zakaznoe - Recommandirt page 61 150

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Street Scene in Tiflisca. 1900

50 Harry von Hofmann: Russian Postal History and Imperial Registered Mail to 1918

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1268 6 1907, Cover registered to St Petersburg, franking on reverse, with clear cancellation and corre-sponding Registration label of KAZAN BOURSE, very rarely seen 100

1269 6 1909 ARMENIA: Registered cover sent to St Petersburg from Kars, with inland registration label of KARS tied by the Kars datestamp, franked on the reverse 2 x 7 kop and with St Petersburg receiver cancel 100

Registered Mail starting 1900

51Harry von Hofmann: Russian Postal History and Imperial Registered Mail to 1918Los-Nr Mi.-Nr. Ausruf

1270 6 1891/1916, The collection of Registered Mail sent from Telegraph Offices other than St Peters-burg and Moscow with strong representation of Riga, Kiev and Odessa, a total of 21 covers and cards several of which are illustrated in Harry von Hofmann´s Zakaznoe - Recommandirt bet-ween pages 157 - 166 400

1271 6 1901/1917, The splendid three volume collection of Registered mail in the final Imperial period, with one volume devoted to St Petersburg and Moscow and two to all Russia, in total over 250 selected covers and cards in good to fine condition with very diverse origins and destinations, frankings and cancellations. A great opportunity to acquire in one Lot a large section of the Harry von Hofmann collection assembled over many years 2500

1272 6 1908/1917, The written up collection of 27 covers illustrating Registration labels in use in the later Tsarist period with notable examples from Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk and Kishinev with several illustra-ted in Harry von Hofmann´s Zakaznoe - Recommandirt between pages 85 - 92 350

1273 6 1912/1917, The remarkable assembly of Numbering Machine (Numerator Stempel) Registrati-on cachets, with 50 covers including Romanov and War Charity frankings and censor cachets, a visually appealing collection with several items illustrated in Harry von Hofmann´s Zakaznoe - Recommandirt at pages 106 - 117 1000

1274 6 1917/1935, Accumulation of registered mail and other items used after the Bolshevik Revolu-tion including mail abroad, a total of 27 items with several illustrated in Harry von Hofmann´s Zakaznoe - Recommandirt pages 306 - 315 600

1275 6 1909/1918 DOUBLE REGISTRATION LABELLING: An interesting collection of 20 covers with combined use of Inland (Cyrillic) and Foreign (French) Registration labels with notable examples from Khabarovsk (3), Vladivostok (3) and Rostov on Don (3) with several illustrated in Harry von Hofmann´s Zakaznoe - Recommandirt between pages 93 - 100 300

Machine Registration

1276 6 1912, Cover from St Petersburg to Bavaria (transits and receiver on reverse) with Cyrillic ma-chine registration mark of St Petersburg (inverted) and dotted R to indicate the International destination, illustrated in Harry von Hofmann´s Zakaznoe - Recommandirt page 232 150

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1288 / € 1501285 / € 150

1284 / € 150

1283 / € 150

1281 / € 150

1280 / € 80

1278 / € 1501277 / € 180

53Harry von Hofmann: Russian Postal History and Imperial Registered Mail to 1918Los-Nr Mi.-Nr. Ausruf

1277 6 1913, Cover, somewhat creased, sent from Moscow to Stockholm with clear Moscow machine registration mark (sideways) and also a clear violet cachet indicating that the letter has been handled by the Automat, illustrated in Harry von Hofmann´s Zakaznoe - Recommandirt page 229 180

1278 6 1913, Pre-printed commercial cover sent from Moscow to Zürich with smudged Moscow machi-ne registration mark and also a violet cachet to right of cover indicating that the letter has been handled by the Automat 150

1279 6 1913, Cover from Riga to Switzerland with International Registration label of RIGA GARE and in addition Cyrillic machine registration mark of RIGA VOKSAL (inverted), all on front of cover 200

1280 6 1913, Picture postcard from Riga to Germany with International registration label of RIGA GARE on address side and Cyrillic machine registration mark of RIGA VOKSAL on picture side 80

1281 6 1913, Commercial cover (Chemical Factory cachet on reverse) using 20 kop Romanov stationery envelope sent from St Petersburg to Heidelberg with clear strike (inverted) of St Petersburg 3 machine registration mark, an attractive item 150

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Court House in Rigaca. 1910

54 Harry von Hofmann: Russian Postal History and Imperial Registered Mail to 1918

Los-Nr Mi.-Nr. Ausruf

1282 6 1913, Cover from St Petersburg Vitebsk Railway Station to Kazan with clear strike St Petersburg H.B. (Hauptbahnhof) machine registration, on the reverse Cyrillic cachet indicating that the letter was Handled by Automat, a very fine item illustrated in Harry von Hofmann´s Zakaznoe - Re-commandirt pages 240 - 241 200

1283 6 1913, Uprated Romanov 20 kop postal stationery envelope sent from St Petersburg to Frankfurt with St Petersburg machine registraton mark overlapping the 3 kop Romanov adhesives on the reverse, a colourful item 150

1284 6 1913, Attractive commercial cover, central crease, from St Petersburg to Germany, on the reverse a clear strike of St Petersburg 4 machine registration mark, illustrated in Harry von Hofmann´ s Zakaznoe Recommandirt pages 234 - 235 150

1285 6 1913, Cover from St Petersburg Warsaw Railway Station to Lublin, franked on reverse with recei-ver cancel and also readable strike of Machine Registration mark which just touches the stamps illustrating that these were applied first in the Machine registration procedure 150

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St. Petersburg Vitebsk Railway Station ca. 1910

55Harry von Hofmann: Russian Postal History and Imperial Registered Mail to 1918

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1286 6 1913/1915, Three larger format items with red machine Registration of Mogilev, St Petersburg and St Petersburg Nicholas railway station (this item illustrated in Harry von Hofmann´s Zakaznoe - Recommandirt page 242) 400

1287 6 1914, Cover from Mogilev to Switzerland, franked on reverse with fine strike Mogilev machine registration mark overlapping the stamps and also part strike of violet cachet indicating that the letter has been handled by the Automat. 180

St. Petersburg NicholasRailway Station

ex 1286

56 Harry von Hofmann: Russian Postal History and Imperial Registered Mail to 1918Los-Nr Mi.-Nr. Ausruf

1288 6 1914 Cover from Saratov to Amsterdam, franking on front, with exceptionally fine and clear Sa-ratov Registration Machine mark on reverse 150

1289 6 1914 Cover from St Petersburg Warsaw Railway Station to Riga, attractively franked and with weak strike of Machine registration mark at top left 120

1290 6 1915, Censored cover from Minsk to Denmark, folded over with censor seal, with both Minsk registration machine mark overlapping the 14 kop Romanov stamp and an international Registra-tion label for Minsk, a colourful cover from a scarce Automat 200

1291 6 1915, Censored cover from Mogilev to New York with fine strike of Mogilev machine registration mark on front, and receiver cancels on reverse 200

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We are now taking consignments for the International Stamp Exhibit in LondonConsignment deadline: January 16, 2015

57Harry von Hofmann: Russian Postal History and Imperial Registered Mail to 1918Los-Nr Mi.-Nr. Ausruf

1292 6 1915 Censored cover from Vilnius to Switzerland, wax seal and franking on reverse, with Regis-tration Machine mark of Vilnius Centre (in French) top left 120

1293 6 1915 Censored cover from Vilnius to Switzerland, wax seal and 20 kop franking on reverse, top left on front is the Registration Machine mark of Vilnius Railway Station (in French) 120

1294 6 1915 Cover from Mogilev to Petrograd with three-colour War Charity franking on reverse and on front clear strike of Mogilev machine registration mark (inverted), illustrated in Harry von Hofmann´s Zakaznoe - Recommandirt page 228 150

1295 6 1915 Cover from Petrograd to Yalta, some water damage, colourful franking with on the reverse fair strike of St Petersburg 2 machine registration mark illustrated in Harry von Hofmann´s Za-kaznoe - Recommandirt page 233 80

1296 6 1916, Cover from Essentuki to Petrograd with very rare strike of the Essentuki machine registra-tion mark 200

1297 6 1916, Censored cover from Petrograd to Copenhagen (receiver cancel on reverse) with machine registration mark of Petrograd (inverted) on front of cover 150

1298 6 1916, Censored cover, some creasing, with wax seal and adhesives on reverse sent from Pe-trograd to the London stamp dealers Bridger and Kay with weak strike (inverted) of Petrograd machine registration mark 100

1299 6 1917, Cover from Kislovodsk to Holland, with both Russian and British censorship and Dutch arrival cancellation, with legible strike of the exceptionally rare Kislovodsk machine registration mark, inverted and in violet at bottom of cover front, a desirable item 250

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View of Essentuki


1295 / € 80

1294 / € 150

1293 / € 120

1292 / € 1201289 / € 120

1299 / € 2501298 / € 100

1297 / € 150

59Harry von Hofmann: Russian Postal History and Imperial Registered Mail to 1918

Los-Nr Mi.-Nr. Ausruf

1300 6 1917, Stationery card uprated and Registered from Saratov to Rotterdam with very clear strike of the Saratov machine registration mark, illustrated in Harry von Hofmann´s Zakaznoe - Recom-mandirt page 231 and the only example of a machine mark on a postcard illustrated in his book 200

1301 6 1917, Censored cover from Saratov to Helsinki (receiver cancellations on reverse) with over-inked use of Saratov machine registration mark on front (inverted in relation to the address and franking) 80

Imperial Postal History (sorted by date)

1302 2 6 1858, Entire letter from St Petersburg franked 10 kopeck with splendid arrival cancellation of SARATOV POLUCHENO on the front and no markings on the reverse a great item to display 200

1303 6 1872, Formular card with unclear cancellations but the 5 kopeck stamp on Vertically laid paper, slight age toning at top 80

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60 Harry von Hofmann: Russian Postal History and Imperial Registered Mail to 1918Los-Nr Mi.-Nr. Ausruf

1304 6 1827/1866 ODESSA: Collection of 17 entire letters and covers with Odessa Cancellations on mail going abroad except for one cover to Taganrog franked with two-margin copy of Russia # 1 450

1305 6 1837/1917, A striking accumulation of Receipts, Advice of Delivery, Re-Address (Spravka) and Return labels and cachets, an interesting lot deserving of further study and expansion, 18 items excluding a quantity of small receipt slips with several items illustrated in Harry von Hofmann´s Zakaznoe - Recommandirt 350

1306 6 1850s/1860s DOTTED NUMERALS: A very fine collection of dotted numeral cancellations on 33 covers and early postal stationery envelopes, together with some loose stamps. There are many scarce cancels present and we note 52 (Boldino), 191 (Djukowo), 244 (Tim), 229 (Smi-lovitschi), 334 (Zlatoustovskaja) 400 in manuscript (Michailov), 831 in blue (Mena), a great Lot. 2000

1307 3/6 1850s/1860s DOTTED NUMERAL CANCELLATIONS: Small collection mostly on Russia # 5 with four loose stamps and 5 covers with clear strikes of 5 (Vilnius), 9 (Tauroggen), 19 (Kovno) and 240 (Polangen), a nice lot 250

1308 6 1858/1879 STANITSAS: Collection of Straight Line „Stanitsa“ cancellations on 14 covers and cards showing generally good strikes of these difficult cancellations 400

1309 6 1865/1917 POSTAGE DUE AND RE-DIRECTION: An interesting group on album pages com-prising Postage Due markings (9 items) and SPRAVKA and other labels applied by the post office (9 items) and including notably an 1865 printed SPRAVKA of St Petersburg (no longer attached to a postal item) 250

1310 6 1870/1915 LITHUANIA: An extensive collection in two albums with over 230 covers and cards with an excellent range of cancellation from the Lithuanian area including Registered, Railway, Money Letters and Money Transfers, an invaluable study of the postal history of this area 1200

1311 P2 6 1878, Postal Stationery card of 5 kopecks issued in 1872 for inter-city mail used at TARUTI-NO (Bessarabia) in 1878 but locally revalued to the new tariff of 4 kopecks with a handstamp applied at the top of the card in violet ink. One of two recorded examples of this handstamp, the other (recorded by Jack Moyes) also used within Bessarabia and suggesting that the reva-luation may have been carried out by the Kishinev Post and Telegraph office. 1000

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Weekly market in Tarutino

61Harry von Hofmann: Russian Postal History and Imperial Registered Mail to 1918Los-Nr Mi.-Nr. Ausruf

1312 6 1885/1916 „FROM THE MAILBOX“ (Aus dem Briefkasten): A splendid written up collection of 17 covers from St Petersburg and Moscow, posted in the mailbox but franked for registration. A wide range of cachets are identified and described and several are illustrated in Harry von Hofmann´s Zakaznoe - Recommandirt, pages 138 to 147) 450

1313 6 1886/1917, Mixed group of 15 covers and cards including examples of temporary Cancellations, Exhibition cancels, „Hotel Bristol“, Nizhni-Novgorod Yarmarka - in general, a valuable and in-teresting group 300

1314 6 1902/1917 PRIVATE REGISTRY (Selbstbucher): A remarkable collection showing the use in Russia of Private Registry Books, a generally unknown area of Russian postal history. The group comprises 12 covers, all sent from St Petersburg or Moscow except for two from Pskov and Machinovka, the whole written up with extensive notes and the subject of a separate section in Harry von Hofmann´s Zakaznoe - Recommandirt pages 199 - 216 600

1315 6 1908 MAIL FACILITIES IN COMMERCIAL PREMISES (Hilfpoststellen): Registered cover to Ger-many, franked on the reverse to 30 kopecks, and with the Cyrillic Registration label of the Pa-slawski Pharmacy, a great item, possibly unique, and illustrated in Harry von Hofmann´s Zakaznoe - Recommandirt page 169 250

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If you cannot participate in our auction in person-bid live online at www.heinrich-koehler.de

62 Harry von Hofmann: Russian Postal History and Imperial Registered Mail to 1918

View of Vilna ca. 1910

Los-Nr Mi.-Nr. Ausruf

1316 6 1910 MAIL FACILITIES IN COMMERCIAL PREMISES (Hilfpoststellen): Registered cover sent to London, uprated postal stationery envelope, cancelled and with the International Registration label of VILNA DROGUERIE I: R: CHAMBEDAL, an extraordinary and possibly unique item 250

1317 6 1910/1916 VOLOST MAIL: A group of 17 covers and cards with VOLOST PRAVLENIE cancella-tions, generally scarce material including one rare parcel card with a Volost Pr. label. 200

1318 6 1911/1914 COURT SUMMONSES (Zustellurkunde): A collection of 8 items, of which 4 have For The Postman delivery stamps, originating from Vitebsk, Ekaterinodar, Radin, Moscow, Biela, Parchev and Sedlitz and several illustrated in Harry von Hofmann´s Zakaznoe - Recommandirt pages 130 to 137 450

1319 6 1911/1915 CASH ON DELIVERY: A group of Cash on Delivery cards and covers, six with green labels and one with green Enumerator handstamp of Moscow, all are very scarce and 3 are illustrated in Harry von Hofmann´s Zakaznoe - Recommandirt pages 283 - 285. Also included in this Lot are a further 10 items showing rubber registration handstamps, auxiliary markings and other unusual material, several of which are also illustrated in von Hofmann 500

1320 6 1913, Ordinary letter to St Petersburg with clear strikes of the scarce cancellation of PARATSKII ZAVOD KAZ 80

St. Petersburg & Moscow Postal History1321 6 MOSCOW: 1899/1900, A group of six covers with the earliest Registration labels of Moscow, a

scarce group with both Inland and Foregin mail labels represented and some illustrated in Harry von Hofmann´s Zakaznoe - Recommandirt at pages 63 to 71 250

1322 6 1889/1917, A very fine collection of Registered mail despatched from Moscow telegraph of-fices, comprising 27 covers and cards with varied frankings and destinations, an exceptional group - some illustrated in Harry von Hofmann´s Zakaznoe - Recommandirt pages 155 to 168 600

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63Harry von Hofmann: Russian Postal History and Imperial Registered Mail to 1918

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1323 6 ST PETERSBURG: 1765, Cover to Pernau with exceptional straight line ST. PETERSBOVRG at top left, the reverse of the envelope with contemporary Mss „Johann Nagel St Petersburg 28 Oct 1765“ establishing this as an example of the postal marking in it‘s first year of use 500

1324 6 1790‘s, Envelope with good strike straight line ST. PETERSBOVRG on front and on reverse com-pletely intact and very clear red wax seal of the Tsar´s household, a very fine item 200


1304 / € 80

1303 / € 80

1301 / € 80

1344 / € 80

1339 / € 250

1326 / € 80

1342 / € 200

65Harry von Hofmann: Russian Postal History and Imperial Registered Mail to 1918

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1325 6 1873, City Post stationery envelope 113 x 73 mm used locally within St Petersburg with clear strike of GOROD 7 POCHTA cancel on reverse, a little torn on opening 100

1326 6 1884, City Post stationery envelope 139 x 113 mm used locally in St Petersburg, the back flap missing 80

1327 6 Collections: 1853/1913, A small collection of City Post (Stadtpost) cancellations on 33 covers and cards including 5 Telegraph Office items and with nice material throughout for the St Petersburg specialist 300

1328 6 1880/1913, An Imperial Post Collection of 42 covers and cards in one album with a very good section of 12 Railway Station cancellations including interesting 1913 use of Baltic Staton enume-rator to create a registration label 250

1329 6 1885/1903, A collection in one album of St Petersburg Numeral cancellations on 36 covers and cards, not complete but including Number 13 (2 items), 14 (2) and 31 (1) 200

1330 6 1888/1914, A very fine collection of Registered mail sent from St Petersburg telegraph offices, comprising 30 covers and cards with a wide range of frankings and destinations with some illus-trated in Harry von Hofmann´s Zakaznoe - Recommandirt pages 155 to 168 600

1331 6 1899, A collection of 10 covers all with Provisional White registration labels of St Petersburg Telegraph Offices, in generally good to fine condition and together a remarkable assembly of scarce material, two are illustrated in Harry von Hofmann´s Zakaznoe - Recommandirt pages 159 - 160 850

1332 6 1911/1915, A group of six covers and cards with red re-direction triangles, all well tied by can-cellations, a nice group 120

Russia in the First World War1333 6 1914/1917 MUTE CANCELLATIONS (Stumme Stempel): A very fine collection written up in

one album with 70 covers and cards, nearly all from identified offices and including examples of registered and foreign mail which contribute to making this a well above average assembly of these interesting cancellations 3000

1334 6 1914 MUTE CANCELLATIONS (Stumme Stempel): small collection on album pages of 22 covers and cards with identified Mute Cancellations, all from Lithuania with smaller towns represented 600

1335 6 1914/1917, WORLD WAR ONE collection in one album with over 50 censored covers and cards including one with a well - tied War Charity vignette, a useful and varied lot 150

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View of St. Petersburg

66 Harry von Hofmann: Russian Postal History and Imperial Registered Mail to 1918

Los-Nr Mi.-Nr. Ausruf

1336 6 1899 RAILWAY MAIL: Commercial cover with company paper seal on reverse, filing crease through centre of cover, registered to Hamburg with provisional white registration label of St Petersburg Warsaw Railway Station and corresponding cancellations making this a very desirable Railway mail item 120

1337 6 1860/1917 RAILWAY STATIONS (Bahnpost): The magnificent collection in two albums with 130 covers and cards, very varied with much scarce and attractive material from all periods of Russia´s Imperial railway post, a lifetime assembly 2500

1338 6 1896/1916 RAILWAY REGISTERED MAIL: An assembly of 13 covers illustrating registration on TPOs and at railway stations with fine items from (for example) Vladivostok, Vitebsk, Rostov and the Warsaw - Minsk railway 250

SHIP MAIL1339 6 1881/1887, Two postal stationery cards that of 1881 cancelled with ASTRAKHAN - TSARITSYN

„2“ and that of 1887 with TSARITSYN - ASTRAKHAN „1“, very scarce early items, but the 1881 card rather toned 250

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St. Petersburg WarsawRailway Station

67Harry von Hofmann: Russian Postal History and Imperial Registered Mail to 1918

Los-Nr Mi.-Nr. Ausruf

1340 6 1900, Registered cover franked to 42 kopecks all cancelled with BATUM-ODESSA steamship cancel and the Registration indicated with a rare provisional White Registration label modified in manuscript to indicate the direction Batum to Odessa rather than Odessa to Batum, St Petersburg receiver canellations on reverse 750

1341 6 1900, Registered cover, some minor age wear, posted on the Odessa -Batum steamer service, franked on reverse with 2 x 7 kop cancelled ODESSA - BATUM „4“ and on the front the re-gistration indicated both by mss at top left and by the corresponding provisonal white registra-tion label bottom left, illustrated in Harry von Hofmann´s Zakaznoe - Recommandirt page 179 500

1342 6 1903/1911, Two cards, 1903 picture postcard of Odessa sent to Tulcea, cancellations on stamps unclear, but with top left seal of the „Bessarabia“ steamship in black and 1911 Tulcea to Focsani with the same seal in violet cancelling the Romanian stamp, a scarce pair 200 (Photo = 1 64)

68 Harry von Hofmann: Russian Postal History and Imperial Registered Mail to 1918

Los-Nr Mi.-Nr. Ausruf

1343 6 1904, A remarkable matched pair of Registered covers both addressed to Kislovodsk, one posted on the Archangelsk - Vardö steamship # 1 and the other on steamship # 2, established by the text of the cancellations and the Registration labels „I“ and „II“ for the Archangel -Mur-mansk part of the route. Kislovodsk receiver cancels on reverse of both covers. 2000

1344 6 1911, Picture postcard (Greetings from Blagoveschensk) with cancellation of the Blagoveschensk Stretensk steamship, serial „v“, a scarce river mail cancellation 80

1345 6 Collection: 1836/1914, of North Sea mail on album pages with 28 covers and cards of which 19 are pre - philatelic with Mss. endorsements for Steamer (Dampfschiff) transmission written in English, French and German, a good lot 350

1346 6 1883/1914, A fine group of 28 covers and cards with BATUM - ODESSA and ODESSA - BATUM ship cancellations, together with 1 cover showing a poor strike of the Cherson - Odessa route 300

1347 6 1892/1918, An extensive collection of 38 covers and cards with varied ship cancellations of the Volga and Volga-Kama routes, several on picture postcards of the river steamers themselves 500

1348 6 1900/1910, Fine group of 10 covers and cards showing cancellations of the Russian Volunteer Fleet in the Far East and the Russian Asiatic Steamship Co and illustrating several routes with a wide range of markings, generally good to fine 1500

1349 6 1906/1915, Collection 8 covers and cards with generally very scarce cancellations including Warde - Archangelsk (3 items), Archangelsk - Kovda ( 3), an unusual opportunity to acquire more than a single item from this area! 700

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69Harry von Hofmann: Russian Postal History and Imperial Registered Mail to 1918


Los-Nr Mi.-Nr. Ausruf

1350 6 ADVERTISING LETTERSHEETS (Maria Fedorovna) Moscow Issue # 5 uprated and used from Moscow to Leipzig, fine condition and intact 200

1351 6 1899, Moscow issue # 49 used from Moscow to Vienna, very fine and intact 200

1352 6 1899, Moscow issue # 61 used locally at Kalish, a little edge wear but intact 150

1353 6 1899, Moscow issue # 109 locally used within St Petersburg, fine and intact but the back sheet without advertisements and lined for writing 150

1354 6 1898, St Petersburg issue # 11 uprated and used from St Petersburg to Hamburg, fine but not intact - half of the lettersheet removed 60

1355 6 1899, St Petersburg issue # 12 uprated and used from Moscow to France, fine and intact, the writer gives details in French about the nature of these lettersheets saying that this postal curiosity which he is now sending will in future have value („Je tádresse cette curiosite postale qui aura plus tard de la valeur“) 200

1356 6 1899, St Petersburg issue # 16 sent to Reval from a TPO, a little worn and not intact with one sheet removed 60

1357 6 1899, St Petersburg issue # 21 used from Riga to Strasbourg, fine but not intact - one sheet removed 60

1358 6 1899, St Petersburg issue # 30 used from Moscow to Frankfurt, a little messy and not intact - one sheet removed 60

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1366 / € 1001365 / € 100

1363 / € 1501358 / € 60

1357 / € 601356 / € 60

1354 / € 601353 / € 150

1352 / € 1501351 / € 200

71Harry von Hofmann: Russian Postal History and Imperial Registered Mail to 1918

Los-Nr Mi.-Nr. Ausruf

1359 6 1900, Riga issue # 102 used from Riga , worn but intact and with long letter 150

1360 6 1901, Warsaw issue # 103 uprated and posted on a TPO, addressed to Hamburg, fine and intact with many Polish language advertisements and a long letter in German 200

1361 (6) 1906/1915 ADVERTISING CARDS: A valuable group of 14 postal stationery cards (of which 2 mint) with printed advertising matter; in addition, an illustrated card from the 1910 Ekaterinos-lav Exhibition and 2 illustrated Field Post envelopes, together making an excellent lot of very scarce material in generally good to fine condition 1500 (Photo = 1 www)

72 Harry von Hofmann: Russian Postal History and Imperial Registered Mail to 1918

Los-Nr Mi.-Nr. Ausruf

1362 6 1881, A Registered cover to the stamp dealer Roussin in Paris, addressed in the handwriting of F. Breitfuss and with an attractive franking including 5 kop City Post stamp, the cover neatly can-celled; unfortunately the back flap (probably with return address) has been torn off. 200

1363 6 1883, Registered letter using an unusual combinatin of 10 kop stationery and pair of 2 kopeck stamps, addressed to Berlin in the handwriting of F. Breitfuss, confirmed by his own name and address written in Cyrillic on the back flap of the envelope 150

1364 6 1885, Registered cover, worn and with adhesion to original wax seals on reverse, utilising an 1848 St Petersburg City Post stationery envelope uprated with a pair of 1863 St Petersburg City Post stamps. On the back is the name and address of F. BREITFUSS in his handwriting but the front of the envelope is addressed in a different hand; the cover accompanied with detailed 1990 Mikulski certificate 300

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Friedrich Andreas Breitfuss



73Harry von Hofmann: Russian Postal History and Imperial Registered Mail to 1918Los-Nr Mi.-Nr. Ausruf

1365 6 1890, A very attractive registered cover addressed to London in the handwriting of F. Breitfuss with his cachet in violet at bottom left of cover; the letter posted from the Main telegraph office in St Petersburg 100

1366 6 Registered cover to Zürich with receiver cancellation on reverse, addressed in the handwriting of F. Breitfuss, and sent from the St Petersburg main telegraph office 100

1367 6 1895, Registered cover, somewhat creased, sent from the firm of Bruno Saenger (with intact wax seal on reverse) but addressed to the stamp dealer Rudolf Friedl in the handwriting of F. Breitfuss and registered from the Main telegraph office 100

Russian Post Offices in the Levant1368 5 6 1865, Refolded entire letter addressed to Eupatoria franked 6 copies 10 kopeck (Michel # 5) in

two strips of three with fine blue cancellations of KONSTANTINOPOL 23 FEB 1865, no transit or receiver markings 250

1369 6 1887, Registered stationery envelope sent from Odessa and addressed to Bayreuth in Bavaria but mis-sent to Beirut, oval transit cancels of CONSTANTINOPOL on reverse, along with rare oval double-framed ROPIT BEIRUT in blue, returned to ODESSA and forwarded on to its intended destination confirmed by BAYREUTH receiver 200

1370 6 1880s/1914, A collection in one album with over 30 items, mostly Levant with notable Beirut, Jerusalem and Mersina, one cover illustrated in Harry von Hofmann´s Zakaznoe - Recomman-dirt at page 189 500

Russian Poland

1371 6 1857, 10 kop. brown/blue, large margins all around, tied by good strike of round dotted „5“ VILNO to folded letter, somewhat stained, otherwise fine 600

1372 6 1862, Entire letter to St Petersburg sent from Kibarty with bilingual cancel at top right and „282“ ring cancellation on 10 kopeck Russia # 5, just touched by filing crease, St Petersburg receiver on reverse 100

1373 5 6 1862, Entire letter to St Petersburg sent from Kibarty with bi-lingual cancel top left and 10 kopeck Russia with „282“ ring cancel, St Petersburg receiver on reverse 100

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74 Harry von Hofmann: Russian Postal History and Imperial Registered Mail to 1918

Los-Nr Mi.-Nr. Ausruf

1374 6 1864, Entire letter with printed business address of Werballen to St Petersburg franked with Po-land # 1 apparently cancelled „282“ but with an inverted „2“, adjacent cancellation of KIBARTY , St Petersburg receiver cancels front and back, signed Georg Bühler 450

Customs-House in Werballen

75Harry von Hofmann: Russian Postal History and Imperial Registered Mail to 1918

Los-Nr Mi.-Nr. Ausruf

1375 6 CHINA: 1901, The very attractive registered cover, slightly reduced at left, sent from PEKIN with early Registration label to St Petersburg with receiver cancellations on reverse. The cover bears the wax seal of the Russian Chinese Bank and is notable both for the very scarce registration label and the fine strikes of the PEKIN cancellations 350

1376 6 1903, Registered cover to Paris (receiver on reverse) sent from Tientsin with 5 kop stamps in block of 4 with KITAI overprints, cancelled with typical defective strikes of the Tientsin canceller, and most notably late use of the large white provisional registration label of Tientsin, illustrated in Harry von Hofmann´s Zakaznoe - Recommandirt page 186 500

Russian Post Offices in Siberia, China and Manchuria

76 Harry von Hofmann: Russian Postal History and Imperial Registered Mail to 1918

Los-Nr Mi.-Nr. Ausruf

1377 6 1907, Imperial newspaper banderole 2 kopecks overprinted KITAI in red, sent from CHIFU to Saigon, with CHEFOU-CHINE POSTE FRANCAISE cancellation on reverse, a rare usage 300

1378 6 1907, Registered „Samples No Value“ from SHANGHAI to Austria-Hungary with Cyrillic Shang-hai Registration label and international R cachet in violet at top of envelope, on reverse franking with KITAI adhesives totalling 14 kopecks and receiver cancellation, the long envelope folded back for display 200

Chefoo from the South East

77Harry von Hofmann: Russian Postal History and Imperial Registered Mail to 1918

Los-Nr Mi.-Nr. Ausruf

1379 6 1911, Registered cover from CHIFU to Denmark franked 2 x 10 kops KITAI oveprints on 1908 issue wove paper Imperial Arms and showing a nice usage of both internal and international regis-tration labels (the internal label providing the Registry number), receiver cancellation on reverse 250

1380 6 1900/1918, A fine collection of 38 covers and cards including mail from Hankow, Pekin, Shang-hai, Tientsin and Chifu including 6 Registered covers and several colourful frankings, a very good opportunity to acquire an extensive range of this sought-after material 3000

1381 6 MANCHURIA: 1902, Small cover franked 2 x 10 kopecks with inland Registration label of Field Post Office # 11 and with cancellations front and back of MUKDEN Field Telegraph Office in the Primaur District, sent to Paris with international R cachet in circle and PARIS receiver, a very rare item illustrated in Harry von Hofmann´s Zakaznoe - Recommandirt at page 191 500

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Chinese Street,Mukden

78 Harry von Hofmann: Russian Postal History and Imperial Registered Mail to 1918

Los-Nr Mi.-Nr. Ausruf

1382 6 1903, Registered uprated postal stationery envelope sent from MANCHURIA Railway Post of-fice and addressed to the Kunst and Albers office in Vladivostok, with Cyrillic Registration label for MANCHURIA Zh D P O, stamps on reverse with fine strikes of the railway station cancel-lation and a fine POCHTOVI VAGON 261 transit cancellation, a very rare and attractive item 900

1383 6 1903, Cover to Germany franked 60 kopecks on front with cancellations of Field Post Office # 13 and inland Registration label of INKOY Field and Telegraph Post office, on the reverse an Inter-national registration cachet of TIENTSIN and bi-lingual Chinese cancellations for NEWCHANG, roughly opened at right causing damage to two stamps but a rare item 300

1384 6 1905, Registered cover from Harbin with Registration label of the Harbin Main Field Post Office, franked on reverse with Field Post cancellations and notable for the scarce paper censor seal applied to the reverse of the envelope, a fine item from the period of the Russian - Japanese War illustrated in Harry von Hofmann´s Zakaznoe - Recommandirt page 198 250

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79Harry von Hofmann: Russian Postal History and Imperial Registered Mail to 1918

Los-Nr Mi.-Nr. Ausruf

1385 6 1903, Registered cover sent through the Chinese Post from Tientsin with Registration cachet and Chinese adhesives (cancelled TIENTSIN) on reverse, forwarded to Newchang with Chine-se receiver and transferred to the Russian Post and re-registered with a Field Post registration label INKOY POLEVAYAR P T KONTORA and franked with four KITAI overprinted stamps for transmission to OSNABRÜCK, a rare and most interesting cover illustrated in Harry von Hofmann´s Zakaznoe - Recommandirt pages 194 - 195 1500

Arrival of Russian Troopsat a Manchurian Railway Camp 1903

80 Harry von Hofmann: Russian Postal History and Imperial Registered Mail to 1918

Los-Nr Mi.-Nr. Ausruf

1386 6 1903, Registered letter from Tientsin with Chinese Registration cachet on reverse along with Imperial Chinese stamps cancelled TIENTSIN, thence to Newchang with Chinese NEW-CHANG receiver, re-registered there (Newchang = Inkoy) with Mss. R label and sent through the Field Post with 13th Field Post Office cancellations applied to the five KITAI overprinted stamps, thence to OSNABRÜCK with Warsaw transit, a rare and fascinating cover illustrated in Harry von Hofman´s Zakaznoe - Recommndirt pages 192 - 93 1500

1387 6 1903/1916, An excellent collection of 12 covers and 8 cards with Kharbin, Kharbin Voksal, Kharbin Pristan, Field Post from the Russian Japanese War and MANCHURIA cancellations, a valuable lot of scare material which includes 6 registered covers of which one is illustrated in Harry von Hofmann´s Zakaznoe - Recommandirt at page 188 1500

1388 6 1909/1917 CHINESE EASTERN RAILWAY: A group of 7 covers and cards with TPO cancels of routes 260 (2 items), 261 (2), 263 (1) and 264 (2), generally good to fine strikes of these scarce routes 500

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Manchurian Postman

81Harry von Hofmann: Russian Postal History and Imperial Registered Mail to 1918

Los-Nr Mi.-Nr. Ausruf

1389 6 1899 LYAO-TUNG LEASEHOLD: Registered cover (some minor creasing) from PORT ARTHUR to Vienna, SHANGHAI and HONG KONG transits on reverse and WIEN receiver, franked 2 x 10 kop Imperial Arms, and with a spectacular provisional white registration label for PORT-ARTHUR itself of great rarity and adding greatly to the interest of this most interesting cover form the SEAGOING STEAMSHIP SERVICE OF CHINESE EASTERN RAILWAY COMPANY 1000

1390 6 1902, Registered cover with some creases and age toning from Dalny with Cyrillic Dalny Registration label, addressed to Tsingtau with TSINGTAU KIAUTSCHOU receiver cancella-tion on reverse, CHIFU and Field Post transit cancels and five adhesives totalling 32 kopecks each with DALNY cancellation, a rare item 500

1391 6 1898/1904, A collection of 8 cards and one cover from Port Arthur / Dalny with varied frankings and cancellations, one item with Mikulski certificate 450

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View of Port Arthur


1396 / € 100 1390 / € 500

1384 / € 2501383 / € 300

1373 / € 100

1372 / € 100

1369 / € 200

1368 / € 250

1367 / € 100

83Harry von Hofmann: Russian Postal History and Imperial Registered Mail to 1918

Los-Nr Mi.-Nr. Ausruf

1392 6 SIBERIA AND FAR EAST: 1906, Registered triple weight commercial cover to St Petersburg with receiver on reverse, sent from Sakhalin with Registration label of ALEXANDROVSK (SAKHALIN) and cancellations of P - ALEXANDROV NA SAKHAL; a rare and desirable item with detailed 1991 Mikulski certificate 500

1393 6 1914, Remarkable Registered cover to Berlin with both Inland Foreign registration labels of Sakhalin, the Cyrillic label providing the registry number. The cancellation reads P - ALEXAND-ROV NA SAKHAL, scarce and attractive item 500

Church in Sakhalin um 1905

84 Harry von Hofmann: Russian Postal History and Imperial Registered Mail to 1918Los-Nr Mi.-Nr. Ausruf

1394 6 1899/1917 FAR EAST (AMUR and PRIAMUR): A collection of 18 items with fine examples of Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, Nikolsk - Ussuryisk cancellations including railway stations, generally fine with good strikes of the cancellations making this a desirable lot. 700

Miscellaneous1395 0/1 1890/1912, Accumulation mint stamps, mostly in quarter sheets, including horizontally laid 2 kop

(block of 21), 3 kop (21); vertically laid 2 kop (25), 5 kop (25), 4 kop (25); wove paper 5 kop KRED TIP 1910 (25) 150

1396 6 1894 STAMP VARIETIES: Ordinary business letter franked at the reduced rate of 3 kopecks sent locally withn Warsaw, two of the horizontally laid stamps showing a dramatic and unusual misper-foration with displacements both horizontally and vertically 100

1397 6 1899 ROYAL HOUSEHOLD: Seven side autograph letter from Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodo-rovna (Princess Ella of Hesse, sister of the Czarina Alexandra) on personal notepaper in original envelope with crown embossing and special cancellation of the St Petersburg Post Director, all in fine condition 250

1398 6/(6) Remainder Lot of unclassified material including one Zemstvo cover, official paper seal (Dienstsie-geln) letters, money letters, two items from Finland, total 16 items 200

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Grand DuchessElizabeth Feodorovna of Russia

3AKA3HOE - RecommandirtThe Imperial Russian registered post from the beginning of the 19th century

until the end of the First World War in 1918


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