Harnessing the Network of Banking Intelligence...Misys is a leading provider of global trade...

Harnessing the Network of Banking Intelligence

Transcript of Harnessing the Network of Banking Intelligence...Misys is a leading provider of global trade...

Page 1: Harnessing the Network of Banking Intelligence...Misys is a leading provider of global trade solutions for the financial services community, providing an integrated portfolio of trade





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Page 2: Harnessing the Network of Banking Intelligence...Misys is a leading provider of global trade solutions for the financial services community, providing an integrated portfolio of trade

Misys is a leading provider of global trade solutions for the financialservices community, providing an integrated portfolio of tradefinance and factoring solutions that anticipate constantly changingmarket requirements.

Misys trade services is comprised of its market leading tradefinance back office system, the award winning TI Plus andcorporate front-end, Misys Trade Portal.

Misys Trade Services

Page 3: Harnessing the Network of Banking Intelligence...Misys is a leading provider of global trade solutions for the financial services community, providing an integrated portfolio of trade

Misys Trade Services 1

Misys is the world’s best-selling trade finance systemprovider. Over 180 banks across the world rely on MisysTrade Services to serve their critical trade customersquickly and efficiently.

The Misys Trade Services portfolio supports a full rangeof products and services including import and exportletters of credit, collections, bill financing, guarantees andsuperior workflow management facilities.

But importantly and uniquely, it is the huge span ofcustomers that gives Misys Trade Services the edge.Market leadership has given Misys the opportunity to tapinto client feedback to help focus the development ofMisys Trade Services on three bank priorities:

1. Winning on customer service to grow volume

2. Driving up efficiency

3 Broadening revenue options

This document will take you through each in turn. At theend you will find a section showing a functional overviewso you can be sure that Misys TI Plus and Misys TradePortal can meet all of your needs in full and a section onMisys credentials so you can be sure that you arechoosing the right partner.

SLA Workflow

Letters of

Credit &












Global Processing

Misys Trade Portal

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2 Misys Trade Services

The effectiveness and profitability of a bank’s tradefinance department depends on efficient and productiveworkflow and on responsiveness to customer needs. TI Plus has been designed with advanced workflowmanagement to streamline the entire transaction lifecycleand the overall workflow of the trade finance operation.

But equally, service is all about customer experience andMisys Trade Portal has been developed to ensure that theexperience, not just for a bank but for a bank’s customer,is significantly better than with any other packaged system.

Workflow and Service Level Agreements in TI Plus

In discussions with many of our customers, the threemain efficiency considerations are:

• CentralisationEstablishing specialised processing centres, supporting hub-and-spoke or regional/global processing.

• Insourcing or outsourcing (sometimes referred to as Private Labelling or White Labelling)Outsourcing physical processing to third party banks with established product knowledge, or staying in-house,focusing processing into specific bank operations with the strongest skills to create centres of excellence.

• Service Level Agreements (“SLAs”)A key differentiator for banks, these embody a bank’s commitment to customers on a range of service metrics.

Setting customer service levels

TI Plus allows the bank to define service levelagreements (SLAs) for each customer. The bank canapply either customer groupings (e.g. gold, silver, bronze)or bi-lateral agreements for individual customers.

Work Allocation

The system can then be configured to reflect the bank’sorganisational structure, taking team hierarchies intoaccount. This provides the functional scalability torepresent everything from a single branch with teams fordifferent product areas, right up to a regional or globaloperation where a regional processing hub or head officeneeds to monitor and report on the activity of a hierarchyof teams across the globe.

Work is allocated to a team automatically using a set ofbank-defined rules. The correct service level for thecustomer and the type of activity is then applied and atarget completion time is set. Transactions move fromgreen to amber to red status if they move closer to acritical processing deadline as defined by the SLA.

Winning on customer service to grow volume

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Misys Trade Services 3

Work Monitoring

All teams are provided with a dashboard that shows themtheir current workloads in graphical format. This enablesthe team supervisor to very quickly spot potentialproblems in complying with the service level agreementsand to reallocate work to less busy teams. Such a simpleand vivid view of the business

• Improves operational control (a requirement of legislationsuch as Basel II and Sarbanes-Oxley)

• Identifies performance efficiencies of teams andindividuals

• Enables an overall visibility for global and regionaloperating centres

Document Scanning and Imaging

Trade finance is a paper bound activity. Now that manybanks are moving to a model of regional hubs or globalprocessing there is a pressing need to replace paper flowwith electronic information.

TI Plus enables images of commercial documents to bescanned and subsequently retrieved during processing.This cuts the volume of paper on a user’s desk andmakes documents accessible to all involved in theprocessing, regardless of location.

The use of images also cuts down on the physical flow ofpaper, thus eliminating time delays and the risk of paperloss. It enables a bank to process transactions in a‘virtual’ environment, segregating functions to where theyoffer most value to the bank and the customer.



Manual Input

Misys Trade




Team A

Team B

Team C

Team D

Team E

Team F





Transaction for ‘Gold’ customer

Transaction for ‘Bronze’ customer

Transaction for ‘Silver’ customer

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4 Misys Trade Services

Misys Trade Portal is a unique integrated e-businesssystem which allows banks to offer a full-featured consolethat seamlessly connects importers and exporters. For thefirst time, this enables the banks’ clients to complete theirinternational trade transactions while simultaneouslyaccessing a wide range of features to follow them up.

It offers customers access to a comprehensivecustomised web-based console so that they can processand review their transactions.

A unique feature enables the bank to provide tailorednews feeds so that customers can browse throughanalysis or information pertaining to their industries.

The innovative browser-based approach helps a bank’strade services, commodities & energy and internationalguarantees teams. The dedicated, personalised web-based front end is available to their back-officeusers, administrators and sales team members to reviewand process their customers' requests.

A multi bank system

Misys Trade Portal provides a true multi-bank architecturewhere customers can access multiple banks and theirconsolidated transactions. The system can be easilyconfigured to handle major bank groups as well assmaller entities with fewer branches.

A wide range of integration features

As well as the browser-based front-end, Misys TradePortal has efficient outgoing and incoming automatedXML interfaces so it can be integrated smoothly with anytrade finance back-office system or third-party application.And because the system relies on a Web Servicesframework for integration, it can also be linked to acustomer’s Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) back-end systems as well as external electronic Business-to-Business (B2B) marketplaces.

Improving the customer experience with Misys Trade Portal

“Together with our own internal systems, it has harmonised theprocesses within our trade operations and improved the flowbetween us, our suppliers and BNP Paribas. We have been able toreduce the administrative steps for issuing orders and increase theproductivity of all our administrative and accounting functions. Welook forward to improving the efficiency and the relationships wehave with our suppliers still further.”François Bouche, head of finance and administration for Carrefour's merchandise group.

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Misys Trade Services 5

Open account business

Misys Trade Portal is a solution that handles traditionaltrade, such as Letters of Credit, but also embraces thegrowing open account market and services.

For virtually all international trade, the purchase order(PO) forms the basis of any agreement between a buyerand seller for the purchase and sale of goods, forming asupporting document for a number of bank servicesincluding:

• Letters of Credit

• Issuance of Trust Receipts

• Requests for Packing Loans

• Clean payment

Misys Trade Portal provides facilities to automaticallyreceive POs from a client’s ERP system or to manuallyinput details. These details can then be used in documentpreparation (such as packing lists, commercial invoices)and the creation of letters of credit to minimise re-keyingand maximise accuracy.

Full document management is then provided, includingversion control, production in a variety of formatsincluding PDF, XML, boleroXML and application of digitalsignatures in line with eUCP rules.

Misys is an active participant in the Trade Services Utility(TSU) project initiated by SWIFT to manage and reconcilepurchase orders.

Misys Trade Portal as a hosted solution

As a hosted solution, Misys Trade Portal is maintained byMisys in an enterprise-class data centre. Banksaccessing the hosted solution are provided with the samerobust functionality and features as the installed version,but without the operating costs associated with it. Theadvantages are clear:

• The bank can grow its trade finance business withoutfurther investing in infrastructure

• Hosting reduces time to market when launching onlinetrade finance services

• Customer experience and loyalty are improved by theavailability of easy access to a wider range of tradefinance services

Using the hosted solution banks can still design their e-banking interface and provide their corporate customerswith access to their fully branded e-banking service.Banks can use Misys Trade Portal internally, enablingsales and account officers to follow up on their customers'transactions either through the Internet or via a dedicatedsecure private network using their own customisedinterface. Misys Banking Systems can support theintegration of the hosted software with a bank’s in-houseback-office systems.

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Page 9: Harnessing the Network of Banking Intelligence...Misys is a leading provider of global trade solutions for the financial services community, providing an integrated portfolio of trade

Misys Trade Services 7

Global processing is the centralisation of separatecountry- or business-specific systems into a singleenvironment. Unlike traditional hubbing approaches,global processing allows the bank to see all the data in asingle coherent picture.

This unprecedented level of consolidation bringssignificant business benefits:

• Standardisation of business practices whereverappropriate - minimising business risk, cuttingduplication of effort and resource and reducingexposure to fraud

• A single IT operating environment, located in the bestplace for the bank to balance cost, skills availability andany other business imperatives

• The ability to build a single, highly resilient platform tominimise operational risk

• An enterprise-wide view of the bank’s managementinformation. In a market that operates increasingly on aworld stage, this enables executives to make betterinformed decisions, faster than ever before

• Flexibility to explore new markets with minimaladditional investment

• A critical mass of specialists in trade transactions,allowing the bank to capitalise quickly on niche tradefinance opportunities

• The option to move parts of the operations business tolow-cost processing centres to further cut costs and toallow for rapid growth

In other words, the bank can place activity wherever isthe most appropriate, irrespective of any limitationsimposed by previous organisational structure or IT infrastructure.

In trade services, different banks may choose to deployglobal processing capabilities in very different ways. Forexample, at its simplest level, the bank may choose to setup local centres of excellence in specific geographicregions or product areas. At its widest, global processingcan enable the creation of working teams that span time-zones, currencies and borders.

This deep consolidation also opens up opportunities forinsource or outsource strategies for the future.

Ease of use

But all that efficiency is predicated on users that find thesystem easy, intuitive and fast and it is here that TI Plusexcels. The TI Plus intuitive web-based user interfaceensures that new users are up to speed with the systemquickly. All products are integrated within a singleenvironment that makes navigation between productssimple and efficient. The consistent “look and feel” of theuser interface across all products minimises the time andinvestment spent on training.

Driving up efficiency – the power of Global Processing

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8 Misys Trade Services

One of the fastest growth opportunities in trade serviceslies in factoring. Global Factoring transactions increasedby 63% in the years 2001 - 2005. This reflects theincreasing demand for open account trading and thebanks’ need to retain control over their customers’ use offinance. Corporate customers benefit from significantimprovements in cash flow management, and, wherecredit insurance is in place, protection against buyer failure.

TI Plus Factoring

The factoring capability in TI Plus is optimised for tradereceivables financing available. Finance is calculated onthe agreed, discounted total of eligible receivablesavailable on any one day. Drawings are processed at theexpress request of the customer.

TI Plus factoring is implemented in two aspects of thesystem:

• Factoring Facility. Records details of domestic factoringagreements and processes scheduled charges anddrawdown under the facility.

• Invoices. Maintains customers’ sales ledgers relating totheir factoring facilities and processes invoicesettlement, capitalising on the workflow capability of TI Plus.

An invoice browser serves as a central point from whichusers can immediately see the status of outstandinginvoices for a customer. This powerful tool ensures rapidresponse to customer queries and quality management ofthe sales ledger.

Broadening revenue options

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Misys Trade Services 9

Worldwide customer support

Misys provides support through its global network ofhelpdesks and support centres, available 24/7 acrossinternational boundaries and every time zone.

Service support includes

• Product and technical expertise• Regular status reporting and progress tracking on

service calls

• Preventative maintenance procedures

• Client focus and dedicated account

World-class professional services

The Misys professional services and customer supportteams ensure that every bank gets the best from itsinvestment in Misys Trade Services.

Relying on decades of experience in banks of all sizesacross the world, the professional services team usesbest practice methodologies and a rich knowledge baseto convert its skills, experience and innovative thinkinginto practical business benefits.

With experience in over 1,400 banks worldwide, Misysprofessional services teams are expert not only indelivering technology solutions, but also in bankingpractices and methodologies around the world.

Through a network of 35 international offices, Misys canoffer specialist expertise covering

• Project management

• Architectural consulting

• Business consulting

• Technical development

• Implementation services

• Roll-out support services

Each service is clearly defined for quantifiable businessbenefits and delivered to international ISO quality standards.


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Page 13: Harnessing the Network of Banking Intelligence...Misys is a leading provider of global trade solutions for the financial services community, providing an integrated portfolio of trade

Misys Trade Services 11

Functional overview – TI Plus

• Letters of Credit (including Purchase Orders)

• Regular status reporting and progress tracking onservice calls

• Documentary and Clean Collections

• Cash Letters

• Standbys & Guarantees

• Reimbursements

• Financing

• Clean Payments

• Participations Sold

• Bankers Acceptances

• Shipping Guarantees

• Export Factoring and Invoice Manager

Functional overview – Misys Trade Portal

• Import and Export Letters of Credit

• Issued and Received Stand-by Letters of Credit

• Import and Export Documentary Collections

• Bonds and Guarantees

• Shipping Guarantees

• Financing Requests (including Trust Receipts, PackingCredits, etc.)

• Open Account Transactions (with TSU interfaces)

• Intra-Bank and Interbank Fund Transfers

• Document Preparation and Electronic Presentation(eUCP)

• Collaboration Suite

Functions at a glance

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12 Misys Trade Services

Misys Banking Systems

You are what you know. To our customers our value is determined,not by practical applications, but by our ability to be clairvoyant. Tosee tomorrow while they tend to the business of today.

Our strength is not just derived from functionality but from thebreadth of our resource, and our ability to give our clients anenlightened view of the collective wisdom of the banking network.

The market will never be wary of an intelligent solution. Orexperience that translates to foresight.

Our access to the intelligence of a global network and the power ofthe world’s most dynamic financial companies is an unparalleledresource that only Misys can offer.

Misys Banking Systems. Harnessing the network of bankingintelligence.

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