Happiness + Wellbeing Magazine: Wild Love Edition

// February 2015 // Wild edition Love with Gypsy Lovin Light


Unleash a life that radiates with intentional, deliberate and unapologetically wild love.

Transcript of Happiness + Wellbeing Magazine: Wild Love Edition

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// February 2015 //


Lovewith Gypsy Lovin Light

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This heart-felt creation has been deliberately and intuitively infused with positive + healing energy, loving vibes and an abundance of happiness before being

released into the big, beautiful universe.


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When we cultivate positive intention and apply it to every aspect of our lives

we begin to live more consciously and attract the things that are of true value

to us. Goal setting is important so that we know where to channel our

energies. How can we get what we want if we don’t know what it is that we

actually want let alone how to get there? It often takes a little brainstorming

and soul searching to find the answers to these questions.

However, it’s ok to not have all the answers, sometimes we find them on the

journey. When we least expect it!

Want more energy? More motivation or enthusiasm? A peaceful mind? To look

good and feel good? If you apply these steps to your goal you will have a

greater chance at succeeding. We need to not only create positive intention,

but turn our intenion into action!







∙ Handful of raspberries mashed

(save some whole)

∙ 2tbs chopped mango

∙ 1tbs coconut flakes

∙ 1/2 cup rolled oats

∙ 1/2 cup almond milk

∙ 2tbs greek yoghurt

∙ 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon

∙ 1tbs rice malt syrup

Soak the oats, almond milk, yoghurt,

rice malt syrup and cinnamon in a

bowl overnight in the fridge. Layer the

mashed raspberries in the bottom of a

jar, then add the oat mixture and then

top with whole raspberries, chopped

mango and coconut flakes.

Raspberry, Mango and Coconut Bircher Muesli

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I’d love to hear your thoughts about the latest issue of h+w! You can get in touch with me by emailing [email protected]

G rowing up, one of the worst insults that could be catapulted your way was: “Ew, you love


This verbal slap would usually be accompanied by sneers and scoffs of agreement from your classmates while you were left red-faced and quivering with passionate protests that in fact, no, you didn’t love yourself thank you very much.

Looking back, I can’t believe how indescribably wrong we got it. And to be honest, I can’t understand how somewhere along the way, it became normal to teach our children that loving themselves was a bad thing?

That in fact, love itself was something that was desirable, but also unncessary. That it was more important to be a boss, build an empire and accumulate money than it was to grow a career, and a life, that was filled with love and self-love. Sounds terribly sad when I put it that way,

huh? Thankfully though, as we grow and evolve, these ideas are slowly losing their mass appeal.

But while the idea of embracing self-love and falling wildly in love with your life is becoming more and more popular, particularly in the wellness world, the question remains:

How exactly do we fall in love with ourselves and our lives? How do we shake off the misguided beiiefs of our past?

In this issue, I hope to take a small step towards debunking the questions, myths and theories surrounding love of all kinds so that you can unleash a life that vibrates with intentional, deliberate and unapologetically wild love.

Because life is meant to be a wild, beautiful and incredibly loved-up experience.Your life is meant to be filled with wild love of all kinds. And you deserve the most wild love that life can offer. Own it, lovely.

Hello lovely,

cass xx

editor's note


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PUBLISHER Happy Planet AppsEDITOR-IN-CHIEF Cassandra Lane

COVER Helen Janneson Bense

CONTRIBUTORS Helen Janneson Bense

Suzanne WaldronGoddess

Sara CourterRachel RichardsHelen Jacobs

Lindsay Havlicek BellLevita MiriamAdelle RutchRiva GdanskiNora Caron

Jessica SepelKristin GerhartKelly FieldingHeidi HacklerAnnie Yates

DEVELOPER Brian Tanedo

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Want to contribute to H+W magazine? Send us an email at [email protected]

with your pitch idea.

For more information, contact Happiness + Wellbeing magazine at [email protected]

Copyright 2015 Happiness + Wellbeing magazineAll Rights Reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written permission of the publishers. The information in Happiness + Wellbeing magazine is for

educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the advice or attention of health care professionals.



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happy life

radicalself-carep ledgeBY: SARA COURTER

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re you ready to take the Radical Self-Care Pledge yet? Okay maybe we ought to explain what this means, first. I know, I know. “Pledge” sounds daunting, perhaps even a dash obligatory. But, I promise, it’s neither. This pledge is one that serves as a means of benefiting, soothing, healing and caring for y-o-u and, in turn, all those that your sweet little self encounters.

This commitment to radical self-care is more a movement than a singular pledge. It’s a branch off the grand tree of my R3 Movement (my public practice of embodying a Radiant, Radical, Revolutionary existence and urging others to join, lead by example, learn through experience, you get the picture).

The Radical Self-Care Pledge is a call for action through, believe it or not, stopping. Slowing down. Taking care. Turning inward. Pledging to do one (or MORE) things per day that are deeply self-nourishing. Experiences that serve one purpose: to bathe your every cell in absolute presence, attention, gratitude and love. Mindful medication.

Self-care doesn’t have to be a big event. In fact, it’s often way more attainable, and sometimes better, when it’s not. Self-care can come in the form of a luxurious spa day or in the form of a 10-minute sliver of quiet where you rub warm sesame oil onto your own feet in the sweet space of solitude. The idea is to intentionally slip as much self-care, as much self-nourishment, into each day as possible. Similar to the “move more” concept of letting small actions add up to big results (think: parking the car farther away from the market entrance to add steps, taking the stairs rather than the lift, walking the few blocks to your meeting instead of taking the car, etc.), use the same theory to make small moments of self-care add up to a very nourishing, well-rounded life.

As fellow nutritionist Jessica Sepel says, “A rested body is a healthy body.” I firmly believe the same. We simply cannot “go, go, go” all day, every day and expect our health to not suffer, our spirits to not dampen, our minds to not weaken under the pressure of an unrealistic lifestyle. We are not built for this type of living. We are built for balance, or the gentle pursuit of it, and only we can give ourselves this gift … this gift of mindfully cultivated balance, a sweet equilibrium of motion and stillness, activity and rest, work and play, speed and slowness.

My suggestion is that we begin by writing a list of non-negotiables. Items or experiences that we must include in our every day, for our own sanity and clarity, for our health and wellbeing.

A For me, personally, my NNL (non-negotiable list) includes: yoga, meditation, prayer, clean diet, love. Sure, there are many more things on my list that I’d like to include every day, such as nature time, bubble bath, therapy, massage, a meal with loved ones…but some sacred activities, while completely and utterly nourishing, are reserved for a few times a week or even more sporadic than that. We are blessed to be able to experience them, but they may not occur every single day. So stick to the NNL, be mindful in creating it and be realistic. It could be two things or 10. Just be clear and, in writing them down, set that intention into motion. Let the universe hear its vibration.

The importance of radical self-care goes way beyond the surface aspects of luxury and relaxation. The core of radical self-care is that it resonates far beyond the individual. Taking excellent care of yourself effects your partner, your family, your children, your coworkers, your friends, anyone that comes into contact with you. Caring radically for oneself creates a very palpable energy, and it is infectious.

Not only does it inspire others to also take the pledge and live more self-compassionate lives, but it creates a more loving and generous energy within you! A committed, daily radical self-care practice has the power to make you into a kinder, more loving, compassionate, rested, clear-minded human being with a steadier, more committed approach to living thoughtfully and showing up each day, present and willing, in your own life. Who can argue with that?

Remember, this pledge is not something meant to cause any stress or harm. It does not need to occupy hours (although some days will allow hours for self-care, take these opportunities!). Even 10 minutes a day creates a powerful shift. In terms of healing modalities, less can often be so much more, when our attention is really anchored and rooted in action.

So what can you do to start right now? Maybe it’s snuggling your sweetie. Maybe it’s journaling five blessings for which you’re grateful. Maybe it’s putting your legs up the wall or drawing a bath. Maybe it’s taking a cuppa herbal tea outside to watch the sun sink low. Maybe it’s dedicating yourself to getting 8 hours of sleep tonight. Maybe it’s unrolling your yoga mat, or sitting quietly and breathing for a minute, 3 minutes, 7 minutes…maybe it’s just looking in the mirror, one hand on your belly the other on your heart, and telling yourself, “I LOVE you. I appreciate you. I honor you. I support you. I value you. I will care for you.”

Tell me, will you take the Radical Self-Care Pledge today? I promise, you will thank yourself for it.

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about saraSara Courter is a California based Writer, Yoga Teacher, Certified Wellness Counselor, Ayurvedic Therapist, Holistic Health Advisor and nutrition student who holds a Bachelor’s Degree in English: Creative Writing. She has profound passion for holistic health, clean and green living, natural healing and fully conscious living, and shares this passion with others through her work everyday. Sara believes we have the power to change our own lives, harness our potential and live a life of health and vitality in comfortable bodies. Connect with her and tap into your boundless potential.



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happy life




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Do you know someone who is such an open and loving person that they give off a warm glow? You know that person I’m talking about, the one who forgives and forgets, who trusts in the universe, who never judges people and basically loves all? They are always happy even through rough patches in life, they care about you and what’s going on in your life. That’s a person with an open heart and that person is a rare treasure.


“An open heart is a heart that is not afraid to love deeply. An open heart sees possibilities. It has vision. It is patient, it is wise.

Most would agree - an open heart is a good thing - for a man or woman with an open heart is a joy and a pleasure to be around. Their positive attitude and energy are infectious, even inspiring. Open-hearted individuals may be leaders or they may be a quiet, constant manifestation of goodness to their immediate circle.” - Janice Williams

To me, having an open heart means approaching everyone you meet as a potential friend and truly letting go of past grudges.

We start off with open hearts as children. Every kid we meet is a potential friend, we trust the grown-ups to care for us, and every day is a new day to play. Slowly over time, we lose that love and trust and we start to close off our hearts. Over time most people start to guard their heart more and more to keep it protected, to keep from being hurt or betrayed, but are they really happier and safer because of it? No.

We women are terrible about closing our hearts off to others. We no longer approach each other as potential friends as we did as children but we approach each other cautiously thinking the other is potential enemy. We need to stop being so on guard and mistrusting and like children, see every woman as a potential friend.

I was inspired to make having an open heart my mantra for 2015 by a new friend. Within five minutes of speaking with her I felt an instant friendship and I couldn’t believe at how open and honest she was. She talked about how her fiancée broke off an engagement weeks before the wedding and took their joint assets and yet as she said it there was no malice. Instead, she talked about doing soul searching and finding gratitude for the lessons she learned from the experience. Within a year she was in a happy, healthy relationship. This struck me hard.

D My ex mistreated me and left me in deep debt and I still harbor feelings of resentment. The trust issues I developed in that relationship are still carried into my current relationship and I’m working hard to let that all go.

How can we change this? How can you learn to live with an open heart? Here are a few tips:


Write it all out- who or what did you wrong, how you feel when you see them/it. When it’s all written out, read through it take a deep breath and burn the paper. Try to envision your resentment to be like that paper, going up in smoke and ash and becoming nothing. Don’t let these resentments hold you down.


Write out the names of the people you love and why, your favourite food, why you love your pet. Keep this in a place where you see it often and can read it whenever you’re feeling stressed.


Remember those people on your burned up list? It’s likely you’ll see them again, or they will friend request you on Facebook for the 100th time. Let them in, and whenever you find yourself angry at their past actions repeat to yourself that you have an open heart and it’s big enough to let anyone in.


When you find yourself angry or stressed repeat to yourself over and over “I have an open heart and I love all and I let all in.”


Opening your heart and smiling are related to each other so when you’re feeling down or angry put a smile on your face.

For me this mantra is about letting go of grudges against people who have wronged those I love and not me directly. I have spent years being angry at my husband’s ex-wife for past pain she has caused him and I have been cruel people who have wronged my friends and family. Repeating that I will live with an open heart means getting over these grudges and realizing that these individuals have not done anything to me and it’s worthless having hate in my heart.

So make 2015 the year of the open heart and see all the wonderful things that manifest themselves into your life.

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“Keep your heart open,

and love will always find

its way.”- J a n e S e y m o u r

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about rachel

Rachel Richards hails from Alberta, Canada where she leads two lives: office worker by day, fitness & outdoors enthusiast by night. Rachel is always on the lookout for her next adventure, whether its trekking through the mountains with just her dogs as companions, running races and triathlons, or spending time with loved ones. Read more about Rachel’s adventures on her blog, Betty Livin.


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Be happ y.Be well.Be you .
