
It’s brown, sweet and full of bubbles, it’s the world’s leading non-alcoholic drink: Coca Cola. It is consumed across the world in huge quantities. Every day more than 1.3 billion Coca-Cola products are enjoyed globally. Coca- Cola’s birthplace is in the southern US city of Atlanta, Georgia, where the “World of Coca-Cola” museum shows how a soft drink became a global brand. The story began back in 1886, a few blocks away from today’s museum site. Atlanta pharmacist John Pemberton created a non-alcoholic drink containing cola leaf and kola nuts as its main ingredients. He claimed that his new medicine cured many illnesses and kept the recipe a closely-guarded secret. Businessman Asa Griggs Candler bought a share in the business and incorporated the Coca Cola company shortly before Pemberton’s death in 1888. Candler began an advertising campaign which transformed the drink into an American icon. Coca Cola soon began international distribution and by 1959 was already being sold in 53 countries. When the 1996 Olympics were awarded to Atlanta, it was the perfect time for the company to open a Coca-Cola visitor centre and they decided to develop a brand new museum in downtown Atlanta. The museum includes more than 1200 historic Coca-Cola artefacts and a fully operational bottling factory. The centre also aims to give visitors a true taste of the products. Today more than 450 different Coca-Cola brands are sold across more than 200 countries. Many of these are available for visitors to sample at the “Taste It” counter at the end of the museum tour. The Coca- Cola company has learned that its customers are loyal not only to the brand, but also to Coke’s age-old taste. When the company attempted to change the flavour of Coca-Cola with a “New Coke” in 1985, customers rebelled, forcing the company to return to the original under the name “Coca-Cola Classic”. As for the recipe, it is known only to a few privileged members of the company and it is kept locked away in a safe of an Atlanta bank. Answer the following questions 1.How much Coca-Cola is drunk every day in the world ? 2. Where and when was Coca-Cola invented? 3. Was it immediately sold as a soft drink? 4. What were its main ingredients? 5. Was Pemberton still alive when Candler decided to buy a share in the Coca-Cola business ? 6. On which occasion did the company decide to open a Coca-Cola centre? 7. What can visitors do in the centre? 8. What was “New Coke”? 9. What kind of Coca-Cola flavour did customers prefer? 10. Can you find the Coca-Cola recipe on the bottle label? Why? / Why not? Match the names to their synonyms. HUGE a. TABLE BRAND b. TOWN CENTRE BLOCK c. MARK SHARE d. DEPOSIT BOX CAMPAIGN e. ENORMOUS DOWNTOWN f. SUBURBS COUNTER g. TRY SAMPLE h. COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY SAFE i. DISTRICT

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Page 1: Happy

It’s brown, sweet and full of bubbles, it’s the world’s leading non-alcoholic drink: Coca Cola. It is consumed across the world in huge quantities. Every day more than 1.3 billion Coca-Cola products are enjoyed globally. Coca-Cola’s birthplace is in the southern US city of Atlanta, Georgia, where the “World of Coca-Cola” museum shows how a soft drink became a global brand. The story began back in 1886, a few blocks away from today’s museum site. Atlanta pharmacist John Pemberton created a non-alcoholic drink containing cola leaf and kola nuts as its main ingredients. He claimed that his new medicine cured many illnesses and kept the recipe a closely-guarded secret. Businessman Asa Griggs Candler bought a share in the business and incorporated the Coca Cola company shortly before Pemberton’s death in 1888. Candler began an advertising campaign which transformed the drink into an American icon. Coca Cola soon began international distribution and by 1959 was already being sold in 53 countries. When the 1996 Olympics were awarded to Atlanta, it was the perfect time for the company to open a Coca-Cola visitor centre and they decided to develop a brand new museum in downtown Atlanta.The museum includes more than 1200 historic Coca-Cola artefacts and a fully operational bottling factory. The centre also aims to give visitors a true taste of the products. Today more than 450 different Coca-Cola brands are sold across more than 200 countries. Many of these are available for visitors to sample at the “Taste It” counter at the end of the museum tour. The Coca-Cola company has learned that its customers are loyal not only to the brand, but also to Coke’s age-old taste. When the company attempted to change the flavour of Coca-Cola with a “New Coke” in 1985, customers rebelled, forcing the company to return to the original under the name “Coca-Cola Classic”. As for the recipe, it is known only to a few privileged members of the company and it is kept locked away in a safe of an Atlanta bank. Answer the following questions

1.How much Coca-Cola is drunk every day in the world ? 2. Where and when was Coca-Cola invented? 3. Was it immediately sold as a soft drink? 4. What were its main ingredients?5. Was Pemberton still alive when Candler decided to buy a share in the Coca-Cola business ?6. On which occasion did the company decide to open a Coca-Cola centre?7. What can visitors do in the centre?8. What was “New Coke”?9. What kind of Coca-Cola flavour did customers prefer?10. Can you find the Coca-Cola recipe on the bottle label? Why? / Why not?