Happy Friday! Morning Report July 8 th, 2011. Urinary Tract Infections AMERICAN ACADEMY OF...

Happy Friday! Morning Report July 8 th , 2011

Transcript of Happy Friday! Morning Report July 8 th, 2011. Urinary Tract Infections AMERICAN ACADEMY OF...

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Happy Friday!Morning ReportJuly 8th, 2011

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Urinary Tract Infections

AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICSCommittee on Quality Improvement

Subcommittee on Urinary Tract InfectionPractice Parameter: The Diagnosis,

Treatment, and Evaluation of theInitial Urinary Tract Infection in

Febrile Infants and Young Children


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Recommendation 1

•The presence of UTI should be considered in infants and young children with unexplained fever

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•Why?▫Prevalence is 5%▫Risk of renal damage is greatest in this age

group▫Diagnosis can be challenging

Most common clinical findings: Fever 20 to 40% Failure to thrive 15 to 43% Jaundice 3 to 41% Vomiting 9 to 41% Loose stools 3 to 5% Poor feeding 3 to 5%

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Girls vs Boys

•Newborn period▫Occurs 1.5 to 5 times more in BOYS

•First 6 months▫Decreases in boys, increases in girls

•By 1 year▫3 times more common in GIRLS

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Circ vs Uncirc

•Uncircumcised males are:▫A. 2x more likely than circumcised to get UTI▫B. Equal incidence of UTI▫C. 5 to 20x more likely than circumcised to

get UTI▫D. Protected from UTI

• Increased rate of bacterial colonization and enhanced bacterial adherence

•Absolute risk of developing UTI is low, at most ~1%

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Recommendation 2

•In infants and young children with unexplained fever, the degree of toxicity, dehydration, and ability to retain oral intake must be carefully assessed

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Additional work-up

•1/3 of infants with UTI have bacteremia with the same organism

•Some have meningitis•Blood culture should be obtained in all

infants•Culture of CSF should be considered

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Recommendation 3

•If an infant or young child with unexplained fever is assessed as being sufficiently ill to warrant immediate antimicrobial therapy, a urine specimen should be obtained by suprapubic aspiration or transurethral bladder catheterization; the diagnosis of UTI cannot be established by a culture of urine collected in a bag

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Recommendation 4

•If an infant or young child with unexplained fever is assessed as not being so ill as to require immediate antimicrobial therapy, there are two options:▫1. Obtain and culture a urine specimen

collected by SPA or cath▫2. Obtain a urine specimen by the most

convenient means and perform urinalysis If suggests UTI- SPA or cath and culture If no UTI suspected- follow clinical course

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Urinalysis•Most useful components

▫Leukocyte esterase Detects esterases released from broken-down

leukocytes (which may or may not be present)▫Nitrite

Detects conversion of nitrate to nitrite by gram-neg Specificity 98%

▫Microscopy: WBCs >5 per high-power field

▫Microscopy: bacteria present on unspun Gram-stained specimen

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Recommendation 5

•Diagnosis of UTI requires a culture of the urine

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Method Colony Count Probability of Infection (%)

Suprapubic aspiration Gram-negative bacilli: any numberGram-positive cocci: more than a few thousand


Transuretheral catheterization


95Infection likelySuspicious; repeatInfection unlikely

Clean-voided (boy) >10,000 Infection likely

Clean-voided (girl) 3 specimens >100,0002 specimens >100,0001 specimen >100,00050,000-100,00010,000-50,000



959080Suspicious; repeatSymptomatic, suspicious; repeatAsymptomatic; infection unlikelyInfection unlikely

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•*The most common bacterial cause of UTI is:▫E. coli- 80%▫Other gram negatives:

Klebsiella Proteus Enterobacter Citrobacter

▫Gram-positives: Staph saprophyticus Enterococcus Staph aureus (rare)

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Recommendation 6

•If the infant or young child with suspected UTI is assessed as toxic, dehydrated, or unable to retain oral intake, initial antimicrobial therapy should be administered parenterally and hospitalization should be considered

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Indications for Hospitalization

•Age < 2 months•Clinical urosepsis or potential bacteremia•Immunocompromised patient•Vomiting or inability to tolerate oral

medication•Lack of adequate follow-up•Failure to respond to outpatient therapy

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Recommendation 7

•In the infant or young child who may not appear ill but who has a culture confirming UTI, antimicrobial therapy should be initiated, parenterally or orally

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Empiric therapy

•6 week old male with acute vomiting and decreased po intake, has UA with 3+ leukocyte esterase, positive nitrite, and 15 WBC/hpf. You obtain urine cx and want to start empiric abx. What do you choose?▫A. Ampicillin▫B. Ceftriaxone▫C. Nitrofurantoin▫D. TMP-SMX▫E. Ciprofloxacin

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Choice of agent•50% of E. coli are resistant to amoxicillin or

ampicillin•2nd and 3rd gen cephalosporins and

aminoglycosides are good first-line agents▫Remember: don’t cover Enterococcus, so add

ampicillin•Can switch to po when oral intake tolerated

▫Augmentin, TMP-SMX, or 3rd gen cephalosporin▫Nitrofurantoin does not achieve good serum


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Recommendation 8

•Infants and young children with UTI who have not had the expected clinical response with 2 days of antimicrobial therapy should be reevaluated and another urine specimen should be cultured

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•Routing reculturing is generally not necessary▫If expected response

Urine should be sterile within 48 hours of treatment

▫Bug is sensitive to abx being administered

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Recommendation 9

•Infants and young children including those whose treatment initially was administered parenterally, should complete a 7 to 14 day antimicrobial course orally

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Recommendation 10

•After a 7 to 14 day course of antimicrobial therapy and sterilization of the urine, infants and young children with UTI should receive antimicrobials in therapeutic or prophylactic dosages until the imaging studies are completed

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Imaging studies•A 1 year old girl was admitted to Purple Team

2 days ago with fever and a urine culture is now growing E. coli. Her fever has resolved and she is now back to baseline per mom. What, if any, imaging studies do you want to order, and when will you order them?▫A. None, send her home, she’s cured!▫B. Renal U/S now, and VCUG in 6 weeks▫C. Renal U/S and VCUG in 6 weeks▫D. Renal U/S and VCUG now

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Recommendation 11

•Infants and young children with UTI who do not demonstrate the expected clinical response within 2 days of antimicrobial therapy should undergo U/S promptly. Voiding cystourethrography (VCUG) is stongly encouraged to be performed at the earliest convenient time. Those with expected response should have U/S and VCUG at earliest convenient time.

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Updated recs

•Image the following:▫Girls < 3 with a first UTI▫Boys of any age with first UTI▫Children of any age with febrile UTI▫Children with recurrent UTI▫First UTI in child with family hx of renal

disease, abnormalities of urinary tract

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Updated recs

•No difference in results if VCUG performed within a week of UTI vs waiting

•However, only 48% of those scheduled later than 1wk were actually performed

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Grade I — Reflux only fills the ureter without dilation. Grade II — Reflux fills the ureter and the collecting system without dilation. Grade III — Reflux fills and mildly dilates the ureter and the collecting system with mild blunting of the calyces. Grade IV —Grossly dilates the collecting system with blunting of the calyces. Some tortuosity of the ureter. Grade V — Massive reflux grossly dilates the collecting system. All the calyces are blunted with a loss of papillary impression.