Happy Birthhday Tribute to our Apostle

At age 40, fathering a RELEVANT Church body in his generation both Nationally and Internationally is the primary focus of Apostle Mark T. Jones Sr. This edition of the Voice of Manifestation Newsletter is dedicated to all that he is, has been and will continue to become as the Holy Spirit continues to manifest sons of God birthed from his spiritual loins in his generation!


At age 40, fathering a RELEVANT Church body in his generation both Nationally or Internationally is the primary focus of Apostle Mark T. Jones.

Transcript of Happy Birthhday Tribute to our Apostle

Page 1: Happy Birthhday Tribute to our Apostle

At age 40, fathering a RELEVANT Church body in his generation

both Nationally and Internationally is the primary focus of

Apostle Mark T. Jones Sr.

This edition of the Voice of Manifestation Newsletter is dedicated

to all that he is, has been and will continue to become as the Holy

Spirit continues to manifest sons of God birthed from his spiritual

loins in his generation!

Page 2: Happy Birthhday Tribute to our Apostle

Dr. Mark T. Jones Sr. Apostle & Founder

Manifestations Worldwide Inc.

Very often, people of purpose and destiny fail to leave an ineradicable mark on either society or mankind, only to retreat to

the heavens without maximizing their God-given and intended potential. Dr. Mark T. Jones, Sr. is not only maximizing what

God has deposited in him, but he is also empowering the people of God to fulfill their purpose on the earth. In this season,

he is a voice for the voiceless. His messages compel the attention of those who seek to discover their purpose in life and

launch their destiny.

As I consider all that is currently transpiring in our society, my heart aches as I observe the descent of

this great society. Our great American society is conforming to the same ills that destroyed the

Babylonian Empire, the Roman Empire, the Grecian Empire, and every other truly great entity.

Almost never, are great things destroyed from enemies outside. Almost inevitably, it is the inner

enemies that undermine great works. As believers the bible calls us ministers of reconciliation, and

co-laborers with God. As such we tirelessly work to aid in the advancement of God's purposes in the

earth, which always begin with bridging the gap between God and man. It is my prayer that believers

will rise up in the authority that Christ has given us, and become bold and courageous in snatching men

from the flames of hell. It is my prayer that the people of God will become dissatisfied with church as

usual, but will begin to cry out to God for infallible proofs of His presence and power to be made

manifest among us. Not that we need proof, but rather, so that the world will see that Jesus the Christ is

alive and well, and seated in the place of power.

Believers as ministers of reconciliation be reminded that we have been entrusted by God to

RE-PRESENT, Him to our generation.

Dr. Mark T. Jones Sr.

Ministers of Hope

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Have you ever heard someone speak and you felt compelled to soak up every word? You just want to know them, be around them and learn from them…

That’s the mark of a re-MARK-able person. While many males are born with strong physical

characteristics, and potentials possessing high degrees of qualities that are con-sidered distinctive of manhood, only a few males willfully become a re-MARK-able man. I’ve constantly questioned “what is a man?” However, I thank God

because in spite of what I have experienced in my past and have wrongfully endured from many that fell into the category of male, God placed

Mark T. Jones Sr. in the earth realm for me to never have to question again.

I now know a re-MARK-able man. Many times when we try to describe someone the first thing we attempt to do is get the letters in their name and give poetic acronyms to speak of them. In this re-MARK-able man I can truly say I see no separation in the roles that he posses as husband, father, and leader. He walks in strength, in-tegrity, and wisdom. He displays unconditional love, always looking for a person to reach their God-given potential. He has made sacrifices when it wasn’t always convenient or reciprocated. I have personally learned from a re-MARK-able man that the path of the outstanding man is not the smoothest or gentlest at times. Even in the face of adversity, resistance and ridicule this re-MARK-able man has never stopped to entertain the madness. A re-MARK-able man is aware that timidity and shrinking back has no place in the path of greatness. I would admit being married to a re-MARK-able man has not been without its challenges. Sharing him with others as they learn how to embrace the relevance of a re-MARK-able man is not always easy. A truly remarkable man knows that he is forever a student and can always learn something from even the most unexpected sources. I am so excited to see this new season that God has in store for this re-MARK-able man as he celebrates a new milestone in his life. “Bay” continue to be the re-Mark-able man that you were created to be. I honor you, I love you, and I thank God for you.

KEEP ON KEEPING ON BABY , YOU ARE A REMARKABLE MAN !! Happy 40th Birthday on June 6th and Happy Fathers day

Lady Lisa Jones

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By using International Cuisine, it is my intention to provoke the partners of CFM to

engage each other. Through this page we not only meet the “Around the world” but

also the “Across the country” partners.

During the month of June we celebrate, Dr. Jones birthday and Father‟s Day, therefore I take this time and

opportunity to recognized our CFM father.

As you follow the steps of your spiritual father Apostle Mark Jones, I would like to say “Thank You” for

being not only fathers to your children but husbands and brothers, for walking in integrity, for allowing love,

goodness, kindness to flow out of your life. For those men that like to cook and for those that love to eat,

here is a simple healthy recipe. I hope you enjoy it.

If you have a recipe with a story that you would like to share please contact me at 813-775-5381

or via e-mail [email protected]

Yesmin Negron


6 salmon fillets (6 oz. each)

6 red skin potatoes, (baby)

5 handfuls fresh baby spinach

3 shallots, sliced

1 spoon of olive oil

2-3 cloves of garlic

1 lemon

salt and black pepper (taste)

Instruction: Marinade salmon with lemon, olive oil, crush garlic, salt and pepper few hrs before grilling. Sit in

the refrigerator. Align grill rack with aluminum foil. Heat the grill, and put few drops of olive oil on

aluminum foil. Place the Salmon on top of the aluminum foil and let it cook. Every 4-5 minutes flip

the Salmon until done. While Salmon is grilling, sauté the red skin potatoes with the spinach and

scallion, add salt and pepper for taste.

Serve as soon as done, be creative.

Page 5: Happy Birthhday Tribute to our Apostle

The Poet’s Corner

Possessing the Spirit of a Writer

Sister Jennifer Cole

A father is a man of dominion and power

A one of protection and cover

A father is the family foundation

He is looked upon throughout the nation

A father is a developer

He allows his children to discover

His offsprings carry his name

To distinguish his fatherhood claim

Fathers are the source of impression

There actions will always pose a question

Daughters will see what her male relationship will be

And sons will adapt the manhood character that they see

Fathers desire a special place in his daughters heart

They are daddy's little girl right from the start

Fathers are their personal protector

And their all time problem detector

Fathers carve an imprint on their son

Teaching them to love and be strong

To live a positive image

Leaving no fragments to damage

Fathers discipline with hands of love

Counsel with words of wisdom from above

Sets a life of communication

Their emotions they try to contain

While seeing through all our pain

Fathers we love you dear

We thank you for your listening ear

And those hugs that felt so secure

Throughout our lives and our years


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Happy Birthday to all of


Covenant Partners

born in the month of


Dave Bennerman Diana Boyce

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My name is Letisha George and I was born and raised in

Miami, Florida. I relocated to Tampa directly following my

high school graduation in 1997. I have been blessed with a

husband, Davis George, and three children, Desha George,

Jasmine George and Brianna George. I was raised as a

Seventh Day Adventist as that is my family‟s RELIGON.

It has been for many, many generations. I have been in that

religion for most of my life. I thought I knew what is was to have a relationship with God but I truly had no idea.

I was stuck in religion not really knowing what a true relationship with God was. Since attending the Center for

Manifestation I have been able to understand how to live my life according to kingdom principles. I know what it is

to have true peace and joy.

My family and I became members of CFM in the spring of 2009 but we have been attending CFM for about 3 ½ yrs

now. I am currently a part of the screen team ministry which is led by Sis. Patricia Lashley, who has been instrumen-

tal in my life as well. With her not only being there when I needed to talk but for praying for me and standing with

me in faith. I thank her for being a strong women of God and for being there for me and my family.

A lot of situations both good and bad have lead me to the point were I am currently in my life. I know that God has a

calling on my life because at the age of 17 I was at the mercy of the enemy with no one around to help me but God.

And when I should have died He saved me. We serve a mighty, powerful God who is truly awesome and in control.

At the moment that I was saved I‟ve seen my entire life flash before my eyes. I believe that he saved me because

there was more for me to do. There was more planned for my

life than I could even understand at that time. I thank God

constantly because He has been so good to me. He has always

been there for me and I am striving daily to be an open vessel

from which He flows. I came to this church broken and in

pieces with many issues but I‟m slowly being put back

together one piece at a time. To be what God has already said

I am. I will always follow God‟s call wherever it may take me.

I have made many changes in my life by the grace of God

since being connected here. I am changing and growing daily.

I thank God for Apostle Mark T. Jones and First Lady Lisa

Jones for teaching us kingdom principles & logic to be what

God has

intended us to be. I am excited for what God has promised for

this vision and my life and I‟m thankful every single day for

His love and mercy.

Letisha George, Davis George,

Desha George, Jasmine George and Brianna

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The picture on the top of the 16th Chapel painted

by master artist Michael Angelo entitled “Finger

Tip of God” depicts Adam having the ability to

connect with God so well that he could get as

close to God as to touch His figure tip.

When reading the story of Adam and Eve, I think

to my self

“How did


know it

was God



the gar-

den in



You have to know someone pretty good to know

its them by the way they walk. For instance, work-

ing at the church, I can tell by the brisk walk and

jingling of keys when Michael Daniels is walking

by. Like wise the cool calm stroll that has a slight

drag of the foot, I know its Dr. Jones. In Ground

Zero being it‟s 3 feet off the ground, I can hear

feet patting down on the floor. When there are 100

kids running around and dancing in here it sounds

like a bad tap dancing class. Still yet, when my

daughter is running or dancing I can hear her out

of all of that.

Why? Because I hear it all the time, or enough to

decipher the difference.

And if God walked with Enoch in Gen 5:22-24,

why can‟t we have a stroll with God?

I‟ll tell you why. We are so religious we take the

relation out of the relationship. The word “ship”

being added to a descriptive word as a suffix de-

notes a condition, character, office, or skill. When

you just make it a relation its just a singular event

or condition. It‟s not continued like a skill is, or as

an office requires. It‟s not a condition but an ex-

perience, or a momentous occasion in one‟s life,

not a character.

Put the two together you get “RELATIONSHIP.”

Though you would think relation and ship together

mean the same thing but separate they are so dif-

ferent but together, they are a connection that is

continuous, like one‟s character, or condition, or

skill. It takes time to build character or skill. In

fact to be skillful you have to continue to practice

the activity for it to be a skill. You also have to be

specific in the activity for it to be a skill. Character

speaks of your investment without return.

What have you given to God continuously without

return? We only like to pray to God to remain in

His “good graces” when everything is going good,

or so when we need His help we haven't been such

a burden. That‟s not a skill or character. Anyone

can learn to write that doesn't make you a writer.

Like wise anyone can connect with God but that

doesn't mean you‟re connected.

To be connected is to walk with God, not only

when you pray or worship Him. It‟s a continual

momentum, it‟s the building of your relationship

or the character or your relation with Him. Its to

create a skill of communing with Him or to hold

an office where it‟s the two of you.

I am totally connected with God and this month

I‟ll be talking about that and how you can be

connected too. I‟ll share my fun times and hard

times with God.

Dial in this month to get

Connected. You will hear

God and when you do you'll

know you always could!

Aloha—P. Al

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Page 11: Happy Birthhday Tribute to our Apostle

How then can man-made things help us wish you a Happy Birthday -

You, who house a „birthless‟ spirit, though we know chronologically that you were physically

born 40 years ago. Deathless, because you are not afraid of death. Ageless? Well, let‟s just

say you‟ve been here before, for you have experienced LIFE, well beyond your natural years.

This edition, therefore, is an attempt to place on record, for our own satisfaction, the out

pouring from the hearts of some of your children our appreciation, adoration and eloquent

expressions of gratitude for you, „the one‟ who willed to become many.

What a glorious abundance 40 years of human existence has brought to so many! The loving

glory of the Anointing upon your life flows like a murmuring pellucid stream bestowing its

bounty and cool on millions and millions from Lake Avenue...across the country and around

the world. Like a mighty river, your love for God‟s people flows with ease and grace,

showering benediction on all, east or west, black, yellow, brown or white embracing all in its


What a fruitful 40 years! Thousands have been corrected and strengthened, advised and

admonished, sheltered and rehabilitated, clothed, fed and educated, nursed and cured,

guarded, guided and transformed every day, every hour, all over the globe -

Apostle Mark T. Jones, how greatly indebted are we to you! We bow our hearts and our souls

low in gratitude at your feet. May we continue to submit ourselves before you as

“YOUR little children.” And may God grant you the strength and the years to continue to

travail again and again, until Christ be formed in us.

We Love You with and everlasting love

CFM Leadership Team & Partners

Page 12: Happy Birthhday Tribute to our Apostle

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Our Vision

Proverbs 29: 18 “Where there is no vision the people perish.

Our vision is to teach the end-time church of the essence of kingdom life, and to

communicate deep, spiritual truth in a simplified manner.

The center for Manifestation was released from the heart of God to be a refreshing

force to the body of Christ. While the central theme and essence of this ministry is to

prepare the way for the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, in part this purpose is

accomplished by retraining the saints as to what their God given roles and responsi-

bilities in the church are. It is also the vision of this ministry to bring healing and

deliverance to those who have been hindered from moving into position for the latter


This is the season for the manifestation of the sons of God!

Mark Jr. Lady Lisa, Dr. Jones, Marlesia


Natural and Spiritual