Hans Van Krieken Articles

Humans Beings As Characters in a Spiritual Computer Game Environment By Hans VanKrieken When a horse breaks its leg people will shoot it to get it out of its misery but when a human being suffers prolonged unbearable pain with no relief in sight, people are forbidden to do the same to the poor suffering human being. Why is that? In my opinion it is because the souls in humans must learn the principles of good and evil; and constant suffering is one result of the aspect of evil. Jesus, presently as spirit but having experience as human being, understands the suffering people go through yet he does nothing. Also; why is that? The answer lies in the fact that Jesus, as spirit, does not see the virtual human being because he is not playing a game in virtual physical reality any more. He did that- -been there. The spirit in Jesus is in reality and cannot see, nor does he want to see humans in any manner. He came to earth to get in contact with soul; soul that was dead to true spirit, by its own actions. Human creatures, projections of deceived spirit as souls, are in the virtual universe to learn about the principles of spiritual good and evil. You, as human being, simply do not exist in spirit. Remember, we (as souls) are dead to positive spirit because we embraced negative spirit, the spirit of deceit. My wife, a constant sufferer of unexplained pain cannot see Jesus or the comforter as friend and comforter. Spirit is concerned with spirit, and humans are not spirit. There is a magnificent lesson to be learned by me and my wife 1

Transcript of Hans Van Krieken Articles

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Humans Beings As Characters in a Spiritual Computer Game EnvironmentBy Hans VanKrieken

When a horse breaks its leg people will shoot it to get it out of its misery but when a human being suffers prolonged unbearable pain with no relief in sight, people are forbidden to do the same to the poor suffering human being. Why is that? In my opinion it is because the souls in humans must learn the principles of good and evil; and constant suffering is one result of the aspect of evil.

Jesus, presently as spirit but having experience as human being, understands the suffering people go through yet he does nothing. Also; why is that?

The answer lies in the fact that Jesus, as spirit, does not see the virtual human being because he is not playing a game in virtual physical reality any more. He did that- -been there. The spirit in Jesus is in reality and cannot see, nor does he want to see humans in any manner. He came to earth to get in contact with soul; soul that was dead to true spirit, by its own actions. Human creatures, projections of deceived spirit as souls, are in the virtual universe to learn about the principles of spiritual good and evil. You, as human being, simply do not exist in spirit. Remember, we (as souls) are dead to positive spirit because we embraced negative spirit, the spirit of deceit. My wife, a constant sufferer of unexplained pain cannot see Jesus or the comforter as friend and comforter. Spirit is concerned with spirit, and humans are not spirit. There is a magnificent lesson to be learned by me and my wife as souls in spirit about the suffering of human beings, but the lesson must be learned in spirit, not in the physical flesh.

Let me ask Christians a question and, really, every religious person; if Jesus, as spirit and as god, is so concerned with humans as religious people why does he not continue to be among us? Why is he so aloof from us humans? He is aloof because he could not give a hoot about virtual creatures. Religions are concepts based on deceit.

Jesus told us that the comforter will come and lead you into all truth. I now understands what he means. The spirit in Jesus is not concerned with human beings, but with the soul projecting the physical human form. My wife is in terrible pain and discomfort and she is very angry with gods and comforters because she feels so abandoned.

However, soul, in its coma, is experiencing this terrible nightmare of the ordeal Carol is going through, non-stop. When a totter is having a nightmare, its mother will be comforting her; lightly shaking her to wake the child up in order to release her from her bad dream. This is what Jesus' comforter does with a comatose soul in paradise. The Comforter sits by comatose Adam and Woman and waits for signs of these showing signs of being in the bad throws of a


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nightmare (like Carol's inhuman experiences with constant pain). The comforter then tries to awaken the soul and when the Comforter is successful, will lead her into all truth- -true reality from whence the soul has been absent for a long, long time. But in waking soul up from its coma, carol's pain will have instantly stopped; in fact, carol will not be part of our mutual nightmare any longer. By soul waking up carol's virtual existence comes to an abrupt halt. She will be no more part of physical reality.

Here you can see why what you believe to be good for you in this physical reality is bad in spirit for soul and what is bad for you as a physical being is meant for good in spirit for soul. Jesus talked about that principle a lot. Another way of phrasing this would be: The devil always disguises himself to us in earth as an angel of light.

The spirit of Jesus came to us in the flesh once because that was the only manner he could get in contact with the spirit of his lost souls- -souls lost in a comatose dream state while dreaming to be present in a physical universe. The universe does not exist in true spirit. It is only a virtual realm created by ground rules, laws, regions, protocol and dogma, etc., etc. in a spiritual computer game environment. He came to bring good news to dead souls (in spirit) about the fact that by embracing truth again they could be real (participate in true reality) again in truth/true reality. Once he clearly brought that message to the human races he has absolutely no more reason to come among us.

Jesus' spirit wants to discourage his presence among humans as a computer game character so that we, as souls, will not continue to think that physical reality is true reality; and also because the object of the game is for soul to grow desperate about Jesus' true love for us. He loves us not as humans but as spiritual entities. I hope you can see that. No one can be too concerned what happens to a character you are playing/representing in some computer game.

Souls must learn to understand that their participation as human characters in a virtual educational reality is not true reality but that through playing the game they can get insight that the game environment is not reality; and that they, themselves, presently cannot be in reality because they believed a lie about true reality. Souls are the lost sons of god in paradise who left home (became comatose through believing a system of lies about the realm of truth - -a set of artificial rules that creates a fictitious game environment). This artificial reality (in the parable of the prodigal son this environment is represented as an underfed pigsty cleaner in a cruel kingdom far away from home) was created to allow comatose souls to again learn the truth of true reality so that souls can again wake up from the deceit believed and return home as real beings (as prodigal sons and not as mere game characters in a virtual reality; or, really, quit being in a comatose dream reality).

Now I must more precisely define what a soul is.

Biological creatures such as mammals consist of billions of living, intelligently interconnected cells. Spiritual beings as Adam and Woman, also, consist of billions, if not trillions, of intelligently interconnected entities. Paul, the apostle, correctly referred to these entities as souls in a spiritual being. According to Paul these entities represented in physical life as humans become again living stones in a spiritual temple of carefully arranged living cells/stones when they again wake up from their deceived state.

What the spiritual liar has done is rearrange the interconnectedness of all these entities/souls in the lie-believing spiritual beings so that a new type of computer system or awareness


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emerged that allowed each cell to be a computer chip in this computer and simultaneously allowed these cells to become active members/game characters in this newly devised computer game environment that the liar introduced into the computer system as a computer game. The potential on which that computer runs of course are the potentials of trust and lie-believed in soul and the computer systems manager is the liar, the god of this universe. This entity is not really evil but part of good to allow us to become true sons of god. I see this liar thus as God's wife. It is her and her actions that allow spiritual beings to be born again in spirit as true son of the living true god.

We must see this reorientation of the entities that make up comatose spiritual beings as to what the armed forces do to randomly inducted people. Through propaganda, brainwashing and discipline the armed forces' management rearranges the people's priorities to that of importance to the military whenever these trained people are under military discipline; or, maybe, as US propaganda and education reorient new-born babies into people singularly oriented to be enthusiastic Americans in outlook, loyalty, and international purpose. Training-all types of training = indoctrination = brainwashing

Brainwashing is always in subjection and loyalty to a lord and focused against the lord's present and future enemies.

These things happen in this virtual reality by, really, introducing into the minds of these people/babes sets of lies that make them Americans or America soldiers instead of French people or Chinese soldiers. It depends on the propaganda and brainwashing inculcated into the subjects as to what they believe themselves to be for the rest of their lives and for what purpose they dedicate themselves.

One could reinterpret this system of lies as being the truth about being Americans or soldiers. What, thus, Americans believe is to them the truth of being American is what make Chinese people loyal to the Chinese communist regime as indoctrinated Chinese citizens; and also why Chinese soldiers take the propaganda instilled in them to be their truth. All these outlooks depend on the system of propaganda or lies the people are made to believe during the transition of them as babes knowing nothing to people indoctrinated to believe what government and society has made them to believe.

In truth, there can be only one truth. If different people believe different sort of truth according to their individual system of interpretation than these interpretations are far from any truth! Instead these are all different sets of lies. This hold equally true for the system of religion to which one has been indoctrinated; it all depends on the system of lies believed.

In true reality it is impossible to believe a lie and continue to remain in true reality. Once a lie is believed in true reality one simply has no point of contact left with reality because one has mentally/spiritually entered a realm of fiction- -make believe.

My wife and I keep staring ourselves blind on the human condition in a virtual game environment; instead we must learn to translate the lessons to spirit. Our souls are in much worse condition than us humans. We must realize that the spirits that project us (souls) are dead to reality. We, as humans, are nothing and soul is everything. Can you see that Jesus' love is not for humans but for comatose souls in spirit who project human forms in a virtual reality? The war is waged in spirit and, and for a while (the time span of Jesus' life) filtered down into the physical realm. But presently it is again waged in spirit.


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Of course, you must realize that we, creatures, can do nothing. It is up to the souls that control us and live through us to observe the spiritual significance of the game and get the message from the experiences of the soul projections (humans) in this horrible physical life.

As you can realize, souls are extreme slow-pokes in getting the message. That is only right because god in paradise told us we would be dead if we would get involved with a liar. Souls are absolutely dead, of no consequence in true spirit, folks! We, as souls, are not in true spirit. Jesus told us many times that we, as souls and as human beings) are dead. He came to us in the flesh to bring us, as souls, back to spiritual life. When that happens to soul, soul is not any more engaged to play games in physical reality (just as Jesus knowing truth cannot remain as player in this game environment created through spiritual deceit).

Now, you can continue to see Jesus' mission among us, as humans in the flesh concerned as creatures in the flesh in a spiritual game environment created through deceit in true reality; or you can awaken in soul-spirit and see that the physical realm is but a sour dream from which we, as souls, must learn a lesson so we can return to true reality. The lesson must be extracted from the virtual realm because this virtual physical reality is all souls have left after believing a lie in true spirit. Virtual reality for souls spells nonexistence in truth- -to be dead.

The lesson, thus, cannot be easily grasped by comatose/dead spirit. We have each other in the physical realm to help each other; this means, of course, that not us but our souls caught up in the game must realize it. By trying to help human projections as human projections soul must come to realize that even in the game environment, they must recognize 'evil' and help correct this evil by introducing 'good'.

The virtual physical reality is wrought, by design, with fear, pain, suffering, disappointment, etc. through the delicacies and fragility of the flesh; exactly to introduce the ideas of evil in the game environment.

This is the reason that there is so much grief, suffering and pain in the world. Souls get caught up being human creatures in nature rather than realizing they are spirits playing a game in virtual reality; from which game they must extract the truth from the spiritual confusion of playing this virtual existence in earnest.

One can create evil in the game environment by being self-serving to the point of becoming an insane despotic maniac; and, also, one can become someone in the game environment so absorbed in the task as seeing oneself as a true creature in this false environment by opposing the despot and by helping and curing people/game-entities in distress. Soul must again extricate itself from its complete absorbment in the game to again become active sane spiritual entities. Only by spiritually being observantly active as individual soul in the game environment can the task of the game be comprehended and the goal of the game reached. The goal, of course, is for soul to fully understand the spiritual significance and concepts of 'good and evil'.

Realize that in the physical realm everything changes; nothing at all stays constant, not even space, time, distance and orientation; this is only possible in a virtual reality. Everything is designed to change according to a set of active rules that have been programmed into the environment. Death of a game character is such a variable, but only to again appear as a life game character in a changed form and setting with the promise of again getting a chance to get to the spiritual truth of things.


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The spirit does not necessarily feel your pain as a human being. Your human body is in the virtual game, not soul's own sensory and feeling system (if souls even have those). The pain and death are only in the game, and on some level souls can experience them. It is through the human experience to which soul has some connection that soul must learn about evil and good.

We can all see that the human being dies, but its soul is eternal. See; there is a hermetic barrier, like that of computer game environment and computer game characters and the humans controlling the characters in the game. If in a game your character is blown up or cut to pieces, you are still whole; and you could, if you wanted to, insert another character that represents you into the game and try to win the game this time around.

In the spiritual computer system there may be an indicator that shows your character's pain level, sorrow level, joy level, etc. in gradated bars. Let's say you and I are contending in a computer game. Your character's pain level may indicate 500 and my pain level 5. Your sorrow level may indicate 700 while my character shows pain level 5 and joy level 700 because my character is winning out on your contending character. If we have a $500 bet on winning the game, my actual joy level may very well be 700 and your sorrow level could register 600 depending on our individual worth.

In spirit, when soul matures in playing the game, it may suddenly realize that it is not just a game but that the principles of good and evil are imbedded in the playing of the game to extract a enw principle or two. Now, this soul is way ahead in realizing the educational character of the game and plays some more games to understand exactly what principles apply in the prime concepts of good and evil. When it fully understands, it does not have to play the game any more because it remembers what god said about the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (computer game environment) "Do not mess with the tree that reveals the principles of good and evil; because if you do you will certainly die (become comatose).

Now, after understanding the game's purpose and by obtaining the game's goal, soul can see that god did tell the truth after all; and soul can wake up from its silly misconception of believing lies about true reality and the god thereof.

As this soul walks away with the knowledge and understanding that evil has no place or purpose in reality it graduates and it may enter the house of the true god who is only good, but also fully understands the principles of evil.

Now you, as soul, are truly his son and you are welcome in his own house and become again integrated into a living temple which corner stone is the truth in the spirit in Jesus. This living temple is the new Adam and Woman, fully integrated in one living temple.

So the eternal (spiritual) principle is: "Do not ever be tempted to call the true god a liar!"

Deceit has no place in true reality. True reality must have truth as its corner stone and virtual reality can only exist with a lie as its corner stone.



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You can learn more from http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Hans_VanKrieken, and his website http://www.win-bets-consistently.com

c) Copyright - Hans van Krieken. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Critique on Dean Koontz's, Semi-Scifi Book Brother Odd - A Very Good BookBy Hans VanKrieken

I just read the book "Brother Odd" by Dean Koontz with pleasure, bemusement and admiration. Dean Koontz is a great story teller with insight into life and nature and in this book reveals his great sense of humor. This book will not bore anyone. The book is a best seller; so it is available universally from book vendors. It was co-published in 2006 by the author and Bantam Dell.

I mention this book Brother Odd because there are passages in it concerning a branch of deep physical science - the Quantum Theory of matter. This theory tells us that on the most basic level matter consists of a chaotic seeming but, in fact, a very organized sort of flux that is always in motion and yet is always resting in one point in reality. The theory tells us that every single point in the universe is connected to each other and to this one central point and resides in this one point only. The theory, as mentioned by Dean Koontz, also refers to the flux on which the reality of physical nature rest is thought - thought emanating from this single point. This point, of course is identical to the specific point of the start of the Big Bang that deployed the universe.

Here I must diverge slightly from the theory mentioned by Dean Koontz. The "mad" professor in this tale states that the universe rests on the thought emanations coming through this point. I, rather, state that what we are dealing with is not thought per sé but the outworking of a thought-generated program on a sort of spiritual computer.

The program and the computer rest on the thought patterns of the central thinker(s) but what we see in the universe is not a sensible mind at work but an indifferent program empowered by some sort of computer that projects and controls the laws through which the universe and physical reality are made manifest and through which it is sustained from one central emanation point (radiator, antenna). In true spirit there is no knowledge of a physical universe because it is a fiction - reality only recognizes and admits truth, not ever fiction. The universe is only observable from a realm called untrue spirit. The spirit of the lie.

The universe must thus be a virtual reality, one deployed from some point in a true or higher reality. The computer indifferently continues to project the universe and every motion and action of a physical nature rests on the pure laws man discovered in physics. The program instantly and continuously computes all actions, reaction and state of balances. This is exactly the way physical beings observe, sense, and experience physical nature.


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However, like any computer and the programs run on it, the owner/operator can take control at any time at his pleasure. The actions introduced in the regular program are those of god. Such actions, to our knowledge, always concern a pre-selected region in time and space in physical nature. Many people call such incidences miracles because these so vividly violate people's sense of routine physical nature. I mention a few such as Jesus walking on water, multiplying a couple of fish and loaves of bread into baskets full of them. The Old Testament mentions such miraculous incidences as the sun remaining at a certain moment in time for hours so that a battle can be more thoroughly won, jars of oil and flour that, even though they contain just a smidgen of the substances and are emptied every day always contain more of the substances every day, and of course, Moses parting the Red Sea.

As all virtual programs we encounter in the digital environment, the programs rests on certain basic assumptions that are used to design and operate the program. Assumptions are really in conflict with normal physical reality but by assuming they are true we can design virtual programs using the assumptions.

Computers lack a sense of individuality and automatic programs and if they have personalities programmed into the system are artificial and not as emotional and sensitive as the emotions expressed by people. Spiritual computers are created on basic false assumptions to. In reality things assumed are fiction; and when fiction is accepted as reality in true reality one is ejected from the realm in which true reality is expressed routinely. Such a dump from normal reality in physical reality may be called death, or in a more subtle manner may be experienced as a coma.

In spirit there is no permanent death so when one believes something untrue in reality on disagrees with the native reality and one expels oneself from the true native reality into a coma where a reality is experienced through the dream state and the native reality has become a nonentity - it exists no more in the awareness of the comatose dreamer.

The brain of the comatose dreamer is now the computer through which the comatose person expresses another reality, a reality we call among ourselves physical reality, physical nature, universal awareness, etc. Humans are thus the virtual expressions of entities that lie in a coma in spirit and together dream up physical reality through the compositions and directions of the liar, our god Jehovah, Brahman, Allah, whatever names people have for this critter.

The story of Adam and Woman in Paradise in the book of Genesis in the Bible and the Jewish Torah gives us the resting point on which physical reality rests. It is the truth told in a realm of fiction. It is given to us so we can rekindle our true affinity with true spiritual reality from which we expelled ourselves.

I tell you, the book Brother Odd is a book and its author Dean Koontz are entities you do not want to miss and with whom it is a pleasure to be in thought contact.

Hans van Krieken

You can learn more from his websites http://thetruthabout-reality.com


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The Corporate Structure and the Universe - Living EntitiesBy Hans VanKrieken

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Most people do not stop to think about the close analogy that exists between the corporate structure and governments on the one side and a biologically alive physical creature such as man, beast and insect on the other side.

A biological creature constantly renews itself as cells in the organism die. Cells simply die and accordingly the original creature ought to die. However, this is not so. There is an exact copying program constantly creating new cells according to a defined structure and need.

In an organism life starts with stem cells - cells that are alive but have not been assigned a specific duty and exist throughout the organism. These stem cells remain in abeyance until needed. Other integrated functioning cells may take on a different function because of extra fast development of the area in the body involved. This is the case say, when an organism begins to over develop its musculature by working out intensively.

Now say, a certain cell of a very particular function dies. Instantly a notice is given to a stem cell in the immediate vicinity of the dying cell. This stem cell now develops into a perfect copy of the dying cell and when the cell is dead the copy is in place to take over its duties.


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The same is true when a cell is forced to accept another function. A deficit has been created that the program instantly notices and the program, thus, gives an order to a stem cell in that area to begin to develop into the cell that has been transferred to another duty.

Some cells in an organism die at a higher rate than others; and a few, such as brain cells, die sporadically. All this has direct analogy to the corporate structure.

The corporate structure also starts with one cell. This person is the entrepreneur of the new corporation. He/she (it) must seek a bunch of other persons (cells) to fill out the by-law required form - CEO, treasurer and secretary, and also a lawyer through whom the corporation gets its legal communicative power. This original cell multiplies into top management.

Once these are in place the growing fetus obtains nourishment by obtaining a fund from the bank. Then the organization, following the purpose of the structure (a product or service), is established one (or more) person at the time.

As the corporation grows through grows of its sales of products new loans are obtained and new people are hired to fill ever more detailed functions. Some of the senior employees are promoted and others replace his previously held office and duties. And so the corporation grows into a mature business.

When the corporation is well established and exists for many decades some of the permanent offices in the structure such as the senior vice presidents, chairperson of the board and some others may leave the corporation, (die, are fired or arrested for some crime). These precious few are then replaced by either hiring new qualified people, promoting them from inferior positions or transferring people from the same level of corporate standing and maybe by stealing a qualified person from another corporation.

The youth in the general public functioning as stem cells are prepared for specific duties in the corporate structure through general basic lower and specific higher education. These are stem cells in transformation to fill a particular function. These cells again exist at random in the general public and many exist in the immediate area of the place of business of the corporation or many of its divisions.

As you can see that as long as the corporation has a market to sell its products to it will remain in business as personnel/cells are replaced. It operates internally exactly like a genuine biological creature.

The same is true for a human being. A human being has also been imbued with a self-replicating program through sex, fertilization, pregnancy and birth. The baby can be compared to a stem cell. It is growing and available in the future but it has as of yet not been assigned to develop into a particular function.

This is even true, say, for a royal family where the oldest sibling (son or daughter) is intended to become the next ruling monarch. The oldest may not be qualified to be the heir (say it is retarded, refuses to be the heir, does not have the urge, the intelligence or the nature or dies prematurely). So, all of the monarch's brood has a chance to inherit the throne. They all remain stem cells for this particular function.


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The human being (female and male) has a particular function in society - the replenishment of people dying.

Now, why do people die? It is because the basic human organism's function has been met or has failed to be met. A baby progresses into an infant, a child, a mature person with all its reproductive organs working. It mates, begets children and raises these children to be specific cells in the overall corporate structure of society that is led by government.

When the human being's reproductive duties are fulfilled, the person/cell exists for a while longer in the neutral mode and then begins to die away. So, society replenishes itself, just as the cells in organisms and just as the personnel in a corporation or government.

We can see that the entire universe exists in a program that allows entities to die and other like entities to take their place through rebirth and so all orders are replenished. Stars are born from virgin mass (gases and plasma's) in space. These stars grow, mature, and die (explode) causing their residue to become the material for the birth of new stars and galaxies. There is an ongoing re-materialization of stars and there is reincarnation of spiritual entities because as long as soul is deceived into taking fiction as reality the universe is the only game to play. Souls must have some things to do and strive for. It can't do anything in its spiritual comatose state in reality so these useless comatose souls constantly reincarnate in the physical world to find again (and again) a purpose for being at all.

Folks - the universe does not exist willy-nilly. There is intelligence behind all the programming and the activation of all the programs and program steps; just as there are minds (intelligence) behind the creation and death of corporate structures, governments and the extremely complex infra structure of international commerce and, say, the United Nations.

Now, let me go into the nerve system of the several forms and systems of organisms.

A family unit exists through leadership, nourishment, and an integrating order to which we refer as love, duty and care. The structure does not communicate through direct cellular interconnection but to a gossamer structure of some sort. We may call it psychic, tactile, sensual and emotional communication but there is no direct physical link involved between the individuals.

The same is true for the internal communications going in a corporate structure. There is no direct physical link between all the personnel/cells in a corporation -the personnel consist of independent, separate individuals. However, these cells communicate marvelously through other non-direct-physical means we are all very familiar with. The same kind of communication exists between the society of all corporate structures and with all the people and corporations making up the markets of these corporations.

This can, again, be found back in nature. I am convinced (through direct observation and immediate experience (like being stung on several occasions while working in the yard) that the queen bee, for instance, is the nerve and executive center (brain - mind) of the entire beehive.

She can sense exactly what each of the bees can see and obtain a marvelously accurate layout of the constantly changing positions of the working bees, whether they are honey collectors, house keeping swarms or nursery-tending swarms and order every one of them like my mind


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knows where my fingers, toes, ears and nose are and orders them to do exactly as I demand using all the cells integrated into all these organic systems of my body. An ants nest and a hive are single beings controlled by an individual mind - the parts are scattered but the entire structure operates fully as one unit just like your body.

When a person gets stung it is, most often, done on the observations, deductions, conclusions and commands of the queen bee. I have been stung only by one bee at the exact site of my body that caused injury or danger to the hive - my hand that held the chainsaw that was cutting a stump in which a queen reigned over a hive while swarms of bees churned the air around me into a very noisy and hostile environment. Not any other bee stung me. To me, this was intelligent observation, deduction of the danger and the perfect conclusion and accompanying command for just one bee to sting and the other bees to create the menacing and threatening environment that made me flee the scene as quickly as possible.

Beehives, again, continue to exist, in spite of the deaths of many of its members, through the exact copying programs inherent in the species that produce stem cell bees that will develop into bees of a certain divisional nature in the working hive according to the need of the hive.

On another occasion I was only in the vicinity of a bees' nest when suddenly a large swarm of bees erupted and attacked me. Again, there were the menacing swarms of very noisy bees but this time a whole bunch went into immediate attack. They kept going after me for a hundred feet or so. I had at least two dozen stings.

The difference between these two attacks was that the former was a hive safely hidden in a tree stump and the other was a mere hole in the ground. The queen of the hole-hive was extremely concerned about me accidentally destroying its hive by me pulling hefty weeds out of the ground nearby. Can you see the central intelligence at work causing different means of menace and attack to secure the safety of the hive?

Same thing counts for an ants nest. Explorer ants roam wide and far to find food and when a good chunk of it has been located the transportation ants immediately leave along the shortest route to haul in the loot. There is no time for the explorer ant to go all the way back to the ants nest to communicate its findings. Some other creature(s) may get to it first then. So, the explorer ant is somehow capable of transmitting his findings to the queen and she orders the workers to go get it at the location the explorer ant reveals by it remaining with the loot. The workers do not follow the exact route of the explorer ant because it would be too tortuous a route - it has been roaming all around.

What I am saying is that as our bodies consist of billions of cells physically interrelated and functioning as one whole, together, to form a human being so the several ants (or bees) making up a nest as one whole being functioning as a non-physically connected whole.

I believe that entomology has not hit on these understandings yet.

The central idea behind me telling you about these incidents and examples is to highlight the communication of the queen with her subjects. It was accomplished through ethereal means; just as the communications going on in a corporation, a military pilot in a jet and its squadron headquarters, and drone planes and their stationary operators, who (incidentally) get their orders ethereally from their commanding officers.


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The overall central idea of the article, thus, is that intelligence of an ethereal (spiritual) nature is behind the outworking of the physical universe. The universe has a nature, a purpose and a conclusion as every other incorporation of cells of some kind in earth - nothing lasts forever; not the universe and nothing in or part of it.

This spiritual intelligence, again as seen in all the other organic and fictional structures, consists of many cells (souls), that were originally and presently still, incorporated in one or two spiritual beings; and which spiritual beings are controlled by an invading sort of super spirit. It is this super spirit (in contention with the true god) that has taken over the will and natures of the spiritual beings through making it believe some serious untruth; and this spirit has rearranged and repurposed the minds and cellular structure into some sort of computer system over which it has complete control just as corporate management has taken over the will and operation of all its personnel during working hours (and even during some personnel's private hours). The souls/cells of these two mind-captured spiritual beings have all been redirected by the program to work individually towards obtaining new goals of being for the overpowering super spirit and for each individual cell.

In a virtual realm, physical universe) erected against the word of the true god is a reality that constantly twists and turns the reality of those trapped in it. The reality of people trapped in the present is entirely different from realities perceived by people existing 500 or a thousand years in the past or in the future. Propaganda believed by the masses in any era makes it so. Physical reality is as fluid as water. Its virtual physic nature makes it so. Physical reality is a present false belief system; whether the belief is this or that physical nature adopts the premises and makes you believe it is real.

In the end it must be apparent that true reality is the product of the true god. Whatever he says is truth and is thus true reality. Whatever he says is! By contradicting this god you are in fiction because you cannot contradict god. You are the product of his word as well. If you contradict him, he indulges you but you are all alone in left field while god and everybody else already went home. Not being in god's reality is being utterly lost - or you are of a physical nature. You are nowhere because physical nature is the dream reality of comatose souls. It is also referred to as Hell! We, as souls used to be as Paul the apostle in the New Testament of the Bible said, like a temple made of living stones - souls making up a higher form of spiritual being.

After believing a lie about the true god, the higher form of spiritual being went from truth to fiction. There is no fiction in reality, so this spiritual being became comatose to true reality. There was no more cohesion between the cells/souls of this being. The temple, so to speak, crumpled and became a perfect ruin, not one stone remained atop another.

The liar became the god of the dislocated souls and he reprogrammed them to act individually as creatures in a virtual reality called physical universe.

The universe is the outworking of those souls who disagree with the true god. The universe is a virtual realm. It is fiction because only the true god's word is reality.

If you like the fiction created by believing the spiritual lie so well that you take it as your permanent reality you will die spiritually (in truth). God has patience and allows you your errors but your perpetual errors in understanding truth will destroy your soul because when a


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lie is accepted by soul for too long there is no way back to accept the truth. God allows you to play the fool only for so long.

The true god's word, of course, is fiction also, but his fiction is fundamental. There is no one to disagree with it. He stands and acts alone. There is no one on his level but himself. Once you as soul or as a reassembled "living temple" can see the truth of this and see the true god as the highest level of knowing, you will become a son of god or be one of the living stones reincorporated into this living temple - a true son of god and considered equal to him because there can never again be a disagreement of purpose and understanding.

The outworking of the universal program (and of each of our individual programs) is done for a specific and still higher necessary spiritual purpose - the creation of sons of god. For more information read my book.

Hans van Krieken

You can learn more from his websites http://thetruthabout-reality.com (c) Copyright - Hans van Krieken. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Hans_VanKrieken

What Does it Mean to Be Mortal and Immortal?By Hans VanKrieken

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To be mortal means that your existence depends on an infinite set of variables that can be the cause of your demise. Moreover, your physical beingness, if all other factors remain in your favor, is keyed to an internal aging clock which not only deteriorates your abilities and senses of awareness but also permanently terminates your existence according to a definite and predetermined schedule.

Innumerable conditions in the body can cause irreparable mental, physical, psychic or emotional breakdown. The same results can be obtained from innumerable and varying sets of external sources. Your emotional, mental, psychic and physical health can be attacked from sets of varying external sources and conditions that may warp your understanding of your environment, your inner mental and psychic state, your physical means of operation and sometimes overturns your entire foundation of beingness and spiritual understanding. In physical life nothing is certain and when you feel on top of the world and in complete control of yourself and your environment you are most vulnerable to be brought down low or to die from unexpected circumstances.

In true reality one's personal identity and soundness of being cannot be attacked in any manner but one. To be real one automatically and consciously knows, understands and operates according to the reality one is a part of. As long as one is in harmony with that reality


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of which one is a part, or really, with the truth of one's existence, one's beingness is immune from attack. One's immortality is keyed to that harmony with true reality.

There is only one manner in which one simply ceases to exist in true reality and that is to believe in a system of lies that can only be antagonistic with the reality of which one is a part. In earth (physical existence) one can believe in any set of or system of lies and one will continue to exist; but eventually the belief in lies or system of lies will bring everybody to death also. Physical death is keyed to the environment of physical existence. If there is death there must be a deceit on which physical existence depends to project itself so surely and consistently.

If physical existence depends on a deceit in spirit it must be a spiritual virtual reality. We all know that nothing in physical reality is stable or permanent. That is the weakness of believing that physical reality is a true system of reality. Physical reality is built on mental quicksand. Jesus referred to that in a parable of two people who built houses - one built on sand and another on rock. The sand in this parable is a determined belief in physical reality and to build one's life around it; and to build on the rock is a determined certainty that a true reality exists in spirit, the reality of truth. In another interpretation it is told that the belief on the authority of men is to build one's reality in fiction - sand; and to build one's reality on the authority of Jesus (spiritual truth) is to built on rock. The problem is that no one still incarnating has ever understood the spiritual truth Jesus taught.

The reason for that is that we could not believe the spiritual truth Jesus revealed among a set of teachings and examples based on physical reality. Humans are too solidly set in a system of fiction to believe that physical existence is a spiritual mirage. It can only be a spiritual mirage because we did believe a lie, or a system of lies, told us in spirit. A lie, or a system of lies believed in spirit (true reality), will instantly kill us in truth (propel us out of true reality in to a fictional reality of false belief systems). It is the only manner in which we could end up in this hell of physical life.

The god over this virtual realm, and you as part of it, is the one who told you the lie. So folks, trust me, you exist as deceived spirits in true reality and pretend to be mortals in physical reality. Wise up as I have! Count this world as absolutely nothing and my words as the only truth that will set you free!

Hans van Krieken

You can learn more from his website http://thetruthabout-reality.com c) Copyright - Hans van Krieken. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Hans_VanKrieken

Philosophical Reasons Why the God of the Universe Cannot Be "Good" As We Expect Him to BeBy Hans VanKrieken


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The holy scriptures of the Jews, the Christians, the Muslims and of other creeds portray god as good. I have a problem with that although I wish I could agree with that.

My reasoning in this case starts with considering a new born baby - 5 seconds old. If the god of the universe were good, that baby would have been born with an innate understanding of this god. If this baby is truly the creation of this good god it would have, let's say, an instinct for the laws of god and all the other things god would want a creature to have; an instinct that for instance new-born sea-going turtles have to make it into the sea as soon as possible.

All brand new turtle babies know to scratch and claw their way up to the surface of the sand and immediate, and in great haste begin to crawl toward the sea. They have an innate understanding of how to do all this and why. Such baby turtles know they are easy prey to birds and mammals, so they rush as fast as possible into the safety of the waters. New-born human babies should have such instinct from birth about god's will and purpose for it.

Yet, a new-born baby's mind is blank about spiritual matters. It is like a new auxiliary hard drive for a computer. Such a hard drive has some programs loaded in it to format it for the computer it will be used with; but there is absolutely nothing in a baby's mind about the knowledge of god. If there was, I could very well understand the need and purpose for a bible, the Torah, the Quran, etc.

I can understand that through circumstances of its birth and environment and means of growing up the child may completely forget or consider the knowledge of god to be superfluous or even wrong. Later on in life, reading a Holy Scripture could remind the person of the goodness of god and bring again into mind what the person was born with concerning the knowledge and goodness of god. The person would then again exist in harmony with god and align its life with this harmony according to its own will.

Yet, nothing like that exists or occurs. A baby's mind is blank about the knowledge of god - just like the minds of any new-born creature. This, to me, is the sign we are dealing with a god that is not innately good.

Babies are born to people who are utterly ignorant of how to deal with a new-born baby. They never try to understand what is on a new-born baby's mind, other than responding to its cries for sustenance and discomfort. Parents are not equipped to deal with spiritual matters in a new born baby's mind - neither are any of the clergy.

Babies are immediately indoctrinated to the physical environment and to the several (maybe even "loving") social, religious and legal standards/propaganda of its parents. From long experience this seems the very best way to commune with a dumb baby. It seems to be parents' way of expressing the common-sense manner of dealing with a baby.

A sense of god and the corresponding understanding of the goodness of god are indoctrinated by several means into the baby's and child's mind.

From early on a child is impressed with the goodness of god and the badness/evil of the devil. The devil is said to seduce children and adults to go contrary to god's will. Yet, no one knows about god's will but through a thorough indoctrination of a set of writings that are considered


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holy and good. The indoctrinations of one religion can go in entirely opposite directions than another set of Holy Scriptures held as sacred by a different set of people.

Now, I ask, which of all these writings is truly the word of god? A good god cannot contradict himself even in the least little matter because one of these uttering would be a lie to one set or another set of people. See, I claim that, at best, Holy Scriptures are the interpretations of the uttering of a supposedly good god to certain 'supposedly' holy people in the several regions on earth.

These interpretations written down and learned by other religious people are now the religions of the several groups of people on earth. Yet, we must inculcate into these writings the wiliness of the devil. Is the devil not supposed to seduce people (any people whether holy or not, but more so the holy ones because these are the ones who will write down the many uttering of god) to misinterpret god's true word? If I were wily and a devil, I would do my best to seduce these holy ones to misunderstand god's word.

Everybody knows that spiritually this world is not good. There are too many things wrong with it as far as it concerns humans and human relations. I would say that the worst wars and the very worst crimes are committed exactly by authorities and obedient lay people of religious groups - or by a regional cast of society against certain religious people and even entire groups.

Now we are getting back to the tiny little babies born into all these differing religious groups. Without indoctrination of any kind these children will grow up to be like wild animals and roaming groups of wild animals. Some children will naturally shun such groups and because of their inclination to be apart may become targets of maliciousness of one or more groups. So the individualist is forced to join one group or other for reasons of survival.

If god were good and the maligned sentiments of adults are stripped from the upbringing of babies these babies should grow up right in the sight of god; yet, all we can expect from them is wildness and malicious cunning. Where in all this comes the goodness of god into the situation? Nowhere; there is absolutely no innate connection between man and god that tells us that god is good! Holy writings are nothing more than the considered moral and ethical expressions of people. I do not dismiss that there is a deep yearning in people to find and have a good and just god reigning over the world and mankind.

I do not say that the god of the universe is not not-good. I sincerely believe he is good but in an entirely different role than mankind has given to him. To give god this good role, people had to invent a devil - an entity that is through and through evil. There is not even one iota good in this devil. I know this to be untrue. The entire spectrum and realms of the spiritual world is very carefully ordered according to the knowledge of good. The universe is only a very tiny, but very important part of the whole spiritual realm and it appears as a realm where evil can reign in its full bloom.

The true god's purpose for all creation is good and it is ordered to produce the understanding of the idea of good in creatures. God's problem is that most people simply are not interested or incapable of understanding the purpose of the god of this universe and the purpose for which the universe was created. People are utterly unfamiliar with the god of this universe's boss - the true god.


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Physical creation's purpose is to introduce new spirits to the ideas of evil because good cannot be fully appreciated without the knowledge of evil. He does so in order for the masses to be unable to grasp the purpose and meaning of god and spiritual reality. What the true god's purpose is for the god of the universe is for only a few to be able to grasp and learn true spiritual ideas of evil and experience evil to the fullest to understand that in true spirit only the principles of good can reign!

God does not want a set of automatically controlled yes-nodding humans like we see in the oil fields. Holy Scriptures, the ones I am familiar with make people yes-nodders and make people do religious duties and other extraneous rituals by rote. People pray by rote, they go to church by rote and are obedient to the best they can be by rote. I call that a routine of phoniness.

No! God is interested in communion with us as friends. All he wants from us is to have trust in him in spite of what the environment brings against us. God wants us to be immersed in any and all situation we consider evil, bad, impossible to bear, suffer through, etc. He wants us to almost drown in all the evil; but he wants even more from us - to continue to have trust that all will be well without kowtowing, never-ending strings of the identical ceremonies and rituals and pleas. He wants you to be a friend, to confide in and trust him just as you would your best friend - to continue to have trust and consideration under any circumstances. Talk to him, curse him, explain yourself to him but never lose faith in him!

The devil is there, but he is god for another range of races and species and he wants you to join those races and species. In order to do that he needs you to trample on "god's laws. If the god of the universe does not want you anymore this devil has claims on you as you reincarnate.

The god of the universe is a devil in a higher realm of beings. He is a devil in true reality. Those who offend the true god, so to speak, are rejected in reality and the god of the universe then has claims on those entities. That is how humans came into the world. They literally fell from spirit into the physical world.

The souls that fell from reality believed a lie about true reality and its god. Lie believers are dead to the truth. So when souls incarnate in the physical universe after these souls have been stripped of the true spiritual truth, they are born (materialize) absolutely lacking in the knowledge of true reality, its god and his precept. Babies thus come into the world utterly devoid of spiritual truth or even about the truth colored by the lie the god of the universe would want them to know.

This flip-flop in hierarchy goes all the way down through many species and races and many devils - each opposing the "god" above it. So there are gods/devils for humans, dolphins, dogs, ants and microbes.

Remember, those who are not in reality must be in unreality or some sort of virtual reality. The universe is a system of virtual reality and we are caught in it. The god of the universe is supreme commander there, but not without the consent and orders of the true god. The trap is divinely designed and its purpose is for lost souls to find back reality. For that purpose the true son of god, posing as the son of the god of the universe, came down into this virtual realm to give us a helping hand; so at least some souls trapped in human bodies may find back their home, true reality. The rest of humans and all other critters are caught in this universe forever (or so it seems).


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Truly, the universe is a place to be lost and remain lost in spiritually. Something very extraordinary must happen to a soul to again be placed in reality; because the default route for lie-believers is to wander further and further from the spiritual truth into the morass of utter spiritual and mental confusion.

In just 55 years I have seen most of the norms and attitudes in American society take an 180o flip, such as America legally being a republic to legally being a democracy, the Caucasian race as the innovators and inventors of modern society, popular dress code, style, modesty, body piercing and tattoos, and so many more. Not that I see anything wrong other than that all this change was planned and incorporated into society through law, law-enforcement, educational-conditioning, the media, and brainwashing - in short: through propaganda.

Just as Pre-war Germany was led by the nose by Nazi-indoctrination to denigrate and abuse Jews American society is led by the nose by a secret coordinated plan; but Americans do not have the slightest notion that this is taking place and for what reasons.

Through all history I can see a devilish spiritual agency at work through the intermediary of a bunch of human beings. Its purpose: to lead souls deeper into the morass of lies believed. Physical reality must have its cause in such persistent spiritual lie-enforcement.

True reality cannot be responsible for a reality in which the lie reigns but I can see that in our own lives lies uttered and believed can forever change our perceived reality.

Hans van Krieken

You can learn more from his websites http://thetruthabout-reality.com and http://www.win-bets-consistently.com c) Copyright - Hans van Krieken. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Hans_VanKrieken

Reality and the Creation of Subordinate Systems of RealityBy Hans VanKrieken

A true reality cannot exist solely in itself because it would prevent the expansion of the reality. If, in a scenario of reality a lie can be uttered by one entity and believed by another it is proof that this scenario of reality is virtual or fictional.

True reality is one whole that exists in truth within itself. The oneness of this form of reality prevents that itself is corrupted. This is truth or god. But truth/god would have no meaning as such if a lie cannot be introduced in any manner or form. It would be an awareness of utter boredom.

This is the reason for the creation of an intermediary form of reality where the secondary system itself is true to itself. It cannot allow a lie to be promulgated by one entity and believed by another without stringent repercussions to the liar and the believer of lies. If such an


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occasion presents itself a tertiary reality springs into being into which the liar and the believer of the lie are translated. The source code of this secondary system of reality - a virtual reality - allows entities in this form of reality to be completely in accord with the truth of the primary reality. It also immediately isolates and subjects liars and believers of lies to the controls of a secondary source code. This lower form source code is the system of control through which tertiary systems of awareness come into being based on the inputs of the lies believed.

The means of communion between the primary reality and the secondary reality is the good spirit. This spirit reigns throughout the regions where entities act and respond to the truth of god. This spirit insures that these realms act as if one. This secondary realm is called the son.

The tertiary system of awareness is one created by the nature of the lie promulgated and believed by others. A lie uttered and not believed by anyone is an item of pure nothingness. It has no life and no meaning. The meaning of the lie comes into being for those involved in a lie through being subject to the secondary source code and through the mental reaction of those who believed the lie.

This tertiary system of awareness is entirely isolated from the two forms of reality above it. It exists as if created and operated from within itself. It has its own god The primary liar) and its own reigning spirit. Certain forms of religion call this spirit the Holy Spirit. In truth, this spirit is the spirit of deceit.

The believers of the lie(s) are the creators and the subjects of this tertiary form of fictional reality, but its creation could not have happened without the catalyst of the lie promulgated. The catalyst, the liar so to speak, is the reason and thus the god of this tertiary reality. It is by the wits of this catalyst that the fictional reality came into being and through which awareness the higher systems of reality are lost to mind and senses.

This tertiary form of reality is entirely fictional and has lost all contact with the upper forms of reality. This is the meaning of being lost in spirit or in one's soul being. In truth, such a soul-being exists in nothingness. The source code of this reality is based on a formula like: anything, at any time or in different times and in one region, in several or all regions, can be equal and/or unequal to anything; where everything is relative to the point of view or awareness of those who can be brainwashed in one or more regions and time span to believe in one (or more) particular sub-ordinary system(s) of lies or propaganda.

This is in conformance with god's word in the Old Testament that says that nothing new under sun happens or will happen. What happened in the past is equal but not necessarily identical to what can happen now in this spiritually fictional universe. (The world and the heavens were destroyed before and will be destroyed again. The reason for this lies in the behavior and stupidity of the human races. From my observation of human secular and religious behavior I can see that the battle of Armageddon will come to pass. The god of this universe operates us like robots. He has that indisputable authority and power over us. We have no real input other than some sort of compliance to his will; but when a group of people takes so thoroughly control over the rest of mankind in trying to supplant god's authority god will act in ways human conspiracies cannot fight.)

There are no limitations to physical reality other than that the truth must remain hidden and concealed from the soul-minds brainwashed by the original lie. Therefore, entities in this form of reality can be trapped so deep in nested sets of spiritual and physical forms of reality


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distorting propaganda that the higher forms of propaganda have been completely submerged into priorly-created, subconscious systems of awareness.

These differing systems of nested sets of propaganda to which deceived spiritual entities have given their trust are the origins of the innumerable sets and varieties of species, races and environments. These systems of propaganda also are the source for environments such as soils, rocks, water, fire and air. Everything in physical reality exists because of one or more false believe systems held in soul(s).

What is truly happening in the secondary reality to those who promulgated a lie and to those who believed it is that they lost complete awareness of the secondary reality - they fell into a coma from which they cannot recover until they are again introduced to the truth that they forsook. This is almost utterly impossible because of the state of coma these souls are in. That is the reason for the appearance of the present son of god came into this world. He came to introduce the presence of higher forms of reality beyond the bounds and comprehension of human intelligence and experience.

Only those who are utterly in agreement and immersed into the awareness of the secondary system of awareness are alive and present there. All who are integrally involved in a lie promulgated have become powerless and out of communion with this form of reality. This is done to protect this form of reality from corruption.

The secondary reality is thus a buffer between the realms based on lies and the god of truth.

Corruptions can happen to individual spiritual entities but the source code guarantees that these are immediately isolated and relegated to a fictional realm of existence created and experienced solely in the hallucinations of the minds of the deceived souls. Those existing in this fictional reality are bodily still present in the secondary form of reality but they are mentally and operationally out of communion with it; and thus dead to it. This form of death is like death on earth. If one dies one fails utterly to be further in physical communion with the physical reality.

If truth would again be introduced into the mind of any deceived soul, the soul would simply cease to exist in this tertiary system of reality and be elevated into the highest origins of truth, god - hence sons of god because it now knows exactly what god knows - good and evil and the meaning of each without the intermediary of any limiting source code.

Sons of god are the intrinsic creators of subordinate systems of awareness because the sons of god are the composers and controllers of the kinds of source code for the tertiary forms of fictional reality.

Christians are utterly unaware of this true son of god. They only know a secondary manifestation of this true son as the physical human being created and formed through intermediary of the Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost) upon a maiden called Mary. Christians call this secondary manifestation of the son of god Jesus Christ; as, actually, he was conceived through the spirit of god Jehovah.

Christians know Jesus Christ as the son of god, Jehovah (the spiritual introducer of lies); the only god known to them.


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Christians received and obey the messages and teachings of this Jesus Christ, son of Jehovah, as their primary truth. However, the primary reason for the spirit of the true son to appear to human society is to reveal to the lost souls on earth that they exist in a state of isolation from true reality. The true son's teaching again reveal to mankind that a higher true god exists about whom they had/have no knowledge at all.

The book, The Truth About Reality proffers his higher message.

Hans van Krieken

The Great Controversy - Are Dead People Also Dead in Spirit?By Hans VanKrieken

I am dealing here with 2 chapters in this book which book can be obtained through Christian stores and general book stores: "The First Great Deception" starting on page 294 and the following chapter "Can Our Dead Speak To Us?" I have great difficulty following the writer because he claims that according to scripture the dead are dead and cannot be alive in any manner until resurrected unto life or unto the second death at the last day.

I like to follow him in quotes from the bible proffered and give my comments on these. The author begins with the story of Adam and Woman in the Garden and their death through interactions with anything in and about the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The author follows the scheme of Genesis 3 through Genesis and the rest of the bible. This cannot be sanely done.

The result of Adam's and Woman's actions in relation to the tree is DEATH! All that can happen after that moment of death is silence - the silence of death. The author agrees. Yet, how can the author then accept the rest of the bible as relating to the god that does not exist anymore in the minds and heritage of the dead pair and their offspring?

This pair cannot exist further in the sight of the god that said they will surely die the same day they eat of that tree. They do not exist any longer in the presence or in communion with this god of paradise- -this god and paradise or beyond their reach and understanding.

So, what is all the rest of the bible about and our life here on earth? Physical life surely must be in a realm foreign to the true god. If god exists in reality (the only reality possible for the true god) what sort of reality encompasses physical life? Adam, and now after their death, "Eve" are unable to commune or be a further part of paradise and its god.

The god in the rest of the bible is not the god of paradise! This is for sure. It must be clear that A & W saw the true god as a liar and the lair whom they believed as the true god. So, the authentic god in the rest of the bible is the deceiving spirit in the serpent; and Adam and Eve are now physical sexual creatures under this false' god jurisdiction.


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Anyhow, we follow the author further through his quotes in the bible beyond Genesis chapter 3 and will view the bible's opinion on life and death as spoken or ordained by this god (not the true god) of the physical universe. First we must define sin. Adam's and Woman's sin in paradise was that they disbelieved the true god and could not persist in true reality believing a lie about the true god. This disbelief is the great sin. It caused their death- -no other (or following) actions did this. It caused Adam and Woman to die in paradise. Whatever other sins are defined and condemned in the rest of the bible are of another origin and pronounced by another god.

Therefore Satan/Lucifer declared to be the devil in the Old Testament is another entity than the lying spirit of the serpent. Lucifer is a spirit in opposition to Jehovah. These other sins defined in the Old Testament are sins we commit in the state of spiritual death in spirit and (the resultant) physical life, over which life a liar presides as god. Jesus confirms this by referring to humans as dead (let the dead bury their own dead).

This (false) god Jehovah states that if you sin (violate any of his laws you will die; and dead is dead- -a dead entity has no further actions and interactions in the active physical realm. So in this state of physical death communion and interactions with the physically living is utterly impossible. This death is referred to by Christians as the first death. This is so because they utterly forgot that they died as spiritual entities in true reality first.

Man has the capacity, god says, to obey his laws without any trouble. God says that if you do not sin you cannot die. This god claims that his own adversary, the devil, seduces men to transgress his laws. God, Jehovah, blames our transgressions on the works of Satan who seduces men to disregard his laws. This is the reason people die. However, as creatures under the laws of nature, I say, men do not necessarily have the capacity to obey god's laws. The demands for food, shelter, competition for the companionship of the opposite sex, aggression by other men, tribes and nations, famines, floods and other natural disasters cause man to obey the laws of nature naturally and disobey the laws of god naturally.

If this god says that we die if we transgress his laws than this death must be a different death than what Adam and Woman experienced when they partook of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We are already dead by that transgression. See; we are dealing with different gods, different kinds of transgressions and different kinds of death. The author states that after this physical death we do not immediately go onto our reward or eternal punishment. He says in death we are not and he quotes the following from the Bible:

All the wicked will he destroy. The transgressors shall be destroyed together; the end of the wicked shall be cut off, Psalms 145: 20, 37, 38

The wages of sin is death; but the gift of god is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord, Romans 6: 23. David declares that man is not conscious in death. His breath goes forth, he returns to the earth: in that very day his thoughts (and consciousness) perish" Psalms 146: 4

"The living know that they shall die; but the dead no not anything... neither have they anymore a portion forever in anything that is done under the sun. There is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom in the grave, whither you goes" stated by Solomon Ecclesiastes.


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...for as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive, Acts 24: 15, 1 Corinthians 15: 22. I am confused here (I agree that in Adam we are all dead; but then what about the additional death we experience by transgressing god, Jehovah's laws?

The author states, "Upon the fundamental error of natural immortality rests the doctrine of consciousness in death." Thus dead is dead; and we cannot experience anything or act in any capacity.

All who are in the graves shall hear his voice, and shall come forth; they that have done good unto resurrection of life; and they that have done evil unto the resurrection of damnation, John 5: 28-29. The author claims that death is like "not being"- -they do not exist anymore; yet he agrees that the dead shall be vigilant to hear his word- -either the dead are dead and do not exist or the dead do exist and can hear his voice (The transgressors thus come to life again and go unto their second death {third?}, Revelation 20: 6).

Now, in the following chapter the author asks us, "Can the dead speak to us." The answer, of course, is NO! He declares with Apostle Peter, "The patriarch David is both dead and buried, and his sepulcher is still with us this day. For David is not yet ascended into the heavens." Acts 2: 29, 34. So the dead cannot do anything for us.

Now I will quote some sayings of Jesus himself:

Lazarus, Mary and Martha's brother had died and Jesus said he wanted to have the grave opened. Martha said something like, "What for he is dead four days and stinks from decomposition." Jesus answered something like, "No, he is merely sleeping." Dead to us humans is not "dead" to Jesus; and physical life to us is like being dead to Jesus.

After Jesus called Lazarus to come forth, Lazarus was conscious enough to hear Jesus and respond to his command; he rose from his the grave. Jesus also said in answer to a request from a disciple to first bury his father before he could follow Jesus, "Let the dead bury their dead; you follow me." Let's look into this a bit more.

Luke 20: 27 through 39, but especially verses 37, 38: "And Moses clearly proves that the dead are raised to life. In the passage of the Burning Bush he speaks of the Lord as the god of Abraham, the god of Isaac and the god of Jacob. He is the god of the living, not of the dead,..." Here Jesus declares that these three are alive, not dead and inert.

John 10: 18; "I give it (physical life) up of my known free will. I have the right to give it up, and I have the right to take it back. This is what my father (not necessarily god, Jehovah) has commanded me to do." Here Jesus admits that in death he is conscious to demand the return of his life- -because it is his right.

John 8: 51;...; "whoever obeys my teaching will never die"- -so, even in death, Jesus says those who obey his teaching are alive.

John 8: 56; "Your father Abraham rejoiced that he was to see the time of my coming; he saw it and was glad." So, in death Abraham saw Jesus' coming to earth and rejoiced. He was aware of things while dead physically.


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What I am saying is that when we are physically dead, we are not necessarily spiritually dead. But to be physically dead means that we are not in communication in any way with things and events in the physical environment. It does mean that we are dead to paradise and dead to the physical realm at the same time. I do not know whether we are slumbering physically as we are slumbering spiritually (due to our involvement with the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. However we are out of communion with paradise, the true god and when physically dead we are utterly out of communion with the physical environment.

Hans van Krieken

You can learn more from his websites http://thetruthabout-reality.com

c) Copyright - Hans van Krieken. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.


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Are Physical Creatures Real Or is Physical Reality a Misconception Created in Spirit?By Hans VanKrieken

I can see that the mind in every creature is like a tiny computer chip in the great computer system that suspends the universe. The mind has a conscious part to it that is tiny and a subconscious part that is huge. The subconscious part is divided in a personal component and many environmental components that are closely related to the source code of the overall physical environment and activities operating within it.

The huge subconscious part of the mind helps suspend and make real the greater environment and the tiny conscious part takes care of the awareness and actions of the creature in it. The subconscious in creatures also has a section that integrates the creature naturally into its local and greater universal setting. Without such subconscious integration physical awareness and activity could not be possible.

We are all connected spiritually through our subconscious and we are all in agreement about the way the universe is displayed and suspended; but we disagree in our conscious minds that this is so and we disagree and argue about our personal conscious choices and actions because there is a barrier of communication between the conscious and subconscious parts of physical creatures and the environment. Consciously, we are deliberately keeps ignorant of many aspects of ourselves and our environment. This is the key that allows us to experience surprise, fear and instant reactions to situations developing around us.

Just as an era is approaching where most electronics used in the home, including computers have no cables. Power is supplied by transformers coils imbedded in the floors and intercommunications are accomplished through batteries of tiny transmitters that drive and feed information into and from the several peripherals systems such as printers, cameras and cell phones.

We think we see, hear, touch and smell things but they are spiritually introduced through our subconscious and reconfirmed through our senses. I must subconsciously agree that a person or creature that confronts me exists and in this state of agreement I can interact consciously with that person or creature. The subconscious part of our minds is proof that souls are in a coma and that the universe is a virtual realm. It all is an intricate spiritual dreamscape with dream creatures as companions and as enemies. Also, we can all be communally aroused for causes against outsiders so easily because of prior religious, ethnical, ideological, national and local indoctrinations we received since birth. Indoctrinations of all kind are also virtual components in our personal conscious and subconscious elements.

Differing religious and political ideological conditioning in creatures create the situations in the environment through which hostilities against or attractions for others are created, sustained and expressed. The integrated physical creature operates through the introduction of many powerful biologically produced fluids into the bloodstream on an autonomous, reactive and subconscious basis according to age, sex, season and situation; and is transported to nerve


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nodules and brain tissue that arouse the creature into defensive, offensive and sexual feelings and activities. Creatures operate on automatic computer-like routines that force them into personal racial and special character traits, and into individual personality traits and intellectual activities.

Technological ideas are given to individuals that through commercial applications and disciplines convert into implements of war, commerce, medicine, etc. Creatures are spiritually animated and motivated- -there is little coordination of planning and action that is not introduced into the overall behavior of creatures by an overseeing integrating spiritual agency. It is all so cleverly and complexly brought forward from instant to instant so that physical environment seems to be the natural stage on which the play progresses as if naturally and impromptu intended. The artificiality of a chase unto death between prey and predator so impromptu played off that artificiality hardly be detected by onlookers of the incident.

Everything in and of the universe and activities within this setting have a spiritual foundation and everything in the universe is, spiritually speaking, virtually created and perceived by the creatures in it. There cannot be any doubt that everything physical has been designed and introduced into the overall environment by a spiritual agency or a consortium of spirits. Physical existence is a game through which souls learn to recognize and understand principles of good and evil. This understanding is essential for existence in a realm of pure truth.

Hans van Krieken

You can learn more from his websites http://thetruthabout-reality.com and http://www.win-bets-consistently.com

c) Copyright - Hans van Krieken. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

The Great Controversy - Is There a Controversy at All?I am rereading the book "The Great Controversy- -the Storm is Coming"- -no author given. I have read the book a long, long time ago. I am just so amazed at the reformers of the Christian church. They are so fixed on earthly things that they missed altogether the true spiritual aspects revealed in the Bible. It never occurred to any of them that when god can foretell the future he has means to control and stage the scenes and actions of the world. He can thus be said to be the writer, producer and director of his play. Humans through the intermediary of souls are the actors. He knows the script from beginning to end so he can foretell whatever he wants and be correct. The world, thus, is a scene of dramatization and he runs the play according to the script. Even his supposed adversary, the devil, follows his script.

We are obviously dealing in physical reality with a non-real set-up- -a virtual realm in control by this supposed god. You do not have to follow the script! But in order to do that you must understand what sort of relationship you have with this god. He is obviously not sincerely interested in your physical well-being- -humans have been condemned to care for themselves. We, as humans in all parts of the world, have universally agreed to some sort of religious or secular hierarchy of authority that has jurisdiction over laws and the actions, minds and bodies of the people.


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We, as souls, have been given free will but we will not exercise this power to our benefit but have been cowed to follow the script as accurately, physically as humans and spiritually as souls just as the devil does. If any god, whom I love and who supposedly loves me, allowed me to be burned on a stake, I would silently renounce the bugger as my god right on the spot and outwardly sing some psalms while I am being barbequed. I would never make god and the human audience see me sweat!

The god I have is the one I believe. He is the spirit in Jesus. He is my friend; and friends do not allow cruelty to be perpetrated on their friends without doing all possible to prevent such cruelty from happening in spite of all the pious talk by Christians. My advice? Exercise your power; follow the script- -obey the authorities and in your mind do your own thing; follow the one you believe, but know that the person of Jesus hid two characters- -the one manifested to the world as Jesus and the one invisible to the physical senses. The spirit in Jesus is my god in true spirit. Man, even Jesus, followed a script.

Jesus the person spoke almost entire the truth according to the spiritual lie because that was the only way he could reach us in earth. The truth according to the lie is the universe and Jehovah, the serpent, is its god. The spirit in Jesus also spoke but hardly. He spoke, among other places, in that nature in the gospel of John 8. He out-rightly called the god of the universe a lair and a murderer from the beginning. Read the beginning, Genesis 3. The serpent lied to Woman and she believed him even though the god in paradise said that if you get involved with the tree (in which the serpent hangs out) you will die. She died in spirit. She was no more and became alive a mortal human being in the universe- -the place to be when you hold a lie in spirit to be the truth.

Obviously this god of the universe is your friend as long as you follow his script. Big deal; indulge the bugger. Stay out of trouble. It is good and well to state, as Jesus stated it, that you, my followers, will be persecuted because I was and because you believe on me. That does not mean a thing to me. You are persecuted because you are belligerent against the authorities. Jesus is supposed to be higher than all authority.

If I would believe on him I expect him to exercise his authority by intervening in the cruelty being performed. In that case I can be as belligerent as I need to be because I preach Jesus, and Jesus protects my actions and my person. This is what I expect from a friend. If that is true let him prove it by helping me when I proclaim his word in public. My god is peaceful, so he teaches me to be peaceful in my approach to authority.

Why show the authorities that you object? Authorities demand and absolutely insist on obedience. Have you not been pulled over by cops and given this citation and that? They refuse to acknowledge you in any other manner than as prey to their little reign of terror over their supposed segment of jurisdiction. In court you get the same treatment. The law is god; and the law is but a Bale (false god).

If there is no way out in dealing with authority indulge them in their reign- -follow the rules of the road; pay the international organized crime syndicate "IRS" what it demands. What is that to you? You do not have a god that supports you in your efforts to expose and correct evil. History has proven that over and over again! Do as they tell you in public but in private while doing the public thing do your private thing in mind. You are not obliged to tell them what you think. They can only control your actions. History has proven that beyond a doubt as well; and history has proven that god will not help you out.


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For nearly 1500 years the several European religious persecutions against dissenters were most outrageous, vicious and criminal with malice afore thought. As far as I am concerned those who were persecuted in the name of god were partly at fault. If you know what religious authorities will do when you do or say certain things and you do just these things you are actually setting the church up to persecute you. You know the rules, so by doing certain things they abhor they will get at you. Some religious organizations are like international crime syndicates and they operate it that way, with henchmen, body guards, informers, payoffs, extortions, retained corporate lawyers, corruption and all.

In the end, if god's script says you are going to be burned at the stake you will burn; so whose friend is he anyway? It all is only a play! It is a play for our benefit. How does it benefit us to be burned? you ask. Let's face it, your fictional body is burned, just as an actress on stage is presented as being burned, but is she? No way! Your physical body might be burned but your soul is safely in spirit where it cannot be burned; but by believing that you as soul reside in and are part of the human body you might experience being burned. But it is not; just as the persona in the play on stage is burned but not the actor or actress.

We, as souls, are introduced in the physical setting only to learn a very important spiritual lesson. We are supposed to graduate from the play so we can become sons of the true god. The whole object of the deception played on soul is to discover the truth of the matter. We must learn the entire and complete concepts of good and evil. In order to learn about evil we must suffer, dramatize and experience and enact the evil in the physical realm and we must discover that this evil is not what we want. From our knowledge and experience of being the dupe and the perpetrator of evil we can formulate the idea of good in our minds. The truth of the matter is that we must begin to understand that we must in spirit always do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

The physical environment insists that we practice evil and that we are the victims of evil. It is nothing we are guilty of or are sinners for. Having been born into the physical reality holds in that evil reigns in your life supremely as perpetrator and as victim. God designed it that way! The devil is only a mere script persona hiding in the actions of man, beast and the earth. Physical life is a cleverly designed scenario and set-up to teach us as souls a very important lesson.

"The Great Controversy- -The Storm Is Coming" by E. G. White is a book worth reading. The book is available from Christian and, maybe, regular book stores. I believe it was originally published sometimes in the 19th century by the 7TH Day Advent Church.

Hans van Krieken

You can learn more from his websites http://thetruthabout-reality.com and http://www.win-bets-consistently.com.

c) Copyright - Hans van Krieken. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Humans Are the Only Insane Race on Earth - But There is Help


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Physical reality, as seen from true spirit, is a virtual reality. It does not exist. All physical creatures except the human race belong naturally in the physical environment. All those other creatures have accepted so much spiritual, mental and psychic propaganda that any possible reminder of a true reality has been erased from their souls. These creatures can never return to true reality.

The souls in the human race still have the capacity to understand the nature of their spiritual malaise; yet they are so deeply entranced with super-seductive physical reality to realize that it is a dreamed-up reality. Some souls still have the capacity to find the spiritual nature of their banishment. Yet, hardly a soul understands that physical reality is a temporary, kaleidoscopic spiritual fantasy from which one must repent and escape.

Not in true reality, and not anywhere else, can you contest the principles and rules of your native reality. If you actively would contest your native reality in an illegal manner you simply step outside the bounds of that reality and the authorities reigning over that reality will take protective and/or punitive actions against you. That is also the lot of souls captured in the universe. They are lost to their native reality because they contested the authority and validity of their native reality. Your innate, native reality is a gift and it is your duty to uphold. It is your only true reality of being while caught in that belief system. If you disagree with that reality you end up in an unrealistic fantasy.

United States citizens, for example, have not defended the Constitution for the United States of America and thus the nature of their environment has changed from liberty according to the tenets of the original Constitution to bondage according to the tenets of traitors and deceivers in and behind government.

See clearly here: "The environment of liberty based on the original Constitution has vanished. It will never come back. It vanished because the people believed liars in, and behind government. The lies believed destroyed the original environment of liberty. The people now still exist in something called United States of America but the idea and reality of that union in the minds of the people has changed completely. Through the media and teachings in public schools the authorities are constantly changing the concept of what constitutes life in the United States.

The idea of the original constitution still exists. It can be recovered through concerted, agonizing determination and effort; but ignorance of the intent of the original constitution in the minds of the brainwashed young and upcoming generations prevents such repentance. So, even here in earth liberty is lost through people believing lies. The stream of lies continually impinging on society prevents almost every mind from understanding their surrounding political and social environments. Even in the United States of America people are utterly lost in a web of political falsehood and cunning deceit.

For instance President George Bush made the phrase "Compassionate Republicanism" popular and backed his intentions by implementing many socialist measures- -obviously, it never was compassionate in previous republican administrations. The present administration is making us understand that democracy can be and is not compassionate at all. So, at this time, what do the phrases "democratic party and republican party really mean? Have not the


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purposes of these parties merged? Why then do we still retain these parties? Why not identify our government administrations as mere socialistic or, possibly, communist regimes? Did not chairman of the USSR, Khrushchev, foretell us that this would happen?

The same happened to souls in spirit.

You cannot contest, without impunity, the principles and rules of the artificial reality create in the prevailing public opinion you are a part of; whether that reality is the reality of a nation or of a spiritual realm. If one does one is in severe danger of banishment, punishment or injury. Souls relinquishing spiritual falsehood-believed cannot remain in the artificial reality they are caught in; they cannot return to the vanished reality they are quarreling with; so these souls will become aware of another more real environment than all the previous ones to find happiness and contentment.

In the physical realm this could be accomplished through death (cessation of awareness) and birth in another false system of believes. If you are a citizen of one of many nations it is possible to ask for political asylum in another nation. Thus, if you violate the laws, rules and tenets of your society, the authorities, through the available laws (established believe systems), will apprehend and punish you with the consent and support of society.

This implies that the ultimate true reality is housed inside the mind of one eternal creature. When this entity speaks/thinks primary subjective realities appear. Each such primary subjective reality is the mind and presence of another spiritually, creative entity. These primary subjective entities each create an all-inclusive, immutable, reality. Such an all-inclusive reality encompasses its own natively introduced creatures, environment and habitation. Entities created in these tertiary realities are native to that reality- -hence god, sons of god and creatures encompassed in their own environments.

Each god-son, thus, can create their own subjective reality with entities that are innately parts of that reality- -hence in our spiritual reality Adam and Woman. That is the right and intrinsic ability of each god-son. Each god-son can also create a single free-thinking and acting entity that will and can disagree with the tenets of the created subjective reality it is an intrinsic part of; and this free-thinking entity can create an (artificial) reality of its own.

The limitation of this free agency is that it cannot create life entities original and innate to that reality. In order to have its reality inhabited it must seduce entities from its associated tertiary reality to enter into this empty reality/universe. Those caught in the web of illusions spun by this forth-generation god are the deceived souls of creatures found in this physical universe. The foundation of "life" in this physical universe consists of soul-projected creatures. Soul pretends to exist, act and experience physical life through these projections.

Souls ensnared by this lower form of god are not aware of their true native environment. They are kept so busy protecting their flesh projections from harm, providing nutrition for them selves and their offspring, trying to become rulers, escape capture and whatever other intrigues this physical environment entangles them in that they never think of returning to their own native habitat.

Souls can escape from this "spiritually alien" reality by understanding the principles of the trap. If they escape from that reality they become the aggregate of another independent son of god because of their newly-won understanding. This is so because these souls have


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understood the principles of creating artificial realities and the foundation these artificial realities have in the ultimate creative entity- -ultimate god. By knowing this ultimate creative entity they become his sons. After all, you are what you believe; and ultimately what you know in truth. The purpose of spiritual life is to learn to know ultimate truth. By knowing the truth one has the right to become part of that ultimate truth.

Only in a virtual or artificially created environment can all entities in it be a threat to each others' physical health and safety- -and for humans also a threat to financial security and to mental and physical enslavement. Only a virtual reality can be so constructed that nothing can be fully understood or trusted. Only in a virtual reality can a person never be at ease and comfortable because the inner and outer environments are rife with uncertainties, unexpected changes, and booby traps that can go off any moment to cripple the mind and the body of any person for life. Only in a virtual reality must a creature be born to die away from it. Only in a virtual reality can the biological, mental and psychic being of any creature and its environments be a deadly threat to itself and others. Only in a virtual reality can a creature feel fearful, hopeless and utterly abandoned. Only in a virtual reality can a person be betrayed. Only while embracing a spiritually false believe system can a creature find relief from all suffering by dying away from that environment; and only while in a state of betrayal in spirit will a soul try to find solace from spiritual isolation by being born again into that virtual reality.

The universe is the playground of evil. No spiritual good has ever occurred in it. The only salvation from the lie-believed in spirit is soul for to repent of that lie. Human repentance means nothing. All one can ever own or be in physical reality is 'nothing"; because nothing in the universe has spiritual value. Physical reality is nothingness in spirit.

The only value of physical reality is to understand its underlying spiritual purpose- -to know what purpose this universe has in the overall expression of true reality.

Those set on having their education, power, wealth and prestige in earth can only have them in their comatose, spiritual dream world. Their spiritual brainwashing and the seduction of false promises have solidified in physical and mental concrete so that they, already, almost resemble creatures in the animal kingdom- -lost to true reality.

The rich and powerful can only be so by following rules and making rules for others. Rules are the very structural framework for the creation of all sorts of artificial realities. In animals rules have set so thoroughly in mental and psychic concrete that these rules can be considered to have become part of their species' and racial characteristics and instincts. By following rules repetitiously one becomes brainwashed to the concepts the rules represent- -hence instincts that are peculiar to mammals, reptiles, fish and insects.

These rules, by the way, may have structure and purpose or none at all. It is just the mentality of having to follow rules (any odd rules at all) that cause the mental conditioning. This is a principle discovered by Nazi propaganda scientists and expanded on by the late, Chinese communist party leader Mao Zedong.

Every artificial reality depends on the assumption of a lie (conceptual idea) as the foundation of the reality. Once the lie has been formulated, rules based on the lie can be constructed to make the artificial reality work. Once that has been accomplished, entities must be brainwashed to believe that the artificial habitat is real and that they can exist in it. Hence the


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production and suspension of the physical universe; and we, brainwashed souls as artificial creatures in it. Being born into and believing in the righteous might and protection of the United States of America makes citizens of The United States; yet, it is all but a belief system enforced on US citizens and aliens alike. It is a perfect example of how a virtual reality is created and maintained.

People do not realize that the moment they are born physically they begin to die. Souls also do not realize that soul is eternal and cannot return to a higher form of reality until soul realizes that it exists in the belief of a lie.

Universes based on false spiritual concepts are the alternate places to be for souls believing a lie. So, after physical death there can be no other choice for a lie-believing soul but to reincarnate into an artificial reality; and as soon as soul does so, it begins to die away from that reality.

So, if you do not buy my book and do not get the truth of existence, spiritually and physically, you can look forward to an eternity of continual death (religions refers to this as eternal death).

God gave soul all the help that could be given in true reality and, also, in this virtual realm- -the rest is up to soul. You can never judge a book by its cover; and you can only judge after knowing the facts.Read "The Truth About Reality". There is no book like it!

Hans van Krieken

You can learn more from his websites http://thetruthabout-reality.com and http://www.win-bets-consistently.com.

c) Copyright - Hans van Krieken. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Religion - the Great Curse of MankindBy Hans VanKrieken

Religion is a curse forced on mankind by control-freak criminals.

Man has no real use for religion. It is not a tool for peace but a tool used by the worst kind of mind criminals to subdue, exploit and control masses of people. Through the ages religion has brought about separation- -not communion and love; war- -not peace; forced servility- -not liberty. Religion caused alienation, separation and persecution of classes and races of people.

Religion separates members of the same family, neighbors, people from the same town, people of different towns, regions and nations.

Religion has caused the most brutal kind of persecutions, murder of individuals and masses of people, torture, cruel ostracization, individual and mass hatred, and generally extreme unhappiness. You name anything bad; religion has been found guilty of it.


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Religions, like all other sorts of ideology, are related in scheme and execution.

God hates religion and religious expressions. These buy god nothing; and it buys religious people nothing. Religious expressions are expressions of ignorant cowardly people. It expresses itself through cowardice and fear. God wants honesty and courage- -not feigned obedience and true revelation of one's inner self. God wants to restore communion, but this restoration of communion must come from soul and not from god.

Other kinds of religion, but never recognized as such, are adoration of government, adoration and subjection to constitutions, institutions and the corporate structure, racial and specie identification, and last but not least, the love of money. All these categories show criminal inclination through mass-controlled and invoked malevolent expressions.

Religion is really non-communication between people and god. The god of the universe does not recognize anyone in love but as mere slaves. He is the one who captured us. He may be responsible for our physical forms and operation but he did not create our souls. He just uses our souls.

Even the god of all true spirit cannot recognize us because we are out of communion with him through the belief in a lie about him. As long as souls/humans continue to believe that they can have communion with the true god while holding a lie about him in their hearts this god does not even know you.

The entire universe, every creature and all relationships in the universe are based on lies believed. The universe is fiction and it constitutes a spiritual, virtual mental dream. This is so because all we know, believe and accept as truth is based on deceitful spiritual and physical sorts of propaganda. In truth lies cannot exist and liars cannot be rewarded. In the physical realm the only thing that brings reward are clever schemes of lies perpetrated on others.

There is no truth in the physical realm. If the physical realm cannot contain truth it must be fiction. In fiction any type of lower forms of fictions are permitted and truth must be shut out. If truth would not be cleverly shut out the fictional universe would disappear.

As long as you do not agree or understand this fact you remain a non-entity to god. This is not due to any ideas or actions of god but due to beliefs held in soul and in our human hearts that are untrue.

We may claim that our hearts are pure but your spiritual and physical indoctrinations make you willing slaves to the enemies of the true god and yourself. The true God only recognizes free spirits and free thoughts. Thoughts induced or modified by religion, government, ideologies and in spirit make you your own worst enemy.

Your purpose on earth is to recognize that you fear the true god because you come before him with unclean hands and minds. Once you know you are spiritually unclean you can repent in spirit. Repentance and baptism in the sense of human understanding (according to John the Baptist's standard) is a spiritually useless action. Not the human creature but the soul must repent.

All the true God wants is for you to recognize the liar in spirit (the generally recognized Great Spirit or god of the universe is that spiritual liar) and the lie he told your soul that you


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believed; and to, then, repent of these and make amends. Standing before the true god in that fashion can have no other outcome but to be enfolded in his love and perpetual truth because then you are a true son of the true god.

This does not take one iota of religiousness or togetherness. It takes purely, individual courage, spiritual humility and repentance. Once all these things have been accomplished you cannot find any greater friends than in this true god and this false god; because behind the scenes they work together (like man and wife) to create new sons of god.

One of the criteria to be a son of god is that you recognize lies and desist from believing lies. Religion is utterly devoid in accomplishing this because it feeds you lies and makes you comfortable in holding these false believe systems in your heart.

To be seen by the true god you must stand alone (you cannot rely on anyone) and you cannot be influenced by anyone. Interference form any physical quarter in trying to find your self back in spirit will only cause you to be deceived more.

Once you understand your spiritual crime (not a physical sin or crime) you know that you have only one master, teacher, friend and loving god and he will embrace you always. He is in true spirit and does not exist, know or control the universe.

The ultimate god is real because no one can make that god a liar. What he says is truth. If you differ with him on anything you are kicked out of reality by your own wrong belief. You have made yourself unreal because you made the true god a liar in your heart.

Your false god can be any religiously recognized god, an ideology, a certain kind of government (like democracy or communism), racial superiority, anything you hold in your heart to be more important and valuable than the love in truth of the true god. He is false because you can make him to be anything you believe. You can only know the true god. How can you know him? By recognizing him from before you believed him to be a liar.

So, you are either utterly alone in courage or utter together with the other cowardly outcasts from reality by expressing a sense of physical self-worth and importance to the physical universe.

You can see that all graduates of higher learning are barred from repenting and from the spirit of truth. These people have tied themselves (status-wise and financially) too much to physical believe systems. They falsely believe that their learning gives them rewards in hell while they continue to remain enemies of the god of true reality. They like fiction better than truth because they are too strongly tied to their own physical nature and the physical environment.

Hans van Krieken

You can learn more from his websites http://thetruthabout-reality.com and http://www.win-bets-consistently.com.

c) Copyright - Hans van Krieken. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Hans_VanKrieken


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To Be Or Not to Be, That is the Question- - To Be is Being Spirit, Not to Be is Being PhysicalBy Hans VanKrieken

Memory is a pseudo-spiritual device to keep us locked into the physical frame of mind. 99.999% of all people who have ever lived are stuck, were stuck and will remain stuck in their minds about some incident in the past- -some incident that the mind cannot pass over and forget. A brain must think and thinking is mulling over some incident in the past. That is all it can ever do. It does so in the hope of making the future more clear and certain so that it may overcome some other obstacle. However, mind gets stuck in an incident it could not solve and was the effect of. It is still looking for a solution, and will die doing so. The thing mulled over is always an emotional concern- -of pride, imagined love, or retaliation.  

Mind is the device used to keep us locked into a universal frame of mind that continues to trap us into physical awareness. The brain does not allow us to disconnect from our human conditioning. Even Buddhists, who train and pride themselves to think nothing, are stuck into thinking. They think nothing and bring great effort to bear to do that. Nothingness is the state of mind Adam and Woman fell into right after they believed the lie about their true god and their true environment, paradise. It is a state that occurred after they were deceived and were relegated to non-being- -not being in reality (Jesus referred to this state as having been thrown, tied and bound, into outer darkness. Reread that parable in the New Testament and you will see that it fits this situation.).  

Adam and Woman were created to know the truth about their god and their environment. When they accepted a lie about these, they were no longer in truth but in a fantasy, a fiction of reality, nowhere at all. Their bodies fell and became inert but still alive. Their minds went blank, or; they could think of nothing at all. The serpent had to reinforce his first lie with an entirely new system of lies from which sprang a new scenario of being (entire systems of lies- -such as the creation of a computer-based game scenario) so that their minds could reorient themselves into a fictional reality which reality proved to be the physical environment. The tension between true reality and the false one created a memory system that, vainly, constantly tries to interpret their new understanding with their primary one. It is an effort in futility. Reality vanished from their minds and a virtual reality sprang up. Deceived souls now exist entirely in their minds. They lost coordination and awareness in paradise as integrated beings altogether.  

All creatures have brains so all creatures, trees and insects and bacteria, think non-stop. It is part of their soul's conditioning. If soul could, it would reject the fiction and again wake up in reality. This is impossible. That is the reason the spirit of god came into earth as a human (an artifact of fiction) to again reacquaint us with true reality. But by coming into earth as a human creature he became part of the sensational system on which physical awareness rest and thus in his human form god (in Jesus) reinforced the lie. He had no other choice to get into communion with souls that were dead to true reality. Jesus descended into hell in order to teach us the real truth- -but in doing so he reinforced the truth according to the lie also. People


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got stuck into believing the lie and simply could not grasp the truth he came to bring us from true spirit.  

His human appearance was the only manner to get in contact with soul again so this deceit was part of the plan to reacquaint us with truth. But now, those who do not have spiritual eyes to see and spiritual ears to hear can only understand the spirit in Jesus as physical creatures. They could only see Jesus as a human with a false, spiritual human nature (and Jesus as primarily human). There was no one who could have the truth he preached at that time. It took 2000 years for someone who was sufficiently spiritually aware to finally understand his true message and to make it public openly. Thus, we who understand and know the truth he came to bring are the new Adam and Woman because we are different from any creature that ever lived. We know the only truth that will set us free. This truth will allow us to truly repent. This is the baptism with fire for it consumes our belief in the spiritual lie. The way John the Baptist demanded repentance was repentance toward the false god the serpent for something that was not religiously lawful.  

All my efforts for the remainder of my live will be dedicated to bring that truth to you too. Do not take this message too lightly are spurn it. You do so at your own spiritual destruction.  

I wonder what animals are thinking about when their bellies are full and they are whiling their time a way till they get hungry again. Believe me, they are thinking, remembering things and turning them mover in their minds. The physical brain cannot not-think. As long as it is awake it thinks.  

Every creature is trying to make physical life meaningful, but it is an impossible task because physical existence is utterly meaningless to spiritual entities. We do so through the efforts of thinking. We are trying to be and live our spiritual and physical conditioning. We are just dreaming 'their' power and truth of being into the pit of spiritual death. Dreaming fictional existence in spirit is choosing 'not to be'.   Religion, thus, is mere wishful thinking when considered from a standpoint in truth. Religion is based on human misconceptions; and these have nothing to do or in common with the truth Jesus or any other true guru came to bring us. There is no truth to be found in any religion, including also all strains of Christendom.  

"To be" as humans is to dramatize one's spiritual and physical systems of false belief; which systems are nothing more than the brainwashing we received from the serpent in spirit and from our parents, religion affiliations, governments and school systems. It is all spiritual hogwash. Truth can only be grasped by understanding Jesus' true message. When that is fully grasped, the meaning of the universe is nil and upon one's death one will wake up in true spirit.  

How come you cannot get in touch with your soul? It is because if you could you would not be 'here' anymore. Your soul values being here (physically) in you more than getting you (as its dream character) to get in touch with it. How can a character in your dream get in touch with you? It can't; because if the dream character could it would vanish because you, the person, would have awakened. There is a hermetic seal between your dream character and your person. The dream character can only be suspended in the dream as long as you are asleep or unconscious. So, what Jesus told us is utterly correct. He said that by ourselves we could do nothing (spiritually). Whatever can be done must come from him (as spirit) as he did in me. My understanding in truth is the spirit in Jesus' goal and triumph in his mission on


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earth. You, also, can share in this triumph. That is my greatest wish. Understanding Jesus' true message has blown a hole in the spiritual hermetic seal.  

Did not Jesus say that he was the Way, the Truth and the Life? He also said that he was the door. He is the door to what? To true reality! He is the hole blown into this hermetic seal between physical reality and spiritual reality. He is the way back; because of his hidden message of truth I can now broadcast this truth into all humanity. The truth shall set you/soul free and it cost you/soul nothing- -nothing of consequence in spirit anyway. For us humans it means that we must forsake our life, our understanding of the universe and of physical being entirely. It is the price for the treasure buried in the field. It costs you all you have as soul, the false belief that fiction is better than reality.

Soul likes to suspend you in the virtual physical environment more than waking up because then it would have to face reality. What is reality for a deceived soul? Its reality is to face the true god whom he called a scoundrel and a liar. Remember, we, humans, are mere dream characters; we are not the conscious of the soul. We (as humans) are because of the soul-unconscious. We might be soul's subconscious. As subconscious we like it here (the fancy) better than to be in true reality. The religious priests in Jesus' time said that Jesus had a demon. They could not understand the spirit in Jesus' ability to preach and do impossible miracles. See, they still called their true god in spirit evil- -a devil.  

In the case of knowing and understanding the truth of our spiritual predicament, as I do now, allows soul's subconscious (our human nature) to surface in the soul's awareness. This is the process that will awaken soul upon expiration of this incarnation of its subconscious (me as a human). Now, understand: This could only be possible because Jesus, as spirit, came among us. It was (his) spirit's doing. In my own capacity it would be utterly impossible.  

So, consider the crucial question (now fully interpreted), "To be or not to be," all over again. I wonder if Shakespeare ever understood the real importance of that question. In Shakespeare's time religious law forbade him to state that openly so he may have cloaked his understanding of the question in a fictitious drama. Shakespeare was no fool!

Hans van Krieken

You can learn more from his websites http://www.thetruthabout-reality.com and http://www.sciencefictionofreality.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Hans_VanKrieken

Orthodoxy ExplainedBy Hans VanKrieken

Orthodoxy is basically belief and order by the book-human based and interpreted authority. The book referred to by orthodoxy is either religious scripture-the Old Testament scriptures of the Jewish religion or such a thing as the Quran adhered to by Islam. Hinduism and Buddhism have their own scriptures on which these define their and religious orthodoxy. We even have


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a perverted form of orthodoxy in America-the Constitution for the United States. It is constitutional scripture that forces all patriotic Americans into a belief system that will enslave them as people ever deeper. You simply cannot trust men and the devices designed by men-at least not as a soul that seeks spiritual redemption. Americans are religiously American. They are deceived spiritually.

Islam is orthodoxy because Muslims go which much that is written in the Pentateuch and what is added thereon by a person declared to be a prophet, Mohammed. No deviation of understanding is allowed but what is given to the people by the authorities of interpretation-learned clerics and, especially, a cartel of such clerics.

Jesus fought orthodoxy like the plague but he could not overcome the effects of orthodoxy of Old Testament scripture, because even his apostles and disciples could not shake themselves loose from Old Testament orthodoxy.

Jesus came to undo the effects of religious orthodoxy so that people would be able to listen with all their minds, hearts and beingness to what Jesus was trying to teach them.

Basically, Jesus taught that if you adhere to orthodoxy as established by the authorities you will not and cannot repent of spiritual sin and you thus cannot be redeemed to the state before our souls were deceived by the serpent.

The New Testament tells of a woman who tried to praise Jesus by saying, blessed are the breasts that gave you suck. Jesus replied that those who could understand and do the words Jesus taught are blessed more than those breasts. Jesus steered the woman away from importance of, and dependence on the human form to the idea of believing in the spirit in him who comes from the true god. Jesus set himself apart from Jehovah's power structure whenever the opportunity presented itself. Forget what is written; depend on what I, Jesus, say for your salvation; do not depend on any scriptures and human authority.

Forget all you ever were taught! Become again as little children and take whatever I, Jesus, say as truth for you. Jesus, on purpose, stayed away from writing down his thoughts on a medium that could be preserved through the ages. Jesus taught us ideas, not proclamations to be written down and to be reinterpreted throughout history and to be adhered to. Jesus wants to commune heart to heart-spirit to spirit, in present time. He wants you to forget all that your parents and school authorities ever pounded into you. He is prevented even today to do that because we are imbued with the creed of religions through orthodoxy to such an extent that we cannot be present now with the spirit in Jesus.

There is not a man that can tell you the truth-not even Jesus. Jesus must ultimately reach us as spirit not as man. That is why he sent his spirit, the Comforter. That spirit, Jesus told us, is the Comforter he would sent after Jesus had ascended into heaven. Why did Jesus have to wait to send that entity? It is because he, in spirit, is that entity. Jesus as Comforter is always waiting outside your heart, for you to allow him in so he can teach you truth of spirit (spirit to spirit, not the interpretations and fantasies of men based on scripture). The trouble is that the religious human mind is so much filled with the authorities of men that man sees this Comforter as a demon that is talking inside his head that he must try to withstand and reject with all his heart. The spirit in Jesus does not want your religious affiliation bound to doctrine and concepts of creed, but he insists that you open your spiritual ears and heart and thus listen just to him.


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Jesus has absolutely no connection to the Old Testament. Jesus accused the on-scripture based-authority of men as being white-washed tombs. Tombs, made to look splendid and impressive on the outside but within are full of corruption, filth and spiritual death.

Jesus taught for us to drop any sort of religion forced on us by false spirits (Jehovah) and the power of human authority (clerics and religious leaders). Jesus even taught us to shun all human teachers, leaders and fathers. Jesus wants you to follow him, as a new-born baby, in spirit and relearn truth not the physical way but as it is in spirit. Nothing learned from man can advance your redemption into true spirit because the universe cannot hold the spiritual truth. If it could, it would vanish instantly because the universe, the idea of a universal existence is placed in the mind of your deceived soul. Soul must understand the truth because physical man can never have the spiritual truth. Human existence is entirely based on the belief of a spiritual lie held in the heart of soul. We are human because our souls have lost the ability to be present in truth.

There are two kinds of truth. There is the truth based on a lie believed--facts in accordance to the concepts woven from a system of lies believed. This kind of concept is identical to the concept on which binary codes of computers are based and on which programs of reality are based that are run on such computers. Unreality is a virtual realm. Everything based on unreality is not real. This is what we refer to as the authority of the universe-orthodoxy.

There is also truth as it is forever in spirit. This kind of truth cannot be found in the concepts and minds of men, because men cannot hold truth within themselves. Truth is the truth of which your deceived soul was robbed when you were told, and believed a lie in spirit-a system of lies-believed that locked soul into a universal physical setting and that prevents humans attached to comatose souls from participating in the realm based on just plain spiritual truth.

Jesus, thus, wants to separate your human mind from interfering with what Jesus is teaching you in truth. Jesus as Comforter bypasses all things material. He tries to establish contact with your soul, not your mind. Your mind is in control of the deceiver-Jehovah. He is in control through the manipulative power over your mind through inputs into your belief system established and maintained by him, Jehovah. Jesus wants to circumvent this all-powerful demonic interference so he can commune, spirit to spirit, and reeducate you into the concept of pure truth so that you can be born again in spirit. The mind of man can never inherit the spiritual kingdom of truth, only your soul in true spirit can.

One must drop all one's sophistication. Educated professionals and highly trained individuals are not able to do that because all they place value on is encompassed by their expertise, education and professional status. Jesus' Kingdom of Heaven will have no university graduates and members of the clergy in it. They are as less able to make it in the kingdom of heaven as a camel is able to move through the eye of a sowing needle. As a matter of fact actively participating members of modern society are unable to enter the kingdom. So what good are all your education and modern conveniences going to do you?

Hitler spoke of a welt particular anshaung-physical concept of understanding the world. Jesus wants you to forget anything to do with the world and how you view it; and again track by spirit-anshaung. It is only by negating the world entirely that spiritual truth can again be comprehended. So, it is absurd for a true Christian to go out and vote, to be part of an integrated system designed and maintained by people of power, wealth and authority. To be


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concerned about physical life in any manner prevents you from being born again. Jesus, and I, here, set before you a very difficult proposition. If you want to be redeemed with all your heart and SOUL, you must forsake all things physical. It is your physical body that prevents you from being born again. Your physical body is the greatest impediment to being redeemed in spirit. It is your greatest spiritual enemy. Your body is your spiritual enemy within your lie-captured soul.

All Jesus' teachings revolve around again getting a spirit-anshaung.

Welt-anshaung is the greatest orthodoxy there is. It separates one from spirit completely.

Paul understood a bit about the corruption and deceit that comes from orthodoxy. He stated in 1 Corinthian 2: 5; 6, "Your faith, then, does not rest on human wisdom (that based on authority-clerics) but on god's power. Yet I do proclaim a message of wisdom to those who are spiritually mature (those who are weaned from depending on the declarations of the clerics). But it is not the wisdom that belongs to the world or the powers that rule the world-powers that are losing their power." Paul is correct and wrong in his last sentence.

Those who attach all importance to the body will remain caught in the all-powerful mental power grid of the world, but those who forsake the world entirely, the power of the world will lose all hold. Since Paul was addressing believers in Jesus he supposed that they had forsaken the power the world has through their bodies. The problem today with Christendom is that they have become pagan all over again. They place importance on the physical rather than on the spiritual. So, essentially, the Jesus' message has been completely lost today.

Paul understands that not man and his body are of any avail, but soul that underlies the human form and also idea of rational man. Yet Paul was so attached to physical life that he made a statement in a later epistle that says that the body will be transformed into an immortal body. Here Paul is entirely wrong. All that is attached, mentally and physically, to the concept of physical life must vanish. Nothing physical can remain. Your true and original spiritual body is still awaiting you in spirit. It is not now animated because soul/you has left it by believing in a lie. By soul being able to again accept the tenets of truth it will be allowed to inhabit that body in spirit and to reanimate it. This is the idea behind the phrase "being born again in spirit". The body you pretend to have in physical reality is as "virtual" as the physical universe itself. These are the creations of the deceiver, the serpent/Jehovah. Christians still worship Jehovah so the truth cannot be in them and so redemption into spirit of truth is not possible.

Orthodoxy is deadly poison spiritually

If you can grasp and exercise this you will have done a greater thing that Jesus ever did.

I do not say that you must comprehend it all now but you'd better comprehend and practice it when you die. The power of Jehovah over us is too great to overcome in daily life. At time of your death you cannot have representatives of orthodoxy (the advocates of Jehovah-the ways of religious men) at your side. If you do, it will be your spiritual death. At that time you must be in spirit with the spirit in Jesus only. If you want to follow the spirit in Jesus, you must forget your (physical) self completely (Mark 8: 34-38). What better moment but the moment of death when the universe loses its power over you. To be worthy of redemption you must be entirely powerless and be powerless by choice, not by decree of others. Die with the spirit in Jesus, not in the spirit of religion at your side. If you die with religion at your side you will


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reincarnate and have to do the entire route all over again, infinitely. Your soul is virtually eternal; so if you, as soul, believe a lie your only choice is to reincarnate; just to have a place to be. Handle your face to face relationship with Jesus this time of death and have it over with it forever.

See death as a liberation from all powers. In spirit you are free, especially from powers of deceit (Mark 10: 42-45). The spirit in Jesus wants no power over you; he just wants to be with you in spirit.

Human Emotions Present in Matter, Plants and Animals Explained

A Japanese gentleman, Masaru Emoto, wrote a book called The Hidden Messages in Water, and illustrated the book with dozens of photos of crystals that formed under varying conditions it was placed in. Dr. Masaru Emoto has taken hundreds, maybe thousands of photos of the formation of ice crystals at about -4 degrees F. He allowed the water to freeze under many varying conditions such as exposing the water to Beethoven's and Mozart's classical music, heavy metal music, gospel songs, hymns, Japanese, French, English, Spanish, etc. children songs, Buddhist chants and prayers of the several creeds of religion. He also used different kinds of water such as tap water from New York City, Tokyo, London and many other cities, and water from artesian wells from around the world, melting snow etc. The water was also exposed to sweet talk, stern commands and prayer.

The special thing Dr. Masaru Emoto observed is that water shows emotions towards the several natural conditions of water, the music, chants and songs to which it is exposed. The crystals show that water is not happy when corrupted with harsh chemicals such as chlorine, fluoride, etc. Beautiful crystals form when Mozart and Beethoven are played, but the crystals have there own characteristics with respect to Beethoven and to Mozart. Beethoven has more pristine beauty and Mozart is more romantic and adapted to please rather than to impress. The water shows the characters in music between these two. The water forms nice crystals when one says, "Please do such or so"; but when the order, "Do it!" is repeated, ill-formed/chaotic crystals form.

The several kinds of human-corrupted tap water refuse to form crystals at all. Water placed near a microwave oven again forms chaotic crystals. Heavy metal music has the effect of the water forming ugly masses of crystals. It is really very remarkable. I was perplexed to tell you the truth. How could an inorganic substance show these remarkable human reactions? I let the matter rest and the next morning (this morning, really) the answer shot into my awareness. What these experiments suggest is that water has a spiritual quality. We are souls underneath our physical forms. Jesus stated that the physical form is as nothing and the spirit is all. I have stated and proven in my articles and book that everything is soul/deceived-spirit and that the souls associated with even the most harsh and corrosive chemical substances at one time were associated directly with human bodies and intelligence.

The souls associated with water retain there memory of once having been a human being and these souls remember the experiences, emotions and suffering they were exposed to as


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humans. One way these souls associated with water still reflect their memories about these emotions is in the way they create crystals. They will express there feelings, creativity and emotions in certain abilities left to them as water. One of these is the creating of crystals--in other words, the souls associated with water do emotionally and on a certain level rationally try to communicate with souls that now are human beings. The souls associated with water know when they are observed by souls associated with human intellect.

On the same level we can observe the behavior of animals in the wild. These are harsh, unforgiving creatures while hunting, yet are tender when caring for the young. But when animals are associated with human beings as pets or beasts of burden and when they are well cared for and loved these creatures begin to show definite human sorts of emotions. This is often expressed in movies where horses whinny when the owner comes close after a time of absence, etc. We are all well familiar with pet behavior. It is a behavior almost completely contrary to the same kind of behavior in animals in the wild.

They take on human emotional characteristics. There is a common characteristic running throughout the animal world, especially noticeable in large mammalian predators such as lions, tigers and killer whales. They all show a natural respect for human beings. Killer whales will never attack a human being and sharks only do when they are in a feeding frenzy or when not immediately aware they are attacking a human being. Pet dogs may attack humans but these do it to protect their masters or when trained as watch dogs. Kurilian photography has shown the incredible ability in life leaves and branches of plants to predict exactly the path of break in the leave or branch before it is actually broken.

The Kurilian photo is taken before the leave or branch is broken and the break in the leave as shown in the photo is compared with the broken leave or branch are broken. Kurilian photos are taken when plants are exposed to high electrical voltage. I do not remember how exactly it is all done, but I do vividly remember the photographs. Plants, also, react to the good care of its owners. Plants show emotions when they are exposed to music, music by Mozart in particular. Having all these emotional reactions from organic creatures and inorganic materials available to me for observation, I can now clearly see that my hypothesis that all matter and all creatures have the exact same kind of souls underlying their physical projections is valid. Scientists say that everything in the universe is energy, although they cannot discern where the energy originally comes from. Universal energy comes from spirit.

Universal energy does not come from rational spirit but from irrational spirit. This irrational spirit is controlled by a rational spirit who designed and controls how irrational spirit projects its energy and in what manner it projects its material forms through a set of highly detailed general laws of physics and chemistry. What I know of souls' journey through the several species of humans, animals, plants, organic and inorganic matter, and even through the stages of non matter and anti matter is that presently souls enter universal consciousness through the human species, and from there souls atrophy in its ability to project to animals, plants, organic matter, inorganic matter and so on. In the end soul has squandered its complete affiliation with truth through believing ever increasing amounts of lies and propaganda until the innate truth in soul succumbs to the load of lies believed and is then no more.

It then experiences death in truth. I have graphs and figures that depict these sojourns of souls in spiritual make-believe. I do not claim to have originated this material, but I do claim that I am the first able to record it and put it in book form. My knowledge is not universal; it comes from spirit, the spirit in Jesus known as the Comforter.


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Originally, at the "big bang" and shortly thereafter souls were assigned to create the original bulk of universal energy and skipped this natural soul progression as stated above. Souls agreed ("were coerced" is a better phrase) to be matter first and at a later point in the evolution of the universe adopted human forms, etc. as delineated above. Matter is upheld by souls who have naturally degenerated in their ability to associate with spiritual truth to the states of pure matter and non matter and then souls are no more at all.

I was delighted to be made acquainted with his photographs on crystal research. I can see that he tried to analyze the meaning of his observations, but I believe he should have placed a more tentative quality to his interpretations on the meaning of the moods of water under which it creates its crystals. I like to place such tentativity on my interpretation of his photos also; but as for me, I am convinced that I am right because of the all comprehensive understanding I have gained on the reality of our souls.

I thank Dr. Masaru Emoto for sharing his observations with us all.

Hans van Krieken, author of "the Truth About Reality- -Beyond God and Religion

You can learn more from http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Hans_VanKrieken and his website

Christians Cannot Love Two Masters - Why Do Christians Do So Anyway?By Hans VanKrieken

Two tier setup

There is the spirit and there is the physical-the two-tier setup, one for the teachers (spirit) and one for the students (people). The physical is controlled by the spirit (Hebrews 11: 1). This is done on purpose. The spirit sets the scene in the physical for the souls to control their appointed human being. The human being is given control according to the situation of the scene. In this two-tier set-up there is the spiritually right path to take in the scene and the default easy-to-follow path that leads to hell. This is exactly according to Jesus' words who said that few will find the narrow path and the multitude will follow the broad and posted route into hell. It is the way to winnow the wheat from the chaff (Jesus' words).

Souls who have not recognized the spirit in Jesus have missed a very essential test and if they persist in not recognizing the significance of the spirit in Jesus in their soul consciousness, they will pass into the regions of hell-animal and plant life, and thereafter into the regions of soul-being as dirt and matter. These souls thus become a permanent part of the universe and used as scene settings (props) by the spiritual teachers as tests for souls in humans in determining their decisions.

The universe is the continuously operating virtual scene setting for spiritual post-graduate soul students of from paradise. We are taught and tested by spirit through learning the ways of


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evil and good in this virtual universal setting. As physical beings we are fragile creatures so we can experience and define the aspects of evil through pains, hurts and sorrow. This fragility of our persons is part of the virtual experience in a continuously running display of our physical lives. We are tested on our reliance of physical senses in relation to our spiritual awareness. Yes, pain does affect us in a very negative way, but the question is; "Are we responding to these stimuli as spiritual beings in a spiritually negative manner or can we attain again the spiritual attitude of love as described in 1 Co: 13. We must again become as god per that definition. Jesus stated that few will find the narrow path back into truth because of the stumbling block of 1 Co: 13. We ascribe this kind of love to god. It is, but we must adhere to this kind of love just as god does also as Jesus taught in Matthew 5. 

We must at all times realize that we are spiritual beings, not merely virtual physical creatures in a physical environment. Souls, even through an awareness of physical creatures, must learn to respond to stimuli in the physical environment as spiritual characters, not as physical beings. The lies souls believed in spirit gave us the physical aspect of being. As long as we react in the physical environment as physical creatures we fail the test of returning to spirit in a spiritual awareness. in total effect of one's senses and awareness of pain, sorrow and pleasure to the senses of pains and sorrows and ease and personal status and wealth in physical life (according to the wishes of the flesh) is the more or less default route to hell, unworthiness. The route, according to soul's spiritual wisdom and understanding, and generally against the wishes of the flesh, is the passing way into true reality.

One can fail as many times as one wants but one better had pass the test before one is down-graded into the permanent part of hell in the nature of animals. It is thus wise to follow one's spiritual insight rather than follow the path of least physical resistance and maximum financial gain (Matthew 8: 19, 24-34). No one can be a slave to two masters (good/truth/spirit and evil/deceit/physical gain and status; god or money). I cannot see why the clergy cannot see that and continue to teach their congregation (according to Old Testament theology) to earn money and put it in the basket for worldly causes. The test is individual. We cannot hoard wealth taken from the masses and then spend it to alleviate poverty and pain for others and claim that we have done 'good'. The poverty and distress (and also the riches and status) in our lives is part of the continuous scene settings for soul to decide how to decide their path. If we are alleviating the pains and stress we destroy the settings by which souls are tested. Or, does the new condition become again part of the testing environment through which we must again seek the correct path? If there is no test there is no passing judgment.

Then what would you do with all your riches? I do not know. You are being tested, you decide. But do not claim "Atta boy" awards for giving your riches away. Jesus said to do your prayers and your 'charities anonymously; and I agree. The rich person cannot claim to justify his/her riches by helping the poor and society in general. If the rich would not give all they have  in secret, like the poor old widow who put 3 dollars in the basket (all she owned) they have not made the correct decision. They may be on the way to become the soul attached to the chicken that is placed in a cage, fed and killed every seven months as food for others. Think ahead; do not fall into the trap of ease and convenience. It is a deceit. Do not fall into the trap that all good works done in hard labor and charity will bring redemption. The mental and spiritual state determines the spiritual value of the works. Be humble and have compassion but do all things in for only 'Good' otherwise you are still serving two masters. A true believer must cipher away the human body and physical environment. This extremely hard to do in modern times where we are exposed to unending streams of political, news and commercial media propaganda and media programming. The western world, and now even


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the rest of the world, is on a spiritually very deadly track. The way we are proceeding there is no hope for mankind.

If you help feed the poor by magnanimously providing funds to charity institutions to feed the hungry with chicken, you will end up being the chicken you gave to the poor to eat when you were rich-so by making the wrong choice you will become the chicken and become the giver of chicken flesh for others to eat continuously through rapid reincarnations in chicken-hood. It is a perfect description of a soul in hell where the worm does not die (the worm is the stomachs-lake of acid fire-to fill) and the flame (the soul) does not go out but keeps reincarnating.          One cannot show one's riches, one cannot even own riches and have status, if one wants to be redeemed in spirit. One cannot have ambition if one wants to be redeemed in spirit. We are here to overcome the world. What does that mean? It means to be lifted out of the physical universe (canceled out of the virtual realm) and back into the realm of all truth-true reality. In order to do this we must first know what the physical reality is. It is a phony reality-a vicious spiritual testing ground provided when we gave affront to true reality; and all our efforts must center on the means of escape. We believed a lie in spirit; now we are tested to see if we can again see the spiritual truth- all of it. The truth is the Good and deceit and propaganda is the 'Evil'. You must align again completely in the good through action thought and repose. You mix evil with good, or light and darkness you have a corruption. What spirit wants is a pure heart in either good and evil. In either case there is a heaven. Jehovah, Allah, etc. provided the heaven for the purely evil. The True god, who is the spirit in Jesus provides the heaven in Good. These are the two masters. Those who dabble in good and evil end up in the animal realms of nature. So here are your choices. Believe me every choice will be final; and the two wrong choices, ultimately, will make your present habitation look like heaven. You cannot imagine the agony of animal life. It is hell where the worm does not die and the flame does not go out.

There is a deep philosophical question related to pain and suffering in us humans, and of course in animals. Pain and suffering can become so intense that even the most spiritually minded person cannot concentrate on spirit. If one cannot concentrate on spirit the mind is concerned solely on the physical environment and sharply focused on the pain and the means to receive help to alleviate the pain. So, there is the matter of solace and aid to one another. Pain, sorrow and hurts, of the mental, bodily and emotional kinds set us apart in solitary confinement of extreme hurt and loneliness.   Presently, I am happy completely alright (don't ask me next week, my teeth or my back may very well act up again. However my wife is in constant, intense inflamed nerve pain that affects her hands, lower arms; and she also has constantly shifting muscle aches and hurts in her upper back. There is no let-up--day and night. She has been in this condition for over three months now. She prays to god; cries out to him, abides in tears and patience. She sees chiropractors, acupuncturists, searches the internet for remedies and so on while I am even keeled in my physical body. There does not seem to be any help. The spirit does not seem to care one bit even after prayers and cries for help to god. Man cannot help and god does not give a damn. Or does he? The constant isolation of herself in this pain is a cruel, merciless spiritual decree. What is the spirit asking us to do? Whatever happens in earth is a condition set by spirit. What is the purpose? What does Jesus mean by, "Rest in me and I make your burdens light. There is no greater burden than continuous intense pain! How does each one of us approach this problem from a spiritual and physical side? I tried healing through putting on hands. That is a joke! We pray-that is a joke. So the spirit tells us to deal and cope with the situation by our own means. There are no means so we are reduced in our efforts in just trying to cope.


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A woman giving birth is in pain and maybe the child being born also is in pain. This kind of pain has a purpose. A child is being born and it is the only way to accomplish the task. Maybe my wife is in the throngs of undergoing a spiritual birth. If that is so she is very close to being there. Jesus taught and showed us that life as a knower in truth must go through a lot of suffering. He showed us on the cross. He was reborn as well because he had to rid himself of the sinful physical flesh. So pain is not necessarily an evil thing spiritually, but no matter, physically it always is an evil thing. Pain does not make sense, unless we look beyond the physical into spirit and see that the physical is evil and that we must overcome the flesh (the physical world) in order to have the true spiritual realm.   People say, "Oh man, life is fun and worth it. Find a cause and fulfill your desires through ingenuity, cunning, effort and cooperation." I say, "Man you got this universe all wrong. This is hell and you must find a way out of it before it devours you completely." Do not pay attention to the seductions of physical society. The one that observes the hurt in another, any other, is placed for a very important spiritual test. Jesus advised us to be like the Good Samaritan. This man acted independently and personally. He provided for transport, housing and constant help. He left financial provision for the innkeeper to continue service until the man recovered. This injured man was considered an enemy of the Good Samaritan. I say be likewise. It is of the utmost importance. Don't be a phony. Be there 100% for another and do not insist on repayment. Spiritually you are under a microscope. Selfishness and phony benevolence are things of the world and the world will ensnare and trap you forever. Get the hell out of this physical realm before it becomes your permanent hell. Forget your own physical self; there is no redemption of the flesh. Seek the window of truth because you are awash in a universe based on a set of spiritual lies.

To prophesy or to receive prophesy is to do something for human beings who are blind in spirit. Those who, again, can see in spirit do not need prophesy because there is no physical world that is any concern to them to have any prophesies about-so forget about the spiritual value of the book of Revelation in the New Testament.

Hans van Krieken, author of the book The Truth About Reality--Beyond God and Religion

Propaganda, Systems of Deceit Are the Platforms in the Formation of Spiritual Planes of Reality

Propaganda: the reasons for strife, war and unhappiness and expulsion from reality. The universe seems to be an alternate place to be for spiritual beings who accepted a deceit as an alternative habitat to their original place of being in the spiritual realm (often referred to as 'truth'). We speak of spirit reality and physical reality. We can only have conscious contact with the latter. The former is mere belief from our physical viewpoint. We know nothing of spirit except what gurus tell us about it, and that is only hearsay. The lie-believed hides the pure spiritual truth from us, just as any lie or propaganda-believed hides the true situation from those who have been taken in by the deceit. This condition always works against the believers of deceit.


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Most all realities must be of a virtual nature as all develop along the lines of make-believe. It is well known by scientists, and it was also stated by Jesus that the universe was made (had an origin) and will be rolled up again. This is a good fit with computer-displayed, virtual game scenarios. You can start the games, interactively play the games and close them. These are entirely constructed along ideas of make-believe. But if there is "make-believe", or propaganda-content in the construction of the universe, there must be an original source that started the process of "make believe". This source I refer to as the Great Spirit or Ultimate Truth. What he expresses is truth because there is no one who can overrule him because there is no one of equal or higher status. Some began to experiment with truth to see what would happen. In the case of physical reality, I believe most people agree that 'monkeying' with the truth stinks to high heaven. You simply cannot exist in this physical environment being pure as the driven truth; without lying and the use of clever deceit you are not going to make much of life. Life sucks and then you are dead! A virtual reality must be a cleverly-constructed, charged state of existence; one based on a bipolar potential and must depend on protocol, principles of design based on that protocol, and on laws in harmony with them to define and constrain the reality deployed. Just as computer-generated virtual realities are constructed and displayed using potential difference of electrical charge so spiritual virtual realities, such as the universe, depend on their existence on a spiritual potential difference created by two concepts held in mind ( the power of all spirit)-the truth and the lie-accepted. The truth would be the common or zero potential and the lie would be the charged one created by differentiation of the higher truth. Jesus made a big deal that he always told the truth and that his opponent was a liar and the father of lies (he begat children who always lie). He called his opponent the Prince of darkness, the one who designed and engineered it, made us souls the actors who had to learn all their roles.

He then assembled them all and the play opened when the curtains are pulled aside-the big bang of the universe in progress. The big deal really is that a universe can actually be founded on the potential difference between truth and lies. The other big deal is that all creatures must cross-feed the virtual reality into each others' conscious. The universe, then, is a spiritual mass hallucination we must all agree on to be present in. I see the universe as an interactive spiritual website. Thus, if there is such a website, then the possibility that there are large numbers of such websites is very great. Realities cannot exist without some kind of hanky-panky at the spiritual level of the origin of being. This is why seeking to rediscover the spiritual truth is so important. Without knowing the spiritual truth we cannot undo the multiple systems of deceit that we are buried in.

Hans van Krieken was a ships officer for Holland America and a mechanical designer and manufacturing engineer for over 35 years. He has been an in-depth student of history, law and theology, particularly the Bible. He has written articles to expert insiders about environment, history, law, government and religion from a novel perspective. You can learn more from his website http://thetruthabout-reality.com