Happy 18th - the Mathew Street Festival comes of age

★★★★ The Mathew Street Festival comes of age Y Y o o u u r r g g u u i i d d e e t t o o t t h h e e c c i i t t y y s s b b i i g g g g e e s s t t p p a a r r t t y y HAPPY 18th HAPPY 18th


Your guide to the city's biggest party.

Transcript of Happy 18th - the Mathew Street Festival comes of age

Page 1: Happy 18th - the Mathew Street Festival comes of age


TheMathewStreetFestival comesofage

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Page 2: Happy 18th - the Mathew Street Festival comes of age

SPECIAL Tuesday, August 24, 20102 ★★★★

WELCOME to our 12page guide to themost musicalweek inLiverpool’s

calendar. We have the MathewStreet Festival, InternationalBeatle Week, and a packedprogramme of events on allaround the city.

Mathew Street Music Festivalis the annual celebration of oneof the city’s cultural cornerstones– music. This fantastic free twoday event will be 18 years old thisyear, with over 80 hours of liveoutdoor music, it celebratescover, original and new bandswhich attract local people andvisitors from all over Europe.

This year 95 bands performfrom as far as USA, Brazil, Argentina, Japan,Switzerland, Russia, Sweden and Scotland will beperforming, with huge TV screens around the site toimprove the viewing experience.

The Fringe Festival for original bands runs fromFriday to Monday in venues across the city offeringa vast array of music. If you love music, it gives youthe bands that people are whispering about,breaking boundaries, running in over 30 venuesacross town.

Councillor Joe Anderson, Leader of Liverpool CityCouncil and the Directors of Liverpool’s MathewStreet Music Festival Ltd says:

“In terms of variety and quality this year’sFestival should be our best ever - a first class tributeto The Beatles and a celebration of the MOBO’scoming to Liverpool will give the festivities a veryspecial edge.

“The line-up for the 2010 festival will make for agreat weekend of music for all ages and tastes. The

new themes are a brilliant additionand ensure the festival remains fresh

and vibrant. They also show howthe city has influenced the worldand underlines why we arebidding to England’s firstUNESCO City of Music.”

With six outdoor live stagesover the two days, plus thefringe festival for its third year– across more than 40 indoorvenues, and the Albert Dockfestivities, the hardest jobseems to be trying to work

out how to fit everything in.JADE WRIGHT


The Beatles attheir managerBrian Epstein'sHertfordshirehome to launchthe SergeantPepper album inMay 1967

THIS year we celebrate whatwould have been JohnLennon's 70th birthday.

To mark his extraordinaryand influential life, musical starsof all eras will unite on stagefor an emotional charityconcert, LennonRemembered, on Thursday

December 9 at the EchoArena.

Thirty years on from histragic early death, thememorial concert will formthe crescendo of two monthsof celebrations of JohnLennon’s unique contributionto the culture of, not only the

city of his birth, but also hisimmortal position on theglobal popular musiclandscape.

John’s appeal continues tospan the generations, andmusicians from every era willcongregate on stage toperform unique versions of

Lennon’s most famous songs –and, no doubt, one or twoforgotten gems alongside themas well.

Bill Heckle, Director of TheCavern Club, says: “We haveenjoyed many great musicalnights in this city over theyears, but an evening dedicated

to John, attended by thosewho knew and loved him, aswell as those who workedwith him, plus the thousandsof fans who, purely and simply,have been touched and movedby his music throughout ourlives, will really make it intosomething special.”

Remember lifeofa legend

John Lennon in 1980Bill Heckle



Page 3: Happy 18th - the Mathew Street Festival comes of age

Tuesday, August 24, 2010 SPECIAL 3★★★★

HEAVENLY: There is a celebration of TheBeatles’ music at the Anglican Cathedral,inset, Mark McGann singing L

OVE, peace andunderstanding. Thethree themes thatpermeated the Beatles'entire back-catalogue

form the bases for a spectacularcentrepiece to the celebrations ofthe Fab Four at the Anglicancathedral.

Organiser Bill Heckle explains:“At the end of the BeatlesAnthology, Paul said that the keythemes in their music were alwayslove, peace and understanding.When you look back through theirmusic it jumps out at you. Well,that thought stuck in my mind foryears, and then, this time itseemed like the perfectopportunity to do something in

Liverpool to markthat.”

So Love, Peace &Understanding willtake place thisSaturday, August 28, atthe AnglicanCathedral.

Heralded by thecathedral bells chimingAcross the Universe,the event will featuretwo stages, a bigscreen, and musiciansfrom Merseyside aswell as from everycontinent in the world,including MarkMcGann and a stringquartet. There will be

music from the Beatles and each ofthe band members’ solo careers.

The concert not only featuressome of the finest musicians andsingers from all over the worldperforming this music, but willalso feature the Love & Joy Gospelchoir, classical extracts, the spokenword and much more, all in thebreath-taking surroundings of theAnglican Cathedral.

Ticket prices for the concertrange from £15 to £50 VIP tickets,and are available fromwww.cavernclub.org or on 08705344 4444. Proceeds will go tocathedral funds.

● ON Bank Holiday Monday theAlbert Dock will celebrate one of

the biggest music parties of the year withthe creation of an Albert Dock FamilyStage in Salthouse Dock.

Following the success of the AlbertDock Stage in 2008, the Albert DockTenants Business Association has beenworking closely with the organisers of theMathew Street Music Festival to add afamily stage for the weekend when

Liverpool welcomes to more than 300,000people to Europe’s biggest free city centre,annual music festival.

The Albert Dock Stage will have adiverse programme of local, family friendlytalent, including a selection of thelegendary Mersey Beat artists.

Juice FM Undiscovered will provide anopportunity for local, unsigned and originalartists to perform on the BritishWaterways Floating Stage.

No Mathew Street Music Festival wouldbe complete without a Beatles tribute ortwo providing the lead in a BeatlesSing-a-long, which will round off theperfect family day out at the Dock.

Juice FM Undiscovered is being judgedby a panel of music media experts fromJuice FM including Dan Roach from theEvening Takeover show, Tom Byrne fromthe A Train and Jade Wright from theLiverpool ECHO.

Jeremy Roberts Chair of Albert DockTenants Business Association says: “AlbertDock is delighted to once again becelebrating Mathew Street Music Festival,providing a family zone; ideal for youngfamilies to enjoy the biggest and bestcelebration of culture in the city.

“We are also pleased to be workingwith Merseycats to add some of thelegendary Mersey Beat bands to ourprogramming. The unsigned and original,

local talent will come in the form of theJuice FM Undiscovered with of course a fewBeatles inspired artists along the way; it willmake for a brilliant day out.”

Cllr Wendy Simon, Liverpool CityCouncil cabinet member for culture andtourism, adds: “The floating stage was a bighit in 2008 and I’m sure it’ll have peopledancing and rocking in the dock once again.’’● For more details about the events goto www.albertdock.com


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Page 4: Happy 18th - the Mathew Street Festival comes of age

SPECIAL Tuesday, August 24, 20104 ★★★★

GIRL POWER: BerylMarsden will be headliningthe Female Stage

Woman’stouchforfestival MakeDAVE MONKS lives and breathesnew music. As the presenter of ThePool, on BBC Radio Merseyside,Dave plays the best local signed andunsigned acts each week.

This year, he’s hosting the newbands’ stage for the Mathew Streetfestival.

“I always look forward to beinginvolved with the festival both ascompère and attending some of thefringe events over the weekend,”explains Dave.

“We’ve been building up to theevent on the programme withsessions and interviews with someof the new bands playing, this will

● THERE'S nothingquite like settling

down to listen to yourfavourite album, exceptperhaps hearing it livefrom some of theworld's bestimpersonators...

This year sees theintroduction of theClassic Albums Stage inDerby Square. Headdown to enjoy yourfavourite tracks fromimpressive tribute acts.

Playing together since2002, Guns 2 Roses(Sunday, 2pm) aredefinitely ones to watch.Approved by variousmembers of Guns NRoses, they even havethe original GNRdrummer Steven Adlerplaying with them fromtime to time.

Guns 2 Roses haveplayed the same Londonclubs and venues thatGNR did in the 80s, fromthe Marquee Club to theMean Fiddler and HardRock Cafe in Hyde Park.They've also sold out theCavern Club two nightsin a row.

Playing many songsfrom Appetite ForDestruction, GNR Liesand Use Your Illusion Iand II, they're a mustsee for any fan of rockcovers.

But, if you're lookingfor something moreBeatle-themed, checkout Marcus Cahill, billedas The World's BestJohn Lennon TributeShow (Monday, 5pm).

Famous with fansacross the world, Marcushas performed in theUSA, Canada, UnitedKingdom, Ireland,Wales, Netherlands,Hong Kong andAustralia.

He'll be singing thealbum Imagine, and he'swell worth a look.

I lovethefestival -it’swhentherealpeoplecomeout

“OUR band did two fabulous shows in 2005 and 2006 on the big stagesdown at the Pier head. Looking out over the vast crowd with the rivertwinkling behind it and using the Liver Building clock to gauge howmuch stage time we had left will be a memory I will take with me to mygrave.

“This photograph taken by Liverpool pap legend Dave Evans sums up the dayperfectly. It kick started the band in many ways, we'd been in the margins upuntil then.

“Does this train stop on Merseyside? had just been released and literallythousands showed up to watch us perform in beautiful Mersey sunshine.

“I love Mathew Street weekend, it's when the real people come out to enjoythemselves. Detractors tell me that it's just cover bands but that isn't true. Thefringe provides plenty of brand new music. Those who can't afford tickets forshows can have a full day’s entertainment all for free.

“Mathew Street is a success story, it belongs to the ordinary folk of Liverpool.Personally, I rarely watch any of the bands, I just hang out of my windowwatching the crowds below shouting down at old friends I haven't seen for awhile 'John! What time are the Argentinian REM on?!!”● Ian Prowse, singer with Amsterdam, www.amsterdam-music.co.uk


WORLDWIDE: MarcusCahill

ALSO new thisyear is theFemale Stage inWilliamsonSquare. Taking

place on Bank HolidayMonday, it features, amongothers, the fabulousMerseyside all-girl groupCocabelles (11am), as well asAmy Housewine's Tribute toAmy Whinehouse at noonand the superb Connie Lush(2pm).

Connie is widelyrecognised as one of thefinest blues singers that theUnited Kingdom has ever

produced. She was votedBest UK Female Vocalist byreaders of Blues In Britainfor five separate years,earning a richly deservedplace in the Gallery of theGreats. She's also made hername on the continent,particularly in France,where she was honoured inthe French Blues Trophiesawards as European Singerof the Year.

The headline act comescourtesy of the fabulousBeryl Marsden.

Toxteth born Beryl wasone of the finest singers to

come out of the Liverpoolbeat boom.

Born Beryl Hogg (norelation to Gerry Marsden)she began her professionalcareer backed by a bandcalled the Crew and wassigned to Decca Records in1963.

She released two singleson the label that somehowfailed to click, the first - IKnow - rather inexplicablyand the second, a cover ofWhen the Lovelight StartsShining Through His Eyes,when the Supremes' versioneclipsed it. Beryl jumped to

EMI's Columbia label in 1965and lasted there for twosingles, of whichBreak-A-Way is stillremembered fondly to thisday.

She's a real treat, and wellworth heading down to theWilliamson Square stage tosee.

Liverpool bands tell Jade Wright about theirmake or break Mathew Street gigs

Page 5: Happy 18th - the Mathew Street Festival comes of age

Tuesday, August 24, 2010 SPECIAL 5★★★★

HAPPY MEMORIES:Amsterdam on the newbands stage at theMathew Street FestivalPicture: DAVE EVANS

MUST-SEE: Strawhouses will be on the New Bands Stage

sureyoutakeadip inThePoolconclude with reaction and live setsstraight after the day on myprogramme (The Pool on Sunday29th from 8pm on BBC RadioMerseyside).

“It’s another strong line up with agood showcase of Merseyside talent.I still think this is the stage thatcould be expanded to over two daysdue to the amount of great bandsabout – something to consider nextyear maybe?”

Here is Dave’s selection of hishighlights from some of the bandsplaying on the Sunday...

■ The Tea Street Band –Featuring some of the lads from The

Maybes? With their side project,more dance orientated than theirlast band but ideal to get thingsbouncing early doors.

■ The Wicked Whispers –Michael Murphy’s’ psychedelic bandhave got some really imaginative

new songs they have only done afew low-key gigs so far and are reallylooking forward to playing their firstbig gig. Their sound shifts you backto the late 60s early 70s sound thelikes of the Donovan and ElectricPrunes.

■ Strawhouses – Similarly in PaulDonnelly they have a greatsongwriter who really deserves tobe heard on a large scale, they havejust released a great single calledMalaise.

■ The Rialto Burns – Theysigned to Gung Ho recordingsrecently and released their debutsingle called Radiate – they sound alittle bit Joy Division and a littleEditors or Interpol if you had todescribe them, check these out inthe afternoon spot.

■ Picture Book – I have hadthese in session a couple of times

and even put them on during SoundCity as I was that impressed withtheir tracks. There are only three ofthem but they are amazing live andare attracting plenty of interest, theywrite classic pop songs set to abackdrop of beautifully producedsoundscapes, I’m expecting bigthings from them in the future –make sure you see them for freewhile you can. That is just aselection – so many to see, othersplaying on the 29th at WilliamsonSquare are: The Bo-Weevils,Married To The Sea, The Temps, LasGambados, Ragz, Fly With Vampires,and The Sixteen Tonnes.


“Two years ago myband were due toplay our first gig inLiverpool at theZanzibar for the

fringe festival. We'd onlyever played one gig before sowe thought it would be agood idea to book a warm upgig at an intimate venue forthe night before - whichturned out to be a bigmistake.

“It was a disaster and Ithink we all wondered if weshould even bother to carryon as a band, but, as we hadthe fringe fest gig booked forthat evening at the Zanzibar,we had to put our doubtsbehind us and honour thebooking.

“Good job we did, becauseafter a desperately shockingstart to our set, abouthalfway through somethingclicked, and we started toproduce the sound we werecapable of.

“We won the large crowdover, tony from the zanzigave us a some niceencouragement after the gig,as did a passing Guardianreviewer who happened tocatch our set

“We haven't looked backsince, swelling to aridiculous nine piecefunk/reggae band and beingmain support to the likes ofROX at Sound City 2010,Chris Helme from theSeahorses at Mojo, and mostrecently The Apples at theMasque. so the moral of thestory is, the fringe fest canactually save a band. Truestory.

“We also played the fringefest last year and we areplaying it again this year onMonday August 30, upstairsat the zanzibar, but this timewe play acoustic - due to thedrummer's honeymoon.”● Collen Chandler, singer withWe The Undersigned,www.myspace.com/jointheundersigned

Dave Monks

Page 6: Happy 18th - the Mathew Street Festival comes of age

SPECIAL Tuesday, August 24, 20106 ★★★★

TUNNEL STAGEMAIN STAGE withBig Screen - LIVE AID(Compere: Mark Jones)1100-1135Stayed As Quo (Status Quo)1145-1230Elevation The U2Experience (U2)1245-1325Boomtown Rats(Roberts&Crowe)1335-1350Mike Neary (Elvis Costello)1355-1420Face Value (Phil Collins)1430-1455Joel Coombes(Tribute to the fabulous Elton John)1510-1535Gary Murphy Band(DireStraits)1545-1615The Police Force (Sting)1625-1640Mal Price (Paul McCartney)1650-1735Mercury (Queen)1745-1755Mal Price - Let It Be Finale(Paul McCartney)WILLIAMSONSQUARE STAGEORIGINAL/NEW BANDS(Compere: Dave Monks)1100-1125The Temps1135-1200The Tea Street Band1210-1235The Bo Weevils1245-1310The Wicked Whispers1320-1345Ragz1355-1420Strawhouses1430-1455Fly With Vampires

OUTDOOR STAGESThis year the city will host a total of six outdoor stages over two days from 1100 to 1800.Over 80 hours of live outdoor music has been programmed for Sunday 29 – Monday30 August, with over 85 bands from as far as Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Norway,New York, Spain and Sweden. (Tribute and cover bands are indicated in brackets).

29,30August 10

SUNDAY MONDAYTUNNEL STAGECONTEMPORARY(Compere: Mark Jones)1100-1145Beth McCann (Duffy)1200-1245Kazabian (Kasabian)1300-1345Kins Of Leon (Kings Of Leon)1400-1445The Fillers (The Killers)1500-1545Viva La Coldplay (Coldplay)1600-1645Antarctic Monkeys(Arctic Monkeys)1700-1745Nicole Marie (Lady GaGa)WILLIAMSONSQUARE STAGEFEMALE(Compere: Stevie P)1100-1145Cocabelle1200-1245Amy Housewine(Amy Winehouse)1300-1345Beth McCann (Texas)1400-1445Connie Lush1500-1545Hounds Of Love Band(Kate Bush)1600-1645Miss Allen (Lily Allen)1700-1745Beryl Marsden

DERBY SQUARESTAGECLASSIC ALBUMS II(Compere: Frankie Connor)1100-1145The Bowie ExperiencePlaying Ziggy Stardust(David Bowie)1200-1245Rocks Off Playing Get YourYa Ya’s Out (Rolling Stones)1300-1345Rebel Truce PlayingLondon Calling (The Clash)1400-1445The Doors Alive PlayingThe Doors (The Doors)1500-1545Kappa Playing SunSessions (Elvis Presley)1600-1645Nervana PlayingNevermind (Nirvana)1700-1745Marcus Cahill PlayingImagine (John Lennon)

WATER STREETSTAGEMODFEST (Compere: Jon Keats)1100-1145Beat Brothers1200-1245Modrophenia1300-1345Who’s Renown (The Who)1400-1445Ska Wars1500-1545From The Jam1600-1645Small Fakers (Small Faces)1700-1745Kinx (The Kinks)

EXCHANGESTREET EASTSTAGEBEATLES EARLY(Compere: Charles Rosenay)1100-1145The Mersey BeatlesPlaying Please Please Me1200-1245Made In LiverpoolPlaying With The Beatles1300-1345The Beatles ExperiencePlaying Hard Days Night1400-1445Beatles For Sale PlayingBeatles For Sale1500-1545Tripper Playing Help1600-1645The RepeatlesPlaying Rubbersoul1700-1745Revolver PlayingRevolver

SUPERLAMBANANASTAGEBEATLES LATE(Compere: Neil Brennan)1100-1145Backbeat Beatles PlayingSgt. Peppers LonelyHearts Club Band1200-1245The Getback Band PlayingMagical Mystery Tour/Yellow Submarine1300-1445Clube Big BeatlesPlaying White1500-1545Nube 9 Playing Abbey Road

1600-1645Nube 9 Playing Let It Be1700-1745The Mersey BeatlesPlaying Past Masters

1200-1245Kaiser Thiefs (Kaiser Chiefs)1300-1345The Smiffs (The Smiths)1400-1445Adored (The Stone Roses)1500-1545TBC1600-1645Red Mick (Simply Red)1700-1745Billy J Kramer

EXCHANGESTREET EASTSTAGE70’s(Compere: Jon Keats)1100-1145Gary Murphy Band (Squeeze)1200-1245The Rawmones (The Ramones)1300-1345Hotter Than Hell (Kiss)1400-1445Eric Faulkners -Bay City Rollers1500-1545Toorex (T-Rex)1600-1645Roxy Magic (Roxy Music)1700-1745Flairz

SUPERLAMBANANASTAGEMOBO(Compere: Steve Panter)1100-1145Love & Joy Gospel Choir1200-1245Motown - Positive Impact1300-1345Reggae AblewellFoundation1400-1445Black Eyed Peaz(Black Eyed Peas)1500-1545Are You Experienced?(Jimmy Hendrix)1600-1645Purple Rain (Prince)1700-1745Motown - Positive Impact

Produced on behalf of Liverpool City Council

1505-1530The Rialto Burns1540-1605The Sixteen Tonnes1615-1640Married To The Sea1650-1715Picture Book1725-1750The Last Gambados

DERBY SQUARESTAGECLASSIC ALBUMS(Compere: Mike Byrne)1100-1145Gerry Murphy’s ‘NewHope/Golden Vision’ Band1200-1245Definitely Mightbe PlayingDefinitely Maybe (Oasis)1300-1345Gary Murphy Band PlayingHotel California (The Eagles)1400-1445Guns 2 Roses (Guns N Roses)1500-1545Blurb Playing Parklife (Blur)1600-1645Uncomfortably Numb PlayingDark Side Of TheMoon (Pink Floyd)1700-1745The Beached Boys PlayingPet Sounds (The Beach Boys)WATER STREETSTAGEM62 (Compere: Neil Brennan)1100-1145The Merseybeasts

Page 7: Happy 18th - the Mathew Street Festival comes of age

Tuesday, August 24, 2010 SPECIAL 7★★★★

INDOOR PROGRAMMEThe Abbey85-89 Hanover Street,Liverpool L1 3DZSUN 29 AUG1500 Red Rock1700 The Grace1900 Cheap PurpleMON 30 AUG1600 The Gypsies1800 Led ZeplinTel: 0151 708 5688Blue Bar & Grill17 Edward Pavilion,Albert Dock,Liverpool L3 4AESUN 29 AUG1230-1315 Stickarock1400-1425 StickarockTel: 0151 702 5831Cross Keys13 Earle Street,Liverpool L3 9NSSUN 29 AUG1300-2000 The MediaMON 30 AUG1300-2000 The MojosTel: 0151 236 4819El Rincon LatinoRoscoe Street,Liverpool L1 2SUSAT 28 AUG2000-0000 Santana Tribute + Much More...MON 30 AUG1700-2300 The Lotharios + Much More...Tel: 0151 709 1177Gala Casino44 Chaloner Street,Liverpool L3 4BFSAT 28 AUG2130-2300 Howard J - Guitar VocalistSUN 29 AUG2130-2300 Kyle RecommendedTel: 0151 709 8878

Metro Bar5 Victoria Street,Liverpool L2 5QASUN 29 AUG1330-1800 Fabulous Weekend WarriorPlus The PassionettesMON 30 AUG1300-2000 Fabulous Weekend WarriorTel: 0151 236 2231

Newz Bar18 Water Street,Liverpool L2 8TDSUN 29 AUG1800-2100 Harte Foundation2100-0300 Coyote Ugly Style Dancers & Guest DJMON 30 AUG1800-2100 Off The PierTel: 0151 236 2025

28,29,30August 10

Palm Sugar Lounge5-6 Kenyon Steps,Liverpool L1 3DFSAT 28 AUG1500 Soul singer Ogo chills with some of hisfavourites, along with a Beatles tribute.Followed by Andy Mac, the residentSaturday night DJSUN 29 AUG2000 Enjoy a medley of entertainment all daylong, followed by a DJ from 2000MON 30 AUG1500 Chill out with a resident pianist - a greatway to wind down from the weekend withtapas and cocktailsTel: 0151 707 6654

Panam22 Britannia Pavilion, AlbertDock, Liverpool L3 4ADSUN 29 AUG1300 The Cheatles1500 The Cheatles1700 The Cheatles2100 The Cheatles2300 The CheatlesMON 30 AUG1300 The Cheatles1500 The CheatlesTel: 0151 702 5840Roscoe Arms1 Oldham Street,Liverpool L1 2SUSUN 29 AUG1700-2300 Dr JukeMON 30 AUG1700-2300 Liver MusicTel: 0151 709 3725

Shenanigans77 Tithebarn Street,Liverpool L2 2ENSUN 29 AUG1300-1530 Greg & Scott1600-1900 Robbie & FriendsMON 30 AUG1300-1530 Fat Joeys Sponge1600-1900 Greg Irish & CountryTel: 0151 255 1563Sir Thomas Hotel24 Sir Thomas Street,Liverpool L1 6JBSUN 29 AUG1500-2300 The Wickerman & Tricia

McTeague - Resident DJMON 30 AUG1500-2300 The Wickerman & TriciaMcTeague - Resident DJTel: 0151 236 1366

Produced on behalf of Liverpool City Council

Indoor venues, many of whom were involved in last year’s festival, have also signed upto host live bands over the weekend. They will continue the theme of the outdoor stageswith an exciting collection of tribute and cover bands. For the most up-to-date informationvisit www.mathewstreetfestival.com or please phone the venue direct.

O’Neills68 Hanover Street,Liverpool L1 4AGSAT 28 AUG2015-2230 John O’Connell & GuestSUN 29 AUG1800-2015 John O’Connell & Guest2030-2230 TMI2245-0100 RodimusMON 30 AUG1430-1645 Red Cow Junction1700-1900 John O’Connell & Guest2000-0030 The CollectiveTel: 0151 709 7360


Official Media Partners Official Kit Sponsors

18 Years of awesome music is something to really celebrate,so we’ve decided to produce a genuinely limited editionMathew Street Music Festival 18th Birthday MerchandiseRange. With the programme being retailed at only £1 thereis literally something for everyone. The merchandise andfestival programme will be retailed on William Brown Street(Outside the World Museum), Castle Street (Near the TownHall) and Tithebarn street (Between the stages).Roaming vendors will also be about over the weekend alongLime St/St Georges Lane (side of St George’s Hall close toQueens Square Bus station), Church Street/Holy Cornerand along Dale Street. Alternatively visit our online shopwww.mathewstreetfestival.com

Get your free limited edition Mathew Street Music Festival18th birthday virtual gift! The gift is available on iPhone, iPodTouch and iPad. Celebrate and share with your friends. Get ithere: www.j.mp/lwg-msmf or search the App store

Page 8: Happy 18th - the Mathew Street Festival comes of age

SPECIAL Tuesday, August 24, 20108 ★★★★

EVERY year thousands ofFab Four fans descend onLiverpool for a musicalpilgrimage. Beatle Weekhas become famousaround the world as a wayto celebrate the music ofThe Beatles. There is liveentertainment duringevery waking hour over aseven-day period,together with aconvention, artexhibitions, festivals,concerts, flea markets,guest appearances,interviews, autographsessions, tours, gigs anauction and much, muchmore. But it's not justabout visitors fromoverseas. There's plentyfor local fans to enjoy too.Over two hundred bandswill participate in this, thebiggest Beatle celebrationin the world. Organisedby Cavern City Tours, it isan event not to be missedby Beatles fans andgeneral music fans alike.Here's some of ourhighlights:

THE Backbeat Beatles are undoubtedlyone of the best Beatles tribute bandson the circuit and have built up anunrivalled reputation. The band wasformed in 1994 by musician/actor ChrisO'Neill, inspired by his successful actingperformance in the BAFTA Awardwinning Beatle film “Backbeat”. Thelads are all from the Liverpool area andthey perform with an energy andspontaneity that makes for a fun,enjoyable evening for everyoneinvolved.

The Backbeat Beatles offer superbrenditions of favourite Beatles hits fromLove Me Dom through to Let It Be.Along with this, their excellent level ofmusicianship and irrepressible Scousewit and humour means that theirsuccess continues to spiral.

The band tour worldwide and havealso appeared in many theatre shows,including currently The Sgt. PepperLonely Hearts Club Show

The Backbeat Beatles are: ChrisO’Neill (Paul), Paul McDonough (John),Gary Harmon (George) and DavidReilly (Ringo).● www.backbeatbeatles.com

ROCK IT: Pepperland




PEPPERLAND was thefirst band to cover Free asa Bird, when the song wasfirst released, and theband also amazed theBeatle Week audiencelast year by playing theLas Vegas “Love” showarrangements of Beatlessongs, including theopening number of theirPhilharmonic Hall show,the a cappella version ofBecause.

Lead guitarist MikaelIsacsson has performed inLiverpool for BeatleWeek many times,including with his previousband Lenny Pane, andwas inducted to theBeatle Week Hall ofFame last year.

In Sweden, there have

been Beatles vs. Stonesconcerts, with Pepperlandgoing up against RocksOff.

Pepperland arebringing a new bandmember this year – OlaJohansson on Höfner bass.He comes from a heavymetal background, andalthough much of TheBeatles songbook is adifferent direction forhim, you can guaranteehe’s going to rock HelterSkelter!

Along with Mikael andOla, Pepperland areBenny Karlsson on drums,Per Umaerus onRickenbacker, and OlleBengtsson on keyboardand occasional guitars.www.pepperland.se


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Page 9: Happy 18th - the Mathew Street Festival comes of age

Tuesday, August 24, 2010 SPECIAL 9★★★★

ON TOP OF THE WORLD:Backbeat Beatles performon the roof of the ECHOArena, from left to right,Charles O'Neill as Paul, PaulMellin as George, David O,Reilly as Ringo and PaulMcDonough as John

Yourequest ’em...he’llplay’em!



● BEAPPLE areconsidered one of

Holland’s best Beatlesbands. In less than threeyears they have become abeloved international act.Beatle Week 2009 opened

the world for BeApple,leading to four sell-out gigsin November in BuenosAires, Argentina, and invitesto US Beatles festivals inLouisville and Washington.

The Eindhoven Four

approach the music of TheBeatles in a unique way –they try to get to the soul ofthe songs and relate that toevery style of popular musicthat has come since.

Since 2009, BeApple have

been accompanied by theBeApple People (“BeoplePeople”), the band’s veryown fan club, manymembers of whom will behere with the band inLiverpool.

BeApple consists of AlainLeijtens (guitar, vocals),Cees van Rooden (drums,vocals), Rik van Stiphout(keyboard, vocals) and NielsTiebosch (bass, guitars,vocals). www.beapple.nl

LEGEND: Hal Bruce outside The CavernClub

CANADA'S finest is back forhis 11th consecutive year atthe festival. Since he began hisBeatle journey to Liverpoolback in 2000, he has recordedand produced four CDsdedicated to the work of hismusical heroes.

The Beatles, which, ofcourse, have had rave reviewsfrom TV and radio alike. Hehas opened for groups like TheBeach Boys, The Fab Faux,Rain, and many others.

He also set a world recordby performing all 214officially-released songs by TheBeatles in a non-stop

two-and-a-half hour medley inCleveland, Ohio in 2004, thenagain in Louisville, Kentucky, in2005 and again in Liverpool in2006.

In 2006, Hal was inducted asthe first recipient of theBeatles Hall of Fame Award inKentucky, and was presentedwith a John Lennon EpiphoneCasino electric guitar.

Hal has travelled the worldover, performing his 1960sshows and Beatle shows topacked houses in Sweden,France, Belgium, theCaribbean, USA, Argentina,Australia and Canada, so the

only natural thing for Hal to dowas to bring his own festival tohis home province of NovaScotia. He started the veryfirst Annual Maritime BeatleEvent in 2006 to a packedhouse. Julia Baird, JohnLennon's sister, was his guestspeaker.

Again in 2008, he wasinducted to the first BeatleFestival Hall Of Fame Awardsceremony in Liverpool.

Come out and see hisone-man shows and witnesswhy folk keep asking him tocome back year after year. Yourequest ’em . . . he’ll play ’em!

LATIN FEVER: The Blue Beatles

THE story of the howthe blue beetle got itscoat is a SouthAmerican folk tale –the story goes that thecolours of the Brazilianflag are taken from thecoats of green beetlesand blue beetles.

These BlueBeetlesmay have blue coatstoo, but theirs aremore likely to havevelvet collars. Thecome from the magiccity of Rio de Janeiro.They have beenplaying together since2008, and perform awide repertoire ofBeatles songs. FredRios (lead guitar),

Felipe Coe (drums),Mario Vitor (bassguitar) and MarcusRomariz (rhythmguitar), think TheBeatles’ songs canchange the world –they warn peopleabout starvation, war,and global warmingthrough the messagesand advice theycontain.

As they make theirLiverpool debut, TheBlueBeetles have aslogan which theywant to share: “ABeatle way of beingand playing, a Beatleway of living”. This isit.

For details contact: TheCavern Club 10 MathewStreet Liverpool L2 6RE orPhone: (0151) 236 9091Fax: (0151) 236 8081E-mail:[email protected] Website:www.cavernclub.org

Harrington Street, L2 • 0151 258 1017★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★


★★ ★















The Worry DollsThe BarlowsSecret Pilot

Random FeedbackJust Midnight

HHarriington SStreet,t LL22 • 0015151 25255888 1010171777Ha gton Street,★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★





Tuesday-Thursdays 11-6Lager from £1.95 • John Smiths - £1.85

Bass Mild - £1.75 • Guiness - £2.35 • Strongbow Cider - £2.35Bottles - Becks, Stella, Kronenbourg £1.40

Function Room available for free hire

★★ ★★

Page 10: Happy 18th - the Mathew Street Festival comes of age

SPECIAL Tuesday, August 24, 201010 ★★★★

VERY EARLY DAYS:The Beatles withfrom left, LordWoodbine, StuartSutcliffe, PaulMcCartney, GeorgeHarrison and PeteBest by the BritishWar Memorial inArnhem en route fortheir first visit toHamburg in August1960

THIS year we mark twokey anniversaries – thestart and the end of TheBeatles.Fifty years agothis month, the five-piece

Beatles left for Hamburg,contracted to fairground showmanBruno Koschmider for a 48-nightresidency. John Lennon, PaulMcCartney, George Harrison, PeteBest and Stuart Sutcliffe went outto seek fame and fortune.

The rest is history.But 10 years on, in 1970, The

Beatles were no more. The bandthat championed peace and lovewere at each others' throats.

Paul McCartney publiclyannounced his departure from theband on 10 April, a week before therelease of his first, self-titled soloalbum. Pre-release copies of therecord included a press statementwith a self-written interview,explaining the end of hisinvolvement with the Beatles andhis hopes for the future.

The final new Beatles song,Harrison's I Me Mine had beenrecorded on 3 January 1970. JohnLennon, in Denmark at the time,did not participate.

Their Let It Be album, taken fromthe Get Back sessions, were givento Phil Spector to put together.Known for his Wall of Soundapproach, he had recently producedJohn's solo single Instant Karma!

In addition to remixing the GetBack material, Phil edited, splicedand overdubbed several of therecordings that had been intendedas "live".

Paul was unhappywith the producer'streatment of thematerial andparticularly dissatisfiedwith the producer'sorchestration of TheLong and WindingRoad, which involved achoir andthirty-four-pieceinstrumental ensemble.

He unsuccessfullyattempted to halt therelease of Phil Spector'sversion.

But on May 8 1970, theSpector-produced Let ItBe was released. The accompanyingsingle, The Long and Winding Road,was the band's last - it was releasedin the United States, but notBritain.

The Let It Be documentary filmfollowed later in the month; at theAcademy Award ceremony the next

year, it would win the Oscar forBest Original Song Score.

Paul filed a suit for thedissolution of the Beatles on 31December 1970. Legal disputescontinued long after the band'sbreak-up, and the dissolution of thepartnership did not take effect until1975. But to all intents and

purposes, the Fab Four were nomore.

John, Paul, George and Ringo allreleased solo albums in 1970.Further albums followed from each,sometimes with the involvement ofone or more of the others. Ringo'swas the only album to includecompositions and performances byall four, albeit on separate songs.

With Ringo's collaboration,George staged The Concert forBangladesh in New York City inAugust 1971 with sitar maestro RaviShankar. Other than an unreleasedjam session in 1974, John and Paulnever recorded together again.

Of the solo albums, George's AllThings Must Pass was the most

successful. His increasingproductivity, coupled with hisdifficulties in getting The Beatles torecord his music in the later days,meant that by the end of the group'scareer he had amassed aconsiderable stockpile ofunreleased material.

He had already recorded andreleased two solo albums,Wonderwall Music (a soundtrack tothe Wonderwall film in which heblended Indian and Westernsounds) and Electronic Sound (anexperiment in using a Moogsynthesiser).

All Things Must Pass was acritical and commercial success,topping the charts on both sides of

the Atlantic, and producing thenumber-one hit single My SweetLord as well as the top-10 singleWhat Is Life. The album wasco-produced by Phil Spector, andthe musicians included EricClapton, Dave Mason, Billy Preston,and Ringo Starr.

Lennon's emotional debut soloalbum, John Lennon/Plastic OnoBand, included Mother andWorking Class Hero, banned byBBC Radio for its inclusion ofswearing.

Ringo released two albums before1970 was out. Sentimental Journeyfeatured Starr's renditions of manypre-rock standards and includedthe arranger talents of Quincy



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Page 11: Happy 18th - the Mathew Street Festival comes of age

Tuesday, August 24, 2010 SPECIAL 11★★★★

Jones, Maurice Gibb, GeorgeMartin and McCartney, amongothers.

Although Ringo was the thirdmember of the group to issue solowork (after George Harrison andJohn Lennon), his work wasnotable for being the leastavant-garde, in light of theexperimental, soundtrack or livereleases his bandmates had alreadyreleased. Sentimental Journeyreceived fair reviews upon itsrelease, although many criticsfound the idea of Starr coveringstandards a bit odd considering hismusical background.

The pub on the cover of thealbum is The Empress in Dingle,which is one of the nearest pubs toRingo's place of birth. Thesuperimposed figures in thewindows of the pub are Ringo'srelatives.

Paul McCartney's debut,McCartney, would follow threeweeks after Sentimental Journey'srelease.

McCartney was notable for thefact that Paul performed the entirealbum (all instruments and voices)by himself, except for some backingvocals from wife Linda. He statedthat he played "bass, drums,acoustic guitar, lead guitar, piano,Mellotron, organ, toy xylophone,and bow and arrow". Among themore notable songs from the albumis Maybe I'm Amazed, one of Paul'smany love songs for his first wife.

Advance copies sent to the pressincluded a Q & A packagecontaining questions McCartneycould — and probably would —have been asked about the Beatles'break-up and their future. He statedthat he did not know whether thegroup's break-up would betemporary or permanent.

The Beatles' music and enduringfame were commercially exploitedin various other ways, outside the

band members' creative control. AllThis and World War II (1976) was anunorthodoxnonfiction filmthat combinedWorld War IInewsreel footagewith covers ofBeatles songs bytwo dozen majorrecordingartists. TheBroadwaymusicalBeatlemania, anostalgia revuefeaturing fourmusiciansperforming asthe Beatles,opened in early1977 and proved popular, spinningoff five separate touringproductions.

The Beatles tried and failed toblock the 1977 release of Live! at theStar-Club in Hamburg, Germany,1962. Theindependentlyissued albumcompiledrecordings madeduring the group'sHamburgresidency, taped ona basic recordingmachine with onemicrophone.

Sgt. Pepper'sLonely HeartsClub Band (1978), amusical filmstarring the BeeGees and PeterFrampton, was acommercial failure.

George Harrison said at the time:“People were just thinking theBeatles were like public domain”,said Harrison. “You can't just goaround pilfering the Beatles'material.”

JUST TAKEONE: GeorgeHarrison andRingo StarrPicture courtesyof Paul Berriff


IN THEBEGINNING:A young PaulMcCartneyperforms onstage at TheCavern

STYLECOUNCIL:The Beatlespop groupstand in linewearingcrombie coatsin Paris in1964

SOLO WORK: TheEmpress Pub,Dingle, on thecover of the RingoStarr albumSentimentalJourney

Page 12: Happy 18th - the Mathew Street Festival comes of age

SPECIAL Tuesday, August 24, 201012 ★★★★

Forget what you thought you knew aboutthe Mathew Street Music Festival

The MSMF Fringe has Liverpool’s hottest bands

playing in the city’s hippest venues. We give you the

bands that people are whispering about, breaking

boundaries and playing the kind of music you like.

3345AlohaBadFormatThe BluecoatBumperFACTThe GrapesHeebie JeebiesKrazyhouseLeaf Tea Shop & BarMello MelloO2 AcademyThe PicketSt Luke’sStudio2

The Zanzibar Club

This event is brought to you by Liverpool City Council


INDOOR VENUES1. The Abbey2. Blue Bar & Grill3. Cross Keys4. El Rincon Latino5. Gala Casino6. Metro Bar7. Newz Bar8. O’Neills9. Palm Sugar Lounge10. PanAm11. Roscoe Arms12. Shenanigans13. Sir Thomas HotelFRINGE VENUESA 3345B AlohaC BadFormat!D The BluecoatE BumperF FACTG The GrapesH Heebie JeebiesI KrazyhouseJ Leaf Tea Shop & BarK Mello MelloL 02 AcademyM The PicketN St Luke’sO Studio2P The Zanzibar Club

TUNNEL STAGEMain Stage - located Byrom Street,by Queensway Tunnel entranceLive Aid Stage - SundayContemporary Stage - MondayWILLIAMSONSQUARE STAGEOriginal/New Bands Stage - SundayFemale Stage - MondayDERBY SQUARESTAGEClassic Albums Stage - SundayClassic Albums II Stage - MondayWATER STREETSTAGEM62 Stage - SundayModfest Stage - MondayEXCHANGESTREETEAST STAGE70’s Stage - SundayBeatles Early Stage - MondaySUPERLAMBANANASTAGELocated in Tithebarn StreetMOBO Stage - SundayBeatles Late Stage - Monday

STAGES GETTING THEREPlease use public transport – there will beenhanced bus and train services on bothSunday and Monday. For informationon all public transport ring Traveline on0871 200 22 33.

Bus Travel Queen Square BusStation and bus stops in Sir Thomas Streetwill be closed all day on Sunday andMonday (except for ‘Night Buses’ whichwill run, as normal, from Queen SquareBus Station). Buses will pick up at eitherLiverpool ONE Bus Station or fromtemporary bus stops on Lime Street(outside St Georges Hall). All CrossRiver buses (except Routes 71 and 72) willrun to and from Liverpool ONE Bus Stationonly. For more details, call Traveline orvisit www.merseytravel.gov.uk

Rail Travel Merseyrail NorthernLine: use Moorfields and Central stations.Wirral Line: use any city centre station.The nearest stations for Mathew Street areJames Street and Moorfields. MerseyrailCity Line and long distance trains run to andfrom Liverpool Lime Street station.

Coach Travel The NationalExpress coach station on Norton Street isfive minutes walk from the city centre.

Travel by Car We recommendyou use public transport as road closureswill be in place within the city centre overthe festival weekend meaning access will berestricted. All city car parks have recognisedDDA parking bays.

Message from BritishTransport PoliceBritish Transport Police proudly support theMathew Street Music Festival. Officers arenot here to spoil the fun, but to make surethat everyone has a great time. We’d liketo remind you that drinking alcohol onthe Merseyrail network is prohibited onSunday 29 August and Monday 30 August.We ask that passengers drink sensiblywhile at the festival and treat rail staffand passengers with respect.

Liverpool is one of the most vibrant and safestcities in the world, but as in any large, busy city,crime can sometimes occur. To make your visitsafer and more enjoyable:

• Secure your vehicle and don’t leaveanything on display - even if it seems of littlevalue to you, such as a coat or small change.

• If you have a sat nav system, take it withyou; wipe any visible marks on yourwindscreen and place the holder and wiringin the boot.

• When using cash points go in daylight andavoid getting cash out alone if you’ve beendrinking. Look around before inserting yourcard and only take out what you need.Always shield your pin number with yourother hand when entering.

• Avoid texting and talking on your mobilein crowded areas.

• Don’t leave your wallet, mobile or bagsunattended.

• Report any suspicious bags or activity tothe police or security.


A Challenge 21 policy will be in place, please ensurethat if you are lucky enough to look under 21, youhave ID available to purchase or consume alcohol atthe festival. It is advisable to check accessibility withthe relevant organisation before attending any event.

DrinkingPlease drink sensibly and do not bring glassinto the festival area.

• Don’t leave drinks unattended.• Don’t accept drinks from strangers.• Use plastic bottles and dispose of them

in the recycling bins provided.• When leaving the festival licensed area

of the city and after 1800 on the eventdays, alcohol may not be consumed onthe streets - with fines of up to £500 forbreaching these laws.

• Alcohol may only be consumed in andaround the stage areas between 1100 -1800. Under no circumstances canalcohol be consumed in the shoppingareas of the city. Failure to adhere tothis, will lead to confiscation of alcoholand a fine of up to £500.

Mathew Street Music Festival is supported by

Produced on behalf of Liverpool City CouncilPlease recycle this brochure after use